HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-3-20, Page 1TM Nt4tit blit fiend Newsiest.
Wee been 'Rade • taature, and being tiptoe -1y
istuu gel, (and not pitehlwked into ANI pose
Hest ea the FOURTH PAGE much the =_
eye Of readers to • far greater extent thaw I
aq i_ eeteids the city press.
TIS SIGNAL hob the local IXem•
BUENOS AIRES LETTER. permit of the life of the ewuatry, awl
crowing Repo n Uruguayfor an•
verily' believe it would expire of tnanitu
if u were wit tar the regular revolts the
A GREAT COUNTRY FOR HISTORY. O1M11e nutted a• •ysteoetieally ailed ea aural
as the masons in their accustowted cycle
lis 1881
meaner teasery wino a revolter teeters- A\IgMtit Iia'\ uLrT,,,. shoals „tt
RevetetMes rsveleaed "tar )ee wsM - out the election of h-esidout lima, and
T1s '•Leereal" at Use bead ef see pea- new months Norma Aires was lh
r,. -J. /reel end far. 1. debt. theatre of strife for five days' Reierson
lighting. which resulted w the downfall
i vs•dat. ttoRRre oniiC�rR of TORSIONAL j Janes/ I churn, whose imam will blot t he peg
Hama riDtrsAt l• ntrcpinciwg your mead• "f •4 rgeutina a history more blackly than
oven of the Ty mitt Raba. Thervoluticnsmu
it to the Argentine mephitic a brief his truul,lee heretofore were principally due t.
.molal summary may wit be out of place ambitious generale and a toe widely pre
erre. The. River Plate was disc.nerc l by a veiling military spirit ; in the rerolutme
to 1615 ('allot and Magellan booth tit Inst .Illy the grrel u( gain" int the fort
-.elided the river a few year. later, aid i:t of the Pi sidrnt of the Ratef n way tit
sell sl.nug of the unfortunate financial to
1535, the saint yeer that Camel* was di pression, revolution awl fearful crisis t
irert•.I, •n etpelitru uu•ler Meednna so quick) t"llowrd in tucceseism. The
Rosie! where the city of ll:tenoa Aires now beneral election takes ple.t. in '92, over
;ands and the hooter named theplace Rura•s which it is e"n idently expected enuther
tutee, or "healthy airs." Mendoza evatitue,l revulntwtt will rnaur. (:enet•id Mitre, the
repwrreentative of the l' ('ivies, the
e=pee. -shoos n)eeting withatrottg app"^+ revolutionary lrrty of last lnly', and I:eR-
u coil hoetitities trunk the li,hane. wit , neral illewa, the he.therin Ire' of the let,•
eery n eth re,anible those of North President. who Clew holds the pottfolio oh
to,erict. The• proltmiem of sneer o•u'smeut., Mini tits -r of the Interior. are the probable
worn by the ah rnginr. lel hits to give the caadba"tes. Mitre is ai man seventy rears
of age, honest, upri�bt rel very' popular,
..rule Rio de Ia P:rta ;River of Silver, to is -tug one .d the tory few who rasa Ire relied
he nixguitieent titer up which he we.. lone upon as thoroughly trustworthy He it
.,; his way. For o:er200year. theh...Wee was who, as Prrselent of the Argentine ('otn-
the River F'latc is ow, ,,..ttuum;, story folrraey. retratrmcteul the f:ot•ernnieut of
•4 war and blemished between the erre:! the Republic Rn 1862 Rota Fa powerful cool
wealthy ; was President hrtweet, 1881 anal
,nlui•tn 'I errs" Ir.aa1aen.rsi and thew '$7 and sucreolel is mnenipuatinip elfairo in
• ,+rally usoa racicsu enemies. the In liens. such a way that his hrothtr-m-Lea , Dr.
small a.ttletpents were eatabli-4e•! in van Juarez Celnwt .an obscure. pettifugp(Rug
one phi imii I the etw.ji!t a�t.l tm.ultlt lawyer before ids narrinaa�,a into the out
,•f the country fluty to suffer sig- 'ensurer o, family,, was quietly placed in the Presides
tial chair at the expiratiui of len. iGcs's
ICA`i'Ca tri his ,1R.t iztooAra R+.. term.
hoe ever, heerati to obtfain a $npw,; The tie:cerise n*r+-at.I,
in•• Dolan* sod under their listlteessc the re -sweats of fourteen provinces and the coa-
Iwttlenmate tepidly pro.; rrweel. In stttution pretends to l.a heed on thrtof the
1713 the English ehtainu.l a useuopdy for United States, each province having its own
bending elates tote the r'.uutrv. It est independent form of government. for all
tarang a that the pox benighted Indian. matters not et Freely of a nature that pt•r-
Caere under theitRuerucof areltrtionwhen th, rain% to the Netioaal Gov ercnrmt. The
apparent object ofth'.e who upheld it we. to estabtiahed religion ie the Roman Catholic.
*applaud them and *teal their Lair:Aright ; suhaidieemt by the .. r . � .hut all re.
while the Spanish Jewits were etn.i.tiuinl: ligious elenrninatinsr are permitted.
down with returner the melee that lad berm Apauieli S the otlkui language eel mouse
tensed by the foreign inresmn of theiresn,, •erselly s .ken,'tlthough ltalian,French,
try, the English were busy .n1 the Afric•5, t.rnd•w an. English are spoken by the
i.Ast kidnapping slaveitarsl shipping them up many represents,'ives .d these arumtries art
the Silt or River arming the poor benighted tle,l in Rueter nitoAires. lit briefly renewint
heathens, who, no dente. steed aghast and the history of the Republic we have not m-
iner -veiled at thrse•n,rn elast:city of i hie tow ferred its time many restage and political agi-
k'uel of urhgies In 11306th.- River Plate was tattier* that were more or lmfi easily sup.
invaded by the English under General Rei.-ee pawed, aned if these were taken into eon -
fond wall Buenos Aires fell into lis. iimniis. sideration it u doubtful if the history of any
hut after a sheet tine he was forced to este- country nutter the sun shows ro treaty hell,'
tulate to the local militia, and General Whit • gerrut generale and se much useless sanguine
lock, with 10,000 men, fede.l torwover Meanie sty warfare as does that .4 the Argentine
Aires which, in my estimation, is Republic.
THR uaE%TI,R.'A I.twrry IN THE .LRT, „P es,N'E
I! 100 miles trout its north r 30 mudue, Lu % p�,q�t � Ruts'tt •s-
.aIe it to the Ide-ufTHE of'FICIAL It'I.t1 i1]<IIL RN
t hour er e" lawn on Loth miss u lost to view. , _
y i Tie population of the Argentine Repult NO RESTRICTION w T.
definitely known: in fact statistics of any Ho li
kiwi are almost entirely disregarded every 1% 11 r
thing is an unknown quantity. It is sup- IR. I. swwrrrwa. the 'Wit warlttses. d Ala. 16..
a pewit the inhabitants number slx,ut fire Weer Mises. Trisasphawty tarried W
e utilities, but tar proper census has ever been
t taken. In cuoceirtiou with intelligent ;
of Immo.-es usti I hat a been rat -empty tell that I
ret the
Est:LMit %LLA►15:, i•EAbi•1•►. Inc Tit: i;arl"stoic
I number all the way between 8,000 and 200,-
' 000. eu little attention is paid to stattsths,
The distance between any two points u al-
ways measured by the hours in a trate
not by miles. No oar it Buenos Aires can
le tell the distance to Lt Mate, the famous
• mushro_n, city that sprang up during the
the last six years to a population of fifty or sit
ty thousand ; they know, however, that it
is just an hour and three-quarters in the
train. The railways are owned by Emgitsb
tynehacatrs, sone of the principal lines being
just rcventb - purchased from the puserty'
stricken l;.,vernment for forty resit million
dollars, it great deal below its value. The
telegraph and postal services ere c,mducted
by the Governweut at a las on the postal
aery ice alone et over *iv million dollars last
year; the greater part of this ampule is
ahortarc in the Officials' accounts, hot
strange to my no one is prosecuted. A
newspaper has just made the ,uuw.ttacc•tueot
TWENTY -.NE user III-. *Itr. tlttlte,an
in the month of Jaauary of this year for
"irregularities iii their returns" amounting
to over a hundred thousinel dollars. No
prosecutions were i,.mstitate.t : ,l.ouh(kss
their fathers were all generals. Among this
etst.oi .diicials the same peculiar weakness
seen, prevalent awl to make up for •'short-
age" iu returns and to help the struggling
(:overuuteut to elect the yearly intense on
its foreign obligation* a heavy all ruundduty
of about 35 per rent ban lately been iucreas-
eel to 50 per cent. A a heel tax of from 850
that ever befell the country. for had great uothtgt( particularly noteworthy •+awls to
Retain the s eenilatp•y in the River Plate it the credit of the country- en die -every in
wood, nwlomthtedly, he today one of the science, nothing in the field 'd literature
newest and neat prosperous countries in the worthy of translation into English, it.. en•
world. In 1810 the city of Burnes Aires pp((in.r•ring achievement (the railways and
threw off the yoke of Spain, tied in 1816 l,ridge& all Leung built by Englishmen, and all
the provinces were duly constituted an in engines and steamship tieing supppplied by
iepees:mit repulihe, but not without a great England., no invention worth recording. but
.teal of lighting and bloodshed caused by the "Generals.- es, mostly as you can shake
strong opposition fomes sent against them a stick at. and as notch gold lace and gilt
by the Mpsanish anthwities at home. inured buttutu can be seen nn the streets in a .lay
to ware awl hostilities either with the In- as would par off the national debt- l'.0
.liana, foreign enemies or among themselves, treating the two countries. the Argentine
'he " bijou del pais" lama .1 the country' Republic :and the United State*. one ran -
are never satisfied unless sonic trouble a not hut he struck with the mark.l differ-
Isewing or in progress. No simmer had they eats in their progress til far am early
giis-iltheir 'a . than an army sea cobalt:aeon as cneeenntd both countries
sent against OWN sal Pent, and following suffered farm %try similar disadvantages,
iuo{uick succession a war with Brazil and a the Spaniards certainly having the apparent
ilii war among theirs:Wm roomed. The advantage of the New Englander. in point
civil war divi.Ieil the country into five sop of clinate and with needy a venture. tM
anti* republics and from 1828 mail 1802 start. tine is led to legume
these were incessantly in a state of revolt. wlttMRIM t.Iti, Tint • Seat or Tilt.' 1 taklme;-
The result of this 24 ears' feud bet worn the cats.:fire
"l'tuterio" and "Federal" faction') was the and the roily resssmt we can assign is in the
• einplete extinction of all trade anti progress nationality, the race or breed. A race in -
that hail sprung up after the . eI.lent, irreligious, arrogant, prideful and
of the republic had been declared. The ljr.eerthlious, against one Inured to toil and
Brazilians in 1862 uniting with the fore* haulships, pmoesing principles upheld by
.•ppwing 1:eneral Roses strong religious einmu•tione, and with • rig
rile "Tyant-r Repro, Mona intellect enabling them to triumph
as he is always styled, who baa! hu-ootne over all obstacles. The Argentine* have
Dictator over all the country succeeded only to tickle the roil of their rolling pampas
in overthrowing this despot. who compel or prairies to be repaid a hundredfold : the
from Buenos Aires in disguise and bearded New F.aglander was obliged to spend the
au English veal, leaving the country in • greeter lout of his life in clearing the land
delirium of joy at hs departure. nen of its forests before he could behold the
follownl civil war again the p melitis of fruits of his labor : the aims of Argentina
Ross besieging Kueww Airtt of and off wauhl look with cmtemipt on any position
until 1861. when I.mner is! hlitre, one of the in lite other than a " l:eserel,' the private
few upright SwF Nameless men in Argea- soldier is shuns: unknoen - with the eutep-
tine history, after the battle of Pave sur tem of criminals who are drafted into the
tested in reconstituting the republic. Thew
followed the F'utragtayan war in 1865, by
which this little iitepuMi• of Paraguey was
left almost minium. It is said that even
at thent day e thcone intimately.ueoe:ute'1 with a political
ppirree.•e re arc four tioiea
as many !timeless in i'arse nay tan male+ in rising is
• noe of this Model tPEATwar. It appears wrTelotT PEAT rn►.
et ".: . f_"
what casay wort to wit with Reazil and Failing to beine• general the 'tett hest
asked penoia.ieu of l 410erId Mitre to pate thing i. "1. 1..1)." Every lawyer lel styled Dr.
their troops through a small part of the and s pers n reeding the report of a prsfiti-
Argentine itepublic, whirl+Mitre, wishing to cal meeting tea Mime concourse of Wylie
remain neutral. refused. The foolhardy men cannel but wonder at the wretchedly
little rcpwhlic thought to wipe out the unhealthy state of the reentry where nine
slight by attacking the Argentine town of out of ten names real ' ,ennr thin Dr. '
('overseas said thusgreen Freud Martha, 300milnnon hwret of B:wns
Two este ON NAND troll oat. Aires, a fames ell city celebrated is the
The Arrggeenntine Re'p+thlir. I'rngisy snod oldest seat of Imo -nine in 5 -with America.
Brazil then entered into a ,vwnpu-t riot to 5O "•loetn".' on, an av rage are term"' put
lay eleven their armsuntil the government OW tltt pi-nunfortunate
RiptsMic yearly
of Loper, the President of i'as•uguay, was There mond all pnd•tt..law or rnehciae•
abolished, and after a period of seven years, ani they w,ssll not deerwan themseslrew
rmtinnnus fighting all the smite that r.r their familee 1'7 a plebeian vocation,.
Pareguay Nought itxwwnl were ertermi cvwaaluently they have to wot-Ir their
noted only very till men and boys under way tate t,ovmtment by hmk or by
ten Ming left in the country and the monk. Fav'w•itisen and family are the
howlatmng tyrant levee wee shot. For only gaelart•e to pace or position, and it is
'sin. to this, however, the Argentine forts omwigh em to secure an office
Lal to he withdrawn to quell a revolt •t if a man's great grandfather hooted a teem
home Again in a Mw imp, tha after this beton or even wore a sword and a en eked
the eranasr of a pp, iv. was asimias hat. We look in vain in the country's
tail by ens Lopes Jewda. who was fonts hirmy for • l.inoobi or a Olar4sld.
Assety detest, President of the pre. -dee, Tote rERRtittaiAI. RIravT
Ism eet the Ratin'ul tlovermnest wneJ'l tins of the Argentine Republic is erwnewhst ear-
rt•neHam, and this resulted I. an invasion of priming to these not reres i in the geography
the pweviae. of Rein Mee p"Betweethe errantry of terrantry it is equal tothe • reg•te
Boo ere," that p�arsIy eg betimes tits Rivet/ area of Oars Britain Irwl•w'1. t ran.' ,
l'+ream srtf FTrope/snnany, Austria, Ito . *pais, Portugal,
.•d thee. for three years. In the fnllsw Bslgiutw, Holland and ptoses The eminary
"4 vicar • revoaties Drake est, wham Pee• is watered by the magnificent River La
'dent Aveluwia was elected, it war tile. Plata with its many tributaries the, two
honadtt that a long time woad s le/s•lsbse pal of which are the Parana and
v rae'Ia ..-)a ea-aAer.• T. ;1: • A e lea mouth tie La Pats Fe 7p
e : hst inose al a.titlueri"_Tiso Met k�sr wide, sett opp eses ti .4t2ulr
•eine, anti the egper ilore.l prisoners of
war taken in their venous invasions against
the Pampas Indians anti the colonel who is
fortunate enough to lead a revolution or he.
3751W/ertty Dr, pardesald, et tolsae
wet. teed. Ike reel to L. Merest b) Self. Majority for Hoban s
1 estimate
NO 17 ...
No 18 ..........
No. 19 .,.-
m _hoer tett " i lits MAX.
On *whey, perms -tit t., adyuiitaRnnei:
returning ottieer W. T. Whitely. eel clerk
Harry 'tanbur•, npwue.l the \feet Huron
ballot boxes at Gislertrh an ire the presence
of the agents of the respective candidates
suminel up the rotes and '•lare,l 31. C.
to $200 .ti carriages. a license for all signs . Cameron elected by .379 tn+Gj ,vier. This
or istsiness addresses, it cent un everj• bunch done Mr Holt and Mr. R. C. Hays, on be -
of mitt -bee. 2 per ceut, on ell batik deposits, pelf of the canlilute-a, thanked Mr. Whitt-
le per iemit.'m the profit. of all foreign coal- ly for the eat is/la-tory ursmr:er in which he
ponies and Nankin- institutions anti 920.000 ,perfornoed his duties. Thu latter etpreaxrl
license on all forergu inseraace companies, his gratification for the ...ntplinient and his
not to mention a tax of 9300 'o all per thanks to the legal gentlemen present and
prtetu- i e cream vendors . -the• wisest niece- others for the awiietance they gave hint.
are of all and mei-emus stamp duties are F'„Il.wing ere the ethe•ial figures
mow the means adopted and put in force
this absinth to replenish the Government
exchequer, whish during the beat four tears -�
Inas disbursed over 250 millings with noth-
ing to show in retuni. N. K. _Mil'.
tan: Mut..
eN n 1-%SADA Vc. Tilt Ito Shun.
It is a condition, not a theory that eon
fronts the a:overnment. The people of (n -
tare) and leucite- dement' unrestricted rerun
1 184
1 1 152
1 174
1 194
i - •
61 83 144
2 63 64 127
rcity of trade with the United States. 3 44 63 107
raving 'sit of the count the cities and 4 85 56 141
other .t,ustituencies controlled or debauched 5 111 27 1?3
by the ctnhnesten. we find that the ptw,pde 6. ... ,126 16 142
of Ontario have elected a majority of about • eon shies.
fifteen advocates of unrestricted reciprocity. No. 7.... ,ea 35 133 196
I The rural districts of tjueliec have pronoun - 8... , - 36 41 76 132
'teed almost unanimously in favor of a like 9 - - 75 70 245 224
, policy. Rrt Sir .lohn syr in effect 10, _ . 49 42 91 140
'• Hang the people of Ontario and teetueb.ec. cl,rsnr,c.
1 can buy a majority in New Brunswick and :(t, 11. 72 63 13i 1 201
British ('olumbia t., rrutt-ote them. With 12 it 69 140 219
13 58 63 121 1 209
14 53 47 100 1 3 159
eonetitcm T',wy•tti'.
the ail of Mr. i)rmmmend and the trade
combines 1 can tarry on the old system of
corruption ant extravagance. i will make
the taxpayers of Ontario ant t4tiehc'e furnish
oaeey with which to buy sup{w,ttrr. who
N.. 16 b2 90 142 218
will cote down any policy or any propsttion 16 .. 41 73 114 151
which they may blink good. It is a grand 17 30 82 112 I 152
thing to he able to make teen furnish money 18... 60 70 120 2 184
with which to secure the election ie tenons: 19..'t 62 :', 129 1 159
tassel-, will outvote them- Let him take +arosRuv.
warning in time. The people of Ontario No. 20 . e . , 48 46 94 156
and teuebec are entitled to have their rights • 21 -:47 44 91 1 2 156
and opinions respected, and they will not 22 ,• 62 47 99 2 168
submit to British Columbia and New limas 23 62 26 78 131
wick rue very king. They will not pertmit 24...,:'x`fhb 34 90 160
themselves tots• robbed by cmnbitiesten anti 25• 63 59 • 122 178
shut out of their natural nurkets that Sir .� 39 34 124
John Msedenal.l and his Tupper■. his
!)ewdneys, his Fosters anti others, wile lore
;Canada simply for the money they are able i
Cn. 27
to extract from her treasury, may ep.,w fat 28
Zitl�f w 4WA♦is.id.
• 66 71 136 1 171
91 60 101 204
end sleek. Ottawa Free {'react 29 - - . 74 50 12-1 163
ret emote -re ivs, enrnn,t.1 . 30 - ' 130 163
Nobody is surprised at The Toronto teST w tw.►oeeot.
World taking such • strong stand for the No. 31 82 41 123 157
Government, for it is well known the fall of Si. . 82 67 149 173
theGovernme.nt would mean the .ieatntction 34 ' 106133
58 39 97 1 131
of the most o,tregeons newspaper nrrnrpp,ly
en the face of the earth which The World
n ow controls. All the smaller 21991820401_s 8 1b5740
at Ontario The Standard among the null, ■
her are now taxed 200 per cent. to keep CA'Kltue. IoT.k
The Toronto World going, and not eatatiel Ashtiel.l 181
with being tariff fad to excess that %nor al (•tabor's 69
mew desires to hare Liberal papers hiietyeet-
ted for expressing their honest�lviews. /hit (Gadaricia
Mt such a journal --Woo d,tcck Stan en!. W. Wallows& . 11S
s.paeate I. Mefe•aes•s Leataweml, K- WewsRssh 103
Bedew -it+ Towwalip ... 167
Fee external nee only, is a positive cure for
spinal disease•- hip disease, inflammatory 546
rheumatism, lame lack, Mintage, sore t Anat. 167
weak and sore inngs. bruises, sprains, stiff
joints, rupture and all kindred demises. It mniorfty for camerae 379
also ieen (multi • mire for threat affect-
ions in horses'.
None genuine without having trade mark
on labels and wrappers ani K. A. Mc-
Lentan's Liniment, t helerieh, lint., stamped
on mu seal on each brittle. Wold at 50 eta.
and 75 eta. per hotter. Manufactured only eactn.%son rot.wa.
by Eephemia A. MclAeanam, snir• patentee Benne
and prrrprietre s,Newgate Lech,OMt. No. 1 se
(Merle by the following s�k,dnraggiate • Jr. No. 2 44
Wilson, W.C. (coed., (iew aIa 2300-1t
EAST HURON 1N 11391.
The following are the official returns for
this, riding for 1891
Mrs. Herdsman. of Wiaghant, was relies
ed of • gold watch and chain in a Hamil
ts• crowd this other day.
Rdward for nseldly, Mreasela, has gone to
Owes Mound with the proper* of prr.npwt
lad. with a view of making his home ttfhaeere
Wm. Raker, who has resided no the 12th
sem.. Ater bee lamed and taken -.en sura
et the Rwgli Campbell 60 erre farm near
Majority frr Mairhttmll 2
No. 3. .
No. 4
•h•-•-• •
Majority for Macdonald 46
NO. 5 69
No. 6 108
(leo Payne, Wumgharn. has dispose) of the Na. 7 .. 91
' bleisl Hotel, (rrw.srly mewed) Ivy R P.MIB No. 9... , 59
moms, to Alex. Orr, of Reimers, who took No. 9 97
�i.m has wok. Jens P tisrma. wits No. 11...........-..,72
eesmpid the hotel 1st thtitioir year w
APO 04014▪ 117•12:1:472: =Illagammegel"ggeeetagNietal
Majority for Matelonald
No. 22........
No. 23
No. a4. -'
Majority for 11ay.lotal.!
No.25 .,,
No. 26
No 27
No. 28 . .
Majority for edesemail
Wm. t t:TC%
N... 29
-Majority for eta, d"bald
V t• I+•t ui U. Holler,.
Itlyth 2
Rnuuels . .. 46
lira fele 86
%ferns 29
Turuberry, 90
Wingham..: , - - - lb
1\'ros•rter . , 25
394 86
. 86
63 52
117 63
Ill 72
i 187
43 49
46 . 17
. 37 55
70 5a
196 179
, 16
.• 37
Majority for Maedoaabl 308
There were -9 rejected ballots.
teegrams, wreaked far the Wrath er thief
sr retire Rewawy,
Nu* Oml.r.%t., Menet 1.5. A fearful
reign of terror wadi etae•tef here veste'rlay.
The infuriated populace wreaked a terrible
vengeance on the Mafia miscreant, whir re-
ceive.l their, quietus gni a torrent of Morel. •
The people of New llrleans in the overit
a Imbuing indignation deternitne,l to mete
oat the justice which their courts had de.
Merl. awl yesterday deliberately slew eleven
of the whitewashed criminals lying in the
city jail who hail Isamu acquittal nu the
charge of killing Chief of Police Henneasi.v.
It sea.i shown that the chief's death was de-
liberately plumed and ruthlessly carried,
out by a land of Sit-iliuu masssaine, who hail
formed themselves into a kneel of vendetta,
known as the Mafia, Wholesale arrests were
merle. hot after trial lauting twenty-six .lays
the jury, who were openly ns-'custel mf hat
Rug been bribed, refuse! to omelet, awl
acquitted the entire gang.
The result has simply infuriated the
whole community, and at a meeting hastily!
comtentel some ••f the city's most represent-
atives mei-chasm,. lawyers, and' politicians
decided to wreak a seminary- tengeenee upon
the assassins. There was an in.mediate tall
for a nines meeting, which clotted with the
significant request to the citizens, "Grow
prepared for action."
Wills the most business like precision a
large roma was pprrtmnply garrisoned. and
some thousands of people tallirrl to the mall
armed to the teeth. There were • few short
*thinners, nes, and soon the crowd was keye.l up
to the hi est pitch of excitement. They
demanded the 'bath of the assassins, as the
law hal failed to give therm justice. The
leader of the tool, baa 11-,5. I'arkerstc,a pre.
mnwnt lawyer,aadpreej.dent of the Southern
Athletic flub. He is an exceedingly irupo,
has figure in load circles anti is at the heal
of the city rehre% md,veneut. Lawyer Wick -
life also made an ' .,. - 1 appeal for
vengeance, and the surging crowd then male
A straight rush for the ream. most of the rer
sp nsihle mood respectable citizens hating in
the meantime heett %aptliedl with double-
barrelled shot guns, Winchester rifles' anti
Th.- marching of the avenging and infer
Seel crowds had an electric effect on the!
cite-, and the sympathies' of thereafter, were
entirely on their side. Sheriff Villers, who 1
was in commend of the prison. armed his
deputies and then went out with the Italian
consul in a fruitless search for the mayor.
The State Governer had no time to act, stel
the pose of police on guard was n'liewhsadyJ
smell to resist the angry mob. All
resistance was swept away by the dnforiated
cif Wens. and prompt ly the principal entrance
was Novel open with axes eel hattrring
rams. The prisoners meantime Imam, terror
at ricket, and the officials as a last desperate
ruse trasaferrel the 19 Italian suspamts into
the women's quarters. Then the reign of
bl.esl commenced.
Rushing into the first cell they saw •
prisoner whom sole one mistook for the
mu, Scoffed.,, and he was instantly shot. it
wait afterwards found that the man wan
innocent. In a moment the keys were
wrested from the guars, and some mos
abated, "To the women's quarters." There
tett of the assassins were found in a encash
ing position and were deliberately riddled
with bullets, though two of then,
weer first drugged mat an.l hanged ,m the
gate in face of the .fowl. Sit of the sea
were got away in safety by' theoflicisls.
zest as the work of blond was finished
11►rkerwan was marched in triumph through
the streets and the crowd diaperani.
I rst crowd& have tenor vi.etsel the wane
of the awful ncei+rrence hot the greeted.
order prevails. A strong snood guard has
hero placed .maned the prions iht.et
ice O'Malley, who at newel of tampering
with the jury-, would have leen shot dead II
he hail been caught by the awl) He has
fled from the city The foreman of the ]lulls
pts was sretated am he wit. atteeptig
te leave els. city.
. WTO IWimm Camel haring leelsatly
The !Peet le the iheepeet,
THE SIGNAL i. berme mil
the hest Newspaper in Harem Cb4tmy, bol
anisic piettoasaaal progress daring WM pima yore -
Herafter ONE DOLLA• viM flea Irate
KsRsst for a whole year if you pay preespleje,
otherwise 9180 is the price. Mate 60e. a reef -
M' paras for ye'r taper IN ADVAIIISIS
de emnalel .•ti•f e-tiemi for the eritrage,s- (0\T A 111+► L.I GISL.ATURE.
rotary Rhone sent a prompt note to the
1f;overnse of I.uuuiatta in which he said: "The
I'recdent deeply regrets that the citizens of WORK QF TN' week tone mouse
1 New Delman, should have so disparaged the
' purity awl ade'tuary .4 their own ywlcial the ewe lenders -Wets gswa.
1 tribunals es to transfer to the psssioiu to
I judgment of a nine. a questuia that should • -uarr fasts. Ie Ike Mat- tttrena dr
, have been adj ilge.l dtapwWwtely awl by eases peace Orbited rrrusler
settled ruler o w. Thr In,rrrntuent of The Weston,. et Ibr �w
fthe Unite,( States must give to the suhjpcts
manila for our Orris eitizeru when emperor•
r od fortuity powers that security whish it de Isrtu•IAL e.ittlaar0, ns.t•s or Tut. MwNAL J
1 ay under a foreign leuuwltction. It u the TonuxTu. March 16.The fist session of
(hope of the Perrault that you will c, mer the seventh Legislature of Ontario is well is
ate with him iu maintaining the obligations hand. The first week of it hat passed off
of the United towards ltalwisubjects mach as usual. There was the =mil sharp
IOM, may Is• withal the perils of the present little party strife over the .le -late on the
excitement, that further Lloowlahel and
toilcuce may Ise pn•ventel, and that all of- address to reply to the speech from the
(owlets against the law may he promptly throne, the members figuring in it being
brought to jostler.- Mr. Tait an.l Mt'. I:arruw, mover and awe
The Italians throughout the- United( States „oder respee-tsvely of the said aoldrese, and
have risen todent.usl prenipt punishmrutfor Mr. Slowet and Mr. Nerrdith. It was net
the utteteiet•a
Si'. PATRICK 's DAY. -to be expecte.! that Mr. Meredith should
- _ feel in the brightest of humor at tie -re-
Res .
e -Ret. Walker Nea:e,. se wt. Aaswe4ler, opening of the House of which he had so
I remakes tie .Aassat twinge.'. confidently expected to be the leader, hut
St. Petrick.. Ike)was .Lsrrve•4 in t•ode.- the emeriti. Att rney-I:eneral was brisker
rich on 'Tuesday last by the ren. of Erin, of 1 and more alert then he has appeared for
all creeds. wearing conspicuously the three• n.auy sessi,nn. Having reached the critical
leaved( emblem of their rtatiowality. A point of three score years and ten, he seems
special religious sort ice -was held tit St. now to be steadily growing younger, and to
Peter's church iu the, f.reuio.m, and an ex- be equal to maintaining for many years to
relieve sone emery sermon was preached by cane his reputation as the I:tan•d Old Man
Rev. Father Mel 'cc'. of St. Augustine, who, of Ontario. Mr. Meredith's criticisms of
by--the-way, is a magnificent specimen of
in*it nauh,.wl. follow wig i.e a brief syn- the Goo erinmt were those mainly of prt-
opus of rb,us marmot If there era• any change it
Tin ,•:atttu-. wow amply a slight incr eie of the die -
There is one day in each recutTtng year, appetitment tr•mu which he has been sufl'er-
when sorrowful Irelrwl visas _ form hoer Hing fix the last fourteen or fifteen year.,
mourning an,l *eepi witljTJ one , ay He could not .k'eently throw Dear lis Ee usl
when her tine', n in every land wool up Righters for whom he had professed spelt
their :,yuis of praise &nil tltumke to lir avrei warm attachment 1.•.s than a year ago, but
her alt the bl.sntngs voir•Iisafel their Moth- he dealt with them an.i their principle. in a
er Mewl one lay that livings joy to every very qi grely' fash,o,, soul ventnrsd only un
Irish roof cid gladness to every Irish heart the prophecy that they would triumph in
-sal that day. need f say. ti, the feast of the end, which, is tit effect only what he
the illustrious et. estrick. the glorious said before the last election.. He denied
alssole of our country'. The thought of vehemently that he has any bigotry in
thus great Saint said the blessings he his eo,uipoeitiem but fortunately for hist
brought ou:r land excludes t'.lay all other this point was not ilea timed by the House.
subjects from our minds. We forget, as Mr. Jerepht 7•eit, the ltefurnt member for
did our fathers. our griefs and our miseries, Toronto, and Mr. Gamow, snvean,r of the
our poverty and our chains, to devote our• ex -Treasurer, Mr. WAY, for West Herten,
selves exclusively cid entirely to Motoring in moving Anil set•.mding the address ac -
this glorious ash of t:r.el, to express Our quitted themselves weal. Mr. Tait, ineleed
gratitude to the herd for the inestimable
Meanings conferrer upon us through hie
great Saint. Until the fifth century of the
Christian ere Ireland was seated in the
'iarkuees of pagunisiu. In the universal
wreck of human nature the Irish became
fellow -sufferers with the rest of mankind,
and we nay aptly apply to the first inhahi-
t ante of 1 repand the dteeript ion St. Paid gives
of the paganism of heathen netnews :
"They changed the glory of the incorruptible
I:owl unto the likeness of the image of a cor-
ruptible man, anti '.f birds. anti of f,
footed Vests, and of creeping things" -
htoni. i 23. A: sixteen yews of age Pat-
rick was carried a captive to lreland. where,
we are told, he served a few years under his
pagan master. in hie '• t'. nfe-ainns,- he little from those ort last Parlament.
dawn to pray in the snow and frost and the week. It er liaised. by the
tells us himself that he rove before the (hie other little breeze occurreddw*t�'ag
rain. (Mr hundred times a day, and as often tion testier over the appointments to the
in the night. he poured out his soul to God Chinet made since the t Legislature. 01
in prayer. When released from captivity course, he .lid not like theam, and he di -
and in his parent's h the he resolved. to .le monied then iu very decided term*. As Mr.
vote himself to thee c nversum of the Irish Fraser very aptly pointea out as soon as he
people. lie saw In spins a mut corning as got the opportunity, it would have been a
if from Ireland, bearing innumerable epistles,
one of which began wits the words, " The
voice of the Irish.', While repeating these
war.&, he says, " I imagine! that 1 hoard it,
my mind the %O ice• of those who were near
the wood of got -ked. which is near the
Western sea sail thus they cried, ' We pray
thee, holy youth, to mein and r " 1
walk among els,"' Neither the love of kin-
dred nor the mourning of frienes, nor the
tears of hearts dear as life rnnld keep him
from bidding a hMtg farewell to all for his
Master's sake. At the death of Palladiva,
the -first bishop sent by Penne to Ireland.
Patrick received instruetious to repair to
Rome, where he was . 1 bishop
by order of Pope ('elestine, and
sent with full authority to carry the light
of faith to our benighted fathers. Ireland's
glory S not that she conquered! kingdmr,
,r that she has remained a free
and independent nation, or that she las ac-
cumnattsl earthly goods that the world
values. Ireland's glory is something better,
Her glory is that she received the faith of
Christ from Patrick's hands with readiness
and at once, without the shedding of a
martyr's blood, that she has justly merited(
the great and glorious title of • • island of
Saints,- and that during 1,400 years, anent%
which were centuries of galling persecution,
she lea cherished and clung to this- faith
with a devotion and a hemmOtn absolutely
unp•sallelled in the history of the Church.
w such a well- knots u old _ . that he
hat! hardly need to ask the ittuulgence of the .
House, when he naw to make Iiia maiden
speech therein, awl at. Mr. Meredith good -
naturally pointed out. Mr. I:arrnw is nut
so well known over (hitari., as Mr. Tait, hut
he proved himself his elwal in clearhea,led-
was, and showed btm.elj a nnrly and effete'
ties speaker and a ntan with a firm grip ow
the public questions o1 the day.
'--er the debate on the al'tress is fintift-
the HMlle usually takes a hit of rest,
awl a week or two have to be crusume,l
mainly in toruaiities before the work of
the session can be gene on with. 'The sone
mittens bate been struck and the chairmen
elected. v'i'be chairmanships differ lett
tar more mesarkaloie event had he al,p'pved
of those appointments, seeing how strong
hatl:been he desire, not onlyto choose the
new member* from his sie of the He%M�,
but to replace the .4.1 members also by bilk
followers. The stronger Mr. Mowat's l•abi-
net the feebler Mr. Mereelith•s position.
Hence the in.ps,Wlity of a good appoint-
ment pleasing the leader of the Opposition.
Mr. Meredith's own position his been
greatly weakened since last session. Always
Licking in deleting ability it is now dopier
ably weak in this respect. Mr. Creighton
was not an accurate man. lot he was a vim•
'emus one, and his strong, rasping voice was
often hese!. Mr. French, trot, was a man
of • good deal of ability in his way, who is
missed by the Opposition in this House.
Nobody has coon to the Opposition to sop -
ply the places racatel even h'y these.
On the other hand, the ranks of the Gov -
eminent supporters have heel, greatly
strengthened. Hardly a num of wore than
average ability was defeated or retired but
his los is heably mode up for in the mesm-
lrees sent by other constituencies to support
the tiovernment Mr. IGgpt•r, Mr. I:arrow,
Mr. Carpenter. ler. Malaysad Mr. (Ili -
are gondclamp'', of tis.
Mr. H. E. Clarke, as the only lieutenant
of Mr. Meredith's left, made his per•eanial
effort to wipe out Mr. Mowst's majority of
votes by producing an elaborate arithmetical
t Tara, in the presence n( the Druidsanecalculation to shrew that he never had any,
chieftain. of 'rebind. Petrick h.el the amt that air. Meredith really hes the aron-
pMec , fi+&voce of the people. His priuc•ipal trick
doctrines of the ('hristian religiose. Haring in achieving ttor truly remarkable fest is to
directedattention to the mystery of the I take the egutititeus•ite in which two ('on-
aulorahle Trinity, he roams to the ground 5s?-vatiyra run, one of whom gets the Re-
uel pl ee ks a shamrock to illustrate his farm vote bet -au,,, he promisee as • rule to
mesons, anti, holding it up to the gave of Ifavor arm. punts of 11r. Mowat', policy,
the pagan priests and princes. declares that i and credit the whole vote to the Opposition;
as three three lava. pewee( (rem one
stein and are in a manner identified with it, I �' to tare the strong, , more o an out
On, hut in an infinitely more perfect anti in, sods• where. for instates, more than. .site
eRahle way, the Father, sem, end Ifo( + Raw, mei
runs. s in the .ase orf Booty withee.
llhsat are, nevertheless, .me only(:owl anti trees, and d•rthhe the Government only
Wee all the se:f-same Divine nature. This I tee Toth of the tieselected candidate. both('runt
incident has immerteltred the shamrock and fairly the na)<rrties won on Ipth *idea emit
insole it the symbol of or crawl teal country.
The rm. speaker devoted a e onsiolih}e
part of his serndr, to referring to the rinses
anti to the exemplary life of lr.law,l s great
Saint. He appeals) to his hearers to keep
onmstantly before them those virtues and
that etem Iary life that jitey might this be
invited to bred heeler es41 holier liven, that
they might merit to be ranked with the
countless talisman& that hare wan for ire
and the title of the "Wand et Msinte,'• and
with them aad their great leader. St. Pat
rick, enjoy in Heaven the pl varve of ever•
lasting eThis ehee�r, with Nims Maef'orame an
organist, )'esriered suitahle mood,•, "Faith
of Our Pothers" being finely Wang by Miss
Mabel Mrdlrwsw and e'welliet wire brig
elan given by the Mime Morena. Treunch,
Fhw'unc. Doyle, Annie Meltrltte and .lose$.
Mr. Mount has a popular srareity of he -
tweets teen an.l fifteen thonrwl.
It is likely that mining legislalloo will
he one of the principal matters -leak with
during the sewer. Mr Comm*, the mem
her for West Alg.rn*. is taking very greet
tsem the subject, anal Is as adverse
of the establishment of a School at Mites.
an idea that seems to meet with much
fawn among neath.er% of the Hour efts
W W illi., W isgharn, who was engaged
with R (' *psriimg sat year in the gig
peat me bistrirss, hat joss reternai from e
visit to Manitols sed the Northeset.
flown iorrmet, Wiagli•en, who menet"'
em Workman hung sad nerriage mail sg lei
that Urea for teeny years. lens per,m►•sesd
brother'. farm in Ilse Wawesiesh, sed 1/
temeL •n waste. shortly He will enatlaWe
his beim lel tltmglMMw.