HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-3-13, Page 8OVER THE HURON TRACT. ITEMS OF INTEREST FOR READER& A Week'') nesesi of Casein Clews served VIII SO tae —MillGlad rates r•ttp- - amid r, tv.r, smite. --The Creams er Wm teems !Yews ss niece. (rase ova ttlCitIIogit,) Mrs. Jauub Conseil left etiolate last week ler l'aussville, Ohio. Mies Swan. of the 16th tura., l.eilenck township, is town with a bed attack of erysipelas. Mrs S. Jones. who hes been visiting her Parente to (Briar, for some time, returneal to Dakota last week Mums Kate Wihou and Jas, Hallai.tyne, Brussels. were prise winners at the N ing• ham .aniival recently. tt'si. J. Johmba has purchased the led. stage farm, on the 1st cod, Morris. $3,000 was the price paid for it. A little child of Frank Lotion's was severely burned on nae lam week at Brpsds by falling against the stove. Mr. Kendall, of the 0. T. R., Clinton, has been transferred to Streefonl, awl Mr. Danford, of Rrussela, takes his place. J. D. limes, .1 Chicago paid • flying visit to his friends in ('Untoti, last week, while on his way to the English markets. 1: Perris, arrived in (grey from Ih.r tier ter stati.w last week. He has to Ice .•areful yet, however, of his recently broken Wil.. The Commercial Hotel, (linins, chances hands this week, Mr. Watson having .lis poral of the same to Mr. Schaffer. of Kip. Pelt Sam. Ruttan and eon, of Illinois, ale at present visiting at Geo. H. Rattan's, on the 1st cos.. Morris. Geo. Rattan is Sams father. Hugh Grieve, who has been carrying a feed and seed store in Seaforth, for elite sears past, haa disposed of has buaineie to Ed. Hinchley. a..asbing it Wally. The Intl* girl wee taken bene, medical awl procured and the injured meuther dressed. Sb. tare the Psuatul operation brevely.and unit" ratting THE NEWS Or THE WEEK I alarm as esteem weld be expected wooer the . The should ten a warning to add ohillrea who indulge w such dangerous Personal new. er i• raw see - practices as hanging on *league sten Mw amen rseelse. werkN ea practices I.meotuasut l.elirsw, of the Salvation Army. Seaforth, left .w 'Thursday aw,nut►r r/ t i •' TATS SIGNAL: GODEReTON, ONT.; FRIDAY, JUROR It, lied•,` a 111111 Lai 11. w em•da (camp..., need els° ta" THE 1)OMI N ION IN BRIEF. DOINGS IN DUNGANNON. draw a 'a" a.d brisk. s4 sin. 1.= WONDFRPITL WINCHAM. 2t„r "wa1e b..tt...n wt. 6 ..♦ T►ay lar• Seines tN tl�sf-r tis lase ted geesere et sae .Trees laser ) races „in. reams,. oo firs. sire. soYt. fur' F.rreewunt, Wellutgteu county, on • few —'�"1 weeks' rest, r she lots not ettjeyed very (radii ..en owb , good health lately. The weather here is atsasuug springlike Win. Sweet, V. S., was beim. ueted at the . hem. Sleighing ie about gun ; wheeling, I Commercial Hotel, Keefer, on Filcher even however. is excellent. last, prior w hie removal w hhwuia n� Mr. !•fea•r)J who some este ago, net His aunier res friends wish bon success w with an accident is the woods, u, we are Isis new fie1.1 of 'ober. pleased to state, able to be about and will Amos Overholt •mel t:v erget:o.ble, Zurich, wen be all right. sawed, split awl piled five and three-quarter sham K. Harlow, daughter of Jas. Har - curds of maple ward in the short space of low, d. p . , Ashfield, u home on a emit to three hours and eight minutes. They are her relatives sal friends. She has a good s pair of omen 'stye. position mat of Toronto. The . .1. friends of It. ('assn, assistant Owing to the sudden dungen of the to Ker. .1. 5. ('mol, of Heiasall, will be nacelle:, quite a number are complaining of pleael t.. larn Ilist hr las s, far re..enai h.V i contracted cads and are therefore m .noun his recent illness as to cervine Lh du ieeol -a good time, we presume. fur the labor. in the church work. M. II. W. W. Willis, who was engaged with It. C. It is pleasing to be able to state that 1'. Sperling, tVinghani, last year us tlie egg pa. k Vcwng. .:ho met with all accident in tine ing!mimeos, has juin returned from a Visit hush some tune ago, is getting he:ter, and t0 Manitolme and the Northwest. He report. all hiring well be will loom I e aisle to roswne Iutsiueas very dull i n Winnipeg, arid, in fact, his daily avtlae w. in all the towns throughout Nlanitulr. 11w many friends of Rev. Mr. ('assn will Thr last lecture of the series under the Le delighted to learn that. n. resp ons• t. iii tphe s of the V. P. S. here was delivered the .uu.utitnow invitet- .d the official to t11e ethodi tv ohurch here on Tueacay, h end of the Saesforth \lrtho.list ohuroh, he of 10th, as l bt sway •irattgenl, pvticularr has eunsente - w remain for • third year of w. I will Miller,er(Inspector mono next. pastor of that cowgregatien, subjece, of W. It. o.le Ilnspector of InToronto. awaae, to the simile. al of Conference. forhaving yr oft is. a visa , and now of Toronto, Reboot Jagmiason, of the Golden lion having leen on • vent to his brother R. K., store, 4eafwrth, returned) Irene from his of St. Helens. dorsad through here awl was semi-annual trip to the Ohl l'ountry mark the guest of N no L•une on )Lwdsy, after eta on Saturday evening hot. Ile Lada w Lich he left for Toronto. very pleasant trip acres. the Athtntio- loth Itev. li. 1:, t'amrrw, of Straus.', for 1 beautiful tMwhile the mach of Ihingannmon,was hart' en 7 hursdlay, Tho.. llolnnaon, of the Bal,y!.w Gee, Stanley. leas sold his farm to Robert Keys, sod intends removing to Manitoba in about two weeks. John Dunbar has arrived boon in Grey from Washington Territory. He is Featly taken up with the West, and thinks It is the place for young men. Sitrettu Recs., Rrusacls, have the Queen's Hotel in ship shape again. The new barn, 40x60 feat, is completed, end 146 feet of horse sheds flee R for the convenience of the publics- - Henry Ails, of Hansel, in Hallett, dm loar7ing wine oars at the Seaforth railway etst(ion when he got two of his Singers so seeekely crushed that one had to he snipe. ,sated He will have a pretty sore hand for a long time. The funeral of the late Mrs. ('Duller, West Wawatwsli,tookplaceaTa.sday,Feb- ruary 24th, fi nn. her residence to St. Helen's prreveyernt. She leaves a daughter and two Crone to mount their lona, who here the spin pithy of their Arany friends. Mrs. Hauch, Wife of P. Hauch. Zurich, dic,tl with typhoid fever, at her residence there, on \t'ednes.hy, 25th ult. The fun- eral took place on Fridayy, 27th alt., and was largely attended. She was a member of the Evangelical chut'ch, and was also an active Sunday school worker. Thor. Moon, of Toronto, late of Clinton, has been having a pretty time of it, being confined to bed for the past three months, with typhoid fever, congestion of the lungs, and inflammation of he sinews. • Re is just now able to be out of 1, bet ik, not yet able to leave the house. Mir Stela lotto, daughter o R. .1. Latta, Zurich, was taken to Toro n , for treatment of the throat, and wont has rein received that part of a nutshell wan fern (in her threat, but we are glad to say -it since beeeu remove.' and she is now progr ing as favorably as could he expected. Robert Logan shipped from Seaforthe recently a tar load of splendid breeching mare.. They were good, ynun$, sound Hockey animals, just the kind! suitable for the Manitoba market, and were as g{...1 a lot es left there this season. They wee,• sant to Carberry. and will be sold oat to fanners in that vicinity. T:ney were shipped by way of Chicago, and Mr. John Steele went g` with there. (ht the 27th ult., as Ales Hrotherston, of the 13th con., McKillop assisting to cut wood on the fan,. of .los. Stansel, 14th nen., the (erg which was being sawed started troll, and Mr. Brotherston put his leg against it to bold it until cut. As seen as the bye was CUE, it rolled on Mr. Brother•dtw's leg; and unfortunately broke it. He will he coonfin- •dto the home for a r�-wsnlerable time on account of hu misfortune. John E. Smith, of Brandon, Man.. war in anyaea last week. He is taking a CO load of thorough -bred horses and cattle (sack with him to Beresford Farm. Mr. Smith has the reputation of keeping one of the best stock farms in the Dominion and those who are acquainted with the gentleman will know that whatever he undertake, he pats vim into it and orris it to a au.- es. Jul issue. A letter received from Mrs. Albert Gerry, Indian Head. N. W. T., gives the pleasing information that a great revival of nligQ'i..n Its takes at 'Fair Play" school hoose, and the people are in for gum'. solid work. Albert Gerry has Ibsen appointed sperinteadent of the Sabbath school, S:en. Mooney edam leader and Sam. Mooney lead . er of the Young People's Association. Their many old friends in Brwssul wish then, ahsrndsat .rnoema in their work. On P•Mrday, Feb. 14th, Charles l'srkei i . . and his good lady twlelratad the 60th aeon le'eary of their marriage by having • home of relatives at their home .w ill -.t., in Brem.el.. There were present Mees. Wm. Clegg and Joseph Clegg awl l wife,we, 9 grandchildren and claim Clegg and great grand _ &Bless. The jilts were of a mseful and snbstaatial character. Mr. and Mrs. Park er moved from Rendes Co. to Morns town• • e Ship about 44 n ago. locating sear Sia Aiwa, where they r,stinned to reside mail their removal to Brasserie in 1877. Os Monday, Shod inst., David Campbell, of Mme 17th one. ,1:ray, mattered • telegram from i Asa Arbor ata(' that his son Donald had Ned very sadden Mr. Campbell at once b being t hard hone and arrived with it ern Wenbasmt•y right Mr. Uampli el! yeses Imo of genial deposition, till seedy habits sail liked by all who knew Mdse. He left mese two years +� Pati hal ..-st bees Meme .h.ee. pure' Ate his old Meme soon. This fact gives eaddse death double force Mr. ('eel. ; aid bendy have flee ,y of all ,n n ..c, -,. ,1, as Wrie Camp (,..its • very paw m t. ei health. 'rH Sepedter : Oe Ho.day aft.rsono tittle ,m of Mr. Lear th '....1 rata esereh mat with • v'er7 Uri t. ten• es* Yrs urre ...'-a,•• d Wilma is Irani el die l�� •e • i. by .rete won no "till `ti ,f ih. a .' 1"rderne .a ii. and eanpooad B'u. ' ways an. wen r Lai (N.1 (:,wane.. He enje rel the trip very rlortiurl day, and put in t ni Quiteh a much and it has done hon gDa.L rotes farm krnrt g booths del their Is. Johns, Exeter. has received from R. Votes in the polling tereths here; thereby showing their great interest in the political Hukuan, of \Yet he ter, I'runsylcanir' .guest,osu which caused the elect ion. a pair of tL ,nwghLn•.1 ifr•aglr horur.lr They are very laws ' reel lost •lost t Now that the ni..t,wn 7.v elect tun atrug•. for the pair. They are used principally for bbIr i• til.! with all other e: cue of ebr pest, hunting rabbits, and there is no doubt lee- bwiii. in general is assuming its former fore long the owner will have a nice little st'tu, :n the layeannty. Heraonte clue park to assist loom in capturing his tame Ing era t...ay. each party through their John Kerr, W. M. of L. O. L., Win,tlani. lieutenant* worketl vigorously to poll a has been appiowt•d as a delegate in the au- I irge .. 's Ser of votes in ,ippon of its II '.d nueetrng; •.f the 1'n.rmcial •:rind didate. wasen the sill chew' t meet thingu, I. edge of Shitari' "%tilt, which will hr held which was the result of the lav's work, ii St. TLon,as Lau the 24th Inst. He will which was enviously anti hopefully looked alit. attend the annual meet ins of the (Creel ('its, er of the R lel Black Knight• of Ire- land, which will be held in -the canoe on the 2bn1 lust.. CLINTON. (now nein owl m'osRsinroiguaaT. ] Election is over and things have settled down to the usual routine. R. Agnew has returned to town and ev- pet•te to stay for a time. Hole ham great attraetionls in the "Hub." • Monday evening the, W. C. V. P. C. A. met as usual. Kt•t-. J. Edge gate an inter extitng •dooms. mar Metho.list miriuws un .Ialwn. .4 good musical program w'a. alai. rendered. IM Tuesday morning the people were arouse.! ly the fire alarm, which it was dim. ,',versa that the Railroad Hotel wive in a blase. The inmates hail just nine to escape with their lives, the roof falling in just as they got nal. tlti Thure.a evening, when it was known that M: C. (' was elected, the boys di.c.ivered that'' two barrels, filled with shavings well.atursced with coal oil. had laett prepared hiehiitel (rte of 'the stores to celebrate Petters v story, Bat., alas ' the \taldr. were turned and they sent rip .t fits Wase for Cameron. Samuel Fiiseitams, wfdi had been sick for a long time, passed away Sunray. The funeral took place from his .,residence Tues- day aftenuww, which was healed by the saw w -- ear now w ranee mach sweets, bet these it - c semina 17, he foe a new r plenty of murmur if aot much hung. THE RECORD OF CURRENT EVENTS "'mom hom h►i, u 17th time be- hello Ins'. earriege factory at Pinks Gs Monday, fid tad., the infant son of C a lleMpa�. and tart qa beet col on we' ..-' aT sight Mr. and Mrs. Knobard Johresmra died of a ,a h4 mwtaesn Y pee a mesad the bylaw b Penned Parcel. old weather prophets redact tient -.wigs. Stchm.ell Ilwn TM•t teedettl I.c tart.cul dtlimla•tioa of the lunge. The p ala opt the will be opined at Sauk tits. Yarns early worm kaewtss •Hees sty �Ipwemarn (ox ravel fur the Gatre Iboacl nn rIN'oke fol berms re.semeenwast1e►rfirstchild Teww neererdsuw e.eet Irma. .mvses t• Neer. Wentus div W wap els.: Div. 1. from, lemt Moms, a tTuwt"1 don lead to rued between 4 i It V the ikeutoba. 1'arlr was only a Intl* over •cardio o.11 The n- meed 6 ; ,div. 2, frees said road te • iic morn will be called for for the dogwatch of E. ltmainsstin read b turd between 12 Ba -Ali lareat and Mr. Archibald Celos W Lae' !s Tca he Adevana ceasks the question. andise ad doe that the racy, and clerk Pre . • prvmesmmt ase^b.. • diel saddesl7 la (MOH mica ow, uaroDs ian�•T.1 When will the wee- town tall he feiaMd . erre dm teary ideation.. ('•tried Montreal ea Friday. Found a Co. intima starting that mill we echo the question attd ask, Whim S Vwlker - KalhAeuor That the follow !luring the — cave• days there were • nest week. Will it be in the nineteen asetary? roll be f for 1891, t ill : Win. felium istime t.t. avers 81 fur the corm. Junes Roe baa hew land up daring the Away. -Joseph Pule, of Wiatip�uri �woo Russel,(eso. t.ran.l'. Kaorett,Ales. Meier s saaili g went Last year. past two weeks has bee visiting his paresis and lklsaes a en, Sow.. Thompwrn, H. Bows, J. 1leokr, Prof K. L J.eam leaner of ILssltal. lit- Mnr Eva liawsou, of Wusgbar, is visit- Wimgham during the pest week, returned ar., Sam. Tramy M. Kearoher,J. McUick, mature man WI IWhiteyW eine. ICiap• ing fnen a here the week. again to the Prairie City w Wednesday W. Sailer, t'. Miller. farms Carried. Kalbda eh a died e, ebtrday Mir Maggie Derma will leave herr neat Muir That the following persons he nal 11. wain f fair Jobe MaoeM is lore. Tuesday. 17 .r 17th, for Manitoba. A TaaT. (hi Surr.a nest the Moho- are appointed pathtn•atere for the division. �yg b a e, wdl te••erl•keysbal than, wen William Charters left herr on Tuesday. 'lief Pull)" will be filled by amdector Stn as hereto stated. yarn.: ('on. 1 lbty. 1. from mspmte1l he would attend • (Smola.& tweeting 10th. for Great Falx, Montana. der. As the coaluetor is a very acceptablehe 1 to 5. inclusive. Adam fame : lir. 2. a Monday. the church will, doubtless, as usual from lot 6 to 10, inclusive. J. Hawkins : div. Probably t e oldrd w who voted i• Miss Mary Dawson and Mies Kot werericher h 3 11 to iQ J. Patterson :div. 4, 16 to 20. the guests of .1. M. McKenzie this week. Chad• 1••t Tkaraday wee wWtam (hsnaer lstttxr Tows T 1 Watson, who 1 m 1►otigaLL. d13•mUtrrn Ile littsserYlRiyesrsuf•sv H It Hal 1 pay. la flit mere div. w 29 War Thumpl.olrt. dun 2 anuneasily large, . u about lemet 8rr Yauttoha. It u miresYIt Y reported that Reglkd and Amerman \' ; div. 5 21 to 25 J. •.ihhrid: Henderson o u runs a grrntery at the 'meth rad of the town, He is seting feeble tow. stock of which and 3--- Dee 7, 3 to 5, Win. Rummell : die. 8, he is bound to cell cheep. 6 to 10, R. Northcott ; div. 9, 11 to 15, A. thou probable the h t t Mr. t:e olds will again capitalists Mee piin'Meed the I'oruptnr, S' VtonT o.d Tli 5TH ll tarn. Many ,,••duct the Enemies w the stand. Ingram : die. 10, 16 to 20, J. Ronthrom fuser. Unlike the Kintail buys Joseph div. 11, 21 to 25, K. McArthur: die. Badger sad West nod silver mines, near Mom and his hound were not napping oil A.tat! CotcyatJtw sxT. dole Mary Darn- b 28, S. Thompmca ('cc. 4..11ir. 13, Port Arthrer, for $10,W0,ta10. election day, but bagged no lea than tau yn'apupilofthe(lintusl' telustitute. hes been hou.e oo the sick Wt for the last 3 w 5, J. l'arctck : div. 14, 6 w 10, l'. Ahs• exertYr P. Bemmmessu, d l)4d. v rr foxes. They went furunrestriction,butJoe. worth: oar. 15, 11 to 16 f4 and Si, (:. nowt Is,gete, is making went for climax. two weeks. Nat are glad. however, to state O'Brien : div. 16, 16to 90. 11. dell : oar. 17, sows.asr i get sir pespls int•rsrted a the that she is a tonrwleeatet nal hopes 21 t. 25 Win. Mullhollan.h ; die. 18, 96 to eewrtion of a boa t leetary \ entlrunau of the plate while making to return to net outlier after the Pieter a al� urn his ideal left his horse standing Mplkayr. Con. b -Div. 19. 3 to 10, J. Hun. O. McMinn rid meal Sty tistor- witbowt being tied. The horse Howard : ' ir. 2:, 16 to 20, Wm. Caldwell : day morning H. at(p nae of Wumline• t loose and core properly tracks for h.wmr, do•a :t.;tts. J. Mellon, of whom mea- div. 21, 21 to25, C. Redmond; div. 22, 26 mud respet'tedt (4061111.1L and rttp!sdiary wr�tion was ands last week. returned from dons to 28, t;. Reichert. (:on. 6 and 7 --Div. 23, ur•gYtrate of Manitoba dart•, the Fentw Lou - when it was caught about a mile away. don hospital Saturday last. after undergo- 3 to 5, J. peehale; div. 94, 6 to 10, J. ruin We must caution Jua to ler careful Out vest ing the painful operation •'f laving a veneer Foster ; div. 26, 11 to 15, G. Whiteman : (leo. (baxfwin, who lar been wanted by tome he goes t.. see his beet girl cut from his lip.He is dot as well as cam The o tum • all' opt a sin n,arkct at ng din. 26, 16 to 21. J. l:urL ; .lir. 27, 21 to the police in t�wirms•tkon with the murder d Pa 1f3! he aspected, and hope. soot again w enjoy 25,H. Reiehert,))'r.; div.28,26tn28,E.Troyer. Richard langfere, at Carp, 'bat., sums term \\'lutechurch �,as I.eeu quite • l,rnetit to hi, wdmtetl health. Con. 8 sad 9--(Av. 29, 3 to 5 ink 3toElSin ago, was arrested on Fridley night mar farmer* in the neighborhood. There is Sutrrtyu. -Our chief, G. Pett •e, in- 9, Atones Foster; die. 29 A. t\' j 5 ami 6 in 9, Ottawa innndvine a saving of horseflesh, wear, tendsTuesday shipping on uesay next a teen of L. Halrrer: die. 30, F j 6, 7 to 10 in 9 sod Jaaxw N. Henry, the defaulting produce tear anti time in Faring' near market during horses to his at, swho is farming in Mani- 6 to 10 in 10, J. Decker. Jr.: die. 31. 11 to mr.•hant, o,f (-tiatbtn a, Shut.. ha, ten ar• the two un ntlu, January and! FeI,r•uary. tnhh.. We believe it is the intention of 15, J. Decker ; din. 32, 1b to 20, J. Koch: rested In the city of Mesko be tee of Ptmk- t:,Iltspr h Co. have been buying at their Mre. Pettypsece, with two of her children, die. 33, 21 to 25 in 9, 22, 23, k 24 and 6 Biwa. They handled •laout eight thousand S•rim's detpgvmr• at tar esr.anoe u[ wee bushels of grain. w spend the coutiag summer with her ma in 10. ,1. Haberer : div. 34, 26 to 98, in 9. Bo,* Yomttwl. _ on his western farm. E 26. 7 atd18 in10, A. Wilks. ('ea l0asd A Vicksburg, Yea , despatch lays John BRUSSELS. B,A'n.v. - Two young Wren. whose names 11 Div. 36. 3 to 5, J. England ; die. 36, �t shot ami fatally wusmded !'apt, will be withheld so as not to reflect upon b to 10..1. R.agavr, r.: div. Il to 15, A. 1LhuMere William' ea the steamboat Hibr- (v.:ow cert owM fro s Michigan. DENT. j the Dame they bear, had adis ute the other ileiger : die. 38. 16 to 19. H. Warms : div. p sa oil Sunday ervsniag. ('legit. manse was Thom. !:ill is home lien Michigan. oda)- which turned to blows, and ended in 39. e. 25 in 9. F 124 and 5 in 10, J. Gall- a natty. o.[ (:anmdle , s.ammy the Qua¢k" cures all ailmests. our &lomat biting oil the ear of Lu opp nman :div. 40, 26 to �8 is 11, 1l* 1 2b, i lead as who woo meet near Yarmouth A number took ticket. Tuesday for Mani- cut, s, nearly so that the ill.usrd member 8 m 10, H. Gies. ('on. 12 sad 13 -Her. 41, ebbe other t a the L e Y S branch Iola. required the skill of a surgeon. 3 to 5, J. (arable!: div. 42, 6 b 10, C. AM ot the il. T. It. has been klemttflal r Peter Atrs:a7xr• Iio..-. AIr. Editor, can w Iain :clic. 43, I1 to 15, 1'. Bender : div. 44, Mise McLean, of Ripley, is visiting is tell me of au thin that will c! u •ten's lb to 20, l'..46.Oswald : div. 45, 21 to 25, M. McMillen.. by his nephew. Mr Duncan Me - tell y g "� I` Geiger : div. 46. 26 to 28, J. Farb. Con. •IleU jr.• o((iasw.xth. It is ruuaxat that 4 ballot box at erne of the ,livisioes of the t,wa.+ip of lLYt r br bores stain. If this is true it will make It difficult to asertaln whether Carpenter or Middleton was elected. Mrs. Philip Horning of Bronte got up ap- parently as Pparentlyas well as usual and attended to ler booseirdd duties until le o'clock, on Satur- day when she took a bad beaila•be and four hours later she 'lewd of cerebral apoplexy A very doe specimen of the tiger cat was shot reemUy mar the Black Hume, in the Township of Kinkr. It is the largest sandal of the kind that bas ever been seep in that metes, and weighed over forty pou Theco contents of Vbervier's cluthfng Barre of Winnipeg, were bursal co Sunday night bias srteu ce eight thousand Brunette'. photograph gallery overhead was damaged about ei00. MacFarane's store was akin damaged. F,.*•,.roke.wrt in Fewby•sgr•en!our. Alvu,.t m. ern Friday morning totally rte- stroyiu, it, ale. burning the frame kittbrn. which was torn town white tarrbisg is order t., oases a rine brick mildewy Ing, MC sn•U insurance. Gen. lienjamin F Butler, In an interview the othersay. asstsnnnl a warlike time to- wards t'amra lie says as this Dominion cannot tie acquired as a gift ear by purchase, it has to he conquered, and that it is a rich prize worth a war to obtain. The funeral of Rev. T. W. Jeffery took place eon Wednesday saleroom from he residence in Toronto to Mount Plsasant cemetery. and was attended by a large num- ber of neaten, including the Mayor, m•sy df the Methodist clergy. and several soar - ties At as study hour to Sunday morning the premise Df Hem Bros., in listowel. were entered by masked ten. who tied and gagged the wan -roan and NM' the factory on An. Before the watchmen wneeded in freeing himself and giving the alarm the entity estalotishment was destroyed. The Newfoundland 1 , address in reply to the Governor's spree•h spoke some- what warmly in regard to the stoppage of the . for • reciprocity treaty with tie States and to tbe moduli vivendi. Fra! the (b.vernor's beta 'Meanest it appeared that there was en the far* mar stbjret. Frederick Squires of Bread Cows and his servant, dials Ho.,worthy, were trams to death near their hum. at Woad Cove, 11. S. They were driving to a mi;dbr'e when they ruined their way a sutures and drove into a gully and were iambi* tt1 extricate themselves. The bens was also [roma to death. The girl was Se and the mac 87 yeas Kap. rA Are broke out on Sunray in the taboo ary of Sir. laowfe Portlier, ilk, J amanotrest, Montreal, and ,per to Me adjoining premises, doing damage amosmF lag to over $40,000. Mr. Porters hgm Meelno; B. J. Wilson, tailor, $8,000; Jar Baylis & Go., $8,000. Kr. Portlier has 194.- 000 Issorsace sad the lames et the other Arms ars all cowered. Thursday afternoon Gawp Prentice. • we0-to•do termer mar Brownville, wont est to his barn and deliberately shot We- sel' through the heart with • revolver. Prentice went out sad voted in the tensing. e nd was nes thought to honey way derssg- ed Bs recently rented W luta mrd par •Yard a rsidence in Hrowamvals rtaesYng te take thing emy far the Mews The "midnight eseeho.ieo' got in war of Ms work at Grantee the odor eight lbws sad It gafk's blacksmith deo wan entered by the widow, where the sestety Seri were severed, together with • revolver and • few axis articles. Mr. J. Z kesvayU stone was the nest Owe of apostles. • member of silk bendkerchlsb not Oho rill geode were takes and the kora ehesp is the Oil, • little over a dollar. About three weeks ago Mr. Jeha W. Chep er, son of Yr. Ephraim (lapis. of Comp - benefit), left home vie C. P. B. ter Charter - Oe Or way he was Ohara in with lis- msYna of the bowels and had wee* at Van- couver, R.C., whore he died. Be wee ,lest to yeas et sire sad wasarried and far mer yews wee Seppi a Helene as • pshAc .mese.. - was the third .�� for medal, _ which whore to rh r, a white prolamin he was Johnston' arbitrator tr asst in rnmiaimNicrs hems twice weer h. ttrrls. P�wiw nen sw'cn.del He was aka •anrn-remm(eebmd 1114* lissese alai en Ow FOU me el reaaers b., otta for. and. of course, when it was mauls ap• .1. F:. Smith, of I rambm, was in town this thmsmg apparatus man quick y ...-.... 14 enol 15 lAr. 47, 3 to 5 J. ('oautz :levo parent that the Candidate for free trade, or u': It will strike one's haw like a flash waw of lightning, end thea wind its way up to 48. 6 to 10. C. Miller ; div. 40, 11 to 15 in rkteoi atlbait I hweeis yictottsrs. ween at Hunter's •'Photo the gen!. maw" the brain td wheel 14 and 11 to 14 in 15. 1:. F:isertlmch : div. grunt r:eledeg was levt Fri his suppatf•ee. urge 49 A. 15, tt' t.• 16 and 17 in 15. F 15 lht the whole the rlectiun excitement las and the optic nerve to jump. \1'e have � Pt' St. 1 I well as ger lcslly sulside.l, and quietness has UMW Arn.lall is visiting assume.d it,. normal state. at t been through the mill, sir, and know wt d 16 le F. H. Keancher : div. 50, h 16 to 20, I'. l'remmmr; lir. 51,21 to 25, H. Tlgises Low it grinds. .tn Ea ,vie IV.• would like to correct Steinbach : die. 52, 26 to 28, A. Albrieht. au error that appeared iu our last week's ton. 16 and 17 -.Div. 53, 3 to 5. A. Kyr budget. It was concerning Mr. T. Manuel. ling div. 54, 6 to 10, H. Iiali.Aei•rh. Can. He did not as,wle home% as stated by w. I_ K. F. and L R. W. --Dir. 56, 1 to 5, le r•....•..,_. .lie t:r. 6 t.. 1n .f Iberian •. The .amen... of the deceased MR 1;rastt, re. A. Currie. sr., is visiting friends a; referred to in our last, were interred to Ktolstock. Ihmganuon cemetery on Sald,ath, the 8th Miss Henderson. of Teeswater, is visiting being acvvnnpanie'I thither by a levee at Vs..1. Fairfield's. cortege ..t .ut-1'ow-ing relatives, friend. anvil Willie and Ernie Fairfield are visiting neighbors. The deceased, Aiwa two ytaars their grandparents at Rellfountaiu. or more agile. taught sch..,l in the. school se.- The new bank in Strettoxt'a block is mak. lion for three years very acceptably, being ing rapid progress toward completion. re.poectreb'by the pupils under her charge. Strachan has get into his new- store. ptrents and all classes of the .vmmuun!t) He has a good stand. Look out for bar - Shortly afrer resigning her charge 'she entered into natrtmonial partnership gams. with Mr. Geo. Grant. of l.ucki ow, who dui ing last fall, with his wife. removal folio Locke ow to Seattle. in Washington Terri tory. •1'.'. Abr,itt a ua,nth ago. we under stand, she will attacked by typhotil fever and suarumbrd. Her remains were aw- veyea! here ten Sunday. he way of Lucknow. We have been informed that her husband, bring indisposed anti therefore ton ill, did not acotrupaiF the retrains for interment, which makes it all the more distressing in his sol bereavement.' ,The community dieply synspatbike with the bereaved haus- haad, lather, neither, brothers awl sister, and other relatives of deceased. LEEBUHN. I iolserty cert•" bind, followed by a_large - [ran ort: ow .. oxxt+ro:ru::t r. wa Fricla the time egicorted to headed by The boys e station plait' joined in the w mills Mr. thanka, referring t he great victory in West Huron. He ute te the great movie by Mr. A. H. Mennini, throughout the fight. and ale, the. work 414. ran Chilton by Mesms. Ferre.ster. i'nete. I. it, Ferran and others. In answer te the esti of the 'great criesil short speeches were mole by em and Paisley. ,,d Forester, from vs; leueles a large number a °them class in t5e Temperance Hall, ehich nweta mg and driving. Monday and Thursday evetongs. risioess,,,, N. ii.. ,.;,me aa eliatott ow Theideighing of last week saw a lag posh lase and was given a musing, emme. in dirau mg sawlogs. The snow unfortn- fne eiheeets of the mere:- tivh;o tudsly did not lie right and ADM oent heavy ine ba hen to go how he wee drawing over bare smote. he station by aninansease crowd T. C. Wright. of Ottawa, is up visiting grand torchlight petweasion. under the. parental ro.of of the Point Farm. I moat lustily and oe the AA s c prepare for prow manv will regret to • lenge number of Indies learn that Mrs. Wright of the Point Farm entre. la reargue to bind Is set lot•elY M- inute a abart epee. li cd Ilie fain altar count enancesof I:. H.( lutton. well choose wools to now ef Stratford, and I'. B. Linlielil, who Liberals hod itist won I. attached t., the staff of the Agricultural A a greceful tr111 I Alegi` .if I oielph. gazed upon old surround - rendered It. hini nags on Thursday lost during electicon events. They male up two of the 91 voters who markoi their X for their favor- ite candidates in the polling tooth here. In a previous item of three weeks ago we neticed the results of past voting here and also asked in this contest that both sides should Igo towanla each other in a gentle- manly manner, which to the heat of my knowledge they did. and on the Ilay at the poll here both sides behaved them:Area as men and true gentlenien, nothing ceeurring to hinder Leelcurn ward , from being the most orderly of all the wards io the riding of West Huron. The twervitee is the Presbyterian church herw lent Sunday were conclucted by Rev. .1. Wellantyne, of Kinterdine. who preached an impressive sermon frown John xis , 21st verse, irt which he urged much ea the young people vibe had hitherto not partaken of of it on Renilley here, which is the last time that Rev. J. A. Anderson will he with the three years be has labored here and his teachings bave ei Pt been to show his charge that this earth and its riches art not lasting and that there WAD &anthem rest beyond us which all et es rano try to gain. Oa St1.11 will he held at 11 a. m for the last time as the pastor here will gether with F. filer. of Golerieh (who by conduct it. Preparatory service 2 p.m. the notes te our totems. has been ehiewhere Mritneriay here. in the recent campaign). for his colonel at 'Woe not re -won. lint the tables turn their conunittee meetings Tories will ,,,,L Fnr years this ward. No. 4. I elhorne. henceforth remember that when the law, has always given a Conservative malority, nerine and arehit peter.. week unitedly mune bat the contest on Theoreday of lost week thing breaks, you bet saw it paw into& Reform majority of !wren ASNF1ELO. ont of the 91 votes given herr. The well [mon ot•R ow N 11161001411,46tiNT1 known Reform organiser. D. Cumming. sup ported by John ltiorton, weedier' Mr I enw There is a great deal of sickness in this rem • interests, while A. Allen awl Jemee , 1 at present, Campbell. Nosily noted in Conservative People are beginning to settle down to warfare in this want. watched Mr Porter's business after t he excitement of the elertiem. interest*. Several on either vole hail te Porter had a mairwity of 19 in this ward. • kiss the big hook I Me or tile esters did N.. & Solar of the other wards mesa halve not show op to oast their mark and several given large inajonties. snffererg of each side east sone, lamentations Marriage. are all the Ho this essann. against the rioter's devil or revising odbeer ib.m, Rumor ..y. there wilr im some loom of the vette s list fin lesoring Oval names shortly. hut we will tell yots more in the "a" II.1 ihe "" s'' the 1.1 h''s c°Se. Us near future restrietel reciprmity. part wallaby ea horse MAIM and eggs, captured the votes of MOW Neatly .1...crib** the position •if s hard or women's influence &rated in the eggs a soft corn when Putnam s l'amloss (Oen Ks little, air pate a revenue of fanner's mak re treetop is apfdied. It does ita week en tares come on this. magical in brims. nominee' the Mine Putnaon'a Paint*. L'ora Extractor. Slid by •11 .1roggiets and dealers mery• DUNLOP. M. .1. Tobin is making a pleasant sojohen 111 :oull`TICII tOWIllahlT) on the 6th 1•41,11'eA41141. - This direful eemplaint in the meniories of many sufferers in this aeetion in 1890. ha. reappeared, and at the tone ef going to press the staff of the sick committee Are on the hop nursing the The allegory of Bruer and the spider niioht loe well recot•le.1 in the memory of arehneet, whe has always taken a lead in the Reform party here in working up the doubtful and explaining the goodness of Radom to the ineorrigible in previous elec tonne in the ward, and until Thursday last alweys was left in the rear Thainelay's 801! sew ham first on the IllOVe tO the poll. as first in the canvas ef the ward which this time he has won. Also the gallant Commo- dore was not idle in the north and a warm rase of thank. can he tendered them, to 777r:it/WM M - Roe have bosom, the heehaw In the neighborhood Hoes have been iodide to nuniber of our young folks Wednesday - cry awl dry g.vvii0 establishment in torn, wm. Nicholson ; die. 69, 25 to 30, A. A parlor social et •Ince HilTs attracted a minister in Teeswater. but mow runs a groe. 'ht.. 67. 2lec to 23, J. Moyer ; die. 68. 24, IOW join.," t ie I atrolas of Industry. e Thompoott. south houndnry co,. _ ley. are of the "'mien thet this gentlenum will 70. 2 to 7. eem, chine ; eiv. 71, -.3 1,,, et, Ii. not greatly augment his !ma'am* by nig : we strengly adhere te the policy of - le te, 19, ie willoag ; die. -74, 2a) 'to 22, IV. town whether they be joined to this league 76, 24. C. Hartleib, sr. : div. 77. 25 to 27. 11 Y er. Heiman vil- You know. sir, se go to prese TueeLay. eapected holite that evenine .e.• the evening a'rtn• 'or -R.' 'n."114." following. He after all clid Ilt1t AITIV to """ con. HONOR, re Wiicie Wools te Dux. Mr hence the mistake. in the dam afternoon we keard direct from clic 57, 11 to 15, D. Spencer ; die. 58, 16 to The smiling face of the editor of the great county paper was seen in our town last week. "Dan- has many friends here. The smiling faces ef a number of our old risoidents were soma in town Thursday ef lest week. The electioa was the ultra.. - Lion Alexander. manager of the St. Lectwe .1. Wilson. ef this town, with the aid of la• gs_ tee. 80, J. Beverley ; die. 81. Win. another veterinary surgeon of Teeswater, Flier ; div. 82, J. Mitchell ; the. 83. Geo. Mineral Water Co.. is the same old hoy. as hale and hearty as ever. He take. the cake perfumed a very critical (operation upon a Petty : di,. 94, Wm. Bell : die. 85. Wm. in talking St. Leen. Thee lion has ab heave eraught entin. born. It seemed that • Laramie : (lie. 86, I). Urquhart lunch ways had a warm spot in the hearts of the of lo;te it ltel been greatly troubles' with village --Div. 87. south of Zurich road. Allo. here awl he litchis the same oehay. a gli'l haling 4r"w111fl 1111^" it+ I'D east- Thus Hidemanidiv. 88,eaat of town hall. N. I beich • e'i3sPl'te.a,y was short. • •Busiuess. Loyd,- he on the day mined they threw it cgo its back. art : die. 89. meet of town hall.). William& says. "Drink St. Leon and he happy:. chlereform was administered by Dr. Mel ,Cerrisid. Moir -Schnell -That the fol - drum, when the two veterinaries cat away toeing shall be poungekeepers (or 1891, vex.: were his parting words. the trouble in a very satisfactory manner. el. Patterenn, J. Coxwortte J. Northcote Unnerve •-On Sunday evening last two ' R. McAllister, J. Decker, C. Grille WWI. or three Winghain boys kicked iip a racket . Nichoison, D. Spencer, Relit. Turnbull, R. hi the Salvation Army meeting. The Chief ' Cook, M. Kearcher. Carried Voelker - was sent be mei quickly calmed the Ovule , Schnell -That the follewing accounts he Ie.' waters. We think, sir, that such be- peel, viz. : .1. A. Williasmok Co., dour for harmer is Pimply preposterous. If one doss . indigent, $10 : F. Farneomb, engineer. 816: not (are for the Army ronde of worship, let Garrow & Proudfoot. 84 : H. Randall, one bin, stay away : there ono . . what- month's care of Currey, $15 : A. Lehmen, ozrshri inciplinatioes in the way of spiritual R. R. dohnstoge auditor. We Kelldietsch ever for his presence in their midst in this werk on road, el ; H. L. Prime, herriebrink.ng of the 5th inst. was sharp and severe. Al- clock a. In. free land of ours. Let each and all follow oar ' indigent, 50 ctn. : D. S. Faust. auditor. *6 : A C MY ATTER Tillt STollial. ---The battle meet again on the 110 of April at 10 o • Voelker -That this council adjourn to though not oranieg off conquerors our ranks , were conakfillinit‘roeti,nforced. Five seats • EAST WAWANOSH. in Huron seed are with oar leati• iflin en wear • • ,, , I in the tkaortty- John B. Scott intends going to Manitoba Yes, we are *till in the minority. but the this week. battle ei not always to the brave, nor the . Mre le ecott has reoevered from her re. victory to the strung. The restrictionist .ent illness. rooster may crow for • little time longer, Miss Millers was visiting friends at Wel- bet remember the time cometh when we will ton loot week. again wage battle, gain our laurels and en- Mrs. R. Wightman. of Michigan, is visit - joy the victor's triumphs. A B io Ov1111111,;HT. Bell's furniture fac- ingkftrir.elkani; Mlicr7. W. Elliot, of Milton. are tory was closed down for a dal cif two this visiting at IL scofs's. week, owing to damage chme to the boiler. It Enoch Shorts, of Wallaceberg, spent • «marred thus : The night witchinan, when few days in this vicinity. he leaves at six in the morning, is expected lbw,' Ellen j4,4;,„wiii, ha. roomed from to leave rm • good fire, so that the steam visiting friends et limed& will be up at seven. It o happened on Tues. Miss Maggie Black has goose to Belgrave 'la!' Imt ac maile •P the fite al 06°4. but to work at the tailoring, We wish her forgot to turn on the water ; the result was meows, that when the engine driver arrived at shoat half past six there was no water to • SAYFIlitik be seen in the valve et all, and some of the (now 01-111 owe .,, ., •,„ .1,1 does were red hot. The damage 410111(1 was . • • censelerable, requiring the skull of 1101110 tine here. good workmen to pet things again in ran- %as Jerhoon. of stinforth, is the guest of BRUCEFIELD. (nom ore ceg coltitENrio.tivNT, WM. SCOff pahl a lousiness visit to Len - don this week. Wm. Dixon. of the HOUPt. pai1I a trip to Sarnia this week. was the guest of Wm. 111i•Intosh for a few Large shipments of grain are being made from this station by .nar huyer, lanwey, this week. Rev. W..1. I lark, of London, delivers a lecture in the Union Presbyterian ehumh on the 19th inst. Alex. McLeod paid a dying visit to the old friends Tuesday. Alex. is going into the dental profession. Five carloads of stock and settlers effects leave this gratem for Manitoba and the Northwest on the 17th inst. An interesting game of foothill was played between Varna e-hool and S. S. No. 10, Stanley. resultinc in to /or of the latter. off very quietly, hut all worked we'll. Not a Liberol vote was left unpolled in the vil- lage. At night when it became known that the three Hurons were safe with larse Lib- eral majorities a . bonfire was started on Main st., and cheers fee MeMil- Ian. Cameron and Melricall were given at intervaLe [rine era cce N Mrs. Ratcliffe is tontine! with a *evert cold. Mr. Young or Mr. Heffernan will likely moil "efier. rent Mr. Patton's farm. TOWNSHIP COUNCILS. Jess. Tried, of London, took in the carni• William Elliot sad hie son James leave val on Tuesday evening. HAT. on the 17th Mat. for Manitoba. On Thundery eveaing of last week s new Mr. I 'ennui Bernath has bought the house The opened !net peireuant to whom.. bee oe the young pongee 4 ;1,044 hnd a meat no Saturday, the 7th of Mareh; all the very enjoyable party at Alex. ((mangers . lately occupied by Aaron Panithether. Now that the election is over things hare Imalbers pre". --e- in.Kra.elfbaundei..ebed t. %,11-7,1_ki:unse -- hastlewebesnele ireeliwww.visu. .tiag fried :bidnisithh:re,Hrilel.urnedwhe .1"'eted ikws "4 business is gning an 15 ita Thliford. thebeineguntl': &morel" nt of error in school home Welnisdae. meal way. WC : laid DM0Ofif to h• charged to No. 13. F . 1 by Jno. T. WIMAINI 1311460n and wife owl Amy"' Carried. Moir Kalbfkiiich - That all Iota 4M:fly's. enastlerahle talk kat fall about 1.11111•hltkeT aed wife koteesl leaeiall thia hortiering on the town lines he placed OM our piers being repaired, hut there is yet no eheeed his 'e farm. village foe ff ler, where Aaren has per. Kelbfieisch Snell -That in refermsee to • should he made. the town lines for statute labor Cerried. signs of anything being done. A move William Tindall end wife. David and petition frown • number of ratepairers 'men On Sunciay lam mid ne Tuesday and for the Week Davie goes to Nepawa and owned that the matter will be Moody leave Fordwich oft Tuesday nest S.S. No. 10, the clerk notify =moon- Thursday evenings of this week, religious up serrices were held is the town hall. con Wdhe gone to Treberne, Manitoba. at next ineettng. Carried This petitions ducted by a few members of the Brethren Thomas Taylor. who was so seriously in was in reformats to the forming of • as. of Clinton. jeer.] a few weeks ago by falling from a mactinn of the Northern part of No. 10. The fifth cansival rem. off fon beam, is improving and hiv Many friends Kalbleisch - Yotalker - That in reference to Tuesday, March 10, aed was, sa usual, • a petitioe from 1/. S. S., No. 9, Hay asid moms. There woe a very gond attaeolance looe to hear of hie needy recovery. Stanley, to have certain hos token fmen hut few orstessea The main ettraction unhurt E lett Exeter for mid had with an arbitrator from Stanley in armed nine Ins wen by (i. Id naldwin, of laa.Mewil"ektramell a Ca— Exe"r• iteeT4 • l'ar ann. with the P S Act. Carried Moir Seeforth, who ie a very Gee skater Mr. load of hams to Manitoba last . Snell That the enditres* report he smart Mer'heivia, 4 Reno& wee expeetal. het Prim & Tayl..r have completed the Maid egi and thee the clerk order 200 copies failed to appear. Those winning prises ing in Samwell's Met, Exeter, kiwi it will printed foe distribetint. Carried Kalb were : Beet We faacy onsteene, Violet soon le occupied by K. J. Spaelunaa as • &met %Moller That 21_80 be refunded to Theawas, II Qteern;f.4.4.bast !girl:0%1:7y haocris L Weigand as seams al terereeterins in essige, Mee Waerattpriagstmetta. gam, swami. et fet nem. I hrrellet. itlielltille- %clime That gersiee fancy, Junes Ferguson, Inntinaa ; the road allowance between iota 10 sod 11, beet wank, H Collewlay. tramp. It is ia. liser whinn.,„,,,k I. repplit ono: "are:Poloi aos ris....1. as in 01141 16, he eirehaat far a MM. read al tended to have • at: of mere int 14441, - ace «ream days lavabo, leran part 11, el Ma. la, helear able weather. W for hills. to the house akar in 10th Hatt. neesetive Marrs, km hem al Miami few • few days, ,geme,1111111111111. tato the ed forgery ease near Man ahnet whit • chow to eitredriket pre. Ivedling• its to solielied mew tee= Jensph anthem b telly be en Me way Mak to Arida wit` sow Is slow Whet' Callania. .4 the liretkotheiC A GREAT OWN' Rev aleabasa The " overeat - coneusro is to the Argenta ..rieel summer y nu oere. 'floe River P '1111i1Ard 1515. ...ended the river i 1535, the same yea iverwl, vie. looted where the ce •141.viv and threads tires, or "healthy Sery el rose oru by the al, Wig riAltIe Km de la Ph ef the River Init. ef war and lolowl oniquista dere* Saban set*.leusents eitis Odin trough. of the country nu! risk /1111•047011 t•4 hi" let er, 1144:1111 t• the Imitate awl 11 1713 the English segsticog slat r21 strange that the i-anie under t he int! apparent object or supplant them at while the Sponek 'leen with reliew aimed by thw for try, Ow English kelnappiim t Silo sir Itiver heathens, who, ni marrelled at thee knel of religion invaded by thr E ford and Buenos but after a short taste to the loca hock awith 10.000 I that ever befell t S Bream the 'noel w .m161. iltIOU ht. nnest arid most werld. In 1810 direst off the y the provtoces we 4leperelent repel' deal of fighting 1 strong oppositis by the Spanish war• and hue diens, foreign et the •• biers del are never satin brewing or in pi .imained their and cat against Ch, •ivil war anion evil war divide these were ince The result of tl "owlet. extinr :hat had sprit& Itraziliane in 11 •pposing (Mien TB E he is alwa, in overthrewil from Buenos A on English yes delirium of j fellowel civil Roses besiege' until 1861. wh few upright tine history, a f44lowiel the which this hi left almost n ot the Av Many en.: 1141.11ef• I. I hat nal asked permit. slight by atto orrintes se The Argent ltrasil then lay down the abolished. am noted only en being cueigistrorl sena te this to he home. Age tire goverse tad ity ems diesel!, dee an get the I tic poen. ed there thi waft t bet