HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-3-13, Page 6IIIIHINear
1891 -SPRING -1891
We wish tc intimate to our customers that our
spring stock of I iry Goals is now about complete.
We are now showing all the new shades in
J)ress Goods Much ss Heliotropes, Mul
[f , berries and Cornflowers, in
Henrietta?, Brocade's, Lustre+ and Alpacas. which are
the correct things for spring .Irl it's.
As usual we take the lead in Prints and Sateens.
We 1•:tve a splendid awortulent in new patterns and colors
We are showing- sets ..f lace Curtains, ill
cream and white,I v/ from 5(k. to $.5.00 a set
Also lldalraa Curtains. Curtain Lace. Scrims and Art
M uslina.
We want you to ecalnine our Carpets in Brussel.
Wilton, Tapestry, Union and All -wool.
We keep Groceries and Hats and Caps.
We bay butter and eggs.
The Let h.11eliu ..f the (census Bureau
turning thanks for the liberal
patronage bestowed on the late
firm for the last ten years, has
now dissolved. A. Saunders
!.'' will conduct the business of the
old stand, collect accounts
and, pay all debts of the late
firm. Jae Saunders has re-
moved v tic
Licence block Ino ed to
a fall stock, which will Ir• sold
cheap, consisting of Sheffield ---geodes in knives, forks, pan and
pocket knives, razors, tea and
table spoons ; Birmingham
s, in Japanned ware :
olverhampton goods,in spec-
tacles of all descriptions : and
silver-plated ware from the
best manufacturers, and jewel- -_
ry in gold, silver and plated
ware ; specialty in wedding
rings : combs and brushes, of
Edinburgh and Aberdeen mak-
ers ; fancy goods in the new
styles : wall papers from the
best makers : 2,000 rolls at
five cents per roll. Come and
see for yourselves before buy-
ing. Country produce taken
in exchange.
II l ,
should get e.e of
Armstrong's Improved
est '11.-
the complete tiguren of the pqm
dation of the l'uitesl elates by Stale. a,l
Terrat,ree'. The aglpiegate is 62,622,250,
anal the mereast soar 1990, 12,466,467
!unit mtereeting facts shout the relative
size and growth of the different States can
he ,lealnee.l frou, the tables.
New Yek stands at the heli!, with 5.
997,953 pt o ale, and I' ) Ivadole
is a ae
esasdid, sit)' 6.258,014. The eight States
cue g next in the eider of their sue are
illinois, (Iho. Missouri. Mawehusetta,
Tessa, Indiana, Michigan. and Iowa. In
1880 5th,, was third and Illinois fourth.
The two hear elunge.l places in the pest
ten years. Indiana has .Iroppnl from sixth
tae eighth pier, luta ung darn pus.ed Ly tooth
Maawelatesetto and Texas. The latter State
has risen Trout
the eleventh place to seventh.
The only State w hal. elecerasel uh
population smhce 1880 is Net :eta. w htch has
falieu front 62.266 in 1880 to 45.7b1. only
about 3,000 Inert than it lad in 1870. It
ianow the last populous State in the faun.
Coining next at the foot of the lot are 11'y
(miing, Idaho, Montana, mid Iklaw.ure The
three fernier. however, show rapid rate. of
192t rent Halt".
stress Wyoming. rt 1
15P, and Montana
The most rapid rate of ,ucre:ate ia,.• I,2et
in North Itiakota 396 per cent. IVasliing
ton, with 365, comes neat. tioutl, flakoha
ha. increa.eih 235 per cent\ The other
States whith have marc this.,, doul,k,l their
pnpulatiiuo are • Nrlra ka, 134 per ce:at..
And Calomel". 112 per vent.
Anteing the older St.tes' Ila.' moat reed
growths have lawn in I'regain. 791 per cent.:
noble, 451 pe M
let -it allows no foul Deeds to be blown into
the chaff, which I. of great importance t,
every farmer who wishes to keep fib farm
Olean. Timothy
Jaid,-iI ny k and oleao. ananing the
hum seed
say kind of graln
Md. -Ter shrunken t kw sit t veva vena the
bro sad erfi�,�pba,, weight for his
brow the greater ,riwibMlees.
acral. wllh as ..pie .�Yra-aain- for ebw and seed
1ttiptp eq to -bead robing.
1a5 seed Wheat It removes all
�'C�le. Mustard sled. Wild Perna Wild
P am sad saber fin sad shrunken pare broken grata. A y farmer are
dean. seed grata.
aur. -It wUl deem Oats. Herter. be . thor-
eayhly without weals d arra.
yen_ _ toning aPease It will separate the
~��j��fttm/aoa char. Oats and wholea
~reins each to
- t enmpeeler ivbarr aced Machine. re-
wu.-tufa• l dust, taeabee and dead seeds
seeds. honer or smaller than
the med.ess.-fit is • fret dose toed Machine.
blows me seeds sway.
scab. -It is a pail Ann seal Mach f se,
t inb. --It le a lest ohm Cheer
testa - It one he Sited late l� eldest (rile iasel
r... Mill that 1p a�d• as umlaut
and rake It do tee weed • new Hill.
alta. -It man beettadaal to at m vita-
oWoe ut Wavle,
',,Vaap��ii. seale..M �MneA It
es{sreYvn•i .sea at the re
intim einea of the
1411i.- Its doves are amide all
ISM. It has a capacity if sixty
✓ ela per hoar. Fu.dnR
lab. it isms cheap es the er'dVal
Mill sieves►
WM.-Eves"Welds* is Gvabstrra.o.
Sand riser at eco If 7's• want It this
•••••••'if you have tree ease a Marline sat
to have or sent for in.pectIime. asd that you
take It l essdbg i it all nwad tie width e'
Is erderfn • bl�f�`
Ms of rummies
I n BROS.,
-_ -
C+oderioh, Ont
does not Int e
bushels of
r .cent.:. intimate, b6f twr
cent.: Kansa...43) per end.; Texas 401 ``
cent.: Arkanra, 401 r cent., and 1'a ifnr
ria, 39i per cent. i arida le still, however.
was of the least pi wlous states an the
Tonin, having hut 1.422 people. The
snalleet Met -ease* are : Vermont, .04 lei
cent.: Mare, 1.87 per vent.: New Ramp with the health and strength givite fora -es enemy, and their preemie* s made known by
shines -8.51 per tent., and Virginia. 9.48 par of nature, eel is certainly hen: for the the fact that the middle of the yang leaves
cent. The remaining three New F.nglud Mines system than the sense air which has turn rusty. But by occasionally syrirgirg
Staten. show healthy growths Maueshusetts• beet, shut up and co:itatuinettel for an in i from aloe.', even these pests will men die
251 per cent.: Rhode Island. 25, anal Con ,l/fiuitr p n is), with no a Imanc' fur puriS.a Pierre. Thr tettipo velure a4 the boner may
°yetcut. 20. Thane art. gratet inrease, tion. Ihri t d, .•yeti if a little dust na rape from ::i = to :V s r
than in any Suuthem State., rscept brought in, a few tweeter with the duster _ Cypripediunasi require a fair anoint
those mentioned, and West Virginia. which will put the whole hout.e in perfect order of ped ruin, 'bat rare mut be taken
ha. grown 23 33 per cent. again. anal even at the worst dust is not
net to over -pot them. The toil
half so. hail as ihisesue. Anal as for the fear • should omelet cif equal parts of peat and
Se %ever Rt ♦shite , '4 draughts. with .odds and a thousand re _ apbaguum mad., chopped up into lengths of
.1 peculiar:ty of Stuator (late as that al suitant raffle following in their train, nine- one •neer and see -halt inches Pot rather
though he is very fund of tel.:wen and al teeth twentieths of that as ivaagirary, and firmly. The putt should be one-third tined
ways has a cigar in die corner of his mouth. the other twentieth is easily avoidable. - with clean broken potsherds. rather snail,
no. inn an Washington has ever seen Thin, Vita -hang.% and lbw {,lent, wino potted, should stand, so
smoke, w the ordinary anrptatiw, of the to speak on a mall hillock. When parches-
ternm. Ills cigar is never lighted. and he Mtsa• fee Ma1.taSalew Mealib. ing plants an idea can he formed bow to re -
enjoys what he calls a -dry smoke." He eau When the l,.- Ith is fair!' geol. and there pot then. byobservfnghow they stand when
a brigadier general in the eonf..irnt,• army. is on special strain to Iwo put upon the ems received. C, -;I ,'Ip - I requite a very
and ..mncct.ol will' hat I r 1.eale Si. a hmret I.- tem, the menial appear may be trusted to liberal wppiy of wair. Fars esestially tram
1 er
Ilwr amu.
/•�L/� �•e•�ge � 1 la,U Ifne of apt fn t.ww, and Y tic
vas/ O D rtMar h r Irsen {it.nlw'fil.•.t
Tobe Mew of wwesett.
There ie a gest variety of athletic ma
chums and d.v.ess in the market. There
are duuyh belle, and lalien elate, and row
nag machines, and lifting machines, and rah
bet straps tea. pull tee, aud so on. There
ort et has been a machine or dealer of the
sort put oe the market that if property mod
would not he of some benefit, anti the man
who eau end will ,.an and use theist all is a
-taa.unahie nnauwr will, Ihnaugh the- strength
of vuttatitutaam and elasticity of muscle and
mold whia-ha they wall give hue. hive wtw•h
laage. - a.x'idents excepted, then he would
otherwise do, while the very elasticity
spoken of would serve to help hue out mat
.lunger w ben accident overtook him.
To select a single ale% ice ht' ahMii a young
oars who must All at a desk all .lay may
irnl.n.te himself in an athletic way at is
a...'asat y N. keep in u I the inaitiness foe
of all athletic ,'soviets laminas. `k
thing must I.e had that will. whe,, use!,
creel such an apgetitr he the us• of it
that it. seq cannot le alandwieel. (hre
such a. device as this to famed amid as use i.e
gun, the aork of tuiprre%entreat is easily and
e.ndortel4y .-4ttiimeii.
-Much a device is f I in the crash towel.
TIi)s i. Ilio jmulgoiaeut /of athletee.,'.rvA• light
eon.. and - physic ens. to Shove a reporter
talked 'a, the subje.•t. If a young mum can
afford hut A ' anal) amu of merry for the peau
cheer .d an athletic outfit, let 1 but
,A g.eel many op's own crush towels
who. ,)o not know 1poimes to get the full limit
lit t.. I,r found ill their use, There are e
number of sorts of crash towel'. There. are
.•ntsh towel mittens : craah-tonel rolls, sat
real niche* wide and two feet heig. aith
straps illi the ends. and there are plain and
fancy t .earls eel a -m elts degrees ad naughtiest..
Big fellows, ver 3x5 feet large, nay ...t
moth as tt2.50 or S3eaa•h. :,wsl
towelling is sa,!el at the big st,rte for 25
cents a yard. The expensive. towels art
really worth the oat, if Iswght at a trust
worthy store, hut ant eau uakt• a s er% good
Ireg.nniug with a leo yard strip of 1j cent
To make this Ieginning, aai: until ready
to ge tc, Iasi. fleeing turned down the .
cover* .and made everything reedy. one
stark caked. At this time of the year, in a
tireless (xar.liug-hnuse laerlr,sati,. the- air will
oak.• the young nun shiner, particularly it
the elude.* has lawn a,peu all ohy to purify
the nom. No matter. His lack will itch .►syn, s., •art+ VIVILLan.n
A little, neverthekee grab the towel by I think we ,SOW'S dor better than to pla,•e
the rids, throw it over thektummortised, and surge fret of all the auttful genus mortised .
it to and fn.. ('o.tfurt. $ileal. It will or lady slipper ,,nidi This genus is more
make the lock warm instantly. Keep it a- sought after Iv poMetor4 orchids
going, divot over one shoulder and then the any ,.Wer. azul small worrier, when we eon -
ether. and then rub the acme to the Sager eater the %ow/refnl form and beauty of 01,-
I'1 . aiilt twin! speed. Then attack the Rowers. anal the soot with which the plat:
legs .cud hump ydurae'lf mit it. In a little ones I.• poen..\s it i. underweed the'
nn.rc time than it take, to tell how to tie it tire antes are intended only for those who -
the• ve.usa,, gran will find his skit, aglow and are ,s,ntemplating forming a culla-
the :Mod bugling in his vein.. ti,.1 of orchids. only the more matinee
Isla trot at the first rust keep at it until specie,, will be .numerated, and noose need
.treads, taut tea hot let a haft's breadth of th hate fear of failing with thrill. To have
skin es -ape as keen rubbing. Afterward. the dowering pored as ing ave poaihle,
when sed W it, nib henget. Then jump must grow at least twenty varieties. The
to (eel. It is taken ..wit • list ,•nttlns sufficient esrietie
into the night-shirt andante fel! i t„
for bi suta.l that every young lime,, has a fresh so that dowers should be produced nearly tea
shirt to sleep in at night. No nen who quit.• the year nuns
shoo•{si in the clothe'. he has a oro all day C. ar'g.., ('. barbatam, l'. flrsalli. I' ,ym:
call lit m mit histnatural tette. datum, C. dlloiar•e. C. Hanaddianum, ('
lei I;' A.III, oi. C. Harristabum. 1' insigne.
Pore Or Hither Tb.t. Medktae. C. IawrsKsumm, C. hewn. C. loogibdum.
It isn't drugsse medicine that is needed I' Itevig alum. I' Seleuti, C elpice'rianumm.
at all : it ie plenty of the purest air that can I' sup'rharn'• C relliugerum. I' vilbsum, C
le had. Open the windows ani the dente. veuuudun, and t'rpeelium Lmdrnii
clear out the yells:, anal ventilate it dee- Matey me these have eery- haalsaame f.di-
..ughly, renove the damp en's. the mustiness. age mut are. ueleasl, sarra.ly equalled by
the- ancient odor, the- smell of deity. which other plants
greets the nostrils when one enter from tlae A. regards culture, little can be ski. it
health•gitmg atmosphere out of doers ' is of great oomsequence always to keep the
Nears mind it the Dater air lorars'the taint plants demi, for without deanlinewi no one
of the levoiMos•. the manufactory, or some , can hope to (e suo.•ewdul. Very few inmates
,,torr unpleasant thing : it is :els,-mingled ' trouble orchids. 'Thrills are their wart
a'■11 wrertio■..1 the ever. I. be Van
t■red Ula.. by Asaat.ar. Tae Tarts -
ties to ('.Iterate n.awur.le N.rtt-
ralter■ Pulasier• for the l'..pte.
It is no intention to give a few ,otweree-
ther ams the cultivation of .vett of the free -
growing and ue.t easily dowered orchids
which are the bast adapted for amateur* who
may be .le tnwa isminewiag the .•ultiva-
Moe of th,., the mem fax -mating branch of
horticulture The .winds which I intend
briefly to put Isadore the reader are all very
easily gnowu, predating they have • fair
unmeant of attenteet, such a, all other plant..
require to bring theism to the highest state .If
perfection It will, prerhap, 1.. IoM to take
.ark family aaptrately. and to give a egdl-
ab1e lint le each paper
er, also. an officer of high rank. The ta..
were always together. Roth were stokers.
and etre in the field the thin War envie of
smoke ,nu hl hr seen ascending from their
htrao, one of the nest fiercely fought
trades id the too gen. Mate and hislrotler
w • e t, el as usual watching the r'••
1 r 4( Ilei hag p
grew of the tight They were .n all .nun
ease, dud, altl gh within ranger of the
enemy's lotterice. pretreated t' indulge
t h,maeh re :iso usual in the weed. l :et,. Late
drew out from his s-a.ke' two cigars, and
handing we u. hi. ride'
tote' the other
hunself. and then asked for a light. His
le -mother 'truck a match on hit hos, and just
as le was "tiering it to the general a cannon
loll came along and strut -k him right in the
far. Thr peon fellow's heel was taken "It
as .'lemma u thenigh it had leen done with a
. word. From that .lay to this Senator Bate
has never lighted a cigar. !Sutra!" Tunes.
it apne% Llatsaest tones same$ In Comm
tee ►. we.ad s ewe 11111 i..ia.
.easy aai r»..wN, a, law .r
Arbor we, "awe ..r .t., w is Weir
..w a..,a1Mw.LLa«.... ,ae, ave Asp
w. dew .. •" ••• a` We ...► Iwo e.. 1«s.
*swearers we e....... d. Ana. Ira res ewer*
year war- r a •.e et ,,.r i.... se i. .At taloa w
wawa, weer nada/0 draye .�a..Al. ver.. . ..w, aware
... war*. as.r eta .. eaer.. ..a w ay...IA
M.. sem ,.wise Items nw/ar yeti Mesm-
=Lied sort yeti fall '.e aara•se.•• easter be.. ►w
I.wrw.rw nR Tatra a CO..'arlowa. noun'
indicate therkind and quantity ief ford noes. March Ull the std oaf Ot•tnhsr, and dunmg
war to maintain that condition. Naturally this time it is sale too my they cannot be
the appear aerie, with the changing sea. . I; hut at no time should they ler
Minn, ani, unless it mdioates an unreato,nable coos dry. Tie list given alone include
evt.rtne of uululgen.'. or abstinence, no at- some very remarkable kind., let many
nettle', timid Ie paid to any other neonate'''. others could be nautical. They are all very
Mush harem is done by injudicious or meddle • dieit get from each other, and Include r..mne of
some friends suggesting that a peewee is too the best and prettiest kind in euitivati on.
stout or too.' thin, too pale or eon rudely, and if the whole set is grown, there will often
martens ilaaturlancem of the system often fol• be. five or six ,peales In flower at the ,erne
low the mischievous advice to take some time and very rarely hes than two or three
bitters or pills. or refrain from fatteningIf.Lailfive plants offeach kind are grown,
Gid ear drink. Paying attention to these the flowering warm will be greatly prolong-
ewes will lista fiowwattmovi arc
fads as like playing with 9r*. If you are illsf, and an
enough to seen to warrant any radical fully shade the plants from the sum, and
change of diet or any application of moil- during summer sprinkle the Mates and paths
cine, consult your yaican at once. Above f►wpueely,
all avoid advertise( quack tnelicinta To it must be understood that one plant o'ftea
tea• the opinion of a sua.•eaaful dealer in Gower. a month or more atter another .af
them, whew bank balance u more liberal the sauna '4«'i•". The fkoww, of rypripe-
than his conscience, they are "made to dium are very lasting often remaining in
sell. '• perfecting' four or five weeks on the plant .
If you feel a little debilitated take the and they remain trek two or throes week.,
coca tonic; eat plenty of froth ripe fruit (em after being cut -The American(lardea.
and a tables, especially oranges; drink
lemonade : and when unusually fatigued
and just before retiring. drink a ghee of
milk ea lint as .Sr* le taken. in large ape.
Walk reasonably, and sleep in pure air If
• few days of this sort of home treatment
fail to bring up the holy and mind to their
proper tome, trill in your doctor and follow
his airier. Juliet Carson. in Harper's
time redia Pesple
CHANGE OF BUSINESS I All=w a rough run until it gets beyond
the reach of medicine They often my,
THEANOLD • ND RELIABLE ' Oh, it will wear an •J but in nodi cares
D ,t wets them away ( nl1 they m
., be mimed
to try the ss•eesful niedieine "Sheol Kemp s
Balsam, which is sold on a pesative guaran
tee to cure, they would immediately see the
esoellent effe.-t after taking the first cent.
The public are hereby notified that the Gori Prix a 5Or ani SI Trial sisr foe. At all
and feed hemmer' fnni early terrted os by A. R druggists 11 wow)
('nevi. has hem % ter -e hr
THOS. J. VIDEAN, tttiemena and! French Ministers at Cairo
win w ill carry It on in all Its twanrhe. •1 the protein against the Anglo Italian judicial
el stead, east •t. near the Square.
limier the management of former preA�
nlhis bean,,. Mu been the most eMi�
1,'Rx : ,"e;,, _ overrereight years. there will b! so
v the energy former ly Inhibited In Lee It Ia
MI Mat mak.
ATEST - 1 I LI;S. (sods dell served to ell Imitate(
arts of tbs. tow..
to reform administration of
odd be
yOwed eat. Mewl l
IN001. *Om
The Love' and hest 1 ave of Gear and feed
at ways ea hand sad choke puede le est see.
THOR. J. 1,, PIA al
woprewlt a
oda .r j 1
. Imre
r lb's
1.g wy eaeemese,
wlllbe feamd t. 4 abreeglly tee.
• I t'UY411
ayo1...'. Wad.
Na .loon s liearl was of pe -ulcer shape,
Int that .lel not peeled him against heed
ache. `tack headache is • common aid very
disagreeable aIectwn %hush may he quickly
removed, together with its rause, by the nee
of Beranek Jtl...l letters, the n!ver failing
v.« 'oiasi. asi-iiiarsw/lll I
As jesrthsr of harpd liver inns' he
Metaled sad ell had hale removed. Rnntmk
*SI M Inst for al) or ye seg. im
*ARCH 13. 1111.
MediMIyw, quer, easier, cudl.w.d uedt
mal fives S
owers as they grow ; di►
lexriom psapt. requiem W W�
�t� in. first toss to can thins:
the Mr, lura W have -tmoawe she do Ml
t< adds t Ibe . of a bee to help
the haft cis.e truss males, toes and hutch,
whether It promote be•rt.4 or not. fit it
is a hopeful edge, became a bruit pow who
,lea a will be qui` sun w give his boas the
"other rare they Meed
Never grow trees of different kinds he
gether until e•tis9td that modem not MOM
the other. es le freyueutly the cess AIM
pluunls are giros tear pearlsm, thus Woe.
log the .unulk, W aonetlivaa attack ids
latter. A stogie wild cherry tree near an
apple try will provide a hartarlsg pl•c• far
caterpillars, which dually injure the apple
Make a donee ur two of drop brown
paper envelopes while the evenings are tong.
What tar! Te put seek Wk,, weds you are
suing to rae.. and seer this year. Put thrum
where you mu Lind them readily when need
e d said beside them lilt a Wt Of lead pencil
with which to label and date threat when till-
ed Haeme grown seed mem money and is
frequently tastier that store seed.
While the leaven are ud h a good time to
took through .ra•barle we what pruning ie
n etrh.l, and eatmatna• closely for eggs of cat-
erpillars, which may tow be wen an the ends
of the brander. There may either be cut off
and bunted. or if this would dtsilgure the
tree touch the egg. with a rag dipped in any
kind i( oil. The eggs of Meet. .k. nod differ
freest dime of lie,,. in requiring to be kept
opens to the air. If the pone .of the shells are
closet the peg never teethe.
••Ii►+. it bane 'mere plant. to cut back
the nests 011 r•f.Wttiut; and not the branches/.
Moet netainla The 'rater earls .d the roots
are mist ,'eertltult. the growth of the plant,
and when these ana partially cut doff, the
plant is unable t.. take up the earn' amount
of nourishment as before If notea mut be
cut. out lack the tranches sharply also
Met a het a'. you oak for. would be but •
repetitln of "that leer been err( a hundred
time'- go to your neighbor who grows
Sewers and he o r she ,'an really tell you all
you wie,la to know
A few well-furrusha•t baskets suspended iu
the.,rnervatory always meta.. a pleasing
effect. and if the house is large aai lofty the
heek,t. .heap tae .4 pnq..rti., ate Aar
Strangle made wire basket are the Mist
amitabl.. and if plainly and neatly made they
wall ata.wer any purposive without any wpm.
fiuous ornamental work The ledeets, of
"sir.', will be Bien with tans. and the nt loot-
Gawill Iso furtai,lsr.1 with plants before
mu.•li Nail ha. l..•am plated lis the beaker,
tit • isles bring filled in and the basket felled
with esil a nuurreutly. The groat charts
of their bediet.i as to have somewhat fre-
quent change,. When the llaskrtha, filled
with the 'Willie varieties of plants. are con-
stantly •.'eupving the sante paeitruts they
nelsons monotonous. (cobra sanolens varie-
gate has a rhanitiag effect maelpended in a
lofty home.
Portable peeler V.isltall. end Flower
The annexed engraving. taken trent the
Vienna greverM 7e -stung, illuminates a foun-
tain o.anaisting principally of two equal reed
basins. ,•sch containing a'sprayitig nestle and
an mit lel pipe, the spraying teazles Ie ing at o-
ueetal I.y two rubber pipes with the eutdet
pipes- AA plainly shown W threw tinsel view
Culture .r Cabbages.
In growing cabhags, my. Vkk, whether
for early, , or winter, there are
three neoslwry to str.ves, good
healthy planta, • suitable soil, and lee but
n ot least. red cultivation. Our early cab-
bage is sown b hot -beds about the middle of
February; t♦te yam( plants are aired fn.
rills". I „ I 1 when email and exposed
totYeaMa• they grow older en as leo insure
gond; well hammed plants The
arunsd c'r'op we sow In cold frames the last of
March. spartagly to avoid transplanting; and
for winter tee amen the ltkh of April. The
varier., we is. are Rorty Jersey Wakefield
tole tie Arm crop, Wick's All sonnies for
Monad and third reaps The All Mar
w oo sands number one, in our ewtimaatln.
sotwfthstanling the many ex,wileat kinds
motioned in catalogues. it is large, firm,
wire leo heal, anal in fact reliable in all is
upsets Early cabbages require a vy rich
anal while lateens. wall de well wherever •
good crap of own ran be raised . we plow or
ground early for late crop, summer ',sneering
as for wheat early crop ie set about the 111th
of April, emend crop the le .d day, and
third crop the loth oif Jas. le witting we
nos a peg I. make the hole aai tarn the
plant to the fins leaves, I.insls tie dirt
firmly to the hadtsen of the Medi with MO peg
the pant. have ' i + sof
sneer rultivadng the w:a , Gm tenni
frequently tlta batter, to Ns `IM lot
instil begfa.ing to heed The early eltibbeiw
which oanot be disposed of le aid
market sae ahlppei M crates; the
ed in ear had Meta.
hi •'
krivtow9rir a& - UOYIILTI111111
�Cllt�l[P111S1ll11� S.
O aLs "ti;t'
I bare this seam sswsd all the latae MOM la
ENGLIB$ Sz Astanmar EATS,
, For spriest sad summer wear.
The dock maws be avp•oed la the cities. add the prime an the peenles.
Lad soles tomtit all gaggle.,
I will not insult the intelligence of the public by ad
v(: relining first-class goods for almost nothing, but this I
will do : I will give you the very best goods that are made
in Canada at lower prices than they are sold a by any
other film. - w
The harm. are strpperteel oil suitable holders
contorted with each other by parallel lev-n
A weight i.
fn.crurrw.i on the Sewer stead. ugh
adapted to be hung at the lower end m4 the
Welter i,ontaining the empty basin to a,unt-
erlrlanee anal to ill the Riled loon in an
uppermost pesitlm The water Some frau
the fillet upper Iasis through the outlet pipe
to the spraying made of the lower tern,
and le pro'jeetet quite a ditaueee up into the
air, to tall tgare
and gradually fill the
lower learn then this is I,
theupp•r basin bas run empty and the couu-
terhaleina ing weight as now hung on the holder
of the empty upper Irvin w ait ha change
the position .4 the lavers, and rooms
quaintly the basins: that is. the filled basin
aswmnws an upperneet petition. while the
empty ions swing. ,l'wnwanl The water
now flows from the upper lasin to the spray-
ing troale of the lower empty basin, and is
sprayed ta accumulate in thin Irwin
It take. about one hour's time to empty •
basin a.mtaining about one -bait gallon of
water, the opening of the spraying minds
being one-half millimeter in wise
in ease the water meta dirty. the !,wet a •au
be readily removed tram their holders sot
emptied, cleaned, and replaced. and use
again filled with fresh water i
Pa. teees.
Walnuts end butternuts fats a Lice iota
baa, while e'batenta will do well on light
stip, .tither date, sand or gravel, in fact,
wherever the peach and Masrd cherry ewe-
med. Perm and doll harlot hays Meg tap
roots and are bard to tratrtplatt . but do well
ea a fairly rich moll
Many people who kelp hers bare iso pians
for thpin to roast, and onetlnually ltd fault
because they get no eiet A lock of hese
well fed wad protected from the cold will le
a abet time pay a good tenet. The test and
only way to get the It to lay is to provide
them a steel shelter and fed them well, and
you win her well paid for all four trouble
What M to hinder the rearing of ervsral pain
of fine steer ovary year ohs the tar's when
hotter is made and plenty of akintmllk rr
suite lin.weal meal .r sheets re both mired
with it will grow the het kind of dawn and
MDlbdairy cows are in ovary way modal
Int with good pronto fres well broken rune
pow .ml. at gond prima They hrirg mewe
than beet and will do all the tare tem week
Te.aer are two r•eteoes why clove bay
ammo haves L horses the. Y that H often
heals, mad when H dries out trine duly
Wattling th. hay removes the 4 flkmby The
wooed meson Y that boner lib clover hay
i IMMO tar taw/ n erwren show entainallik
and emmtelt travel G ve thew only a am.
•nates{ d Glower, add W oats Se grab up
1b fill reeks, f ile ea wed be lir he 1.44
�NJt. --
arriving daily. Call and see them and whe
or not you will receive courteous attention.
I wish it be to plainly understood
er you buy
? 1' 1
1! 011 E1
Witte% 'V \•%%a and► `Ctia ek Letters, as ub:Wn a J'vrVvnq, aA).
8-Q- e i ---'
> j /tee • o
toot ln w i 8
,Cyd I -Cl !a; g
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A ill 41 Mi
=2' a / s--
° _v
bin., ;
__ a
e ..
flu received a large corsignment of the latest styles in
Novelties in ladies' headwear, and the latest shades
in trimmings a specialty.
Remember the stand-Hamilton-st., between the
Square and Newgate stn,:_ r ;.,rr £• ,
"The Signal," Goderich, Ontario,
Mlles load 4..111111gOatilleNiiilitailliallalli Illi 1. I I III VIII ,l.. lw,i, till
- a
Only $1.00 in Advance. Subscribes
- _ ssenllp'r'.
1894. -PO
Our :mock of Dry C
sial attention drawn W
Cord ;
and new colors,
All sizes, in French
!elan. anti Childrens' H:
THE POBT~ 1,11
The Uriah.
O.sc use the room whose ever,
Is dedicated to a book.
Two windows will surlier for
And grant the light &aniasete
ore looking to the south. and
To speed the red. detailing as,
The astern wall. from frieze
Shall be the poet's labyrinth,
Wner' one may Rad the lora,
From Houicesdown to (robs
.end at the northern side a st
Shall .bow an open chimney
Set round with ancient lila I
Sonic. legend old and weave.
Armin the the dog guarded s
Where one tear dream and a
-.1thees, the mantel shout., no
Ter cairn and Wien brae --
Not moth. but jet enough le
The roowtap when the fee is
The volumes on this wallah,
All prose and al: pl.ilosopby.
From Plato down to those w
The dim reflections of that
Aad these tomes all should .
flow much we write --bow lit
For sauce Ilse problem' ArArmr
So one has ea er solved it yel
1 -pen the *belt es toward the
The s, ientific tools shall re
Weide theta. histori ; Above
Yom i:gion hope and faith ams
Lastly. the et.ueh,'ii wall sic
The story telleM new and of
llar,nn al Kasobid, who am
And havetnes to as ley you
shall have the Insured viae
flat dwell epos the annoy
Lad with lura there shati at
Of those who help mankind
More by their fascl.atill la
Than all the learning of the
Such be. the library : and to
Thfs motto of • Lavin sake
To grace the d ver through m
lift Habitat Fetiches!
rhe listed Il..ber Peet ray.
tare• Cr.
Whittier tells us that nus
The white-haired poet has
pem he says, forever. The
mg softly .orotund hien : the
have kept him clear -sight.
mon than eighty years gu-
llet it is a klnlly and most
light : one that is more to
the (right glare of many a
says The New York Prem.
tint of despondency or ,earl
-iia within the purple mini.
earl it is to • glonrr w day
freedom his own poen be
'leeward it is to the astern
nshrag over the changeless
'tatty nv,rtals is vouchsafe
-ender hunt of restfulneto
there are toot many mere
',served its hethr,liction.
For it was not in peaaeft
.ntentmeat that the me
low and the homage that
• ier't' declining years were
!ample a,f today think of t
is a gentle, lovable old m
the hones away before tl
,•pen tire at Oak Knoll, ani
'Cr...-, breathe an rxopnn
toter. Hut time was whe
kindly dreamer struck hal
tense chord that helped
.nslemce of a nation. T
red so long ago. when the
gathered repand fused int.
'y in his songs all the long
sorrow of a race in bond
hoard ; blood -drrnehed
hsps of broken tackles
it is for his dauntless •
of the weak and oppreemorl
men and women of the
race today hold Whittle -
Dori. It is bossism* is flu
national crime he made
of the justice that is divil
that is diviner than jus
unebriakitg ddevo tee° to k
amount of acciiients of on
the pulpit was silent, tic
iattledl fearlessly and u
fell,w men, that Whittier
«rens in the love of the
and women. He W bee
all in rine. There have i
him, aryl there will r
America, hat the world
today for his life and Ial
bravest sad purest of h
Whittier has amply won
A. the side lel the e
.trnnwwta a.dese which
.home of its rowers, le
not misusing it. plmmna
The Indies' Herne Jeer
Am thing in the world
us. when it exists.
twenty minutia, trop ono
fealinga of weannese or
lar about the throat
a ttwegie rim row..,
isula.m y not sinews a
areed how to Sae et
a.Sl ISOM rat■rally h,i. with others it n a
h1ae � shall he tengtis wise w y te lite a '
r:.„.4,„. , K5 :. ;
i4 .�r,q, yel„rc-.