HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-3-13, Page 4r....,...sst
Vhc (Signal
1♦a • J aswepnwstr slur Moret twms0.
e Itasca mah
ow o. seesesiaRNT.
Ores et Peb=4: j p nseerepl
Teems ei06bMil,.
rear. d Dominion politics upon
the columns of the press and the
iniuda of the public. Now, however,
that the Country is .. I safe
once more, for it titre, at any rate,
there are those amongst us who would
like to see Huron county get a nave
on towards further progress.
As is well known to Metiers of THs
'Ares metrasg i SIGNAL, a number of railways are Inre
tour of promotion with t:Menet' as
the objective point, and it is highta
time some of thewere working to
wands a culmination.
First, we have the line from I% nig
Nam hato Uoderich, the charter for which
is held by a local syndicate. Thie
line would not ie more that twenty-
five miles in length at the outside, and
would run through a magnificent me -
tion of country, awl to n suitable
ten ltitlal point ttlatesulufasnow,pausing
before reaching the lake. Ur. Hotere, d a
who i. IgeliiINI thin: line, as One chief
factor, is known to he * numm-
siderab1e business energy and tact, and
we have overt' reasonto believe will
tale active steps to have the scheme
put upon :t thorough working basil at
an early date. -
The Guelph Junction A (k.derich
line is toereing neater to being a per-
manent institution l retch day pastes
by. The. C. P. 1t. is behind this
scheme, chee, *nil Mr. VAN 110RVE Mtn
pledged himself that the line will be
built in tlw near future. Some time
since the neuessiwry advertising toeanls
bringing the road to the notice of ti.
coming Parliament was done by the
parties interestrrlj and we .'null not
Ie surpriseli to learn that the sultsiily
of $3,'..'00$3,'..'00OO _per mile usually trivwf
(:otennlllent tow:isle similar roads
.1wouM be obtainerllduriug the coming
One thing is certain : Now the
time to take hokl of the schtml.•s now
in Contemplation and push then) on
to a tnsuation. They areabso-
lntely requirril by the sections which
thry : r• intenders to traceree and
most h. to aivany..
••••••• ••.••
•'. •.Corr. 1
r o ni la aa g, y j jg
willbe1 NI
Kama t
Littad Masr easeal advertisements, feu
641 fee fat immediate. tad 3 cents per line
RN each
•tth sent lameruuo. Measured by
ippo.aloe.. Munk
.fa of ell Iles sat modes b. per
Issued et Lee. Fouad, Strayed.
lYtsetioes Vacant. ettttatiens Wanted and
Bales•. Chasms Waste,tot exceeding s
Moms sosperiel gl pee tae.t)t,
Ibsen *a aisle avid Feriae es Sale. not to
(mooed t IIs . 11 for first month. Sec per sub-
esement mouth. Legere nets. to proportion.
Aay special mope., till *TA ef whtclo b to
prcxeo:e the pecuniary bsseat of any t.td*.
vides.' or sos.peny, to be considered ea ad
vertieemcst.nd charged accordingly.
Loral notices in Demonist type one cent per
word. no notices lase than ISc.
Local notices a ordlsary reading t pe two
crate per word. No notice fur less than 50c.
Nefloes for churches and Other reltgiow avid
benevolent institutions half rate.
CoMMIIIIPPlat Cewtrse* Adentesesaenss.
A limited ■umber of dimMyed advertise•
asters will be inserted at the lmllowtug rates
Per face. este insertion. ... too tu
lour loOrtlleso.... , .. .. , , ... in
• three months 3 se
• six months•3 W
•• one year. Ste
No advertisement less than two inches fa
b*gth will be calculated on above best*. 3
per cent. discount allowed for oat payments
on three month" entreat : 10 Per teat• on max
tOosths'. and lb per eeut. as a year's. Fume
conditions will !metrical, refereed.
Anon e' The magma • 1setiver y.
Subscribers who fail to receive Tint *ta1A3.
regularly. either by carrier or by mai, will
easter • favor by acquainting us of the tact at
as early • date *a pwsit.le.
Look at Year Label.
Tour label le • standi.R re sipt of the daft
to which you are path up. Bee that it is tot
snowed to (ask Into arrear.
When • change of address is desired, both
titZane' the new address sborld be given
ted manuscripta tumor be returned.
C. . sur be written no one side
fff paper only.
.. s-rr-lwetM,
J. C. Le Tonsel, of Oelh rich, hes been ale
printed Local Travelling Agent for • hp town-
ships of Oodcricb, Colboe*&. Aabfield and Wa-
Local one the district are also
empowered to receive subscriptions to Tug
All communications Bust be addressed to
Tits Sloe L.
TTlaphom: Cell 31. Wedericb. (Mt.
them is no question that the i butinion
1414 it whole would retrive vi, benefit by
17'.1POILS JI UIRRY.MANDff t. their construction at an earTy eTay.
The sweeping returns from 1'41$t -
anti West Huron will rather puzzle TIIX ELE( T1(LV
those of our friends of the restric- Mr. l'AMERUN'et election as member
tionist party who had another },Terry- for West Huron will be hailed with
mender in their eye. relight wherever the advancetnent of
For instance, on the old figure,: of 1 Literalism is cherished throughout the
26 against the Reform candidate in Iktminien.
West Huron it was believed that the
lopping 'off of • West Wawauosli with
about SO Reform votes and the tacking
on of BayfiekI with a Conservmitt•
majority of 30 or no would snake
1n ISN7 110 asap teas mom missed
than b o• in the council of the Canadian
nation when aggressive and progres-
sive work against the' Government
corruptions was required. He will Ire
Rest Huron solid for a restrictionist there this time, awl his voice will be
candidate. hen niin opposition tothe tax-emtersand
East Huron, with a Refo' In major tIT other parasites that fate n at the
ity of 63, was to he brought int.) Zine public crib.
by adding West Wawanotih with it
majority of S0 and taking oil (*.I
with a majority of'217 which was to
be added to South Hn,om shelve thus in I S. for poor old Pt mese who. set
giving, as it was thought, a sure and for the constituency was only the in -
certain majority against the Liberate t+trument in the of the Jamaica
of 74. car combination.
But as BURNS has written : And the leen who gloated over M.
The best laid schemes of mice 5111 p,• n :Eft l'. Csuzeores defeat in IK87 will have
Mr. CAMERON will have a chancy too
face the men on the door of Peelia-
nleht who robinel blot of West Huron
gang agley,
And leave us naught but grief and pain for
promised joy,
and in Huron county the last election
has turned all calculations on the•
above basis upside down, and there is
at present seemingly no way in which
Mr. Ram, President of the Conserve
tine Association, can advise the I:tit
ernnient by which a restrictionist
candidate can ever be returners .n
Huron county.
By taking Grey from the East and
placing it in the South riding, and then
taking East Wawanosh and piecing it'
in East Huron, the Liberal majority
would range from 200 to 250. On the
sante lines by substituting Bayfield for
Forst Wawanosh in the West riding
Cemenoi's majority would pull well up
to 300, on the basin of the last election.
Posibiy by putting Howick, Cod
erich township, Bayfield and U.borne
together a riding might be formed
where an exponent of unrestricted
- would only have a fighting
chance ; but even then if the restrie
tionist cmnciidete and press were no
better posted upon political economics
than they were during the recent con
tent, and if the rank and file of that
party played all their .roufidenoe upon
pllaearding dried walla with slanderous
cartoon* and devoted the bulk of their
tense to flag-waving instead of honest
arguwment, it is quite posibde that the
urstitsency thus ~veriest could not
depended upon to favor the policy
,at is 4:ow the matter stands, and
Uwe, 1A se ballla " grad is it ler the
. .• "' .frau ad er'ra Inajloricx .Ciel a „jW
ample neuron to regret that they stole
the riding on that occasion. He was
not dreal when defeated four years
ago, nor has he been sleeping during
the intervening years.
When P*rli*nient meats next month
it will ler coma' that the "Old War-
horse of Huron will be in the front
of the fray, and not 4.41 n Black num-
Iser as was his substitute in the last
p l note.
Them will he lively tnusie for the
boailers w .lance to.
7'IIISY del1'R i1RS.4! tIf.4 AllE.t fel,
The Government, although to all
appearance. pxseseed of a majority 14
2y:► 10 28 in the House of l'onnnont,
has beyond question the weakest fol
lowing and the poorest bricking that
it has had since I r7". I Ontario
and Quebec the heart sof Confedera
tion have given no unc*rtein sound
on the trate question, and ti,. I:ov
ernrnent has only Tarn .attained by
the tote of the extreme ends of the
Dominion, which, although they may
'litter with prof* outer on all other c•on-
.littons, are joined together in a com-
mon assault on the Federal Treasury.
Prate how it will, Tho Empire feels
the prA-nriou* position of the (:orern-
ntent keenly for no retrictionist
(:toverntueft sould. rnpv►n no Tomato
Empire, as eery newspaper man in
Ca mole know... 11:. Government
organ has *er i a majority of 20 for ita
party tie the Prot ine. of Ontario
wiped off the slate s cleanly as
if • sponge hal pasted over it. It
rtesaa(s0,- u.rrJasint ...,roast .Karr itherto ltir Jolllr.tow.r re
")jg R WORK. strength changest to aiaMjot•ity of 10
The tip goodies bee hese kept o r i `_' in fitter d Lavoie. And it
▪ the b tilsaul kW"' owing to the I has IMAM tis @ . i ` by whish it
lives and (troves and has its being,
made to be $ dependent upon the
whim of the members front the Mari-
time Provinces on the Eget side, and of
the representatives from the wild and
woolly West on the other. The C. P.
R. controls the latter : Personal sel-
fshneas holts the former.
How long can a G . . .. t last
which is is eircumstaaeed
THE MI' 1tAL is proud of I4* fine eo pts of
., la, but sometimes we are not
able to .1.. justice to them or to ourselves!
The reason u that .unw of them watt until
the taunt unnant to send in their budget*.
and the result u that we have to either
leave the late
the melte.
Now, friends. we want you all to take
hold. and help us through. This tan he
easily dune by *ending in tile' tiewrletters
ani that they will reach this E.tticr by the
aL•e: i.....lI mail .n 'fuse icy every week.
u you all do this you will confer • gnat favor
upon THE: Nu:S.tt.. and THE '11. 41. will Ie
stabled togit•c ad.litionel benefit toy pould.rh-
ing every budget of local urwe.and catching
the earliest mails.
DitinFThr' past -few week* we have been
tit a.oaeity push..! to an eitr•rne, but now
that airings have tetiled down we hope•
with the ussistatt.x- of our orrerlern lents
along the line noted, to keep Tin: Swiss'.
at the front of the prkeesio41 01 Canadian
-provincial journals.
YI '(rR f.;TTKfltl.•
THE ( ►ntario i i gielature is now in
se.aioti, and is eolltrolletl by a Libels)
majority of .'1. Every member on the
Local 1:o%ernu1•nt ..i(le its in favor of
unrestricted reciprocity, but who bare
say they are dlaloys!, annexationists
aiilj dangerous citisens 1 The restric-
tioni t charges of disloyalty Appear
very rubbishy in *the, light of the
popularity of Mr.• Motrsix-ttovern-
utent at the present time.
Sift 4 h ASLO TtPPI* is iterating the
Grand Trunk Railway Management for
taking a hemi in the recent ejections.
The Cerutdien Pacific Railway may
intimidate its- entpk ees and nos the
Northwest regiones * dumping ground
for its surplus varies, and all is well.
The C. P. It. Inas been playing the
election gamer alone for the past ten
Vetch but now tlu►t the G. T. R- is
looking after its own interests the
crime of railway interferer. e in elec-
tions is perceived. We du not like tit
see any coorpornt' tryingto influence
tlw•tY)teuf itsmen, butt, .+MHottrtsis
..o hlov a blast for the restrictionist*,
the (internment Must not grieve if n
counterblast comes: fronittte Sess.
IE.INT of the old lute.
i i , , ever or mus
(THE EIJa7blt•er TH* 5411 RIDING or TM*
ctu'Vel- o, HrRli14 )
. t.asrl.aSEs, • Now that the glare of bat-
tle -in over and things hive assumed their
normal cvndititn, permit• rue to thank you
for the honor you have .lone nue in return-
ing me to Parliament by a large majority
for the Wear Riding of Huns. To those
etre fought earnestly and vigorously .luring
eh_e _eogtt.i. anti 1 nosy nay all toy friends
did aovmy thanks are specially due. 1 .N.
not claire the victory as a personal one, nor
do i claim it s a victory for the party- 01
which 1 am a hunible member. hut 1 do
claim it s a victory for the principles i ad-
vocated and the cause 1 espouse!. I thank
heartily the many ('nsarrvatives in the It id
ing who *honk e.11 the shackles id, party-
and voted in the interests of the country
irrespective 01 party attachments. The re-
sult shows that there are malty nen in the
Dominion who cern look &hove and beyond
mere pditiewl eonsidentlons to the grad of
the snown end the future well-being of the
reentry. i .hall endeavor to de my duty
by the people and to the• country no far aa
in me lie.. 1 have the honor to Ie,
Voun, kc.,
M. 1.'. CAMERON.
4 -,.ketch. March 9th. 1891.
' Tottut take name for your nuele..•
.tie ('NARI.rr TI retie. salary. like hi.
doable action tongue. is still running oat.
gta*."s. el.rtenn in \Vest Huron hasn't
plunged West Hurn into wane:atinon up t..
THr restnt•tiotusta are in a minority of
neer 1.200 in this esunty,bot the 411.1 Flag s
safe in the hands of tb4 Liberals,
THU little ,Io tre ore; in Fast Huron
weighs over a 100 MI an ele•ti., platform,
and u a unuttered man in pile up rn&jort
Tea ery that *11 thaw. in fsour oI reci
procity are rebel', enneiatuntets anal die
loyal will now be dropped by our Tory
o:oussr. H gave a majority of 66 Inc (•AM.
3441'. had amorist rretrictitn. Int the Venison
daft is not flying here today in the plan .4
the 4'n1* .Irk.
By -Tar w 4v, sir Juin r
dein t register at \Vashtngt.n cm March
hilt, as The Empire and the little fellow,
aat.1 they world.
Tina Liberals of Hume are feeling quite
well, thank you. All three eeodiel*tes have
hew .l.M.d
Elk:1MY11fi r"".
TRI Itaitxity •.f tlbilissssee of this county
are in bvn1 of ale epee warbet between
Camara aa.1 the Coital Moak and they
will net net wail they get it
Trs restrbtimti le' vislaei is PynhIc
u its character. Sir Joan tart., if M dos
t et say it :
1, One more mai viesery sad I am ma-
1, The Wer and it. 00rt'.a
poad•mts are to be given any oredea s the
crop of "Irsoly lad"mea who want to be
taxed to death by the . . is a
'.short" one is Roams euumty this year.
IF Mr. Posies bad been elected m West
Huron the time The :star would have bees
claiming great credit tor the result. Hy
parity of running should it not now be held
reapltnslbie for the "landslide" against him!
1' Ha reit genrel election will take Mace
before September, 1892 eighteen mantis all
the outside. The Liberals must keep sip
Ebur organization. We will thoroughly
n ett our adversaries all over the Dosai*ioa
ueit time.
A t;stctt-t1 ekctiaa will take pleases this
year's 118911 voters' lists mien the tiov-
ertunent amen with defeat during the ensu-
ing session %Ve are nu roomer out of the
Ihanineon election than we must prepare Inc
another. - -- - - -
I IVR superloyal restrictionist friends never
refuse an Anierioan coin if they can get
nothing else. They .•lutch • Yankee quer-
ter sat tightly that the great American eagle
seen on the oA-side out almost he herr.!
giving it shriek for 7riiellotn.
No riding Mott Canaria bas two abler repre-
seutativaw 1.1 the Local •ud Federal P•rlia-
meats than West Huron. 4: %men at To -
roto ' and ('t itsw,4 at Ottawa do us credit.
They are home men. moving daily 4.
our uutlat, and we are proud of them.
Tux eras l'amdien hen is. O truthful
prediction, scratching over the political
grave of the lata lamented gentleman from
Simone, and the roosters am daily heard tel
ei-ery coneeeaiom and sideline vociferously
re-echoing the cry '• l'.t*taur;-u-the-stun
Ora thanks an due to the "Loyalists, .
•'Ihritena,-' and other bogus eorrespndenta
who helped to build 'upthe Reform majority
in %Vest Huron by their eommmunueatioma in
the restrictionist local press for the prat
month or r0. They but_lded better than they
THE Hamilton Times says now that Mr.
M. 1.'. l'AwF ass has been elected in West
Hurts it Will be-ia.urder for The Spectator
to revive its Aevet..s referemtx.. our
local exponent of y pttersaipe j! untailsnt
has already got in his work on this little
Pleasantry. . -- --
Now, Mister TUMMY ARvt•)1aest; let us
heir from you again with your togiu cot-
.. i , , :. 1►uriug the recent excitement
we really forgot all about your Raw-Head-
upi-Bl.wdy-Rimer emanat nem. tIet Clown
to work again. like a real. 'good, nice. old
hired man. Since you helped to redeem
1Vest Huron for us, we all pine for your
1 ecu! xa( iowia.
alt. Porcrr* fought a game fight. but a
j better campaigner with a better policy and a
' better prow to support him vanquished the
man from Siia.eo, do far '.Vee& Hurn*
s concerned the dear departed restriction -
Bit candidate is very' .lead. He was loyal
to les Ottawa master and disloyal to the
interests of hi. constituents. Farwell,
Rosser l' uwru*. a last farewell ! /
TSS SD:VAI. last week receive! (l letter
j from W. B. Lrov sin, of Pori Huron, for.
Iteerly of I:.derich, which bore semewhrt
I upnu tie result .1 the recent ekctiirms. As
1 there ws only a week to wait hi see how
Mr. Ltwy:e*D'o prophet•y igotten. hr claims,
frau the Spirit Ictal) panned ..rot, Tun
`tAt:see thought it would await actual re-
butts, tied we regret to that the
;pints .114 not give frisad I.aos.IRD •
••straight tips''
Some people are westering if the Editor
of Ter. I:onERk7t 8110; Al. is going out of
l.u.nu-es owing to the appearance of the fol.
Ileeringalvertieement:--For Sale. if you
an. .Contemplating the purchase of a wind•
mill a lint -class one can he had cheap for
cash. Apply at THE SIGNAL office. --Bruts-
aria Feat.
No, .tear ! We are going to ..stints
business at the old stand : but we will trade
the windwill with you if you will let us
lay. that Irby carriage which some time
•got you atvertised you had no tee for. `tee !
1 weed or twin •toes new P.NMMless Met
have eetne be hand,
L ITTCt.1 4 1.1%150 .411.
The numbers of The Living Apse Inc Feb
e ntry 98th and March 7th Contain American
Fiction. Edinburgh • I:aspard de 1ligny.
Church quarterly ; Aristotle as a Natural
Most, Contemporary ; The Father of .11 the
1;Ertl, and The Decline of Indian Taste,
Nineteenth Century • )in nennfornoists and
Unionism, Fortnightly : Random Hemming,
and An Evening with Sehlietnann, Meek -
wows! ; Life and Labors of !4•hliettann,
National ; The le ttuce:e n of Genius, Fang
hell Illustrated : Voltaire anti his First
Exile, Temple Bar ; Matins for Novel
Wnterw, Murray's: A i'ompeii in Bohemia,
Cornhili; My Witches Caldron, Mantel
lan ; Meimonier, Situnlay Review ; Foresee
to heath. St. Jame. ;*sett. ; Rid Sur-
urnames, speaker : Modern Fighting and
Firearms, Army and Navy Gazette ; with
instalments of "Madeleine's Story," "The
Shrouded Watcher,'. and poetry. For fifty
two numbers of sixty -fear l*rgepegs each
l.r more than 3,300 pages • year the tib
r•nptiom price (48) a low : while Inc 010.50
the publishers niter to send any nee of the
American 184 00 mtnthliee or weeklies with
The living Age Inc • year, limb pnstpaid.
Lit tell ! (n., Boston. are the publishers.
..t'R 5,15!5
The Fele-nary number of O., Noonan has
reached our table, and we ante continued
d gns of t. It is printed this
month with tl v Iypis, which giver It •
clearer and much More handsome appear
since than formerly itaseleectioxs are mate
with judgment .red good unto, and E*nnn*
fail ti'klve pl.wsnre to •11 einem of readers.
The nnmher contains • complete les of the
winners In the menet error a nenpetitMxt, i*
wht.•, the p.h iehe s gar* away mom Utas
+illta-M oaa.k Tise poi iterhovu wiw►.eeusaees
• spelling watch in rolliseetiout with the ad
i in Ow February number, in
wh.eh they offer 08,000in cask prima A
of this nemlw, will be seat to ally address
receipt of Ma
mil. d ,egHammm Pahl.hiog Oa, Brodie -10e, ( M
Mtdese w•Peestak Weft Lampe as/
P.wner, Dane lees setae s(Aseetese M
the alter, and the Feweenee er a Om
X sisee
imusonuA. Ma, March 11. -Thu sere
masa % jury 1• ti. Bprhng►ul dl...br Did that
Ws makers came ha their death by as stale
leo which ortsh teled le No 3 hard of lla t
balsam in the west idle of the .no dupe a
Feb. 31, lel. They further believe the as
plena* was tuned by M. Mamas from • stet
end a said Med IgaWsg coal dm.t 41011 •
*crista parttost of gas which malght 140.1
bees primal et the acres. They saw believe
that tore *vase nausea Same trent the
same shot. owing to a slip in the ,toes
fbey believe the explosion wee atxi.lental,
that so blame attached to the maa•getneut
and Mal ttey have raise every prwauUos4
for the setsy of their workmen The Jurors
1. 1. stove where surety lamps are Erni sad
Is eery dusty places powder should not u. el
x They recomatemi that gastro portion. d
(bemoan before the men resume wort after .W
Der, should be .xaabe.l by oompairtat nal.•a4
a TMy recommend 'bat the local government
procure for the use of the Deputy In+pct;.x a
Moat a Shaw machine for toning 1*
A White Mian charged Willa onetime ti•.
Fraaekls. of ** ludo..
CaLSDONIA. Marsh 11. -Jamas Johnson,
white man living on the Iodise reserve, wsi
before D. McGregor. J. P., o* the charge ur
perjury. Mr. Duo saner or Toronto appear-
ed for tb. prisoner. It essetns there are ter
Johnsons on the voters' Inc. one • white man
and the other an Lilian. Only one voted at
the last election. the white man, and the
charge was that be hat n, night to vire, be
having ben struck off by the judge, an
wattle. lot Le livo oa was not the same as
described in the voters' 1st. For the pri-
soner it was claimed that he was the man on
the 1st, that be bad voted at the electium
before. and he believed that to be his nacre,
as there was only ons other Janne Jobnsoc
Being un the Reserve, and he took the oath
accordingly. The magistrate seat him for
trial .t the spring seise., bee brim= allowe.l
himself to 14440.n.1 two oilier, et i'S)0 sa•:i
Al Martha. Affray In Nova Poona Roman
In M.rder.
HALIFAX. N.8., March 11.-A Yarmoutt
d.upatch says a bloody affray occurred a
Eelbrook in that county on election night
between William Porter, John White. Job'
B. Wbite, Joseph Borgne, Henry White avec
8ylvine Mutsae Tae two latter were terribly
beaten. Blood marks on the ice show that
Mune reached home, but Henry White hat
not berm heard of since and it t. believed le
was muniered. Hundreds of men have slow
been engaged searching for his body withou
neon. Porter and the two Jo1i White
are under arrest.
A Turk *ad Ills Wives.
Nan Yong, March 11. -Four closely voila(
Turkish women suiTou r:Ted • bearded Turl
in tbe rotunda of the Barge office yesterdaj
and attracted • good deal of attention. They
landed tram tste.mski I, Gs•cos.e
were one family, e husband and (lis tow
wives, bound (.r the'`1Ydwteh Islands. no
heed of the A rty u Sl).!t Oben eolymat
Uaidtkbaw, wbo Dams overland from • little
town in (Jabots Asia. called Mesa Ht
manufactured sugar and confection, Hr
was bound to the islands, where he has re
ceutly purchased s sugar plantation. The
worsen are pretty. 1 bey are Circassian
purchased In the slave mnarket of Turkey.
Foilsman Can For Australia
Ctucauo tierce I t. -George M. Pullouts
bas, it is announced, closed • oumtract 14
place a large number of steeping 0111 oc
Australian litres The parts of the cars nil
be made here. of course. tad then the whole
outfit in sections wiU be .hipped to Australis
ready to be put together there. Mr. Pull
'tan will lead along • colony of ode best
artisans, and in • temporary plant to be put
up .ear Melbourne the Auisbing toucher
upon the tan will be put.
Fire at Month
T.oaota, March 11. -Jona Cloys Sir
chandlery, hardware and grocery store, stn'
Arcbiba d Xclydo.'s block and turning shop
together with all 44..todt sad tools, amount-
ing to about 41000, were destroyed by fin
this morning. McCloy.loss on building is
44JOW, insured for MOO; stook 17110). insured
for 414100 in Aces .od Citiness' insur..os
Uteri .ed ea a Troia.
kieviets, Mardi 11 -A woman hes bees
found dead in a train which arrived thb
morning is this city. An I . made
by the poMm into the names of the woman`t
death Mows that she had bees murdered and
robbed. Papers found on her body have the
mum of Harrison os titan 11 is interne
that the murdered perms r either as Ameri-
can or Cashel" *anima
**saes Mt. Wtil sod DIN in Pewee.
imiTIRDAM, March 1I.-PIler Van Seers
• wealthy farmer of the tows of Root, made
• will some years ago la 561014 hie property
wee u.sgm.ilytividsd betwes his children
Mr. Van livers did a tew weeks ago, but
shortly before 61s death destroyed bis ail
and remarked, "1 can uow die in peace.'
His property amounts to over 4300.000,
A Lover Lees Ma No..
Cascae►, March IL --(.'Yarns !Jolene y,•
dapper tittle tailor, west out last night
wearing • sew suit of clothes, to nail cis hie
sweetheart 1* the .ext Work. *V*II4e ea
meta hose he quarreled with an nukoowa
mass sad the stranger drew • big knife,
tuning ST the tailor's crow sed t4rowlmg It
away. Mulvaney was peeked op by the
mike and the unknown man Era orit
Mad or night.
11aw Voar. March 11. -The ►pews al
treated to • *Jaggy et whish wee Mn Mary
W aren, aged a, nn away la Fittyilevemtir
street to-.tgbt. The horns were mem step.
pod Mit Mee Mara dad is a mart time of
Nervous Mock
r14. ori.mnt Perta.ts••.
Decant. March II. -T6. ptlitNMs. here
an boost.g Peter White. M 4' for North
Ratr•.w, for the.peakers►Ip. It ie reported
that Hie Doe411d A 8usiti *Al be invited le
• ee'..d Hon. Mr. Oelby es reeremet d chs
re a ghats. floe.
NSW Yoer, Maui I1. --There arrived se
Use port t _ ley 7711 6mmlgrMh, the largo./
son n rrnw en mar Magi* slay 4140
Lan er Ironed I • 11.11 74
en M ash 44 F 70.74.=.4
iaiarle tt s
flltaatleas Vassal.
D O1124Bkat♦L MIM.
IA rams wsatd. itewtW DUY.
rftIACHER WANTED FOR 8. 'i 1,410.
11 IL Ikea Wawa/web. k.M *i .ries" er
Oiled wave siert Meats, lest is le -memos a
Aped res, tax, Inc a term et velae iseatLi
tweet Iius. le be le es OM Yarn►. JUHA
1'. CCURIO&sec., Winnower, Oat. Wit
J laud for a N$S a,
pewee wawa
App(t to Y CA PloN. a tis
1HOMta)N 1. prepared Im give muolo
wears Iagane lei (Moo. W. Taumeoa's Musts ,
Ettore. 11U.
Public Mottoes.
Nolle* 1uk hereby given tbat IM penewehlp
beret ohne existing between' the undersea-
tksed, tredina under the firs name of James
:t,a uncle re & tan al dealers la nuc ea, taw are
Nancy goads. e4:...:arry Ent un bueuiees at the
townot Uulerttb. has title day bee* dfrolved
by mutual a mueut.
All debts due the said arm ape to be paid no,
and ail debts owlnt by the .old firm will be
paid by the undersigned Aleck Saunders at the
end sand, Wm -surer.
Dated tludericb, If. bruary 11114, 11111. 47-31
Witmer. tJAMSet)DEIt4,
Val♦ Wasurv. i AI.ECK HAL.'NMRS. -
horse-abocr. genera/ blackemttbu array,
builder and dece lIr r to *•gnricultu.al imph•mrnt..
A11 kind. of bla.-ksmlthcug wort artraded to
promptly and carefully ; horm•etioetng a spec-
ially. (4*gone.a nagesetc.. repaired 0a
.tors notice. D. C. CAMPBELL, Walton.
l int. -31
([19 WHOM 11' MAY CONCERN. .-
IL Whereas some person triennially dik-
pr.ed has been circulating the rupxt Out
am u..ing to trate here next June, oboe my
father thee. leo. Ittcbaniaoai leave.. 1 beg In
.camp tee statesman as a falsehood, e*rcu•eted
with the Intention of doing injury to sly
enema connection in chi, town acrd mention.
1 have inn to nay ;and I take this oppor-
tunity to wan my Meds against giving cr*
dente to Out tater report above referred lo.
h RICHARDSON, L D. K, Weed Opera
!Meet, Ood.rleb.
I 1 , ,, for Salle or Mohr fl t.
• That near, comfortable and eel! situated
.• •nage imond ninety odious .ug K4.. chum h.
Sart ,t., and ...tied by Mrs, taete,ta, is on
-ale et a bargain. For terms. etc., apply to
Chir Micro. it
• the SW Meadow from the tat er April
until the 1st of October sexy ensuing. contain
nee 12. to *10 acres, as fenced last t ear. Rent
A>o0; via per month, payable .a advance.
Ile property will be tested arrow the neer sir
nes!. . Thr renter must take Gere of and keep
rhe fe+ cm Io under toeing hi. teaaacy, and
taker hens down and pile thorn up on horh
ground by the Sth of (Telpher at lit. own ri-
pener. A lire condition I. that the lease mint
u on be transit rater. If e he erupert) is palmated
b) the IM of Apnl, cattle and horses will he
taken in to gram at per mouth. Apply to
LDWARD r. ATT1tII,L it Bloor street
Kau. Toronto. .x to ROBERT \'U(SU.
Itklgewoewl Farm. Under*ch. 1e7t._
, valuable properties
r/r .cM
fart ..t lconcessionand & concession 1. CD. Ask
d. 1:3
! -be North 1 of 1a 31. ^_red casceasion, East
tt au anosb. l• m teres.
Part of block M. / o16orWe 50 taxes known
a. the Arthur Heathery farm.
The above properties will be sold GO terms
to suit ppurths.rr. At/ply to
2'!a rr *404.414,1.
91122164W°LOTS FOR SALE. -LOTS 17i,
I Kineston-at., and 177. Victoria -vet., Hod,-
ecb. Cheap for cash. or on teres to suit prr-
chtser. Apply to MRS. NULAN. Bo" 306,
Acton West.. Uel.
- About two minute's weer from the Square.
Two stories high, brick addition in the near
1 stories bigb, building .veered with sine.
Item building has 3large rooms on first flat.
upstairs there are S large roams. In the rear
addition there are kitchen. panto y. clubroom.
tQ!tairs, girl's room and bathroom. Also 'rood
crylar. Apply to the uoders,gaed, who will
give all necesaary information DANIEL
WRINJN, 4-11.
mention dwelling or 'Rock et.. at
present occupied by the advertiser. is for sake
cheap There are eight rooms. with closets
e nd pantries. Town water on the premises.
Rooves lame and high. and comfortable la
every respect. A gad fruit garden In con-
n ect/0e a*4 excellent stabling accommoda-
tion. Adders It. W. Mt-KKNLIK, boderieb.
1' able farm owned by the undersigned
and known s part block G. township of Col•
Done, W. D. It comprises 14 scree, cleared,
and free of stumps. 0a ,be premises are a
(ratite dwelling hone. • barn 100 x 311 in good
coedit on,and • gond youas orcb•rd. A Bever
falling spring creek is &leo on the prem11ms-
Within two moles and a half of Ooderkb, o•
a good gravel road. As the owner is set •
pnrtical farmer and 's bound to se11, this
harm will be sold cheap. R. W. MIKENZt1(,
Underleb. lilt
s dourer and Land Valuator. 0.derlc4,
Oat Having had catelderable exper{eam la
the auctioneer' trade. he is i• a poeitios to
dlachisee with tberotrsb satisfaction all corn
mimeo*. entrusted to him. Orders Ids at
Martin'. Hotel. w seat by mail to 4b
OndertcO P. 0., asrefelfy wttned.d to JOHN
KNOX, Comity Aeetlemeer. 15tH•del
Mortgage Mtge.
l or
VALUABLE FARM r,i e: , . c.
1a the biweekly of Ododc4.
Under wad by ,Inti. of • power of sale ease -
tanned in a ornate mortgage dated the 3rd day
of March. A.11. 1061. w1bh mortgage will be
pronneed at the time tit mi•, theee will he sold
f public *arl0n, at Martin's Hotel. le the -
town of Ooderlch. tie Monday, the Mid der of
Marsh, A.D. ISM. at 11 o oloek 1* *be lonesome.
the (011051a0 valuable 110n property. tamely
In number Marty seven, In the Ma l•*d can
cesaies of the townwhlp d Oed.rlrls, metals
{.t by wdmeawor.m.nt thirty emu mega
noire or tem, awl also part of lou o. ober thir-
teen in tl• warrant coarnnlow r the said
invincible of Ooderieb, cantaltr talwby adn&
o rnre of arty acland. be toe sass mare
or Wee.
on the above premleei there is • snail
home. pan brink mad put frame. and a bars
wane saki le be Wen..
The hnikilrryr ars said to be In fair repair.
The oil to called clay loam.. tad is of teed
Tees. h • wood well on M. premises. end
some Umber lead.
The premiss.* ere at preemie' .eenpled by
Richerd t'bombers.
1T1. Is one of the best farina In the tnweehIp.
eon yes int ly o teeter atjoialan T.)bre
mbar." ho.. and rhumb ea is Hume RecA
e bon. 4 miles from Oederkh. and Saone fret.
Ther. will be • renewed tied. 10 other vee
a. uh(otsdrt ndtogtefs.le will be them of
Thema Tea per met, dews at the thee d
1e..etrT.w , s« s...s•,.• ..o ; 4•4.1..1....
toren Cao me ash .Hhegt ietseeet, whim,
peteh..•r wilt b. .uutld le
For farther pp.*Nlewlwes appw le the twat sir
aur er /M r1.4.' . 60 1114p.we.
Doted 718
Dota chll(W-
30HN 51101.
. Aeetbmsr.
71.Mr antra .and
Man sag Swine
desats at Oedwd ah
::: ::::::::::::::::::i
...........................806► a,
M.aaIue Flacks.
M, cur. of East street sad Square tap
Owe frees 1 tollinR, arta frau Ile le pan
L.. a /biiy, W.rldy end illeahefed
1*wsr Mayesiwea, .8.,, ow Pak,
seams fres use et ib aryLibrary and Rt
Application for membership received by
Librarian. In room.
President. tleorwry.
Dederick. March 1314, IttM.
Dentlet y.
remits clause's the new peat Once.
West et.. 0udertca, 111'8.11
DR. E. RiCHARU*)N, L D.8.,
surgroe dentist. Uwe and vltalient air
admtnutered for potatoes extracttug u( test►.
cal attention given to the ,
of the natural teeth. Office -UP ss.(n
Grand t (pen Rouse Mot. entrance en West
de. thetenkh. 1154 -Ir
-. - LCL
I0. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, solicitor. ermmieslaser, e<'. Losen
collect lona mad real mate transactions care
fully attended to (Mice --Cor. Hamtitne and
1St Andrew's -ata, ttodertch. Ont. 121116-41
t! t:dlpttor. Conseyseeer. rte.: Motley to
lend. OM.-.- over Pos*-OSoe, Ooderieh. rote
• 4. rto4lrltor. Notary Public. eta.
Oates -Over ler hoes brae Sore, the twos.
formerly ix-e•tp•s d by Judge Moyle. !IY
1114 OtBce. ember of Square mad Weet
•t (ko dericb. ever telegraph onion FM -
vat. nada to lead at 6 per est 1K0
. *tureen. 8e(kiton, to.. (lode -
deb. J. . Uarrow, W. Proudest.
V Harris Solicitors la Chan•ery. kc,
Omdertch. C, Cameros. V.("-;
11 Physktb**, a £-A e,-u,•,,-, . 31..
Office at Dr. - . '. rs,hennear the
gaol, Goderich. G. C. shannon. J. R Shan-
non. - 1
Lomas -alai
,vR. ROBE : e . ACCOUNT-
. ant. err. Life and !sear
*ace Agent. (nice -L'
nal Dice Non► -vet., Oedaei 14.' 74 41
L. tor in Maritime Court; Mame totems et !if
per cent., private feuds. W load, In
surest -sesn rly. Coovery Med tr. For
partkulan call personally or write. ri
eel • Ike.. and commb.Moner Inc takIs
eel% ing recognisaocee of hid. cedar er
affirmations. depositiosa or solemn d
twos is or concerning gay action. suit or
inciting in Ile
High lo
urof Janice.
court of Appeal for l)otufo, or in any t'ow41t)r
or Division Court. All transactions caret
tad promptly executed. Reside*ce andel •
adder** Dungannon. Oat. - U
11 • Accident Insurance Aire*L Represent.
int North lintkh A Mercantile : LirersoW,
London it LI0be; Norwich Uta*; Numb
Amrrlcan Lite ; and Accident Insurance of
North America. Lowest Rates. Lorne set -
tied promptly- Money to Loan on Yarm sad
Town l'rotrertyg Coevey**oing dome. Pro-
perty yalued, eta Ot•.'e-torr. Non►_mt. Wad
Square. Uoderieh, 71-
e500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO
riot, 5541
1 1.5001 ef I4iv.le Fads for iaeestmasrt
vet lowest rates oe arst.cIase Mortpgra, Apps)
. surance. Real Rotate and Meavy
(roaming ASColl. Only first -.1•m compmaka
represented. Money tt lead, pa strslglt
loans, at the lowest rate r latereet gogag, Int
say way to suit tt. doerwwar'Street,
Oioe- Bec-
o 4 doer from Square. Went 8 et,
Latest path -me.,
Moot Bowmen Blue 1Allss,
Persian Lilo, 1A1y ef Japes.
Tea R - le. le Need qe. bstU.
Swim Lila, 01.06 p.r brae,
While Haws, Spvil Ube.
W bite ('lover, sea Break
kite Hellotrece is balk
J. wttaox's rmunt7t/gx MUrD MOMCUT THIS OUT ////AND PUT IT pPb
specis *ttestlo. Oven ta rebene
melee reguatag.
Reduced rates fee yearly tualag.
Orden left at Olga* levers. a say reel -
&wee, Wert -et., ora O. W. 1h-sss 4 Mae
Wueeeo,ss win renes mesa $1161001016 -
AU week guaranteed.
, les.
KR1C11t 7111sle Te' Tus.gq
rvsKR1 11 T! le re a iRRW.•111f,061Ftsth
Hotel A000anebodatba.
Tin gram Nota.. - ?Mg
weg4kn41 re yd pt.pwlarrbbetteeld tr•s
e ▪ nd Is wssls,t oi.i 4* s.ss is qusllty
far the travelling race.
engiumireessz theSerta/ as Omit