HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-3-13, Page 3i
Tho twat Remedy
Kr not h,.x.l� .< LOW
Out, rotes:
yeses Itt.a-/eo emil
tts worn Imnr..id .11
trying ail nur.e. 1. an pewee
by miswrite try $J 1 sheik
dll .ad Wm Masa Lewy
f se. .. 1.l.ky mend.
. R. .1. K. CORE,
sw. Peteatee end Meaut.ctutrt.
►. OOLE111l H. OAT.
SEND Sh...'▪ ga1.; .
ters t.... andwomen
watch ..sb yea ma yeti ; m ; tE6ULATES
It do sot dad ;
It�"der"MOM . THE
them we dalat for
WI re TeX rr,
▪ Age": gel
eirs.tno mum a .
dint TIM ,
Ora o▪ ve▪ r am=
tim sena It hes
Mild hew, tap sad
liewern. hunting ?Hums
graved sad le dtrit-
woof. The weeks
wrie Waltham Kyle, THE
skia se.:1114. with mita baking is
=owis 'Malik for nate a lady ere KoNEys.
• warm eseit__witli sort
Watchman's. r OWL
Marti arreerry.
Dam Ira 1 hme Meg
your with gem seamen
tar ermettgentra sad peas is
my head. TM mead den
undo sae seer so meek boner
My bomb am sews bone
sad OD gala M head bee
hell am me to everybody Ina
the seam abeam 1 resommead
sin house , Tommie.
we win ma roe gelmild ilde Wellaat
Them rim= seit
went W sad
gastlimses hi the hut
society. and tin
Ws WO Ike
CAVEATS, 11401 111.2113 ARO CePtelOCIS
Dimmed. and so busters' te the . 8. Murat
Our Mire ts unloving. the . et. Peteat Of
Gee. and we oat utital• Patents la 'me Om
tieett MODEL ON DRAN'ING. We lee
vise es to tistestability free of charge .
we make CH4 00A UNLESS W ON
We refer. bere. to the Postmann. the Bum.
ei Mosey Order Div„ tad to °Metals of the
V. S. Patron Ogles. for circular, iidvice.
term awl references to actual climate le mu
ens Sato or Coast y. write to
Dowel Cespiaiab, Diarrhoea
Dann Tweed.
westroebisd tor Ike
Midwith Liver Comeuont
agrees dmainwedietar
which did ma ao gooA sad I
until I Med Burdock Mood
hitters After tang foga
bustles I am sow mil I ea•
also reemonead it tor the me
Sambas -ere, Ont.
teas MAW 1 wow very bet
nth headache ad pion in nu
Mak; my Mode aad he-
m I could do no work
Zeisliesiorostew emend mob
My S.D. 111. With am bneeli
I felt so much better that 1
ated sem work ea wall as mar,
Assn bemeasii,
DM Blood may arm tease
wrong anion of fib* litotossi.
liver, Kidneys and Howski.
H. h. 10,, by regalettag
eardeg them orgasm rweems
the mime sad maim new deb
Wood. remosing all new/
serotWous sera
y Wit. - �- lFINE TAILORWG
rm. 71bavIL.l their 'ail= the
IlaWs chola oak the symptom' download te the
Direct mental habits" wig formed rim hook The baby saili croak INTERESTING FARM:WHAM-MI CULLED
ta the youngest ohlidrea. A baby rot yet "1 dual Wen, it is nalt," said Mee. FROM VARIOIJS FIELDS.
akd inotailt to walk should Ise waled to as "IV wail it"
orderly end systematic wens a usuuNi. "Dual." mays Mrs. Mac. "Don't roe
becoming animus to the pare r &I & eleouhl never be walked say carman whirs. le helmeted to stesoistimoie
aired. Sarah M. Wilms given ea us ' Mac subsided, aa4 the baby cried tam Old system-Astessiatir i POI -
and • watch : - A baby rematly took nay oloil the or “I mad meellidsce that
to oarry it to her siostb. I musl. ' Not Whims he hods himself in the dark he will tow, be• mot to the Sure Denerenorm •
Vim ler y ism h., ow 0, ease, that so the easeszkr that a ado Illeettriv idgieskoom,
Mad, the greatest elf owe shotetdut tome- stases Men ere much geeme."
'maniple sa the saes of • woo7 young "W• alto! Es lobed and put out the light,"
watch. and. al a arum of course, woe about a light lit • room makes • chi wakehel. Consul Connolly, at Auseilml. Waniett-
mem May Peeveof Ones woe
tomtit, ear,' puttlingite watch to my ear. t. sleep throurb furoe halut- "Mich of the Hanseford electric lighthouse
sad them to hers. eadwidnedly eseght Mr. sad Mrs Mae west to bed after He thinks it te rang to noutotiooles. the
re. wand, mew mum (awry out the light. The liaby still liglebboonereeni of the world. Mr Coosa/
iont„,ri nmj name; taking evident osesei, thoegkt her husband was ealimp, and theit retekee in New fookutil who hose ..• ..nol
in dm attempted ceder involved ta giving reseated tow him end eautiously lifted the the plant and workotir us.aleb. uta.. -4,•• . ;iy
bed. Th it fent seemed kJ know declare their belief in tie practirebq .
what was meting, wad stopped crying, *ad the w•setsi • Ittionaford
the watch to her own nerith. the = when it had reeets oi the nourishment that Um. mute ••••• a number of ewe o • —
hawk; Sourialuas about in • bswtidered de mother eotthl Do longer retinae it snug- the cousarbetione car. sr.. •ve
way ohm attempting this feat, bat making glad dowo I& her arms and woht to ekeP. for beacons, or lighthmem. . .4
much more direct free movement& whim Mac had boau awoke. and ;mare ol whet windmill for v„......n.•1
seeking the oar of another ; se the latter was ging in. tea. men -like. he haver m- teeny to be demi anl mai in tie• f .4
abe was, of course, aided by the presents- tailored- He w"old ewater sisal live baW kat ew the lanteen. and of the pran iu
Mon of the ear. It would 12•20 !wen • men- than lose ha rest. When the regular bum the etmburg time, of „am smi ring
tal injury to the child had we puzeled her breathing of the child Odd him tt we.
by presenting the mouth, ort distracted her eal.7. he Mil
mention pomesting the eat for her to • dear r
dm b, her ob. ear, in tme . Mrs. Mom waited until eht say many emispetent enginmemi 2 I 4r•••
sack a tuni There was evened difficulty in liabY into /
1891. 1891.
Fine Display of New Goods.
Pine Worsteds.
Fine Inglish and Scotch Tweeds.
Fine Canadian Tweeds.
Fine Overcoatings.
Tine Worbmanship and Trimmings.
stroke.- Kindergartm Whirsgoi fur "Wirt r said kis wife, starting frost the
dose ire which ahe had Wien.
"I have been thinking," said Mae, " that
Verdian Item germs names.
,,,_ the books tell everything about the manege.
A young Irby 'Mould not be feci for um' ment eit• 't the way to stop them from
tin" t"I`"' bouls• P"oible- it "" am crying, a I have come to the eonclusion
require food, awl it M a mistake to make it that no ever wrote a tr.., 1hat
unounifortable by over -loading the delicate atom:tory...7as fact," ma he. ria7. hed
littk Womack to empbasiee his words, "I believe -That the ..
If the mother cannot nurse her child, arid author. ug au much boar are nothing more
it has to be fed, the beet preparation to be- or thaa 014
gin with is good cow's milk, diluted with „yea. aear.o and they went to 4..p.
the same quantity a boiling water ; three
tablespoonfuls of um and Mintie of the other
in enough at first sweetened with sugar of Meatus. ('. C. Itirmeitom k Co.,
milk, which is ret7 inexpensive. wereenee, About three years ago I
11 HO& le thrown uP. *menu% 'au", was taken very ill with what tlit doctor
or curdled, add me tablespeoutul of lime milled diphtheria. After trying every re -
water. After three 'weeks, or a month. the 1 wee{ get. abo finding 0„ raw 1
quantity cm Iss gradually increased said the thought that death would ems end my suf -
PeoPortion a water lamened. until lit three ferings, but a friend advised use to try your
months old the child has pure atilk. Half liniment. Aker earns use eotrie I wag &Mr
errant ma be used IF0131 the find if the food te go out ree eame ea ever Amos tbig
does not seem to satisfy, the baby. winter I had another attack of the waft
HaaY tho artilbdal feuds &re IP°d• and cotuilaint, but after ming your MINABIO'S
other when the digestion is delicate. f cured. I mossier it the best retnee:y for
child does not thnve. and cries perpetually. sore threat ever offered to the public.
tit* fool should be changed until something. yours, Jolts A. Tocirv.
is found that does agree with at Avoid Autigonisii, N. S. lat
giving any fond too hot.
When the front teeth have 021Ite, strained
eatineel gruel can be added to the milk
twice a day. It can be made thin enough riPeetie esompitesest.
to pass through the rubber top, if a bottle I chanced one evening, at one of the great
is used. botch. dint • 1WWW411011SOWI , seeing in vain for
After six mouths lab; numb! be taught • wit/ t„ hght
to take food from a *porn, in retuliteess for to hie „.„0,„4 btt. pseee,,t a
wasatulb aural(' the DeotallitY mew Ildh young lady who haal two candles, of whieh
can he used, or thicker oatmeal gruel. Me politely offered him une. He took it
A child should not be nursed for more awl thanked her, wet the next morning ac -
than a y -ear. If the mother is delicate, or 0,„„,..tedg.,1 rourtmy m the following
her milk not sufficiently nourisiong,
"anetonto have to he tried one after the LIN MENT a few tittles I wee perfectly
the epirerant. Luckily for the poet for hie epi-
weannvg meY. with 4,reat advantage, be WWII 11,211111 otherwtse have been windrow
irge to commeace. tt.e child is well and it polite ,
does no1 occur in tbe heat of summer «ISM „ye
• change of food tnight disorder it. A :d ••• on. scow eines. Juno your d us -
It need not be such &dreadful busmen if at
is judiciously managed. If the child is ac-
customed to be nursed at regular intervals,
as it should be, when the time mom feed it
Maned of nursing it. Perhaps only • few
mouthfuls will he taken, or it may be re•
fused altogether. Wait Po an hour and
try again. When the child is hungry it
will take the proffered food, particularly if
- has been accustomed to take water front
What • Warm Might MIN a spoon. Feed it twice during the twenty -
four hours, nursing it at the other times.
Mont hitch me to an sem post or railing The next day feed it three times end so on,
whet' the mereury is below freezing. I gradually withdrawing tbe bresat until it is
need the skin on my tongue. entirely weaned
Don't leave tire hitched in my stall at Warm the fond very slightly at first
night with a big cob right where I must lie 122161 It will take it cold. Wb -m babies are
down. I am tied sod cart select • smooth brought up with the bottle it eaves an ism -
place. mense amount of trouble to have two or
Don't cornea me to est more salt thee 1 three filled with warm milk at night, and
mutt by Muni it with my osta. 1 know wrapped in a bibuiket. They are then ready
better than my other •21j1112•1 how tench 1 for nee Mien required without the trouble
need. heating the milk during the night.
Don't think bemuse I go_ free under the When • year old a child should have
whip I doe't get tired. You would Move breaa and nolk• homine. oatmeal Venda°.
u p if under the whip. • soft-boiled egg three times • wee , crack •
Don't Mask hesattee I am • horse that ea whwd• 01' aa3r of the cereals ; haw° and
mOn.wmnin brim,. „en., kitri my h.,y butter, oatmeal bread sod a little treacle,
, or molasses, if it likes it. When the dow
"hiP WI". 1 rt frighteee" ble teeth are through it should bare beet-
✓ oots the road, or I will espect it nest Male meat,. mattott_rhopi. or chicken &lay -
WA maybe make trouble. The jun* from rare reset beef, or
Don't trot me up hill, for I have to carry anuttee, breed, bead for it.. biked or
You and the uta '&7•41 teak Tv/ d tamed apples, boiled custard, bread rad.
figs, etc., may be gradually led, as
Don't Leep stable very dark, for when well am panto. sad any well-prepared
I go out into the light my eyes are injured, soup.
especially if mow he on the groomed. Variety in diet is desirable, hut only
Don't may whet uniessyces man it. Tench wholesome articles of food should be given.
rue to stop et that word. It imay check aie Hot bread, parry. uncooked fruit an(yege.
if the lines lireak and Imre • aulaway sad tables, tea and Coffee rieb • made dishes
smart - up. should be eschewed, as sure to disorder the
Don't make me drink inecold water or digestion. A little pure candy is beneficial
put • Irony bit in my mouth. Warm the as • dessert after meals, and sugar should
bit by bolding it a hell minute against my an be withheld.
If there is °motivation. 're stewed
au:elf essonetinie. Run up hill a big ding. rice mint mew,' pawn; nee arso mg.
There WW1 • girl in I ree tenor me rants
ho could. 11 she trieddiold • rand le to you.- apring 'Wee. %Mich. ohm °permed,
1.rtei.milltS,-- tour Dago-art( s Yellow- Oil mile. intend. Earth Net of Ladies a•••• ilif-
worth ita weight in gold for both iutersol - Urtl't frnril eseb "they' mad releelem" th.
letter.. of the alphabet. An expert within
....and external use. During the late Lit
the Itghthottee ean isenmunkste to an es -
Grippe epidemic we found it • most excel-
lent preventive, and for 'premed limbs, Peet imaY milea lubml eaTthi".1 tasPorto
etc.. there it nothing to equal / soce-st inpreme value in tbe emat of a
. marine •Ii•mher m time td war. Age*
2 IlidratoirliDecicijn7 p;;%pnrier. the are •sio be befit downward and upward.
' swayed to right or left or All around Om
The . lean. CM171411t2o. thus making it a great • oetan
searcher.' Again, the arc its automitic, dee,
"Do 1 onderstend you to say,- said the its own lighting and extinguishment to an
attorney, looking hard at the principal wit • hoe., minute, or &second. Ilte • torsoe.4
neat, "that upon hearing a wise in the ha. weetrieity is so novel that it is absolutely
you rose quickly. lit a candle, and went to imp milk to run short, even tor an boor, .4
the head a the stairs ; Mat • iturg.lar was the full mrength .4 tbe teen' fertile -
at the foot of the stairs, awl you did 00e. see powev, not Irma if Mere were a ased cairn
him ! Are you blind," "Must I tell the ; of six menthe' duration. Now the illustra-
truth r stammered the the witness, mime. • (ion .1 the iqtterooi opprorastre I menus -
Mg to the roots of his hair. "The whole fortes light, stiteh I encl.**. would le nits --
truth,- wee stern reply. "Then,- re- leading without expleintion. There is. in
plied the wittier, brushing aside his danip, reality, no lattice iron -work Os the *MAC 411I1
clinging locks, and wiping the perspiration . neutral tiers, on the contrary, they wouel
from hie claninty brow, "my wife was in be Mtn tbe top pier. Is We& ureowarY to ill -
front dm." undoes- this lattiee-work in the working
-- • mak ae to be abie to obverse the in -
mil alas MM, meal arrangement.. at the tower It is
Dark and sluggish describers the wadi • repaiiirw"tringble. fasor idiot in gee:el:ant Ian"( neand*Pr ,gen". ne"erull
ties of bed blood. Healthy blood is ruddy •-ranostaients. are so sintnk and yrt dur-
and bright. To cure bed blood and its you- ebbs"
sequences, awl to secure good blood aad its Mr liannatord chino that be elm maim -
benefits in the wrest, sweet sad beet trey forum% ten, aod deliver on shipboard *bees
me Burdock Blood Bitters, straggly ream- ogboresso. for apiece. He proposed
mended by all sato use it as the beat blood W. letter and number all the part.: o, that
a bell durng fogs. Hannaford: the hi-
tuttor tbe light. haft mocked at it luivaW•
ly for *Mir year% before making it We •wti
the world, until now it is m nearly reefed.
as poteAble. Not only are the roar/lotions
and skill. hut the electric and other Mterkr
mails kite SO devised as to be anise& *trimly_
atitomatic in their artioe.
A kettra (ruin the inventor. Mr Ileatudork,
mos:- "It ix, three tient tlie nerttlyfug
copilot (which carries the hunnt. leit. al-
though the lamp, of onion revolves. eith
tbe emote, the ar.• within does trot 141i ur
always broutOle to one .testred dinettes.
the pully at its bat* twice( ditto is the
inek of the Irmo tee land Now, the lens
2 the lighthouse can be put sap, taken down,
and reererted on • new site by iutelligent
laborers If any portion is broken it can
be Wippliet1 from the nautufactory by send -
Some one has fished out froot the depths tag tbe number with the order. fhw
of ea old scrap book a story of Artemis thew bgethessea, the inventor than" ran
Ward. which has • rare mirth -moving b• Olt up madly Anywhere in It 21•014t. The
power : Amore= Brush Fiertric Light Compsay
The rued was M a "retched cmtddimv [cab M the invention Mat it is pre.
Don't forget to file my teeth when = promo, lake(' apples, steired ip, attuned "id &he trams uattoaqueslY were run at • pared to enter tab, bring for a sit,on um. to
ired and I cannot chew my f and oatmeal broad for breakfast, with mob PbtemattmallY low rata area. When a VOW aszsdle- nor WO, and tits
the cosductor was punching is ticket Art :"000%."re
peessagere to give advice, if to toll the wanting bell without
rime pt, lean it ie a ern my Meth went sons instead of butter. When there is •
- Deal sek Melo back with Week me I nee I'M la °1111g. Wheat bee". milhdeam. paa7
mid it& coadoctor replied that he soared so.
and hal
tendeneLlo Iliarrlivra, omit these sad give emu* risorfilid "Does this railroad com weak.
ehey do no in a respectful ''' The
sago, or arrowroot, made with milk ; coom nanner
Boderieh Steam Boiler Works
SECOND HIED 11011111111
In Stock For Sale:
1 50 -horse power upright
boiler, all complete.
IA -horse power upright boiler
and engine.
6 -horse power horisontal
boiler and engine.
;40 -horse power horizontal
boiler, all complete.
I 36 -horse power horizontal
boiler, all complete.
1:W -horse power elide valve
engine, all oomplete.
The &bow* bill,* been thorough-
overisanied and warranted in
fret (dam condition. Ready lb,
sold clump
flag erases Mil Passim prone astarbesi.
irscia. *me. T. rec4Bou•
am efraid to.
anything Medd gire wii77 might break aribt„mbitrelibletod.riel be beebd 1" °11°..4°1 t° 11":)Vialti'w-osIdArteinlivieusvrelweal tot 0edetaveh, °eegtherr°deowt°.
bill, for if
catcher from tbe front of the engisse sad
your neck.
Don't put oe my blind bridle so thW it Ilse% Osai . &itch it to thegear a the train. Tor
that it will m my eyes.
inade with half water,
Don't run nie doers •
irritates oteeye or an leave my forded,. They had baby st tignes. la was the We ars moot 01•21F•Sk• 0012, Ct.
b• random of my harness as to fur provost/en for res management by mad tins ear aied biting • pasetager r
first baby, aad both parents had made care- what. t° Prey °&•e from strolling into
Arid * grua *Ore en nie heiere Y." 'Maud big all the books of adnee tr. young moth -
to it. ere, etc., that they comb' premise them Am 8, pia aber eimeasiee orrartican
Dan't legal me to some Morehead that selves rd. They got along very well es long or eapootre, wiburn.. Beef iron mad w;‘,,a
ke• Ism sense than I have. es Me nurse was M the home. but when io gmt„,fol aa,4 fart; '
COM mg. lm
I „wet target the oid hook that is a fnend that neeessary bat tyrannical isdividual had
taken Mr departure they found thenteelrem
t" the °P.".°4' tit" "A '1'1 ..eass•oft to test the value of the odor
Ars, Illeberw
was is merciful to his hewn - Farsidoeruel matron tbe had idrad. ,rbe baby alto wo Jews... amid the rabbi. itit,t it
very sweetly untiniedtinte, but about the in right to eall =Jews, but soar of us do
The IlemetWell /Ms he Sederaels.
time ita parent& were abort to retire it sot like tbe word, became it hie been used
A• «AI •• the handsomest, and others are awoke ; rim, tee fen • i \ Th• bob', is Europe fgeip/se ea a tares of omintempt. or
invited to cell nil any druggist awl get wreak, mni. 4., mkt rem ir we. humpy, derbrma. atm wow t. be h"
free • trial bottle of Kemp's Trams for the and was promeding to administer taelac - when tiny say of • man, 'He is a Jew. In
Itnewb hooks, am well ea Mikes -an books,
Threat awl Lungs, • remissly that is sepias too) moo when Ma, atappot hat.
wattrelY arm ita menta sof is gemeateed "Deal yea know that it will sot do to ow wer,i w net,„ mem ,,,,,,„1.0b,ity 10 moat
to retiree awl core ell Chronic and Anita ellree • ebild whims it is crying , Mr* F.nropeas cities the Jeers were compelled to
Coesha, Asthma. Proricbilk imd C*****,- Knowall'e hook stye 'Newer feed • crying lire try therneseh-es in the unman quarters.
Dm. lArge bottles 60 (arta ..tra. florow chore because it will give it a hokat of ewl this also comma them to be *pram of
-_ _ eneerisigly. We are called Jeers hoosam
whimpering.' "
The Belgian Latin Ceased in illvitille al Tree assiessli. but the baby still nisei ear anAent ornistry wee Judea, hut we are
frwojr, isiew eamerstious to Litho part is ea Mrs. Mac attempted to &aka it trom the of the Hebrew ram, and borne a us meld
Internatimal Annalist Workmen's Caserta, erib to her rem bet ' 1 Om so rather be nailed Hebrews than Jews. AM
to la held in Itemeals is Auger. time that "Sterling Advice: to Veen. v., win ir.t maim ine word ,iew seise bi ebe
--- Mothers- said "Nmer Pike your child irs Carted tan.'• _Nem Vete etsa,
The Knights of latior aim to protect will always waat to he in your aroma
their wiesilevu fineacial (herr Mac started to rock the crib, hat ma Illiasietre giatiesineas mem Desieemee.
tisk ete. • Haffealtr ellner °it PrrArwe..11 Ith.c."4 by lira' 1116e, vb° "lain4"4 hill!! Posse eymplownis of IMVItt• are Fever,
who me it from 1.1b• sewn of nriM and sot et what it mid in "How to Raise Children,
Imp, sore threat and WI infisonseetory pain. without Whig reeked. The chil4 army he *WO altd
idethiem comperes with it se • hely pain WNW. messesated le the minim amd will dif 35 he. L.W.1 W°ran *MP.
mare for ems and beset
4,11 010001110d tO be obi* I* drive eel& obasevathin le the northern Iminneph VII hp
is Nesse sad AseediS
lie die Mb abhor it The rry of
Another large consignment of
Fresh Teas of superior quality.
In order to counteract the dis-
honest practices perpetrated on the
public by peddlers and others, we
are offering Special Inducements in
Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat-
Hay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Swift
Orders by Telephone promptly attended Si
RUNOIMAN BROS.. - Proprietors.
We are Manufacturing Improved New Model Mowers
which are equal to the best. CHve them a trial and encour-
age home manufacture.
It Will Pay you to use our new Steel Mouldboard Plows. Doty
Engines and Boilers for aale.
1;1.33:11;141.114.131 soarrzwiars tom' _
'wealth, wisitiou and sootiness fill her hie
with social awl chantable occupations. says
There us a wrote in this city ohms The TatioNT0 lloilsE
The New York Timm. But for more than
six utouttis it he& been inipossibk pro-
cure her anywhere on thardays.
She has t d one or two intimate friends the
reason :
"It was me day in the latter part of !larch
that my little daughter, Constance, who is
12 years old, QUM into my room as 1 was
hurriedly dressing to drive to • directors'
meeting of one of the several charities
in which I am interested. Her birthday had
Mien the day before, sad she aid a genic-- BRT
osse of her preemie in her hand.
" *011, mamma ' eke cried, full of eager-
ness, 'this is ths. loveliest game do try it
with me.' Her request, in my hare and
ion, seemed in the highest degree
lit= to me. `Nonsense, Connie, you
know cannot,' I replica!, rather sharply ;
'this is board day at the hospital, and am
shockingly late sow.'
"I wee standing in trout of the mirror
sad 1 saw in the ease how her Um fell wad
the light flied out of it. 'I wish,' she said,
wistfully, 'you would sometimes haTe a day
with ine, mamma.' The child's vesdis waste
through me like • knife. I sever re-
ceived so etiaging • rebuke. Was it poor.
bile that in the pursuit of other duties wee
neslectiag the me that should be chief ! My
delve to the hospital that morning ma
of serious introspection, awl Connie NM had
her Saturdays ever same."
A moister us the Lemberg .
academy pretenses ID dimcverwl a eat,
his invented sit electric matiOne bt• ap•
plied to street oars for federating the man-
hole of buten= homes and the ttliftit
streets while the ear is in mottoes
An &WM engineer has dmitatied, mut
manotacturing, a portable cross -est
eaw : that hs. a large teronum saw. that .mis
be foisted up into "moll ennipeas. It Is real -
ht claitueel that es eastern chemist des
discovered • proms. Ow making wee. Irons
men. Tee oisseovery premiers reveist Weise
the art of map making The proloet b
to be absolutely punk, and better than Ube
Ramat toilet snap now took
ties of silk has boon ma4e from stet hoer., .4
Japan. The Oast grows ea minor* swi hill -
Mks, and maid be cultivated. The Alew
Arum and glory, and several elk fiertoriee
are said to have fossil it to he Is no way in-
ferior to eillt
reported to have discovered an serenest end
sollefitted fluid which MOWN trove
reintern. • tree thell grows said In Ow Comma
where it is gewerally planted for hert...c.
hem informed of the dimmer y t
et the Palermo ft es wet to iso
/or setae rusk flossamer heel 111,111ra
mot is kohl mg arli
The liver acts as a filter to remove impet
Anise from the blood. To keep it in per
fact working order me B. E. B., the great
liver regulator.
I used two betties of Bardock Blood Hit-
ters for liver complaint, and ems clearly my
I am a well woman today.
Upper OUrebeig, B.
rem rhace
Otser awe eyes stew
aerie welt
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