The Signal, 1891-2-27, Page 7�•"""'-"illa�ie�'
♦ higher oleos of goods than has ever before been shown
to Godericb.
>ress Goods, French Costumes,
Robes, Flannels sad Sateens.
Prints, Gingham• and Sateen* in entirely nett designs, as many
w offering arty late productions of last reason
telt tier tlaaebrr.
cup ox aggetteds the s•ow flakes sold
they raddled down in their fleecy bed .
. of as Isere would bot be felt,
e of as bete would gatelal melt:
t 111 help you and yoall help shall
then whets bit white .tri(t will Me. '
ion. the ...eke Join two trebles thick.
Blanch pedal .•f elnum.te, and prone!
then in nee wale,. nix with four grated
crack.•rs, ate rags. a pound of butter, a
p.and .4 sugar. and a mmeglas. ole
irlly. Pour on the .sky, set m the .•tett M)
minutest, :over with meringue flatore•l with
exirnot .4 alnwad.
• rabvM ellNo.
•Ip use another,- the maple spray * (one cupful ..t sugar, heal a cupful of
toils felluwleasw oar deo ; water, one tal,Isprr.uful of o.eomar,h, one
run would with, • me he.eallee, teaeps.nntul of batter. the yolks .4 four egg..
tie • •.ough ere the day is moat ; the resew ai.I rind .4 two leneme. Mix the
t 1 1l help) on sod Jou belpone. - roe nater•: h with • tette ..4.l water. one stir
then what s splendid shade therellle - in half a cupful .1 Ib.iling wMer. Hest the
*nor. egg., and lenw.n t..gether and etir in-
t.. the'ug a rti.t..rch. Place the heir
in another of -boding oding water, and stir .over
the tire. until • it thickens. ''wrbapm from
eight to ten tuimeos ; then rid t he }.utter,
and .rt away t., cool. I rttle patty -
pan. with puff paste, ..r r/ I•b plate,
r.dle.l eery thin. Put a speeded of the
mixture in each one, and lake w a show
oven from twelve te twenty nunutra. When
ono'. slip nut 01 the pans, tel serve on a
napkin. They are ni.r for Tench. tea, or
e:hiblrea s parties. The !Warp mixture will
keep for weeks is a cool phtoe.
.Iuantitte..4 filbert. are ranee in Great Hri-
A winter sMwt.fuM. I tarn. dill the Enghshne amid to import. in
...Mittel' annually. over tone hundred a light hiavit-.lo ugh with .rte pint U. , . eel bushel. .4 the nat. tel meet the
(two of flour. a heaping t sispwrn- maw demand. The epeni.b fHler•te
se. 'thaw Ad d •king- ,DownIer, a pinch of salt. a , have lace peed for their exe.Ilenv
nuoutter, anamount c a til of for .rveral onetime.. and when they were
For barley brad,take a lea.,l pan. el a.eek tablespoonful of ! d Id
o, with two sweet hulk. Sift the tle ur, laking powder flet imported int.. Italy from Pewees they
mutton aur! put it into a
uartr u1 water filed a toe -940.4 pearl •lar awl writ together two ..r three times, rub in were .alk.! Nux P•atea. a nanw which was
; the butter until like mud, and mix to a •Iterwarse hwg.l4' Nux Pomtwa A -ellen,
v Let it (roil, skim well. then have reedy.
t ;u shall rlucam, a Ioo..kfastcupful each of hough with the milk. The dough should be from .4 tedium. a place in Italy. where the
rats, turnips c•Llo•ge, ani ten doe three as soft as can he handled, and must nes Ie tune rear eetegwireiy entwined. A. the
.ma minced fine. Leo it boil for about koen,k..l :.mly lightly gathered up to a ten- improved) varieties, .4 filbert., thrive in Mu -
Ir' Iran 7. thin skim ods the fat, and add .ler .-..natsteney. Turn upon a floured nape. from tarot Britain to Spain. they
little ch.pol.•1 peeler i hard. and cut in two. Kole each permin- Mail , mrtainly eued eoein taxi. oeuatry
cooking eggs nn tact, tenet lorcal to • tea rouuel .hap. the ore.4 • deep jelly- I at beet where for e•Itinnte i. somewhat
irate 1re.wu ; better and lay ups aylat• 'take tin, whiche. rutepodeuttere•1. lay in id near to that el Italy and Spin. For
sew of the cakeeptl it w nth softened 11t• many ceanrx wrienoond pot after.' muchen-
pair over It hest milk thickeneel to d lace the ether on t' 01 it. Prick I run i
ttr, nue p Tcomm.-meet few the.ahiest'• a .4 thee. noes: of thick .tern. and ass die top.Bake in a quick oven until thou 1 u many eggs u you have ahem' of toast;I bet mime in Ne t tPoa harp chained; all that.
amore shells, prem the eggs, rebate and onnghl rresew, but not till it a dry and brit- l)seman in New Y.rie +tate had worm'an
Dubs rprratcl. througgh a plot.. madam.; tk. i er rare very sweet drrlli,tes. mune 1 acre planted with what be called the large
n1 the whites through fir**, piling the white tritely, remove the serol., and free for !.licebos lhngliah flllmrb, with peerhat.t s few trent of
f .w. h u a .lite '4 tamest, ad tea frdrri .km : peel aero ;. b,aa•r1a, amu tutee smalls -r varietal,. The plant.. tem year•. eon,
.le of each upon the white. very tbrn!y. \l hen the short -cake a taken
irom the oven, remove the tap layer, pat
In nuking treacle •stn's take half -pend the Iowp' eke men a plat, fur the table. and
exit. half-tesap.e eel•. !each tartars: lay }ell the ur•'.ge pulp uprm it. sprinkle
mob .1. tee temp -lens sugar. .me teaspoon lightly w ith sugar. .rover with the other
bora k, r little buttermilk. Mix the dour rake, put the ret of the orange on top, sift
and all the dry thing'. in a basin. Put the over a little sugar, and serve with whippet
treacle in ■ cup and par tbe buttermilk c.P,ym
among it nal mu it well, then stir It among _-
the dry things ..n.i mix with a sparer till it
.s rather a soft .lough, kneel and roll it out
and put them either en the griddle .r in the
..ern till ready.
Beaded 'twitting Senor. t'hanully
vndfrrd. Peel six w.ur apples. enol them
in a little water and then pees them through
jra.l su h. Let i t eget .44. %Viten ready t
.erve nix with doable its volume of whipped
.reawits a little sugar in it. Scold
:terve co
.n • lance tureen. The above is • stat mace ace to nerve with decks and
Turkey Po i et 1'at two pounds .4
lean real and two .4 fat ir.'on, two large
carrots, and two omioam into large .lice, add
roue -half pima fresh latter. Stew till the
veal is very white and the bacon partially.
melted!. Poor over them three pintsb..iltttnyg1
',reels ew water, add four cloys, • small
bench .4 thyme and parsley, a hay -leaf. and
a few grain, of white pepper. Roil for an
hour and • half, then ram, and in the re-
e.ultant !Clime boil • turkemyy, to which it will
impart.mrt an indescribably rich and elelicivas
Real Gomm Senor. Pet Into • mere
pea • tablsapowf.l of made mustard, hell •
teaspoonful of cayenne pepper, and • gill d
gravy. Mix sad war, mol pour it thrown
a alit u grime's the apron into the gre's body just
before serving.
.lp one another," the dewdrop storied
dose mother drop osr by 11,.ide
he. warm south bereft wools drive me.
•w•). to -
day 1 would begooe ere noon ;
nd I'll hely you and one help me.
nil we 11 le ,Le a brook and run to the sea.
elp one another.- a grain o1 Ned
id to eaber ream. as at head ;
ht wised may carry we over theheron* d
ndteen. 0. what will heron* me-
t come. my brother. give your head :
ell Meld • mountain and there
amemmem Why IM (1s111vtioa of Hama
Nate or r►lbarta ltaoaM be Petered
rpm -(:rwftlag a Tre• with 1t. tree
*ansa -A X.irt Eapertmewl.
Rvery autumn. as the ifiltr-rta Matta t.. ar-
rive freest Europe. and are offend for rake fn
the dons. we bear many peros inquiring
about the .ulYyatku .4 tae..• nuts, and w.....deru..g w by they are tut grown memo' Ayr colonies.We ..e eltert..4
my kir4 growing to garden.. and a• ter
largekerephntati.or for raising out. to
ripply our market.. they am very rare,
entirely onto, ie 11 .nye here a 4 ma-
ths. Why 110. neglect 4. .altivate a
nut that t. is .rob .Irtjatd. a a gumbo/. that
Imo fe dm
iftieult tee ower. lett the feet that
it 1. •r-gk led. 4 quite apparent_ ruts- et. I11r
potation would have long awe .uttn.4y
time.!. The ,sutura basal nut or filbert .4
Europe d'arylue Ascll•isu. 4 found will m
(heat Britain. and 'outboard 4. Spain and
adjs.-PM region.. and teem thea gom
nat it-
loer.4 v&nctl-ttt•.e
. have been Ir+dl. wbjeh
are Meilen by different tbe...oldrow
when. they are reined. They t.. our
market. under ea* rather indifferent raises
a. Knifed or Npsn46 flll.erbc •r p
r.a..raUv •a white or redlUberta Th,
gromet .r
greeted .4 the tineet nut- .,me front
r(p siIri. anin. Furnp an Market.. they are
known ar. nut.. Althnugh Targe
i%babes Mew wteb
One chicken or fowl. weighing about three
towels ; .me tablespoonful ..f batter, three
1601',els 1601', Otte large a ni n, three shore of car •
rot, three off turnips, three pints lo
nta .aninandwater, ansalt and pepper. Cut the chicken
M of raped home. to slices suitable for *erring. Nash and
pat in et deep rtewp•n, add the water and
se on to boil Put the carrot, turnip, and
onion. cut fine, in • saucepan, with the hot-
ter, and cook slowly half aa hour, atirriog
ellen ; then take op the vegetables in •
drainer. place the drainer in the mtewpan
with the chicken. and .lip some of the water
into it. blash the v egetahls with the back
of a spam. and nib as much as poseible
throegb "con
strainer. Now skim two aoo
fula e. .•hicken fat from the water, and put
in the inn in which the vegetables were
cooked. When ironing hon, add the three
tablemp.mfni of Roar. Stir over the fire
until a dark brown : then Kir it in witb the
chicken, and simmer until tender. Seamen
well with pepper and salt_ The stew should
only simmer all the while it is cooking.
About two hours will be nt ,led in conk a
two -year -oke fowl. Twelve minntem before
sarviag draw the mtewpn forward, and boil
op ; thea put in the dnmplings, and cook
teen minnter. Take them up. and keep them
warm while you are dishing the chicken in-
to the centre of the platter. Afterwards
place the dumplings •mond the edge.
Turkey Harried. - Cut all the .beet meat
(rem • large. fat turkey. Ste* for a few
militates in a little brown gravy soup Have
ready some carrots, tursipa, celery. and
onions Fry them in butter for mime time,
thea add them to the turkey stew, anti
thicken it with tatter and Roar. Seamen to
taste, add • little eatenp, and stew the
whole until the turkey is thoroughly done.
'itis will be found a delicious dish.
Ta, aha ti- ger ip.
Dinah the great mealy of health ink' of
women's good looks. it settles in the skin,
especially where there kn • little steam to
help it : the wax end nily matter of the skin
til it till nn ordinary washing will minims
it. Wrieklm aesecentnated by it, ea they
hare s deeper hod to draw in the dust with
the styles et tiane. That a the even so
many woman look abnat ten years younger
whew they Awn time to take their hoot bath
Gad the vapor has Mean eremites or more
re settee the tansse
Tare is walking 11k• steam for plumping
the skin Gad wwshing oat the grime which
clads teary .w pkxwa not daily treater)
to sap anti bet water Formren are heft
ad ley the time you read this, beet how wire'
have the heating-pipsa rimmed of the yea s
acnnnwketiew .4 dust! Pham the pipe mils
it is reedy to sear Iv .analekiw,ainals horn,
d all daadsst 11 4.4g,� it is ita.lf ,1es(,h
to hair, to ftu.aam d ..ti gem
.res) wiser.
The Dimplings. Into one capful of Sour
stir one teaapn..n(1e of baking powder, as
fourth of a talepronntul of salt and half a
teas.p eenfnl of sneer; sift an together. Wet
with shout one-third e4 a caplet of milk,
stir into • amnoth hall, rod on • Roared
hoard to about three-quartetw of an inch in
thickness, anti eat into omit oaks When
the stew u boiling rapidly, drop in the
dampltnga and allowing item to toesoh each
ether, moor the stew pan, ad cook ten
were in full terrine. and very prrdptlre:
The owner wax quite .•.nbk it, at the
tits.'. that tbe eultiratinn .4 the Albert
m the r.amtry emull .era Meonme •
great and profitable indn.dry. but hls phn-
tatioa wa. doomed. even at the early stage
.4 its exi tense, few a s ecie.' of Wight had
appeared here and there .m his thee, awl e
a fe w year. it aprresel to tee•h an extent. that
the greats part o4 them wee dug up and
turned. Another .4 the
Agriculturist says: i moored .oar of the
,met healthy makers I could nutlet/out therm
trees. and planned then in my greenlet. in
New Jeenwy. Por a few year. the plana
grew vipwnnrly, aad remained perfeetly
healthy. Mat as they commenced to bear,
the Night appeared, and I destroyed them
root and branch. About this these•, • near
iv igbh r set out a number of plants d four
duifer,ut varieties. all imported. As mon as
they commenced to bear fruit, 1 ne'ognized
my .44 •o.1naintanew, the Night, that I W
Mewl obliged to de army, and i teermm I-
ter stew) in these phos .4 my neighbor, es ft
afforded d nee another opportunity of watching
the prmgtvw of the Hubert -tee, blight. Now,
after ten years, all the pints are perfectly
Maltby, with the exception .4 the large vari-
ety that blighted and was tk.eoyed in my
gremnd., se i have already said. The plana
.4 this yarkty are all gone but one, and
fhb produced only • few clusters d nus the
lad swainin the sato, mw, and within
eight feet of this sickly, blighted plant tier.'
le a Masa another variety, whir•h b about
twelve fret high, with • seem eight birchen in
diaseter Meant' f mm fhb tree are went*
more shadow than the fowler, but tbey are
excellent, and tbmtreebeery productive sad
healtby. Two ether varieties In the nems
mw, one • dwarf, and the Meer a tall grow-
er. Tearing nab .4 medium Or. and Dearly
mane,. Mow on dines of blight. TIM flet
lesob me to think that the disease
affecting the filberts, ad which in m
n pests r•M.lmbkm the .Demmer pear-
Nlghe attacks only certain earktie. H f
am enerert In this np4aaln, we hare only to
hmprwt the healthy verities .4 filberts. or
tet all, and save and propagate only those
that ramie healthy few a number d yaws,
in order to wtablbh pl•ntaYnu. in tela rout
try. that will become equally me productive
and prufitablm as thaw la the alma favorable
Folder (nn.l,nan in order, Mrs. (hey- esiwatairn of Ramps.
neck, in secure the greatest good) from the rho why of It.
heenng el this serve m, yea al.rald, as •c Rhea Annie nee bragged that only ons
voloY to thea "mast the mat. polities errroutrm lad taken pari. in Turkey
isfelly calm of the Sabbath morning. in five years, an 1hngIIshln•n investigated
lura (ireynmcb 1 ieel twit sa ym1 elm and din.vered that iee culprit who maid
abnut that. Rids a In sfrnaa, hot when a Moe gem to bribe officials had .mf eyed death
woman haw to get op four times to wake dnrhng the, Isar twentyyearw mar. wig..the hired girl, and thea wash thawchid ways • rug macs for ao tMDg that bap
teen that .ina't want to be washed, and than Pr fn Turkey.
find her hn•he vera e1Mbe which las always
pmts in a differed plata, the sweet, hely
calmer the fieh eth meaning hashed eanaidsr-
ahk 4 its ears taken .4 -r ,
anlglW.. of Lahr.
.r•mdfag ren rat essal Pao lama.
• M od by the of this fad Mm.
If meek ere is fed brads
wkbb ki the pigs will /.sRv+me dwarfed sed
Th. Knight. d labor aim to „see fames prean•t.velt. 1 after they are sense
their mmielieas Ananei.l difficulties, r sight month."VIthe cimapeat prim eau
�'• hoe mrd, widm ..cru. Than (woe awes
etc , ifagpard's Yellow Oil s all who iw.hl est•hWnd by emenetprimeubmeyhd
week '_a
t from Use MisereMiserel nmM awn 'xpemie, . M Hr tt'I-. . darer, the r�lw
ware throat and ail lgia. d pei wIilrb appear IliaMaw • yew wee, leis ft hi a law cure foe rasa sad beet
m .tl
ittowast Iliestitest Neuman ampere. Vm`t.blIi •ire as T le e••11101••111011,110.0ibegan w1ea
Arae wareal t titer see. ..:.c
1ligara old Osis it was Ass bus parts theft
and one d beta sad albs I• wools ours w►
e ttkauWtd. The otic tat received cern
anal They were fust for ria wowka and hob
lote made abuot equal pane, but the core
meal fed pigs anally ate very hale toed awl
made only a "light gate Whew Wed the
earttasats .t tae pig.. fed 'm abort• and bran
Ahmed 17 per east inure of lean asset earl
wvwe a Mak heavier than the others. Time
fed me aborta and bran nate a care rapd
growth. a ....le eevs.rueal gain for the f'.d
e oommrsl. had an,, Mbeki, larger Imes.
Amager Iona. and • larger proportion .4
Iran 4o fat meat. -Farm and Hoene. l(pring-
Sold (Memo
fib•vs, ul poul-
try raiser, who 1. w inter-
mit 101.11 laying bow. i.r
sn.1n. twenty 1. of
faury pwltry. eh' .Gym
that be 4 .Iep•ading .a
ha egg ratan entirely for
.atpp.ert and .• working the hen Nein.. for
all that it n worth. 1n the morning he (tell.
• warm ....yokel 1naY.i .oneel.tIng .4 tiro marts
of bran and one of ural and .ear bone ureal,
e•ra,-km.l •.y.trr dells and is ed rbar..alal.
The water is first bollat m a arer kettle cud
them the nurture a pest in and well .r..k..l two
that it w e 11 n uo11.k w two .ler 1t a nee feel
wet and .ogre me tee.. Mt_ either. At aria he
..atter• bell.d tisk. atuutti; for try brave. and
at night dray get.bdkdeon'. tow 1.' like the
ei arm! ettaoh. ..specially on •,.11 to ern -
imp". stet be think., it in. re. '.
ix Iroli.•tion. S.a1'lsl ora will
red .tick in for .-ny .4 a het . they are more
bulky when isetkeed not make • rbrwp field.
Ital..l own 4,nore bulky an.l i. twit fatten-
ing like Mill grain laying hero. generally
get Lr. m•.b instead e4 ewer -•'ugh f•.4, but
toeMo will tory .bo•ukl ie• kept neither fat
MC poor. but jeer tcaltby He Annette..
siert" okh lora lu the morning ula.1 and
scary tett of feed i. 'an-.n.l with a little
slats. Bedol p ounukln and .*Nage i. ted
titer • week sod w.m.tat clover ha 4
tut m hail -twit len,;tbs, w•at.k.l and fed at
seem tk.-kwtwat. rye mot wheat are sae
times used and wart water ., alusty. pent
to drink •
tree Way to Mewl Ham.
Few Merit Nem hen. I fog' in the havl•utter
• peek of nest ar fln.e a. ....iI4.- and .m the
1 turn ■ pailful •4 h.altng lion rat. r...Iver
el'rs•Ir and allow to team until the gra.. i.
rats Thi • .. •ba -h 1. dark and dn•ng
with the juke .4 the rowan, u. turd te. mix
the i.rrakfaet. wbirk orenered. .4 two-thinte
tine feel and .err rural. in *bl•h
two quarts .4 tree( renape are Otero!. This
mlx..1 .tis and (rd warns i. an ex..HPnt
hreakfa't for lacing hemi.. and by the
tithe it e. oaten the n.wrn may be gems
on the feed Leel and wtil 1.e taken
groeddily. If this warn Meakfae4 and gen
desert is given 1.twe.n 7 and et a. in. the
next Heal of the .lay may le- .ltn er and dip-
per together between ;: and 4 m. 1 gine
a water pail hill els .brat and ere ked corn
f'r the meal. Thr Meme at the boom should
be cooled with three or freer in•h,...4 dry
rand ., that toe fowl may wretch f r their
grain. This is a good iu11 of fare fur most
lay. in winter. but it soar 1r .arie.l by gir-
htR boiled i.4at. t., *1.p1ee., ...okea vegeta-
ble., mangel..abbege.oat. .r buckwheat.
Whatever a given ,.bxild toe doer with
.ytem and ao regulary a. holler, for no
stack can dol well when attended to at irregu-
lar tiros. -Farm art Home.
Graft moral**, with its Own Meats.
A recent ••Revise Beetled'," gives an en-
graving. which we reprrlom. to ',how en un-
usual m..lilleatinn d for art of grafting. A
pear -tree bad. by dewed or aoe•fdnnt. Met the
bark upon its trunk for a few inches, above
the sil. Upon taking up the tree. it was
found to have several leg Hint.. Those
trote were carefully lifted. and their ends
inserted in the wound bark Mere the injured
tpke. Tbe tree was re planted, and it exml-
pletely recovered and lore' fruit. The en -
gearing .Mows the Inn
.nmr in which the
operaticm was i erf.wm.e1. it will bre ob-
served that prtkon. of the note are nark 4.
perform the 'die el gems. and in doing
this, their position is completely nomad;
what media lower nod o4 the root, Moms'
the upper puut14 . and the liquids laming
Mirragb these robes more in an e.ppodte 41-
£ epvuL taa?ann or muVnao.
notion to that in w►Mh they formerly pro-
gressed. essad. This method nay i. regarded aa •
hirtl ukural cariosity, rather tbao one like.
1y to haves practical application 4o•ey ma
'blerablr rennet. 14111, it h well to know
the pnmdblllti4 In grafting. as cease may
miss in wbk'b similar trstu.•nt may 1r the
seam d preferring a tree.
A fee fiat cannot eomils is never gond.-
Some temptations come to the indwdrioma,
hat all tempt/items attack the elle. -Rpar-
Them who Hot en vanity moo not uaren-
.o.ably expert to died mowWl•tkn.-Mrs.
Remy area has two ♦ia., the shady dike
and they. When two maw shahs bend@
and part. mart which e4 the two takes the
-y side; he wW be the yeas gr man of
the two --Rnlwwr•Lytton
Patiene* l the strum wt orf 'Omni/ &Min
for it kith the giant repair -boggles Jer-
Ts Cheek IsmmarHmn.
It in well bona M the Manias army that
death follows ddwarllem. A denerter was
lately shot who got away • year ago clod
bad traveled mike. it and the grrsrle
mere Itfknn to God him. bat ft would Wait
paid Ai•,am Arrow than leo him get away
Over 10,0e0 .ol*mm wer ase mhid to an
hr. shit.
Whey Waal smear
Tie migsrilly e[ IaWb.ry esMrlek favor
msmmen gempowdorr war, se It b toffee -
ed Stat de Imnhm d barb eaves taommadg
el dna, and It level .. • cover for trona
he traria paslWm wheat bolsi slsegba r
peoltr et ai
IAA r . ,
('all -balls Outdoor les Mat• But SIP
*lager • *mine t• Toth YMrtlt.dly -
Wkai the •T•le.all•• 1. Weber ►••lets
la Ike !reek ..f 1
Wild.. the .•nhl,ary eletrkky'nhl 1e11 is
an rx.w.ii..,.h satuable device. i1 Imo a
looted Reid .-f u.•fu1-
n..►, .1111,•• II l.t to tern but
tcuk iuf.rintte•e as
to the nature .4 tLe
wawa of the pet -..0
.•lull.) ing the cell lte-
..•utly au apyeuatu. leo
Iwca ill\rntaet
apnbl. .1te re• extr0ael
te. and w hi b. 1.y miens
TaaeauITTYR. .4 a .stew ..t arbitrary
ligna s. nay be asIaquot to a gnat
variety 4 purpose. TVs it- tion• id Is
called a tele•gll. and is very ..enpletely
shims jn the a••.aropanyiotl dluoti:di. no.
Tltr ttisnornitter M. eat it" fn..• a dial e'in-
taaiag teeny -two letter, enols potion- - that
can be turned to any letter. '1 he ,e., ever
ew inli.gt4w Irks a knob .m lar wk, rte:,t 11'--
e.iup'anyinlr ..*t'a 4 a 4,•11..m which are
printed twrat,'+ wo idler". Tb-. I ttcr.
may r eprem•nt .oli, the• perm.. v nut • r
.gate -nem. at the piirwtetw el tut".• u.:c:;; the
The .q..'ratkdt e1 ttw spurtie/. aim.
q.M. Turnu,g the js.ief r t.. 1 . 'ter
dn.•ndl. the. knob lel. •t
he pulled dowel -
length and hot gu d-:
tette'. will isipmedistel
appear is tbe fan,
the receiver. arvnrnp..:.
int by• dog .4 to, tali.
if the pertain at than- p;e.,.tt...
utile 1 deb at., �;g, til•- re-
,'etv r fork torr., tit*haa ti. . U ring the
bell at the tot ruittrr, thus lbfu ming the
...neer that hi.. nie•...ppe has ori tired.
Should the prrnvm to wbont tlpip.,age in
.nt la• rte nestarilT mit .4 /1.11/1.111.:•.r•bPi au t.
rung up by the p•r'on at tlw tlai1deitteT
l'u+ohing the bunion ..n the latter indrunirnt.
which will VAMP the bell at the r*.e.•tveic too
reap; loudly and yet not diturb ria .tigurt
previously eat da.
1 willthe i'Iitmher Cameo
When the water pipe. (easel-, leak. Moot,
aad the phoning' re tea at kart otlwr
homes. the h.wwkeeep•r can make drift to
await bi ..,ming with at last the -.enmity
an uu..d.-an r. Meier .-agive M r. 1..-t Iwo
keep on hand a pound .4 white lead under
water, and en alt and reale for use. Whew
lbw leak .r break 4 found dam o4 ibm water
first, and then .treats w.nw white ked •s1 •
cloth, like • planer. Tie thi.. tinily acct- the
Irak. and the Mader will lora harden. 1• r the
water .armor work itr way net .w prevent
the pi.dor. adhering. Wien the water
frenaa, in the tap. of the lath mem er the
kitchen sunk. a quart .4 esenul.nt malt theievs
into them w ill thaw them out mere rapidly
than Md water. A lighted letup pieced un-
der a frown wafer pipe is mere rapid and
convenient in its work than pouring .an hot
water. A lamp. the Vane partly lowered,
Paced u neier the expmed bend .r length of
pipe which is Halle to freeze el a sinus, peotive .4 trouble in bitter weather.-Hir
.m'. ifamr.
Agrieuawral kdoetrteltlt.
M. ('nmilk limey. the pnol.ri't.r el none
mous mall tante in the commune o f ]fillu
iWeetcvn Pyrene ai. having an area alto-
gether .4 nearly i; i110 aerate, la.e, few wens
time past, hero utiltritig • might" 'rib' dream
for ,rpk •trio lighting put -pare. He hast bow
applied .1 Plectra. power 4o the working .4 a
plant. Babel. providing
the tower for lifting and driving par-
paiem, eketrinty iv soak te. work the
pimps for irrigating the vires. Tb. I 4 14 -
candle power Mime employe.' are.l6,trilouted
over all the farm. ani the arra which they
ten -'r may to judged from the fart that the
le gth .4 telephone wire connecting the
buildings is fel wife.. --t etentific American.
A lipase-linei.g boor.
A Novel door. rapt ially inten.led for tam
soonomy .4 .pre. ha. art been patented.
The donor he an adaptation ut the principle
.1 the roller -tap desk and cover, and ..mate
of a eerier of shit. alert e.oe and .me half
leeches wok and three-quarters c4 an inch
thick, jointed together by wooden .and s,
ane revolving within anotherto the roller
tup desk the sista .re joined by ribbons d
seed or canvas. Worn the door l e.peoed
it 4 wound apex a spiral drum at the Opp
and bottom, and all u incl,wd within the
door -acing. A three-foot door winds up is
a roll seven inches m diameter.
A Paper Illarsaeb•e.
The latest bore oboe is of papa. It is
idiotic and durable. 1t Is the hyentia. d
• (termite.
A number of thin siesta d
per, eataratmd with .nl and , are
gluedtogstar sad the M IMI subjected to a
straag hydraulic pressure. The boles for
the mil are them bored, atter which the
shoes we trimmed ready for the market.
It Is mire that the alma wean in web •
way that the wrfaee is always rough, this
adapting it W smooth pave -
A Choosy Way tl Warsa Cold Fort.
Meru then twenty dm years ago, I war
sometimes troubled with told feet. At me
hese while 1 was damping upon the ground
in tie effort to warm my estreenetk 1, • com-
rade said to me, '•11 your feet are cold toy
rah" He raked hh foot from the ground
and struck sumo tight blows with hie lanes
mom the tipper tart of kb hg, JIM shove tae
knee. 1 did the same, with both hp, and
i felt • •os► of warns blood
coling downward, sod the that became com-
fortably warm.
What Mappmsm Whoa Tam Light a xateb.
Pnlbwtng b a seteati le description d
what harpoon when you light • 6l,: The
on a mate•b la raid by (rheums
to a 1 . of ISO °, fahrenbeit, at
whit b ft bakes. It eaten the
o f the sulphur, if it he a sulphur nate h, b
trs• • whom the omlpbur b.gisa toilers 'lea
sN4ohnr name tae heat to • ie c when the
word takes up rim wort and produces • tem-
perature of 1,MOe, at wbob thesaidpifaa
A (shoes, Ar Wlawmfirt.
Ramp, hes 1d,IN,llOfl u ldis , buadrv.b of
forte ani wareidge, and the pimple are axed
h d ldllkaa e4 collars for •rna-
ment. Aied yet an gamtks d Met er
*Aire boa arisen in Rump. during tilt led
fifty year wWkb • (woods. jos** re die
pare cme►Id slit Wave MAW In Ma mimeo&
The Lale'sr and Best Educational Works/
Nigh, Modol, Public and Sepai'ato X6001;.
See our Daisy, Star and Rosebud Scribbling Boob ;
also our Majestic, Mystic and Artistic Exsrcise Books ;
biggest books for the money ever shown, ONLY 5 1<‘
('eutral Telephone Exchange, Court 1 ..0 n• Square.
.' hoar now a nice line of
(i\.1: -TING OF
Gold, Silver, Copper, Lilac and 8 other Beautiful Colors
fur oniaulrnhwit PR 'MY**. ►-rn.> N.,rk. e1e. dti test read) for use.
Also an exquisite line of
Plush Goods, Perfumes, Sachet Powders, Violet Toilet Water, Bic.,
$ll.ta}ae for llobday free, nt..
e'bemis and Druggist.
Illetethells Maw
Row woadrffa ty are the levm111med>Wa
amtsrrip ted i the aakarl W4UAem1
etiik kern tbm pow of eeswtw1.g
twee • as ' ep+ d sleimaitakv bmM
-*bat maw mm ernes h t1f1w Elie tine 116111.
foe_ LL *oaf-fri
..ext Geo. Aeheson'adry goods store.
Uodeuieb, Ont.
1 have now received a large assortment or
Far an.. women ani children. from the smallest to the Warm ails made.
pp�, From the best known makers.
aaamehl� tolihaffirtA ;white arrive
cream FLA\as \Kill,
usual.and lead:og shades is French Opera
arse anstock.
Black and colored
and p*th kid lips, also kid palms. Other department. coq ua11r well assorted. Strielly
Draper and Haberdasher.
-Cattle Chains ---New Patterns.
Crosscut Saws --All Makes.
Cutlery ---Table and Pocket ---In Endless Variety.
Chopping Axes ---At Your Own Price.
Genefal Winter (foods ---Stock Complete.
The Furniture pistrr, u oidli a an kinds et furniture at the lowest possible wawa sr
weitemows het that he
Sells Cheap
For cash. He le also the leading Undertaker of the town. Raitalmfag Fluid always kiss •
Mad. Hs oho wakes a specialty of Picture naming. (lire him • mall before pnrarallit
Furniture skawh,e, and you wilt find oot that he does aa he say. sells chomp
• ' For Cash_
1atttsailas moo sad ail for their Peet psrtgyp he biles to receive • lsatau••ce of res
G EO. BARRY, r`... -� i ''' Hamilton -at.
have wooed out a large a t of the newest ety lei i=
SRatn and Bonnets,
Fanny Birds' Wings
Q , , And Trimmings,
A' -
Please oa11 and. see.
Two doors from Square, North -et.
Tielf '
The best is the cheapest, and
The Signal" is the best newspaper
`Huron, Perth and Sawa IIII