HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-2-27, Page 6a 1 a _I_ COLBORNE BROS. 1E3g11G-A_INS 1 - IX Mantle Clothe, Ready-made plackets, Irl+tering., Lae. Curtains, Embroideries, arid Remnants o[ Dress Goods. FLOBEI?IRE ROBEB DRESSES, 01.Ms «.!i ler a.d the ter *I.311. The above muttbegelii to imam room for our spring goods. which are crone nue; to ! and alrea.t 68 Pieces of New Spring Prints now In Cock and a few pieeco of mantle clot h• and dress guods ter r, peel our Imparted Goods 111 w few dal.. when we will be able to ghost none of the cheapest goods ever utterer iu wan. 111 COLBORNE BROS.A STI ADMAN'S 111 IMPROVED HOT WATER FURNACE redly tsst.d and found to meet every requi. matt. flus It is the• most inipro'.eel Header tat the market. It will run with much halt coal Tran Ally oilier (unmet'. • t int% n Patent Floe Cleaner dtachinent which renloyes au soot aitldout the opening of doors. it is tit.- used ewitputt and cheap- est Furnace male. The above cut represents our Hot Water Furness.. It is composed of metal hawkers at each end connected with tube* or Thew tubes are externally exported t,. the tire mid the soot :toil duet generate., in tlw combustion of the fuel, :anti it i* evident a coating of soot will nutke a vast difference in the Ideating capacity of a given amount of fuel. No provision ants heretofore leen math• whereby the ;set•uululation,of soot can be clinked readily. The present illustration phew* the arrangeuwnt of a series of pipes. At the rear end you notice our Patent Flue Cleaner. It is ooutputted of two plates of sheet steel. having holes registering with the tubes ort ental .side. There are sates attached through which a roil pease% and is fastened with' position. inray. t e (leaner i+ held .,. th tl u (•e!1 f them. •� o side, and by 111 n each 11I nut.. - The front cud is bent ,40 las to form a handle l.v udeatnaof which thel'lean- er can be pullet! lack and forth. To effect n perfect cleaning of the coot r ,,sashes front the tubes :a washer is around every tube between the perforated plates. 1 n using the Cleaner the operation take.: only a fraction of n minute :and by performing it occasionally during the tiny a Targe per cent. of fuel will ire saved. NO doors require to lw opened when cleaning. therefore no (lust can es - r cape. This invention renters. our Furnace far superior to any - furnace yet made. It Mi III.' only means for clawing is quantity of tunes at once which door - it quickly'and in :a thorough r inner. We mtaliufaeture a small and -a Targe Iiia., The Antall one is composed of t.0 tutees, the large one i', tubes. The ;ides an. built up with iwiek after the heater is set in its pFeIwr piste. t hmly 350 Lwicks' 1>tquirerl. We have had these Furnaces trial for two year: and they .have given perfect satisfaction. Parties win) toutenaplate putting in hot water furnaces should write an.l get ',riven. We cordially invite anyone to call on is and ate tine heater in full working order. THH SILIKAL.QODERICI , 0 ,,.•J IDAy FEBRUARY 47, ART 1 ;HE HOUSE AND HOME. & D. K. STRACHAN SO) • moNEy.... Mw..enetowIWOlbw 4we. entre w.s.t.4/ owr t ., . 4.w r o.a loonnelee...beol o Owe N.• eel ewe w. • the w -a. Roo t. loon We nor.++ ee rriY.s. We Owl . w. Il. On. Toe ...lee.. y- yr.....,r. 4L w .. m row no se ter w moa tet. ,..w .heir .•w dosser/ alt.°. w.r..wl r.w.r t. .vers . 0... =Awe ..rely now Ain OM per welt owl ey.a3.. saaa,ea =.�ay.r w. WWile ..aw5.ee. W. ••• ar.W res ,M w► iarw.+.. r••a- eolo Soft we ',famuffin as ('Y-.£ t seta, a 111 NEW ARRIVAL -of tib GOODS. LATEST STYLES. mad e.d showy out. pea. Pette •1 Ate H. DUNLOP, BSI Thu tl/e flit. Taller. CHANGE Of BUSINESS 1 THE OLD AND RELIABLE F AeT-ST. FLOUB IND RID STORE HAA CHANGED HANIlO. The Public aro hereby ltetlaed that the float e,�ddbask eserl011 o0 by A. It. eadila bears by TH08. J. VIDEAN, will elm It tett' la ail Its branches at the ' 1 thrall. Galt et. mar sIm a(u•m oder tie of former propene time ba/wem hoe been the wet enter s �. Ma IM lbw of sal in taws,and as the new �� h .. at heMentlt with n for w--' •lira• .�IMre will M M taltlwgelf 1n 7��0!'i�0� ly esbIMMA la kande,' n le 'rear Paas .11 purls e( the to Mint I(.ee of flour .aa feed slump en sell shame soe& baintanina . WHIM. .1. vIDRAa, s•Itlrlmase - .•.. ..w.rwtwnity of tbaaking asp moi• wor LAW r • •.levee oke plo•"v ideas. d ' y m7 81.22', :'t tai.,Th' ; reliablea'tl.� derioh Ont. l I. till � f WHY EVERY FARMER should get one of Armstrong's Improved 1'.7'1, GRAIN SEED MINERS. BECATJSE 1.1 It allow. no foul reeds le be blown into the chaff. which is of great Importance to every farmer who wishes to keep his farm clean. tad, It lave. and cleans all Timothy seed ham any kind 'if grain while cleaning the grain. Ord. row Market cleaning it removes tackle. Cher and shrunken grain, and gives the 1. ..er Ibe greatest t..swlble weight for his R with no . dor. Iib. 11 will maniple grain for show and seed purposes equal to band picking. Soh. ('leans seed Wheat it removes an cockle. M usard aa"1. N' lid Peas, Wild Pine and other foul and shrunken and broken grain. an•+ gives the farmer pare. , clean. seed grain. Mho ft will clean hats, Barley. Qe., thee - tenthly without waste of grain. TO. Clemency Itia•e : It will ..palate the wando quartered. halve.. Irate and whole Peas frost each other. carrying each to • different rampart men Mile. It is perfect Clover seed Marbine. re -1 moving all dost. broken and dead s'eds and ether weds, larger or smaller aria the (lover seed. nth it h s Ant eleu. Wass seed Machine• bows no seeds away. lab. I, ,• *good mit seed Math;tee. 1110. his • An* rasa rhairrr. 1110. It ran be tilted into the oldest faahkered Fanning M111 that is laid seek as useless and make it do the wort of a o,pw Mill. aaut. it an be ■naehed to a now Mill with. out inlurtt.g it. and can h• removed at any time sr ea•iI as a three combined. It does not interfere with the use of the re - Roar steers cif the MII1. Itlt0. Its ale. ea are Dearly all perforated tilt'. Ilan. It ham w eapar,ty of sixty h.abets of grain per 110.v ISO. It is nos cheap ea tie ad teary' Fanning M111 sierra IT(0. Beery Machine is (4* ARA, TRIM. Nand yon. /valet at mine if yon want It chi. season. if you have not seen a Ira•hlne ask tabs.. owe seat for Inspal s. ant that yen yak. 11 .tel cont it ion it ■lilts In ordering by gall mad blade width of Mew tel running lull ' oa r pa,. � "' �. � ARMSTRONG BBOB , tit "' .° ' . 'ft' ott'iiim4 toe .e SUNDRY 4108 TO CONVERT THE FORMER INTO THE LATTER. Taw Tendency of the limy Ira Dinner, 1. 1. Mrs Wetly et eityle-Aa AMMAN lfaaNh ple-A OMesaM111 ala. NIL.. ter 1 (orders rg'Oda, Thal r u a telebr act' to .terve *nape striae us the 1.•Ne-cher a11•nu"•d...nati.n., r.-. the Upholsterer Tb.' eve inc tine track are sample ta.U+. T1:.• ns.hum trade eentintte n. af.s-t the pn•fue. Fossil form,. %hm.h an. now wwuewhat eu the emir in bat h..uns. ensile for dime tug nom s• where they dill o,trliuue 0'11, • .tlu•-h enp' os - til. we M"a a great .Iwl Mint, straigh•, f,IJs and /*4r lirrcaku.e net aro' ' a ',ague fur quirt. sedate roans. but grateful i•.•;o will revert*. aban.kied. The kind now going out is that showing a redundancy .4 loop ulnas Map anti drapery mpw,m- or:•re iraperry- Ws wnoltl etet!dtasir.' that ani.tie despite; amt looping will *leap: be f:wlu.wl4c in certain roses anti for tart•- 'talu pimiento. A simpl. farm ,rI window. tnstaiwot is 'that 'beau in the idea:rntio. Th.' shwa.. .d the currant pole gives it an..ld ameetran•e wbh•h we has • deters w,ireliy .4 repo clueing. .t Ilnr .4 tine handeenbeni.M'ed mak rur- tains'e Laing hreu tht out. Chk'h has :neer heretotore beset shown i:, this c'eu.try. Tor Reed: an. em.l• ti h41u = reigtht d•.wu for portiere, ..r wall-patn.•l.. Thee setbjeete an. well prodie.,.1 and give the effete tet patnt- ing.. A t. s 't .•ffnt i• s!r.wn tU .a silk. canaim with pattern representing a r..w portiere. there being a hoary frtu;,;. at Istttem and vaaaty at WI.. Toilet 4!.', arae a few more toil hint• wMeta will W lik•.l by readers .4 the Heuer 11,1 11.wtie T.. whiten , Lirateeth h . the LntJui water, thea, rM• it over genuine white tasttk' soap. i ler *4111.1 • lip it in jeetetn,l .hallo. It will error, the teeth l autifully white and ,•k'an- T.. tbi.krn.t e, bair me the fodowind. tft- Inmratem: TO one eriart .4 whit. wine, *hi half a µn111,1 ef. Macy. and a han.lful of rosemary degrees. (4istilytL, tient Ohl ons. email .f a pint .4 Oro( almo.x4. Shnkr, tbe.e•wlghly.- Abell- using it, pear a link into a rap. wafm it, then rube: in(etjrr••te of tae leads. T•rkn•peth,• hair cur!..,. thin. flee .wet: -Wrorth .4 ;tune arable and add epn(h !.oiling wester to d1s.dve it. i1 -hen 'iiw.lvd. all enough ale oMd to nuke it rather thin 1. : Ibis• •t:mt.f all night. and thenh.ttl• it t..Ke- ene the• al,.h•e1 fnsn evaporating. l'utthi. the hair at t itden.. on night. after is ler up in pins. pal.•1 'r It will make it any in crimp the Ip.tte-.t limy. aol is perf,.tly harneee. Walnut hair din is ,nae. a. follows: Take the pres..d juier .4 the stili o.f grtcaa wal- nut.+. awl n.ld a'ktk retitled anoint nith a few bruised .•My.-+ The wh-de .hull Ira digested with .s.asi.mal agitation her a t.nt- uight. *then the el•'ir 4n•rtintn t- pard .off, and 11 n••...,ear lettere A Id is lath. .•.m - nem vitt t'' p raerv-e it, an.l ala.. te ele eer., the .,.tor. Keep in a 0o4 pa.,. -The Hm1+r keeper. Fact. Abont lilnyr., The tindn••rd kid gI eve. an• .• i.'•ially be cosi,ing to I•ng. sl"nor hand.. firing .nw- what thicker than the dr:meal. and having a rough .urfa.s•• they give • slightly plump rap• pearamt. whelk i. very lwc•.naittg, awl doeir- .bl. The 'resin a ith the b. velewl y ;s hazel.heul-i av-id thew style.,- we their t.n- deney 1s b, rnaks. the hand 164 .l...rter and wider. F,.r them, the dosed glome is more suital,l•. with Ind lyse narrowest ait.•hin;t I....Ible. Tie neempietaire give. a very graceful .,,nt.ar t.. a tee .letider wrist. its wrinkl..l 1.4.6.,w*eal:ng the •s routine. an gular .uthnee The tightly.Ine.•l glove is letter .uited to . rotund. deehe wall In Irving kid gruel, avnll thee el.e hn,wu. if you wish to he ....moment --N.. ...ler wean et p. • arty." wry. an auth erit r • u glens Brown dye nuts k41. wlk, u..4 .r any fabric '41ik iter then any other .'ol.>r. Tan 1. the lest en e'r fur gm.•ral wear a gloyew 11 can lie worn with almost any .'.lwwddrwe. It b,Id• it. own year after year in popular favor for a g eed gkev.feiralm'st any ew•e .wee, amnia. Jp'p'ing'ailingter ,Intug ert•u f.,r evening weer. It i. Immt4•h w .ern. ,randy pn•ft•t• ing it t.. the male ..s1.,1 .1 -hate peeks, • rant.. pentode. . and other *Moat indefinable gaJlgbt tints 1t 6 an anemone -al ••.i,. in that at nate gore mut .t faddism, Mel there- fore eel• •nor .t Ite nnme'n.u. stmt-. can sleet, Ir found at the gkes-••r'• N.. freak .4 fa.hpw/ .'.-utee s Italian? green glove, an h Jails being in Uv. woe., p• •wnbl" tw.t. Ai, inviable green in the Mat gr ab' , ,( g d oyn weal rnrn.urkeley e.'II. and ./..o not Jam ail easily . but they ..IgM eel, r.. 1.• wen en ...tonne. The antal.l• dreoing .4 the hand" and f,4 m: an et -Stmt..' • of refine,. art- IdM tsp.', Fant) and H•w,w Fsr.• With Lamterw. Itehl,ed Them. Then i. noshing mere ,-wh•hntg than a fav soh a lantern t.•htnei tt •hu,in,; .4.ar thes,kh. writes lir Talmage .n rim• fader. Hoare loaned 1 1G.. no eltnrwtpu fee a wifb • .fry ..rile meaning n' mere •inn the grin .4 a fab. fa.,e Mit a vnik- writt.'n by the hand .4 thief. as en int'• , or table .t :sweets.r.. wts.k• .•Inlet. .t g•..1 f -.dins within. i. a herialteti•.t 1''., env "Mr fwee i' hand and Eking m nr.hillty wind my benignant feel Mita eve Mt .4vormehh• M tlrs fa. lel pr. ...r twin. " 1 ,le net believe y.w. Vorden ou, WWI geniality .4 ..rad slims s. Waft oiled 11;11 ,1 11.111 bat e.1 Set behind year fan, • /..Man of ✓ est tteede tot aural and ki.tlltrwa t.eward man. and y.., . t 11 .a-ery day preach • agrlttn tea as la• tinsel. 7041 mat, • senses with es 0a7 orate as the nu• akar .1 I'oe1liia pea maul, and dttrrsug f. aa, h.r wew►a. a the fast teat the long a. It k. the tartar F000S AS MEDICINE. tray 1'8Plollt .e. aewr Th.•Ir iglwable .."*P**" .e0 to notes of essen It. Thr'uwli1• Al pr.g.•rtie..4 .•atafoods are atsk1urt.a . their nutritive. awl as tellable asya of .. hrl.aal. the plu met...mA ° k f,•llowine, so-.ali,.i bowls 11. Its fatal ,Iron .t.iora;, s, enlarge, x'04 ♦ Aalalelegi. aka... garlic, ludias t"ro' Leet, lettn.r, wuehr..ens, imeviepe,, "w' 4 pwnt.ww, . rel. seaweed, t.*uat rt.. tl 0 natal,, spit,•., seta berl., ...gar• OAP.. ,,,.tla.00. the .art.net terries, the .lily mute. animal fah tuns. oyslen. mast' kiwi. .4 ti.h, nearly all fruit. and their kitten awl juene the wines, .•.•- dab and vont... the .•. diutent., and salt a. - penally, w'that wlu' h life L nutlet indeed In their •.rd.r the .14.4.11• qualities .t the •-oedtni.nt, ad! be ..'nsukrrd. awl the .pea" cal action •,1 .ari.ri. (.'.b ut,,.no.tia with the reales glow f.. papering them. jl:,d as ...mitten eel: V tai1e1.•ta..able to the health of .,attk. for wilts of isna•.k i.reeent m .rgrtaWsawl fruits an -fine: lath b. Iran. The goad health .4 litany vegetarian.. 1..111*' t•. tine ,,dtdance. The c•.,kery ,n vegetable. target,. affects their dieted: value, and ntidn•see .h nil he struts! their .,eka as t.. He. proper er ways oe matting thew important foods In the Sal. Ogee. the neat env: attar/MC el:41411W liiid lock -timing them thoroughly (rent :hat. Mad - and injurious worm and Creels: canoed wa.hitsg iu plenty of ..dl .altni water• with it brush ..r el. eh, wird .uffl•,• f..r nous, attid ,andul ":•jaunt tot ..f the keit.'. .4 su„91- Iwt pants: (ire latter should be left 1.I.w-out end down in enough salted eekt water t.. , ..veer them for at 1. est an h• sir. This will generally deetroy all earasite life... that the .tuail erne une well fall of their., wit ..right to the 1.•tunm .t the water, telae enfehbel be- t w.ru 111'• leave.; therefor lettuce, .•t.• , J...ul'i 1t.• .mnduily insl+.t.-1 before o ektig. Soft water in .-...kite; will s•. far . the e teenerof v,;t.•tab;s W ennui ,., aaras Ind •h of their juicer and .altabl• salts, umi- kew raft ii *44..1 to it. and 1b" In.ilin;; - 4 prayed vegetaI4ra !withdraws numb if :hair pu ill. the talto• n( whiter we shall :.+nor::fly. sea'. Free* ..tilos having dad t1:,.bugL•ty rimmed tlu•m% well rare the water in wlti:•h they haveata.bwik.i for sauces and soap. We would u`itiara taide atetalttogand thou have the writer used in uiaklog the while sane.. *wally served with vegetables. -'r[.,: ,- !.. ...Irma.airpotnshftvarhnxtp- dispnl.es the sy.te ni t. • attacks of gout, rls.u- • madam. iunilag.. and oetiraigia. All similar disreeee. in-lu'ling the p•tufad gall atone,.. are eau.a,I by an e.t.ea• ..1 litho• swei in the 11.awl 6 a.i:l earl is• n.lured in quantity by the take( the v,•, etal,ie while evwlnnwl with potash. Primarily tlw• combination •4 the acid anti alkali e: the system is a... silt el with the prone of de.trnelire a.'iniiha- tln, the +Bueuati,u of the wart.• prdu.t- (It life. Life itself is the active pre -u•. in the body of the element., of feed., .Itiet .•1 whith an • wrb,uv.In ,.• , a and aito egeu. wttieb enter int.. the ...tweediest of all ani- mal and vegetable snte,tuttcc,.. The Tat nowt be usk•ret ..l that whilethe e mtne•ra1 nei,kaar a injuriousb• heals h the yen.. table are are wh.,lesome. W.. rely.htety irises tante to supply the latter. and they abs • ..utatn •-.iseletrabh• slur of pm4ael,,- whl•h ..tiernow artOrially supplied iteek• treatment of the lithie aid rliatherit. the .a whittor.d thespiteur that canon. rim, 41x. nWand kialrcl 1h.ti..t; for ii>»tasne. th addition .d as mu.* p.tiedi *ti ran tai 5,1 .4 tysai.e lu•.'nt pit..• to the Juice .d s Iit$o : in s ghat .4 nat.r t an admitalte brraofae pia tar in any of the,.• ln.ulde.. teen .,chant grapes among feud* eonta.n th• mown potash. The natural e•imle a:l.t iypStash with tattart• ani I in gape.: Tial 'citric mid in ha m,as. buses, sbnll.k.. of grata fruit and all th,• .srar.ges with make acid in apple:. with Were mid in :ri;k, etc t'nratn of tartar 4. the tartan•• sell •.' grapes. awl may be used in water with Agar as a eutetitttk for grape ink.... It ie the sal of ituti-.t .4 mineral a.il for tb- se• .4 fruits and vegetables that .. re injurious to health: fir instance. sulphuric aril in wineanel vitae gar for the net:teal fruit acid. In 'cooking, potash may le added 4, theme' fruit. is small quantities to neutralise their acids anf era,mpnde..tight-: chi. is often -1•m. in dewing g.seaberrw-, and rhuherbb. The meat succulent vegetate,- .•vutais the gnat est proportion 0r potash. suet as lettlier. spinach. etc.: a. tome Inu•t he !at t in h,ding if is adearibl•to eat ae many uneree tl+elal. as the appetitedenain.l.. In additi•.e h. n' tush. mid* and outer alt., fruits •,ntalua'ub'tante,n1. ,l tui -1n. ellen N the tai -l. •-f the jell,.s wade fawn thrill with .cigar. we. -h vegetabhe a, .sant.', tenni.. and Irr'mile al... ,,,ntain pectin, • nnainan .4 whu•l urw-rupukee. i aluIfa•- tt:r.-. avail thrm.eleee in .op.histi.atiaq Jel- her f,sr the Ira:h.. The a. -.aldol fent jam. of the American 1....3.1 trail. are adulterate] in chi. wap-: and appl.•-butter I.largely- made •4 ;s.n.pkin and turnyrpsdp. - Harper's Hagar' rave the Calk and cellar*. A eonve4ient arrang.tmmt far fastening "utfs and ...ear. on the teethes -hive i, shown in the engraving The article. an. securely "71' Se 1 i/gal 4 140/Ir Pl. t.MR. rna e,n.1.1113 14!111 .lira. hell. and man M• mea a ready before they are taken•nl of the hm,v, thew avidin; .old tinge•:• to the winter To make flue affair, take a pie... ..f :nude. twelve inches wile, and a. log se.i'strabie. stied) it all round, and waw .tri button. The ertk-*e tole dried are Mltheini to the aril., whi•h w, fastened to the cdthersane with •kvthw.-pitns to the usual nurmer, - The Art of tieing' I:ne.rlalwed. 1.4 .ver thing .ark melt •war before a swine nature If pin gr. t., a hone fee a ram MI visit, 1.e perry , he .e.'. .4 nrnner. Wady 1" join in what hs. been prepares! for you learn the great art .4 adapting I.tlr.elf to pair •nrnunling. i1.v.•t ewes sr expect your friend. 1.. a,•.m;wnt yowl. ''7 ,,hoer you ar.m,i tat .'If by yo:ir-'I( rime ths»h you hate mai spr.•aI errand Show wear hnt.s. that ynu el. net •yprot her or her fanul 1..,.otlnlally wait 1tp.1 rola F.ntw int., the family circle. bre '•.(r .4 than, in that, when after a hearty hetet side's• et the statin. It may le said .4 yo.. •-R'het a pleasure she las 11111,41' Hose easy t.. enein-fain "' - Th.• i,mdle.' H..rt. Jeglfgl, enemies Thee. In th .wriv 54et.'rr tee P. naayltlmr trim • big Indian Ana! refers! le Will fusel d 4• a.- 1 ' to . o to ma li e P destroy* Andyy u��p0240 k' , I b pinG',I'I( ,tl' /inei w "atlas eagle asritrtt lileatas Laws went ,.ab end rv.atvad flee pan et ys worm A pa& whihws and wdeditmteil VM 11111111111 Maw ` of'rnrnr quick!) and merely 11. Y• tA00 MSS mail ehmIllid r toss ohms We •/.flab I•IM/ea4 mom Plc, alis, HiS FEARFUL FRIGHT. Mew she het etea Sin sad and Valuer Yaltrd le She eras.. It was ,al • Sablalla euro, awl .lou ge Surppatroyd had lust tamed over to sleep again after nakuig his alill' reaoietus tot get up. But the cry, fraught with anxiety SW( trepidation. that caule fawn the roust beim* lrutahed sloop instantly. It was hi. wiles roue the deer girl whom he had taken fru" a garret's, ut rather two parents',- ••t..urg.' (•. wee quick !"-` `• What mould be the nuttier! lir cement leered mew north an °gtwiar.l rap, a he ripped hre nightgeewu up the lack end put tate leg int.. the anal .,f Ilia tuteletlfllrt. that Mead hail fun.ti.wal . of the hewn. 141,11 she could not cry ,ut like that d stricken dawn b)) "George ' why don't you Collie ` 1'410.. ! .vane lu his frantic taste he lad ou his %rotary* hinwt part before, acid Ills shin was a *reek, hut what of that' 4,414. a Gash it .vara to him, the tale of ystrnay, told by hie littk wife, at whl•h lie I1a1 swdmi Cod help hum ! A tale 01 a ,ark bemired mats who COMIC t.. real the luras water, wain, (tad be- haved au strange!) that Maud suspected hon ..f hei0g a burglar's spy-. The maim had conic again ram nun , perhaps "1:eurbe ! :f you don't Matte, it'll 1e ton late What were collar buttals now that Int' *berth( search for then' With one hound .Ile overturned the rocking chair and .smash ed the water pitcher : /ii inthrr ul.tam.t he had celLded with a half ttpen chisel d.s,r : at the third .tel, lir tripped over his swipe, el are end came ,l„wu stairs ..0 hu alis.*• anal countenance. •'1, 'outage, Mawl. ' he cried: "1 art eunm- illb. e was only a pale bookkeeper, and un arwed save with nature's *aspens. but nut for a 114wt1ent del he falter. h ••oer. to, late.- argil: jja04, with a. pretty rout, t.e'stodge dratted int.. the nem. with fire iu Ins rya, that the blood on los talee• w,uhl lent .1101. ••What where is he'" he gimped, leak mg around with an awful faintness at the heart. '•1 wanted you W NO the baler ' sa,J .he, in a disappointed Yale*. -Hr 11..d his floor in his mouth. you yr nj. idem haw cunning he lonka4 lIrikr'. 1Iagaiwe. the art et real,rnsu.a. Thr art . f ern ver.atiun a to seal,. women J gift. Like the putt, they are barn wit b then: glorious is.0 en.- -Hut many w 0114.11 rho rvinvrra. intelligently end pl..esautly lett,• 1.c one.- 1:IA0rrt. of the art by pat :cot .are and study. Et en perrue of or.limary ability- will'ind upon making the effort that where it is not a gift n, other deficiency can 1.• we well supplemented b'. art. rer the untutored there are three old rules w h,.4 may 1101 pro%. :ulmis& Talk to mea ,n the suhjrct which 1.•Lngs to -dyer pet•uliar call Imes, talk admit thele things which interest y,urself, assuming also that they interred your listener, and nuke it a point to inform yourself 11pen a varief4,• elf topic : never be guilty of intr.alncieg inn nutted company a subject upon wbie41 all limy not he able to coin .rev. There is a weatlerfnl. h.:ulty ul drawu.g people out. in making the atranga-he' . and the timid feel at twee, in potting Hues ko14. eo .skillfully ted adroitly as 1.. compel {hent b. answer AS thngh they were confer - ring a ;A'..r on you, not yoa'•te.king t.. en tertain them : but herr the rule of g,. d breahug is the hest to follow. Many of tier city tired women excel In this elegant ac= c•n,pllsiunrnt, 4111,1 40111r of our social gath- erings, for wit. repartee and intelligent tlwsireh:, bring to mewl the historical salons .4 that yueru of conversation. Mme. de Sta.!. brut it is not always the moist brit. East talker who ts the newt pleasing coon- vereattoneltat : truth, deferetur, gond nat- ure, .y empathy. tact and charity are the in- gredients of the best eon. emotion : without them Ilse most sparkling it and Int -eldest i.uagmatiotl must soon repel rather than *nand. 41mve all shut. doleful tepee. Tear. Mime unswght, unhidden. Make EP"Pit happ,. hy kind awl gracious words. The world wants more sivashine. The wisest art in life an.l speech is to cultl.ate smiles, to find flowers where other. shrink away f•.r fear of thorns', JUST ARRIVED, s..arditica:1144tie ALL THE t1OVADM IN ` Tt Arwviisar 0 1 bare Mb aesfon secured all the kneel It7tm a . ACHE BOUT FEBY. A higbsr outs of good, ICES IFILL BE VTR' ENGLISH AMERICAN' $IATS, For sprint( and summer wear. The stork cannot be *arpwaasd in the citis, sad the { rices are the people's. HATS FOR ALL SORTS OF HEADS And styles to stilt all tastes. .er.33 tt"i kr; ,. _A__ LE w PRI1)H_AMIT BOOTS & SIIOESI I will not insult the intelligence of the public by ad - ye rtising first-class goods for almost nothing, but this I will do : I will give Tou the very best goods that are made in Canada at lower prices than they are sold at by any other firm. 'NEW SPRING GOODS arriving daily. Call and see them and whether you buy or not you will receive courteous attention. I wish it be to plainly understood We've heard of a woman who rid she'd walk rive mils to get a battle of In. Pierre's Fa'..4nte Prescription if elle .e.iildn't get it w ith.sut. That wrmraan had tried 1t. And it's a medicine which snakes it.eif felt in thing tip the system and correcting Irregu arities as esu a• iia due u begin. (i.. d, your drug store, pay a de.lar. get a Tot tie and try it try a second, a third if neves• nary. Ilefore the thin[ 011e.i Leen taken you'll know that there's a remedy to help you. Then y.mll keep oh and a csrrll cone. Bht if you sl:ouldn t feel the help. should 1r .lisapp.intel 1n the results feu'll rind a guarantee printed on the Iwettle-wrapper that'll get your mr.,ey lack for you. H..w nany women are there wh,'.I rather lupe the r s,ney than healt 7 Anil '•I••vonte I'n•s•ription" prtelm:es health. Wonder is that there's a woman trilling to suffer when there's a guaranteed remedy en tine nearest drug store. IIr. P4crvv:s Pallet_ reapdatc the:Stomach, Liver sad Rowe& Rad sad ire, A Meet lar 4Maeal. it was a crowded Detroit street :ear. At the - corner of (tisane street an infirm old lady signalled the driver,,o atop. Reluctantly he put nn his brake, and would have passed by had he half an excuse for so doing. The eon dtmtor rather roughly and hurriedly helped the , into the car. It hen the knight of the punch called for her fare she felt in the corner .4 her mitten fora nickel. Ry the express,m win her face everybody in the car knew the mole•'. wan rOe. Men immediately became intensely interested in and women were looking every way but at the emlarras..el old ad here kind and rod fie evineed pain. Tgrimes eon • doctor was clout to speak when a bright school ' rt. probably fourteen years old, walke0 trent the end of the car anti, laying • 5 cent prem. in the Conductor's dirty hand, aid : "if my mother should ever be placed in the lame position as this old achy 1 hope some one will be just kind enough tido what i am doing." The. remark raw • womanly one, and a Joan of Arc couldn't lave said hearer worts. The hlu.h of shame ma tkd the cheeks of every male is the oars anti most of then live( or hal ..- 404100 (o 1r( off at the next erring. The old IaIv .lid not thank the little woman verbally for her klndnww. we her heart and eye.. were too fell 10 speak She simply] passed the erre heed and gave her • lweb- nf gratitude that spoke more forcibly than worts ever .mild. W h'. stiffer frdn catarrh and all its du • agreeable.{•mptoma when Need Ram will ern yea' 1t, not et dealers promide rnu that soak other remedy rapist M oak for Nal halm sad take to •r , r•+'r. pposhy :ia.`er., y„ep •• ; • mak, j.. L 1 111U IIT CE UNOERSflLD BI ANYONK ORDERED WORK AND REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. gig • E. DOWNING. CAN USE ANY WRITING INK. EVERY PEN GUARANTEED. Wrues ThNAn ana. %c.1‘. Letterb, a* w:.'1n a dAvti%atf, ritb. 2 • 5 0 l: 4. e z° a rt. it 3 0 Y 8 es • Our prime real Goods, Pre Robes Prints, Ginghaams and E v offering arts late produt THE f'OE ;j' eon' I Oklpawr together. . Ip oat aoothe.the maw Atlee w they Cuddled ilea° ,n their A•e:•y b , of tis here would Lot be fr1l, r of w bete would 4,,rrkly me t . t 1'11 help you and you'll help toe. f then whata b14 white drill we'll •1 p owe another." the maple spray 1 l o f u fellow leaves we da. : he ern would n Ithe • me bete alone. I.g r •,o,yth ere the day is Kone : 1'11 reip)oo and lou belpine•, then what a splendid +bale then .Ip one another" the dewdrop orie ug another drop dosr by its 'gide . his wane south breeze wonla d: away. nd I would begone ere noon today nd 1'11Arlo you and yon bele roe, ted well n oke a brook end run to t h elp oto ane hef." • grain of sand id tu another grain tea at hand : be wind may carry mai over 1 he sea, ndtse., O. what will become of ne- t cone. my brother. give your hand ell beild a mountain and 1W slams." 11HOUSEHOLDI l E paella► F..r barley broth take agewsl pie 1 mutton and putt it into a pan. , : •i, e.f water and a tetenpful of i s Let it boil, skim well, then ha• ,11 small Alyea, a breekfaet.- ipfr rote., turnips, cabbage, and two .n Ixt i t 43.11 f . s n uce.l lira. lel rev hours : then skint .df the fat, little .hipped parsley. 1,, cooking eggs on toast, toast 1, •Ji ateIr.w1; butter and lay up e• par over It hot milk thicken .i-oten.y of thick errant and l 111 111011y egg" as you lave slice more shells, press the eggs, w elks separately, through a Ater, yet the whites through first, piling .each egg npou a slier of twist, ,•,lk of er:h open the white. In tnakutg trewcIt' notes take 1 •,.,LLS', IaI( tMaap oo Mwa, tap or peed, too teaapwms s�uuggasr. trate ttra•k, a little buttermilk. Mix sup( all the dry (1.np in a basin. treacle m a cup ani pour the I autrimg It awl 11114 It well, thea all the dry things and mix with a opt is rather a soft dough, knead and and put the, either,m the grtddl ..ern till reandy. Roasted Duckling SAW*. vnlfor. Peel aix emir apples, a little water and then las the atare. Add two ounes of a. +► •alis . Let at get cold. V'he serve mix with double iia volume. ream with a little sugar in it. n a Mltce tureen. The above excellent ranee to wave with ;ase. Turkey 1•nnlet. I'ot two lean veal awl tax, of fat l,aerm, arrests, and two onions into larlp -nee-halt pond fresh iamer. St seal is v white and the trey melted. Pour over them three p I,roth or water, add four clove bunch of thyme enol parsley, a h .. few grains of white pepper. 1 h•ur and a half, then strain, and -ultant liquor boil a turkeeyy, to w mpart an 1 i ' i ricin an lepra. R.ss1A (:nose flsa.e. Put in' pan a tablespoonful of made mm tgspw,n(ul of cayenne pepper, m vary. al pot and warm, and OK e i the &pros into the gnome haler* serving. Turkey Harrico. - rat all the from a leer, fat turkey. `stet millets* t.a in a little brown gravy ready some carrots, turnips, •,nine& Frythem in butter for then add tan to the turkey thicken it with butter and tour tante, add • little rst.ap, as whole until the turkey is Chore This will he found a delicious .1 Th. Dna !Mel ay. lomat is the grad enemy of 1 warsas•a growl looks. it settler apeciany where there is w lit help it : the was and rely matt tis it till td, ordinary waahin It. Wriakls are•ooms nated Mea a deeper het to draw in the stylus of time. That is many wanes lark about tea whim they ted time to take 11 anti the vapor Am fifteen mir to soften the tames. There in anth hoe strain hewt/daia god ry �jpnn n the to snap and bat raster. Fnrtw .d by tt\a Mir yw telt Lha, I 5•.• (lir 5*01M -plpr 0403'•. of 11.11! Iran it is ready to tatter {• gland Amami. of all read w,alttlr, it te hair, win fr.ahoom of enema oral .filar. Subscribe For "The Signal, Goderich, Ont. Nllertal fries... ;•arta Rc, - lour Hagee art's Yellow (hl is worth de weight m gold 5w both in termed and ettrrnwl use During the ate la grippe epidemic we foesd It a most ell - fallen* preventive, awl for sprained limbs, etc., there is nothing to espial It. IV K. Peamtaro', Editor Ik1ht Re•pwter. 2 rub abbe Some of our 1'ou°en-afl/ga w saying that LhaIng *S be destroyed hy =rt�g� tt1t if the remark applies to the e tis strictly tree. The farmer. hum ham fading that ling trio long TO. a1(taMfe71 is about 4,500, and we .wind lay at leant slaw la•!f are trnuhle,l with see. off .tie n win the Threat and lowish., as lira* eowt.pla.nta ark sre•oer/ling to statistics, WS, numeante •!a. ..,. -,. .'-. •.••",. e.n".e.el .vet ... "..i es, reamers ret tr. neglect the opportunity to ea11 ea their animist and got • tattle of Kamp'. R•aawl for the Throat awl Lane 'trial she free. targe Settle 60c •.d 111. AaM by •11 druaYila • 2 -sew ft 1 llasasul The hew seta eat a filter to remove 411 parities from the blond. To keep it in per- fect working ander ase It R.R. , the great liver regulator 1 used two bottles of Hurlek Mood Bit- ten for liver complaint, and e•n clearly say i tan a well woman today. Mals. C. 1'. Wusy, Upper Otnahng, N. A. UR DOC K PILLS A aunt OYfaM M SIUOuSN CM. , , b , IN.ISCSN TIO. DISIWI . .101/1 N[AOAQN$, Ma ala1a(11M N 1011 . o44►s.l. w rev , anis•">:,fltlr,Ptl tt; %sew awe MS.rseerso no aaa pa&Mf m fagll*1. •aa rasa • tMI/rte we IMP SUMtaa taMaIlivrase a vee rum malt *1 CNsONIO M1 GMr111ATE letat* ref 5et,ifrfi.• ". • taretre /'amass Make • spew take, bait,