HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-2-27, Page 5TMt ANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ESTAIN M ole EMT. HEAD OFFICE. ...JIO r, �► wry ) au *aura **woo o. • • . • . . • t♦ S. L RAMIE. GeteattAL MMMAprlh DODERICH BRANCH. A MINIMAL BANKING BUMttas Tsai *ACTED. FARNISI' NoT*s C , , DRAFTS MOM PAVANE. AT AL. POINTS 111 CANADA. AMD T)IN ►aetteip L 01111111 IN TIM UNrrlWW STATUS, GREAT Ihn TAM, Fithian, BN11NN/1/1. dam SAV$NSS DANK DEPARTMENT. DIFONTI OF 51.00 AND UPWARD. RECtortO, AND CURRENT NATES OF INTEREST ALLOWED. ADO5O TO ma PMNOIPAL AT TNS 550 OF rt*Y A*o ,.owahraaR 1M NACU YNAR. 110.41410.000. *roor000. posl.l AMseitlon riven M aIle (eeneo$lea M 3d Farraers' Defeo Note*. le and willing toalp .peed, and give hitn It o0"uraga hint in •rk .d well donrg. 1 tap, R.. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. yelu. Rant to kis such a Majority as Parlament in the lours 4 M1'ITER KR. MARRIED. WAN WALTF.Ks Oa February 17ib. by Rev. A D. McIoaald, at ole resldon •e of chador Mases, hay rsekersmtth, uncle of the br�d�rooa, Begjamtn K. Allen to Ellice n. Walter+. both of the tow trslip of Colborne. .l'NKELD Ste(iLIATTA\ (In Feb. it by Re.'. isra A. Pear, at the residence of for stride"s parents. A.bMld, Alexander Thos Dunked!. of Wed Wawaaordt. to Miss Mary Jens McGr•ttet:, of Ashneld GLEN- Ntk. 1,$ Tbomss. eon borne. on `of the W. Johan Glsa, a� M yeah. tory. The de tmeed. who tied on 1l aloes duo of Etat week, was 94 years of age. Miss IGdbertrni, of t'hun•hville, N. sl„ fa 10 too n visiting loci :xtuther, W, R, Hobert 541. Mrs. lieu. t'ot rid grawl1u..u.ngtiter, Brit taus Rood. returned are* Saturday from a Isis to h.vttningtun. Mr. lt. Black and Master Harry visited relato es m Hamilton and Dunstan and tici.ity Last week. .-lets 1.1,0r. Mi. It. W. Campbell will give a "Lot: Light Exhibition- in \oath• et. Meth•eli•t church on the 17th Marsh. (liuton News- Record : D. k. t alb►ck, of • I;oderivh, .sate down to Clinton Saturday Afternoon to see his mother here, who is quite dL Mr. Bro. Allem and bride, .d Dv.tlop, hare come to reside in town, and are heated o. South-st. We ai•h the young couple many hippy .44* - We are pleased to_hsr that Mies A. Le Tomei is recovering from an lmli.poeitwn which has sm,tint.l her W the house for the past couple of weeks. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Locution Agent M. C. Camera S Warted J. 0. (treater 1k Hardware Joh% H•enuld,. S Amnion `tale Wm. Bawler,., .. ,.. Teacher Waned -lobo cense. ...;• • S card Of Thanks -J... Sauceless. S Grab eurnrahings -A. E Pridh•a. .. Ae..r.! Rlackstaitlt- D. ('. Campbell. i Hoer for Sale - (apt, A. Chambers 5 Notice of Uiwlotl•s-betades It 1•s.. 5 Mertgage tial•-Cressr. Carer a Saskier.:.-a THE TALK OF THE TOWN. 4 Mitts mating F. talon' %otra, /r' folk krill peed K. A Gone PsaaajT. -The most serol gift yea caa ma), ia to glee a Wirt pea. Apply toll. MtGilllcuddr.asest, Goderieb tf i'rom now until seat Thursday cursing i .utaod to work. work. wort. forint ort ex- . Hied oboes at my studio. Ow. Stewart; The Wom•o'e ('briatian lemon -um t ilea meets la tee Tea peranee Hall. North street, every Tw-day afternoon. Prayer meetitg at 1 5: bushier mein at 3 o'clock. The Risers Yates have removed their mil - hoer) stock to lite ,l.nd on the Square former- ly occupied by Mr.. )Mlkeld, whet they IOU be phrased to meet their treads fa future Be.utiful spring f, once more with us. er pretty nearly w and If you want to keep in the procession of the wrll.drwe.l sten u: ter etrtion )uu will have to go to P. J. 1'ridbam's. TDe licKinley kill mil be Try le-onvea- ..ot to the farming oomr.usitr, eel will is mo eke woo cal thea[ from buyers the e►eepeat and beet ett,ng.all .r o*er.,est to tee oatuty from Mar('ortoac The general elections doesn't binder the people al this motion wbo want good photo and picture imolai from calling %pun K. N. rimless. whs. doss Al wort at all times and wader all cerr%.ta*css, A EonTcysilia irt.(nrr.t.-A very abort lose ire tree sufficient to prove that "Lamm deo t K i,,on. Koyal Glycerued -ahem of Piss" r a meek int of mot* then ordinary mer- it ter the cure of coughs colds. sore throat. hum -moo.* and inci4ieat ooas..mrlew As the name lad,tates It combines the healing mud met tine proprriit•a of glycerine with the Sill known Tions of Fir ltslaam and is enduuM- edly wtthunt an equal for curing those troub- les for attach atom, it is 1. The sale bait extended from one end of the Prov- ence ttpp the ether. It 1. now fur sale by drthsgthls in Goderieh. PHce )0r. pe- bottle 94-3m Min Nolan visited Goakrich this week. Mr. P. Kelly, of Blyth, was in town last week. Mr. C. A. Haber visited Detroit teat week. Mr. Wm. Horton has returned front C bta•agn. Mr. James (lark has returned from tYisrton. Robert Moran, et Lnckanw, was in town est wed. Mus H. Smith was visiting relatives in (limos this week. Mr. J. A. R. Lawrence paid a visit to his family is Hamilton this week. Mir I.izzt'e Hurley, of Detroit, is spending a few days at her home in tows. Saaforth Sun : Mas Allis Hamilton is visiting frea.ls in i;odertch this week. Wm. Niebergall, .on of Geo, Niehergall, left ass Friday kaat for British Columbia. The °Seers of the Salvation Army Rescue Horat visited the division here last Sunday. Arthur Moes left for Detroit os Thurs- day wording, where he has secured s atm. tied The regular monthly meeting of the pith - tic tic scowl hoard will be held next Moaday evening, Ped. Williams, of Winglwn, i. speeding • few days 10 town, visiting at Mr. Craw ford's, Peet -et. Mr. Charles Chisholm. after a month or so holidays, has returned to his situation in the carriage shop. )Ir.. D. McLeod. wbo has boon very ill for the past two works, ie, we are pleased to leen, recovering, Mrs. Wm. Platt, who has been laid up with la grippe, is, we are glad to say, able to 1e around again. ('.pt Bahh, we Are sorry to say, has been laid up for some time with a sore leg and u not improving meth. The flowed sermoen of the lata Mm Bir- ae will h. preached in North -K. Methodist church on Sunday, Mewls gth. by floe Rin. Gen. Richnrtients. Merttnnfer Ce,tsw*ay. All M.theadi.ta will hare their atta*time drawn next San day the world over to Methodism and iia (000ndtr. In Victoria -et. Methodist eharch Rey Mr. Hattan, pastor, will preach in the morass/ its 'alis fife mid Death of Jehe Wesley." la the aneiei his thane will he: -Why I ma a MehndisI " Vh ostA-ar. & A --The wadeg service .r Ylstoria-1, cents* eat Na11d.y was nap of sane interest, beteg the serums of the bunchy s ns& Bev. R. f... Hatton preached as seeeptaNe aefd *PO"' priatw mrrowu.. '17s, eh4Mren, under the dtarp o01 Miss I.iMi. Heslin a1d Mir AJsifutta, r.rymist, trssdaefed the sing Eim►igg to the &digit del the legs mediate* mantas was 111et*1 sod the allows i "' t.wi +.•.•u.,..) :...a. S$i3+, t7•.r "rnod 1.. 0.11.4. war*. O. PrM.y afswwn..e last the farsara1 vel Amis. Hirci o►sgsser ef J...pl, Wilms., Shims Reed, task pians he *Mani e11N1e- 1H-SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY: FEBRUARY art, 1111. (oYwre.a TesSassend ('anent to disputed. tad the oats r yet to be beard from V which 1'otnam's Pats. s. (um Katractur has fated to perform 5 pr - feet .Ire. This with painless sal action sad freedom tri aatwyaeoe dvria� use. The great cure and banjo& ere stattdtt uorivaIhd. Sure, safe. p%�at.ls5 ilewats of frauds offered aa substitutes lir the great .tint care Putaam's huddle ('ora Extractor. N. C. Pointe A Cu., Kug res, proprietors. Sane other. Our Clearing Sale is still going on. All winter goods at your own pricer: -no reasonable offer refused. We are determined to carry no winter goods over until next sea- son, so you may depend on getting bargains. Kindly call and examine. 4. A. REID & BRO. Jordan's Moot. (loth -rich. Jan. Yard, 151. 2231- A number of piing people front lis}y6eId attended the (*inlet.' eau -nivel here on Thurs- day evuuing of last week, and report hoe- ing had a 1tu.x1 fluke. Dr. V. N i.hilecra, the West -at. dentist, Lakes the preservation of the natural teeth a specialty. Gar shalaistiwed front 9 a. nt. for the *Mesa extraction of teeth Johnsen Carey•s change of advertisement has Lee./ received too bite for this issue. 11 anttouncxst bargains in ordered goods of list -alas• quality. 111s inotto is : 11.744511 profits and quick returns." .15 McLeod, who h.. been laid up for the pe.d few days from as attack .1 1a grippe, which prevented him from attending the skating ewe at Ilayllehl oar Monday evening, is, we ass glad to say, able to be around .gain. To THE Finest AM.Ai*. We are plowed to know that nor enterprising u,wnamsn, A. F:. Pr,Jlrarn, is around once more after his reueot severe indisposition He is now hustling alon;f the spring trade i. Ilia line and is loaded with novelties is every branch of his Mathew. Men.uptr.T ('ciTs.Ntat_ - By arrange meat of the General Conference the first vbbath i. March will be devoted to cele besting the one hundred. year since the death of Wesley, Also ooe tundra./ yearn of Methodtam in Canada. The -Her. Geo. Richards u will speak in North -,t. church in the morning on "Wesley and RFs Titres. In the earning on "Onr Hundred Nears of Mtthonlism m Carr oil. -' • THE STIO NI rAsttioss, Erery woloaa r interested just now „in what to wear for spring. The latest styles are iliusttated, the newest nlaterals Jeacribed and the Irighteq idea.eml.udied in the Marchnum- berof The Delineator. This issue t-ontairs „ter one hundred Lige pages of interesting fashion talk enol practice' hints for the home, and the wonder is hew any woman can do without iL Canadian edition identical with that puhlialied frtnl New York. 51 a year. Address The Delineator, Taranto. TN. ('Antes' $W1,'.n C**srt-AI. - The second Carnival held under the auspice• of the Caret Templar. of Temperance came off Thursday evening. F.eh. 19th. in their rink on Nelson -et. Although the weather hod been very mild up to *within a short titre of the date announced, the ice was in • (air cou.litioa, Over 120 maskers took part to the for prizes, while the number ofpresent exceeded 400 people. tore wen those present who have for years takes an active interest in carnia -ads in (;oderich, and the affair last Thursday evening was Iro.owioed by them the most successful they had ever witn•ned here. The following is the lid of successful competitors : (dent's best costume, 1st, Pd. (ampaigne : 2nd. Norman Bowbeer. Lady's hest costume, 1st, Mrs. Arnold ; Ami, Mrs. K. S. Willman. Roy's beet costume, 1K, Harry Johnston : Sid, Archie Dickson. I:trla beet imetume, lit, Mow Weathrald; And, Marion Shephard. (iemt'. Cotyle ees- tume,l.t,Ch&s. Symonds; lard, D. Harrison. Bo{+'s mink contain, 1st. Kenneth Horton: Alfa. ('hss. Swanson, The prises were all valuable, and, ea the (.leta have taken much pride in keeping their Foe in good en edition, their risk has boost very popu- lar. Mr. Geo. Stewart took great pause to /tawe everything carried eat in an orderly and systematic meaner. We understand that the peweeds thug second are deposited in the Bank of Commerce to the credit of the (;.let., and are intended to forret a fund for the perpere d properly tarrying on the ('.let work here. WtoaId the weather prove favorable the boys purpose !wring smother tar*Iv tl before the season is over, which they hope will he fully up to their previous .farts. BELFAST. [nor oma uws cbttsaerefrefe e.1 Miss May f'rosby hes been visiting friend* in Dungannon. The Pstrnes of industry ere to hold . debate on Wesdneedey .igkt next. The e.hjeirt will he, " Which is the more praRt .h4e to the farmers, to till the soil or aro gra. it+" Mr. Robert Porter, et -M, P. for West Huron, gave • spe•eh here tie Tuesday afternoon. Mr McKean also gave a very brief speech w• 1 reciprocity. Vargoodwas. kept: gooepi Mr Marring, of Clinton, and Mr. Jae eeenrrsille, of lecknnw, spoke on Thermi•y night Theron ween't s very trod haariug 00 aconuat of Porter's odd follower. beteg presets. e aoewe saki& Sete of harm stuck sad el Richard Morrow, kit 7, ss,,. 1I, (Whore*, ern Moswiay, March tad, at 1 e'elock p.f� JAN Rae., .a'tirwrar. syo.le� ..�I�-.a/.ah1• nark lets esljoiniwg tows of teplrwch. tie port me As s premiere. as rad of South-at.at It .'cloak p a, os. Teasley, March lath. John Kaes. •estb a err. Albetlow ewe. AUCTION SALE or VALUABLE PARK (ATS. adjo(nieg town of Ooderich. i hare received taetructiows from lir. Wm. Bawdea to sell by public auction on the prem• see, at the and of South -et.. twssmencing at 9 o'clock 0.m.. on TUESDAY. torn DSY O_ MARCH, A.D.'M. A range of valuable park iota. sit wiled oar the *00(34 boundary of the town of Ooderlck. run air-* from the Itayteld /toad to the lake. 'rhe iota are high mod dry. ane beautifully situated Mr building iota. and offer the great advantages 0 being clatter to Square than mane lots actually in the Iowa, and are not burdened with town tats. The lead is tiro class clay loam in a high sta.e of cultivation. Then stn two good houses t.• the place. The larger in the (vivre of the lot is on one of the dont situations in the country. being o* ris- ing ground. with an •x iisat view of Lake Huron, a. well as the couutry trotted. In connection with this hour there is.lsoa large orchard and new barge. The lots will be sold to.nit purchasers. either in parcels et one or one hundred arra. with or without Ibe build - I ay. meats on easy tern. an money required down. Time gismo for arts payment. People wanting a good speculation, a quiet hour or a tree pasture lot will 'take money by attending this sate. as bargains will be res on account of Mr. Hawdea's removal to Exeter. Note.- Taxes on this property are now ler than 35 coats a pow per a•7e. Why buy a quarter of an acre iv Goderic9 town for x'.30 with 51 • year taxes when you con get a quar ter of as a -re frau Wm Howden for 11215.10or len. The plan of the lots can he inspected at lir. P N. L.wle' oboe. Oodericb. W11. RAWUICN. JOHN KNOX, Prop boor. Auctioneer. (Roderick reuses? IN11. INN. 117-31. SALT OI VALUABLE Town PItOPBRTY. l'nder and by virtue of a power of sale row - boned in a mortgage made by Themes Dalt- rey. default haying been made in payment tOrret,f, wnl be told by public aocuoo. on the premises. on THI-R'UAY. MARCH 1211. IMl. At use o'clock p.m. the following property: Lot No.37 running number. to the town of Ooderick. [' this loo is a floe stone house. 3516, with*Mit ion. 29126, and a good stable. Tesare.- The purchaser rbaU Per a deposit of *Neat the time of sale, the balance of one- third of the purchase money is three weeks thereafter: the remaining two thirds to be paid case. or secured b, • mortioure parable In (rum one to are years, at the option of the pan -burner. For farther particulars apply to CKERAk. CRERAR t HANKIER. Vendors' Solicitors, Manville*. February 415. tilt. f7 -rt WRTOAOB HALE Iva VALUABLY FARM • PROPIRTY. Under end by virtue of the power W sae contained in a certain mortgage dated the Lath day of January. A.D. 1511, and of an 5/445 - need thereof to the reader* bedlam date tis 11th dal 01 May. A.U. 1664 which will be pro- duced rodoted at ;be time of maim, there wallbe sold bv public audio*, at Martin's Hetet. in the Tows of Oodericb, u the Comely of 11155to 12 o'clock noon, os. Saturday, the 7th bay of earch. A.U. 1115. by John kaox. adeuorew. the tdtowtag valuable ttrm propar's. ltamel The north holt of Id number lure. to t� eighth Co.osseloa. Enter* Mvaton of 15 Townablpof [tabloid. he the County of Heron oonlahing b ,ad . one b.adrmel acres of lard, be tie same more or lest. Oa 11.E shore r there a a good fog boas MOO,sbarn Os* • log .t.1le leak • frame 3011` sad two good wells. Micros of the ls.d are tarred toad tae bel ante is well wooded wttk beach, maple and h•meek. The land is uad.wdnt.ss and hos weed There is oleo • good orchard of two area. The .od is a day loom. There are Names Crow in fall wheat and 6 acres roll ploughed. This is an esoelleot tang, .ad i• situated about 1S miles freer Oudertch. m miles from La.-kaow..a4 7 airs from ienng•nnon. Te.RMi : Tao permed down at the time of sen, and the balaaos in ane mouth withewt letermit. for fonber particulars apply to ib• aactlos- err er t Ise serters' SNn le(to. i>•�eh AMEy CAMERON. HOLT tt CAMERON. JOHN KNOX. Toasters' Soll1��ytars, Aereteser. (61.51) Aue tt J 0811 KNOB, 01a*RAL We- t, sad Lard Vatwt.r. Osdere4. Oat Having had ooesid.rable experioses u tea sateleserting trade, he is i• s pedt(as to clambers. with aroma utl.Asatle..Il rem IssMn. .otrared to him. Orders left *1 Marmot Hemet, or toast by nail to his addreet elederi'k P.O., carefully .u.eded to. JOHN INOX. ()nasty Ataettweer. habit Hotel A000122 modesties*. *pal HURON HOTEL. - Tin L well-ka•wr. and impart, .seal ma USD reliant. emlarwd sad t0Nereil r,eo.Ny sad Ie tow emend to ae.e in eawtyd�{y.t•..e ta�g maeeasku ver the gam Wee (;Valu. PreerWw. th. Sp..r'w 4115d515. IN filum/. 1TIODIC Ls880N&-MME *soli TIOTIMPut IED es Wweirpo od 'd`'"�t!o: wean 1614:2, S. e est Wanted. r AGMS WANTED lorries -Dont NION ILLUSTRATED" I. every (assdian Wen •ed y*llgs. Spec ladeemrats allured la .4dK s. a cem • solea. 1415 eartteel.n added. TMi BAB111rON LiTPeib44hers, Modred WANTED -10,000 CORDS OF softer* bolts. ter wblcb I will pay Mos per ward, d well cut. 3r lncbes lone, tad good woad timber. As thane b tux racb pt•s pace of eery mach more sleighing. and es bolts Gan be boogied o* emcee. this will rabic mantas aunt inborn to place then timber on market at mite. 4.05e cords basdlag waste•( basswood tad •/b, aa>d With. ills 55 the cows ty •f Mane. Jet. KIUO. 41-K Situations Vacant. ri1ZAOHYR *&NIKD FOR tl. S NO. .L Il. East Wawanesh, teddies s,•ound or tburd class tett ideate. lout Irw to .omtaoate os. April 1st, .Mel, fur • term of alae mouths. Ap 4*uat)wa to bo la by 211th Montt. JOHN T. C l- ttKlE, sea, W iugham, Oat. 574t WANTED. -A SERVANT GIRL Ti) work ra a Wali fai i1 sad du Ibl5►t buu.ewurk, at Staple ('tock, N. W.1'. t IU p.y fare out. Apply to Mr. .1. 0. &0$I.b.Y. ,/ape Cress*. N.W.T. 97 O LAW STUDIINT WA\TEL. -A Apprlopinion Eur • topside young man. 45 CA0PluS. MIL Panne Medina. - NOrICXtD Dlr1MOLUTION. Notice is hereby taco that the beretofore rtisttau .between the •aderuen- lluard: tradtu t under !tie tlrd same of Jame* Sounder. i Icon as dealers 11. storm ttnosro, Moe) gouda, et:., .arryln.1 ou baslnees at the town of li.,dertcb, has this day 'lrr.0 dis.ul%ed by mutual consent. A11 debts due the yid arm are to be loud to, and alldebts owing by the said fln.tetrin be prod t.y the undernigreed Aleut Saunders at t be o..t•taud. Nest -meet. Dated liuderich, letbruuy lith, Drat. !t; _3t Nliras, •JAyI EtlSACNUERS, VILNA Wti.sov, r ALECK tl!l'NUkH.�. 'I'( WILLIAM T. WHITELY, RE - 1 t uroiag Olsexr for the tt set Midis* o! the County of boron. sip, 1 burr appointed N'.1Larn Pro:4foot. of tbm town of tiuderich, in the °aunty or Hu roe. barrister. to act as my agent fur the pur- poses of the tlerctlon about to be held to elect* member to represent the electoral district of West Heron in the Hoar of Commons tic the Doss inion of ('&:each. bated• ibis tit h day of February 1891. M. C. CA311t,ItON, 97- It Candidate. FOR SALE. -ONE HORSE, ALSO A FOR and %hi�giCh�. Apply to J. M. YRO(wru0T, tioderlt:h. 16 21. C. CAMPBELL. WALTN, D. (► horn .hoer. general blacksmith .srriage builder and dealer in atricuItusal implements. All kia)sot bnck.mlth,ng work amended to promptly tad raretu)ly : borsr.nw leg a spre- lslly. W*gonr, carriages. Etc., repaired cwt short cotter, D, C, CAMPBELL, oakum, Ont 94.3* ul!\ RAE i8CLD, ETHEL, DEAL- !, er is hardware. tinware, stoves. ramp goods, coal oil. W kt%ds of wooden ¢trod churns. etc. bat etrough int• specialty. With tour years' experience is besioe,s 1 ant enabled to thoroughly understand the wants of my enstotnerr, and 1 aim to .uppls Epode a1 rock - • tom prices. JOHN H YN4ULI), Ethel. FOR SALE -IF YOU ARE CuN- u•mplatligtee ppercher of a windmill a Aim -class one can be had cheap for rash. Apply at TOIL SiuN.L (bice. 5-Im. 1LT0TICf - NOTICE 18 HEREBY 1..‘ given that the Council of Stanley iatesd to pica b la- to authorise the sate of part of the original road allowance oppoeite lot 11, Coo. 4. Stanley township. Persons interested are requested hake notice ani "ovens es m rtgb,. Any object55 mm seat to the reeve or clerk ..n or before the 'wreath day of March next. Ry order of 'the Council. January, 39th, 1M1, 0120. STE- W A ItT. Clerk. 94-11 OPICE. - APPLICATION WILL ae be made by the Guelph Junction Rail- way ('umpwn) to the l'ertianient of Canada at it. next eleestoa for on Act giving effect to an snowmen* by which1, it tenses its Wu:way to the Canadian PactSc Railway Company for the pet dud and on t lie term. therein mentioned: extending the time for the and completion -if the extension of its Railway from Guelph to a point on Woe Huron at or near the Town of (loderich, or to such other point as deacrihed in the Act 3631 Victoria. Chapter 59, entitled "An Act respecting the Gnetph Junction Railway Company," mrd for other purposes. 9041 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.- Whereas soar person maliciously di. - posed baa been circa tiag *he report that 1 tau gala* to /race hese next Jane. when my father tiles. Oro. Rlch•rdso. loaves. 1 bag to stamp the statement se a falsehood, circulates} with the intention of doing Injury to my outliner eoenectian in thi. town tad sectio✓, 1 hare lame to stay' -r and 1 take this upper. trinity to warn my friends against giving cre dence to ter her retort above referred to 1C. KICHAK11110s. L. 0. 8, Greed Opera Rack.Ooder(c .. Rl-t RAP Gale or ibr tient HOIISEFOR SALE --TBE UNDER - .Weed eters for sale that handsome new residence oe Wed d. ata bargain. For earth .s particulars apply to CAPT. A. CII M BEM& 97 11 T0 RENT -000D BRiCK HOU8E as IL.luto.,t, to ant -class otter. with tlardes. and sable if melted. at a reams able tete. Apply to 0. SUMIN. >M ha. FOR RENT. -THE FARM ON LOT L sue. T, township of Colborne, contain lag 466 acres. A splendid 050415ess 1s on the premises. and the baildiatt5 are t• good condi tio.. The farm 5 ewes mites from Oodericb. apply to PATRICK HOGAN. 0oderebl'.O. (.`OR SALE. THE FOLLOWING l' valuable properties : Part of lots 7 tad 4 000eea%ioa 1. E.D. A.h- Geld. 126 aeras. The North 1 of et 31, Sed concession. Fast Wawanosb, nurses. Part of bock Y. Colborne, w acres, known as the A1►ar Haogbery farm. The above properties will be sold as tame to suit pen homers, Apry to 2110.5 ROV, ) A cA1,j � r!Iwo LOTS FOR BALM. -LOT% IN. 1 Klaret ins.. and 277. Telare�t. AaAtr Sob. Cbsp fee ea* or en tensa to wit peso �,We y t. MHa NOLAN. 17441 , Travelling Guide. "-.1•'1'. 11RA11U TRUNK RAILWAY, Ta r eleetvs and depart as Oedema Matt s4 aM nova p.m. wtt..4..... .... ::::.•,...:...1i pr.. Mixed ..• TN 5m. , -• -Loos w. Msta..r.,..,,..,,,....I.N 0.a . ,, MsshaafteV' Is. $torte. awODIIWCH iiEOHANI(?8'LtOONU'1STI- lT _TUTS LIBRARY AND R1LADiNti- , .oar, of East street a.d Square tap Opt* from 1 to 1 p,ra., end tress ; to 1. p.m. ABOUT 9000 VOL'S 1N LIBRARY. Lwsdiny flails, Weekly *s4 illustrated Popo', .il,tgrt:ices, elf., on 114,. MEMRfItSHIP TICKET. ONLY Stas. Hra*Uog free we of Library and lteadi.tt- 1(oom. m Applic*Uoa for mebership redo ed by Librarian. us room. T. wsztmJt.4LL, G9:O. $TIVSN. President. Secretary. Wiseiolt, //larch luta. tali. D Mist gr. 1f NiCHt►LSON, LD.Ii,-DENTAL tosms Gppo.Ue the now POOL Oboe. Weet•s*, Guderice. bit-Iy. DR. E. RICHARDtSON, L, D. S., surgeon dentist. Gas and vitatlacn air administered for Irainleas extracting of teeth. Special attention giien to the preerr•tlon of the *atom/ teeth. Oben--Up stain. Wand Opera House Suck. entrance on West M G04.11.h 2111-1, `{{ O. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER. r. sotieitor• commissioner, t,•. lanes. collections and real Estate trmn.aculons Dane fully attended to Office ('ver. llamtleM and St. Andrew's-tt., 15odrrch, (Mt. tb t)-. 1 OffN DAVISON, BARRISTER, • memoir. Cooveyeaver, to : )toner to lead. Office over, Post -Otte. Gwlericb. Welt LI CAMPION, BAHRLSTER, /. Solicitor. Notary Public, c t c. Orrice Over Jordan's Orug *we- the rooms formerly occupied by Judge Doyle. t't Ij C. HAYS, StiLiClTOR, *c l�• 011ice, corner of McIntireand West street, Goderkb. over telegraph Dake. Pri- vate roods to trod at 6 per oast. 2'ttO GARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR - rimers, Attorneys, Solicitors, kc., ade rich. J. T. Garroter. Wtr o. W. Prosdfoot, 11AIIELI IN, 'HOLT & CAMERON, 0 J Barrien, "netters in Chancery, ate, Godeticb. )4. C. Cameros, Q,1'.: P. holt. FiRS. SHANNON A SHANNON, lJ Physidaria. S*remoare, Ac.,oacbern, etc, °Mee at 45, sha*awu's residence, near the soul. GuderIce. G. C. Sua.vsttN. 4. R. Snap Not, 1731 DR. B. E. M.-KENZiE, H. A.. LEC - rarer oa Onbrprdie Surgery In the Wo men's Medical Collet.. and in 'ideate U n i yen i tJ : Cons¢I'tap Orthopedic Surgeon to Victoria Huspital for sick children. Tomato. 1)i.eaare of the joints and deformities only. Consult - tattoo. 10 to 3, IUo.x-s.. tRi, meta Yonne -stn) Toronto. Telephone 3551. Oen Fridays and Saturdays can be seen at home by appoint nest Only. fb-11 - Loans and Iarwraaol• W - 8. ROBERTSON, ACCOUNT- !' ant. rink Life and Accident Insur- ance Anent. O1aoe upstairs, oppomite SIC nal dice North•mt.. Godericb. 74 tt. N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, PROC- .i. for in Maritime Court; Muse) to lona :I N per cent.. private funds. Straight lean. in. toted yearly. (beta very moderate. For parllcs►lare call personally or write. 21 0, WARD, CONVEYANCER, •1 . kc., and oomtgissiooe4f„rtaklp 54 re- ceiving recognizance* pf bail, altte or alternations, depositions or solemn declara- tions in or Concerning any action, snit or pro- ceeding in the Iliah Court of Justice, the Court of Appeal for Oatarlo, or in an) ''catty or Division Coon. A11 tr•as5ctions carefully tad promptly executed. Residence and P.O. address-T)ungannon.Opt. eke tf L'N J. T. NAFTEL1 LIFE, FIRE AND X • Accident Insurance AtteaL Egg North Initirh a Merca*U4 • Liverpool. London t Globe: Norwich Union, North American Life : aad Accident Iasnraaoe of North America Lowest Rama, Losse, sst- tted promptly. Money to loan on Farm *ad Town Properly. ('•ooreyeacint dose. Pio pert, valued, etc. O,t•w-Cor. Northd. and Square. Ooder(cb. • 71- (t►Z�)0,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO a' '•C6AY1x0N, HOJi.r t CAIIYRON, .]ode Mob. .731 MONEY TO LEND. -A LA R O I amount of Private Funds for invertwest u bce* rates 5 at•et-clan Mortgagee. Apply Lo OARROW A PROC DP'OOT. RADCLIFFE, GENERAL IN • furnace, Real Estate tad Money Loaning Aired. (roll dret.'laas companies redeemed. Money to Lead on Wane u weinterest the lost rate of intest goi ` loa any way to suit ibm oorronr. Omoe- S. rid door from Square, West Streeett,C OOods141 - CUT THIS OUT AND PUT IT Oh PIANO. PIANO TUNING. Special attente% given to r.buasg sad action regulaang, Reduced rates for year(, tnnteg. Orden left at Organ notary, at my resi- dence, West -K., or at 0. W. Tboeaso.'s Peng Waremonr will receive prompt tattier. AU work gamra.teed. 1)5.17. E. HOifUK4M. KEMP 8 BALSAM. }NI REIT -CLASS BRICK HOUSE AND Rtewa's swum witticism, pert, LOT FOR SA1.5 ON MT. PATRICK ST. t two adaute's walk front the Aveiro. Teo *tortes bitty ixi.k addition la the rust 11 ,tines kWh, buddies mewed with ,luta Bain h.Ildtnu Stan 31•rgs totemo ea lust lain appettaalr, then are t IMO rooms lett, icor addition there are kitchen. penult. ween oo... t'pmair,, glrra ream •and bathroom, Alss good cellar. Apply n..rtoue.4 ler . ie0A31154 GORDON. 441. HOUSE FOR SALE. -THAT OOY- melees dwdltag w lkoolte4. at prowess eoevired by the advertiser, is tor sale cheap. Tkare are dale rooms, with closets end paatre . Tow water on the premier. Renee lame and high. sad nossfortabte e eTery esopeat A srforttygt tgarden in ee��tttt *Ie.. Address art sfc, .tMc[INRTi (idetreb. VARM FOR BALE -THAT [)Il:SiR- .1ad .able *ret .weal b y the e.dansig.ed ►era., W.1). 11 a esprt 04 sena,poewd, as part Meek a Oat .ad free of eta.ps. tl, the premises ars • hams *wallow hewer. • bare IA t !e la pit esedit(oa,asd oris d young mallard. A .war emelt le also art the memises. Wllbl%tw* ml And • bier of 0.5515. e . ..newt e.ar51 read. Ae the ewer Is mot • 1� rainbow', Coosb9yenR - .,,] CtMs* et Witch Halal, *.e4' SY.s/ariass. (7*04,h.r lee, s. waste( n „woe throws. r e:Nttitest xttig•tiM8 BANK OF MONTREAL-- 14- ONTRE L--- '° ii_ l 2,�o, coca 6,000,000. rime's/ has Acorn *nett iN cofi- ranch. caved at current rags. CAPITAL REST, f4 Saving Defta vection with this Interest all GEO. DR (!MM0ND, Manager Goderich Branch. TO ADV*RTI$gRS. Notice of clutng's moat 41*' left at this (Sher not later than Blonds) noon. The ('opy for change. Finast be Ire not later than Tues .lay noon. ('*rut' A.Isertiertnenta aerrpteil up to lotion Thureitsy of melt work. *Stop taut,* NASAL BALM .1;ittsF, cokduLrD H �m Eq N, � a CATARRH p M a oa w.tae. ea coytatY Wadmoo=to sitar •taps SOOTHING CLEANtiII,O. t►iiEALINO. Instant 4.40, Permanent Cerra, Fluters imp•a,kla. • Emmy .r.raWf litre•• art ...pt rr.a5wlar .f C.rarra, ort •. s.,.4 •••11k1=11•%16.4.1.... Imlay I s..sats ..m •a lw d .w. tc ). .I S )*Vis rt etc, any .t M. a . i..* .f •, 4.s .- lWEar Vic •••••►. .al ll. 4. w 4 ,accrue . M,'... ata.• . l4 warned b n<.1..t.d ray /01, Sad *..ti1. to:atur4, 1. Iowa 1 ed tq .•s....e tt.. at.t eta. Maw mos M .4) 34)all 1 dr.y++y lableala OMAN,/ flab, iy garnets MOOED A to , Sterk.osa, Ort. CHRONIC COUGH NOV ot For If you do r 11 mw 0000110000001100tis fa *- snmptlta For Q .1rt'rM1.. s....nt Debater W tu`,MraP laMirb ere there dot .htl:g 115 SCOTT'S'8 EMULSION Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and HYPOPHOSPHITIS Of Edema awl •od.t. 11 Is amen as rentable as mRk. bar better than arbor so•ea)led Emuls:oaa A woodsrt.l Sane producer, 1....;. .s EMULSION is Pigs. 4. 5-41.1010w rainy wrapper. as sire ort get Me genuine. deli by ell Loden; at Mr. and 91.00 SCOTT a Newer, i00evfle. !DISC'S CURE F F THE BEST COUGH MEDICINE. =DST elt1GCU1', JTMrw>1211.11, CCN: VMr'TI CABD OF TIIANKS. JAYS,. SAUNDTRS, in re- turning thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on the late firm for the last ten years, has now dissolved. A. Saunders will conduct the business of the olid stand, collect accounts and pay all debts of the late Linn. Jas Saunders has re- moved to McLean's block with a full stock, which will be sold cheap, consisting of Sheffield goods, in knives, forks, pen and pocket knives, razors. tea and table spoons ; Birmingham goods, in Japanned ware ; Wolverhampton goolis,in spec- tacles of all descriptions ; and silver-plated ware from the best manufacturers, and jewel- ry in gold, silver and plated ware ; specialty in wedding rings ; combs and brushes, of Edinburgh and Aberdeen mak- ers ; fancy goods in the new styles ; wall papers from the best makers ; 2,000 roils at five cents per roll. Come and see for yourselves before buy- ing. Country produce taken in exchange. JAMAS &LUNDIII& . SOIETHINO FOR NOTHING, Look in this Space for Particulars Next Week. This Space Belongs to Aleck Saunders, The Tinsmith and Plumber, 11Avt7TacYre.q SASH, DOOR and BLIND, Dealer* in s11 kinds of LUMBEK, LATH, SHINGLES And bulkier*. material n! every description • School Furniture a Specialtj. -T]CTRA VAL4'118 IN - TEAS AND SUGARS --Fee tba next two weep at-- : IV ED. CAM.PAIGNE'S, Cr. Montreal -et. .54 Iltglase. Telephone Connection. FRURIIEA t' UWCfl4 *0. > otic.--141.1614121142": tic. ltRtK1R j el Tllwla I +'R u, MC 'ryi'.0 r' J'� d.. }; Tic ws d.1r...Asat WOK town.•• yes ma q� a a•wYa�rir� tas.ny � �p ss. is 1tBet�r.�W` • 12,000,Acre: Good Far•vt Laic ,TTL& 9755/51 T. Oa 51eheam t's** I. Metre*1 etyma 5sid Leen 155.1115115514 Al hies. raising drew b M K owe emit Theo Latwds are rem to 445,5041. )I0$Norte Tewar, Churches. Nrhenb, at . and wffl i. field ee Moat Favorable Terra serve t0 rr smart+ w tr.t.y,