HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-2-27, Page 3THE SIGNAL 90MINICH, ONT., FRIDAY, FEBRUAKI sal. GREATi CLEARING SAL bridal chamber' wed nevereatly hewed Win E 1 la. When he returned he Ineekumel te tier porter 8 **show dos swan te.4 11-44, • helmet. null . ALT eitiug nee of the dens us the garret. The ewers mos writhed that • live prince was I* town, mid a crow.1 of tuft hunters etangiceptted at the tweet nisei a look &t how Consequeutly when Mr. 11 4.s appeerwl he wan the subject of such adulation .14. he had Having decided to clear out the balance of our Winter Stock (all new goods), we will, offer until the lst of relief knows. At first lie attributed this to his beauty. lett gtatiiially the truth deemed March the GREATEST BARGAINS EVER BEEN IN GODICRICH. .. ii.i. ...I .. he he del he -played it,- to - we hia own eipresnom - for all it .,... We quote a few of our prices, as space will not admit of an extended list: worth." Presently nne of the bolder of the group weasel him to join ue a bottle of *Ow. He promptly accepted. Auothyr and ati.all follewed. and mich a popping of eurks awl fisoung of Hemlock nem tearer he vt •• fore heard in the house. Meantime- Ilse eutugraph fiend put 111 &II app in n. !Asters. liomes of plusti•bortud volume. were thrust into his hands. and. uothing loath. Mr. I: .1.141 called for * pen mei went to work. I. ,„ hail ti.. hies how to spell - 1•turiode,- tool simpl) male a lieleoue. iselecapherahle ....E.ANI,lwaring.t.we. -... ha...: as he could &i.. permanently dietiguriug each isook. Monte he embelluitivel with such good old elieetnuts ea: •• When you see thw remember ow," •• Lmet, but not law.; wet i ••Yours few health.- It war that mute thou anything else that made people &fit -tweed wet to lyneh hini. While an thee was gonig on Yturluile was pooling up anti down the , Ate loriesonie, *Wearable. wet astonished at the uniiersal neglect. When dinner was announced Mr. Wad. was escorted to the dining mon. +old seated at * table by himself. The ......k had resell to the .....aaion, luel iterpiews with fearful names follies et( cocit other in tnnuiti - arable °Duryea. Ti tell the truth, M. Hobbs was by this time pretty aril hoar& so to speak, and began to put scene vis id tailoring in his r. 'al ntle. He mule strange orate gestures.. he punched the %sneer, in the rd.., tool shuttled a pile of butter,dialwr through hie lingers like a pack ef poker chips, while Yturlede ..it anteing a he .1 New York armour:aerie ginsitting a tough eirlcie and cursing a rouritty tha lima nd respeet for prince*. As dessert was twin, per. cd a jetty .4 dustry, courage, theft anti taste. No dist ingutshed Mexicans tome Pao, del Norte. wonder she was a proud and happy woman. across the KS' 1;rawaet put :n an !Pisa, She deserved to he. &nee. They had heard of the prim, e Wes It was ir end evening for. Mrn. t-imiti.y en. -e. and amine to pa7 their pews:tr. They when, tepee invitatien, she went to dint in WF le'l 11,11.°,_„the '4w1a11,_,rmiln ullui a'lv"l'i the cety with Veer old freen.1 and sehoolnuite. to the table °"'t• 111 "'"", Mew t amp. The two gi rip had i,„ "r„, " Is this Prince Ituriiide t.'"' asked the and tender friends in their ' early years. efailtemfian- Mr. Camp was • successful tanker and •• Yoe bet it W. -said Mr. Hobbs. jocowly. broker, and had rilen frorn being „ jonku,„ " Mierbilbir Was the Kiag of Clubs and my TON CAREY'S. Ladies' Goat and Polished Calf Bal's, at Ladies' C. }Cid Shoes $1 00 68 18 1 23 87 - 40c. up - 75c. per pair Ladies' Slippers, : _ ..- - Gents' Cordovan Bal's, leather lined, fair stitch, - Gents' Leather Walking Bal's, - - Boys' Good Leather Boots, from - . A big drive in Ladies American Overshoes, at - ••• The 10 per cent. discount having proved somewhat tame, we have adopted this plan to clear off our pres ent stock and make room for spring oods. These prices, which are net, are unheard of before in Goderich but we mean business every time. • o leads now in the shoe business ? JOHNSTON CAREY, the Shoe Man,. CUSTOM Woltz AND IMPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. • Th• Gnat Remedy CATARRH. BRUCIMANSIA Warranted 1 "Meatus, yol are charged with steadiug Mr. Known s laterwenower. Have you a lawyer • "No, rah. I didn't mistime 'nue ou de ode oh dat mower, Wage, to high eaminael.- A SURE CURE 1. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. R. J. K. olVOE, •.They tell rete a..nein can male inowy in Wall street." rid a farmer n, a broker, re coldly. "What Otero, would you a.Ittse tiw to invest In 'in» you own fans property replied the broker. who had hem pinched in the weeney pante. • • 1 -ea. 1 own tree awl clear 20.000 acres of the heat fann land in lows. Answered the aktricultunat. • ' ell, then. take e friend's advice,- said the Wall street man. '1 u» est itt plow - shares. - 1 { 1 - Mee Patestee amid Manutacturer. GADERICII. ONT. PATENTS 1 CAVEATS. TRADE MAUS AND COPTIWNTS Obi/deed. aid all business in the U. K. Attest °Rios attended 10 51 AWOL ',CRAM FRE& Our sake la oppstle the U. K. Patent Am sad we car o4.ian Patents in teas t Lbws thole remote from W sm.vorox Sens NOVEL OR DRAWING. Ws ad- . Ise se to patentability free of eltarte," sad we make NO CHARGE UNLICSS 1VN OB- TAIN PATENT. We refer, Isere. to the Pesausaater, tbe Rept. or Money Order Div., and to officials of the U. et. Potosi Offlos. For circular, advice. tense and refereeees to aetual *beats 1. your owa State er Coast y. write to C *RIM a CO. Omens Pewee& Mee Wasgagten.D.D ti-tf sea MY SPONGE? COMM year Sheol Wath WOLFF'S ACME BLACKING DO AS DID OCE A WEEK ! 01 .2.0ayG wash tmben SPONGE MID WATER. EVERY Hate.teo. ". EVERY C.t,tri Ronn EVERY Carnage ()wrier EVERY Trsrdly M.cry, EVERY Body ate to hold a 11KKOVLD tnIts brush 1,* IK- ON Try I 7' . Waserase *KO • lir* **/12.,m. u* 0 Ma , - 010,..'. ••••*asiliemow.emia rwewisa. \;....i. avow?.'.as'.ss **1.1 • 110 . wow. out ammtarra me - Pt* 1.5.* •••••• Caeca ht the akee.. m ,....B.4 ............., s....... • Will *down -.sw -18 Sum en -spiswea au ameba puma 'OD 11 SORRIONT -'1 'V EVE"' WILL POSITIVELY CURE cur,Ns ITTVii Bowel Ccupiaists, Olarrbsta 41 • SUMMEECOMPLAINTS KEEP A BOTTLE IN THE HOUS. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS TIE ItEY TO NEALTI. Unlockt nfl the clogged weaves of the Bowels. Kidneys and liver, aiming tie gradually without weakening the sys- tem, all the jail:rarities and ice( humors of the secretions; at the same time Cor- recting Acidity of the Stomach. curing Bill003114211. HYsPcPshie Headaches. Dizziness. Ottani:01M. Constipation. Dryne4 _of the Skin, Dropsy. Dimness of Vision. Jaun- dice. Salt Rheum. Eipipolas, Scro- fula, Fluttering of the Heart, Ner- votaries,. and General Debility ; all Sheen end many Other similar Cornple.pts yield to theimitreetioeof BURDOCK BLOOD B Far See by a3 Dashes. 11.11111111&CO.,Proprieters, Vesta Goderich St= Boiler Works IIENDAII:wa=r,g,z,4 retaNiehed tarn. Ohrystal SECOND Kin IWILINIBY In Stock For Sale : 1 60 -horse power upright boiler, all complete. V3 -horse power upright boiler and engine. 8 -horse power horizontal boiler and engine. ;40 -horse power horizontal boiler, all complete. 1 36 -horse power horizontal boiler, all complete. 1:50 -horse power slide valve engine, all complete. The above have boon thorough- ly overhauled and warranted in Bret oleos condition, Reedy for immediate delivery and will be sold cheap lr'' miffs seam wet reesteeereesa. Weiss deep. O. T. R. soesee. a.premestle 11100111111 • "tatP- Irtet P.O. 013X MIL Io us. and we I rub by ......c..aa this elegant watch moo yea eau asnalles. If tow Ile set k all sod eves were SW we edam dor fellirralysTe Alma On pay the °Mrg. sad le re.eme • NNW* swity= grim le ODDS AND ENDS. How can there he love at first sight when love is blind': Mast,, Illowlts. Stanley looks ser now as common as coughs and colds. To get rid of the latter use Meg) era's Pectoral Halmain, the best Canadian cough cure for children ..r adult.. It cures by its soothing, healing and expect .,rant properties every form of throat anti lung trouble, pull-tonecomplaints, etc. 2 nhilitalsouvW Oyer meal. It= hew. wie greens, bustles reZ- weeks me wafture' style. wiritsAsisfes batiste. is aad we le sissieter• time. ...=Tnasviab sietaWs ether • hay ee • Tramp My pard says ye jiat Env him ten cents tor _havin tme leg. R. e..lent l'es, I did. '1•ftietle--eitrniii.: trent), won't yet' I've got two: newt sad elessesa. Dark and sir% descrthea the condition of had blood. ealthy blood is ruddy and bright. To cure had hlood and its ionise - valences. and to secure good Idowl and its benefit,. in the mfest, surest and beat way ase Burdock Mood Bitters, strongly recom- mended by all who use it alb the beat blood purifier. 2 There are lots of people eu this world who weer silks awl velvets on top. with a care fully covered garment of sackcloth awl whee nu. lerescot h The eleadameem lady fa Ikadertrie Remarked to a friend the ether day that she knew KenMs Ralson for the Throat and longs wait a superior remedy, as it stopped her rough itilitalitly when other enigle remedies had no effect whatever. 4.. t.. ;we. e this and Marine* you of it. merit any .Iruggiat will wee you a Semple Bottle Free. rase -50e and $1. 2-eow OF' INTEREST TO %COME!, of her own crocheting and etoltroitlertng ; there were trammel attempts at eraterceer lantlempes and lower-pouitiug quite weed they were, too: there Wee a little scridl- work, ana two or threw fanc) nig... knitted, crocheted and drawn. The kitchen was covered with breulthe rag carpet. in which were preserved the remains of matt) a usefulated handsome garneetit, now doing its last \duty to its owner.. All me! the house were eVeletactli of Mrs. 1'atearv4 an clerk to he hew of a 11.011Se HIC't Va. thela"en of fnairimnfa. business that ran away up into the millions Senor 7 exclidrfied the Nlev wan, turning every year. His wife had begun with hisn this is au iiiipetor.•• 00 an annual salary of F700. and as her At this moment a (bit ) ton t non pushed fortunes grew had grown in administrative ability until she wits perfectly at Willie in the management of her thousands as she hall hewn with the hundreds. Her bowie was furnished with such le +airy and ..tyle as was quite new to Mrs. Canary. Everything that furniture and upholstery guided by a cultivated and extvt taste armlet do to ma e rooms beautiful and attractive was done. 'Choice pictures in elegant frames adorned the walls. Mirrors repeated the splendour on every side. Amid it all. rieft- ly attired and sparkling with dienion.is, moved Mrs. Camp on this her birthday evening. The dinner was furnished by a caterer, and as this part of it was a surprise and a gift of Mr. Camp to his wife, she was as Ignorant as were her guests of what the courses would he. No culinary /kill of hers had gene to the compounding of any dish that mune upon the tahk. Some of The Rsellillena. tht dishes were quite new to Mn. Canary : Locem of all dainty kinds sad patterns ,the had re.d of them sod beard of thew, will br mock tuwoi daring the coining IP - but alt,tied not until now seen and tasted awl rummer, and velvet ribbons, bot of them sbe cutely.' into 115 eturit of • naNtaa"• '""I vet"' narrow. will itli" the occasion as though it were an *very -day pear on ehalli. China silk. batiste. ask - occurrence with her to dine thus mere. and *core* al dainty uhainhreY, India or tried to, awl really quite enjoyed it. and other delicately dyed cattcw 1Vith her neat figure, in her neatly•tittiti go• wns. silk. with delicate lace at her throat attd In the array of ant models for handsome wrists, with her aelf-powrision, she 4(id hoose drowse of striped surah, enatelawe not look out of place in these rich surround - satin, or bengaline are pleated prin.:ewe . jags. gowns; the bootie. and skirt is otie, but, tin-' But when she went back to her cosy like the original princesw they bare Pleats little home) it seemed mean awl cheap anti set in various ways to break the long straight insignificailt and abnost contemptible. She effect so unbecoming to tall. slender women. - was tempted to despise herself for having In some cases,pleats begin on the shoulders taken so much comfort in it. That rag and taper to the waist. wheat a lawarasett carpet that had cost her so noel* time and terie hand is set to in points, or the effect . labor before it went to the weavers, how is given of a pointed bodice. Other pleats coarse awl ugly it was '. How much nicer are tabled to the skirt e which es frequently would be a ugly or even an oil -cloth • e livainell to give sufficient fullness to the The prints on her walls, how cheap '. The sires and back of the skirt. which is very " orld pieces of furniture. how inelegant and often finished with a rose retching of plain • lacking itt style: Her home ma& i„,joirn. silk or satin all aroun41. or only me the edge ments, how the beauty faded from therm of the striught flat portions. She said nothing of sell this to Mr. Canary Mocked awl striped Scotch cheviots will till it had become a thing of the past. Mbe he muck used in the making of spring one- fought out her battle and conquered. She tinned for travelling and the promenade. accepted with cheerfuluees the allotments Some of the nee fine spring woolens are of Providence to her, and settled down into woven in tucks either wide or narrow. a deeper content with her little home thee These make pretty skirt* as the tacked she had ere, known before but she insisted borders are all tbe trimming required. The that she at happier in associations with tucked portions are also used for guimpes, friends of like financial pnsitinn wit h her own eats awl panels. For visiting toilet*, the than with those whose resources were very . which have been popular this much larger than hers or very much lees. - winter will continue in favor .luring the Her standards in thew matters must lw her spring. vie. those if handsome wooleas own. and for bar own peaces& must adhere and light cloths with velvet. feather trini• to them. -K. Y. Christian Advocate. ming. hraiding sad • , er with - - Gems. Misselelt reeve, plain silks with striped satins or term:saes. Allow • cough to run until it s beyond the silks glittering with a rich garniture of she h .. get_ 'women*. They often say. jewel . 'Oh, it will wear away.- but in most caws The fabric of all 'ohne, for the moment it wain thori away. cotijij they he thawed is cloth. the wary 1'0,1 and white eilehl for to try lie suceemful medicine called Kenip's evening end rreePrwim wear. withrirld Ilaissint, which is sold on • positive gatiran• his way through the ...rood an. remarked: - " My name is 1-turttide, gentlemen. Whet eau I do for pole - The wear that followed was a painful one, and it itt easier imagined than described. Sufiiee is to say Mr. Haar' effects were re• morel from the bridal chamber anti deposit- ed on the sidewalk, and the subject leaser* caw to this day to the genial landlord of the Grien.1 Central. It may he well to add that th. ...wegoing is not a fairy tale. btu a :terra - teen of facts, and that there were revered bumps that night on Mr. Hobbs cranium that were not. ia his phrenological chart. A leasaber ftwary. A young man, who spent the winter and spring prospecting in the niountains of New Alext.ae, tells of a singular encounter with a panther. He was la company with Colenel IleClure, an obi Soldier awl miner, Kiel to- gether they built a temp cabin. •'In tyre la -s • he release ":1:-.:1.1 corn elute.' .."11,,,ak„,FRIV.s7T-T SENO US Sizzeitr"1=Z We will eon! Toe this= MOM SIMIIIRS NUR 11111.11 RUA HIM Thane 'nstals e= bow eesiete. anibave the gisattl2Fagftiliei WjAVIett I Its .00. • • howling. jricelea Rall°°ns. "ilk aP- tee to mire, they woulSinmodiately see the nienteries are epos day gowns of t=r shade. t....sMning toilets still sheer a tendesi7 1. wards the panierel and festooned Louie quern styles', which snit the sheath -skirts. but which are quite i ebbe with the straight English akirriVrmrices of .ilk inualtn marl Marie Antoinette ruffles are made in delicate 4...lora and eatterna, and are need for trimming both skirts and bodices of faille, crepe de chino. India silk, and bengaline. :ray promises te Le quite ea mneh farot alsaem.na. lint it is this year :mint:far ell am it he. bee= during insaLarercis:t spring turgid in lovely velvet-like clot ..f light quality, and in tome and semi-tenes Toro delieato and healetiftil than ever. In spring tailor rviorme tali and Mineral,' green are combined helint Aar and mignnnette eat doeeeler. plaques adjusted very much as the . sienti„t effect atenr • the fi dome shades., and a rich teat brown, with pa maisimiedit Mrs. emery had • nice little heave, of which she was yery prowl. We parlor was wetly carpeted sari curtained, and nich article of furniture it had a Memel The wood was all black .4iint, hot the etyle 4.4 the eserewil pieces was timings. They haA been t one at • time OA tioe.1 heal . . ) , , I a small but, with an eperture in one side for a doorway. Haying nn hoard. to make a dour we hung up a cloth instead. if: A Mem•rima iv tee,. sourer, this frail materiel offered little er "They (AY that greYh'mmle are thirnief I Do registajace to any aninW1 I ha f awn rfd to .loge, and 1 knew that they are sometimes $ FINE TAILORING 1891.1891. t vv axxcel. Spriarleb. Fine Display of New Goods. Fine Worsteds. `f .., • Fine English and Scotch Tweeds. . -1;,•:-'1%..7; Fine Canadian Tweeds. i• ... - Its i„. !sit Fine Overcon=. Fine Work p and Trimmings. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. t- 2\Ze,cCOIT..1\ZAC ''*, fit 4 PUBLIC NOTICE! *t Another large consignment of Fresh Teas of superior quality.... - In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the :public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in s." Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. •, REES PRICE ik SON. Hay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Pi Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. * Golerich Foundry and Machine Work, RUNCIMAN BROS., - Proprietors. FLOUR MILLS BUILT ON !THE LATEST IMPROVED SYSTEM.' %VK RAVE ON HAND FOR SALK • IMPROVED LAND ROLLERS, HORSE POWERS, - GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUT- TERS, PLOWS, &c. We are Manufacturing Improved New Model Mowers which are equal to the beet. Give them a trial and encour- • age home manufacture. It Will Pay you to use our new Steel Mouldboard Plows. Doty Engines and Boilers for sale. ICP'.A..X1443 .41..1sT C 4h.IBICII4C1B Ji. get usable. The morning after the seuoull set"' aggravating 1° lo40001,es and *'ook• 1 eight tif our occupancy wdancee lounril. w:hieenwithhVe posiwIteeni:eleyymnaciare analltoiwouseditnothresti.Lipeatahou.t tills: ' or ALL KINDS IN CHILDREN OR eat tracks on the amity door of (nir cabin. boar,. But Don was • most moral dog, OCSTROYS AND REMOVES WORMS I saei something shout Afa I jAt foti -rNsos+wfiET As sy a up AP colonel silenced me by rentariting that wild- never took anything that did not lieloug 'to w re THE moor eats were harmless. I was a tenderfoot awl him. and he never dill anything that seemed -3. DCL.ICATE CHILD -*- felt quite shaky about it. but said nothing to him qaestionahle without tirst whims more regarding the sulmject. The cabin permisaion in the moat hums. manner. It -_, was twelve feet square and in one owner was him self-taught custom, when he desired ..; was our bunk, raised about three feet above to ha ii WY.* attention aPail lame *Pedal ThoToRoNT0 llousE the ground. 1 slept next to the wall, obiect, to tithe' her wrist very gently in his although, to tell the troth, 1 diadt Amp nienth and lead her to the object in pies. U very much, as 1 couldn't get the wildcats tins. There was one sofa in our family out of my head. It was iluritig the third sitting -room where he was allowed to lie, night. and I had just looked at my watch and if he came into the room, desiring a frk"L.I''"cfze.-: ---'• 111111'-' '''• „4. nal femur) it was one 44•cheek, when 1 heard little rePn6e. ond tonna waneharlY mating ta ''''';1";L: 7'„ - tow s ORM SYRUP the snapping ,A wane twigs the what be considered to he his particular •,,i.„4,;:„.1;--4-- 1..icamtzrci. outaiele. 1 oonjectured that the wildcat place he wuuld take that person s howl in WY coming. 1 felt very shaky and instine- his laws. and harmlessly but firmly draw tively clutched my revolver. A moment her from the sofa. Wheel I was • small later I saw the cloth pushed aside awl two girl, we. and Don with us. spent several DRY GOODS ENEPORIUli • glaring eyeteeth% appeared. A cold chill ran summers in the - Valley at a farmhouse, over rue, sod I tittle t dare to shoot, as 1 knew the dear old mistress of which we used to I would num. In another instant the animal call Aunt R-- - Now we took up so was inside Die hut. In the lire -pietas was a much room in the house that Aunt R - flickering pine -knot, hut the animal did DOI, moved her good, old-fashitmed. spider, - seem to wire for the light or the fire, and he high posted feather bed out into a more walked around very composedly. exploring over the mirriagehouse, which turd been fitted every corner. Finally he arproached the up for her use. One eonl autunin day, Don, whew taste for ph -wool comfort was highly bunk, find then 1 gave the co owl • karat shake. He woke up. took in the situation mallet -stoat, discovered this enticing reelin- at once, raised his Winchester ana fired. ing Owe, mml• instead trying It at °nee. The animal gave • cry that mole itiy haw aa an ordinal"). dog ivied.' do, posted off for wand .m end-, and when the smoke clearea me- When he found me on the front away he was gone. Next morning we found Wawa. ke took hold of iny wrist and led me his dead bolt about two hundred yards front -tor yrs alwaztzl:o.rupstaell Auntto the cabin. But it wasn't a wildcat it waii the .earriage • panther. We put lip • substantial door 111--25 ronsn, up to the aide of the heti, and that day, and the next night I slept in there. dropping MY hand, stowl psis% with his irresistible eyes first up into my face, pewee. then on that softest ani nicest tempting The eieesetteet Raw On .nothreleb. place in the world for • dog nap. Whether Aunt R- to whom of course I referred the request, gave Mei the desired Fermis- sson or not I do not at this moment remem- ber ; but 1 bare no doubt she all, for die loved Don as if he were a child. "At another time, when we were camping mei in • family party, Don waii along with us, owl slept in a straw •filied boy m now corner of that little room of the camp -cabin which was devoted in the (me night Doe mine to mamma's compent three eueceesive time., woke her by psaehing his noes under her head, ev itlently had arimethire to say to her. At first she paid ne attenin to hie. except teemed him hack to his lewd The third time, lueirerer, she Don etsiaad bee by the go* up. tel 'lel her to an open Feestet which stood ley hie bed. This basket firstaineel some soda era...kers which lino liked ex trernely. but rather than Mks, owe, even in the of darkness, he had waked mamma I. ask for anew. (if omega he. had all he wanted, am be Ines hash to bed awl slept the *Wee of dm Inorning. -The Cbriettee Craila WI" As well am the t and others are Price b0c. sad Ill. Trial Mae free. At all melted to call on any druggist and get draggle& tl-eoer) free a trial bottle of Kemp's Rearm for the Throat awl Lungs, a that is selling entirely upon it. merits and u. guaranteed to relieve and CUM all Chronic and Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis and I 'often/tip View Large lotus. 50 cent and $1. 1 -COW 'LIVED LIKE A PRINCE. N ew • Canseasse Cent Mork f 1 esnesisoe. Thr recent nolitary arrest of young Ytur- heithi, better known as Prince Vturbeie, in Mexico, recalls • curious epsiode in which he figured anew years ago in F.I Paan, Tex. noes who have had the good frirtune to en coaster him royal highness remembered him as • rather beefy, looted young man with a decided taste for Englieh fairies in dress IOW • had habit of speaking of ' Me toralrelea, know,' when he allndea to his trunk cheeks. In 1111811 he wow up over the Mexican Cos teal and stepped for the day at El Paso, putting up at the Gnarl Centro/ hetet Among the ponstrigers nil the train was • genthonan hearing the name of Wake. Mr. Whist was th. proprietor of a faro bank at 11111nm/ow awl the proprietor ahin of a haint• event purple Nark moustache. a five carat dia• w ind pen, and a eery gorgeous suit of cinches He, ten, was • rod fellnw. They loth arrived at the Grand remind at about the same tone and registered together. Mr. Hobbs *morales' his plain everyday name arisen. .ini Mr Canary's harroamint profita oil the "ref and t he al-k"t utTlbkhulf tho in in, nnsinnen )„,d etryal abbrs. iat Von Y tverteele. The clerk tow as well of the fernitans i.. dinirag whirled the around ansi then rapid rano red for guests, QM Wee "A ea" ar" the Pcmc" " "" wtud .4. opal 1.4ranma Nebo bee bwiroosa, 17 Maul uP hitt rhnsl e" '1•14'cimm• "lea „da.,,anirwastu,„,amcg ever in making up his mind, for the heasiti feat satisfaction did kba. Nasty fuljuriluults "'t tow" Towels ‘01 Ifit Iff filled the pr.”: lax i smartly of do All sheat the rooms ewe wridemem Mier* of r^71417 "dnnit thoi Ifoolorse's Wee Osisairy's fn linasaaralt mow valise, 11.104 the way to the merwl apart sat Lied* The tidies nod "desges" were wow° kum 1111:1"Itunt luntutria• as 4.160 Rest ali• WIPP WWI* allide. Mary L. Holecent., of .teorusta, I timid& nounty, N. Y., has teetered a divorce at Nlinanapelis from her husband, Ovaries H Holcomb, for a rather renuirkahle reason. fthe testified that Holcomb was a Ctel fear ing mon, anti they owl, to hare .1te. Minna] aser,vises, in winch he would read from • Large family Bible. After the exercises were co er, terewever, he wind(' use the maw sive hook as a weapon offensive. eel easel the whole family with it, herself prefer - reel. J ut.Hick. levered the mat rinennisil teel,111 Wit t fiber • r idaner. Ile ware sink rsetteen: set hiseter. A gang of swirellerm are now at work with a neer wrtekle They offer to paint the oted .4 your homey for Ilk OW whew they tome ftwipsyment they present you with hill for MI6, adding he the tontract forty wonn„ of moo wed oil at 41.50 per willow which you never thought of hen makin the bantam Yon sign an agreement iina jose are eanglit. If any in this Metros are 'hottest, reerwenher that we hasp warned pea in have nothing 10 gist w et h this rascal& thelmeribe for Tut !Novo, ewe dollar is hob, awing, eel wretches of every kind, humaa animale, reriefl ill 30 minatei Wriollord's firinitary lotion. This tweet - Seib. Mold b7 V. Joralan 6 ly maipairee% apoloon • head was 01 p' -11r .Wipe, hat that did not protect him swivel heed ache Snk headache et a conosion and very disagreeable afFartion which ma) he tit:Noble renewed, together with its mum% let the nes of Huninellt Mona kitten. the nosor- faihng for ell kiwis of head. aches. 2 t Latest and Best w aaasii GOODS mew ea view, P. O'DEA, Manager. linsisola a rsseisiose swaste.1.40 IL 0..4.01../.• r...4 eee area rim -,Owl.7Ir*** es onelkbre roM ...mels p.e.liml•blir bow is .ont Imo Si So trilt. „,,,,,,,..A4 ...a. I. ormy /...... • ffi lb* •ior,mtod maw. ma p.m Ogg - 1.3• a. em••••M••1••:6•4.SO_ i11 PMNi•, * .1. AU w. C.•••• low Ibr ...raid...." .....%.. "' :Tr, Cicit= in inAlatialilia. sniesooseew & ist.,, resitSsais. ninia. C. SEAGER -Office NEW BLOCK -Ogling...,, the ,742' . Money to Lend .11# •• •"-"" ett! • cheap Rats Murphy Uni - Cir•-ardessidiy. - -Mrs 41111,111,,E SIM rowel arm alms tea -ow., tfliestek play army pair. essarivi mbeernme rums Ikrzeryotes Cashed,