The Signal, 1891-2-20, Page 8LOCALS FROM LUGIENOW.
;seer or owe easiesseusintST-i
M113.14 Jena O. Murray sad her mune
tease will shortly treat the eittathe
let enwerte ?the will Ise eaststed by the
I. Cartiek, York State, Is deleting
potatues front Luc:know station.
Jow Keoghs of Bestmiller, spent Sunday
Lusiusner, the guest of WIn. Metering.
Rev. Mr. Censers, the new pieter, teek
the pulpit In*. Peter's church morning and
tithing oft Sabbath lest.
C. P. , Teamster. brother-in-law of Mr.
Mohring. was in the villa* ea Sunday.
R. Mallough has sold out his lerstriese7at
Laaseide to Mr. Treleaven, late of Iklgrave.
Mr. Mallon!' proposes taking a trip te
te/geed an )(liner trapper under the murices
• last week.
A large number of ( inniervati a es meat to
K incerstine to select a eandadate to appose
MI. Reseed in Wes Brom. The itelesetion
dell on Mr. Morrison, Lucknow.
The firentet's baud hen °rester el agent
*rad on Moseley evening they played oat.
Kthrienaster Sunnier will metro. t Kra
eardine band as well as the Lucenew. •
Mr. Emery conducted seri ieee ui the
revival services in that chtueh anutitite.
Mr. Ethegelist Taylor is helping lee.. Mr.
Jos. A.Iley, WA residence. hiss been
✓ isiting ia town the past week. He IS
• prdlustnee. and undertook te walk the
streets ef Luck:sew fur two hours. but tem
stable Lyons put' a stop to his jeureeyengs.
Moore Wm. Mehring. M. Cratiplell,
Jas. teepee e. Crect, lesest..lehu :seen
sat.: Dieu. eatertere paid St. Helene a visit
eine eeeuing last week and erganized Far•
esters' C tart in that thriviug beteg. There.
see twesity-thr'ee charter 'members.
Mise Kete Rees, daughter of Mr*. Me-
Lenreete, vies niarried te H. leek is,
of tetelph, ie. the 'evidence of her ineihne
or. Wettriewley last 'ley Rae Mr. tee ee.
e‘!"-----heet twee. There war s large mother -
prevent. The. tits were num...roes, hied -
some. and tiara le.
Cook brothers, Clinton, wee herr last
week W. Nightingale. larturabe te.1&
here last week ...D. MeCervie. of
e vent a night here through the week ....3.
11. Parkiseen. Win hem. T. Gr. Meterecket.-
Mitchell, E. F. eller& M nue homer,
were also in Leeknow last week.
.1n ciitertainment was given in the tem-
perance kill on Tuesday ea ening. 10th inst..
meter the auspices of the Royel Teinj :at -
of fenewrance. There Was a fair ettend•
addressee, while rousing chemise/I ere els en
le a tether.' choir.
A beastly habit. anyhow. is' chewing tee
bacco, bat that is no reason at hy three
addicted to it shoelil mike grouter leeste
thentselvet than nature ewer intended them
to be. Some of these creatures expecte:lord
ell -over the windows of Morety a barler
shop on Sunday night. It will eet it :it
for them if Dave finds them out.
Judge Barrett held 01 -vision t eurt ie're
Tisrathey . the 1003 init. Alsrat twenty,
eases and four judgment 6u:eine-is wee- die
posel of in sheet ceder. the 1111da,
JElt ellaa being one against constable Lyiete,'
brought by . eat. Sherel, .1A1 11/4411411M. for
ne an attachment gotten out hy .k.iwn
Alit/lough, bangside Tit* judge
that as Nlettengitll never bird the meney
hie hawk there e 1L11 soraisere. am! le -resulted
.4. wondered story entail to es (rem Rip-
ley whieh shows that wile edl our nitelern
rival/mem superstitioa bake in our
00▪ nenseittil of Cluren while on Mr way to •
nesig.hboi's ti. thke part quiet germ. of ,
owe. Seturilay evenift.. the 7th 'use.
was met en the road by in Mt he toe to le•
his Satanic Majesty in the shape et a knee
with • pigs head On it. 'the creature shook
the young man end warned hini not to pley
eards. He pied no nttentine to the warn
ing but went on and played till • wo o'cleek
co Sunday morning. On the *ay home he
was agein met hy the apporitien Ind was
elempMlorll to give up his cards. The sup.
reed Old Nick struck hint on the cheek.
• ie._ which noir has a mark as if beer deei
oitil hot iron hand. The young man l'.411 f“r
Mem einel fainted at the door. He is new n
raentg maniac and all that can le got ou: .1
keeps repeating. It is said that card pley-
ing hes stopped on the fourth creiceeteete
Social parties are the rage just now.
e The young people seem to be mime fee • .
good time generally.
Mrs. Dickson, wife of Elias Dickson, 12th
wreaks' visit with relatives an the vicinity
There is neer talk ef the 12th and 14th
being united hy marriage. shortly
. ether the fashion ol the English and Scot -
'el' Our local everts put in sortie leg esys
Mainsineally rabbit and fox hunting. New
"" • and again they succeed ia stepping these
Maras in their mad career.
The footle/I club. of seemed section. No.
1 end 7 played the return match last Friday
(demons. The game wee a draw this •
* either side oreermg • goal.
.las. F.. Cateaday. Tim sterthat'• well
k sown travelling agent, seopeeded in get t • ng
a big hold ow the meth sad centre of the
township during the hurt Oro wester
Wm. Dark has rented his kern to Thee
Ineirions few term of ram end wilt de
vote himself entirely en his trade, masoning.
Mt. Valeenee's Day wet scareely noticed
by the good peopie of this section. The
inenher of letter* received onntaming the
ugly Inthing things were nw awl far he
W• ere pleased en leant that two el otir
young wren, Jas. Sinelsir sted Alez Stew
art. whe hare Nem serionsly ill for mine 1
time, tire speedily removering and will seen ,
themselves wain
-rho weather ham lathe very mile fo the
is had, end little er en names 1
pait wash ear tee days earl
:44-111.1.4tile4.1. eerie; het Old Prende. say we will I
•Itte lark, who has hese vishAlle Meade
ti ie Mies Tenney for it mouth or so. reterated
tr. les Imes. Sepaeree Man, las week. 1
Se has beam • remittent there he almost eine
years, has prepared and likes the mantry
well. Wm Gorden. his birathet la law,
os. dis return trip.
We repot Myth/ to whew • ie the death
of Wm. Mak" which sad event took piece
at his late remienote tut 2, cm. 16, on Sun
day morwee last. Mr. Hiship was oar of
the catty attars, having owine Min the
township W111111 it WWI emmaratively •
wildertiess. and by and in-
dustry, emu made • oonifortalde hurtle ou
oue ot the best farms us the township. He
era e kind neiglib,.- and much respected by
all who knew him. The hetet al ue Tined*,
was largely attended.
The mutual tea meeting rd Johniausta
chureh is to be held on VI edneaday, Fele
18th. Rei. Mem& Henley, Paul and
• ert expected to give aAtrovark
Ou Freese, Felmuiry VOL a grand eau
Ifl• ue.nle. The Mitres Seer., Waltou, the
Seafort quartette Club, Mess 0'. •.e.or, of
Hewed*, and others of meet taletet aro et
Young Meil's Volunte.r Society of the
Presley tet tau . 1- are h.
Mr. Wilson is noW t aching in S. e. No.
10, Mr. Thome. lturke, the first lumber ens
gagederet being aide to Neill his agreement
on ata•011111 of sickness.. Mr. t%
Iturner teacher, IA g• lac .to %Verwick
(rims tier esiecerosozer.
h:dith Horne. end IlachelMeselon
visited relatives in Stratfarral this week.
A. Illerdoes. Ste- siurdten. Ives in our
Society Let week.
Mies Tiffin. of Nile, neturned\hortie last
week after ti plieseent visit ot ninety*, the
grant of Mies M. .1. Liniierld,
Jane eel Agnes Stirling visited, thee: -
sinter. Mrs. H. Cen.pbell. of Huron 'Men-
-ship, Reece ...aunty, hist week.
Miss Mary Pelee enjoyed a
the vest et het (eosin. Hies Bell. of. theelth
Tbe. FetheringLatie, with. hit sec.,
e.tts, Mr. Wel Mr.,. Win. tetherinehrin,
itruceteed, wcre ilising Mr. and Mrs. A.
H.- Cletten Ferawise, Kepi this week. ,
Pte. MacKay, Ad leiektime, preached
here lest SUlebly Large MI11,Vegalitqt.
:eking fer his theme the weeds Mett.
51.11 : At thy dote of an imiesareiyeeli•
Chris: in tile 1.1,ase ei life :eel mete put • -if
werking ter Him until the
life. 1F 11.411) tlie influence, of
weekly prayeentert:egra 111111.S1,11.Lea, that 11‘.,
ei eters prey er tee:: Saturday nigiie
Aide ..a.. jutlee levee. 0 el !eke etaire. et
Tie cents. et fig.. Nfld.
1. lee !Ceiba hteleen off JA 'Ow one -
seeeet mu of 1K LOY 111.• the meet :re
heil etlitr showed. Hot they'
0 told separate from' leeh .if ht. 411:ellotte
' it. eenieetien ith them. 11. Ceerneng Nth. el the views of the ritur!..4s
Kisat ch., We leideretred that Ile
Peesiietere e-ectineen Settee!' *di try et
fix ap the matter or . :ensue, the miseeet
lag are tile ef- tee k 4i.
w err -ethers imie keit added to the rvilL
I nit 1 ler)i, of the de ht thasergs n' hen tea
pied iend arrittigl'usea.‘ will le made shortly
eels!. Also the quilt which is Ming melt. le -
vet.. ht the eisters will be 'finished and either
ore e.e1 foes/de le au. tem or conipetei for
le !Le "Id rem ..etaints l'er the cane in 1879.
Both we atilt haehelere but if they go Mete)
10 Lake MI the ha helm roll
• Again fee the third time in this riding
eettwr..n and Porter will flight fqr the seat
in tlre limise Cone -nom In 1882 Mr.
Cane -rota elm the dey. In this ward 84
%kited ; Mr. l'ortee go: ithead by 18. but ma
not elected. In the tussle of 1887 Mr.
Crimea Mt the ettetion, but in thie want
tint dray 104 rotes!. Two stupid' veiled
their lalloei ,:n.I 621allets were east for
Jime hist,89 voted. with no ballots awaited.
Mr. Ilarrow being tire lwhinal Mr. Itobeits.
Reath sides are now nu the move trying to
turn the tables in the ward. The Dunlop
architect is to the front in the battle and is
working herd, while the Tories are detri
mined that the archite...t won't say they
hese to low Porter in this used. We
Irate to gee, as formerly. lash parties work
earnestly mid courteously to each other. es
true gentlennen. for their respective candi
est week death ressieted from our attest.
eel him. and it was ever • pleasure to us to
entitle -se with him on current questions.
lan.l. We might say it wan he eh,. started
the first Sunday school on the canal line
thow up in middle life nes arr mcmlaers of
the Carley', Nile and 1.relnien churches
tram the influence of hia teaching.. Of the
chureh here of Late yeare lee wail a frequent
attendant. let no itert• his familler face
s ill 1.e seen as he lintens ith his fel
low Wr.rd, nor his voice
he heard phasing in the lenge( praise. of Miss+
for some years he le .ss a preeenter. Reauti
fel an4 cabin. we, at ith many others. saw
him still sisel silent in that deep sleep of
death which enly owe voter ahall break ;
anti as they were from the chamber of death
a fear woild steel over Owe fee, fm twa,
whom all loved en a• a friend, teacher
and father. At the cher of the funeral
his aged partner in this life. gathered round
the casket anti took tail farewell knit.
• ferried prayer. fhen his eld nest/blew
and feline pewee-. Jeer. Morrie, anti .1 ft
Stewart , 01. But Inman . 'apt . Janne
Reck, warden of Heron. here hie Pinder
to the hoer", 'tad atiembel these to their las
Kramer William vats a Marty
bratkfast of meat see evoi at 7 30 At newel
1.040 11 11 r 111116114 ON 11111111 11”
awl iiiwayre The haw Is
71Elvt* arab In falharsi try it life
s'aPP"r- on Merl • flee aseiterneat of Reeds and is let all dealers in etedicare i all met as he hid IM
1)0INGS IN DCNGANNON. " "44.11 w th. "ata d .0 a
hall winch took place in Mr. Clunk
THE HEWS OF TIC WEEK IS HERE. Ape's hal es Monday, the et le waa st grand
_ enema
seetwe of areadenila to frieLds in the South. has retureiel ovate
aeension Um J. taretir-ostst NIPPh oink slum' " eV", 16" hen al'
seeteresa tame teem ,eaeger pesos& take matters into semeirderatius we feel
amered thee he intends te retire from single
Ufa and tithe up the heavy harden.
THE weather. having few seas time
past Wei. aad huanad, is sow
here en • tunny met, the 21st Laid.
'soak ion nwet oat Saturelay, 21st init., in
the ton uship /all for municipal bonnets.
Mr. Jae 1Valkee. jr., awl hut !trek. have
left foe his bone tiw Northward, eta
Wye/Ding. where he intents 1.. visit rel.
tees prior te returning home.
W. Echlin has Ipprowl lin grocery
stem Southautptee street, to this vil
Lege. Erma what is e heave been interned,
his stock of gesde heing et the hest euality
resel price. moderate, he expects to be
hi Tuesday. the 17th inst.. nu aceielesi
Itefull das. Memoir. of .Asher14, whilst in
ter bush elioppiug. .1 trier which u -as
eeeeist the Mit' he Warn eutting slip -
pet end steels his head. We leant that it
is twee ranieue injury and that prebeley he
ill men recover.
Lite 11. Ian Salim. who reside in Addict.'
aliment to our kunlet, who sire ente -
prising young rename, ere lamely engaged
- an procuring reel drawee: the neeeseary nue-
legs rinetheir beautiful Nom se as to have
more spa -taus- atmenniodetien for Monne
crops and housing. stoek. We wish them
David Nevins. • pities num whit ttis
wan. h been trained in the ishool
of St: Crispin under proper artimas. end
ho bore itel 'need City, Manitoba. fer
*Mile ti etiateiged in his profeetion, armed
here on Saturday 'monism hue, and now
ii;tiving himself meter the maternal roof.
;till in all preliability make all extended
viit till riming or perluips rummer. He
sat due tl SI fur mentor in Munn/ha hail
hath thr15th inst., Ren. .1. t'se
of the Ripiateptl church here,
funeral permit of the late
very of
11n Se
rie. prate
lead on the, weirdo) es contained in the
102ed Psalm. %Eel and Nth verson The
tuel departed this life
1 eri.lettee pi being
onahip of the inlets
week there tee.
hoot conventien
erie Which
Ona held, in
mei are dell. husissess Ming
her of he chore
!teeing .Isehind her
ellea %I Mitt/day of leo
held tee .einual Sabbath
in the Methealist Orem+
eetesien there were three
the hest modes ef conducting :i'ablettli school
exercises. The various Salthathecission in
this vicinity were well repeseented hy a
large ettendeme of teachers meet eferidrele
We have Men informed that the eteivention
ateemplieheel iu the ditieuseintes on the best
ere pnineencel to le . the nureeries ad the
'various hems
las week, aa Thins. Vontei. of West Wawa•
'loth, usa its the Wail on Iti• Own lariat: he
met atth whit might Ian hese 4 very sal
ateeletil. hut fortunately for hen aid his
familv led Petatives he wee nut so seriously
*untied on 11*.i. thought when the aecident
lame eel,' White engaged its a:itemize; a
:ree :against •which another eue ties heeling.
the t re e Is 'Mg rut nearly thrOugh. the lean -
Mg tree rlisl ilow-n anti struck him in the
will soon. he able tes le aline: :pin. Mr.
farmer. IN • cossgrat elate iiiiii and his fame
ila on this hawing eeesped Ming kil 1.
Crakily Mr. George Herm era work ug
with hnn. anti when the aveitient eceur al
aseiettel hien, Lome.
ment nal( made by both restrictionist* and
free tomiers that a meeting +Head be held
here en Monday late in the estimate of -the
respective parties. Several-persenes were it
s kat tit know hoe, hoth metalloid forth t lit
kientativr having invited his impotent te hiss
meeting. l'he ilIllitailty Sias ever -cone by
meet by which Mr. l'orter. hat ing hail his
We ere gled to learn ihea the tire that
broke out us oui eitiques ham brat week
was extinguished without mesh damage br-
ing alone
thatin 1% hitty next
Alex. MeMurchy had a wood Me last
Our Kennel talker *peaks of joining the
Patrons of Industry. He will theu buy
Kiel halt a bushel of rice for ease dellar.
He also gives the following define roe for •
fo.1 man that would vote for the N. I'.
Perhaps ht. IS quite right.
William Bugles* w on the tick list this
it oh.
Thome. Mellareey ill on a Omit to Lang
si.I.• 'lite waste
Den. Rice paid a short a nit friend.' 00
the 12th conceseion this week.
Nine Finleysoes peel a *bort riait to
Hells Cortwr. Ws. McIvor.
Peter Shield is May cutting sawlogs up
at Hendee\ City, et John Cares farm.
Alex. MeMurchy hes leen laid up with
soil, leg ever three weeks. He ut on the
inend now.
of Clinton. paid Mrs. Kertaptini a dying viiit
las 'ar eek.
Hugh t McIntyre -has returned Wane to
St. Thema.. - He had been here-visfnitte
brother, Archibald McIntyre.
week. She slimed Mt the ke aii.1 got a had
44.1 teakiagn Limy tpailt with elver 500
pieces. Thiseihneld stietelate some Of the
-- Mrs. TlIford hie both on jean at Mrs.
sutural Mts._ D. N. IleKseeie
wee a Siting at Janie* Carr's. This line
weuther beings the Mies out.
A greet many are on the sit k fiat this
week. We thitik it's the la - rlpepe over
again, het not (pun aa severe, as winter%
A gnat teeny children are sick.
Thowipeess. laleritmeitle Wee ma
Steel iu this vinegar, cernialeteal his Link last
ueek and has left us. He is istlesells
as he was a very eh:4aq(
VURUARY 20, 101.
Om MY *Mums la psi ea MOM ,
weenie Ilumwiima abseil Ids immr•ion
Tama Ira ail a Prima firs we In Gar.
Rem Lively so
Slit, lime elbow mit • small Imam to
Wert, a kw remerhe to sh• editor of
'TM (lianas hew Kra and this nes
sere me for either. bet can face the foe
every time. A paragraph in last week's
Advance (mewed suy eyes to the cluingsable-
itera of character of inw Chateau New Era
editor. %Ve du uot in the least ranch say
blame to Mr. Holmes in upholding at all
times tem reputatiou uf his town. Let alter
writing tio many !Littera% loiters to your
most humble eeriest w y dioni he mei
turn rennet and atelier hint id' swinging "as
versatile a pea 1114 When tOrreepolnling for
The New Ere l- We would inmeine If
either is tereatile it is he, reel not his
forever write. N1. a Fail. ray W ollild bete
beet tent ounceruing the -not sof empty
house* limit DOS exis: in Chutes. as IL tante
theme to nie trout too mewl authority to
tiouLi it,. trutlifidnem, ow teem; • era
c▪ hurch, the other a business Rae readies in
.4.1Arprvainety t 41 111 e Era O&M. la U17 •41 -
&Mg. Afte: starting to correspond for
your very valuelde paper, Mr. Holmes
wrote me attother .1 his frothy, soapy let-
tere eliding up with the steteneetir due
he leaped Tiir ,,I.:1: u. editor would prove
to be es trait • fermi an he hed tried to be.
etc., ete. 'Thinking the letter wee wineere
A aissisered. tbauleitte hint for kindness re -
had written the artick ...tweeting tliatora :
and as to finding TIM 4 editor a.
friend 1 bad already pro,. el bite so wire
than that of The Era ae he dere 1101 rak
hie eorrespeselentn to worlefer him altogeth-
er fee the knew of having ehat vrItich is
written internal. The A.1%1141.4. it.1115. ••.0-
cernitig the above item ; -This wonderful
Weighers writs is evideetly bitiug iet mom
that' Ite taut chew.- • Don't be eaLreirtl,
deer Athlete-. ^Rhone' I am but toe and
you nre mane, I Can chew lece"s with you
ours shoolil have thwarter flavor abet Ves.
to hack up all I insert. and t Me - tlr. Ad -
ranee ter, is rain thee you cast de Con.:
cereing hat week's Mee, Wore yogi. paw.
was elitlivered yeti knew it centained that
winch was ial1 Ramat. as Mr. -Mitsgroves
resipsatimi was well known all over teues
Thus, sii,,.. 1 runnel. very truly yours.
Myth. prosehest Meet i lona sermons iu the
its:ten) to aid in awelleig the educational
fund. Rev. J. Squitt preach.' in Myth.
fereterly of Winghini. bat lariat Of Omega -
vine. spent -Sundae iti town. CA. has
frieteis or bath se[41. 1:1 !hie town and it mar
be that ere eery keg he will all imether
We:me le the firm of ilnerlee let*.
Mr. hole. Ketmetly. of 7.etlanal. 111114:1 114)
Wulteetlay- last. married to Mr. Than.
Geed. now ei Dakota. het formerly of
-%Vineltana. Mins Kennedy le to Ise emigre -
tuned epee her abeam, re she now has a
• wirier.' both gold by works awl Gnarl by
help !rout on Army friesele t., pliable them
1 fee redeem, the buildiag to he 30 50 feet.
es eget in all anat. MO: Slab money col-
tIntel. anal promises tb date. they lore in
ri iels hut now of Winglum, is selling oil
Th. sacrament wns ante -need Arilitiehl
Presbyterian church last SaidiatIL- The
weather was faeoralele. The reverend
gent ieinan, A. :reuse .4 leacknew, tind Rev.
Inepector Tom pall S..S. Ne.. 15 Iiis must
viset. Ile gave the velem! prerat praise for
tine nee appeirenee of the scholars and the
geed behavior "under Jelen Slellae's 'rod 'of
correction. Mi. Tour ie 'always welkseue.
The tenders are iteLing for lin return.
ail to tliss. Klizaletit Berth
were residents cit Addield. The tenrononv
Over one hundred ceuples were preerie zee!
enjoyed a leg tante. liver fifty...semi:is were
there. We Wish the young tee* many
Lew. days.
Without Kenipton has traded his farm
with John N. NfeKenzie, cow:wider. Both
ere taking pressaion immediately. Mr.
Kenitinni loaves with the trell-wishra tr.! lie.
neighbors.. Mee hope he hate ,ilime the Met
he himself and his little handy. . Mr. Mc-
t,Wrtea among ni. with ear Teepee.
Wr hope also that he 111/tV enjaa hie new
thigh. We ire idteatel tar le able to state holm for twilit &Vs to nom.
Kenneth. aged fourean.auel -1.-hu,aerd nine
yews-we:it out to fah on the hike ori the
ice. They cut holes and bitry fishing.
when. ' th-e wind being the lend, thee
they' tried to get to elpere they feund tr.
their surprise that the iee had 'when aeay
from the hank. and • space ef ket
water, which was oaer twenty feet &einem
!remain them Mei the brat. .tlex. pro-
fessed to jure* in w'rli his clothes. which he
.11.1. but fervid he woeld be curried down.
He then turned leek anal stripped an the
ice and jumped- raven. the Place now be-
ing ever MO feet. He AMU.% to the loakm,
wnere the shish mei lee nude it dithenit te
Mersin a 64.1 am! (limb or: ef the eater,
lout lie succeeded. however. ittei run ta the.
notims pooted brat. wee gt eel, the I, hearse, which la about half it nide aiway. The
of addresses the audience first, r. S ...-
Milian was to apeak next teeth: having A
thee limit of over an bou,r1. and Mr. Porter
mu to reply. Mr..1. M. Helmets, being ap-
pointed tinanintously to preside over the
meeting. Mink the chair and opened the
meeting by stating thee an amicable ar
rangement had leen made hy the speekere,
ehertepee Mr. Porter was introduced to
the meeting and addressed thee preeent.
Ilia. pretwipal tetair• was, ae he termed it.
•• coninwrond union.- showing in his
the injurious. effects it would kive uwei the
Dominion ie general as compared with the
N. P.. and &Le stating that it would be
irtjurieme to 1:te farming (immunity, on ac
.eunt of enact taxation having to he meet
ed to to supply the revestur if free trade
were adopted. The speaker cloned
by remarking that he Impel the voters
Merida. arliii•le of course, waste ote for him.
roe who woke on 'what! of the notninee of
man te the audience Mr. 11.111illan made
end also showed by figures the extravatpince
of the Imminent 1:overtiment an Its various
departments.. As to the quest ma. ''
Irma.' the re,aente• he roused if free trade .1. W. Marra', ha. 1.mght teat deeitehe,
was adopted he deo el that hy true and fifty sere term from Mrs. Peeve McInnis
just evenemy tie the part of the (lovers' fee the reset sum of 11,500. Mrs). McInnis
meet the revenue would be sufficient te minnn itnr Retie% ( einnesie. tee.
peer mother emil.1 hardly speek when she
WM the nitration of her dear children. Th..
father and the eldest boy wen- tie the bush
ever a mile away. The brave ley anon got
other dollies on. got a home an.I had the
beat about launched being assisted fry his
ehlest sister when the hake .us.1 the other
hey oune to their help. The little. fellows
were et thie time aheut nide mit. bet they
were 1101311 aide on shore with their dear par-
ents again. Iles is one ef the 1st -avast sets
we hare ever beard .4. Nfeetals have been
bitten to young nwn who del not deeerve
then. as much Alex. McLellan, whose
grit sad ...stereo preserved, eM only his
own life, bait Hot of two others. anal saved
his. parents frent a Rad affliction.
/teem 01e; rottlinneONDENT. e
Robert Andrew limn is visiting friends
in l'aramount.
John Drive has redeemed home from
house in Paramoubt.
Jelin Hunter in ist present mourning over
a het eanary. Never mind, ./niiii, she will
velure In the ',prime
The two Miss Sterlings. of Leseburie arc
visiting Mrs. II. Campbell. of Clover Val-
ley. "Ale there • Wilson. catch en. -
rides' t 'ertellseed and hares surphia wish .1. W. become in hat new enterprise
mar 'Inliara Mr McMillan rc Th.- Petrov. of !MusD,' are haring • eon-
; ferret! to the cons given hy Mr. Porter ermine in Ripley on Tnestlay, Fele 171,11.
chimed la' Kiel the" du"' h'r Her a gond lineal eatertainneent. (Ms
'the "“crynt "( the earn"' The 'Hee "fi an Twouto,and n the evening they
i Merest,. Sir .1 n. Mr Porter and Mr. met 41 ha„ ,reia eirdaseisa.
l'isineron A veer of thanks sae tendered
/r" r"'1"1"' "Mee, thr""4211^"i ihr; Is an reelarnation heard every bete in the
awl the autism, 'Stowe to the 0110eltalla011 day Tweeted,. ta the wrest ,,,we,„„, ett
on both aides with great interest. Of the. mem „f 7,„„,ng an nod in the eggr.
rim* we cannot nor .le e preteed A
gate tre lets news. safferina than pet -haps any
aloft & 1"a" " r • is juot to- at ovory person desires In poems&
• mite at . testantlUn relieving the airy. awl a
111whils. hn seaftrif Nerviline ewer pain rare act• aliens
wimple the ralhols a quant tz snakiest
Penne, Menthes is the °sly prdilliwrici
T ft Erreseedy. ef %Ate village, has sow fly for tontharrhe and all serve raw
, his big stock at a great redixtifiss. aa he in-
; tegivt, leaving -Pawn very shortly. As Mr.
, we are terry to we hint g.... hu; Ise takes
Iwherever he nay hereafter loom..
rention of Tuesday- bust decided thet we
are to hate a contest after all the tight to
he be•tween Dr. Marcelo/alit of this town,
wet In. Mabee... of Goiter -Wit. 4Ve do not
know the merits ef this 11. 0 of your
town, sir.' hut this we elo know , That he
will suffer a hal defeat Ott March 50%
1;o4s Howe There departed thn life on
eaturday. the 14th inst.. Mr. Jame. Row.
at, the good old age .4 79 yea.* and 10
months. It is nerdy about five menthe Once
marred acre. and her beresit el husband
never fully recovered from the shock of his
bereevement, kit after all dearth 'lel not
part them for long. In religiou Mr. Rog
was a Presbyterian. and in panics • staunch
Asarritret Tw ti•. On Monday last Min
10 la Brock atrial s i re. a verymeosnpluthed young
lady and talented IntieleUltn, was united in
the holy hotels of matrimony to Mr. Marks.
• well-known artist. who travels with the
lemma Knattai 1Vells Company. Mist
Brockenshire wiN he greatly missed in
Winghiun. as her talent WW1 in demand et
all our local concerti. and entertainmenta
However, onr best wishes go with her as
she enters upon her new sphere of life. t
Illransu net Hearn. Mr Elliott, etV
Tire Times, was in Tomato est hominess
Saturday hest. Our good editor's face just
now seems full Of tinlileta. Wlsy ! 'A lee
heotuse we are now in the battle, and the
rause Mr which he fights is sure 10 given
the victory. Who hath woe ! who bath
sorrow ! Well, sir. it is not the Heron
(tritest the prepent tired+. If our opponents
do eall us rebels and traitors, oue thing is
sere : (Nur cup,of joy will soon le full, and
the victory wen.
ly horse and rattle fair will le nu Thersilay
neat. Thin monthly fair is now fully ap
prorated hy farmers in the
...entry. Another geed feature whirk
for the benefit of these who tell and of the
consumers •leo. is • weekly market 4sy.
We would strovly edema* the nit/ening
of the. oil town hall for use on sneh a day
If the farmers meld hiring in their reduce
say every Saturday ninrning, an have •
place where they outlet eithiliit earl mil im
all kinds of weather. the whose. we think.
vereuld wenn be greatly appreciated by sil.
leading Coaservative lights were en Than
'lay last, owing to Mr. Morgrove's regime
teen, situated homes the mountains and
the heap era, not knowing whether to re
elide or to proceed. 'Their greet big Brun
seta reinvention was all Libor spent for that
whim+ wee not Mead aorl their strength for
I that which aid not satisfy, hat the most
eseweriewg wee .4.10, pews ' 'lit *Wei
pleated. his hiworwid if the
The Mestere editor was
era. 01 mune the nouns would hare hem
just the same. Mr. Musgrove is • grad
mans and a pod eitiallitimlesollat RIM doctot own
n ot be defeated by the Man al4 Canada.
Miss Carrie Nobitsof Newborn Co.. Otte.
is the gullet uf her mock, Jac Mahal!).
Will Ramie arrived' inane ham the %limbs
isaa lumber woods Mit week. He L flans
kis • badly teemed foot remit rod lthile
leading -jumbo- oars. Am/thee man Isel a
leg awl arm Myhre in the setae acelleut.
Tits Cereraie.s. Mr. Robert Porter.
Weit Huroe's alive to the
Insainion l'arliameat during the past four
year!, ir billed te epeeist- Ian am Saturday
eventing twit, 21at inst. John Mchldhin.
M. P. tor Smith Hunsis, will. in the tater
eats of 11. C. Cam -rots aim, address the
electors on the occasion
°arr. Jansen Meehan are fader had
twee afflicted with ranter of the temps for
adinrat a year, depirtetl this life 'jambe-,
the 8th inst. Deoesiiietl. el Ito was in hut
76th year, wa• a brother of the. late John
Ha w kite., first ow nerof the Pert Alkeert
His remains. hallowed by • large number of
triennia and sugusantances, were interned
the Port Albert cemetery on Tendril-. lie
leaves a wife and sit children..
The anniversary tes-ineeting and cuter
tainmertt of the Presbyterian swede,- echoed
will be held on the evening ot next Wed
which lam. been kimily placed at their dis
Dished hiy Prof. Moreau anti his daughter
"Fairy. auil by thr choke -Widowers will
lw given by it Hensler of the local leery
Malt. Atiwitaitifili, .255-tr.; children muter
'Too Voris*. Liras. Upon glimeeng over
the liat of meals for this township we here
arrival at the otinclusou that it mule Le A
%kw. If it can be Lake» en a epeciineu of
the work- dune throughout the it hole lie
mina& the Reformers :eight an well throw
up the spew at otter. .%Ithough the names
of emeriti of the inert tem:nit:tut Reform
✓ etepeeere rd the tame hip are entirely
omitted from the lie. the thaws of several
Tory %eters appear twice. There is emse lit
Tory,' voters thin prentineutly brought be
fore the atteutitei 14 the public will uot
a: this election exercise their righ: to the
frarwhise. as they. like natty others of their
••tenly,loil. sierty hare levee fee erime tine
Mg to gather together ermaith grearuiriet•
to pay eft the mortgages on their ( &tweet,
manner in which the list was rev4sed
- might motion that the awe u pat len . ankon.
tete ratepey ere of this division is Oren as
"stage driver.- Let there he a gra';d at -
It will he intorestiug to kites ts. Per
ter'. explanation- of his io make
Le6P4awl in reprint to harass matters, mid
„- Lite Might nay future ee eleteetely
Patrons of Intlustre held their firs;
convention Ripley on the 170•1 lust.
We unelermeinisl the Cosservittive tarty
We are glad t,. ere 111. Reed. qi Leek -
DOW, :Ilk to le erased terying green on our
streets agent.
Our ped. titinka that lie is very clever on
politics, bit that is where he ie
for any of the schrsal boys can knock eye
vii!es on the wrung side firt the fete,
Mr. K.liter. thie has leen the greatest
tie oceans, end you may
of twelve or foUrtet n 01-1711111.1.:itiZetiA One
mornmg hot week whew they wrrke up to
find that inn had lest from nabe to tWO dogs
tech. The MIME. of death. it is believed Gy
our vet. was poison ; hut the. party or par•
tie, that put tie pnition out had better DOI
tell the lees who eel it or they may get in-
to tomtits-.
Weer Beeere The West -Brno. Helene
Inge ever held in the enty. The towii
was filled te the &wee Mr. Moieohri.
Kuteardine, president of- the West Itruee
Ihrform Association. WWI in the chair : anti
Mr. Illenalersen. the waretarv. attended to
the than.* et his office. (relegates from
every polling subdivisions:1 in the riding were
present. nie fellowinis gentlemen were
nominate.' : Or. Sinclair. I'. el McIreare
Peter McKenzie. Wm. Vallanoe, Jas.
end Ales"... Campbell. Excellent erweelies
trier. minis by all the nominees, end all re
The ballet mg resultasl filVor of our es
mernher. Jas. Rowantl. 1/n motion of Siti
flair anti McKenzie. Roviend's candidature
was male unaeiniesse The convention
closed with • vote of thanks to the eh/airmail.
anti cheats for tee queen and ittr. Rowena.
A partur social is al he held at the Meth
odist parsonage shortie.
Mrs. 3_ NOOK. from Fullerton. is spend-
ing a few days with her sister. Mrs. R.
Doeskin& of this place.
We regret to learn that W Irable of
the Meath& is likely to kale one 14 his
homes. He let them out of the stable a few
days hir mender. when they galloped
down the mad. Shortly after nee of the
neighleare found one of them sending en
the mei with • sharpened cedar stake in
its side. The horse hadi undouhteally Aimed
on the 100 WWI fallen en the stake, which
had penetrated through the rile to the lung.
There is hat faiat hopes of ite reonvery.
The first speech of Neter.* political
oisepeigit was given in Helesieseille on the
evening of Friday last, and wail not gener
ally considered in any sense a anneal& The
attendance WIWI 11111•11 ly 86 all to1.1 mud
• large number .1 thew. Refortners.
owing doeibtleen te the fact that his plat
form me km narrow to build a aperch %spent.
Rut little enthralment was numilmtnd. A
fen were heard to mutter at the t Ione,
I"Hell do.- It is to be regrethed that the
eppeeition was orit represented on the pine
form at the wresting.
The. emetics in Nertharaptnn. esuited ley
the death of tliarlas lffiedlaugh. resulted in
over 2.000 maierite.
&tenth Spawn Liniment removes all heel,
hoes, sweratry, stifles sprains. sere and
siOninen serem, enemas, Me. Arra 1112.!
ef Me bottle. WarraMed the met
winiderfal Wanda IMO Inor berm Mold
by F. Jerthus. 116-11
**amemed amilaw Marlins dam
rum lama - Mean heraewa
Raul/ OCR OVIII tscitIllW0311114111.)
MATURE. 17: evtare its the Maw
*dist churl* era Musiday eveaiwu
kit% . A. Put of Ihnieseame Iles is ch. -
third lecture of • aeries that is beteg pea
mike the auspeas 111 the wag people
the Methedim church.
Joseph Tama hes retained fems • mho •
visit te Tare
prevent. Last week • metteli that mesa.
othaiderablesseitentent wee held, the ouir
pettng parties beige A. Tierney and e. 11
Mr. flaky, however, cause or
rietorioua, awl ell the "boys' nuts Mute
that he "takes the rake.-
Cuarriere TM youth of our trans here
bee:: eneiyingobentielves in the evanieg ..•
late .311 11Le hill un linunisioad acres. Yrut.
half past b until 10 u elock the hill ,.
literally teetered with young people, al
t 'mediae winter.
Curette. er litestneet. The hoot an
thee busisese which hra Men tarred on be
some time peat by Wm. Taylor & SOW
has Wen bought by T. W. Setae who wil
continue the. Itusineas in the del Anis& Mt
Jan), Teeter, who has been enraging tie
bustuers here, will go to ilatuall. wham is.
has percluteed • Mot and SIMI! store.
Forr Rao_ the two font hall team
not storing at alL 'The junior* won ai
the g.ante aa teener real -bone playing we
done 1.3 heth sides. het Rlyth peered tn
streamer team. wore 1 0 re favor ef Hlytlt
The reuse, twitch wffl le played oa
grounds is two weeke.
Etreriess. No :natter where we wen
our way we hear uotlinie hut elertions
The Tories who attended the Mussels MIL
'he the candidate , t.itme home in high spirit.
aul imagined everything was in tip-top
Ms. NI. would he elected. but the federates
niorating when it letanie knewn that he had
withdrawn • peruse 'steel lime bought any
nee of three delegates ke- a rusty oast. lt
wart With ili-tulty that .leiegatee were
fousel to tatters.' t (Ha Tumidity
Last, e number saying that they were no.
the laughing stock ef eur citizen.
Haaweverea number .4 gentlemen tiers se
lecteel Wise agreed et ge, and hrought hem.
ee.rel that lir. Holmes is their Man.
The 31sior has been eehing for trial, mid
wee las tune has thaw, and. in this
vicinity ti cowedeel on all hands
diet lie will he slaughtered en the 5th
Mimi, se badly AA, if net worst :Mu. Mue
ipsec woal.1 have heen. In the meantime
lit Liberals are working with might asel
wet. :mil fee! curifi.ient Due Dr. Macdon
will receive such a majority in the
h t of Hones that: the Tome will
sink into .shlit ion. le. Shen deserve.
creek: ter the circular %sheds lie hag uesued,
a• it ehews ability .3n the part ef the doctor
and 'ale. the geent•will lie Leers to the fern.
John hems of lisualots. war is town last
Samuel) Melina, of Menitobe, is visitine
his brother.Siebtey Hanna.
M. Mc Phersou. oe Hensel'. lltaA in Ha)
H. F. Edwards ha• just received the fin-
est seek rri dry gods, ereedtery and glass-
ware • - :hewn in Hayfield and wia sot
be ..o..s. ,..3 I.y outside towns. 4t. trill
"*:i • -eel at Charles Wallis' en Wednes-
ogee • eery large number bring preseat.
sum reari.7.171: ii tell pats to proV Irk furnish-
ings required in the Nlethmlist church.
On Friday last .1no. Pollock. R. McBee?.
R. Lockhart rand Chris. Innen were heady
engegol in setting net. and eel not "Merry
that tM ice had separated frost the shore.
Fortunately (lira Dresser sae how thee
were drifting and procured • beat and sail
were reached.
Ihi Saturday last the funeral of the late
Jams Castle. who died Fels 12th, 1891.
took plan learn the residence .4 his nephew.
Cleo. S. Cratk. :eatable Line, to Hayfield
cemetery. Deceased wail horn in North
thmtenshire. England, and Was 67 yeam of
age. and wes latterly engaged sherensaking
in Hayfield, where he first came in 1842.
The funeral sermon is to he preached ea
Sunday next by Rev. F. I:. Newton. at
Trinity khnreh.
A large coiled was at the rink last
Saturday night. All enjoyed the music.
' The next teeniest and second ram fer resent
takes plane 0111 Menclay evening next, 23rd.
All who are to race must be on hand by 8
o'clock. Race is forty laps. These now am -
tem! are James Meleral, leaderich; Chris.
Dresser and %Vet. Erwin, Hayfield: Geo. M.
Baldwin. eireferthsinal M. McPherens, Hen
mll. Prises given bar heet laity's Nee,
On Tuesday neat.. Fel. 24th, the Salve
tire Arrr.y intend having • greed banquet
sad juhilee, when Brigadier Philpritt. Staff
A. p. C., from seraferth : Capt. Hays. (.21n
ten : Capt. Fagan. Exeter, with her Lieut. :
greet number nf moldier. and friends hem
neighhering nem* are expected re he prat
ent. Supper will he served at the harracke
and the jubilee will be at the town hall.
Admission to both banquet sad jubilee. 26c
make the first banquet under chene of
(mom mit owe roes • I
timer. Garton's leg is nearly well sal
and he will then wenn hr at his work ewe
Ales Risked awl his Sane, of the tenth
ennematee, wen visiting friends NI If Hilbert
laM week.
James leiellaw, of the likk. 11111.116 hwr-
under it at • thirty four faulawhodwer
to the end it this
Tito humor el Industry Asterisk** Of
*hers ortormod. me la Feely foie
Inglis. seeretery and Jahn leollaw. teem
Tit* Noat4
. Clow esteem A
.. brae brae made a
eterthelet land 114
vas) as the ru
• 1111013 11111wwew
&id mum is nail
ye. 'seri
lo• ne and the pole
Ilisievyisin by eh
the ahl
countrymen, with
*roused the lathe
tech • pitch that
spots as t hey never
ael in the work 01
even and will tot
nano mesas Si,
Theorise Oat.,
replies le the a
Empire. seeking
Ferrer affair, wit'
&Repellent. dada
never sew or heal
1.1 and that lie ha
web its coupe
respecting his ins
The Irish Caw
supported the Ce.
talon politica sal
raised 11.y Sir Joh
tempt of the Tor
deeds of intellige
piety. After p
vantages that th
derive frost unr
PaPetrustr. *in 1..1
under the nag .)
en% and an ,Tett
sell or laity. T
where if the '1
sheriffs' and tri
Always on hand
immeemasol /11 the
their worldly g
farmer a check
on • loyal yel710s.
anti quit their •
who is eupti
writes 1.. The
grown up, anti
think, a• them
their Conserrat
was Noel mime
invasion to tall
with arms and
Hill instHhawrniag0h
AnnitliT,T, Fe
Liberals herr
ex .premier el !
of the policy
by the Tories,
se much reams
were thieves ai
easert that the
guilty of tress
duet of the T
honor of their
Mr. Pipes clout
trete as he Wi
fare the cheat
land ; he wou
friend in Cana
taming the op
in wile+ the
Richard l'art
reit to Wash'
Richard Carl
ritaileisi mamma Cons
landanimseitlitlfresemele. hat:
tuaity shoal
Homo. he ft
The Glebe ar
"I have just
epee+ of di
evenings sin
of interest
h otel, and ir
and patriot!
oak of lens,
Sir John, •1
that he was
brims &mut
thr Valhi
Tarn remearl
lire lir RI
sob elasaa