HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-2-20, Page 6III
1• 1irIi W11-1.iij•Mw.....•R fir •+ yrs F n�. 11 n.Lwr
I; INN .111. Jr -
Mantle Cloths, Rently-made Jackets., Uhttering', Lacs•
Curtains, Embroideries, and Remnants
of Dress Ooodn.
egg ter M e•.73 fur fFs.i•, and ois ter *toe.
Tisa above evert be sold to wane room for our spring Kati,. which are eon,'
.ng :o . and ahead}.
68 Pieces of New Spring Prints
now In work •sd • few piece* of our,!!. -loe1. and drew hoods. We e*
Peet our leapsrted Goode in a fess days. when wt will beatable to show .an,
4 the cheapest guts% ev er mho In town.
ab Jean aard.a•1d $. l,e• • treating
C. W. Modell, the Rotates editor
and proprietor ut Thr Ottawa ih'ee Prise
lased beaker of Mr. Jas. Mitchell. of The
(l.dench Steal, alto with other Kef.uusrs
was ,stented by su John Mtrcdost.d as
a traitor to ('aaala. stets hack at the Po-
inter otA4outda In the Whine, and git.s
hyyrr'a olanksfvOnu (River
(It is the duty of every palated. Camila..
to retreat, both by %ober and vote, the -out
rowans insult oaered to one half the people
of the Daintiness by the leader of the Tory
part$ iu hu mount sill} "manifesto." Nur
John Macdo.ahl has the effrontery to
charge the Reformers of t'eutada, who kn.
at Least half of the country', populeti..u,
with disloyalty end tree....n to their.•.atrltr•y.
The charge le false and libellous. WA., are
the Kefunnen of (*nada Some of thetas%.
the [lobbed. the unit ruterpriaing anal the
u,. et patriotic of our people the Led bets.
wide., wee in law, fathersm law, .301111141
awl neighbor. of the Conservative+..f C.o.
sola. Are the fair-minded t'onservatsses of
the ...rota going t.. endorse the foul a td
falai ctaigts tna.de by .qtr Iohn Mac.lon lab
*gains* their Reform fn .is, relative. aaa .1
ue:gthiters` Trea,ou un.et disloyalty IMO
wool% the highest crimes known to the 1a• .
a1..1 when $ r.lo£n. Ma:.lrwaid,at llirbnlde
of a few hoggish o mubmtsters. material, ..o
to .latgr nue half ..f the te,quhatiwt MO 1
such crinlffi he in. urs a eery) serious r.•apoI
sibilitt. He utters a foul slander ups. 1 h
fair tame of ('ana.1a and the honor of b.'
,•otmtryu.en, whi..•h sliould lar promptly re'
•Leat ed. A met. figure Canada will preen
'n the e•yes of the world if the I'reioter of th
country is alluwe'ol t, declare that One Slid
of our population is made up ,.f traitors and
rehele. What •otatrittic" people tb.l'ana-
--- diens are if Sir John Manlnnald tells the
truth. Who art the Reformers of l'anada!
The hony march:.uta, lawyers, farriers. awl
mechanics in the country. Surely wary
Et:iotie Canadian is proud of suoh men as
dward Wake. Wi rid Laurier. Richard J.
Cartwright, Alexis r 31ackenaie, Obiv'rr
Mowat, Andrew ie. 'r, 'Demure Mercier,
meet every requitement. lYalli:u❑ d ,n. A troll:. Juries.l'Lirles
• Weldon, Us id Mills. looms H. Ramses,
1 cis the most it„ lroi eel Heater ..let 1Yilliau N. Fieklieg, Thomas Greenway,
to. market Jute. t'hariton. Sydney Fisher,James Trow.
It will run n itln ower bra opwl. William 9duisw:l, H. t:, Jo)p, Arthur N.
Hatyly. James Macioce,. ('. F. NON*: S.
Ilan Ant' oth.•r tun. Pacoi Idshe, William C. Edwirda, ICrakine Is.
bineetusop, .1: M. /:note. t:. W. Roes and
others isle are iu a ver respect eke sujw e -
Paresis rise m.rilg asst tiir` Johehe. l
iwtal.11a•eurruun•led.hiarplf. -Pict the•.e
are the Reformer, against • *dam sir John
hurls chergteo of iIl.loyalty ! These an the
nen whams Sitt John aCeuaw .of .sekieg to
The ra..I.Srapate !teektle--Eaglets sad
Dysasse. Comblees1 -•elt Water fee
C4,weat. Igleelrt. al seeable Maroon
Meller*.. T.t.pkeme l.. War.
White will tea programs d _
molt lis view d re admir-
able r,.wltr obtained by salmaists, and
690‘3,01). by Mr Nerey. Ismosto r,. have
fur several years leen setting their ells W
work to devise saran apparels, for allow -
lug amateurs to take with-
out our oue +rein, thus di Ilk, W. have
already nate known OM photographic
opera glamer awl heat but hero we
hate nuwdti.gt cleverer. and .kwignet
to ma•' with gnat exam aruoug pew.
tw.law it u a questi.tu.d • necktie peel • 4
with a tart. Tb:• hater is an objective, aial
the no It ie is • learners. N lain any .one a;.
taellietr, yOU sod rival-. to you at a didan.e
of 2,.r e.en :: ft., you teases. • ruW.r bulb
eocrs:d,T in your pockets sal you have the
portrait ..f your bit.rkruto. .
Tho uytanfoua:utl.• apparatus, with which
ale, grecral viewmay b, taken, was deviee.l
by Yr. E.dntt'nd BM■•h. whobarottratrd It iu
our prteraie.med. although We instrument
is not yet being 1uw:lufa•:ur.d for .ala w
bare dreida.l to make it kn own IL, our read-
ers at once..
Fully tested and found to
Ta. public aro bombe swelled that the (toes
and teed bas formerly carried on by A. R.
Cunle has bees perehama by
it huts a Patent Flue Cleaner
lttachinvut w4•• !a Venni e• nil soot
. ithout tlae opening of door.
it is the moist ('onipect 31141 cheap -
fed Furnace matte.
The alrote batt represents our liot
Water Funnt.t'.
It is eonipaaed of nit•t..l chambers •at each end utrritnect,-1 witit tubes or
stet., o
These tulips are externally .'posed to the lire and the loot :nisei dust
geuer-►tell in the combustion (if the furl, and it is evident a costing of soot
w i11 aria lee a tied different eln the heating .:;q.:u•ity of a'given amount of furl.
N3/ pros ision has heretofore les -t a *1414 whereby the accumulation of soot
can be cleared readily. -
Tite present illustration show -s tilt arra ture•lue{tt,of q series .of pipe*..
At the rear end you notice our Patent Flue Cleaner.
It is eotupoti lel of tin plates of skeet steel. having -holt:, registering with
the t i 11ea on each aide.
There :are ears attachrrl through w hi.•h :t owl pates• maul i, fastened with
matte on 4dich sire, and by means of the the (.:leaner is held in position.
The front emit is liont .e. •., tee font' a handle by Ilwattsofwhich the Clean
els' pats be pulled hack and forth.
To effect a perfect cleaning sof the ,riot shat hates from the tube's a washer
is erau.i d every tube bagween the ie.rforateel plates.
It' using the Cleaner the operation takes only ri fres tion of a minute :1x1
by 1'; rfornting it occasiotiti'!1v .luring the day.et large per cent of fuel will he
No doors require to be opened ishan cleaning, therefore no dust can *e.
CaP'This in c•ntion remit r. boar 'Fur1k.eo far Su. 1•t•n ' to any fonlgt•e yet tlmtuie.
It is the only means tor .dialling a quantity of tubes it mice ,whi(f1__flovs
it quickly and in a thorough innuner,
We manufacture n anantl a1141 a large -,iu.• -
The ,wall one is composed .,f :to tubes, the large one 45 tubes.
The sides an. built •l. •with brick :after the heater. is set in its proper
place. (hely :15o bricks r•yuireeil.
We have brut these hurua.•ei trietLfor tvvo 4•aris and they hare given
perfect satisfaction.
Parties who contemplate• putting in hot water fut•tt,at.es should write apd
get 'tricot. We cordially invite anyone to call on us and seta the heater in
full working order., t '
.otos-.e•''"'"•Iwp"�wwra,. WHY EVERY FARMER
serest V a•+»..Wy, ler tl.�r .f
�Neaawrrr .n. rro.++re •+ .In, 7,14: Parser
tee a..alww.,iew..w.Mya.. aq .
.,,e s, no e..a. r..o tot...9. should gel meet
we..w..or. tM.g. We win •w. Mo Oar t.s eve a....
""�r.•..�•.91 Whom o` i""'" """'` Armstrong's Improved
.trawir Mwt..i...e eMm.r•••.e In 131 pm..r lk.••• .wkM.
.............. p ,, s. ra. r.r ...a w -
N, .aa,�TrrrrnraMl.�.}i wtra..wr ntt�M�a1)aM_ .w-
/af. T �tl' C`�• �lwL7fr. LtlL'
P trio.
Perte:t Sts
11114611110* to be 'leered oat,
and showy shapes
The W •stat. Tdbn
who wilt
rill=Zoo I•r sheta fbeoae
be a4
.4„ ,h. •
•neat .t t°rer proper.
has bees lis east semen
`,hgaUaeda., 1 titter..
2' blebs tis �N111 a Ili. It f e
ogle, will be M 6111..&g trf Is
,,,,,.,,y A.rtF erkIbtt4 r ke.W"* It la
rat to
e daltve.Ii to SoPS*' Ihe (.wa.
yaar� •� e1 sew. sad 4.e&
Val era whaler ands la eoaeon.
eMO& J. 'CfTIMAll'.
"eaillittOuiliWee thMk!nt airgerr
JIh r R pe A••r444 reM
.... ell the i. .soots si.•rd
,..a•.a leg....1w•tr� ♦ who
1 ! t . t• Aggs•' Iy 9.9=A: Wan.
t71SId 111
IM It allows no foul seeds to be blown into
the chaff. which is of great importance to
every farther whoa -Lobes to keep his farm
hid,It save* and cleans all Timothy seed
rom any kind •,f grain whole cleaning the
LA1 a.
gad. For Market cleaning It removes Cockle,
Chow and shrunken grain. and RRp ee the
farmer the greatest ocrslble wi'I,4*1 for he
grain with no unnecessary tem.
11b. 1t will sample grain for show ■nab fwd
purposes equal to hand pick....
Ult. Cleaning seed Wheat It removes all
('akle. al.:rtard seed, Wild 4'.11., WVlld
alae and other foal and .4ruaken sed
broken grain, en • gives the fanner pare.
elran. mod grata.
SOL It wit clean lata. Rarity. Rc , thor-
oughly without 'mate of grain.
71b. Cleaning Prase: it will .spar to the
mad, quartered. halves. Owl. sag whole
4'e.• Prom each other. carrying each to a
different rampart mens.
aft. It isa perfect clover seed Machine. re-
moving • 1 dustbroken and dead weds/
and ether wells. larger or smaller than
Vie clover seed.
tea. L. It Is a ares clam Oram seed Machine,
blows no seeds away,
ISek. It Is a Root F1ac seed Machine.
1154*. It i. • first class rhatfer.
Rale. It con two Oiled into the oldest fasbiosed
Fanning 11111 that le laid said. u melee.
and make It do the work of a •ew Mlll.
4*4. It c.' be attached to a new 414 with
out 14Inrh1g It, and can tie removed at any
time aa .aHly •r a lar. coambined. It
dos ant interfere *Oh the use of for re.
ant saves of the MI11.
I.sb. it. sieves are swirly all perforated
1Mh. 1t has a capacity 04• sixty bushels of
grain Mer hear
I0111. - 1t is es cheep ss the orlisary, ran•iri
14111 sieves
ITI4- Retry Weehin. is at tattemen.
•sed yo4r order at root if Jen wart 11 fhb
,mews. 1/ ynn hare nni reed • 1/srbl.e sink
r.. A.... m.•• ant hie ln,tw••1h,* .Nisi t,b s "OIL
tail It da meddlers k 1111411
in ordering ', emit seed inside width .f
Mee M Fanning atm
G-oderioh, Ont.
Betray the'-wnntrya intereat.e. The charge
MIL`, lir r.oented not only by Refampere
last by every C lied who velum \
country', home. 4 ls# whore is the s e•
curter insole! By' .trl:ua I% 710 was a feu
years ago, driven frotrnpfce foe red titasou
to I catut.la fur selling wgt•eat puha.:' frap-
clhibe fol• money with which to debauch the
electorate of the touu..ry . ,r ;, man who
Was 1..:u the Whin and aid of the Kykerte,
Hni:xis, \Ic4;reervs. 1tgru,ea and other
n:t..t.ou loudlers 4 ulwmt tis(• country is
heartily ashamed. This is the ,omelet Isle-
riot who lute the unparalleled impede/we to
ritarge h.rokst and pstriuti:• l'arsmlia tm with
.kaluya let. - 1Vhy, any one of tat Reforu
leaders lots mmt stake in Canada that: the
whole of Sir John 11a••i.wa1I's tai-inet tout
together. Awl the people' are trot going to
allow the grand 4.1 fairish flag to he made
• cleat; fi.r Rykertisn.. }lett:reeTyiei and
ntlte'• po liti•.al tritne.i. - They are not- g..iut
to slow bor.ilers to pose as patriots
:.ad as the :lob dytu of loyalty. They vr•
:1411 going to permit the abet, of a cabe.et tf
pr maurul :adventurers and doodlers t t m
silt tote half of the P9Knitl,lpti s popdat ion
with imjwnity.
( i1 ar:..int• people, thello exceiIttonal penpie:
HetK ;i' ■ meih,me Il! Pier. e * 1:e141m
Hothead ticx
laeve: v fur insta t , . and It
etired bel:ndroL*. tie etsandr that 're known.
thougawis that'd• u111:town. and yet s..us is
4411 ctceptiona! cue: 1)o }'on think th.:t
Mit .of hgptun torture which you call
"1s ii ditfeuent front the other ptr:el, of
Litman n atnre ^"Rut you' don't know my
rasa." i; .M friend. en ninety-nine
o.t c f . hundred tate.. the (4l,aen art the
gime im re blood and that's why
). Y
••fiod n puTical 1 t,. ner• �-
1 e ala rryy ' • cures mn
nine out of every• hundred. You I ayL_ 'a
the exeeptiou. - And you u':try n.1. IN*
wield you rather Ise the exception. or
1,00,14 You r.tber Irl well' 11 you're the ease
i e
eeptiat it roots vim wahine.. you get Jr,sr
tie 'y hasoppier back -hut soppit cures yow!'
Let the •'t:oldrt. %Cabral 16senv.ry take
the risk.
. aMtot Powtrwet'w
A li::le town sitar i't,n ieii•a. a heats s
churns whore pas: 'e. Ite.&.ti• In 1n,g; an elo
mato preacher, 1, • 111111 of stall/fart pro
portions. At crag of his et anin;; prayer
meetings :11,• per% ice, erre .l,aturtle,l ley
(no young men, who a.ei'hly *celled at
eserytl'ing the saw or head. Finally the
cmt.n.tratr.I with them on their be
yiur. and asked theca why they attended
the meetings.
••Qe came etpe.•ting to bee nura.les per
formed- impudently replied .mr . f Ili •
r:w:al,. Leaving the desk and walk:re
;portly ;hie a the ..isle. the paste. .e,re.t one
after the other by 11,r collar, and. ..s 1113.v
d,eappeore•l out .1 the dower, reinarkr.l:
We demi perform miracles here, but e
do cast out droit.." mutton I:Iob4
1 h(edu,•hes, dimness 4 trig*,
deafn•aw, conr(ant hawking and
a foe of the -mptonis n( catarrh. _
141m is they certain cure kaaim tier
it • trial.
1101;-• Jsh. Terw.d •ea
An in.uranr agent, eh , looked as it he
was ;bran in hu Iuek. walked Into the In,-
sand stank. T..routo. rostral days :ago, and
sewght t.. moire the lives 4the young *nen
in that matltntion. More so • matter .4
charity- to the agent than Anything .lee, en
the .tr,ry gore., w.era I of them took ,.at in
seam' tickets for ,..,r ,lay, ff.: which they
paid 26 .-amt, tier man. F:aeh was insured for
43000 nt cam of .loath by se.ident that .day.
er ahead any on .d them lie injured by ac
,deaf he would ..tier ft15 per week until
recovery. The 'ming mon *uliecrihe.l mere
Inking!, flan nnythotgt else. hilt et appear*
that Omer of theta number, Mr. Reginald
4'apr..el, 41,4.1 slating that Alterman, fell
And wet afterward* taken l,omr with a
I•r..kee leg Mr t eprlol had ill lu.k to
break hu leg, but hu 25 cent aeelent 1s
,towner alckM new COMM 131 quite heady
mangey utter..
Wanl••y tww,k, airs naw t common **
cwt, and ...Ma To get nab of the latter
user ,yq'ar.l'. Pectoral Rales m. the lewd
Canadian .'.ugh cure for rhildra..r a.twlt.
It cares by its .nelbiii f, healing soul expert
orsnt pn w form of throat and
Worms cans* rein.*s neknmb. Dr. I.ow',
Woes,tl4yrap tent acd mph all lk awls
of ly /lt0aas•. uatrre'at-t Maa. let.
Tw•• .ere .,'r T:1a
1 retere•eats the ph re.grs 4ble
. mad 7111g. 2 gives se trout view
et it M let is 'to to own by tlw • t pa r-
thie ale•* Ile .samara *Web is Mt
very light, beteg bidd.a under
the vest. Fig. 1 gives n bawl: v£; r., the
ter d the tamer* awing renewed to .roti
,nal tram., wbykb.n•capable .0 tern•s.n;ia
see. .w1 t.•!,,re the objective, and whit•►
perm a .dtatge:i :as weativr .lir• in-
mnnn ut mar be .••*o'tr eled•nit4 1': •r It
trate .ilio apparatus is, operated. fob,
loos: ;T1s• no• tit• having bee Adjusted.'
the utter is .et by a pull obese n
the fon tea. A 11.1g. 1. ti•i. .h. whit•k
passes •nityr the vett. la ender to.
ebangc !date, it i, neeeemegy to turn
town left o right the button, IT. wtdc•!hf has
been int Mica intoe a button hole ot tree
rest, and ieh denulet.'. a butte' .4 that
garnaatt The. bstton mud 11e turar•.l' until'
the wife.: if a i1t•i,iig, which '.,urs•ad C
IFI$. I. No. 1. it pontis e1i, .14w•hiiii puts
the phtte .• •tly Rtes -r e. the .lbjrtire. is
order to re. the lett.4, 4 is neao.: j %t,
tress the, ru mrhulb, D. vrbhii hal; boa tut,•
into tis'•tece.vs •ws-k"f. 'Dui nablo tithi..
E. gw:yr ut:r the 1'04 mudtervr, to trip
nit the a.'•iow the band.
• Tt.r w..: K PI01l,1IEil:
is order te a Ole appars'Ma
opened et, the br,ths by Mamie .h t••null
fpeirtge, (: t (i t , - , a t.*xi tell' Ar.• p114
into the fra . not 1 t .' sig•'• .. are revved
tia•k W theirien.. r p .int roto •
The apparent, is scare l t ,} :Ll h.: than
use ordinary oesitt =• eel 1 - freta The
ranter* that i'otttxle s ibe plates is Jot i.nwe
than 0 inch tis th:elan The frim:o
are tarried baton the Gbj: ties taroug'r•an
eidlswe chain. as e•h•,w n in •• Saar..
lir. Blwis Inas show:1 194* , :• w,f the 0.44 -
graphs Hese he b:s. taken a !: this Orr a e-
ttxnttu w it:e•b b ' •,,oddees n, yet tau: iu
experiment*l insttmnrset. :c lefts.. hers
b'ra i•Jh thole p,rtnit. .*tai lel with the
Apparr hes. Fig ::, thong;,h the n 'rate i.!.je"
tiv'r /hilltldly oaxraled in the . n' ,4 the
pin. Thee photograph. ars. a!, t 1-. !oa•h
square: and are r1Ak•ienitly , to allow
there -Wait to he rereigniivit, if ', sipper -
atm can be well ens.ttu.trd, we ::.tie: a
great d'rea'd for it.-Ia :nature.
Eagin.s and Dynamos rwrbi l!l.
The extrt:are um sit etc. -trice' rpg.►ranse
011 -hlt.t„ant ha*evolvel a cninhtnatttlgt ,d
routine awl dynamo (or its• in limit..t Siete,
that i,. nen 9n•ling ite nay into ■ wider field
of u*' than that for which it was first in-
tenlr.t. Ther- ha • iw«m dindton,ousdes-.l.te
motet in the high .lead *engine. no tart there
.41..,.bttl.•ult. now in tlrtli14 eosin.+ than
tan run entered ly et the sped required •of the
armature of a dynamo The molding of
an engtine. .batt dint to as armature
is therefore a natered stop. The re-
.stilt i, an in•na,nl eflriency of (he alg!ne
and dynamo du.. 4.. the utilisation 4 that
portion of the engine power formerly Ind in
by t*•Ito and shafts tr. the dyna-
yneIn.. This direct warm of engirt. and dynamo
inion s ,single bass is gaining foothold in
central station practice. Fame interesting
feta have been teeeatly rustle in Ragland
with s d 1 dynamo of the Edisnn-
Hogtkin,.sl type, drken by • eampuad
double -crank englwt MIK an indented berm -
power of rct.:t developed by the engine the
dynama. yielded ran 1 . , which L
equlvakrt to an .45.-k ry 04 M 7 per cent
!Wt Water fee Otis*.
For many years engineers have hese of
the opinion that salt considerably erably Ieee,n,
the dreogth .4 cement mortar* and con-
crete* and consequently- builder. .t Na
seashore have gone to emulsions/1W ri-
psaw M obtain frr..h water for mitring
mrwtar. Itxt.mtit. her.. have, however,
been male rer.sntly at (lov.•rtmer Inland
for Colonel 1) C. Rowton. 1'•iwsl titan*
&sheer., and the maths iaoee mod
that salt water materially
weariest Lha mivegti of cement. instead of
dsrr.aning it The salt ham • hotter elferf rm
R•tssedals cement than ne Portland, the
pin in strength la the former Lyng *boat
15 per net and no the R.rtland ya only
Minot 10 ger .'rut Thie infer -matins tall
imperially rateable 4, th. es lod1Ilrg r owed
avatar', vrbwa Galt non he mixs.i fpr aka
water lsakf.g the awneet b, tore•rentdbla•Ilng.
An tlr forts aid military mtahli.kmISIM
of Belgium hart. loos t-oemeetcwl with •M
weep by t e$,phona Rpi,tyl
Moo Whorl to Prevail' es. *tun*new m war flet.. The is a
Deja sgh nisempboneredeem* , .
er Anew bite$,e
ireaborted wet are cant very pp eatable,
owbag to the Spa They anter. Iw n'ns+e-
golar, rd din to *Nm k hem boa p "areal se
dab • NOW reeless tUinstr ler 1b eetl, whir\
bee the *INK of tamales • wykt:la Neill e.
Wad damn • lam.
c ul.•uu ' a.
Thaauncil that m ll pure%
the tuwuahip ha
...... 1- MessLers all Preset° T =1 RT Y" ID AY' s
I(L•tis of last mwetieg read and appproved
til•rron t I'roudiuot's s.,wuat, iE146, (os
Ma ettjetw s sits prase& The Iolkowtag
patheteeters, p.suidkrrp rs oaf iouue
hiss .n wets appnwtw.I. vets. : Pathuaat n,
-Rent No. 1. Lev. Sumter; No 2, t eleottsr
Fisher; No 3, Iderjewun Mauiulgle : No. 4,
Ciao. (•:aider ; No. 5, %Vla Mustangs ; No.
6, Wm. Goode ; No. 7, Auer Fi her ; No.
It, tau melee; ,,. >l. Jtlaa dtrw.'1 : EVERYTHING GOES TO LEE 11001 FOR SPRING RBI
a:.viec Bavc6ler ; No. 11, Rivharl '76;1
Na 12, Jamas Jenkins; No. 13, Jan Sands:
Nu. 14, Andrew Halliday ; No. 15, Richard
ithuwdeu ; No- 1n, Abraham Fisher : \o.
17. William bleeper., jr. ; No. 18, l'barlw
%Velum% : No19, John Msggferd ; No. 20,
Samuel .Phan ; N. 21, Rupert Strauglwi
Nu. 22, Jame. Mreughan : No. 23, .)oho
Fowler : Nu. 24. t'issrlrs 'Valters : No 26.
Robert Allan: \o. lib, Jame. llavidem
No. 27, Jolla )Vatter,; N.o. IM, John Robert
son . No. 29, VI li, Names : No. 30, Jamc..
Hewett, sr.; No. 31. John Cunningham :
N., 32, 'rhos. Mcl'hee ; No. 33. Thos. Hain
'.fume jt.; No. 34, John I:allagher ; No. 36,
James I:Kra : No. 36, Jobst Kuehmnan ; NO.
37, Jno. M. Buchanan; Nu. 38, .IaS. Barker;
No. 39, .I..eph liohlttnorpe : No. 40, a alter
Knight : N.. 41, Harry Jones : N... 42.
Rohl. It net. : \e. 43, Ihniel M.Iliee :
No. 44, .1.1t•'. 4emen : No. 45, Kurt. Glen
No. 46, Win.Jona ; No. 47,Jno. McHardy :
No. 48, Huth 1 biol.: al : No. 49, Janie.,
LinkI.ter ; No. 50, J,due Hort.,, : No. 51.
Thele. Klppaa ; Na 62, Robe Karkpatriek :
No. 53. Chas-Stcw•art ; No. 54, Jun. ltuatow:
No. 56, David Sogte ; No. 56, Matthew
Foley ; No. 57. WM. Vr ornau : No. 6111,
Peter 1:regia : No. 59, Wnt. 1:. list;So.
60, James Thnrl ow; No. 61, Wet. Heim t
No. 62, lhtuceu McPhee ; No. 63, Itolerrt
t jttatel; NO. 64. Sand. Pater; So- 65, Martin
t;oumeu : No. 66, W. ('. Treble : No. 67.
Wm. .lune*: No..684. 1'. A. Rithertem :
No. 60, Henry Pants: No. .70. Hamilton
M.Mauus : No. 71. .lggltlrew Bee -k.' The
folio* ung j44u-'Ikeepers were appointed. vizi -
-Peter loiter. (:ee, Morris, las. Jenkins.
kilts. Jas.L'ui s. W. M. !logic, Jae. Lint later.
Wei. 1'wtaiaghanl, A. 1-. Koberte.m, and
1Vn1. 1 »i,a,,r' The follow sees; were apis.int
ad fence-A:fewer); Joseph IOdalthorpe. sr..
lb'itgla. Morris, A. Sand,, K. Morris. T.
:allows, W. C. Potter. Amor Herta, t:
Allan. Wm. !1i11, John Shoe-, Jamas Toles.
Jelin Horten. Jetties Howatt. sr., Thema*
1t I'erta•'n and t:.r.iwn Vet The emit-
laa' rep:u t- wt. natl. a- Nally- 111.3111,
aceundell 1W 'J. Iaylur. that the noel report,
sold that Lha- aadi-_ -z
tors .wive $3 each le their seretia'a.
1'atri.wl. A, Voting n'... eel. seconded by A.
A. Voting, that the 4r _•tourer get 100 cop,,.
of the • auditors report pruited.earne
The hoardadjumned to meet on Friday,
the 3n1 day .d -April, at 2 o'clock. - J. H.
Rl•.u.►t its, Oft* t, .
Sart W titemeth.
lktrk and sluggish describes the eon.hti..a
of bad blood. Huilthv Wood to ruddy sued
brig;l,t. To erre had iLo.d ami it. ,'once
owners. and to
secure good blood aa.l its
letter in the .,fest., surest and ata way
e t;urdock WoodWoodBitters. .t h .s-
rnes•leei by all who me it as the toes[ sai
porilirt. .. 2 •
., Maws ire., o_e.,p U..w ?
Wilted heartineets of besaets, too much
worts for wea.iag. are the test iron h.oleien-
Thde :.''e kept fti t, leaking b{y hettig turn-
ed upside doe i: Ilett on the ground. with
wafer on the 1•,i•.
' '7•o run's tlea'Aided knife ::round the
rubber of •a "self-sealing" fruit tear trill
.pure 414 easy opening.
A:a iteon dish -doth for wa.hiu4 kettles,
etc., may 119 considered a n.', eseity : useful.
also, in wafting lamp chimurys.
'4e f°ruittirc .,f u sleeping; remit await
he wiped with i clamp cloth. It ism health-
ful to allow the .lust to regi ai t .w tilt far
nature :s* to rennin en the room em the Mew.
:4ottne a trenpas ate:, in mating bale.
to have always the same side ..1 the *beet
upward. awl the *awe end turned toward
the head of the: red.
Tlx 01.1 rule to make sheets twoawl a half
yards long is not a coot one ; they should he
at leas! two and three-fourths in length.
end three yar.l, is tetter. -There will be
plenty of areas, tiler to turn it at top ler
A nickel's w.:rtli of plaster of Paris will
nicely fix the :sap with s lammed socket.
with enouggh remaining for another time.
Mix the platetrr with water to the c.neist•
oncy of crean: with a knife place a root
ing w ithiii the :,.•ket, after the old has been
carefully serap,l .off, put it on the lamp.
press titunly :toil allow it to remain uremia
turista till .Irv.
This is no fake, but a genuine cleaving sale."
F sra•e, 0
Skating Pea -Jackets at $5.50,
Children's Overcoats, $2.50,
Men's Ulsters, $7, -
Men's Fine Overcoats, $10,
worth $8•
worth $4.
worth blue
worth $lb
Gents' Furnishingsi
V '
fAt bottom rood prises.
Cents' Furnishing Mart, McLean's :dew' sBlock-
I will not insult the intelligence of the public by ad-
vc rtising first-class goods for almost nothing, but this I
will do : I will give you the very best goods that are made
inCanadaat lower prices than they are sold at by any
other firm.
Airs. !hoe,., of opines Mine*. testitie•
that her son was carried from the pit unship
to more from acute rheumatism. After using
6linttles of MINAKI)S LINIMENT he
Wm able to go to work and has been well
Beer wife*.
Eta $1112111111111111 MSM aro.
No marecan dears tall ahat a the right
tthin4 t.. do, bet he can (erne pretty sear
elling every",\ 7 what u the wevutg thing.
ltbe IL..r11M thea M i:edertek.
As well a. the lanl'n1neet, and others aro
invited to call on any druggist and get
free • trial bottle .1 Kemp'. Rwlsam for the
Threat and Lungs • remedy that it salting
entirely upn its merits awl is guaranteed
to relies. and .tire all 4'hr.uso and Acute
Coughs. Asthma Rronehiti, arid t'..ns11mp
tinct Large bottles 60 rents and 1111 ' 1 eon
4d1Nr4, Wyk/epees
4;13171.KM1%. l our Hag -*rd'.. fellow
0,111 worth ite weight in gold for both in
tern*l and external nee. During the tat•
kgrippe epidemic we found it a newt ex
oilers preventive, and for sprained lila.
etc., there u nothing to equal it.
We, Pew ,i i ov, Miter Delhi Reporter.
a rl is 16 she blow to
IIiw Pit oleo iritis
21 t al eaUel as
he Balled •
not like to
odd witch
�Vleaari � "� •.. m
11.01IPt•4414.' 111lk
. , 1ex'. sad leo- iib* lm 1
J. . -- "HMI' Veer ?make menu to
M ly mired Foreman al Jery
"Yak year honer, it's in with
the *videos,.
arriving daily. Call and see them and whether you buy
or not you will receive courteous attention.
I wish it be to plainly understood
es k e;
a a
614 `e
ec to
C •e.tp
r=r o
0 2 `
o f
>Ss -y
a °no
o�� o
.44 e-
;v -11f
Subscribe For "The
Goderich, Ont.
A Ctrl lamer.
Miss Andrea Hofer, • girl of twenty, i*
editor of the Mel :r gnr He. News She
carries on the paper herself, doing all the
editorial and nearly half of the needuttsi.sl
work. Nis. has worked in the 'Are eine'
she was Me years old, and h•a graduated
out ell every department Her het a
Ivry ad girl, both younger than herweelf, net
the wad clippings The
editrrrl., tiniest, reviews, etc., Mw Ilnf.r
seta is type.M aha think, them out,
her time heft tea pr•eh r 4* write them
Tearhere and bream Belot t.
id result 14.. fontanel the tn.le
.Qrrla a Name emrnest t.'$. -I er% in
ale en York throned !4•hnnl, who have ap
the grave fart that improper .tress
reaawwwoeihle f... tis. reel '4i...se.4
oefidHaon of 1 warier* women
Thies tea hors hare �aia
rada �a leatnre of pity
dal•. Ti. thief e.reeM, afe•or4
bg eons idinow Ret&, cos nnanrswl ley
aaryremig es her ptydb tise tray of weer
ing miasma ; elms sAe Ilbee his atMstra M
big% -Imolai Aim, with /hernahthat all the
papas have a lis -ffnee t .meth istiwg !K
meet* for cerasta, *tad She Enmesh Moete have
ren way to aiia , nu*, shoe.
Na contrast with oda.. i .., the im.tru t
trio physical development has now nrdetvd
the old ntyI. garter 0, 1e dispensed with,
and in its place the hosiery,/ 4 the 7041*4
eminent rout be suspended by side elaties.
•tteehed w ase at the sola.
in ceder to giee free circulatinn Lobe blond
in the limes• At thin rate the you.
wtnnau of the futon: premiere to be • very
rohuet perm,
11,- Low's !telpher Soap . a delightful
shampoo 11 .leases the mole awl dark•
ono roe haie l m
wase.', uneanat 1%r ShesseNe.M.
'•Why do they call the twiys as (4,o/l►
isle the gook, Ur Tragedian r "iy direr
gull& !hon from Lha Ewer who ads M the
ore4eetra eludes and 4Pl6.Illele __"
Rmmll auger vested R am P311. .lo 1wa
ifripe gig tires, 11 id's *Fl4 nod effort
tml 1 as.
♦ higher class of goo;
Our pric
Dress Goods, Fr
Prints, Gingham, and
rum offering are late prod!
7tte aaa/rd) Na..
From • crone of Child Poems.
•.y Kemhic.:n the December Colour,
,,t, the Raggedy Man ' He worts to
o' best be golden man ever you •
Ile )mes to our house every day•
waters the horse, an, funds 'cm 1
.44.' be opens the abed a: we all to
\Eros be drives oat our little old
oaf 'she ass
An' nee. of our hired girl say
Ne milks rho cow ler %latheth Ant
Ain't hs i gtwtal gap& R.Lgedi
ltaitedi' Ra(lie&!' Rana
vy r. the Hotpot! Ye° - M'. tot so'
lie *dirt the thane' an' ebep (b• 1
.len' ciao be spates la our gerdea. to
as' does moist things 'et boys can't I
He daubed steals 11p Inoue Wit tree
Aa' shoot . apple down for me !
Ai 'notber a'. too. ter 'Wealth Al
ln''adher 'n'. too. ter the Retread,
Alit be a'•wfal tired Rager,1J
Raggedy : Itatli•dy • lte.4•
tit' eke Ra body Matt he k low 1 m•
lei t*11.'MIL et 1 b• good..ometisl
.:sows "boat Olesta w' Griffons.. s
la the Sq*i&gieuse *mere 'at all
Ai rate by the pump in our pss:un
Ile showed me the hole at the tV u.
Attires 'way deep is the ground. i
Tara late lee - •1JasoutIt Ana'
Ain't Raggedy!
s Rdy
ggedy'. Raw
'Me Raitt04T Man - one time. wile
Wsa *kin' a Utile how'* arty fo
Mos. "W ben gyoa'ry bei like boar
.lir you go to keep • ass ,tore llkt
Ai be • rich merchant. tri wear
Yr wad air you go' to be. good
aa' •en he laughed u 'fJs.buth
An 1 says ••'alt sero' to be a Rata*
I'm ist go_ to be a nice Raised
Raggedy' Rsftedy' Y,agg
James -
nay M send Fashion.
Pen a glihfy discuss style at
hr they were arse awl the
hut t tryj are about ae eleselyy r
-nn awl masoa beteg totally.
•deft. To be stylish it given
while auyone may M. teatime
-he menet' to .tress in fashions
nide in • fashionable nano
the difference is a difficult i
more easily seen then written.
•lesiggnn in making a gown. hat,
•on*hie when male in the rei
.tad after the rules governing
t he ',violent.
.4 fashionable woeuin is we
devoted to fashion in drew,
male of bring. A stylish
weer (alien, het het manner
the style in which she carne
the whole tear 4 her heing
with that air of refinement. c
.crihahle something which w.
said than elusive sosietair
At o.ce protimes her tib
To .laalribe ti. •11Heret144
4101141 .11111 that huibi table wl
dar or universal tar. while ;
er woman is of an exclusive,
.holt' fashion, not suiicientl
be fashionalle though of the
of fashion. A 'minim may
Kimble, but she inn* 4* bo
material mite be exceedingly
when w..rn Pty the right pen
d,roosse sufficiently popular
fashionable. het it remains st
'• thing of besuty.-
sow ss wear awe LMw M /t
One's outside wrap 0955114
winter time. for all ones wail
taken in it. awl that it .howl
,v.mfnrtalle is most haste=
Ando are nasally given the
worm whn like it change
Laced cloth. O.nally it is in
of mode or gray. or the odd h
A oast above everything elm
groat ruder- that is, beaten'
If fastened forever to their
Mg meat not he ripped nr ti
Ong- by their Mang nage
retail Moseller or err' to hot
'hat .gretoh them by neve
Unless y.a know pot hew
and have tie ties to i11 a
tome paper attl to plisse i
loom worn, than bang es
shapes mkt ,p.si.11y for
i4* net get • Denied wire a
to tear Or hart Neither
frame that will strata y
Jtape. To take proper car
Inge meas Ma wia►y --real.
011114 pied ley • los rape
soothing to the aaridsrst
atter Clay, to the bradthig.
getting away of whatever
•.•a,. n..►•The s-are�4.
Liars .s erreogpd that a to
view el her bee, bet le teas
doe top d 1r br & Oae I