HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-2-20, Page 5Tills THE SIONGODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1891. SAILA CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE anceusues ISI7• HEAD OFFIO[. TONONTO. •AMTt*1L WAIN i11P1 Sots Maw). IDEMAARE MOT. • Et'M_A00. it K WALKER. G11Aau*i. MMAIMIL GODERICH BRANCH. A 4:11MM*M. Ormatii0 &saltie T . Femme* NOTIIM C IOSTSO. Damns ISati[D PAVAt1LE AT AL, POINTS N.� p,CA.AI3A, AND THE FeheleNAI CMOS is ma UNITED STATES Ghent 8*dTA.N, FRANCE. BERMUDA, as OArla0S HANK DEPARTMENT. DEPOSITS OF 111.00 AMD UPWARDS RECEIVED, ANO CURRENT RATES OF NfTEREST ALLOWED. Ile?T1aa1ST AMOCO TO TNS FIMNDIPAL AT TME ENo of rosy sem 1111 11110•4 YEAR. Spooled Attwntlow gives M Nee O.Nsot{ow N r l ash. cowl Ferntort' filet Motes. R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. TO ADVERTISERA. r edly without enema' ter citron' those ,roub- les fur which alone It is id. The \„tact of chAnges rrttt,t 1s• left .t'thia sale 1•a esteide-{ frotn one end of the IYoe 1 Wm. not (Ater than 114u,la%. Inc. to the ober. li u now for rale by dru,tg,p. an (:odgt,eh. Price 5•., per bottle nom,. The Copy fur chuwgrs ` It sin must he left not later than Tues 11enu•th M. iyrdyl, ..t Lindea) , to ,fay ttoOn. (.'Leva) •trl.Prtisellt(•ntA t'%Ir..lawt. E.1;da�s. oat e. Bailin• at t..,it nerephed up to noon Thursd•ty of thin wort. i' • rt each wtwk, Mr..,n.l Miss' Kwkttb. of Hlyth. visite.' w twain last work. Mr. .1. 11 illiauo] of t..•lcriel,, left ties -work for Detroit. 1 All hu. i:rah• 0.• .lf SGafortit, yattt Sur. day in town with hi. pen•1t��, . \lar• McLeod.••f .' ot`,11. spent Suntlity m town ti.itiny; Mtrent' . )lis. Htupilton, .4 i,..christer, in %intitg her gr uidnq.ther, 11r..1. 'Iamms. (true .l- l'e,; . - Mi ,-tells Holmes de eajat�ittg 4 4i4i.oy of lr with relative, e.. { i.wle•ne .. tt'e are glad to le- I. to euro that ' Fletcher, &h.. has been a very precarious us wet: l , Ittt Portage...ft 1.10, rib. the Dual condition (*tr.the trot tit wt.ks, is atee.lih• eof Ur Ion. \.omIw:te, turmeelfur !Jure ra vrmvee•tng. BORN. -11:1: - jt r).wl.rich on Jogs Jon r. the wire of .tit! I;nbcn Park. urtn. meiGmlerich 11od•Y �. howl. of a eat:�hter. LUY In Miatorth, nu the 7th anat.. the wife of 1lr •+aw,m1 (.'tots'. of a da seder. ALLOWS In tlyderIeh, on Sandal. re IA Lith mot . tae wife of R. It Satiows. of a (lauge. err. ItILEY--fe Mich Woe. on the lush lust„ the so:.n of h Rik), of & a •q. I.UKNR.-in illy. oaths /nl1nat . the silt' of Orr Luker. of • daughter. Filen. to rormile.oa lee tth in.'. the wile rd Ilr. K roc lieu of s daughter. EWA"(- In (:.eerie, on the 31th 41t.. the wife ' Ih. \d. i.•}wlw.u. loft of fir. J..hn Pott((tr, if a daughter. • atSkee the prner t!h.* of HI401'ER lis Kart Wit wanw6. on the ird • specialty.. t:aa adininiat ow wife of for. )t;,ht. Hooter, of a da . for the rainless extraction Err. ')lies lietsner, ..f lhunias, o:T it.MY -Cu ae, o• iha 1st last, the 100_ , •4 fir .4.H. Didky. of a dauthier, Vc V14> -In haw. on the 5th inst. the wiles Sirs. R.K. ilh'ek R. The mWy of Mr. I►nn.an Me -Ewen. of • ao,i. , now• made while here will r i'.tl,fih It-1e'tapld Meer towo.hip, ::aJkas ors. ka worn. Mk•troran. on the. 13th ult., the I Th.. tter•.i.es is Knox chute wife of 1'r. Edward Palmer. of • sun, •lu.te.l next L r.l'• hay by 1 Weat-R. dent st, he rgeturalteeth roil from 9 a. tn. teeth. turned to iter t's visit at friends which t her depart MARRIED. 1 M. A., of 1 iietfr,i, .s the no r0 HiLL(iCK M•1LN•AINE-In Galeria%town dies.:Uta.. alcllitlal.ofmarch ship. at the resides.•. of the father of the i �• bride. tin the 18th inst.. by the Rev. Dr.; • '' Mr. MaeMillan, t're. Mr. habr. Hillock to Eike. eldest f the 'tory, will ptesoh a pttsaemery daughter of alr. Jaunty Ifcliwau,e, 'se•rnino. while Rev. .1. A. .amditrou will CRott'rt ro ,tlIOWt;tttl Al the re..desce tarry out the same instneMiom at Udancheir of . ice r r ode's brother. rarnberry. on 14.. Ith rust., bJ the Iter. Jof.o iron. M.A.. ter 3*.) •ntith s Hi11, Mr, Isaac X. ('rowston. of ittn4w. tt Has H. �. L. S. At the nteeti; of the Ii tb rah. mossiest daughterof Chatter S1notr t,jn era 1C... looted i i:erary elle idly1.- rilay tiering Whit-CHAIM-WILLITT,t -On 14(d.esltr, folio* Mg program was rendered : Chorus, itb test . by Use Her. J. A. Mel.a.hlin. If. 4.1er t ltd, : reading. 1dr. Valiance ; recite - A., at the Me•fwdiet parsonage, Wroxeter. , tiuo. Mi.... Robert/see : reSdi solo. Miss Mr. N.IIam IIcMb.heel to Miss Jane Wel- , Atttrelavw,L ; recitation, alias F'gotter : many, lilts, all of Hewlett. Haran rousty. uupp 1. OC CHL)14 - HAYDEN At l Wlndbaa,, I Mr. Ili. hmo nd : recitation, Miss Halliday : on the tub 1:p.. b1 ilk her. H Mc !thorns, Glee (lob: editor's se/retinas, Mr. ( rr1e. Mr Sanntel MoCatrheon, they, to McDonald : question .drawer. Mr. H, L HIw Jans Hayden. Turnbcn.. i Strang. II. A. KINE: 4.14114 In Hallett. on *betels inst.. at t the resde,xe of the toad. • father. by Her. m lot -okra) era;) !iT.s a. Mr. John Salkeld, of Mr It.tneay Mr. Geo. Meg. of Madrid. ' Maple (:rove Farm. has just added to his to Annie. third daughter or . r. Alit. Harr. 4 ata dock o{ ghee a u of imported Thr 13ebnon of Hallett. 1p �-up- MOFFAT -BAHR - Is Holl•-tt, on the lib shire Down ewes. They were imported from isle.. at the residence of the brlsie'. fatter. the celebrated Williams stork. h)• Mr..John b1 Rry Mr. It•enory. Mr. David Ndfat. of ISztiriheil, Words -ilk. Mr..alkehl nvxntly 31 uaitobt. to Mem Sophia. fourth daughter un,haaol ,net, lir. John lh.kmwt, deputy of Mr. •\l1es. Barr,13th con. of linden. P Them t registrar. a . h tn• )o*n ram. Minus4..4* NICKE4.ON, At the r,wide oh of .beep alt. all ` re.) and reflect credit on the bride's tat►rr. West Wewaso+h, o. Etre { t•egtate an last., by Red. Mr. face,. Mr. Ja the enterprise or the purchaser. He is rani hutch. of East traw•nak, to Miss Nielso1- my stuck for the American market. son. JARUINE 1IAODd\ At lioderi.h. os the °Tat I. sae •Rory \b•Fa/a.t'.t The ism tae•.. by Ret. Jae. A. Andersue. 8..1 . t'hicsgu Herahl contained the following re- JuoephJardine m, Mr. I I *abeth Hiders, ,olutwm o1 Court e:enrral 4Mr6e1d, No. 120. both u( the town of Goderich. DIED. ,la,;th of the tate ,lames McFarlane. brother KEI.I.&ND In Dalton". on the 1st las:., Meg of P. af.Farkne, t:,w1erich : ••Whermit 41 Mr. 1 Miller. Remain. aged nd �s Plcasal Almighty 1:.w1, High 1'kiet !Moues in 'Exeter cemetery. oil th. tnh Ranger, to call from our midst oar highly MM. esteemed brother ,fa.. McFarlane. secretary of Court (:enteral 1.artlthd, No. 7290, whose sudden demise is deeply n,ourne.l, not only by the members of our ('(curt. but by the entire ions n.ttnity in which he was knew!' : we butt le, the will of Almighty (col, {Vb.' in Hie all -e Ise providence s to willed it, we reeogttize the hard of the Supreme Ruler and humbly Low to His will. knowing that He doeth all things well: and %bereas in *he death of OUT brother .lam.. McFarlane this Court i:eneral C:arfield. No. 7290. ham lost a much -esteemed mem Ler. a true worker of the .ancient th-.ter of Foresters of America and a acolous- member of the order, rail the sift n 'mingg and (keened hardened ; and whereas it is always well that the virtues of the departed should Ie . . 1 that the living may draw therefrom leasrms of wisdom. Therefore lea it resolved. that the beartfeh sympathies of this Court he and are hereby etterle.l to the surviving widow and children in this their hour ..f deep .,eats. Revoked, that as • token of respect to the memory of our departed brother, whose genial coir will NEW ADVERTISEME NTS hr heard r. more in our court room, that our charter he draped in mourning and that Grand Open House -Josie WUr .,plf. 1 the members wear the mosraitlg hedge for Nett Week Mock Saunders .. ............ • the period of thirty .ley., and that, a copy To Rest --61. Sutton of throe resolnMnaa be engrossral upon the Lima Jolts Asheeoa f rernrds of this Court are' a copy to the To Hest --Patrick Began ...• 1 Foresters Journal for publication_ Reenly Por dale -J. M. Proudie.t •. 1 el, that the Chief Ranger .arae an engres•e.l fawtyMts--It. 0. lwbsMea. . .... It ropy of the abort re•olouona to he trans mitred under lbs seal of the court and sent to the wt,h,w of our deceased brother. .loggia iVtt.ix Committee Bre!. 4.. C.A. ne. done W. F;uj•." Kso% ('wl•nr'e Smarr'. The sessoon of A Oda* tisane Ye. 40t -M •.Ars, Enos Aare* paned the follow ing resolu- tion at their Ares meeting held after 1 he re tiremeut of Ile. ere . -That this .,.site.. hsvislg reward to the retirement of Rev. Ar. Fre. resolve to mooed their acme of the personal worth and praiseworthy devoted new of this hosnr.'i se *ant d the lord .I,wo• Christ, wown for more than twenty eight years presided as moderator over this court and as pastor over Koos church They would acknowledge their seas, of the wisdom, the e*rieney, the ....artery. the pa thaws with which he directed the spiritual &Attire of the congregation ; the faithfuhiess of his pelpit •o highly &p pr,eiated by all, the more *glacially as ht failed not to proclaim the Gospel in all its parts, ted its necom.ity kw the • d mat. as 'the power of ('sod, anti the win dors rd Cod nnt.. salvation :' the untiring faithfulness of his rsl work, and par tie*tarty hie them tial at4estine and hied services, in the d .1IIwtirw, end 1 t, whoa the weed spoken in we eau. and the prayer seared •t the h.r)srd• wore like moons M the seat .ad • healing halm to the son* dei spirit_ They wended wile with &d*iestion hie Maim i wets D*rayssty• a ves'1 seem *Melt hos hdpash to sw.msm measly rowed a..*leaaartae arose 41st f..tr ahem, him the dinsitY d hie manhood, the k tft,'...u4 . iy s �s Mw 14.sa ae4loisr-eu,rr. •?'(maid# (*Dare at ale R/ao, the roost*,, R Mr the mei &ads, erre woo, kindly a wan of hia ohatset r, 'chief' haara..0mt1 IRm10rMt 0nnupei."- As lb* Me wen, hien to esltivate the thi ...e. tm•Ora0r0 it W &n4 w d! hwe . Alex, Rms. .ng. and Ly ter, in the r'oet eat. .1. D. F. of A., -(Mites,,, in referem-e to the )CAGL4N11-lnEast Uawanoa4- on tee Ind Met.. Mr. t'stheriue ensilaged. anted :►1 years $b. sou • native of Titperary eonoty. Ireland. NaCl:H In Turnberry. os the Mb Ism., Ds rid Hstub. axed •6 yMrs- e:UDMuRE,--ba Exeter. an toe Sth Inst.. Eliza Nob Ann, beloved wife or Mr. Jobs Cod more. acrd t3 yearn. 9 months and 19 day.. Asleep in Je..... HO)PPRR--1s Antrim county. Michigan. no the 14th ult. !►elbery yo'auest won of Mr. Gathers Haspfer. aged It veers, :1 wombs. FLOOD -la Dnoegal,en Fob. lad. Wm. Flood, aced St yeses. >IcKOFAMe ted 1)i%... on Feb Is,, fiMIRiDA V. -la Morns. on die lith inst., Mim Ilia Oberians, aged abww W years. MPR.OAL-in C..tr1*. oe the tad tnst...t.mi. $$pial• aged Ig Tear., ( roMthe sad 16 lb RRiEY. In Mullett. os the 7th Met.. James *..pried. aged 91 years R1RNIR In(e.derioh,oeMosd•y. Feb. nit h. Martha Jane, tau e•eioTed wife of W( ludo H. Mime. of Lake City. Sikh., sad dace,' or et David Reid. 1'.derleb. aired Simon ,...•„ 6 THE TALK OF THE To N. Ai Notes ken preset it. t'asdldatee wasted to bare their *Mem appiar Weise the peblle. A eatrteeteey vete res Thew toy Ooo. 9t w•rt. A Soon ieeese'T. -Tbe west mete) gift yyw,e0S acs twit r to giro a Wort Pea .Apply MA McOtUlceddy.am•et, asieric4.. it Tbe Menses Christian 7esopereece , noon nests In the Top peewee 1W1. North pretty, every16; bw es 3 o tae sweetie/ at 1.N•veRquarrel ono iesat� you are noble ibis Mater el/Bedew eveRdhar fps the hero pp bort end tem yosedethes. 11 em to get a new wit r m Y. J. PrWlest1. Mew awes the beadle 1 r a gsastloe much *abed o.wlMMderi, ►.t tbK�p M w doubptrla.ethe 'O*S l• worM get hag Met*. Im M err tl h bw r•nnMtaea i0�nt Tim Maxis 11111 will lie eery immures lett •s Elm etmm mint. hot will 1s ao pee?.mt Mew how baying the cheeses h0et Ottlng Ari tar arrow le tae treaty .pial t1•tur1V ..* late %144 be bad 1. IM rat tome mane, w prime ter solid be govt•, Ne tea epee_. es t►r e ovr window 4 F b• Ira so& Mem haewniM illem ma Ile ty shiwht. bbrighht irls oaks brim n exaxampie whit* bee R hits Impress mo rsasy outside the pale of Koos Wanted. catapult Mills a.;ksuwklibel g4ag the haw) of t t lac reulartatacea More kJ to kis retie/moot from active duty, aro Iw.w. 4.5 aubouesi,ey .t0 the olivine will. the eleaalsra would impress the deep that the ho- lvw) 4oc4r, throes* the tial mercies of (;ad, may ha.e bit health metered to dim again. art Le hong spared to dwell in the community, sad w a4,rn for religtua of our Lord and saviour Jesus e'hris1 in the future as he has dos. in the lent, and torn to het We suits: aphis he heard in the pogo.• near teary. Moreover, the asoma would be al muutshed of the severity and iss4wrtan.1..d isomer! w .be morels* of their 145v4um Master, hearing vividly in mint Hit own •wakening •dnmettion• 'Th. night .mirth when no awn can work. The t:,rlerich *orders t'o'y have the ..rgrs it Weft is t.etug •-oei.i u. -ted at their factory for the "'loyal Template wrti under way. •1,d it u expected the pnbli• will Ida..• Eta opportunity of owing it tooted by our Iced nig ulsshs1 talent at an early dote. Rev. Di:. Sax,o., 'rhe Hes. ik. Seat.m, II how attune Ana fauw are well keel" n in thi• Limn. lecture.' Monday awl Tuesday 4.1 this %reit to Vktorru at. Met II.Kiiat .-hnr.h. t'..nsi.terutg for iuciettteu. y of the smother the attendance et each k.•ture was good. Ht. expositions of law man. alai t:u.i were su:•lt as might he eaps.tali from one who has de'.,te.1 years to the iutest ifKfn�suoa .d thooe.thewer' in ,-(mtne•tsou with 1'hrist unity and Ow.o-.itlltow of scepticism en An in: rad f•.ntr. lir. Seton will always lie welcono, for his wrounie sat k.itureis arc rib feast.'" intelligent thinking minds. tletrr tt t. tin 11,1.1014y tn.,rninp se three .':l.w-k Marti,.. behoved wilt of lir. 1Y. H. Rirnir, and daughter of Mr. (favi{ Reid. died at her fathers r•side:ic a tit thus town. .She had Leel. ooh three ,lays hon -e ,from Lake Pity . Michigan: where she had lived 'since- site wa. married. she nus con- scious to the last mei .atmil time hYloti, •1:atherit4 honor, one by one, iref..n .he die:. The funeral t.erk plate on Tu.s.Ly eheriotnt nn.i was 1..;'lej) attended. 'i•h• {tilt !mitts were Mrssr... .4. B. 1)as i.1* ,. 44. C. Gteele.\antler. 1. Symonds and T. ••warte. Rev. NIT. !tiehnrdua, and fie%. In. ere .orelucted the iutteral oro:•vi.e.. . . HL'LU /1$Tlel. F�Cu.. . lieraking .0 \fir. Junk Mille 4P Held by the Enemy. The Hamilton :Ape tst.,r says . As (4.i el \ic. ('eery w that tine war drama, Hell by the !?army, 144,. 11.441'. at rragt brae.] the prof imprentiou dna. . Lv tier ••• the pre. ems evening. The'fee was very .relit- . - t -ire of Lite oninpnny. and the v.,rtaus ...ens were -car rind through with .pmt and fair effort. The Audien..• was very appreciative and frvlttently .l ude.t When the, occasion just:Wk..' tt. Wnt Mills was...1 course. the eent rel noire' i the taat, and her act* was narked a .mist foreefulneaa tuwl estdcnt.depth ,,f artistic appreciation that enrnurrges toy • friends to ex :t -ouch of Iter in the Tatum.. 'Harry Vickers, ss Rufus, the did slave. was rattly a grad piece of act - Mg. and W. S. Vincent. as the energetic special for Leslie's, threw ices of anat. and hamar into the work. Miss Newernne trade a .dignified aid stately Aunt Fupheutta, in.) the other parts were e.lnally well taken, making oo the whole a very creditable per.- formsn.•.. Mr, Freed. W. Rol.it.s..s, at .tae time camnectei with the Miss Sophie Miles (O.. for a period of over three years, is the business agent of shits Mills Co.. and he avers that the latter is little ij ary inferior to the ?comet* feat the stage. ' THE MAR BREAOSTUP $ AND PROViSiONS- it• Feb, 19. i2*1. Fall When-. . - . $091100W eppriast W bat 0 * t0 0 ti. T7uur. • ,. .,. .. 300 to 5 Al Stort•.r cwt ................. q 9111'101.1 Ryan. •cwt. 0 10 to 0 el Screening., icwt„... ., 0 A:to. R1 ('hopped Feed Wheat 1 'SS to l 13 Oita, 0 bush ..... .. 0 49 toe 42 Mom a t'sh..„..... 0 Oto 066 Barley, Sr bush,.., 0 a (o 0 (l5 Hay. i• ton 0 (Oto 0 !0 Potatoes• w bomb-. 0 40 to 0 50 Apples. *bush 0631,076 nutter. it 't•. .... 0 I l to 010 &MP. frenb ...4.u�. i t1as. . e 17 to 0 ID !',ease o _ ,..._.... 0 10 toe 12 Neoral.. i. 100101 le Wool . ..... r.a,,,...,.-....,.... 600 to 000 Hides . . Salto 100 Sheepskin ....... _.... • 75 to 1 00 Dressed i iske0w0 ......t..A i0 to 5 5 Felts. • ....._.,......:- •.0 to 0 00 (':Est•. Osetatiess. Feb. 15, nt91. Flour .. . W 00 to :i 00 Pall 11 beet, mew and gid 090 to 0 Ie String Wheat 0 9040096 Flarlel - . •- •-,...N. • AA. . 0 GO too 48 dart, .........0 it I00 44 Peas , 0 OS to a 60 Armies I wlsterk pe MI ............ 1 lO tot 30 Potatoes ....................... .... , . 0 00 to 050 Ratter .......... ... ..... ............ 0 13 to 013 Betts ...................»......... 0111100 38 5o5to700 CHai wood .........L3 00 to t u0 Soot...... 000 to 000 Wool.. .e.•......... 031.0010 Pork ......... 300 toe u Our Clearing Sale is still going on. All winter gootltt at your own pricet't-no reasonable otter refused. We are determined to carry no winter goods over until next sea- son, so you 'nay depend on getting bargains Kindly call and examine. ii• A• REID i BRO. Jmd• *. Jaa ?J1t- MedfleaL j bR8. SHANNON 4 SHANNON.1� Pb. il.0U. (3e � ah. . C.. Met Mit a t wow. ♦,rt•w, J. FL Omen j)R, 13. E. M'RSIMI11, B. A, L110- torr se *1ihipo.esee, le Rle the Ws. Ivore..1111th1e colas (riwa4.cd a Thus.*.1. U♦highlvaN- me twee 04414c4141. , Wia4* . .1114lshrRsad dsfw+e1ies minor.i. Clessat- ri.a' M M fee t Oa pkidary w Mew a Mac 7rarcerw*1 AGENTS WANTED ay INS •'1►Oyl1N10 ( 1LLl'STKATE!) (mediae u.n awl Oboes Spec til f stlired In oddities to tela riseio.. ler p ittcarre address nth itA1ON WTH0. t PU W., I °ebo-L incl, ' A If'1re D 10.000 CORDS OF P 7 oat tate sot • boll.. ter which 1 will pay $L30 par uwd. 11 well teat. in treble tom. and Rood souse anther. As Mere r w .tier p0. poet .0 very nisch tare eielghiaa. sad as 4*Ita iso be handled on wagon. this will 144.4. farmer., .ad others to pia..• their tinter tae market at ogee. ken ••mrd. hosdi.R *same& basswood and Wt.ms4 &Iltlme Ices in the news ty tri f1 r .n. JGB. IBIS. Ri tt Public Notion . FOSBALL-RORRR BtIR86. AL$U PP4101' 1870OT. Go•arfOY. APSI 111 tel. 71 j."OR SALE --IF YOU ARE Cult JI' tewrpiat leg toe u ch•ae of a w/admill • Arrrlam one cat the bed clime 10r mesh Apply at Toe Ste.aaL Oahe. 9i lm. nTICE - NOTICE IS HEREBY iN given that the Council of sterile, iatena to pima M r te 10 authorise the Late of part of the original road allowance o,.pos:re I.... 11. 'ear 1. Stanley townsbly.. Pelson. interested are requested t , take notice an 1 .Potent them selt•esaa.-.ord/Ugly . Any uhieetions moo b. - seat to the reeve or ule.k on ur Lefore the nes..th day of Mar: h nest. sly order of 1,,. Couto-if.. January. ...rib, 1ttt1, Ghu Sl 4: WA kr. Clerk.9 1tt V (UWE. - API'LIC.%TiON 11 iLL ♦ V be made by the tiuulpk Junction Rail - WAY Pompano to the 1'arti•toen``ut ('asses at its :text Se seism tor as Act tit, iltl4 .11.0 to ab agreement by which it Water. ft. 'railway to h. <'.ana•lian Pacific Railway Company Ma the pact !'.4 sod on the terms therein mentioned; extending the time tor the eonimerieememt and • rimple'ion of tC. extru..ion of ns Sailers) from t;net ph W a point* on lake }fordo at et n ear the oh of l;odert,h. or' to raststeu..•i4k0.hdfeMm intu' d9ac-n,i.dln tM mewl: GuaepphJune,cion I*.lwsyS Lotmpany,"tc.d ort -or purpose. , ;%J.,' frill WHOM IT MAY C NCERN.- II Whereas some pp..•rots teal riowl, die P eer.: cam born eirru6tt(ng the Dor, that 1 nut going to leave bete next J. , sob •u mt f sites. .Rev. Gell. Richardson. 1 i / )) to m. beg to stamp the statement as a falw,hood, circulated meth the intention of doing injury to m> uutineaaoean.ctioainMi. town and st•.ttore 1 hay. •some to seas : and 1 t.4. this uppor- teouy to warn myiriesda araln.t gIsisx tee donee In the fake sera- above referred to L --1A-.0-;-.11rearl- Mack.Oodertch. r,; t , . , d Melo.N• 1Yr• Heart. fit O RENT - 00t)I► BRICK HOUSE 1 on Hantiltaesit 1• Mat -clam order. with garden. ma Kabir it required. at arewotln- able rate. Apply to G. SUTTON. 96 10e. L'OP.'RENT.-THE FARM tiN 1.01 1: I. con.:. towo.h'ip of Colborne. contain tog t00 acres. 1 splendid orchard is on the premises. sad the bsildiogs are in good made non, The flare. ie seven mitre from Oodericb. apply to PATRICK HO(i.4 \. Ooderi..b t �,t L'OR 3ALE - THE FOLLOWING 1' taluabkproperties Part or lots : and 4, concession 1, E.D. Ash - Sold. 1,::. *errs. The North 3 of lot 31, 2nd concession, East IVa wanosh. 100 acres. Port .of block F, Colborne i0 attes, knowo as ti.e Arthur siau,(her. farm. TM above properties will be told on terms to suit (,nrchuer., Apply to ('AIISRON. HOLO d CAtIF'RON, MSc t ltwt. rich, TWO LOTS FOR SALE.-LON 175 Kiu'stoa-st., sad oi:, Victoria -.t.. Code• rich. Cheap for cask. or on terms to suit pr.r- etower, Apply to MRS. NOLAN, Box ]00, Acton West.. Out. 76.4f L31RST-CLASS BRICK HOUSE ANL rC LOT FOR SALE ON 8T. PATRICK ST. -Ahout two Women walk from the Square. Two stories 4.11(4., brick edditios in the rest i stories high. budding ootered with slate. Main bandies has 3Iargt• rooms on Ant eat. uppootaira there are 3 large rooms, In the rear addition there are kitchen. pantry, washroom. Upstairs. girl's root and bathroom Al.o limn cellar. Apply to the undersigned, who woo give Lll necessary imfurgtatioe. DANDit- tiUItUON. 5.11. 11UUSE FOR SALE. THAT C01I- l1 modions dwelling on Brook At. at Present occupied by the advertiser. is for sale cheap. There are eight rooms• with closets and pantries. Town eats on the premises Raon.s large and high, and comfortable 1t. every respect. A gond fruit garden to coa- nectton a.d exeelleot stabling •crontm,da- - tion. .tddrv. ft. W. M,Ke;NLie:. (iodencb. iiiARMI FOR SALE -THAT DF.SIR- .0 able faros owned by the and looms as part block 0. townesblp of ('ol- I r bore.. W.D. It romptes 100 acres, cleared. mid bre of stomps. (1u the premises an a tame dwelling hove. • born *00 z Ee, in good c•o.dition.aad a good young orchard. .1 never failing swing civet is also on the premises. Within two nines and a half of (kderich• on a good gravel toad. -1s the owner i• not a poetical tanner and !1 hound to sell, Ibis Laren will be sold cheap. it, W. McKKNZIE. Undrr(eb. hitt Musical. \It SIC LESSONS, -MISS AMIE1 THOMSIIN is prepared to give music lessons on the piano or For para. antis inquire at Geo. W. nimuies's louse Store. 3 .tt. Auotioneerins'. OHN KNON, GEARRAL *CC- U tiooeer and Used Valuator. Ooderlch. Out. Horley hod cosddenbr prim -Mem In she aoctemeerinS trade. he is 1a a position to discharge with t wtrasctlon all town missions eatramod to him. Orden left at Martin's Hotel. or sent by sail to his addrs 0o4ericb P.O. carefully attended to. JO KNO`t. 1'00 et? Auctioneer. MEW M do Sale. 1AORT(3AGE SALE or V%L('ABLE TARM PROPERTY. Cuter end by TInM of Ow power of sale oo•tatred lea owlets mortgage dated the 11th day of Ju.ar7• A. D I0 1. sed eat as .- w ent theroef to the vendor. Mariner data Ha day of My. A.D. IOOR which will M pre dead at the thee •t tar, there wIlllhe sold 6r public a act ty n the eiws • Ooderieb. In the County of Frk l.ren, ? •'cork ts*on, osi Sone day she 4e dey of March. A.1). 1/1. by Jobe lEiwor. •ntthoneer. Ike follow'os velem. farm nroplot7.easeely The cath batt of tot sort three. 1i the eighth aminseYoa, Remora IHvu...o of lbs Township ofb&yshield• Ia tl►s tardy of Hvsty mem eta be 1)4, woe room MahOa the �tI� bases 0.14. v�- 41 kart time . a hoie a t *.Mi lsf0 ahs*•.semM .ridmoppedwens Ase awe 0epf t s laid ere • ei Me hal- �be1�smdbisolle. 105 lead M1uderr weal hens 1•17=is dee • Ailed erebord two sena is a Meg ionse. acThree Pissid now a AR wheat and 0 71r r as .molar* said le .arae• Yt� h` •ram tom T e : Ten pee ss45 at the time M tale the hoboes 9s ase ...14. enthuse merwagA' a mtl� �, anaimr Travel ons Guide. p*.u» TRUNK lR4L.WAT- TMse arrive sad depart ea 11144.r.ed lows : aetatTi Kati aid Lamm 11.111• Med _ .............................. -1 sac Mixed ..,, ........,7 pm, Mail atm ... 7J1• m. Mail >twlaable lalldRAMMal. OD1I1tIC a usoaanfor I1R1U,wwOtttaSeKOWAdet. f East sd Sonars main, Opts from 1 to 6 p.m.. sad from i 10 10 p.m. ABOUT 9000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY Leudiuy /Judy, W. eau orad 1Uw.trated Pap rt. iLsFr:itr.., .t.., OA, Ftitr• MKNBkltt11111' TICKET. ONLY *400. -4s•ating free usn of Library sad Readiest Room. Mini/cotton for membership ~rived h0 Idhrartra, to room. r. WSAtna.nALD. GF:U. riTIVLS. Probate -or. deeteat117• Ooderioh, Mart•h Itch. less. Situations Vacant. Law 11TCULNT WANTED. A►ighCoAyPfIONa capsule yuan;e lsr. Hotel Acao*mottatlon. 'r11E H('RON H0rEL. - THD well-known and !snooks: hotel has *mot fitted. enlarged and tauyruced toenail' sod is now second to wane is quality or ma: uo1012t04.t100 for the travelling public. 41* ac..00ntodatie for transient guests. WM }?uprlMor. the satiate. uodcetdh. Ont. 0OMNetry. % NT02OLSORI 1.D. -DENTAL' • T t0•ss appo+lie the sew Post Oiler 4etam.., Gaderic'. flits SJ• nit, E. RICHARDCSON, L D. b., surgeon dentist. Gas and e itwllion al. ad*inisu•rnf fur painless ettrnnin(; of teen. I attention siren to the proservatioi t natsnl tees 041.•11-1'p stairs het. •u•ran,-.r 5n W Je•nd Opera Hook 1ttw k. tit St, Godeprich. 2161-tr Legal. ,t t) JIIHNJ1'I)N, 1IARRIRTRR eollcitor, c moil . on'r. A,. Lomas. °oils:nous and real float Iran..., ion, care - tally attended to. Httlec. 'or. Ilatatitnu and :4bdreta'a:tt... attar rich, 122,01y1 OHN DAVISON, BARRISTER 'olicitor. Conveys'ster. i;.e.: Mance t. tend. Moe Over Psst.041oe. (materiel,. q5t• Pj .- CAMPIOIN. BARRISTER 1 J. Solicitor, Notary Piddle. etc, (Moe -Over Jordan'. Drug Store. the moon formerly occupied by Judge I)oyte. R. HAYS, SOLICITOR. fi . C r Mee. caner of Square and Wm, .laced. Goderiob. over telegraph seer. }h. • Funds to lead at El per cunt. 3X0 - ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR 1.1 risers, Attorneys. Solicitors. kr.. Godo - Nett, J. T. (:arrow. W. Proud foot. [1 AMER3','., HOLT CAMERON. l.,J Barristers, Solicitors In drum• to, tlodeetoh. M...e. cassava. V.(3.,• r. Heli Loads and Infulsa tea. R. ROBERTSON, ACCOCNT 77 • art. nee. Life_ and Accident laser sate Agent. Office 1 pstaire. opposite $ii. .al office Nonh-s•.. Ooderich. 74 tf, N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, PROC- L. KJ tori. Mari, ►me Court; 31•,n.y to loan per Gent, private furls. Straight loan, in !even yearly. Corns very moderate. Yea particular* Gall personally or write. 31 G. WARD, CONVEYANCER. • • sc., and ooinmUsioner for t•kirg and re- :eising of ball. adM..ita or +Trmationr, depositions or solemn declars- , ton* in or concerning any action, snot or pro- 'wediWt f• the Hirth Court of Justice, the Court of Appeal for Ontario. or in an, • ounty or Division ('on, All transactions ritefnht and promptly exes•:'ed. Residence and P.O. address •>t.ugaanon. r)n'. _-'!5- tf V J. T. NAFTEL, LIFE, FIRE AND ▪ . Accident ins-irance Agent. Repreeent- .ng North itritirh it Mercantile ; Liverpool. London it Globe: Norwich Union: North loarrican 4.1te; and Accident insurance of \oath America. /direst Rates. Lowsi set- tled promptly. Hooey to Loan os Fern gad Town Property. t'dose. Pro Fumy Tamed, rte. OAI.m-Cor. Nortb t. ass Ss mare. Odder ch. 7 (_ •500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAMERON. uoz. r t CA3t 4RON. 0ode rich. 1730 f0NEY TO LEND. -A L A R O 1 OA amount of Private Funds for investment et lowest rate, on est -.res Mortgages, Apply toGARRuW t I'1011)rO(Yr. 11. sureness. Real F,atate and )loo.y Loaning Agent. Only Ant-.Iasa companies represented. Money to Lend on straight loans, at the lowest rate of interest going, in say way to soft tow oorrower. Mice - Seo- .0td door from 5goa.-e. Weld Street. Godo. rich. RADCLiFFE, GENERAL IN OUT THIS OUT AND PUT IT Ole PIANO, PIANO TUNING. Special attention Wen to reboMo' slid action �/ Ftedunpt4 es for yearly tuning. 9•der• left at Organ Factory. et ety reed- ' feria. Wog -st., or at 0. W. Thoassos's Phos Wareroans win receive;morspt attentlou. All work guaranteed. fib• R. 1100041140. KEMP'S BALSAM. Brew n'. Madras. wild Cherry Hark. esheeo•ry ()..yh 9y r ip. (soman 0t Witch lama. Reed's Barsapertlle. ceapb.r Ina J. wtrs0e • memo a7tol . BANK OF MONTREAL. CA4PIT44L, RES.; - - A Saving De rtmt'nI !rec tion with this branch. e Lias been • $1 2,000,000• 6,000,000. *neat in CON-, Interest allowed at current rales. GEO. DRU_iLWOND, IMfM'•lapow NRerNved. alt. Ihwesd- "'ay, J,.shua, wist'athat tight out tart'. " Farmer H.yeead (is Morton ) TWA'sOMK.rt.« light." airs. Hayseed 'Wa11, theme 4.411, 4 utast ire party pattaat, 1 se soca it g., out ,nut!'n tweutl• 1151ta. and they light et up soup ei'ry title' l'ite.eventh Q 0rhr L isiat un- . woes uhlo.I Last work and elected Roe Tboe. Lytle chairman. The speech from the throne waw re...l and th.- Assembly adjourned until ila:'.'h 1th SCOTT'$ EMULSION Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and I YPOPIIOSPNITES of Lime and Soda Sett': asmw-t 1illesreo1J11ms� Oar Dis- own, aeOsia p s Colds. 4AL*TA*L>i Al IL *1.N. 6eWelbeshose s wily pct N te salmis/ row wrae0s* Molds* maatiswsersa►.titetwas SOW? t 101Rt, 5e1Mvi11.. noes 1amob Orr gmarA r (b. lase. Cagiest to Vas and Cheapest. a A las Rom by dr••xslets QC sent by mutfoe. T. T. liasdWas. Warne. 1'.. C. 0. A. Manager (;odcrich Branch. SR NOT T4*y s a Bums lbentwas, 'ore- sod 'henc e WTROITU*. Y supply in • form Wo suWl.*s.s totally &aided te- 16ddrblood. i..e mewing /bon /boat ••e Ass, t' es Stools. oryists ilin e *4001'. • ed oho Agenda sad berm F. the tt. errr.a wham brakes down by overwork. mental worry d4eas.. roes.** yd Indians WM. ?boy biro • /Imo dna sorrow an M. t.* L everm4e d eh ton and wemtmm. remotion tow mhotorrositing s' Ii, ae0.' ttR aid .l rVRRxatuxa. EVERY MAN ``I,oSada Msmental fae- •Utter. dull .r or bts pus.cal ;..-t-.-r'- natptinr. ehuula tele tacos a TI ---,a w. ,r•oore 6.4 last ecer0ra. both phones. and un../..11 EVERY WOMAN should oak8 tluat. mite)) care all aupp pression and II 4. .':rs wtlitn Min flab., entail .lel: urea a'.,'1 , 't;tlAte•:. should talo 1.•e.,' 1'[i.t..•. 1OONH NF1! etre th. . v l.o, loatlfa. usd baba.. and .,.rengt4ao the • ORO YU Ne WOMEN s1:oWd take thee. 1"h.*,, t to : wilt wain ern repulse For sale by all .lragc...t... cr wtll b.• sett upon 400»0.1 of price (Mc per boa), by adctrceeing ?MS Li. WILMAMr "CELL CIA SSE Alreskeilis, Oat •a•*us, a�-- T BC§T. Oennood. Desaiptrve sod Pawl SEED ANNUAL par 1001 will 4...15,4 FIS[ a5 sophisms, std to hist sesame is isstamm�na Itis hatter rhos ower. !f Pe sea tabGi Yeedr•••'1••. timid seed for w Aloins O. f•. FENNY .4 CO. WI sedem • ONT, 1-14* a a the sotto• SO!ETHE?�G FOR ETHIIW Looltlithis Space for Parti Next Weak. This Space Belongs to Aleck Saunders, Tho Tinsmith and Plumber, WEST STREET. Grand. Opera Howe ONE SOLID WEEK, louday, Feb'y 2311 THE POPULAR OUR ACTRESS, JOSIE MILLS Under the t of Chan. H. Hy �e•d, • apportedar a 11t+wsg Cemp•s1 An Appeal TO ThE COUNTRY. Just Or,one3 Out t A huge aa•'. srk•_t Mock of Jewellery. Silver Plated Ware, Tea da Table Spoons Sty: •au:ality of .u,::N.1 Knives and Forks .e ver) desert its.. Aad Fcs^) Vaal. as dr at varitety. Aldo a Gov line of t1'a:1 Parer at lees thou Bost. 2,4IC• rolls at :x a tell. JAS. FAUNDERS MILE AN .4 BLOCK. www n"M a'Rew..h,..1-...ase.s. rr a•, a. Aso. IN"... *.ri., tM,...... ,.. num. A. tI%.......,'e, atfw.i. MAO Aro ..,w tamRM •• T.. Am&O.M Awa sea. M tr.'..ae e,. ,.dei .... r.w 1. ,ar • kony wale, *As M.. gaat�. AR.rr.. 5.4,4.., yea Owe •.• aril o ea AAa to y� .tin or J1.a. you. •es ata.. A4r444.- xK..gwr..aaaa..e... e.m, w raw ,. sen, 1.40, /./rtlett! (.., *1m IMO rw•tlss.A,7rttMaA ORANGE OF PLAI NIGHTLI --- *1Jo a's --- Grand Gift Distribution 4 res worth of Silverware met. w1e d. ma- ids 1 Meowed 011vsrpfat.d Goode. MOAT •ter* fed, the (Mat Com DAD'S GIRL. tv ryb0y {SMs1s� • bi-..s• a basks. RT.nb•a1 b•• twe miss elms's. a_s_Lsees. • / somber. 9M, t s iebwr ase. Scat. a sale 0011 enverware e,. exhibition at t t FORTNUM. n FOR gALF;-- . 12,000 Acres Good Fawn Lail TiYlat rr-aiRCT Elf Uk s Dewiest. a►etetN 4 etyma shad bees Leto eatiesedla At mum rasx0ag hen Or to 01 par ams These im Lauda are ea. 000 -,mod la 'ibwsa. Ci.ure4*., b�• mesga� ,�,T���-.may be Sold mi Moot Fbs.eabe Terme. OMSK O M 1�is Te�pw.asei .,ss. '.lis a►(t y Te R. 11 rltikcR West b ONT. asigA t8 leo air to . W. 117 nFn1, -INTRA VALVES IN- r, TEAS 4M) SUGARS -For the nett two weeks at- - ED. CAMFAIEiNE'S, Cor. eiontreal.K. tree assort. Telejhone Connection. .:a