The Signal, 1891-2-13, Page 7... �� I..111 NOON 1 .",..a.a 1.1.1„rr.eI I MIL .11,11 1, II u ' W. ACIIE$ON& SON. We wl0 OI/N , ABOUT .. FEBY. 25, FOR SPRiNC, d high or class of goods than has evtu before bean liblfilli PRIG WILL Bi WI?H THB CLOSg3? CITY COIPgTITIQI. OUT priotr 101/111 t in God.rioh. Dress Os,FrenchCostumes, Robes, Flannels end Bateeas. Prude, Gine:matts and Batmen. in entirely new designs, se many now o>c.Iwing are late productions of last •-saes. ;W.. ACHESON £ SON. THILM*Ha Tir /lineal* Isle y a tltl,wt. t os kin talk ab.kert nesse fit germane, ala' I a'1 etch. Yr attsrtioa tesngla.•e ate them $s.nrss te the rids, t ea kin kern epos y'r cheek*, Mt Ili oriel* ads tors full t (ant sena WWI, Is ekal to a good Mf wags pall rue Uwe WSW seeteme Tike the laws o+ tag save A NIINInNe OW a tlltatln' as It keep • nein' Lip 1 1 till the kittiali M6: va i tee* rsrs Sento' lite • geed old candy p511. 1 •.-Mehr. shat thea ter • tttwugrot love, dh0 trona itself. . MOW a and N meat bise." is one of the great secrete of ear elQy Hires ; It can overcome evil quicker th•i the harshest treatment. It ateu gthen* rod. twinging forth more help to bear the trials that come- to ma •1l, from t sant to ttmc. Hoes sweet are words of sympathy when we suffer, and in our darkest hours of trnu We they fall ss balm on the wounded heart Sympathy is founded ads love : there Wino lore without sympathy. We find hours of trouble many of our burdens .nosier to bear if a kind word w bale bmf pimdi mai W- sorer had THE SIGNAL, GTODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, PE$RLUARY 1411111. OF INTENT TO WOMEN. EATING ON A NEW PLAN few lbw Wserb M(Yd.. the eM Y.n year ea Malts it i s ' t eta he e s ms ase ae i omits is Yea khat of GU tite ler mad the sewers that hos ewe to yea sous 1110, amd of your �ss .5d eat - hither for 11ei ; you believe just as yen dY • year yo-- that yea will who • grew wolves that the year •hall ho Mawr and year life nobler and noon whoosh than h was kart year. Now dat't d. this. Heti make the W rmadva 11iek, hops and pray what you wast to, lash, is 1M place make a. fat of lithe .t..ltres that each use of which will in finis lqud to snake you reach the geed you desire to. Resolve to thunk • little less shoat your self and • little more of the ewnforta of otheral. Revolve w he Less quick of speech and more certain in .whoa than you have hash. Resolve not to let the wicked little 'kneel of naiy eater your heart and make you bit ter and teelt-tlsdus.. Resolve to .unui.ler abort of your owe household ; th iaebnation on the part of too many of us es to reserve our virtues and our graces fur those outside, and this is all wrong. My dear girls. you heel better blush un- seen, u good daughters mad sisters. than gain all the fame ime`ir•bis.. bright talker anal great beauties without any hourly talent. I site that weird huniely i use it perhaps is • different ,eine freen the sae you give it. It means belonging to the helm. and as the home ev the placer where love and charity should abide, so the talents that bekag to it are twat worth five rearing. God bless every one of you aid give you some day a hums of your own. it limy tome is the new year. it may lie in the ,pears that art far off, but if it never .woes lust remember that the talent of making a home may fir yours, and re* though you can only exercise it ins 1e room you must uot bury it and count it of u. value. Ruth Aaksn.re, in The Ladies' Home .lour nal. 'use *tad ski Wls .ws. A flied in Berlin hist summer told me the fol s iso story, which helped roe so much that i give it to you . "The dingy panes of glass in the house opposite bid troubled me whenever 1 • chanor.l jo look across the narrow street I "a6 lived in. Strange.„ i thought, that people a will be content omalt mut. windows, when rasa they might have such us light let in rim if th 1 l a.Ly y a little seep and wtta. o. WMa ate, the tsrTor it. T•'bw sn.sna" i - he a wait of sympathy swigas .IL sed to keow all the secrete of another fie ; when we do know many things that to us seem strange, because we do not kno a11, let us stop end think, ere we he Loc wick on . „ for perhaps were w placed the task we could not Indifferently Many times a kind kook or a *oft we has toadied • sensitive heart when it needed it, aw•kenuog the affections wham Coldness would have caused reticence_ Nymp•tky a the capacity for feeling mai there and let us all try to cultivate it WOOS and more ; keep of im oar ho•rto, rainmaker tag the words of our Saviour, "Bear ye alas another'. burdens.- water. urdens. " t'* tree we miss tae weak, •a' tbe ballroolai creels sad heat,en not th' net say titter that stars behind the q sweet. Am' 1 Mali taw world d be better, an' its cep o'hr lame WI. If s.h pleasant like the goodpelL old ey W441. water. And the • M the stout. German maid came itato say usn Gttle parl.r with her pail old sponge and .• trash ebb house cleaning thoughts intent, 1 was coins -hos of a greet aceeis of self cwm- w pla s:n.- as 1 felt toy min supx iority, .s • ' horrors de. to my neighbor over the way. I e went out for a little walk to give Hedwig rd undisputed sway in the peeler : mad earning hone again an hour or so later looked up at so inp own windows. How they shone in thea light of the setting son ! The work had ti _ keen well done. evidently. (setting inside ):43ron •gain, how they shone within a• !laas without, and oh, marvelous reve- lation ! .__ ea I sulked out on God's .evening world to see how fair it was. bowmv neigh- bor's windows drone too ! I called to Hed- wig. In vain 1 plied her with queries • 1f. Idle you washed windows the maid op - wt petite wMhecl also, nicht water!" priest. Consoler what it is to have thir el of I a-snow, to al it. M Oil Mt*$ QIU<LPH. MMkng agty d tMsers. itltre sod Mew im the amid lite. People have been often .bo:ked to read the want had squalor en which millions tuitions the civilised tions of the world live,bet occs.emaaU l word m Teachers. kveri• instructor .1 youth a, in a very real sense, • minister of (hod ; • led*, if , y incidents are brought to light a this fur country which mint surpass t them for the -misery and degradation shown. a n Guelph, fear instance, there, is a Gustily t -ompo.id of what is termed • w, kis wile 1 nd eight wit Children. Thr wife is dy- mg with .- Not being able to rime rom bed, the boa.. has become en filthy as defy deseriptioe. Two neighbor st- omped to dean it out. but turned sick be - on• they kid Rose ter, and, it is reported, is must had to baro their clothes A char - omen refuted to hove anything to do with A minister *eyed in two monma-t motet*, d ed ho.e who have sew it m they never saw co anything like it. The hhsiis a drwak- en brute, cares nothing for the rest of y or forty plastico.ung minis ahonlutel t your mercy five hours a day, five days i he week, forty weeks is the year. The wen you .et the children to learn from books are the least part of their education They read you mach more attentively time they teed their books Remember the serotic; V 1, • for good or evi that you took ben your own teachers your childhood, and from the tone which they gave to your intercourse We your schoolmates ; for the teacher uenee may largely control that inter one and decide its character. The best hoar -training chs hardly withstand tit cmxrupuog power of a school when no watch kept upon the morals of the children hole a teacher full of the sense of -sone* responsibility rimy do much to elevate the most neglected child of vice and poverty 'No, madam, ours were dirty,' answered the heave* gild, without hesitation. ' Wee it trust Yes ; I learned the leaton ▪ there and the►. When oar own windows are clean and clear, other people's windows look anw_ingty clean and clear_ also. 11 our neighbor's glees appears dingy, let us send for soap and water for our own. j And if this be true of gltsswindowot- what may not he mid with tonal truth in regard to "glees houses." The truer and nobler and purer we be. a come ourselves the more quickly we shall see that which is true and noble and pure in others. ` SEVEN QUEER CHILDREN. the family, se that his ow appetites is CHILDREN - y be f . He came home the other even w noagg mtozicated aid deliberately :squirt/A- pnea down tbe throat of the help - tees woman, is she was speaking to him a Do *mond had -bees done by, in your childhood Ras ed him ways he hill usedher so that the y a, you were done by, or as you tow wish neighbors coming in have taken her for deed. Temporary were made • en Saturday whereby the woman was take to lit. Joseph's hospital; the children will he eared for, mid the man allowed to shift t for himself. it it understood that so action c*5 be taken against him, as the wife M not is a muddies to lay the information. -- I t.elph Mercury. r .Were esarta5 of as Ordin- aryrasher mad Nether. People of Munson claim Lei have among them the oueerest family as to physical peculiarity m the whole country. Jacob ' Heirs, a fanner in moderate .' a has seven Children. The oldest is sixteen, a bright any, but having thirteen fingers mades a thirteen to- seven on one h.nd,six as the other, his toes being similarly divided. Next to him is another boy, fourteen ye old. As long as this boy is quiet no owwould suppose he has any peculiarly, but the I:sweat he opens bis mouth to talk he fres all eo.tr0 of lib. hands, arm*, feet and legs, and they jerk and thrash and kick around in if they were hung on wires The tiny is a slow of speech as his limbs are active, aid in answering • sim$e piss ticsit is no uncommon thing for his lap hi have tarried him a rod away before be is The to articulate yes or no. boy does Wad seem to ad his affliction, and not only does not hesitate to respond or try to when he is addressed, but is always ready to be- gin s .. on the n iighteet excuse. We He can be en almost any day arguing with eve exp1m+ning some point to some mon- ?anion, who is kept constantly holy either in avoiding the kicks or blows of the hoy . sprightlyNei er bends. or in following biro briskly to keep the rue of the .object. The third child is • girl, who i a hunch - lack and a dwarf. She in twelve yeses oil. A boy next to her is deaf sod dumb This chill has a bright red birth wit M- in` her seek like • piece of read (land bold your' trust, first a s11, as a sacred ft of God for which you most render strict account when duty and life are over There is so pious cant in saying that eseber ought always to enter the school room with a very prayerful heart. e swab-. 4. A sponge hath of mkt or tepid water at +hoald be followed by frictios with towel or t Mad. & Kat plan food. on a Begin year morning meal with fruit. 7. Duct go to work iainsedieSely •her wt.eatiogto Ogre of a Dr. Trenholme, who is still at Rath (creek Ssnitarium, writes that the dietetic and gienk treatment of discse in this instite- tios, o. ec ly of chronic diseases, u re - nark trey a000•edul careful regulation of diet is the most important factor availed • while hydrotherapy and mama.ge are largely used. The foods pisin, well cooked. and consists chiegy of grates, many peeper - lre of which aro peculiar to this indite ion. toffee and tea s absent from the menu, and meek for the day ate served twice ly • at 7.30 a. m and at 2 p. m. One narked peculiarity is the almost fatal leak of sea - mg in the food. Halt is used with such spring head that it f. not preceptible the taste. while pepper aid other andi te are sot used at all. To one not ac tooted to this it is .anewhat trying sad Rai* gar Geed Daatsk. by 1. Be regular with your habit. 2. If possible go se bed at the same hour very night. the 3. Rise in the sewn* sena after you ars of 8. Be modeeste in the ass d koaid. at •Ossoms .m ale all 9. it is safe to falter aid bed drisking m water. we la Regret* in ape air whomever the wether permits 11. len malaria* districts do your walk ass s the middle of the day. 12 Keep the fest and well protested. 11. Wer weeds* clothing the year w ad. 14. Ree that your sleeping monis nod living arms are well ventilated, aid tbeS maws gm• dos not enter tion. l& Bru.h your teeth .1 least twi.. a 4.y, might a.d morahlg. to ibes't wary ; it i ierieres with the healthful onion of the stews► 17. V'os must h.,. iste -.ting recaps tiro in vignettes oM age. Cestinue to keep the Drain attire. Rea mesh raes pleasant, bas we the taste changes, sad learn to like the food, even eggs and bread bring relished. All food, especially in to secure thorough mastication and ias.Iivsti.n before passing into the stomach. This M of great value to the dyspeptic. Pork is never teen, and the frying pen M• discredited kit- chen mt.usil, s5.mthieg fried in fat is ear Mon the table. Quell aloe takes that eves gond foods art used with referewe to their grains, is oaten as dry as possible so cirri it is an inch and a half wide. The other two children are twins, throe month* oM-- • he'7 aid •girl. The toy** head is covered with hair enough fora grown person, awhile the iettwit' h•ea't the sign of a hair up" enap.tnhility to hare hirers, a 110*,so "ear we�^c the tittle poll ng as white anti -walls ererbskad by dectoea A11bi shiny as a billiard tall. The girl is fat and the hay him Wham the he bat the little -Nino lead' , anti when h�a i merry the sheds tears aid gewitr age5e well with milk tewite, RIP aid 1 the ,mgetabiem, while milk shosid *oar be tithessister with inert, vegetable. Sar hunts Tb weak stn n•eh• the s lmportest. it is wmaderf.l bow in • little while cm. loses .von the de- sire few meat and highly .kissed fend and frequent wan. Tyro mels • day are notes wild.54., with er eat* im raining h.•ht frequent.Whim Rom veers the people Iwo e for their Whim there will be • fearful taping et et the heL Taj erne. stye : 'If yoe wet tervisee of file dewto.re The diffuse* of tapp) •o.p warm Wawa •r, alai- word views .pea this point i• ear pebble un will a.mwlgi , my the Meter* i o whoosh would be prd�, - wWer. They sit an the morn* by • loot gars.---Yedod Whines M at -snow\ .ad flet tie 1M M Ibiir heft heir, a Mt el lYr W. D. IMoks, 9 Hasamok,151) o5 the w hid bests. reeeimid Pi im wtiN d or thread shiw.ik Ise- erer sad meed fa is W �� uadet'aemth, shish away afterwards pwamal laths. N ose V104.Itog m alas1.41121 1dhe*Hr The Central Ferware' hesitate Met their &hoestheir y i. n.....d ani wwdwaid weak d 1b ~ani take bum mf & sham he � �1Om Goversmwalre pretorthe their Wein Thar -themed semi shriek] p1617. esti piker under the lembeseue impswee. 1 A taws /gem Yerb pkyriel.a rBd a Set Ise soh* : their .heats ate wall towered ha► "rye age taw the &eoweimas r/ smut Its 411Whall Geld antero. bet 5511 fear. wee. +•-�' Y+'^:••••w ••'••r. o,aw:. nil �"'T •�al••ed seek wfi wyp. *law 1. -marsh me ah int wtrisiitgissiagnk gale. sill , w peed a Mesio es the hear. yells Everyone of donee sews. children is hand- some aid mentally hrighL Mrs. Hien is • Roe looking woman, sad her hothead i5 mound both physically mai mentally. - Phil adelphia inquirer. MP ogee itt..eems, The Rev. Mr. kers, teeter of Rt. George .% charrh, fit Cathar1sas, i• ewideatly • level. beaded man. (711 Paid y lase, fa that phew. the burial stemmed d • Irenoi•eat resident and before leaving foe cheek Mr. Lip said that, hewsv.w w. amid rwx.alst N qmeared to nes poll -hearers sad others with heads •acevwrd over the grove of a doomed Nis* the see.ss wee a desperestass h aur Sesser wiaesr elimale, mad amid ma be digsaeei .tat Ne treated that the ttt beeeure sod ethers who to mimes the bee 5d rime woad keep their beds mooed a the ,mesiou and esrsewber that they these he leery the deed, aid nee to hill the Whig+. b woad M twig Newry se0ial , Asti kema Itcmgatatt, eriape geggiaare mime tee *Mho earmailak Charier. �A a---- at eases 1.111. as COOPERATIVE NOUGOKUPINIS AT EVANSTON. hilt. ■t..a e.•rt Mboal saW - Ammo - alma* al*re.* lambed ap.-. A11 feats awned 1. tlabarr/Mr. la •tag aster wawa. o.I brma.res tjsktstr�y a1� ( k•ea Thee is Wise. 1� the khats• et ew.. llue aariatoeraey n of thud choir suburb le mates ssdesd. No l pias. The hind t;tri has boo tt5.fid. No jetties her . , • y ed vers, raids the nopd .flee wjale d fa . hawse. No Wager *1. brashest -ms meserth ti. Sur a. a meso& of grade rw•r Nu hewer she pain the lead.o&irsd Alb wetter down the kir•ben .ink boom* her cumin happen hells t.. he ■ plumber. It.. boomAm , sightly levee. 1n the .bnnsg•- rousm .d extends her revels tar hitt, the slant w•t.is of the night No lifter she sib la -bat which lag brightest and (.4 frost the busily to heti the mouth, of throw who are ne.ne4 sad to her. :to krtgrr is At Tit .1Y \.:t. tear imorsirg beauty broken let the pleading v..ire of tar of the boy. - pouring birth his .rnbig n ouidela s at the foot of the .stain.. T'hrs 1n•k.ng b. the pm. has all her aft.•r•mx.ir out now. •.d Is not aureola 110.1 to, nay hb.me with cbildnY, in the evening. She duelk not have to are.. os the morning to make the •n tire any mom. She it gone. Me Ihelone.• to the hurry relics of the dark peat Ft.ti de' will be forgotten. Her piece brims', to amber That other 1., the Ewan** Co -Operative Horuwkimping Association. ewe eon - ecru bi rapid") filling the ng void the hired girl lefi. 611$p street the tt kitcdrof the upped had m is tant - el. It orupiess a lesg room in • big brick Mork. ()rt the lett 6. • tiny (Aloe where the tial de- partment of the asssx•tatiisb 1. (lrbq shiny. *inking ranges are ern i against the left w.11. A great table cine. 14. cleanly way through the centre. t the far end of the manges a tall ovenlioe mediately in the rs.r of the little . tier, le • huge And arrow r..re hidden en a big leek, ars the .• Rob family in the a55otieti,ri bks n pri- mate "kitchen." The kitchens Wog g(Me of zinc with heavy h• . at ?nor .Axiltv. each est A Mats plat,. hears the n.kne and adders of each member The kitchens are each about three feat long axed six er sight Whew* height. In the trip are is afar - tures to receive the cam whist contain the victuals (snook these tees is long and deep. It holds the meets immediately at the end 1s mother -axe half as bang in which the des- serts are pissed. Then ramming along the Miss are four busk to les wki.-h veg table , are stored Far in the rev of 11e. kitchen 2s the Mans dry where Use family erring, , are door. It is just Idle any other steam 1•nndry. a IAIOLT IaiQRM. The kdtcbsa theme .sol hum with mho all day Ions. Berry L Oren, the hanger, who used to to wtth the Trois Primer Peris, • meters jai 6b this waddles armed is his Mart .kers.., urging he cher and rooks ea to higher, ems •obier works Prank Beehive, the AM a big 'Verve.* wMa the meths( white cap filet a6 pr,aedn.al cooks weer Moms &batt snooping ifs big wh(t -apros5d pause* es the mews *Wks, peering into • oleindeg pd how sad shads* sg • skillet Raw TWO er three whihrohea Un- derlings follow hags The wrap et ghat amain on the may helms rd hist hobo is momently howl. The philosophic had A _• woos. 1=4.16 ems llaboice b• *ID E Orem their remtsie td toem of trirsoldas spirt a thaw 1566, w s Mbit Keith it Uel W11 aphelia els at Nie bki renes ted peel rte. 54 pe..sse leae.rett g. he mtllm.e . Gras bferslf tar d1..s sad Woo tea The them big Meth their hip Meta the Iter M served hose t ll.1 tni...'0f 5 Lewis a heir wants tram lite 1 mad Misr Emu CtiS to Sal- a iimtitya, hemmer, the deliveries are mails sameshat Mer. The three delivery ness leak NM . 1b "kashmir oar• piped is eerie rea& of them. rad r width.* to the harm water tskkla 1.1a tag "klrias" .n keep eke fond wires, the vegan In light sad heated by • lite Mamma Each wages is • essie. dis- trict oBrat t.. .over and thea deliveries aro mads M^•mptiy. The tarnish" in the ss ociaUos .order their mesh a day is •boots. They try H • ewe fur *dish• and alb for ,ifletrwa, Nis luvesiles is Rvass4t, Mew reared to eat tree them t101/.•tllera. *Oilskin are only served hall palturn. 01* DAT'i W„Yn1* 5511. srot•r. t'.NNNntme, ee t'ar.Yei. horsey IO.. linked t.odor Trout, egg ramie. tu)Atrr. Sirloin If beef- 'toad pal. mote nue. seTata, V4 Or Filet de mignon Mel .....1.411.' ('ekry. i mare Asian ROAM (.4st.r.. /grind lawns. Tomatoes. .,Leri r. Pewit lir. Cheers pis. Tapi..w 'MAID*, lemon sauce. Fruit. , Vegetable mop Temirai,..up -y ('•measure - Me ('b. l.mt.-nap:4Q•..1.•ro.r - - Va. ' liemml.reatir. pstti.•-....r (n..i - SSI. 1i•later .1 s, broiled "r 1.. 'dal : Q• Tetelerkin, with ,nitdin..s.. :01• !Main -teak %11., -.diet. Pork ,•Inst.. - - 1:4• Park-nurogr - - Ili. ,,._ Ia.awr ... agar •e■ IIIYIw..--. ' SCHOOL OPENING. Illtdbillftaft1111111 *! 5. ERASER & PORTER'S Fuld. allrrus! or ALL The Latest and Best Educational Works 1 0(114* AND RIC HIIMIJIDID FOR HIgIJ, :Madel, Public and Sepate SehI. See our Daisy, Star and Rosebud Scribbling Boole ; also oar Majestic, Mystic and Artistic Exercise Books ; biggest books for the money ever shown, ONLY 5 CENT'S. MASER & PORTER, r. Central Telephone Exchange, Court Hoose Square. HOLIDAY DECORATIONS I l:e• We hare hew a ake lire.* MEZ'ALLZQ PAI1441113, s., 11011' Rio&hose -irioje.teak_:+ ..!.L• l'Icirt..rir•tts• -mak 1•_1 - :►■. Isms Banat (tutted tact ha.1e - C'hk•ken p4 i.ie - Kra,4.•hi.•ken ba SEM 1I Gold, Silver, Copper, Lilac and 8 other Beautiful Colors 14 for - Pictures, Fancy Work. etc kfhted ready !ler tae [boast twat - IS• R•avt veal. asib dreeaisg Weld pre R..r.t wut1e, Fetish., leer apps mean. Weld' r.rritt _ Salt Mao•k.•ru•l 2. fried .,g<s ! board rags Boiled petit** - Pried potato.. Hodicel peeve,. - Sars'og• chips Lyonnais.• p tato... - the* rot /Serf with breed ear ..IL w Cold hash - Cokd lamb - fa, Cull teed - , - in- Chirken m1s1 - - - '314- Larder 1p.L rder mind - - fU Shrimp sled - ;t{>,. Potato salad - - tart Lettuce Salad - Ifke 2iandfnes - :ale Olivertar 6idan, cheese . Rorpeefnrt.ieeo• • - I(ec Chneolate. per lint - - - ,a. Oatmeal - - Wheaten pita - - Milllh- - Tos int - - - - be Corn le.ed Graham gvm,. - - • 6. Bole - - - « - - Jk •' pica - - - - - - isle Podding. per portion - - - 110 Weed, per loaf lir Of meow, wane ditlirtltirr have bract the mew scinue; but the ladies are determined and if they tan sheaves os this elaborate ..M there .en,. lei 1.e m, peel rra.em why .apse .asci plan .ay nt he ,.areexdul in grb,hmtad Shalee. ^raid Tome Death -TOY. in regard to the um of tuba Dr. /hire S. Mitchell odd to • reporter of the Cincinnati Titoel��>tar: •'Tick Irro•e':aiw lined on.•., are tiff i ilia nor dime errs no •mals- .r rem. r for the lodgment of livery tub, however. should be ei.hird out every time ft in used Rest a the tint disinfect/Mt in the world. and the frequent um of hot water for rising out tube i6. an abohme pnrveative for alt finable conta- mination. This is the greet .ibjemti.at to public trth-house-. Not enough ears is taken cif tee tube, and persons with Kirin dile .rum bathe in any fah Iruditrrieidtateely "Yes, :dr I toy use stationery tate, por- celain need, had .*12l them out, and you will he perfectly sate." 1e1e1.-Ce1.M Brass Week. By Use application of chloride of antimony a beautiful violet oder M i.yeartod to tease work. The braes should is int merle per- fectly class and heated until water will wean ods It without heeang. The ekkrid. of satimmayr liquor should then be apples until /he metal esiumee ea even .color, atter which the =dam *midi he praised and he - queered. ilioning Nee* Ceara. heed psmsam. stela .n veer being sero- emealetly waned is )llaglaad, tb no.dlfry madal esd very sear onkel. The maot i emee averities hem Mid who empty may Ite Owed one within the other, en ea to take up a srim6ni mare to the hold et a Tema. HELPFUL HINT& Arise aellirig and aer.ping vegetal& oy, tere put 1111th ketoweak intthem eeceenhe r h water: the elosprdark 5. eoi te Nuts hew a neglected arttrie of dieR term a partial ,toothy.- for moat., hot they * *mild he setae at laea!-Nme, ju.t •s any other food should. 34ISur in the niendag er at notes. Whim the juice of odd fruit. hes eyoth.d adored goods tooth the pt.n. with .smut is water. T11a oohaterae* thea bet of fag arid, sod will um 11y nacre the mice. The e mance as will quickly a Lego ate. leering see resides Thee are ermine Smash ser! M►., do mie- s for d fairies whin* time their beauty of Nat to .efd..,brt.g eesspouide: for thio MUM they see epi io keerem thdl anti faded - hien 1*e, wee td amps and alkalis. L • nese the addition of • small qua tity of Meow to the riming antra. will 55 Taosally remora the brightness of he 'Aoki" heir 1a Noted !lams sad estine14 eseseefesre bet" by the edditlea ef a taidemeemtel el Merit paw added bt e malt whew. iso the swath seek lea Iib pepper kw tar .ata. Nam, Hoa mid M. ea sarem• at the ware mai lima lm/ Ot fa ia ha1..5., gaol to pre- -spurt ileare Aram .wt wad be .hast wily tate A gird deters it one f...prAnifoi et baht aid alae 1 of on -pall In • pate! or ad ester l robed -Nurses i the id., erg mese skis eta BOTTLE AND BRUSH, ONLY 15c. Also an exquisite lice of Poai Goods, Perlin, Sheet Powders, Violet Tit Water, Ktc,, 801lahlle for Holiday C3-E0RC.E RHYNAg, Chemist aid °rrai* SWIG* bd1s pqr maws. �M~e elk INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC rc. i here *ser received slaws -herr hem 1 1 CANADI1N .AND IMPIJRTEII 'Fortnum wows as children. trans the manse he the limey aims maga, CANADIAN & SCOTCH YARNS ! Free the best biome laakers• rtlrey wv a,arirt. white aid erei►m FLA N4L , � laming rireden in French Opera ltannels HO i4RI- -A large std var(•d u1055.55551. Black and colored CASHMERE GLOVES Ptah anwith kid tips also l[d palms Otisa dsrtmsss ea lsally well sesorted.:atrietly one d 2064;A_ MUNRO, Draper and Haberdasher. Cattle Chains ---New Patterns. Crosscut 8awa---All Makds. Cutlery ---Table and Pocket ---In Endless Variety. Chopping Axes -At Your Own price. %meal Winter floods ---Stock Complete. ALL AT SPECIAL PRICES ! R. P. WILKINSON & Co. Hardware. welI.kaewe 'broktact that he selling W kindssf rtrsita» at w le at Wham Sells C11a.Ea,p 1t le raw eaek. Ne la akso vard. ft elsswy hes itarid woevtsVof�Pictureee d the sita"rw."Ohre Ates • col/l/ boleroalways5 kept e you wUi •ad ass that is„d.5. me he shah ch F� ng X'OT Catalle. teWsarmR erne mid sill Ire thMr hats p.era.age he kepis M tm.wln s ; sf the GEO. BARRY, Hamilton-st. MI8SE$ YATES have opened oat a large seeoeteseat e[ the ae7wee* styles ilio Hata and Bonnets, Panay Birds, W'1n1. Iliad Trimmings'. CHILDREN'S PINAFORNS AND APRONS. Please all sad see. ?wafts* s* DIM & %. Neeth•alk The best .._t.., s the e cheapest, and The 8igt- ;" i -the Brest newspaper- -- in in Huron, Perth and Bruce/ �I