The Signal, 1891-2-13, Page 6THE SIGNAL, GODOIOIL 1PRIDAT, )10111WARY 13, OK.
THE HOrSEHOLD CORNECat --"aahi ;arm' out#14 "yam .-4711 WORRIRTIM SALE FOR
Illde werfokerekeriopia pleat pies. It wee '76400,11 -
Curtains, Embroideries, and Reninants
of 1/reris floods.
11011 Me. 4111.31, Iftee INIAID. arid lie ter 1111.10.
above must be geld to loase row., for our wring goods. wLich are ioue
68 Pieces of New Spring Prints
new cook mad a tee j tomtit" cI48 he and arra *hod.. We e‘
peel our liaaborled Weds in a It w days, whet. will be able 1 0 "Ito.* *arm.
01 the cheapest 11410ile ever offered in Icilell.
lite firm thing to hie thought of ta takiag
=rcam of • sleepiag mem is the vim
al. Thal the far Of Nal all *Kt
want is mid it never • reason 'let It la pure,
the meet noisome has tog tes.
be.hutme al these whit, Mame' .1 their
daily labor. have perhaps toe lit tli, time to
dee ote te them.
A 'saes. ta which Meet= the hiSht
little opening at the top of the enadow
furtheat froui the teet will do wonders in
th. e ay el ventilatime Mt tee gray pe.
tie emit" a. tsar hreathina "night eit.-
and lose thew windows religiously egautat
lune to breathe the night as well est -lust
.4 the day at my rate it the lady air
with which we are peto bled at that tiase
our exietences. and se aro teat tualleabk ef
holding our breaths until the sum rises
out .1 the dew 'maenad atasephere.
T.. be healthful • ledreein iu which ow
pries, bleeps ahuuld mutate at learnt 800
cubic kat of deer space. and double this
rimer for two puree*. 'Vet how few
hum. A eati mei rel. Iris ly alio* e. much
homes .1., w tied the out ire family strong
and well.
It a lag itieMUS Mho, yet ens:,
tenet. owlet -minces to to.. wrest an extent
limit .4 *hyping two In a led. If • child
Ftkily tested and found to meet ev ery re111111 (anent.
It is the most. improved Herter on
It will run with mtteh Inxilh coed
lean any otlwr furnace.
tf4114.111110flf *loch remotes all 4ot
eit,bout the repeating of doone.
lt is the wet cosupact And elabp
est Furnace made.
The Ant 4' etlf represents till 1 .
Water Fteriusce.
min allow, Ikea abet gar eyes aml throw 41
in • doable lieridhaL • ur pees excel- Tho „ins oinando e. way 6.46.
hat, bet the rule was expeasive. ere is roloomoo ot our tastier weary
send fruits like the &leer attr lb tilt= 2.4 'Wilk."' 4 but*.`
deeper gme Whets awootolues est
rintv you au to f ibr .1 uuu, no) minty cannot, throegt fear of ameasoentletrly en.
but, ito :reed rule, I think half • tea- glag qlt"itti' aed th4. slo "1"1"iv.
smelt wet: and Nether, the
easily burnt. arassamsd Ls taw strikingly neetied emixteire,
ilk • herds endeavor to attempt to develop
More to Weals Me Meads. a profitable export trade Ist coosomilky of
Now. about your Linde. Wash thetu ebb chiimae.. The at magma defigogges
soep, just twfore yeu so to heel an.i (Ming „gm, od innlbstb in the ince lam bLab
the day don't waah to., much la cold ,4 imeertummds nu. an*, "at woad to
water. A woman who he. .ery beautiful tonal, remove& A. taws ars losoy
bands told me that during the 1418 elm trieta'not far enough advasseed in astileateat
wiped Off any stain that neght be until them n, .4"14 begn„ that .1
with a piece of kid en whi..h uss a little might tw pnnionw tntiow nom. wenn..
%marline. However. I am a let old-faehimi with Irma, benign, w. taint
ed and prefer water to this. 'Own when dinrynn,i, un,w. ,d
you have the tone. sit with pm linger•tips
in a bowl of hot water, and :titer they ha. e
make(' well..lry them gptiftrim the nail.,
iti its e. Push it damn either with the
kreptufAuthe skit, at the-hatie .4 each
end 0 a mit ivory file, or a hit of aced, but
do not eut it off. lh, net point your nails,
and de not polish throe tou much. The
first snakes the skin , ivy and
muses it to grow thicker, while the amon.11
an.I third are counted vulgar.
me without injuring the timer of the fruit, 116114.16mtellet- Pkv tar th. bldtaw aucerd.
spoonful rd. to A quiet .4 fruit may be 16"'" 44.trtull Illattillulort
Thin is no eau, but • gamine okoriairembh ;"RohINI
eke'. ith 1411 oldie person it ie sure to lose A few days ago. a neighber l.reught ne•
• itd111) 111 tieffree• `'"uff"r•!' em,k la...k. which lied been used in her fawn-
like. it ii. the ohler persen who prefits ify for lone throe grnonitione. The
threarrangenmet. Whether this hate,- he rough yellow paper, the haled. quaint writ-
e fact 3,r not. I 113.c ise men. of knottitie, ing and curium old feel -netted spelling t -re
but- I do kno• that the Peteflef Pre""h he" in themselves interesting. Ina the reeipes,
in vitality. , rwhich neighbor B. assured ine she had
Another leaeoft IlY Pc"Par alt^"t'u, tried :aid tested, were mere tee A chapter
esebt a• ads plime of ea% lag r'ettfle. *Pare •••"" on coirnnical seemed especially so. and aerie
tipster is that very fee' permits eh" of the dishes were entirely new le nie.
eleince to be framed in "lie sleeping *pat •
Ihunpkin Indian Pudding. With ptnt
ment are .4 the fame iliellosA Ion. or !motor
awl a half of ate% eft pumpkin. mit a pint
the eine' et'veli..WIP* titer maY n(441 "'as ' and a half of Indnin nice' awl • table:Tota-
led an:Wax the othrr require the lighted
fn. 1 of ground ginger. Int.. a quart of boil -
weight an teem a compromise would re
system 'which ha. Mary last Reim,
uniforui .,ysteen ..1 grading butter being G
adopted. The grebes is ell .tone 11. au jig-
opert”r, and the tosrehants pay for it armed-
ing to the marked grade. Mend on th." en"
ileseded upon, which requires diet the price
for number two grade 18 throe tante fewer
Mum number use. awl that for number
three blur mete lower than meeker
om. and the latter le regulated by
the prier at W Inuit.% market The style
the various other details are unanintous-
ly stetted The Hair) World eiitin'ke
another mem 4 surmounting there•lidleii:-
ties, that the lannen. w aide a nettle of five
.untrally Memel fame mud buy a hand se-
parator. and them wad all their surplus
milk to this steam ter ...met:edam bite but-
ter The 4 the eatfit h. put at OM.
Th. advantage. would be tkose .4 the large
creamery .0W -it weak! penises a millerni
Al WOO" alum oti
Skating Pea -Jackets at 1115.50,
Children's Overcoats, $2.50,
Men's Ulsters, $7,
Men's Fine Overcoats, $10,
utility. sad it ceuld bt. dtippo,1 to ...ruin, -
tarring hael, tin Una! and i din. '' It
s.‘. 1... ki4 .ip two *Ingle 'ells than oae ole_pr. itazr..1 tin; „tn.i...,,,, 11....ibaltham.,,,,,....te..,..„, ...Hi! githi.ii,,nrewitesenatioritileviatr,telinagy eon.. 1:01thrn.aoutulth
nuot stiffer. To be sure, it is more teepee
detible our, but it pays le the long run - !""
. t requires Ia. egg. : Wit hoUt it. add thee. ems., but at tbn•in. tine the statenamt
e b 4.1. isn't la, bee; a run. after all, tha.
kvhat is left may ire retailed mat Jay .
till(' need itiffer dismmifort during its
ents' Furnishings
Dross Gods, I
Gents' Furnishing Mart, McLean's New Block,
yoiftig and Ida airirt. ;ma give te- sifted treal, half piiit West Italia molasses. tic- 184 retelts teem the estataisbitiont .4 .
eatilethaundistemr/..31 night'. rest both re. quarter Dowel butter, ene pee ef milk. feur ..r.aitteriee 1011) he expected, arid mew .4
quirt , trinelltelied Duty lie used ealvan- egg*. gnited rind "1 an orattatr. '•ne tea, their !Mae UMW 1 1 ...
After it. morning tering it itileonful of eisumnien And nutmeg tommi. seggeatime..,-Canniffisin Lim Stork
loa t Awn ell out of sight utterer the larger Heil the milk and peur over the mfted meta.
Waren t.iget her t he butter And tiadaem... flaeodfied Thole utility.
N.-, er make the space beneath • bed a .*Itd stir tht-n, it, well. A.I.1 the when 1 hr,•'' •,•teart'''' '4 the Ifettle "f ;le
place .4 hiding or of gitorage. Never stow the meal is cold. Penr int., a .itsh and hake atertraltil Won toy that breeder who beconig.
away .4.1 shoe., gir holies a trash. oir, aerie. well. A pound .4 currants or renew *we: "•'°."'"e'l '4 " roll kn''''1"4"'.4 tl3.•
ing a marel. te ol.1 per, and the lit a un- he. added. Serve hot with cream and ' an'i 1. the,' able tv
3 lee that or erase which will ieget suit
eAtestime that there are many dithered
rind .arietive .4 fowl. "seen,' to tem,
est !hat tie renewing elemitlest ten hich
eons.. wet. . our notice ulakra tbe di, lee .4
lase& ie. smeifie prettil.le It i• se fel
tee.. Foregg farming- Leghorn. 14. , mem-
enema of the lighter 1.e..3.1. -
;Me. the. gene -al purposes-. Plyname,
etc Thiry be dollht but that as ottr ap-, the r Telegraph, my.
The.i. tubes at* extentally exported to the tire and elle eoof Anti Iluet dei hesl. All t tem titters absorb ano !sugar.
generated in the certubutd.inn ihe fuel. anti it is evident a mating of sole- then thrice peisons hieh must. .4 a Mattson Cake One and a half pints of
will niake a mat difference in the heating capauity n gitett amount ot fuel.
No protision hits heretofore. bolsi tuarie %hereby ilie accumulation of -ssot
eats lie cleared 'viably.
The present illustration Aim,: the arrangement of a series of pqa s.
ti the rem* end you notice our Patent Flue Cleaner.
tt i..-onipofica of two plates of slic.t steel, hating hole, registering sith
4 lee t 1111440 on each aide.
'fliere are ears attached through which a nal passes and fasten,' s
sots oil each slate and hy menus, of then' the Challier IN fithl in posit' .
The front eniel Ls bent 1,0 lee fat (01111 1 intlifile by watts of le hich the t '1.stit
er cati he pulled back toed forth.
efTect a perfect clertning•sf the soot awl ashes Iran the tubes. asher
every tulle. between the perforated plates.
In using the Cleaner the operation takes only it
by perforniing it occasionally during the day it lams
iloors require to be opened %ellen cleamng.
certainty. Ile breathed into the lungs 0. er sifte.1 nerd. half pilit wheat dine, half pint
and over again by the vise .ni inhabiting • sour milk. feilf pint p•surdered augur, half
mach an apiartna•nt. Ilmo not even hat e iyeand butter. six eggs. on-- peun.1 raisins,
btses ea,. Anew the floor to elm* be- apeman' of selenium. one smell teaspeonfol
neath. clean end bereft of dust and the of male. Mit as for any eale. rill shellow
e. *pi to gather • pans, end hake iu brisk oven. Better alien
.Abovc all 'things do not think you are
Cais.litta Corn Cakes. One and a half
Pew hed hehwe l""tki."Pt• 1.°'" three eggs, salt. A.I.1 these. beating w. II.
very oppesite of "smart and ''t cry 4°n' t.. one eart sour milk. Add oile Mud'
'latent! and ristimiel cleanliness. is ..ut "nio.t,„4 snit anon
. In the 1.wis, „annuli 11,,, Indian Rice Cakes Equal quantities
fraction of It pantite real on. I .4 meal atel cerld rice. Moi•ten with milk.
• per eent. of fuel will lie eleinakPe lute thine emit during the time yen 141"4 kneed well- ""e11"01" flat eel!" end
lialte ma had g,ri(hile. !mierye with butter
take t.. draws, for if you spree' the lest
heretem• no *lust, can e- open then you must necessarily breathe the ' "114, eriliar.
vitiate(' air. After yogi hare made yew Indian Crumplt-to. tine quart .4 meal.
cape. teffet. -pub the lied t 3 pieces- and lieng 411_ half panted doer. tale .luart .4 n..11.. oh,
That in. elation renders. one Formes. far •Ittperittr to are:: furtsace yet ulnae. the chatting ever the fixe -hoard ao.I upon three eggs, two tbldespooefula .4 steet4
It is the only Illenlia fur tivittting s quantity of tulles et once . Whirl' ohms chalet in the rtiont. Mare the pillous on ',roast. Add yeeet last. Stir well and let
it quickly and in a thorough Inatiner. the *union sins lit I licie Is" n.. ein to shine It rise- Bah. on • hot giedillt. like any
We anutufacture a +.111.1 ll anil a large 'dee. ape. teem. and let tin- fresh ter bkie o. er ' better oAke. K.41IIIAII% lle.l. ter _
The suiall one i. compose...I iif .30 tulres. the lame one 4:e tubes. rie.u1.1 never he plowed In the hot aimushine,
The aides are built up with hrick after the. heater is set in its ProPcr as the it arnith is not good for thg anilit.s1
pair... thol.t :1710 betas is -quires!.
sidetanee 4 the feather. and eften breeds
we ino.e hmi th.„. r,,,,..mni.„, tei,1 for tw„ yv,,,e,,,, end they te, re ;.,.i, , -", inertia in Hie quill. The mho Arlene: from
„perfect satisfaction. • , the rim warmed feather. .licalf.4 he sufficient
Parties w lio contemplate putting in leot water furnaces should write amid wer11,11,1,.'"1: 1" 511 Wh" ea"1"1 "4111'111 1611
get prices. We cordially Oat ite anyone -to call nu us and see tie. heftier \Hi .After larrekfital. ot ev. I. \ aiter kin hi on,
full working onkr.
teak. the isPaa, altake and ',mind tht feather
mettreees them nicely. I'm
and etre doe n t he lop te-atly and Reese illy.
.44 le thile
ow* eeisee los aer
eta aux at iltr Sow t• MUM.
e,we aime le eeeli This 1. es
sew sits .. toe sew er.igoa.
ram mitlif It rat..atfirerte.
Remnants to he cleared eat. IVO.
and showy shape.
2137 The Wreeee Tette&
should get once(
Armstrong's Improved
r ere
so- It allows no foul erwila to be blown into
the chaff, which is of great tnirortanee to
every farmer wbo wilshise to keep hie farm
aullwailti save* *ad drool all Timothy seed
any of grain while cleaning the
fms ef the bed med. rya. hing t hr. limier
sleet. pun it fitml) ilthxh hitt II it le lierfeet
4..4 And ml.e, And yeti,- bed is reedy .and
,11, guset name, pretty alums are the .3.r
ret be place et the fag. Aquae, pil
lea hat the h.etess maid r.
hem atol t urn down the Lea clothing
Keep everything out ..1 the :,impitie
that sill Illist. Never tame a deep
of %Ate, that 11444 MIAMI a Ilea room over
night. pine,' it hes by that wee 31sserbed
the poison ex 'Ale.' le the laxly . lir, et"?
keel. fruit thicit is th la. rat.° in .int emu.
enameling a bed.
Alatt ing makes the cleatilttet time meet-
ing fer shirring rooms, and curtains that
imo, w Amid he draped at the
"Mite.' Selma diaw euriains rye
ror Market cleaning it remove* Corti.. indows
Cher and ehrunken grain. and gives the iosy feeling to :I afreping nem.. while
farmer the greal•st possible weight for hie t Se las ros revue for dreamer. awh-
ile -alb with no unneeeesari lots.
etaild, mantel lamlire.ptinsi and chair tithe.
give en air .4 deintmem and leanlimee that
parolee equal to hood picking.
.gab. (1.1 ..ed whini !in rwhi r material . female
ex and other foul awl ribruaken and et hitt far rug I.) the hedsiole, am' a mettle
Heft CIIIAP10110 II %MIMI.
a: behlie are hereby itornbed that lb. NOVO
Ma beim hf
=Zell le 1111. lee Mane to.. it ,in.
Praltr''."Yr Idange Med writ h 11 Iii.
*ID be no falling aff in
I lb. treat Of glee town
7, rim
tenon* 4 atilt 11%,
.isettie. inward seed. Wild I'M& %% iid A a illow chair or two, a ts illow taidet, A
broken Main. air'i fry. the fanner sere
Mb. It will clean Oats. Harley. Ike . Moe sleetung epartment meted)
lab. Cleaning 140111, . IR will seminar the A 5.1. Meta illsone MI Lamps.
sand. quartered. halve., Oats mid yvhole
Pica from each other. earryusg each to • Om tank. et neervoir. fo- holtinig the
different oil ehotilil he .4 metal rather than china or
am. li is • jerfeet Clover seed Maehine. rye gle,. W tek. Kh..tol.i he dr.. laa jute Meg
hamper WV all that is leireiled to inniieb
cleats. seed grate.
ml•Inil 1 461*. twnken Ind dea4 1"."1" PlleolIgh n. meth te the totem. of the reser
mind other 141418 lamer or smaller 'ban
the (*lover owl and lie e,ftly u... en. Thei- should be
blows no 10e0.14 away. g1.1 el attest', heing polleri or mu.seed Ili
letti It le a good riot red Met -bine it is nemeeary, ton. t hat t hey be make'
line It can be fitted into the oldest fashion...I the tali ii. lit th.• wiek should be at first
Mb It la • nein clans Grass owed Machine. it: tt cnough el the e to;
Vanning Mill 'hat is laid snide se tussles. n. own .1,,noy nu,...•
and mans it An the ergwa of • orge
horny I Me great easentia.• to avoid all
fath can he attached to • new Mill with
iniaring it. and ran be reeves ret at &US "ohm. from * lamp is tes ha., it thoroughly
time as Mali Oa a dire. roeibleed. It clean. and all charred wick and duet metes
that her ein was menet from the mt Made
to move from acute itheamatum After ming
bottles of !SMARR'S LINIMENT he
wee able to go to work ned ha. leen eel!
The .i.•ath of Mrs. 'tooth 1144 esneed the
breaking up of I ;en. Routh." household, and
;Meng the memorial tifty officers who have
gone til India are his two daughters, 110n -ill
lam granelein, his .3x.h, housemaid, and the
nurse who attended to Hrs. Rnoth in Mr
lest illnesa A very , feature of
the Army work in f'alentta e. the minim-
there are many failures to te. erebteff te the
emitting on tbe temere fee breams eine.
that they have smeared thia year piausi.
broilers feet the Hear ierity.
hut still feel satisfied that the equal. et th.
HetetineCorhin cross they tried em ear
muritiot tie found. The leghern. the
.inverhan element for breilere hut Mo.,
have tried Brahma ermerd .40:11
they make the twat roasters. .
The Illerwellt• of Dralakag.
Among the 'wheat," derived frnm draitiing,
1. It renders the soil men, poem, Mere it
admit.. sir needed for eartfication and otter
cheme-al actien upon the m..41. 4. It makes.
soil warmer . • 1. .. test gave tem de-
gree. hieher tempendnre in drained than till-
driune4 laud. :i. It lengthen. the ilealelf,
dratrevl mil can he worked ~tier 4. It
jirevents etrestive baking 4 the mil. 3.
l'iant. in drained soil .10 suffer at mark
teen drought aa those en undreamed lead.
R. Drainer- .litninimmiers surface wamea
It Demme. the yieki, and impivere the titua•
only where covered cams are f. , . . .
tetnne drains may be mad where UM rue t
madly semeibis and the removal of deem is
4 I▪ A
'1141 f
3fi2.11 1°.0
13::t3156: -61! 4714
Prints, Ginghtuna
cow onering are late p
• 1,2
▪ gE
CI gs
Vibe taady
CI etch.
"rr enemies reeeteloas an' the
the rich.
\ tie feast upon y'r Mos
creams aa' hill.
tor dee• r' feat say perfume lig
the fire.
A hobbits' se' a daacin as It
While • the epees sees ettree•
, kitties eve* full;
Candy pull.
It's uwe we ease the musk. an
ern& and hest.
NU tier' Mil my letter Mat
As' 1 Mel (be avoid •01 be het
a'kir more fall.
old candy palk
114 DARKEST, su
The drawbacks tn eareeedel sheep husband-
ry mime le removed by individual men -time
PM the family COW nothing 4. iwtter than
a pail of warui water in which is stirred a
.juart of hren. Give it three times per day
Queen's soldiers ore also kan1 at work. ful1 dm little mg,
of nal fee God and the salvation 4 their f
A deck 4 4.1. theep can be kept on meat any
y any outlay. and inch a
samara. t he native., for
kindlinew .4 feeling and trentnient of the flock will seldom tail to pay 100 per neat 444
nativee. and the preaching of "a fell. free. tbr investment
And present salvation.- . it is announced .„1'.."11 tar, frr, hc.
that tbe Household Trt Hesse Rand of ""n "'eel .„," 6 gal" 66". Pnr2vw
Ow Salvation .%rrny is to visit Holland i-ar DriP warm "alined wtial 5 Per al" 4
keensere. the length of back every mynah
I) in January. and, avatar the leaderalitto
4 l'emtnandani Herbert /teeth (the hymn day 14 th„77 w"eati 6814ww,the......bcen_with their
tour of the principle' lade+ cities. This the P4016 "rrt"
pnwerful itinerant beam band. which C011 MP Angara rat. alr•ad7 Pore*: Ow •
Mote .4 thirty four skided musicians, is the 5"rk Protocite. hams" 'web!" r""4 fraeht7
only !vacationist hand in the United King illallriaaa flood fee the ilibie• eer''edhalt tr.
dom the member. rif which are supported the halftwa rare bre"rier*. temeeletkel
by the Army. Though supprieted. they re California But it is. probable that with Ow
e galaxy, are expeeted at • push to isentent ne intermit iu sheep keeping the An-
ise trilling. in lieu of better amemenwelatton, Iffreit elgehmer• Vat nnt he hudelf
to amp nn the floor of the harnarka. though wed far emit luring the nett rev, ranee
generally local friends arc ahl. to billet Keefr the Itrumillit and feed liberally
them. They smelly Walk frnw. time to rd geed bind even if you hare to bey ft. A
toirn. and, when needed, taints mid other Pere 'ea "111 =aka • Wire r"ai lf the
small artieles of attire are hewed ler then' emit a tattatad Ifrawth eeeeY Part la •••1111 -
Iran the carious platforms. Collecting "d •114 tho 1•111I anima maw rivet Ole"
moments congregatioas. they ha., always them ealiallell 411044: bey if yen have ft
More titan paid their way, gad have visited mad nue or two quarts • day 4 wheat bran.
the prinetpal Ham 4 Om Mined kowt... core meal arid Vowed Mite mimed
t he States. aed Canada. - An artesetaiss Sort 4 sheep effiws ta this
doe* not later/4y» nigh th. nap ot lb. re. befere Nighties:. In petting out a lamp When the Mail, reds troth tort it 6 sot
5.116f 1110Voll of the MM.
„se wick ahould he turned doors. and a sharp A writer ta The Nes York Stor nonemary to Mil the trasiatity enutained ie •
whets hod, may ea mu • pert, Rah it iw ore
I tab - Its dere* are nearly all perforated
Mtn It has • of arty bastea. rff Moan area* the top of the (+urine). " fimum, whi.t b. lino speal. A aka careers of mastain esi ems
tent It is Ile filwar III the ontioarri Yenning etre in the nem of a litirip will iset. ni of un•er •1 table in it enr^Panti• cut from as keg as it lasts and nil he meth
111t. Eimer Maelitn• la neraaawerae. mi gopher. to t homy.
grain per honr ms clown no it A lode az:tentattc of politeness. A little !trilled niter o ttliro ty threw se a turkey. mut be hens np
Mtn Skive. Mead diemeentfort, N warm. cheering at anti her eyes filled th tears Imam y in &Ns den,ion, barn Thorn In no
the hem upset higi own Ekes with • mash n„.,hb nbnes kmpins
me girder at 0*411 if rene writ it this lam dee. tis. gate of all, to the infinite Ho yon want ell year oak ihw emelt M
seasen. If on All C. not pose a Merida, set
*bate na• ierti for homeetion. aloilt yes %Mill el meg. teem eager. eche. gd ehlidgaill IMAM, and Pe•ee •••• one ~WI Would It he bealthe ftw mat I
siit. 11 et. coodil ion II soles.
by mei; Med Wade IMO a flere Yee ee" "herd thooPit waft roigtornei. earielset was pretty, think nni fg, beeier sem,
Asil 4,111.0.1111.
thzanipathetie Halmos 1401 one it woad he few reef Is it ant the cum -
s helm ehr* salt in the sistager Wow
«ring rear far* and 1111 Me% 1.111111111111111 go the horrid object to the eye leg et INTO, Try 11. end 1 do not think yea
GI-oderioh, Ont. 111-neing `1""""IY "1"..46rt beer- Litt not& ; louder* to the eye ef will view do any eater wey any le by the
1141 aka .4 th. anger as par
French prima minted Tratevuide, who fine
heame internee' in the lepen through the
ease of a peer dapanew semen, wheel be
tended *hull alga wag abanclentel by her buts
land and left. blind end miserable. in a
species. 4 hut &hove the wheel of an .4d rice
mill. Touched by the wretchedness ef the
woman. 'tether Testy. inde hired a house
(rem Yokohama, at the foot of the Injoyanta
hospital. Siner then he has established
rerular leper settlement on land be
tweets the mountates 4 Mahone en.i Fuji
If your children suffer with • •trinflies- wee
Nam' Bohn. It will give instant relief and
mem the little one* much suffering. Sold
by an dealers. Try it.
The Great Remedy'
bent of Kirmardine fire brigade, and other •A SURE CuRE
friends of Mr. Ed. C. Deck, formerly one of
the pmprietors of The Kincardine Report
er, tendered him a .. banquet,
as an ettpeessien of kindly feeling towaeis
hie, preirOms te his departure foe the Paci-
fic ,vaillt
Metre Gadd fared.
Gras Saw, My mother 'KW attacked
with lamentation of the lung. which left
her very weak and never free front cold. till
at last she get a very aevere cold end cough.
She resolved in try Hegyard's Pectoral Ha-
mm, and, no so doing, found a del her
snore geed than any other medicine she ever
tried. Mae KAN nutty,
2 50 Smith Ave, Hamillea, Ont.
The "majority .4 deaths from onneuntp
tine in this onentry had their erigin
negkcted cold in the head mid catarrh,
either Melte+ can be apeedily cured hy the
ase of Nasal Balm. (lire it • trial.
in the Mint 1111
People have teen often al
a time want and squalor in
ef the tie tinged moons of the
is • this fair country whkh
them for the misery and der
Cuelph, for instance,
composed of what is termed
G od eight menial ehildrea.
from bed, the house has boo
to defy description. Tee
tempted to close it out. but
fore troy bed gore far, ani
almost had to barn their cb
W0111.&13 refused to bare any'
it A minister 'toyed is t,
these who have seta it say
anything like it. The hod
es brute, cam nothing fo
the family, ea that his
may be fed. He nuns horn
jaice down the th
Use woman. as Wee was apes
ether ways he has ill-uses
mighbors coining in hem
deed. Temporary arrange
se Saturday whereby the
to St- Joseph', Hospital ; I
he cared for, and the nem
for himself. It is moderato
am be taken against bine I
Is &hold 4,500, said we mead say at Mist
one MU &TO troubled with some effeetinti
the Throat and Lungs, as those complaints
are, according to statietits, mire newiermis
than others. We would advise all oar
call on their .1 and get • bottle of
readers not toreart the opportunity to
arnp's or the Throat and Lesags.
Trial me free Large 506 sad R.
sold by an druggists. Beim
Pale, weak written need a task. trimitt
The faintly nf dm Ball, 4 Dennseine. Tet.,
ermatetang of Ball, throe children, two hired
men, rAger Resew and [nehmen, living
three miles west nf Ibtammon. were pnienaed
by eating bread made with retina seed MI.
Bole Pete -ate* arid If
Tie horsily store of niewheate Amid. ern
tau a bottle 4 Hagyard's Yellow Oil lira
" We bier rod flegyard's Yollir Oil is
me ninety ter am yews, hie mates. ellitimet
Mem, emu threat, ermiesabt , mid OW it
so Rawl Ire eamer de It
sisearei LIelbeme rear Ape.
Obtalsed. and all business lit the V. It. Pewit
• atteaded test MODER.4 TX FILM -
lee, mad ne rae la tem thee
dine them remise trent rot!.
Bend NOD= EluidlltA Irmo. Wd ad
we make NO MINIS UNrifitlehirind
ene as toletsete, ups
We refer, here. es the Pereuiter, alteerst
U. • II. Palest 0111m. Pee remise. warm
terms era relimeneee te mews! elleste la TOW
WW1 OWN or Cesety. write to
mar tor Gerd I
1. Be reguler with yew
2. If parable go to bed
every sight.
& Rim in tile remain
4. A sponge bath of col
should be follmred by bid
& Kat plena food.
6. Begin your morning
7. Deal go to work
& Be medwrate in the
all sessers.
9. It is oder to filter
10. Exercise Us eyes
weather permit&
mg is the saddle of the&
11 Weep the feet owe
1.11. Weer troika a
14. See that 'per el
Livia( rooms are well vise
sewer pa does sot enter
lb. Read your teeth
day, night and awning.
16. Duet worry ; it
healthful seties of the eti
17. Yoe wrest have i
taw in vigorous eld age.
the brain settee. Root
Mite keehlees deeildee ate I'
A. asdliee. ',emitter, Hamiltria, hail WO
health Its. fried of late. and mho ham shows
tessraelt quite capable of &An, him writ.
This is time lest tire • Isdy how Anse ap-
pointer to seri • pesitiew.
vee tsar te moopear
Remarked to a friend Ow other day that
a▪ nd 1 wee s 'epeeist moody. as it
to pow. Oa sad terviesese yeeThauft.iLeever19nt
Me. We
Ikea Terry Qiekie lay
re lier tamp Amp wares
eel timee tis
boss Mr time their bias
orb oak or thread els
and therile Joss tbi
biter wheat si ids
"1"11161. ark ether
threms sed tho beer
their wail. 11dr met
ma river emir Mb 1
bet se sairMer: are
aim ler rear sad ear
the ear& ears, lbe red
Mud sub we lore