The Signal, 1891-2-13, Page 3laws/ THR SIGNAL OODERICH, 011T., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 18,1. GITHE FARMERS' OORN� ► tRAGTpAL [xleillNCNCt ItEdq TO J►T 'JOHNSTON CAREY'S. Having decided to Parch the GREATEST�BARGAI11S EVER SEEN IN ear out the balance of our IGODERIOR. new , we will Offer We quote a few of our prices, as space will not admit of an extended list : Ladies' 'Coat and Polished Calf Bal's, at Ladies' C. Kid Shoes, - . - - T,;, - Ladies' Slippers, Gents' Cordovan Bal's, leather lined, fair stitch, Gents' Leather Walking Bal's, - ,fl - - - Boys' Good Leather Boots, from - - - A big drive in Ladies' American Overshoes, at until the 1st el $1 00 68 18 1'28 87 40c. up per pail • The 10 per cent. discount having proved somewhat tame, we have adopted this plan to clear off our pres- ent stock and make room for spring goods. These prices, which are net, are unheard of before in (loderich but we mean business every time. Who leads now in the shoe business ? JOENSTON CARET, the Shoe Mau. CUSTOM WORK AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTIEND1ED TO. THE PRESS! (Mita TORE, POR 11391. 0*111. SUNCA!. pmoee. la s area, 1c. WEEKI/. a or 111 pate,,tt . The Awpseiv R.pablteaa Journal eH the bletramotis, A Paw42%2111 , WOE Tai MAaelta roesae4 Moonshot la. MT. BARGAIN CROWS. ODER 100,000 tOPIESI Tutt Paas le e• organ et se faction : Valle tau wires ; bee ea arnisosities t. areagr. The most remarkable Newspaper euooess in New York. The r.ees Is * IMttemd howsoever. tomb Asti se place u w asvoice,e hof The Minn. Tao Paseo ice Use brightest CAticai.t pegs is New York. it sparkles with meats. 'ran Pries fR,XDas Narete. Ise spierMin toasts page paver. coverts( errors carne, tape of taieeeet. Tam Phew Wsmtte tL.reint coatatae all the wood Were of the Daily and tlwadat Vor these who eaneot afford the U.ttr a ate. vented by distance from early airstrips it, Tutt WgmuL, is a seieedtd substitute. As an Advertising Medina MS Puce has so eaperier in Kew Yost. THE PRESS. N'ekla f•e meek of all. oke best and clamors Newspaper published in AwcHra S ally cad Staaday. sae wear. . ea• lie alai. • 11 M I.. • .4 sawy eats. owe fear. •iart bear s oessM. . t Lae .ander. eine year. f es Wonky rr.M..ose Tear. teas Beed for Tea Pains Crcvlar. Samples tree. emote wasted Liberal comaisis..a. Address. THTs1 PRIMUS, Pongee Bt•,Lot.a.7. fart Row. IBS NW Seek WILL FOIITlVEL1 CUR CiAbi1'S, NIS 1111E STIMATI Revel Combia% Uf Lrtf to AU. - SUIOEEF COMPLA:H T S KEEP A uOTTL£ IN THE HOUoE. .f1; -.AINS212111111111 SOLD $Y ALL DEALERS Ooderich Stem Boiler With _.-. Retislatlishett Ileo Ohrystal 8c Black. SECOND HAND JIMMY AIR TE C. wiz Mr SPONGE? (HMI ,eat.. with WOLFF'S ACME 3 SLACKING thICE A WEEK ! ■ DR. FOWLERS •EXT: OF • •WILD• TF AWBERRY CURES HOLERA olera Moxbus 01-2 1 C'a t° RAMPS IARRHKEA YSENTERY AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS *110 FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE ANO RELIABLE FOR CHIC DPr -..a w., hg " Jg gam dogma min Ma* yeamayea saodeatast.saa. an mamma ere claims HAM ea las a>~ ..the as sabermem*' in Stock For Sale: 1 60 -horse .f power upright boiler, all complete. 116 -horse power upright boiler and engine. 16 -horse power horizontal boiler and engine. 1 ,40 -horse power horizontal boiler, all complete. 1 36 -horse power horisontal boiler, all complete. 1;60 -horse power slide valve engine, all complete. The above Dave been thorotra b- 1 overhauled and warranted in Bret risme oondition. Ready for immediate delivery and will be sold cheap Ileal enders will terries amp sgemMlas, • its , v.,y: -. 'S. CA1Rwsalc. • aegebe prourderallereisd ea P.O. sox KL DO AS DID O.',•r nay welsh teem ocean with MUIR AID WATER. EVERY Cnunleg Root i EVE KY Carnage Owner EY Roo Thrifty idect•,ante EYtiY tjody abie to hold a brush .aGULD es. OrN .:.: r. err.. erase Oa. • new ,....orae Qat Noy •r... Steam ..•eraw.weat Y.ra4MA teoa erose ramous et Me la a hu. rows eau mews ares• to . eY*. Maar. eases Aare. tet Ca.aMslti 1�"Ilns 9t. 1i., 1pinr l�1mL D. S. Finest general store and poet adce at Zurich wee burglarised early Friday morning. The MH was blown open seri the vault taken away, bat it oda contained e few papers of no value to the burglars. They declined the postage stamp., es they left them as the toaster. No clue to the burglars. T oa.anbi of i " i vola.tarily given ;ell of. the great cures effected by Nasal Halm. 'Mere is no case of catarrh that it will not cure. Don out delay. Try it now. The Australian horse, Karelian. who was seat to England by the late Hoa. Jamin White, Ins oxime down to pimping hurdles. He is in Mr. Arthur Yates string at Bisbop'e Button. The opinion estertoimed by Hag - racing men teat a mistake had been made in aappneing him to be a Derby borne is thereby justified. A ass ee nese. Asarenovating tonic d purify - i. edai ieiae useful at all times, bet especially so is the spring, Burdock Blood Ritter is 'unguided. p "let like abig of flour in a poor mane family," say. Mr. John Maunder, of York rine. Ort., "the oftener you take B. lc B. the batter you are." 2 FredSbibley, of Providence. R. I. , • former Canadian, a.t advocating •anent tions. tiHe writs tsH the fanners the cause o f their hard up -bin work, and urges than to poem an annum and nut then` own (tor '=uteri. far they are ie the majority. limakeer es•eae•. A very pleasant bankers' haequet may pradeee very u plssaat symptoms of dy.- pepsia, which duese is often caused by overloading the stomach with rich food eta For seers Burdock Blood Bitters bas held first place at homer add ahead as a permanent and reliable cure for dyspepsia ter mdigeuim in soy form The proprie- tors guarantee it to eare dyspepsia or re- turn purdmor scary.: Q Jhelum blatehrwe, .t work is Rat- ale. bunt into a It of heghter soddenly, apparently at eosstbieg he had thong* of. Immediately after he began to stagger, .ad was carried home b a sate of MagPra eros which be never ,..tared. A blood remel at tie bogie hed blast 1111I tee rg.s.I.sk !ha" i burdockort iotlls do amt ore trail grips w Maim Tbry ere mild all ei es- e/MN MEM ilflll� eltlap ie— --- - rem ;� � bird's Yatasewt assn Mrph/asras, . 111 PltsAwsmrelti . On Sunday, Fest Laos miles*. of he been the tomf ncc rpisl lry the dry emission of Ur. T. Roland, in Jetta street, Quebec. yap with terrific ferm on two ladles that erre ' waning on the street en their way from church. (I.. sf them, a Mise wee killed by the .hook, .ad the other escaped with a broker tees. Ni. O'Leary was the sister of Rev. Mr. O'Leary, el the amber sent erry URDOCK PILLS- • .uws ease M MWYsaBN. . Ns2twtss. stow Nt*aaewt, sae ansaeee t ewe .rorAew. *seta AND .ewgte. Tort sae wMa.Hreeei an atm eaaMp as arms, awe Pomo a r..,..r..u• a...6 re awee0 three enttae tun net rrtarerewv see nares or CNMN$e ARS •wrsw*T* to few'. vas. elsl.9 -' Tors great misread rad mare& remedy alw•y, allays all pain. It is a maniac for croup, and promptly owes sou h.. colds. sae throat. swam, tram. teres. rhe.r- timn, meta, wounds, eta hood fear ,tan or beast Shads all meta Read Pries oma Hsgy.rd'a yelle. ad. 2 A seemed "lrawe+ti" said Wig* is she spread m iaifrlllGa.S r taw tri tot MPs nein feel rat Meg pees Leeds semi re' pet Noe nrie is Iallld at sass r-iae.heid �m�Ml� Tar AN sr ruNar apeekiag. I heard • public speaker a moo who, far fire -and -thirty years, addressed Targe audi- ences frequently a man eloquent and pow- erful of speech 1 recently heard him say that be never ante to address a strange au- dience without feeling a sense of dimes, cad fear ; his hada would shake, add his heart would, for a little, heat with a force that was painful. The late Marquis of Lon.downe, who was ore of the nod ae- oomplished speakers in public as the other side of the water, once remarked to Thomas Moore that he never arose to speak in the House of Lida without feeling an appy ac'b of the les of self-possession : and eh.,,, only way in which he could sumacs& it was to talk at all hoards- He added, which ap- pears highly probable, that thane common paces -those little nothings which most M lasg accustomed to public speaking Move rty nut and dried, to bring in .w all eats, were. he tbaegb., rs gpeenii used Makthese as a strode of getting out of tease intervals, whets. Rhe scot know what to say next, but.'Ibt 'm mime, must soy .nmethwg. "the thing is mire." says a celebrated English speaker : "scarcely any penis& haii ever become a great debater without mach practice, and many failures." "It was by slow degrees," said Bake. -tint Fox he mune the most brilliant cad powerful de bater that ever lived." Fox himself mai bated his own somas to the resolution which he formed when very young of speak ing no matter whether well or ill, at least '*ce every sight. "Doting five whet eassiaos," be used to say, •I spoke every night bat on.. and I regret only that i di., not speak that Dight. too.' Those who have beard Fdward Secret, speak, and have been charmed by hie watch lens eloquence, have had little idea of ti, patient duly awl prao^tioe he bad given to the part before be had !entered to appear in public. Am when ie appeared upon the platuris, wit' his manuscript roll in his hand, teed h. frock buttoned. seconds/to arum, his sass asd grace were captivating, and the one impression which he made epos dun audience, ave all otiers,wae of his ex - credal; oat 'trainees. Ah' little thought the delighted ones bow much untiring. ' patient labor it had cost the orator to ap- pear thus natural. win rammer N,/sp seek$ Mechanics and •tor•ekeepers have tin larged swinge bank accounts. Natrrali, we do aot have many professional men a castosners, but among the comparative) few that patronize savings banks doctor seem to lay ep the most money. Lawyer =se keep their mosey in nation• far kkas se the nature of their procession r 'wires them to have their funds where the can draw checks upon them. Many pr f.saoti•1 met, though, keep money in • sa ings hank a. • side investment, upon whir they can draw for • rainy day. Solt classes of sea. from the nature of their eni ploy meet. are enable to acenmulste mm mole Pinatas, for instance, aid actor usually live through the summer upon the; winter'* earnings. --Interview an Erookly, F:agle. A Curlew A t The following advertisement is taken from •■ Irish paper - " Wanted • mean .ed wife, without in a cu.braoe, Wanted, milk two cows; both Protmr tants. Apply. etc. A young school teacher sear WboNbego City, who punished • girl pupil, ma so brutally assomlted by the girl's parents that she amarly died from heri.jerie•. Her ass il- ante and their daughter are is gad. Mr. A. O. McKee, s(1i onogiteek, mem - ed a letter the oilier day from his brother at Brandon.id•a.. . the death by diphtheria of three of the Litter's children aside of two days Tuesday, 3rd Ma. John Meyer, while haul imgwwoaordd�to the Grand 'Freak shtiom .t Hepworth. Oat.. ha is frost d the sleigh ileand was �df raggedto death. Wanes tame miner aicknem. i». Low's Wane Ping destroys and expels .a kinds a worms quickly ..d rarely. I. Mij.► itim•e•. of the hb imeasesies, Wanrisk. fell firms a leads the •bb r dry while fla1ag r en es his lava .ed was imeteetly killed, .truck the M. bridge is felt at the doer. N lehadiaw ed fit. No we. person anebb that what we say of R. R R is trees. The evid.wee of its rr ..d popularity is ten coif te, be.ielee it is e11 home earthman making it certain that R R R will mere dyspepsia, bilimomem ten U Moe. Mk headache seta. At Wont Amchitka hail, Tama, Rev. 0.erge F. Rehm, .t Waterloo, Ieetared,ta the star enures em "The Attractions of New Read erred." 11e sdjad a writhed smirk et ease of the peatert pais yp of bar.. The Later• wee a mn- weall eikrt, sed Woe Isi=saippirealeiled by . hsps sad eMb.drslle Dr. 1w1 Sulphur Reap e • delightful Annan it class the smog and dark- er gliey *Fr bee seared'. isesaree iso rae,sala,p, w FAVOR wusTin MANUMNO. slam».wawa Plow 111. sagoas.a -Saar bias( SOMA, rad Wank ■•slue -Tae osembes of Yeut.l.R-illa.w-0M1 •ss. -wears, tu•.fe s t...e 0..:Oq. A. Ahab.* endow bee as tMbwt.t blew tease aims war has Irbil rgreadeng barite an the had b the winter, and hr 100.411 tin. les prepare me hie dl: lined Ie be ecsptlsl r sped to the po► sl de.wbg and spreadkrg of maim w+Ner, bet ems wu.int«i tied NUM late a9terMe, sows ea quite rolling ground. Les year 1 bed as sere of egeld.bbie dmahsd to be *mad with Ahab emedN► of it was a wawa aeon, which *rowed In lie growth of ours that K is sot so rids as it *saki be. U. this 1 dew in Jot/wary 41 loads of eaesaun dines idem the subis rad spread trim the wagon. Wiese I plowed the .au m sluing the mrseeo had sensori out and bold .o mat mod aep.osi ing tail I did not ,apses ie sun say favorable result, eItbougb I no - aired aired ties tie greaod teed a block appear- rme jest et the .erfaos. Atka midwunoer however, the growth of tai . *owed jest where the manure wee applied., end I utak I got as good as it it had base hqt eon swag rod spread jos be[aee plowing. Drawhsg direct telt the stabil aced secs bmadMng, and all loon from era hag sad rains It was draws in intervals of lebme, ami rainwater did sot oxoetitute see -halt the weight. I sours that some d • . most pruwwoue market gardeners .round Akron now spread Jh.teb from the wagon the manure they hoe 1 r winter, instead of having It in heaps to al - termite lsoehbg and drying, tee it was former- ly tin. fashion. Jud now I am bolding very hairy wife straw .mil cornstalks, spread- ing the mmol evenly order the dock, with a view to mulching a patch d strew - berms fief is alougsfds the railroad, sad bbie so burn over if mulched in the usual easy with straw. Tint• coarse 120001,11714 will to spread thinly en the rows, will prevent sadden thaw - hg, end muds the meow la • sneaaire. By nett June the organic matter win have been leached into the meth and aosimiyted, no- wilting .wilting passably in as *arcaeasett rise of trait, akh,ogh the groasd is quite rich. Jerry 1'a1401 of Jumada drewberry fame seed to mulch three totem deep wits shavings man- ure from w Pittsburg hbren•a.bM., taking air the conned 10 April, red working the dear farts into t1e roll between the sonar - That taken oft wee ties returned, to keep tin.• terries clam and the ground sort yi ansa tearer fN... M The Peeper way to manage he to mil tai ;Award animaki sod r ties price to buy grain Gx the remainder. T1s poorest sea ,:n.l•. always sell kir more than they are &omit to keep, no matter how moon • price tin, brtag. An animal in goadcnadition at ';te l..ginning of winter dila= the more d its 1..4 in ridding to iti growth or condi- ti . i. whit• a poor, scrawny animal cnn- au,•rw.• more to.td for the Minn weight and „t makes little growth or incrrwm in flesh T : !..,r•4 cow in say herd is the now that ,satint wo money for her owns, .rd r ue- rt.als L•es* at a paints kw Oster hr for -U.. end 4,, will bring what she is wort* tor 'bra, ctrl that is all she is goad tar Use ,i.• a.wey to bey oil -sneak bean, or eves e'rn-rn of weir, is bringing high priors !hi, ;ear. Supplement the boy ration with +er ,Liber grab-faode..d keep it up all *inter In this way the better aatmab win yield n good profit seat sesmer. They will al.. snake richer manure and alma as urea' in t1'snefty. Rotted straw and bay make very g ?We fertiliser, bet Md with Thos plenty of oil msal, bra., ceremem, and the Ism ur,• is nearly ss rite as that mad. by grain .! •vin ham It there is a gnat abandmece other and straw asd Baia vain, mil • sae of 160 draw, an the poorest hay ,Istea9t cal, .m bey peat with the na.ere! In order to rho terming pay oar tin. oil lands enywhme, ply of yeti manure mast be aged, end K the far- mer rmer mikes the savor. 1r mad had grain to matt- it Aids. He peer better amps sad W .cork is in tis seed tirivlmg esmdftlae. H he bon a cow which dos tat give milk aweigh to make It pdaa'1e le keep, be ma always NI her If eh* le fa geed omdttio.. A fat. thrifty Dolt is alwmye reedy for .attic, and sells for mare thee be las, emsly, white a raw -booed, per colt MN sot beteg as ranee moneys would pay der the hay, grain, snd padsn bm has meta Cee alstsed tome sod ?a.k-Ireeeer. The deirynosu hes poo ythat kdisw7 Media( Is take the c IH tram A rfhk1ng-water ter deity sows darimg tam Mater mouth• horsy mpplhnees hove been d ole d, sad .cos at dean Inter patented, teaks. The Rated hwewtta was award by Abse dr Wilson, Paydee Ceunly, ha, teho Las ie la prettiest ase Ts le not palatm4 sod may be mads by say termer, with iter ad el . t'sunML An ordinary tirtcaast m blreTt s Atte 11411111MMLIIIIi. sprieulairell hear 4 bed eary rat wood -elms all de as well10 wanThe twill pendle . r deglarpew shab uveas drum rad pipe wrier wear le the task end pl- rnimd Moe` wish** J.10.. Meradiswoke urea w.aer -diol . The rat el the pipe awl Thorn are emeresn ir,m rrv►plpe. 11e pips whish rises from the tun& thntaid rue bine) •ebi.My an throe. • eluants *baba la tar tont. A quirk Ire of Mew, em•ssahe or light wood will ~me the eater s lkiest- ty.-A.witme Apicell rhe eMrey M starties. Rah tea se le soled .here ell ether «. em ail= r Asses ler the prhamelhs off eidry et a starker s iizb'. The peas thaa, WNW NUS i 10 w 10 Verekbai + � �y �� lt, a the astmsaea prealle k pare a heard ase tame wide se sash Ole it tis row, awl them ere hid &a pare by blte et alb rebid .nese Ib cap, Thar shin that ashiry bleadbed ay vsrust sal *1 f s belist wshaellat rah earth, wed further, M lemuds smeeeedly embed ler sierhrt (1f emerge Iter leU wiry ems rely be hi what by le ekka. 11a M ses growers IP part the erlysdapry ky . test sort bf d r Whim Lehr. seedier let le priori be - ire the row et 1M *et let, sod ohs tie Ira tet le add limes rem are rpdatls4 e thea airs plssl&op Is a/ are ebladert. Aa Vis, . & deNle el T setGalilee .ter ant sw,Mp, le sodded le beet reel p eerie gat FINE TAII.ORING 1891. tr .-4 _• vv =Item Pine Display of New Goods. rine Worsteds. Tins English and Scotch Tweeds. Fine Canadian Tweeds. Pine Ov.reoti�s� :Kt rine Workma nabip and Trimmings. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. 333. .CO Cs Wow PUBLIC NOTICE Another large consignment of Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. f REES PRICE & SON. ' Ray's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. --orders by Telephone promptly attended to. Goderich Foundry and Machine Works, RUNOIMAN BROS., - Proprietors. FLOUR MILLS BUiLT ON ITU LATEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. WI NAV& ON HAND YOR BALI IMPROVED LAND ROLLERS HORSE POWERS, GRAIN CRIISHERS, STRAW CUT- , TEES, PLOWS, &c. We are Manufacturing Imy, i 1 New Model Mowers which are equal to the beet. Give them a trial and encour- age home manufacture. It Will Pay you to else our new Steel Mouldboard Plows. Doty Engines and Boiler's !Ur sale. REPAIRS 1ND O Ab9TINt3B OP' ALL .., PLANING KILL: EUAILISNEO I$55. Buchanan & Solt, MAO UACRlgmm. D LOW'S ORM. SYRUP acsTI a s ANO 11EMav 1 woAMS or ALL KINDS IN CHILDREN OR ADULTS SWEET AS SYRUP AND CANNOT HARM THE MOST -b. OCLICATC t:.1M11.Q 8"""172.1' The TORONTO IIOIIZE LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES .•.. r . eat builder's material et every da.ert$ties. f a ?-'taTaI3ltak School Faruitare a Specialty. A_ ,Ito Lamm KEY Vahan n re 4agpl Illea lee et the *wale. •m, all the purities es and tool bulimia t the .sretimms; M the seise thus tering AcidityDIlloosseee, Dyspepsia. tesdaelteDi7o the Ma, e,�.Diadem, Hssrrtburst mittDlRheum, OErro1 p_.Sers- ols, natteringof the Nor- asdners►i Debility;.:f tare ami ise, p�iet�her Wailer shl ttoo $IT i'EBsS,llase set LOO Per ests talo ell Dsdaa 11118U➢I 1 CO., ProleiSps, Twola sane Uses M ■Issue, Spiakle places infested by sate with haat .sd you will am" he rad at than. [N•wkor rad ten pet away well sprin- kled web borax sad d... upp air tight will .ever be troubled with matin. A little bens in the water believe washime marlines .roldl r radra.t their ladies. ha te Ringworms will yield t• borax treMmrwt Apply a Gameg ..IMMa thee11 tames a dap. .leo dust es the is dry powder very ul- tra -1 nhemge. Tas ireAw 0 Ma.pses. ' We shark) sever .thatk, the ase -' -._ o pioriplee b7 ow defiled ability to ds aide t.. ell* we v, WIT arisider ia as esmeswer- •n absurd self-.. hliwie., it is re yoMsec. es .&..d... hr seem ea he.ay Sad limes, warded is era grunted, There le so &kers epi est IIIIp- Inas motsty. n a atrial .. tee•� �wmism ee6Aiae.t Ir iesNs Mi�111Mi 1 l DRY 1100D8 EMPORIUM Latest and Best w uITER GOQma bow sit ODgl, 4 P. O'DEA, of...84113th:e etrel."' ria •ter *0 r01 04 +~1. ai d. •,s .0. w r rs .� Mer ori Mese.r...r••«•.r►+•rreser r ,w +ow wash w�rw eTw:wOS ••err�.w. ratio cgm aizi ...,, C. $EAGER, —Ohs 1n Mahan a.--. NEW BLOCK ti Cheap Rates AO, J .tt er t ,