HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-2-6, Page 8TO A DV EIRTUSKIDS. Notate of changes Molt ho loft at this Office tot later them Monday nost. The 00py for changes notst nelt litter than Toss day noott. Otattal Adoertiaeuients atetopteol Sp to neon Thonolty of each %seat. T. R.. and which was appealed egoism lo the compaay, hieft sedurend fit floor ot the plan/till, dr higher roma. mid the caption u rosetve the $1,000. Itot Lis4.0•4 Eelteartts wax r. The Loyal Legion will load their nest areeting ea est entertsiumeut Friday (taloa . at 4 o'clock p.m. itwv t .00. Richardson sill give the diddles. a short address, A collet' tits. to go towards pa) ing site rent, will le takes up. in which the (Aiken., ae well as e sittess.. okod isi arent. IICORN. vyamrTER la ithertia. Keogems. as Tue• sday. Dec. Oftis leek the wife of 0. B. Viso ter Waugh's," of T. J. Marks. Daylights of • &mower. 11•KISK ATOlt Kloster. OA the 33tb the wile of Mr. ti. Prologue. of • son. l'ORTILit- At Magda (trove. Derfleft. os the Ink Jos.. tt. wile of Mr. iS H. Poster. of a daustter. , %%ILION • At Maple Ocoee Farsa,McK Wes. on the Kith idt.. the wife of Mr. John Wilson, el a sem. I DID 111' I et Hs wick ea Wedlaseday. the nod ult. the wins of Mobard Drury of sun STHONO la Goats on the lAth ult., the wife of Ake. theoter. of • daughter. WILLIAMS- hi (Weeks oft the Mk ult.. the wile se Wm. Wililents ge • owe. El* AR --la Osarrie. oe the Nth Ult.. Om wile M Juba irausr. w a daughter. 11. -CA CLIC Y the bt la ult.. CM lir. *Wood. IleAftey. MARRIED. Dv g W A ItT- MeNA.LL-At Mir assathrt . the 41b bet.. hy Nev. B. . Halloo. Wm. Hears Stewart to 14 Mt Nall. both of the township at Aah letICKIET--CASMOIDIC On Jan. lath, at Vir- tue.. cottage. Dronsekt. by Rev. R. Paul, Mr Rug% Dockells Of Southern Manitoba to Mini Elia' a CAtteutorc. of Morris towu- whip- ITRSToN OF.AR,ION On the lith ult . toy the Key Mr. Hall. Mr, Walter Weston. of Ooderich toweehip. to lollas Freed:mita/a- ond datoghter of Me. mosso room,. of Kincardine to woritttp, :44 TriPH KNOON-MOYD- -At the readdenoe of Mr. Joba klulloy. brother-in-law or tbe brIsloose llth Jan.. by the Bev. J. ks'aire. br. Mitehigtgtron. tie the Toronto Pm pins. to MO is Boyd. of Ciliates. 0•11r0114Elt -IRCSSIELL At the residence of Mr. David Outherfted. brother -in me or the bride. on the Wth ult.. by the ker. H. Illcoelleo rte. lir. Jamas Gardner. to Miss Milani. W. Russell. of W Ingham. A Da Y --ELLISON On the Ztli un.. at tits Rectory. by the lies% K. W. Hushes, Thai. Addley. of St. Thooise, to Klimbete daughter et Mr. Philip Ellison. or Morris. litHIPICHT -WERNER-In ihr Lutheran ebereb.11owiek,tin the Skit oit., ne too. Melee wer. Mr. Herr> Ittipert. or Clifford. 44• ides ir.latiltetta..tatten.1%r u: Ionia i% elowtota. DIED JAR X -In Orderich. oa wednesdar. ttli. Aosie Jordone. youttio,-.1 ' de itgbter of the late William ie. a air tt 21 >owe T.te fitetwal : fait, place from the fie - 11011Ce Joanati Jardin*. At. , rr1,14Y. Yebe-ret w 3 io o to bat and Veosiet•-y. 1818SKT 1., .odorieb. on Tender. February 3rd. OW. William Bisset. in the K. year of hie age. The funeral will take place from Me late reef- dert-e. olle-tat.. on Friday. Flamer, 6th. at e'clock p.rn.. to Colborne Coribeterr• MICSEIER In iv inehani.ou *be Ma ult.. Mag- gie. daughter of Chas. Meatier. steed 3 year* end 3 months. leTKWART. In Ezeter.en the Sith Jan.. Reno Gorden. son of Mr. J. A. Sewer*. metroluant. aged 7 einothe sad days. Aa Attie ADMIX., Res. Ifs. Robert s supertiotindent 'Prealo terian issia sores et Manitoba, the North AVest Terri - tortes. and Rotor. Columba., oldreseeil • menus In lino. church laat M•ta.lay melt leg. It is • mattm of regret that so hoe Weft, t. as facts were presented which revear:rtei :tate of religious tlesatuttou lat emir of the westein fields ehich se not generally known do.. in ate enp,) intent of tehristmot privileges in am own land. V it Tam Arr. Cm Kell. The Victors st. Neil...dist church hal au extra large 6.41is gregation Sumba), et emus laal, the "mimeo being a vet -MI ammo to young met. by Re% . It. L Hut too. The aermoo, ells full of ome.1 rols t.. young wee. WW1 at motively begird end mud, appreciated. The tlICIIIC (Of Ott t suielisy ing is "The wonderful age we bar In.- It is 'spa:tett the clam' newly orgotionl li ill lie out in full forte Ind the ecianing server. THE SIGNAL, GODIZRICH, IFSIDAY, IIPMDRUARY 6, 1691. Olt heads): Monism in way. Melt surmisy Res. Florlort N. Cosion, Hea- soll. who is au interesting and able espou out of twasperaace prisicipies, weal to the people.. Gaud music will also be tut niehe.1 for the emossama Isom that the Royal Teeter* AM 11111.411 to "(gaunt, • ohms hir t purpose of making these and all tither meetuigs field Is) then. more lutes, 1111tleig. Mrs It. Wilton...at ta %Palms at Toronto. Conduct. Higgius. .4 Tomato. vow iii town on "teitsalay Lat. The admunied Soria= el the Pease sill lir held oto Tue.dey, the 10th not. A. M. Polk) and Thos. McLean ILI% e re turural front thew trip to liriteoh .1. R. Milk,. .4 Toronto, u MI in too u on Tuesday ou hie way to St. Helen. to jolt hrother. It. K. Miller. floie.t: %taw, .4 St. Paul, Minn., • ha user moukint Otelericb. spelt lea day s of thy past end. e his many - ft trod* a I f.elerich. N1. II. it iluistue and 1 hwiley Holmes. 01 tteiericii, lase week mowed their barn...ten; C‘11111111.411011 at 4 ap•eir Hall. and are now tall fledged lawyers. 1Ve expect to awe them shine ita legal Iii.hte the luturr. The asowilibly held in the town -hall .0 Weliateulay evening 11 a mandato t.f the entity' to be tnie of net ordinary interest. ”f551.1.7 trottotsr Yot el. l'utrit... The loons: and etiyoy • side time way spent. s Society of Chnstion Roden ..w (.08, 1.). K. Method:Lai church here had n oN11111C01n.n with the 11," "th.'"' • "e'll Pf";.1111"' ,41,41...,„el of the patent .4 his hot water loot 11 "'"et"it;" 1." "I.:. et• ino, win under COMP leratiiin several At 40'14 nwetiug "4'4"e "flfr-t, tor t some ot which am nave his ream. al front 0414. midst. He hos not yet des idea w hot he is ill .1... He Its nots• in toserati4, 01 11111 WlitkAlliefi tilt 11CW patent buster. said auy con: wautiug to we how it works eas .I.• 60 by eating :8) the shop and examining it While it la in operatio.n. • Coos si Omer 1.Ordris. 44 (Tinton. charged with stealing foto paim of tay.ka from .1olin R4414 ertson's store in that twins was hroul,thi twfore Jutlgt. Tooth ou .Titesilay het and. eating 'potty , teas remanded 1111111 111110 • 111C 95 b. tor omtersiv. Ye -earl Mul lett. of Mullett. eat Walitegiay la•it eroded North printed tsinea for neet five won le taken yip. Atircas n the sullect Iscire4; ./t 1 he Mr 1.01:tet y S. condition awl is young men AIM to attend the is in a highly postai doing good wt it k anti «town are ottmlially Frola) evesung nieeting t leseitient the choruh, from 7.30 to 8.30 Toe Metter M 4,1*.tia.s. The first moues! of the season wo held et the Palace Rink Friday esetunr, .lan. 23. There was s Incite attendance. both of spectators and skater*. The priers were &wanted to Mira Radoliffe. ••AlgeriimPeesatit;“ Kate Mel heuthl. '41 igh. lan.1 Loose 40... " King tot the Ranch :" Hadly Black, -My Mother snit I :- and R. t 'ono unit, its:low-Shaer. The emy c'uot wito won by Rola. A. 'nolo.. Among the skaters iu costume were the ftdkottial : - Campbell. Ilretches; M. Camplirll, dower girl Cribb., Bower girl ; L Rol. ems.% F of charity Kele Fisher. “The Press tVestosittitanift lady : F.. Ilan. Floisosee N ight : K Aseehrooke. Highland : W ;Milton, ltioy koweis : 41. Wilkinson, Sprawl. Mabel Chalt#011111. supine! ; H. Campmate% night : M. ()mi- llion. queer. Elizabeth : M. Wain., Japui- me lad% : Stream:. chamber maid : Louie IlasIford. dower girl : Moors. 1.1.. Anspaigue, I ;rip : J. Mitchell and ( olor Man. tiogro minstrels : McLeod, cow loy ( Symonds. : W• 0111COM. iwgro du.k IL V Wean. : I 41%. knight of the ron4t .5. (Olden., sailor ; Hec- tor Her. and .51.... MeViotr, knight, of the rood ; 11. Joinotnn. cloven : Nemeth WililT1LOCH -la Pliseorlile. co the 17th Jo- Horton. negro diode. Aan. relict of the late fhomas Whitlock. resin omit hotertli Mitglaci.. The aged 71 year'. Wilosto: la Morris. on the Voi ult.. William InnutillY nn -`1,1 -inti "4 filo Palle' Stitool Wits - Andrew. infant son of llatt two Wheats tee board waeheld Mat Al ono My et-ening:Mere aged !in sties/A at days. present I 'rattle cheirmtn pro tetit.M. w. mai M. Nicholeme 14. Seranaun. %An.. .1cheset and W,, Meliensie.\.. After the Minutes of the regular and statutory meet- ings Leen read aud approved reports id - - - --- --- NEW ADVERTISEMEN T S the priatiod for the innoth Deonnher. Bargains-- Ceiborne Bros • • for the -low- half year of IMO and for the Not ice-- Geo. Stewart ..... 6 month _of January were reed. ,In ftemoulier Hoot. 5: Shoes-- E. Doweling. • 3 the sore .rsge attendstwe was 1313 276 lams sprats amide -John Acheson t owl 237 wax, litlitalsetlialf year of 1090 the Too Rosy- :lagratillall.• • - • . 5 average attendance ens MO. while that for Tip Ittni-1,- N. Lewitt .. the towreeptieding period of 18139 00419, In For sale -Chem Bides • JaWy the number of pispils enrolled was/646 An oppeal--Jas. Saunders. . . 349 hoys anti '49b taiga ai•erage „atter, h60 308 letya awl 266 Tlw ACINAil manahement iitrannit tce was met riwt THE T.4 LK OF THE 111" N. ed to purchase aortal inapt required. The following atosnotts were ordered to he paid : W. I.. Pe gnu'. .1ns. Saunders k :too. S11.43: Star. S2.57: W. T. LVeleli. 75e. The acnnutt of .hts. Ilueiumas Son: $8.48, was referee.' to the minim/ant min: mittee. The aceoutit of dr. Jenkms. alb°. for Assist trig ;Lc caretaker an whitewashing at the Central School, waa not paid, as it was coraidered that at a as 14111 Of the COOP - taker's duty 1.. whitewash the schools Tile booed then iultottened. GAI Hoesisik. on the -.Wth J she usilabor awed 60 Tears. ',womb", "Id It days. Ae, • 4 Mere among ye, inkin' ss An' faith latfU 'reef ft. - A Ooon iltometr.4-The meet useful gLft you sin ntaYe Is to give • 16 let POO. Apipb f0 bleGillicuddY.egeet. thsderieh. tf Gee. Stewart. the photographer. am furnish yon with a picture to stilt MO linue or newton. e t his studio. Hamilton -et and Square. The l•Vonsan's Christian Tiouperasoe Moo aw-ets In the Ten peraem Hall. North street. every Tuevday afternooe. Prayer inertias( at 2. 3? business. ineothni at 3 0.411434994 Th.- Mclialey DOI will be very tecoortroo lent •.. the (armies oomenunitv. bet will hi so way prevent them from buying the cheapest sosa beet dating milt or overcoat in the county from IlseCoresse. It doesn't make a bit of difference how pan ,ge ei the coming eleetiotail you wort st est of clothes of good malarial. of nee con and at rein...able price F. J. Pridhani is your MOD Seery dm, le tfte week. * IdAJORITT. WI•en y 011 w an' to irO1• wood line of art. -types or any other kind Of nest and haedinnies rest* well framed. if yes owl epee it ft. kie Iowa at hie etudio yteo Will be sure to be well sate -And every time. Cletanite Cantt:v•t- - 'I he grandest skating toursreusent and earsivai mad to Oodertch foe mem years will take place not wort in the Palma" kw rink. Look for Idlla for date. Joint carnival for elitidren and adults. 1 mat mati- nee on Saturday. A 14 tOrtCSATII btactrcrtilr. - A %toy short time haa bees sufficient to prove that -Lento don * Virilaon'S Revd tily 'grated sakes., a 11"tr- fs notolicier of more thee ordinary iner. ft for the .-eire of roughs. relit". mre throat. huarreners and • ncipiest coasumrt ion As the isse indtcates ocettains the healing aoe soothing properties of trlyireel TM with the writ - know% Virtues ef rt. Balsam and ts andoubt • aldo labors esi too rd." the pryer most • nig, the Heide Woo, ood isi postorall HMO - tom, especially is the/mass of aiehlios sorrow • mid to testify to the. reepsot *aid affscum. that are hit los hun by all vow nectliil itli the tonepreptios, aud copmaisi loot. They IWO filliA4 NI lissom that= is - to those Oast him kaowu his. to4bou unlooses arinillg them. awl that there is resifts to luse that • period el metro neat front tits labor iutsl nespousilidny of pulpit asid pertoral work rimy motore hien to a numatue his hamar Igor ; sad they sus ia the rarest prayer thet each may lie the swe. aged that he may Le spared Isr imuy years yet, and enabled, as uprotwity awl hisahh permit. to do stork for the Mee. en 111 Whore sus he has labored so faith- ful!), mei to the otitis nod power .4 Whose teaching his whole life amongst the congre- gating' has borne uurfortu anti 0011i Ilbleiffig test unagal. Aftao the outionwaitmera sup - Tea Wars ( 'cle% I y et. The matte net . toroirel annountied to he liehl mole:. the aspires of the I 'owlet Templar, of Temper anise canw. taff tat Wednesday evening in their rilth no Nelson -ft The ice was in emiellent modition tied the Attandence numbered over' this. hundred. Between eighty and ninety Wore* took part in the compel moo for City t4i the charge- of has-ing sugary h stoka. a 4,1 44 single harasses and tither property front John larrett. jr.. of ullet . mtil was resuareis.,1 until Tio the 10th not.. for sentence. -44-14.11-44 SOMA, 411-6-t‘la neat meet tug of the board of High Mod t ruat eye e es held on We4irt.imiii). The: prteeni lire. I•tc, Re% . W. A. Young, .1 tat Ige y le. lir. Taylor awl Moors. Jos. With:into F. Jordan end ..lohn Acheson. Mr. 'Williams was ot, snot Um appatoosi chairman for 1801 and Alt. P. .A.leouent was troppointul be. retsry -treasurer. Thy treas- urer's finciteial report for last yea! wag re.i.1 &eel .olopted. 11%e receipt% from all A0111Cca tor ill- r ivem $5.198.63 an.1 thy e \pen- .litury O4. 1380.79, lenviog a 1...laince ofi hand itsi17.84. The repeat of M 111•11CC1.11 1.f High Salem!". /41 flit' At:1101111g 1...iern.IA High School. was reu.1 awl tiled. In tilt* kip trt the inspector flasearini the character of the temlitig No, 1 in English. inathemetwa. seitwor, French and t.enuan, comosesirial Awl .1rawirtg. !wing, the wlede curricaltini. The follontug statistics in regent t-4 the at- tendance sod e-ork ..f the who'd were sail.- crtml ia irodution, lie. himself gas -so'. awl stated in very feehng terms what he considered to Ire his duty, to retire horn the &elite duties of the ministry: o• - Mg to the state of he lwalth. Tbe Preeby - ter‘ times agroed to soutypt his rolognatiost, and appointed a committee consulting &es& It• II. Melkottabl, Arvh. Melosut and M. Han. to draft a resolution &tient his retirement. The member', of Prep*, let) sp..ke in eulogistic teems of the wisdom. natiael and sympathy of I kr. Fre, which he was always %idling to etteed, and which they hoped would not be altegeths•r hist t.. Omni eyrie nos , 11/0 doctor %%maid still he residing within the bounds. The l'reeity tory appnated that thy ret insinent of ltr. lire he declared Kann the pulpit of Knox diem+ twat Lord's Hay. to take effect 1011C, WEST HURON REFORMERS. They Meld Three teasel troorentioa so February 4. The animal meeting of th.• 'West Huron Reform Amami:dim' was held ill 1;01.11clich edneslay. Fell. 4. l're...k.nt Manning in the ehair• A strong representation .4 delegates was present. The stork for -which the convention vies tolled ices elect odi tom ftw the ensuing year anti to select dole gates 11. attetoi the Provincial eseneetitioti at Toronto. FolltiwV are the officers : .lent, A. . Manning. *Tinton : 110C111.111111._ W1L.. Lane. Ifunganzoot : treasurer. }1.-1 Martin. Godertele The ehairmen of the nomicipalitie. were re-elected. Tile work ..f re..rgatioatit eat, thee imiceeded with. committers were forunaLimeterit polling A11 AliVilli1O1. The quell -twat of nominating a candidate was next takei, up, and it watt Nutted by S. SWUM. awl seconded that a eauulttiate 1.e seladed at this. meeting tt. neatest the riding at the forthcoming t lyceum. Moved in amendment Ivy It. Met ctoltly. retooled by E. Martin. that. ati this eouveutiou called for th.- purpose (Rf relating a tanditlate. a convention the Reformers of %Vest Huron he calleil for Thuroday. February 12. III iiissonot0 eau • didele for the Commons. esitkIlklIftfte it we originiiiky iseesseived. *Vital,* *Woo to believe that to the tease le ousts theft rs • height future before tbe howatafrodflage at the ineath el the bay up to tie preasst ha. bees fteetilisprid in the rem tor progrosoutal leak of railway connesient with the amid. The bombes sum of Ilitylield are illdf witorpriaing ouspariess with their limited sphere, awl Tot Plitimat.'o Rambler had • *mane udwrview witkomis of them. of whom we might nassition the following : Juin Day, the well -blown menage build er, manufactures tatter, cutters, loggias, wagons. etc., and does a good busiuna. It is kis aim to tuna out work at Due lowest prom consistent with good quality .4 stork inanallip and he eppears br eaceeisful t moppet. Janos Falsity .k.es the business of the locality in the idacksofthing trade. He brows to lioar up.. his work • loag erveri• mos and that attention tel listails whia al ways acoompoos. the beet so. Lniaeoltip. Mr. rowlie .pacial altruism to home shoeing. Jobn Whithitas sumo a general sow* of merchandise, comprising dry goods, loots and abuts, grocerbw rodeo) . glassware, hardware. etc. He keeps large and fresh lino .4 all those goods and hte castomers ore ore of getting good value for 1110it 0111. la). Mos M. J. Martin .ites a very line trade in the .Ity goods Waimea. Misr Martin sea Lid) of experience in the business, anti gives retire autisfatotou to her many csotoowera. She- :makes a specialty .4 fancy geode. J. Card telielt .4 Hayfield's. enterprising IRIairleite III%11. He has just mote.' to his new stand on Front -et.. where he S .1..ing a rushing business in dos lest awl shoe trade. H.e ts a *oaten T. .1. Marks is :i gtoperal semitone deal- ing in dry geode. groorris. hanlware, hoots end slew.. ready -matte elothing. crockery. etc. Mt Marks IA selling out his stook at sail tinder coot. aa he is itbneat t.. weed up hie townies& after having Ised twenty -Ste year-• experiens• .4 suctiessful mereantile life. • H. F. lishwar.is also tea resat uteniltant. He earriee a full attwk in 4 lines. and is .k.ing a set -y goal trade. . Alle Edwards is a thorough business man in every partWular. is proprietor of the Allston ho ,l.c.1. ,.....I This Imo.. ts well Iowan throughout Oasodleatitun and ia well patronised by travel- ler., fanners and sunimer vis:tors, of the latter of %%hum a large. nuniber Sake hey -- field their resort Auring the earn. moon. -- Jetties hietionaldsleee the tailetiog - himi- ness of the , (min ..... ity. He a an eape r 1 - mead and -thud aelonan and taros out work ' -wry to al hi• many patt•ons. T. D. King is Oning • very doe trade ita the halting and coafecticeer) husinete, Every portion wanting anythi iii either Jul of them. limo will .lo well by ' on hint. as lie has the right goods .7it the rig t prices. The protemetnel meo of Hayfield are I*. Stonbur) arid 1),-. Wright. hoth of wItono ire believe hart good prectioss. They .are men of expe.netwe and &Nifty and well merit the eontidence which is pieced 411 them. sl.:.‘,FORTH. Th. ...vow of Ederard Mcleul is known throughout the length :del breielth of thie sectost ea ots of the most en mem( hint • Dein 111,11 01 this boy town. V carries oat an nuntense "Seines in dry goods. earrying a stock whieh it would be hani t,. hetet. Mint:wry caul (Macy geods are his epecialt ies. • • Mt.t.,01 ItInc11.111111WC.1 111 et1C :1111C11.1111Clit by R. Hollues. s-eon.l....1 by W. l'oates, titat CfOlVelitilill tli 110111111A1C 111 c.111,1Atte• IOC lat•bl at Clint..11 on February' 11. After the question had been tlis. the original ntotom was witielr..wri and it eras iley ideal to hold the 111111111111.tillg 1,elVell- fioll on Thursday. Febniary 12, at thc vd- lage of Dungannon. Thy conserition was a le it t 4•1 I O, - head Maide I . Mr. straw most entlimirstir one. and augurs wesl -for Iffiest on 'Mar, h 5. M. I'. 'antes -on. ex • NI. and .1. T. 11:esr • roe. M.11•1'.. gave brief a•Jilressw. the afternoon, a hit+ were .4 • most spit Number on ree:istet for 1890. 225. for 1889. the illiiii;Lesa the Reform emote in %%lest 227 : si eniwistltildstice 1st half of 1890. la, for 1 849 . 45 : ave. -age attenriater 2nil half of 1890. 119, for 1885, 100. Ill the =5 there were from *tarn 123, county 32. neutties 10. reseed es.tminationa ill nature. The Reforniers of %Vest Huron r89,3 rfir art certificates. 28 ; for mama& sere never so united and sexiness lei the • tie:-tiflottes, 45: for printery vertifientes. 'settle at the polls AA litl the Present 0. 21) feef junior leas -Mo. 11 : for junior cosion. euitrierlation. 3. Fres esilflectel in 1e9o, Find balf veal . seeontl. ST. AUGUSTINE Number oto istsr for thenwerv. 1891. 177, for 1890.1 : attendance. for [Ilona ock covar...stic1 1.1.1.T. St. Aug..stine. .1.an. 20th. Today our Jandary. 1891. ltd. for - :390. 14.5. tot the, church was the aerie. 411 a very interestmg 1.77 there ,..,,„nry 60,' event, when Miss Mary AllIW tummies, of ot her coon.: im 5. l'reparing .for etainites- 11"" 1101-041• 3•1"1 Mr. Jan," NI"I.""et• that .. jaw.), , jostled hands before the altar and the., j ..... ot ing. prima:T./shout SO. filalgad mutia fidelity to each other. Tbe tareime,, wet publi,,h tih,,, Aatiattea 14 ith tut, Teacher of m... Augustine Separate School. IDE motion Mr, strAftg %OA requested t.. intk *ass assisted by Mine Sara StsfforiF. minutes of ths tear& TI„. full,* 0,2 1t,.. wink. the groom was aupported by Mr. Jas. „ants act., .a.,,./,.„..1 4„ i„.. 01;4.. ,.... p. • }lath. Mc1 :organ. of Wititechen.h. The bride and eheminda. „ie.. 824„.06 : ft. 4. sinuig. jun IA idesmaid arere arrayed in elegant +and Itt. • .iries. *late : .liihn 4 i. st4,..m. mpair.. 4s. coutmg no,untes of brown satin, with hats go : .11, *grew ft Non, biology thatra„,eata. .4 .ressio plush and moon plumes. The $3.62 : i 4641,,,‘ potter. usier.,.„„orp...?th. The iweemooy. which was *mooed 1.y friends tfre.end se -omits, hy Mr...Jordan. eras car , al.tHrilmreetlialiti; 'Flt..'tf. tFlicatherunill u'u*IiPiiiiar., 7tn"il IPtitn•I'• following resolution. moviel hy Re.. 11r. rird , ••That 44,, giase,i: hms•in; !calmed way, tug the celebration of the High Mass Which mod, rev ,,,,,, mr. wi„,„,,„. Kay. a.h„ followed the choir ....ug hvinns very appro. haft for t last teem). five years toted ass priate to ti.r occasion. Tile ceremony end - their eltairnssan. has resigne.1 his as it evi• tiw Yfton; 0001:1c. acciinipattual by their High :seined fluater. desire at lists. the first Onsets. .1ro% e t f remletwe of Mr. Ilse. (*unitising. tirOltr4r of the bride, where the) parook .14 the sumptmus repast prepared for thrill. Initin th.• afternoon the party tbe.r.u.s. „„11,„4, 4,r444, awar,14.4 bal., !Orli nig liehl them once ha elgafa cost WOO 1st. FArtroad I 'snipe itow 11" " I 11"1"'re'l t" *1"1 i'v Henry VIII 4: 2ntl. 41w Syninewle 'China 11111111. Litily CleAtUllie .1.151; Mrs. R. s. t.1 panes.- hely Sad; Sarah Hy. lop (cornet hely). Roy • consine lat. Ren. R..lonson ; Henry Huntley 41.7nele Sam,. iirl coatoorte lia, Jennie i trait 44 tipsy Queen.: 2mi. Mabel McKtotrie in,h6Thi 4 „mu, ,,„4444444.4, .irhatabi lorought t.. heir upon the fulfillment of his 4.4„;•.ernn i 4 amic. .1.110 jwititi.. wore J. tim igh ot toe well klIM171 FAINT 1. 'envisions, arid is -rite tow (sent .1. to plier upon reword their deep pertie .4 the nuoly and enjoyed a ery I. sant drier. and the re vablable arr. ices wlig-h Ile IOLA rendered to nuilwirt "i the *Ptill in ifsnien the caw* ftf higher edu.-ation in this town and other Amusements. The young omple. throughout the %. hob. tht. bmg rer,,N1 (.f wc understand. Intl` thetr many his trowel, hip. Tile) re...guano the value fr.cnils and nitmeroua relative+ in this richt of the high as holarly attaintnetits which he 11) • intend leering for ridings), whart• they • ' hri 1 Tom, Esq., Pu sc St.+, .4 Inspector. 1.:• mark with cordial aplaremation the adnii? 11ne of the most hithly respected 'sant hi - Wee* st. The tamipetition was very keen on work AA ehaireen of the Lewd. hie conduct that the sun Ithines oleo- is an ell awl the eral Carious ty.t ism., III this capacity ha% mg been undformly J.1r.""1`11( e""""ileee'l ver) truf "744101- th,,t „,„„, ih. ,,r,iotaty 4„.4 1:niptishel hy ernirtisly , enure! jest/poem and t"m 1" "7 waY t hnni • neat of the young couple their life will he leen token t.. prepare for the event !auk .48„1 11„och 1)„1„1.. 111111111ci in whit: he performed the. ..4 this ions . -Happy le the wide • .1tairt. 80 lartott.le Ity warty stotel,1.• asitt a% a tbildc tlit iwoutperit of tile Hi tt of spec.: preveuts us frost. giving a fell jot rale pitmen an renal for curing these tomb- of the competittas, kit we will my !liar l'•41.4441. Met llig loth . r. ttoy• t direct the seeretery to transmit t.. aition. We take this opportunity .4 leaf/or which liitiee 1. ere.""nended- The they all deserve credit ha the tette &Oil pefillle flit &RV lift SOS 1 C. %lob- the largy utimle. yono.• chant. tem represented went fat towards making the ev g lific interetu all present_ .111 1111.• .1 perpetual annahme. 1111. day not hove been bonealde for touch an sale hite este nded from UM* Ofsd of the Pres hint .4 .. o of thee reaolut aci-oin in it unit t aninimisi• ..1 their warneat re itishing the yonng couple happy and prcs .„.4h,„r r,,,. ash. h, elegance display ni the fancy row era. Pau/. k ow 4 f drourenes In Ooderioli. Pries Me. per hottle Miss Nellie Tighe left last Oevk Per . in . Mk** P.")°14 M.' vizittNi 1611140 '18 tuliii%;:lnernaPc1.7.• rituunt44"4"'ner rinirw"*IhiirilielAt"thel rootty, of At. retharines. ea % tot I 1..":;th" 444.'".7 f • • Seaforth the week. wor.• carried on and also In /IMO 1.1411C Kit!. offerol. e ins het parents ftm. imilern.m.1 the I adela purpose holding. an meephy wed Aegue Morrison roof. other eforoval at as. early date. vibe+ an to 14 tocardine lail week visiting friends. man). br, shm., 1...0 1‘....1 • Kesineih 1 41411111111 (et t11111,1 f I .inv imolai night's effort Mr. Stewart is . where he was 'Tootling • couple of the prom nun er in the I 'owlet work heir *eel thiiik the self scriticing nerd in vreelot. Mr Horses Mann. of 1.14. Paid, whi. his meshed forwar.I the heat in childres of Note. et. Metleebet smelay tarots of the boys, who number *holt eight% 118. mien, ta ery omminerelahle, and fs-ha°155.4 from 4.1,440 m, .% 0. ought 54. he &prorated hot h the I ale* priaboso. who woe iwiannly tak„ 141 a.hiln. Deemed% ea. by lightening his hemline. * thew behalf as moch asiptooldr Detroit. hi Wit rocoverintt. Nielselons. the West st ""1"41"'. *1°.' "wr olowne. «home makes the pressrvatims el the natural teeth • spoeisity. stbitinistared fowl 9 • in. for the pandas, extraction a teeth. Hee...iron l'oretxs We ntulerstarel .1. Rengtongh. cartoonist. will give 19 , do. of his Simi Weans in the :rand Opens Hdr, ()fleecier. sari, in March. Win Mai 11111 the Teniperatioe HMI m 7.ES n'aloth Airy Moodev rem. vt, Fehr -vary Sec All the memf,,-• -versti •• he presegg, as there hi important 'Iola to lier attalsaleli • 4 Hertiset N (Maws. of lienrall. si .• Nettii-el. 1113111miliat char.+ twit r • owl venting. Rev. to., moo. 1.^ag. 41, -MN eilgank at `ream " Otte'l,titte $1,00 erei mists M. 'They o..iiigairest the 1: garde on.1 stilt the espremitai 'twit hope that w mon. yet to come lit- nay, alth..tigh no longer on the Issiel. find a ago of in oared Mg tile deep interest le. feels in 1140. sid..•.1 fel_ Mr. Atiwoon aas ria t•• the leashing/ tanotnittee. awl voinsiotter now to emoted. of %losers. WAliano, Jonlan. .L.1*.oion and Ilr Tay lot. The hoard thew soliounosl. Mr.eors.. room moos 11)- appoint mem, th. •te .4 Homo met in linos chervil on two y last. I." onvabler ar /lath as 1830 by Mr. Hayfield. an Eng *he reognatito of Rev . IA% lire %mum. bah ...login...it, after whom it wail named. In *inners from the various (-Integre interested the tomb" out times of the rebellion Hay were preseitt. end eat firth the mind field furnished its quota to the Lo3raliat of them cherget. lo the following forces. stone fifteen oldeltestlie.1 men having readmit'', whwh was ablate' at s gone on active serviee from its population. meeting of the .t engregat ion of k mot (+verb The village is sitnateel on the Hayfield neer linved 1Vni, ha For . M. A., OPC- and has within tho eorporation limit. wane 1.767 sem, with a popolatiori MOW 700 ea ••e. - -- • NOTES BY TER WAY. moor of Ole Uwe lissimem Men ef the tremilley. DM "lift •114.`4 5 cs.• 111111.1tIL HAYFIELD. The village of Hayfield. although the youne•est munhopelity In Sloe's. is newer thelese to place of non- from a histon. stand ant and eras 1464 out few • town mite aa mom Are 1 hue hem; trauma in various health 064144,1 he drerift 1.1 I tons, that tbe eon - NI " rr‘ "*". 51"1 sr' 1119631 1".""ilill "F ; Suet .,4 Knot chnt.h have learned i irrrtli i toemrpeet regret tlist.oe ins toilet -mu* meter the to...:11 intlownee of their tirder • . . Si t li SI .terrirs.s.• MeIrria4:. The tool ositineed dl health. their esteemed I word tempetrersee nwettag tan the Testifier Benne pus.tor, the 'Lev I*. Uns. hrie felt Milll Mier Hall leo Surelsy wee well attended. ptilleal to teinko to the IN -1010 tery 4 Herne Several interesting sett -et ems .4 muse err" . his restriat ion of the paetorai charge .4 thts farnteheil and Het . It i.. H ut ton gm t. a 1 anal the sensor ed notary/at tons of I oolown st . nine sel•Ireeri on I eniperatice. I Ine vronIti '; awl i itelererb twit itehiP ; hut Ill lk. now° think Ito. etilijeet would get talked tart Stow tin" in eww of al 1 the eIrcsimatanora .4 the day atter Sunday. Mit it does tom poem to '. coo as explains' hy him to the corignegs • ite in the tome. Like truth its -If. it *reins t eel het 'A eltweihty et ening. they to t.. grow 11Otfe• 'Mensal mg week by week offel no olijection to the arieeposece41171Ove an4 legit Monday 'a dhosoiree wo se. eve.? Preelix tett .4 his reampiat um. In thin. tine tc the rule hy an) means. W• win 1 wastenting. howet et. to the orceianoe of the noi here attempt to peteent any 44 the nt l relat MU* s loch have existed with on -1.=tt, Iltidtc..zlatialksVtiZt..171, f•xllo, , to. ' to '..so." ..o.nrioylsostoseMmeivraNtKpm.".., Our Clearing Sale is dill going on. All winter goods at your own prices -nu reasonable offer refused. mr, are determined to carry no winter goods over until next sea- son, so you may depend on getting bargains. Kindly call and examine. J. A. REM & BRO. Jordan's Biocairericts . tookseller and stationer. WO4 formerly a Caleneh ha% ing been it) the( mploy of John Ilutler -77.1Heearnes a complete attack of the goods utuelly [MIMI in s heinous of this kiwi, fuid also deals ill bicycles, whit h he import.' from Coventry. Englan.l. He cities,. to haee the isteorsil Largest Wan paper tiade west .1 Toronto, and the largest west of IS:tell:b. R. Mercer, hermit; hought out tilt- stock of tlre late H. D. it ming. is sell - mg estates, clocks and jewelry at extra- ordinarily low pricey. His apes.ielty a tine watt it repairing, and as he has tilled Imm- o( the bort positions as watchmaker in Tor- onto the public may rely on their vr.wk items promptly anti pamper!). done. R. Roche proprwtor of the 4 Mmmereial hotel a well-known house with firstslass aenoimodation and num-lent COOVenienceA. The hotel ts well patronized hy the travel ling public. Mr. Itoelir *Iv, does quite A tor ol the celebrated trotting mare lorence lurtiness in hlood homes, being the 'pi -ire Jan. Publis liditeees. CIM1441. WILED TRIJIIK RAILWAY. F Was serivcaad demo litotiodok sel lows: - . 'MOMS. - NOTICE tS HEREBY L elven that he Council of Staidly teased I o pars by law to authorize the sale of part of the origisel rood stiowsoce opposite Lot it. Coo. 4. Stanley tow:whit.. Persons lutorested are rreorated to take notice aril govern theta - selves accordingly. &or °Inactions mug be sent to the reeve or clerk on or before the etereath day of March sem. order of the Council. Jesuitry. Mk, ligl. 6k.O. STE- WART. Clerk. SOH LIOR SALE -A COW, 6 Y EA RS ---OLD • will mile in May. Onsd tor tee poued of better per week. Also • set of Shying s tee We. Will take hay la sicking, tor fte latter. Apply to CHAS. HATES. thoderech. he Stewart'. Oyster Pry restaurant in the Bank of Cielonerve is the favorite resort of those who toke delight in fruit and confectionery, or who enjoy a fragrant cigar. .1 net tem the serving ef fresh oysters in all atyles occupies a good part of his iltrie. The Central hotel Joseph Rell.proprietor te conveniently attested on Main•st.. and 1 receives a gtood share of patronege. The house its large end conutudious, end la fitted with the latest awl hest appointments. and Mr. Ilel; makes •' eery popular host. Luntarien Willem, manufacturing drug- gist*, ete., Seott'a Meek. are known all over the smutty is among tbe largeit desk* in Western Ontario. One of their speetahies IA tilyCrtfttell Itilm1111, the merit reli- able and beat selling cough remedy the market t50 cts. per bottle). Liberal die emote to drifters ; isorrespoulenee solicited. They import footballs Assoiation RNA" -direct and distribute them through tlie mails to every Province in the Dusionion. Sen.! for their price list. The limn is also one .1 the Largest importers of end .lealers in wall papers west of Toronto. THE M A RKETS. - -- BREADSTUFF'S AND PROVISIONS- - ilkederte• erieirs. (lonesome. Feb. 3. MID 111114011N poowhalogi.wmtajwihesta.rdotandard .... • gr tea gg near. Patent Hunsteziaa. • owl - SI to II TO Flour. Stralglat. It owt I ID te IS Flour. fratolly. I met ..... 0 to • toll .. • . . ••..••••••••• • .....•• 4$ gi Barley. 11 1104.1:110 1.411 Pmnajetess."..• high ....... .... .. . 0 OS0 IS A nese 11 bash Go Slin tote: Ra fetter, It. beet twpsebsikellisit . .3 017 :04 etas 1149 "74.3 041 6 Um 73 • sr to • el 111 Site III nonhainas, hot eri !ih• teesermation doehts to retort' bolding shoot 500 SI gear owns, who, theft sincere AIWI grata. appreciation nf thisk. coa wd thmmesed ea hawse ,Ure • faithful. nelf-deu) tag awl swild- .. •• or 800. It is well 'orates', and bad it the wpm .6.•,. tee privilege .4 railway oominuntratios and skim vonprecity with the United State* retail Vitill ..4.O;ii.....'...." -- - sm. take it...plate ae a centre of ormaidar. .....,.........!.....•.: ..... .. shle trade 11 10 A most attractive place in M111111T101 time, havilis series 14 tine •••••••••mm drivel and hen.,t iful snowy on *be myosin ' Tea ad. um. cent gravel triode that radiate frown o to Lite nos . . $11111,03118 eoststoirth and sontisand is a favorite resort 81 r.„....41110141M lo...o• • • 1:t110 1111 kw 1111111111/OT viaiows as ite. COMO In large SIMI- •••Ine. hers from &Sant points 50 avail thessehres . .............•88............ • MI toe 40 of the privilege; alien, mentioned. The talk ...,.....,..... 0 10 . : . . ilialari iii ME . . sp.. t SO to 1 about the earle dm elopment of a Islet Shore R. R from Wholoor, Sanwa, to Port ...owe • .... .. .. r1Vir• •• 60. re% • • If . te 0 0 Frank. Hayfield, Oriderlrh. Prim Allier,. se well ss 1174gite414=-121 Alf:4" . $1111m/gt es t we . is anieti I singer admeratee gt iler seedioni eutsealled. esi se 1%0 whew is if4 ... 117.41' ... • 4,4 0. *toe. .F1 •••••• • • a: ••::;••••••• o • • 41••• *Am •• •• ON* 01 •• •••• •••• 11114 ••••••.; *Not eaireask. Fred Milted ,. • • • •. • •• •••••• ••T PAL auras& Mall •• • ft. Mixed Mail and Rsproisi ...•••••••••••,••••••• •••• IU (MICE. - APPLICATION WILL IN be made by the Guelph Janette* Had way Conspaity to the Parliament el Cased. at its next tiession be an Act glens effect le ea et by which it Wm its Runway to Canadian Pacific Itailwey Company tor the pet toil and on the terms therein mentioned; extending the tinse for the commenement and completion -II the streaks of Its Hatless from tittetee to • point es Ishe Huron at or n ear the Tow a of ltoderwh. or to such mber the del 31361 rk istItted O ph Jemmies Railway Canipm.t." sad fer other pureases. ISM WHOM IT HAI* CONCERN. - d. Where's rose pers. snalietously dia- pered has been (Omar lag tbe report that I am gone to leave tier/. Pest JW.110. Wheel no father lte T. Geo. ftlellardsont teases. I beg to *Minn the eat...inept as a binebood. eirculeted with the intention id doing Mier, to my e diantes coneectiea in t horn 111114 seer MI. I hese mese to stay awl I take this oppor tenn to warn no friend* against mein, ers- te the false report abate refemol 'HARD:60N. L. D. . Woad Opera Cif MeehisitilW 111MISItnie. Tbe bleatest sad Views LbOhnnill1119 ADVIMITIOSI have been wile • aod boot "11111114164. 480011 004 pilehisithol tate ROM d asdscs ' • br row ell any sfavertisesosais oda& the THE SIONA1L Issas oiv CIODrinICP 111100ANIUN awe, mi. 4•1 Seet Owl mid =lilt kn TUTS I !LtRART AHD steer* Open few I to 6 psi_ sad ftes M p.a. ABOUT MOD VOLE IN LIBRARY. Leedom, Dade, Wooer one Illisserated Papers, M (114141-;1144., , Pa,. MiMEIKIISKIP TICK -KT. ORLY 414.0e, graattag Pres we trumL.LItgary and Reediest Appilciatioa for neemberalp reesivisd Libraries. lames. T. WEATISICRALD. OBO. 0TVPIRI. Preoldems. 'wafter. Ooderiels Merck IStit. 1105. tar 11.11e. .1QCult /*Toni FOR SALL- _ .... ILI Owing CO fact that Isis small mere my personal ati roam to the be -sinews ein at count of otter cline upon my tone. 1 will die - poet 04 my well-known liquor store on West. as. 1 Ms store has he wheaten!' of brie" he only see in bode Powesios. eiven at any tune to welt were W. Is. HOKTON. Mt _ _ _ . _ tati W • N D.-0 0 0 D by Moeda,. Feb.eth. Most be in geed : age. 5 le years cud . weight. LIM UPS ; quality good and all sound. WIll be at Ana ea tbe fteare ea that day. HOIST. M KAN. St I 117 A NTED--JiLL THN Rill IN T I County at Huron. I am isr the highest Here for all hi of . *ad have oaly to contoured of mar offer iug a* mach when 1 will advance priCre 0111 Mahe-. Cho my prices before ',Iliac I aloe want a few huudred cords of wood and Mg Jon orived te ear toads of pose bee at MD& sheeriand. Jtgl. KIDD. dri IlltunSions Vacant. CIOOD ORNICRAL liiik(VANT MILL 11. grafted at mice. Apply to Mrs. A. M. POLLEY. Northet.. tioderich. - TI )LBER1 PEPPEK (SUCCESSOR • . to John Hargreaves§ & dredlliet mid chemist, Brussel*. Ont. Dve onto : patent medicines eleeant perfumes : lavender wa ter . Lubin s preparation*: toilet articles; wail rej; stationery. to Prescription. ac mew,. amponnthel. Wan•ed eit 'merest lee ; Toentintan with ibirdcsass cortlecete. Apply to J. T. PEPPER.. dreggitt. note& agent C. V. R.. Drew le &Wt. Dentistry. ItICH0LION. L.D.11.-DRITAL Ili. imam Gremlup ti• "em. Pest OBS. Wesess Ooderioe. VAlely nit. E, RICHARDSON. L D. 8., AllT1100111 /MAMA. UM nod vileness ow administered ftie ponds" estrectift sal* tfteelal attenites Stew to the proservatein el the natural teeth. 0111co-Cp Mahe. Ofted opera House Most. eat/mace ea Weee. Kt- tilotherich. 21111-1V VOL. XLIII. No. 2291 tillaN11011 NOS. Once at De. 2liannona Doderiett. D. Phesbeletre. fttegetins. Leer& TORN DAVISON, BARRISTER, 0.1 anieiter. Coeveyarsese. he . Money to lead. Oils ever Post-Odike. Oedemas Inot 1,1 CAMPION, 136RHISTKR, .1 • Solicitor. Notary Public. e e. Once -Over Jordan's Sore, the rooms formerly occupied to Judge Doyle. C. HAY& SOLICITOR, At. Oiler. comer of Square sod Woo Moo tioderich. over telegrePh 00ce. Pri- vate Pewee to kW at 6 per oent. 144. 2. A RRO W PROUDFOOT, BAR - •.c resters. Atearneys. Solicitors. he., Oede rich. J. T. Gamow. W. Prondfoot. y A W STUDENT WANTED. - A .1 good °peeing foe • week yews man. Misty to R. CA IIPION. D Muslowl. ja CNC LINSONIL-MISS AOGIN Iva TROMSON is peepered to give mimic lessotis os plane ft omen. For pant eiders inquire at Geo. Ir. Thoneon a Mode Owe. 33.11. Hotel Acoommodation. MHZ HURON HOTEL. - THIS K well-knoern sod pouts hotel tea been matted. enlarged awl improved recently and la Now seemid to lailbe In qualfty of ar tessesdation for the 'reveling rahlic. Good =Imederrlirst for. trunathe ient opeogs. WM, _ _ MEP'S BALSAM. tiAMEk3N. HOLT CAMSRON, • Barnaters. &Welton, is Clianowy. fte. fiederieb. C. Omicron. 41.C.: P. lielt. Loma and Insurance. 117 R. ROBILRISON. ACCOUNT - V V . mat. Me, Life sad Assiesat Iseva. time Agora, Ulll000Ulliskftre. 01111•4816 sal Slice Nesebot.. 74 H. It1 N. LBW'S, BARRISTER. PROC. k-4. tor in Maritime Coen: 1431/e7 Minna ng per cent.. private feeds. ntraight loan. in• term! yearly. Costs very muderate. For particulars call personally or wrote. 21 11 O. wARD, CONVNYANuER. • . and nonnaimioner fee teals( mid re oeimag *osmoses of both silidas lot or S lInnetios„ depsitioos or totems derhos time In or concerning ais aetioe• Mint ligle Onelles in me Hoch Court of Justice. the Court./ Appeal for Omens or in as 1' Of' 1)i% WOO (. num, All transactions and promptly exact:ed. itestdescs and P. address -Imogene.. Oar. Met--tt Ll .1. T. NA FTRL, LIFE, FIRE AND 11: Accident lourasee Ascot. Ittegeriteige tag Norte British a Mercantile ; Liverpool. Lem. t;lobe, Norwlch Cake. Serpi American Life ; acid Accedes' Immanent or North merles. Lewes Rates. Loses est - tied promptly. Money to Loan ea rans and Teen Property. Conveyasitur dos. Pro- perty valued. etc. Otinot-Cor. Nerek-a- 0104 *team Dederiab. 711- e600,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO • CAM:DOD. Mot At CAALIMON. Gees ee- - torit.1 TO UND.-A LA ROI amoent of Prieste Funds fee hiveetaieet rates ea aret-clarn Mortimer. Apply • A I:0W & PROCOTOOT. - - - RAW:LIFTS, OHNRRAL 17.4• 1 L. surance, Reel Keats and Money Loaning Agent ovaly Aret-elses composite reorreented. Roney to Lead On straight loans. al the lowest rate et inters. totes& la Aar wise to wit it. oorroveer. OMee- Soc. cod door hem Boom. Wen sursek Oodo Deb. 111:1311 OUT THIS OUT AND PVT IT Oh V PIANO. PI•NO rustsa. NEWS OF THE CAMPA I REFORMERS READY FOR TREF ifibe teases mid mold towsirobst gies an *Meg Dee Ifte-elesang op the -Atell vets every vibes nenatilles ther414 telterneere-Taaanse moo - 1. .mbleciiiits FOS IlliAtellins or Tit Plfei THE writ for the election ul a im for North Howe m Use Onto» isloture in the planers( Mr. 1 Muirge, unseated us petition, had issued. Nomination Ica! he on Fel 24. and the election on Misch 3, tit. prior to the Dominion eloctions. Mr. M. liwyer, a prominent mend H this:, was mentioned by the Tory lbws sr • isrobstee mudidate th• interest. Mach to the chagrin Herald and its friends Mr. intro wi thet paper to fty the* he is entirely 11 of the Liberal policy and but for ill would he see of Die Liberal aandidat Mr, A. Guns will he the Return. dote for the Commons in )(immure' Kirkpatrick will elan have await Frontenee. Mr. Paterson was MAI 'y South Brant Monsters °a !Ulundi Dr. Horsey.in North Grey. Prises Conowtatives nontinstad A. C. Milli West Petsrlomagh Cunservstires sesember; Mr.1 sterissinii. Mr. t'.• soys he will not be a candidate az 60sTY• refused, ea he recognises the fat though he luta a substantial majority constituency last election Mercier* I/ has been exerts( to such an eater that • contest wooM be hopeless. There were two nioetsngs ID LIMai iirday night. At one Hos. John o as summated and at the other hie pones, Mr. I'. S. Hymen. In 1057 I ling hest Mr. Hyman by 30, but 1 formers claim liave gained 150 on 'evasion. A well-known Montreal Liberal wAlhokr. Miiiiienierstancehaaalitehteenrissainedionalisto. molt at iloebste to Air. Iwurier. Isis utniost to Weiire the Liberul .h triumph. 'There los been some .tilirroxvni.oenrywinMr.itMere..acier,i's swinteritimpty.-1.8 others have claimed that he would r Mr. Laurier any active assistance. 1 car is now tang into the contest, 1 VI ill set. thst mak e thi ngs live' Government. He will aweep the for the Liberals. and you will see t will give • Lig niajority for Mr ter. - Sir Fleeter Laingevin now bee to ron in Richelieu, mei is conattle matter. If he runs in Three Ray 'Tarte, the Censercative eeposer emery sandal, vows he will have I In Richelieu, however. Mr. Tote's is not so potent, and there Sir Heet nears safe resting place for the sol foot. While the constittieney is ( tive, howeeer, Sir Hector Langevi have aa an opponent Leiner konn.1 eon -in -late of Mr. MerSer, awl S1 Oneida the father-in-law's power he does Mr. Tartea,and will prolot to remain in Three Rivers. Hon. Peter Mitchell indignant') measist 'The Empire's statement De gone bark on the Reformers'. He i mum% se hitherto in the Liberal • A Montres/ despatch states th John Hogiad has been there set with the ranadian Pacific. The 4 sifted for 'better terns" some tine were refused. The election was the for revenge. The terms, it is un :whole the payment by the CO-vver the 0110 million dollars on the Not ...coition and the extension of tie of three per mot. for • perk years. E. HURON REFORM CONV1 Dr. Misedesiald Walla aliases so tr. liatossino. Fith.`"9.17A vary es and larOy attoaded Liberia r for the Kan Riding of Heron I the teen led) here this slum president. Mr. occupied ..n.1 with him upon the platform llectIonahl, the worthy repreeenta i idea, in the House a 4 minnow ...dyed. Moors Thos. (Oboes orseey, 1st •ice-proaident T. 1 2xel viee-probirient : W. H. Kerr, treogneer: J. R. Smith, Thaws' M. Y. McLean, Robe. Mott, I char, Dr. Moan. W. B. Dichata wild* in the auditors were ore worthy representatives of liheto After the sitnuses of the 1 kiwi bean read the resident erne nations for the position ot man. in thia constituency. The folems Melt were powered : Mae& d by 'Owls. Gilson, M. PP.. • Mr. .1. R. Smith. of Itrossels: woo Dr. Sloan, Thos. Strachan, Leas. J. A. Morton, K Ora Rack of persons named. order, briefly eddrowsid the one pithy, ringing speeehes and ,4,6„.favort tot. weevil*. Afteraik...mal.staniinatim. The. I-• hears% w none time roring and •pplaess of the anchovies. every OfOltillieWICIP in his ahihty fully ferry the Liberal Nowise h he did 111 the lost ennesee, wheat the enistiteeney front the Com A eplersdad speech, tweatpyint hoar, was then delivered hy Dr. This following reedueihne • tonualy adopeerfby the enneenti Moved bt sr. Theme. 011ee 32:6P6141444:41tleabreetettelitu rataa""witethe OPotrte: awe Noedeaster44d .rest headeimeoth: 41111111111elr two' abalite:sbr!all!".. et far *he have eels or am soioAtIntwea Special satiation given to releaser mid warm regulating. Reduced rates tor/early manic. Orders left at' Degas irattory. at my resi- dence. West-st.„ or at 0 W. Thinessah nom Wareroome will receive prompt atteratisa. All work guaranteed. 23111.1y. IL 1101DIKIIIIL Property Ibr OA* or for Root. rpo RZST.-A PA RTMENTS ON Iftwolose swesit two doers hest Muses. 811 rooms ; collar weiseste entrance . small wfdess Ilia par obseith. Apply to R. N. LBW IS. 94 It. r WO LOTS FOR SALL-WIN 171, Klawitsmest.. aad Vietoria-at., Onirs- risorUbliAsoir roinl Aeffee.W444.. 76,41 IRSTOLASS BRICK HOUSII AND LOT POR 8ALII ON PT. PATRICK 8T. -About two sinete's walk erons the hainere Two Mertes hisli. Irk. oddities the rear lie stories Idols building covered witk Moho handiest ham 3 lame moue ea lire flat. upstairs there are Aisne. room la the rear MIditton there are kitchen. tantrY• washroom. t 'outs. errs roan sod Withrow, Also good esMr. AppW to the undersigned. who will eV* all Ileettniary infortnallese DURUM. Set. HMOS POI SALL-THAT COM- ermam. gresent =1.110111;grederftimer. Is for sale sheep. ere Selo mos with risme. Coupparatelaa• Town west se Os premiers large ined sad sonfortable is tgalereageeltinActil fruit eartlenika Med stahling sememon Boa. Address IL Sell Kit 11111. FA" TOR BALI -THAT DOOR - able taro mrme to the reinek".", oombkiekeirisea°Wr nen* • tree et Neaps On the frame dwell's. hew • barn I I oneditiostemd isped now A . 411111 bhp raise Drown. Balsam 1181011210111ff DIMS odours/ire MM. Ws. cream a WIWI ail /Igen Ilessapsrlik Caisphdr 11. Witaires PRItssilitreriON Auottokoorbsp. _ 101111 KNeX, 0111117.RiL tioneer asid Lost rebate", illifthetift. Osh Having hod eseolderafte ewilinse the asmosserOotroda, te * to • dierhante with thorough eatisfamiss swans 'stringed ta 04,191111 Martia's Hotel. or omit by mail to Oesterit. P. 0.. ossetedly aumsdad KNOX. Cases, Asellissisor. NSW MISO 1111110801111111116 Stannetelm-- 5 4'*4.