HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-2-6, Page 7mom •11.41100110011.1•1111114111.111A1111i CHRISTMAS SEASON. THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1891. 7 ALL ABOUT TILE HOUSE. ••••••A•11.• W. ACHESON & SON. FIRST YEAR, (100112, worth .8. worth $et worth worth 1116. gs New Mock, a 0 We have just received in stock for the holiday season a selection of novelties in pure linen goods, the finest ever shown in Goderich, in . Band Embroidered, Eat Hemstitch ! And Drawn Thread Tea Cloths, 5 o'clock Teas, Na,pkins. Table Runners, L. B. Covers, Tray and Carving Cloths, Mats, etc. liaacisome Novelties in Handkerchiefs. Embroidered, Initials, Fancy Drawn, Hemstitch, pure Linen. All prices, commencing at 10c. 8 dozen samples of Men's Pure Silk Fancy Handker- chiefs, from Welsh, Morgetson & Co., London, Eng. - Early inspection invited of these goods. W. ACHESON & SON. THE POETS' C1404tri. • 2 a 3 Remedy SIA anted CURE 1 1. 00DRRICHL, ONT. DRUGGISTS. ITS! It COPIIIIIIITS Mill 'Mrs e. rano Ot- ge um alms tv7rurnalromr. riewarioria dilabbir wells! anent Yeer ins to attainable& : tto tient the hiller. We have heard ttutt the treat Hobert Koch Wile mos people's breathers In mak, Ham discovered • core. That ls aerials and stare To make all the bacilli croak. Aad every me will may Aa tie wales his WOrtar WAY , 4( 41.' been% the ginatekat To kin tbe cossumptioa. Hell surely drive pimples suss. - The lameoa that prey on the nose. Tbs masrme that reside twist the toes, And eat 01 41... tissue. Hell rob 01their Lome. nierl potion deem tato renew. tnosompt ion in eartieit state. Before les cossempt ton at an. lie 11 011r• by nueetion, With grew And Squirt a: the worm* till they fan For lupus slot pimples, • isd atesinlar dimples. ihrough very sniall doers of lymph, although they clannish. Wit/ get hp ranish. rrom old msn and yeasts wan sad stealth. -tad DO 1 should think we *honk' my. As yr. think of the great Robert .. 44 14, basal the innopt ion To Cure deb eonsuunittos. He'll swab drive *aping away. Illailtalo News. _ - THE HOISEHOLD CORNER Wm. te Oss TO KEEP CHILDREN HEALTHY. Rale. In bleb M 14111 be Well Per Illedliere Us Read sad Tediew. To ire . eveu hero lime.,i day. in very hot weather, the whole surface el the body theuld le sponged with water at a tempera- ture of 90' F., qui after dried with gentle ruldonto The hreeing effect 44 these -bathe is portly in...reseed ity the addition of rock - salt or concentrated ma -water. Care should le- taken to wet the child's head first, and to see Out it is not in a current of air. The fellowing rules being a portini of those .' 1 by the Obstetrical Society of Philadelphia, and published by the Hoard Hetilth of this ..ity are concise and eorthy of quotation : Rule 1 Ratite (Le 1411.1, day lukewarm miter. If it feeble, irpooge it all over twiee a day with lukewarm water end vinegar. Itule 2 - Avoid all tight bandaging. light dannel as the inner 'garment , and rest of the clothing light and teed. an loon that the child may have free 'day anal twit on a slip. In the morning re the .hp, bathe the child and dress it c clothes. II this cantiot aifrintert, titian ly air the day Ate/sing by ha4titig it durimg the night. l'se ellen diapers, thaw, them often. Never ell, a model in the room in which the thild is, never use one for the arose] time wit Snit washing it. Rule 3 The child should sleet, by in a on or cradle. It ehosikl be put to at regular hours, mid lie taught te, Ha; I he Yu.. WARWICK el inelerra. a° ceetalenthly- know, *row tee end. don it Oa 'laths. At night undrsse it. sponge HOMEMAK1NG AICIO PRACTSOAL AND ORNAMENTAL Demers. mid Mow Me Omit Them- illepies Taegu 'nest Weer- A allemeaset sad Warmer- 4 Steep Inaishee-e., 0*1 Itemedelled. Au old lookieg iffroas old' a marred trams, and perhaps • piens broken out of Mr (wrier, can Neill be seed for 'askew up • verr artre ?'; • Mrdi I !it ¶ 11:1 ,k1.1) tug %,/,µ tie shelf for brie -a -brae tileer the ferule with phi*, eel osoorete itt with natural eat - lath anal gnome .% Nord Sr covens' eitb plush hi math the Ow. farstene.1 up with 411.11 brackets. &el tritium.' with f /pike ta4,11.- of the tubs .4 tha plush cry.. _ . A Peet-imied 11011Mater. Th. perra, kyr show a moveedent foot wanner and f.sit-ttool Select Lem large enough to admit it gallon jug Family wooden Atoka by wive.. to elifth Orr, WI'. and paint theist ilark-bnie I. liteit;.• la.. rm.. 1.- -TMIC pilltiltaUllA ,it the hoe, far • 0,40 tiourt io eillow the jug to go twittery. lover the sidr.4 4' Die ten tooth • dark materiel Tack a piece of toting. ae et ell as the lor. and - _ 14 tight far a. the partition, and drive in At take alone the 7.1.. of the tinned. Let the Oeking hang down between the two hoards far mongli to hold the jug. who -la Mould he age- even with the etp of tbs. hum. Tau* the ma- uP ter's' along the top ot the itecond partition. and awl then to the tither veld of the box. Make "ur .4 green felt. well wadded and lined. the. exact • .4 14* top of the hoz, and trim ith triage to snatch. Tack this eereraking one eud of the boxy leaveet the sidee and ,tther opee, t con lie rained to admit the jug. Irhen the foot-wanuor is to be " wed, dll the jug with boiling wat_r. cork sleep without Irong alined an 44' a Without the advice of e physician i give tt eau spirits, cordially canniest 114 ".1.1 "nth'''. 41 1" "'.,,4 ,_ _ndviatil_,_ Ale ,_ _14" itoothing syrup., or sleeping drops. TM 'eeeh lb" r`I'"•"1 Pmir"r"... rm 1"• "in' 1The ands of children die every year from leer erel "telt. t" "I'"", mg -'e "en ta' use of these IN•411011V. If thr ibild frets wash thein in cold water at all. Lukewarm on" not deep, it is either *try or else water, abau__, ,I4 allaal? be MLitt. _ 43_1": 4_2„,te- and mods a phasician. Never filliet it getner with • MINI snap. toe &dermas., c„,,,,dy ,,or by sake : they Ole enernon being the chappoig of the hands and lace. I"' `ht -Pr----- .1 gait rh""" (4. Rule 4 Give the .-hila plenty of fresh eczema upon tot skin. When frequent ,_ ,,_ _ow . . . , . washings cannot be rilVei•ka in the winter !" "2.7;-_ „1...."%th.,_:,...._°10"2"113,___"141_ 44(44*: *4*,, tinny, the exposed portions should he rubbed iiii.gi.k7:1,:i-7,..4-.7 ---0, ,____17; ::-__=,r ...7. witk freahly prepared cold oream. timeline , ,o. .._ _!_:' ' , ' '''"?" _77,'_ ' , "' elf ervrin.. pewee agnate to the pare, or mime irequ A [ea nuwit i'Y Petrie; leeliaff walett_,... - 111•4111e to suffer from the heat. let it tin excursions on the rivers. Whenever over sweet Begot,* will relieve wenn niell". Ire* of *‚.ter that ha,,, bern bodied nese in children, aad is aim good for mat. maw by ,„. K„p it (4,11 uf 145 *mini Rubbers and arctinthre eery useful in cold *loch ensahing or °oohing is glen gis,. wet wellAher, but should elvesr. he re- is excessive heat that deatroys the Om mowed while in • warm roan. Rubbers are young adopt& not to be i 4" e"""t amae, Rae 5 Keep your house mreetellitlla= atim of the feet. because they interfere with proper ventil• ood and own ake.i. in very hei „Fawn? K let the window. be °Pen daY led eiKti well=cma, bottles . 1 extracts. etc., gto yoar cooking in the yard, in a shad, mo that mistakes will not no thr garret. or iii sa opp.mr roomy whi • or when one a iturriedi wash the walla evei7 spnng, and see t Take Morel stains out by setturstiag the the cellar is clear of all rubbish. Let no pots with hemmer.. thee we*. out with slope collect to poison the air. Correct all ildightly warn, water. Repeat the operation foul smells by pouring chloride 44 lime into if mains do net mune easily. . sinks and pnnes. Make every effort your. Remember that dry, cool air suite pump self, and urge your neighbors to keep the k ins, and many &re kat during winter be- V' tt'e" 04 Ynuir ere"' or f4 your 1'131111' cause kept in a danip Owe. clean. Do 1.04 aid. swims, burst condor., pie ShOtlid ILO infant he attacked with slum juice, etc., in your oven ; keep it clesn, mer diarrhea' the prompt attention of a Two pun nf shoes are desirable for each PhYlician ill intirrnitfre' lind ail" tialaa individual, to be wore nn alternate days, n.„ articles are intended to point out the meth since a singk night's exposure 10 (41. air is a of preventing the ilb of the "second mean," inau• sienna to fres dune artistes frorn summer rather tluna of thring them, I moisten. shell avoid entirely the there utical as pact of the eubject. -Lattice' Gene Jour If anything catches Bre or something ;ad knelling makes • disagreeable smell or ' smoke, throw salt upon d at once. If a Mineral thatillent hildbil am bright, dear Bre is quickly donna it may erne- tightly. anti Mao it to the central tart the 'ever hod with the "ever 1 mer ft. as in diturv 2. literteg Titles. That Wear. the In tee ef Rim ledgeworth's 111.1111 tales, alod there is • dory oif * little girl "rho one day in. went Mopping with her mother. an.1 who. by "alley en completely captivated by a pur- ee."'" pie rime that else win willing to g" without a pair et elines that the might irttrellame it, air. When site goes him*. the pour. out of the en- tare a dark liquid t hat it olataiard, end it 5,1 uo longer a purple l'afir. the Over and over again do shoppers hare et eat %Ern trern letter impenitent Mimi Edge- d worths verv apparent moral- that we should nk buy thInges-that will wear aad I tivell remember my find shopping ripe - is rime... I th. eight only of Monty, and noth- It um of utility, as I pinillased • igatuty tnateria/ Or ter • porn. which was pale lavender in tint. Men the gown was. nutdk. 1 wore it to vett a fries* who lived by the amide; tbe return , • long vralk aleng the Ilh.rt• t. after sundown, with • damp wind blowing in from the ma. When I reachnl borne, great te- vrm my grief to see that nay fine new gown hat .4' eotton mad weol had so shrunk the be obtained by throwinmilte. upon the mall; a Oldt-illnd1; likewise, if too tnuch should monk Mae, petienta are k illed by visitors. N from dripping ef fat front bolding eta', he admitted into the naives,. ham. etc., salt will subdue it. but the minister, the doctor and t To henna unsalted batter, fresh oil. yolk ft"" Q"'"'"" ir"1"1"7 '4 'VI We speak Nem expereseoe, and =el or cold cream should he applied at once /rent hemmed oil and lime- weter in squad . attic(' ° act Ali 1°.!""rastia" parts, death and the condition of the sufferer, h -or each applications ehottld he ,-nriteisite &mount of water to maitre, isaivratel, posiii,sly injurious skk. A pray '1" at the bedside should he brief, pointed sued 'ill generate warmth. ' Yea7 light handaery! aat a thi" ase•whica temple All attempts to draw a patient Oil Fine • into ii&reuld he otrefully avoid oirg moy bought by ug" ed. There is leech • tOose ontinectinn between 1"'°114 1171::rm°4' eheeleeet " ggrogil god mind and matter that OW atreeta the other ... good-looking as the twisted wire. en that the hndy may he injured by the se For neuralgia. bruise knee -eolith and Indy of the *intl. A cheerful athenaeum .pply as • poultice to the wrists shone' fill the sick -rum like pare all. All When anyone rms. a nail or wire its levity and telling of frivoller aesedotes he Beek (weld the wound ever harming au- Mould he avoided O. the pressen of tho mon aa pnesihie, awl trill pervert sick. A really sick person it havariably zar as serious, and • joke hy the bedside is a l'1$.fuIIfle 441114.1.441 by rick im the,„ with wawa to the mad heart and amine% mind. . pin ; if the oil spreads it is • sip that the Thg "(14" a" ch.."' hnt thaff "1 1411144 a geed. avoid levity in language and manner. Their lea end whine pepper to bale. beers maI game dem. drab, sod wipe dlry ; Asa maid, rub to a psalm Lm butter and Mewed Mains stessear lugether dots ly fur ton eau Mee Memo through thin meow , tare tea.. a Wager We& and tuis with it the net 44 the wort MI together Hatter • wag earthen amd pries the mixture down, i. terspeneng with moan ten rd the boiled aed to repremet truflles. 4 over all with melted butter este art in a omit, dry place It 1.-.41tanwined It will keep fort -night ha Or tee, bat Mould be kept thinly ...tiered The livens of a turbsy and peer 44 Athlete. will maks • mien me. They are .ittlielous to thins Wile Woe *eel - Ijiub,. then J.stentil. OVST_ERS. Eisen' liostemis 44 envies. the teettekens Intestres. To Hee LLtir Ori.- oyetereare ireferrel, only see that they are free. Roll ereekers, hut not too amp, or you mu dry Male bread and r,41 itetatidt4 talatisene toe a deep earthen dee. grease it well and to • layer i4 (Twills and a layer .4 sensein ever) layer with wit end smell Will of butter. Rif the dab and Lave the tn. la of numbs tkick. Beteeen .•yery layer 1. a little neon milk or water tik neeinen w heat up re., dopy and odd wady af-ul, milk and peke over the top Allow teu ion Whew thrnigh, then lake three -Nu of an hour Serer son? horn !he dais t are baked it. nuekon rot Gf *ruling raw oyster* te to tet a little harm' before otarb gu,-.4 shich me* .1, Mete 1.4,,zu barrels whit+ ...tot two or three down sliould le ewer on sidelined Lonews are. qui:rt.-red and *et a handsome dieh gambled wdli parde 11?.',. .4 beton bond atel !miler an- pies at intervals, oyeter forks for every ept %Oh ftescayenne toad Stow- for ri r. tOes It:it Sit- er. Tab, rierze bit 4Jy.4.ers. watt in their own Minor. mud atm take a table -lofted of neoer, mix it n tie. leaping ..peinful.. .4 butter. add hal tesepetedul .4 lemon Olio. and the lig from the oysters: Air samotb cr the until as thirk .ream. put in the tostere beat through, dir in three fourth,' tug, wartii. sweet orient and acme immediate' To Fav Oversee,- I train theme's mien ander and queu4 on a eloth eseh sep- ;irately, lay • eloth over the. the exteettre: when dry beet tbe yolks three. eggs, or two mew add three -Toilful% of cream and heat. dip tut oyster in nog, bave reedy u dish 44 tine toacker crunde. mix mit enough te soison through the crumb., dip mat oyster 40 ter .1 -with. and lay on • letard. when all are otte. if they are utt well eovend 'lip in the ego sone' time then in the entitle. Rave one ..r two writt- en with equal parts, of butter need lard, er .11 Lt*.,., melted awl be, hut be tornul DK to have it won*. 'over the bott.en of the spider with oysters and took over a Moody fire; torn with a pinnate turner When cooked in butt) sties. remove to a bot platter. Orient Pig --Line a deep earthen didi with a pie crust. mit in the oven and hide; prepare a ran of oyster., drain t tech • ettLander. look over and put in the j e1'u.4, mit and arid nee -third .4 a eupfril butter eut in tenall piney,. +train the lemorr 'out in a mootihil. cover Use top .'rug o( not and bake until thempper cruet is door. Oyeent Flour. -Pour one quart of water mod one pint of new milk in. poreelain ket- tle, add if a .'up of creeker crumbs totted Rae and a littie salt . wtheu it comes ot a biel heve realx tee quart of orNtere which have len looked over: strain the liquor and pour In. allow two-thirds a a (14*4 butter. Wiwe tbe nyder", have honed our minute neneve. the kettle front the steve as it toughens, tlwin to rook longer. The 'tanner they are served the better, OPSITat FlUTTIKRK. -Tliko• nap pant .1 milli, stir in flour to make • thin batter, beat rem egg and Alit through the mixture, add • pint 44 chopped oysters, and a little mit, try in hot lard. Drop in one sposaful *4 4* time and 'fry a tight brown. Herve Hanti-en Oversee. -�4''r'. (' he Moil- ed on a wire broiler over it quick dee dry them well mid mil then in enteker dust which has been weenned with mit Nerve on a hie platter with half a taaatioonful of melt- ed butter on each. &oiled oysters are very nice mend esi emit, two or three large ones on each Mee %lege 01 -sena -Wain the Melts and dry: put then on a bed ot hot coals. When they are done, they will nitro a little. R. - MON". the upper shell and ma -re the oyster in 'ewer one. tbaree with mit, and put • little melted butteeon each. SCIENCE AND PROlIEESS. DESCRIPTION OF THE NEW ELECTRIC TIME STAMP Whas test. Mims Aereespliated Aden. med Elm Ihr Ike rivet 11.011111111111 SCHOOL OPENING. NIABOSCARTillM1 AT etas, the Key lemonees sae i'tseistealti losestaitiew V1.1., eve FRAsER PORTER I the Snit invention reisetpid lit thin. ...ski wee collietted th.....ntinim .4 Edw. ohm Ib, primed pier rI.fr.4 the egleet and thesseirli .4 human getiius thai illimined that .sirly day her twightmiel I lin nigh all Ilse eyries time until tbr present. *hey it e. pre eminently the mot peeent tikel.,r in the sk encemaite 10 -iteration sieie %dam use found out iamtettiing that it. predc •res.1.4, 114.1 bat knots Not "alit the nenewitici ..1 Ow rem teat ne uneaten-WM. tioore for estemi ing the arra of knowicig.• awl it. nanirei FULL SUIPPLIE111 OF AIL The Latest and Best Educational Works . at ersinn to herd ...wk. ben tie 141* inventiv e faculty. All there Ion this emit "r''','Pli *al % otetatien. wild Ipar11:11'. Mill e do tent as naked and htinehes 44 their Itiminipedel conipaitime, hau tome 44 Men- t i in thi. bittory of intention. .4.aikl it he Wri.ten wookt be a detailed -tort' of 114411- 1 damp gaff air 110 W IA' neselY t1P In etT IrDee°- Orme l'imecorren.--Take one quart of 0 , 1 iresiter. and • • r ,. ." opens. scald them and ehop flue the sidirl PortlY re""el it en Wiefulnem`• het ibl: 41'4' past, add floe pint ot anithei potatoes, am cote (.4or faded in streaks, and 1 redbird fourth at s mow re buybir, hall a tewponn that in buying the gown I had tonight a NI of ugh, a iiii-,i a parlay,. and too taw. purple ram. Teet hum mad doePt het I 4'"'• spoonfele ot nen enano Make in email got it wbee a fee weeks see I wanted mate- gat mins,. amt the pa. (4 thre. rep, dip home. I bonght gone CSAtaidik; it mem rery erumb.L. am fry in a 'Lotto (4 but. lard. Hal to curtain [INN hi le morn in "Y the croquettes in hatter. then in erseker pretty. having • • • H Pound. with Ontrum A LA !REIM -Put 4AVI` quart of white arum blin and 11110110 [the oysters in a dont* kettle; ea* until they all OVI.1. it, when 0111111ended front a brew g red the decorative effete wee good. hut the morning gen nob worm and atonic on tha . epot, sad already the hnantiful pink is "fly 4.44 raft," ea the painters Idly My pretty curtain" are, orni we, a pont. vase. The woman who buy. • parasol for the handle, re a gay-prtatird media that will not wash, or 0 cheap kid &ow or anything simply become it tabu her ere. will dad that die bought in h, purple v'. -1n44*, Home Journal. Agin kur at the edges; pour ont in • m- istake% pet a pint Anil • half rit errant in the luettle, when it boil. up add two spoonful. of Sour wet with end milk, add the orders, but not the liquor, and coat two minutes. tierce on toset.-The dEinneapolie, . An especially good effect is settee Ciag rt (4th. ;1.3rta:,:h° imists nig "Maim or from bicarbonate of nods with the "'In' and espersdly about disarm and Make sis plumb lappeis and ambler,nr .4 %crap Itteeket. 414 errellent Omit heaket ran be mode from a peach nukes by trimming lt repre- sented in the engraving. Metal a ensooth hesitet rank& it, and line with alleda. sr tweeter a graceful away of Sowers on eon. Line tbne with diode and &Mb with reed on the edge anti • Meth ball no the point Tan them around (4. 14, of the inside re he basket. end on tie wrong Ode ad the lap- . enursonmatie hewn water that egeitablos "rk deenw". thmtfhtfolieres wad asekena. baoadi m may h.*0.*. maw sem ThVareer angers that others esia -1 ,..11.1111 ways The habit et throwing snob notalwietsan 8"mtin.1 valor away is faat tlyiag out. if • vegetable . .4 hill to weep is desired, as the shooting et mtbillit' P".:1141 lire aisirri2lint t hat the mast delicious lief emir may be mot l owl* frbk. was isieredered het 'Avedumair 'om vegetable water Atter Ish_L_Mer_. la the mosem,._ :h. I745$$4,4*I745$$4,4*es corr.", sake the WWII' in 11111 a l ShpaIm -„rp2sap,w hansttr.er a d bea luf m tth eMpr odrew ekostalde mroehe mr, a/ teT7kWej.:1 thesestrtlsns hpwrm rt l o t e m a e nee, withtheairakth athormeny at redLsrs om Wesm.--;--= t r e1a4 .soetrh vene p 4..,. M ssOtedraAeirui.hg seitgh ondto o nee dw d oy m isb oRe ed.sel snsee ies Je. azeemmod i me stripel. erctraoth e.4zzitd4e S . Vbleuwlibditoa f. tliiarkb,eiePllOmAsvHeroIyO Wlklieeaesent Ot be% dask lwb, er•re.a&d lnlaisdlismYplirt- .. oethevOr a&Oah •heeebbmw aa*4 1* OmaS iest's. rneere m rte g o ets a hifrIntILh maeamltsurogaa lbw" brogue strips pi mama. lehhopeemad ~Fa ssieso u 1 Paper Ennevany wenn to 14. 14.. order the day, for ens 11.'. .4.1 letters tom now he made to awn a pongee. They are torn into tiny f larger than • pea, and used to stuff the fancy pillow,' which are so pientifidly used for chairs. Wee and roucties. They are a.**. light and getity looking ea down pillows, bet an esendIngly oninfort- able. TM margins of are atm meg for the tome purpose, but nnt the printed part, se tee printer's Mk is enettetinew offest dee Remnant. and quartos of pretty China silk, nen 4*1401,4*41450 eheaply, that one eat, sforti tAk hen several et them pager filled enshione whin ego far toward giving a con hosnolike eapearance to • roam. Rom hair nab male Molt rond.etahle and 'usurious, if adoenad by one or gam large cattalos --14* Hiceembold Ilkmarisi. reseesse meek& Savadtee usey be pregerval from Inikkos by beembiag lame emir with whim rit wine A few drive of say pwhemed41 er111 weeltre libraries from the oensimilog allerti innuld end dantp. Itemis Whir. witiett in pm. bawd wish tor et bird Wee, mem 5.eistaim Wary bees disup. The Romaen mod an nr *Mk& esW5 velmeht. amems. earIpM. -The The mem at apalsk surfromly al wish elierrhel heir Orem Mewls maw die mut Ism Swift •• sinew bellable• ebb* dm era se hoe it bow am. pow tatirb the ftgt.: eon Lima • <led from .4.1sun down 40 the lathe been it day. The grandee& . of this ooddike faculty are beetweetw; went date and they come in mach Maltnificent .ion. with results nain, Ohms. that the mind in tontrupiation u hat hits been tea tired i. almost bewildered. Thoughts .4 great inventors, air turned to the . of .Prileineal re.nito more then in the pied. Me new devices that are tieing nt.i to seer Oahe and time, and control *sedate,. operations .4141 more itentreey. sr.- truly am miehing. The Ni". York Elentical Device Company hat, one brotqght out it number of Time sod Date Stamp's whet ere rapidly touting into in the dor* eirelianarc.„ Are and 41444.' de- partmente railroad and telegraph "Mee. of the oountry. psi.< nen' nectrie time stamp remwee the tlefeete %hint existed In the purely mechanical etampit beretot try in use and PI 11.1r considered pergoat device thai will automatically end record the time of day as well S. the day of the month sod year with absolute mrreetnow. The work of this wimierful avarunient must prove of great value to the bulimia tommunity , and will loth he - nerve as indeltenalee in the ellen of the world as are the sewing machines in our Nene. ot the agricultural implement. on our Wens. The exigenees .4 buena= require an or- ourate railed et time and date at whieh are telex-bd. This make, the market for We neer Electric Time *sour world-wide. Among the numerous ease in which such an ituerument hi not only deer- eble hut often indiepensabie Might he mete tined the Mee* E.:tilting-it , the mewling et fifte and police signals, the de- livery anal reception of telegraph and odds tnerstaires. the nworitIng all Levu document, and of many' emit as tallartb, hosfiltic, rowing, etc., the cod of whir& le lewd MIMI time. Alleb tlme reword is /dm In- valuable -in general htlrlifiAlig life, and °new In nee would eon Menne • 11/...5.trY Agire i equipment The Electric TiATPA **Mr Mares the cl.th whit+ !narks the time eetin4y indepandest .4 the "tamping inewhine thisi • rotttne the Jerks and jars to which it wayill other.* wiliketed rigs 1 and 'I Mow the .tansp and elork combine4'34*. rarenle4*,. et shown Figg. represents I ans Aber form .4 tbia woriderfe; invention, thin being mond hy the le NM 4 eleetrieal poenkr. I In the Mang& engrairtag 111144 4, 4. repro. assdkar farm of *is npparatue4. sloth the type wind"' are revolved and the neetning eerempliebeil abeiriesallyT. wide limed iint *0 insiehine allows the imeertion .4 a largo shun arid le meant ed with the rink tbe ewes se the Woo mem demo M P. 1. Ty preening the hveron at that from al the sem the Noon Engem la nierglled and armee tune of it linehmatly glees the desired hymn* mewled.* essuresey mod riearteeee merbsedes b swab thee a print" roe rip Mt ear Of the paper. One very meow. 01=1:1111011r. 1111-1 la 1E4 is *a disk anotraty labupeadase. stl brremaii swas *4tri not Vasopphip.o=r• nreatraztut. anIR11411•111.- lomat Iv I °Ha AND itrw irMENDICH OR Hgh, Mel, Public and Separalp SCh00 F. See our Daisy, Star and Rosebud Scribbling Books; also our Majestic, Mystic and Artistic Exascise Books; biggest books for the money ever shown, ONLY 5 CENTS. FRASER & ronimn, Central Telephone Ezehruige, Court Howie Square. HOLIDAY DECORATIONS 1 Ws tnettansr a Rite line el MET4.1.•LIO PAINTS, 10... OF Gold, Silver, Copper, Lase and 8 other Beautiful Colors rtr ornalneniltif Nen:tree. Fancy Work. ote. Mind resell for use. BOTTLE AND BRUSH, ONLY 150. Also an es..luteite line of Pk" feeds, Perfumes, Sachet Poirden, Violet Toilet Water, ite., si..tahle for Holiday Present*, Cik'M CDROM RI-TYW.A.E3, • ;..t Oetteitelheion'e dry geode. store. 00441114101. OIL vbeedet mid pro/arca. INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC?' - 1 have now recelreda Wee amortiont oft AND IMPORTED NIDERWEAR.,, Igoe Mell, winner. an children, from the ettlalleet to the honest sires mehe. CANADIAN & SCOTCH YARNS! Ir., the best knows medleys. Grey, nary, gantlet. white and cream 111.A NNELS. and leading shades in Froseth Opera imusels. HOSIERY -A large and varied stock, as usual. Black and colored CASHMERE GLOVES one price. plain and '.4114 1444 tips, *1a14 44 paha& Mbar depart menu) ateallr well assorted. et rictly k 3064 . M TJ R 0, Draper and Hat _ _ Cattle Chains -New Pattern& Crosscut Sam. --All Makes. Cutlery -Table and Pocket -In Endless Variety. Chopping Axes -At Your Own Price. Gene's' Winter Goods -Stock Complete. ALL AT SPECIAL PRICES! R. P. WILKINSON & Co., Hardware. G"` i3A_IR,TCY- 1 • • The Furniture Dander. is online all kinds of rareiture at the lowest possible prices. It well.kaown fact that las Sell,G Chetalo Yr rash. He le &leo the leading Undertaker et she town. Ruilialinion Fluid Almon tryst es bead. Me sho tr eke, speriaity at Picture Traumas. Oire Mai a call before parebaseag Fundlore elsewhere. and yon led eut that kill does ma he ay. welts cheap Z4OX A.11 er4orrollektOt0110 MOP bethenklett One sad all tor their Mit egionage he hopes to receive • GEO. BARRY, Hamilton-st. - MISSES YATES have °paned Out a largo aaaortmant of the newest styles in Hats and B011220t1111. PIILUOIr Bird& litrinips And Trinuninips. -Also-- CHILDREN'S PINAFORES AND APRONS. Piemme• mall and saw Two doors front Square, Northwt. iftelient "'"Nx•ooawviawom-_o!mwwwoaa.wmawimwiuwr The best is the cheapest, and !The Signal " is the best newspaper .iin Huron Perth and Bruce, •