HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-2-6, Page 5THE .i, .•t trgv,,. ' ` :'`r' • THE SIGNAL OODRRICH, ONT., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1$ 1. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE (43TTM•aM1w. HEAD OFF101. TORONTO. NPiTAL (PASO 141) SIX 117i8.1r1011 UOLLA S s 1111110T. '.lel`.• 4 L WALKER, GENERAL M5RAOaU. • 110.000.0011. rt • as0,000. GODERICH BRANCH. A eismumL OAtutussa 00814I111 T.fns CTca Pass a r NOT** C ► 0UA•T$ 11111suao PATAIILI AT AL. POINTS IN CANADA. AND TNI PRRNOMISL OITlaa Its Tim UIIITID 4STATE& GMAT BRITAIN, FRANOa, OIRatUO&. Iia SAMMMOS R*N* 0[PARTSIEMT. otioorrs op 0100 MID uPWARDS REC1avtD, MW CU1111INT RATES OF NNT*RtST ALLOWED. INTIRSST ADOMD TO TNa FRUMMPAL AT TNM [MO OP Mor AMD 1p MACH TZAR. fel eetlel Attention given te the Geller len ef r 11 Paper. ane Irsimmere' &dee INtee. 111. RON COUNTY COUNCIL. T HE OPENING MUT(NG OF 1901. e .w4lrear$ sof the ►rereedle r. .f for wer..f.s leper* e.f tee need avid Set•dci t'ewsnied seer eentetnnes tbs. I.T.Y. IlAr a aster, Crab - Sibi r report.. THIRD 1)AY-TM:F*1)AI. The eouseil rammed. at.l the minute, of Thy previews .lay were read awl appro. el. A number .4 acc,aats were rete'rred to :be fiuezwe ttrnmittee. A aetiu u I.y 6leesrs. hotline Arbil Marring !het the tem of 412,000 he granted be the reaction of a (.,41441) Mouse .1 retest. .e. :he tervon by which the Ontario Government will MLitt 14.000, was referred to the finalise, • emtnuttrr. On ttnrti,e the tans of Mr. Hese. reeve •d Hay. wmisdate' t.. the *Jaren e .unit ter. ells Mr. Manning, who was traus(errel to r11e eywliratk' t'ra,mitter. The council than adjourned until 4admix to allow the ce.att:nittees to mart. 4..'ei..-k p.m. ' The atonal resumed, and a number of women" amu) a letter from .lame. Diction errs referred to the humus emen.ittee. vb. following report of the special last ,etttet was read eat adopted : mrxe.aT or , ra,'l A L . v. u W 1Tr:1:. In referents to the petition of the county .1 Maliksex respecting appentnwnt .4 nirposetore of ruilk supplied W cheese fec- 'rete, we that the petition he got granted, :u your .rrtnrnitt(-5'1.qupo.ed to inch amusements, and we revensnretul that a copy of this rsr lutsei be writ to the Lieutenant Governor in 1'ot,cil and t.. the members for thin county. We ra„mnetel teat the petioli. et triter." county respect .,g w'teol of county gaols be gnomes' and that the warden and clerk sign the petition ..n behalf .d this council an.1 forwent tater 1.. the I:overnment. In regard W the ap plKmie n of George Connor to receive the appofmtmrut of county student at the Agri - ..•a College, we recommend that, as we have at present a student at the toilette. rio seises 1r' taken. We . I that n.. action I.r taken in regent to the cow rnumicatioo of the sown of North Ton'W and the cvrnmuni.•ation from the Canada amu! Law Amendment r\asocietiu' re Tor •••s system ..f Lel transfer. IRignel) Wit -Man )IIL'41 t'Iwrneaa. The report .4 the areord ani printing -.melte', as follows. was rani and ••!,,plod :teeter ..es-no.L A?n fill NT1\11:. t,RatTTLL Were.ommend that the reyueit of the inspectors .4 Public Schools to have 460 -pies .4 their eombinr.l :.Natal reprrte f,rteted alter their oppress!. for circulation moor* the trustees and tesehera, Is grant - el. and we ahto recorrunend that their re- +oatW have 100.she ale forms printed for ' he purine. of r.bta,nt•g inl.r nation from •ownehip clerks he granted end that all such printing 1r done by the tiunty printer In reference to the pet4two and circular from flee cowbell of the united counties of Leeds sal l;teeville. having for its object an in • reser in the legislative grant to Fuld* and High School, and to give W county uounwila 'ie power to term, enItge or eking.. High test dtstricta, we recommend that e, actlo.be tetyli. We reennim en.l that the ender of U. Metiillicaddly for the causal' ,printing, being the lowest tender, be tepled. t.Qtgtted4 PRiui H•rr, titan -num. January 28th, 1891. The report of the finance ooamittre waa rod. Following is the report. with :t sup- plementary report added : R&POkT or vision's' collet 7Tr.r. 1)n t14to iters referred to we your commit tee beg to report ea follows : That the ac- -meat of A. R. Cornell, for repairs to feral - rure, &c., at registry office, 830.75. be paid; hat in future, tientirver, all much itelns of ,syrsolitore as this he first approved by the ojq That the following accounts be paid Hart & Co., Toronto, for procedure leek for Ihingas.oa Udviei.r, fount clerk. 85.10; John Itill, lockup -keeper at Exeter, 810: Wi.gham Tine., advertising. 44.60 ; K. Lusby Reaforth lockup -keeper, $10 ; .John Mitchell, six weeks' ,maintenance of .John A. Mitchell. a wand of the count y, and for grave -digging et death, 115.50: Wing ham Advance, advertising, 11.50 and 116 50: ':nd.t•ich Star, printing,17.16: John Ansley, ag' and "'fermi. 05.18 ; township of orris, keep of Ilary Hays, a county ward. 32 weeks, 148 ; J- K. Tem, 1. P. a, West I(rse*, pang. etpeq sa ec, re meAnn) ex indsotwtrei 41621. Ales. Munro, gaol sup pike, $6.40 ; Tena Dorsey, repaint ,'reek bridge, 8250 ; Jabo flImphy, repairs r n dmire. etc., in wart homer, 75 ; Exeter Ti.*, 51 ; 1). Robb, I. P. $. East Huron. .ltpeneea >r33.ea • G. Ktblder, 'reditntt lockup keeper, 810: Clinton New Fin. printing, 47 ; .John Yule, Gtaierirh tnrkep-keepr, 810 ; Jame* ilav-ie, Blyth lockup -keeper, 410: F S Menet, Rraa.tel• lockup -keeper, er, 410: Rrusmet Poet, psrilitiag, *1 : J. Re'ethour, Weeneter Inekup-keeper. 810; Oen. Pettyp4em W nlghain lock up - k amper, 110 ; II;.gh fillet l ratter. drawing wood to tweet homes. «7.50 ; Wim. Raise. of David kieemen, a comity war.!, to Jas. let alt, 084: Palely, (lin • • t lovi np- keeper, 41ei 0: Framer & .ester, .tationery, etc., $9.50, gaol supplies. G. • 7; (soman it 1iWNAt., 46.14 gad gl6 5R, )slstie.aw ! 'fee, lumbar, 83861 Hart & Co, per tre*ssrwr Hoke, online's/7, 414.46: O. N. Revile hardware for 31b.141; Jae. Maunder t )lost, IR .erm..t. fee mewl knew. yrs. rise. 8157, r.10a1r7 Mire, 010,10 l.*$13 credits Johanna Carey, mimes few 41.501 Jaffa Walker, work at pot 034-}-J aw k'wge.n. 8ey4.k1 hwkup keeper, 010; (limo (heat, comet home +applies• `17.10; f.a0L Doris, for hemp .4 ('hes. Limped, a mmnty war 1, 007.27; R. T'iehhn.rs., work at mart hears, k* trela* *. tespentot,.-a„ i 0. Nellie,Pm.Iertk aw.ty iNar, 117.701 hf. R. (i.gg. ern i ptr at liar 14*. ESA hash.- Reeerd. 1esIR; As 4-'-L 11 , i'rrt imp keeper, R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. 110; Join Rutter. stationery fur treasurer's °Mee, 41163. That the e account 4 John Acheson, f.n matting, eft•., fur registry other, 61280. he not pain la regard t.. the acrarr*t '4 Daniel Gordon, for burial and funeral expenses .d •John A. Mitchell, a ward of the county, 036.20. your .. tare thinking it exc.w)ve, rmnnieeed that 118 1.r pail ; the (oomtroittee ravrumend that in future not nese than 1161e piel for (uicral expenses of any want .J the ..runty, also, that the approval .1 the reeve of ten• nruut. cipality an wiriels ruck wand dies be ..14Mn- t1 lettere any emirate he incurred.' With reference eu the men* 4 Stotler' and (:Irvin, that .luhu Stevenson and Rall. %Iullua, .sooty awatabba, le supplied with a pair of handcuffs, your aimunittee retool - mend that each :minty coatabk w M, has mit heel] supplied with a pair he supplied in future by ckrk Ad:en.- sou, by eppdicatian through sone reeve. That 9300 be grentei t.. the Agricultural ant) Herti,-niturts1 so.tarties,f the county. and 11125 to the Newt Herron T. -ulcer' in etitute. That 9100 per annum he paid for the nutieteaance of D. Kin.ntan, a,.x,tmty wand, and that all the '•o my wards who are w reeElpt of a definite *tn..unt he mid. irluarte l • by order of the warden and clerk. Tbat:Fi l •MMI John..dkr,of \1'wgbarn, be malt wands of the county, 180 a yew to be paid fur each. With reforms to t he letter of the county r.gtstrar re fees unpaid, your committee are pleased to barn front the treasurer that the balances of all fes have been paid. W . _... 1 that Mary Lucy 1.e a ward of the county, to he supported at the rate n( 1100 per annum. That Thos. A. Tobin, of Stretford. be pail KIR the amount fixed by bylaw, for the arrest of a berm thief. That 110 Ire granted to •Ise Prir.nen' AW Association of Termite. That ,n reference to the teeter for bread for gel made by J. Whitely the clerk an,l wanks receive tetulers at the p-oper tinware' award costr0ct for beet trade/. That no reties be taken with esterase* t.. the application of Fred. Gramm. of Dashwood, for reduction oto paddler.' ht•enae. That. the statutory grant of 425 he pail to the Fist Hero Tate hers lost itute. That n.. boundary appropriate* he steal. That no aetion be taken u, to ail ap1rr..priatics for a county Morse .4 refuge That in future supplies of all kinds for the (siert horse, gaol and re- gistry (Alice he ordered by the clerk, wen. is to give hie written order int what is required,. mei that no sc vunta he recognized ley this council unles accompanied by web ciders : ala, that supplier he tealere,t for when practicable. That e.. action be taken is regard to the letter .4 the county registrar asking an allowance for reveal extra work, He. That the orders and re- port of Ow county road . hr printed in the minutes ; we have examined orders Nur. 15, 20. 21, 22, 23, 28, 26, etc., to and including No. 83, of 1890,aad Noss. 1. 2. 3. 4 and 6 of 1891, and find them all duly certified by proper euthorittea. That the treasurer's letter and etaten.ent, certified to 1.), the auditors, he printed in the min- utes. Your .•ntnmittee, though sub eum- mtttee. examined the mortgages ,n which money was loaned by the .ouuty treasurer since last .lune report and find all duly re gistered and , . .1 1 hy solicitor's let- ter of title, ate. 4Signed) .1. A. Ruffle e. l'bair•man. In .ornmittee ef the whole a motion that that portion of the report referring to the at..uet ..f •kdu Achsoo, for matting, etc., for the registry neer, be atnen4..1 so that the account I.e paid was loaf. and the report wase adopted in council. A .. ,. from mayor Butler was read. inviting the members of the (maned to visit the waterworks and electric light .ngtee house. The matter of placing a new gate at the south entrance to. the Square was referral W the mol and court house committer. The caused then adjourned until 10 o'clock Friday morning. FOURTH 1)A\" FRIDAY. The council rational and the minute+ of Thursday were read and approved. The report of the malaria corami tt.e, recom men.lingt hat 410 be paid *lock up- k..pets pr r annum; that maned members he paid 83 per day, beginning with this .ammo. and that n o a,tion be taken as to the petition of high comutable MacKay for an increase of slaty. let el Jay to the alai Il. w.ibor . i8110, 411. Nr it . ID. No. 60 To Theo y Iia, W .qw list ' Ertl Wklarrr W (,r1 ori wool ty Wild a !• hnd•r> tweet sorry gaol at sew. rc.ltalioe, 114 t.aktrtg .«prs»ai- t y oddities le the works that were uu.1er or' 4 meaty 4 Huron • half. 436 Ik.. 3. tract at the time of your Jane uwrt.ue we N... 70 To 41. N Iters, for 872 tau ;Integre have let the lalkrwirg contracts at the tut fir registry .cher. 987 20; Nu.71 Tu J. lowly puss. via: l• tormjaaertwu with F.r.t•r,for repairing the a.utnty pair dr:ter, the eatery ..f Porth ,aa the 6th of August we 48 Law. 12. No 72 T,( leriet.pberKehler, let • ..attract to Job. Forster u0 erect * for repainug bri.l te and :l arpprus.•her on bridge .0 the sanely bowndery litre between u a*[y boundary Newton HuwM•k and the township' of t:rey soil Khoo, at the 4th Waller townships (entity o/ Homes coweesw., for the sin d gab, each county half, $3, 1tec. 13. yi.• 73 To W. H, W pay half. Ou the 7th of Attempt we let a Forster, her re.,*irrttaegg Hole'aville 1 eo.trwe1 to L Handy to erax-s a trt.lge on aedeppnrches, 1122.d7. Ilex. IA \o. W meaty buawlary lin. hearse/adieu/4n. To J. M.tu11len t son, fru seve re:ugh& .kips 4 Doha -Ire and ifiutehard hr the suet •o.1 t»wlwti pipe. hr court house awl af +1400. each county to pay half. Olt the registry office, 912.68; N... 75 T.. .4 R. ash of August with the •deputy -reeve ..1 ('..melt, for staining and varnishing at reg- Miato we let . ,•untraat to Robert Jaaur.us. ietr .dhow, 814; N.. 76 To •1a.. liu. haaan, ter Lepp.ngto' bridge othe county for eriug at registry oats, *12.50. Ike. ho= on y hue between the townships et 17. No. 77 To Mark Casee4, fur repair- Hee epairHew telt .cul Minn, for 130, ua.•h a ounty to rug a( rpneu-h.e to the Prairie bridge on Flay hall. In order w inehe the required bolus lr Late... Kast 1Yawawrlr and ,nuponenwutr in heating the registry iMoes Morris. 4Z 1O:. 18. No. 78 To L Har - ac duu.l it necrrry to erect a 0nlall add.- d) for err. tug Patine Mete -Age, 899. Dec. tion to the uuurt IujWirrg 4. hold the fur- 19. din. 79 To Ricbanl Bailey, fur re- viser. loiter .1,141 cel. We •-u.tracted with ' "lpirin Hall's and hayfield lridgw, *10.70. C. A. Humber, of l:oxleri.h. to erect the pairing 20. No. 80 y', Alexawler tarry, while* and put in the heating nyetent ily for reprutriag epp..owhee to I:try s MA water I. all "reindeer, at the ..at of fridge .r1 the cull tad, 18.00 8691.94 The. heating appears te he entirely Dee. 23. N'o. 81 T.. L. Hardy. for freeing satisfactory t.. that who weepy the officer, appreart•he, to tee bridge' and repairing..* *Iso 10 those who do lemmas at the LAMA irou fridge ..0 •.only heuisl*ry hetwrelt ter. We uuutru•l..i with .lama Reid, of Camerae awl Illa,u•IsaNd tux nd.iir-tvurtty a•aa.W __r i4. .. Cr am's". Pr "et N" " BANK OF MON TREA L w Yu. 7 of 101((1, r •ursg •wilMlaeei i inn M, was +nano r y V lit ► f b tlw. subatttr4lmr sod the f4lowiag for ,•leuar. 2 tool 3 That the honor 1..r tier ..,only of 'Illegal iw *12. Irl that the lityipa. year •..1 on the 1st of Dissuder in each year, asd that tits bylaw take .Ilei fnM. Elul atter rho Slat day o1 January. 1891. ronsoleration of the petite* of '. S. 10 soul11,Hay, aa. .deferred until the JUIN, wet luso, abru It is 1.. he 'sported ..n by rhe .ache.' stent printied r.m,mitter. A melee. that when the eolnrtl a.g.r.nta it stand adj•.urnr.l wad the Hirt \Yeants day is .loot was cerritel .0 w div Mout. A MAto. by Mears. Torsos and K. it. McLean that the warden and elm polo tion. the Loral 1.r'.,tiaLrture to .. amen,! the Asrra.eut Act that township .outsells Hay paws bylaws to extend, or ...matinee the ,Ener ase einieut titer a period 1M.t ev,00,ltng five years MAX hat ,•11 a ,11;,1.»1 l.y a uaspotty of twrl'e. By lee sAppetit isie ..silty *whiter., :y. P. priiting • per .titin allowance t.. u14•in hers of the .,.nn.-il, re auctioneers tice.ar. and appuuttttlg a brant t+( audit, *the r, shout., were revel and , after which the ctureil adjourned. 4; .k rice,. t.. ehr t a porch, take out old par. titters and 'lake other alterations at the registry for the amount ..f 9169. 11'r tow tratral with F. Fxlwtt, ..f t:,.kri,•h, to fpaint the exterior of the oriel and cottage or the sen of 1p49. 1Yr have erected the superstructure .4 the Flimville bridge at a cost o1 +189 ; L. Hardy. sot File*. was the contractor. 1 have ale. let s torusi.lerahk number .d mailer contracts for repairs. etc.. all of which will appear in the repay -orders which i hate tamed sou the aunty clerk.. All the contracts. let this year have ken ..rupimed satisfart.ril , awl the .o.unty fridges appear to hr safe fur travel at the periwig tee; hot rout ail! reynirc to he renewed early .0 the coming summer, ar141 untie *hunted be repaired this winter if the tee in sufficiently stsoug ... allow !.•rests and teen's to work upon n. Fullowitrg are the number and amount* of the orders which 1 have Meted since the ovate .4 your .Iuue meeting and to the 31st .ky .1 1)r• retain, 1895, inclusive. and the pur- p,*. for which they were hutted : June 18. No. 20 To .1....troatrotig, for re Ranaockle un bri age. *1; No. 21 o .1 r Mole, for throning the drains and bridge floor .•t Mau,cheakr. N; No. 22 -To TMs. McEwen, f•.r rejmine•• the ap- preaches to ,laweMow . bridge, ea: No. 23 - To Thos. Vail. for repairing the Flint. ilk bridge. $1; Now 24 To A. 1k.41UMter, for worts at Allen.* hitµ.. $2.25: N... 25 To A. Mnrame, for titauag,the th*.r awl ap- proaches to F•gm..n.h ills lrri,lgge, 11.25; No. 26 To.l..hn 4; Crarie for cleaning the floors of two e'ri.l*ea at Loser WIngham, *1: No. 27 Tu ),Lillian, \•aastortd f.'r materials sad !.1..r in repairing Kennilkr bridge. $12: N... 28 To W. J. Haydn. for re- pairing I.rnharn bridge. L. S. Read. Asa. field, 86 July 11. N... 29 To Chaster Prouty. ler grave/ling the approache• to the bridges on the I...tvr.lawy line between 11w townships .4 Hay). and Stephen. 121; No. 30 'I'.. Hugh Chambers, fer putting top floors out the Eighteen Mil* River and Am• he -ley l.ridgew',o'unty of Huron's half i,913. .lulu 15. Na 31 To John Taylor. for gra- velling the appwu.whe. 4.. the t'reditNW bridge. 116.37. July 24. No. 32 TO 1814.1. Jamie/on. for erecting Bnckley's fridge our the Lake Shore Rend u] Ashfield. 154; No. 33 To Willie4n %\alter, for repairing and gravelling the approaches t.. Buckley's bridge. and her .k1 atien read while erect- ing the fridge. tr23 f myr 25. Mo. 34 To 'Milk Stewart, for torp Sony .ora the Blue- r/de ).ridqr and repp.a.ring the appeal hs of arm, 820.66. August 6. t,,. 36 T.. 1)a . 31elneal., for top door c' Lower Wing oar•: bridge and regain to the Zetland bridge. 100.75. August 7. N.. 36 Tel Samar' Nict:eogh. for gravelling the ap- proaches* aches* to the Egnr,udeille bridge, $17.25 pxo,. August x2. No. 37 To L Hardy. for erecting the south extension t.. the. lime* iron bridge, $360. August 13. No, 38 To 1). K. Stenches*, 1.r.1rawer racks sad shut- ters for the registry Mbar. 1318.72. Sept. 3,4. No. 39 To 1'. Gutteridge, for exca- vating and erecting wingeralla at the Clin- ton .no In aye. A672.50. Sept. 4. N... 40 To John Forster, for repairing the :(um- mct/till l.ri.1-p - and approaches, $178.27: No. 41 To lor,{-.1 irks, for the r ,f dant kr a read while the use Clinton(lino* Mid was not pasble, (18. Sept. 16. Ko. 43 To Christo- pher Bauxite, tot repairing Sweinerhill Iridge,12.75; No. 43 To Mr. Mose, for re- pairing the Boor of Hall's bridge, 11; No. 44 To R. Tichbcurne, for ceiling tworte ms of 0.4.44'. half, 4114.50: No. 32 T.. ('opt. 1•aisy, for repairing bridge> on boundary between l'sl.'nae and Kkut.•hard ...may of Huron's half. 91: No. 83 To the meliora- tion of Tuckerwmlth, for repairs to the ep- (.ruscber of (btrelhur.t bridge. 98.50, IR-. 29. N.. 84 To I has. K:rkcr, for rrp.ir- ing appro a lies W lower 44'11. t.a a bridge, *2.80. Total ernou11t of or4en. issued froom January. 1. 1890, to January 1. 1891. 44,074.9.. The hollowing hridgrs I would recommend yule to rebuihi .-.rely in the aunt neer d,f 1891. ria: The !.ridge on the(gritrel ' road north of Rrt:rrele k 104) as 0the Jgaumea- tow n bridge : its sew about 130 ft. long ; it is my opinion that a lento, 80 ft. .'aver between the abetment, would be quite hey enough : I think 4t would be sell to rt4,uild it on the Howe tru... principle, en as te urn the tans of the present hedge. ' ..1. the brtdgr on the .vunty houwlary between the tewsrhipe of grey and Fina. the timbers of which ern• eery touch decayed : f etanunrd this bridge last tall in company with the lm- apoRer for the county of Pert It; wet froi•ht .t should he rebuilt early to 1891: th,* twin -hire is opposite the 1st eon.. .41uty. There will mom likely he other bridge. to rebuild during the .swung .unutu•., Ma 1 w..%h i out advise any action to le- taken until atter the spring freshet*. d:sytehl Enol Hiaek I reek bridges 'Mould 1.• repaired this win- ter if the i.•e is suti.•iently strong to safely work upon it with a pile driver. A«v.nl- tNNg t.. instn.otions rest%al at the June meeting 1 w.,ul.l report that the prolol'le oust of an etti'•ient spoon* of drainage for the gaol and prrn.:sea will he about !4110, this amoemt .n.-lu.ling rebuilding the closets. With regard to the test method fur givitig menses.' ..Nice and vault room for Mr. 11. Nielh.nalol. clerk of the ,..ur•t, 1 beg to re- port that 1 have not yet been able to ar- rive at any att.faetnry entwiurno t and I hope you wilt extend the tine, 0m this mat- ter until your next mortise. All of which ie respectfully smlwuitlet. i.ignedt .101[' Atra.t . tMinty ('•.nniisidencr. NV ingbam, -4[11. 1*t, 1✓ 1 The report .d the gaol .anl ,.curt +m.tnitte•e wan real and adoptutl : krro*T •.r ..sot. ('D .,0.1:1. o.)1'tit 47111• w rrrrE. Your gaol aro .xwtt house onmssittee bag leve to report as fd sow.: That they visit - e) the ga..) :tad found crerythiug clean and tidy. The prisoners when .poie 10 ez• premed themeelv'es as satisfied with the treatment motive.] x.ive.] at the hatuha of the gaol etr.•iub. ' We rind the gaoler's report .nosh and would recommend the ware t.. 1r printed in the minutes ..f this council. We recommend that 41..5l. for ga•.l purposes he bought as rejurste.d Iiyy the gaoler attd nu,tn' ; that \\'m. Ar'lell, of Howiek, .Lrrialt Tyerm*n, .d Seaferth, awl TMs. Andersen, of Wart \Yaxan.14i, toe furnished with u pair of handcuffs each, and that the clerk ppuurebnac twenty-four pain of handcuff% for them. mei other+. who may re. quire [Mete ; that the request of the therifi re trkphose be granted ; that the cup sash of the court lions.• window.. foe altered so .they cae he let down front the top ; that a new gate hepla.wl at south entrance toaxtrt lou,e..1mare; that regarding drainage of an.) prnnirs.this matter he left over till an. meeting. and that our ... , .. try to obtain further information in the meantime: that the warden and clerk get a new retial laid down in the court rroml; with referetrlie in the court Mese end rei wirroows to Matthew Shepherd. committed as. a vag- mpg \.rent, that Mr. Adamson he imetructesl t, rant .Mors. 417.40. Sept. 22 Xo. 45 continue his efforts to. get said Shepherd leo To i). Mtgjuayg, fox Wer n theapprepches ,once Mese of rrhtgr until this county has 837.30. Sept_ 25. Nn. 46- To L Heny, p(.sihde his pension he tried for his m.inteu- le finumr bei and laying the cup B.rr, ita own Mur of age built, and that if nor everting a bodge on the coon bound ane u far as it will; and that our ..worn- , ary halters the uownahips of Usborw and miasiorer get one pherri and spreirificlltiorur hx Bkrn"ar.l awl n ring apprstecbs (comely the enlargement .4 Mr. Mciknald's roomof Huron's half). 41104. 'apt• 26. Na 4T-- and vault and have the same ready tole laid To Robert Jamieson, for erecting (.refs before mat the .lune in meetg 474. . 30. 10. 48 To Jac Rend, A t supplementary report Of the Haasee bridge on the mill road east of Bruts& d, (Signed) THOS. SAvu*i.. for erecting pnr.h and other work at regi.- (..mmittae was read. try office, 1169. Oct. 1. No. 49 To That part of the report referring t.. the Wm. McCrea, for repairingg appear -Ives n.Lry hop appropriation was anwn.lal to heigrare anti Ferguson 's I.n.lgeew hound by presiding that the mum of $3,000 lie was reed. 13, 1 kt. 4. Na 50 To Stewart end Bullard, grant ed, as per mot ion e.( 3/Peen. NAy +rut The council wene• t into c.anmitte. when it fur rape! ' „promotes to willow, enrol Johnston. and that such grant in future he ary between Kart \\ awa.osh & Morrie, wee novel by Memos .lohmston and Naprfdge 432.37• vlo> bl To leoht•Jemisau p*M! to the tra*smretw of the re.perttre that the allowance to coulee' members be per day. as heret.4o e. The motion was last by a majority of twenty, and the report was adoptrol. M. V. McLean awl W. Pron.Ifowrt were added to the special committee appointed et the June meeting last year to report en • fer making areer.ses to Raate"harn municipalities when the clerk aleukrtee the Orr, for fenetngkkand gnreUtsg at N inserter ey bride. 11291: Na b3 To th. arrprrratwia Waved by Manning, *erondnl by Hiasett, .7(r.„....46., for npate to the appr.acher of that clause 58 of the finance .o.ntmittees 4e- flnaaseM 4.,..) 112 90; No. 54 To F. port he struck out and that this council 'de he .f 88 000 want. fridge.l6'4. 1 t 10. No. 5th Tn James asrr'nt corningg to each after the "Pe" menta err u*liuol to ,Ions. /Elliot!, for paint mg the exterior /went/work) t'n trnvt t tom . to ✓ evision of the rules .1 prooxrlure .4 the .:d the gaol and °attar.. 849. Ort. 20. Na 114. er•ecee tkra .4 a house of refuge a mew as nmrutil, in d Monies Kett awl Wil as municipality a pxr.'t^ .agre•rut to give place y 56 To Rnht. Jamison, lot rgrammg f•gp e'. ,ugtne, e„ ghe °"°nt bcaadary •Ike su4rt, including the (.ov.enttnent gra., The causal them •.Fjounted until 2 o'clock • bet li %k awl m ° n yowwsA' for the .wan. pm . Carried by a major. p rr 2 o'cMtk p.m. The council renamed. The meal grant '4 616 was wade for flowers and plants to he played aro.Rd the engirt home The report of the rur.l and bridge COW 1111liee, .- mate,. ns follows, was read lied adopbd : IRrna7 or roan am •Rama ,»rarrvim in reference to the engi.eer's report re (.moot to as r .00mmse lttwoe roamrwa mend the Iw gr known as the J.mgstnWP Iwredge he It as soon as practicable. the *rectory to lie of pif. abutments and Queen tram plan. in rrfe►wtm to Mars ea' bridge between Grey and ;Chow we reonenwrn.f that the same he rebuilt as sire as prsctuable es the saute pian rr Jameatoww hrrdge We further r eeramrn..d that the eighties., sake the ae•assry repairs referred M to ►is expert .ad that the report .4 the engiseer bt printed fa the doused ttrietDaL ( 4gsedl Howse Risme, (1l.iRt•a =roar ter Ora* Citemeagm : 1 bag dash M wink to yep`` s e ,o.. n spet ~m. w do h.rwiry .spree nor sympathy w81 yes thio my anal impart to 14• bee`s Nn 6d To JIa 114Id, hrrr riy1 -, him .n his ablietina and desire to lace this wkieb 1 tare MCIsoM4 as your immaWslt •ad t - 11....,___11:1 r 3rn ex. ,tar bormko as a nark of ,cur :..:y.. Watt' art,.. at ^ '1t*'!t .hilar stmt s wN(iraaw"..'.91r.'ene "weer. •a.1 a*nra.fatiatt o( hie nsr.ioer as a .ps4net si tie badmen whish hose woe gereniinr, end atypea as wean met e• new *tee the dab ef troy We report, Midis sit.. Ina hie+. •f. his. Ri- 'T+.lt. a 111egh. Us opmelly restored le health asd otefnf of your Jew'wrathy, e.d this tel as."w.1 for tte0 w •k'• !ridge beu.dlery oars, and that the alertlerinrd kir a wpy .f the osiers *0111 hare Word hes 414. istwew IIfelli M wed YexIIIrp tnrslshlp, of Ow e•wkaliiii ween nw tie 4t ,f eleven. The mitt u amended was aunty of (. So half, 41s Mia 561. To L ,itt«f to the rv.ancfl and ad..14ed. Hardy. for rep Boor o' the N•abe midge The cleric was tetrneted to 'windiest. • Te Ise P0511,. - .4 great manta r front .distant Galta of the county or•1.ring tor yomi'. t.. 4taieihrich for M.Leud a Systems lietuooat.r and other hent weirs, incurring .uts]arral.k expvu.e and 411(..41'.emit u,.•. III I11..• glad t.. *...o th.tt thc,e remedies van he hail tnu..u,y •I: u,,gia 1.' In ern hero Sound and Scaforth, Nita. ►1, Lest'. Speller' 1-un.:eel K..%. \b dw•ruu:....• Ltnmuemt urn I,' 1.1.lcn-•l it Irk 111 .4411,k . Lalsaetw•v : ieelett h. (hat. .1. \I. 41.• Ix.u. nraneefarlunr and ptr.q,rstor, 4! Richard Armstrong. of t1w 3rd lite. Mer rite, tis et pro/lent nnning ;t seer haws, whist, he areideotalIy ant with a saw. J.,hw ('urrie mud WA'n,. 11rreU, ,.f \\'iug: has, ha•.r hien pmrel.seiui heuc .irangl.r 14'1* thr.ugb ut the Pew inee .lnriurg the past ewe weeks for the Manitoba market. elm Weibse.4a of last week .1a-. Walker, Ilorrie, set with *lust might lei v. protest • serious age uient. He wits hamnteringa punch wheu by some atcntis it flew up the red hot cn•l striking him in the eye. The teacher engaged 'in R. S. Nes 10, Morri'., for 1891, T. Burk, od 1Jsa, has beta ••..n.pelled to resign his wake= ueilyg to i11 health sural Ira bees ordered to take ,t oumplete rest. 11.e M'IIIWI g714 closet f'•: ..venal .l*y t. ; y . TEN. mum 1 , .+'El WEEKS s.; OF IT! :r.-a:et.elas-cat ib .a.a_tt ._t G.3 ::717:„.17 -!1 •, „. fin r" '• 1'f 17-. pi! , wt'tT' r 44.151 .0 , 11 Ns,I f f' 1 Co -.14:1!T Cil twd (3};nphovAites G: Lha -O 0n<2 13C.fS {e. wittnai .nal. ?San! bale ii,er .• •p.,a L 4.>7 by •his w (f tt•.:s: c•;.^ea COi(1tt'i'P iON, 4fL:':Clt rt t1Y`M'T:S CDOGNS PAL IT.faLE .44 yr f sot v. Asn !lam Foto! Or MAMMA O t 15:5. =ta .a'e...r:eeb I:tt!r.!*u.P.4e.'!etih. W;;.er.: rt s Orrpgf_M. tris ad 8L ri Alit NOT a Pur. BFstive MeM- R. I, - t Tme. *bey are a L itt.nc Hctt.nP.n, T,,. u. sang Hccewy- -. .., .n^;''y iso a condensed tit Yf :. r .: the ,:ub.tan.ya t aclly neededtnst- i.J K iell 11 111s tet. od. citing I I 44...... .nodes iFo,n Poo* and WAr „r -et Ht.,.R or fou s,,su Heroes ieorate end Boum re )u.doD, an4 alsoL LS'1' r rt Boon and t4T.T1N. when broken FOR down hy overwork. mtstal w.try,dteew•s. ALE •zo..., LOA Indian*. nom. They have a E O P L E Riotormarte At -'"s es flRR0*L 1IT.Tai d Inas and wens., IArtT Vb01e and . correcting W Inaanrt.aamat and al7rmt;*a10!1a pal NAN a'ho !dull .* hill fee- ultimo droll cis fatten`. .,- bls powers 11=1. sho.ld tat• these PILL'. 7'bsr will restore Ws lost energies, both o