HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-2-6, Page 41ht • The 0111•6111 lecemmammeir Mamie tensey. 10 rves.namft EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, Mee of bhU..-$041111. Northostrort. defence, Ofttans. Tann et eftbeennefieft owe anent h. la Meese. . O it Three wisseithe, . ...... 39 : .... Om year. 11 emelt le mead. the win' fin Peer wilt be :10 Afteeeflaiteg leases s LJ and ether eases' adestolseraents, lat. per line fee first temetteli an4 cema par line ter want afthenfteet Isseemieft. bleinared •viecziill sada. tzGarde et six iinee and under 113 per Lpt. Found, Drsyed. suspend. SI per ineeth. Visitant. anon. Wanted &ad Chasten %Vaulled. eseeedint • Hewes eft eels mid Venom eft Dale. an to •seeed hank $1 for are month. lite per sub. ileptient Manta. Larger totem In prottortiost-- Amy *Pone' neitha. the otifecs of w turn is to promme the pecuniary benefit of Me iddl- ?ideal or company. to be ooneidered an ad irertisemmii and chanted Aceordnurly. L.& sot ices in empanel type one ern! Per ward, so nistleeN ko.Olen 26e. Local notions la enliven readlag lye, tan mate per word. N• uotioe for lee. tbost Sec. Nottoes for churches 'tad onset religious and 1ftftstrolest hastitudefts ball rate. taftimerran Mmenues Ads eruseinenta. A limited number of &belayed adverttee mews will be tneerted at the- olvlog tole* Per loch. one insert ion se four .. 1 all " them monttia. .... •• ! UDC )11011t. No advertisement lase than two ineoer, in !meth will be eakulaind est above basis. a Per cast. discount allowed for cash hal meat* oie three mamba' oontreot le per moo. on six isentne". and IS per cent. on • year's, These reedlike. will be flirted, enforeud. Afton( •• The MgwaV entery. Ouhseribero wbo fail to receive Tur. S".NAL resularly. either by carrier or be mail. will confer a favor by aegoutanting us of the tact ea es early a dames pomade. Lent ea Year tweet. Your label ie a atandlro receipt of (ht.'.4ate to which you me paid sp. dee that it noi allomed to fall into armor. When • etsanste of address is desired, both the old and the new addition. sboold be uvea Rejected manuscripts modem be returne.:. C . mint be written on one 3ide of paper only. rubtlanses filistaen James Z. Oweassdey. to Althorn, is our Om- elet Travelling Ascot. aud is empowered 10 solicit subsortpUona and orders for ;ub-wort at all potato and to grant receipts for same. J. C. la Tosizel. of Goderich. has beep ap- pointed Corsi Travelling Agent Gor Qat lows. skim of tioderien Colborne. Aabfield and Wit woman Lona .„ over the district are sten empowered to envies sebscriptions to fee SIGNAL. All communications must be addressed to D. MeOILLICCDDit. Tint tiliossi.. Tellleptiese Call 30. Uoderich. Ont. 00901111119:11. FRIDAY. PEB. f. iiu THE DOMINION ELIICTIONEt After the usual denials by the. Con nervative prese, the belief of the Liberals and the statements of the Liberal press that a Dominion elec. tion s -as at hand have been verified. and Marcb 5 has been named .is poll- ing day. For weeks past the idea of .10 has been pooh-poolied by the organs of the Administration, and the result w as that when the an- nouncement was made the most sur• prised folk in Canada were the rank and tile of the Conservative 'party. Huron wpm no exception to the gen- eral run, and on Tuesday, when the aimmeneement of dissolution was re- ceived by telegraph, the prominent local supporters of the Government were bit between wind and weter, anti waited for the arrival of The* Empire to we which way they would hate to trim their mile A few weeks ago the ennuis' convention of the Cozier. sative Association of West Huron heel been held, and aa SirJ one had givenno sign it was taken for granted that another session of the House would be held_ The discuseion on that oc- casion, from the published reports by the Conservative press, discloned the fact that there was a generally ex pressed nentiment that the voters' lista of last year nad not been well attend"! to as they ahouhhhave and that if an election were fought out on the lists revised last veer their calndidate would be dished at the forthcoming elections. Bo fixed was this opinion in the minds of the repe tentativ00 that it wax determined to arrange for a new gerrymander of H area, M the , of 1 was . o "i1 la "back eumber." And with thin idea et ewe more cap tering • ... 4. by cerving, President Bane, of the iteencietion, wee chosen to confer with the Govern *ment ea to the most effective method of waiting the contemplated gerry- attendee. That was only a few weeks ago and jay Win manifested by the leading . 'A wire pullers that an Op/ yieetsinity was within resell for ogre nem capturing West Heron, which by senora! consent had drifted away hell them during the pest four years. Today their joy is changed to sadness, and their rejoicing to o' , end, talk how they may, the rattled look *nil emetic actions belie their hopeful the most . 1. emaipulelien would be indulged la, sad, with the knowledge. of what had been done in the gerrymander of I $h2, it seemed almost hopeless to 1%44 so that pope lar opinion would be honestly repre- sented. For this reason the intima tion that an' election would he brill , before the census wax completed was hailed with pleasure then., owl With one voice they agreed that the • a • ...) • • TIIE SIGNAL GODICIIICII, ONT., FRIDAT,.1, I8111. 444,0". •"`"••••••-'14' • • • 4"'",t1t4: • """ ' . 4 „loa 14.4 t" 0 ",-.0 • "t; • - .4 • .".av , .4.1, • several Made were largely weds up„se Is an interview ga, aggardie, Bee 1"11"rAnianee Is sad tbeir products: Jesth MACDONALD admitted that by Cheese .1 ogn,000 the additional duty oo hay, eggs and Homed cattle 4.9°1000 other articles the MeK tetst Bil! hit lioc. 1 366 000 360 000 °mad* moody. A few months ago Undreamed hoe bosp Rutter . ...... . .... ... • • 3°177,0:0 ttbehatrestuurrictioneuisitendsuitry-ere trywingoukito argbwinue Agrieulturalpolleelle- Apples ..$ 1,277.000 now that we had to seek hew omit - Peas • 1,091,000 ets. McK in ley ion and MaotIonaltlism, wheal- • • • .4. 439.(4° high tantfe and npiteful legislation 388,000 ‘I;s17r „ 1152,23,000000 iliti%eurn;Iniveaitiroil in there death. tine anal iheue wen- Imitable for • (7:4; • 84,000 them. He must be a steipW Mae. indeed, Timm; Is a peck of trouble almost ,And as it stands in Huron so mud ho cannot see the importance 44 the as big es a bushel in the Cotuiervative it effect other portions of the Prot inee, kneerican market to Cann•Jet. Putting tamp mei' the fact that :1 general elec- For twelte years by one subterfuge or 0,i410 our export, the United tion for the Commons is upon ism another the popular tote 01 /uteri° Rion; takes more of our it7irrt:iiifiThill *Tile -Seism. has ito finger upon the has been stilled, end aortal have been T proaticts than the rest (of the world pulse of the electorate of the three sande to obtain *nal) veelLiete' calls for. We cannot afford to have Hurons, whisk beats with a healthy 1"2 Ire heli the lireeeYmee', and red parlor legislation chew diet ruarket deterutinettietti that the restrictionista the' Prmui"! tha""11u'iw" Beit141 to us. - Cant ese and vote steinst re must u elk the plank. Our hontt.s, capital would 'bit Invested in Canada - our lantle. our barley, tour eggs and our Italy Inuit find an untaxed market TO , .VOM /.VATE (ANIPII)ATN acmes the line if %Ise Alia friendly -tt the annual diet ting of tet• Re statesmanship can open the way. form .Association held in the Temper - *nee Goderich, Felt. 4, it was decided to h4.1.1 a nominating coneention at Dunyantion. on Thurs- day, Feb. 12. At the Dungannon cortventiena the Libentle of West Ifuron will select a candidate 'to carry the banner of Re form on to v ictoiy at the taming election. Thy meeting in Feb. •12 preinises to be the most important gathering Pier so :non as it wits known that the policy of restriction wait once more sustained. In 18(.7 the Liberal Party Intel ita bawls tied by the infamous Franchise _ket,' rind hasi te fight berry odds u thus handicapped. Today, it is true. the Franchise Act still exists, hut the manner in which it was oorked for the electioes of IS147 opened the eyes of the Liberels, and bust year in the carious courts of revision over the Province they, as• rele, held their own. For: .these reesone we believe that AU extaillent fighting chant* for over- tuttiing the prevent incompetent Government IlloW ex ete, Ant! rteTY wan who lute the good of the country at heart should make supreme effort Vit hope the eailors now in winter quarters in this county will see to it that the misentble policy of restriction which lie..rearies our lake traffic and volts the mariner of many of his best opportunities will get a hoist at the forthooming elect ion.' The Liberal party electires a lake trade as free ns the wind that wafts our home -built schooner4 from shore to shore. Let l>ur lake. 113% igators canvass and vote held in West Huron, and every effort for open ports and fair and free cum- shouhl he. puto forth to have n full petition. Our lads can hold their representation from every polling sub- own under such circumstances, and there is more rade and more money division in the coastitueuey.. to condemn restriction of trade in A committc, for nostioatio„ poc. etery .hape and form. • Pre consieting of J. T. (laatitow, Driven to hay by the approach of sumo. A. H. MANNING, president of defeat. Sir .1toi Alaroineatn has MI the Reform Association, and P. Hots, last neon swallowed his N.P. utter- I It' MorDietheurrev and R. HolAtta alien: anti attempted to blind the ey•es hs, bees chosen to look,at Clinton of the people by throwing in the- air the dust 41 at partial recipmcity. But the hour i. late for each a death -bed cctifession to avail him anything.- He has politically silliest away his day of grace, seo far as the trade policy is non - eeriest. mid the day of juilgmept is at hand. The liestrictionist Must Go. - - • • .4 f.4RENT 1VoRTH HAVING. TOE Stioi.0. never attempts to jug - z1.• with figures, hut likes to tete* true story in a straight fashion. The fol- lowing condensation of facts found in the Trade and Navigation Returns of 1889 is taken from a reeeent team of the Toronto News, a Conservative evening paper professing inriepend- e•nee • The total color of Canndn's experts in 1889 wima ea9,000.000. id wha+ P80.000.000 want the news. lout 0 1 want It early. Fa- repreeentod goods the posture of l'asula. ( Hot ('onser%ati%e friends in this' pecially will this be imperative for the next . . The Iliggeet jourchaser for that year saa litho! %ill not have time to get their month, owing 10 the Prelim" eeime4 hY the United States. 1899 being one of the rii .ith .1 March. The lag scare at lin le .e.r • I 1 i 4 election sews. foto years since 1872 in which the Mother ., r.y mans to rem y ti ore the Country ranked mound aa a etassurner of . . Canadien. exports. SIGNAL SNAP 81107'S. ,Altbough great Britain and the United i ittnis a has precipitated the election. Tim rumor of a dissolution ed Parlament Staten amity far the largest purchmen. of whist (*la hae t., in.in. the trade nj the arid the old, the %toy venemble lint will was mot a t:rit bogey after an. lhaninion te not by env Melina confined to bate to lte llgell ill the same old gerry- wif sir. Jou36 would lit, so have Ilio, t wt. oinint ries" k''inost re eta, ,hems siecc „,,r lese every '';')."11;nr„7,1, ii montlerol constituency of eight porn Wale's, of Maine. te member of his Cabinet our people. In AuettSTia. in South Amen I ago. That is why the agony is 1.0 keen for the next few weeks! is, in the West leder and in venom 1..:ur.. I . amongst the , Conservative.. 44 West IT appear,. that Sir dont. AlAcial34.41.1i is man comitries there are large Marta wherc the produce.44 CanialiCil fisheries, soil mod 11 uron. " looking toward Washington - for is policy forests are sold. The tourism countries at the present juucture. .__ . _______ _._. which purchmed our goods to the value ,4 Noe long since Herr throw/dee re- ---- ----- -- -- over DIOC1,000 in ieB9 wee: Snit .I..0N has become a renprocitician, n.iverl his emir, during the p.0 Weak MP: ?tarn Wren. &MI what is to become .4 the Old Flag, the $39 519 000 Signor Ceitirs has been eleporel frotn Home Industrie; and the •ii P • • 3.3,504,000 tlw position of Italian Prime Nlinis- Tits farmer. of Canada will have no red 11.601471.001g ter. and within a month our only own parlor in their reciprocity, thank you. mow Sir .1. 'ON will have received notice to such • liee0e1.1011 won t mix. 701.000 Std.!) 11011%11 and oUt. The protection- . 667.(X10 rash piratic which has seized the Ottawa 334.000 ist premiers all along the line appetir ailmoustration is in marked contrast to the 333.000 to be getting the benefit of the. peo- steady activity of the Liberan during the 220.000 • 205.000 idea will explored in the peraw , Pant year ..r two.-- a:_? 166.000 '• Turn the niscals ont." I „ornany . . .. . 142.000 Turas. as an anciene.sed fish like smell Mout the Ihmonion votersi lath At least Norway and Sweden ... 104. 000 1», what a sharp curve some of our 500 young men between the ags. 4 21 and stomp of the smaller perehasese erre : Tory confreres will have to take an 24 will be diefrimehised by it in Huron. gnitUrugua,000Y:trltuta"°°, SL:h000.11.;"Itair7; eboltellgajeolum; the trade question ! How suddenly Ora Lib-Ces. routampsrurie. ole now New Zeeland *48.000. Pere. *31.000. NIA the ,trtiericalri market has groan im- saying. " It's • mighty sharp ...neve, but British Africa, 127,000. ern 4T 1111 I' :4 111[1. 4rrsTite pry. . portant and henorahk ' Rut such a we've got to take it." Even The Hamilton Of the $39,519,000 worth of Canadian swing around is too rapid and too * Spectator will have t° ltwatiew the "cinch: - perdue, purebred by the people of the 10 1, trunt4ni. The &men a cianadia ity pill, and without a grimace, too. United States in 1889. the greater 1. :110ia mine under theme heads . will judge a neglectful and oppresetive Title would be • good time .41)5, year for Produce of the foreat 811.043.000 Government by its twelve years of ill. the local benches of tbe Renal Rights As- Agricult und praline, ... ., 9.125,000 lineiation to, arose the cleaner of bringing Animals and their produce . 7.137.000 treatment and nbt by gilded pmmiese Produce of the fishery.. 2.939,000 form' with both feet.- Are the Kqual sat outelidetedi vrho "stand on then plat. Produce of the mine . ... 3.753.000 Motolonakiism is doomed. bilannfacturee . . 1,822,000 Hy -rnu-woo, is it not a little iniiii Righters in Hume dead or sleeping. any, Here are 4"Ine c4 15, Moran, 1144,11 that while The Empire and its Gil here° - -- -- - -- - - following of little fellows are howling about the impropriety e4 Reform on Saturday next, and determine the liner - Awn. which the nomination shall be math., which will he submitted for approval to the -convention at Dungtnnon on Feb. 12. To this reel the largest possible representation should lw present at Dungannon meeting. so that the en- dorsement of: the candidate on that °evasion will bit the prelud.• of his sure and (oriels election. Sr4TOR Trim. SIR JOHN MICDOXeLti'S iirofessed cont-ersion tal reciprocity look. too much like 0 death be41 repentance to be real. Certainly it reminds us of the old lines : •• The devil sick. The devil a monk would he. Tia devil got well. The tlevil e monk Nap he. in it. _ WArefil The Star get up on its hind legs and howl for an extension of Can- adian trade with the great Republic to the south of us. the natural market for a large portion of our agricultural products, itc., ke. And that antiqua- ted but, nevertheless, amusing relic of pre-Ailamite humanity •• Old Tom A itmanN(. won tcall The Star editor a traitor or :t Fenian for doing so, either. Anil while we are talking about exporting raw material how would it do to ship old Tomer over to the Yankees ea a sample of Canadian, imported raw mnatitwild . To OOP C • dente - Will our ..sorrespandents please remem- ber that to ensure insertion all "copy" must 5. so by Tuesday. or 1Vetinestlay at the latest. each week! We publish more cot o .. awl original matter than 4'4, two other papers in the Huron Tract. and 11 the outside matter does not reach us early it ie very diffieult fax us to crowd it In. We l'niteal States 11:reat Britain . . . British Wmt Indies Newfoundland Spaniel' %Veit Argentine Republic . . Australia .... -...< armed .. . France British ininaa st. l'ierre Portugal . . . ender the several heads named in the ex Tat party led by Sir loge MAcnovkLO ports to the States : Agricultural prodlucts Harley .......... . 6,454.000 Hay 922.000 Ileaas 406.000 Pert 312,000 Potatoes,. 192.000 Anima" ami thew prone, Hors« .:.. .11 2.113,000 ... 2,156,000 918,000 488,000 Hides, bon* sod skim 464 000 Poultry 110.000 WRA? wi In swats. Of the 1135.504,000 , „„,, posil to Great lintain nearly 617,000,000 owes under the head of Nee or...torte, and various produete of the etock industry Hers are the big items who go 4. malt,. ep West Huron aa a I 15. wheh, atrion4thie4 pemeerve is a thing of the Amman mid their redone... riouttnal .... Liberals of the rlah.r1" Tandem of Has rat,. lag reverie lif the fornifeing Inas dee peeltillia et Prods« of the mew eidBli 14 lir kg.. he the most leguipripl the i1nent114111 Of with American statesmen at Washington, they nevertheless with one mooed endorse Sir dogleg action in lending . 10 Washing ton to do the eery same bunineris no March 41 What's for the goose ought surely to he MUee for the gamier Tug Empire is afraid to repro the hackneyed expreelsion, "Th. (trite rare on the run.. hot 11 gets as dor to it as it dare by acting in its leading ar ticks on the dienolutiost, "The Grits .4.$167000 are deopreard Mel 1 • o" .1." The la."X61717.4"500 1,679.000 . 1,969.000 „minty in ce_sena se the ...aim 01 welter. es the Mieftsle bee signified his lei - 491.000 stream ve thrtetW Imehtvate. March 6 /Ph ' 1 lase kossesili. ales 111.41.18,atat sre Wind et IIhulh. How, Tam, pt per gm. 4.74 perenta in calling itaelf the liberal Comm. vat ive party. The truly liberal ll'oimaires 11(11 sr* those well protected mantslactio ern who whack up in the red perk* fax the election expenses IT will he in order at the owning imam. ?attire cv onentenn for Ittolilltne roliTin, es M P. to be nornineted hy s good, 'square mod, shaming Equal Righter, who in •Junis last true eirreting and tearing and rearing at the Jesuit Aet owl the Separate Schools. eh . - Now watall the Tory turn around, and whirl arefted and jump, Jus rimy, aft the question el sztemied trade relations with the Petted fetates. It is funny beentoem, bat they will an 4. Is-- freer The Kevin te The Haar. Ferteries jPAIRINinsethierailita d1 1 I I 6100 Trieste from this am. go far as Harem Ahlitlfeette le can 11, Joint • halm and lime ems/ Iteniehq then illehree, ire SIM 45.4 .5.. WONDERFUL WINGHAM. THE MOON° OF OUNIMINT EVENTS an this ealliennif wenn tfttoweig Moe* the bac heasthea rerein-Me ail 111 Item heave se eftf trees Lively neenew. (mow or* own tseenaireasesal • AGOOD A(T. -Wia. Billinpley* Wasik concert was a* surer us Friday hue, a great many having t stand throughout the entire program The post -seeds were 160clear of exposers. Wit this haatlatme little sum Mies RtIlinsele hdpee to visit h brother Frank. in iodic to recuperate her health. ('oarsen-rat Why is %%Ingham a roe place for borrowers! Bemuse in Winglian one can idire)• find good "Breda" 1)44411 THE 015. 1). Robert/on, 0 Varna, is writing lits brothcrinlan i.f ihi town, Mr. Gmluun. Like the miner of wog Dave cnn make merry with ltio Wiagbira • trilby? No! Whighme idt edi it. midi* cloths' of villagthood hene mora Ithe se mew enterykag nintreall a,ad the day is not far direst when she will ham the wisdom al the saga NOLIAISISLL16 [rano ova owe , Th. part.iy hoed et she Meeheilel church here unanimosiffp limited Re W. Ayer. to remain smother year. A large munber of our comm. have • jusned the Septennial Benevolent Society, a comparatively ore meaty am the mutual system. 0 The quarterly service ta the liethuchet h church was noire largely Amadei on Mali. y lath last thee ois may previous occasion ✓ Upwards .4 300 trauma of the se‘valuesst. We regret to learn that Mr. M. R. 1 Evans laabeen compelled to intake an ea signment. This is &mistime owing largely to the heavy expellee ineWMAI on account .1 Ins prolonged illness. is The *usual eyelet supper Itch( so the , town hall an Wednesday of hist week in 1.5.11 01 the 1'. O. F. a Han..11... a grand success. Over a (hundred members and others partook of the sumptuous spread. A platform 'meting was after- ards hell and addremed by Mr. Smith, A Qr Demo. Time, Wednesday's tall : wevitlwr. very inclement, yet ninny were (herr. Time. Signally ; Weather, rathe unpropitious, and so fee tooted out. 1 this world .4 ours degenerating or is i growing in grace! Parr 45$1: roe 7111. WAnYtitil. Broth, (rite, girl on your armor. buckle on your swordand prepare ye for March 5. let us ilien valiantly fight. gain the victory au defeat the fire. ..n.1 by so doing gain the everlasting gratitude of l'anarla'. brave sons and fair dime:ten. LATIENTATION. Tile evening Toe So: '*3. made 1(8 appearance in Wiughen lost week. our tow n bell nut greatly lament ing an indignity done it by the said se: sat, naytteg 1501 it luol cut it in two. put ting it head dos nue at. Our compassion waa touched as we listened to its lamentation,. STILL -%Veduesday Islet was day with the Salvationists of Wan,: ham. there bring present the MILIIII111 Mus- keteers, nine strong. Although just at potent the Aitny sothout a leirrack... they are not going to die. but they 'moo t. keep on tiring at the enemy. fort or no fort. TtkiNit Tier 7540'ref:Erika. - Seeing an account in Tor Seis&t. t4 one who took his grist LO the Ethel ntill the other Sunday inersing reminds us of an old pounce. mu resident in Wingliant, who once saddled his horse and rade off fto het one oatunlay, leaving him wife at home to enjoy her Sun m day o et. It Wm. t;te. To' Sr Tasks. -All. Janne Yates and wife. 14 tiederich, spent Sunday last with his brother. W. atm, of town. He stated that he had seen much concerning Woederful W Ingham in Tire SION eousequently was MIN IOUS LI/ Mate of Its noisy attractions. No doubt he will be able 0. give his brother councilmen raany good pointers after his reeent Put. 1100111‘... The yartlgof oar three 'separate saw !MI6 in town are en crowded with loge that It become neoemory O. lay planks upon t he top of t hem, thus driving the t emus up and pitching off their loads. This means 48 busy 11ne for the coming season, although at the .me time it sullies the hearts of maple tyro • lovers to see the beautiful maples. /MI cm! in this wholesale fashion. We. are beginning to anemia.. that this ninth...me delicacy will mon be a thing of the pao •is this our fair !Nu onnion. 1'.HM: TE PI7011. - A person 51.1 to he an organizer 4. the Patrons of Industry 540*14.5411lim ast week e rued, and 'tie said that instead of going to an hotel he erg% int., the tire hide eV. tie. Union fac tory. If this lit a specimen of the industry he advocates, we don't want it in this town; in truth, sir. we do not favor the Patrons very much. Every .*se who considers at all knows the tompeutiou 44 today in to keen that our merchants are Mdiged sell at the very bottom fires. We advocate that monopoly should . le, letting our Motto be. -Live and kt eapicially when the servant of monopolist has to borrow to a fin- hole. Puest . ION. Jas. Shaw. a member of (O.urt Mattantl, No. 25, 'P.O.E.. presented the mon with • beautiful oil punting, set in a very handsome frame, on Friday last, as a memento of kindness received hmm the brethren during his long and severe &Mk tion. The Fainting was beautifully exeen tel by his danghter, and will long decorate the walls of their handsome hell, after the present members have been gathered to the Supreme High Court above. On Wednes- day, the 115.5 inst., the above Order will hold a grand basket social in their 'spacious hall. A good program has beim prepared by an nett% e committee, and a very pleasant time may be expected. AN EAIIIT/ILT 1411.1.MiNii-u. Your hliti tde Fervent, sit. was somewhat early 6. church on Sunday evening last and as he sat meekly in a leek seat waiting for the service to commence he began to think of 50* many different denomination. there were represented in Winghsan ni in all, costing an expenditure of at east ten thousand O dollar.' per annun. Now. r, if there were but two ehurches of large capa- city they would comfortably seat all wee shippers' of the sanctuary and how pleasing it would be to the Great Head .1 the. ehurch thus to see his children mingling together in pros; it would save a yearly erpendi ture 01 about live thousand dells's. This could be spent in &eta of merry end charity to those who eased in need. .04cheer up many earrowful hearts who lune been he " ralicieerrao aaditatafaikted AlhriC Hear. A varant lot adjoiningthe Orange Hall has been parched. eel by George Masco. We believe it is the intention of this, our very philanthropie cairn, to present it to the Salvation Army for the erection of • hall. We admire each philanthropy much, and east profit in be teeing O. me who preforhes that which he theorises. May his gift he blamed, and the recipient of the tarn* flourish in its mission. -WILL" mu. as Pitman. Will Fleuty, of The Adviusce, purposive returning to Kra 5*5 ( olainhui anew tone during the present maw for the gest, tuns bora appoint. innetli. Our beet writhe@ go with him, ca ~dem goy mesh.' torlioint, a t of Clinton, Rev. Mr. 1115!,..1 Holmes- ville, Episcopalian mil the R. W. O. K. Edward Toot. of Lomita, who favored us ✓ with kis premium tool gale to an hour'. speech 1.n Forestry st-loich wsa highly inter ., eating and profitable. Thum abo heard It eouli not bit he convinced 'that the Order is doing a noble work in relieving the dimmer& ST. HELENS. 'rime mat teas eetutraroso3*er.1 The gouty fnende of Miss Vistoria CUrrati - are pleased to see her 011 the street eosin. John Weld. hes puts•hased the Noise and s illage lots of Patrick Doyle. Miss Nlary Salkehl. of t•oderich, and .1. R. Miller. barrister...4 Toronto, are viait- mg at R. K. Miller's. st. Heko String balasI was one of the: leading attractions at the Odd Fellows steuel at Lucknow 011 Fridley evening last. Rev. Mr Conoco, of Kent county, has taken charge .1 t 'hriat's church and preaciv hi. introductory Memos an Solgoth afternoon Init. . A meetit% of K.:formers of pain% sill, lille040111I1 NOIL 3 and 4.Weet Wawanosti, waw bell on %sudsy evening in the Temperanor Hall. Several delegate.. were appointed ti• attend the 1:oderich oonvention. -tv t:. Strong. of 4:orrie, has been in this vicinity during the pest two weeks in the interliota of the Canadian Order of Poteetern the object being to t•etabliali a court in the village. His effort* hare been so anceensfut that it is expected • court will be instituted on Saturday evening, this work, with about thirty charter member.. The annual • ongregational meeting of Calvin church was held on Monde ..lan. 96th, and was largely &nestled. ver Mu' reports read show all natters in VOW Election with the congrestattem to Is is a highly prosperous cenolition. A pool deal of interest- wee manliest...I in the "rein toeStiOn. Which was consoler able length. Gin a rite being token the majority' wail foetid to he in tarot' of the in troductson of an organ. the vote standing 42 to 11. The matter was left for the sessior to deal with. RIPLEY. j IIW11 Or II OW% a-011.111Y:111.0NDENT. ) Mr. Wilma. from Cariboo, is the gums of his unek, Wm. Wilson. There is a greet surprise waiting for Charlie'. girl when .he comes home. 8.50 is liable to thud her ‘16111 One settled in bust Men The Patron. .4 Industry are ..n the right waytioprosperity. tine t bent last week made 75e. purchase and 011 that aniount he eavedsaoa Mr. awl Mrs. Thoms, from Northern Dakota, were the rests of.f. E. Mulholland last %reek, as were also Mr. isad the Mimes Bell, from the same place. It would oblige It McLeod very much it the party or parties would make themselves. known to him that loaded the eti..k id tire wood that blcw the top off his stove one kat week. Thus. Miller. farmer. p.-eaelied in the Methodist church last Sabbath ev••niug. Amongst those present were Proleawar ic 011111, FA. Hodgins and Mr. Unpiehart. traveller for 4 'mire k Smith. Mr. engem McKay made an asogamest for the benefit 1.1 hie i•retlitora kat Satur day. They all met at the Commercial Hotel to resolve their allotted portions., when, to their dismay, the assignee made the fact known to them that all the assegais that were coming to the said Angus. McKay was the small alum of $20.00. There was a young man in the neighbor hood of Ripley that was chuck full of mis- chief who went to all the homes around and invited the levy. and girls 1. the Com• merria/ SSW night lest WePS. but when arrii ea they found it a joke, for Medd* and they were taken by surprise, aa no me knew anything about it. Saturday evening at 7 o'clock we heard strains of music floating is the air awl niqi investigating the matter we found the ley silver cornet hand oppointe Martya • tune. for .1. 8 McDonald, who hardware mem, playing mune alwor4i been elected warders for the county of Rimer. lietweeXtnto the large crowd es Mr. McDonald gave a very nice that the music drawn around. We might juat my he dol not forget to thank the bort for lowering him hy owning out to play for him, and we wouldjudge from the pleasant evpreeetors on the leader • face that he gave them erenethtsg noire imbetantial theta thaelm Mr. McDonald innate. %mown throughout the man ty. It te needless for us to may that he is respected by every one who has the pima ere of beteg sequaluted with him. He has held the honrable and taw et mere for a great number 01 years. so he ill au enerrtte eitiotorirdifte 71wee rote to Its a Meant chair in the the politteel party be on et y adetwates big sew buildin/ in Tomtit* Mei,- yet. sad Although your 'Mho ia G t to the. very marrow, we milli admire those who adhere well to then party idthriagh of • different poloseal matiment, hoping that they may eventually re the weer of their ways and be converted ' Stows Moir. TALIIIIM. Yon, iheribe, very food of geed pittpit oratertetaaned wee mush gratified on Suntim lest ing to the Rev. Mr. Partook RD, trim preerbed anniversary aermoes in the Preaby terwan elieren his preaehiag being threpient and powerful. Oa ties Monday ermine fol kering he lectured gain in the said cherish ea "Latter Day Parte." Hi. lecture was troll steseded, all gang away testier that it was good to he there We lissomly leaps that in the mar fetters we shall again Mee h. prior* interaseg to time worthy diver. Blame haviag ails salOset. Mr. &liter, there wes ea* thieg thet this rev. irthorms mid le giving eat the asreeinee- saftilm theft Ann rand year par awns% 10. Illenimered mearthrietigteinitkashial- mese wombs mi le enehsed es • mum of our tOeyites will .41 40 our power to hasten day. The infest daughter «4 Al este, Morrie, wei. buried 1101 Metnirlay, dm men deatk berg iielleninttione. The sympathy 01 15.., =rim& in *melded to the sorrow* Rev. R W. Hares, Wingbea., sold Isis lay mare na Returday lest to a Mr. Me. 5•1119 for the headneer .mol 911116. M. MeReasie will take it es Mar- tolha A sharp UMW took • load of rate into Gerrie • few days sge and clisonsed 01134.. The buyer thought there was ansiwebing sow% mid epee evambeatioss found that the Mae contained Mar prousds of mad to Hee Milhet The tanner wei ofti tus f4 th' mehe mime& wben astated the i1 weatham. 151 mosiths ()43.r$15()43.r$15jan 'mho Wage sees Ye Melt ems 11 7,. west to sot the beehen mad hast eisepatips sew salleeribe15e TIMBIllinais - _ •101.1.-^ a , • - a * F.' lawytg. AIM MORAL SUPPORT. her Oahe $Md weeds Adthrelloeil Ss *trio eassar Ipbabeeriers. Ruisvos, Owe. Tea Meer. is always weiseme and always bright sad awry, .01 WA. leo is as new drum Years truly, Hew. 1. B. Wau.wm. sr. ICIICIOesil 6.4 t1.00 subscripeue. We mem congratulate .e the in Tina AL. It u welcome weekly v sum. Yours mimeo fully, ClItut 1. Mehemet ttass trete Iles. • Med to see is the vt. largenient mad . iu1 you pipet es shame 14 your prospenty. May you g.. ahead and prosper to the and is tn. earneet mak of your siaotre friend, Jou !Aargau. Crime. TOWAIIITID. U.T. Ea.:lowed find $1.00, el ranee mem* for Tel nicNAL for they've eliding Jan. 1, l892. Accept hearty owt gratulations on the great made OS the escellent anima. It is now * " Oandy sad big value kw the many. Noun truly, W. R. 1111 -Lint, Attires, ONT. I nines, P.O. leinny tit der for 99, nay aubecriptioes to Tut Sionsi, Oh.' elan the subs...Option for Mn. Etruria, of '*Ise.*. Te,ana. 1 would have peel moon. but expected to lir 111 Oaldeneb 1,, fume this time. Hence the delay. Yon have made, to my tined, a very great im proveusent to the old paper. Keep her head to the ivied. and she will weather the gale all right. .1.505 YOVN-c. cease ALL, ONT. -In again sUblieribing for Ta 1 take t' ery great plaseire congraiulating yOU on the a0.1 progress that hos characterised year moms...mem of the paper that has so long stnven to advance the 'Menet4 of my native tOWIL 1 always 61:11 all[110611 to 00 auy ,novenient that rasa • tendency to pen mote the welfare ..f .1.1 4elerich, and I .as convirivol that the public-spirited manner an which you advocate all matters of puldse Moment, newt ultimately bring forth abound ant fruit. Agatu renewing ray epagratiois times. 1 AT, y011ell 1617 1111101r141 C. J. Illenames. STRAIGHT POLITICS. Notrunimene day Thursday, Feb. M. Election day Thunielay, Meech 5. A Reform oonvention will be held at Dungannon Feb. 12, to nominate & condi datc for the House of Contained. Warden lie 4. is a strung aspirant for parhamentary honors at the forthcoming I 'omen alive con% entina ' - It now take as it RoSittliT Will notmur to be et M.P. for West II uroft. sir does has declined to bt pressed at the gret Conservative rally iu thin (Friday) evening. South Hume Reformers wall moo at lieutifiell on Weineeley next to selecta eamlidate for the ( The Empire has evidently been stem* with the hysteria anti mato and raves like a real lunatic. Koneboday ought to give K mem, the political editor, a soothing draught. We beg 1119111, to nominste old Ton Anis mom).. ais • fi* aad prover person to carry the old flgand be chief Fenner waver during the **ties sew peening. Whoop la • . CANDIAN NESS NOTES. 'Ow Ma have it is Point Edward thie year. The council elect am Mitele41. reeve: McMillan. Mellon, Mara mad Manly. cone Mrs. Bertine Metriehe, of Petite Cote. Sunday night gore birth to three giria The mother will make applastion for the1411117111.1. bounty (.1 £5 sterling. or MK for each child. An echoer who started a littlePafive' 7ears ago is now a millimetre. rrotbing s. impresible where industry and somenent are combined with good Ionia Henwirri' • Tielsmift. 1. S. lievisna. M. A, boa purclisee the tnAppelle Progress. He is an old O10. term newspaper man. having at one time been editor and proprietor of the Liastowel fOnt.) /lamer. He we'd west is 1891 The death took plats recently at 5.5. 00,1, of Refug. Brantford front extretne old age of Agnes Atkinson, lasitiliarly known am Aggy," a oekbrated blesser teller in her tuas 5*5. W 90 yens 0414. never hoes married. The township of Riskin has kot one °lite oldest and most seesawed residents, hy the stern hand of death, in the person of Mr. Jrillm Young. aged 92 ream Deosend was awe of the earliest estt. 40*15. tows - ship, having resided there for over 16 yearn Arndt* Recker, of the grand *My. aied am Tuesday, den Mb, at. the residents of his daughter lot 17 cm. 11, ithinheion, two miles from meting in bin chair without dimes& re pro lie was 03 rem 1 month sad 96 days old, and wan under drill wbee Mather mune to the satistrece of Wellington est *NSW Water loo. The (twos Mould 75.a Shp MB peraiii mem/ hones is that v5.iIy sled bag symptom' veterinary treeprea sag, very moth rommbileg grippa The He - tet *at heroes= dull et= lailmeed by • sore thrmit Moog Ise soinewhat, mid 1.ewe,* tehee ruining th the nem and • mort. Meaty berme high died freen the ease& el tbb disease, him there in an dearer if the violin fa properly aired lee. Wbfb. reserving tram • wedding is It Terra Widoesday aftenioan a fiery tom * ersiol infants, beseme borne, =ssaki. heel Wee peepdrest rale away, uperettem tkin red hair* the noeupeate Is 45. 00054 wee seriously hart, beet the harem Iell bee • week, Moo• ching • hereat= 0140.4 binakt, • leg of am of the The the of the teem niftintaisbireadt 4. a maraele. Ths berms Weaved te kir. it eh fr•raellie fill%alis=11 bartirtitay gm wos trued a Jame** Obasing, essety the selsettemaja= 5.15Nom, and watimiohaHm• t tura. - • t •