HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-2-6, Page 3Yif 4T' • • , ;2140 3 THE SIGNAL GODERICIL ONT., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1891. 3 GREAT-, CLEAnING SALE.1 CAREY' Having decided to clear out the balance of our Winter Stock (all new goods), we will offer until Vie lot of March the GREATEST BARGAINS EVER SEEN IN GODERIOH. We quote a few of our prices, u space will not admit of an extended list : Ladies' Goat and Polished Calf Bal's, at Ladies' C. Kid Shoes, - Ladies' Slippers, - - - - Gents' Cordovan Bal's, leather lined, fair stitch, Gents' Leather "Walking Bal's, - - - - Boys' Good Leather Boots, from - - A big drive in Ladies' American Overshoes, at - ••• .STAS $1 00 68 18 123 87 • - 40c. up - 75c. per pair The 10 per cent. discount having proved somewhat tame, we have adopted this plan to clear off our pres- ent stock and make room for spring goods. 'These prices, which are net, are unheard of before in Goderich ; but we mean business every time. Who leads now in the shoe business? JOHNSTON CA.REY, the Shoe Man. COMM WORK JAW PIKSEPTLY ATTSNDAID TO. BARGAINiTZEPRESS! („..y..., POE, 1891. NAIRN'S 50c. t7lEafi!N%; POWDERS Mw/=fto take. C.ui air awn l'hurgatior' . Is a soft, rare oak' ef:--irsra itoiripr ofraarsos an ask *air sidatt. • C. SEAGgit, --Oaks in )LeLeaa's- NEW BLOCS -oorooli• tr. .• Money to Lend ft • Cheap Rates. FARMERS' NOTES CASHED EINDAye., 8 or !EUILIfe7 The Astarealve Republican Joarael ()I the Metropolis. • VISWISPA.P2R 702 TEC )(AM= Rounded Decesiticctst. CIRROUTION OYER 100,000 ROPIRS Tat Puns is It e organ ot factioa oath as wires; has no animosities te avenge, The Most remarkable Newspaper Success in New York. The Firms lb • hallsoal Cheep pews, rnlirar metal ioasand leash find so Pace in ths column of Twit Pans. Tug the brightest &Mortal page hi New Vert. It *porkies with points. Tee Parse Sr anar Stirrititi *i. splen did twenty page paper. covertat every current topic of interest. Tee ream WaintLit Sorrtroi costae* all the Rood things of Lite Daily asd Sunday edifies*. for these whir cannot afford t be henry et O -0 prevented by distance from early reeei v ing It„ Tits Watuct.• is • splendid substitute. As an Advertising Medium Tug Pena tuts ao superior In Now YOP.K. THE PROS& W atts the resat of all. The best and eksegiest Newspaper published in America. Wady and owe Tem, mastedun ". •• •• I ••• • lenity tudy. see Tear. • " Poor atoottes. • siday. atm year, We•Sity Pep...... Tear. Send for Tug Patna Circular. samples free. grata wanted e ery where. Liberal comm..10.a. Addrees. TIM 10 PRIM:NFL Puerta Huitourn. 11 Park Now. Sow Was* a -RS 'ER -MI H POSiTIVELY CURE 41E'S, NES I TEE STIMACE cr.ti Ceraphilhh, Ularrbal _ SUMMER COMPLAINTS KEEP A BOTTLE IN THE HOUSE. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. SEND_Ihi:eseatglawarlimisaisi Geduld Stew Boiler Tub /Ma eth estesalea *th. Inow= J m do ami s allasderee we Naha 1 The Shoe Brush Cone. ! „ What to 4. WAY Mr ebtade. WoiffsACMEBlackingl Gel • ••••••00 00O9 -7 Moat timbal caaa,•••• I • dell el labor sod duo woo. Champ a Pim Tai. to Wornot Poplar Atoka* Profs to Antique Oak. Ciao Seeker to Mahogany. SO What ass to &so •Ita • (via. or IK -ON •••.. TRY* 11'. 301•••••••.bore, A. L ANDiltudors a t..o., general agates ter Caanda lie Yisio tit. W.. Torahs Oat ODDS AND NOS. The Government Printing Hareem at 4 'Caw& is at work to election material. Illicyard's tittles NI. Tho great internal and external remedy always allays all pain. It is a .pecthc for crimp, WWI promptly cures , wire throat, sprains, brunets, burns, rheums cute, wounds, etc. Good for man or beast. Stands all tests. Sold everywhere. Price 25 cents. Ifegyartie Yellow Oil. 2 Ladies who suffer from foul lireitth, the result of catarrh or cold in the hesid.can oh tain speedy relief by the use of Naaal Rahn. It never Wis. Try it. MONTRF-11L., Jon..L- A daring robbery has taken place in a hones of ill.fame bt this city. the victim being robbed of 240,000 in real estate deeds and WO in money by two women, who decamped for Chicago, where they are under arrest. Pale, weak. women need s took, strength giving. Saab huilding medicine like Mil. Iewn's Reef, Iron sad Wise. - - A young child named Cahill, living at Terrace Hill, Brantford, fell into • tub of scalding water receotly and was terribly scalded. Meehan Walk Wolves. Snag • thrilling tale bee been told by travellers of a race with wolves acmes the frown reep of Kiwi* Sometimes only the picked hnne. of the Impious traveller are , footed to tell the tale. In our oven country threw's& are engaged in • We -and -death rem against the wolf C, .!1' • . . The lee, trespass with which to Bea to foe is Du Pierce's t :olden Diessvery.111. etheented remedy has awed myriads of as. when all oth,er reedit:fees and doctors had failed. If is the greatest blood -purifier and restorer a stre:ph known to the world.. For MI forms ecrofulnue affections (sod is one of them), it is as - equaled as • remedy. Friday afternoon, 30th all, it wag din - covered by the rolls of the Mammoth „Mim- ing Compthy that 23 mere the are thesis% The increases the amber of the deed 130. Ohryitil III Back. *ID HIND NICHINERI In Stock For Sale: 1 5u -florae 3power upright boiler, all complete. l$8 -horse power upright boiler and engine. 1 6 -horse power horizontal boiler and engine. 1 :40 -horse power horizontal boiler, all complete. z: 1 36 -horse power horisontal boiler, all complete. 1:50 -horse power elide valve engine, a complete. - The above have been the overhauled and warren= first ohms oondition. Ready tor immediate deliver, and will be sold °beep. I • A4ibles Waselinak '5tM.osturilet SENO US SIApea=0 ere edit seed ren doe 8188111A1111 HAIM I *a NW RUN NM Them HMI 1114011 4.6•41. ..4110y• WM eiehisoL Os Illelhasa• ttrait-a" 01 and sad 41111Mbell eeeely. be I/P.0.00 el a • Nes Irlser. Aszreral teeevetiss teak red purify INN mediate nom at ail times, bet as la the spies, Burdock Mosel =ft "It's hitualletlioar m • poor meat family," mays Mr. John Maunder, of York - van OM., "the Minim you take R the better yen are." 2 n Iertias rises etweresd at Genitival. len week Three persons were kit wed killed et , • - I*. LowhItollpheir Soap is delightful shampoo. It Menem the sealp mad dark are grey hear., l My dear fellow, said asuciety woman 01 rust *wider to an awk ward, tiinel, young •vard graduate whom she was to present, "you have any antinuit of takat. you have position, you have money, but you will.ey, never be at your owe, never show at rear bent, until you knew what to do with your hands and feet. You must lose them, forget them. be uncooacents of them.- This is outer said than done ; and yet it is poinible by the persistent me of stem simple exercises which bring relaxation and free- dom from stiffness, and others, which enceur- ego dexilality sad strength of muscle_ Culti- vate the habit of letting the arms fall and place themselves*. they will when 1(50.111450r sitting without occupation. Learnt, swing them, one at a time, back anti forth, like a penduluan hanging from t he shoulder, the elbow joint straight and easy, but not taut. lift the cliength 1..4 the ann ..a weight ed from the shrer very quietly. .4 slowly as high as it will go. and truly; it down in the MOW manner. The muscles across the lack are wakened to • wonderful degree. Try this, movement singly, and again with both arms, fifty or a hundred times A day. With the 14C1011 hanging at full length, elevate the shours lde*Wifely, and turn than in a rotary motion toward the back. A daily practiceof such siinplr movements cells attention to the varied actions and woe of joiut and muscle ; the idea of using the arni from the shoulder unilenitood, and the habits of bringing different sets of mos. c5. into play in alternation and e succssion hawses wound nature. This is the number- ing of one's forces, and training them to ilei each its own part It is a kind of personal airwage, the virtue of wh-ch bet in the minute search for weaker:a flabbiness and lack of .1 . .... • in t he smallest muscle. Mmanipulation which strengthens it by action. No WOOtali wants that close-knit save and knotty, woodeu fibre thet many mat seek to obtain foal athletics. It is entirely opposed to the ntftees of life to which nature calla lwr ; she does want Bianca. with flexibility, staying power sad endurance. Emma Moffett Ty ng, in Harper's Baser. alma d'. Liatwest awes PM% ae. NUleolnalleWs ran...eat• I ;verge M. Pullmanwis . ho credited tobe worth soionthing like $50,000,000. O quite • philosopher in his way. When sake(' how it felt to be a millionaire. he replied: • '1 have never thought of that. Rut now that you mention it believe that I ani no better oteff - -torinly not happier --than I wee when I didn't have • dollar to my name, end I had to work from daylight until dark. I wore • good gait of clothing thearand I only wear oee snit DOW. I relished three meals& day thee a good deal more than I do three mmU a day now. I lied fewer cares, I slept better, and I may add •erally that I believe 1.'.. far happier in those days than I have heen insny times since I became a millioneire. And yet it is a comfortable feeling -to he rich... - American paper. 01 ntenaa. No saes pima Miele@ that what we my et IL It /I is tree. The evidases of ite rower mid pepedartty ie too . ter coefute. ,ies it is *11 hem. teethwesey seeking it certain theit R N. will cure dreperes, bilionsmes, eh* headache, Nero. fide wad all Mewl diseases, Rea , I berth* Nis de set Cow deka They aro mild sad ANN _ 111801011111* •Shimaiievithe4.i. ...Wag SA amp releelima risk 2-,4) t .43;33 -33443'''''33:fio ••• • -,M.,r„ 0' ,., • , 4 033 ' .344"34 3 • '33. 153...: 33, 33/3'4i )43,, • ' • ,.-r• 33: The Naesenest IllaaI adlestrit. As well as the haridsonset. and others are invited to cell on any drew's and get free • trial bottle of Kemp's %daunt for the Throat. and Lungs, a restiedy that is setting entirely upon ita merits and is guaranteed to relieve and cure all Chronic amid Acute Coughs, Asthma, Broechitie arui Coneounp- Moe. Large bottle* 50 cents midi'. if eow la **A Mots" tee. As old settler -quick:weed. A liverymen baits kis horse to oateh a aniether. have hem equally staccein fel as shop -littera The dude is sever so much himself aa what 5. 4. abeent-sn5.4.d. The lamj of experience is not always fed with 15. 0101 &dame. Who bath reduces of ies? The hook keeper who writes with red ink. Catifornia padestriees are all right when they strike the Goldin Gate. One saes easy .tart • paper het it takes • good misey to keep it gol. The way to improve the wale memos is to *mate' to sehetitate rem* waiters Morakag wrap were the inversion 01 15. non who wakes ap bowl genets for the ear. ly train. -Tema Hitting& A rte itsaar. A • I, stoutolark completsossed ems, *entry attired, evidently a foreign- er, spp..s regularly at an eating haute as W54siitgt.m, sad as regularly ask* the waiter who sweethisi, "What hied nil pie have you got *der" The waiter wanes is., erseberry, apple and custard. The eathemer remesete Ow waiter to twine a pima al the pie Snit seenermed, mid also a glamor buttermilk. As was as he bra de veered till COSMO 5. 014. for soother pie°, of pie of • diffsniat kind ,and a glow ref bat - Re theft enetithee to order pie w itil he has Ovally eaten Are pieces .1 pie of sliffertet kinds and drank five gleams of leettersedk Ths waiter who always at. mode this pie eater my. that he lino Wes patuyeisios tab. km.. foe wow time, and that ha haa nonchanged his order, bet always eatethileatraage emeibination *et R. R. Neve has need trent al the Chnted wheal It " Iktfa=1 it..........2t/dete Yak priari 01 ONIII W. lir. *dear es Wee cu.. a M. C. Adam% salareident of the Whir o theiri Dairyman's Aametatien, read. M Woodstock. at the Wester* lintryiuse's, simenletion inseeme. • emit& paper , as the CMS ad keeling • cow. 11 Wal• ADM with =aualafornmatimi, spited with striking aad gasket instaphors allsoted tie by shying *oft «01 01 keeping • twee depserhid upon three *hem the COO, the fesd sad the are. A cow might he • hog; dm might bs • dyepeptir It wee the badmen ot the matt to we that lobe was a prultable inachine for the turnies af • into milk, butter, chews mid mime It was primarily necomary to the oipactty ur the cow to turn grams 1.10 5.1*.,' Mat •In lave as seminary tralited 10 15. budnets. A caw which beareenen more profitable a the rm. of laer hod increases soothe cip• Irk** had tie golden calf. Noah • coo, putting into 11015 al' the airOus feed roared, ocsuld not eat her Matt ell" He save *pare .11,vring prhdtrt 10 hatter of ...or Jamey cows whose aaraatry lid been bred to make milk, and said there wore wore lighting MOS in the ouuntry and kicking over ruilk lath that maid not seam ea sewn butter in • year se theme Jerseys did in 30 days. By a table of records he showed how the brad rived the feet By the laving veer .4 Mood, he the annual produetion of butter 104 5.. increased per cow in • herd in Otford, N. Y., from 135 poen& to tffe pounds. This breeding WY mg • rapid pre - cam, he mid, for '•the tail rennet be hetet off • monkey in a thaw" and the butter cannut he bred into • idea marquerading in • tow skin in a generation." ilaughteer Next to • owe in the economy of ferdin4 1101.1 ,be Nei A great many isseile thought feed was everything, and wrung in the adaptatioa .at the old seying. -Corn makes the cow go " Anti it gees, Mr Adams mid. It 'taken her go dry whoa the ought lo he going in the milky way (laughter., A cow woe fed for tour pwa :--To rethir the natural waste of her body, to keep her waren, to sustain the embryonic lite she carrier and to make milk A aow could ant he fed cheaply upon leran alone, or hay alone, or cernstalls alone ir cornmeal or clover, for the reason that h eydo net furnish the natio 01 teal eio- nenbi required to =Main all the parponew required of food. The art .4 cheap feed- ing emended 1. the eoeribir,ing of the dif- ferent foods hi taw right proportion to contribute to the haat and feat -nakine and the fifth and bone snaking requirements,. This matter of ..Mentith (.dMst had re- ceived is great deal of attention. became with the gradual yet constaut shrinking of prime had come a rigorous and effective ',- fort to reduce the cost of iroduction. Kr. Adams quoted ha& • down lists of rations for ~MU. With their daihr cola. Ono was: - hay, 9 mate: oorn and oatmeal, A Mktg: bran, 4 matte oil meal, 4 I -I cents: total. 97 cents Another. 10 pounds ensilage, 3 mats; 10 pounds hay, cage; pounds bran, 3 1-3 rent. rounds middlings, 4 3-4cents ; 3pounuia cornmeal two cents: total, I cents par day per taw, or VI Ofi for the 130 days that constitute the feeding period. Pastur- age can usually he obtained for the Wanes. ot the year for $10. .tdvueatite of multiage claimed that ra pounds of oevilegv and le pou ode or lar of bran would tier a cow all she needed. and the covet ot thin ration would probably be about 10 34 owes a day or $19.40 for tlic winter feed of the cow. One point should not be overlookal in fording, Mane should be variety, so that the rations would not become stale on the palate or the alit. The sadmilative process vow more entirely de- pendant upon appetite than we generally sup- posed. It was not neorwary, .014, 10 give her scales for breakfast and Hermosa chips for mapper, but slat should have a change of grain rations every month. He premed upon the attestion of the audience the tiondtabie malt of warming the water of the e.ne• lii cold Weather Speaking about the handling ot the mw, Wr. Adams was tho opinion that the mw will beat the man every Una if he doss not du some head thinking. tibottaadars. nom Lace a growing ternierw-v among juveniles for RbetJanders, into* is, that several tworib•re hare gone into the badness a raising thew The ilhethind pony 5.. marked thestrathe 01 15. effect 01 5. sir- reandiegi upon the . tor as eni. neat When we Amman' the 01 tithe peaks with • Glydewhile ar Percher., it is difficiO5 to ensweive that both were de- rived front the MOW nrighted Moat. • earinorinon at the sturdy, raged pees, with the carefully reared thereash-hrod, 4. smirk anmen deltraey iwe Me - ‘111011101114 shows as equally arms contrast Onathload brine* up a the bleak Rhathutd Mends threes\ • tang earth 4 rare hem% so raised the am et th• animal, that It kr atlas Italy same ar eight hands high. The seassent 4.4 .4 mom are 4.01 the bread. Ile tans is ohm onecealed by the mese and toreieek, m 10 ewe* awe of a Skye tierrise, sad lt makes %5..e4.4 appear unaller than it malty ia TIM short seek * wen earawd, amid the shoulders are listerales and Ninths. Tbecesh small the Shes. Imam has resiarbahle erensth, wad will cam a heavy mon with sem, pow vided the rider ean manage to en illapeaorif 5.5. that dry will ant hp la the way tame e mid to have carried a mom iseighlag over IMP Intrictroi and slaty prated. reeky mike in a day . to henries. *ay male hot asiontahat. strewth The math are oso any gond naatered awl arm eisibtrms, whew um they on aithiarahly antiai, b. poll than abort wtith a. Pow' 'theism as • flow, beedbard ting. Shothed paths are or • gnat missy at mime theash gray ewe art, ethesselly rage They ware al the thee tio aliteadmit apes the th.Shad lama thin 0.7 .5 win Aar woe mature them bet . ew. ohw"0'F-'o ro"0'F-'liadleas c="11114iyeallp ditromdmri FINE TAILORING vv ix:L.toeir a.e.t. 6-17,11.2ag . 18 91. an 1891. Fine Display of New Goods. i Fine Worsteds. , ' '14. H°147''' ' F Fine English and Scotch Tweeds. 4.1.-e•- , Fins Canadian Tweeds. 434,11 4 ' ?Fire Work= and Trimmings. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. X.,C41.4=0015Z.Ivr.AC.. PUBLIC NOTICE 20 - Another large consignment of Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- REES PRICE & SON. - Kay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. -4 .4f.4 s" - _ Goderich Foundry an Machine Works, RI:MCI:ILAN BROS., - Proprietors. FLOUR MILLS BUILT ON VINE UTEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. WI HAVE ON HAND TOR HALE IMPROVED LAND ROLLERS, HORSE POWERS,. GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUT- TERS, PLOWS, &c. We are Manufacturing Improved New Model ?dowel* which are equal to the best. Give them a trial and encour- age home manufacture. It Will Pay you to use our new Steel Mouldboard Plows. Doty Engine. and Boilers for sale. `.1 .a.zgia ALErrirrc345 OF „... p.a.Irse DR. FOWLERS °E-ZTDi_c)F: TRIM BERRY CURES ,HOLERA `81Ti'''-t.'141-us RAMPS IARRIKEA YSENTERY AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN ADULTS. R DOCK Regulates the Stomach. Liver andllowels, unlocks theSscretIone.Purlflesthe Blood end removes ell Im- purities from • 1P1mple to the worst Sc rofulous Sors. -.1. CURES DY SPE P S IA. B IL IOUSNESS ---,ONSTIPAT1ON. HEADACHE SALT RHEUM, SCROFULA. HEART BURN. SOUR ST DIZZINESS. DROPSY HEUMAT I SM SKIN DISEASE ' HAGYARD."A • r6.. "ta-E3ALNWIPtil iii, .4 cy. r r • '-'411 lbeA UPES CCU C HS COLL ..... .. ....) ".:1-0.scrsic:,: !T The TORONTO 11011E 1V! Lac- . DRY GOODS $311PORIUIL •-• t „ Latest and Best WINTER GOODS ,3f4 , . Archibald IdeClay and wife, of West Nmeereet, Niagara weety, osiebirsited their 604 wedding resantly. Mr Nic- ely trill be 87 years old.* Pala. .4 5.. wife is 78 years 01g seem seem* Peep* Allow a meats to rtni meth it gem *teed the reach of mediates. They afbea "01., it will wear away," but In masa mem it wears them away Ceeld tlw.y be hideeed to try lie esemembil ineelieum .lad Kemp* Nathan, which is mild ein • raitiv* guava - taw in ewe, they vresiglOnninedlaholy awe the .r545.& effort after taking Um Arm Ewa Prise 80, mid $1. TOW aim bee. At all dreggpsita hietz, imair. w - -Dastio.1_ as News hairs* the Mika with eardereod, is wheels of • in.rtim wireorta lemm7 a irs .._ 4 1,41 timispeersrr. ormintatii, thabies the PO'DEA • MANS*1111. ,... entimalt • tor 4 brogo••••• Jim a. •••••••.T09.11.T.41 oat 1st .0 audio. yes sop am •••• oi 0406. ball of. or Orb ••• 'OM, Wm ks toga ONO iii, SD WO •=4. s. ..0:0, aoter. o •••rg 7.........,... ••• amon". es 00.... p1. a. :„1.17•11I I. r.......a... ge• IP= """Y ....'".0.1.114"",T.4.,intr= PLAITING MILL --•re 00/111U810 NIL Buchanan & Son: SASH, DOOR and BLIND, polders la all kiwis a LUMBER, LATH. SHINGLES haat Imaitaar's artartai or mem asterhellea. !School nautili a OSUMI 0,-oss„cs,•-v71, kw, , , - , % ;'*„*, ...1• PA:Zit 7111, 7 0003,, AVa:. wior . •