HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-2-6, Page 21LLINERY 1
iThe Mamma et
`m IPlmaare is aaoIDellng is the Idle, of (hoderich :aid rkWt7 that she hos s,salM the
,srstssa of
loraso e 1lo oi'erh,
■^ - -r: ;ip ;11 Wee tome had several rears'
Aad cordially invites th r aspect ice of
LI her
WU ebb iR Md stook still Continues to make room for New
Choice Perfumes,
Fancy Toilet Articles
and Holiday Novelties
Has received a large consignment of the latest styles in
Novelties in ladies' headwear, and the latest shades
in trimmings a specialty.
Remember the stand-Hamilton-st., between the
Square and Newgate-st.
Subscribe For "The Signal,"
:: Goderich, Ont.
A Thrilling and Dram-
atic Novel
' two Ads Two Nasi POEM
HERE, 1t tram an well to
reed Adams a bit of Ir-
ma." oda John Heron,
Ir vlq t b s beloo.y.
"01 mares I red nab
seed an damage. Harte
What's that .near
AM r amt have bees
sleet wad, Y he Sid .e
hear • gree i for
and • pante ober brB.o•.
wIWifiessitan. your went* Mr Jobs, to
sea yes es bode e.," , whispered
de mbar et Ms AmBiMLL
*be is le Demur
"Wok. sir- Feer w rthi*--He wet
thryparticeder tet M arms as noose Bed
enemas you and 1, year Wareldp - Mr.
they Barwell*. Ores lure•l a pleb; no I mot
ten wry Globoid.. has wen pear Wee.
tY.I wea+brotul prwb rens►
fi Ila momma of hr ar:14 • Yrs mew
es pea ewer W Wee ad W baa. Os,
Berm" item he W seppnM that
• weapon Owe leOtelesa Btmasw sed
(mike is Ne time et ■ rb-the breed
wham w lheesht be w lar wee newel
fees hi. wept Yoh anode emit shwM be
tort Be went dowdy to has private room,
se r le think IM trust dluades est ism
pslookddb tbinge W~i
e dNA 1 t esrwaAd
la dews fog at the Mei pule se IM Tarter
Ilse -la width awes there lees stern es
ger; r Guy W bags dasaetsd sad steeped
••4e wlleb alma be ase moiety Is Mislaid
rMasmMaftl► te • , ri was
Met ward; boa • Mil ImpsedW le decade
Wil msy eases sutU be taw hew the bet
lar. W - the sMbsMo yeses eget
fed tide tared repat i are et all
rout - Ilea Ois IllIdiom se People
llgmrbs4 taww Ile theme der -4i
their seers epee a
rasp' be eitethamede bdYeg ase With
*"demo, ha the MAN berm len Mod
haw pee saverllborty GVIM
feu MadNON s VwMOS
'Oat R hank
He bekl nut both his hand..
Itut Guy, instead of touching them, kept
his heads by his side, ail his eyes upno the
"Marion Forums." said be, "bids me wan
-Mr father -that-"
He raised his eyes, an I he maw before him,
in tie pine of the •tn,:ig man. apparoody
with weleotoa and triumph, the
seated mad vulg•rest of .l1 sight in the
word-- a dsl'ar•tmd impeller.
Iiut . oukd be have men below that miser-
able surface, be would have aneu sontethfng
e.iufloitelypitiable that the vulgarity and
the menu ren would have been het in the
tragedy. He would have seen the p•.sinoate
labour of a lite shattered in the very moment
d victorious pride. His hands were till
outstretched. but not, as they seemed, Ire-
pl,,riug-they were grasping after a royal
dream that wee vanishing away.
W bat merry could he hope for from Guy
linesmen--fromhim, of all meat !hardy
DOM He remembered -not that there we
a grain of need to remember -how Gay had
interned bone. treat Indio. fun of love, hope,
courage, and. above all, of devoted trust is
kis friend and hero; tow M had trusted to
that seised all he loved, and .11 the inmost
events of hie hetet; and bow that friend
was all the while not only a toe, but a
foe. only bent upon trapping
dm to hie d.etructioa.
"Do you hear r Raked Guy. in a voice of
Da "I Ming yam • waning. The police
oresearehln( fx Adam Posse., both hen
and at Askbolm i suppose you do not wish
to he arrested her -o. Sir John Hermes
warrant --in Marvhgrave Guildhall."
The cotenant of his words seemed to break
• spell
"i have nothing to ay," said John Hama,
letting Messrs tan feebly, and in • haeme
Red boliow votes that not eves (lay could
recognise. "I am not gd•g to defend myself
1 had to cocas between you and
Marebera e. . . And if yoe and 1 were
together wire 1 could kill your -yea. .vas
you a as to keep my sorrel age, 1 should
have to choose Marchgray. di11. . .
What are you going to do,"
"Nothing to help your poor wNs's press u
tarr--len murderer for .meet 1 know; nothing
le help the robber of year owe ebOd-a an
who word mala ke owe daughter an
accanpiae In We Meow sotbheg. eves. Co
help Iu. who, without • temple, without
remorse bas mod . frleed, who worshipped
Wm, as a set's -pew to ids owe wrest: moth -
lug to kelp one of whom 1 know, and believe '
an that 1 know of yea What pity. even,
ton 1 have for yea, she ham lett me se
more faith or trim In mortal man
"New. Then
"Do 1 warn pout Baas. Marine- it 'b -
hr warning, not odes"
"D14 die tetra, me mind leas flero.
pray. ,
" ie the MyMr a 3es
Ykd"Ttwd M bi a
teeter toot Ne, the raid her lb le
warn yes, seder year leery epos .
'91esk Bed ear toe. .A sus
wins per blewif w efete play lio is Mow
new he lama Tee av yea bele bwngbt obs
pates tips ams, 11s, yen mule net have
"ellw"'M B ilkit s* liter tolfli i =
Uwe rsstd Admit enema. ee A4rtk.-e. I
I1at0paw b k year awn. . . . Ter
yen have Me rldl a knew Mw. whoa
olive apnoeas year .•egbler a eases. tie
ere, and her method
seamy la Jabs Bees` hid me bum bar, e.d
best tram mer std - M aired. se 1 ear
OW, to end the end et y jemmy be the
ggb 0a .tee
"Derwent -1 .wear ►--•
' Tw oath yourself Ms chases of it, any-
how. Whim yes did all fah, you did not
redoes ou my hlM eg moo arRher of year
trap, or ea my coming out alive to told the
telt Oh, 1 relieved every liter at my is-
ueructlona 1 was rasdved ed Mr. Ward's by
• Sareigasr i. • red beard -.s dente you
know the are--"
"Ay ---neat lee knows MI I m.: ha kept
you till the poll
"At may rate be kept m. -to arrange for
1b delivery of this bellies, or fur Keno sorb
mnemes -any bow 1 wee taken into as upper
"The donned viers r mud Jobs Hero.;
'•I do n. -M lomat to bring us all under his
bawd egalber
Ad 1 .hosikl hare thought it strange but
for one still stranger thing -• picture of
Marion Heaves knows how, bus thv orange-
ries of the piste, my Lar of her, the Improv
don I had of her father, all assured cru that
the had bass there --might be there, „rem
then 1 was alone. Suddenly I beard the
Doio of a confused struggle. two star rushed
past me in the half light -doe, he with the
red beard. fell What locoman of the other 1
dont kouw: 1 received a blow .K i par
that blinded and moldered me. I folloeed.
nwling down WIMP dark stain 1 heard Mar-
ion's voice, as surely as 1 had nes her plc-
ltura . N'beo all war over, 1 was a
•'Of sir police r
"No ---meson • Ina mom that was locked and
barrnaded; in pitch darkness: sprained,
bussed, wounded . uod.•r.taaling m thing oI
what had happeusl; trapped, for aught I
knew, to be murdered; ant knowing even the
day or the boar-"
"Good God -(103r1... You are alive t"
"Yee; and eta. . . *racism still seem
to happen now and then. l found candle
light; 1 foetid food--ootmuck, but enwgh W
keep• ,ever going. Men don't easily starve,
I've heard, in fever. How long i lay in that
dungeon 1 kn•.w not to this hour; bow I lay
there. t shall never know. All that while 1
never beard • voice ora footfall, unless d
rats; and I was far too weak to break a door.
lint uu more of that • I was found
at Int--"
"By whom,
"A man and a warn -a Mrs. Stephen
and Doctor Seidl . . You know hien.'
"Haunt . . . Theo -tluy: Ave miaow
ago 1 was going to startle llarcbgrave," M
rid, with • strange eel e, "by going Mutc
the rest room and blowing out my brains -
as !can't very well blow out yours. Bat eve
got ..oneebodr to live for still; and that it
Wyndham Hoek And, by God, I will! . .
Where's Marion
"She is safe -sow."
"Derwent -I know how I look in your eyes
but not worse than Adam Furness has alwayi
molted in John Herons. And if you knee
what it means to glen up what 1 am giving
up this day, 1 should yy this --think what
you will of me, but. for Marebgrave's sake,
forget that there has ever beets an Adam
Furless -imagine him dead and barged.• A oat
so be is: for if that last trick had been woe
I should have buried him with my own
bands. Why shard Marchgrave lose iter
future I -But 1 won't t oub1. you
to gay 'No,' as 1 suppose yo0 would, nos
having dreamed my dream. Who knows
that Adam Furness is John Her oo, beside,
Marion, and you, and-se.nr
"Nota sone"
"Theo I know what to do -yes, even Dow.
I most save .y skin far the sake of -Snell.
. . Where's Marion r"
Of eaves, the Doctor we as inns rout d
treachery as a newborn child; but it *as Itis
iovartablp destiny to be treated unjustly. 11
is $ terrible mi4ort inn for ao bones man te
look like • knave. Por his part Adam Pur-
ureess looked so little lite • knave that eves
Dow (guy Derwent himself was beginning
to feel • .ouch of tis odd mastery return.
Who ran shatter an idol w ,bout • panic
"1 have said she is safe," std be, the more
coldly and tardy for having tot himself be
"Ob, you needn't be afraid! She is • good
girl I only wish 1 had known her sonar.
You may bear every word 1 want to say to
her, if you pleam i supple I have a right to
ay good-bye as wall as your
"W$1, i don't mapper you want to marry
a roloeir's daughter -my daughter, I should
think, least of a11." bs said. with an air d
bitter worn.
"Nothing, and 1s•st of .11 her faller, can
*tome between mimed Marian Heron."
"i remember -yen always knew she was o
wavier' daughter. Drweot-I wish to God
you had sever tad in the way of Mamie
grave! Weil, 1 premia you oro thing-
*etther you nor Marcos than ever hear of ens
aver_ Nobody shell ever bear of me but, -
Buell 4 that bribe eoaagb Corer you aad-
Marioa--to go with me .s fares Aakbolair
"Addeo/nit To. polios -"
"Jot so. 1 keep a boat tone, at • pet
eau pl•os, ready for an sin rgwcsy. Yoe
see. 1 pot myself fa your Weds. It 1 ev.me
armee 1h..aatablee, oe course Mee will he
thaw to point me out as Adam Fun's; see
if they're Landes sees I shall want you to
hdentsfy me. •e Jolla Hasa O,e mud
chanes som.tking; but there's not much
mhaaeM V Knee's persuading the biggest de
tectitre Mint thee John Heron's Adam Pur -
or against your word and mho. For the
rest. I thole vilest to do. 1 only want am
'Aut-your wirer
"Ok, eke ban her settlemeet. . nes
nobody need know she isn't my wife, poor girl
may mum than that Marion is my daeglrter.
You won't pre l i her, I moons as you dont
soman to punish me -*sieve with nook 01
aka Cr.a . Wait . moment... . .
These, I'm ready now ''
It was no detested erimierl, and worm
than criminal, who re-entered the room
whence be bad sddreemi his people like .
king. (luy, now feeling the re.ctlos d
weakness, marveled to me once more the
John Heron of old Asim, masterful, • lith
Neff, wholly gemsi, and at ease.
"i've brought you a surprise," said h.
"Here's our (rimed Amer beet from -
winch is it, Oryt Dresaiand's ley mown.
tater or India's .rel strand, Bet I'm teJ
naive Inc No-Measisoteiag tbm matter;
bat 1 ,lawn be alas even to reams thanks
after the pall i've got to mesh the eery
sett op treats I t1 a saucer erten Jest sew,
you know. and 'Kiri,' as the Tree say-
lesmare roans teed as flat a dike
"Rat yet be beak be marrow y' asked nos
.edema. "Of roves yea Beat knew aes-
taine aeras 11. hes
Q lases- et sewer Tire are piety of
trete• (need -►ye; a Mewa.d ,heals
en yes. Islam" ilon& Derweet, we leaves% •
"A IfNheal Omar std as .Idr.an,
swam tmplrheetl►.
'ale Juba .N ewe, barn r .N another.
"Ah -Tens sea Two webs Feuer'
d7c.dlnilhafl1b' "am fikett .,
thee we tided all Melee lents sashed lir
IMO a e names saajorthr, bet we bale alas
lire bis Mem nets a bus .sly. Aad w 111
lel you a smith !Ids is • .aYe.d oils;
sad ler Jobs Xeres Ices beam wired te town.
1 doe's Kay bet hese sod • piss la M.
Cabinet 1 Metthrees the
I dud Web, were
Worep•r seta orlenglek and ace
at all a dee seri d1hleg. 14 1 lea y dile
rant tt Jam Brie Wel Is the COMO We
be Me were, ear the arida. ase thea ,het
W W weeper Mat that IMi, bird wbbpr.d
best that That that that !Mels herd dost
whims, ia poled et fact, as M were. Ad
so, /mtismes, temegb 1 Wesel ahs eloquent*
sui all ,bat of .y right beeeer.bie fried,
having my heart, to Co'peak, la my south, 1
do oat *mopes to pee year here Mato yes'
mnefbs to.., sod give as eery t-b.rs as
3,414111 tws.1b 1..', tor 110 very hent tadividual
alive: for beedsotor, oar m,.gbtrate,
our larll.m.stary repreasit.tl.e-. In paint
1 fact, uur fellow townsman. vas„ Jobs
Me..wklle, Cynthia was .snitsg bleb ad
I ow for Stephen Ray.
e, U\e t.I'ren %mot telllie.)
,-,.n0a1,'H Trm.4!0111.
t'uuti.iI nit't Jan. 19th. 1891, atw..nhng t"
.tatote. Wlcmben all preset, these Irving
atusdesl .n their declarations of office sad pro
irarty ,turllheutiou. The minutes of but
.noetiakc were real ,tad passed. Board of
i.ealt1, res appointed, vie.: Jolts Oct, chair
..Ian : James 'Patton, secretary • Megan -
Connolly. 113410.4111 and Jae. H. Klliott.
members ; 11r..1. R. Whitely] was continued
medical health uthter. Mimed by John
Ihe.awi - ,lamer H. Elliott, that the salaries
4 the township officers be as fellows : Clerk,
4106: treasurer, 670; a.eesor, 666; col-
as -tor, e70 : awht.nr, rte mot. Carried.
Clark war ordered to ask for tenders for •
.•wnahip printing from the four Intal papers.
Ftoacb ars as follows : No. 1 M.
I)., Jas. H. 1►dliutt : No 2 !_l KimmelL., tuel
Nterdy; No. 3 S. 11.. John (!ox : No. 4 and
.., John 1kacun, ; No. 5, James
,onnlly. A petition signed by Thomas
.bluets and thirty „then asking aid for
one Henry Tremblay was read : he being
sick and destitute was granted $1b. ('Qua
. sl appointed ,James A. Ford auditor, reeve
appointed John R. Holmes second auditor
Samuel Johnston was appointed collector.
and 'William Wakefield assessor. The fol-
lowing accounts were put, viz: John
Trewartha, posting up treasurer's report.,
r2 ; coat of township election. 66240
Henry faunyoutlet for 'Irwin, 42 :.lerk,
registermg I11rtha, marriages and deaths,
4720 : ,1. I*ithwaite, ,log tar refunded. 61 ;
Mrs, McRae, irdigrnt, $15: Wm. Gould.
roadway td gravel pit. 414: Mrs. C. Whitely,
gravel, $4.90: Warn. Bray. imbecile, 8th.
t'athntaeters wcreeppointed who will he spec-
ially notified. Feuer ..ewers: Isaac Salk -
elst, Jas. Pewter, Wm. MaMath, Jno. Sturdy,
Wm. ('lark, 6th 01141.. Themes 1:inn. James
Burk, Jame* Elliott. 5t cam-, Hall Rutledge,
(ird,tletotr, John Kllxat, lot 42, Rnbt,
Acheson, Janes Stephens, Henry Murphy,
Pn,ctnr. Pound keepers :.iia Robin-
-on. Holman -111e. Geo. O. Sturdy, 7th con.
Andrew Maguire, T outas tole. John for -
ter, r., John Woir. (:anneal adjourned to
meet again ..n the first Monday in Manch.
JAMEY PAW, 1S t'ierk.
The first meeting of the new councilw as
held pursuant to statute on Monday.
19th, 1891. when the following gentle-
men made and subscribed the necessary
declarations of qualifications and office as
members of the municipal .•oum,'il of the
utensil of Hay, vim.: F. Hew. reeve John
C. Kali.feach, deputy reeve. and W. Moir,
.Hohn H. Schnell anti John Voelker, elker, coun-
cilho, . Mantra ang those the
council became or lend with the reeve as
is es IN M 8aew thew to He i
awe MO ease d or deem la Ties
se seg em re soothes Wag tris
lYeMee Louie antero as
is ram, ale! and Hoa et Whew as
the 'abjure et ta/Isnisg hop ea bmil W -
lad& •e a est wry: •'Te fed bn4hn►
mink to advantage at a creamery no
gidres Neer. than the simple teed*/ et
it. The few isrtaoose who. I haw bed
as opportunity b domes hog feeding
at oesmrlm tbroed the 000clesioe that
the only aim mems to be bow to get rid
d the buttermilk. nut how to feel and
fatten the hugs, the mud and filth often
being knee deep, and one would be at
his wit's end to know if a long line of
troughs ctntalned buttermilk or mire.
To feed to advantage, feed and feeding
places should be clean and the food
Another feature noticed
was that mos11/ water was added from
the washing of batter and cleaning of
than was profitable fru
feeding purpose. The next point was
that the shelter and sleeping quarters
were a sort of torment, and that as a
rale yard room was tasudicient, arid
with one exception there was no drain-
age -
"The pens for =miner nee should be
dark, cool and roomy, o that flies will
sot torment and worry more flesh of
the bogs than buttermilk can possibly
put on. We have noticed that the tank
often hada sediment in it that womld
turn any hog's stomach, and did turn
the milk to rank acid in a short time.
"You ay you want to put in spring
pigs as anon as weaned. or two months
old. We rather doubt your suedess in
turning so young a pig from the .tams
sweet milk to buttermilk. mikes your
attendant be of good judgment, know-
ing how to feed and when. In order to
have them do well they should be fed
often, and only what they will eat
clean. 14Th applies to all sutxesatul feed-
ing, but more so with sloppy food.
'-Next, you wish a ration best suited to
feed with buttermilk, but making the
ration of milk the largest. Right Were
is a point .'tome I think dairy and cream-
ery men retake a great mistake. There is
a right proportion, tending to make more
gain in growth and fat, and that propor-
tion mud be preserved or we teed at a
waste, as the animal is not able to digest
and aeaimiW,e it, although milk is easily
digested. But buttermilk differs a little
frum other milk by being ..
in its nature if fed in large quantities. It
is generally laxative at first and then
. It is a good rule to add one
pound et oil meal, well cooked or dis-
solved in bot water. to 100 pounds of but-
termilk. Professor Henry, after many
careful feeding trials, says ho has nut
found it advisable to feed over two or
three pounds of skim milk to one of horn
meal. A larger amount of milk would
give a entnewhat increased amount of
lean meat, but hardly enough to pay for
the increased coat which milk would
chairman of the beard. The minute. of "Ma sad n meal make a first claaw
ration. but while the pigs are young we
would add some aborts or ground oats
with it." -
What Set to IDs
Do not lavish pity on a brother dairy-
man who has been twice. caught water-
ing his milk. A first offense may be
worthy of some • . but a
of this character twice re-
peated becomes a crime. and should be
met by a uerere fine. De not let the
milking stable become • fa
all of the cow dung on the premises, but
clear it out and scatter the manure over
some sterile field. The remit will be
that you will be bleared with a pure at -
modem about the barn, and clover and -
timothy can be made to grow wbere now
nothing but mullen stalks flourish. Do
tot take unto yourself all of the fore-
going admonitions, but if you find
among them a "coat that fits" put it on
with the bed of grace. -George F. New-
ell in American Cultivator.
the previous meeting were read and ap-
pmv.d, after which the following business
was transacted : Kalhtleisch Schnell, that
veno. J. Latta be clerk for 1891, at a salary
of $100 Carried. Meir Kaltolleisch. that
the contract of printing for 1891 be let to
.1. White k !ton. of Exeter, for the sum of
SSG -Carried. Voelker Schnell, that R. R.
Johniem be auditor for 1891 at a salary of
tib-(arriedi. The reeve appointed 1). S.
Faust second auditor Moir Voetker, that
Wm. Stoneman, 1►. Steinbach. JON,. Schnell,
F. Hess anal `am..5. Latta to members of
the berg of health, and that they be allow-
ed the ase remuneration fur each sitting
At members of the roamed -Carried. Kalb
8 -,.ch Voclkcr, that. 1)r. iluchanan be
anedi,*l health otticer fur 1891 Carried.
Moir Schnell, that John Soott be sanitary
inspector for the eastern division, being that
I "t the township east of rnnaxaion VII.,
- inclusive Carnal. Voelker Schnell, that
Henry e:rrb be sanitary inspector for the
western division, being that part of the
township west of concession VIII., inclusive
carried. Kalhdeun•h Moir, that Mido'1
Zeller be treasurer for 1801 at • salary of
480 ('arried. Moir (no seoouder), that
Jae. Rnnthrou he reappointed assessor for
1891 at a salary of 460. Amendment--
Kalhfleisch Vdetker• that Henry Lip-
phar'lt be asaeseor at a salary of $66 ,ir-
ned. The aassaor was reminded that he
should call et all the house in the town-
ship. Voelker- -Schnell, that Thor John-
son he collector for 1891 at • salary of 466
per annum Carmel. Yorker - I(al6gaisdh,
that Mra. Reinhardt be caretaker at a
salary of $15 harried. Voelker - Ka1b-
fle,sc that tenders for cedar sad red
beech it the use of the town.hip be receiv-
ed by the reeve and Mr. Moor at Zurich
up till 2 o'clock on Feb. 7th, lent, sad that
the clerk notify parties to that elleit -Cur-
ried. KaH.eeu.e'h Voelker, that the fol-
lowing &c ,nate bepaid, via: ,yam, J. Latta,
election expenses $72.26; Hart & Co., ms
nicipel blanks, $845; White & Co, balance
printing, 825: H. Well, gond. for C xray,
*4.25; V. W. Far.cvnnb, engineer, $33.50:
H. Randall, washing Carry& heel clothes,
Ota; f)ochert & It meld, 4845; C. (bwnld,
gravel. $6.51 Carried. Conti) adjourned
to meet en March 7th at 10.m.
Sar. J. LATTA, clerk.
nubs Freer the sties.
The latest d in the " penny -in.
the -slot " system isann automatic coffee uw
ern new om exhihitio.r at Rinningham, says
Loucks Thi Rite. The purchaser drops in
his penny and palls out a hoots labelled with
the drink he derma Then by presitig the
tap he is able te draw the east gaastity.
There are two plated reps for the tae of
easterners, and • sernn4 tap gives • eesetaet
reply of water for rine.. Raab reservoir
of drink holds seven gallows, and Om sad
coffee are kept hot Isy an unseen gas burner.
The automaton terra the gar out when the
reamrvnir w exhausted ant displays a unties
'Rmpty " is front. Iced drinks an to he
odd through the mete machines, whish ems
&ken he maimed for the sale of
pies and osis
Mr. Reit Iremen.as, Ciente•, has at.
peed of his leer mei fed im bes.b
lfuraa Joseph .ed Themes (7rtt, Ile
have ashes permutes.
A. Reid, et BarIs.5, ph• get his ieg seg h •.hips teas. s s ea mew
essm hs ha i owl a jintk ltlltAlA►:(MiAr. At
()se fault with American deem is
-,bat it is told before it is tboreugbly
ripened. As an . , t try the
fes of a few carefully [(bade whoa* ails
abases till they have time to ripen wag.
Keep them in the beet way, and teat
them from time to time, and you will
nem bow the acidity will disappear and
the cheese become mellow and sweet
'Thirty days is not too long for a deem
to flPle-
There is a deem factory in Orange
county, N. Y., that make. a specialty of
tb. soft Brie cheese that formerly condi
not be made in this country. Tide
cheese is made meetly from pars moon,
and is abs most delicious cheese that
man ,am eat The cheer wade in Or-
ange county has Deas . , - 1 by
good judges superior tb the imported ar-
ticle. and the factory named 1144 more
then it cam do to supply the demand.
Here is a hint for cheese makers worth
f%Bowing out. We know now that we
etre make cheese in this country equal
to the beet made anywhere. Cheese
maters have only to go on and make it
The demand for the rich, delicate Brie
cheese --than too. at a hash P406--winwiden as the artiste bearme known.
Oaiy learn to prepare It just right
The market for American butter i.
ituropw is toddle( up Vint oar creme -
erratic should Ore every eft to maim
perfect batter. Then let s meow
somehow to make regular ehipmesees 1m
tegelar quantities M Ithrees. aged it
by the • ip Iced. in vena dot ars little
alts than a reer1pemhor. !1h will bend
Lai butter marbell 1s linaipa
11 with emir Irak Ped domain,
welsh the seethed an
Mr led meld bather saki w cannot
staking. w eanteela
eemie,d the butter erupt of the *world
we IOW le die. 11 '11E1E01E111 ill
We have already placed into Stock for toe 8pring trade
lr . reT.ralvutki„.4.0,4:' nsier
(r"t il, ,-gr ,x r r h
Prints, tri' Grey Cottons, •
Shirting, _
1Vhite Cottons,
We invite a careful examination of the, above line
which will be found unusually large and very attractive.
()ur $aaaafras Metal and Stomach Bittern, ete.'llent, 50c.
Fine Perfumes and Best Toilet Articles.
e'areful and thorough pr seri tion work,
Personal Attention, Lowest Obarges
Kemp's Balsam,
Bhiloh's Consumption Cure, .":
s McLeod's Renovator, etc., etc.
Have you used our Mal: t Berry for Uoughs 1
Druggist. `)
Drs. •'onto"
ern. ''slut is her nest door neighbor.
Her real name re Green, but Jonas, when
ever he sees her marching up the walk, re-
marks "My dear, here comer Mrs. But."
He is nos given to calling people names : be
says it merely to pat ow on my guard, for
he knows our neighbr'a fading She is a
bright. hrceey little woman, sad as lung as
the conversation is confined to the weather
and hi uvelso d affairs 1 quite enjoy chatting
with her, hut the moment nkat a human
being, living or dead, clowns to be men
Imbed I begin to quake.
The first time she called - it woe smut al-
ter we moved into the1-- Ibap
peeled to say that Mrs. the,
from the
opposite siege of the street, had been in tc,
see 1ne, end deed elle impressed me ma a very
Lovely character.
"Cb, she is indeed," said Mn. "But,..
heartily, '•she u such •• .devoted wife and r.
grad to the poor. Bat," she went on, low
Ing her voice. "there ased to be a genii deal
of talk about her *hem she was a girl, and
though 1 don't suppose half the things that
were said were true people don't seem 1..
forget it."
What necessity there was for this imp of
poison to be instilled into my mind i could
not see. Mrs. Goodwin's youth was in the
far pest. mad an the gomtp aucerning her
in that remote perind I had uta interest
whatever. 1 was quite williug to take her
as she was in her nest, ripe 1.
One day whom Mr. "But" dropped in
take found my little friend, Nellie Gray. at
the pian.. Nellie is a .hy. brown -eyed
girl of fifteen, gifted with • wonderful ear
for melody, and, as the 1:ra7I head no pears,
11rd offered her mine. "5 can't help km -
Mg the child, she is such a warm hearted
little creature, and so eager for musk.," 1
said, am the door domed behind her.
My visitor gave a scarcely per.eptib le
"Yes, girl," menu
the admitted ; "but I imppre you kaiser
that the te • poorhouse waif."
No," i mud. 1 know oaths torgg of the
kind" Mrs. ,:ray had atm.' nrnd Nellie
to me as her eldest slaughter, and the info
matron 1 by Mrs. "Bot" was
utterly soaped for.
One evening, on our way home from pray
er-tneeting, Jonas remarked that be always
enjoyed listening to young Spaulding, he
woo sen devout sad earnest.
lea, he is a very interesting mp"sheril,
said our neisbbr, who hal joined es id me
name awn of the 1 ' •sad mom
very sincere, but 1 can't help feeling a
little wrpicious : i knew him wires he was
.laseade a
haste to change the 'object ;
n wordoy "
dmworld law M-
oulted in our hearing the wide history of
the young aasa'n boyhood.
"i've no patience," be exclaimed the sea -
meat we were by ourselves with people
who are always bringing up the past. Jam
iniegise what Maen would be if the in-
habstante were disposed to indn is that
rAimed at of ! The A(:abriel
hiMel/ woula hardly he safe from their
disparaging "bots," and the .hites robe
in all the 'white robed throne' word be in
danger of being nmntted."
yet," I aid. Mrs. 'But' eyed e117
madden bnnrlf • Chasidim."
"Oh, 1 Meet diaries bit tithe," said
.Imam, "bat 1 can't help thaki that she
might he *hie to rad it clearer if she would
rub up her gismo with the thirteenth
t 11 or( 1 CA/Debates/la." (1 •!stian in
Tr r'resss. of Wall..
The Prison= of Wales ie aid to
be the y wm..w.t-Ionking weans tel Mer
abs u =thinking
to ales the lees
rlerfd prroervatios of her youth sed beauty
to 1.r ability to take • little sleep at her
will, • power tr5ioh tie is .his to tan to her
aedtaaee ecus filer • live r tee ash0Ne iter - ,
eel in the rash et her meq antes. the
mem like . dear te bee three W dame,
tem, and a deer bet r moaner of
them is rasa
homes seed Owed.
Nutt assn. --My nNber was Mesiad Mem
O M t-"er•eN re1e -r+s
her awry weak sed ewer file erU, Na
r last age a een.re mai
•ped b» mese, sed, ea salaies, fwesd it *0 ►r . . r . ,. .. 00 0 . '. sem .,a t...
The Masser of? I,N Med1s10e.
1k. R A. (lraighill. Preswieat of Virgi•ie
Innate Marmot _animas Association, says
"In my experience 1 have known of men
tilling drunkards' graves who learned to
drink taking sante advertised bitten as
legitimate medicine. The seething syrup
for childrn, and are cough syrup for every
body, contain opium m some fume. 15
would l,e hens 4a estimate the mentor n)
young brains ruined, if not destroyed, and
the maturer opium wrecks from 11/1101114111
of thu nature. I rx.nld, if I had time,
write a %ohmic on the mischief that is be
ung rise every day, to body, mind and sue,
all over the I•n.I, by thousands of miserable
frauds that are being poured down the
throats of not ,only ignorant people hut.
alas, Intelligent ones too. All of the.,
medicines known as 'patent medicines' ave
prepared by uncultured people, with no
medical education. But there is • certain
other cls of eta -tolled remedies, prepared
by a more .ntolhgent at, so.letimr by
physicians anti pharmacists, that do a great
deal more harm. 1 allude to the 'sou
!secret ' that claim to pakdish
their formulas but .lo not. One in parties -
lar has made thousands, and likely tens rat
tbotnend., of chloral drunkards, dethr seal
the reason of as many snore, besides having
koileul outright vary many. It is impossible
for any nuc to estimate the mistebref that ..
being done by such remedies. and the pity -
SWUM/ who reinmmend them. 11 is un
pomade for anyone not in a besieger such
as i am to form an ides of the amount of
misery •ed mischief that is being dose by
three s so-.albd 'sus -seers% rtteclisn' ..
Publiahadiathr Society ociety for the
Study of
.lake Kerala sad .U411rg. Godfrey TDnrs-
day limbed meld= **CaliforniaatAthletic
Club to tight Ile a end se March 14 for a
J ledge Latin lied Th.raday at Owen
Sound alter a loo. and painful ilbiea Tb.
tdeeea.e,l was appointed Senior Judge of
the .•aunty of t;ray m 1899.
.,l,5). "nllivan Whitaey, the first American
p .y .N'tY1 o homoeopathic
remedies. died at Newtoaville, Masa as
Wednesday at the aged 83 years.
A ern arrested is Tipperary, charged
with illegally carrying *1n-arwr, was mend
to hew. onocal d upon his person a fes a
hot long *11104 with .
,, a iselo trualew of school section. Na 5,
Morriepay their rt. -retry temperer •sal -
of per annum. W e think that, it
would be well for the of sax
country to take a leaf out ed maid trustees'
Ray. 8. P. Rnbissen and wife Kxeter,attend
eel the funeral of Mrs. Rohamaas brother.
R... F. F. 110ru, who did at the r,eidena-
of hu radar, Jridgs Davis, Loudon reeide,.oe
Satoriay 17th iwt., need, >d yyeeaer.s,, of hen
ampt ton. He was hurled. at Mat Parse on the
WW' edneaday folkowi.g.
The Yummier. News Ad.ertimr riders to
as old Marren in the foil }n
' • The many friends eel Mn. and iln. J. C.
MrLasam will regret o hear of the ad be-
reavement they have suffered by the death,
Wednesday evening, of their eldest dogb-
ter Geraldine, after a Wrier Mama."
Rev. R. Thomas, whet is stationed sear
Petrnlia (formerly of O.taelo-et ehttwb,l
l linter heti the misfortunes m be herald nit
MP nicht Mut ween• toeing ewaimidly
to the rharcli rsxeorvle. 71. imeily p
formed with their live Yr, 114m.m'
health hassn't hero the het fen seine time,
and lin . m Will h.m ham trrlms o prthmM
him to make a visit to OemeM or the
prove of , and it h net w sly
that he will now do so.
I . repeleases erSeeorere
la ahem 4,610, mad wt woad my et ham
new hall ars troubled with gimme affecting' net
the Threat eat Lune. ea these enapWate
ars, it's rding to .teti.tiea, mare n.aere0P
them other. We would advise all our
remises net te seg re the *y to
"all ren their druggist and gni: • heft(. d
Kemps Raison oar the Threat •d y
Trial sine tree. Largo Mettle 60e sed $I.
fed by all dreg. 0.. 1...w
with'- -nmaYemof the imepa ,iwYeebs u a thea■ i
r.nsi.ei it esatr4l )ail asks
for .e. ■•.s••e ,* *aye/. 1 .41144.1. •.sr
l'he wise r who ---_-
all W •leis talc widest r
i ittlei 11 err Ira*voilase Ottdm *w, aiimei a,aisM.
Mme rad *ma eel +net4llss the ewe
March the
We qu(
Boys('' I
A big
The 11
ant stock
but we all
Are pkuz-
di.treyrs of