HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-2-6, Page 1Th. 14040.40414 i nd;R.WSiSSt.
h. +. harm shade • farm,, ..d beim{ 1?•.Prty
...aped, (sed sea pit•iderked tate say pare
• ,..a1 cm the EIGHTH PAGE 'awe Yie.y. -
e readers to • tar great.[ extent [baa
. outride the city pram.
1'HE S1O$AL leads the Iiu.I press.
OL. XLIII. No. 2294.
OVER TH E HURON TRA("f. , n°.Ii.HibetMhey
oowthatnly come
got the
hat that year, *tithe has beaten every mow
James Warwick. formerly. of Seefd.rth,
s Mtewity Tess sf4aemNi tiro. ar"ref a who has been renting at his mother's sear
••1110111111••••''""""--"""""'" Prima ('Up Kinburn, for mese tune. got his left hand so
badly injured that it had to he amputated at
Ilse wrist.
- Cream edam reads News M rase..
R1 Om Friday evening, 23rd alto titers was
quite • gethenng of verse/ people et the
[tuns ort 4u•usootte. 1 residence of l'. sad Mrs Bowerman, to give
VINE of 114•7S was tmpu.ed on a rete theta • 1 . in their sew- Meme
dent of Blyth for using protium Ian- by Lite Malthus', to S. t;. Ku. 1. Grey•
guage dean the public streets. Oscar, the sewed me of Mr. Byron For -
A sew F.ngltah church will be erected in ' • Hulmelvilk, 1.11 nue day Iron Me
st loosen, • height of fifteen or [went) feet, and
isgbaae u the sing
Yea A. W.ir, Hallett, as aoshsel t. her was so severely bruised as to lay hint up for
roar week' : fortunately
wt by neuralgia of the fortunatelyter boners were
W. H. M0'ncka. tlitasela, u •wav tl►u Faster Atheist* : -The y son of
,rwk with his third oar of potatoes to.Roch lssvd tipwer was sus over w, !l even
• 'tor' ing last.1 y a peering rig driven by Melodist
Min. Maggie McLachlin, of New York. McInnes. who i, noted for furous •:d fast
i'visiting her cousins in Bruseeh and driving. Fortunately tee l.,y escaped with
cousinsoality out receiving much injury.
Mr. Pope, the new s`'...°•.°1•41- of the Mol ,1, Wiseman,an uLl tliiton boy -,leas at last
see Bank began els duties >e Exeter last (.len 4 *knife to the gr..e..f the weaker
rh.reday. sex. and was united ilk nWi-r.Ige on tVeelrnea-
l.a•. Haat, Brussels, lea been carving up day of Ltd week to Mer ) lv1e Teetael, of
los hands in the machnnery at W. R. Wil- Sit. TMwna. daughter of the late Jo►. M.
mires foundry. Teetael, of Sparta.
A seeped date/titter has come t., thea home The Bomar Catholics have about con
..f Rev. (:. P. Howie. Ph. 1)., Toronto, fear- pletel the purchase of a prmserty in Clinton,
needy of Brussels. upon which they purpose erecting a church,
W. A. ('albick, formerly of Brueseh, is to take the place of the oat they have
reported to be very i0 at kis hoar in New hitherto used in "[ultra. The site selected
ll eetminster, B. C. is at present occupied. aid b in • gond Inca -
A numberof Exetereitiaess have been corn- ti"t'
plaising of the dimmer la grippe. that was Mus Lame Stewart, of Det sit. Mich.,
prevalent last year. formerly of Exeter, after spending s
R. H. Amber, late manager of the Mel few weeks' hob.lays with her niany friends iu
dome dank. leaves Exeter this week for he f:ieter, "ft for 1Mrrtone wt the 23rd.
future hoar. Kew York.where she will epee! a few .lays, after which
she a routines' oil! have for her droner in Detroit. Davis, painter, Exeter.
the house with • very seven attack of (h' Saturday last while helping to untied
nfiammatnry rheumatism. dug at Marten & Adlair's ,hill, /:hearse, Mr.
roar of John I:i1le•pric's children. Porter, David Reed received aregI a had crush between
.ave th' >Ca7let fever, Int nut►utg aeriugs the loge Wee Aid to but it wilat l
is Mme
• expected hem the. disease. to in ori the street tri. it is some
time before be will lee elite to go to work.
ltd,[. I.eatberlale, of (inMw&N,, basgoste Mrd, John E. Smith. Amine and Stella,
rweb to levo the furniture bneine'. d Brandon, man_arc visitant, relatives and
with his uncle, R. Leatbenale.
L Hardy. Exeter, Isms •e,,.red the cm-
, rare of hiiikling Esdie's Jet.ge form the
rsrnberry maned st a ,um of -
Mr. Jackson and wife, of Marion, Ohio,
dud J. W. Donald, of Raker City. Orr- Geo. Town, wood-tnrser at Bell's fund -
rum are visiting at R. Mal ohm's. flrussels, ton factory, Winghasn, had a Arse rail Goa
this week. • serious accident no Monday morning. A
James William, Kiuburn, has.kiapnsed of piece of wood en which he was grating
his property there to • party boas Blyth, split, w yteea betne throwu agtnst his face,
who- will supply a long felt want by starting tatting hu cheek lust below the eye. The
•o chop grain. wound was .b -eased and b: returned to
The property formerly maned by S. Mc- work.
Curdy, lot 2, eon. 2. Morris, Ina been par -
Awed by Lawrence Fife, of TurnLerry, for
.a sags of 4.3.600.
Mr. (image, who hes occupied the posi-
tna of accountant in the Bank of Uwntnerce,
'eaf.rth, for some time past. hes I...0 re.
meowed to Montreal.
On Thursday night last sae one broke •
taste of glass in the window of ('ouch's but
••her shop Clinton, and reinevea about forty
pomade of sausage.
Jon. Bowman, 31.4 line, Monis, killed a
• ow recently that dressed 960 pounds. Very
tett beeves drew as much as alcove at this
•rigors of the year.
Harry Douglas, ars ..f Adam longi., of
the 15th orae., Grey, hal the misfortune to
• et his font badly with an axe whik out
Mopping one day last week.
C. Hamilton, of Blyt h, has pun -lead hum
Alex. Dey lot 37, avn 3, Kau Wawansh,
•omtaiaing fro ams. Mr. Dry inteo.L going
to the North Wast in the epnag.
.1. S. Hogg, Lea.lbury, teas -her. had the
misfortune to have his driving mare stumble
and severely cut her fore leg, which will in
eapecitsN her for work 1.r a few weeks.
Janes Swath. of McKl'A7p, .&livered in
Se*forth last week a load of wood whish
brought down the tna•krt males at 9,300
lbs The is • pretty soled ked for rate team.
John O'Sullivan, of McKillop, delivered
a grist of fall wheat •t Coe.[ & Co's., Sea
froth. mill last week which weighed 64 Pe.
to the beahel. It wee of the tkemocM
(in Tuesday afternoon two young gentle
neon named Laidlaw, of Tnrkerentith, left
fns California. A large Hamlet of friem.ls
were present &L the statins t', hid tb•m
Aity on. desiring :•• atop: a f••twal, in
fent child will do well to ophtly to Mrs. 1
O. Kemp, Se►foeth. or troy of the Lala-.
beoaging to the Woaem's Chris:WI Twat
panther Tinting.
Prot: This week we received a reel in
tweeting and neatly got4•n up paryJllet.
etwntaining about 100 [Saes. fr..mr:s.. Why
brew, formerly of Brussels. giving is full
descrept*st of E:areueda, the iron port of the
ao.rld. Mr Whytwee is one .tf the leading
esttrfctnrs aid) builders in that city .n.1 is
.'sing wyli.
The m.mher • and forme of the Salvation
truly. Seafrth. sent i petition to head
• uar(o+s regvesting that the pr.irnt officers
•'sprain Brannigan an.) Lieutenant l.edrew.
he allowed N. rrnato in clisr•ke s tall term.
The prayer rd the petiuos wee granted owl
the new officers, wit., are beteweing favorite,.
will remain
Ile Saturday !es fare ld.Rri.k, tesinst.-
fnr Smith, Mated* t /iih,r r. Wm/utter.
Iw„•ght to tb. saw mill the lsrFsst Ind of views of the meeting or whatever was going
lore that las yew enter04 tM town. ,herr ,m around him to he amen afterwards in The
l..ing 2,M3 feat wf green pine in the air kg.* Tineas We hope the day is nit long die
o.nnpriairtg _Ow feed. Thr prow wi henget Mat when 1Myt will be fighter' up with
hw oWm..,the ohms firm having electric ha'AN.
;ought AM entite swamto. The regular anneal meeting of the di -
Fred reek Denary of the 9th eat.. *tray, tract lodge 1.11.0.T , No. 94. was held at
hos pntehrasd the 60 ,see fern' of (:.sand Myth. Jan lash, • id mie attended front here
Nemeth. being part Ms 29. 10th ••,n., Grey try SooK
.Sisters Gorden and lis6eld with
There is • o em mrteli a hn':se. bank bsno, horns. John Harlem and Willman, of 1.0.0.
.oreh.rd, leera . •, , ter pr•.mw
.a. The pert' T., Ida 2131 They report one of the lmrg
was 13,mu.. IgM. Revert giro. tip Leese. dee gatheriap of is eskers is the Order held
Mut its Marehmei will likely !deinein VAIL ter es.$) yeah The was .d
He hie been a rename et Orgy (ed* the past grafted by J. Wilma, G.W. T . Mn
34 ream, lien g ..n the tarn, .ins. 1966 Bept, armed Deputy.4y„ rib jai -04M TiiMpl is se
T. /two, i*M10 ori, ant+[ has [*roll. short "mutt ar tea Lim ':eiasuid.4 tea, !'
hem Kitty, In J. AmmanAmmanfee a I.ig flew Deputy. 71e atter Add lately beam ddris
Sale a. the wf t eftwett r.rw% in Homs[. Hoe lectors work for this direrle . illy this the
weight is 1.963 pend., and the ken to far Ledges have warred is hip .ad
Wise 16 era prises mud 1 meniot She has the npssaem .p of toe dew ledges in the
takers pewee et Breeas10, W hnghase, Bel- distedwt.
/needs in tkuasrla The northweerern
climate evidently agrees with then. It is
about five yeas *nee Mr. Smith and family
removed frown Brussels. They are greatly
taken with Brandon and its .
A gentleman of ('lintel. who drove out
into the country the other .ley, left his cut
ter in • barnyard where • couple of colt.
were frisking about ; when ready to go
home be found to his horror, that the oohs,
although they had not eaten up the cutter,
haul done considerable damage to it by nib-
bling the cushion, straps kc.
PJlwtt Thynne. formerly of Morns, who
has been in Scotland, Louth Dakota, for
shout ten years, to in dila vicinity venous
relatives, He 11aa rented hie farm in Dak-
ma and does nut intend going Jack
again. Poor crops for a succession ed years
have put the test of the farn.ers in a bad
H. 1t iwitwille,. of Stanley, near Blake,
states that from s teacupful and a hell
of decd sewn by Lim he reaped 31
peasds of geed cean wheat. It is a new
variety which Mr. Deitwiller got in Vit..
gide, He again sowed it this last 611
and if it does :.t well as before he expects
to have enough seed for his own iso salt
Irwin ora owl
Robs. Bell. of the 4th cono
tow -whip. suede a ple•stag visit
It Cumming and Jae Linklater were the
delegates appointed fors. the P
church hen to appear at the meeting a the
tory to consider the resignation of
Rey. . Ure on Tuesday of this week.
Too Mcett rev. Several coanplamts
have been brought to us by the young moo
drawing wood and sawing. to Dunlop and
(:oderieh that swearers* has during the night
been throwing off their loads of wood and
logs put on to have an early start in the
inorningothith to each has eams.d mach de.
lay and le .rine cones been a km of s trip
to tkderirh. lepers of this kind .re an-
noying, and iwne.o when one watts to take
advantage of the limited sleighing. Who
the sinner is we .l, not know, but the suf-
ferems are es welch and if they Rad out we
are inclined en teak the will
enjoy the diet of the round steer tower
near the mouth of the Mettiand for • time,
Lest weekour scribe here took • pleas-
edvisitto the rising and beetling ng v4lage
d Rlyth, and had the pleasure of meeting
the genial '.lite n( The Standard, who
took us to his oNes, and in the snug tune
tum we had quite • nice chat over news
paper life. Ile took the helm nt The 'Nand -
and last April. He is a eupprter of the
Temperance cause am! in et eremite W.C.T.
of the Rlyth 1.11.1:.T. We aloe net Mr.
Elliott, of The Times, of Wi teen. He,
urs, u .n 1.0.44.T. He wee armed with •
mammoth frsuntnin pen to dot down the
ll derich
hen last
..+. .dr err HURON
Mimse.f aaanuer Ikea Time eremite saes'
- Tea tlsswivsi beedb es Ow eapneso
Oases bol eatle.MA Se be beetle" sex'
Ota" - Prseetasl Items of isierwi.
(rlm,Y errs ewe ami .1
OHN McQwarrie, who has beet[ ant -
ploy -ed with J. D. Ronald lfoestiryh
• for nearly three earo has take. •
rtuatien in Listowel John is •gond work-
man, and We aro *wry to Luse him, but at
the same time we wish him arrows.
Cotes are the fad this week -
E. E. Wade is in town this week.
A. L Hunter is at Totuoto 01411 seek.
W. Hartley, of Bluevale, is 1-imitisg lir
brother here this week.
K. South is to Caste to the
fora/. He e•. • very stock of panting*.
Alex is a pusher.
Thee. Knecltel, who bas been teaching
'clued for some time, is now taking up drugs
in 1'. Pepper's drug store.
•lno. Mikan, taller, has been .lightly
"under the weather" th'. week. He is able
to attend to customers, though.
W. R. Dickson, barrister. has removed his
Aim to the use formerly ucespied by K F_
Werk. It is more convenient that hie
it is reported that the Winghanl Bell
hand are bided to fill as here
Friday melting. timid music may he ex-
pected, as Harry is leader.
J. Jones, jewelkr, and W.Id. Sinclair, b•r-
rioter. have changed their places. They are
in the 'Vsn.tone l4Lrck,' end have • cosy
place now. The ,torr lately vacated by
them is to be used by A: Htrahehmn, dry
gond., rte. it is a gond 001141,11.
C.,awtvat_ -Our carnival js Tuesday last
wee a very tame affair. '1'I.e prises were
• tening in 6 and 10 met meets. The
spectator prise was geed We suppose it
was cern account of the poor erowd that it
was not better. The nice ( mile► was
a geod one and Baldwin, h, carried
off the .dyer tankard. The next will be
G. A. Deadman, the well-k.dwn Brussels
druggist, take•s a great intent in Jersey
cattle- In selecting and breeding he looks
for quantity as well se quaLty. He has a
2 }-rear-old milking now which gives 800 list
of milk per mouth on winter feel. He ex-
1,er, when four years old, to go 10,000
lits. .1 milk in a year. He has a heifer the
.lam of which Mr. Wynn. of Newry, las.
and which, he dates, made 101 Iiia. of but-
ter in 3( .lays. In bee keeping Mr. !had -
num eternises the game are ,n breeding,
epi has paid as high as E for a tingle queen
from which to bread. He etaeute to have as
go..f, if not the beet, strain of bees in this
(anon ora own riRRmeMwnexe
Arthur Mcllurney is on a riot at
Mus Mary McNsnn was on • visit
her grandmother, Mn. Brown.
The Andel -ley - t was
his pew last week. 'they my that
sign .4 s late spring.
Hugh C. McIntyre was own • visit he
his cousin, Duncan McIntyre,. Kinlom4 bit
Hugh did not come beck alone.
Hugh Mrlbsa4f, Slane. Meliann and
Andy Sh'efId pad their aunt. who resides
in this viMge, a visit this week.
Mir Ann Ross, of Crewe, and her broth-
er Archibald paid their rouser,.. William
Kempton mad D. McK.suie, • short visit
one day lest week.
What maims Iles. Neil drive so many
ladies armed noweehiys' Beery day be
gear away with six or seven, and corns
home with two Ah. Bella '
The boys of ('locket street are very jeal-
ous of me of our Neal beaus who is • great
favorite with the lades, but it's *shame to
put obstructing* on the road which might
cause • serious accident.
The young men of Kintail, Lake Shore
and 12th eon. put • fine lamp at the an -
traitor t.. the chur••h, which is • greet con.
'faience oa a dark night. It its hard to
find a more friendly set of young men than
Cali be Need in this section, as they are
wiliing to take hold of &Whim [tat se
wasted. Lochalsh should fdbw reit.
We are sorry to chrnaick the death of
Mrs. 'Wert Fiamiitoe, who died at her
father's residence. Mra. Hamilton had
not been bug in nor neidata hat while here
she gained many (rimed*. Her remains were
interred in 7.inn cemetery. ft was the beg
est femoral over sea in that part of this
country. The whole oomu numity crepe
than with the b,r,ered parrots and bus
As 1►uecan Cameron, of the earth cum
mission, Huron, was in AahfieM et Joh.
Johnston's farm after • load .4 wend re -
o dly, he had &spirited span of horses, *ad
as roses Johnston was pawing by with a
yoke of ems the rattling of the chain
scared the bonnes and carred them to tan
away tbrongi the hash. 0.s el then.
Amick • tree. which fractured the sk.11.
The other horse got clear mid turned
• r unel. Had it not done sowould have
geoi .hewn the bNrsk,whieh is h' at the
RigMtewn 1141. deer The bergs
died that sick% tied the .41, tat,. relight
shoat two i [lath/.
(rsnw eel writ -1
We are pitmesd be bs Ghia Int Mtge that
Mr. John Parkes oaaghter. wise 1.. bees
ill Inc seer' times recovereag hens her
Wm. Sproule, nor pnpulare.bmeteneker,
undertaker, etc , has reemetly p.rrbwd •
beautiful residence ea J.e.weL, McMath's
survey, in ear Owlets bank►
re.Osiris, do aawe,4 , the eN1 . is4N !•r
seam will he pnweliiiii
rh.. b hat 3 Ike 011110114.
ilie is 6 .
deereaed Hebert Cltd -
Dee''t'ergot the shanalinplinicon am"
which, as p...in.aly uotie.d,te ,.k
ea Sunday, the lith, and rota folbwiaK Mos -
day. the 9th, s Neeineeting will be held. - -
See head bill' for particular*. NEWS NUGGETS OF PURE METAL
of life. We wish theyou.•g ample a "if/
and prosperous .scan. His "pater, ells
the hath position of slayer 01 mer seem for
181. T ring hers elected by . f'
HH4. Worship is the right gentlemtit in the
Our pupular bores buyer, Thee. 1. 1)ur
sin, having purchased s carload of horses
for the Manitoba market, intends to ship
them there the end d this week or the
hesitating of next weak.' We wish hen.
pnrperous trip.
February thus far. altheagh not so stormy
as retie -wines In the fifties, sixties, seventies
and some .4 the eighties, has been more
like Canada, as to weather, than any other
month this wawa,, the wiuter up to this
month having leen remarkably mild and
Our popular reeve rind deputy, who were
during last week attending the session of
the county council, returned bene on Sat-
urday in good shape, being well phased with
their first lesson in county municipal work.
Jas. Walker. who has recently hero
united in the beads of metnmuay to Mir
Lane Livingstone, of Wyonin , is with his
!,ride ciriun his fs. and Mn.
Jae. Walker, of this village. Mr. .1. 4%..
jr., is a resident of Dakota.. where. after
completing his brill tour, he intends ttking
his wife to undertake the cans and pursuits
Dungannon Is still on the Isom. .1. N.
Echlin, an enterprising resident of our ed
lege, we are interned, has enteral int., arm
rangrments to open a grocery. store herr in
about two weeks, if not sooner. He laterals
to carry on business on a mall system, and
as 6e pays cash for hit stock, which will be
the very beat that can be purebased in the
market, he will therefore be in a position
to supply all who may favor him with ;heir
patronage with first -char goods in his line
at the lowest poes*Lle living priers. It u
needle,. t.. state that his friends anal the
community wish heron greet suave*. There
n a living for all sal sundry in our village
w -bo have energy and enterprise.
IM Friday of last week there were two
interments m our cemetery. One was that
of the remains of an old settler in the town-
ship of Ashfield, Robert fluff,t 78
years. Rev. Jas. Carrie.. Episeralian
clt'rp•man here, conductor' the obsequies.
The other wthe hnrisl of the renege .4
a belove.l daughter of Samuel Pentland,
Ashfield. was. was suddenly taken awayy
having been in her usual place in the Sab-
bath wheel on the Sabbath previous to her
death, which was caused by disease of the
brain. Her age was 10 years. The obse-
quies were conducted by Rev. K A. Fear,
pastor of Nile circuit. The bereaved par-
ents and relatives hat e the sincere sympathy
of the commnnitl:
The directors of the West Waw•.pnb
Mutual Fire Insurance Co. held titeirsecns.l
monthly meeting of this year on Tuesday,
3rd inst., in the court n.en. .111 the dim-
mer.' were print. The venerable gentle-
man who has been president for a number
of years Chas_l:irvin, Esq.,- -was highly
honored in being rc appointed to the re-
sponsible position fur this year. Mr. Bal-
lantyne, of Huron townahip, was appointed
as t, Several . Inc
policies were brought before the board of
directors for isgrureetiou. We have horn in-
formed that the topany has under its
as 1errory r:
.f insera,cc about
fourteen municipalities, which, we pt^osaae
a the greater part of the county of Huron.
This augurs well Inc the success of its man-
agement and Inc its popularity.
(rang Ors OWN
i )tar ache.' had a visit frame
bet week.
V. Ronan, of (:heels. Blend
gave our burg a visit last week
Miss Lily Cumming returned ian week
fess ml, a pleslant visit 4. ewnear Dua-
(oar architect and a well-known Saltford
.port had • big day's hunt up in Ashtteld
last week. Two rat.bit• were the trophies
of the day's tramping.
Wedmore TMs. Hawkins, of Staffs, gave
OUT burg a flying resit last week en route
homewards from the tenmeetusg at fort
Albert, at which he lent a hand in the muse
owl part of the pm
The hay presser of A. Morton did work
herr last week, Rob. Crowell, of t:oderich,
John MaiiOenin, jr., of the Nile, sad S.
Jnksstos, of Godeneh township, being os
the staff of workmen attached to the praiser.
Last week the popular form of our old
friend. Gavin l:reen, lighted up our burg.
visiting old friends abli
out here. ar. is weer
• est of Manitoba, and is does now,
hardly altogether to see relatives during the
winter, put on an important *Tread which
slowshisesperieriee in keeping bath. isnot to
be renewed when he returns ageto the
Prairie Province in a few weeks traided'With deep regret our raided' learned of
the death of the infant son of our fennel -
fellow. H. .1. Herten. Meny
from here attended the funeral co rridayar conductedlast, which was by the Re.. K .
A. Young. rector of At. (:enrge'a (:*darich.
We with others beer attend to the bereaved
parsmle n
our deepen sympathy in the ImC
they hare met with.
The familiar. eel Alex. Me
('anon, at ora 16.. 'meatier of the bone forh
A. M. Polley, ht Gaieri . lighted op Ger
bar last week. Emily is sow a (oddest
d Tiverton, Reale meaty. arid is the .se
instal Leal as d yore. He received asay
kind welcomes Inuit bus aid friends hers,
part.c.rly the fair sat. He hos ant yete
enlisted in the mane 0' tsedr ts.
Sparrots, I
U.vesse.ia halbee asts s* Ibrr Med •4ftee
le NW PaM.e► es i.e..sry - The it Wires
of Clever Talley ttt.r a b16b .Ie else -
being S .be sear Was.
[*'brag lir aOWN a,*A1*Jt,.Ds�T,1
WE soler that Mier Tena Camp-
bell a miring friend, in the
town of Teeew•ter.
A. 1.. walks on two idank. now as well
as W. H.
Lust Tuesday Mr. John Hunter took a
very pleasant trip through t.. Kincardine
.1..4. Denning, of Lucknow, loaf Is very
valuable fox -hotted while out hunting in
Clover Valley. 4Ve hope to hear that he
has turned up again, as • goo.[ hound is
very rare animal in this section.
We are sorry to Imre that Mrs. Frank
McInnis and family are soon to leave this
part for British Columbia to join her hus-
band. who has been there for some time
pant. lbr'e wish them a safe and plewsaut
trip to their future hrn.e.
Hour AeAte. We are pleated to note
that Mo. Jennie Me(:ner. and Miss Jean
Bette A. Melanie. who were spending a
few months in London, (Int.. are hoose
again. Miss J..4. McInnis is wen to start
with the rest of the family for British Col-
umbia. We are always sorry to see the
young folk from around ria going sway to
seek their fortunes and homes in other
It wee notal in a recent iwue of Tam
lir.'..[. that some creatures were strayed.
Well. or believe that at pre ent they are
under the safe keeping of their owner., and
flat it will not happen again in their carr,
at least. But et might be sail that a crea-
ture front Paramount was found tied to •
(lover V•lleyite'e gate post on the evening
of the 27th. Now, I wonder what does that
mean, Malcolm'.
Last Friday evening the football doh of
this place gave its firs: annual ball for the
benefit of the kicker, and other invited
glens, at Philip Tennyrson's house. At
about 8 a.m. music and dancing were start-
ed, which were kept up In great shape until
tine for luncheon. after the iw,er mea
was satisfied, dancing ase resumed until
about 4 a.m., when the crowd dispersed to
their levers' homes, congratulating them-
selves en the grand .dd time they- had, and
anxiously waiting for the season when the
ball will be kept ;totaling again. it was
one of the largest donors that was bold w
this section for some time. (o>s.
The Patrons of Industry of l7urer Valley
had an open meeting on the evening of •lea.
27th, to give Wm. Vallance the privilege
of telling.what he thought of Patron He
thinks their system • grand one if only
carried mn as it should be, true in principle
and in dealing. He advises e14 Patnru to
stick to their store -keepers like a peep to a
root, and through thick end thin. and they,
will sueeeed ; and he gently whispered it in
their ears that if they did not they aright
expect 4. reap the benefit in the one way
as the (:rangers did with the salt block in
Kiw*rdine. After Mr. Valiance had takes
his lest, Peter McKean made a few very
appropriate remarks, after which there
vete a number of good seiectwns .si the
violin, and what is very seldom found, and
that is a left-hand player. !taster Stewart,
of (;lover Valley, who is the very lad that
eaa d.• that sane thing every time. with the
lett lend. ten.
trams era owl ex,sstMre)7 DY tT.1
1b0ctit'rT. - -On Hatutdsy lad as Wm.
Elliott. an employee in the nervine of lien.
`Beatty, here. wax cutting strew with the
horse power, the tumbling shaft by some
mans ox other tame apart and struck him
with such great violence in the abdomen
that he was knocked insensible. He re -
maned in this state for about
five hours. We are pies -and to know. bow- -
ever, that he is recovering rapid) under
Drs. the skilful treatment of Elliott,o.t(
Brumfield, std Wright, of hayfield.
St Kronen Tune Au- N m. Arnett -cog,
sm of Thea. Armatreng. wase woe but a
spall buoy whin be left here with hioi par-
enta for the Stat. d M ire uri threat eleven
years ago. suddenly called on his relatives
and friends here the other .a). Father
Time hal, however, wrought such • change
in kis appearance that nae of his old ar
' were able to recognise him. He
Itilksvery favorably of the sunny South.
ours crops daring the past semen, he
sal were rod. Ho advises all he
freeds who wish to prosper so move over
tee 1; nntk :Sam's territory.
tea MY nee see Mer&
(M. gond thing. This is ami.'ntly the mar
WWI P*i6* ern'. Norville*, and great Iris
caw. it i. .n honest reenedy. fee it es..
tains the ,sort powerful. aim p.c est. and
Newt asrtain pain suld.iy reen di.. haws
M t.edM»l .rooms•. It is henew. for it
Jess .11 it clanse to dn. It is erose[, he
Nom• it i. the Lees is the worldd it coy
para a) comet-, 0) 1'•'v ...o: jou Mai jv ofoi
Little at any drug
.$w". Norwalk', etre,,
taothaehe, r i. pain in the hock and
side AB pains are Puss.'. Nerwilisn
y relieved by
l ,MOM ova ewe 1
Nr. and Mrs 14 A. 11!14914* left (ase
kw on Tuesday for their home in Wheat-
land, North Dakota, i fly the
Lees shies of their many frie.ah.
A *ni',l n Oro $ear arca (toxic (ht Hat
ur'lay evening, the fifth January, there
paned away to the silent majority, m the
person of John Petersen. mar of the Rost
aettkrt in the township rot I Otlhnrne, at the
age ad 98 Mr. Pbtersm urea a native of
Dwtnfrieskir., Montlaael, and carne to this
country in 1836, and took up lot No. S, on
the 7th ove.ouoMwn n( (5rlborn., where he
lieed weal after the loath of his sister
Aper, who diel in August, 1674 He them
went to live with James Tewaley, who
came to the rtjnining form a few years .free
Mr P•terwwt dime to this reentry. The
tire, 014 freserl..nd n.ighhows kept barbel -
nee' hall. neither of there having been mar.
reel. till *brother teat, whin the ill health of
het& mused them tin quit 1
Mr 'Ivershry going to live with his heath.;
Jowpb, ani Mr Patersow p, live with Alex
1 nwng, jr , who wow noise the farm taken
up by Mr. Paterson whoa he settled in this
emuntry Mr. Pawnee ahoy' took • Bleep
Intermit in puMir .Akin, ed 4n parties was
.!. Mthe time atthe r °jS
along with several MMA Bea Cbilena,
speed eros dam on the ilkukIkec
the esaeatry 6.m tie aItetl♦ M1111=21
IR the Oh.almmil.
THE SIGNAL a beyu►d ail geseeasoe
the best .n Hann Comity, •.d has
stole 1 prugrr.4 dutruig the past year.
H..s•tte" OHS DOLLAR . I get Tan
tisnsar. for a whole year if you pay p' -:v.
otherwise g1 50 u the prise. .,.60s. • year
by laying Inc your paper 111 ADVANCE.
He had nut, so far as known, a Whig 1e1a
tire on the a,ntinent. He w*s abs •
member of the Masonic fraternity, which
society he Leming s member of sutne tune
before be left the 014 Cos airy. The meat
ben of Meaning Star lodge, d which Mr.
1'•tersea was ea honorary member for mom,
years, dial all is their power to snake bra
last days as comfortable wpmeible. Mr
and kin. Yung sire showed a commend-
able spirit in the way they booked shsr the
aoafort of dere who was in to way mounted
with them except by the ties of Christiania
and frtet.d.hip. Thr funeral, which took
piece on Monday, 96t6, 'vas conducted by
the officers and members of Moru.ng Star
lodge, A. F. & A. M., assisted by brethren
from ( :dote rich and Myth 1. dgee, net was large
ly attended. the pre -melon beiug fully half
. mile in length.. The re.iains wen' de-
posited in Culburue ceu.etery, beside those
of his &tater, there to await the
morning The rrlegi.us cervico. wire Otke-
ducted by Rev. Alex. McMillan, pastor of
Smith's Hill Presn church, the coa-
gregstaNl of whgathbyteriaMr. i'(lisnun was Da
mem her.
(rw,w .sen taw. .t,.tkmPo iug..T. 1
Mir Annie Reid, of /:nderich, has been
visiting friend. here.
Jesse Card has removed his slave *hop to
the store lately occupied by ('harem Stalk-
John Ferguano, jr., has purchased a
desitwb[e property from lir. ('harlu. $tai.
William Jowett lately met with a had
accident whik coasting aid was severely
bruised, len is now rapidly redovering.
John Ferguson, se, dna leased a large
tract of Rshwg ground and experts to do a
big lustiness nest spring with trap nets.
J. 1:. Cas.aday, representing TamShot es,
was im town last week and succeeded in
securing a large needier of ..;'e i
He's a hustler front way back.
(ht Monday evening let a large number
of the young people of the Goshen Linc
English church seenlbte.l at the parsonage
and pretested their org•eid, Mir M.ssop.
with s well-filled pur•.e. The evening war
very pleesautly spent.
lin Mouday afternoon an ititer•esting Burl-
ing match took place at the rink. T. J.
JM..orhuusm, skip, Jas. [Whitten, John Maui•
sou, Wm. Stmaon won the game by one
point against Alex. t:rainger, skip, A.
f'owlie, John Pollock and H. F. Fderards.
Lei®t. McCullough is now taking charge
of the Solvating Army here, and is winning
many friends. • On Tuesday, evening next
the musical musketeers, of Toronto, are ex-
pected here and will give a grand entertain-
ment in the Army hall. Adtniesiou 10 eta.
On LVelncnlay evening. Februarys 11th, a
social to connection with the Bayfield Meth-
odist church will be held at the house of
Charles Wallis 1st corrosion Goilerich
township. l' will be at the
church about 7 pith. All wise ennn should
go and have s gcod time.
Messrs. Ferguson & Edwarla purpose
bollix[; their thinl grand carnival at the
Star rink no Monday, Feb. 911. Valuable
prizes will be given for beat ladle,' fancy ene-
tnme and c°aracter,best gent.- fancy costume
and clue -actor, best gents' manic e.stume.
The tint nee Inc a handsome silver medal
will then take place. This is a forty lap
race .open to all, the medal to he won three
remiss by same oonteetent before it u his
property. A match race has also been ar-
ranged between Chris. Dresser WW1 John
Whiddon; Chris. to skate 16 haps and John
16. [hood musk. Be sure and go. (hely
10 cents admission.
[riot. o*R nw� .`e,aRIL•aTd,!: pm:tT. ]
Miss M. Morris returned home treat To-
ronto lath week, where she had been on a
visal •itmelaInc .me time. We welcome her gen-
Thos. Mainning is again working at the
Phoenix carriage works, the business having
so Merman' that it was deemed necessary to
employ nam then.
Our junior football dub played with
Blyth club last Saturday and was defeated
by one to nine. Spur up, boys, *04 try
Next [catch to In played in two .
wweek..t nam .
The two fox-boawl. of iWm. i> teraz
succesd.d 4 a fox down mad rcaapp-
tering kiss Est weak, • thong that L [wiz
doss. sad we think they are two of the heel
dogs of the kind in the county.
Mrs. (pen. Grannie, of Grantee*, was its
this glees ns Monday venting her relatives
and We welcome her in nue midst,
as we do any old roddests who hare gone
and left us to ramble is other places.
SC Woodman roti has a grit number of
1 .t the statist, which be r unable to
as owing to the fart that the yard of the
in to which they are to be shipped en
W iuyhass u completely blockaded.
0ea.\rotors shot • Sae tux last week,
sad it u as ewe a ons as bee hose Ant &
this vicinity icer some time. And Use .m.
weedmagly long range that it was abet at is
. e pi( to Mr. Newton a. • smrkwean.
Voar wo.ld advise Tint
S(tus.tp to •
agent tient into
owl m am
herwm>ave as pcwbiro as since your
paper has hem intr..dueed it has been pnpn
ar above .11 .other localPapers-� Ry weedingsuck .n .gent as .1. K tiaaethey eatn ear
midst roe would greatly add to your already
large number of sulrre•ibsra, for thepaper
u oenaM'red the Met ever introduceol f.,r
ae dell.,
A tarrihle accident happened to James
Warwick *ear thea place hat week. It
mems. he wan in the set of eette g the ees.l
og. e>hieka with . he:
ser) ea he
was .bout to dish the Wow dei. fest slipped
and the axe strum► him ea the wrist, oogs-
sea ering his hand item his ares.
R $n*ith, dd S mile eth, and Or. ('.roper. of
Klnlarn. were nailed ie. owl it was with
&Amity that the Newlin* wee 'Moppet
Mr. Wsrwies is very ion at primas Ntag
to the lees of M4.sd. He was hems au s
*int to his ewnt*.r and brother kora 1M
`Matas et the time of the ...widest. lie is •
very highly esteemed yoeag usat. and h.a
hi. sed accident. "'i"'"""•"ley. w
cis�d�Rdakt ! Tibe d eLesdsSym
1 ell elm e.
D. M('(,1L1,1('(iDDY.
A a.erowtei m8Nkly pale-- Mamie ....s -
Meg of L.4.41.T.--A.aivr,u.ey orwvke, r
Mee P^+MI"Nss'bereb - libeemes Mole.
-Tie Marra. ssral7 oder- rareeeaiee
(raw. ornowv .vearswlr,.,utvr.J
Monthly Las fair wheld on UNIT
plat. anl was a decided anomies.
:. is believed that mere stoek od*ange(
hands un Tumidity Net than ria any pre�qu4
fair. There were a great Pray buyers
present and there was also a good showing
of stock. The�p►'loss�paidl Inc fair hordes
ranged from 136 1to 1163. Keeley person
expresed themselves ae pleased with the
fair and no doubt the next one held in
March will be the hest we have yet seen.
The Pell t)ivisios ('curt, No. 12, will be
held on the 25th est.
Thomas Jackson, of Clinton. was out tak-
ing in our monthly fair.
Wm. Riehniond and bride have arrived
home after an extended trip.
Arthur Steinhoff had the ,misfortune to
eta his leg while chopping last week.
Store of our you.>g people took in the
Winghun 4.x11 us Tweeday evening.
Slim Tena Morgan is ham from Bay
City, where she has been for some time
it.t_ • - We. learn with regret that Mise
Janet Mrtauarrie is seriously ill at prrrseat.
We hope soon to bear of her recovery.
Soctat. 4vmerse. A number of y
people enjoyed themselves at the home of
Geo,_ Haggett on Tuesday- beat. The seem -
iMg wraa spent in dancing, ke.
We noticed Mr. T. p:ahntt, editor of The
Wenghan, Times. in town oa Wednesday,
end also R. S. Pelton, editor of The Ari•
w-..od flee, was seen doing up our town on
Email. -- Last wrek Saml. Beatty eras
tried before tnagistratee Hamiltes and
Young for using profane language. He era.
fined 110.00 sn.1 nerd.. l'osatabie Dari,
e charge.
A Rmthno*11 was reported that owe
of our yu sng [sets hail gone to Clinton bee
day last week in order that he might be
pined in the holy bonds of matrimony.
However, it turned out to he a hoax. But
tweet mod, it's going to care oil before
Me.;ien.ATtti Coe RT. --Frei. Mullett was
tried before Young and Hsneilt.w, J. POs,
for stealing a set of harness from Mr. Gar-
rott, of 11ullett. He was committed 4.
stead his trial, and consequently was sent
to Goderich gaol. Constable Mavis had
the ease in hand.
"AT Hone." -The "At Hoene' given by
Trinity church in in.iu•try• Hall Net week
was n need brilliant •tlecess. It was mute -
thing entirely sew •n.I novel, alai it was
impassible for • persona to he present and
trot enjoy himself or her,elf. We hrope t,.
hest of "atwther of the aa're. "
Tits Mounts C y,2 - We lcsru that in the
case; the township of Morris ve the sureties
of Jame. Newcombe, who was township
treasurer, has been settled M favor of the
towgshi , ani conse.luentiy the sureties,
James Colter, !lir. t4 ilkinaon and Was.
Newcombe will have to pay the Pi= that
fatalesNewccwnbe has • ,,l ted.
The hatter i. now under arrest and the trial
took place nn Wednesday last, of which we
will give an account in next issue.
F:t.►,r'rto:re.• -As predicted by The (.lobe,
the elections have here sprung upon the
e and we believe the Reform party be
ready for the fray with a we0•formed and
wetl•dedned poi- We have not c..tieed
that the I,ote•I Amociatist has been ealle4
together. but hope to see the President, N.
H. Young. call a meeting and get affairs
in as good shape as they were at the
Local election last June. Formerly Rlyth
gars a Coseervative isajonty of 30. Mr.
Garrote pulled et down t.. a tie, and we
feel confident Blyth will do its duty .ad
give a majority for the man who is in favor
of full, free and unrestricted
I. 0. G. T. The dstriut meeting o.1 the
1 Order of lend Tem 1p an was
held he the Temperance Hall on the 28th
ult., shad from the number of delegates in
town then must Neve been an enthusiastic
meeting. Upwards of 150 delegates from
all ppooients of the county werepresst�t. Mr.
W4Lon and Mn. Scotto of (1.11, whn hold
nukes in the (:rand ledge, were as the
district meeting, and in the evening a
public meeting was belt at whir° Fronk
Metcalf acted as chairman, and addresses
were delivered by Mr. Wilson, Mrs. Scott
and Mrs. Gillmore. hears all
the I. O. C. T. is an active and progrw.ire
Assivuuelnl Seat- nits. -Large emigre
pWWrmR assesel lel to leer Iter. J. Grey. of
Wlndsor, preach the eeriness
is . Presbyterian chum -h n.,A•Lbath last.
The rev. gentlemen delivered two *realest
serw.a., lie morning Warns bang based
net Lake XVii. - S. On Monday e'eni •
tes-meeting was held is the hairesneat of dee
church. After every person had eat ded
the inner roan, they assembled up stain a
the be.ntifiel church, when Mr. Grey .L._ -
livered his lectern• en - Lights and Madera
baynwl the Ser," being a d.scr(ptiou cf a
trip through Kneend, Scotland, Ireland
sed Freer*. The lecture was an able one
and .alighted the large make..... The -
choir gave some choice selections during tM
evening. By -the -way. Mr McLane end
the cherch gew.rally deserve to 1>. highly
4 on having nark a choir, in
we dank et would stand • favoralsie woe.
peruse with any in the coeiety. Pneusis
of tsa meeting upwards .4 4i80
font Fridley death rialto' the hots of
Matthew Wilke. Wel eo.. , MM'ria, end tool
away the Ann Mon, Wdlesw Andrew, ril
1 months and 20 .lay► The bole frflner
)..4i•iy h..ia IR Inc • ewer delftware. Th. fen
1 eewl tvodr t*larw ea delftware.
en.tw. Mr Wiens has betted us o w..w.•. ,
kNer aNd ern 4441. od • soe.th H' Nle,
W ii.s .d r.Mti ver [dell dodos( M
Ibe ayerpshty d the �imsrwlsy.