HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-1-30, Page 8,". • 'i•••••;',:',
Mitre ca damps HMS, Ip0 left at MOS
1 Ace noff hervifft Monday
tenor. The amain..
3111118t be let% net biter than Tues-
day "aaa• 013111141 Akeivegtisementa
accepted up to lallffel Thurease of
each week.
. . boot ,
Mr. A. V. Conseil left kat week tut • trims lira. Itieliarelhea bee mitred &MI a RA,. De• 11411•411100. 11004 'stomata,' 111
Mr JAW Crane Ilerisik AM*" his Hewed, Nat Mies KAM Conemuk edam* • rum* Iuk in Knot *Larch en MAW
to &wised e visit to relative* at Aylmer. Preshyteriaa saismum in the Northwest, will
pampa ia bras relearned hem • ireett to • Feb *04,.it 7.30.A oullevame
Mies Alum Spew.- La hue.* ken. Lueiden. retinue Ohnene : Julia Jrraig inintr-'" .a. . b. tak•a •P at ills aus'
She was stecomeful at the atiorthatel eollege Tiessality ket. te yawl • coupe of -weeks 0 W.1•11114111•1 'now*, Maw Marisa 11•4111••
and rimer ed her diploma. hi. home Mr Gwierick. daughter of Mr. Al... Milo, al due tame
, who u. all stuatiaace at the Gotha -tub Collegiate
lie Deluteater. is • neethly exagentie of Dlr. M. Nicheleue. the Went -elle .
• Institute has been granted a %mentions far
&anus, cultism anti the tine an., and sattell makes Ile preom %mein el mound 1 • daicania;arand a hal isehakaan,
and • place IA seer) Mane It is puldiebell •ipsctiolty. Gm administered trots. Lik.m. eati a'llree. • . "lei
at 33 Richimund steed west . Tomb*. end Mr. and ktre Knight and child 4 mat dmamaajir:Ita harMatammumbi.gli. " 4 S." sluaral•
CAWia WWI). $iiyusr, ut 110 kit • •111141e Brantford. are v tatting at les el Reed a.
reet147. Jinn. IL UM
11°LwiilfeiElel- I".a•itamsse`tm
1rtehe Mr. ogy. e .
K sitght is nee erinfr
uen •nere
4131 A GoutTi... The rig loch el heing rad is ahe to eroual.
itaec,t wbuit here Mr. Wm. Marile Mr
. Era eta whiter. Crawfurd, Weirton. is. very tin• suolel
LOYIK-I• Kiwi. en Thursday. yaw se. tin. Thr dimensions are 70 feet keel awl lb feet
wife ef thuretel Lem. lr, 0( • WOL tows. Tu., ...week planking of the hull
THOMPION -- to farmesia. ea Jaa. Mot. the wife se about completed. Mi. Marline is a
la 0.w*. inionnem. et • dame' ter.
't \ teaR Y le At Malmo. Nerd* 1k.40. SO the ..
thorough emitter .4 his trade,
.5 Ilegli ineli . the ogee, sir. te. sarete. a di WORTO4 Strenlitau YOK. Hach year it has
Om Item the custom of Rev. Father Weet to
MORRISON-la McAllen, on !Ape Thad inst.. make OW h pupil from the Separate School e leo
the we cf Mr. Joie C. morrisea. of •
daughter. 1100401 the entrance examinatim the recipient
SHOWN --la Ashgeld. on the let Wet.. the wile of 46. and tho year Me been no exception to
ot Mr. R. AL WOW*. teactier. st. doughty r. the rule. Thi. week Moe Katie Dean eat.
PKTERSON- le Vaal on then 1711 Mat.. tits Pee•ewtwa • 'th $5 inr ia IlavaA Pail"'
nether Mr. Nelms et • elin sand semitrailers. et presume* t et i. a
rititit ts sass. fits Journey II. the w.fe !mite 'north trying for.
at Mr. Thalami Mese. of a daughter.
wootgvex _ in wisiotaia. eth the huh jam.. 4,,Huni.,:aini.i to it KNOUT,. The Faluestvonal
the wife et Thee. Wood:itch ; • dallitaler• *peak.. thee highly of the work ..I.
forme( reoeieet vt t.;ffiltrwtt; Mr. Allen
senovca:- WA,IIDDLL -Cia Wednesday,
• 7101,111 tie rendeare ot Mr. James
8eirou4..1111tioarge-m. Wiatapeg. sy Kota.
A. C. Credit, Mr. John tiproule. to Miss
Annie hilasheilt wsessu. eideri daughter
et Mr. Aadrew Wadatili,ot Uodertch. Ord.
uttxxrra..1.-WADItliLL- On Tuedlay. the
17t1 ins!. 1. 11. city of Buffalo. N. Y. loY
Iterd. John Melechlaa. pas/Alf of Cm
Ind Pomebytertan char*. Mr. Harry Gera
fell le Melilla., Waddellyoungest dough
ter cf Mr. Andrew wssoen. 14 Gudench.
MUM' kY- Mayfield. on the 15th
Met.. by Ker. R. Me. Nett Mur
ntr.u. 111es Agues Its Brows. all of Bay
1•IGHT01.11.1:0 COPP At Bombs). lade
en Imemitser 1st. Milk he Mr. L.
SE. 11se Sunday
;Lowing more le iatemat aml at
Ites .1. Weikel . I dr Yana, eeruplend saw Jaa tivethee. et %%ten.. &inert.' an
irt of Nerth et. Methodist church at
intenstmg address to a full hall last SWA
the pmetor. Re% . I 11,111. Kwhartkow Methodist eherek, wiU &darer the meeting
The Howe of k• '4. Roberttool• .11 ling next Sunday. Nome choice music is also
loan, ..as llonl on the list .4 the su.seseful 1,e, pared fur Lite occasion. All are
candidate* at the wereml tuterupediate lam „„e1,1ifer, „melee ,„ „item&
evensituattit. at nevem& 14.11 lam meek
W. 1'. T. C. ork• WILLTINC. The WO
Rot . rather Boniest .4 11 alkerville u rote- non's Chnstiaa Tempel -awe Cities pur
to thank the many frtends in Huron who purr bolding tine .4 their cipsii mietisigs in
contributed to the $4144.,04504 st the beset the Teni Hall AO Moeda, evening
meetly hehl in his perish. and ritates that ursd, Ver.= .1 good pregram has Leen
the enterprise was a decultvl 110eVeAl.
provided he the utreatott. One tel the
senein n. Vot ..... %2i.. The Rev. Mr. Attraction.. of the evening will be an address
Hutton an:animas for hie regular quarter (nen Ret. L W. thrill. Eptacopalian, ef
ly discourse t., young men iir his churl, Horniest ilk. alio het net Infer, epi,emeed
V adorn. - at.. ise x t sunditycv enuag. the theme in I.:mit-rich as s tempeeinace ipeaker. The
"liumel in thr Ilea. Om - He 'sem& a meeting will continence et 7.30 p.n.. All
tar: ,Leue.mlially invited. Silver collection at
cuLA leers me. hot Sunday In the •heenee aey. L maim. et.
Puldiv Relined Inspectut !or lite ins heron to the young mein of the
( ',nutty ef Pt -el has retukrel a alnahle ter
vice t.. the teachers of that diunt), and all "11..11"
041•ers who choose t.. avail themsolvea of it. )11.411.1. IOC .ti.. Next We•611.01
te„une, „„m .lav ts Februarv 41h, a gran.l :um
ly peiblediing nu elaborete •
study- for the l'ulde. Schools. Tine pro. .iucestie carnival will Iv held in the Cadets'
.11 dm see riuk 1.41 drill nivr. I , Nelson -M. t A nunt
as prewrilied I.v thy 1/epirtsiteld. bar of prime la ill le awarded fo. the best
viettiners. All are invited to 4:01415 1111.!
and '• atteuiptm an 'gelatine. nent bow es.
eveiy Wiwi will he inn forth to make every
einem! points. u. an order surh as will in-
ane, 14,10,..d A„,i row who attend& etinfortalde ponsible
The program Al Meat rutted with exidatiat inns -‘411,11e"• 10ell•
.liel directions in the fonti of note*. WhWil A. !testacy. The templet and newel!
cannot to d Ifre•t Peoctioal vale.- to held last Monday icght iti comiecti.at
teachers. for olere. nee they are intruded. the Snivel ion Ann' was quite .4 Me/VW •
EirOgn Mare reel the haese. end km1 .41
in genii St..tf Sete -mum atithsi
greatly to tht-uecess of • the meeting's er
t. ttniunteed. He took lw te.t moony nice!
ing and le4.4.7 in good style. litlicely
tote:idea from Hingham. (Tanta', Neeforth.
and Hit)tiel.i and Kul their little say in
testittiony go- exliortatiort. The .arnty
laill.1 big meeting' at their Suuday services.
1.'I.... Flaw. iL win): FM 1891. No
Restorer. Mr. John L.etitowl,r le Moos lover .4 a Roe peat Or .parden cm afford to
Bee" ti. dnwillter 01 Mr. W. he without. cupy. ti is an elee int Is...1: of
Conti. of nearurth. both formerly et See- Qyar
tune. now 04 ladle. mu page. 101 inches., biaut,f.iI
mu/tray Nig; it 1. b. on tno viRg others! Must rai Awe of Sunnier Amarantlitis.
eat., by the Rev. rather Cook. rector or st. ttpdrangete anti Potatoe*. Instruct tone for
James` miumb, Mr. Joseph Murrio, of ;aiding. colticuimg. sty. Full het of retry
Hitihert. Mho Rachel Nem. of Tucker- thhig oul deartat in ow au 4
DIED. Vegetaldt• and Milner Seed, Penis, ear,
10 inutth. '
tc. AL, full particuare regarding tthe
MORTN -la OoderiehGU ThAeSdaY• •n2ei.0nd ma The noel
Int. Horace leers. youngest son otiore..gl rameo0.M
J -
Horloo. grocer. Itamitton-.h.. aged 1.. tie. have been tented aud foetid worthy ef
months and 12 daps relit% ...that • Ile hope it will he our mael
lisp funeral will take place treat the rein twit to ate the 1.ewis tantalite' and
04 1.1. father. Illanailton-.1.. on Friday. tn„,.o it„.1,mn4 mcm„,1. L„,,,ee. it
Jan. 30. at 3 o'clock. to Colborne cemetery. tool hiug lecoor the 10 vent. you semi frS' it
BELL - At It:toile/ ou Wednesday . Jan,. 21. ip„„ 1b brat „rd.„.jq
J h Beli. son of John and Niko lien. •
7 years. 111 days. warded. We advise 4glifeieiele securc
i,BgT,L in Aohnegt. iong cow, pth .1 Janie Vick. Serie:mut. 11.4.41tOter,
Mrs. f ample Y. sged 36 years.
HA MII.TON - Ashfkld. nth con- 23411 isle- :Loving titi. TatArtio*n Svier.o.
Mr*- ltdben ageal 3a Itana 2 The.Toronto Nlailys The'thasittienial
menthe 2.5 daye.
In Deineh. mith on 11.,lar. trot% th ef the tel.-01,er aystent of 4 'knack.
yr", I. mimy mow., raw% ei tee eine elnich is *noel in interesting Iittervaen
tfernuel Piper. aged It Telles, 1 month aud in aitethei !wove. to.. Hely..
n on. is that eur people peewee the
WILSON - 10 Seifert's. on 1U111111'.Jenuef, *we wlit.li curia.* them to ada t e'er
sr -irate.: iinprovetrierde to. titer me, and the
. Jur... A 01:sea. aged 31 years an4 met da)e.
h. Jauette fieeteriler. e ik or 611. ire P
ether is ti. it they an. enterieleingneongh to
JON NSTON - In Toraberry. on the 29th est., '
Joh. Johastor. aged *year*. put their money int.. Whatever will faeiLi.
Or' LOOAN-At Carberry. Manitoba. Annie. see. tate their aldiry 1.. lminonici
' ;led dai.emer oir Mr. Wm. 145.0. formerly cea-,,te h.., one of the' an0.1 complete
111 APTIllt- • In Heolek. or Felder. Januao
yea. 3 moatlis and 16 days. the head .4 the het in the extent to which
of frtafortb. rioted 11 years $ [...oaths.
tekplionr ty-4etes in the world.atel wheitoor
• Int. nil. %lilies Hestia *r.. axed ee P'11111•/1"11 c•o1-11111"1 *r '11'e Pr")0111). at
PRANK- At Rlyth. on the 151h int.. LODIAlt. we e availed ourseit ee of the moat tonsi•
oldest son of Mr. Wm. ethane. en. method .4 .saniminicarmn. The exten-
'WII•stI11-10, pinene• nI Jsinwirr lith. W blow. a Lich hyve la ea wade this cier ali„a
Illant Wilson. ..d 75 years. 4 months mat twirl ,,netmet ty
In Toronto the layity of undergromel cable.
JOHNSTON In Clinton. on the 21-t inst.. . . . . _ „
lerwe Hay. altillint•00 a ()liver Johnitou, and the use ot tortalik• circuit.. ftlf eaves IOW -
wed 2 snood*. settler will greatly ethanee the saline .1 the
bTa, nienY -In Kinburn. on the rith lust.. telephone.' ,y„,,g,. i•wie, the eftee34,,4e.
Oe..rge Steele,. ased et years. superviaimi of Mr..4 •• F. Sive, of . Mont reel.
McOGINIGLE - to Tockerionith. en Theme', • presi•leitit of the 1k11 Telephone (*.meal-
Jen. end. become Habairk. f numeral ann ,
teem "le:rations hare heen extended over ii
..t I.e. Geo. Mc 3 onigie. aged 6 years and kr•
mouths. vast pettee of the lenniniset. The perfee-
MIA Net et 1 Chaldean. Sebraelta. WI the :aft Lion .1 the system in Ontario hot been large•
pee.. Ited. Zweite Aimee. dauitinier ot Mr, 1), the eforli of the 1 /Mario manager. Mr.
Pleuri Deans- •ited 2 ie." and 3 mad"' llogli I'biker. •
While to Mr. Hinth-Neilemt,
HI'0 4 ES- In84. lite. Marie. Michipen. On ilie . ... .
• 1 4.- E i .d..m.• •110.111,,p•r; hr. leen to SI great
15- inst. _W_Te- Hurdles. soa of 3:r. tin.. '
*Ingram. Of IA iliellOOL.Offid ti yell/A and 0 e., . cut ace Jr Immo., e.twitt in this city.
netwethe. , Nunes... The 'following,
- - - -
fr en 2.. 'Se .fort Esiessiutr. ' refer* to the
Yam, Ooeda-J•*. Baueders
Horses %Vented -Bole. leelesta .
Anatenneement for 1301 -The Press
Clearing Sole---Jobnston emery ...
Hair Goods- Prof. Herein wead .
TS. • deutl. .4 • former reside,* .1 lioderich.
.1h5 leo.- trair ft wilds u 111 learn .4 her death
. .. 8 *nth, the met heartfelt eurrow : Another
.... 3 y ife and mother has beer takes front
' 3 lov ing linsiettel..L11 interesting little family-
.. . and a luxurious home. and our ciliates hove
- Again bad the painful duty .4 following to
Wet resting place the rensigns of 1111C Mr
THE T Al ()1.1 THE ToWN. hy ‘11 who knew her. Mrs.
.1..hs. A. Wilson paseed peen-fulli Alla% te
---- ,a' the better world oat Sabbath ni. - Mg Is..t.
Ji cIttara among ge. talkie' Ref,. .kft hough her emislitem .as Inman te It,
An' Avila Ithrlf weed it.
•g. / • eacerdengly et riewl eir WNW. days. One an-
nouncentent ef her death tsev a IlleNar.• MINIMA
• maGOOniao prixam, toleNTgi,-.Tr 41•W•t16'in ipe"... "'Al pplyird1 le many. M. Willem tires the ellen
tr daughter"( M7 F. Seegtoiller.formetly obSes .
r:r) 11
. 1oGitliatidde.agmt. Ootlertrb•
The se..al chime... „mum., et the pats, forth. Mt latterly .4 firma Repels. Miehr
rink will he held Saturday afternoon. A baud al, . She WOW tee, 26 yeare.d age, and had
Will be in attesdanest are during week. married only About tire yearn. Slte
woo tber mead* t tag. leave. behind o family of three little
Have y .0 had • sleigh ride this y. Inter or has
your phuto been taken I 11 501. get Me sleigh ,es*,. ern. .e re.,
. .1 of W 1 k PM N. ith"iat f.,de
etas as goon as you ma sad then ge to two. rare and the youngest an infant ,1 A fee
dep.. Her illness was brief; hut her. end was teirarre tor 'our photo.
mee ereesemes Chriattaa min
T_pinderalvoe I 111011 peaceful an.I only
' OW -11 as those wh.• I"vre
Ileeeta In the Tea.perestre . North 'treat. theii f seth ly eer
• • tirtnhed in their Redeem
*Via Tuceday afternoon. Prayer mediae at
2. busbies' incense at 3 aciock.
can enioy, and her friends have the smeetest
R. R. Salkers Mal makes good the claim that oniadation that .4tn le voucheafeil under
be bee tee hirle*W. 1•001 sea chwklisew 01110041 such cinfunetaners. She Will e444111Ci444111 1.,
lass ter picture tresses la Ooderica. This is the end, and when she was told that all
notThaellemffe'rgitmtatiebui lama dmawuilaralbe Ich,ctor,aelL.,..,,c. hopes...( continued life here mot le alien
tent to the tannins eaMaltualtr. but will ta re maned, it did not nem tn diatnrh her in the
n the county
wey preBring salt or overcoat teet dem hem buytag the cheapest lesat. Slie bad her little "Ilea brought to
her. and her ...Treeing relatives surround...I
and best I
from Meoeeresee. her 1.e.1. She spoke to them all cheerful!
eiNosorielstilwarticee,10e lit hmisprisaVe """weangrigarespfp,..1.°"" and bade them all gond bye. R- y such);
Mem the rash ot trade will be epee it. J. parting. mad and sorrowful as lt must
redeem. sad tf yes1 want the heat 'hate Some b.. Jest h is robbed .4 many uf ins terrors,
yeell thee have to wait your term. Mrs. Wilson was "WO .4 the most amiable
Tae time ter barygnis la Joel so*. the est __, , .
a...topiary or manes. Mb. always had
en0k simarei Ple"..12hba,, prolD'atiedhvlrialgthit an,Pwtertateeetrackin. a....k..in.1 word and a pleasant smile •for every -
Sates at Senendere a etoe • two 00111,11. After 4141e, while every
prise was stare .1";:ler warmest sympathy
and esan hrist.•ntet
tei.ettLot Few. tame will he neparate beeleese
ard if rea look at thin paper nest week ere .0.11.1116.0.11.1116 that will melte _ .
.. rapport. Her eerly death is not only a
win you ao
swear, Newel/testa eiwietedes erie he la lows to her family and friends hut to the
community, as. she vow one who never
merneeed. Watra ter it
Mies 1.411. McGregor left en Monday for mewled in well tieing. 44., her hereeved
husband, however, the Mow will fall most
dodge Toms Isas retarget" from ot trip to
e hatilaY i errArillfewel.antheserrit4Ca11 2.. 2.4* tennlin Pr'h*
Vidette Mew %V. J. Perham peed
friends in tioderich • vial' hist week.
Mr. P Limn. of tinetericle
by his Meer Maggie spent Mansia;:r;led
'W. II. fliallantyne. M. A . Knees
dine. renders the morning service in
Kees church next Soldattn.
▪ Mr. simples, of Ineesito. whim .4
The Canada P onarlectoi the
tams" aravisor oso Ham church lad Sob
Mr 14 K. retrorkan left on Vtednewlay
ler ea extended tripthe Unite.'
'Plates in onemeetior =It is hot water
Jame. Sao mien. has opened out an ev eviler, t
thee 0 Macy emila and model articles In
Leare's hied& . and intends to male • hem.
T., him as well a. to the bereaved parents
and bleeds will go forth the slocerest sr.., had a long artery lew with Min on Hits rah
pathy that human heort elm give. The' fert. gam a detailed account of the steps
funeral took place 'AA TOWWIAY sad Ivo very taken from lime to time to keep Ike matter
largely attended. Atom% the floral gifts muter the atteetiou of the C. P 14 He
lee! on the coffin was • beau t i fel monogram% h.d reently reword Instruct elm 0. pale
of the letters ''4'. 5. frown the Christian lee the usual not KW fee the estemine
V.ndeavar Society,of which Mrs. Wilson st as the t'harter and he had again received Mr, i lwity PrIse1, , "4in rr
an active and woeful member.suel tlw Van Hontes minim asatire .,
that it watt - o• lima -
berm of this Society she wee greatly endeared. the mouton of the Cempsay to had.* the "4/711tede-
HOW father, mother. Moder and two brother. road as mon ma circumatances would permit. I F•I'l'Ilifflgt- le Winghom Vied "Pail
from 4:rand Rapid*, as well aso large non A length) and informal ..inversation fol. Vet. Mr, bfie • sky rorket. feet summer a
her of elm relatives and Intends (rem a dis fewest vls.l amouroiwoo eon, gust, b, the honer was mord from (listen to Winghem ;
tame, wore enabled to attend the funeral. 1 liselith men iiresent thet there were meet If "WA h° • 'win" t" Winrim• •1"1 'I^ nut
11r. 11. I). Wilma. mrired home from the antirma to hove the read Milt and te signor burgh•rod torn. i • pool number
old country on Sunday night. • telegram the people of Godench every aleintanee in were mewed thss corning sprint. as a (11n
aniaajnt nag him .4 hi.. daughter 'retail •. mem* A ree„,1„,,„,, wee 446141111 WOO this day elite., i.• t at the empty
dangerous diner having leen forwarded le antleweeng C.4. Macdonald to write Me. hollow 1101•••• legian• 3
him to New Yerk. end woe received ,mm. Van Horne, makias for an interview with twee" being 1)iee• 411411neld* tenon CI
dowdy on has arrival there by steamer He the &kepi ins from the . ity „meet and per etratth reenteds. while in this levo. go
made all dap haste home let failed to sr Ilford of Trade of Guelph, mei a like sawed men the an. *7 per month mallet
• IA. Elute ( ICA . ilvzin
item IA ilW foribe past few mantle. has leen
**..41...V 104 his time in the hospitals of NeW
Vork. has tenanted to 4 kedivridi. and ie lend
in praise of the treatment which he recto e.1
iti the ,chief eitv .4 the Republic. He
erntes thet lw liellives 110Where Oil Mirth
e .41 44 :14i4b4141 men hone greeter oppertuni
tite fee %intermit.% eurgical rainwaters.
thua ii, he hcapitals Of New York. Ire
uleleretand be will at elite remit, practice
itt leositerich. mid will ).ing to hair upon it
the practical knowledge eflivrexperiente in
Nee York.
w title Arent stets The wingrc-
. rim of Knot, churl+ are cited to appenr
t't thytr iluvraata at meat*" at the No power in 5Vinghani shall shove nse from
bytery od Herm to,Ise held in Kmit church
• Tnewinsy. the 3ril .4 February. at 11 ImY thiune.
'Sem- labile the reeignotion of Ken • 1)r. -lust at this point. Me Editor. :your wiribe
TA: ha. vx V VA BLST.
1%.- have been tufeprenal that the Royal
Tempters of 1:oder-A levy closed an order
with thy organ iactory to furnish then, at an
early date ..ne Of their piano•ceeed Metre
inents, one (4 the levot antl nest conedete in
appearance asid mum -4 construction that
they turn mite It will le placed ill the
Tenipetiwee Hell fo. the use of all meetings
held there. As the Royal Templer.. pur
pew halving • Mad tutertinumesit in
order to tea the instniment when tiuusheti.
AL Whleit 114.• best Inikeit.M1 e•lest procurable
will he inctlest. further pietieulars will In -
Olen then.
11*()NI)ERITI, WINI;H.01.
4 sample • Ion of at Tows inlarll Tile
TIMM Sell milloilbsealramo tears ta elm
omens rarrami -What 11111adenas e1.
pert,- reremat Matter. el martiess..
1110/4 611.1 OW ... eduit•sini.%id.ve.
Or. %Viet' F ‘9111- lie* [MID
1,11520.1 vonsisila of sir 4 ;nts sod
iliac Tories : we would thst thle
cam it was rite versa. Their arveral
permission, are Nlethodetts, seven :
Vr7tlytertans. five : Episcopaliens, three.
e belittve the.. good riven have leen elected
kw other. •14111.11.103eill ly have great taith
the wisdom of our ewe fathers.
TO (kits and Tones he it widely knowe
r..., win he eoshideeed. The to,,,i,lei„„ eee,, pulkd lue cap .1. wii over he ears. shoved
ni2aiaaaja na,.,,, ha,,,,i arnainied ,..) da,, (.0„ his hands in he. pockets and nude tracks
greg4. rem : Fth6, the „taxi. !dried.... ..,,k. tor home. leaving the old hell still solikomis-
centred MO Buchanan : from the tread of Mg 1" th411 H. 12.1^1m1-
ioanagere. Mr. Strang ; ADA . iron the con- Mr. .1. Oallacy. of whom mention was
gregat ion. Molars.. M. 1. l'ameren. Peter node loot week. is. en e ere fled 14, state.
.141ein001, stersheriff I:adman. The Prealoysomewhat rnovered trout hos late innate
On, ii. itti_tmen coart. aft.1 all Cis piddle and bin, come home to reinfuree 1.i4 health,
ski. to mit tiny iittead. I.. Harlee. at .me time ft resident .4 town.
1' tio.r... EeetterAteogite. . The Cadet, of brit no* of the "city " of Tireeton, era.. re•
Tempe:an, hare aticheed the aervices of mu lag Oki ..elitialatanCeS 111 ‘‘. iftgillinl lest
Pe.f. Ntorgen anti hut datethecr Fairy for an week •
entertaiiiment to be Oval in the Temper- Mrs. H. Cha mien. of Ripley, is this week
anew Hall this. I Fneleyt evening. Pref.
Merest ..ittl his .1amighter have been gieing
eutertaleiments Humghout the meaty der -
Mg the wet kw mouths and have hem well
over ....!Nwherevet they bare eppesited. This
cowing they 'll provide an usteres4.neg
program et VOL A' apol other soap, and le
addition Jo HO the eervites of geed local
*shed hrivc I I secured. Adnikeida, 10c.:
children. be.
.1. E. Tom. I. 1
7:43 o'clock. Il•
mes opts. a4,7:15 p.m. Mr.
S.. will take the chair at
cart Mee a good time.
.! or livt Lucre KxrairaPili. The limn
in. Illuetrated. in ttseislarged and improved
form. I be a weekly'', Mier in all Cana •
item . 111e eaterpriaing puhlhhers.
it Ito wee to warily interim the eiretdst ton
of their journal. aryl sat, to induce their
rubetrilier. teiltivate the habit of careful
melange. have bit upon a +whom that sit III le
of indtual benefit. They will. during the
Dell nix menthe. distribute ever 43,000 in
prows for •nswere in •inegl it, the maternal
for *hail eell he found in eurreut flaunters
of the journel Reel,. The first pric 47150
in g.u.1.1. Thece ae. 100 prizes in all. On
receipt of 12 mots in stamps the publishers
(The Sehisteti Litho. k rui,. Montreal.
*411 mail • sample ts.py Duel ell pertielllarr.
Thekrerifellon a Th.. itantnice, niu•trawet
i• •mpse vas -whir that faith will he kept
*it!' suliscrileri:
papers, weekly and deal. WM to la &tad- I
ed glib sprees poems - Our dodos ma
dadesees to make theu eppearame arm Me
sidewalks. . Lauder entraprettem
Wingfeasn's strorgess OIMI 1t to Imre Mr •
MMa uf motor* 'key . A great lieu
and tag tictore fur the advocates of Reel
proetty at the manna election, and T11111
Sees•Ca ednonsh to pree-ailritast that
errwisihicknwrung. Amid au we wtight until
Tn. BMA. Semite. --VW Morn bed wise
deed to the osier 0 me Mar Mal umi Friday
hoe As your meek ,, t liaa pas-
sing ket evening he paneed to Mien as
the bell solikelaired thus to itself: "Well,
well, well, at last have they fixed me la my
I ew tome, bat I hot yew the hands that
put me Imre will Dot take me down again.
for I meat. to peal forth lung after they an.
their children have leen gathered to their
forefathers. lies. I niealt to eound Inv beam
long after Hughes. Am left torsion to
reek ei one of the fairest cities of the West.
eh nay ! shat sights 111 see ; what
• 1•11 hear. I will watch little buys
and girls growing tate nsanhated and it omen
hood, thee itareing away it thr meet leas
tide. I will see the winkle* marches asid
the funeral procemeues. But above all will 1
ioon hear the Joyful. *Retool suited that
Protection Is &MI. mid -Young (anada.
though lueal still to ns Euglish sire, has
extended the right hand of fellowship to its
near-hy relatives.' Jest at this point the old
hell took t.. Abseil a v ery boastful strain.
II111111".1 voulgt -
tt. premise we now continue our link pars
graph on 1Vingham troaderful Wnigham
of course tA in Huren. Although some ot
territory bedengs to -Kest ueley
have o e. but the general fat (wiles are
-Black ''t :even and 'limy ;•• plermant
inusi.• have se, but t.ur tench esteemed
"Bell- gives the most pleasure ; although
many blowing, are enjoyed yet we need
"Moore ;•' we are patient to the extreme.
for -.lob- dwelle In our midst, and ••Abra
ham- .1 ti give tie counsel : then. sir. with
these ).Waing. is it itay wonder we have
liv me in Vi Ingham ! we have
••leilds- to make us merry; and however
dry elsewherc we have -sittowers" all the
veer round. eel thie IS the name we sit ay•
Lave • gaud .• Rush- when other towns are
vrichWielarieb P"A*Aue nan;
yrimi things. and *hum )ou see. sir, we are a
fat ores! people erith facoreil blesen%s mom-
ioyed by many • hiteg-Mirahile Dietu.
There will be two mpg's, of the sun and
two of the atom in 1/91. The only one
viaible in Cam& wane a total eclipee
ibe lama un Nov. 191.1.
Hilton Fowler is tembiug s. S
t.rey. se the teacherr the truetees firsteengag
e.1 failed in he. Sawa examination at the
Hentarti Fowler. the late teacher.
tit. now at tending t he Tomato Nomad scho.d.
bio resitime teaching itt S. S. No. 2
after the midsummer le diday, when Am
brother's term expires.
The brick relliaelinti of Mr. McNamara,
Mcliilfop, was burnt to the ground oh Wed
torMy vnenning of last week about (WV 12,
cloak. This wan OM. I d the best nreiderce.s
in the enmity and coo. about 44,000. It
was well lanniinhel. 1:verytIong Ow
building wee entirely committee& IS am in-
tbe McKalut. Mutual for $2.000.
Moot 3.40 o'clock Tuesalav morning fiic
Mae rat in tkr tannery .4 'Hugh Moore,
Clinton...which `.er-. • .minpletely destroyed.
Some of the Al** was saved. hut about
41800 worth. which ,vous to bare Men ',hipped
that day:, waif L The huihlings awl
plant. talent sit bet 46,000 and 116,000,
are a total loam, there loing 1/3511fASICe
le 44:et i); ;or 4,3 ir
Our Clearing Sale is still going
on. 411 winter gOteiti at your own
prices -no reasonable offer refused.
We are determined to carry no
winter goods over until next sea -
s4141, so you depend on getting
KthdlyealI and examine.
db. A. REID & SRO.
Jordan* litect. Godertch.
Jaa. Mird. 1101.
the guest 4.4 It. .1. Chapitiam. of our team. The Now vork Herald a, er. that to of
lis. Susie Moore, of Clinton. was *Mit aira ia a pramantie...4 pneemense en.i
ing friends in 1/4 Illgi13121 the fnee part .14
this week.
W. etingsur,eo entioioyee at Bells furuiture
factory. had tbe misfortune tm Fnday to
lose the feel of his theml. while eagagal is
running . ,nne•of the Machinery' of the mid
Mr. Everett, of Turuberry, had tht mis-
fortune of wirer eV* Kie foot, slide
.'hopping in the hook, which ineeresiested
tire stitchtm front the skilful hand .4 Dr.
Chisholm. ..1c."
The 2.nt4ii concert be MAW i2.iii11,4944.y
of this evening (Friday we hope be nee large
1; attereled. AA she ts a very rraiseworthy
young hul).Antl through dime. tea !lel much
1. t 'MM.! with.
The bachelorean•I benethets• hall, Which
entries off or. the 3rd ult., premisee to be the
event ..1 tli. 1..eagOa. Many inntations have
already been sent out ani nt expruse t.0
trouble is being spare.1 ui make it tits it
will &aisles.' lel a great sutra**.
There ie at the present time mini, pacing
heing thine upon our river. which will doubt
lee terminate in a race before the semen ie
Should this fine weather cont 1111Ut We may
men expect to hear the weleoin, "ker.' of
Vivo" 1.11•t i.rit T. 4 hmixtieni. Th•• Meethe enty mil lite mug 14 the robin.
eury Enda:. lea ...Attained the following Gor.1 Hong There died in town. on
in, rte.:entre the 4 ; uelph k God. rid% 11.14.: Monday. tbe 26th trot.. Mary. the beloved
A deputet litcni the Goderit h Board of daughter .4 Richard Srigal. The funeral
Trade. nnopneed .4 R. Radcliffe. immure% took place the following Wednesday. The
Aid Jas. Mitchell, .weretary, arrived in deeeaseel departed this life at tive early ne
;In•Iplt this. (brevei to confer with the of sixteen year*. ten months.
Hoard of Trade hers as to what prefect 4:1rv THUM A (.111.4Ncl. Stowe losing their
there oat, for the eviensieu of the ;nelph hall. the Salvation Army has been renting
Junetion Rainey 10 (,edench. They were the rdd taiwn hall eV+ Sunday for the
met at the flyaway station and conveyed to mum rif two dolkra ; since our new council
the Council Chamber The mayor was ap ),a. teken the reins. it has twee raise,' to
pmnted chatr-nue and Mr. A..1. I.ittle eircre• four. tee think the. a tinnily fair. typec
tery. The council was represented by Aldtally as they are letting Bell's factory hand
Kell). chairman of the railway committee. ham it free for their coning entertainment.
Abl. Coffee. Hee et and Kerr. members We believe ia strict nne-pertiality ia all
thereof; end the Beard of Trade by Mr. municipal affairs.
Hallett. preseiont Alexander, vice All onefact.w4.0and kindred indastriee
president ; Cols. Higinlootham and klac• aro now itt ene swingattar ther mewed,"
semi Mr. Innes, MCWATS Radcliffe ataa tam .4is, pm,. few waaks. andi tan
• 11111'11011 knoll' "Udell the 1141trt ^4 you, air, it does es gond to hear the shrill
their t watt. The people of 4 Wrderic • ere whistles again 0 these inelastries,after their
very Ant...me for the extension .4 the road Ann mune,.
from l'udrb ; ni •""•"' tmlaad• that t1/my libmetiscs. AAP Stgrurrry. Conductor
were detested hy the Roan! of Trade 10 :m „_
yoer weached in the Methodist chureh tin
make this vi.it and ascertain what the prom-
, Suseley last, and an meal when he preaches
wae. Mwrantiski. S•eretheY " the *ly of the (buret. um nee nearly
r$(.."• kaa all atang haw it' ("mann' lar smash 2.04.1 all the would he one
mikes with Mr. Van Horne and who lately ga
gregation. Although 1101 0. erdained mine
ter, yet.in our er•Onatien. Inns pelmet oratory
ranks au 'eget the very fire, his preaching
henna effective. 1. 22.. went. hot yet simple
withal. We ere of opinion, sir, that if
there was • little Min thenrisiatt and more
Min bilay 11,10164W, M ( kAieneW.h• I. ' "fii:ilg rove in time to isee in life ore who held Mr stake, fora dm bran council aad Heard of thrn reel•wwel twe • I whe.nin to
id Mr 44.512..• • • Newel 66 eight: '4 4:7 ', place of a daughter in his affeetinne The Tiede ef I ....tench .... *0 (2 hest iota to be t""e111" Yr°. Me. we me' alter; tat, e t^
ark& setwurtil in Th..... elhewl't 6- 66,8 , femme,. •r•••• tinkered we the family &lama of taken 10 holes. the owed 111 T.0*. A ee,44, eae intaroaa. sad nee „wag. ii.r. wib
Rare -Mr.
1 the Maillasmatli MCemetery, and as • thanks o ,„,
no p„„„d ,„ ib. 4 i9der,,,,# dik. felt•m•• 790A, " Kieaharee.- . .
' moan*
. 1 i WSW MineriCliffralliffell. lifffi etimeelitlif "Mee VIMIHRAtem with . Tatter Ws M 44 v Its mere That our
Ism 1,•••••k twit Mitt
pr. wetting •
ger* gt. 1111060.01 lkilliath helms tam wee* rimed duriag Ow pee the result of tkai Otani."' awl the esteem meat haptist frimels will moo hem • .
sielt,n1 ottm0411.1 tie 6.01117 411"11411 .." "MP .II 6•11Pral Pe'11".101 ak'nft the maelfeetril hy the peep& 0 (nietplk ilk do stationary twathoi„ -riNo Tmi *mum ,
era•411111Mon at
wadi. sareste. groiso will men eclipse The l)aity 111eMi....4111g
other lung troubles. It says by clearing
the air of -boating duet of the streets feet
rising, the WOW protect& the lunge and am
peonage* front 10) exiteustlese muree of irri-
tation, is hich proireldy luta as much to do
with canting pneumonia as sudden varia•
teem of temperature or nuerobian attack.
Arey on troubled with sleepletenem •
Take McLeod. System Renovator. 490-4ti
- --
4154e11e5 Priem.
litorgasca. Jaa. S. elel.
wheat. etander4 46E10031
Medea Wheat. standard .--. 0 IIS to 0 111
n ear. Parent Hunger...A. • mu .. 3 31 101 so
Flour. Straleht. 0 mit 2 70 to 1 70
Flour, rattily, went ... .. 13010260
Shona, 0 cwt 0e100110
gran. e cwt.. , ..... 1116 toll 16
Fereersi ......... •.o. • lti Weil
UhOODedatet . •••...... 1 26 to 1 11
Oats, • bush •••• d• •••. • 0 40 841 0 411
Peas. 'bush. - otate0118
B arley. e bush •••••.... 0 11 tee 16
Ray. 44 ton . tatell111
Potatoes, in bush 0010,31
Apple.% at hose 0 DS le 0 16
limner. g li. ... a 11 tee le
gems teem eagesbed.1116 .. 1 17 to 0 10
rimier° . • ..I0 PP to 0 12
Wend *02.431
Wool .. \ 0 1111 tot 0
3 01 to 1 00
d 75 to i 00
• Mee II u0
0 00 to 0 OD
Dressed Mem • MK. ........
MONS 11111011111111103.
near 16011.611
ran * brat. eel/ 0 IA to 0 se
Spring Wheat • 88 toe aft
Harley . 00.004e
Ost• 0 0 tee Pi
Peas .
. ..... 0 0 to 40
Agoras near .:.......... 1 as 10 30
Pommes - eetee 10
Butter ............. ............ Is te 0 0
to at.. I:
10*7 6 el) to T 011
Conliama ..... ........ 01 to 4 0
Detal ............... ..... 411 411 Le 0 81
11 .. ...... ...... MI se 0 la
....... ....... 6 Muss IS
The receipts of litre mesh at the par* of tho
Clerks far the week esid se. Ile were:-
Modred Meek Terde Coon v. Peke' R.
Itesespea al live stook at OMR
Moetreal Meek Yenta. exam
tit. Charles. for gm week. -• so 91 141 1111
hett over Moen provlses *sob. IT . •
Total ter work. •
tas band ...... . IN 11 to
• • • • .
The emir Neel", ter PM week were he
el=the denmad. esseraneatly wade was
to be stew mad prose rakd lower than
mchoweek. with a nutmeat of omit, left ever.
Amp market remains steady at about
Me. Ne ehame le the hes merest ; Sie la the
Met prim
We eases the hilowlest50 bide vai
me :-
Cm,. lighebent'reotings
...... . o
• • ..... stye ..• . • ... as to .......
..... ...........
LI be made by the Guelph Jeweils= Mid-
way Company to the Parliament el Canada at
its Dell Session for ea Act ening Wrest to an
agrneraent by whose it Imam its itailway to
Me Comedian Pad& Itailaay temp's, for
the pet iod and on the knew therein Meal robed;
in:ceding the time fee the ..
aod roampletlea of the exteamoa of IM Railway
from Guelph to a at on hake Huron at or
near the Town st lc or IV smolt other
a• described in the Act 50-41 Victoria.
Chapter 36, enured -Ani Act reerseinag the
illuelph Junctions Itailwa,y eosomuo." mid tar
Other purpose*. am -1114
trespassing on my lands by Midden.
hooting, resales or otberwise. vinithout per
airiest. will he promemed aereed.fm to law.
CAMPION. agent. e. ATTRIU- prop.
Meniserel Mame Mareiee.
eires of harem at the stables •fra
t111:111111088t. 811.1471-: Witint"ferre 118"widittreedPnirel"..turteg
Rail:Vier the week wadies
Sit; for efalV • asi• • •••
lintildome sameetlfellatere.ts T1111„4,111movab.. woad .fortehrerease
y argo
tee, hot mime paid were mall The mies
arartocErnIll h".111.71:41
.1. t.
\ I I Mk
Trains arrive and depart at floderkelt as te,
.. .... • •
Mixed ... ..••••••••••• ••711 pm.
Mail la/ Ilimpsent ......... .......
....... . • ...... • •• dr. • • •• • • •• . DAL
itar 1111116211411.
mairs.N..A 'TS "ADM
tailifiCosTHARAK11 WIP n1141.
ROOM, cm. 01 Mot Most .54 l..,. leg
0pea trem 1 to • p.m.. Mlid trots to num,
Loading Doily, Weekly sad Ifivadroleil
greeting tem ass of Library sad grades
Librariaa. roma.
T. W RAT tilt KALB. ORO. ITT V 1C4
Apoicatio.Popera, Alt:Itenteauro. crehitc.,posirecel..„
Oeslerick. =MOM
.711‘,1 0-1.110- aL.uts0D.U:nrium4L
aduesimered for whams extractiss of mask
apecial almanac. gine to the preeerrattee
of the aet twat testi. 011es-Up wain
urand Opens House Mock. minion ea West.
ILL. mow (jowl_ -2-`-zpest,sesseei7-_.
sureme dentist. Om rad vitalism or
%%berme some perm tealletonely dis-
proved ma been einculatine the report that I
ea. going !alcove brie next Yaw. wheu we.
father liter. Geo. Richardson) leaves, I beg to
'tamp the atatement as • tadsehood. circulated
with the 1.11.1010 of delag ...Jury 10 .0)
easiness commence in One town and sectioa
I have aosne to may : mid I take the eppor•
many to -warn niy treads agil(..* Iry ire ere
inactentlauLayar Ger:alderrediireig;
Block. Goderict. 17
Business ?sr MAW
1-11 crowing° the tact that 1 am maid. move
nu Personal attention to the business on sr
count of other calls upon my toter. 1 wilt dis
piee or my well.kballio 'meter tours an Welts
atthe. atom has the adv &stage of bring the
oat) one In (iodench. Pviemeselos giv en at any
time to suit perehaser. te. L HORTON. PI 4
1_10R8118 WANTID.-000D
a horses our sans wanted by Meedar.
twediit.eel;. row. 511175
good and aliseuad. Will be at shop en the
Square an that day. ROW. IteLa AN. es
11 Cousty of Harm. 1... prepared top.;
the highest prwes for all kinds of lora. aad
bare oely to lie coal...aced of any meson Men
mg as mach whes I will adv moor prices still
higlieo. bet my pewee eetore &Sham I aim
mat • few Modred cords of wood awl heed
ng Jum arrived 10 car toads e4 paw lens
bre at WOO a thousand, h:Itin. 01141)
Situations Vacant. '
kJ teamed at race. Apply to Mrs. A. M.
POLLEY. North -el . Goderieb. Mit
• . to John v es & ., dreamier aad
sheasier. Itru Owe Lek ; patent
wiedieities . elegant peewees* . lavender a
ter . Lubin s preparations. tollet articles . wag
payee : stationery. et Prescriptions ac -mute-
ly comeonistiad. Waived asi •pporent lee ;
young man with third -dem oars Means. Apply
10J. T. rit era u. druggist. ticket agent C. P.
Bromela 91-111.
for a mode yeitumet lam
\ nooldnim.
a eed loventmat Ceingany. -Tho regular
aaatal meeting el the theekholdare of thle
company will be hold aslicieck_pen.. at the
tempaay's Mice, Nortbet TWOolar. 1444
Yebreary next. for the purpou. of roosivinir
the flosaelal maiden* of 11.. past Jeer. aw
poiattag Lereeters aad ay ether amend
eustinees. HORACIC HORTON. Martager
Ooderioh. ard Jaw. 1191.3141
krone tie es Mime et orz.rsmaot
c171 THOM8ON is prepared to eve ep
alary Impeire Om. W.
Mese. 1141.
Mad ANNINIIMMIOdill91111116 '
rellaillrwilalenesd. sod Impemed reeestly
amid popider hotel has bees
sad brew emend to sem fa mallty et se-
nor oh. tametataff ItithiRs.
RAM. the hmare. tioderieh.
for traminet guns& WV
, Nor Oslo or for Relit.
oat.1"=6•111174 ITT. Vl
or_ memos to mit per.
eteseteeL. Melo
cheese. Apply 2. 'NOLAN. II&
Ames Wee.. Ma 7/41
-*beet twe odarairs Irak teem die
rim storm high. Mk& ta tbe rear
1!.4.02..AMA, b8.21441.5 easomerll with
bandit* has 3 large MIAOW aretllia
taste we 4 berm Imam1 the fair
there are knobs*. maul.
'emasIrli, Mere mese ODA both anal
milar. Apply to the , oba eat
e re neetemey Ma. 11.041111.
A.1 mellows dmilliag es fereettia.,
1Pre"." 080‘0041 Itle sitmetkier. le tor este
ekes*. Thera ere teed reeelle. with denote
• patorema Town mew tie the penelesa
Ramos lama sad Mei. and reenfortalde be
=aresp54......t=1 trait gerem in nisa
tion. airresshicklINZ1F, 41.54e4
o ba loop,* sworn Meek O. teweishligr 'direr
aids tars. *weed ar
sante. w ft stanatts. ta seems. cleared
, sad fee ai staaspa. Ois this reestons are •
eee...A4= • *e -1
frame weelaser. • blew lo OBS
. refit
ettiTe7sellle• ant a hag of m
• teimarrevel road. AM the moor *5 504 Sarum sad Is
, Ewa he said amp. Zwir ZeiLher
• - - -
Pltysteleas, Itergems. Amtesetem ke.
(Mee AA IX. Shatisse• resideees, mar the
sad. Goderok. O. C. Smanserk. J. IL Sam
NON. 173i
Tim Nosiest asull,Meitolont.
no hem mode a feature, mid Mum properl
teed not pitanforkod ‚510 .07 pas
tioisioa the IIIGHTH PAGIC elated. the et
of roadors to • greater eater% tita
any aleatastosst. outside the city pool
VHS MICIBIAL Wadi tam 1804 Prim
VOL. XLIII. No. 2294.
el veal, Illkyret elf Pewee, %ewe iterved wat ;
es spet seeryeedy-eisa sad Prase like-
pell mod Coodefteedl Imes livery asellhom
- TIM repass state Coomily News la
I4MI41 Oltrnasnim. I
AVINK ad .11.76 was unposed on • ram I,
dent of Idylls tor using profane Ian- '
pogo on the public streetaL
A new Mailinb dumb Will be reacted in
n1 afghan in the eyeing.
Mrs. A. Weir, Mullett, is confined to bar
min by neuralgia of the heart.
W. H. McCracken, Breasels, is away this
week with Ina third am of potatoes iolIocb
. star.
Mies /doggie MeLanchlin, of New York,
en visiting her tenants in Brinuela and
Mr. Pope, the seer socomitaet of the Mol
sone flank began his dutier iu Exeter Oat
leo. Haat. Brussels, les been carving_ up
hands in the machinery at W. R. Wil-
-Air. foundry.
A secood daughter has come n. tlw home
Rey. (1. r.. Howie, Ph. D., Toronto, for•
‘lerly of Brunets.
W. A. Calbiek. formerly of Brussels. is
• .ported 10 2.5 very ill at his home m New
Westminster, R. C.
A numbed Feretereitixens have been com-
plaining of the dieseer la grippe, that woo
prevalent loot year
R. H. Archer. late maaager .1 the Mol.
wins Sank, loaves Exeter this week for hut
future home. Now York.
Geo. Davis, painter, Exeter. ts coedited
the home with a very severe attack of
nfkannatory rheumatism.
Your of Jobs Gillespie's children. Renee,
.ave the scarlet fever. het mamas woriois
- expected from the disease.
Mobt. laratherkde. .4 colllwatei. bas gone
to Inverse', to le-tra the foraiture beeitims
with his uncle, R. Leatberdale.
L Hardy. Neater, has soared the cou
rort 44 beikling leadie's 'Midge from the
Ternberry meant st a sum of Ma
1Ir. Jackson surd wife, of Marion, Oitio.
.tal J. W. Pineal& of IRaker Cit • Ore
eon, are visiting at It. Malcolm's. I
this week.
Kianlorn, ha& deposed
property there to a party from Blyth
who will supply a lung felt want Ivy sterna
10 chop gram
The property formerly owned by S. Mc
Cuniy, lot 2, cos. 2. Morris, haa been poi
chained by Leweense Fife, .4 Turnberry, ft,
• Ite sum of $3.600.
Mr. (Image, who ham occupied the pnei
tem of accountant 10 12. Hank of Comintern
Seaforth. for owns time peat. hes twee n
nosed te Montreal.
On Thursday night last IMMO, one broke
inane of glass in the window of Coseb's be
• her shop, (linton. end removed about fort
pounds of miusage.
Jae,. Bowman, 304 line, Morris, killed
. ow recently that deemed 960 penal*. Vet
fiter beeves dens as much AA shove at th
soma a the year.
Hat, Dimes., mei .4 Aden. Douglas,
!he lfith eon.Grey, had the misfortune
• ut his foot badly with an toe whje
chopping one day Met week.
C. )4ainato4,0 Slyth,has pun -limed fn
Dry lot 37. Oen3, Kast W stream
....attaining 50 acne Mr. Dey intone!' goi
to the North West in the spring.
.1. S. Hogg. Leadbury. teacher. hatl t
.nisfortune to have his driving mare mini
and severely cut ber fore leg. which will
capacitate Mr for work for a few weeks.
Jaartee Smith. of McKiltap, delivered
Seaforth last week • load of wood wh
Mem the market Imam at 9,.
lba. Thu is A pretty solid Mad for Meta
John Witellivan, 04 MeKillop. .*.live
O grist of fall wheal, at 1:eatt k Co's., !I
froth. mill loot week which *0162.04 1.4 I
to the It wee of the Denim
Tinietay aftentemei two young ger
men mimed L01ii2*w 4 Teekenienith,
for California. A large number frit
were present at the stetten t
Aity on. desiring adopt a brittle
fent chile will 4In well to •pply Mrs.
0. Kemp, Seatuttle or day of the Li
bolas/ins to the Women's Christian 1
penmen ITutoe.
PIM: Mi.. week we received a very
tereetnig and neatly gote•is UI peep'
eontaining about 100 Paget. fonnele...
Mew. formerly .4 Bruamels. giving ri
description .1 Eactuahathc iron p,rt 0
sort& 11r. Whyte.," is one of the les
contractors sod builders in thet city ai
The nerenhersad invade of 48. 44.1?:
.1rely. itsaforth. erne a pettifog. to
quarters repteet mg that the present. 011
Want Hrannigan sad Lieut. -mat lee
be allowed to remain is charge a hill
TM prayer of the petitioa anis granted
the new oiScers,wito are lareseiraig taco
will remain
410 Saturday late Dave McBride, tea
for innith. Malcolm It I Amon . Trm.
hrought te the taw mill the leer's' le
Mr that Ms ewer emend the herrn.
hiring 2,843 feet et green pine iti the IA,
novena% the brat The pew Wee be
from Win. Vergoorin'o,the slow 0 Arm I%
Imagist his entire swesan
Frederick filtoby, .4*2.. 9th inn..
km per -hard the 30 sere fern- of 1'
ffereisth, being part los 29. 10th
There is • ..enforteMe 14"*.••ei•
onaltard. ea tie promises. The
num 42.700 Mr. Iternath gine up 1
ohm Mateh eml will likely Ineete
N. has hem a modem a (Oev 4... th
317..r.. helm' ovi the faro. diem OM
T. Kees, Nesiott h. min tos Detrean
Isom Kitty, to .1. Annew le a hig
she le MIA Owillesest rrourn in Heron
weight is 1.9M porwie, and ete. ha.
takes. lft Aro prime aiwl 1 mimed !A
taken penes st sessals. wash.*
1 J. /solicitor. Notary Publk. e t e.
00ee Orer Jordius'• brug Morethe moms
formerly occupied by Judge Doyle.
. Office. miser ot some end West
d reier tioderich. over telegraph °Mee. Pri.
vat. Funds to lead at es per cent. Ye*
1.1 Meters. Atorneys. Solicitor*. ac.. 0.4.
Mel. .2.2. tharrew. W. Proudfoot.
etattlEltaN. HOLT & CAMERON,
illareistere. asticuare na (V=
limierlait. M. C. Comwea. Q.C.; P.
Loans and Innureatio.
Ty • rat. no. Lite rad Amides% Near
aate Anent. Wive Upstairs. °pewits lies
nal office Sartori.. Ooderieb. 7211.
12 N. LH% (8, BARKI8TER., PROC
L.. 101 1. Marinate Court: Mammy toupee :tie
per mat.. private Nada. Straight Manla-
tared ye.tty. Cams re° moderato. Fee
paremally er write. II
el • kc., aad Apr %atlas *Mre
sett me remensisearee of Mtnandavits er
aMronatioes, depositions er edema dealers
ties. in or comer:Mug atyr mane. suit er pr•
medusa ia tee High Court of Justice. the
Colurtor Appeal for Ostazia. or in any 4.e0.17
or loh. tilos Court. All
lied promptly exereted. Resedlessee ameag 1'.g.
addrees lungantion. Oat.
u • Accident Insurance AURAL Itallireerag•
lag North Hegira MestaatIlle
London 3.Globe Nora sch awn 121.eril.
.tonerican Life ; sad Accident Inadraaos of
North •mericei. Lowest Rates. Uwe set
! tied promptly . Mosey to Lora ea Farm aad
Town Property, eaaveymelait dem. Pro-
ws; valued. etc. OW* -Cot. Nertbet. sad
Naar,. Godard". 76-
riedi. 4118
1111 amemunt et Private leads for larestineet
• loweet meson nret.clesi Morgmeme. Mob
teGAlthOW & eitoyDroor.
14. . serum Real estate aed Mew
Loaning Amos ouly lintelase coesparass
represented. Moat, to leend 05
leans. at the lower rate of merest 'relate M
inay way to sun Itt serrewer. one.- ose.
sod door from &pers. West 8tresta.s.te1e.
imperial attention rhea to rattails& and
action tvgalatiag.
Reduced nites ter yawl,' teadeg-
Older' lett at Onous Factory•1.07 reel
deem. Weetet.. or at 0. 44'. Tbemiese Pismo
Waterman wilt reecive presort attention
All mark gmeasteed-
▪ nes. Balm= weiltihren amt.
raleassin Ow* Ur*. 0-
.1:1111MM et we* imag. •
aloft Illimpapilb.
J. winnfo' taw MIMI
u thmear and lead Voluator. 0010110.
Qat. Having had cerailtionahle experlsmes 41
Memo *104. 2.. le la • posittee to
discharge with eatladastion ail oton"
salatiossi to Idea
Martin's Rome or emit by esellr'62471D
P.O.. earatelly esseeded te.
SJIOX. Comm Anetteneer. *4441
-\01,101111 IP
rilUREE A COUNCIL, No. 1011, r00D-
vetat oing, 71 I I I • TieWIMIWOMI
1:4 mum.- neniew wow teihatign
e t Met.
406 •,!,"".