HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-1-30, Page 6iY
m_.t a.:t'r�a«sY.•r .::nsE «•t? +:: ir
....soonerat a.1 1 A...vs
LADIES' READY-MADE JAi� al.�t � lila
At wholesale prime.
ear t.....
Upon • careful eliminative of tercets
destructive to aims, it w found tint there
are w Meat many spatia, nearly .0 .[ them
being night Iwt-ta, mays a London mutate
p,rary. .Arora these rimy he mentime d
ling • mall ts&mect, phalaeua puigiuualis
whore wings are covered with black spot.
end •trip.. it iuh.l.0 the intenur tet
houses, a j u lunar' mostly w.11The
Wow of this meet is td4 • a .11th e.piX and
smooth, Ion% alawat •utirely ,M1 tatty Blab
atanee. The prtn.•Ipel moth, however,
utile* attacks fun .sed .kip, to the pillion
elle fabric -ea, a very spall bssect with silver -
gni) w:tlspp a.Mntaisung one or two spots.
'ilea tooth, under certain cir uit..trances.
tau aquae the gt•.tst havoc. It live. almost
exclusively on the skins. nips the hair off
char u. the routs, awl parries through the
FINE WOOL FASCINATORS, skin self countlewplaces. From the
particies of skin it Wilde itself a tunnel.
Al lull price. which moies it for a h.l.itattrat. This tun-
trsl b a toaster(�,,etw of itself, lot ail sono as
it L tont the teri':e cout*idii rant its consgtht rile
tics, tsMd r e t.. weirs and Ir.tgthrn it
At a reduction of sI per cant.
In +etm. at half prior.
Aud Flannelette,.. in.; .u.
Hew thyme time to make a little money au a long way lathe perchere of
and every other description of footwear that ) ou way need.
10 ger Cent. off all Cash Purchases ; ,.,,�
whether m1 Dile or factory ...as....
Mr All mods marked le pain tlgurrs.
C3W M./1 A CAL
ts -
There u r batter rcase.ly fmw It mins of
arty Maul in •biMltes uw adults than 1h-.'
Lou'. %Vo nn S pli, la.
lin: Neamtiltntt Ti . ay -e: Mr. John Me-.
, Millen. M. P. f..r. , Harm. who delii-
rred an :address before t Farmers' lust itutt•
at Anita-ter.nt `aturday•:aant'unday with
erirn.le in Hamilton. In t afternoon he
luta/ a phe,..eunt call upwe Fern Wilkin... a.
.d the asylum, and there met 1 Russell.
' Me. .ldani R.Uantyttea.d otltrt oh rictus.
fir. McMillan left Monday m.weiii ' Jot
.lana it here a Farmers last itute• will he cid
this uft:•ruowat and evening. Mr. McMilta
with h,. a.11esiguta. are di.erninatinyf
Weal ,1.•al of uw-ful-knowledge.
-Por the mast two weeks at -
• Olds M.ateavIN. Gad hyclate.
Telephone Coantecironr.
N EYM.E... e. "
ese)ty1n.�.•. ce~ra. Mt.iaab�..re at."n�"
Mfa..ra....rta1e,• w. ...e ,.• a.• tw. raft 4..,o.
Ivor q..e r......, w N ).•V n.. M NO ..••• TIN MN
.tlYMy*am i.J.••e Mop; .ee•..S' ..-. w...., •.rM
m loose. w. a.e•we fie. OM 1.W ow o..a .0* .e••i+..
ew�aN�i r... i•.st s.w . w. .� a.dr r.. 11...a-
i.a.sar.. se maim
''f�g1z� ui a":eii'.5i..ela L
Remnants to be cleared out. Plate*1 fits
mid 'bowl shapes.
UK Tb Wes•tet. Taller.
obs ~Obis.. �Ye gee ir•seby method that the foto
Weed & toren. ~Meles b A. t.
tut broadest ot thme
° THOS. J. will carry It ea a
oder Use ,11 the
a•emfwns`t le estw f ' ea t�ipreem.
/ istars doe Mimeo Ms Imo the
le Ail nee of rIelemsa n.ylose Memel gad one It .ince
on.. .5T 1lsrtnehrfy off is
exhibited est
kkeeefeseIr 1n
the sieve ry rw+�ew
the rro•t weak- �pmaeretei
always • t •Mire maedela mrse1apa.
.. -e. sato as.raoAankr ef Ihmakla: IN
deea. ler lathe mom M ' •ter, d.0 +,t� and
preprtea .t ItawyM•te.nd Lewd
the me awe tem Iia �Mom wed Mae take � TNM.. cent
WM tis itis few.Me
tf_M ii' A. L CUUIIS
NIwai4 • uniform ren. i.raa. •e.
There wear toentjdour tit es in \lou
treal1ast week.
eho0 4 get one of
Armstrong's Improved
VAT n.
let- - it allows no foul seeds to be blown loto
the chaff, which is of error Importance to
every farmer who 'dishes to keep his farm
end It ans v.. sed clown ail Tlnnothy need
front Gay kind of grain while cleaning the
led-- For Market cleaning it removers Cockle.
('bras and shrunken graft, and gives the
farmer rho great.oo.lbie weight for his
grata with iso meneotsuary lofa.
Mb. -It wilrsample grata for .how and meed
purposes equal to hand plektag.
t*O. (leaning seed Wheat It remove. an
Cockle, Mustard seed. Wild Perk Wild
Plat sod other foal and Shrunken Gad
broken grain. &n' giteS the farmer pare.
clean. semi grails.
elle. to will close O• e. Harley, ta. tboo
mighty without waste of grain.
tib. -('leaning I'.we : It will separate the
• .0A. g,tarr.-wc.i halve., obit' and whole
i from each other. carrying each to °
Mb. It t.• perfect Plover seed Markin, w
moving all dirt. broken and deed swede
aced other seat.. Sarre or sunaltrr than
the Clover ale.
Mb. ft Is a Brit Mass Drs. ward Machine
Maws no weds away.
MMI. it is • Orel Flax teed Mischief,
l Iib. It is • Ant class .haply
IMO. hien be fitted laic the older fair ed
11111 that is 1W Gold. so o.u115*
And smoke It ds Ow wort el • saw Mill.
LAW It an be &IteMed to a new Mill write
miaowing 1t. Gad urn he removed a1 ass
dm as mall .. • tine (wobbled.
d.q not interfere with the rase of the R
soder dares of the Mill.
lash its sieve -a an nearly •n pertor.trd
Ihre It has a rapacity of Slaty headsets of
grate per hoar
selble leas rhea, as the ayl.vy, remains
Min Mere*.
rhos. Every Machina la Ovatnawrmen.
Ned year orate at *Watt yea want It this
thaw If ynw have est sees • M.nNac ask
to Aare wee meet fee IOaperies. and that ran
• it no eee.Alrk.n It salt.,
w ewdM1n5g 11yy mad mad Weide sea if
thee.f Panning 1111.
Clod erioh, Ont.
with poetic tame hi 1 owrt the
akin for tar Ice. Mac. anti as theie particles
do. not imames the meliorate s.dtuess the
Aro, lines if with tin own silk. This hrthi
t.ttuu is always of the Vann• e..l,r ea the
material out of wiled' it ix mule. and whet
ie hoot wonderful. thy process of digestion
which it undergoes deme not cluugr the Loam
of the material. Slits Ion., travels, toe.,
tuakiug .tour 'ono journey. for an animal
of its cite. They hoer their tunnel lora..'
irally m o r.lrr to extend their ravage,. fur -
1 Ler.
ur1Ler. and return subsequently to their 4d
Iut1Atati•w,: when they ht-cuene wean' of
their drrastatutg exertions they remain
quiescent in a kind of torpor. All theme
tootle. are, as already nteutioned. night in-
sects: they immediately seek out •anti -dark
p,lwete in wbicb to lay their eggs. Theaw
tufa are w„ Neill' as not Io ice• cWLle err
11 the tetywkssrat strut tit). alai t:xscyuent
ly skits and the Uke. when pocked away,
believes' to be free from the moth. :ire, when
rxamuit,l later on. footed 1., he completely
Wed Thew Mors.
1 to 2 bottles of R. It. R. will cur: Heal
---1 to 2 1.4(1es 4 R. R. 1:. will cure Btli.wt-
nras. '1
1. t%, 4 bottlers of H. 11. R. w ill curie ('Dinah
1 to 4'sillies ..f R. It. I:. w ill cure IT!".
11 to6hotelmen' R. R. R. will cure Rid
1 u. 6 Iwiftkes of 11 Id. R. will cur .cn.
be any alae relief ¶111 !M beef from the
tend fen dosmr.
The MII1e-Pry.
In the thin! annual report ef the %Vett
London Mia.tou. the Rev. Mark Guy fearer
write. as follows : "If our work lsos taught
us auythint. it has cartaiulyteught its this
:he .in. in our larger tonins at any rate, of
having one awn regulwrly" mmatermgoto the
s.unc congregation. At a date what the
,.stat E. angelical tbctrirme are the common
property of so many churches, She ..tees of
the pn.plr do not attach the*i*e1ves to Gray
;u.rticular system of *nomination. bat are
omitli to the service-perhep. we shouldlay
to the preacher. It has taken too nearly
three years to gather • congregation of two
thouterlll persons. at the Sunday .Horning
.e vit•ea in St. James's Hall. Surer that
fact elewild set w thinking how 'hopcletse it
would have been if we had Mock to a
system at perpetual change. The preacher
who impr•eases the hearer today is the
preacher whom the homier imam to listen to
again ; and if he find, another in the pulpit.
even a letter. still there ii certainly a die
appointnteut. and possibly a .lep.rture. Not
les+ r the ysim,nt patheritsg a eougregeteve
Which .oaten Nkomo; it is in sympathy with
tlw preocher. and tint simply atteu:he.{to the
d no.iiinaliol to which be 'wimp. Surely
all this should sot us thiak-ing as to how thin
Mltttitage can he generally secured. It in
abort untesirol4c to fling away that indi•
eidludit). this 'emoted prier, To me it
room. that one Ulan for nue •.ourgreipitiowt.
azul t!uet. not for three years only, or for any
fixed number. but as Iting as he is atoule mac
fol an any place. is the only eomntr.n-asuar
no•tlio.l . 1 work In oar large totem.
The P.pstaU.e .f A:ederiri
&Limit 4.500• ami we w.411d say at Icant
half ..re troubled with mwwute effect too oil
rat ..rad Lungs. an tltoae tomplainta
..r:lingtoatoll:dic., frame nun.en.us
then of cera. %V.• would advise all our
remoter. pot to negle.1 the opportunity to
on their drnggint and ,;e1 a bottle of
I�rtnpr Hiih.am for the Throat awl Lttn,>.
Trial site free. L.htge tloutle 50.. ami 4).
Mob) 6t all druggist . 2 -tow
are. M
I..nrly .centre..
Many 1'hristim, have to en.lure• the snh•
tulle ,.1 unnot io ed labor. They are moving
t n..1 in . is at which ie exceeding') useful,
but not at ail not, achy. How tory sweet
to many workers are tbon.e little corner. of
the newep.pp,e�rs and magazines which .hes
erne their labors and aucccases ; yet some,
it h.. are doing what I loft will think :C great
deal mare of at the lata, never saw their
name in print. Yowler helot ed bother to
plodding away in a little ' illagi.: nobody
knows anything about hint; but he to bring.
ing ul to Cod. Unknown to irate. the
angles are .eguainted with. hint and a few
precious rem whom he has led to Jesus
know him well. I'erluipp+.. yonder sister luta
a httlr cluuo in the Sunday -school : there is
nothing striking in her or in her cites : uo
body teinks of her et • very remarkakie
worker : eke is a Hower that hbrwn. ',linnet
unseen : hut she is none the les fragrant.
There is a Mile woman :.min• is mentioned
to the repwt o. mtking an manj• %i.it. a
w eek : but nobody disc.rrers all that alit is
thong int the poor end needy . and how many
arc saved in the I.:rd through her macre
mentality. Henlrodr. of I;,.a a deter nen ants
. re serving Him withwtt the ertenuragrinent
441 tsar's approntrgp eye, yet they are not
alone.- the Father is with them. C. A.
S rnrgrrwt.
ell O1' asp aat(tllrilpn.
IsmidM Md Neil, Maba1. C. r.--1Rithima
J. 1). ilimtilner. Furter Vil4ggc N ti. -
J. P. 1'unning)t ,., Capt island. H. R.
('see. Plummet. A ariewwith• K to. - iows of
R. N . Harrison. I Aeolis, IIrl Lame Arm
T. W. Payne. Iilalhirret, N R. Hone.
I ' A. lianas., Row Illen'Ise, Ked. Geste
rat net.
Thew testate to the heiw4 a derived from
MiNARiVS I.INIMKNT. carte and .ek
there les
Viet • letry s Mar rAesrc chapped
1/41 the rIkalle-
Imai, net. Monet, crony, colds, pale hs the
mpmsmll��n foe. oat ear MAIMter► ,aiAe is Ra, y. rd's Yana OU, the
least pain expiates for Internal to *Mand
Dine. Keep it on band a ease of "user ton
cis Retry (nttl. i • little giant it Para
fire pewee, a
• meeme.tme wham Meed I*rem 1.r ib.
Wray eau t - , with I11w►
(roues. for ('i..\•t as fir Tam 0
The eaoobsbd Tan u' $kaotor Is a pretty
winter cap far a baby buy, bat M .q..11y
suitable tar woos, and E•• Or made m .ay
pnbrred .dor of •eager sephyr or (lrnme-
tow■ wool. To crochet tt begin in the
conte* of the crown.
tel round -Twist a circle o[ the wool Gad
draw through It one doub& crochet for the
first stitch, make me tnbl., dm. the wool
through three loops and make os. chain
to join thea.. loupe. For the cleat rite**
per the hoot into the bele ma* by the
chain joining the loop•• draw through •
keep, making two ow the book. take up an-
other loop through the bock of the tact of
the cwt before Burke d, then draw another
loop thruugt the centre, draw through them
fuer loop., make Dae chars to join theta and
repeat from • 1111 then me twelve sets with
little holes.
Id roual-increem in this totted, making
two sets of loop. Into each .1 the little boles
mode by joining the lisp. of Lite fist round.
Join this round with one single crochet,
and take up • loop through the hole mad•
by so doing: take up snot bet poor through
the on.:t on the edge, and another through
the hole, draw thr..0;h thew four lova,
and join with o ue ehaia Now take up
eye loop°, uoe through tm bole by tbo
hoof:, one thruu h the hack a tae last k.up
of the last ac:, ow through the hole
again, and um throng.i the neat en dm
edge. draw through five luau,. and j.
with one chain .- for the nest set toek
up five loops, • ire tlsruttgi. ene h.,:.• 'ti-
jythe back, otos at the lock of tee).
of the last .et it be small, tight
Doer, ooe from the edge eM-e to is o
through the nest hole, draw thtourt. tor
loops and join, take up ere h.•4y. agate , the
fifth being taken up from the edge icor
drawing !Itr,,:tge tl.. tome bole ttse40.• d
tame. Repeat from* al 11ro1101, oo nipleti..,,
the third round.
4th round -be -ream every foo:rth .rt, 111.1
when not ineree.ulz ..!wrays now take ups':
loops, nue from the edge, both before and
after drawing through the hole. When
increasing work eye loops. mai for tw
double wet.
:.th and Iltb routed, -.Incl •.ase every third
:th roust- No increase
*eh round -Increase every fourth set
9th round -Increase every third set.
10th round --Nu increase.
IIth runud-Increar every thud wt.
Work seven inure numb with nue increas-
ing. Divide the cap into quarters, make
e ight boa plaits all around. and sew their
et Use edge, tN rasa of toe Lead, about 14
inches usually for • chill• but the plaits
may be laid au to fit any size. Then work
double crocbet all around for the band of
the had. Upon Um work ono. treble, Intl,
one, use treble, one chain, repeat. thrgtwo
mon rounds of ,..oto treb;e into every splice,
o ne eosin. Work me nomad of one long
crochet tots every., y•a••c•, ons chain,
about forty-two long emote' stitches. This
piece turas up orer the heed -band,
and npu.0 beam long bars the
coquilles wh fib form the frill around the
cap are worae.h flake two treble on the
short lar of the..b;oug space, eight trobie
on the leg Ice two treble on the Dalt
abort bar, and eight treble again on the
long bar. Repeat all around Crochet
with crewel sal. Doe double crochet, Dae
critic, all around the edge, taking up every
stitch under it. Fasten seedy with wool
the foundstloa of the coquilles to the Isle
where ties heed band is began at the edge
of the plaits, then work double crochet •11
around the dg. of tan heel -bard. Finial
the Dep with • how of ribbon two laches
wide. -Yarm and Hoar, MpnngiWd, Ma..
(ioId P•1•t lir Ilceoratime.
1 know of motbing which can le used is
tie snaking of dainty articles that gives
east! •■ edecUve enleh se gold palet. 1
once saw • tat a ever of dive green felt,
pinked armed w edge, baying a drags of
lowers and laves on two oppoeit. consent
dose in gold palm. tambrequlas for shelf,
bracket or widow cam be ,sada l a
similar way. Heavy Smoot will he a
gooey sh.tlate for the toll and lb rad or
blue is Ores richer in e`°ot. A Dorm book-
ers a mobbing of three or mars ,h°Naa.
stained or finished l the wood, baring mer•
row shelf lambrequin, of flannel, or hetbr
rued leather with n border lm gold petal
makes • putty and um Mut gift w►irb •
brother mad surer moist omite for mem
other member of the family. Pleu Moss,
covered with toms sole bright material
panted in emu meaner, err lanai an all-over
dolga, are very Minty. Fir or pine oo.mo
brethng cbeeteut burrs, touched over light-
ly with • ahse coedit of the point, are e
gnat erddatkm to a Cbrmtm•s oe Slow Year's
tree, arigbIOmiag up the whole, and oma be
'pntb•red by ter elsidr.a on the farm. no-
tate. Gay be framed la a Maple border of
the 4y.. • fuser use cores gilded over. Tbey
Mar amnia the mom seen km tr'°gteg at
the Doors 1a the piano, m those afar ig
emelt mora
T..Nleg Children t. Pray. •.
A 41 the (Aeiiilon Midas
prwadiag whist the Idea et forging a
eblld to pay ay:
10 rite. the teraag et • Mild to pray
swim sits nit novo Irked ss earnestly ta
Whew my laths ons whet a good *keg 1t
was in Mw • loving Mather Is hset'1e,
who was always mind to hew Pts Wldren
gray to ht! -d.1 that mhos the peeper
GPM tram the Mirk thee 1195 eel luso 1t;
01, d•mgM.e d le row and Milia the rat 1
both Awe le be prem as the 'Mahn tete,'
se we ems the ahem err Memo callow'
.settee eft bell *Ky. The baby of S
Mona. lea ed plop• IMO brit delete fir
010' 4 1141'41.
41heok1. although ab• .t
• ate to 111110O1Med11111111110O1.rw
I Mews road • M .titles d Soepture
and [Dhow with payer, mad at lb dose we
reprint •egai« the Lard's Prayer. Then .
tow dgtaatm oe[ talent payer: Altar tee
rise from Der Meth Me children repeat a
vetch tnsa the idyie cash .r WM, and
generally re eesaber It fur lir Newt day.
Everything fa Mort endla.pb, mad the
ciild.e neem to copy it wary meek and
thWt it a great oohs if fur •a corm 1My
are .aolod.d My little boy Gees a►owed
ledge impatience at being called away erect
...m a..u..ernt, althtwgh he coma 1
would rot alio. hem W .titer the room It
.as a matter ort great grist to him: and be
raid afterwards 'Veit be had mord •
great deal through the door." (►a a.utb•r
ouoasl., wire he had retired for
the night he seemed unwllbng to pay.
'.Vary well," 1 told "don't do it, it you do
n ot what to, but the da.r Father W gives
you • very pleaatat day, and takes loch
good care of you, .bat you want to thank
hum and ask bine to blew sod keep you
through the mishit- H. thou e••dged glad
to do i.
1 saver tach my children to pray atter
aur tura WW'Itli my dwietiter i pray era,
sad elle follows with amidde prayer, or we I
pray together eilmov with my UtW boy.
1 my tie prayer and be repeat. 1t, and
• nmetim•e mentions things t, pray for.
If 1 bare taid writhing that will help
mothers la musing lbctr children to look
u pon prayer more as a privilege tom .0
duty. 1 than feel 1 bare done a god .Iced..
If • recipe e•:is to.r t1w use wt sada, ad
yaw do tem have it to hand, deo not attempt
towrat..akbing p ower instead, for the result
.1 Uttl. :Mack pepper :a s pumpkin pis
improves the throe surpotngly. This is
the tuveotton of a mishap I'errtylvani•
bone., k neper.
Wheel you are tire! ut Mem ,.s.1 vanilla
favor'ue, try Devine therm To teaspoon-
ful of !venue eotr•ct sod about a third of a
teaspoonful of vanilla, aced you a ill think
you have dtw-o,rerd a hew flavor.
:t bay leaf, .ruched to powder is ibe
hand, .sal a4tled to a can of tomatoes about
half au b,.ur before they ars dew ate omit
b a vast ►mprmreonent to the t1 Ivor. iota
cCt.t Donn of bay tearer will past a year
or two, screwtd up tidal; it A Mason pint
jar on the puntr,ophe:f.
When tneawuriag :ti redu•ot. In cooking,
it s best to tsar • cap of • straight shape,
aW tots the .Dare site and Maps of cup
throughout. Abu, .;ten a tableepounful of
aoyti,tetq u called fir, *Loot use aa iron
eookos-spoon instead o(a silver 'pose, for
15e form -r holds marl moos.
It A absolutely seroemry that is e.oking
ur shoutd weer a cap. Fur n , matter bow
parte.- tlar std tidy one is there r d•agrr
ort • lam Lair nankin its escape and *op'
mug auto uterrifs that you are coking le:
mot seething r w Ib oreujb,y disgusting as
this. 'Dime caps can tor trade of white
oui to , mix glee el musl:a or oilers.
A can of sahsuou is not :always used up at
on • in oil. and. put away just As it Ms been
used e' it apt to dry up or tats(, oily in a
few d.ys. instead, put the loft -over in a
howl • .I;tfp d..n, sprinkle with pepper.
add a too whek cl ,Yes and a Wade of
AIWA rotes with toad vinegar, and your
pitortied animo:, will keep a week or two if
to,, r no -gar M s:roug en. nigh
(-miniu� little disbee. steal, shallow, and
orregufarly shaped, are to be p:•o.l at rant
gees:'. plate at dinners or luncheon& Tbey
are empty at first: awl are tatend.d for tare
between courses, when salted alenood
(Jae rotes or Mahon* are pawed_ Hereto[on
Orem hart been a, rtc.pteble provided for
three httie "rebates.- They .herald be
decorated at the Measure of the bottom:
some pretty tittle .-ntimcwt is gold le:tr-
tmg.or even ace that le mirth -provokes(
being quite in motor. A tet of favorite
quot..tioww u srenetnee. used For • est of
twelve, designs rpresnntiog the months of
the year might be used to advantage. -
W:ve.ard Daughters.
Auglmg Coos for Paraa.4e, EM.
The arrangement shown in Use cat is in-
tended to keep parasols, umbrellas, tote.,
tree from dust in the dressing room The
foundation is made either in routil or stout
cretonne. with three pookete, Nightly wither.
retitled, Ott VallOWU4 Cam
d at the borer part sad eantrekd with
bright colored braid Zarb pboe has to be
fawn on without piercing through (be
Tim Oat
ii .Oat parte ate embroidered .115 wroth
is onus or Amin etftci; the two twisted loops
at the top ere selected to proper hooks in
tae wall, and ribbon bows (Iwo a Gmbh to
the whole.
Said N .oslstr.
Mrs. Y 1-1'sa fief•. bine to
Mr. Y , . 1 -Weal, yen ase that
*Trireme= hes grows rather .
and i save arrs.g•d for year rehire. Tom
will not have far to go. My bother ta-larr
mew occupias the sp1(e rum aptatrn.
Swagplerine-Tisa 1MMnher that bowl -
4ig. .rypld-be swell (`holly Overdo., do
you sett He rag to wear • blgb hat •ad •
.bort cutaway melt coat .t me
and the some Hemet
Dellingtnn -Yet dotal as to say that
be hasm't sheagel h e style t
Nw•ggrline-Tei, sow Ws wee/um •
graft i ek•t.
• •
Mia (1id•fellow-Wby de you mpby
web very potty girls to wait em year amp
tmmra cep leiga - Well
Mr. Dempr4hp -Well, atae say merle
dew. wnopeMal°tt, Iir. Bb�se..1b, b gtvlmg
away •.sb1• w11b every 51 eft wed 1
Weight the gtris ereNr tete he jai Y geed m
,lint torpaa-10110 4.,. lir: /...alae.
ods. 1h• et ._LL. wt .8._. ge • Amb
NN low -.maned nem sad de ma Ida
Kr. Oa5snree--wd, Tees Mew. bis aprrl-
tNr r ' 18.Wm...if -;=; e.
Thin 1* no frac, but • genuine Wowing sale.
Skating Pea -Jackets at *5.50,
Children's Overcoats. $2.50,
Men's Uisters, $7, -
Men's Fine Overcoats, $10,
worth $8
worth $4
worth $10
worth $18.
,-AND MY soli*! item Sly --i''
Gents' Furnishings i
Al helloes tumor grime.
Gents' Furnishing Mart, McLesn'u New Block.
W Mew TV.va au&'Cti e1. lbetteys, wr Vi►:k.h a d.VM),
F:plt. Butt, of Hullr•t, has I.etu an
for uno.t•• lttrl, It ,s only A wick since he
had a smash in town, and on Sunday even -
deg• %bile craning tot Infirm with a Lady is
the Ice , th-, home suddenly shied to one
orale AMI upset the lwgg).throwing both out.
A couple of preemie Woo were fasatag
at the tin. Cant.' 1.1 cher ..aims. ;cel pre
settle.' tiny * riou. ihjun.
The Great Remedy
----• son--.
- - Nedbeal ■I.1..
Thr gmiu.. surto and best le.. oohs
1 �z�
""'Therhehntook ..eneuralgi est rpppu arae
threat. B oerne,.s Ana Iamcnrwil, it Hagyard's
Yellow Irl. It qura•kly cur,. sprains,!
dbruises, burns, fr,tthiten, chilblains, etc. .
Foe coup. u-.dd., quinsy, etc., take 10 to 30
rape on sugar, and apply the oil externally•
Iso. When immediate irlief will result. 3t
1 lair sinew. • L1atar.t rem* naodreft.
Mr. Mercier Is. pwCtpite.f his deyeattu,
for Europe for a month.
A 1.05 MOP.
They pn.prirtot rd Burdock Sheet Hitters
will give a prize of Five !tillers for the
cleverest anti heat may. (not to exceed 100
words), upon the merits of R. B. R. as a cure
for diamee. The ,vwnpetitinn will chute Jan.
est.'91, after which the .ac.x.s(ul essay
will he pildMhcd (with the •uthor'a mote if
desired). They will also pay 01 each for
any of the essay, they may crit -t and puh-
lish. K.. r' tnetir.os. Try your akill. and
address, T. MILBURN ! CO..
3t Toronto, Ont.
The yacht Stella Mater hes been seized at
Murray Rey foe ,snuggling.
Skin thseams are most annoying heoauute
so noticeable. Dr. Low'. Sulphur Soap
heals and demotion the skin. im
Janse. 4 :ell and Mary Rnhn.eta• thINfl ti-
ter of a *catchy Romney farmer, hare
Tbeiwry name.
Regular action of the Morels la the key -
atom of health. The need R R. R. imams
it and cures onestip°tirw, dywpepaia, rte.
Mi. F. NMumma. 446'Hoof .creat. Tor-
onto. write : ••Have used your Rurlork
Mood Rotten foe mostip.ti°n sed pain in
the heed with graweleess .mjtei 1 rct
from the arxael 4rnt
The inn...) Reveene Ines M
sued • hulietia celling attention to the
wholesale adulteration of pepper
Bwnlork Pills care ick headache by re.
relating the .town•e►, liver And i owele let
Mayor Meet Ihrk.tt, of Otlawsionteeole to.
omitted the poocedi,.gs that aro hetes takes
to enema him.
- Aroma itielexerltte*se 1 Tea
voila that Wad.warth, the naseiwrala
ma, was as empmtor.
Thirty lour ,sal ►este. from Kinaleuad•
IMwi panned through Montreal issenegy to
mato to Embed SOS via Tane.nver.
.ri ; ''',7'lii4,'"1444
R. J. K. GORE.
A mull. COIN
INDISSITuON, m=t1NSM, thew
M.An•cN1, also nmes,np or T.e
tITO5ACN, uv.e AN. nswliis.
Tatty ant msu,TMeweeew w• snor•pv
M •eTNln, Ne MOW a Vaireallilie ale
OA Anweeea SIAN nne'VUN /a VIM
ale• AVOW or ONtONSS
Aw0 OnthmMAT. nlit tone.
MUM Tum Ma fte�eisw tarlatan
, p.
Ole •head 4 b.b IfeOI)R4( 1Z .
Or le to �heU. Will-
t *5.i.."rant.a rem t'P*IW-/
e%��Ir mrzr"*i oat
IIrallated.re raft'
MIs (?sm.t 1e oilselmelea Melee.
thimeasal e. etllmmse la year
ors w y..ritaa
flewwi ..tOiwe
7Peees 10..aO.