HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-1-30, Page 5seemeemommeireesers- to maw the allowance to esenibers ot the «seined le 13 per day, was referred to Ike salarim materiality:. tutouo the teamed Brasted the Wm: 01 the tovinty pile deism to the township .4 Moved by kl. McLean, siousided by R. Crahani. that the resolution .4 Tor., moor pnamend at tilt June. meet tug, reducing the allowance u. lockup keepers from 410 to ilk lir resem•led. and th•t hereafter the sum of 410 per annum be pant to each liwk- up keeper, povided that he furnishes* Loeb - flume from the reeve of the municipality in whtch the Lockup is situated showine that the vralb earl «wiling, ..f the cella have been properly whitewashed at least ones. a year, the dour ecrubliest at least twice a year. and the premises kept couttnuslly in a clean coridithet, Refereed to eatartes committee. Moved by Nay, worettlat by Johnston, that the suns "f $3.0Mbe raised let t hiscouncil fur the imprsrvemesit of boundary lima in Ow respective enumettialitiel the met sum te be expended as direeted by bylaw for that purpon. The trotter was referred to the The council then adjourtiol until Thank • day toormitg at 10 o'clock. . • CHARGED MON 111111111,11.11. MURDER. THE ANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ICSTAIIILIOPNEO WT. HEAD °MCI. TORONTO. ihe MAN VP) OM IIIILL1011 • 1110.000.000. GOOERICH BRANCH. DRAFTS IMMO PAYAOLE AT AL, POINT* IN CANADA, ANO TIE PRINCIPAL CITIES IN TIM lftlitTCO !hank GREAT BRITAIN, FRAME, BEROUDA, ha SATIN** BANK DEPARTMENT. neWORTe OP *LOG AND uPWAR011 RECEIVED, AND CURRENT RATER OF INTEREST OWED. IMITIMEOOT AMMO TO Tan PRUOCIPAL AT THE moo or MAY ASO RACINI TRAIL epeeist Affiliation given to Moo Collection of ei Fanners' &Moe Notes. II Paper, R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. 11)11141('II ,,-'" irit()N(*(1Nrf " analwation of the sheriff for tele port .4 the inspector ;;Ifestiols, etc.. sae read HE OPENING MEETING OF -MIK 'Ind refeirr"I 10 IL.' 41,111 o•urt houge IR Arden a 1" Kw". "NE fermi to the salaries cannanittee. liE comity online net at 1 he court Muvf'l 11 Mr. 1 ; 'iglu. seeolukti 4 Mr - statute, clerk Adamson in the vhair. ' aulliftlit- 'limn" per9ww, Iteetone a ward of thr ureniliers were present with the ex .- the '-'.41/MY• Nufsrred 10 the. tioarev et to • km of Om. McKenzie, reeve r4 Wing =vow - win, eh. wax pn.veitte,1 by illness front at Thit • .„41\ gusilm fricksun waa read .0160 ending the meeting. -titer the inernbers sail . to the gaol Niel ,sktirt hoes.' action. the clerk called the rell alnl thea , •. antatietarr THE •:.t.s411.. ...incites! !he council to precise! to the de's-, tpreettifft‘ : This my report rd the .on of their Wardell. prisOOOIN at present cOntitterf in your county Mranam. Manning and Rat/ uoniinates1 gaol is sailatuitted for yam. com.nleration. Vm. Milne, reeve of I :rev, f.rr the manic"' . 'little ete eighteen , canned in the gee! at hip. Mr. Terminer and lir. Hollins Minted present *ixi.e.o males and two feinalm. aleph Beck. mere ..f eulhorTie. Upon & The females arc 1.0111 vagrants and limier Bot heti% taken t we My -four ballets were, aentrner for siz tamable erseh. Mary Brady, ven for ld r. Milne an! to-nit-cll... for Mr. Man McKillop township. committed for I:, alw-eupon the clerk ;leelared Mr. the nitth finer by mayor Butler, is fifty at% tll years of ‘ge, tis ea k minded and The e :Arden niade and subscribed the de- withri.lt funds _filo is exceedingly elestree• ration .4 office. took the chair sod thenk • live mi. lothing. The other, Mrs. McKay. t the ....unit for the honor they had eon: a t.seiench, committed by Mayor Butler, -reed upou hum is eigh1Y•uele YtOra OI age. Of the maks 'Flu. minutes of the hist Jay .1 the dump -three are insane : they have all been report noting were rent aml appkoeed. ed and are awaiting removal to th.. aryhuri. Messrs. Kither. Mooney, Kay, MePilerSullI Seven are vagrants, under sentences rang ad Betanstu were appainte4 hy isnot a Mg from thirty «lays to six months, iu.: W. imenittee to strike the standing . • Meluno, Colborne township. committed hy or the present year. mayor Butler for the twentystith tune, is tided auditor by the council and the war- ewe leg ; doh!, Morrow. .4 Goolerielt, n nominated Janus Pattern. of Ce.derieft cotonlittea , by mayor Butler fee the awned:1p. es the other auditor. 'event eritt h time, ia sixty -eight years 'Meows. Jas. Scott. clitaton. ./ohn Ache- of age; John Durnion. Goderich, com- .n. 1:...leri.h. and Johe Fairley, !.....rianrib. mates, 1.:, mayor Butler for the *e.t.a"! ollegiate lust itute or High Seinrol trustee sheppard. Dungannon. committed by mayor onto of these towns Butler for the second time. eighty -oar years The clerk and H. Either were appointed of aite ; George Manning. Stratford. .orn- Nin ...rums* au it hit toitfea by Win. Doherty. Clinten, offering he year 1a91. from a sere finger ..lohn Regan, Stratford', Meows. Hells, thalerIch, anal Turnbull. committed by 1ND). larherty, Cloture, a lotion, were appointed en the hoard of gam and ...billing worker Geo. Wason. on motion the council adjeurned until 10 fra. samult meter sentence ; two for lar• clock Wroluesdaymorning. (may. one under smitenve and mie awaiting trial : one under sentence. for drawing a re - 4/11n. 28t1t- Note -Tr : one under sentence for nabbing, Tile council met pursuant to adjourn- aa,1 (me awaiting Mal for murder. Thw en!. the +maiden in the • hair. All the persolt stAll hrought in Uti.ier Warrant .4 in-- - .rwillorx were present e1ceP1 Mr• rest- ..n the 19th Suitt. and was suffering from cline. Th.- mintier ef the prev-totts ilay attempt,' he harl made to take hut. own • re read and adopted. life. I got the gad eurgesie examme him fhe report of the selecting committee *An owl oft., ,foioit at„I pr„„.j.ihing sa-eone *.r.1./r.,TIN,, rot! VITTSE. night until furt.her orders. This was done We, SIMI' enniitte,•, heg leave to rep.et by the turnkey and myself till Satunlay t .••• following ceraimitteta : night, the 24th inst.. when the man was rt.- uallint ion Reacitn. Britton, Taylor. uularly committed for the crime of :nattier b v.1.1., "%looney, TIrrran.v. lhasett, sane then (made !requisition tlw sheriff for .1 2. re. %Veber. sherritt, McPherson. night•watch, setting forth my reasons for so Funtuee Kall4feiseh, Proudfoot, doing. which commjudeation *ill. I pee- l:, ritreorar, Noy, Kerr, M. 1". MeLesta, stone, /w before your honorable lardy. if .tnalton. Rrxurs, Rat', Erratt, Oath., The sheriff at once aent down ijamo m,. .lere.' -.VII of which is respectfully sahmit- led. 'Veer elesslient servant. Riad and Bridge Eilber. Was.. Kay , rs. Malloy. Scott, McLean truckeramitht, hherritt, Struthers. McKeti .101 application of George (*minor, of ("hired/taro. to be atkozed to :Attend the , Welker, Cook, Moreton', Howe, student was referred to the spectral tom Kennedy, Kalbdoiseh. Stewart, Andersen. fettles.. t ;eel aml 1'«utrt Hotwe- Saunders, Gra- A circular from the ....tuned of North Tor beim Morrison. Kennedy. Nay. ( 'ruick • ••nter, in reference to the Rub-ctivimion of wink. Eregst. Itgaitton, )1.'14 -ors, stockers, farm lande. ete., was read and referred to McLean auckersauith, Andersen. NI. Y. the "maid committee, McLean A letter and tic munt of Mr.- Tobin for tile matartea Katz. mat. saris -get, Kerr. arrest ..1 .k bore, thief was referred to the Kydd. !hermit, Britton, Diiver. finance committee. special- Cook, :Vitae. Proudfoot. application for a grant 10 the l'risin- Warden TAylor, Mtle, Torratav. Howe., letter from .1.,Nepli Whitely in referents- kay, 4; rahant, '01, titian. to supplying the lwead required for prison - (Steed) Masser raters, 4'1mo-wow. ere in the gaol was referred to tht• tuvarice Moved Iry Mr. Cook, seconded hy Mr. maunittce- , that gr. jnitastou. deputy „;„ a A petition from Mr. Snell and others re tiewiek, he added tn the nail and questing a pedlar's littense for Fred. Joss Moved by Mr. Proudiont eeconded 17 finan.s. committer.. (ae,man, tita. A. -4. mana.at be .4 prtitirm from Mr. Simon re Torreni Ivor. who now on duty tin further Or- -,..ted to the, equattiatgen system was referred to the spatial commit - The report was *delved with the *dril- 1 Ion of these Runes leered to the Ref)004 The matter a iranting „air 01 hand 4 numher of accounts were referred to comity 4 e. tr, the, wiej Th.- Orat2eil then adjouroed until 4 o'clock and court house ommittee. A stmilar P• !"- tine in respect of IVni !inlet!, younty cult 4 0',-Inek p.m. •tahle, was referred to the mute onsetrittee. The r••••‘"1- the ""len in thc A letter from Mr. Totten. of the Pratte - coil Secretary+ ,.flee read. The report of the read \loved by Mr. Amadei-4, soanielei by Mr 11" r•"1 neferrn1 to the r°1•1 t rink. that purulent to the Whit .411th ana hrides (""r111.144* - July, Mk in reply to tbe meroriel this Three tenders for the enmity printing were council re Montt Act halawees, bele Mr. referre4 111thenrinilaff rfimin11-141/- A number aceount• and the county Henry Totten, of the Prnvincial Secretary's Department, this county emitted «lo erre treeaurer's letter were referred tothe finance samme liability for an claims that "nay re""111el'• in future arise apnea much 'abuse -es on Moved by Mr. Sanders, seconded liy Mr. „Qattara that 'ha am raa a,..r to McPherson. that OW meaty (leek is hereby irotructirsi to procure a oopy of the Ontario the county treasurer 'armed. A petitson from the enemy oeweeil 01 Mt/antes for the preeesit year for each reeve and deputy reeve of this county. sad alise hard la refeeenee to gaol wait read WWI referred to the *peewit onerimittee. • "'TY h.* e•rh oi the sf the A petition frem the comity criminal Ism of the Dominion for hiat year, Riudi Schools waa read fowl refereed to the wheel enensafttrat Mn/red by Mr. Milne, weemied hy Mr. writ, • want of the enmity, hr paid half - early at the rats. of 1100 per annum to the order of Ow novo. of Gin. Referred to lbw Ihrore emigrate,. •Illant mfeessioe to the of in specters of ..h.r&o. filetortio Ira. read and referred to the special antuandtme. A tontine *het Tlionses Atederma, of Man pair of leitodeolls wee newel te the gaol wed riert home eemstittee. Weikel eertileates a the leerier of Jolla rare onnived the &sew mom Wee. 1 Oritham, that in view ef the serious kaa soil ineonvenienee nocasioned diatom and prominnpre nf grain, lumber and other pro duets of the country through the neglect ur inability of railway compeer, to lanlpfy ear. Whelk required this risauril "cannon that the Railway Act should le amended SO OM make it oranpul gory on the part of railway I"rolaykarkie• te supply earompar essennable notice, and that the wordlist and Sleek mentoriidire the Dominion Deavarnessat lashing fro that ap rotsitisissit WI railway comonimicei With pm, . Ind Perth re that the dirk telegraph at mem to tire other musty Nigloseils throughout I his Province rerpmetimg their es-eperatiera- THE SIGNAL, OODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, THE ilclil\NoN TRAGEDY .iala4 66 trial I nett raptor -true court. THF. register' .4 the cenaty jail uf Hu tort upshots. 11.1:ernmis ; sue. en year*: Mash hobo.. intemperate: otreoee. murder: sew to t tail IVA Jan. 1.011: committed 2Ith Jan.. 113J'1, 1 by John flutter. Mayor." If that deerrit tion were supplemented by the statement Illal 01, la /sneer is about 5 ft. . fan complexion, with sandy chin whisker, t the word picture is complete pa far aa ,„-on sued me ; I ran out of the iseuer. orre4si the stahle at Ike aid uf the tut, just ea I war', arid tried to covet taped( from Mu' by put. ung mane hay over me. He !piloted nw, said opsaing oat air loom garimade tired the metal oriel the toilet struek ; Olen son of Capt. Baster wss the first to rospoid rind then Capt. Patter awl my brother Norman and others owlet, along they breught t.. t hr Immo ; Dian. .11e; ln answer to A tcsiestion 1.y the relent'', she mei she had been told stogies 17 melee et the neighbors %statist tier husband s fasith fuluesa, but added, I did usa think the .11▪ .1 n.4 shoot 4 'multiunit!. she said hIcKinueu had hero despoolent of tate aild had tokt !wt. „that he had driven he. Ana from home and deeply regretted having done so. Stir believed he had uot beers us los right lllll I.1 recently cm -tautly not last night, and today when he had returned at dinner taint ht. wry tionevolrly uuder the tee of liquor. She hon• Iota no MOM &11.1 Wou1.1 forgive everything af they lived Had lie sion1.11 ntily lir c quietly with her. While Mrs. NIcKinteet on her deathbed WHO tilialiang the &Igoe statement to 1.11%. NW,: Ai. representative, :1,0 NMI.' SIC was lyina tie bunk upstates aitli 10,1t01 R011114 10 Ili,* abdomen and a 1 Y.P.Of glob lit, arm both %minds self indicted from • bbsel freely flowed His rtateniciit .41.4 het sAf in the harts it ith my ret ober. shot ones And 'was taken out by some per son tan't say whom. .kfterwards I tumid sh• ot myself, after n hieh I Weld Mt.. the tertuw to my wife, who a ,.s tying in bed. and u.aritui to get into lied. len rhe eould not let me. I dice rentev-...1 my irints sone toretairs and weut tr. hest. This 1 elcninly swear tele the true and eurreet a...ty in which this tragedy hits (liken Wave On Saturday, Jan. 17. a jury ass en:- pituelled, and Coronet Hoitairt. opened ata worst upon the body .4 the at...cased its " day until Thursitey, dam 22, wheit ;en verdiet oast returned. In the meantime beriald McKinnen 1,84 a! itre-elit awaiting his trial iu «Ode- rtch jail for rte. murder of Raehed Ide• Komori, his wile, "n Thereby, .1a.a. 1501. 11.E.11) NI"UMAk1 ..f the mile Maly ItOt. out of cutler for the benefit of throe of our rea.kr.) who were un - we• ek. owing 1.4 ;he emoted betug greater than our supply : t t or about 1:30 p.in... 00 the day minden I above, Williatn Rai - rt., was acceded by lIrs, I/onion, and in• re formed that some one soul in et taknt diet ress hi distincily heart. Beaux at -mete went into a the stable anal heard the gemming:: up in th.t• . loft. He went torget up into the' loft. but '- its the hole was too small to get up . eaaily he retraced his stem to the house. Prhere be found Mt -Klemm. who is a fieheFman. 11 mending his nets. Baxter asked McKintein 1: ti,apy one was hurt in thc lorn. and the to Atte:- replied' he .h.1 Lot think ,o. Then 1. flatter asked where 8 as Mrv. MeKinnon 1.. awl was informed 'die had gone oatside. fle then told M.•Kinnott that she must have bent hurt t ; the .0..aile, as somebody WA* hurt there. McKinney.. w/o. wee in his with Hotter and they wen: up int., the loft, htillet efollnd in the .rettest of the heart. When ashes) in the premier of Baxter by h..r husband, "Who shot your -she declined to answer. and refused to alloy herself to be moved, until her linither. Niirrium Me- l/sienna. was broght to aspire het to the hotter. Medical attendance war obtained! aa mon as possible and it was found that the 'mien unite woman was beyond accovery. and she died on Saturday afternoon follow• ing. The deceased been removed to the-Pol .1aa, 19. and ru. information was sworn out against him by constable u!e, ehargieg him with wilful 'nun!. r. On Saturday, Jam 24, the rase was 1.rought for. preliminary bearing before His Winship Nfayor Butler, the prisoner)* P P., and the Crown by Mr. Lewis. IR. 1Vliatelt- gate evidence as u. the cause of Rachel McKitne,na death. mid her ante, mortem aqatetitent as to who caused. her death. which wait amine.' sufficient try lbs Worship to cemnitt Donald M.Nicuent to Rachel Mcb,innon at the neat 'competent strict surveillance, as it i* footed lo the authorities that he i* not yet entirely free front the euici.lal mania that posesse.1 him inimeduitely after McKinnon tuol been shot. In additimt to the regular jail attend- ance the services of coastal& Hutt Meteor hare seen secured. and he now a• the night lama. paneling the actiett of the comity council in the premixes'. . NOTES BY THE WAY. iliV "THE s/14.,‘ AL a ILA 3/11111.11L1 .1, IX of the 4th rsnicessio ads, He is getting iu heaps of sawloge im .loing the best sawing in all lengt? luntber tu the etrunty. All his employees re anen of expo ience in the business an 144 work ir Dim ensured. • W. Robinson. who re.ently pun-liased It hotel here front F:. R. Swarta (now of mierich I. has already tortaidashed a repute Milt the dist rict aim first -rate host. H it hez t hotel how •Irawn a Lowe patronage frau inners and V41 enema. am! Mr. Robitien evidently hitt-ads nuaihtain It* good ream - Joseph Proct.T b. agent for the London Mutual Fire insurance company .4 Canada t!outillues to offer the owners .4 farni property and private residents, either oa bUlfilillIt4 or contents, the moat favoltiiide protectien time of tom or damage by fire, at rate* ant upon 'such liberal terms that nr.r.ther rbspeetable company can afford to %rite. Mr. Procter /1 doing the humanist of this locality in this relation. PORTER'S HILL 0. W. Potter conducts a well•known Irlawksmithing shop here. He is a practical avid . 1 workman and attends care fully to all work entrusted to hint. special attention being given to I ,. !dr Potter is doing a rushing business juet now. Horace Newton. general merchant an,1 prolnwater. ham carried on a serviette' husi ness here for eight years. We underatand he pays apot yeah for all his good., thereby getting the hest allies in the market and enabling him to Nell quite aa cheaply as those in larger place,. • He keep what 01 usually- termed a gener•1 stock -dry goods groceries, hoots end shoot crockery am! it11"---ware, hardware., elf.. Sian line of patent medicines. During the summer Mr. Newton takes in from 600 to 900 dozen eggs per week !we hope the McKinley Rill teal n ot *feet this part of his trade). He _also keeps a wngon on the nod in tbe summer. A. 1. Mcliougall represents the finn of Brighton, N. V. He is a mliable inan, and every person giving him an order for item or M.r stock of any kind rrill tind tt te his advantage. The firm hair a good S. Pike, flintiest, who haa heen ennfinal to his moot few them weeks by a orrolten leg, is aid" to be around. On Friday mornieg, as W. IleKown, Clinton. wait rali his WILY 10 truth. he heel ihe misfortune to slip down and break his George F. flendersen, Senior -1h, ',Oliva! four ear 'nada petateree to the Suttee hist week. From 46 to 60 cents pet bushel wan corer. has sold 150 bushels of potatoes. ri ...outs per haahel, to a gentleman in liree• eels Me al the inserearful ciendhlates at the re mut examination at the Ontario College el Mammy while ehnpping Snort received • had gnah its his laft Metrep, requiring Mat Matches to draw the wooed tegether. Rev. J. A. 'Newhall nichantellereh- wiewIrmoto‘tif „ loth Haat Amin %mem, of the bah removable", ts$ arrefei 147 peramds melt This peeve fiesefread was Ste„ 16 per inerired pounds. 11 • IR was • *Ina*. healthy Woman, &boost 50 years of age, who had been married for some twenty-five years to Denell McKinnon. TPlit gak•I Al. representa,tive was early at the scene of the tragedy, and by the ropiest of the dying womar took the following He my* shut myeelf. which is not true. I will tell the whole truth regarding it. Lost night he proposed that we should re tire to heti and he would bring the pistol end we should each he akin he mid he was tired of life. arel were talking about hint. sad it wonlortniePihetter to die ; I told him if he was going to dee 1.« Area me first an would not Oa* hurl finallY 1 din Moto, him fmer his intention of using the pistol while in bed, hut he dkl not rest after honk fast he snot up town, and I got him to unler some groceries : I then did the asahilig awl molted the dinner ; when he returned at dinner time he lanught • hottk whisky with him and asked New to have armor : refused at thee time earl told Mos to wait *mil after dinner ; wee charitowg had en one of hie ipsermeys, which was prepanti tu ruseurso to pet rya on, Arlo warm* he sekot rite Ire the pit it for hie ; I told him I eller kerewboreit tree.asit ha thee Wirt. Professor Doreovepd Airterica's 'leading Hair Goods Artist Pi 1 le 0011$1160. BRITISH EXCHANGE HOTEL, AND WILL et AT Wednesday and Thursday, With beautiful styles its Hale Goods. Coverings fon Ladies' and Cents' heads. mush an Toupees and Wigs. taadics• Swltohes, bans. :raves. P•ntn and pony Covertngs,ets. Thetas goods tot no nct,tat in alspear- tto%t theft. detcctle, Is inn- / or ee to Wee r re" t rd tors tt•e toes. the ns:r .a the : r per;aat pone. Why not attend to it int erten and secure .he troet i a:off. lug style Celt at the Shaba froom. end'et the Professor detn- op: t:-.te the cc+rsetaea:8 of this a::ertiot. SsisMilies 06"H'T Min THIS CANOE Cid this Advertisement Out so as not to forget Day and Date. tient suffering from tuknailewis of the larynx, who had been treated with lyM1.11. The patient .0 01011k Z inittrei.er under the treatment. lett, tubereular .201- . lags drveloped on his nose, which reaches' I took Cold. I took Slob. BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, - REST, *12,000,000. 6,000,000. di Saving DepartmLwt has been t#0.* is cots- neetion with this branch. 8 TT'S interest alkwed at current rates. GEO. DRUMMOND, EMULSION Manager Goderich Branch. ANYTHING I CAN LAT NY HANDS Oh; titenlia011 Of Pure Cod Liver 011 and H y pophosphdes of Lime and gat mar ONLY CURLY, Ittelp. t C Ion VDT suit? /111 UP, AND IS NOW KITT/NG FLESH ON MY BONES AT TRH RATE OP A ToVVID A DAY. TAU aTit'sT At LASTLY AS I DO SILK." WOWS 1110401111741 put up arty ta Ils'nton ine sada/AL SCOTT 6.• BO WNE, Belleville. NASAL BALM oasis na bawd sailectuchis sitar saps Curs, railer* hapsesibla Nay sassOoll Abwasse ate simply tropism catarrh, seek ea loal =wad Ortalan. win wow .4 amoral of aj,a6sirlif yes an with yaw law <bank awl WNW foss as Una la Issosibe • Wads el bout mil Ss Mei malts Is /Mass Ps sarsoll Is itsmia=tiond Ws,/ ay asswaselwo sal awls w all lean& awe ea tura Rua waisAal: =at 6.0W11111P01 my, ta JAS. SAUNDERS MPROVED HOT WATER FURNACE Fully testod and cs-,und to meet every regunement. lt is the most inipmvell Heater on the market, • we run *WI much less efivil lush any °the; furnace. 11 has a Patent Flue Cleaner It is the niost eompact and eheap- int Furnace made. The *lee.. cut renresents our Hot Water Funut.s.. It is composer) of metal ehambers at each end connected tvith tubes or These tubes are externally exposed to the' tire awl the soot and dust generated in the combustion of the fuel, and it is evident :1 coating a soot will make a last difference in the heating capacity of a gist."' amount of fuel. No provision has heretofore been made whereby the aceumulation of soot t'att bit eleared readily. The present illustration shwas the arrangement of .1 write; of pipes. At the rear end you notice our Patent Flue Cleaner. It is composed two plates of sheet steel, hi/Sing with the tubes on each side. There are ears attached through which a md passes aml is fastened with nuts on each side, and by means of them the Cleaner is held in position. The front end is bent so ilia to form a handle by Infanta of vrhich the Clean- er can he pulltsl beck and forth. etliset a perfect cleaning of the 'soot and ashes fmm the tubes a washer is around every tube between the perforated plates. ln using the Cleaner the operation takee only a fraction of a minute and gabyveipei.rforrning it occasionally during the day a large per even. of fuel will be No doors require to be opened when cleaning, dwrefore np dust can es- eape. This invention renders; our Furnace far superior to any funince yet made. It is the only means for cleaning a quantity of tubes at once which glove it quickly and in a thorough nuntner. We manufacture A small and a law size. The sawmill one in composed of 30 tubes, the 'erg's one tubes. oweTbe. onsidealy 3e5oreibLilktsump lb. riek alter the heater is set in ite proper We have had these Furnecee tried for ten years an.I they have losen perfect satisfaction. Parties who contemplate putting in hot writer furnsees shouhl *rite and f4et prices. We cordially invite anyone to call on us aiel see the heater in full working order. Hee now on hand one of the !a"' largest and best assortments of *very kind of Fancy Goods Useful Articles 4 yea, Ikked wen war VG /at, twasseessillwaysa T. wises dm ws.4..elizs OVOID am fray asillis losisby AO sip=s. jpowilkoot *I eallare aaan•aa Oa. 1 Muislay Inanity • aineher of artillery roost Whew the newest itheaboreheeee men at Weymouth, Rag, became non -dyed raikelwel the allicem in charge of the arias," in • fight with eiviliana. The dimurhesies 1 hin-orts they ortionvi the buglers t 0 yen Which will bli sold lit prime stirs tmil a aimed of entries sad aim 1 the reit to quarters- Though the mews! Cheaper than the Cheapest. A tall hue on Monday. unithro7t...1he t. tit. number totre70164..... mania:re thartilleryowri heard the omen -oink they iN Finally the fight twain* gesiera/ and thy ford to obey. end for hours spread torfue then sword harmer sea cheesed through &Aortal down Wiwi IthiltItly'll l'h tn t I Get t148" 18161 Ilbr 141161‘ °al*** 'culdineg4= in thetr"este; 7:gel: Ssw HoEPTa. aro tn. I"' 45:41"41%14'400' am. Sod is al &onetime., Litaitheriumalee hey.- to sitewer 1118