HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-1-30, Page 2ILLINERY1
Th. 1111•1111••••••and '
!'.+;.tsL' + m o�"y,wt•L:'xr .d4 �.r _ +Jif
may 1 be- -mend mild wit wag 1. ha
gbpba'n le with the gine, that slaw; add
and- -bat of terns yet knew, being r ti
the gang yoarsell-- Uhl • Wt; thee
ail. . Marrs PI.nr; teU A4am •
ties to hanka hhtaeM sear•ss; Ibe al hbt rr
"t.yathka, fur antis l• ty Yin ka one knee
what i oinechmtg mmn.r
"A's' tome further halsk; es shall r
bats if .. ably bre r
"Jae. Not • step till 1 eadmnts.d.N
• I'vs ger through thi•tp to troll id
my pluck, though 1 always knew you bad
h aat pluck, if I had most brains . 1
taut get at tannish- woalda't 1, that's all!'
"Do you mesa,' anted Marla., as yufsllj
as if the barite were her away, 'teat my fare
er--that Adam Ferrets is brag panted be
some wow crime"
"Fur all d teat, Marion don't ask nt
bow 1 know it- - There's no tuner/ law, an.:
1 inure% Wm in meets things now, being e
Lady Mata,.; tett lair Johu Herta has algae/
• warrent against Adam }urns, and bit
bra. traced to Aiholm you know • Dottrel
lined. That man has split, r we. aa I'm s
tieing woman. How .,au Oiler's have tree
foul enough to pot faith in such a utast Iva
d ens him out of ere of his blood-tu-u.y,
thugb- tbat't one ..aifort. He know,
Adam. br trams Herou Who could bent
put Heron up to the warrant, but b.r 1►0, you
trust Hoer
"Trust Him!"
"Ab' 1 tb.tuglat 1 is, right, Marian:-
Tben- are plata .'lothew men from Meotlant
Yard in the town tbs leery minute. 1 know
thew: titer tem : a deter -toe in the coutatrt
l'in not up to, whatever bis rig may be. And
aur of 'eni gut tut at Ask holm Juoetius
and the others ear ort . oh Marion.
Mee Measure in •aamaeiag to the ladles of (Sod•eleh 'had vicinity that she has secured t0e
sari loco of
Mises Tellies �cI gh.,
$.tk:,>!d'xt('.."';''' Who hae had several year:
AN cordially invites t0 r beepctim of
At her
The Sale of old Stook still Oontlaws to make room for New
- OR_
Choice Perfumes,
Fancy Toilet Articles
andHoliday Novelties
Has received a large consignment of the latest styles
Novelties in ladies' headwear, and the latest shades
in trimmings a specialty.
•"' Remember the stand -Hamilton -stn, between the
Square and Newgate-st.
Subscribe For "The Signal,"
Goderich, Ont.
K- - - - - oIo}s..rnt: nal the togttt putt bum tr • !'mkt'.
l�1te war Irseni,ag m far r b. raotld NeetN c,tt
d the witollpow.
"I'm ban eel d t . tow t
t n iota loin iv n
over !u mark nand Itillege"' be rscl•,nN.l, 0 1
he t•aetuear game. "It'. iufanus-•i,
there's no pla.•e 'sot a an get at to speak to
them. 1 mu.' do &reliubg. though. Here.
UM of y.a1 felIowt, give oar my hat- I'm sorry
it's a new one, lout it slut take ite.'h•ne
A Thrilling and Dram
atic Novel
"l'oa'd bitter not go out, Mr Mrrieed..
15dbis (rete! the g.seeer. "The Hermit,;
- .'11 Warcu llmb from lunh."
" r1ell, so lug as they'll dare enough of
me to got to the Mayor, bene Rafts Why
this is a riot, Mr. Sias; and there's lbs Mayer
in tall dght, and not even trying to ay •
But before he bid fairly withdrawn his
bead, stash went a pyo aglow ow just over Ili.
aur, nal a Hund paving -stoat sot•sbed MI
n.L.taod'leder Mr. Nims ooh. At Damon
moment. the lame, were Iusbsl bark by
.}leer wit,;; t. and number, w. that peered It
Uoroad'• •ommitte..i.ou itwelf, wills its
fl.t:ittt11, w•u-let Ii'.Mn, would be at tie
ru,•,••, .•t the numb of Rhues, wldeh had •I
no 1. Heron ire (Ina Gonne
:d- :tend might or weal have thrown hon
,rut into N.ara-a. alt he rnnld do weak
1l',;• on 1:iii.,-.1( for a harangue a. Pomo as the
,rH:n: ms. t..ler ht. wlnlaw., ellen be
.1n. oiere l w loris.
".;cad G.ot if there l"n't :`41.c.' ' heex,•lahu
1, lemming to the ...trier .4 t'hapter lane,
t ou:ot wmcb tune cameo 4 aloe human aeelbd
an 1 surged.
Rut node dy handl limn.
Toro we. no or for mutual atrprlat
were ,'ether 01•,v k.tgrr . stable i1 II., react
Wes ter mutual explanation, when Maria
and Cynthia not one another at the eerwse
of Chapter Icor. \,u that, under to err
eemailie s, tier wa. any ,.oee.tm (Or err
r;ttan„e to, my, however. it was Marlot
'bit war at lase outwardly .alma though
miaer•btt. pale It waethe Lady Nuperintse
1 deet w!s., ova. wringing I.er lands.
"And 1 harried Leal from town," .he he
gen v.dulh," "thloling to find him a . quid
nod ...inverted -and it eras alt low cunning
tie Horrible 11'reirl, hu reaped amt of Os
very happiest 1...k at him' s M my dose
never have any t h.ng t.. .1.. w,th a Genie. 1
there maul another man 1n the wor 4
they're all alike all ' and atter all I've Ser t
t , list- -Thing ' D. you know what a1
Market parr. -a. t Ili you hear •
re were no sheit..ring .bop. in (TapMi
Into let even the reed seethe Rank wheel
biari•n had ..nee mire Dubai 1.. and Jobe
Ilene Thee f•, Mild only abrfak h.,k frons
the. !set till it might pane hyo and enable than
le tsar.i from the .trams altogether. +ilk
Cl/toles • tongue n• ver mimed.
"Y•.,. 1 maw bred -het y.mr father's up t(
lore, Maroon From what 1 teaks net, a'.
opt- r Wong a Bank telmging 1. Mr J,.b,
•' 1t hat rewrite, Marina. aghast-.
"wbe-e thaw bnLlvn vintm .ben. of burr to
(laptry Inane nein noistpberheg wheels 1.
• phis r
Dne't Ir ahold Nur Jaen'. . friend' it
mb►-er going to be: •ed Ib, refrains ant
eo.vertd; bet byes-� Ne, sot by anything
R+�aL„gag .1, oltt chs g1d.,gsh
-1 .rt.' mid John Heron -not saetng for a
moment thrcgk a mist .bat blinded him,
and .Ibw41 bim to we taught but great
ztbiep for away. But be wad/Maly turned
reed with a senile of grim triumph "No
wad, 1 thick, gestleman, to glee our friend
*are abs lie Doer
$.s the Iaabs, tbaegh formidably ani in
ereasingly uetMmbrred, were not so easily
tempt of their fast by tae pack of watr.dogs.
They had been brought to fight-possibly
demo for *soh .aa'a fighting power, and
their duty 1.7 lathe form d Heads, plain be-
fkww them Itereo ir, tbM oat of tour had
a bludgeon, on, which gives odds agal.st fiat any
day. Awl ahao they were bloods, or at leap
workdtabr-mostly navvies horn the dn•ke
.t Aaks.ts, or gearrymen from Azhoim,
with a regaled bruiser or two. The Reroutes
rads, on toe other head, was as extempore
many, with ho ,ecagetesd leader. Ho the
emerge, after making the Webs break and
give for • moment Ile the Witte square bee
fare the oMs of the Arabs, reoev1M ted
tees/ • !swat as gsaUamt sr if awe mm there
luny what a wasbaltts gallant tor. Ailed
ONO the blows bogrw lo gee" d reroast-son
ad tame sod erarind crowns.
The Briber took so part In the affray.,
Grammes rules do Ilan he w.a hemmd
b b the wed whose tregwi.r be had
bsa.me: std, from the midge W thimble and
burley ferries, with mewls 115 their owe
oewbare. the 000wm thre aheesd.'. weft I
Gawks( hair waned Ms arms. lead embalmed
and titervtuatIt be ergs mot .sed bef(we 5
arm mod two: the demos of brei. had pot
,rens lises: be thmesht himself lamina. •
reventleo that wt. to spread over the lead
e teat 4 Ina dans taws vUisa orf tierce,
*tl.dM are .share. by new reels. where
Or daces saw to wanes of merwba bee,
.pow the poise et tike pdiistlas. It sem s
a basks he• e•at W.
s 7 Ww
s lieweigrame, It le wry
oh `pitsthat s � wild' Min
lead am Meme lids se the MO
•srltbe rear we.
-keen M.rknsll's
ler; slid Mat 1w, r
narrow neraa
"a`vr Lamm atew1'y Nva the been
asT bre a11mt1 was Mamma the
tram die as the Oa1MW-rte
m the Mem et Ow merbet
'gimbaled beeleds nsio rlmMb sal
r• _ .•e .nes
rr. -
.ktn- htrhmtcha�r�ge swept past the cora
mar, .ad reside the girl..snwer .11)1 further
-Ines, rlingin$ together. Hut run they .sold
Wm. Cynthia was apparrotly betty( her
as well in Iter head, and Marion fel
Annelf turning to .4, ow.
Crash' It woos .bower of pet:ru(•.trorr
Agah.t \I..rl•n.tk window.: the w..ree aim,
ed demoli.bing tear of the neighboring
brasses, without disti•etiag of ...Ind. Tbs
Blue 01.4 woo a;,, and bent on pelting the
l'bautpuo of Popular Rights from John IS-
roo'+City in a hail storm of fury.
The lamb. had given way at last. and
wrreiu •till thee Crash: went another
storm of stones. Morland hal orate to the
window, waived bis woo, and tried O. speak;
• but his rce.ptioa ot.lieo;.l him t.. remove pay -
tag -stones for .•t'er7niot.• from the diminish'
leg.-ata1,gue 4 SLUMS
"Yab' Phonal him over the bridge'' a•m
tbs. shoot now', It mos lawyer Sharpe, try
iota to regain tit.. CetnnlItta.-nuncio hatless,
with atw trouso• tont off hu blev.ling beg. Mai
0i.,',aut in ribbons. Neter again e..,uld he
May with fie
:and Stephen Hay! 1f a remnant of btu
was tett to bury, be was a luckier m.u, the:
be had ever beeu before.
Cynthia fairly clung t.. Marion.
' "Unto what than we do' Let', hide. . .
Kier i. ydamf"
"lou ay- lb..asetahles with • warrant
w ee bare -in the town.'
•'Yuet is he at tskbolnt+"
"1 think not -
'Here then :" .
"i, doo't know. "
''You can't warn him! Oh. Mario' Hs
utas• be taken in a minute --he may be takes
now' And we may be killed''
"Yee,- said Marlin. dreamily-. "1 know
nothing 1 con do nothing. Killed' ►io muck
the letter rot us al."
o ►h l.o,k, Memo' Look -ti.. -!"
Marion, by force of habit, rei. 1 the glades
which, +e htlev., depritw1 her of any Bairn
to the rank of heroine, and, looking, natur-
ally saw first tl,e nto.t. snits; object -and
If was a striking one, indeed, if pray for the
sake of evlour. Far up Hector • Leland the
Guildhall. was n blare of sar.et .ad1 .t ...I,
.dyasnciug howl), with a faint clash au.l the
sharp clink of dint against iron.
'Halt'' .bee beard above the uproar,
Rut--" Net there." cried Cyntn a in •
whimper: 'there!"
Marion turned b, where Cynthia pointed
- There stood Alam Furness ou the baa -
coos of the 1' dna � with cath ru
nsabba below,
b ,
aal dragons. hard by.
Wet it too Irate. t Would b.4.11 be warned
of d ger •
Th 1. sty cif the crou.l having peed el by to
ware M.olab.l'. beal;uartrn,atia darted ou:,
no: wave bed lover 'amunkner, but to be true
W her trust and to keep ler vow. As father
abs uo king. ' thought of him: but de diel nit
thuox: stir ran.
tynthta elutebed 'at br; hut she pullet
ber.elf are, and male for the proj.ctin;
porcb ..f the 1:uiWhni. Hut the manliest of
the snow d had bw•ome aware of the dragoons;
struggling lamtr were sustaining single coin -
hats, and Marion's rod ribbon gave au aim to
armed Treatmrae. maddened and drunken a,tn
rage and victory.
In that Nate, frenzied and threatno.ml, the
stragglers of a mob kn.,w neither :' urage,
nor reasnu or mbar.
"Rhe'a going for the soldier, "' That we
"Stbe'r going tr. shoot John'.. That ern.
"Yah ' titute to Morlanlit, devil
That was Shame
The stoma fell like hail Marian ran like
• deer. Which would do their work first 1
Would eh.. reach that ,earner of safety -
W.ulldie reach tt In tine.. ...maid the reset
it elite r
! ark M alas stems AND etre,
I,* strange. hent Mar.
Ma Gash. ran with all the
.pend dee surd towards the
tiitldhall through the ,corm
of • ones, felt no beadily
fear. The only terror sl e
felt was Yet she tamed to
too kite to war.. him who
was showing himself e,
openly. that be was in im-
minent danger. Even thwghts mold form
%re.ireee in bee mind- -by broken tarty,
it a trove, but more like actual thoughte than
when she had, in solitude. sat herwtlf deliber-
Mtely to find • clue to her life's masa
Rut 1t era. at, mere (ants It, Ir.. •
Grady, hard hurtles that 1'vnthia
had tve.n her to tarry though the
fumbled The mended of her laver
wee now plotting a plunder, the ruin, for
aught she , 'till tell, of bre dead lever's beet
and drama friend Rhe had 1.. save bee
father not merely free[ ertst, but from
crime ,r If she meld net ave bim, at bard
enable bim to save himself. it it was. not ton
late. Marlon wail turd and ,leaf tot/devoted,
Me tae, bet solely for baste. •be never mor.
ad her heal to owed a stone. Not for •
moment did she reel that dos her swot er'.
dsughde, the tmdret and dalatled oe girls
,dila ton meneitive t., tem* a shadow, was
Ming hereof through Ole erase as if she
had been • emended cur.
Nu.klrnly, though .he never cowed to be
aware of the all figure on the Guild •l.
bakoay, all else heiarne • dream, end the
shooting around her boar as the roar of •
dkGant dna. Her feet n, longer telt the
ground -ole ler she wee rosary or !rely
'ng• ahs an lnuiq.r knew. Rue (alt bawd
a'mtw•d around to wart, •ad
fe s'•ksi*Ii1 sier iiiii'rkie sees es ear'
Pit m• w.. MOW she tlttitig/ hemi if
the arts of they; std ohs .alined far mare.
dada's Me knew coo mow.
fed she had indeed pitamd Illseessla the
vain d Wm Mtdow. ft must bet; Mr s4
woke in tient ether aurid whore. she had
leas taught, era meet thaw 1141/ he's Pard/
through the valley .dere us to past Gem
theta *ton mala.
Llertnlaly at did not look very =sob tlhe.
ektember b.ey.ad tae .Rat,, .ekes rooms axle
have their apotheoses. •ad eery urdtuary
roams sue ettenw
flat It was .ortata:y somewhere la that
other work! tare I..k.t mond ter her
slather; Iwo au tit/Vitt ebe eremld oar pm -
wanly to wrkmrae her da ugbu r hare. lout,
o+.aawhile there. of o„srtr, eat (i.y-tc
goo her wrlcuort the nrvt el an. Ube war
rel that le ahs the first me whom she
..peed her eye,. Neither Monad tee amebas
omit* part them new. these three Labe held
out brr hood with a brighter rutile as the
tear aro Into bee eye'.
"l as glae)neer"
.��•!tl yabet as if were ria
urs.. natural of nissI 1 In hey world.
' Market
Yes - at ens the robe; kat the Ilene was ,o
calm, starry welcome. It was wild •t goes
loth earthly jay, wird pasdoo, with amgrr,
w,tb bewtld. rttt.at -with a tbyianl dimes
11.• took her band, and Iresm I u •Imus,
;innerly 1.10. tips, wb. n bursted like fin',
hik• she gamest into his eyes without .vett
touch a. vmple w. u.k•r: like a chill wak.
tug from a .urea'',.
"What a way to Owl stili- -w•bat a pl.ce-
ahat a tern.
"Yet: it was Guy -tut h ..s Awned 1
How be must luso been waiting and hunger-
ing for her till she e e had she done right,
otter all, in loving bite r. much an t , W
blind to the greater*. for his lova of her' Hs
looked ea :f he had been start:ug lu ...w
fen er fssten.l of dyiu oc ricin -•. ht Ica $k.•.1
.., pale and warn: mid Isis tale. sore' to
;two through her's into Mon' hiim illZcSeen
tar away. "(widcu::: she warted, wttb a
lit tie toy. .. s• ream of Wool was trickling
from bin heir
'told it le that the Murdered any tbeir
w'ntnde with tl.•:u to too for t'engoance even
mt.,ve ibe.il.•ut mums. f tier stain. t
N..- -that c .0 LI never be
"(:sty'" she a :':rd, "1 ant n.• trvl • It is
v&,il• -
\ltd, oh the n•lief, %thea she knew herself,
n about remembering that it mos bo for
the- last time. to heelamptd in his living arias
anal to be feeling hi. living kismet tm bed tad:
to know that whatever ser., still ruse he-
tt waw three, .r was not the cure of Cain; it
was net bed father's hand. Tbat was al-
most joy cuougl: that would tnakeearn•oder
seem almost like a thank offering
For this moment, at least, they were aloor,
knowing notbun; of what mob had Puttered
or how they had come togethoe ; hearing tooth -
jog but an unheeded echo of the human storm
withoutbending soothing tut that they were
there. . .
"Rut questions had at last W come.
"Yee have been in Manor l' ewkdd(iuy.
"in Moe.•.w • No: Not out of England,
1s that where yon have been -seek.
ing met Is that where you've torn lost all
this +bile f . . . Rut you are burt--'
"Oh. that's nothing --- -The cues:dal
They meant it for you. Weil -1 was time,
thank God, to give at least one of them a little
of what be ,deserved. But. where is your
mother r
-Guy! You remember our last good byel
1.a maid good-bye to her for ever--- Ube u
dead. Guy."
"God (sod' . . . And you bate been
with blot, your father, alone. You are with
him still! Marling. how .hall we ever tell
oo. another what bar happened -bow .hall
we ever beton
• You have been seeking tae- in -pity of my
"Tour letter! You never tent thea word.
foam your :pother ,Trots me from the z'lar
swot, I never heard of you again tint,l. .
Heeiting for you' I have done "urine but
seek for you. What else should fire doth.!
Why tko you ay in spite .of ybnr letter)
Nothing would have forbidden me to seek
you till i bad found you. or died peeking -"
-Goy, you will .wear to tate .omething--
dm y.o:ir honor -on your world
".anything- ...wept to Ise you again.-
-110 nothing to harm my father' Help
him- he is in terrible deng-r. i know what
you think d hits -what my dear another
bough r of him-- but --' ,
For a moment Guy looked bard and 'tem
ehangel indeed.
"But you bare asked) me to -help htta.
That is enatgh 1'.r me."
"Verbs/a-it t. the only. the Ire. thing 1
stall tete: au: you. Guy' He 1. hear, In
Marebgrave: and it is known that he is
tare -
"1-rs, said Guy a little glotmi,y. "He Or
here. head it w known. ileut what tam 0.e been
bayou! Your father: !t was Aleut bim 1
hive peer mober's last wool.. to mm 1 believe
be 'emoted her u. bre.1 atb: ie bas used hi.
infernal imower over you ger ahpteb of • far-
tare which your maim 'tad pegs hie
Hatches at tba mot of bet basad; he M no
more to you than he is 5. trb*-s..n lea, to
sac Inlet him trouble you and the world no
"Your word! (lis Goy: don't be cruel to
m: now' As yon know he is in danger, p
to bim -warn bim-from nee 1 was hurry-
ing to bim wben--oke' don't 1st roe bare gone
tbreugb all -all that -in vats!"
Hth:ling his hand, she for the tint time
rraliz..I what it bad been to fare that raging
mod --that .norm of pone.
"Rut Gny, if you cannot help him, 1 will
fare it all stein -weak m I aa. If be blase
for want (se a word of mine, i shall go mad -
before my that Oh, do one mon thlag for
my sake - Hark f
The outer rear which had fallen into•
partial lull, ram np again with tenfokl rage.
Ibh.led bum 1n to window. At that woe
meet *be uproar coaxed, as barabead•d, ad
with an nt der in uniform at Ms side, Mo
Mayor of M-rchgraYe, hitherto an inactive
spe••tabr ,e disorder which ems V truth
his own eery and a lemon, to rebels, raised
him right arm, sad spate to the people 1• a
Mow, strong entre tint all could hear
"Fellow -matinees,- maid he. ' 1 understand
your anger at Haw intamone attempt that had
hese made to interfere with your free also•
Claw of your own member ---an attempt to
violate the rigbts of to paraa by prey/airy
victory, roe fl Do not ed at thei damage
year legitimate
booths, by tlo
Iowa towards
the vnluf.had. 1 hold Is ray
head • paper- -here It is- which shows Old
yew have already pined a great eansitltult ne
.1 victory- The reeeroing-offesr wtat Le due
time announce b you by bow match M.
than two thomand majority D.'a,ynot Mar-
land will be sent tart to t,rmdrn- ib eel
ties m. the Mame and arrow of reeding*.
Riot Act to ry friends. i am prouri of year
anger` of year persful trieatph 1 Mall to s
bweolted unmet mope preset Rim three bug
theme for Kllsrelerrave, and go roma"
Then wont up • mighty abet.
'That ie he'-' .vied Marisa.
"Adam Furors - Wyr,r asked
"Os who lappsd in Thai es"W s
(to ow. w.lspga,)
• !ser and Owls 1lwael.w g)el.m Mui
mimeses to Me . Oereded A.g■layalm
s. OW !.assns Mean fait et Weelet t e
.e lase reel.
The Irtage vWtm hada dgieled, it
n amed to 111/11tg:1+lr. A. S. Fidler, the
wail lawn_ bticoleoriet, hat ilss
Tug .donna aurin.
fruited now for several years and prom-
ote to heroine a valuable addition to the
quince list.
Orchard and Garden nays of thin new
outlier: The Fuller gnin.ro is exceedingly
large: in shape, it is pyriform. with a
•tna11 neck. ,.oWetituree ridged and with
a deep and wide teats. It is of a golden
yellow color. which it asentae• early is
the waxen, and its Beets is tender and
tine flavored. It ham a delicious perfume
anal is -:lid. when cooked, to be anperor
in flavor and tenderness to all other
mowers do Easier.
le hi- essay en flowere for Easter de-
livered before the ticrista' convention,
,lames Dean, of Bay Ridge, N. Y., made
the following ,•tatentents: Felty three-
fourths tit the lilies( now sorter! air
Hartisii car Bermuda: this sort is far the
most profitable to grow. It can be forted
At n higher temperatttre than dithers,
while if two weeks before the flowers
open the planta are removed totem-
perature of :A dogs. at night, with lib-
eral air during the day, the bloom's will
be Rom. and nearly double the floc:ere
can he rut.
Azalea./ rode e, e.ttd in importance.
During the winter 40 deg!. will do fur s
night temperature with liberal air until
two months before Easter; it this holiday
cranes in Mar-b.:►i deg., mast be given:
if in April. .1e .dcgs. will be saf(d(ient.
Stich hat. ,torts as Souvenir de Prance,
Albert, Louisa Peynart, Leonie Van
Hontte and Souvenir de Prince Albert
Alba should be placed in heat two
weeks earlier.
Bulbs for Ender include Dutch hya-
cinths annul tulip!.. wetlydouble; nar-
ciaasa sled. lily of the y alley. As to the
cultivation of the hitter in pots. plant
Fifteen pips in five inch pots twenty-one
days before Easter and place them in the
dark in a warm green house for two
weeks. Then give them light and air to
meter, foliage of a natural color and
haulier flowers,
Traa•plaatlac Ever'gr'eens.
Many directions:in( given and requis-
ite•• laid down each tt'*aun for the trans-
ransplanting of evergn,•ru. Country Gen-
tleman give's this rule, which has been
successfully applied in many casts:
"Take up enough earth with the roots to
hold the tree erect when net on the eur-
fate of the ground." Observe -this rule
complies with the requisites nasally
quoted at length. The stout rays cannot
ranch the roots nor the air torch them;
the (moisture does not leave tbetn for a
moment; the soil is already prepared
and remains fitted uu them.
With this mode of treatment young
trees may be removed at any time of the
year, and without difficulty always
when they are dormant.
.:rape falter*.
Some t arietiei of grapes have the abil-
ity to withstand the abase of overbearing
fur a time, but all will sneecnmb if it ihi
meanest in. The variety most likely to
overbear is the Delaware. Vines appar-
ently in perfect health (which hod over-
borne the previotu year) .nddenly gave
nut. the leaves tell. and the fruit never
ripeoed. it takes, them two or three
years to recover. Concord will not show
overtaxing an anon. The best paying: the
earliest andtae poorest is the Champion.
-New York P'trsers' Institute.
Drainage lar ettrebards.
Wet feet will pnoda+.e heart disease in
the apple tree ae certainty aa the mamma
of the swamp producee ague in mea,
only it may take a little longer time.
TMags That •r. Told. \
All over the country Ben Devil meets
with criticism as to its quality, eft it to
undoubtedly the leading commercial ap-
ple ed the United Rtatee.
It is said that the monism of dyeing
rose. i. heeosmiing a remunerative branch
of the industry with Ragtime born.-ne
Among Russian apples Alexander,
Red Astrakhan and Olds tti•a
ratted high npon the American Posy.
rlogical society'. !elect list of MD va-
Acme of the Asiatic lrrbtrries have
stood the beat and drought in a sarprtn-
dug way.
T. H. Hoakina deism as �veryy goad
demert the yellow
ongolden whits.o-
Swifter. apples Lgtrld,
tamp streaked, 7olotoree, Titus, Popoff
sad prollflc awentiag, mid Awe aro .lid
Italy very goad Mat okay are elms htgm.
productive and attr. aloe- gmis zd
than strikingly biaatifwl.
The beat time tett plantingoverpass
teles is in the swine Wein *dr OM
grow. The least tints far plasri.g oi•
edd.oee tress is daring `esteem sled
1141, VAN& i,71904'
We have received a large consignment of
Which we are oferin; away below the regular
ery pair is
Having decided to
March the GREATEST
We quote a few of
Ladies' Goat 1
Ladies' C. Kid
Ladies' Slippe
Gents' Cordo'
Gents' Leathe
Boys' Good L
A big drive it
The 10 per cent.
ent stock and make r(
but we mean business
If you want a pair of blankets this winter, call and
see them.
Ready Made Ulsters.
The balance sof our ready made ulsters will be sold
at cost and under to clear them out.
est :saxaretasee.,.,
t►ur 1•aaafnes Blood and Stomach Dun -r., excellent, ,,(A',
Fine Perfumes and Best Toilet Articles,
tarefal and thorough prescription work,
Personal Attention, Lowest Charge. Telejrbone.
emp's Balsam,
Shiloh's Consumption Cure,
McLeod's Renovator, etc., etc.
Telt* ie.wroser
ee you Wan our
ck (
errs or
Liris wetted the it waster.
If 1 were asked to gine a at of ruki or
suggestions for girls whose lay's are spent
behind the counter. they would read sonar.
thing like this :
Remember that all the tune .pent tat the
store belongs to your employer.
That courtesy behind the a ranter wins
even the most captit,us eusto.ner.
That gossip about young mets ox with
thrum is unMuinesa-like, and, under the car
narumtant•t p, rude•.
Never ntta'up( h. .net ruel a ctatonwr,
while you may suggest. or politely iteration.
the desirability of them or that.
Ib not say, "Herr, Sade, hand me your
pencil, ' to your neighbor.
1h, net ay, "Noe, we haven't get it, - Ill a
sheet, crisp tonne ; far better a polite "1 ant
sorry to ay we do not have it m stock.'
Ik. tont thrust a 'airbag, at a customer e•
you would a pieta! in the fa.. of • highway.
Neter throw down goods with An aur
which seems to ay, "1 .1.. not rare et}tether
you buy It or nut."
Remember that the pur'haser often sees
aapre iu the seller than she thinks, and re -
tine.' young warner) have male valuable
friend. for life by their courtesy to an w-
orm -fished rust,'Inco. '
A wasyh remember that duty W your ens
player .demands your beet ten'ice, and duty
f. yourself also.
Meek es, to a m..lel alrnw oman..,ad some'
one 111111 ern recognize your merits.
10.... modestly and avoid .heap Jewelry:
the best ornaments are : promptness, polite-
ness, a well modulated voice, and strict at-
tention to duty.
Harr your hair neatly .sunlr.i, your
teeth well Meshed, ani your linger nails
tidy. 1'mtomere arra often rvepelle.f by un-
tidy clerks of either sex.
Remember always that you are .uperitr
to'irrumatan•es only when you make yaur.
tall so. The newt *elfish, exacting rmpinyer
will gladly roougnirr the merits of an effi-
cient clerk.
Frown down with wne anly .con, the nm-
aenieal title of "stleela.iy'." It is • greed
thing to he a waxnan anythirng; if you are a
true and good woman, a gnarl clerk u infi-
nitely more respectable than a sn-called
"akelaly," and the term has a ahuddyiah
ring which is totally un-American.
Out of two hundred clerk. in an large es-
tablishment, the favorite with nearly all 01
to customers ie a young woman who in-
variably dreams modestly in black, and h.a
such charming manners that it IS a pod
tier pleasure to visit her department. -
Kate Tannatt Woos, in ladies Home
femme Ivens..
Coming en.aumptior, in ftreshadoeed by •
hacking cough, night sweats, pain in the
cheat, etc. Arrest ata program at once by
taking Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, which
never fails to awe Dough., colds, bronchitis.
bowmen; dee., and Sven in oeotirmed con-
sanptine of rde great relief. 3t
Mlle weeds "iia 4W Mina
Whyy, his Th. Hellish Weekly, all this
mydilcatso..hout she authorship of -` In
Darkest ) eland t" 7ho honk waa written
by Mr. Stead, to emadtm editor of The
Pall Mall Gametes, to riser editor of The
Review of Reviews and t.As author of the
tamed " Mt¢denw' Tribune," which some
�mn sap horrified all clines of society and
ted to se alteration of ala abduction and me
duction lawit- The materiels wed.- supplied
to !le. Stead . (:!neral Hnotlt std ('emu
minaiwwer Mmit d the Mal. atria ' rny, and
the literary . ntlsaaibt and irrepressible re
former spent several beaks at 1'leetew.on
Sea is hard writing. tl5.erwl Rooth rind
write • hook if he liked ; he ha., m fact,
written several. Rut he did not write " 1n
made Itarkeet F Tn quote dm nid pro { t
verh, why doesn't" it'. t leneral gyre the
devil his due r' leorrowecd plumes woa.er •n
or later lead to .&teatime,
Milburn'• Reef, Iran clad Win. a pre as
peed from freak Med, soluble iron, aril parr e
sherry wine, cemhm..l with choice ars T
thetics, i m t
Albert long w.. timet In death white in
s stab nt intntieatMnn r» the railway trwek
user Ileum dot Friday morning
The i.teilagenc. has reached that of the
lint Robert H (1.14ew, wife pf
Robert (:eddies of ('.1�.ry Th. dereaand
1•d oras the dasaght�r d (' l'
SALT IS 0000.
• new Tklags ler peyMI For. Willa Rea.
rev ttlta.
" Salt as gtxrf-" It is the language of ti
aprattn..0 11.11 cow a,( therapeutas. In An
the range of the household watered media
there is n, remedy half so rateable as .axe.
neon malt, troth bemuse of its real eneaut.•
i d.
pert am o
to 1 fi
Pm' immediate r
to a halal.
nil .
Aal, moreover. oreovrr, it has this a.irant�egr oar,
more pretentious remedies', that seldom to
tame of utrtreal ,r mlamanagement ran it be
male to .1,. mis•hief. 1f it decant heal, it
leant kill, at any rate. Here are some ii
the t Bing. it i. Bund for
Heated dry and applied to the router our
face oyer the seat of inflammation or enure
tem it will gave abnant tr.atant relief ; while
•ppli.•atur of a strong hot solution of salt
in eater or onager atm like magic, upon
t000thache, ~ache, ueuralgir headache, anti
all that Inured of dntreaau,g ills.
For catarrhal a5ettiona and sere throat a
*pray of warm water awl alt is almost .
erotic. and to our ..f the standard preeerlp-
tatos of the -nose and thorn- •pt-eaaliat..
For Iwy (ever and thew ether altghter Suer
of nasal nrmsitirentes that mince a constant
.nrezi g there as no rented, mor quickly
and often curator, than the safer
of touted alt and alcohol.
For those win have sensitive gums, to
dined to bleed on the slightest provncati.m,
a 'mouth wash of alt mat cold water used
•owe ..r twine a day will thrice the gun.
.caul prevent horrors. s. As salt is a styp1 is
an) Plight }deeding may usually be checksd
by treating the part with alt and water
Perenne with tender fart will fini them
growing much Inas menaitive day by day i'
they treat thein to a daily brisk rubbing
with .oil •nit and water.
Reside all this salt is good (el the stem.
ash. A pinch of it to hot water, taker.
either just before or just after n meal, a .,
111,101111614. :1141 1.. digestion, and A cupful 01
very hot salt water will sonrtamre quiet the
rant persistent mines .
Anything more that alt will do! Veto
the mast grateful ..f all cure the toothy he
sxnetimee. "Will it really do that r A
little girl w'h. was laid to put amee us an
aching tooth swan an. 1 just put in a little
alt," air mid, "and in a few minutes 1 felt
the naughty aching nerve curl right dnan
attl go to sleep.
Llan there is one maims to offer. How
ever beneficial the therapeutic Reties of salt.
may he, there is n, question but salt take'.
int., the Ryden, a ith the howl in too great
quantities ma extremely hurtful. it was the
ezereive use of salt, quite .s much as the
nervosa drain .1 his campaign, that killer)
Horace I;reeley, and there he throe who .1.•
eland that with many women the use of alt
is • ancien fir dissipation. Too much alt
in the eyatem .fries up the bkoud .nl the
healthy restore of the mentranw.s surfers•
and is evidencarlhy a dead yellow pallor of
the akin, with • blanching of the lips and
cheeks, and a morbid craving for the condi-
ment which nothing Mit it me is eeormnue
quantities will nitrify. -New fork Evening
we Aline fiery.
The hest half of life u in front of the qua
Of forty, if he he anything of a lean. duan
work he will ala will he dr) with the hind
of a master, all not of a raw apprealiM.
The trained intellect does not sea "mea m
tress walking," hut awn everythingcit
sad in jest measure. The haired
der not rush at work like • Mind bull
haystack : but edvsn.m with to calm and
•r. red peer of avriatio.s power and de
liberate drterminatirm. To .o ata a de -
well at new, and the future ion fresh, as to
him who les spent the early year of hi/
manhood in driving to understate" the deep
er problems of •clone, and Itfe, and who has
sane headway toward'. ewnptrselwrtl-
ng then. To him the etinor newt things
are rare aal wronalarful, hoth an theneelveea
1 u tart, of a beautiful and intelligent
hole. Such a thing u *taleenesa no Ilford
te deters he Cannel undrtwuend, Knowledge
,lway• e.peamg cwt before hies in with,
tp aim e•, and 01115 eammanding btgkte.
he piesen a of growing kaowdele and a
Teasing power makes every year d hi life
happier and more hopeful tMa the hese
1 O O O e�trr�et.•aw
I.w.wem.s.er dos
arts IoW Saa__..•raf�YYelrm.•n.•t sew.
�, .aer..v.wi ,,..... ate gas
w.ta•w.w see eewee • rk ...sera
.not. .aou•.ek. noel ,,.. ,.✓.:
ass re tnr owe ked lege married
rriitllk""`�ilt.`:� _�:
Iwe marc
may ter, month•
L 50c
Unlocks an the ckogerd avenue.
Bowels, Kidneys and Liver.
cif gradually t: tthoat weakening
tem, al; the impurities and fou:
of the 'eel (Atone; at the name ti,
rioting Acidity 01' the Stt
He rad gibes, Dlzz t Heal
Constipation. Dryness of th
Dropsy Dimness of Vision.
dice. Salt Rheum, Errsipela
rule., Fluttering of the ex
t ouaneens and moral Debi
theme and many otter similsr Bl
yield to the ha y lafittaaco
BLOOD BitTkus.
,'rr Fan :r ty al,salevs.
¶,1lU$ iR!KACO.,P_-eP etO!et
wool b
gni .
.wi eat
1 :mese Hart list..rl mho
Hills gees.. •.d 114r•Hart,
Steeds. of Sipple, and iMnm
for WhingtcaTarrierey.
and David Ihm••d Wow 1hi
ale pi.ml Mr. beds We
•awl eeteeesd far his Masi),mod isgpmet
.hisoftLI *01. " ' I
are ail geed, nisi* steed
east while we r'aares their res
be adatere hsirethrixMiahe.80.