HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-1-30, Page 1Tb. Neatest asaditbisndedat.
heir bums mode a realms, anal bong pr .rti
.rrutged, (mad not pitchfarked into any puri•
11om1 w the EIGHTH PAGE mock the eye .
"f reader. to a far greater, extent than
any abvanrramats awash the city. prem.
THE SIGNAL lssb the heal press-
vOL. ZLIII: o. 2293.
THF �.+. r . , .. �, . w T" Iva dor w 8 .A.PFR POP. HURON err ..v ae
(;(M)ERICH, ONTARIO, ('ANADA. PR11).1Y, JANUARY 39, $ 1.
a e
The Dont 1. the Oh.a,p..lie
THE SIGNAL 1s beyond .11 elgt.11is•
the best newspapwriif Huron Cunty, .sd hoe
..de plaew,mam•I grogram Janus the peat yaw. _
Hereafter ONE DOLLAR will gem Tea
sea.AL duo a *bole Sean if year pay promptly,
otherwise OAS la the prove. Save W.. • year
to paying farSW/a1"'i ZN ADVANCE -
W eekte Diger of ivSM7 laws wwrsed ap
to ass 1:. eel b.47 -rem ms roles t Ma-
ma sad 4..deaaes /Nsie revere, Jbetl.a
Tose ('re.N .f tat ra sal) pews Is tame.
1 Way 111111trthen Aw.aa1
sareelam.f toe Well itawaaorh Ia.. to.
a 1s resat) Yearlt-
s.r.mtag rimeak *rat .ore mare.
(mai oma. !mew t t:a it [neat In /A riw
MKS. Jamar Yo ung. of Crystal. I).,
is visiting her parents. Mt. and
Nm. Ileo. McMullen. L.wer\1/ng-
Heffernan & Hewtnhoner, Ethel. shipped
ear of lambs last week
The Exeter Milling ('o. shipped two air.
)..ads of Hoar to Nova Scotia don Tuesday.
Mrs. Rud.l, of Marlette, Mick. was cwt
ng her slater, Mn C. /:rest, Wingbam last
ycl►ooald Bros.. Walter,, venal their
.1* null for the sem with a reel supply
of hogs.
Miss Mune McDonald, Walt. 7, has gone
to Arthur, where she will attend the High
Joseph Porter arrived in (:rey front Mae,
;As the other day after an stsauce of four
-.r the years.
Jas. Curtis and daughter, of St. Ti,omae.
Oak., are at present 'thulium at William,
Tmith's, Seaforth.
Wm. Wither, Br+sseh. has gone t.. the
salvation Army Training Home, Toronto,
1e. qualify as an officer.
J. M. Davie", Ethel. has Mees on aha sick
list for the prat mouth and is w.t yet well
rmree' to ragtime -wort .
Ak .. Stewart. of the lith art.,- grey,
has been on the .wk het during the last sono
..r three weeks, but is now much hatter.
W. H. levet' eel W. H. Min. -hies. Exe-
ter, have shipped several carloads of grain
this week to ..cert, and other local point..
Mr. Morris, the newly appointed manager
of t he Rank a Commerce, Se.Iort h, arrived in
town .n Tuesday hest and took charge of the
The directors of the *bees factory. Wal-
ton. engaged William to agar ascherettneker
for next season. Hr .macs well cream
John Whitfield, jr.. Ethel. elm has .pout
the past four years in Michigan. is slating
in-tku section. He reports time' dull in
that State.
Mir Addie Porter, of Turial.erry, left on.
Saturday to visit fried. in Hamiltne. after
which she gum to Toronto t., attend the
Normal School.
Jas. Sinclair, of the 14th ern.. Grey. has
loran tH for some time past with typhoid
fever. hit we are g11il to state that his
physician now pxollouncren him out of danger.
Wes. Haskel, a former Rruseehte. was
visiting in Krwrels this week. He has been
awojuurning in Dakota •sel judging from
, he was treated well ui that
The Kincardine Review say's Sammy
Simile says that he cleaned $36 in one week
.n Wingham as a elo..•tor. Vain must he a
hustler. We had not heard that Kam owl
turned medium.
John Rogers, Winghaou, was assisting in
taking out see one day lam rack. .when he
let a heavy chunk (.11 on his left foot, break
nig two small hones and badly injuring his
hig to. He a Maw going &noel on crutch-
John Campbell. and lanohlru Campbell,
hotelkerpers off I:nrrie. were fined OM and
costa. , for selling liquor on
municipal idithon slay, thee •isolating the
provisions of the ('rooks Act.
Herbert Rigse, who lives uear Wroxeter,
had his left leg broken .Move the ankle. The
little fellow was watching hie father 1011
•lressed Asap, for the Brussels market when
one of the bogs aecidlentaly fell rel his leg
with the shove result.
Ake. freer. Grey, who went 1., Mani
tones eight years spike been here en a vert.
He is located at Hlrwarth and is well satin
fled with the appearance ..f things in the
Went Mn. Crerar and children are visiting
is Stratford at present.
1 AVINI; loitered i* Tata Sum AL that
Rev. K. Um, U. 1!., of (.o.ferich,
through ill hrJth ix obligee/ to
Iwign is the mlie*ritiwe his duties as pastor
of Knox church. l:oderirh, we sincerely
iyDipathiar with the rev. gentleman, hoping
that he ail! soon Ion: restored to health and
$ wraua.ut of the Leal'- Supper was. die-
pcn e.i in Irnkine thureh here ou last S•b.
Orrin, one day and marriages the next
are taking place ion our neighboring towu-
.hip. Such is life and transitory events.
We err pleased to 1.r able to state that
have These Andemow, of Aehtield, who has
been indisposed for ram tlmepast ,isbeam •
1ttiggcmvaketvnt. \\a hope the venerable1a.ly mill ram he able to resume her
wonted charge of household duties as
Onr powder hotel keeper, and elle. Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Mpll.ugh, arrived home
during last week from au extenJr.l suet
pleasant visit w relatives in the southern
part of our fair Pn.inte. They had an en-
loyaeie tune, but they think that 1)unt:uuion
is the place 0. live iu preference to :thy
Tea -meetings. earner[,, etc., are duneg
this peek attracting and oeeapying the
pout ,qgt people's attention sequel. they
are thercf.•re enjoying themselves imutei,*e _
ly. Aa tar needs are in excellent condition
for sleighing and weather is ail that can be
desired. ae presume the trratwetinga,
etc.. will he successful.
%%e regret to state that Mr... Win. Leidy.,
of West \Vawansh. was sant to the
asylum at f.Nwlon during last week owing
to ht.o.mring s,rnewbat demented. tensed he
illsaes. 1t
e oineerely synippaathio with her
husband in his .mous affliction, which la -
still more afflicting when further in••reaael
!.y having a number of children left to his
charge. We hope to herr soon of her re-
cavery and restoration to her family-. which
w. much needs beer tare.
Merin.. A. Stewart soil .1. Bowers. the
two gentlemen chosen by the ratepayers .4
W. W. to conduit ao.l watch over the in-
terests of the municipality et the county
council board. grassed through our vile
here ly morning,stage on morning, the
27th, en route for the tireular town, it bring
headquarters for the asaentbly of the muni
cip*I wisdom .4 .lar pnrpeeous county of
Hurn, which ie sn•rmwl to none in the Vow.
ince of Ootar•iw.
The annual sheeting of the West Wawa -
nosh Mutual Fire Insurance l'uuq(.ranDy was
bell m the court moan here int Twseelay.
the 27th inst. The secretary's. treasurer'm
ami auditors' reports were read and omni•
Dowty adopted. The audit,. a expre..ed
thenwelsen in very* eulogistic terms of the
mumer iu which the secretary and tar
surer kept their M•cnita during the past
year, and sato paid a very high tribute to
the president, j 4;irvin, the se rotary
.1. M. uherts, and tre.swrer, W. Lane, for the
e urteota manner in which they rendered
moistens* t.. then. whiktt auditing the con
paay's aer punts of 1880. Although there
seemed to be some diesatlafactson Amin by
.one or two policy•hollerr with the n:auner
un which some+ of the .directors insured
buildings, after questions were asked
and satisfactorily answered, it was quite
•ppppaamm�enn1 that it was renewed by the ex,
pl•rmatems tendered, mad in view of this
the three retiring directors were reap-
pointed by a.elanrtirn. Those in turn re-
spectively thanked the policyp•holrlers for
renewed confidence to them. John Wilson,
of Hallett. was reappointed auditor by the
members. He is a good man for the posi-
tion The society Lam heartily comgratu
late itself upon the prosperous aoodit.on of
the institution.
Oar old friend Rev. S. :Imre, Krnsseb, (Y*4 atom nems r j
celebrated his 83rd birthday dr, Tumidity of Our literary society as used is s1111r clang
this week. He gena short as handily as he large crowds, We have our hail excelkst-
did lb yearn ago and retains his rigor in a ly furnished and all strangers are heartily
wonderful meaner. We wish the reverend weleemneel and .pecially .. tett. A
Kentlernat many returns of the day, gond many ate tea are taken part in by
The team attached to the vehicle contain our boys. wh. are fait acquiring db.tinc
ing the rmowrmera owM
owner a oak for liberty in the in the oratorical art. 7Ttr entertain
tlie cemetery at the funeral of the late Dmt b• de
D. /Dent for Mit nicht a bate. "Reookr d
Hugh*., flatiron. awn Tuesday_ The tb*t a the avocation moat eoa-
ooeupana were thrown out. Mies Anestrteg de77.7.......27,77.7"..7.-ivttkkityyppee d apnhnedf," lad
havitag ha aakle sprained sail W-. King re- • r. y er111c1)owgtd.
miring • dight cwt an the Lead. Peter Melntyre is at present runniag a
On the evening of the 20th into.. the Rer. morning cannibal' bermes Church-st., Hem
W. Torrence was male the recipient of r trek City, and Alan ave , l.uchatgh. Ail
.t 11I' the Mr
.4116:2"4".. .wd awnrlsnta
RjR i as • olo�hn. oa1grafi n ta ssjny the drive.
Alex. McLennan love. for Duluth short
tide for lis tly 11 Mum, ih the special • la enn•Ider•ble of
nostiair tseastl�_ h•�id1, in which arty new lye Ales., 1lreaah • bills
maraltere were Meted to the chin. a reediemie and will sndoubtedly make •
Tia Yra ion hone hum McIntyre. wee food tr•dasallm' We wish him prosperity.
da Siallrih 1....,..4 andpur•chaeudaoarlyd Red. Me)keser is at present vesting
.hems valued et 87,000 which he took with friends •ad �i� �� in this locality.
himps) Salt Lake, to shapes" ..f to the Mew B.to to k"jolly I 7 cd good la.vea�
meas sae) Oosldes of the city. He purrhal'
ed the "Maar, mare" owned Cy lien. HOL Y1Ll.E-
Whitely far the aura of 11488. This sabre is (rano aw•a swfr . , 1 ,... )
three maze old 66.1.4.n s - a 46 .tip, awl '1'b. Methndiet church af our village was
M .had by (•rlil'be and (leer (Wit dam, literallyremelted to listen to Dr r Potts
lumber drawing lumpon Tuesday atter- ea plahh awr•wing last. A Iva* a.mher
own. Me. 6.1111. Arntatrnag, Thanes Man Colborne, Clinton, lee., were in atie
RMA, 1i.ter, asst with • asrirus .ee'bieet d*soe. 11aw .ammo was !il'ewasd 10 with
ley fall ohe load. th. wheel wing parapt etteation sad was rpry high') tippet
.wee leu (tHw ds, ..atairwrl a .ev-wre elated.
cwt over forsheed ami his none eras cat Me..td Mrs. Irish, 0001late, err t eat.
.gaad. ik liynarnan was immediately sem- is, their daagl.e r, :gas , of
monad and droned the wound He is doing tar repass _ _
es well as can be expected
A large attendants b HlgaNai at thallIft
Mrs R Stiles and Mn. H. rim -butt, ter supper serer the a.....ef the C,f
WingMm. were dot leu a 'bona .Na 4tindsy of this village on Wednesday
•fMrno. with a broach., pont . and when We regret to record that Philip, 1M
war the howa wry e4 TerwM►y .nd Cabot. driest .rad Charles Orwell, tad with as
the boatels tees Ir ht at mnurthing and a+eident which will confine Ann to the hews
res ion the leers fl. belies either hernia few an time ithst hang swam that the
er;comf91!ttmest net. Mrs. stelae re- em
rir dem in the lease was opts h. Ise
abbe g kirk an the 4wwibtr rawer .114.10,4ents at'..w*h . striking his adasa
the pray, eassi*g • very severe h.Mist. A w dem as to pottwo sr oaao."1:1 l
boldly Iso bans were broken, All rem elle hem die vsei MM
i l se NeM. hlaw•
Iron ght 1aea. M friende in the v i.•isity. ever, improving.
Blew tae 1 Mb la N/tag ■e-
tsek • slated rat M a t/eaDal Tiger
Pre..le.re ear la grippe 1 ('tack Mei
Mar Iter at the awn salt 1.
t rime of u uwr. nawsroet tor. 1
THE following is the lige of officers
elected iu North Star Iod ire No. 317,
1. D. (: T., at hart meeting = 1'. T..
Br, W. Cunningham ; V. T.. M. ilrngden
it ter. , J. N. Steeled ; tin race , ('. Mau
cling ; chaplaie, Jamie Fairwervaue ; treasur-
er, SI.. M. Riley ;guardM. Lee ;
sentinel. UmH. 111.1ti.0 ; .J. F„ bro. A.
Brunsden : P. C. P. haat* 1%'reednan ;
organist, Se.. E.. Callender.
Don't forget the grand hall t.. be given
1.v .1. Roll, our worthy landlord. aright
1 fe`riday.l
Mr. J. Archib ald,horsc buyer:./ .aseaforth,
was an our village to Monday hooking
for line io,rees.
1t. Wallace suctealel ul owning the sib
ver cup in ('!intuit last week. Not had for
Lou.ieslo rough's crack slot.
Quite a number of our delegates atteude,l
the .district meeting of the I. (1. t:- T. this
week and report a grand meeting.
!,Mite a number of people .4 this place are
laid up will something sandier to la grippe.
We hope for their speedy recovery-.
Our buys tow spend thetirhts playing
ftball. and have some strpngly- contested
games. "lhx•." is the logy to unpin the
Son,,, o1 our principal sports are out oN .
rationally on thr hunt for rabbits, which
they ae•en, to he g...1 at, bringing bone a
veil.; number.
The meetings of ti,r Hibbs clam held at the
parsonage on Min.1..y night* are largely at
tended owing to the efficiency of Bev. .1.
Fergus u, the pastor.
Sonia' dances seena to be the rage at pre.
sent, there having Leen as many as eight
within tire .sibs surrouldulg thisplace on
past Friday- evening.
The saw -mill of D. Huber isn..�r in full
}.last. Dave is a pusher ami I..und!to keep
things nerving, owl the sleighing isonly+nec
canary to help him along.
We are only too pleased to see J. Hill
once more in our midst. lout the phasing
event tort/idly rests more especially upon
.ate of our fair young lath...
Nimrod saw what he supposed to he a
wildcat anti sent his best men after it. only
to return with the disappointment that it
was a cat known as a barnyard cat.
Mr. A. Milken, our .h .maker, has ltrid
the interim- of hos shop repainted,which adds
greatly to the appearener of the establish-
ment and is • meant to our riiinge.
lrW.w;:nfR law. r..RRr.+,•4,r1.1'T.1
('. M. Jones, et -teacher ..t S. S. Nu 3,
was visiting friends here last week.
Nies Seller, teach•. of ie. S. No. 13,
.prat Sunday at home.
Mr. and Mies Sloan. aha have been visit •
ing at J. Henry's for the_prat few weeks,
have retarded home.
.loan Fothergill has retnnaeoi boner• front
Manchester, where In las kern working in
the gristing null.
Unite a number from herr attended Rev.
Geo. law's lecture .n "Religious lhssipw,
lino" ta kelgrave last Wednesday night.
Mr. !tensest gave a lecture on the bene-
fits derived from the Patrons ..f industry
in S. S. Nei 8 and 13 no Friday and Satur-
day nights respectively, but did not succeed
in getting many. members.
A great :many attended the wedding u
the Westfield church on Wednesday. the
21st bruit.. the , parties being
Mrs. Frury, of Fist Wawamsh. and Mr.
Hrnwnrr1iddr, of Hespekr. Rev. Mr. Swan,
of Manchester, performed the cerefwny
and then presented the couple with a hand
some family iBible from the trustees of the
church. as this was the first wedding in that
church. The invited guests them repaired
to Mr. 4. Hoovers, where they parte** of
the wedding dinner. The happy couple
left on Friday mornirig for their home in
Herpekr. We pin with their many friends
in wishing them a pleasant voyage though
[racy ora OW. 001*1taro3LL.T. j
W. Wester is borate from Glenna He is
looking well and sayshe has gained, amongst
other things, fifteen pounds. in weight since
he went away.
A hall wail recently given at the private
residence of the chief constable for Porter's
Hill A large numbered invited parte were
pelmet, knifngst them the chief constable
or Clinton, and we believe front the talk of
those who were there a very rimiest even
ing and early part of .text day owl' spent.
Tire reply to my statement. re repairing
blackboards, he, at the sehordhome. Iles
come (rets the oaatrweter. Very good, only
1 expected it would mome from snotr wCrt�,y.
On heresy it is not for nee to coattirl ct a
ern, but I would tike tosak Mr. B. aqueatios,
for all his attdanos threat of " castigation c"
Did he rseeire • pig or mat f if he .1111, did
it squeal whirs he was taking it honk • (1t
how did those men mete to lamer he got
owe a if he did oat get nee I uppers the
buggy must hare wanted nil sad their tivll
inag natica s pet it down as a pig. But
spirt from the pig 1 shorn like to be in
formed .f be ',calved 111). hes re scinthie
dutr�w ler heard, fwd ataterbsbse
star Mask. as that ama.Sat was charged
to re meths se kis bill.
Te tks remota..
The level rummies w W►IanY.ss 1a the
.'neap" 1 lM rateraeJaearnl-
•'sews well 1Nrt.tat7 r ■aaqu raille
ruralist - tertMnt N a prl.kr.
(VW.e o1-11.14. t.\4r,1e•e.1RPE.T.1
THh. K Ingham curlers played Rrusrels
Friday afternoon hut.. the *core
bring 33 points in favo. of Brussels.
Saturday sfterWeu last. Masters bred.
Hunter fuel Fred. (:ilpun gave a show in
'•Billy' Smith's *bop. 170• attendance was
leree, and for little fellows they del welt.
The pelt* WWI 1eryreasonable. 1rent. A
flambee of little ladies sere there.
A. Hunter was at Toronto a few dans
this week.
We are glad to stat' that S. B. is cluing
mealy now.
A number of our people took m the Wim(•
ham carnival Tuesday night.
It is reported that we are flout t.. leas*
Simile. Ile hasa position in ihtroit.
\Ge wish you well, doctor. -
Thc• plate glass fresh . iM. $trettul , new
Mock are a great ": t. 1t has :t city
appearawr. It is geeing MI* a helnle. ne
Mr. King :a rang to ;lint a grand ma*
.,uerade earulcal bene Friday. Mier 3011..
I :....! tee and reasonable phos. �p t n.iss
thso treat. i
Arrangements are 1N»itg made to get the
world honed fancy skater. Mr. Saunders. of
:alt, to gitr an exl,l.itioo her-. He i, an
Al skater.
Rec. Mr. Smyth, of Herriatuu. took
charge- of the Methodist ret,v:,l. *delay.
He was greeted by :t large crowd. The
meetings were cuttnuel all week.
'We are sorry t. *tate that -)nn. Italian
tree, of Th.• Poet start. put his knee out of
joint Smuiay morning. He u •Lie to walk
around, however. Ile will soon lac •'P•ich-
nol` again. we trust.
Ham' Whitely, of 1\-inghntu. mein town
Sunday. He is managing the rink there: Ida
ice is -'just lovely.- Harry is ahway s wel-
come here. but he will moist upon, ceturn-
inE to business tm sone. "Why don't you
day lunger. old b.oy
A load of young people started for 1\-r.r-
der Friday t•veniag. When they were nicely
out ..f town through some a..ri,knt they
Nolte down. "they repeated to a Jana house
and got a god -old Barry ill." anal gala
there without any further difficulty.The
concert was good an.l a large crowd was
t here.
[vane ora ons, I rickl.M` DENT. 1
F.ausrt wit ' l'omataa. lin Thursday
evening Wet n grand concert and entertain-
ment was given in the town hall here, under
the ampere.. of ('curt Varna, No. 264,
V. One of the leading features of the even -
nag was the wonderful . on the
rnlutta! daa.ef 1,. Mrs. and edits Annie
Nage. of Walton. Under their magical
touch they 1.rought forth :he sweetest of
n.wic. They were well received and hetarti
ly encored., The singing by the Platoon
quartette club, as well as the dialogue which
lley rendered. was deserving of much praise.
1 No hareem s1 Ihr t al.d.alan bola
1.athrr old .NIIrr reseed seas The
electric I1m141 motor. Ma awas Tar +mal-
•at1.. arms 11.141... L.rka.w.
(r14.1r ..t owli. r..Eetp..nw.1T. 1
THE l'aledonian 11411 hell in their" hall
,n honor of the annirereary of Robert
Burns, !trotia's pttrnn purl, .wl Friday
night, proved a ampullcrot once. in every
way. Fully one hundred ....airless were pre,
e1i, antuogrt Whom 1 noticed H. 1'. O'Con-
nor. M. PP.: th. Moires F'ant{ulara,u.
\t'alkerta.0 : A. 1). Rum:anew, K. tarn
p.11gnr. D. Whitely. F. Mel mire, oleo.
Price, (:a•. Nairn, \1 . F. smith, Misses H.
Smith K. Ball. F:. 1'urrat.,H. I►onagh (:race
Polly, Mims )1-i gzsnrr, t u.Ierich : Allan Me
Connell. London :.blot, Md:regur, Toronto;
K. K. 11.11, Listowel ; F. Johnston !)ave
Aitn•aid, t%lttghal.,:.1 Markin, 11'roxetrr t
.1..holaust.n, Illurvale. The nineic, w4ich
was of the very hast, wee supplied !y' the
Walkerton strung hat!. 1 be committee
were ustirrng in their efforts to see *11 cnpoy
A Mandl .ot the Salvat.et Anuy has
bombarded Lucknow. •
I hear there a aline agitation fur a new
cemetery. 1t is much needed.
1Mve Leal/envy audWilli.• Mc Arthur Sun•
,L.ye.l iii \Gingham on the 25th.
1►ur curlers have leen 1.eaten twits• this
seta*, tow, lel \\ alkertoa n anal again l,a.
The amlual *octal .i the Ltt.•knoa tial
Fellows will he held i80 Friday. the 27t1..
They are always a suexe. •
The I.u.•know• Glee Club, un.kt the Haul
agement .4,Mr. 1:. K. Kerr. take tort ata an
etttertammrot at Lane. the. week.
The electric light was *gain hurtling on
Tuesday night. after a rest .if some weeks.
It 1. 1e.1 at all certain hole long it will last
this. time.
Some young men from \\'ingharn amused
themselves an.l disgu*lei .mr quirt liriug
citizens driving up at.l .town l'amphell-at. -
en '.cedar last.
Sacramental aerv-icz,. were Lead ut South
Kinloss church Sabbath last. and similar
.ervices will he held in Knox church, Luck •
now . this coming Salabeth.
Another of our old .ettlers passed away
on Saturday, the 24th. at the family rest -
dente. of 'Si, con. 13, W. U. , A*hheld, er
the pardon of Mrs. t'athenne Campbell,
.relict of the late Kenneth Campbell, who
.tied .stout twelve years ago, at 90 years ..f
age. Mrs. ('. was 85 when she died. They
sett) d in Ashtk-ld *tont thirty Years ago.
coming from arolesehir•. Scotland. They
less, two ilaughters,marnrd to Charles Me-
Lep1., Alpena, and Gregor :Mclean. t'aln-
met..efitt•foou seri, Alutander. who is chief,
tuprnntetslent of the Chime". Burlington
$ tluuncy K. R., Roderick and John on the
farm, and Kenneth, manager of John (:rnn-
e h's st.,rehuiei, L.uekrove.
[rime now 1114.. nwlLPm\PIN T.1
Mies Maggie Healy •isite.l friends at Kt.
Augustine last week.
flirt dotal age trey neat 1a alple) - Taw Orr
Mad N awe* - Laval peraosal Rami► a
that tatted to ewa1Kt
Iasi week.
(Molt urn 01. comlatleox DL. T. (
AYl►GN1: lady in the suburbs of our
town has celebrate.) her 21st birth-
day twice in three )carr.
Kenneth /:rattan, of Gtalenela, is regatta -
ed at the Martin House.
Mr. and Mrs. 'I'.dll. of \Velkcrton. are
the guests ,.t J. Kennedy.
Jaek..l returned Saturday after
*pending a month aith his ala.
%1'm. Crawford leads the choir in the
Huron I'll tbyteruu. Will. is a goon)
1.w black stool on the btu -lung plank,
When all the boy; were working,
And said 1.e would not du a t.1,
Till now n.l.. k in the rawlplug.
Miss .Gnue Coiling left Saturday for
Toledo, (Phi., to visit her sister, Ma. Geo.
Rogers. We uwlerstalnl Lew. w ill rani
quit idolizing at the Queen'...
(lathe says bl• sat up Friday night iii
catch the Six train ow. Saturday udarneng.
He can often he seen with a tear in pus eye
now. Keep up your courage. ley. rhe will
lie lick iu,two *eels.
A fire broke nut in 1). alcLerors premise*
at. 3 a. m. 'Thursday, *ben his .t•tre, dwell
ing and contents ..f loath were eY•ttsuu d.
The Nays had hand work t.. save Mr. Shel-
ton',. t.rrding-house. We clay fh►nk our
ruler Ptd. for the able way he pet tile' tire
brigade t.. faun that uwrting.
[Toho 1_a Tr. rot. L -•a 14e.'..
Howard Ind.'. of Walkerton, is visiting
Ripley friend,.
Ma.. Itohert Sw•lwrll, of Ripley, is *isit-
ing friesila so Knee: Mine.
H. P. Chapman, the Ripley printer, visit-
ed the cit) of Toronto last week.
Mins Emma Long. of Medicine Hat.
Manitoba, is back to ipky fora trip.
,lu.lgittg from the heavenly repression
that is c•ntiuually es J. hacker's face we
would say that a newly arrived young lady
is .taking favorable inlpry'wone on him.
The carnival tame oto' very nicely on
Friday. The icy Alas ;peel. the crnwef was
large. and ,I. L. gave sonny v cry ban.isonte
and t altaide present* sent* nw-ay without a frown.
We understand petty thieve. have l.eeu
at work in awne ton or three placer lately.
Roes, take care 1 The fed nuuteio1 has been
vacated for some time ; rousepnenth' it
will 1* ver .odd just now.
Lest **play morning the sidewalks in
thispkee were very- slippery. The result was
Mrs Chapman. *r., fell and got hurt pretty
badly. "the same morning Mrs. F. Mc-
lbnall fell and broke her arm.
lathes of industry are motel for
getting their dry -gouda very cheap, but lust
Friday one of them Leat the record by get.
'ting r pair of omits for nothing. Luckily
Ling Joh.. taught hint in time.
M.Rrien liras. are our principal black-
smiths. They report business good, and we
should think it is. for they are working both
The songs /,vets by lie Towne, ..f `eaforth, lobo Mcintrrh. of Mullett enjoyed a early and late. The re•s.m they in so
he 1' b • A ]i K r vie hen ht 1.. gnat the fanners know goxul trevhan
and ) 'uuKacs
• t via Ouse e r y o r, pleasant tuft ben- last week.
down the hose ever time. 1R. Bethune, by the wu:k they d.•.
c,( $eafnrth, delivered a very able and in- The "nut" ."1111ce11"tiotal meetil,m of the It is said theis m
a an ih Ripley that
"tractive address on the principles and tome 1 fi h Incl l orti Thntwda re
PrIllton. Ione rr,.aIhilI.s 1 .wrpla• of pa -
Tater. wool stood price. ►.dear far saw
of Ib, *1 selpk and t.odrrleb
a.■, teens aa..ads)'averted.
Irmo* .1111.01.• .',raltl)tru%DE'L J
MOST .4 the surplus potato crop is
being uerkete.a lust now owing to
the high prices obtained.
Our reeves are away at Gotarieh the
week attending smutty council.
Petlti a. for the total prohibition of the
Liquor tr.aic have been circulated in the
different churches, and erre largely signed.
A game of Got hall sat played last Satur-
day afternon ti between the pupils of S. S.
No. 1 and thole of No. 7, ('laabrook, on the
gowns of the latter. No. 7 chole ant Vic -
All . bearing an the extension
of the C. P. R. from 4.uelph t, (:oderieh are
wabohed with interest oy the people of this
section. Everybody would like to see the
coal go through.
A big surprise party. with well -titled
baskets, from S. S. No. 8, visited the rms.
.knee of ('. Bowerman, teacher in S. S. No.
1, last Friday eveuiog, and presented that
grutlwnan with a well-filled purse. He had
previously- taught in No. 8 for six years in
succession. A most enjoyable evening was
sprint by all in .lancing, feasting, singing
and social chat.
We expect t.. see .1. K. ('asoulay, Tun
St:N.IL's justly celebrated . , agent,
iu Grey toe:ship nest week. There is an
excellent field here (ear subscription -getting
for the brightest. best, newsiest, largest and
cheapest newspaper in the Huron •Tract.
One dollar item the busuea., and every one
who wants the best newspaper should hare
the dollar ready.
*woe ul ►: o14. dopaxcnr,.DaNT.)
A great many children aro at present suf-
fering from set ere colds.
The sleighing a excellent this week. and
business in consequence is lively.
Death has 'wean busy in oar midst during
the last week, there tieing two leas than two
funerals sol this .'..m•taan.ut this week.
Dr. Slew, of Toronto Misdate Room'.
spoke very forcibly upon the subject of
mleshNu last Sabbath in Zine, church.
There hate been quite a few persons who
have haat another attack of la grippe,
hut the majority .4 them are getting better.
The mill yards are beginning to feel tat
want .d much sleighing. There has not
been as much !maturing done as in former
'Cupid must have heed very busy firing
his love darts lately-. We have no less than
three weddings in this vicinity this week.
We wish our young friends 'a happy anti
. enrage over the sea of time.
tram ova"w'. roatsecti6NT.j
Revival services are being heat in the
Methodist church.
W illiant Burns, of Buffalo, is buying pieta.
etas for shipment to the United Strtr*.
Mr. Joseph Nixon has retired from hotel
basitteas, aiwi has rental to Moses (-tamp-
Pres nyterlwn c nn was o y has ot .ne hnDdredd erns d arwi tub Mews. McKay Mei Sharpe have twntract-
fita r,f the ('altadiisn lMier u( F'oxraters ea ening, Rev. .1. A. Anderson being in the ggn. ed with G. T. Hy. to load lb can of saw -
chair. The minutes of last year's meeting t.taltlew• Nevertheless his 0nn17 caw has not dust for ire packing at Sarnia.
Tow reading given by .bas. grandArnsuccess
was were read by 11, 1'unmmui ar retary of the laee•u in a atahk of any kind this winter Button & Foment, of Nc�fia m. are r
highly a uJel. Thesoars. of mm/reti and then the gtrra.urer of the et. MOI ref the .any.
`" chasing hardwood logs at Wititechnrch pur-
IRIu .
the eomocrrt was Joe in a great measure ng• the town think Frank weull not biriln'
to the wit irmg effort* .n the part of tat church, John Horton, gate a statement of shipping them to their mill at K ingh•m
me committee. Thr proceeds aemwn aha ruxiptr awl rxpen.es .4 1890. The eythuulngg out of place if he had the wealth
tagtng J
latter, but wMckel ran pulled over the roes While in the bosh on Tburx
ed to if13.
r, however, erre a little ahead of the I chopping Ly,
receipt* fly motor it was decided that a cruelty to animals. the 15th, a eery tab accident occurred t.:
I,tite • number of our
pow'4 pe,pk at sulreritiro list I,e placed in charge of A. N'erilme•e1ay, 14th imt...everul of our James' tam of W. Thom. who reosivedsevere
tended the ,arnica) het, et Reyhelh .n p 1' Rin metes truer the tall of a tree end en the
( Macdonald and I► tramming t.. collawt won
PeaPI fpnrtg I.ntkrnnw, � Monday & ed He was buried at
i e were leen to
Tuesday mewinglast. among the members and adherent/. t.. make am on enquiring the ream we found that St. Hale.. i u '
IVellisgt.a Johnson and Mese* Cassie u the defi.ieucy, mal at the meeting many there was • wedding tekiznKr place there.
t We mtnderstamb A McKenzie was the Them
directors Johnston sal Addie Armstrong are • ( there present headed in an amount t/ Angus h tars of the Whitechurch cream -
present vesting friends in the vicinity of minis it The collectirola* taken Gr mia grown and Miss Mary Saunders oke bride cry met kh the Fnresten' hall on 17th lost
*lea forth.
Ris.L+. A very pleasing event
took place on Wednesday. else 14th ort.,
when John Dennison, of this place, was
united in matrimony to )piss Bella McMur-
ehie. The ceremony was performed medl at the
residence of the pride's mother, in the
township oaf Vaughan. York, by Rev. Mr.
Watt. The bn.1e was the recipient of many
beau tful and valuable prevents. Their
many frieds unite in wishing them a
happy and prosperous journey through a e.
(vane oca owe oomkn.ro. oltSl: j
The Laird •'f Lansdowne Farm a llipd d
the repeat Farmer* lastitate held V
rich and was so pleased with the
that he is bound to be to the front hy build-
ing a silo shortly. Our architect is already
LI: the p and sbo
peeiations for
While playing at recess with her school
mats Friday morning of lair week Magpie
McAllister fell on the ice, rutting her knee
rather badly. Ono of her crenrades, Jennie
()lee, took her to a house neer by, when onw
of the sick cmmm,ttee's staff was ready for
the emergency with some of the contents of
the medicine chest. The wound was dressed
anti the patient le favorably as
we go to proton.
Ta A /act. -'rats of the ruing Inca!
mwre.gg�nmers in oar midst, hating a point of
difference on maehlaery, adpurned to a
granary to prove whose theory was right.
In turning the fanning mill to their ear
prise the fanner. seemed to have • weight in
themewlvea. In aninver to their complaint.
to each other that neither was turning the
mill right, the sweet marled chirps n. a
rodent broke oat in earnest appeal to give
the &whine is fear of the afirwrtive.
A great number from distant parts of the which, however. wee not heard hy the
meaty ordering or mooning to (.wlwieh for e.ginwenewhn tamed the mill with • speed]
Wiped'. System Rewmratr and nob sewn- tmmtitml of 226 Ile of mttsitlar power. wk.
edam, .carriwg considerable expunge and is • little ahead of .tram wrnetinee. After
, winter l d ink now that these a tnn of sit minute.. the struggle.
rsmadiss .•aa he had hv.wa any druierbit he nsam.d onside read the elides of the ad11.
teem (loam !Mead and Ssafnrth. Yrz i/e- which the hays had shut unaware' heifer*
Land'a Streed%r (:ern and K A. McLmmarl . etsrtirag, wpewmod .sd gbr ward • cwt
=r10•11 be .ndersel if not is sink. ewe 116s ion waditt (MA had
tiornmrn, ties L.Di.r
I�r� � �•! rasa Aero
Lad, ..*ufaetwrsr awl ,.. a. 3ww. a I = 'n ' tor t
sooner) schemes show an increase over the ami sane who were there say they wen andplacedthe following : buttermilk
K King, 25
previews year. The chairman read the the
I pair they erre saw. They w t aeasa a fermi to
.. .4 John Linkater as choir leader were married in the bride's father's hawse Terrie ; tap W. W ilnn, 30 tar d ice : to H.
of the , which „ties, he has by Res. Mr. McKay and then all the guests McKay, the drawtnat of the staters eream.
&My filled hsr fifteen years and wow resign* wet to the Caledonian Hall. where they BLUEVALE.
on the eve of hie removal from here. A had an excellent time. There were shoat
vote of thank* was pained to him ani the 200 c said they daneed until 6 o'clock
(rune ore OWN )
secretary losing his *ervicr* with theveten( the meeting was instructed to lam
Theta were present own pipers, two The young men of the $ltueivale PrlebY
write the *inerre regret .J tar . - violinist* and one organist, wise rendered tertian church .net het Saturday evisiag sad
in lit tbeaks first,ela. music. The bride got the finest organised a "Volunteer Help Society; with
for the Aliened manner he had named the display of presents that was ever received the following officers : President. A. Mae -
service of song since the foxrnatios of the two an ons don of the kind in that aeetion. Ewes ; ricepresident, J. Johnston ; .ee.
oomgr•egatiin. The appointment d a auc \: a take this , y of wishing the treas., H. Rees ; a.sistant *ecretary. W.
mese was les* in the and. ear the chair. young (o,up le • long and bigpy life. Maxwell. They intend to hold • grand
The matter of getting sane mind for the
church was pet on the shoulders of Jabot.
RoBoggn, jr., ami r. Stewart. Ilse chairman
gw,ke briefly on Sunday school matters. in
l e appointment of Sunday school officis4.
A. C. -Macdonald was n •ppr.inted superin-
tendent, if Mr, Macdr.m•!d his
resignation and will work in the Mab1rth
alma for another year, which is the earned
wish oaf the tier. The *cwtary
and treasurer oft bhrth school will al•
an continue in he duties. The meeting
agreed to • half yearly tax of thirty rents •
family for Sabbath who'd Ferpero., and if •
iihortage of fund* remits from this for stip.
(hems the tnwattrer ie to draw on church
rands not ninsion hoses. The officers of
the Sabbath school and hoard of
the church were all rear another
year. Daring Inst year we noticed that
Capt. ,las. Bogie was collecting in aid of the
standing debt of the church and to ra
h r., were engaged in cutting timber on one of Iden Warwick. Hallett, has atoll his fi0
his efforts Mer debt is now reduced to M7, Mr. Thome' farms and hal sawn a aorm term to lir. Thomas Rogerson.
maple rxnta Y off the dump The *awe .la the hew.. of (. Avery. na
8T. HELENS. concert in the near future.
(mow lana ow Vrw•tar_ The P of Bluerate
I1i•atar L Errata bowl Mir Laura wen ion are holding • series of socials. Last Wed -
des village arae Sunday, tF a guerta of Mr. modal evening • goodlynumber with well
taster ',amt. repaired to Samuel Awdar-
sn's and .pent • pleasant evening: The
R. Marys i• building • large addition to atraou lfe d to $10. The .est u babe
r alae- Masers, Nlie,Tt$ t (:emir have Id
d �l). Frwser'e neat wake
1ha work in band.
Yammers In this viciaitJ are taking ...l
orae ea( the etoelkret .leighin at present
Os T••• 4•1 eves' last week alter tegr g
pryer-noeting at Wm 'ebb's, on the 12th Naw toga are cowing into the mills of half
S. Hugh Rutherford, jr., who has con- t Revert in great numbers. One day lest
ducted a , doth school during the summer week goo Naris were delivered. Epsom 60 to
in Haat section, was presented with • floe yp teams are drawing logs, and up to this
goat robe as a small token of appreciation time over 150,000 fort of mows. work
d bis .ervi.ler has beets sawed, and the grounds wrround•
A taws distrewiass occurrence happw ifs the mills are covered with Mea.
Thursday, them 1fitF, which nwltwd 'n
e the
nonan ton one d cur promising Monthly horse lair in Ru,tpu ii on There
mem. the that daj) Mew.. Jame* ,lay Feh'y 5th.
111044 sea of Wm. Thootr, and .la .na flaunt,
in all To the captain for his laudable and tree ppi1.etd y
able work in this matter the church nows a tree fell in • different direction i- - -- real Stanley.
drop grw y of that sprloted and betew+ obey milfin
dell of titude. lu trot of 1 i Mon w l
y '
up in dry dock lilts him vassal during the get, out of the way tar toe had thrown Mr.
winter monde the .atptain learwly lettJwl Those to aha greeted. 14rik' his.. across 1 lg. t:ilww.n. daughter a in
mf the I:ilrtwarr, Ntan who ora ham nen
the wind -stertor a mists d t winter them b' with peat fie"' sad tejwriaf hie '
seesaw which many • bushman wnald quail terribly. teeth hi ham..gie- Yon. teat bar Dearly ten years, armed
Mehr,, and aa,00w'eled in nearly carrybmgcwt mdrinternal injuries. He miscarried home A.rrnw art week. Waw like the \\'rase wad
the project ; and he ons yet mdertake to aa.l swiftest inteneal satil hand. oaten , Maiming in ehr string.
■ ie sero was to him Helene haryi oma 171-alneaM .
) w
onlleet the h•I.n,e. stanli g rote of desalt eww.d_ Hie ftmurai tank pints tont. For tone time . large white owl M' Iwe.a
thank kir th' ion towhee*
gnonwd ) fwd havers amain. the fSen. arm the Hay4d+l
by meeting, with the mneerr wish that was very hteil atteedwd. Mr (:aunt had nod, almost hall • mile from (lints. and
• reams sad emend will keg be irparerl to a most 1. serape. in his wn.iravnr 'Awl. ta capture et were 1, arta
promote the welfare rd the ehnrcfm in the to get atel aithe my he stuahled and fell the other day whe W Fronton. • wail
ratan ted Ate sentare will ever be resters into • deb, the tree hlliag right seer him known aporbilyn, eneese.ded in lasemag it
Atm* by OW T mreh him. Th/ it i• tali that tat spume eAdilh, w tete thews, jt Maar ei pre et *craw tits
SOMA % + bar int* k ^r Anson ite tr+ 1. M+ weer
"" Op. steels will
Nt.san vn: astt el