HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-1-23, Page 7CHRISTMAS SEASON.
We have just . eived in stook for the holiday 8028011
selection of novelties in pgltu'e linen goods, the finest ever
in Goderich, in
and Embroiderod, P:aio lloiiistitcb
d Drawn Thread Tea Cloths, 5 o'clock Teas, Napkins,
able Runners, L. B. Covers, Tray and Carving Cloths,
a. OMT.
tbm!r etre
' nudes
Patent Of
temi nem
�i.. w..�.
i wj ods.
lo▪ *V
ut t1a
w, advise,
Me in yew
Asa D.C.
✓ rte title
• Imaging
a became
.her Rome
rt A rfhtar.
• r of .1
Iawl in hot
1 • hook
a Wall nl
New by
h reader
the head
glace Use
i)) rare
andsome Novelties in Handkerchiefs.
Embroidered, Initials, Fancy Drawn, Hemstitch, pure
nen. All prices, commencing at lOc.
8 dozen samples of Men's Pure Silk Fancy Handker-
'efs, from Welsh, Morgetson & Co., London, Eng.
Early inspection invited of these goods.
1 heir d eMn4.
`You needn't 01y your (tame is Jones:
We know you by your looks
We've men that bearded features gay
la all our story books.
lftbongb we to often tried to keep
Awake to capture you
t'ilb.e our mocking' to the brim
With candies red and blur.
We've never. Dever caught you yet
About the cblmner place.
We arc the only little ones
Whet a met yea face to face.
"I snow yon well;' said seats Claus.
"Your uame it Tommy Krown.
1'oa its eat 7 Maple Street,
Near Simpson, Morristown.
1 used to take roves father tors
When be was s w11 like you.
lad to your Orawd andel/Pm
The Reverend Thomas True.
Though glad to see you and your friends
ley time. you motet perceive.
1. pret+fon%. awl 1 mast prepare
By pack. for Christmas Kt r..
leered.' said little Tonna; Brown.
-We wi 1 sot interfere
With you and your toy factor)
To us so eery des:.
I've oaly came to reader you
A vote of bears -telt thanks
e'or all your tops and Noab's arks
And penny Mehr -basks•
I represent my little friends
R bc)ove yon ler and near.
And treat that you nay not he sick
On Christmas ere this year -
Then Manta Claes his'vista:ere .troked.
Avid pie • bratty laig!a.
\aid 10 each happy little child
Tendered hie autograph,
they trod in vain to follow bin.
To secenatn the way
He pled up childhood's precious oblate
Cpon his deer drawn sleigh.
Whet. !sats Claw observed them all
Tiro field bailee him stem.
tie dived into s snow -drip, and
That wee the Int of him.
Mar • ill..iie a Meek sad.
M11.. A. .1. WMid/sem 'sremarks moo ion
eg the depravity of the stale sex have set
enc thinking. Yash sent.xo•e. ea ••Men
worn dereietx• ever" and the Rade text
•All men are liars" erne tes my mind.
Then 1 know that the 14). says,"IWMws,
getteth a wife getteth a good thistle" but 1
ion t think it says that '• 'hneo g ttrth a
hn•bah.l getteth a good thingg still 1
think that agirl who gets a hushend ..f the
•cht stamp .Ms get a good thing.
Nn. Williamn.t writes that "there are
• ern who would he gore) and kind ander any
,rcunrtances, and there are others who
enter' be uukind under an;a
thele are, and a wear jttrl will take every
precaution not G. he afflicted with one of
:be hitter for haslian•!. A mart Is. the
privilege of choosing hu ,..misniom for Me.
ind a woman has the same of she exert -ewe
it. The trouble ie. she very often dors not
• atrcist it. The mane, are vanoe. 1 hire
earl ethnics s man hecauee he a the fust
rens who stake her, and she thinks that per
hap he is the only one who ever will ask
her, et, she says, "Yes. thank yon,.. and is
married hefts e she realism what she is doing
.lnotber girl marries a Haan b.oause he tells
her the is the nnly girl he ever did or (mild
r wookleare for anti that i( site .los not
carry him hew ill go to the mi•rbief, for he
.ill never marry any one eke. That is al!
•,o neeviae. The very Name fellow would be
with the old lore and on with the new
before a month. i know this is not et all
latter t.. • Cr. vanity, but it as true
'..vThee another ;,girl name* a
naw to reform him. Nn woman ever made
greater mistake mime lid'. wife looked
i rck at the wicked rity from w hick .he
rose fleeing and wan turned into • pilar of
alt. When there ie reforming to it drone
't dtnold resin before marriage, or engage-
•ne0t even, for if it dor* not it will never
-me at all. Young men have a thousand
emptatem• where a girl !w one. and girls
• ealle do all in their power. ohrt of mar
ing them. te help then to neat evil in
.Il its (yews.. 1f a pining win is a .lay. to
ligator and teams* a girl .hold firmly
cesium to fowin an with him
esteem leegives it up renpletely, and even
tern she .hnnld put him .m a year's probe-
no at least before she names' him. If he
'ally take' a gleam and cigar a*ewninsafy
she might ask am a perorates' fare- that he
Rive then up. 1f la will not do es, she
,nay he sung that he velum hie flaw sad
rip e. or hie own way. more than he dem
ere, and crest hien •seesedinriy.
A girl .Maid he perfectly sure that she
fully the eharwiter .4 a naw
Melee.. she embark's with hire on the tees
41.. Unaehsnwne ter of matrimony. Most
ly evey girl has two ey'w and two ears
gleam deer, and Ow should mak. gond nee o1
chest Ii. when she in net driving with •
rownif ern. the Mirth dose sat go fart
emelt' ea show nnw,ugh _ tea saki Na, he
gets m en awful paries and .wean at ft,
hat girl. if she el wine. will take care
t het the bare* you.ig ensu net .r take_
fle4lonity of seethe the mese way t wsN)
Nam?, Now. I don't stw.n to may that the
)'t .fa ihoeM net sit gaieliy, tied flap,
" Horse. please e:.. . Intl.. (aster. ..r
Hove, e'.1.'1 yo.. phew ge a little :low
eo hr should make the anitml mind, of
earth, hut the -re are ways end ways. Then
tae.: girl will not have much to du with
• man who speaks slightingly ofother young
lather of his reeesntanee, who boast* of
hoe many "nus hes - hr has made, how
melt a one thought she lel him. and re on.
each a man should lir periitcutly ' set .u.-
nwtaplsori.sll •. .of .r urge, end tater
awhile Me iould metope come t. the ems
elation that there were. not quite so shames
girls pining for him as he lad entwined.
Them there are stone young mets who are
m..tebo of politeness to their lady aoquain
tenon, and /defect home to their mothers
and sisters, Of .eerie 1 don't mean that a
brother should rush reran, the rowan every
times use of Ida sisters happen,. to drop her
htwdker.hief...r rise to held the do..r clan
every time smother sister p.m.w out, 'but i
do mean that he should Ueat hismother and
sisters with that true. bat often unpo ln.hr.l,
courtesy which ..leati n 11 uothntg else
should primp..
Another ter) imppo,rrtant Punt in the
eh•,ite of as hua)au.l sheets! be the religion
which he profess -1e T... maty neglect or
everhaok this entirely before marriage, and
it is the stire 4.1 endlexs bickering after
wand. My own opinion is that the wife
- should e'. with her husband. /liber, of
°purse, may think differently, but the gees -
the should .rrtainh- be amicably witted
before m*rraoeaggee. lO the girls who allow
yi,ung mob wlt..drtnal no place of worship
to meet them at the ehttwft dower and teacart
them home after aerviee, 1 have ewly le my
that they ars: building their houses .0 the
Mn.. 1WMatinee, writes that u man is
more interested in the last election than
any tea gran ever made by Worth.. Why.
of entree be he jest at election time : and
he wrnahlt't he any god if he were net.
But fo- the life of me 1 .sn't see why a tun
man eho•uhin t he interested in an .lection
tore. Iniegtne a roan rushing in full of en
thusiasm,. erliug, "We've -beat them, we've
haat them, (anieron's in," and his wife look
up languidly aid say, •What was he run-
ning for! and how deo ynu like my new tea
gown. dour!" MAli.. • LRf L.
Thr ala. .r Mimes.
The ,ins of women ' What ;.n• they
Perhaps the very gallant enan will any that
semen has. n. sins : that they lire perfec-
tion. Rut thio is not 11,.mrider :he subject
seriously : unci seriousness* bw•ing the object
of this article no attention will be peel t..
For women have sin.. and n.any of thee,.
Anel what time ..f year more tieing to re-
mind them of their erne than of the begin
sing of the year ! For god resolution* are
still in vogue with anew persons, and. NO for
others, it sill give them an nopnrtuntly
to think over the passibility id nuking
'If one elm-rvcs or thinks at all one nine
lie struck with the absence of all
of potrrty atamgg the multitude of persons
who have spent an murk time of late on the
streets and in the "hope. A shabbily drem.
ed woman, or even a ly dressed wo.
nein, tum & rata .e Seidel in. phtah,
velvet, satin, silk, embroideries and
iicmenteriea were upon nearly all
the woman who shop e morning in
the afternoon. and to evening. IN het
des it mean ! E...
This is nae of the chief sins of women
extravagance in arena it is hut natural
for every woman to Inc. beauty, to lore the
►wantifnl it everything, and to with to
adorn herself. But she overdoes it. The
age is luxurious sybaritic, in fact end
dream daily Iseconee more and mitre luxurious
and expolair.. Naturally, the rich woeful
indulges in a variety of gowns of every
nth fabric that is placed nn the markt, and
the piorrr trouan wishes to do the same.
11 is impnwil.Ie, Quite unpomijde• that
she dean ,In m, and yet she attempts it.
Result • Debt, of t»nrwe. But ehy should
she attempt what ie far beyond her means
This is a question that *he deem not cheese
to sneer : or, if she don, it is to my thet
the mart melte a decent : or
that she mama make sena nor go to evening
entertainments in rally : or that she will
not la a dowdyt •11 of which are very pm
tent teethes to Mr why she should run int..
debt. And en tom! 01criflw her peace of
mind Inc Ills flake of a few handtoate
gowns. -
MOW Sift
in choosing am tltlltnl that of a fine.
swoath grain. of a koigt red oar sod
white fat.
The week, seventh std eighth rile are the
rhni.est Inc roasting.
The flesh of gond real i• fines and dry,an.'
than jninta stilt
The Asch of gond Iamb and mattow keret.
with tbw fat very term aid white.
if pork it young the lean will break ea
►wines phnehed ; the fit will he whits. soft
and pulpy
eeo fill taloa
Rsgabr action of the hewed" is the key
'Anse of health. The 001 of K 11 B aaethe
it lewd esus , 4yapepla, eta
Male F. N Manse. 4411 lunar stroma ' 'ape
nits, M1tfe : ''`Have hard yews R.rtiaah
lwntwl litter far A std lea f•
the hard 1046 MIA bud 1b
Those Keasedlee Vow l'hiIbla ee-Ta Pre-
vent te ma low► -wow to atop 4.e.
laheedhag -Trestles • UIpktkerla Ma-
thew lAkle Things Werth ..Lag.
F: very often
Rat it Al lie
short Net or
ciijzrsttor flint
we rend snow -
vi Imre which
L groves a mosso -
-•�. tars ut help
�.r'•s�l e-' at mise critical
Tinter KZM*Utru, Perm ('at i a,.AI va. --The
modern remedies fur chilblains are legid.0
more almost than the sufferers therefrom.
Terse of the beet are. raw on1.4,s slked sat
bound up... the sons spots; nil of pepper-
mint well rubbed i:t; and tbird.y, tincture
of ember. applied a,:1. a feat her ur camels
hair brush.
WHAT WILL. 1•iti.t CR BeYN,Ta. -Easy -
shoes with wide w:.•• and l.tw heels will be
fouled the most eff,-.-t ual pretr.•utive of ban-
tam on the feat. Where they exist, tory
Qin Ile talL.ted by sp,!edug thick-
ly with cold •ream or some healing
salve. upon yolug to bed. A round pi.rr of
court plaster over the unguent w ill konp it
in place au'l safe soling the bed-ektbm:.
A lig..-BAnu is W1%Txtm--Pe.pda who
are fond d ere-batieug in rummer should
Meow that 1n winter a moat effective aml
yet lintpb.lebgtitute Inc sea water is •r..p
of rink salt dossed red In waren water and
aided to the bot1, A warm salt math u
tits kindle the insist refr.•.bimg tonic Loran
exhausted body. Hut da.'t goout of door.
atter taking it. Jud before going to tied
is the right time.
.4 erne FUR f'uI,,ot-1t e. -lt is a gond
thing to know in bummer when in the
country that a splendid and almost sure
cure for pnmtiw-ivy oon.ota of wool -lye.
Tie wouti ashes e a ares and boil a few
mxoaryts. Niue, leo that it will not be too
barsh, yet leave it quite strum/. Paint with
it the afflicted ports, and in ten minutes
thea off with rude tepid water, and entente
with v.selie. Repeat two or three times,
or till • cure 1s effected
How T., F'r..r Neer. Ili -,-..'-
tinned and olio:mate naso blew ing has beee
at thews very hard to stop, sad 0 eimpl.
ed 04'u Ave r•,:a dy wall no do0bt prove -
erek.'i u to those who I.ve in the country
or ata detente frim medic.l otter Luele.
Ileveral severe cases of with bleed here ere -er-
red at the
redsttb. Hcapt.s of the t'oivereity of Penn-
.ynr.,:•, test, after tryi.z, every expel.ant
without success, lir. U. 11. Agnew as a last
resort. tied ham fat`s' Two large cylinders
of 1.a.• w were forted well up ,•et, the ms._
trite• Itzeultin;.iti almost imnl.,i:ate tette(
and adleletire cremation of tba I
The easy remedy Mould be reuem►,eed by
tl.om who are subject to frequently reciter -
mg attacks of Dost' Wed.
TRx1Tt],, A l/1rnTnrt::A PATtIt2fT.-
fofpt.tuera is a met dreadful form of etre
tbrst. It is a cenehtuttu,al donne. a farm
of Waal putsootng, but lbs symp oma. usual-
ly begin ,n the tbruin. Thr wNob. surface is
ninamad and swollen, and bete and chere
either on the towels, the soft palate. or the
werronnding tissues are patches of moat -
brine, rather gray. yellowish or white.
Tbe.'e is difficulty in swallowing : the patient
as feverish and very mere exhausted.
To. d• etur aimed be tent ter at once and
every direction that be gives carefully tol-
lowe.t The throat is ua.aity waded con-
stantly with motors disinfectant N.401.40. ap-
p.ai d by means of a lowg-butdk.l brush, ur
• little soup made of cousin fastened on a.
small seek. It us very band to be ..bligeJ to
make the seek penal] submit to these treat -
tome, but the trey huge is in tarrying it out
The diet tenet be the meat nutritious that
run be obtmet Beef juice squeezed from
taw urea t mixed with cream, raw eggs
beide, hgh wttb a little water, milk and
white of egg wakes t err: bar, milk and
b seedy tr whieky, oyster troth made with
Rik tui tb the oysters timely chopped in it.
When the patient aentot swallow, pep:on-
lzed milt sod beef juice m,xtd with pen -
crest Me
an-crestlte and given by means of ene,ma-
Ladies' Home Journal.
bpedev-owl. Patchwork.
'•; •• yf-::.: •e.• a' st%e,: mt
4', .,-.
• •
A. ." .
Piiiitthet ramify
1a • theist aupri.e artiele Prealient
1pioe, of Valle i'ntversity, Aac.as e a �-
j.et which b . as intimate relation with iia
trot growth end prosperity of the theles.
We ate threatened to bear a great that
about -blue blood ' "first famine'," .ad
".4.9,08 of Moog descent,' pbrss r welch 1n
the mentos of many well-tbiaktnr scop,.
are entirely out of bummer with the Idta
of democracy. On the other hand, ciitdol of
* democratic argue that rs the
sheens of class diilnetitae high t o1
neon sad women weld not be prod
that deism -rate society obstructs' ahs
Metal haws est beredlGn
Preeidest K1iot is firmly onevlues) d
the "alae of gond or .apsr4sr family stacks,
altb,m& he dos. not Mot at the *ob-
ject from the ,tandpolet of tb. Anrb
m.nlae. He dare not moan riel dant)...,
woe 1 or other .nit -banded
pope who live la Haw The mer of
good family smelt easy be farmers, me-
ohanle, pr•ifonennal mum, or that sort of
awn of Wears wise work bard for the
public. Ahem, a11, however, the nee
kind of family w4Mh .knoll .apwri.11y be
multiplied and le thee la
whieb ge die manners, reflood lid.r
and honored. wont/manta are rhhlva(ed;
mod t.a melnteiw that "the meal ,no
I.KIt/ of a dsnaxrney tub re pereeits the
excellent and well endowed of either set
to rim osiers/wiled from lower to higher
heels, and watch gime merry
vorattnn in • fanny genet free oppwtieslry
b .ler lop, ls ttnmanger•b1 mpsrfor'to a
natio. iliae any sel.rtiln In breeding feted -
.d or Disse dbtinetto.e that hat ever bass
devised '
Having Massa what gond faintly tarok.
In • d'mos..y *Meld If. tart mesco by
whish all nese he perpetuated are die -
en .ad rooldssee NM bolds ties ie. fret
icadcleds, bssuretry , ...fit .31,
vi ser:rYa of (cast to worts red 1s rhe
aewMty • her port of the pear. Bat Is
AMOK, wade of lo -lay tea ermWlwr
d itf seas mad YIm are ma-
w the asst .si famt-
Ifse la the oenetry; toad the preeekad
=ma 1. how to rullt the teodlmaey to
�.e hi elites sa..1 la lary towns Hie
nine, ` stews rauw.y
• hate made It comparatively
may for • was .Lase work L tea the city to
ride Steen or tweuty mike front kr °eke or
shop. la order, however to gist) r.ty ts,ml-
those at the attract. *gra of °cuntr . life
the pruvlsiuu of public opium, boulevards,
gardens iced! public peeks shoed be fader
There are, 1,f venni. torr' 01
pr, •wkr. rag • family , .
may be said in favor of the
of a family b.a., .se or occupation hem
father to won, while elocettuu Is no 1111-
po.rtaut aid In perpetuating .utnd Mealy
01.440 ut
Wee arrtaxee., whaHrer pro
11,040. fit, and the Somali/n*1°4 Lig pro-
teat7 masa, copilots t .wa.•d family
perm mal help to e.:00:To 111.4w
.kumr.. ,ie4 eater e . larp+ty tutu tow
nnrul ateo t•4e:!ec.ttal e . . of c eu- ,
The gas•*tlou ..41441102, be te.,elle441 w.11.
t1M fake pride which Wake to trona ba.dc
anew -try, and rej'.Nses tea the tn,ss.slou of
Wet' sal , .,a,.-of-arlms It is far rem .reed
above ail ciao. Ji.unettoo •, and reeks ey
*roily e.:&Wi.Ling titre family W make it
em pr.rier...i eat u.14 only Um state but c,v
Uiaatiue ,tmlf shall L, lie roma.
.._.__._mouAMA _eaupSVa111 wiwilowes.i, -It
Tb -Tragedy .er.k. Irre r.omgar o•aewt, 044
I/ •a. lumen.4.
t'aalet•saT.ow.n, 14 m' . Jas. 14. -Tb* NNW -
nags of Wiliaam Mead to Ma. lacuna
Boyer, the daughter of the late William
B oyle. t •ala+uu. ed. The hrkhrrosen, it
•Ul L. reruouttiored, killed Boyot, for which
he vial Ind and a.vgnitsnL It wee Muted
torn (hat ilocant ' to the daugb-
tor ,.e 11,..1'raeel bed •*tseb (•.. du With
brir14104 eland the dlfitt ile.in wbi'b Bo)et
was killed, as tie latter who emptied t.i th.
Tbe death ut lloyet uo4.r that ill -enthuse
dr•u.ittaeoes bnvkr t'Je eopj.-u.cnL, twat
the "d....l pod has buried its dead" aasd the
ywme 10411 was last work married to the
dame herr ul 11w tura he stew.
The rutin es- deem showed that flea killing
wa. tannv..,,lab.e ua tie part of Bogard.
TO-D4Y $ PRIZE Fleet r•
is. Dma$..ey-r'n t omit GU Newels ('arse&
Nr t4.pprJ.
NEW 4 1111.KAINS, Jau.: ,. - The sate meteor,
item hare relu--tautly armed at the 000-
e1Wuo that 4107 hive w, Warrant turliut •r-
tertu. *40 Ue 0pKy r.t ani o .w nutta4
Alter Li, ,e fen v'r with liover.,•.r Nicholls
this nI.rm,..4 .tttorury-ti••nerd Keyes
went threw e toe .tntutr u•i.i I..t.tlly
madam' au opium') teat .. iirr 1La
Lleal.. 4)1.1 whew, must reernt law th , Ulyutpa
i will tell you emetumg about an old Club people mal • emu right to go "mad
shoe, toes ratawr alt „emeseee, which Tbt goi'V0or thea dtrecttat P. -.goer, :o l.rv-
t.wther bra P. was inwte 10 E..41•.d ?noir mot 114 naU:er to Mayor Si a:a-i.-,i,-•, oh..
than ata• barelr,sl r nn a' saki war for -A , la Wick 119110.1, b.,c 441 L.rt.:r :ler.! e4•o t oat be
the ordaiu.(..ultt:.4 eye urea: -great - ye. .-
great -^ aiitn.otber, whom maiden name
I think nils Aan Jordan. It wa,4 made to
wear area her %eddies slipper-, otitis
were tit ewe seen with Mete •0'4011 ivebt
Th. parents c f Ann J, r.la-, were anion ties
eerly settlers of New ilaml.-hire and '.Lett
e ase ea. about seven Jelin OM the 1hdian•
onto nl th.'settlement where tbev lin.-1 and
could do nothilc ante.s the affair Wrir..iiol
.tl1.tedtureu td a sa.ggiug tuat.•h, -u wwo?tn
ntaB its p.)lw weuel .vNipel the t•,duuatai:ts
W go to their rooms.
Jack lemic -,y will .esu la:, oppua.nt' for
the fl: -1 tour %nem be retort the nub. Mo-
lise 1..en very anxious te a4t1 him up and
talon a mental photograph of his Mayr and
1 dirt dome ..1 the people. mod carried doff .104)..but the Aurstewlu•n is wily au.! dos
.tnow and Leer two hit4. tuuthers 0ot pr1po;o to g10e ole .unpwrw:l any
wintry aril oho I,.drans .414.1 up s pveats in advaucr 1Itaaiatmoms wilt r'eat.
lake Al'mnipiseogee: auttp ing moo uirht at 110) l41. Logi.. Until tee-tn_•rrow reachtog
ea the ice. I0 the uteri,:ug the boy, bore
tob:.crene Y ainwrnmatptuonA b aLMcpun,pwnaaed
were found Roanto death. Annie remain- N
ed in canto ity *no., years, enduring each tubo .t..pp.ed over at hie training quar-
Letdehit.. and privttuas text she crew but tars la.t Hight say- toot rafeeun,ou-e
little nfter ber enmity. At length a ran- w rn n Ste form a. I,- h:x, ••err b_eu iu 4,.
seem was paid the ) O,;lo'a and she was Iota sad that there heal ts' u , ini,lta!:•. ss b
hr+cnmfi:.ole He to awee-iefly built and
oho maims a•1 Lt -,b ou Lu 10411 are gwmr!y
di,tribated, but he ha trained down to • flee
edge and will foal•, a due taw -slug 1.1 tear
Hie legs Laub large: than they di ! wctu •
mouths ago, and trade he is Lea:a-ker-1
and slender and eesw, he is gwth
ai at.uve e
htpt. Th. nmteriee of lets b'ck st1m,1
prumlu.nv and his arms are large awl mus-
cular and well curved. He ie is cm4JIti•,n to•
Woe a amount of pt•auishamiet
slid yet collie up tending.
Financially the affairr. already a success,
• the vJ taox+s u*v • been s el .; tea.. encu,
and ao: tame setup fest( two -third, have beets
A t4eo ry t o f Dempsey by Sul-
ks -an, telegraphed here. has tent up "The
*tack, Noup.re:le- ad flys betting is acute
d 411)11 1. 4*) in bre favor. The ansoaut*,
h owever, srett a phenomenally large.
Tb. arrivals to -day were numerous and
n ebula- Lemmalictire40ry the "tit. Joe
Hd" ).drain, Prot W drum Muldoon, Mike
Cleary, Killiardist lieorga .A
lilo.•n, 8i11y
&Reside, tl:e retired lightweight c:1am0,
and :Ste,* Brodie, the bei lee, juniper.
Jack De•mpsey's stork i, going down at a
late hour toetigpt lee a %salt of hie ePee tr-
am,. at the benefit tendered bmut by the
Andutntu Athletic Club, and in the :owns
d which be sparred four rouwla wit)
Jack )4cAul.le, tet with Ave mace
gtor..s. it was meetly au exhibition ofgh
e ientifle petite, althouhe gave Mc
AuLR, a few bad raps aur got as Unary
return. He *hewed op in elegant aunditios
as regards esb, was firm ..n his feet and
moved his heeds like 1o/btu/fig. There
vas a general expruoeinr of ophaiao. how
ever, that be is . l in tee atter
of six. W men who have •-ver the 1•;straeian.
Peter Jackson, the colored pugilist, arrived
to -day.
After A11 .\ , Had BeetsWade
for the Waddled.
tie [ownedP•R, Jam le -For two years a young
you owned James Brady the been working
at cue J. R. .Lrnistrone Mfg. Co. and
boarding at the Palo. Hotel, and was en-
gaged to marry nue of the Eire there, Mary
Bran, this week. Sue tures up ber situation
at the Union, while be had arranged, or said th
he had, as to e furniture. On Friday to-
gether they visited Our Lady's rectory and
naked to have their names called on Sunday.
(4. Meunier Brady started out to preehre
the stoves, at did not show up agate and
enquiry revealed that he bad drawn his back
wages and at he baa departed, Tearing the
girt .n the Iarit. The wedding we. to
have tak.•n plate to -day.
Bork item Mercia
Tommie, Jan. l:4. -Tau of the p.lg;ice
front Toronto to the arise of ,-4.
have rammed, Ur. J. D. Thorb.r.,
the . or the Toronto Uni-
versity Medial leoeiety, and Dr. Fred
Wi,.nett arrive,) in town yesterday morning
after a .ii weeks' day in Herb,.. Both were
011,s4ed that the 44.100ery will prove
of ine.tpnable value t o sufferer* from
d the lungs sthroat,
and tubercular joints, Tee lymph he also
the Mstaat possible daya.r for tithe dimmens,
being better than a stethoscope. If there la
may trace of i. an injection of
lymph will produce, • rarecter4tie reaction
whl ie attngetner ditfetefrom.t from any other
and rennet be mistaken with any other
Th., lymph drive, the bacilli W the surface
a..l halM'.tw e.at.nalptsam wheperhaps it
saver was .n.,o.rte 1 tseif.m'. n
Alleged Freta.
Wtitn•io,, Jau. 1 -Jeweler )lead bee
bees lotted up Inc attempt lug to de read
h r creditors. They are Ellis t leo and
Toyer & ('o., both naautaor,
rturing jewele
e.1 i'u:,to. They airs him of deposing
of part .4 lair stork before assigning. Head's
pnth.d seem are el 151 sed hie nobilities
▪ eeleemt The primmer emu released ole
rem beit He will h • etv alue 1 to morrow.
N.wd'. 1.1+•00 a ttlsllnre
AT. Joa,.
o', N.Y., Jan. 1::.-1114 visit d
Road Colonial fleeretary so Weakkiageh0 to
. sgattate a eiprowity treaty with th. Unit-
ed Mann retained au a An. saFntatw lrsieri-
cans eau aware a mh.o,o ly of Yewlooad-
and bait they will ant open fuser m.rte1a t..
Ilsh friththat cnloe.y. if France sal Case-
:an►den Rdr
tmes ars to wet tree hast the mane
I write. MO b. ise,vM.d to
ant buns t., her frittita- I have tried to
drew a picture of the time. The es. d1 dol
stet go Made th.- shoe. Thera r no place
for it. The ridge A . Yp Y.Iilee at the
toot, solute cue blab. • ..en bear .bat
down beta eon toe elder, wbfetb am s'ltcbed,
the strap over 1Wep being all that hele
It ono - K'MM Tbeaaber, i.. Farm and
Home. _
How to Dont a eRrum.
`oft el. -Ones utak,/ the trot of tins ere to
dateline any purr• of fureetur.log,n at the
top a:id that d.mwa. wiping carefully with
the: cloth which can be frequent lye.baken. A
gad teeny petunia them to have no idea what
destine is iutendlel to aeronnylheu, and in-
stead of wttwu:g off and removing the
du -.t, it M simply lbrt_d off into
the air and .non settles down upon
the attic es dgeedd again. If ca re -
fully taken up by cloth. it an be abakeu
of out of the window into the open air, It
(lin furniture .. til penult the use of a damp
cbtb, that wi11 m. re easily take up tbe dust,
and It can be sashed out in a pail of seep
soda. 1t tau then to wiped off with a dry
cloth and that will make it bright again. it
L far easier to wive work l j ,wo tiring
n ice furniture se Lilo "weeping, thin to ekes
the Jest out, besides taarfng the furniture
1 Kiting tar letter tuna long run. The tame
lug of paleness in decoration le appreeiste
d by the tttcrougb 1 . tubo does
bat our, work while tlrstlps.
A Pretreat ter Baby.
Igen (mPaves little pressor fora child to
make for baby. CUt Ave or ,ex pieces of
tarlb aril Co;inches and cover theme with
gayly eolorid paper muslin eee both sides,
over -healing the edge• very emery, and
thou stitching them all together side by
aide. This will snake • Unloose book, w4.fob
folds up teamed of npeolog like ours. Than
cut coat and paste Mm bo.b ride., very cars -
fully, bright -colored picture of ail kinds;
the greater the variety the Meer, and so
espy on a pgs as possible. For tlw ••hrl-
ARO uq1e hospitals and charitable sur
l.�iYis are •xcel:tsat way of making
*au. TO KNOW
Tale esialow weigh rue pound.
Foes ta.lphsas are epnal to one Mille-
▪ lido butter the sass of an egg weighs one
One plat of coffee A sugar weighs twelve
Oise quart of sifted deur well limped)
weigbs one pound.
one pint of best brown sugar weigbe
thirteen onnees
Two Mecum Havels of granulated sugar
weighs one pound
Two mamma of soft butter 'well packed)
weigh ow pound.
Two teacups (well heaped) of oeffes A s0 -
pr welg► ler pound
Oar ked one-third pints of powdered su-
gar weigh one potted.
0.. tableeponu well rwt,ddl of soft but-
fer weighs one ounce.
Tsro tablrpoonfnb of powdered l.5 r or
Sour weigh the worne
ohne plot ib.pid, at granulated stager
weighs fourths ouocew
Two and one-half 0.en a (keel of Ur
Inst brown 'agar weigh ono pnma&
flee tablespoon (well heaped, granulated,
eolith A sr best bows sugar equals eco
Nth Parka ays rtes genertrsr pint of li-
quid or one pint .1 finely chopped
packed mildly, wetjb. 'tee paned, whirl
wool be eery convenient to remember
T.•spn.e vary is else. and the new Dass
4.014 ab.ot Ude, as moth as an old fedi-
toned moth of thirty years mgrs A medium
it'd tarpons hold" .beat • diads. - Farm
and Fire,i4 .
A New Way.
era, no," and he heaved a nab milkiest
to draw 4.k shoo strays to the tap et he
• e so; the book ma •al be gift so-
other relate.'
-Whet In the world Wes the awes of 4(7
replied h1e roe p.sln .
vel, OM rot tate the habit of .atheg
aural, Co tostolty her . end It
att.aosd b Cabs VW bid lho get so au*
ftp Idol db wroaliket speak ea eta"
--+-`4 dioses meAlii iia -414 t
111%r vow WIRE frena 1 . papa.a
*hese .0.4 r INws s4 If
• w�ct m
tt.tndN tM cls
li t�u.y
r.etl.g Ntwren in the hood with a
he oma •\ hv..
The Latest and Bart Education ./ 11fo:-ks
At TUOIaZCI) AND )tgtSellMk%Dg)) rot:
Nigh, N�NI�I, Piil►lic ami SPIrediti
See our Daisy, Star and Rosebud Scribbling Books ;
also our Majestic, Mystic and Artistic Exercise Books ;
biggest books for the money ever shown, ONLY 5 ,..NTS.
Clots& Tel •j,hun,, ta:(.ltungr, (.omL 11011.4) fivalisa
i• h41.- now a nee line of
4',1,1-4+TING OF
Gold, Silver, Copper, Lilac and 8 other Beautiful Colors
for ornamenting Pas6:c,. )'.::.,) Work, et.c. Mixed ready for oar- -
.Vee, an .-vlurdte 1.ne of
Plesi Goods, Perfumes, Sager Powderls, Violet Toilet Water, Bte
(beaten and 1 neatest.
:FM:table for ME lay Presents.
hex .Ciro. Acheson s fir Oode-ne, Ont.
y goods store.
:Hale flew re.d,44s dope as.rftmen ofi
For men. women as 1 children, from the smallest to the 1a ,urs: sire mare.
Cfl:'� _4 DIA N & SCO TCI- Y.4 R:VS
From the best known maker*.
Orednneti. live ac CA t. white and cream FLANNIU.B. sat Ieadi•g .paths in F ren.•h Opera
0 large and vaned stock. as usual.
/flack and colorer:
Plain aid with kid tie also e, lad paluOther departments dtusllr well amortad. 'tinct'
one price. ts
Debasee and Haberdasher.
Cattle Chains ---New Patterns.
Crosscut Sawn --All Makes.
Cutlery ---Table and Pocket ---In Endless Variety.
Chopping Axes ---At Your Own Price.
General Winter Goods ---Stock Complete.
G-0_ or*tact t� lea kinof r.reatere at the lowest possible meshes It f•
Mello Cheap
For e.ah He la alas tie
bead. He aloe w ekes a
Furniture elsewhere, and y
Iassaeo*latlgUndertakerotthe tows- gmhatming Find dem)* keel eh
ole wityN04 Pasture Preteens. doGive Mm a call before pnn-►aiwg
sides a. ha 0170 sells cheap
L thanking the and all
For Cash_
for their p.et paren.ge he hops to receive a
of the
Ham i lton-st.
have opened out a large assortment of the newest styles in
Hata and Bonnets.
Fanny Birds' Wings
And Trimmini s.
Piesse call and see,
Two doors f1<'om Square, North et.
The best is the cheapest, and
The Signat " is the Liest news
in Huron, Perth and Bruce.
<r A