The Signal, 1891-1-23, Page 6THE SIGNAL, (IODERICH, ONT., ERIIDAY, JANUARY '! 3, IMl, '
'4 -
hors wholesale lit :...
At halt price.
A. a n :..row.. of 't : pt•:.,ani
In .et, at halt pen•..
Ar..' FIstaiel•ttes. )u•' .e.
wit:, u.t
has of
H tt :�tt mere a 10 a
Now layout' to make a le
yo nue 1 ¢� net D
aad every o, her description of footwear :hot: you 1037 nerd.
10 Per Cent. off all Cash Purchases,
whether nd>' o.• a or ta, tor, :a;.
ter All goods marked in pa:u agar. •
Itrmna.ts to be cleared out. 1'. r i ate
and showy share`..
UK The Wort -et. T.:!or.
OHEY • a • ..
+es, •°. tY ere. Prov r -1•i...
Mei* •4444...• ors ...e ,.... ms rue re..1. °wow.
-- ..ease.., et ea rut Wee Os Ow 4, .a reale.
row(..rhea 1+6e• woweento e... • ...,, weber.
aw.eve .nates awe e.W persons .•a •5•••d•
ears tie •.ed.1rr•••ae..-
MF Wria ter riw
m~ett - Ii (''Y.. at.cxtx. •k11/t
IZTZfif .010 IIIITALIEu, to MCLA•n'a
Ratessebte ('herpes.
Dspa Town.
Domcture Framing a ape :a1 t..
:%.w Erol.
Yob w/ll &way. aad A. w. Cornell
et da
HAS OMAWORD RANDSbanitty amino .
The moot rec•ii �taaeellaaF = mea berm "I" -
I ""-
.tete TSye.•Ot 3. VIDIAN,
s/,• w It m le all Ito teaches .t the
sy ��jaet. . ms•se *8. *q le.
ill'*,. Met r�v:�..sse ��vdrl1Yt�� h
•44..i let W y • alt 71: t tea
1fe�•t reekerr•te�� t..l part* of the tows.
.sees, agar best Ib*s of flour and feed
swede lawmen.
There no se betre-r trntirdy for
any kind ill children o.1 adults
Dew's Worm Syrup.
wore.. of
thous Dr.
.4 ref ewer//✓t.11r. C.-n:ai-rtArlrM.r•w
1.tatiae. IIasa,'• s•:reauJ tr"-::ea:
•, raver o/u.armsi,: Ci L patMtt:ialh.
should get once[
Armstrong's Improved
les 1, allow. so foul sect, to he Mown into
the ehal' which is of ferret Importance to
every farmer who wishes to keep his farm
hnd. 11 safer and edeas* all Timothy seed
from any kind of grain whdr cleaning the
era. For Market cleaning it removes Yorke.
('hewn a4 shrunken gain. and tires the
farmer the greats, oosalble weight for his
oral• with no unasced.sar7 loo
tali. 1l will sample grain for show and seed
purposes meal to hand Meting-
tlb. Cleaning (teed Wheal It removes ail
Cockle. Mu•ard seed. Wild Peas. Wild
Flat sad other foal end shrunken red
broken gain, ant gives the farmer pare,
draw, seed gala.
Otis. it will Oran Hata parley, ie.. thee
ought!--c...L,.at waste ce graln.
tea ('leaning Pease It will aepsrale the
sand. quartered, halves, (late aad whole
Peas from each other. /at•ryiag each to •
4*11Freat compartment.
all. It ie • pertert Clore, seed M.ehine, re,
moving all dost. broken and dead seeds
and other wad.. larger or smaller than
1 he (lover seal.
Mb ft is • first eeaa. Oram .red Mae -bine,
bows no seeds away.
INir it u ■ grad Plsr owed Machias,
1118. It is • nest elate.- offer.
/tilt It ran he fitted into the oldest fsuthiesed
Yanalag Mill that Is MIA sable a medium
and make It do the were of • new MI11.
Iaeb. 11 ran be attached lo • new MITI with-
out h(Jnr*Rg It. and ema he moneyed at any
den. a .will) as • three neatened. It
does not ial.rferr wttk the use of 18e ro-
wdier sieves of the MILL
era. H. airing .re natty all pmrfoested
elm. 1t Bae • mpoeey of alloy beebeb of
grain per hour
Mb It ie es riaep a. the °wittier,'r melmy
Mill mourn
1748- Kehr} 31. -hi.. is Cat Amwrr*a,.
Mend your order at once 1f yea want It Them
w1p�a If on here not seem a Machias ask
tjfar. rine ret for leap etiso hod that year
,l• tag¢, m oondit+tyionrty[fitf .alU. et
toboe d hen eglttie,f asap
G'odsrioh, Ont.
ate CI ii.. 4)08. the... the Chloe, MU
TRAGIC DOUBLE SUICIDE OF A NEW Tae. 18. r T air Owe ■off&.
YORK COUPLE rare, J.. la "mu' Arkin vow iota 11
at present mediae is this atty. i• M later-
ntermew trelay, pubashed by L'ralair, la regard
Tired Awattiag tea hod ad Yea Ohl t• to ?IawIou.11aad inetterl. nays that Al
w..rk They Teak rabies Together ..d thought that, .part from the lobster vim
Pawed .ower -A Pathetic letter then tion. the Peat .1118ultyhsy hi the ingiagge.
by the raged Masthead.bitty to roomed* Feer* tame, rigbes gab
the d • al Newlemillnad. The
entire territory b.k,e.grd to the vulva}, yet
they OWN •0t .Taress the right. .t
, 'e,. Td tokamak he said, unable
to obfais a eilltimmist ul the samara Au dis-
t puce, mould MIROday tortaialy take the law
m their own beat.
During the coming sprites, •o ordiug le
Wr Charlie I►dke, shuts would probably be
exchanged between the crews of the French
elope and the colonists, It was meatial,
:herefore, to home -Lately discover grouaa
for as agree:neat
Berea Lareinty r( the Senate, during the
coarse of an interview, seeded that he bed
learned from M. Ittoot, the Minister tot
Fore:go Affairs, that the preach (ioveru-
smut had decided to accept territorial coat-
peueataou only for th.cewuouiAl:reat Britain
of the French .Sure of Newfoundland. M.
Mitsui mimed to discsts the quesuoo of
pa•uni.ry indemnity bled said that Ktiglead
had not offered Frame any territorial eom-
p.s.atiou for her rite*e on tb, Newfound.
land tweet.'
Y. Itlbot, Minister of F•reigu Again, has
informed Lord I.yttop, the British Amww-
dor, that France will not accept any rum-
penaatt0h for her ti.hery rigor. len Newfound -
laud that alio doe. mot cou,tder to be their
full equivalent Nothing of that nature had
yet be.em offeree her. 1t was for F:ttgiand to
s,'1y what she 4'111 give. Mou.y #,hind not be
Now Yoaa, Jail. L.. The true .tory of
the umultaesom death of Charles Tideless
end ha wife Augusta 4411 never be wrltteo
Me was :0 years aid .ad Obis art muck
younger Al: that u d.aaWy,ksown lathe
yesterday about nom the usigkbon, boom
tag @Aerated at the •oatauaece of the oabssee
that had reigned for three days around the
mania of lb. old people, et Nu.
70 Thorn -street. Jersey tOty. called
• policeman to break open the doors.
The putreu.a and tae sightseers filed
through a kitchen, where a fowl ready bar
ru.etwg lay upon the dresser. rlum to a
basket of potato-. and a lee luaus of tread
Tee .,uvkuag stove was cn..kel with ash°,
several day, old. The .despot% room ot the
old people Was in (root. aad Poleean•a
Revue. bottomed to raf.e the window .8.4'...
The nu.i.tar eaa revealed authag horrible or
revelling Charier Tbtrlcke and his wife
Augusta were amply sleeping their last
seep. Tut old man wore a dnaiag-gown
over • clear Matte shirt and Week trot:,ers.
Tar rurki..g chair W which he was seated
wee tilted back. as if for comfort
Upon • toed on toe opopesite side of the table
lay the dole of .tuggsta lbiek-ke. lbe cover -
lid woe drawn up to tar she .udders. • black
ved foal been .pread over Elio pallid feature.
and the baod, lta.1 beset folded on oke breast ,
sheering that the hustlaad had lived to per-
form, t4•-: lr' set vette, for tb. wife.
On the table beside the dead atelia
arm wer.- a v.•.:ple of nand gleam that
bad been jraiatel of their eoutauts until
t:otte:ng remained save • thick. white salt -
meet. -C'vuuty t'hye tian Converse per
nounar! this etluneut either .tiyt$aine or
h ydrate of chloral The sleeping draught
had tori t tory potent.
Even facie:; death Charles Tbwtci, awl
wife aunt
no (roars. and uttered no
more than a pawing complaint. The follow-
ing litter, written in pencil by a trembling
hand. is all the explanation they vouchsafed
for their suicide
My last oat. aft -r unr coveter err oud.-overed.
I dr.ire that m^ holy and that rf asp wife
.\ugu.:a be hotel together Pray take note that
me have :neat our fate 4y our owe tree wet awe
wanted to ai tele off this :aorta: coil t.edether.
.t -dl the ants. •rtUe. loathe nal a u.dertakrr
who e:11 hurt u5 f•K the dole ..f the property we
leave behind • Du tion hat us he separated la drab.
1 canto' write more: the rb,k'matism is my bawd
lain. nue t.•ribl' (Oa, z *,. Tarxu.s,-
The .truggte 07 Old Age.
This ie is all .1 their sorrow Charles and
Augusta Tbeieke saw tit to give to the
world. It is known that they had
no children and that most of their
friends were either dead or had forgotten
theles. As old age tans upon them, with its
many tsarmitim, 1t was .cul necessary to toil
to keep the wolf from tne door Their sav-
ingn were encroached upon more and more
as the rben 41.1! 0145 made tee idla days more
uuatenu, and imperative to the case of the
bushand and breadwlgntr 4o they newir-
ed tease white it ea. still possible to save
enough bellied them to afford • decent
'the eour.j.• required for suet au .eat war As i ».id above, the true story
of the..dwth will never be wetter. Tore
wee brad and to spare ill that latae house
bold ea Tuurelay uigbt last to a><an.ana-
tion .1 the oaf man's pocket. revealed the
pn:eence of t`eo in cash.
Thee. re+oumra, however, could only post-
pone the eye day, not avert it The rbewma-
rism wee maddening in its pain that night
Yes T,uelck. must bare bee. in tee kiteben
preparing the .impie dinner, as the fowl
sway tax corking indicates. Before she
cowld put it os, the are her bueband called
her and calmly said tont the tome hal ar
rived for the execution of the plea over
weioti they lad talked >w loop
The husband inward that the wile must
first drink .1 the fatal draught to avoid ac-
rcident. She moist net in any event be left
alive after hi own death. The conditaoa of
oke wife's body .Mows that she died at least
!34 hours before bee courageous hlnbsed.
They then drew the curtain- and Charles
Thl.leke mixed his wide death potion.
The agonies of their parting none will ever
know. Death quickly to the enfeeb-
led frame of the odd woman Thieleke hal
taken this into consideration in bis mhctnoa
of a poison.
1Cbew all was over he covered up her faro
and went lack to the rocking chair to die
te his turn, but why be should have waited
too tong beiors drinking the wawa llama f ie
bard to comprehend. Perhaps bis courage
failed him •t the last moment, or wetth.p. he
even had a yearning to live sad f)tgb1 the
hatl4e of lit. • little longer 1, 1 by
the spectacle of his aged wife% s1111111Mags.
Hat be overcame all theme temptations and
carried oat W original plat with firmness
and (1.Lberatloa T1s lee of the deed man
was digui"ed •sd showed so marks of weak-
ness. of .breeder. The white beard wise
trimmed to . point, aad the forehead wee
ample and strong. la death ('harks Tbelcke
goofed tiler. a pailoeopkr, altbough in
life M was Nothing more than • humble
leather worber.
Tie Dead
ea r_ smith. a kranmest •.ver of Portage 1a
rudely.. who was rote ntly •ppsat•d pollee m.r4,
tam. dropped dead lar meta slide stalking
Mea. from 48, tees mused mentatg. tt• 1.a•w
• ego mal ..'vest ...Marano
A rale despatch from Ms Wsuares the
death of Karon ,large Engem Hannon.. who
was .(metes with apoplexy Monday treats(
oldie at Matter aad died a • few hours Han •.et of oho faw n•maialaz survivor'
of the hot empire. was at ordinary man. AI
though by edurstles ad tree a $0114 ace he
wits Am, • frenc;mss. • patriot mad a politicise.
As Prefect of the M• .( tie Setae totals
Melee.. Pam.. sa miles 10 which be was ap-
pointed in mut be .b•agr.A the faro of fan.
tall' Mart sad rn.skad Amer.. ugly
handler and Make distorts dry
peered from the fire st the city.
Ca•Mr Ha Paris eb•e(ed
free e..w(rewa v1I1 . of rotor emir
street lamps and had mean le • model dr,, la
wheel an the stimena wave out paved sad tldsd.
and,wwh • .yetsm et ewers see\ se aerie be
tean lar bees ka..i r Use worle. The em -
peer Napoleon 111. held Yes r Yip.ease, and
made him a Marcy of dr Iroise and Moser. •
Mesaler mid • n..mher of Use Aradeamy K odea
Arts It...waan■ fall tramway With Ilia
tapir. aad west stn retirtems.t bat wee fn.
ea,ed soon afterwellegle mole illirmeget adeo*a:,o
time Raimer.'W' foehle. ho Pe Po ow
gwyetrvotteet meta s.evlw-, tbreesa les Gaper&
ears le A M yen Mer be two
Owed • raeabr et Ibe ClkGre d �aMss,
Mens Ate ewewh
ewer eawhile Oka ed ••Here•
Tse este wbto•h ems sppttd 11 weed elbdeles
aNet•ate imam, sweet In lie ,pplget,lhl e,
AN nlpR AYAl,A$C14L
Seventeen Dead. ,Eagan P.anlgr.d From
the ttu..e.Ilttay lyuaed
ligan,. Jan. 1a. -News he. arrived here
or • serious disaster which las averred at
Lwow in Bosnia. Aa avalanche crashed
down front the mountains near that place,
destroying 8 number ot houees, tome of
which were buried out of high: beneath the
mow. As soon as rescuing parties could get
to work the removal of the itumea.e weight
of snow was begun. The (*smote 1,s be-
lieved to have bees an extremely fatal one,
as already I: dead bodice titre been removed
trona the ruins., la 1t Witton t. • for dead a
null:her of penults severely tujured have
bean extreeetc•1 Irmo the ruin.
Tose fear Order. Their haapep.aos tea
Three years.
LONDON. Jan. 14 -The Tinter Pans cur
my-m.1m t .are. A friend from Hum* W
forms me that en M Nt.hnegradskee Humins
Minsiter of Fiaanc e. tepre.'ating that
I1 was metp.•dieut to quarrel with
-the Jews because itch a comes would
cffeoih3ew Ira banters, the Czar orkne t the
implicit:ion of Use ant, .'emtti • ewe to he
suspended for three year,.
Me Tell. Wise Hr t:loded the nw.erm of
1).tertives net ell HI. Track,
MAD^iu, Jan. I - - It testae .1 that tie nota
annual. and said to M Paakwakl. admits
that he committed tea Murder, aiding
that it was for a "poetical object.- He
rays teat lie failed in hie plan to embark for
the United States at Harrrlora owing to tee
passport revelation*
nis• strictly
enforced at teat port. t',u.agyeotly,- the
prls.ner wny1, be returned to t Out because be
thought be would be safer there, ocring to
the &mute of rade ay communication will
that thou. lie cla•ua that he aa.
to the p elks by a customs officer who repo. )dor mreae. Fw.mdmy ts wealth. F.e•Mteo-
xaited beita+df av being a member of • wentmix to the matter of cketl*and home•oelety. '18. prisoner a perfectly halm and rent. I •ut your expenses, and then, pe•r-
: hap,.. oleo. day you may kava k dime to
Teem • dims ttat tray lie the means 1.f
Deming the •ours.• t1 an interview. at t,lot p4 rrim
titrg a hungry felk.w mortal from
lei described tee journey from Dijoe. He eventuating .urciie ; er it may be aquarter.
says that he entered Spain through °darer* a coin of the value .4 25 create 'that will
and from teem went to Barcelona Pad- upholster the mark clouds on the horizon
lewski added that Ile remained a week to of his deep•inng onul with a silver plated
41 .-.lama, keepioghlmaed in dos.• biding, l:nmg,and fill hie stomach with imported)
and front that city be went to a4atagor& and Neer. 4:oo.l day. fairMadrid. He resents to have stopped but
a few hours W UM city end, feanng det.c- 111 reef eBp /�setan.
The et , s'bwren.
If you eouLd see • woman w child grace
M, beautiful aad chariots', you uluat end
one that is loved. The Mild that dives
to be corrected or criticised fur every rued
Of' 1/00vetaen1 never has • meas of elegance
or an e:pre•aoa .4 chianti. Yin you chill's
Mal with •a idrel .4 good Iwatuten, of Wee
voleace sad beauty;dnn
te•.h it 'obetreetly a,
dislike vulgarity, erlliese, redeems. and
to feel that you love and admire it, and ea
pet of it clamming manners, aad the work
is a.t..mpltsiled.
1t to rmp.asib1# for a slave to have ally
.tyle. 1f you would have your Hold deem
tial, you must treat it with duty.
it Is w to correct • chi 1 ai potato.
Any proud child fres degraded by it. 1t
.,houkl be it cane ..t dire uotessity when you
tibia fault with a child before straatlen, and
tr .Ii.ti-..y a childs pride is to do hum an it
reparable injury. Take advantage el emir
,atitnate hour slice parent and child ere
alone together, and then let the parent ten
derlytxplau how th. chill ha. behaved 411
the .lay before or that unorutug, and why
the child's txialduet was wrong, and how it
allotild hat.- ►waved, and show the child
that the parrot rope -eta tend lours it. and
brhevas ill its capacity to do ell g. eel thing..
Thi. will hate test times the effete of punish
burnt, when the • 1111.1 is in a stale of rteite
meet and the parent tumidly angry.
1:rt in the habit of explaining the rearm
of things to your Auld- Let there be etc
little confueim in iia mind a possible.
Abut -all. keep the fact ..f your hoe upper
most in the child's mind, and let it under
stand blunt yeti have ns, wino tr. de/flintier
torr 11. telly beiug ohkr and aisr,ani
lining the child es,. much you would Amer it
from its inexprt Tera•, that this is your duty
teat yon ere Ra. ting it to 1a• its olio
1f your child ie tome., duo not punish him.
but •liatract hie mind from t he subject that
annoys him. It -he eleitinaes t.1 be cre.m,
summed his stomach, and assure yourself
C ut thin 14 in pi eke: order; a tror•.Wed di
geetien is tLo rod of lad temper.
Our deer little daughter wee terribly sick,
ler bowels were bloated as hard a • brick.
We farad she wej1d die
T.i1 we happ.ncd ta try
Pierce',Pcllete ter; rtucd err. renter ated}
Never lie with.,.: (hen. Pellets in the
•n r
h Ler. They are gentle rood .ffi.,aie e m
Gruen and diva• nuist'(liate..•lief to caren ..f
indigestion. Ia tiout.nees and yo4111t1pItient.
They .lo 4h. ,r took th•.r. -gghhly ctrl Ira..
n.. Ind effects. !Malang. cheapest. c;csirat
t.. take. (hoe a deer. lime le.• -r fill+
!'lana. growing is the optm-gruutel :ire
tile1Cul: to pot with,,::n•.re or dew iujur� ,
which nay 1•s, largely pr -vented hy pertln;i
a long bladed knife or t►srmtr .pade 41.,ut
half text netted the pkat. so es to cut .dT
halt the rout. et riser .iv inches from the
stem. This .,well be dome fifteen or
teent% .Lay. before lofting. In ten .sr4
after the heft rutting repeat the operatiien
the ether .ick. Ity this pruning new
1.vsliu4 mans are thrown out fru. the
I00113 .treat. Thr plant should new 1.n t.qt-
prunesl potion ldii.ltely with tb. moot,
whirl, renders it 1,e•tter capl.k of with
stan•lulg the remote!, and Iwo mg •t"'/ibwlll
cnaepwt root grnwrh it wall easily Julep(
Itself to the small spate its naw home al -
Nasal Wm bei no *quid a 11 . are for
cold in the Beer and catarrh. No sufferer
eh.euld he eitlintt it far au hour. Procure
boric and gi.e it • trial Sold by all dewl-
t Lecture ea reen.ay.
• Uses.% mol.. ¢ire tne a diose to Irar
e1n1=1s.IRTY IndAYmS
FNNFM. This is no flake, but a clearing sale
Skating Pea -Jackets at $5.50,
Children's Overcoats, $2.80,
Men's Ulsters, $7, -
Men's Fine Overcoats, $10,
We have just recd
selection of noveltie
hown in Goderich, in
all Ebroid
d Drawn Thread
able Runners, L. E
ts, etc.
andsome NO*
Embroidered, In:
inen. All prices, CI
8 dozen samples
hiefs, from Welsh, I
Early inspection
Gents' Furnishings I
At belie= rung tlrleea i n.•i'- "''"ri . •+t ,; -,,
Gents' Furnishing Mart, McLean's New Bloch,
Mrlpebl MND.
T.. open a fruit jar email) , wind a towel
sung fn.m hot water around the top of It.
albs mg it to remain lots enough to ::often
the rubber.
After waahiu4 and weeping vegetable
oysters put thein into week vinegar a.d
eater: the .hepar Qre•veute there from
l.e•e,•mit% dark in cooking.
Nut* are n 11e•7lerted art ick of diet. They
term a partial *idol itute for meets, hot
they should be eaten at meal tine:, just as
au►•otller food should. Brom in the moan
ung tr at noon.
11'hcu the juice of acid fount. lae spatted1
colored goods. touch the place with.marsle
is water. This ta.unteracts the effete rat:
the acid, and will usually rrstoxr the MSC
The 'ammonia will quIckIy ea aprutr, Waring
n. residee.
There are wenne flannels me• i other dell
ear-tokwel falsetto which hue their l..utr
of tint to $ rd-t•nloaiagg t un1 $.ands : for thio
reason they are apt Il.o broom • dull awl
farlolionlyag from the itee of .oup. and
alkalies, Be :ouch a ellihe the addlt:out of a
sump timidity of Beteg*- to the rinsing
water will usually r•esto.n the ►righ:uem ef
the odor. -
The color us, .ktimate tinted linens :end
t.ettwu is sometimes -sett- by the addition
of a tablespoonful of block pepper Added t..
the Ovate Nater. Let the article. soak lb
thus Felipe! tr. f.., 'true time, then ad.l the
requisite amount ..f Mos o to the watt! and
wash as usual. l )r gall ie also Reel t.. err:•
,terve delicate .,dors, and neral be u.tal only
once. as mod [mixture is err teaapo.n.fal
of borax ane' ear laIdayp.ndul ••f 441 -gall to
a pailful of hot water. lay aE ..dceredatrtir
chs 1/1 1he ,hair. and wrong star mat.
( .v�t
Ihr Mr' .
a{ o
big. 1 t raN pd h
" 1 i.aven t get any uwmey." -
'• Hat.,, , got any money ". Them usawn..
I wont.) IU47Iet-that ).•u 11)44ei11 .acheap-
er hou•t : peer., evil eptly liviu4 heynnd
tion, be returned to Saragossa. From the „i1� Mc\ail, tla1lo11, C. B.
latter city h• went to ('art °
.•gena and Al, -Ah- .1 It. l4mtihr:. French r' W. M.
cant., deafly settling down at Ulot. He air. Village,
sail that h1. health was vhatter.d by the
continual fear of pursuit oboe he expel
ears. He would not nay into sorompsnied
bin, to Dijon. but epos other subjects be wet
willing to talk without reserve
'rhe newspaper mw who interviewed W*
wer e..nvind.l that the batter b tie man (or
whose the poli-* have been hunting. In
conversation the prisoner inspires abeper
a.n who Wks with him with a sentiment tf
sympathy i ete.d of P puyto.. He is
geniis aad refletd in manor, and appears
to hare been impelled to commit the crime
vote which be is charged by patriotic ex
aeration and revolutia, ary mentumsat bort
t ism.
COMMISSIONER ADAM BROWN. „at ,,nl • dog Feat he Ont flit • !
while ltesvil tae en with ch' Iron of who a n
.1: F. ('unningham,'('ape Island, X. g. --
(:baa Plum i•
n t, Yarn.wutb. K.i!i. _Leienlst
t nix.
R. W. Hsrrierwt. (Vanni*. Ile, �A. n►.cl too m
T. W. Payne, Bathurst, N. H. to nee utyth
l'. A. (4t '.t, R...r Blanche. Nfld. --Gene- a sa>crbd ewer
rel , The. Xewfoun
They 11.411s/ tr. the benefits derived. town alter he hof
MINA R1) . 1.1NINFNT. Writer slid ak lack in fnmt of th
them. lel teeth, nal atatchrd
hrggiug fox mercy. 0 0
The Leas at the atpes.IULsa. He laud him in the
saw her at the exposition. She ease though further rrtaliati
slender and sweet and ))cring amply ela.l, caped ins mind' pinus, a
but with an unmietakable air of elegance rir two of hp tall awl
ta' 147. pew to LL policeman w
�r 11r frees» ,.ring rurl 'err at th.,'.1 Ihr eatde rads, .t tM .+.veer ..r
11'0..1 and Stnithtwld • •dens, Pitteburp;,
antes a .erre penddmt s,.1 The t .nnpunio tI.
witness•• interesting rt.•nrs., a ell :w tar
roe escapes. H.- recalls w 1441 4pe...,.1 pleae
mer u recent eneemnt r letw'Prn two d.egs.
1 hig Ntwfounllaorissa going pr•.cewldy
al ng %thee a ernes granted rut began snap
. ping at him and snarling sa4ag•1t. This
.darted one er 1wo other dogs, who jo:ne.l
in the a':ack. The took :nn notice
until cnmprlk•.l t.. eke an in self -defer e.
Then he turned awl +sant tee cn.wd 0f per
,e.utoee Hy Inv In all directions ; 411 •teepa
the ringlea.ler, she fell •p eseLug in the
middle of the street and was beginning t.
get the drubbing he dem-reed, when things
took a very unexpected turn.
A cable tear cane dashing dean the hill,
with clanging held, right upon the dog*
Nodwdy is expected to warm drip. of danger,
and so the tear wedalms• upon theta when
the vdtls'man tried. "I bet out
1. ,w t r
dog es, he danger and sprang
his late aansllat wee on hie Fac#
h in dread of his punishment
g else. There he lay. rod in
011111 be crushed.
1 raw the situation and,
ly turned away. among
r..eized the rur ie his
m. still whoring and
the jaws of death.
tter ; nal then, a
hal entirely) es
1 nature.) wag
e.1 out up the
rete cured.
4 n( He
to ail
aide. hu
1 h'he
shout her. !the was carrying an old, shah strep, 011e
youirihmethai for 1
by uml,rella nal • hemv] friend .bawl, aha. hu ton near msda
while ekes, to het .sherd a rust looking
N. will tease This 7.r tie y ,(�, .t0� by . •
1 oath' V.sip•
Jam.le• k;akibluo.. all are and dr* riptiwu ; owe wa cr*ing SM Ma SalMleastl/Uew.
H.trlt.Toe, Jen 1:1.- Adam Brow* M.P. Imatil 7. an.l
the young n'unu n sea "'dingiOne et Ohl Will nr Fw.nks bion
honoraryto the J.takaies crit- down .t him. Sudden!) gone one exclaimed Mer eM odee s m. Snuffers '.1s, )Fi.
h,bit.on, will have for New York toomrr'w in • shocked tome Love. -
evening. •a1 oat sail for Kompries, Jamaica,
next Friday on the steamer Hondo, arriving
at Kingston four or eve days hetero Me
agonies of the exhibition on Jan 17. T►.
changed 8Y reeds .t the lad
moment, a be formerly tattooed to go rim
Tanya, gala Mr Brown bee jai re•
reared word from the eepriatendeat 1
the (.la.adu.. .settee, atatiug that W
Ile- spars abetted te tae cmends
exhibits hod Poen taken up, bet 18.
he wee priming for tore epee., white
would probably be granted. The exhibits
whirls Ib°IM lave goat os the seamier that
was to .ere ..14d from Halifax ea Jae 1,
but whit* was ca.c.lisd, -Ill be Genial no
Use dearer that will leave Halifax a There
day, sad will nosh ,Fugatee ie time N le
plsss41. mottos. The will
be weftleg tr tam aki8eta, aad inn leave
stay sed eight tangs .t wort b toms awes
teem the edes.sri b aha abilatio. greeted.
Mr Brews is Brea yet in daily reenpt et
letters sad telegrams from paeaatia raslgM
parte of the country grim with be dere ppb&
for erxhitatao., bet It is too We ane ala 11
tempt to enter any mpne
tessa.ete mums is Ube Weeae,
Femora, Jaw ``41.,1. Man MINE
Lades. wb, JiM_ " b
McGladry esmp at hives 1jjaats.
bar alt males from heew, was agllim0aJJ
killed UM mer.lag by • falling tree
lemma Jae. la-- The Dwwleo
of Agrirenues at lbelieh say woe beevied
" Why, Bertha, who on earth have you
with you'
She termed and answered .imply, and
without hesitation
"1 don't know ; 1t is some poor woman i
am helping to find • seat."
And of all the beautiful thing. that 1 saw
at the 1'nrtland Rzpnwtion, I though that
young woman the mom beautiful .ad Um
most .I.•airahlta kis Higpetna.
Yarning la .`.. 1 by a
hacking rough, night seed(, OM in the
close. etre Arnot its program int Once h7
taking Hagyard'. Pectoral i akani. whir
ter er fete to cure c•ottiglae, cold•, hrunchitle,
hoarsen/me, eta•., and ABB in confirmed tom
enmptiom affnrl1 Peet (11Rd• 3t
a tliedb Ohm.
A was Married a wife who, in nein. .11
tees, presented him with eighteen children.
(dart svemeng he found in the street • little
boy of Ave nr ahs weeping bitterly "What
i. the matter with the 1rtt1. trap eh'" in-
quired he, caroming him. "T here Met my
way," @ebbed the yatrigmer. "Then nam
tome with rote and 111 give lee something
to sal and take ,oar* of ye.. Accordingly
the kind he•rtae4 torn forth the little folios,
prate .wd said to bre wife, "See wife 1
have twosght ams 1*le .Amid Mas! ,1 limit,
round all sitsin the street. (Fee more nr
leas weal make mach i111teir.a.•., mod, if ,w,
body claims him, we es, a treat him a tan
.www "Why. ye. Pertain's/I the
wile, "deal you bower 444*. it'. our Wil -
8.14.7 Mengel. $s- ----i moo 8.r.e.
Its • wellemaiWalliCrillemem.
In the sevent'nath century a quaint title
gavn to a book wan "High Heeled IMO
for Dwarfs in Holiness"
"Crumbs of ('nmfort for the ('biei111i1 i•
the Covenant" was the title given te NMI
Use early religious works.
"A Pair of Bellows to Brow Off 4.4* 49111
Cant Upon John Fry" was • religion, blot;
p biWipd m the eevent.tath century.
Is Crrtatwells time erre puhlinhed a boa
on charity who title wee "Hooks and Ryes
fuer Relievers' 114'. eft*. -
A religious pamphlet published In 1006 is
celled A Mort (bleetabk, Sweet Per
fussed Nrregay for lad's Sainte to Revell
An mr141 name gleam to * religious midi."'
flue en the niden time wail •'lie Spiritual
Mustard I'o4. to Mak. M. `(reel Stone
With ie•vo do n.
Amour rsilliploseender in the early dee.
called his heel "A Shot Aimed et the
Devil's HThrough the Tut 44 of
the .rill t er 1M Chrenawt.
An saeient week wars caned "!Tet en ,4..Ito
of • Rcrrowful Mn)afor Rin, or the Seven
Penitential Psalm /f tike Prin.ely Prophet
David, wh.reegtn are also .an.sel William
Hornets' Haadfal of Honeysuckles .ail
divers (belly aid Pithy Ihttet.Now Newly
A rtime•trrld
Another lengthyreligious title erns "A
Reaping Remit, Well Tempered for the
Stwhtrien Rau. .4 the Coming Crop: or RS.
melte REAM in the Oen of (amr'Ify. care
tally Cemented for the thither -4 th.
(h rah, the Sparrows .( the Spirit and the
Room Rwelln-ws of lWvnttew.•'
-EXTRA 1'ALCRS iN--eoe,•••:
-Fox the next two weeks at--
C'a-, Montreal -ie. aad t(gearr,
Tele,hone Connect ton.
The Great Remedy
R. J. K. GOII.E,
Bole Patentee and M I
- !ta71z,M
Are plaeeeat to test. Contain thereon
Psr ,oleo. Is a as!., tern, end .Araa.f
'louteryer of worms :a C:.ii,Lrn M e delta
Olkatsed..44 all bus tsaw 1 th. p 8. NewtOnce attended teat MOD=41 is1Cq.
Our elle. le mttrt 18e U. S. Praire* Of
aad we ate oils Mame be beg date
those remote from W48H7N0TON.
MODS,. OR It.L4 we M-
e NO CHw ROI U wit O3-
bore, M tart Peeterritsr, the ego.
Dive sNM M elle ed• of tie
Oeao. lyse .trbelsr, advise.
to setts' .tents in roar
7. wrtt.1.
11 •w Rtt..
Oleg W�atgaD C.
As nM -t4 .
"Rn)vMk.'. Vantage.
Stand for Heavenly Re)'
W for ata title
1f a Loup*
:ikon dierowe are tenet an
an we(ice4Me i►r. Low'.
heal* and cleanses the skin.
Meows Comm* R Mid4*letnw ..
Ins,- $16,000 hy the destruction by
thew temporary anglee homer at Pert A
Th. firm Iate•h of a large nwmher .f .1
'eh refugees from R..•u.rrived int 1L-trs111
let weak They Midi Wide un Manitoba.
All fried. twat .hoed" 1e put to hodin had
water : but for coup in mid. Hou..k..p.
.r'. N'aokly.
As *after ppirlieemeow honk
eu4h:.t. bet,, • 11,�..fM61, st...aa.e..e.•. e.l
iJwna,Arest.W Ost el a Hole 0f the 11.11 of
an Seethes Vessel, Kens Aawstg Moo by
the Name .f fl*saed VIA."
T1s. eaaebrat .speiaw• of chi * ropitlr
them petit. M horn. is is the
alwl tie
buts const Kelt Cdr tv0 �t ours
r Rua,.
HE POIllf•
A leer et thaah..
-You /medulla, lyes,•? Yt s b J
We know yes by your loots
Wl've.eea three bearded fast us
7a all our story -books.
&memo we to often tried to kc
Awake to capt ore you
►sllise our eocklams to the brie
With candid red and blue,
We've never. Dever caught you
About the eblmaev place.
We are the only little Onea
Wbo'le met you face to face.
1 snow you wall:' said Swots
"Your came is Tommy Mow!
Von !Peat 7 Maple Street.
Neer Simpson, Morristown.
1 41554* to tate year father toys
When be was •mall like you.
lad to your Grand uncle Torn
The ►tet erred T tenors Tree.
Though glad to see you and Foe
My time. you must perceive.
it pre/lore end I mast prepare
Sly pack for C'bri.tmae Ler.•
Indeed,' said little Torum; Ha
"We wi 1 aot Interfere
With you and your toy factors
To us so very dear.
I've oily Dome to render you
A vote abases -felt thanks
1'or all your lope and Nosh'. u
Aad penny saving -hanks.
I represent me little friends
Who love yon far and neer.
And trust 18.4 you may not he
Oe Christmas ere this year -
Then Santa Claus kis weisk-er,
Ad gave • bearly laoi(h.
And to each happy little child
Temdered his autograph.
They tried in vain to follow hit
To ascertain the way
ifs plied up childhood's prerlo
Upon has deer drawn sleigh.
Whet. Same ('lam observed th
The field beside usi eats.
He dived into • ea w•drift, ant
That wino the bat tot him.
MOW be *%sane a Mea
Mrs- A. .1. ren
,.g the depravity of the nate
me thinking. Sall .eaten.'
were deceivers ever' and th.
..All men are liars" omit I.
Then I know that the 1Sij4e I
• ette•th a wife getteth a Kraal
•lom't think it says that •• Who
husband getteth a gonad (hi
think thmt girl who get. a le
tght stamp dotell get a Maud th
Mr.. Willialns.ri ants tie
•,•m who would he gond and k
Ircunot.ances, and there an
w0u1.1 be unkind under any et
So there are, and a wise 1(141 t
precaution not to he afflicted
• be latter for a heehaw!. A
pt Ivileg4 of chow*sing his ..amt
end a woman has the same t
,t. The trouble is. she very c
neve»* it. The rea51us are
,ctrl marries • man because. 1
• ane who mks her, and .be t hi
haps he is the only one who
her, en she toys, ••Yes. thank
ruarne.l befall a she realms w lei
.another girl marries* man h
her she is the only girl he eve
or would •.'*r. for and that If
,carry him he will pro to the r
wi11 never marry any one els
nrrsditr. The very same fel
of with the old lose and 0n
before a mouth. 1 know the
flattering to agirl's vanity. 1
noverthelem. That another
"ma to reform him. No wore
a greater mintakr rine lot:
tack at the wicked city fn
wee fleeing and woe turned it
wit. 1Yh.t there is reforest
t should come before mmrrie
veneer even, for if it does not.
-este at all. Young men ha
.•mptatinne where a,riel has
•bout.' do all in their pews,►,
vases thorn. t. help then t0
11 1r fni-,n.. If • young rate
t11er and a girl
.fuer t0 form an rn41yter
nine he gives It hp temple
ern .1• +broad put him aro
• 0(1 a haat hefnee she num/
• •nly Wire a plea. and cif
,y,,• might eat se • penned
etre them up. If he will
nay be sure that he yahoo
tear, or hie nen way. otter
•her, aad treat hist a.r0nlini
A girl .1+014 to perfect'
illy I the eiaret
,..fere eM embarks with 1
-Neu treacherous •ee of nut
y .very girl hese two era
toren her, and rhe should m
heap If, when she is amt
vowel/ Ran, the beet. .t.
•410w811 or arm reeetigh I
get' in •n awful pani•ei an
that girl. if she he stile. will
Net. the mow }meg Man n
unity .4 acting the ea
Now, I A al mean t
*mild not cit q