HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-1-23, Page 3500 P41S LADIEs' SLIPPERS AT lOc 4 PAIS BARGAI N NAIRN'S 50c. TEA! HOME INDUSTRY. BOOTS & SHOES !lade to measure at prices never beand et be- fore. Men's hand -sewed Bal morals, $b.00. Men's hand -sewed Shell Cordo- van do., 1116.60. NO MACHINERY ON THESE GOODS. K Ill sake the same goods to meson•, mscbioo sawed. at $3.60 and 1114.00. Men's hand -sewed Calf Balmor- als, S4.O0. And similar goods in stuck of our own nee u - fart ore et frost 57 et to il3.i6. Our ow■ make i n Pock. 10 ser .sato serail good., to cash pureW ere. W rips repaired tree of darns. JOHNSTON CAREY, W botesal. sad retie/ bas. ant triose 1,000 •� � -r ARD ..awarlat Acme'hick INJYwt . Noy wove a b s■et tame Mae a rep d Worm in • bees et Sema Wolves awl saw a floe tea a day er • meal\ TIM t eat sad ti and .semis it ewe - Why �l Pee tee .t► time Deeming sad wom'sACMEBlacking Mese ser ties d here. Waterproof, Soft and Durable. hs ease.M$ reefs G .aqa%• rOLIRII a en. .0 Mt Sae tai.* .../.+...raw... A Pow. i.e.,. Ammo for Woos.., and S w..i rev .Meetsad a herr... Leather •.•a Iry .Mamba einem mowatm. geld marysia" OLYaTID • 00 . Oea..e•t Agouti, for Canada. lie <M «. er., Tenet,. ilei. A. Alsiiieleeors s sou gamest acme lar c ---da. w k..m M. Mj., Tomato. flat Rcgul::tes the Stomach. Liver ard3owelt, unlocks theSccretlons.Puri iesthe 'Blood and rcrr.ovec of! im- purities f. -Om a Pimple to the wort •. Sc r,fu lou s Sore. CURES • - DYSPEPSIA. BILiOUSN'NESS CONSTIPATION. HEADACHE SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA HEART E!t1RN. SOUR STOMAC DIZZINESS. DROPSY RHEUMATISM 5K W DISEASES C. SEAGER, — )nth a is lMcL. ani s— NEW BLOCK --Opposite the Market.--e- Money to Lend —%t — Cheap Rates. FARMERS' NOTES CASHED. BEND• _ �, •r > �hi wwms silt the .. s • ittina lq mod iaMelanie es- at7!• w. 1 a Y atetnete ilea leap*. IAA e ea for either • I f...�r . M. b CO.r ieehs•kesa SENO IIS seed store lc:= NUN WW lleum en 'Room HIRSTS P [XTERMI NA WILL POSITIVELY CURE GNPS, PIIS Ii TAE 5TI1 Bond Cusglallits, Marne* -awe •t1. N. R SUMINERCOMPLAINTS KEEP A BOTTLE IN THE HOUSE. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. Railway traffic is .toppe41 the snow leinekaleh Kanas. Indies srfering from elrnanta peculiar to their sox .hold nae in. Williams fink PiI.. They never fail. Bald Ivy tinders ors . Try them. The grand Trunk rmnlw•y workshops at. Hwtt W. darts, which rspinyeel nearly 4,000 men. aro new running eau fuill time. The newt.•. Mme ` Same. -MI. Aa well as etre hateleart.el, and minters are ins deed to call no any dreggint asrl gel free • trial bottle of lirwup's nates. kr tom. Throat and Lunge a remedy that is asUiwg entirely mine it. merits and is guaranteed to relieve diel mire all Chronic mewl Arate eneghte Asthma, likenek tie and (isammp tins. Leers bottle. 1,0 rants &M!{1. (1-.n The minims beanie= .k.ng the hoe of lis Ehptes es ed Irnthmke rolwa7 be dull tear +Phil►. std _____dela . %'411r11 acre hdislehooe ter Mete e,eerwknea _ 11'. drat •ad Wine is pro IL !Mak Teets Ana. throe. ""wititree. aid per. =Iv wlsa, eastii«I with .hmtrw. era aatket 1 m THE SIGNAL CODERIM, OWE, !'*IDAY, JANUARY 11, 1391. deed TwLlle lb,i111t "You say mane this hoe, Mary , ' mid a nae tm, his wife, when their fifth chili was • few weeks .dol, •'naly you must wall ken Joh.." The loather had hail hie owe way with ilea other tour, sad It ear so more that fair that he doom"! o„osult hu wife s taste i..r ups*. It • pleasure to sae his. l.m.sds thus considerate The Detroit To Ione reseed. a aituiIor instate*. An elderly couple entered • dry.go.ad• store we Woodward As entre. He wee alias and tell, and she was n,uwl and shout. ••1b wife soul I have .,ruse In d., some abopptin." he said to the clerk. • •In.lee.l •" "Yes; my wife manta a new dress t.. t..ke bone. .,Ale -.lust show her what yon hair Let her select whatever she wants. "What line of rods will you have, mad• seer asked the clerk. "Oh, something its silk." answered the husband fur leer. • The clerk Wok down a roll of bight-tr,1- ,Nsel p.ttena... ••tins; does that please you. metamer masked. "No, thane iNi bright," said the hus- band. • "How .k. you Irl..• thus, median `. he :eked the rlrrk,rliaplay another roll, "No, my wife sheen t like than." hr rr turned, ••Its toe dark.- Again and mein the dcrk display mei his wares hefore them, slava)• appea((.uyt to the taste of the wife, anal being answered by the Mislead. N'ell," aid the latter at length. •'1 gears this piece will dee Wrap it up. - When they were our the street, he re• narked to as wife ••That's w nicr piece .•f gosslsyou u-L'eted, Mary... A kook of quiet humor-Mt/1e into the old Lady's eye., but she merely ausser-4, quiet It. as she g anent :t!fe.'tionetely into his fact : D . y nu : mink ..o. John Need Three Lines. 1 to2bottles ..i 11. 11. R. will cure Head- ache. 1 W 2 bottles of R. 11. It. will cure Haim.- 1 10 4 bottles of Id. IS. 11. will s•ure('rwsti- put nen. . 1 toff teethes of Ile It. it will cute Die Pepsi.. 1 to 6 bottles of I:. IL It. will cure lied 1 to ( kettles of It. Il. it. will lure Scro- fula. In any leer relief will lie had from the first few donees. 3t ••Taking Interest. ••rshr," said the n.IIeger of a:Prot retail establislunent. pointing .nil the force our., of one of the departments. "is the mutt suc- cessful of all the three hnueircrl salespeople in the home. She h gad hehirod .e email counter where different emhroishrring alk- weir sold. 1 1dslerva.l that customers w0.11.1 sok for he and if she was engaged would wait moil she was ready to serve them. . ••1 wished to tint out the reason for One. .ad offered us bring another esleww.ou.ai to a patient cwulmer OM (lay. '• •No: she reel. 'Mir 1'rale never for- gets the kind of silk which I use. $hr re- members the grade am.l even the male which 1 bnntght before. .luol she tabs such an interest in it !' -Thee two qualities- her meruors of the preferences of her eustauen..tn.l her interest m then have made her the hest vale. - woman that we have ever het' A daughter of a iwoouunent Senator' rimer his house the mast popular resort in Weide inguen • few winters ago. -There are many wooden here.- said a friend, "*wore beautiful and more brilliait than Mie Dash, but she never forgetsyou or anything that concerns you. After years of Marilee, if you ire, to ler hunk. oh" will re.- Wernher esWernher that you take then lumps of sugar in your tee. that you dislike the solos- of yellow. and that your favorite song. are Scotch ballads. It is a trifling quality, but certainly it gives her a o,.nderfal charm." No quality will strengthen the influence of a sister, a wife or a norther so touch in her home a this persistent remembrance of the little likes and dislikes of those about her, with • hearty effort to indulge them. 4urely every words n should try teat tengt h - en her influence in the field in which God haw met her to work. Someof t hem may com- plain that they have no memory for trifles, nor a keen sympathy with the wants or feelings of others. As a rule, this is becauar they are exclusively necupie4 with their own wants and feelings Put self out of your heart. and yea will be surprised to find how large mid warm a tene- ment it is ! -- l'witb'e Companion. •.M rbaOsh People Allow a eough to rim until it gets beyond the reach of modicum. They often say, "Oh, it will weer.•way.- but in moat cases it wear* theme away. Could they he induced to try .he successful medicine called Kemp. Balsam, which is sold on a positive guaran- tee to cure, they would immediately see the excellent eR«•t after taking the first deer Price 50c. and ill. Trial wine free. At all d ruggista 11 -erre) reauaa tall. Contrary to the general estimate eoncern ing him, this famwus chief ix a man of mediocre ability, not noted for bravery •m a warrior, and inferior es a and in intelligence to .owns of h. lieutenants. Sheer obstinacy, stubborn temerity of mar- mite., and low cunning. with an aptitude for theatrical effect and our mirk ing nu the sup erstitkas of his people, aro the attribute. try which he has acquired and retained in- fluence autumn the N..rthwest tribes. Per• sasally ie is pompons, vain, imu:4191, limn Onus, and untrustworthy. He has eminent- ly been a eiat.rhing element at the agent miner hie return from eenftnment as a midi tart' prisoner .even year. age, mid has gm�rre worm. in this respect as he ham felt hn auth city and importance departing. The dangerous elements that this chief ha■ ••celled around him ,In not represent the t est noted Indians who fought under hs leadership in the Remelt—sir fourteen years ago and follovred him in hie axile aeries the flnl iah front kr. Three warri.w have realised the futility of wmriare with the whites, and are sincerely desirsios not to incur its avis spin. The Indiana of whom flitting Roll is the r'epneeitetiv.evwnpri e the erre-nue dablea warriors who adhere to the old aboriginal usages arid chiefs jealous of their authority, whseh wanes in prsnp.+r twee a their followers idveare ii ervil the ie.a This smell hut daregermte fart son are ready at any time for war. la sympathy with their desire are many y ming pan ambience Mr a .hewer to d.tinguah themselves as warriors. Harper's Weekly. Tse elsmatiameet taffy is &teem edt Smsarked to • bind the other de= ib knew Keine . ite.ain few the isivgt w.0 •• wor pa.r remedy. be 1t h., ....gin hsaitly whoa alts re nedie. had no 'Seer whatever. So to preen this did enevine yam rd Ito merit may droggi t win n give ye. • fie, w Free forge sire 60e read *i ew THE FARMER'S CORNER. TIMELY 1114FORMATION OF VALUE TO CANADIAN AGRICULTURISTS. A Mead. and IjeetuI Tsui Tp el ti. W.•dpl1s--A Cheap hot Good r.wltry Meow• -A earl WO. True. Moms - Draining ter Posit. A levet-rat teak fur watering -*111 nae be mat as follows, sad as the engray.ug shows; Take ave phot of plank the tangle neer r7 to ciao the bet4uar On them :ay the planks wuseb aro• to turns the bot- tom ul the coming trough Tiaras shuttle have jointed edges. Mail the first one with 30 piney wire nails to oou rind ewe each cleat. Thew peat the edge of tl,- plank w iib some good nineral pint of steel body, and Ightly tack a lepgtil of candle 'vf.ktmg on the psi.ted edge •h.eb s tube jelusd by the nett pMuk. This wlckin, can b: satur- ated with the paint. Nest steelier Omsk can be put in pilau and altmesed tightly against rte mate and rootlet s:cer.l. When the bottom is e.mplete-1, •trip et plaak thrive inches wide, two tuei.es thick and just the length of the tank mar to nail- ed at the dries of the botlau piece, the jointing being date with can•le• n wee; as wise the bottoms was jointed. Ka tie of the MOO wtd•h and just 1..;,;; enough to se across the bottom of the tank he: Aeon the side pieces may then be sawed mud fitted between the side pieces on tie lee tom, jant- ing as before. The *neigh will now he two inches deep. Tee nett layer of p.auk- mus: 1st of the some teeth and must be put on the tint layer in 'web a nay as too bren: joints. 'fhe end pieces mist to long enough to extend across tie retire eat • f ilio• tank and over the Met layer of side peter, and the mend layer ct side pieces a Ill be six Menet aborter than the lir.' vele pier* - or jest Ion _ ennuzb to fit on the !lost side piece between the second never .rend piece% This alternation of jalmts can be ewe:clued until thm tank is deet moue), eke dein:ing by means of eandle wicking and punt being contented Invariably so the tank will not leak. Tb3 wising is Serra about 1- . inch• es from the edge. For au overflow pipe drive a piece or iron tube throngh an auger to tie bottom. Thi-. crudes to within one inch of th. top, u that all water rising over 1t f*11s into tt and . comdut•te-1 away. A trough of this kind has hero ut use for I.. years. This Meech is 12 ft ding, 40 inches wide and _: inches deep, and cyst jt;.::, nil pyiutel awl in geed "4--,‘P.,- Top of .spm.Topof the tteedptle. Ome of the beat si'e i.orws we have ever seen is mad. of a Lo. 11 W P. ft ion;( alai eight inches in diameter. :'our lar. are put into it with an inch -and -a -half auger and six pins set a.. the top in the sante manner. These are to beet the wo,1 to be cot as shown in the cngrsving. When • stick has been placed in the rack It mutt be .lid under n smelt dials which 'wings over the main body of the horse and between t wo re the pita which are, scar together. Ties chain hangs .n a loop low ..cough to aNn et touch the ground. A piece of beard 4 ft long and three to tour inches wide corm pates the arrangement. When lbs stick hoe been placed where it is w i.bed te mw It, the foot to put urine the board mod the seek to be awed can never stir. while it can be easily drawn •Inn, wbuer, one stick has been cat nff. The sawyer lass 11... a•1 ventage of standing no both feet which a moth salver than to bear the weight o.ly on one foot with the tape on the wart. timer bat Hen is a good mann[1 sense poultry house which combines a fair appearance and reasonable cost with utility. It is 10i40 ft tad can be built for 56) tore Tim ID OD I B 0 est shows the ground pelta ed 1(• arc tubs from aping and 1w The circler mark- wesrr which comas being esoatamtty. rWiwe witw or rerrr.TRT morel. Pur decks this privilege would 1• 04. E. Me outside door and FF partition doors Ie the tar right -band ,.ribs a end so steep, tiro teed bine e(protestor stand. The seats and peens are arranged In the meal manner. The requiems/mats of lbs 1nJi.•Id.• al fanner will dictate more or Ism departure from tlas .riot eoed.tioam here named. Elle Draining Per Pre•t. Those we sway ferment who de ant mid will sot believe In dralnine. They will matinee to raise half crops on full crop expellee ash w111 even pay heavy doctor's MIle for ksepieg doses malarial diseases without ones thlnkieg that undrained land . tbo prime eaves d all the trouble All are more or les aognain•wrl with the theoretical malts or .training, and *many may Wok they are overdrawn, but haven enjoyed the practical reemiss of tine drale- hg 1 can vouch for the statements 1 maks. Three year, ago I came into p,,_eeadoe of • plan of land coating $100 per arra, 11 eau phased, manumit and sowed to ewe folder and evltivaml as mouse hot with see& tabor on .ce.eet of the wilt emsdllhe of the .111. Wisest hermit Deft ease Were moa not half • estop: hardly usesah lee 507 for the masers pet me the Silt I bolded items sed there ens se knob hien Ambi roofs mid It see wee dorm&. So M 0T Y. GI No seri year sed h the /.M . bus drelea were pet Ir► 1 sure eatkecheebb- o*..It ..Pismo tit say Nobel ea tis w A►tleaabk, *meati* snot per 1 plowed It to away arm ?be sense .es ins a ewer* droostro ekes Nov newil omistiro TM, NM being orbs bus .,ter017 ash • legs sees.* .ff weer, mad during We was erose, i osold week N sewer ■ tats, blglh or low. Thr was Ow fl/et prncta a161 baode of the drabs. W leu harvest Hem nane wee • A.W el .err 1 revs saw. The cern stood 13 and 11 fest 10IC., web now and tbeu • stalk as lard. aru.swl u your wrist. Im another Grid I put w a .ingk drain tbsoutb • .alley +bore lame water ed- Iseted, sod as the corn metered uvea could ..rely trace the drniu by Use g' *dual in- ane.. to height of stalk. till adjsaent to sad directly over the drain tory were Wore than • foot above the rest of the told. This 1. another praetiswl lesteet, the money value et isbieb you can estimate To my mind draining pays more tbaa • ton per not. dividend ou the iuvestmeat, to ay bottling of the hosted value of the land Some may try drain. are geed in wet masons, but of !tele value in those of drt.otb, h. t I sen prove differeaUy. is most pat - .t m7 faros the .nil s a heavy clay, mw: r ^a there are wo draws the dry weather c sus .ur(se, to bake sad crack, forming r.umberiese :teatime for Ib. admteson of hot air, drying up the ten ler roots of the growing crop, thus stuusul; w gruwtb std redwing the yield ooe-half. Where drain are placed lbs .oil on the surface is el. aye more or le. mellow. To a depth of two Leet or more the earth h porous, seeming the route to penetrate more freely, leers they are in Uma. of Jroutb cod acrd meet, ittkeio.dent of the scorch- ing sir strove. SHE TRAINS STEERS. .tnt•blogrepb, u1 M1.. atelia !•roasao of Detainees.. mess. Some may know that when 1 began the training; of my steers. i was sot able to 40 t.. •boot. For • whale 1 bad to tie en the bung., dry after day. When I meet strong - er 1 played with my calves and taught them many things. Then penpl'. stinted me to thine tb.w at fairs, anal after time ! could n^t complain of not has :.sg letter a. I roee i ved letters triol ►h overt'rr 1, n ire• 1 states I haws • bureau drawer full. And though 1 like to get them, 1 cannot answer them ale, for 1 here other things 10 dry, going to school, homework, etc., that tate all of my time. so pleas) exenes no from writing to .some that have kindly al leen te raw. 1 have exbibltad two pain of steers last year and gained all the first a .d second crises for mulched and trained deem My yearling steers are itl in. ties old and we:gb Pee lbs mad mysirsitntd tale,' are eight mettle ell and weigh Gib lbs. 1 went with my steers every week, after the faits coon tanned, to exhibit them. 1 lave my last exhibition at the Three Counties fair at NarUiawpo-o. Whit there I mei a prom from _emirate, wbo gave nn snnr 1•rescuts for my s:;ll it training lames. Now 1 am at scbo•ol and working to win le lame rettocee room, for 1 am es well now is 1 Mas before n.y sickers,.-!Stella Fr ru , ei•athgtel, Mom Tbr Kel.tire Meth ..4 a OSw end steer The profit. of et cow one a steer of equal weight are thus figured out: - We lei!! take 'a fine steer. Alteen to eighteen menthe Old, wsigbing 1,0(iu pounds, and a cow of the same comparat.ve grade as a milker, w..ee- leg also 1,1411 (neat.::, -e-'•- ::,mel beth in spring in a pasture routeiniug an abundance of the best grasses, the cow bene fresh in reek. We will suppose that tee food of support, both beteg or the sante weight, is equal, and the conditions o[ production iso far as they may be between how and steers rimy be supposed equal. lot us supper that the steer daring tin coming year makes the large gain of RP 1, ands to his weigbt The cow during 1be sine time giros 8,51 pounds of milk, both baiting the sates (ped summer and winter Now, if we suppose this AIX) pound, increase In the steer lel mo.Mim no more water than the dressed quarters of ate fat of iS r'. per mot., thea It would eoessie 3'df, pound. of dry ewbtanat. and the .1.000 pounds of talIk el tis cow will eostaim 1,010 of dry sub- stance, or :119 times as much. if we suppose the milk to to suede tato Ghees ere shell bare 000 pouarb of cared cheese, which contains sheet 70 per mat. of dry subsumes. or MO pans; and heads. this u loft Slot► pound. of milk sugar, and about 10 posnds of mineral matter dimolval in the the obey. The ate pounds of cbe... . equal In food la valor to Lek ; pounds of good most. Pear pound' of milk sr* reet--on- id equal h food salaam one pound of meat, counting the dry esbsaesoe as of equal .aloe. Another of this was afford- ed by the i . at br.Taybr,tbe mle• reamplet of the Agricultural Department at Waehhgton, who, In ezaslahg butter to teat .duieeretioee, found that butter made from a emus fed on cotton seed steal gave mads,. polarised hug►t, through a microaeopo, the 0017 elms rostrum. as did olsn,usrgar- law made of cotton seed oil: and be mild Is ble report, that If this 5.tt.r was breed for Its parity It would be almost certainly sales se Wang adulterated with t►. oil. A Pa! p.►1• Seri ndI e. IMr. Thrifty - I7.etor, 1 dost Walt meek of that cough embalmed! yours. 1)r. Citron- 1 am very sorry to Frear that. te hat is the remote Thrifty- Mere I so mach of 1t deed waw. (.bras -Dead www, Thrift -Yet: 1 hadn't takes sewn than • quarter of the betide wheat 1 eta .l1 ever my rough, sed tame as the other three- quarters htee- quarters door tbrewo away. r)po.Iwg a New Aar.wat. Old Rosie - Toney mos, you've teem over • new oaf this yov' Yeses Reads Imodhseyt- Moot sir ; *bead 7.h alsd. NIthei v tont t. the after Wass Ornate et tee 41‘11I NA! 111'1 11 �i� 111l61111 � Ma. BOO oeeoalr-As/ti Settle aaeMi !uraroma w M. bead 'nil den leo and dtdNsrad tat daMgwe 1+ FINE TAILORIN4 1891• 1891. w --ter a' -d Sprit _ Fine Display of New Goods. Fine Worsteds. Fine English and Scotch Tweeds. Fine Canadian Tweeds. Fine Overcoa Fine Workmanship and Trimmings. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. 23_ acCOITZ.ZAC.. PUBLIC NOTICE Another large consignment of Fresh Teaa_ofsuperior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the Public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. at-ronage. REES PRICE & 1 ON. Kay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. Go.erich Foundry and Machine Works, RUNCIMAN BROS., - Proprietors. FLOUR MILLS BUILT ON THE UTEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. WE HAVE ON HAND FOtI SALE IMPEOITED LAND ROLLERS, HORSE POWERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW, CUT- TERS, PLOWS, &c. We are Manufacturing Improved New Model Mowers which are equal to the beet. Give them a trial and encour- age home manufacture. It Will Pay you to use our new Steel Mouldboard Plows. Doty Engin and Boilers for sale REPbIRB .MND CSSTINC}$ OF DR. FOWLERS 1 •EXT: OF • 'WILD' TRAWBERRY CURES HOLERA OLERA holera Mgbus RLAC i3S The TORONTO IIOIISE IARRH(EA YSENTERY yy��,,� Li=t" Lc�! gaALS� IRES f-4 Cr; e0 -et.. AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS DRY GOODS EMPORIUM. fT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN '"R ADULTS. ; 11111� LmanINC . aoderich t m Boiler Works established lean. -Tug— Chryst►a1 84 Black' Latest and Best SECOND HARD IACHIBEBI In Stock For Sale : 1 50 -horse power upright boiler, all complete. 1 6 -horse power upright boiler and engine. 1 6 -horde power horizontal boiler and engine. 1 40 -horse power horizontal boiler. all complete. 1 35 -horse power horizontal boiler. all complete. 1 60 -horse power slide valve engine, all complete. The above have been thorough- ly overhauled and warranted in Arrt oleos oondition. Ready for immediate delivery and will be sold cheap. I11a11 order. +111 reset.e peso attsaflah. Wass. t ape. C. T. R. Matte,. OIL Repairs Promptly attended M. P.O. BOX 381. 1R» A emit Prier. The r ikertin.-k Mood Ritter. wOl gives grj•. .1 Fiie 1Ini1ars for the eM..reet sod bmf mop, (mot to .treed 100 Cdv, moo. ft/Artesatto -1 itiossoh The will e•kw Jan tat. '91, altar wriah the aseco af,l wary will he peldiab.d (with the athrwe naive if dad..d} toy +411 aim pay RI mods few sad.1...y. they may meleet and rah lithNo re.tnetlsi. _Try your .kit, and waNaTER GoOls www ea vow. P. O'DEA, manager. • figeeaaay.m. 0is gsrt1....4.100,a.Y • .oralr as ■owmy.eYr Yer..•. e. r....sat M•otomya..saws$ - Aa ore a. ma Ts se rue'alent'MI e1. ofveto. r• ......._.. r neon.,W ).w 4.w...,.00Mwr,aas la M rah. rN hr vee1 ..M. w..rw ,..sass gtae.t�aar .,....tr tee{ue.e.rr.. ll sa • ,,"ems $a+., `sera P G MILL UTl11KMNE' I{. Buchanan86 u a wtrPat ' 05- 8ABH, DOOR sad MIND, lett elitr`7i1(I1%G1sesse01 LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES had bal41 A 054.•11 et ..req dasrrlaMaa • •