HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-1-16, Page 8'rosonoosemeammem-
ADvtt $stw1s.
Doti:.. Of client:re in be left at this
. (Other riot later thou Monday
neon. Tis. l'capy for changes
Mime be left not latter than 'fors
dad noon. Co nal .Acivortiarneento-
itel opted up to maim Tburadly to
toioh w rel.
Timm O. M. Loris .... Pg. 8
Prt sale TRS= -'1St o Chvo\ d
!brae Perfumes W. C. Goode 7
Harp... J. hatendera es tiom. . y3
Nlaua:tterSale A. C. f .. 6
Ken.p a Helmut -J. R'• $
AseletsesNMI.s Ito. 8
For Sale S. blame ..al...,.... .
Wasted -Jos. Kidd . 6
Kink* - Pete. Adamson ........ a
Natio. to Creditors David es 8
Per trate 11.I.. Horton .... ..... , 8
ARtdlyTitONe In rJodetioh. w. Saturday,
the w ife of Mr. ilea ry Annot+taw. if N. w .
telegraph wet. of a son.
(:llortElt In Ilnrrele, oto the Rh inst.. the
sate of Mr. Andre. re (inch: roof a.,oto
+ t ws ItL':+'r la :Ieato.tI.. on the nen last.. the wife
at Yr. J. M. host, brnirter, of a bun.
6RAN1' In fieaforth. on the f.tb last., the
wtie nt Me. 11, Orate. marble dealer. of a
('A%1I•ItlkL1. In %luhlliep, no the Yh ails,
the wife of Mr. James ('Lm;.l.etl. of a
IltIt'll M4 Oil.-MrOOK'AN In %vs wan.+li.o^
the Int C mot.. at the residence of no kende',
father. Mr ties McConau. Iter the I:c' . A
Melees,. Wm. Ittebruond to Mss '.a:e
M tronao.
Mc LA'tIt1C biWHENtF: In Wi h:.m, ou
the 71b beat.. at the residencet the bride's
mother, lay the Rev, John Scott. M. A..
Areb'el McLaren. of W lartoa, to Tillie
Low mace.
F'AD.(•(.MH COLI/WELL---I. St. Thomas
clitoris. Peahen's. ut We'dneelay. Jan. 710
4 the ties. tt'ut. Faincoreb, !wither of tb s
groom. assisted b3) Rev. J. 3.. 11od1Flae,
rector of the ebuseh. 004 Nev. Canon Fain•
comb. of the Diocese cf Toronto, Mr. Al-
fred Faineants. M. 1... et Newea.ae, flat.,
to Mile Han nob ('Met well. _clateat daughtat
01 tar. W. F. Cold weII. of Constants..
CA111'111:1.1. 'f LI.- Al the resident;
or Use 1-r.dr•'.. :zither. on the lel Inst.. b -
It . et. A. t err -tete. Mr. 'Wheel Cornetist!.
of the township of H . 10 Miss.lair:thett+
T..rubull. daimon:: of William Turnbull.
V ,(•!e.1erLea Farm. Port Blake.
IIAMHI.K I.ATTA At the residence. of alts
brat.',* to her. oath« Val, ult.. by flee. et'
A. earner, 31r. N"It!lana teambi. (.8400
W;Ihelitahis Latta. all of strdhe, n.
tl 1ii.4 ft IIALUAAK At the sal/sties
Army lOerrorke, reoforth, on the Eta inst.,
YJ iter. A. l). elolbneld. t amain Albert
K. Snider. of Rvchm.o.d kin. Sort (':,rimy,
to air it'aptalr.. M1tlitea 1feliho •. ut `+ro-
fora ,.
MHOS-JU4FN1:1(tx-At the resldesee ot.he
bride's nether. on the filth ria.. by 1:^r. 11.'
80:?M'. Mr. J. C. Wove. or Hultell, 1u
Mini Jape. fourthdangl'erof Mc 1'.ba-
stu0.ef (trey.
iitlLltrdl-ilutt'Ly.TT-At :lee Manor. pel-
tea n.. the .Yt4 vats. b I1... 1,. Euros.:,
Mr. Robert Redman to Mias Ikrtha Iluw'
lett.bothof IleKillop.
•TA MAN NFLt4ON-At iL-laselao:a the ;bd
ult.. by Bar. S. 'tellers-, B D., Mr. H. (lry
Tanen to 8i'a Emily Nelson. hub o:
Ht Itl.',NO FMITI( At H.ai:,aats. en t'..
ult.. by Rev. S. Sellers. It. 1).. Mr Cla es
M Burling. of Illy th. to . Nettie Mr,
Morris township.
l'I.l'TP(N, F(1TIIKRINHIIA3t At thereat
de rte of the twat 's parents. on the 711.
in-:.. by Itee . J. Ft' Simpson. Mr. /Ocean.
d. r 1L (Tutton. of Colborne. to Misr Bessie.
*lnt.erAter of tt'h.. rotheriointani. Yaq.. ter
HA I.1,- 1.1.: VAN At the rcpt.:. -n-. of $l,
bride.. parents. on the list ult.. by Her. J.
K, Ort went. of Listowel. Mr. Itubcn K.
hall. of Atwood. to :lira Carolina Levan.
of Liatswet.
Mill11.1.1F.-M.-MORlalt: At the rood, see of
Mrs. I. M.Mo.di.. on the 11.1 ult.. or Ret.
S..eM..on, air ser 11 ...n11hc to mho E.
Mellordhe. aU of Tuckeremith.
l'KRKS - -At VIoodrtock, on Frida). January
:Rb, +161, Oe.:rg1' Perri. Sherif': or the
County of Oxford. aged :Y year- . mouths
sad? drys.
IK)T' In Chicago, 1l1.. U. ht . Urs. toxins
I oly. formerly of Ooderieh.
.: F. ;It In Herrerbei, on the 7th inst.. Kmil
Madan Iicid ti:e.l =1: cam n m.,:.I ha a..'
OXt'LLIYa%-In McKSloes on lt-ednvad
' '
Jas. 70. I'terll'$ul hi.o. Tan of John
Sullivan. aged 11 years.
Wilstr*O' -In llealortb oe the nth Inst_ ha -
1c14 Pringle. wife of Ur. ('baa•. KiYoa.
sited 21 y ear. and G month,..
III('K1ON 1n Clinton. on Iter. 31st. 1616
IMM May. voltages chill of the Ie..
VAN*, 'Acuson. twee 1 year. 7 month., and
17 days.
W ILSItle - Is 31..rris. m Thursday. Jar. 1.t.
1N.n, Kite of :Pet. Wilson. *Re.i alt seer.
and SI Rum
*MITII --In hirer, on the 7th lest.. flush Cone.
rrtuntrees ea, of Thomas and Klisat.eth
Bmitb. aged I. years Ltd 2 days.
MILLKIt At Momsbauk, oa the :1st *et OM
Ler, 1::110. Margaret Thompson r Ih•t o' 14
tete Richard Millet. acted iS years. 6 months
and Ode; A. The Interment toot pb.•c on
*Outstay. :led Instant. at Bluevale.
I'ONkitY In Bruestels„ on Dec. 311 Ie. Alfred 1,
1( l'w:ery. aged nI year.. ft mesh s sad It
• _ -
A .Riot. ammo Fe. Win' nobs,
.1 w' fnitft kill same/ 11.
A tion,. PersssiT. Tor meet useful Rift
you ems stare 11 to wive ■ Wirt Pea. Apply
Jolt Mettilllcuddy, agent, Ood.'rkh. ti
GeO. Stewart has a lot of the latest novelties
is gees photos. Tllel are bright aid catchy.
aed everyone ehMiti flet a few samples a
The Renal Saturday urday mariner for children is
Lbs roam Ice Nwk tomorrow attu•soon. Ad
sisabM b sad t0 cents. look out for a gland
The Wptas.'s Christian Temperance l'aim
storyamets la the y afters a0. INnyBallNorth se at
'+seer incense at
i 26 : Makes, ::seting at 3 o cloet.
The I'eo0Ms Clothier. r. J. Pridbas.. Is Mill
remised with work. and is :amine it •14 m
ye nstity IMO quality so that I 1
+ esl!owws sepreene. A Rood w-ortnine a ways
dads work toils.
The McKi.M fill will be very Inconven
Isar to the farm eomsoalty, bin will Is no
''e 1aa, ay Prevent teem from betyles the chemise.
ws/ 4qr wtatagwdt or overcoat . tee county
dam at(..lnae.
From wast we read of the (old weather in
Karam Das woo/A think the old-time tvremeit
ea memo seems would about mit. Rue at all
times and ss all erasions R. R. Mallows oats
take peat. Malt everybody
Mensdms R M are Mf -rine burgei.e in esti
linen nota the Mt ot Feb-. If you Intend to do
Is the .gall at tale West
vy le.. Hisses until
•tare t!. the resp nosh
Net date; yen cannot Rut the peter. mow
m ., w atter
pattteer's, frost Iw p. yon to
I. F:. knight. of Htautfnr.l. is .iaitteg j
Mr. W. W. Ogilvie. of M.nt.eral. was hi
Lowe no Wednesday last.
Mir Helena Reid arrived home front
Miss M. Melomd left this week foo a
Platt has returned t. Introit after
stout visit to relative. herr.
Mr. T.:a -arts, who Iwd n I.elaid AV dui
tag he pat wish. te aremuse lttaia.
:leu. Carted, of (1tawa, eau .+hitting: .I+u
i souk at the reeidena .4 Ito Dr Dry.
Max they who haw bas's .+siting ht.r
ter Imre, t1aa rela.ti..l to het huste in (1.e..•
• 3,11,. Peery re•nsovod to Woodstock. haring
ir, S111044 14111PHULIRWIllt al sheriff Hi
▪ ploce of the late Slr WW1*. Pensosially he
a wan 14 very, high character amt
tdroge hia odi. tall Jake. He woo mein
in 1839 to Mima :Newt Hall. whe au
t It e, him His childnie eery Jelin
.leputy sherd-. James Ando -it. of Mho
Thseass. lasindle Mute. --••
Maripsret, .toormed, and 'limey
Martha, of Iiiierside. Cal The (simnel
tlie dead She: were et...rot into. a die-
iiiitictaldv Short,' Wiest, and
s. T. flusiodo, }Aviv atir Soeretar) to HULL
Hamilton. aid Miter Ita uccUrt ii.g high
4.1, 'reamer,. Institute.
Th. Ludt.. of KIVU% will Imola a
swills. taw NIlialvaay oest..lanuary 19th.
" „,%t Home under the ousters. ..f he
g,.ilhering ill have delightful ..1:•a.•tion,.
The puldii. are.
Akolijoic. an.: No -thug -4 'mesa,. veto
pie ti North -I. M. bulb; StUlday
las, awaiting mai 10 It, . evitnitig
Mr. Jobe .tilisi. late .4 .1. Wilson'. drug
hal pawed ilie exesnheation
motes is partioularli creditable for the fact,
• norm. of study at Collegt lief. re trying
weer 44 the un -lel ie.:owned Rhin:ay
OM rich 44.1 lochelir. Iced better
keep i'.•• immolate s'514. oi tie street in
future tn- • ow t :eta ruby e.;et tied up.
reed. was twitillatitted ,1.
%1...utey butt ."1•10;: lo• trial for event
life v.he selotautted to one ire jkil
'With hoar .1.1601.
Bowden : see.. 4. Coulter': was., R.
A large crowd nightly attends tbs Me rink
ireet,1 out in the .4.1' .Inll shathyllaillelet
In -ekes the pressers:it eat oi nat aro! I vet Is
for the peisike. estract am of teeth.
The %teat Hama Teachers liAtitute• e ill
nteet at 1.:selet th.- 19th 3101 2011, .1
Inspectea . will le the director iiresent.
et,' early this year, heitig *h.- Pita, .4
March. niece arc only tn.. Nunday s
Epiphany . Asti falls 'e
ary llth. and (loud Freda) on March 27t1s.
The Star .1 Het hlelwas 444 44441
1 s ery mornmg late felt ft. t• anti not
clock. It rise • in (h.- cast and disappears
from s kw ahout se: o'clock. T.. sae this
sea, errain.pted beim I' .1 c. tar He
elected to he tried about a jury :end
t., the 17tb'foi matteisee.
kJ Mem kilsty-SMArsii. Majwie ...I.
A nat. CM/Art AO Kat.. Mellatel
Locknew V"..-celitesehey to witness the
11.4111 ceremony ot Mr. tags, McKenzie.
and Mats Mary Maunder:. .
tee hetsente 041.4: roan. its hub "dice there is
pleat) of work -.twi ;sopa' Rut thews
are reamer . do it for the Is.ziefit of
Iry tin liworilionrlie-1 I n-•.
ril Sessions of titt Prove Mehl et •In.
court Maw tie 5th Janne. instani • %%heti
the mistime. irtsaptspii of the t•hteir.
nuen..Ineiges Tont- : I.• Doyle. junior
ridge t.htt ward.... Mt, 'kitten • aheriff
Lie went* and of jams for the
suorrior i.e.! inferior .•.urts 'be seat in
froth eel: muntriptility fur the ),-,:tr 1801.
onineLjttelyr,e'e criminal crewel fee Rasta fie
tlie Let heat yea id 1860 co:IMMO full,
ekle'll in .:11. liter, were right'
t*giors, ranging In* five yetis im • he pro.
common :ail
Ale,ot tive tors ago: si-ortly after the deal h
findeeith to fleitogo. -Where else bed
mei I. el. While a resident of Ilotheielt Mrs.
Doty. wax a faithfisl awl • :rabies worker
the Methodist rherefl, hot on at .
ai I.. left the church of lo:t.
choke and joined the l're...hyterian cloned'
with the family, thi ceurele being more
convenient. 1 ye fo the hot she nut att_.0t.t
be porkier in this elinrch. a. is ea:kb:rood lay
an len. Ski virtue The ....emaina werebrottght
lanineld mei:teem sad Int• sem be* sees
• tostirweirlery sansimeram ley both The
WIssolieg believed to Mir bras heesighe
and niece of Hee decvaa:41, end Isere fW•ne-
of •frionte end artestaintanetai.
year the intelligent niers .4raperially if he lai
the bead .4 a tinnily etleetdos arm five
setheuit thee to be iisec•ted in usually limit-
ed 14A hit's:thought meat lie exerveled if a
wino chore 1.. to lo made. Next to the
load paper for no pebli.• :visited citizen
dl tail to :airport one .w othe. of hie Isere
vents. ighted a• et *Inas, wills
height :•erl cleanly fon dpeit and petwil.
tee,. In C:utadien /1411•1,4 from the Atlanti.•
liy the hildren a. sell 44 their elders, aid
few all it is a wain*. 44 profit:41,1v instruction
and healthful laughtia. The apkn.lid sae -
rem of Itrip, Mph 144 now in it• thirty -
sisth °lame, is credit to Canatin, fa in
the. opinion of cee el judges. so far 3. VII 11
and point are etinciaried. it atanda in the
front rank .4 the world'. comie journalians.
It melt. only ls2 pen- )rar. postratege
ivere always granted in aerordalleP Wit/1
1114-14t, It VIOUla he in every l'anarlian holm
their growing boy. and gOrta to he influeneed
in a right way Should not overlook Ohs
poererfel agency. We. have made arrange
me•nt• ith the polifishers 15 ankh we are
enabled to offer Coup on.I Till $11:I.M. for
131. 76 per yrer. Suloseripti.m• may be sent
direct to ;rip. Toronto. or to this office.
lb ern or Snit/Dr 14.eas rer throats
man, kir. T. R. Perry , pamed away at an
early hour Vriday neinong at his residence
leen in feeble health fie mow time peat,
and lately *levies) had set in, remitting in
paralyaie. He was horn in the county of
Eseex, Kitgland. In 1818, and had therefore
more than rea.•herl his thre. •worr years and
ten He spent the eery early yams of his
life in London. Ene., coning out to this
.nontry *hen a lad of 'alarm For a time
be hi ol with a Captain Adams, • retired
"Nicer. sho liad taken up 1104 in the town•
During hi. renhienee in the towaship he
filled a numleet of municipal 'dhow, sitting
in the conned both as nnumillor and le•A e.
For teeny year. he fought at what o known
as Perry's school hrmae. and a very excel
lent tented teacher he um. it. 1167 at the
Sew Poteldr.
McLemrs System Retuerat.ir and other rein-
iltroneunielice. gbiri odium that these
-Mem Ow ea/mound Stoferth. Mr.. Me
Leters Specific Cure end C. A. All.:Lentou'.
Liniment can tie eitatered if not stock
Laboratory ;oderivh, tir t. .1. M. Me
ohms lie immis oriseglem.
F,..... tone past 'halvah( McKinnon
*Atli his wife Rat hel lose oot been
its Mg entitably tegrther. as.' mimeo
ii: family jars wart fro remit. She war
allegol.!,, he it,e1Wibliat him. tad he
hod been tellisg her fake statements in
effect that lo- had Another wife and three
children up , he inkto ii here Ite spent the
negging on her pert and
Ott 4111.. MUM'S) afternoon the nuarivel
culminated,. elven the report ref a pastel woo
Immo' bo them lifting iu the • acinite of
Vkiieren-st. simuitaiteenols with crier .4 -
mit of Capt. Raster a scam brat km the deem.
and he e a• shortly followed liy Capt. Ihsa-
ter. Norman. Niche, nod (Iwother .1 Mrs.
Sh K. on t.4 'apt. W ni. Mc Lean .041 others.
Then It ear foetid that Mrs. McKinnon was
fowl the house in .. semi nude eoralitinme
McKie:mil. the htialsamt sloe turned up
about the mint. tittle and 0.41.41 that his
virile had shot litouelf with he. The
wouncl..1 woman nu* at one, tak. tit the
RIcKinnon :deo wr. shot, itml he walked in-
to the house and it:. tee a tittle. bunk
and My ,1.oric th. the arrisal of 1/r.
Whitely it Li round that both of the
muerte! persmet. were
ly *hi liver awl behiml that otgan
and the st.goisch, rod his se he haling re
-cr-OrieS4Wie monad j beneath the heart.
fran its course sttiking ••ne of the riles
Ins.1 lodged in die .-31 the time of
I.y. the dn....or as the. resort •langerous, and
!‘e tont opinion nisei the fact that the -
internal hemorrhage. is prolsdhly go-tter
sins ticed 111., ibsior of the criti.
'cal condition eti the MINI th.41 he asked
al soot occurred. mai t he 1.41. ea : ug
-Jealously calmed it. I declare my ii,fe
Shot onee aod writ take:, 4411 toy p,iite per-
son san't silly who. Afterwards f homed
revolIcer lying ie. hey" aim.) lay down mad
shot myself. she- whi.:It I wetst int.. (be
fowl limited gei Ott,. heel. ieut she would
came up stair. and wont to lied. This I
solemnly :swear v. tha true und orriet
ilt41 sign Ply 111114!4•
former in the proverim- of Norman Wilier
' mi.!. Mrs !rapt i W. Mi *Lean. and tin-
ale. stated tiott br left his household effeets
Hay sellinifter frohl•Stsp 1.. 06 per ion
The • library in the l'reobyterhot S. S..
11,11triale. oompiete in 180 volume.
Woe H. Heoloilana. Rxi-ter. fell re lb*
ite the ,t het es -Poing -out spr.in. .1 her wrist,
hlwttirr one of her kArm.
ItUraing hie hetet, which ;le got jcnianed be-
rv. elm t Ing• der day Lon utak.
leitght 111 the ttarlicys is time at fle per
pottnel to lc 'lipped to lalanitobe.
T. tluprotn...1- Calgary. ra in Hensall to-
n few days. He is lotel in praise of th,
lied that it will he ft fine city ramie day.
formerly of the 5til line. there'. joined
hand. tend Meet with .1no. Sherritt. of
MA1114044. TM na. 104144131A a:
Lust work..1.ilin Ram, leader of the (+arch
rant. AA abai wit la a beautiful tautly ehair.
tits eleet da)- Mrs.. I.itt lejohns. Exeter.
turning fiver citing nod wh. alighting frown
the rig at the residence of dames Willie ahe
dipped, and Wait" at her right arms hodte it
Stet also.- the anat.
A large. number aasenst.14.4 n. the S. A,
not.. to vz itnevs the matriage of Capt.
Haldane, .1 Seafort h. a lad) evil knoen
eateemed among their per and Albert
It !pow fame is in all the land.
son imlan and daughter of Mr. John Kil
le trat,Seefort h.spent Chrtatina its that town.
Tina la ma Mrs. ( Art1411111.11 first • tail to Sea -
hot %Moe her marriage. and her many
friends thsr. acre delighted tn me. het look
mg ell.
'heti from St. Pnol Tweet.). When he
left Seafiet th heir yetwa ago h* was 4411) •
31141 now he hes to le a stout,
fine lookaug young nab. He has a brood
situation. 3A Mt „ 111 a kepi railway
The t holm N*i. Kra. n long timber
hed been tomi at the erotic. near the' UMW
tank, just north of tenvit. It has never hoes
ent engaged in replacing it with a stone
Mr. Daniel Itolo . formerly of the town
ip .4 Ha). bit now a pnioperons farina
ll'as alter, North Deka 3. ia at present
eter. Mr. Ruby farina 450 acme. He
tar al-enegred eighteen lonhele pi. mere Anil
ene wont a greet deal higher than this.
herr is to large anti operous settlement t
Hay toomMit, p. near Cavelier and
onliedat ion .4 them I. b. knew him in min Kx
Indiana! and menu -ire' ...wk. he *ea indite m
aid to steed for the felpelature for North
Rrsintford fon Wedneolay. man. lir Daniel rt.. then • T
Mr If. Hale took a run down to Seaketh Prineetesin slid now ropeeit, of
home. deposition of MeKillnein differs
materially from that 41 his wife. 34 10
that led tip to it.
says 11, shot rilyeelf. l• not true.
Last night pr•oe..ed that arc should
should each be shot ; he
tired .4 life. anti ps,ryik
ot ham and is nould le
- told him 1 lie wait going
to die tr. slemt i first v., I vvoill.1 11•1!
intentiati ..f min- the pidol while In
bed, Imt lie did wit rem. during the.
wen! up tinto. arta 1 grid him to order
anal comked the dinuer ; titbit ht, returned
at dinner :me
III moo ISUTTI.P; or a
will! hint it lei :Liked soc to IAA,. sow ;
retneed at thut tame toed told hint to watt
clothes after doing the aashing, and had
on one .1 his riernseye. ohieh I ea. pre-
paring to ramie to pot tio my oWli
threatened to hre.k ev eryt lung in the
house if I did not get it f.rr him I told
him I dial not know where it was, nod he
then threatened nit. ; I ran out of tlie house,
over to the stahlt• at the end of the lot, post
a. I ma. and tried to eover myeelf from him
by potting mme hay to•er me.
and opening ont my 10044. gement.. fired the
pistol and the hulk: struck me then I
called for moist/tote and lie went away ; a
son of Capt. !tatter's was the first I noticed
respond to mj call, and then t 'apt. liaxter
met irty-hredher Norman and others came
along ; they hr. -night me to the boom ; Item
lleKinrion akin came up ; he had not shot
himeelf then; he did rarsafterwarda.
In answer tri • questoa. by the reporter,
ahe eke Kul been told atoriee by some
of the neighbor,. against leer husband* fsith-
?ahem, hat added, '11 did ;int think the
* tortes of vest aceount. and. at any rate,
1 0111 NOT SIVal414
rt to alto e I 4114 wing
pistol and *-
said he wee
we.re talking :s
Cord ennui". she mid MeKinnon ha.) hem:
d espondent of late end had told her that
he had driven his Min from home and deep
I,y regretted having done ari. She lettered
ite had mit bren in hie right non.' recently
certainly nnt last night. and to day when
be had returned •4 dinner tinve he was
not weeltly ender the eminence of liquor.
She 6.re Ion. and would forgive
everything if they lived and lit maid only
gmetly oath her.
ia a man .4 60 or 65 years nf age. earl A
fisherman His wife 50 year% of age.
The henna. and premises had a Oily and
Kitharinnonft3 boa 9100 ,esh ot the time 44
, arid the Met that Mc
the abetting. and hi the oweer of both
real total* and taloa,* perennal property
plainly shows that poverty wow not as .
'emotive to the rash met Constable vide
was early on I he ground and alliiiated the
dolor in attendee" to the
he mewled outvote Mayor Butler wee
Wit of the Toronto Lunatic As) him. 'h.,' err till 4"1411111 I-
Pladdeday to visit hie 'On.
Mr. Pere) waa etweemful. and thus beetinie
Mr. and Mni Reie. of Want ford.
- IMO 1111 health
era the Arm repreeentetive of North (nines' in
.6 Ifni he elected by melamation In
IS70. *heti Moss( lwelteme Prefilter.
lir. Pommy offered him hie amt. the neer
the. seeept.A sod a. itieorrel in by his
Aunt no
la that 1104 a pry high line for !"
the original and Lief riven rare • Pntnam'a
any of the
Pain hoe I-orn re t mei or. Rehm to melt
hrenight down so that an *betel mite
motion statement of the female, victim
ight he taken
As we go to press we loani that the I
peseibility of reemery it eaten
taitere.t dangerma ewe =mint 41,1
herr v an Wen. tiVila Cady/ and t mit by 6..46mi/tine [larger prat* antl alteregard the interests at Mac MeKineon eishi bed, avol wiU
tr. hott to' th. and hat held the ant our Wawa la UM sonsoimers Omit emblem oertain. proleatily die before medn4t.
THE COUNTY 00U91101111L
The 1 Misty Coated for 1891 lid' lo ogee
pawed As fulkos•
st..phoi,. 3 KigA. ,1 H. lillicilk,11.111.
Tockeranoth, lk Mabee, .14..1, Wolves
U•bortie, T. 31 Kay, To appoutted
Frog'. Hoe, J.j.C.8116.116711,detLisch.
tadenteh .1"puphAelkIllis J. Irmo/ft
Colborne, lin&
WaWaisudi, T., H. Taylor, tiolorent
Mullett, John Britton, Rai.. No.tt
McKillop, J. Ilenneweis, To:41::--'••NppiltluhnallY,inv';111111.
Seaforth, M. Y. McLean, 1: C Colensot
Hayfield. tImuirge 1 Mae.
C. likmilton.
.t Menstso.
e•ternal use only), now su sell u
an efficieut remedy, can bit th41
lame back, himisigo, gore igr444t, *rd. ..tal
rupture. matters and tuition. awl ts al- •
kindred .listnees. It has ben hem) •:rre
remedy in of Sure film* .0 lae-w.
Noue genuine V4 itlieut lade marl oo
eilnii all our ii-toinei- and
friends happy .,i01 i•rusl., rous
NetV Year. and beg to remind theta
the month of' Jas. art. *hell LII
exceedingly It:w prices :for essli
We opened last wt....et bur first
ing the followiu•-lines now in
toles, Av.. Again al!ow to re
mind yen of tl.: Iftrgain- in all
Jan. 1st. Itet1. M51 -
THE M 1:k ETs
Leilloraskt erten..
Jan ith, lea.
Wheat. Standard.
Spring Wheut.ritemant
Mu', Patent ilusworlan• le tort .
Flour. St might. %too
Fleur. family. pee:
Man. II
Chopped Muff. 1.11 Mt. I 23110 I t't
'el 10 toe SS
MI01 se
Mtn fal
112 to 0 M
OM to o
b‘"/CA.t...(471 fresh illaPaelak fell ...,1,- . 0 17 to o MI
!seemed Hem (Mot 210 to 4
Puling Massa.
11 Cogs of the Comaysf Soros will
wort t r5.1. the Town 01 wog,
est r Imam. at
01 tal
01 Re mat tho Guelph Jam -ilea hail
t Ity weave it mem ate Railway ta
lit=adias Pacific HMI ay Compsay bar
leiTI er and on Net COMM antaalsook
emempletto eammies of Its Railway
Nr the oweemeamomest
Alm Cleelph to • pens on Lake Hurts at or
oar the Tows of Dederick. or to such other
t seam/gibed in the Art 33-21 Vktoria,
as. mailed -Aa .41 respectiag the
treepaaaing on my Dads ley oterottott.
manias or otherwise. without pse-
111'.3 31110M IT MAY CONCERN. -
1. Whereto, some prime uoilloiosely Ma-
rmed has been cirruhillug the rayon that I
& Lit going Wirer. here mkt J11114. When M114
father Mew. Dem Ittchardsont lemma I heir te
wimp the statrawat aa a faliedvaost. circulated
with the inteeties of dame injury to my
lausiness eon:worn* in this town and section
l have Nene tu Way , and 1 tale this oppor
Moak. thederich /42
Business ltor Sale.
AA towing to the feet Shia lam meld • moire
es personal auention la the badness oil ae
meat of other oak um.. ilut Wise. 4 W111 di*
Pule 01 toy Well known !Muter Won,
st. This store Mis the advantage of beteg a he
time tu suit phicharier. W. 1,, 'CORDON. hid
II bums. ea. I trust all those that are In
dented t . ow will call without further 1.0.:*
41WWY• 12. 01-11
• county of Soros. tam prepared to pay
the high. .4 prows for all kinds of kW, ated
mg me much when I *tit sidewise prwes
thIlthe-. my prices ht fore selling. I are
wan: • few hundred cools of wood aad beee•
mg. JUAL arrare.1 10 ter loads of mute Ian
Travelling Guide.
arrive .aad depart at embark* as lel
sod lingage
_writ 1111111tAllar AND READIMO-
Oms hews I to p.si. eset from Ito 10 p.m.
Lemittie Huila, Weekly sad Illuaroleil
Papers. Maats3oses, etc. ow Psis.
11111111111111t8RIP TICK4T. ONLY PLOD.
grastang free use of Library sad Reading
Application for ineashenhip received by
Libraries. la room.
Ooderick. March lath, ISM.
ream ceposte the "new Wise,
adraialsonind fur painless extra:nisi of Meth
*penal attention ant eu to the preservation
of the nature/ teeth. Oake-Ut. mire
orand livers House Muck. entrain* or. West
tioderki. 21411-1,
t nitre at to. tAssisato residence. wear the
Oudetica. O. alteititea. J. It. rims
se solicitor. Coasepineer. Sic ; Mosey to
Deity ti,D er Jontan's land Were. dm room
formed, occupied to Judge Doyle. ?!!P
tidlce. coiner of Sento sad Keel
v▪ ate nand* to Wad at a p,•r neat. reM
• Titotttim. is prepared lo glee ulnae rioters. Atoms." Solkletre. Oode
amens on the p4ono or organ. Vor earth ficit• J• tiamitr• W• PrettlI1SDL
. Mar. inquire at Geo. W. ThuntIOlt.• Mir
*Melton la Chancery. age.
Situations Varmint.
• ..ed wood nor fogad or part al your tam.
t9 ruttrOWA district *away 1,..roi it. H
ItHICTT. Portrait Artist. lionntille. tint. OM
14 mewl openina for • amok young man.
istibual nommer of the ameekboiders of tide
tiompany will he held at• I o Mot pm.. al the
Competes seiner. North -et.. on Teem:1m% led
Few -miry twit, fur that peirpose of retolvliest
the financial statentent of the past year. ao-
=toe. Directors end any uswr general
lit /It At HORISIN. Mansgsw
• SOCIKTY.- I be atoms! meeting of tio•
inembees of the West Auras agru 'Mural
Aoriely will he held at the Town Hall. Hide-
ot het business.
tfl secretary. President.
Strayed Animal&
The tomer am roomed to pro:* ceor..
mitchantemand take it away. W.
Bing SANIOnissodatilm.
reaped. enlarged 111.4 improved retest',
ead is now second to sone in quality of Re-
. kw the travelling Dublin. ituall
. foe treat/eta ducats. W M.
CRAW. Proprietor. the Ziemer, oedema&
SI 75 to SIP
AMMAN Proporty nor sr fir ilMt.
Irrkiallmill . Milt azd old Jan. oat. ,01/11151.61
8 011 toe PO
A alto 7 RI
Aalligneril Plotless.
Grocer. of the Tows 4.4 GOderk theiCaesty
of Rano. debtor.
to Ina, ilirmmio-
e mopectlam Amiga fer she benefit of
hel7e1;b:aginyCollicel"...41141a.thelt.WOols- 17=11111.
A imolai of Die medium a the mud debtor
the Teem a eaderich• at 11.311 oel is
the forehooh on Monday. the MA day a Jos -
tee • dloprimil of the rotate.
every mom dalmbeg to be mainest to mak
tem themes, sa regained to faaM 11100 tfer
tkodara or data. Wooed by at fost
eaaratteat. meth moeheio ea the ram M-
oms of.
Sheriffs Odor.
Chadorieb. Amy. 13. 11111. TRIO itoototaus.
Aattflef•I fa fat Comity of
11 I leash erel heil Mar OA
eimineest to ow la peremees of the Act rie
stsrlimes ore satleed to meet at Ns
=mid ilor the nedearag a the mote
has for sole wo tram* homes situated
us the southeast side of Hamillellidt.. mat to
11. J. nekton'. grocery ewe : tho lestidisom to
be removed hy spring la order to clear Ike
load. Apply to ;v. SlAJANK Haielltostat..
thederich. 2111-11.9
K mid 177. FleteekaeL, Dodo
wish. fee clash, or ea terms to suit per -
Maw. Apply to MK& NOLAN. box lax'
AGMs West.. Ost. nett
-About two misuse's walk from the thmarte.
Twe swiss high. brick oddities la the=
thishistoems lesikUsg covered with
belldisa bow 3 Mese mom es Ine Oa.
a there are 6 large memos. lathe Mar
ditIon Mere ars kitchen. pset.y. washroom.
Upstairs. girl's noes asset baihreesa Aim Mal
cellar. Apply to the 1. who will
titat WK. Sof.
1: good hem. ma roma. extra troilliblabed.
mom foundation. good cellar. Large amble.
=strrifill be ode cheap, an the ae
a. shop good orchard. two aeon of
jestiao coma, Apply to W. .
Nem ; *awes eleared. Bowes
freen %aerie& es the
is tan w and Moughing dam: mil.
bash, refek4.20 with let et shaker Meares
sham ti toady lesim reel good atear
an la ilmeashlels mist Oar gasse-Vie
Moo; good osier Noose sed sew bead=
hamster es essy st Os per mem. or
vrould sell ow soros- mid rest the
other half. ter apply to OWL
NiKithltsiALL. Oe
LE makes dwedfteg Ikea
pomost estropled by tale ads -Miser, Is fee sale
term There ore Worm rooms Wilt Mom
Ittahslientrims Time water es the premises.
law sod high. asd estlidortable is
iii=earispert...a.m.4 fruit garean le clod
r able Wu owirmikbe the
Mireeklr.t...ementosepelsne Mb sem
fa. tiewadeta""lig
esesdalleadied asleep prim • sever
Nome spriest orear le eke es
Loomis and lasuranes.
V I . oat. rim. Life sal AceideM 1111g:
EI. tor in Marltlettillooret may to boon et
per cosh., _wirer" foods. litodetht loss. is -
Meru ..tuarte. Dem very moderate. ror
partieuiere call personally or write. :1
• Re.. sad eqemoiessother tor taking and re
tams la or osecerning my action. suit or pro
n ohow Is tar High Court of Judie.% the
t'otirt of Appeal for Ontario. or In one county
and promptly ettee....ted. Itesidessee. and P.O.
Loadon & Globe; Norwich (Mon North
American Lite ; and Accident lemaranea of
oruoial.r. Money to Loan on Fenn sad
Town Property. Conveyancing dose. PIO-
-square. Oaderich.
500 coo To LOAN. APPLY TO
CAMKRON. *lot fe GAMMON. Chide.
rich. er*
1.11 annum ot Private rads for isrestamet
L. slifilarP, Reel Kamm Mosey
Loaning Agent (rely firetwiass cointallidet
reermented. Mom, to Lead on strait&
Isms. at the lowed rate of Interest oolitic. lo
may way to Nat tl.. oorrower. (nlIne- Nom
Mid doer from elquare. West Street anew.
rkda. 11144
Special attentioo given to reboil* asd
action rewnlatieg.
Reduced rates for yearly toning.
Orders left at Orgss raster,. at my rosi-
AA work etteraateed.
Brown's Balsam WUd Chen, Beth.
Cream of Witch
Camphor lem
J. Writilerii 00411111
ta wow sod bled Valueter.
OM. Raving hisd esseekketable
them trade he m ia
Martfies Hotel. male* liff 1111_
Oodertat„ P. O.. eissirelp awes= et.
46 Virus. COUNCIL. NO. toe, WV -
=Cot 14.111:2
mom tr
The Meat
bets bees made •
a:rouged. tool lb
Ws) os the ZIG:
ul readers to a
any advertismal
THE 1510144
The Crewe Of I
from his trip
Friday Mt.
Harry Cornseek
opened an alloy (
Slim Sadie 'WWI°
mg her old friends i
John Genevan, of
tome Skinner an.
former litatmiem.,
to obi friends.
Meters A. Mello,
%atoll, are atilt col
their retort -Live Mb
1,1 Clinton Tuesday,
Mame togas/tat
fever, after a six we
Jas. Henderson, !
lout en! wine 011 •
tined to his bed, SRL
L. Court
in Holmemille from
inst. They were
F. Frey. lately of
the interest of Jae
lintel, liesforth, an
pored of three horse
ho lately conducte
Rohe Logan,
from Manito on 1
terry is growing Me
ing there.
tor Pueblo. Colorad•
the wooer.
Mrs. Fisher. of CI
Andrews, who is ea
in her side.
W Hill, of Regir
wit* his paratt
Hitt, Brualift V‘'
out tiepins.
Army, haa decided t
Social Reform Bram
Herman Cavanagl
; returns in a
mg that length kov
Andrew Calder hi
his late brother, .lai
to bye on at in the
ever. continue on hi
William Darman,
iifty acres, to J. T.
S2,600. Mr. Divot'
Manitoba next sprit
Thor Dickens, se
ativemee um. they last we,
the bush the me ca
the accident. whkh
Samuel lAndahoi
has hem • euhecribel
4 :lobe for 42 years,
year. It ea medlem
mre. The Globe sie
lemeorm-y subscriber
„eibriftwed ow. tokirauneek Rev.
State, emceeing th.
is Robert He
Kerr's family Ali yl
7 lie Salvation Ar
--am crowded last
imarewoll of Captain
are going to banal
Tarabeery is far •
snotaillieb*::4aeolusitg:ia. ,6081.1
like ;Joel*
tonna to Tenth/ire;
el the new captain ir
William Crawfor
well. arid mays he ha
tearful in the aailiteri
time for the limn.
tmseul, hisheieuer": of° itiastPrury eta
notion is Who
Same emple re
and, singular to .1a,
other .lay slippeest
three mouths ago w
mid • epeadity ed
Prairie. Man., retie
.wasa7: lais, trinket
that onitatry speed
leaving for that o
While Nal Retro
boohoo won letlin