HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-1-16, Page 2irktfatj
• the South £merino .lase, • .agonal e,ss, India Rapitgsr harbor is meg, otti �igti
A look tbroatb ervsdil"dGIM idoses ttieekei round and aln.ust frau too *Meth wt«Its o
ward O0•14 • � . • still •t the part- fringe of kuib otoost es eauireks it, the
dies, where miry •i0id Waked enema most remarkable d which a the Kwpr
tlaw stood at hien'', prams arty Led standing matey over the estranee w e
ie • slrlrMte, our day se. dee wee at harbor. Sowers of pretty iidrw.s with gaily
en and r• tinted villas mot the rrnx.th madam u Our
• Veep d bailie bowsaw. then of Rio tri r•ow rase •
ppResds1 erased its aadeur. a My is
WR arses no qtr we ,p,p,'e.ie
a maple d home Mier the mplem -t het
dawned igen es that ear good ship was
berthesed with seta GOO d the MO,F00
atria... of Lisboa, who no emigrants were
tekittj •d!..t ge al has panne issued by
the araaoas and were hnpper-
fa1ly using Mimed, the new republic
when t� w naw doubtless filling the
plasm d Wesly liberated ro slave
.reward awaiting. all dMs•UilIod 1{.ropsans
were go to Hra.i1 With the bops ofI ►tittering
their fortress. �Pbwr 81t a 6rwaht us on
early t11p moi le Lad, e. cal lues er
M account of the number
d canaries ems there, bet on amount of
being swarmed with dogs pcs.an..p. Santa
(kms, where Neilros lost es arab to one of
kis battles, amid theof Teneriffe, over
00 feet in ►sig gate morn many voiles
May. Three 47. later we ailed at Sae
Vacant, one of the Cape Verde, to opal It
is a miserable barren ruck with no sign of
except a few lemma trees growing
i. around the custom house The
tdlage toss a eek P5Uiguese population
4 .baleM
r 1,000 under the government of
The inbabitaah subsist
by the work required in coaling vemmrls cell
ui11gg et the island, s doses or twenty of
wend army be always counted in port.
. A PIc0Ws cAS Or DM.Avet. eters."r
Dame ander our notice hen. in passing
slog the tants stwst we observed a burly
negro sittiai es it window ledge Looking
through the nos grating. We were inform-
" bP Ymoa that the num was In
prion .ed hew confined there for
seven years •'•mune( kis trial' for .inking
a saps itr ,seer oe ship -board. The un-
fcrMlaate fellow spoke • little English and
Mid use he wee allowed five peace a day to
May bias food and that he hoped soap to
..I, sentence" from Baha., where his
had been under the „ Il n . of
amthoeitim for nevem years. He prornierd
faithfully be wergild never again gat drunk
and bit anyone if I work, intercede for hum
.k the foestaie self Portuguese juatiar. A
small oonection raised among w was thank
tally received, but we cannot soon forget his
appesltsg look aa we turned to leave him, a
b.ISees example of the Law's delays. He -
tweet' Sas Viaase.t end PEernanibu.••. the
first port of call In Oman -
WI Cause TUE LIN r.
The sea here was very .mwioth but the hest
oppre 'ye. the old custom of Father
Neptune coming on board to shave the un.-
n.travelled is • relic of barbarism
frude pun unintentional) no tenger
allowed and the first -time -liner has to deo-
ger to fear if by chance the old min of theses
stops on board to salute the captain and re-
ceives bottle of grog. I have crossed the line
five times and have not witnessed even this
little plasantry out the part of Marian..
slid bruit. About filer o'clock in the tnntn-
k -at daybreak, and shortly after
dike en:Io.irr and number -lam ferries and
man eteiSN:n flit about (rem este Wend
suburb to anther, sod to and from the
city, hkr butterflies in awoke* flight. The
city is beautifully situated. sheeting from
the waters .dg% up. up, un Along the slopes
of the OriOrigamiYamintaln. to a height ..1 2,-
000 feet, when • few draggling residences
can be ase• perched nut .. the reach of
yellow fever, .rnallpoc and ell the other
deadly dummies that Infect this uotoriou.ly
unhe•Itby tows. The streets are Harr..+,
hut ntberweie prieent the appearance of a
European illy.
Ten r1R1.1. arlLrl+ase .Rif r1+a
Bud with nn .mall to architect•
tun. Tram or .treat can run though the
imcipl streets draw/ by mule., the only
of turthrn they appear to have here.
Thr people dress clegently, the itarn.w
street* 'hart:eying as nasty fashionable
dread. and a. fine an array of tan black
hate as the l..ule1da of Paris. All .hake
of black err encountered. from ebony to
mezzo -tint. hut is.Idonm s white person u
met ; and of the 400,000 inhabitant/es 4.1 Rio u
few hundred only are English. Portuguese is
the national language, elth ut,h'panush and
French are widely spoken. The principal
drawback to the popularity of Rio is the
prevalence of yellow fever the city sever
he ing free feign thio deadly malady. le
the +learner time hundred', die daily,
aid few who are striekea with it ever re -
rover. This unfortunate state of things is
slowly disappearing before s radical .vatelet
sanitary reform recently introducevl, end
te hoped in s few rears fellow .leek will
bay• thing nl the post :n Biu. .1 run 17
team 10
' TIM ten i iYrl• tut,.irn'it. •.Al i&' ,
jthe most beautiful in the world.
bye,. it
It w many how ny titin on
thefatst...I claim the po.res.io a of the
most beautiful botanical garden or the most
beastiful haulier in the world. 1t has been
my int to uphold in turn the claims of at
least five of the Mout Beautiful Ilotanieal
t:ardrns and sit Mort iteautiful Harbors in
the world, and 1 prrsnme then are as many
more silently claiming that di/unction still
to be hand froom), the principal attraction in
which is the famous three rusk avenue of
ms, every tree being exactly the same
right and all of a geometrical symmetry
enol precision that suggosta their bring cut
out of . and -board by • elder (kerma toy
maker. Otherwise the famous garden has
no particular point* as s gar.leti. The p,si
tion, 1 presume, legis an enchantment to it,
situated as it. is at the Ilse of three or four
great m.uutains, oar ..f which is the ever -
to -Loaf, remembered Sugar Lo, tapped con-
tinuously with clouds of fleecy whitese.s,
and cladainiost le the summit with a dress
of tropical verdure with necasi..nal silver
thread like gleams shoot tag forth where a
little stream leapt from crag, to .'reg to bud
rest in a pretty lake in the garden below
U. E. Mci'.
_ the lime, an event more venous than
a visit from Neptune caused an upr lar on
board. Suddenly the steamer's engines
were stopped thea reversed and, judging
from this and the geser l commotion that
eomethiag was wrestg, 1 )ump.d from my
berth and pat my head through the
open portliest as . ng light .truck the
water. Hurryie on deck I saw a boat
being lowered and wee told that
By this time the momentum of the steamer
had carried us half a mile beyond the Mai
ing light, but the small boat short through
the water at s gond pace and in a few min
otos was abroad the light. Anxiously
every glass on the dock was levelled
em the dim aleck which after a
fork minutes' ayreh headed .hipwards
and inside hall an hour from the lint alarm
the boat was alongside with the limp body
lying across a gest. Gapes wen tied about
It, it was pellsyed to the deck, and soon
in the hospital, where the ship's donator
greedily resuscitated the unfortunate fellow;
but with every attesting and all that skill
could do be never regained hie reason. He
-wen ooe of the firemen and carpe from the
'serell-bole," as the .•okera and firemen
ly term the lower regions of
tf�i..••r+ wbrre the furnaces are, suffer
Peham a hent -stroke. Ho was landed at
, het committed suicide when put in the
Another firmness diced from the
sleets of beat the same day. In • few da,.
sightedwe �
Roque. which is about
it it said
in this locality the fish have such
teeth that
five times inside of three years,bst aspwcial
1 +ensu of unw'otthinea. is very .lesirahlc
and c•.mmetelable. Some of you err .lent
tete of it. 1 dare say you think it a mean
and ni.erable thing. Yon suppose it would
injure your .anions, lower your .elf -re -
moo and (hempen your courage. hear
friends, the manlinewa which feeds en sin is
a poisonous fungus, which grows out of the
rottenness of a corrupt heart. May it 1.e
taken away from us'
I commend a miner of out unworthiness
be.:aus+ it is a sense of what is true. When
a Mad think. himself unworthy before the
Lord. hi. thoughts are right. When he
feels that he could not be saved by the
merit of hit own works, for his works are
faulty and defiled, then he judges according
lo. fact. W hetever remit n thought nay
have upon no. whither it makes ns happy or
makes um sad, this is a secondary siatar-j-
the train point with an honest nand must
always be 7 1. it true! 1f it be a truthful
thought, 1 ought at ,nee to entertain 11, cont
me what it may.
In the next place. note that • deep sense
of unworthineme is no proof that a pian has
grossly maned. It may be viewed in mote
the opposite light : if the s had Leen
heinously wi"'kcd hie ,.n.cience would have
lost. its sensitiveness, olid he would not in
all probability have felt his unworthiness so
keenly. Do not judge men by their estim
ares of therrrelves ; or if you do, take this
as your guide, that he that humbleth him
self is to be exalted. and he that exalteth
himself is to be abased. lie that is greet; is
little. i.et he Out fs little to himself be all
the greater with you. I kid loveth not those
who least ; He hath filled the hungry with
good things, but the rich He hath sent
Risme lards Itamsa dor lest -aa&► -A
Mese laaasre abed-- A New& Macy
Wages g)e-rsaewese lam&&erF
sobs st ablement.
flashes fur beilatieth, ooIhtramsa, a.d
ppnefh@eras aro „ at nearly all
aide leewris , but it fregreatlr bopped' that
thaw ternaries are loomed way mike trues
the piedmer or farmer who wants the
eadbe , 1f they are ordered thruugh the
Meal number mrueba•t, hh profit and w
freight charges will make theca rather ea-
pedve. While factory -made mobs@ are de-
sirable, they are not IMLpeamhM. Me
give beam an 'agreeing wbieb show, bow
• bons.- ode aids, for boi.hede, eta, that
bas the merit fit chsemes s, b own need
The frame led sarh'a•d-a-balf Mae. The
.ad pieces ebree f.sbm sad the side
pima two Meta wide. The eater
bar wader the caster is me leek
ly prepared cabk Bid in 1871 hw twisted empty away•
every puc•ttwy effort. Whether it ie coated I .ertnmend this sense of unworthiness he
a t
sir enure it l
with a preparation "Rough on Fish -
made eestendency to make a ern kind
to others He who thinks himeelt every
d "chew-prosof' wires no one wag' e. Lod thinks another mon nobody. 1f •
ane to inform me, but it i founhed on roan t .r.oud, he will sa "1 am • man
Mme of the very few fishy stories founded on 1 y
esus, r • town with 90.000 in under authority, h. torr anldier* under.ring me
b.bttaata. in the first lad tushed in ;tooth and 1 am not ft he worried b)) having heck
AeeriM• It o flet, nnisvitiwngg yellow boys to hank after " Sympathy, tendern•se
fever is common. A few Engin and tier tine the valuation the of /then are dram/erg to
the hove of the pion.! : hut terry- take np
awe behet.ale homer r are the main business their abode with tho.e who think them
bail, a. It teW. every play t harm tel.ea unworthy. Reloesd, It ie well to
tameeat isl1. and vies-testha d the .mer think little of yourselves. for then you will
ofh pi block. Thi. was a!1 1 .,.rine learn have more thought to spare for the sorrow
of the piece without gnisg e.hori, and. fit of /their. The great man, the very great
m pg to her the wee experience 1 had man, the highly ereervine man, the person
idatTrae of being lowered into the bat in who u a right honorable and worahippd l
fid men...hmaden to Il
awl crushes E
.warn on the surf, i referred u ode
pad l they lir m his )
a chair Imo sure' ns perannaKe, rides moth ah d near hie fe nw.
the beach char running the auk of hetng r .hes them without
neem illation if
remain way ane .era hi r hie de
on beard and get mut. . 1 could sign : tont the tegmcicrus unworthy r,an, the
inquiryltae here ti name. lulsn"d' wen who leek that be oweverything to
for May l• the mercy of time and most still depend
Tn■ otnner riff Pr 115Afll. upon that mercy and t hat mercy only, will
s a raw of 45.0 Mies Thu city i. remark be tender and gentle towards fellow Madre
abbe for .gyssl thiap. it Isom one of the and speak .•omlortahly unto them.
AnaA fir. M the world. it preeepees We commend again this Penile ofunwewtb
lb, hiesset wsmpat u the world. it salutes mem Meade it make. a trim lowly tower.
IM veno, anti the newt varied awed- the Saviour. IN all things that are cnn
1 per/heaeg in the vowed Cairo or tempiibets , • prowl hearing towerthe Lord
Jr.aalam probably argcktpiedl. It Mesta cissas is the mast hateful : jet at u by .n
the Urgent god /dteet Mack womenin the mesas snwu&l. Fawn seem to fancy that
world, mid the iethahitanu weer the heed Jesus is their eerrbst, at their heck and
clothes ef any .f,OWd people in the world. all ; and they talk abet His salvation as
is turtles rgearkabe for the floe* though He ought to give it, and they mule
-ilmary Cy)," more I ever sosated They claim it for themselves bad all mask tad
See l Me he Lige quantities, Our right sate of heart, when dealing with
beset sad p,,,red se gsaaise for the ear lewd hens, is that of the penitent
itjelesrtatm modern. The principal sdestry imiplinte His feet with tears, of of the hirer
It the of cigars, wt . fel, et His fort wed worehipeed Him
die ellp.nAy of wide en exported to Pu e\pt 11 we would come to the Saviour of sinners,
Id te_f.l gaiter tardirie the re moot ,+.Abe as .infer.. We must ovineest �sr vis to 1 nwpltal w. hnmMe pettttnn.rs, and not ea those who
homa 9'10 .h.P, yaks, Mina. nark penally fancy that they have • alum open
ggMpasw r Brae
1y site wt the grata orb I:ed
berett (60.000. f Aoa
.r d wn.o.rthinM 1• �i
~ d naked useful, Meow* 1t puts • ala. iebesenei see
IS este tete lir Ms fweatirr..d perfumes blues Aim -� M. J,pwdgei
doee or �� 1 u& ).rnpeels cat_
lfg,e M.�.�iii.. .J_e.l aeY.. sig r. e� ' lar +n! wIlik • pair of miasma
gaga a hsps . MAM
mai• ,,1�'r�3 .erre i 1.
hasierl•Mr • ham eat tad eeoers Meet he sett. Ievwi is Om water
Poem ire Tat Yin
goerm. The mob confabs dztera pane. of
Might by tea glass, whet is a maul ane
The bars of the sash are snob composed of
two laths -.me divided lengthwise, sad oar
*bole. The divided lath is fastened to seek
Mals of the whole ooh, and forms the ledges
ups which the glass rata Wben set
lbs ghee is lapped about a quarter of as
(Lick, so that it will .bed rain. 8ssbee
these constructed have been in uee several
year., and peso as good s►tidact ma as
t ho m obtained from the orb-leoteri.s,
though they de set oast o.rfeerth as much.
A Mooed Meet' Wages Mies.
following It • .keteb of a simple
method of keeping an entre wage or sleigh
hex in position. which we oar teed at loam
Morey years apo in marketing apples. nail,
as it may not be familiar even now to acme
readers, we present the engraving. be
top, or extra box, is made of exactly the
sante dimensions so the lower me and of
say desire.' higbt. Strong cleats are firmly
nailed of the inside at each comer, op the
sides of the up sr bok extending down well
into tbs lower coo, and M eine], to the end
boards stat it ten elide nettleer foewsrd nor
backward. thee or more side e' ata ample
os accofdb,g to the .trngtb t the Weer
board. and the p•eesure likely to •erne open ,
them from the character of the load in ter an preduee much ebeaper than re ^_.n
the. 'feed 'wing easier 1., ...Meal, god
• the imp-ucol onpleuenta of argrcultz.4
uow pu.w+:u1 by 1 lie farmers sawn an-
nn. well adapted to the great p anis of the
West+ together with the stroma. advantage*
given by the railroads en carrying hang du'
faeces, wakes fit neremary Ito the Uuteno
farmer to look about bum for s doe do ng else
which promisee aim greater profit than com-
peting In grain growing with the ehenp
lade of the West The prior obtained
the grain grown ea lands enriched be
commercial (r11l1121, r leae.e w small
• profit to lbs farther that it is doubtful
if ever they wail be extensively usai
The fstteuom.; of oda, for the foreign
and Mgt, narket has bees r commits 1 or
a memo of Looping up the tonality of uur
farms. and to a pertain yeast it dor.; but
to the careful and observing termor it is
very apparent teat this deems practised fur
• great '.umber of years will re,.ult in re-
moving from the tarn • barite perigee of the
phosphates roota:ued in the huts and the
aaiei•1 matter so nncemary far a erop pro-
duction a .oteem 5 in the holies of the cattle
and .hasp aid from the fanm Co-operative
dairying, if pr.yerly conducted, promises to
Ibis farmer very good prospects of profitable
returns, beside rotainiag ate the farm the
pbeepb•tio .f the lars ct animal., .fid in
met W the advantages in the way of imas-
an wbicb beefing dose, without the lora
Canada hes mads • name fur herself,
tbreugb the in ell:gemt e x round of • few
awn, unequalled by •ay maestri, is the
world, ,or bar cheese. The Messer factory
hes made the farmers of the eastern p•.1
til our country wealthy who were Dever
en by growing psis, sad she bee di.d
largely to the wealth et the western part
of Canada. out the creamery system
promises far better returns, beside •nosing
the farmer le retain all the skim milk
on .he fares fig bio calves and pos.(
pigs, and which, by odd dotting or the r
d owtrifagal machine/ for s eparaUog the
cream from lbs milk, leaves a perfectly
aoeet, and in the lest condition for breed -
mg tee &vis or wise 1 have sot bad the
opportunity of malting ekes reeulatioas,
ardoIthink itwould hethe best b do go
bre. Any man r*p•bleet madmatiag • d•Ir)
fares is camber 01 smaklag web ,sIe.M-
tions for bedsit. bet as It has teem pr.
Staid* in other partied sur armmiry as to
moot be bene under the mime eat edithbs
1 oat Not go lata p•rte:alma as b the
breed of talkieg morn s nose nor aka
kind of fodder to pee ala the
farm, teat salted to problem Mast mil brat
milk- the way at ritNag the mlR, nor the
pl.n of eataoliehimg and eaudiectJag a better
factory. Al Miee are mature Por after
enaddrMlos tad own wanly he food auk
Let ise sow sae up the advwtsses at a
better fernery: -let Hy .Wing may the
creme w rearm from the fans a very
mall partes a mutter which goer , N
dere:bine the tare, std we taxa .n M.
adeshi-ge et melded a large tooth. of
,•.are sad of es rood a quality as we
- been tat enol. unbent 1b
seeleladalliesres of
tern. bet �at
By kerpleg the milk
Rama we ems ram .11 Use naivete, wheel
wdashle, aid by swemegiwg te Mre
mime pep stoma PA demi the time
`slay e-ulimanem at to as .01 a m-
ar the Sem mak set required for
Os MEM, sn0 sateen • .teed
wide l ef Il.gmly the milk.: Ibb.
a Ike rams �a wMS i be
-_ semi Tib ides of the yswg Own
sed supe tar is a sseeliem.le lam et
prat/► god. Assets, slot ger Baby
Is t1M re molt Is mete sewer
WNW esu, its .tulle year. Mer IOW
W. ACHESON & soli.
We have just received in stock for the holiday Beason
a selection of novelties in pure linen goods, the finest ever
shown in Goderich, in
naapananneis AT
And Drawn Thread Tea Cloths, 5 o'clock Teas, Napkins,
Table Runners, L B. Covers, Tray and Carving Cloths,
Mats, etc. e
Saadsome Novelties in Handkerchiefs. -
Embroidered, Initials, Fancy Drawn, Hemstitch, pure
Linen. All prices, comniencing at lOc.
8 dozen samples of Men's Pure Silk Fancy Handker-
chiefs, from Welsh, Morgetson & Co., London, Eng.
Early inspection invited of these goods,
L nz
have opened out a large assortment of the newest etv les in
Hats and Bonnets,
Fancy Birds' Wings
And ' rimminRse
� t
• Please call and see.
Two dears *ON Square, North -et 73 -if
.1 :da.ble Paper ea the buweer at the
Farmer. ',statute.
At the York farmer.' ;ns:itute as Fro
day, Jan. e, Mr. Shuttlewortn read the
tnikrwimg tatuable paper on the above
As tint.. pacer on, under a conetent eve.
tem .1 grain mopping, .'w lards become
exba.atrd of 11.e natural terulety of ail
new land, end tmm want of proper can prac-
tised ice ear'er years in 'be ma •:e -
meat and apet.lastion.of bun -pant maim re
tae resulted in lighter crops to toe culti-
vator ..1 the -oil in Outanu as well •s in
Aber ccuuirie,. And dere our Great
North -Res: has begun to poor into the
sarteta of the word bs immenaa cr. pea
01 wheatt.ariey, sod . ata, wlticb they
Daagereaa Ledgers.
It left maimed to weather, it, they usually
are, 00 osis korows bow soon water will
penetrate at snml point, as in the boles for
the rooms, and produce decay and weak-
anw, where all look+ sound, and • broken
Mak fiat took may tors the re.ult A
- , i advisor to drive two
,loiw a ibm the Mews are applied, @mel secondly,
M 5A►t.re. .vnwnte aired risk, it in bettor to perform 1h.
NM •I renting by eneftef email pirw,thes rodeo
of loamy Net ing l►. Mem graeleefy to that reuse e.isM
of . dlfw.at seen •editor gLma. est ►eel
to op.ss them I seed mChe very deep.
i oafs in* fitaiihms,
WHI!1 d !lei} I:
pine tide of • states rear Me
wiling, and Mug the ladder there when-
ever not to nes. He hyo they "bave 0.o
made of poplar, • perishable wool, whack
bee been rhos kept for the years and is to-
day as mond as new." -Very good, hut bet-
ter still to put tie pima m tos aide tit • barn
goer. whoa Mere is n place fur the ladder
there, els the stakes is madly damp. The
pins, wherever pieced, need to have the
outer todedeeded to keep the ladder from
jarring or slipping off- Ws have sea the
pine made from we ..1 of a forked limb,
one fork terming lbs lank to 1,011 the side
of the bladder, as ebowu la the above eale
Agresett.ral Abstracts.
A food bundle of eorn talks twice • day,
with two pounds of lamed meal at suer
feeding will keep a oow is excellent coadf-
tra, aid enable w to glee • large seer at
milk_ Is net this beth, as well as obeyer,
than the feedbag of meadow hey, mouse
mere than the eorestalb with nothing
beside.' We says idle .sad that if • far-
mer sold grow plenty of Dorn or even ons
fodder be bad the funlauen or keeping at
harem a herd of cows es be coed sod, or
wy ousel .spoly the mosey tor parebad g
pais lar a1 meal se wuplemestary ford te
keep through the wider.
These is muck nosesses M the motion that
cows are better turned out in the bermyaed
in the seldom weather ahw.ly for .zeroes.
Uslses som.ous tolbwr her aroud gad
pokes her .p she .W not .zero., bat steed
Is reg career god shiver until the .table
1opmad far sr to go late shelter agate.
ivory Mau wedefi..ee of exposers Medea
Mee ton milk 71.14, 'f she it giving milk.
The .mole of a berm.'s hep are nth more
May eev'oped tae tbst et • new, unless
the Maw tis haw bred to jumping festa
The rade quid a now Dan he tett~ Me more
ami brew milk otos will gee for taw gams
Newsome of hied •
These le much Ism wpbW .01St la a
Smoky .d then there b la skiver pews
as aq.ally trrelle sell WWI* Mover reale
sink. 40wm bale the @abseil a Mem tap mow,
the roots d timothy am wieseety upramgles
start nee ace Nem jos babe the bele moor
ti. serf.0a We bwev. May deo are peso
q.anty tea. the Noor reals, m tiewMy
bay metals. lee tttrmwrW velem Moe bey
made teem sever. There is OM
Maresca as Mover rear *Mem noel..sera.
Moe oder if making It warmer gel east*
permeable tor parswbg mega the ebver-
d Med .111, far Ula nems rsesem beep
m ebyw 1. time et deeleilie per my orep
.huh nosed, It Title le on beperta.e
reeds eerypiasSisisesse en timmty
i egre
meio �dbd eiiwkeM
p Beeps. were &et roti tkae lbegiS
teems ens, bat It set eves flab IN
Ogee is . dry oozes tree It w.ud be Web.
.5 It. e•el. r boas MMer
• Iren gas.
cog telt ran in seem use IMO narve.t
which le.n•smilable on . farm devoted w
gnu.-Kroning. H7 ons mol judgment in
t the immiur., tirade from ell the
onese that a .airy farm lc capable of carry-
ing will vary soon make a marked change
in the productivene0 the land, ad well
not have art tee faster any .rosy for
foreign turd tura and to will have bees
better raid Goa his labor by his sale of In*
cream calces and yang p'ifm Ula. he would
haus tree by the sale of e beat, bari.7, sod
oats at the pricer we aro likely t . obtain
1..r Mem under the curxlitions ..t keen come
pertain at least for saws low to soma
• A (:heap Maumee ated-
Many emote much ..1 the value of rake
Maness by throe tag it out ed 4. ors to be
a nos upon by sun and rata. We roomn•ly
,.s • veru ebe•p. ernmes meted of almost
wbolIT preventing ,urn bat A board root•
tee. feet .quare, is eup•.orted 1.7 parts eight
teat long above grouted. which are ooziest,
id made by . wall of planes for of polo., es
the one seaweed wort. Near the pest
at each end stakes m a, ase snit
against which oar earl od its. e.j
Latest and Bert Educational
lli�i, Model, Pubhc and Separate Scbk.
gatINZ 11151
See our Daisy, Star and Rosebud Scribbling Books;
also our Majestic, Mystic and Artistic Exsrcise calw
biggest books for the money ever shown, ONLY 5
Central Telephone Ketr•hange, Court Howse Square.
the have sew a see Ilse et
oulsmlarts° or
Gold, Silver, Copper, Lilac and 8 other Beautiful Colon
fey . l'.rturse, Pansy Wort, eta Mixed reedy for aha
Abe am asusi.tte line of
Ptos� Goods, Perfume, Stet Powder., Violet Toilet Water, Etc.,
euluhle for Hold•, Prse.ats
Chemist sad Umagies.tl
- - ederieb. Om.
Oa A
Cleo. dry ,'Dods more.
1 hare now received a Map e,ortmewt of
r - rat men. woman sal children, tram the smallest to rte lamest sizes mode.
poem the bet Meows salon.
Grey. nay seeriet, white and creed PI.ANNEL$. ase Nmadamadlemadamla Freer.* Opera
agenda HUOIERY- A lame and varied stook, as west
Sleek aid colored ""31•4:'"""v"wiowmae..
Plain and with kW ties, ales kid pslmtl. Other . equally well •wonted. Stricit
Draper and Hal
A elm Pon 5ANC112.
planks rest Tuis abaws the frost
planks, d, d, to be misused in Wing or
..ng. 1t is placed near the .table, pre -
tenthly so that the manure teem the ..table
ran be throws directly into ore corner,
warner it n forked to the opposite corner
in a taw dart to prersot too violent frromen-
tati... A frequent addition if gads, leaves,
and other matariab that will decompcas,
will increase the beep, aid Improve its waist
supplying • manure superior to essay d the
000tmerc:al fertilisers, at lie s.
The reeleretdd barrel Balt &weedy pot .p
is now do obese teat it hs. marl, if 001
entirely superseded the tutees formerly and
as • fertiliser. Tole Is tw wee more or Nee
nosed with limo and gypwv, but 1t woe
generally so Innpy and hard that it could
ably be teed to advantage by potting It os
manure heaps where it could dli.olrr. liven
bre the lump, modem •seem la forme parts
d the maser. heap, 'mile olbtes bol was
what ear. pine salt le oxo -int t for mix -
Mit with hsaiuf., bet it 'Mould only be se-
eded jest before deserts" out
Washes& abs VW Memerb.
During the ped year several phy.iei•as is
New York have tried, with a gratifying
dbeo.m, • novel treatment for dyspepsia and
eaecet of the stomach by wadunngg out that
argot Thee is very maple and not
dangerouAllaso ng flexible tube is passed
down the throat until one end is in the do.
mach. The upper end has • fennel attach-
ed, into which hot water is puns) until the
stomach is filled The weight of the water
in the pipe del funnel gives a hydrsuti•
presere ..ftictent to distend t he .teenseh.
'1 hr pipe has sa •pertars big enough to held
a lysyl peewit Artor the 'termed' has been
filled, t.be funnel end d the pipe in turned
Doyen .ntil it ie lower than the hid run of
the.tcwnarh, and the stonierh is emptied r
a barrel of any Auld is emptied t hro ngh a
siphon. The proems may he repeated sew
seal limo. Tlr result ie that the undivided
decd asi mecum an washed stmt, and the
bet weber einem the blond oasis gad re-
duce* indamntati n. 710 relief is isemed-
iate The dywp.ptie tray have Me debaeb
washed out befit.. a meal, so that le ase
take • fresh start. After the hire of •
a.6lerent time for ordiaary digentima,the
etamanh wry tog wsakwol oat sip . Tide
�ma s Ira in e at the We. York
rreps al,we ere iefyrtn«l, ice Mae Walk --
Anoint i6e Astsrima
Cattle Chains ---New Patterns.
Crosscut Saw --All Makes.
Cutlery ---Table and Pocket ---In Endless Variety.
Chopping Axes -At Your Own Price.
Geneasl Winter Goods ---Stock Complete.
No nail" es nee
~ w flasa.ame vv.
.snr� ..b i
sad m a Or wen ea sim
T_ M_
Having removed te t'r hbb Meek. ttqu•re. is prepared to sell all tied. of `a
Groceries, Pro'isions, Crockery, Glassware, Flour 1 Yet*
1t rock bantam Weep for rash. Please give me • all lief ee p.rekaatag elnwlea
11!17 The 9401104.
P1.attnstormeweDwring at kiwis e1 furniture at the lowest pee ible pelMek R la •
wellfact that be
wMSLM!°Seine C3:-.1x.aap
n- • W r.
heatPer east., ire lenge We levier.yI UaMetakr el the tows. Rsbele lag Plwld ldwgpa�
rein Ile tyles rakes • geeiollT d pints Ulm u e ayes .oar IreAw
Inseams ~them sod taus aVr�m 6M ewe that me ewe Y he aye arab
ALL 1100
Thanking you
your liberal pain
during the past
and trusting the
strict attention to
wants, to merit a .
of yoar trade d,
Undoes tf tho clogg,l r. eco
&welt. Kidneys and Liver
chi gra J;:ally •^t -at weateriri
tem. ail the i•npo. tin and .or
ef the aces0110nd r.L the s•t:ee 1
rer.ting Acidity of tho £
curing billonsness, b,
Headaches, Dtarirorg, He.
Constipation, Drynes of
Dropsy, Dimness of V!slo!
Mee, Salt Rheum, alpell
fu!a, Flu:.:.eri of -tit, Ho:
v'ousncss, and .:; Det
Lies , amid many other sLni!.tr C
tLO to siB hi fntlnacoo 0:D
��� rot. 8ct4 t ori Des'.era
-oak* >w )1oLean's-
-Opposite the Market. -
Money to Lend
le Oblige V
flee INV
Is atee n ens
Is 111.1611...s and el fir their Peat pwsaags he hese w vendee • df IM
GEO. BARRY, "9 Hamilton-st.
The best is the cheapest, and
The Signal" is the best newspaper
in Huron, Perth and Bruce.