HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-1-9, Page 7-. CHRISTMAS SEASON. W.. ACHESON & SON. PIRST TEAR. We have just 1 in stock for the holiday season • selection of novelties in pure linen goods, the finest ever shown in Godcrich, in IIAIID EMBHOIIIEREB, Pia IIEMSTITCII And Drawn Thread Tea Cloths, 5 o'clock Tens, Napkins, Table Runners, L. B. Covers, Tray and Carving Cloths, Mats, etc. Eafadeome Novelties in Eafn dkerchiefs. • Embroidered, Initials, Fancy Drawn, Hemstitch, pure Linen. All prices, commencing at lOc. 8 dozen samples of Men's Pure Silk Fancy Handker- chiefs, from Welsh, ¥orgetson & Co., London, Eng. Early inspection invited of these goods. W. ACHESON t$ SON. . 01..0..0.._ --4'3.4" MISSES YATES bars egsseed out a large of the newest styles in Rita send Bonnets. Fancy Birds' Wings .and Trimmings. CHILDREN'S PINAFORES AND APRONS. Please call Lund see. o r i Two doors bo Square, North -at 73 -ti • Wafts Asetrse Mees. Cyrus the (:teat deed his head cut off h woman. who threw in into • vesseld.&1 with blood. Initiation, who cummaad.d the Atheneum at Marathon. wee tx,edemse.l to death, bot died in peon.P•usani••, who slew 300,('(10 Perasna,waa st•rvcd to death in the temple «1 Minerva.m Theytocks, who destroyed the fleet of Xerxes, died in exile. B was cesiks ae.l as a trai- tor. Pyrrhus, one d the greatest .aptaies, fell by the hands of a me. ans Hannibal pommel himself. Ski -irritates ten upon hu own sword. sRome,Antiochne was murdered by his follower Persil. was tarried captive to Rome, and died in ixrietin the 'Younger was mnrderod 1n his own hod. Ciao& was am•smsirsated by one of his own Marius died through rive drinking. Cra.mus was . put to, death. Pompey was murdered. tame was amssasia•ted by his mast inti- mate friends. Brutes, Celsius and Anthony fef on their own swords. I odeve A d for breath was distressed. Memos AEA the Rosters e I said e mets r . Rut .he took 0. II. D. Por her weak Igo"yea m e, And mew she osa elm with the bot. Am Waste save oat, a ow • r, Amt he geared hie softer was Mats dine: a (;r 0. W U.. pray obs•r.ave tack tie UM servo. am Amd sow be DIlh nalf r mus. A writer. who wrote for a prior. Had headaches and pais is the eye; G. IM D. war the spell ss That •rte him quite wen. And Mem Eebefore him new lies. These are only examples of the daily tri- umphs d Dr. Pie►t M c'. geld.. Medical Dis- covery, rest/wing health and reviving enacted vitality. Soil by all druggists. msysreefair Mem.me em. y • Wbat did `eater llama brig 1e.1 y.r, i••sry v Misery -Oh, 1 got a bend pew wenn overcool, and a pair u' dandy pante, and • lot n' candy and 'Mother little tkimg. 1 can't jest remember. Whajn get! Swipe.y ()h, I got a eeaiskin cap, an' some warm clime •a gees under the.., an' fourteen dinner tickets. and Iota o' dandy an' things. Now, Misery, straight Wh.'J• yer$(r Misery (weer just a little .laky) Say, Swipe y, I bunged up my .tockin' all right, aad. do yer know, 1 never got a bbomie. thing ' Swipesy lake shaky .a to voice) Norms. @either. • lu sorest. Health Officer - -"Have you ever Ives iso- • ufated !" M ee times, boss; ; ', daberi11ap1r.getueaUy)-- •'FrHealth Ol '.r -"Whet for Mr. Remley "Worst for steak!). ebiek 'as, want fer Melt 'n batt'ry, tow' when 1 jined d' Masons." Relay. are dangerous ; do not neglect Did in the head or it till certainly result is catarrh. Neal Kaki relieves ooid in the heed from the fire application. Sold every where. for UM repo. "Young nen, you doesn't lark well behind a pipe," said the family physicists, .. he pared through the library ne hie way to the .ick roost. 'What harm is there M • pipe!" an .wired the young puler. "Nose that 1 know o(," answered the old physician, "except that winking iedmoe. drinking ; drinking indium intoxication; intoxication edema the bile ; 6ik induce. j•snhoe ; jaundice Ie•ds to dropsy; dropsy terenis des in death. A5 you .it np there bellied year pipe, pat that in it aid smoke it." • lfime, w.ma.. www, Call, e..gk.M the e Ire send essumd and prevent the third, sae iingyard'e Passed Rolan, the name fail Mg family inedi•in• kw all themes el the them.t,lesp sad dta•t A marvel of Mahn M , esalplatnta q "Tum cream, "Philadelphia- nude nine teen knots ea hour. Ry the way, p•r..se, what is your hast revered r' Th. Chicago aesi her Nought • nwesewt "My bat, i Mak, was sixties.. Plat thea. these .t the envies had .ever been honied hdere ami, e( enure., &Mir • mrmd same little delay. " P6YsiapkM 11.s.• heeler ttUe tugisraa. A powder min eexpbsi.o afRAs�ths eines '�"nea•w• Wks ~h.wholli lei. imp Lite aed d.blit name&kntlernilg e world over The tM ka Recorder states yet 6. meowed y( MUMS t�arm, kvM treed* aed igall 6esdg ole, >trrod.k gleed( flitt r Is it mit tgmrll drag ea gash evidese. ! • Burdock Pills cast itek by re. gukting the stomaell. ISM lid Newel& lm Maras deg Wham. He. - Wi11 vale be a sister to me' She Undigrantlyl. Albert Mr. what do you mean ! He. -Kr well it's this way, you know. I'm always expecting • mousey •newer,an d I thought lht maybe you'd a•y : No : but 171 be a Brown heed Ned& Dame. The gond deeds date by that unequalled family liniment Hagyard's Yellow Oil, during the thirty year• it ha. been Jd in ever increasing stalest by the rib, lie, world &U volumes. We h enumerate all iu good qualities, bat that it dui 6. relied on as • care Inc croup, .oagh., colds, more thrust aad .11 pains, goes with- out Mob Pratte•. Minister. -- Yee, my deer friend+, St. Paul wee, indeed, • wonderful man. When we consider his culture and lear.ing,hy infinite tact,his ready and eloquent pourer of speech, we feel almost justified in styling him "The Chauncey M. l)apew of the Rade." Skin dyee•esun &meat. Inane urg because noticeable. D. Low's RalpFiur goat cannot ere so heals and viewer the ekig, lee lees the Th hea the ci THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1881, THE POETS' (X)RNER.'puIi.st4&gU rbe*"18. `.� ?be a ett4g stnsa Mead up, y.5 flare. sow man tteedt t Spell pkw►1.tu. seep. ead sass; Or take seam steeple wen/ as ellaN. Or gamer, ee 16s glades 1.1ir. 1'. spell seat weeds as ea Moises. Asst I•obryinosesad *.*t.01, Aad Peewee* and seeshasee.a Apocrypha and orisdla... Leetiferseiaed aeon's. Alamo aad M"a••Mthe. Panay*. sad utieefers;, it•tasemes sad p•ched.ree. Melesessid alt g►rrklee. bastes. I. teetotal, me sty task. Catedesseve aad Tawe.... [aeesrkatsu .ad dypses•ry, Ulplihew& •ad oriels*" Art otiose tie sad a•u.tlnt. Idell1Ne sad deaths& Alapat6, met AM astacysee toad beleaguer, Tw.lhb, elgktwtis rradrasous, tstri Aad hoes af so her words all mead Oa Segni* sad ea cameo ground, Thee Whets. a rang and Il Mime/mat T6•rmeph he. Cordilleras. Belie, h.wnrreag., islet. Hareem, ('iNeefal end ,\ And rtap.a1aaouek,d. rseedemb. AM fiehujlt di end a thorned rept. Ars words some prime mood Wine* la dkrluaarr Made Me this Kee sed me islet himself • serge* U.ome .1 theme use efforts roil, Nor dome Memoir madam., forever T• 04.. the neat et either river. The Danger. rrt.e or0aadatqulver, Use .oft water aed • few drops of narrow - Use and a little .tr fr » ill year start* puheh U.. lessen to work the dottrels with hi wlafr, aad shy will be geed Natured while betiding. It is aut gaeseelly kneels that tin ..lean with :Newspaper will ,lune bete then la olesrnl with damsel. A clothes Wruger me be easily cheesed from the Wee - s' 1 whim .susses us the realms bye T cloth w hormone and r11Lt eng tt Ever, One way of pwsmsung'klicato tad sweet Dental bower. from doggies is b ..rot the. ''with several leaves ea iiia must, sad, what the bower heed is placed in water, to allow only this head to tv ua i .bore the water, while the leaves are mtilely submerged ; by this mesas the have. seas W help sup- port the firmer, which will then last for three day. is • fairly cool rude. suer. If Das wishes to cool a bot dish in a hurry 1t will be found that if the dy8 is pieced in • .tire* full of old, salty water it will cool far more t�pu tdly than if it stood . water free from a•3t, Never put away fond in tin plates. pully 1IE-e1HBOOLU CORNE Ib/tr.r of I inn a moist seed changeable clima▪ te son, where rheumatic affections, catarrhs emaitive throats and bronchial tubes are prevalent, an special etlort should be to maintain a healthful equilibrium of *M1 of the skis To effect t ika or silk emelt' be ployed summer and water --not a pate as undcr.est, coverlet neither chest shoulders, nor limb, bat s garment w shall clothe those se well as the trunk. A lady with one thickness of linen o ares and Moulders will tell you t hat she half dead with the hest. The 1' stands at 96- w the shade. You place y heed upon 16. perspiring akin t it edam and cold. A peer sufferer. her join swollen with rheumatism, said to one on hot summer's day ••I perspire so, suffer .n terribly fawn the hest, that it y hard to hear as my illness." The touch her aka chilled me like wet ice. "Y should wear hght woolen or silk genote - MAW case of peens Inns the- use of • 5emmad goods s because the article was left or put back into the .an after net*. China, earthenware or glue is the only safe recep- tacle for "left overs. When Dae has bought an .ordinary soup bone of beef, the moat may be cut fro,,, the bore after builiug Inc two hewys, and toad* Into a side dish or metre. The Immo will &rash the soup vary well. A mend tag, with • plush cover, is s mast Ir? neaful present tee any .line who drive" Hench Il. is wait? weather. .t .xy.vt-tag contain. Nee raw , which should not be packed too tight This may be warmed at any tune in like the oven and then dipped into the clover, which is • plush or velvet bag with handles su like a chilli's school �. This. p8 ed m toad. the carriage or sleigh will retain the heat a the long tine and give groat comfort. a Ma, an- Semipro. h of Macaroni Soup. One heart of boiling water, into which put a .Haan cup of mar- hich araai brutes into .mall piece.. Let it (soil an hour, or till tender, then add a pint of ver strained - THE GRP,AT LO!IDON FI11I1 THE Tr'JTAL LOSS WILL REACH 000,000. Owing to Ike a.vere t'.ana tae rire.a.a UMI.te au 11,..p O4I. lbw YIa.ee. w Iwrrwd 644,4113 Hoer tvar.s.usw 015", 0.gdiage entra.4. Load.., Der 30 .t terrific a .Men, ssco.d wily to that which in Mr, Ian, trole out 144Pucking-lan. elided u Pie -comer. broke out bar. at tint a1wndm.. The scone est the Lire . 1a Quem V woe a and 11 Rleckfriar'. brtdga The are erigiva*ed the buedleyoceupeet by 1'. f),teAnn It paper and paper hilt paper beg ..unka n, 1 ei Vases Victoria-suedThis building ppm` back to 1 pp 'Mimi *-+!rota. It son. •t lirie stru• turn and was completely gutted, as was ab.a that a .tdolpk I'raa.ken a CO . menufmtwer, of pima a d,em;nrters of tobacco, et in lined Vlc .yg-str t. Olt St. Bonet's (hun•h r( , Paul s rhe, • famous Weigh chino* rattail& me, tea biasing st wple former este d the most str.l.i••g features of the terrible •reus so A more of Are fogless ware on upon the mot sad the Amnion did their utmost but with little mucuses to check the (Duras .4 the llama aA high wiud es blowing and .1 materially added to the fury ot the flames, while kieieriag ter fimmin :0 their off"res to ode property Terrible skis. '.1 dads ddown of taut some were frequeai4y hurled d.ngeruuely else.. to the struggling tlrcrn.n,wiso met *Rh lit tleorno me`e.s wits the fiery element. The largo whisked,* fur of Reinke Freres, ettemdit,g from l_': to 141 Queen V 1, • large paper warehouse, a slumber of Mosey goods stored and the (;uk•her Electric Ugbt u'1 Power Coenpsny building all f.11 is com- plete prey to the dense 11a lames lamspread rapidly on all sidleas if there were no fire- men or lire deadpresent. lmtnnase crowds gathered over tie Thames aid in the streets down w tis ricer, where a good view IM the couaagntion could be bad. 11.. home - tops seemed to it alive with people bent the e seeing ail that they ..aid see of e West *Missals destruction of property by Ma AL the buildings from the corms •( aim stt'. Hill to No. 134 Q use IT , „ ' are ,,.red ruins, well utionmed, 'slackened shahs around teem. All this tact beet. doom in spite of ties presenof twenty d4sm era anginas, too bre sercesape. •ad a Large number of oldlm "aaual" flee engines spas the mem.. The latter might. however, just as well be in the Brine% museum as n operating osuch a .. , , ..As tae f 1 it spread W the head - quarte s of the it 'Mateo Ary, illoainaiMg that red piked building in • most ominous Eraser. At 5 p,ea, III.dbsst'a Church epi■ caught are and tilos y destroyed. The fins mss saved eNvatios Army The bre finally b mad itself out. 18. de- partment, with lir •ngM., continual peer- kgmiteron rnouatmfts of &maesill/f,g debris. A rough damimage d the mage places tis amount at bt,000,(03. The weather was .a so id that the water fres almost in the air and formed lee .11 over Moe bra apparatus and over the dreads.TM cold also hindered the engines from ming ims ordy no. was no loss of fife aad bat few mcetdents moo* the bremea h. mese of far are i. unknow.. Revilon Frees re- cently -cently r.o•ived t . are.ohi worth of •.time, white tk were almostentirely commud. ma SL- AM Moltd aa al S•PI•m• and ah; .as mer in Ron, .rte MOM is quart of boiling water if the tint has boiled away. To this add two teaspoonfuls sugar, air - sad salt to taste. Juan before sewing, my pour in • limp of cream, and sift i4 three is welled crackers, and serve hot with croute ns. & Vegetat.ie (Oyster Take Dee .art d pared and *hoed vegetableoysters(in ere- " paling them, scrape, sit theme int. round f in t water); " tete end drop them into old i( °u ( liked, use 6•!f • en of shredded o odtih6, . nett your skin, ' 1 said ; ' to half -way busi nese, but an oder, from neck to wrote knee" I had herd work to cone., het she would be made more lotted of aoi.fortabfe by doing a. 1 .deemed, but 1sueaeeded, •n with the happen There y t v- grea.riatiou in the animal clothing which different le requi Some seem to be almost •n..ensi life to cold - hers, like poor Hay (;ill,iheir:oath the Iter, chatter sill: pet-ia3 directions m (rehire apply to .pet... ca... , tut eartain ca broad rules n be laid down Inc a16 Light woolen or silk underwear, saitabie ar , is not . m eneagh ivy( or fall wear ; sad for winter a at vier grade is seeded. Pa -tinny. iter garments can often he wisely utilit for intenneifete service - otherwise, w an fame! sui of ot else th for ape hoe od inad Ger les re t re, y tet for wore WI of •stutehietbckness •hound be providd my penmen sake the mistake of wearing ' in winter which are too chit•.'lhmare likely to be an of weeks rts.le!<lal, rich, very closely wooer and inMe to begin with, has shrunk • *806ing. They impede the health betwerm the air and the .4 the skin ; the latter ramb- le into the circulation the poisonous Der which it has essayed to throw of exhales a peculiar sickly odor ; the emnerves ee tune and actin convey their disturbed groat (entree, and .11 portions of t five and elimninative systems suffer have seen the most depraved physical tiohe result from the wearing a( very r y, closely woven flannels, which, after Temkin., 6.4 become .host ism lout; to air and moisture. co little clothing u equally tad. I vents free action of the skin, which Uy being chilled, and the vitality by the draughts made upon the M 1 het in its efforts to resat the ex 1 cold. leo the body should he evenly clotted, teed. as is often dose, especially ley the e clothing being named epee the trunk and the limits left half clad. Many ladies wear kw-neckedand sleeve- , so that they shall not feel change so much in dooeltette dreaming. is .oars, is a anstaat menace to the sto nth, and the oges is doubled whenever haring process is .tarried out. The lissom, except in its most moderate iadvl- gm e. is reprehensible from every point el view. ( itis perhaps needles to say that "Mesa - limes is next to (lndltrtem.,'especially in un the natter of der clothing. The e6.nge. should bfrequent to prevent any possibility of an unhe•It6 ul ereumtktidm of the exhaa from tiers and exfolia- tion. the skin. Two changes per week ald co, and daily msemsemi-daily changes m m warweather, are goodpretty gorules, it varied to sot alopecia/ meedmedium.. Sanitarian. on I fn nor tan er&n nu tri dna P oast•n wererl tern.n hey terns A it ea then la Inc 1 Don leve few IaxPre to he in • ist is e tidy'' aets.ied/teerai- QmtickA•ah, .en. (to his roe) ilwt't you think you c ul1 make yourself useful by cleaning off this MOW! Quit-kilos/I, jun. - Aw rather queer job, don't you think, for the sod of • gentle • even! Quu#(aah, sen. (exploding) San el a *ham. you mean -Grip. .sean�a TM tfiee Revel. The reel river of Ulu is the blond ; if it be impure, health i.Weiftie end life • bar - .dew ; Burdock Blood Ritter,, say there who have tried it, is the best blood purifier in the world. Mies Maud Carleton R' Oat, oys : "Am ming B. R R. t along and bad it • perfect blond purifier as advert- F Med. 2 the MMSale wetoMt ) t fevers MUM le fi ss... L rprn., or nausea, ay • little pounded ke on back et t he sack. old water may be dreak freely in all .seep& whim the fever is connected mg trouble., as us soot s ease it might chill the patient Ventilate, is a provides of sots,e tno rhe abased. Every ele piag rooms sheet! hem its windows open .n boar every morn - tag, and all the bedaubing aid epos to the air, wh.rr,if peasibk, the lieu oma diasttpan them. Fear ports of rain weber to Dae part of .maws, with wane cider vinegar 10 est it workin will make Mee vim,. to keep Pickles LittleLittle c.te6-.1le Inc small teethes •r. L d eem d . ea bestrew egg sheik. 1n broom, with apy'-p6rmed clinks range) .0 each side. The use of the tooth -brash ie eomseetien with p o elders, wastes or other treatment of the teeth Mould h• gentle. Rlesdiag of the (r is always • danger_ heel 1f shows that the aim had bean eeter, twee* e* the •bserpeeo tato the system of airy psi. ease• est foreign natter which may he isnot in the mouth 1f MMe gems ar. "eery lander, • soft brash Amid is e..d, sad lead vory gsedy, tin they have hiseleu•d y to with''--- sear 6 man(, Kam thea the nsl.i$ty win he to err ihs std. m( hareheas /tasty !p'od 1 who have ere- ' atnwbervl ; i1Mml iesk or a- bet *6ieh hate at ter- ma>Hr are sit tenni. t[are1. to That desirable maedi faro., de•eri6ed bring 40 acme, mete or Ism, part d lots 7 . rd B, Waiting! ars. , Oalbras, 2 tail.. from Reaa,ilb'r, sad mile. from God.rfok. ('deed • ; frame hems and hart ; 6 scree of orchard, variety d teem ; hush ler flreue.t f.04 Yee forms reed ru pp••rrtticwkn y�y to J. ltmsin.j Wu5.. ldeomiH.i P. 0. ga l„ be . ler/Yrm lees Verb Weaves.. Mks Pe�ninghant 1 know you'll emjoy =self. heat T have same d the mrd ith�ea 'W'�`os•' Rem Lard Aowbag. Sat 1 wanted to meat isms native Ao.r*1 , dma't yea haw.. These eimiesl fesnet N. of the std World ire Ess endow aged ee ets& The three Mtpwtant, n.tkes of dle.a5m .re the •kb•, hnw&M .sol Itid.•y.. flier Hat they Pwlrw. tar fmactiwee proegsrb .r sae �irdoelt Blood Ritter' to Swarm tide prow ami e. 1 _gm There is n. tomer ,.maty for warms .f "Lies Worm pyre' R •efleies thiel., jJ�I1, . �ard1. aaemwm .efibasm Itetwesiea add two quarts of cold water, and cook two hours, or until tender. Add one quart of hot milk, or water if you have toot the nulk. Just before serving, add me trop of cream, or one large tablespoonful of creamed butter, and live crackers rolled fine. or a cup of roasted bread entente'. Serve hot iftack Fig Pudding (dried figs.) One- fourth pound of sifted lour, one-fourth pound of sager, roe -fourth pound of stale white bread crumbs, half • pound of tige cut in enailpieoes,two eggs beaten together in • bowl, half • cap of milk mixed with the eggs Wet upthe ingredient. all together. Put in • well-oiled mould and put oiled over it, rolling the edge d the paper to ythe „steam and water out ; .et in boil- ing water or steamer and storm three hours. This pudding will keep for weeks. Sere with lemon mace or any kind preferred. Velvet Biscuit -Take one .dart ..f sift- ed flour, three eggs, three tempoonfas sugar, one of .alt, one heaping tablespoonful creamed butter, half a cake oumpreued yeast or half • cup of liquid yeast, and one catcall cupful of warm milk. If these bis- cuits are for twelve or one o'clock lunch, .et ateeremoreightin the Disaolve the yeast is a third of a cupful oItAlPd wsteith pour it into a bowl with the milk, beat in ate pint of goer, cover the bowl, set it in a warm place. When the batter is nem to • •powge, which should be in about two hours, add the Meter, sugar, ..)t, eggs, the yolks sad whites beaten separately, and the dour. Knead this mixture wen and let the dough rise is • warm place. What light. roll it m the heard to the thicked•• of half an inch. (at into cakes with a .call round cotter. Place haU d the cake a little distance •p•�t in • buttered pan, Rutter each of Chess asks lightly, and pace the remaining Mit of these cakes an top of those in thefpan having cat them one true sealer. (.over with a cloth, and kt them rise to double their original sins ; it will tete about an hour and • 6a11. Rake in modorately,y bel, ove Inc twenty-bve minutes Just hair. taking from t6. eves, Meth over with the yolk et an egg mixed with one tablespontiful of sweet milk. All Oyer the 5.adalle , L.c8din McNeil, Mahon, C. R. temente- tam J. D. Routilier, French Village, N. S. - Dlitherie, J.r Cunningham, (ape Leland, N. l- ' Ikea p. Chea Plummer, Yarmouth, "N. !t - Less of Voior. R. W. Hatrimns, (;laniie, (Act lame Arm, T. W. Payne, Rathnrst, N. ll. Horse. C. A. (krone, Rene Rkache, Nfld. Gem- ral use They testify to the benefits derived from MINARDIt iJNiMKNT. Write and •.k thenen. lm A r... er% Man •r Irv. DsMb.•. An Ottawa deepateh says : "Rev..1. Wood preached Sunday meting on marriage, and oanelnd•d •a fellows : TT 1 Indies-. to bre matches ; tee betty cement rim hind people together in pews and happiness in married life. Rut I Wino is • love that is deeper than beauty,Ihs4 Met • depth beyond the .ku' aloes which ie beard on mend, social and in&.IMet.•! goalless. The young man who - 11 .mitten aed propose to . eel bemuse she can dries. Ring .r play, • pretty face, • good figure mr M. • wnmorne manner, add knows no more ei her, is • onnurs..n tool in like imager, the woom who accepts • men 1*., ha taker her is the theatre, oma sport • diamond Sag, has well good deet• ib neckties aad .•an dabble :glibly M snail s m ll talk, its much Maar. Use the same seem that (led has endowed you with. Marriage is the mast seem, Messes of life. It h the .Leer.' i..y .4 asst It is the duty of mese. The table enrsmraga• it, when the •deg has *sea seri- may (wondered. Ret is tore ml ; K set bre he kited t 1st Judean* have weesthimg to say. lime% merry for money, or far a Mane. or to please aameb..dy else Deal. marry . maM movedhim or Is reform him. The lieseereed Ilse tat dleM,,,bs As wen w the Irmismew, dad ethos /w Mviimd to .all es any asl ed fres • tx .al iddUe d Karp' far He Threat and maga, • rwe.e4T that is wl�g e4r.1y .peso ftm merit. sof is gms.re•ki �In Pease,� sad eine eltier 'srgA' bottles AO emote amid M ri= IstSfitll"e •Hemmers memos siaao►alk ltl•etine'. Cowie thamaged. • L.goc.r, Dec. AZ -Whiles large number d guests want Ming entertained at Rasta°, twat&, M Ledblrry kat night, Sr. broke oat in the building omen • panic smoog the Mesta.. By greet exertions or, the part of W servants and .Rives the castle nue of the moat aatywt and interesting in knglan.f was saved from total destruction, but s number of rare books and tapestries of prio•les vales ware ruined. senses.5 L Loaoos, Dec. 110. -Te Seery al Fireless, U•pel t ILemard, Mise at Hackney, mem bared tonight finessed Maks exploded. Lass will be very Ma* LONDON. Dec al --rte Srdtyk dsaaer Thesaly irons Now Orison Nov. le tee Hamburg took are b the North Rea. Her crew abandoned her and reached lard la aatety. The tAini.tmr est Dtsao.. t. Arrive, To. Marrow. OTTAWA. Dec. 14 -Hoa. O. R. Foster, MisiMrr d Piseney will arrive M the Capi- tal es New Tear's illy from Jamaica, where be has been talking hr the mrehemt. of Sae esoaasy ea the pemibfa1Mss of tater abnmge of trade with (Ise is. Mr. duster while at Bludgeon devoted .Ems lime M arranging tor 18e Canadian 5.6.844. The (tmeU. tep.rt Tweets. Morivasat. Dee. la. -Sr. Smith, Deputy Mishear of M•rf.•, 1 this after- noon to the DomMion Hr. stout obsess that Investigation into the export 004*. trade would ooeemsso. Met Moeda, s.erstag at le o'd.ck M the Harbor C cion. Mr. Smith amid Mr. Pllma.0 will be teekesedwith formidable st•temsnteawe Arum whirls will show that the Cam -Man cattle trate a8mstd sot be wmttmrily ester- summed tster- ssm a d. Deed from MMee.. PuttAssinmA, Dee. ;fm. -The a Moser Lamina, G. Potter, head tress Sottas M Norfolk twptisse Sunday el Senegas. rive nem were probably drowsed at sees Three ween aids es gain lodgment ova a portico at time mesh h.a.t but two of them died from esteems, The sol. survivor, Charism Web seh L &"heededked 'p d heeded by ilk, etwer O•a1 Sts .m Vise. Mond., Dec 34 - A Ire le nese tat • .mel Wive at y emotes and •11 Morn to axilagoN N tailed. hose ehe.msb pensee are throws so• of awe. --m. NO mos trealded with estarrh elh.shl fail to give maedi Rahn • trialit bas cured adores elf errs when phyit have failed. Try M aid be com.tssood Hold by all steel eft► tllarngti u.tawse OM* demesne rNadi •Wee. Waith, (tray a (7s+a►1y : "1 knew you would bay ems a Chrklmae pmeast," maid Mad. 'Row did yen baser? asskkeed. Mawrie . -Ott, losers sat yes itrit pasty Ass MOW pimnedwith hie.*i dna Ru. preessies 111111mdlIe illeastlfie Ss Slee w•elfwbme. -..rs.daneu rl ie de.edd.d.wartr...rs..t SCHOOL OPENING." ERASER & PORTER'S PVlet. let;PI'LIMS 01' ALL The Latest and Best Educational Works ! AUTHORISED AND )IECONMTNDIII) 701t ;..: High, MeJ, Pnblie and Separae Srhook. a See our Daisy, Star and Rosebud Scribbling Books ; also our Majestic, Mystic and Artistic Exsrcise Books ; biggest books for the money ever shown, ONLY 5 CENTS. MAUR & POR Central Telephone Exchange, Court House Square.• HOLIDAY DECORATIONS ! We here sow • .fee hose( METALLIC! PAINTS, Gold, Silver, Copper, Lilac and 8 other Beautiful Colors for Pieter.., P*ncylWert, etc. Shed ready for deed. BOTTLE AND BRUSH, ONLY 15c. Also en exquisite has of Posh Goods,, Perfumes, Sachet Pollen, Violet Teel Tater, Etc., Sdt•W. for Holiday Present& CilECOROrM RHYNAS, Chemist sad Druggist - -&.obrrtaa. Vett Gds Ach son's dry goon. stere. INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC. 1 hen sew recehad.• isms amertmm,at d CMIAIIIAJI ANII ORTED UNBPEAB, 7Mr mem women ee I c8lllre.. trim the •.allot to the largest dies made. CANADIAN & SCOTCH YARNS ! Prom the hest knows makers- . Grey, myy, maefet, whits and cream VLANNi�Llg8.�nd .g aWadi* shades, PPM*'alma el ..).. HOBIXRT-A large end varied mock,.•.seal. Black sad colored CASHMERE GLOVES, Plata sae and with kid ups also kid maimed, Other seesllr well sieleLd. Serie ip A.. MUNRO, Draper and 13ai lashes. Cattle Chains ---New Patterns. Crosscut Sawa.4AJ1 Makes. Cutlery ---Table and Pocket ---In Endless Variety. Chopping Axes ---At Your Own Price. Genesi Winter goods ---Stock Complete. e&LL AT SPECIAL PRICES R. P. WILKINSON & Co., Hardware. ANOituat BOOM IN BUSINESS Tee _ iv Mg r•sheved to Crakes nook. $deme. Is prepared to ae11 ad Bain ef Groceries, Provisions, Crocker, Clasa1are, Emir & hod, IA At teak-botgoo mime for cask. please give •es • .W Ware elsewhere. GOODS DELIVERED FREE. J. M. PROUDFOOT, .07 15. Spate. The hare Dealer, * wmSdhs.wa het that ~Sag all kinds ei hmtdtmre of the Meese sAl5lhle pram M h • �3e151 CI:Leap War h A. ke is •haeme ell D t8a tows. 1111Nveetag fluid always lids ea •grnllur a almwkeeos ami yea Sad ..' ►Mt y 'ashe ears isslia Md. w ges.ltNIIINg I''or Colt. eame. ihabking me and all ear their am patronage b• hopes t. resr/ve • et GEO. BARRY, - Hamilton-st+ The best is the cheapest, arrd The Signal" is the best r: Spappef .~......,, in Huron, Perth and Pruc AMA,tom la