HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-1-9, Page 6.01fiteiJ 44, !'' A ' HE SIGNAL[, OODB/RIOH, ONT., FRIDAY, JANUTARY.9, 1891. • THE FARMER'S CORNER. TIMELY 1NFORMAiION O► VALUE TO CANADIAN AORICUL';;Rio T4 Pt• nes and the ■all. W b. They bliea.ld Care Mere Than They De About t►arelar Ties Lordly The 140pwrtaree of keeping [-...ted. One "rub wb) the farntes of tea. pew - Mid 4y pre al fully ie .ymp,tby with �blwrama modern ww(d is time they hold thrm.ehra apart from it tooa dei b.lae think they pet Leve testis lama a awl uw,en auto the totem or village l.• gain free tateruninu .•t bless with Weir failure awn • others hT t c4.pair. berate the farm, [tad mottle down to what s• they .•onenter their hard tate in life. Wit this is Idly, wbsu the farm nr by tar the Mo. 1. bast plana iu all the ...r1,1 Min. r•test. to lire Farmer- and Weir familia need not hr.• with:rut safety It they will take Lal: the paints to cattiest, it that is dilplayat L townspeople .1.. for esaum.aaat1on, country dwell..•t• .1. out halt empby tar facilitate. for it which our Eoserunmtt and nuuiy others bare provkt ed M a merely nominal mat. Thom -raids et farmer. do not send or go for their mail oftener than oree n west Why ! Feil, it is a mile. .'r two or three mileA- Irrbnps- tarthter. ti. the pw.t.offlice . •R hand. are busy Ind•or. and vat . it is' • hong dateline to walk, tied the honors .'annot lo nand. But a little diluting awl e.ritrivaur, world lastly suggest better arrangements, base • stage, toil: team, or oven an occasiurs) n:eighta.r,paoi the fanahou.• .Lily! 41r- range oranege W have the nail carri• l and brought every day. litany cnjnv this privilege now. a ..d it L easy to note the different, to the h.taligeope of [swills. w served. and that... who only tear from for twit-oftlee on the DISCOU NT. ,5: v3 fig .ow Myosis thee M make a built• money go a Ion;; way in t!w purcha.t of BOOTS & SHOES, 0 0 co ori RUBBERS, UVERSHOES, FELT BOOTS, MOCCASINS,rip and every other description of t•.rtwrnr that jam may need.row 10 Per Cent. off all Cash Purchases, ,w,♦ 1'71 row estt� E. DOWNING. r whether ley own ..r Ia syr\ i d,. al/• 1:1 gooda marked in plain :140r. - C I VE E A CALF_ 1VOX%. L\IL\T )TAIL ens. en.. 2. 'ay when the sweetly papier come. - perhaps 1..4 then. lest wait for a chance drive that way- in uwst Cita. the mail is delivered . :era' Cines beery day. Molal-..•nmemoit. . • send n person daily. ur two, . a dot , to cerin: n,1 l .1i -tribute the oriel I oder ally lege will be ut iron. With the al.uadaaoe •ed elisap.mo .4 this metal M might sot to be very tar w the future. i1. Mus pits arm 1 the a.•rkat am either tun c.»tly, or tee bRbt for durability. Probably angle Yea will be the farm trod malarial ut the tutor, You puma, mod 1 will here suggest • form for tie opinion .4 gaperte. Ibe two petals at widish • puss shored not yield, to stand all, are the bottom mod •t the airfare of an.uiet :n this model greet bearing at the surface le obtatnad b* riv.Uag ter the post • .s•tke ut u,ucb tare -.•r anal. tna The bottom of tbo pit ta untidy reread by bamruenug when bot. The. make* a pet blur the ma mown la the ftAul aUao. Of ousts. the pant mold bo driven Into the grouted, aril wind and frit would litt:e a( - tont it. pore .basil be punched to lie wires .0 A trice-wimal.. dome" - The Jersey sew, pourtraysd bereeith, 1 atrial the D.ee.l Cord of all. W. A. helm ru, of At• Ani..b lieberue, ilius. Mae ie Julie of 1(f. Intoner! lint, end wise dropped aterta 1M:. She Ivan b.r career by SCIENCE NCE AND, tBUURbSS istakt Ttf10 PARA0ftAP/q CULLED FROM VARIOUS F:ELDS Almple Mra►tae 11..1 Au, lead) tam Make %bleb. U 1 ..d, M 111 IMrrlwper We ( best wed Os•or one the T.a4uar to $eloa asoma abaatdere.l. 11 `brad. In tis.• ,tetrell Free h..a, gives the fndowin2 µ:.d MitYle,ia-a bili Lt hist -Talk*. with lbs !doge.;' As a Mr: step, malign titles tug your arms Mahal you ;shad your Iniad. rai+t Than est o4 t .• beads at leugtb from either stuuilder awed enact, time•., your chest out, al.! dna n Mug. .low breath. Vou aaat . 1..•nider .•aarco.e 4. lame l..0 mi. '1•I. -re Are u.a .-'.e• for that punter, but you aur make .rte Which tii11.4.. lief tau.wall iron pal -••y., .thee as all lusrdwu«ua,, keep Ie. 44414. add arrow diens t.,■ we or leant .q ai,.eover Plea • heenwet : a.. .bent .•rel. „s r there, and at the 1 vier stole fasten •r', weigh• -ad 1w•. .,r throe paned. each. To toner ends,/ t:..• :Wm e. Lat.,' beadles. •tL•a. stand cis.. t .ywi pull ..0 one hva- and then the .dye. -..r b.':t,t sea -•.o 1'�a• follow in^ diagram. i, .1 tusk • u pont.: to a: The old Canadian winter is once ];tore Wlt1 tea, and the rush upon myl READY-MADE OVERCOATS as -been so great that I am nearly cleared out. If on want to get a choice overcoat at your own price at once. A fine SELECTION OF FINE FURS 4 A AIIJ:: / .v.Eay 31kb w mpaat Ors! Koos a,wl dipka.i at grabs. Ie. tae:. as the beat row .4 ea) tu•t•..1 lu mem petition with the 1n 4 reprvxul•tives [row no td herds .1 other breeds, tier wire of fa:eine we. tare Liegte t :usdr by may Jenna rhnt veer. Next year .:u• had to be sation...I at 1, a see mal plat... but only did. so beeline. 10 r darn, 41/1 J',14.•. took tint, mid a:•.. n -..o :u•• .lv •r tonin! as Inst der. rey u,ikl. outs, and the sword. -sabre silver ua...,l at 1..s! witch case ufanty betaii. 01 'comp.! t with 14 others..h>lte o.1 141. 1- :k•I tL.• c•..untoriu-t s:f her data :thy milks n- high as 411 Ile- )ter d.y, and keep, up. swabs thin- from rear r e rear. film it slwnv. ty,.n and a L:avy folder. In typo sliee r p•/(...i dairy ..•.o. Mary at the withers. with :wig. lens elllek. rri broad •cross the nir, tit iuu her wrest barrel ca - 1 pteity and µwog tit udder 1141 Tans ova [sof th-• . 1.1'. il.1!'ride of 11 ipleor 'trao, of the- Nt. lamb. rt fmnih. air b •r ,ire was Lord ElulY 111.', by .lac:: Frust of 1:. lanitmet, .d:o s }:wpr..s 1 :ork.tta. lack Fr•r :.f St. l.amte•rt was ..1 lir' L .4 Xie.f- .aa' d . h:. las dant. 1'rei • of 11 net..tr 11.1 imp.. heist; n hated t:i•1911 ,, of [bat u.diiP - •:ruin. mad bin .ire, 14.Krr r ..,, tram thzotiwla erre remove b. '\ ..•t.r ti -i,;., 197 imilp►.asd Pidietif ti imi4d,r g in., .'..\\ .)Ig:.r )[.111. etdRin:n it is well to have a laity .art ted. ;really diiniaisbos tism risk of 1,r:ius: the •IIrrl, change emit for st.tmpa• etc. The • •. ustratl.••l show imine of the cnlIvelu n[ee. ',limb tee to wiutl arse. A substituted ,•ret ' t.,systig )rear erected Laude the road,* struaw• boat is'•et in it to cab h the fancily or neigh- _ torb.ud nail frog, o ilbout .topping the town, a- Wen lu Fig. 1, t .'r a permanent rmo•ep- tacta is firmly nailed 11 it. In Fig C' is ' shown bow one tied of r -h:. t a starch box V pertly e -A,1. Kau. removed ad • roe/ ,oaak 1o` "pet:aging over it a short piece of s•osepipts or tin Fig.:t is roofed by two _ban -:nib hoards. one of which Las hinges and a Irath-r tag so it can toms qui 'kly lifted_ is ti,t t ,s aeon merely an old paint keg thoron;t:,ly dried and a part of on. bead re- moved Whatever «wire is ad spttat, ain't fall tn, 31-e the mails fre.•ly and frequently; I have known several notices of doth. or ...newly, and telegrams of imp,rtwee•, dig n-tn.u.ly .bayed when forward.d by post- • ollore to peniam, who rarely .odI.J -A40trk , can Agricutturali.t_ NEW ARRIVAL - of .47\7"11 T E R 1 GOons. LATEST STYLI'S ttetn•ante to be cleared not, lhrht els. sad mhos shapes. H. DUNLOP, >nr: The /Wet-st. Tailor. MONEY...-..1-1-4..a.d.,6-11.171474:::s.zase 41.1i 1 .t.�e.mi ..r . our M shm ownewile,wa..wa.. Ile bee a., .�..b zea ,.. we arms••. ~ohm*. enilr• ye a )w. 0. W . les ...7.M.44. yew a.rewrt .1.11 ,.4r re d...rt T e.. M .. .I 4.. t..t.p wmo,awaa.erwr.....«..•.An 1134.14,414.w wwM• Meek eM.. W rw wee .M .p ..y, seen - es .41.4. w.wMM.wa....- i da�M e'tfa rs t �9.e` �iAtsa� ,V3'.:. 7ti:3:i va!Y L;:P,r ars,I.t n� ST[ ".: t:;Mi*i .:.'Ipa;liti, Mr:9%ra ret 3vWMERCO9l=L.AiNT3 KEEP A DlYTTLE iN (-4 H3U: E. SOLO BY ALL CCA .ERC WHY EVERY FAR1fER should paean et Armstrong's Improved 1`,i'1,. GRAIN & SEED CLEANERS. REMOVAL. ttA. B. CORNELL, 'QZJPI7J11RTM.=Z�Ii, to McLean•s Kew Meek. BECAUs:E 1st 11 allows no font seeds to be blown tato the chaff, which a of great importaneo to every tanner who wishes to keep his farm clean. tee, It saves and clean. all Timothyseed from any kind of grain while cleanng the (Rain. :t.'d. For Market cleaning tt 1O40OTM Cockle.e Clean and shrunken grain, and Myra the farmer the greatest oo..{Me weight for his grain with no minec.wrr) tor. Mb. It will anmpe grain for 'bow end Bred purpose. equal to hand plcking- Mb. (leaning sent Wheat It ramose" all Cookie. Numeral wed. NIM Praia Wild Fla. and other foul and shrunken and broken grain. ant give' the farther pure, clivi. need grate. Mb. it will clean fiats. Harley. kr., thor- oughly without a nate of grain. Tib.- (leaning Pew 11 win /separate the 'and. quartered. halves.. (Ml. aid whole Nam from earls other, carrying each to • different realm rtmen1. Mb. 11 b a perfe. t Plover seed Machine. re- moving all dadbroken and deal sped, and other .cella, larger or entailer thea the t'lover seed. etb. It 1' a first class Grass red Machine, Mews no wade away, 1Mb. It ,. • fool Phis seer) Machine, 111b. is is • Ora rise chafer. 1tt111. It ran be lttrel Into the admit fashioned Fanning Mill that 1. laid male a. useless and make it do the work of ■ new Mill. Wtb. It can he attached to • new M111 111114 - nut In)nring it. and .aa be removed at mige glum. as easily a. a three msWnevl. it does ne4Interfine with the ram a the re- gular weaves of the Mill. INb. Its sieves are nearly alt perforated sine. Ink. 11 les • capacity of stet/ bushels of grain per hour. Isis. It ,. ae cheap r. the ordinary) Panning MIII steres. �:Mjth aSpeerity. Yee[ will Ilse led h. & Corbell ON THE atsSQUARE. O CHANGE OF BUSINESS THE 01..I) AND RELIABLE WART -ST. FLOUR AXD FBBD STORE •AI; CMASO ILD H 1X141. The peblie am hereby as/tided IMI the aro, .sdreas=oa ertrtarriedon by A. L. TH08. J. VIDWN, pale will awry M do In all Its breaches at the di *finer«a�.sear se steeattte o a former traps 14 this lealsas0 hsa MNice u �h ►tu1 1 t nese Misits laeofeet/ hie home identiflea with It torism ems elitist year& tharf wilt be. nn falling tiff tin beefier*, ferawaryvis►IMted In keeping It is frontmak. r pars. deitrered to an 1 of the town. , 'ha latent anti bete limos M Anwar and feed WOO had and eWm• seeds le mean. TMOIt .1. OIDMAN. to thee eporaeitr mf theak Asn my ern _rt/M r altars) Mtremps lig 1 �ep rdrill of M WLlaI Floor and Tsai -"'1 aM., p la rwntwtns.nA ate A rviIMAM mesa. ::V... A. $. CVL&.* 1Teb. Kier; Mankfe, is f)t amasrsan. aged font order et 04.•0 if you wast 11 this season. if yes, have sot aren • Mealtime ant to hat. neve went far import Imam. and (bat fat take it on row! dine. it snits .�111 . oea ►huin by 11 grad mode width of ARMSTRONG BROS., The *oderioh, Ont. Pi DAiRY COW H., t arinna Point. and Their Terhnleal 1 warm. Yat .1 11- Robertson, Domino -et )fairy l'aam,asiooer, describes, in the Farmer's' Advocate, thus technically the dairy cow: 1. Mouth IA. Hips. Lipa :."i Ignition]. 4 \..trill 21'. Thigh.. 4. Muzzle. tilt. Hocks 5. Fail. In. Udder fi. F. ns. M. Teats 7. l'beeks "L Flanks b- Jaws. 21 Milk Veins. About Felts. last sprhag 1 dug out a line of thew posts that had Men in the ground more than t meaty-ooe years, and had o.Carin) 4o sam- pans the relative durability of chestnut and yellow locust. The chestnut poste were nearly all so far decayed that they would readily brae at the surface of this ground, but Mr ioena paste, to all appsar- ante, had twenty years mare of Navies in them as pets (We gate pea, Forest, about ass foot in dlatts.hr, we.. rotten to the depth of an inch In thickness around the eatable. Beneath this the wood was sand, hard and uncolored. It appears a peen - leerily of the mead tbat tle weed does not readily bonen* affected In its iuterkr Decay is ..w - plate sa far es It gore, but it goes very slowly'. 1 have also renewed a grapevine till. built with large poste over twenty years ago. All tise poets Were cb..tnat but tine, and that Was yell.. locust. The chestnut part Imes decayed clear through. t-:: the lomat was term yip not affected 4o the depth of mors noet. then half an *061 1 think that pet would .tai fifty guars mar.. Is It not worth while to grow yellow Iorn.tl The only drewbat•k la the 1r.r.r • and that usually heedealreeal The Incest easily propagated from noel, an 1 is a rapid grower 1 ham. known a meshing to grow ea. es eet in b.igbt is ores uet.nn Under favEtable snedltassis Ibs tree will emily incriverti fres half in tbree•gaarmrs of ne inch h dhm.ar, snob year, for th• f1At twenty mare 1 shoal.' think it wo.M M the hem .r1 MI timber fn. refined ties Infos. Its hardaam pwlaveate driving .ptket Figure act wast tan scree of Inewd Nether will N and eared for netll the tress anal. • Mansell* .1 tee Inches and a height of forty feet *meld hib w.All It mllgbs be a better iuvrtniwtt Than a Ws leenrance. and e slliordf g sena pleasure 1 at h !twoesireuea AI NNW a lie 111111- Y t► P .b.ed. ate. 10. Poll. 11. Haman.:' • .3 12. Kara .11. 11; Neck. 14. T'hnut, Se. bi Sb..utd. r Vein. :z.. iR 1lbculdo•ra 49. 17. Shoulder Point. 40 11. $.,c. Shine. 41. Props 12, fIl. leen 1; 21. Forrr,b• 44- 2"1' Mklr(bs, t Minder ribs. M:. 24. Rumps. 47. 11.117 1.40 . Flanks; E:ls,w. Inn.. 1; nisi•-. Shank., Haat. Dewlap. Rri+:et. )loran. ('beet. hat one.. Tweet. Hook,•. Weide of Time. Thi. alcor. when s ork .a bot done thor- oughly. z\ break occurs, it might be, ca • :statue, fence. and, being in • hurry, the farther 04 1t into poetics and pats a few p,roir ober it it may stand for awing, but tm,tably the flet high wind will loosen the prop., and several hours may be kid tis running after the cattle. There is a cow stent temptation, in the rush at work• to paten up things "temporarily.- Kori, • plan keep. one constantly barraged by cattle tweaking out, by leaking roof* and tools net of repair. The "stitch in time' le wenething [bat appals especially 4, an agriculturist, It is [.est to limit one's farm operations to that inlet which alt ..e tint. ko do everything "se-iwapa b l a and in order. m Mem Te bay Plank Walks. If the ran -kw will study the grain is the sad of Ile .4a.ks is any walk, or as repre- sented In Fp 1 and 2, it will be ase that in the fleet the prni•, forms a:coemtve cups or guct.r.. w •orb c••.•:, and bald the rain wat•,r, which renes, the plat* to decay quick- ly 1t will also, 1.e peen that the same grain as it run- along the fan .1 tie plank makes kmg. sharp est hater., whim in ram enol .hm • [int 1. we0a(r war nil _ d5u0T WAY. . r,s warp p and landau r•r q,. NW, amid toter :Joe anew and ere unsafe in eras] wars. 6 oleo rotting oat tis. plana. iso nwrb a idokar }res s tern tee rum plank ever, as.huwn In Pig. 1, and It ata be nein how each claw 'rah makes • Iitt a runt ewer Its retie's'. amid ail liquids psrrolet* through tie loom grain sod drain away, al4.wilttg the plaek to dry gawkly, while the splinter. aro sow here le be .emu- Manta and beards Obeid therefore he laid prnpwrly a to Pig 2 fwd mot (s h pfw, 1. Keep awEkNfrtube.Y pr*41 16* tlmifl w4lktanysre, fpr the Ike 1. .uu't met yo.- over a dada- t - pus tis: ldt int pian•, and it :e a capital 141,, .. 001141.1 tau :uu 4 s .sf yo•ur ar.nz. :a vi *►•.ulder.- r The neiewAir !lplrl:. Au entire absent.. of the wwtitiiestare' war, no doub.'. c••nrpaatlide wait betide it talent *aid high •i.4lnct.•r. We dal not 11,4 fault for 4/Ir drlknw.aey rf that kinJ is novelist, a poet, Uru writer of light !rer- oute. but it was a ,klt'ieucy not withstand- ing. It asked vita! ire menet by • memo itde event. iii I14ougLt he km 5-, tett he u.u.t outdoes that it aa,r.a•n• easily described an vague ad gcn••rat terms then pree.•elr dee deed Ito imam ia it in the lint plate • habit of acrurt,`1 and ezactarr, -h matters of fact. 1t the twit place, he nem* that temper of mind which -...Its 1w extra teioos, tut done. not jump at tin•:n -which is s quid:y oppose.) 1 . the stu.ad niredulity e: t4-r.raa'.. refusing tet accept anv odea wbicb Is u•.t tanri:,'u': to the reverential credulity whict. aro 1144 a+ true any rtatemrut (gait;; down from .1.1 Or high authority. and 1.. the earelr.a ur intl..•reit: Ism which, so long as a theory :: :. and sounds well, anal .•.j o Tally if it dat:rrr rows prey..u.ly evading teem, of jrejli- after. doe. not (nor un 4:eat tl.ut5atian .4 raltty that theory mets. That the w.rki b;overnedby law. which. we did mat make and mintiest aboNab. -sum •whnrit weld operate whether ICJ neeozotas o.r igsore &Dene ad w lor't it taunt w i. lour ther0- tor.. t'.atnly that ssamay obey, sag Iurimy. lag in liter ttris:a-na' was '-slat was tans ea a t1.e .,uta run of ..ar:athgc teachlhx, and if autboa!' *la •tight that a melees o ran gni*. port:tut or- unmaorapry lemma he did trot agree ...tis hit. �. •tr•tbit ria ec.e...•e, rightly understood. u.ukl t.•..,•u us to a- vat ad t.. utider+mand. and to rengutrr iiia tilt!: that hi, Owl 1 ,w much be-. suet , .,- Nobly always 0111 h,•, beyond the roan.. a f of nine faculties' •1•se word ••t:ty be a.,ull add. thnt, ha. -la; t,antrn m-:, of auto): 1•: ,• famous, be amok' My, am far **ha ut •r• vate.a went, the t:,pspust Brea wen• Mew witch hal been test-rati4 to sciebt "Every step. says Lord Derby, it rdherrkting, awl 11e• summat of those mew seemed 14 last. Mg. -lord t eity at Washing Ons the Nlum.rl. I)uriag the past year several t,.t,ic:Ins 01 New "Sark have 1ritJ, with a Kr*'.fy,.ng meant., a novel tren:.neat for dyspepsia add enneeT .d the stomach b, wishing out that ergau. Teo prorate 1s very Minute an 1 not daug. roue. .t long 44e.,ble tans IS pnescd dawn the throat until no. end u in :ns .ttett,eh. The upper end bas a famed at- .ta•laal. int . waich hot water is poa.ed aunt the senmech i. filial. The wag lb, of 'the *Valet' In the pipe and funnel give. • hydraulic pressure -tiMc-0at to dis'e..l .be tlb,ma•k The pipe has an evertor- big stoup 4o bold • had pears/ After the stomach bas bore fl:hd, the fuuncl ed of toe. 1a1•' tai turned due;, until it it Inner ti,aa [0e bottom of the s: •onach, and the stomach Is emp(s.0 r a barnl of any Maid is wept led through a siphon Tt.• proems may be repeated tovsral timet Tor resit is List the undigested fond and mucus are w,lebed out, and the bot water clines the blond weals and redoxes inflammation Too relief is immediate The dyspeptic may bar. hisstomach melted out before a meal, so that be can take a froth dart After the lapse of a sufficient Lae for ordinary di- gestion, the stomach may M washed out again. This procers has bion in use at the New York Hospital. we an informed, for sumo tam -flcrot Ile American. Aarther saeemerut fwveussr (less. The Rev. Robert Dat, *be well knower inventor of Um newspaper tadrni mneme which Is in ass is mast newrtpapsr Mir died at the age of 74 is thealo, N. Y., on December 10. Mr. lack made bb fires mailing machine in PM, sed be added in - provrrarot ata imp'-ovemlaot till the rapa- city of one of his machines will run up to 11,01q or 10,00(5 per day of labels like the enbeerltsr'e thaw on the wrapper' of pub- lications swat through the neat. Mr. Dick began by mission work la Canada in the Niagara p.altwala, and was a man who de- voted ha time .1thaut salary to the preach_ iag of the gimlet Miall be died well off. Progreso /a set..... if • timing fork. whets vibrating, 1. made 4e. troch any part of a 1 4dre's web or tea twigs or Waves by which the web le rw• ported tins trembling of the web completely dead• -s the. eptd.r, so Utak atter rupldiy Media' winch radial line M most she rtes alone this one silt ateswpe, to seems the twain fat, sed tarnalee le vein to Anel a soft spot le the mentor of her panT- Asa lighthouse lllemtneet gee has been found to prem the following athetetaps ever nil: -lie f.eWty for ierwee.ies the power on the sodded oeenrr.nce of a fe', abrins a the ner.rdty .4 (rimmisa, sod lower to make iustentmtosns, 14.01tbu, foam light to 45,41. ,. sad the aoaver.t4 M. \-tell., peaml••ant .. en leren4r d mr 41i 4. a powder. by mesee of is deheats pewees of registration, flede that the pe - mer at the mrwrp.t ..1 bola ..g the yam. der as not abed the nam roe wief wetly ime • rhe gine theTM,gb.,,t i1• ti but more, sit, Tnwames ismer ism dfii r• eller and traumas lir 1 Ontri:fr Also on hand. Call early. Gail; Flfenil.hing Mart, McLeaue New Block, CHOICE FRUIT. Ed. Campaigne wishes to call the attention of the general public to his stock of Holiday Fruits, etc. Valencia Raisins, Vostizza Currants, London Layers, Patras Currants, Black Baskets, Imperial Prunes. 7 Crown Figs,gs, pled Rogers, Grapes, 5 Crown FI Persian Dates, Bananas. Valencia Oranges, Florida Oranges, `' Messina Lemons, MR. Almonds, Filberts.. Walnuts. je1, Fthnall lladd!ez and Fh of all Lflid& (411-1t) I carry also a complete line of CONFECTIONERY. CIGARS 4 TOBACCO. ED.CAIVIPAICrIE, Telephone Camasatioa. Cor. Montreal-st, and Square. CAN USE RNY WRITING INR. EVERY PEN GUARANTEED. r ys .l7,r,sj won= Z':.: �TD1 t 5. Are pI I tot 20. Contain tafar awl PW•' P 1. is a glalll r duel .flerhrl PATENTS MUTE. TINE CAS AN OPION11TS old all buyers, in th. V. Petra' .ti sled tea kOfJAR4Tt Ira. Our Mike le oppwlr. t4. U. S- Pedant Of ht.." 11..01 M ani side pawq Iw 4140 tiwe tees thew rr... M.. frdanrxO lbx. Meed YODIEL O bRAWING. We ad. eke es t• .wseld h�, �f �M� ate/ we make IRS (WA l UNLlb1 Arg pis• re/N P4 r1GYT. We Mer, here. to the Peatwiu,hr, ell et Meee 6. for . aped Metala ti, V. 4 mart t v.stir. elreelar, Mab& Mrwe sad reformism to amain Meats h nee A* �tMa mr (-etwfy 0*4$ai No pens spoiled by corroding. No time whet, -t dipping into an Inti bottle, e d 0 c t b q - cccg O C O ej • Q i It 7,1I spt, 3 t .� �e s e n g o4 The Great Rem* vii: �.,,:�n,=%r�>',�..•, OBTARRr BRUGMANSIA L`it ,s:--a.� Warranted A SURE CURE l SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. tL, J. K. lona. CHF W.AC We have just a selection of novl shown in Ciodtrict HAND And Drawn Thn Table Runners, 1 Mats, etc. Linen. All price chiefs, from Weis] Early inspect have opened out Hats and E 311 Two•doora from Cyrus the :rest bad his woman, wbo threw tn int, with Mond. at Marathon. was attadierno died in prison. who slew 300, starved to death in the tem Xerxes. died in exile. Epaanisusondas was causal' Pyrrhus, one of the gram by the hands of • women. Mithridatee fen upoe hut Perseus was carried rapt shed in primal. Scorpio the Younger was own bed. Canna was sanaasinated Marius dial through eso Cram= was treacherous! Pompey WW1 nillrtleend. Mak friends. •,.1Protos, Cassias anti Ant mow swords. liettern Imes • Maser far breath was But she took O. 1 Fur her weak Ins Amid mew she ma stag w And he leafed Me erne Ghee meek hie ki •nd sow he ma lift ball A writer, who wrote far Had headaches sad pato That made him q Asti Merry before law at Thane are only exampl mobs et Dr. Pierce's G. emery, io be warted vitalitr7.1awal by Health Officer "Have Bromley (rather "Free times, Lois: thee al Health Officer "What Mr. lirmaley "Wawa 'as, would ter 'melt 'II In jined Mangum - Delays are dangerous :aid in the head or it Will in catarrh. Kemal Hata t head frown the first appliw Pm Ms jaundice ; jaundice leads terminates in death. behind your pope. put t reye:Imeeteed and pi lag heal, medians. fa 11 pulmonary eomplatnti "The endear "Philad teen knots as holm 13 what is yew heft WM minister thest a set ale, wee thatas. P the asegehe bad never k awl, atearea. their memo Mae delay Pk IfeassaiM semi A powder mill pipits hi trineLot sem roes tim appetite mad°74111aitir week' weer The Mit Reetweler Mates that, arms, brew Weal& aw. Iheranch Mood Hitter. WON/ tin era , r ' COLBORNE BROS.' 111- i B 4.-B0-AkINS I LADIES' READY-MADE -DAMS, ' \, 0 holeaale pro. '. FINE WOOL FASCINATORS, At halt Frice. LADIES' FLORENTINE ROBED DRESSES At • rains tam of 121 per rtul. BRAID DRBSS TRIMMINGS, le Bata at half prim-. A Glow LIR OF SHAKER FLANNELS dad Plansebtiet. ort 224 COLBORNE BROS.` THE FARMER'S CORNER. TIMELY 1NFORMAiION O► VALUE TO CANADIAN AORICUL';;Rio T4 Pt• nes and the ■all. W b. They bliea.ld Care Mere Than They De About t►arelar Ties Lordly The 140pwrtaree of keeping [-...ted. One "rub wb) the farntes of tea. pew - Mid 4y pre al fully ie .ymp,tby with �blwrama modern ww(d is time they hold thrm.ehra apart from it tooa dei b.lae think they pet Leve testis lama a awl uw,en auto the totem or village l.• gain free tateruninu .•t bless with Weir failure awn • others hT t c4.pair. berate the farm, [tad mottle down to what s• they .•onenter their hard tate in life. Wit this is Idly, wbsu the farm nr by tar the Mo. 1. bast plana iu all the ...r1,1 Min. r•test. to lire Farmer- and Weir familia need not hr.• with:rut safety It they will take Lal: the paints to cattiest, it that is dilplayat L townspeople .1.. for esaum.aaat1on, country dwell..•t• .1. out halt empby tar facilitate. for it which our Eoserunmtt and nuuiy others bare provkt ed M a merely nominal mat. Thom -raids et farmer. do not send or go for their mail oftener than oree n west Why ! Feil, it is a mile. .'r two or three mileA- Irrbnps- tarthter. ti. the pw.t.offlice . •R hand. are busy Ind•or. and vat . it is' • hong dateline to walk, tied the honors .'annot lo nand. But a little diluting awl e.ritrivaur, world lastly suggest better arrangements, base • stage, toil: team, or oven an occasiurs) n:eighta.r,paoi the fanahou.• .Lily! 41r- range oranege W have the nail carri• l and brought every day. litany cnjnv this privilege now. a ..d it L easy to note the different, to the h.taligeope of [swills. w served. and that... who only tear from for twit-oftlee on the DISCOU NT. ,5: v3 fig .ow Myosis thee M make a built• money go a Ion;; way in t!w purcha.t of BOOTS & SHOES, 0 0 co ori RUBBERS, UVERSHOES, FELT BOOTS, MOCCASINS,rip and every other description of t•.rtwrnr that jam may need.row 10 Per Cent. off all Cash Purchases, ,w,♦ 1'71 row estt� E. DOWNING. r whether ley own ..r Ia syr\ i d,. al/• 1:1 gooda marked in plain :140r. - C I VE E A CALF_ 1VOX%. L\IL\T )TAIL ens. en.. 2. 'ay when the sweetly papier come. - perhaps 1..4 then. lest wait for a chance drive that way- in uwst Cita. the mail is delivered . :era' Cines beery day. Molal-..•nmemoit. . • send n person daily. ur two, . a dot , to cerin: n,1 l .1i -tribute the oriel I oder ally lege will be ut iron. With the al.uadaaoe •ed elisap.mo .4 this metal M might sot to be very tar w the future. i1. Mus pits arm 1 the a.•rkat am either tun c.»tly, or tee bRbt for durability. Probably angle Yea will be the farm trod malarial ut the tutor, You puma, mod 1 will here suggest • form for tie opinion .4 gaperte. Ibe two petals at widish • puss shored not yield, to stand all, are the bottom mod •t the airfare of an.uiet :n this model greet bearing at the surface le obtatnad b* riv.Uag ter the post • .s•tke ut u,ucb tare -.•r anal. tna The bottom of tbo pit ta untidy reread by bamruenug when bot. The. make* a pet blur the ma mown la the ftAul aUao. Of ousts. the pant mold bo driven Into the grouted, aril wind and frit would litt:e a( - tont it. pore .basil be punched to lie wires .0 A trice-wimal.. dome" - The Jersey sew, pourtraysd bereeith, 1 atrial the D.ee.l Cord of all. W. A. helm ru, of At• Ani..b lieberue, ilius. Mae ie Julie of 1(f. Intoner! lint, end wise dropped aterta 1M:. She Ivan b.r career by SCIENCE NCE AND, tBUURbSS istakt Ttf10 PARA0ftAP/q CULLED FROM VARIOUS F:ELDS Almple Mra►tae 11..1 Au, lead) tam Make %bleb. U 1 ..d, M 111 IMrrlwper We ( best wed Os•or one the T.a4uar to $eloa asoma abaatdere.l. 11 `brad. In tis.• ,tetrell Free h..a, gives the fndowin2 µ:.d MitYle,ia-a bili Lt hist -Talk*. with lbs !doge.;' As a Mr: step, malign titles tug your arms Mahal you ;shad your Iniad. rai+t Than est o4 t .• beads at leugtb from either stuuilder awed enact, time•., your chest out, al.! dna n Mug. .low breath. Vou aaat . 1..•nider .•aarco.e 4. lame l..0 mi. '1•I. -re Are u.a .-'.e• for that punter, but you aur make .rte Which tii11.4.. lief tau.wall iron pal -••y., .thee as all lusrdwu«ua,, keep Ie. 44414. add arrow diens t.,■ we or leant .q ai,.eover Plea • heenwet : a.. .bent .•rel. „s r there, and at the 1 vier stole fasten •r', weigh• -ad 1w•. .,r throe paned. each. To toner ends,/ t:..• :Wm e. Lat.,' beadles. •tL•a. stand cis.. t .ywi pull ..0 one hva- and then the .dye. -..r b.':t,t sea -•.o 1'�a• follow in^ diagram. i, .1 tusk • u pont.: to a: The old Canadian winter is once ];tore Wlt1 tea, and the rush upon myl READY-MADE OVERCOATS as -been so great that I am nearly cleared out. If on want to get a choice overcoat at your own price at once. A fine SELECTION OF FINE FURS 4 A AIIJ:: / .v.Eay 31kb w mpaat Ors! Koos a,wl dipka.i at grabs. Ie. tae:. as the beat row .4 ea) tu•t•..1 lu mem petition with the 1n 4 reprvxul•tives [row no td herds .1 other breeds, tier wire of fa:eine we. tare Liegte t :usdr by may Jenna rhnt veer. Next year .:u• had to be sation...I at 1, a see mal plat... but only did. so beeline. 10 r darn, 41/1 J',14.•. took tint, mid a:•.. n -..o :u•• .lv •r tonin! as Inst der. rey u,ikl. outs, and the sword. -sabre silver ua...,l at 1..s! witch case ufanty betaii. 01 'comp.! t with 14 others..h>lte o.1 141. 1- :k•I tL.• c•..untoriu-t s:f her data :thy milks n- high as 411 Ile- )ter d.y, and keep, up. swabs thin- from rear r e rear. film it slwnv. ty,.n and a L:avy folder. In typo sliee r p•/(...i dairy ..•.o. Mary at the withers. with :wig. lens elllek. rri broad •cross the nir, tit iuu her wrest barrel ca - 1 pteity and µwog tit udder 1141 Tans ova [sof th-• . 1.1'. il.1!'ride of 11 ipleor 'trao, of the- Nt. lamb. rt fmnih. air b •r ,ire was Lord ElulY 111.', by .lac:: Frust of 1:. lanitmet, .d:o s }:wpr..s 1 :ork.tta. lack Fr•r :.f St. l.amte•rt was ..1 lir' L .4 Xie.f- .aa' d . h:. las dant. 1'rei • of 11 net..tr 11.1 imp.. heist; n hated t:i•1911 ,, of [bat u.diiP - •:ruin. mad bin .ire, 14.Krr r ..,, tram thzotiwla erre remove b. '\ ..•t.r ti -i,;., 197 imilp►.asd Pidietif ti imi4d,r g in., .'..\\ .)Ig:.r )[.111. etdRin:n it is well to have a laity .art ted. ;really diiniaisbos tism risk of 1,r:ius: the •IIrrl, change emit for st.tmpa• etc. The • •. ustratl.••l show imine of the cnlIvelu n[ee. ',limb tee to wiutl arse. A substituted ,•ret ' t.,systig )rear erected Laude the road,* struaw• boat is'•et in it to cab h the fancily or neigh- _ torb.ud nail frog, o ilbout .topping the town, a- Wen lu Fig. 1, t .'r a permanent rmo•ep- tacta is firmly nailed 11 it. In Fig C' is ' shown bow one tied of r -h:. t a starch box V pertly e -A,1. Kau. removed ad • roe/ ,oaak 1o` "pet:aging over it a short piece of s•osepipts or tin Fig.:t is roofed by two _ban -:nib hoards. one of which Las hinges and a Irath-r tag so it can toms qui 'kly lifted_ is ti,t t ,s aeon merely an old paint keg thoron;t:,ly dried and a part of on. bead re- moved Whatever «wire is ad spttat, ain't fall tn, 31-e the mails fre.•ly and frequently; I have known several notices of doth. or ...newly, and telegrams of imp,rtwee•, dig n-tn.u.ly .bayed when forward.d by post- • ollore to peniam, who rarely .odI.J -A40trk , can Agricutturali.t_ NEW ARRIVAL - of .47\7"11 T E R 1 GOons. LATEST STYLI'S ttetn•ante to be cleared not, lhrht els. sad mhos shapes. H. DUNLOP, >nr: The /Wet-st. Tailor. MONEY...-..1-1-4..a.d.,6-11.171474:::s.zase 41.1i 1 .t.�e.mi ..r . our M shm ownewile,wa..wa.. Ile bee a., .�..b zea ,.. we arms••. ~ohm*. enilr• ye a )w. 0. W . les ...7.M.44. yew a.rewrt .1.11 ,.4r re d...rt T e.. M .. .I 4.. t..t.p wmo,awaa.erwr.....«..•.An 1134.14,414.w wwM• Meek eM.. W rw wee .M .p ..y, seen - es .41.4. w.wMM.wa....- i da�M e'tfa rs t �9.e` �iAtsa� ,V3'.:. 7ti:3:i va!Y L;:P,r ars,I.t n� ST[ ".: t:;Mi*i .:.'Ipa;liti, Mr:9%ra ret 3vWMERCO9l=L.AiNT3 KEEP A DlYTTLE iN (-4 H3U: E. SOLO BY ALL CCA .ERC WHY EVERY FAR1fER should paean et Armstrong's Improved 1`,i'1,. GRAIN & SEED CLEANERS. REMOVAL. ttA. B. CORNELL, 'QZJPI7J11RTM.=Z�Ii, to McLean•s Kew Meek. BECAUs:E 1st 11 allows no font seeds to be blown tato the chaff, which a of great importaneo to every tanner who wishes to keep his farm clean. tee, It saves and clean. all Timothyseed from any kind of grain while cleanng the (Rain. :t.'d. For Market cleaning tt 1O40OTM Cockle.e Clean and shrunken grain, and Myra the farmer the greatest oo..{Me weight for his grain with no minec.wrr) tor. Mb. It will anmpe grain for 'bow end Bred purpose. equal to hand plcking- Mb. (leaning sent Wheat It ramose" all Cookie. Numeral wed. NIM Praia Wild Fla. and other foul and shrunken and broken grain. ant give' the farther pure, clivi. need grate. Mb. it will clean fiats. Harley. kr., thor- oughly without a nate of grain. Tib.- (leaning Pew 11 win /separate the 'and. quartered. halves.. (Ml. aid whole Nam from earls other, carrying each to • different realm rtmen1. Mb. 11 b a perfe. t Plover seed Machine. re- moving all dadbroken and deal sped, and other .cella, larger or entailer thea the t'lover seed. etb. It 1' a first class Grass red Machine, Mews no wade away, 1Mb. It ,. • fool Phis seer) Machine, 111b. is is • Ora rise chafer. 1tt111. It ran be lttrel Into the admit fashioned Fanning Mill that 1. laid male a. useless and make it do the work of ■ new Mill. Wtb. It can he attached to • new M111 111114 - nut In)nring it. and .aa be removed at mige glum. as easily a. a three msWnevl. it does ne4Interfine with the ram a the re- gular weaves of the Mill. INb. Its sieves are nearly alt perforated sine. Ink. 11 les • capacity of stet/ bushels of grain per hour. Isis. It ,. ae cheap r. the ordinary) Panning MIII steres. �:Mjth aSpeerity. Yee[ will Ilse led h. & Corbell ON THE atsSQUARE. O CHANGE OF BUSINESS THE 01..I) AND RELIABLE WART -ST. FLOUR AXD FBBD STORE •AI; CMASO ILD H 1X141. The peblie am hereby as/tided IMI the aro, .sdreas=oa ertrtarriedon by A. L. TH08. J. VIDWN, pale will awry M do In all Its breaches at the di *finer«a�.sear se steeattte o a former traps 14 this lealsas0 hsa MNice u �h ►tu1 1 t nese Misits laeofeet/ hie home identiflea with It torism ems elitist year& tharf wilt be. nn falling tiff tin beefier*, ferawaryvis►IMted In keeping It is frontmak. r pars. deitrered to an 1 of the town. , 'ha latent anti bete limos M Anwar and feed WOO had and eWm• seeds le mean. TMOIt .1. OIDMAN. to thee eporaeitr mf theak Asn my ern _rt/M r altars) Mtremps lig 1 �ep rdrill of M WLlaI Floor and Tsai -"'1 aM., p la rwntwtns.nA ate A rviIMAM mesa. ::V... A. $. CVL&.* 1Teb. Kier; Mankfe, is f)t amasrsan. aged font order et 04.•0 if you wast 11 this season. if yes, have sot aren • Mealtime ant to hat. neve went far import Imam. and (bat fat take it on row! dine. it snits .�111 . oea ►huin by 11 grad mode width of ARMSTRONG BROS., The *oderioh, Ont. Pi DAiRY COW H., t arinna Point. and Their Terhnleal 1 warm. Yat .1 11- Robertson, Domino -et )fairy l'aam,asiooer, describes, in the Farmer's' Advocate, thus technically the dairy cow: 1. Mouth IA. Hips. Lipa :."i Ignition]. 4 \..trill 21'. Thigh.. 4. Muzzle. tilt. Hocks 5. Fail. In. Udder fi. F. ns. M. Teats 7. l'beeks "L Flanks b- Jaws. 21 Milk Veins. About Felts. last sprhag 1 dug out a line of thew posts that had Men in the ground more than t meaty-ooe years, and had o.Carin) 4o sam- pans the relative durability of chestnut and yellow locust. The chestnut poste were nearly all so far decayed that they would readily brae at the surface of this ground, but Mr ioena paste, to all appsar- ante, had twenty years mare of Navies in them as pets (We gate pea, Forest, about ass foot in dlatts.hr, we.. rotten to the depth of an inch In thickness around the eatable. Beneath this the wood was sand, hard and uncolored. It appears a peen - leerily of the mead tbat tle weed does not readily bonen* affected In its iuterkr Decay is ..w - plate sa far es It gore, but it goes very slowly'. 1 have also renewed a grapevine till. built with large poste over twenty years ago. All tise poets Were cb..tnat but tine, and that Was yell.. locust. The chestnut part Imes decayed clear through. t-:: the lomat was term yip not affected 4o the depth of mors noet. then half an *061 1 think that pet would .tai fifty guars mar.. Is It not worth while to grow yellow Iorn.tl The only drewbat•k la the 1r.r.r • and that usually heedealreeal The Incest easily propagated from noel, an 1 is a rapid grower 1 ham. known a meshing to grow ea. es eet in b.igbt is ores uet.nn Under favEtable snedltassis Ibs tree will emily incriverti fres half in tbree•gaarmrs of ne inch h dhm.ar, snob year, for th• f1At twenty mare 1 shoal.' think it wo.M M the hem .r1 MI timber fn. refined ties Infos. Its hardaam pwlaveate driving .ptket Figure act wast tan scree of Inewd Nether will N and eared for netll the tress anal. • Mansell* .1 tee Inches and a height of forty feet *meld hib w.All It mllgbs be a better iuvrtniwtt Than a Ws leenrance. and e slliordf g sena pleasure 1 at h !twoesireuea AI NNW a lie 111111- Y t► P .b.ed. ate. 10. Poll. 11. Haman.:' • .3 12. Kara .11. 11; Neck. 14. T'hnut, Se. bi Sb..utd. r Vein. :z.. iR 1lbculdo•ra 49. 17. Shoulder Point. 40 11. $.,c. Shine. 41. Props 12, fIl. leen 1; 21. Forrr,b• 44- 2"1' Mklr(bs, t Minder ribs. M:. 24. Rumps. 47. 11.117 1.40 . Flanks; E:ls,w. Inn.. 1; nisi•-. Shank., Haat. Dewlap. Rri+:et. )loran. ('beet. hat one.. Tweet. Hook,•. Weide of Time. Thi. alcor. when s ork .a bot done thor- oughly. z\ break occurs, it might be, ca • :statue, fence. and, being in • hurry, the farther 04 1t into poetics and pats a few p,roir ober it it may stand for awing, but tm,tably the flet high wind will loosen the prop., and several hours may be kid tis running after the cattle. There is a cow stent temptation, in the rush at work• to paten up things "temporarily.- Kori, • plan keep. one constantly barraged by cattle tweaking out, by leaking roof* and tools net of repair. The "stitch in time' le wenething [bat appals especially 4, an agriculturist, It is [.est to limit one's farm operations to that inlet which alt ..e tint. ko do everything "se-iwapa b l a and in order. m Mem Te bay Plank Walks. If the ran -kw will study the grain is the sad of Ile .4a.ks is any walk, or as repre- sented In Fp 1 and 2, it will be ase that in the fleet the prni•, forms a:coemtve cups or guct.r.. w •orb c••.•:, and bald the rain wat•,r, which renes, the plat* to decay quick- ly 1t will also, 1.e peen that the same grain as it run- along the fan .1 tie plank makes kmg. sharp est hater., whim in ram enol .hm • [int 1. we0a(r war nil _ d5u0T WAY. . r,s warp p and landau r•r q,. NW, amid toter :Joe anew and ere unsafe in eras] wars. 6 oleo rotting oat tis. plana. iso nwrb a idokar }res s tern tee rum plank ever, as.huwn In Pig. 1, and It ata be nein how each claw 'rah makes • Iitt a runt ewer Its retie's'. amid ail liquids psrrolet* through tie loom grain sod drain away, al4.wilttg the plaek to dry gawkly, while the splinter. aro sow here le be .emu- Manta and beards Obeid therefore he laid prnpwrly a to Pig 2 fwd mot (s h pfw, 1. Keep awEkNfrtube.Y pr*41 16* tlmifl w4lktanysre, fpr the Ike 1. .uu't met yo.- over a dada- t - pus tis: ldt int pian•, and it :e a capital 141,, .. 001141.1 tau :uu 4 s .sf yo•ur ar.nz. :a vi *►•.ulder.- r The neiewAir !lplrl:. Au entire absent.. of the wwtitiiestare' war, no doub.'. c••nrpaatlide wait betide it talent *aid high •i.4lnct.•r. We dal not 11,4 fault for 4/Ir drlknw.aey rf that kinJ is novelist, a poet, Uru writer of light !rer- oute. but it was a ,klt'ieucy not withstand- ing. It asked vita! ire menet by • memo itde event. iii I14ougLt he km 5-, tett he u.u.t outdoes that it aa,r.a•n• easily described an vague ad gcn••rat terms then pree.•elr dee deed Ito imam ia it in the lint plate • habit of acrurt,`1 and ezactarr, -h matters of fact. 1t the twit place, he nem* that temper of mind which -...Its 1w extra teioos, tut done. not jump at tin•:n -which is s quid:y oppose.) 1 . the stu.ad niredulity e: t4-r.raa'.. refusing tet accept anv odea wbicb Is u•.t tanri:,'u': to the reverential credulity whict. aro 1144 a+ true any rtatemrut (gait;; down from .1.1 Or high authority. and 1.. the earelr.a ur intl..•reit: Ism which, so long as a theory :: :. and sounds well, anal .•.j o Tally if it dat:rrr rows prey..u.ly evading teem, of jrejli- after. doe. not (nor un 4:eat tl.ut5atian .4 raltty that theory mets. That the w.rki b;overnedby law. which. we did mat make and mintiest aboNab. -sum •whnrit weld operate whether ICJ neeozotas o.r igsore &Dene ad w lor't it taunt w i. lour ther0- tor.. t'.atnly that ssamay obey, sag Iurimy. lag in liter ttris:a-na' was '-slat was tans ea a t1.e .,uta run of ..ar:athgc teachlhx, and if autboa!' *la •tight that a melees o ran gni*. port:tut or- unmaorapry lemma he did trot agree ...tis hit. �. •tr•tbit ria ec.e...•e, rightly understood. u.ukl t.•..,•u us to a- vat ad t.. utider+mand. and to rengutrr iiia tilt!: that hi, Owl 1 ,w much be-. suet , .,- Nobly always 0111 h,•, beyond the roan.. a f of nine faculties' •1•se word ••t:ty be a.,ull add. thnt, ha. -la; t,antrn m-:, of auto): 1•: ,• famous, be amok' My, am far **ha ut •r• vate.a went, the t:,pspust Brea wen• Mew witch hal been test-rati4 to sciebt "Every step. says Lord Derby, it rdherrkting, awl 11e• summat of those mew seemed 14 last. Mg. -lord t eity at Washing Ons the Nlum.rl. I)uriag the past year several t,.t,ic:Ins 01 New "Sark have 1ritJ, with a Kr*'.fy,.ng meant., a novel tren:.neat for dyspepsia add enneeT .d the stomach b, wishing out that ergau. Teo prorate 1s very Minute an 1 not daug. roue. .t long 44e.,ble tans IS pnescd dawn the throat until no. end u in :ns .ttett,eh. The upper end bas a famed at- .ta•laal. int . waich hot water is poa.ed aunt the senmech i. filial. The wag lb, of 'the *Valet' In the pipe and funnel give. • hydraulic pressure -tiMc-0at to dis'e..l .be tlb,ma•k The pipe has an evertor- big stoup 4o bold • had pears/ After the stomach bas bore fl:hd, the fuuncl ed of toe. 1a1•' tai turned due;, until it it Inner ti,aa [0e bottom of the s: •onach, and the stomach Is emp(s.0 r a barnl of any Maid is wept led through a siphon Tt.• proems may be repeated tovsral timet Tor resit is List the undigested fond and mucus are w,lebed out, and the bot water clines the blond weals and redoxes inflammation Too relief is immediate The dyspeptic may bar. hisstomach melted out before a meal, so that be can take a froth dart After the lapse of a sufficient Lae for ordinary di- gestion, the stomach may M washed out again. This procers has bion in use at the New York Hospital. we an informed, for sumo tam -flcrot Ile American. Aarther saeemerut fwveussr (less. The Rev. Robert Dat, *be well knower inventor of Um newspaper tadrni mneme which Is in ass is mast newrtpapsr Mir died at the age of 74 is thealo, N. Y., on December 10. Mr. lack made bb fires mailing machine in PM, sed be added in - provrrarot ata imp'-ovemlaot till the rapa- city of one of his machines will run up to 11,01q or 10,00(5 per day of labels like the enbeerltsr'e thaw on the wrapper' of pub- lications swat through the neat. Mr. Dick began by mission work la Canada in the Niagara p.altwala, and was a man who de- voted ha time .1thaut salary to the preach_ iag of the gimlet Miall be died well off. Progreso /a set..... if • timing fork. whets vibrating, 1. made 4e. troch any part of a 1 4dre's web or tea twigs or Waves by which the web le rw• ported tins trembling of the web completely dead• -s the. eptd.r, so Utak atter rupldiy Media' winch radial line M most she rtes alone this one silt ateswpe, to seems the twain fat, sed tarnalee le vein to Anel a soft spot le the mentor of her panT- Asa lighthouse lllemtneet gee has been found to prem the following athetetaps ever nil: -lie f.eWty for ierwee.ies the power on the sodded oeenrr.nce of a fe', abrins a the ner.rdty .4 (rimmisa, sod lower to make iustentmtosns, 14.01tbu, foam light to 45,41. ,. sad the aoaver.t4 M. \-tell., peaml••ant .. en leren4r d mr 41i 4. a powder. by mesee of is deheats pewees of registration, flede that the pe - mer at the mrwrp.t ..1 bola ..g the yam. der as not abed the nam roe wief wetly ime • rhe gine theTM,gb.,,t i1• ti but more, sit, Tnwames ismer ism dfii r• eller and traumas lir 1 Ontri:fr Also on hand. Call early. Gail; Flfenil.hing Mart, McLeaue New Block, CHOICE FRUIT. Ed. Campaigne wishes to call the attention of the general public to his stock of Holiday Fruits, etc. Valencia Raisins, Vostizza Currants, London Layers, Patras Currants, Black Baskets, Imperial Prunes. 7 Crown Figs,gs, pled Rogers, Grapes, 5 Crown FI Persian Dates, Bananas. Valencia Oranges, Florida Oranges, `' Messina Lemons, MR. Almonds, Filberts.. Walnuts. je1, Fthnall lladd!ez and Fh of all Lflid& (411-1t) I carry also a complete line of CONFECTIONERY. CIGARS 4 TOBACCO. ED.CAIVIPAICrIE, Telephone Camasatioa. Cor. Montreal-st, and Square. CAN USE RNY WRITING INR. EVERY PEN GUARANTEED. r ys .l7,r,sj won= Z':.: �TD1 t 5. Are pI I tot 20. Contain tafar awl PW•' P 1. is a glalll r duel .flerhrl PATENTS MUTE. TINE CAS AN OPION11TS old all buyers, in th. V. Petra' .ti sled tea kOfJAR4Tt Ira. Our Mike le oppwlr. t4. U. S- Pedant Of ht.." 11..01 M ani side pawq Iw 4140 tiwe tees thew rr... M.. frdanrxO lbx. Meed YODIEL O bRAWING. We ad. eke es t• .wseld h�, �f �M� ate/ we make IRS (WA l UNLlb1 Arg pis• re/N P4 r1GYT. We Mer, here. to the Peatwiu,hr, ell et Meee 6. for . aped Metala ti, V. 4 mart t v.stir. elreelar, Mab& Mrwe sad reformism to amain Meats h nee A* �tMa mr (-etwfy 0*4$ai No pens spoiled by corroding. No time whet, -t dipping into an Inti bottle, e d 0 c t b q - cccg O C O ej • Q i It 7,1I spt, 3 t .� �e s e n g o4 The Great Rem* vii: �.,,:�n,=%r�>',�..•, OBTARRr BRUGMANSIA L`it ,s:--a.� Warranted A SURE CURE l SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. tL, J. K. lona. CHF W.AC We have just a selection of novl shown in Ciodtrict HAND And Drawn Thn Table Runners, 1 Mats, etc. Linen. All price chiefs, from Weis] Early inspect have opened out Hats and E 311 Two•doora from Cyrus the :rest bad his woman, wbo threw tn int, with Mond. at Marathon. was attadierno died in prison. who slew 300, starved to death in the tem Xerxes. died in exile. Epaanisusondas was causal' Pyrrhus, one of the gram by the hands of • women. Mithridatee fen upoe hut Perseus was carried rapt shed in primal. Scorpio the Younger was own bed. Canna was sanaasinated Marius dial through eso Cram= was treacherous! Pompey WW1 nillrtleend. Mak friends. •,.1Protos, Cassias anti Ant mow swords. liettern Imes • Maser far breath was But she took O. 1 Fur her weak Ins Amid mew she ma stag w And he leafed Me erne Ghee meek hie ki •nd sow he ma lift ball A writer, who wrote far Had headaches sad pato That made him q Asti Merry before law at Thane are only exampl mobs et Dr. Pierce's G. emery, io be warted vitalitr7.1awal by Health Officer "Have Bromley (rather "Free times, Lois: thee al Health Officer "What Mr. lirmaley "Wawa 'as, would ter 'melt 'II In jined Mangum - Delays are dangerous :aid in the head or it Will in catarrh. Kemal Hata t head frown the first appliw Pm Ms jaundice ; jaundice leads terminates in death. behind your pope. put t reye:Imeeteed and pi lag heal, medians. fa 11 pulmonary eomplatnti "The endear "Philad teen knots as holm 13 what is yew heft WM minister thest a set ale, wee thatas. P the asegehe bad never k awl, atearea. their memo Mae delay Pk IfeassaiM semi A powder mill pipits hi trineLot sem roes tim appetite mad°74111aitir week' weer The Mit Reetweler Mates that, arms, brew Weal& aw. Iheranch Mood Hitter. WON/ tin era