HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-1-9, Page 3TUI SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, JANUARY $ MI. 500 FAIRS LAMEs' SLIPPEIIS AT 20 5 PAIk'"'°'"r'"°"`" HOKE INDUSTRY 14°/ OFF F DLL AT CAR EY'S ■ A H/►r r at NEW YEAR BOOTS & SHOES Made to meaa..re et primes never beard of be - Men's hand -sewed Bal morals, $b.00. Men's hand -sewed Shell Cordo- van do., *15.60. NO MACHINERY ON THESE 0000S. W III make the same monde to measure. mnaohlne weed. at '$3.60 and *4.00. Men's hand -sewed Calf Balmor- als, *4.00. And stonier goads 1a mock of our own menu tamer* et from 1! 116 t.t/ ur own snake ie ev meek. le romit. of all-ttoo&s to .rah pur eha. ere. An rim repaired free of ebsrge. JOHNSTON CAREY, Wbsimosera r'eta/h tees and thee.. V1 llama IIIWi1ee, A French doctor wu,te to intrvdwcr his patent pommel of preserving the remains of the deal 11 is not emlrlmiug thrum w yet mummifying them. though the bodies must m la• obaltwd I,efr.rc• tune doctor s new promos takes boll of them. The new idea le to electroplate the whole body and thus pre- serve to posterity the nuhk lineraients of those whew estates tut up .uthcmutly well to allow the expellee- -"ma. xpellee_,a Mint the lead}' ie embalmed, lmed, after a high Thanking you for your liberal atronage during the est year, and trusting- that by strict attention to your • ante, to merit a share of ,your trade during 1891. CHARLES A. MIRN r 11 URDOCK *stulates the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, unlocks the Sec retion s,Pu riff caths Blood and removes all Im- purities from a Pimplesto theworest Scrofulous Soh. ler o f e l. ,e .alt sir to of the ive n- aie t4tIf ?• CURES DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS. "'ONSTIPATION. HEADACHE SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. HEART BURN. SOUR STOMAC DIZZINESS. DROPSY RHEUMATI SM. SKIN DISEASES two STORES 1 Filled with the latest ideas in CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR (LIFTS is what SAUNDERS& SON Are going to give to the people of Goderich and vicinity. They in- tend on the 1st day of February, 1891, to dissolve partnership. and to make stock -taking easy will sell out at prices that will make con buy. ONE HUNDRED TEACHERS Are wanted to select goods for their Christmas trees, and special prices will be given. as has been our custom in past yen. ONE THOUSAND PARENTS Wanted to buy their Christmas preaerets for the family. No met- ier about the size of your parse : we can snit you. Remember the stands -West street, at the old stand, and Mc- Lean's new block, the Square. C. SEAGER, e"4"1"- Get "The Signal" EW BLOCS and *t is slipped into a lath of nitrate of silver. It comas from the. lath the .oho of polished silver. After that time facie is subjected to a • regular Meeto.ption% dip, and tomes out burnished copper. moody to be preserved to the latest geuerationa. W order to insure pcvfect meows the fats is varnished, and the 6 the lass. operation. The !minimised sapper face is then "'arrested to reinans the saute for osturis, if treated Wath rcosun Moly fair tare. This Opens up great t otaa i.r .old families. They can preserve tea the latest day the burnished copper counten ante of the NM carrier, oaken keeper err tailor who was the distwgui.htd (omelet of their noble lire. Brawn .-busks ossa be traufornrrtl to .upper urea. Along with the faintly apfos, grendbrther's comer .upia:ard end cotton olio, the obi rruw'a Capper bottomed f=ax coo be kept s thing .4 beauty and i joy forever. M1 the rare can have coppr3• !dated ancaaturs\by and by. elf see roma. *see "Fifterm mouths ago 1 had is healing breast. I toad nosey remedies haat got Ito relief, I then treed Hagyarel's Yellow Oil, which gave me instant ease. It is the beat thing i ever need for all kinds of paws .r ..oil. ' Mas. Joe. ('ot:lrrr. it. Marva, l hiss. 2 Weird. Puck : "Mr. Ilalf.ur," said the queen'1;1 yoo investigated the pxato famine m "Yee, 'Your Majesty. 1 went to lhrllin - for that purp.ae. The reports are totally without frundatnon. 1 had two help' to potatoes at ever} (teat Milliard. Beef. Ina and Wine *a pre- pared from fresh beef, soluble iron, and pure sherry sine. twebine.l with choice aro. nlatlee. 1no At the Pollee atatais. -r L reporlar Yea would never take that II, , �1 1•looking nun in the dock he a !Naso swindler, would you Second rep. t.. Why not He has an inipaeing appeareace. N Para. Life : Editor of The Waylack %Y'r.l- aae "Ikea advertising payWell. 1 should may it did. Why, only last week Hammy Shortweight, the grocer, advertised la my pope' for a boy. mad that very night hie wIfejcive birth t.. twig. Both lemm, tan.% POOR FOOL/SH MEN. TAKE A WOMAN'S ADVICE. Thi. 6 +tr the ste.sa tine's .1/404 ..-a. Oft lib... ma t.. PAW me book .M tea 1 bee hard wo A a•n•y a■r h.a•e.a harm w his MY blow t.a lesaenail the sempsim dd harms 1111 pair Mabry tea .f at hr pant awe Map Woltf'sACMEBlacking A eseN:..wt neer Clack P..t•.b. 6 April :tots of lis•'.b...t• a wore. awl .a wws.n' . (..5th. Oema/rk 1� 1[Lld R 7ffsanl., OiIL •nTw aim .te I aw p.■ r.- er.. r•.ie1• r . sea w ..• e•o. -hank tris era n b. Rr..w.e aeam..aat►..►► w• ae.. M_r .a md,r t� sl.tawtt.ss! nesibi MOr'wmaw. Dei . wal -0116011• the Ifeerbel,-- *nay to Lead Ohesep Rates. All the News. From now until Jan. I, 1892, A11118' NOBS O18HBD. $1.00 in Advance. Twu kmda of fore ate fraptatly u..mlruel to • garvwmt. Ordtaary lath. mate gowns are.xtaatraet ed talar simply A Longfellow luncheon a the latest tad •4 out of town society. R otwdel silk nearly always appears is with velvet. Black Penman hunk M • prowimeat factor in gamma.. and trlatmiegs. The aslant point about evening dinner la the pretty Watteau plait at the bark t lettere! Ho u h and the Salvation Araby are the vogue to the highest Engll.l. cir- cles. Housewives are trying to oetvie then"- settee he.settee is quality and davuwtiou of their table lfoem The l'aniok care reaches down to the swot, amid is a comfortable garment when nude of or lined with fur. Solrle Iran are merely keg egos h G. eover the throat, acrd shwa- the heal and tail ed the animal lapped in boat. ( %ousts at dinner are permitted to be • sew sloutea late. hut should take care never to be before the time. 'ile elabaratenem of * cloth gown u reck- oned by the amount of decoration it ham in the way of fancy braids anti Huguenot .lr.-saes of heather Wotan ladies' cloth trimmed with dark brown velvet ban.!, Mudded alto aril -heads, are auaog ih. styhrh '•p. ture gnwoe" .4 the see=m, ale. those of gray, turquoise, or reddest s id. - let. in very clinging prutuesse fashion, with an immense ru. he et the foot of the skirt. Pugs of it ide ribbon, with ribbon or velvet lows laid on dat. a pleated frill, point" ef . or an arched, full -shirred piece of silk around the armhole are still popular garnitures for /laves, the leg -ti - mutton style prevailing, The sauce but(n or lace either on the outside or inside of the arm, and • land, a miff, or a pull of silk trine the wrist.. Cairo gold embroideries are total in orna- menting the Oriental tea gown, and other artistic and luxuribun house drawee of the season. This metallic needle -work is so wrought that it has the appearance of being • solid loan of gold or silver, and the de sigsot in Egyptian. Persian. and other ela- borate moth unique patterns are newt superb in their effeo•t nem lack-gromuls of Tither dark ..r black velvet. or line velvety wools ..f neutral tone. Y handsome and stylish looking Free, Street raiingot.s• are worn t.bis oils. ter made of vigoopsi.. o.c F-resteir e: uasl'a hair. with • fur ioleritse above, or a deeply point- er! Russian cellar of .foie, with 'Jeerers, revers. colli, and muff of the dark rich fur io match. These polonaises et the tigure superbly. being Rik lined. They are nearly .sandem.fmt have all the wrinkleteas,sntootb effect et a polonaise cut with" mart] darts and senora. Models in dark •rood -Mown camel's hair are lined with pale rich golden - brown faille silk. Thew in Wank are amine - tunes lined with black and trimmed with blu:k fox fur; other are hoed with vivid.' red. striped) satin, Nue faille, etc.. mad fur trimmed with .eat brat er, mink. or tpoo • key bans and collar. Opera redingotes of black velvet have been worn the winter, with rev -es -volar and shoulder -points of white ermine. A pretty opera in -rap lately noted wall math) e•( onto -white soldiers' cloth in red• inote shape, ttismnf with a row of fine horn the lack of the open skirt, M the diming sleeves, and down the treat Item the throat. There w&. a dump shaylisr.eape nmol high collar of fleecy white Perham lasbskin with a land of the name en the sleeves. 'The entire garment with de open beeves wan lival with lilac sill', and ttic wrap was fastened with rich gold cord l,ranlehourgs. Ilia wdlr•rsawl tawbers. The proverb "Take tare of the pruner and the pounds will take rare of them- selves" may he p.&raphra.e.l with equal truth if we say, o Take care of the minutes and the fours will taae care of themselves." We heard once of m1 author whose wife wag always somewhat late for breakfast - -ten minutes, five unmade* always a little het hind hand. The husband, on the onntrary•, wee always early, rand generally sherd ..f tame five minutes or sea lustawl of fussing mil fuming, this model men betowlk himself yoietly to a littk u riting-table in the dining marl, and wrote ren one p.rticelar subject, which he kept for thane idle mints. And here is the moral in one year he had fin - mho! his hook, which he dictated to his tardy spouse. A dawdler .••o never accom- plish very much: it is always "going to" with hint or her, an.l ,o the minutes fly- un. heeded, and the opportunity is gone. Nezt to the dawdler in unsuccessful essful results is the en.rg. tic rusher. uh. flies from one thing to another. She also, through misdirected energy, accomplishes very littk. To both 'of three nasucrertful slaters we will give the advice we hope to follow trur.elvee : make • neat little .ay hook for your time, enter every employment your work, your frivolities, the time arta give to drew and d eep in fart everything and rhea off results. A few weeks of atn'h system will wort wanders, and give you time for every desired o:eap.tioo. Nee York Tribute. The Maranon Army. The daughter of 114. Villain, of Kingston fair, has become • Cadet in the Army at New York. We clip the following from the American Cry relative to tele : -Dr. Wil- e nm, rho is ISr. Rainelord's a.r.tant at. Sit. (:surge'. Rpiecnpal Church, spoke of hie personal experience with the Arany. He said that alter he had preached for neves- teen year. 1..atet knew the reality. of God throigh the teachings of the Army. He uptake with much emotion orf the fact that hie .ausghter hal made up her mind that day to pain the Army. with his full apps, halloo. Mise Rva Wilson is •heat twenty yam*, old and hoe been prominent in the church work of Ht. George's Inc some time. Her oanvers*m to the Mahratinn Army amid le he the work of Ms. Rallingtan Rnnth. in a recent meeting in New. York, Com - misnomer Booth rolled elpnn Cadet Wilson, tlaighter of ilr. Wilson. of St. 1%wogs'., whose adherence t. the Army was an twratte•eef on Vi-ednesdy-. "I sun so glad," she s.M, " i've d.eidal to try and wear the crown. So ninny have laid to woe, 'Look at what you're giving up.' Itemons to me they neethe wnrggrdmf. 1 ve only.ww life i cant hold to my world ly lfe and my tied abet i can't kali tk,.l and the deril at the satyr. time, end ere okays 1 iewI. ran rw give% up anything. M nnrrrnr,. asked me, 'When .re yea gning te leave the army •' 1 said, 'Um there (w life for eternity ' Pimple mum realize there is srensehiwg My mei this world." p6 Aenf What • ln.ly Maley ' An.l the Nvintg i of Ida father Little T•,1 • May, mother. eve yhalt arrays sot that 1 tank ate* p14 Sow . if that midge food Mater look* like hint. ten, 1hhey's a hg mistake •nasewbeew. -1Afe THE HOUSE AND HOME rionowY Aim TO CONVERT T,. FORMER INTO THE LATTER. A CMap Ra.. Cestaa. 06e 5100- rW. am. apsriaes (leas la Detail - III.atra. flews ak.wlas rowel mad Ml.1. KI.vw• tr.. aid Ter* rt... ri.ae. Herein we IIlsJratu :be •..r plea., .lees - .*•on' Mas perspective ora cheap tram. eget. baa., which will tweet the +ante of many wnrkto.., buil Il ; home. for throJ,•;vw is • 111.4:e w ►arburbau 1(wo. *t tato ams of Iars• d*u■ usioas, it coots.,r uw en •omment• cal way foamy tee urr- that :.rod to make it • rat and cow(ortol.le dweiIur. o•s•...tiart ten drwwt•p5e it will ha observed teat this cottage 6 te..l,tue•1 In sit ea • brick ftusud..tion. T, i, nn,ttw,d of - 6 ado .ln.f 10 suit th.' place, where it 10 ,ata,. -Alae to p .=`urn tvu.i 'nodd- ing Moor at a marmots.. roc, Omagh If .'epee can he had they are tweferoble. U.ad, hard -burn, 1 brie*, who.. I-.11 to reseal, w ere. hese m,.rtar■ sad n:■st-red u u h. th. ground 144.0 o • ,. *.1o. .t .rick wail with P,trllanJ ria.:lt an•1 .i..l, m zed in the yrup.rrt a of rate part ter.',, and bar of sand, will make s cool wall foe the .upprt of • hones .4 this 4.'en.lai, rima in • wet soil, but it 4 dearsbl. a Ira( brie!; aro .o employed, that the aril mould be dry or capable of brio: drablest The beget '.1 at.wwe a (opre.l for lids hording are Illy and 814 feet: the se,'.ed eery cutting Meru two. (..et loin th. roof, but not eruu,,b to u'jwre the low, or utility d the chamber -i. The aim of the nonce AND ebst 4..SVATlONm. door joists *boas' .. 2 i In; Oeilit.g jade's, '1 111; .••d ratters, 2 x n; ail pl.cnl 2 fret tel ware rwmtre.•, incl tits now joists M be *ter bridge ► w. a 1 t '4 torid nng. be enter .r stn 'ding ebeul.l tie : i sett $ ,rut le *0151) erasure, mad a.vered wild '.,altbed ebee:hin: and tmihl..4 paper. fue utwkor 1utldurr, over Molding paper, to be corerei with 1 x 4 beve;.•J .ulmr mad draws! cedar *bingoes, cut et bee to fancy p.tte os or tact on .year., as ri_'sir d. The moulded tate. c*sII,. a, corner (mood., Me., to Ifo put on as abo .1.. The atuetiing for portal,* should be`9x4, Pet 16 loc..ea between coo r..; the c:.attral nue to be well hwt.l;;ed (w carrying the w'eond dour and veilta4 J esti a•n a.l gi re ad- . *ik,nal •.reugto t-. tt.o iatertor trami:,r. The ia•er*or easing., eta•., ar t1 be of pine, of a t.1.iry tali good ch:u*cter. Ness to be 1za thlek, of pine. The-. are no• figured to ee bung with sash cod -and w.igbt tba.i•:h if came were d o-, it would b.. batter. Time done W by of pint, f»ur•peial•d, U. U., bu..0 with str.a.z wrought iron butte end trimmed with 4 Met mortis, I locks and jet !tick k.ot.. The boo ,trw-d be 1 1 i, soa.da" 1 It ..ring, 1 it 4 shite or band pipe. aft7p,esOle Dor•.adt• loo•♦ s� • 0 • sJ-y MIR 1.0R 7 Oe,t - GROu'* 0 F L 15'P MAN/ Instead of lathing the outside studding as Y (.anile doge won lath. toe use a Ayr combined sheeting and lath will he bound to give good sntiatao•-io:, ami make • warm- er 1 •b TI. building &ttould be plastered twonats and the walla n( kitchen wain- scoted three Get hi,th with narrow C joist or beaded pie, finishing slue with neat c - The mads to have 315 moulded and tamed newel poet.. naostded 314 benrlrnll. tic turned hahtot-rs of ash or birch, and ti r6rro, and lh treads of pine. The chummy.' to he built on Meade beginning on the ground door, extend 2 feet above root Iia with neat moulded cap, piaster the t-ip of each projecting course with Portland .e - meat e el statortli g, oars dol qw , The glom v scab to 1a diamond .tar glum; Ns woad work Inside painted baso oasts with lead paints, N shades to alt owner, and the topside to be stained with toe, ousts el cabol's stains, wblr4, are 'heaps and bthr for mil& work. Trove 1a me pdasblag Iscl.d.d 1. ortfoat*, tboesb • small ream ha. be.s provided on .!amber doer able& say be either (Aplomb s bort ream sr email bad roes. -Our Bassa The Ran oesirea► Avory thrifty ty bomwlfls abol4 bass a "rag drawer,* or a shelf of boa Oars alma 04 Been prim set apart ler 1&il esseisi as - poo► ()M Ilase .beaks after hating wooed tiaaugi the darafate, Webb* sad saageat, ale114 M ggMb *MW op mRi Owed wan le w ft* afealer, f hiesieiR1b b, ease it iktwor a nemer/ri UMW 'eareeesem, tawtee vet k .mean Apo met entel ter Al MO et 114111110111; i wllw.i w wl~~& R =i Im mew* est thee dwell eel tete esseir 1&Rpai 11UN0 1ilfglgt Amine mei abide he tf a•» -roti.. •:, meting thern to Me pip r shape, awl a eating with • piane al print or molars R tape► "Via, mad roughly quilt- ed Iogether, uY o.mk. ,sywclally kattleal ease make eacelleot rubbers for pod*bad io e.. (yid bdaaka,a. wife. lou mut* worn for nay (Aber pur,t.a, ab••ukf be turn lulu operas, alt• edge, rnugby- merriest, a.d timed for ee arose -cloths. wall.r..k.lane ■eprla.s. To sanke the attic!■ reprewuted in the en- graving, procure • board terrify -one inch- es bug awl ten wide; h am• It .owl to the d sap sho*1 tb. 14- lu. rrti"n, 0timid river with moue pretty dart e:oth •'r c..tuene. Tek. to . ba.,.6 of ribto e&ca teentydour t:;eu- rs wog: +,r, at preterrnr two, lauds of the n•s- u r.sl awl tack them on tiro b ,trtd, Ise show.' in the «,q -raving, being care• I11AllAZJe1 ROIA[1 11)1 to Leave th ribbon fu.. m•wg*, w stip tis.' pep.re betwr.a it sod he b .tnl. 1'.•ne • .crew -eye at the bop ..t the busied te recuse it lo the wall aril Sumo the ribbon ea o nit . a am•11 ta.aul. It 16 boll, ..r 1'.'. able.:..t p.r••:ty. 1.14e rare of Hr.wd. Thrrw t• 14o de, ammo,* .4 1 • oat, Ards .tree v%ileue. t9 prevent. sines than that e1: the ...u4, and there is to re *sere is hr. -61 :I 4.i lack..* proper care *.,.0 W any u:. er p.011..1.4t.. 11411n.a .ou 5140. a 14 (. 11* all a busts In the Howe 1.' e • Weekly Orr *h:s /Object, and first oar lab• =MAD Mesa. Bred louse .0 .0 .1 1., -4 lin, Nene put •t. -,d away ba, or *Vita wane. tlo nut throw bas Wtrs,[ broad hut. tae box. If Herm are lel t (tet• they l000al be carefully pinned .q. 1:i • napkin and lalel oa oaf. of .h • leave. *a sue bar. Oro• a elan :.ke the &arae rut nal ruins Ir ,tut cN who, dn.; log it '•u• th.ruujb.v with• towel. Mew and fr•-h breed afraid ori ba kept tap.:h •r. N. ver put cake into lire mom b..z with oar -a*. A tread bug shush* bre kept In a o*,. Iwt dry parr. At ltae Srot hint od mould 1*iuetcr abhor .p.;. Never kap cwt(- ra two hoz. BREAD minus Every-buttaekeel.er a1.uu:J hate a go' -I bread CIO. h. It .trou&1 h.• of heavy 4..:r or nut*, thick crests. lieu& it at the end. Hee Mat 1+ *. frelueo*lye walled awl e.'Il aired. Ne. er *et IL get twat atn.oi; ree::: of brea,i •a.rn 1 be.e noticed ern cloth.. of the kind. :Cover oat nu c,ot.. for a , r other pur•p.oe. NOW TO CCT WILL Many per..ase are eximuiely awkward atom. culton, bread. 1n .he first place, loaves &humid be booed in peas about ta.1 a yard to leuath and a little over an eighth u* a yard in width, n,updcr sightly up- ward, pward, 11.ve for cutting a board tenger thus yeti. leaf, and .o wide 04 nut h. let the et mutt* tell iZ. P.ae the Ik'ff on the beau d, bonding It down firm."' with Alta left :.std. Woe a very sharp, amen, the.. Waled knife nick the bread the width you • nth to cut tt, and thou cut rbc elan clean through wiibout stopping. For d.nuer cut ,he bread quite tb:c.:, afterwards cutting 11*, sass to t*v ou lour pare.* ac"ordiug to tee s.ze of it. R..r breaateat halt an iucb will be ■ulltastotly *hick, and for tea Abe el.ces .board be as del.cate.y tb*n as sill bold together ..r adnt,t of tprewhn%; with letter. WABAD .CHAP WAG. This should be (wide o: uuWeaClial runs- ;in or;in or thin lima 1t tumuli' be hues in a dry Neil place. All broken bits con to put in t;:6. Every second week overhaul the lag to wnteb for mould. 1f a Meme qu■utity of *crape have accumulated, dry nano of tie p.eaar In the oven aril roil them for (rumba. The r.m,und.•r should ie. used for akin; puddings eat batter cakes, or fer aoulw Cra,nbs 'should never be thrown away, but collected, dried and rolled over. or kept ou band to scatter to the birds in wor'e,. '*4.%0. s Isms AL. !deka' • deitgbt(ul mange, nod it meet coodu, rims to b.altb. To make Graham bead .et over nit a spoor. fore -b' of wheat dour, in the pane way as for wheat bread, neoy substituting halt m cup of syrup or nueasres fur the sugar. la the rooming 1111 to with the Graham dour till a dough is amide. Tteu wet to rise again- The. method /teoeetitater niters frequent rimer.. but 1 have found it the tsars pian. Graham dough takes k.o ter to nine and a little longer- to bake than .beet door. A Wia4r *will barrel. The,Illustratlo,, shows an a ' sesad effective way to prevent the bee. - Jaz of .will during cold weather. fag a pit two fast deep and tour feet aqua^', is whit* place teem i..ebes of fre.k, hot horse man- u s. On bbli pia,* the barrel and pact tbs heat iug material around the .kis Animal -:•won, aartt.t. .A► until the top is XII. Nearly readied. Then plans • frame or box wltluut a bottom over the barrel, with • cover which can be lifted up whoa tb..wlq 6 re moved Peek this bat full with ear.•, and bat N1t4 frost nam get M. A tall fol. .f hot water poured to the barrel, when ball d Umt will sake the p.g. a warm drink at moon, which will be appr.etat.d. The beat will Net aims mt1 oaks. wase tb• manner should berenewwd if tM barrel it pieced ander a .hal, or wawa it will be protected from wind and (mow, the mid will beer mill how *Rea ea it. Thee 6 no advantage in feeding frown swill: pec. Inter le numb bettor, sod the boo fetd rte they w..t to drink. . (ewervasesa the K 11014.• 1111ak, If it H of mat hen it 6 cheap sad non- porous, but it tete rusty and umsig►tIy, as - Ian eiao-ecat.d by the process of galv.sls- NF A wen -lined wooden slat fe u atensies- tion It g.(. foal N apl1e of asap .ad and walling sof is amt datable. A lead Wok oftwiar,5 mows • lead -coated sink- -immorally of woad It does net goo rut y : bat It •boos get wrlak(ed. Fewer three , MM., are broke,' he a Issd Neal sink ler Y .we of Ices, for Davies reamer Agin The average servant girl will atokaal, at sink mated oa the market. We Mast 4ircumr at leer by either nesting a •••-eb.bable mtaaf, er Whig 'my tsars of r.mn.leg the nh.saedaM ewes la ilea Mail duke are too wall to halm is • self - sospeHwg didtpmn It In imt r. laid Mown clewb d crese'sl pr"Met etMowq..w,l base.. grew about nsvtine .Ase., that reams 61 Matta& and 1pf shout weals lime: 11ht dillies' 1RA1'•.Mr*;a M• WI beat, sad dens +r limed 1. elf 6 bid l wbicT tow Swas FINE TAILORING 1891. 1891. vv Gaza Spa____ Fine Display of New Goods, Fine Worsteds. Fine English and Scotch Tweeds, Fine Canadian Tweeds. Fine OvercoatiII s. Fine Workmanship and Trimmings CHEAPER THAN THEECHEAPEST. 3E3-s•iViQscCO Cm PUBLICNOTICE Another - large consignment of Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. R 'ES PRICE & SON. Bay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended tn. Goierich Foundry and whine Works, RUNCIMAN BROS., - Proprietors, FLOUR !ILLS BUILT ON THE LATEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. tt'I': HAVE ON RANI) FOR .S.%l ). IMPROVED LAND ROLLERS, HORSE POWERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUT- TERS, PLOWS, Ac, We are ManufacturingI.... d New Model Mowers which are equal to the best. dive them a trial and encour- age home manufacture. It Will Pay you to use our new Steel Mouldboard Plows. )Doty Engines and Boilers for sale. REP.AIR$ eND CA.BTIZT 3.s OF dLL 6.11.4,1,4111 , DR. FOWLERS .EXT: OF • •Wi L D • TR)k!BERRY CUES HOLLRERA holcra Mo,Z•bulll The TORONTO HOUSE 0U1 C'e flAMPS IARRH(EA YSENTERY G :taw L.WS' ORP4 SY ' -P TROYS AND n*MOVCS`'..) MS or ALL KINDS IN CtiC�PEN OR ADULTS ILNICET AS SYRUP ANO CANNOT HARM Thlt MOST _._ pP._T,lC.ATE CHIL C)_5• -m •ria T...3E ALI) I 1"Z G AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS ; AND FLUXES OF THL BOWELS DRY GOODS EMPORIUM. IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN ^R ADULTS. Goderich Steam Boiler Works RistabNabed 11110. Chrystal & Black- Latest and Best MOND HAND HIOBINBRI w LATTER GOODS In Stock For Sale: 1 50 -horse power upright boiler, all complete. 18 -horse power upright boiler and engine. 1 6 -horse power horizontal boiler and engine. 1 40 -horse power horizontal boiler, all complete. 1 36 -horse power horizontal boiler, all complete. 1 50 -horse power slide valve engine, all complete. The abovs have been thorough - overhauled and warranted in nret .lass condition. Ready Able immediate delivery and will be sold cheep Hail oedema willeseefve prompt atalatha. worts a Opp. a Ti t. flaattea. 6a 1�RIn nwsMly •tteadei lea P.O. BOX 8e1, fid new ea view, P. O'DEA. Manager. 1111111UNI• war Wag ink lw IL pm w.r 0.1 ..M, r Mark Ar .a a.• eel.•r•.m+,ay M Napa asa.M 110 • a■r M m. aew, ..e -.w mime. ea Oak w•.., M air I. re.' aur or ruo e.. r.w-r. Ate.. •A - t.• M ro 0a1s.we-r. "'OM. fay mv e.., waw we rre y}amr,, ••••6•14; Ulan ,.10Wow.(1? 1u as rat:=. �•�1•10..e.. • as, *5000*. 1tN&a PLAITING MILL DOMINO NM. Buchanan & Son, ramtr►aelrt.le SASH, DOOR and BLIND, lealeee In all !rots er LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES AAA 1dlA.'..atwial of evert klesrtekee hillifirtitare a Iliecialty'