HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-1-2, Page 8•
Pkotice of changes must be left
at this Office not later than
Monday noon. The copy for
changes must be left not later
than Tuesday noon. Cas-
ual AsIkertisOments accepted
up to noon Thursday of each
Kim It McMarkt is speeding 1Iew
Year's with her meets ta Morn
him Sore Purr lum misread hew
Merhy visit to homer M Kiacentiar
Mr. and Mrs. .1.s. %Valli. het e ieseneel
fem. Walkerton to reside in town.
Mins Dirk. ',turned thin %mak
truth • %mit 1.. Detroit.
M Matheom. .4 Ktplao .i. erica*
trieseis ui omit
Mr. J lit I lertams. .4 Tonne., am 111
- _ town dorms the eerie.
La Mare.
nelennee notinere lord eohinon.
of run &MILL of nierhngs Mei-
heirements at 'Aid, ent admission fee
se cheeped. or from oriels a perooi.
taro brae* if derived, anal be peed
for at the rate one rent per
word evier 'earthen, no cheer less
than 1aty-4ee cents. Wher, ad-
tertierieritta of enterintentwa. ore
neerefed line knoll teal la n.
1101eARTIII-DilLeetiera. on the MA ult..
wtO el Hobert Hognart h. of a daugh
WLILOON - POItTlf.lt len Dec. 31..h. Ia,. t
Ib. resideree of use brides tamer. by Res .
Ar. A. *admen. 11. A. William Arthur
Wil.-.... et Maaisrms. Michigan. to Jane.
&Mc Met et James Prier. Ite: Mold Road.
A.NDHAWS W A ItC17 P At the reaidersee of
the brires beware, Dayneki Head. on
chrism., bay. by the Ite.. It. I.. theme.
Sir. Jobe fludrewit Lakeside Farm. to Slim
Marnatet Warcup. ail Oodertch
11101.1t113- TILUEMAN- Ou December ea. at
the residence 44 Dr. Anderson, theddeo.
anderaette rids, by Hie It. e. eta.
pies. Wm.. A. J. Moore. 11.A., manse:nate
eel sesetet Goderich High &bout to Lori.
may datiertiter of the bite M Truemen.
of Underieh.
HAAMD HEIL By tbe te.. Gem Richard
som at the es of the berit s father,
O n the nab c.. lea. Mr. Itobert ileaund. of
Leielea. tei Iss Nellie Imid. of thaderiele
_ta ..,tada,...e Tataasetp, Nikit,v..3.. ea,. ) ti. lie. Chishelm.-- al.
ar. 111110. James
IP eseatheseOwirreys. 'Tighe. 11 -with- II in I. y , .I.seplt 4 :snob ..).
. - _ 24*l. • Mart l'urry . MaLedie W.14.. M.
Campion. Mary Wars. lpf. doseph Cur
tin. Mary Tighe. Annie llelemahl. Nellie
Willi:mow. ,
Miaeliettb W ttrrived front To
.eito bust week to 'mend the Chridena. lesli
/dr. Huta, wile awl
1L.y Mies 1.127Ae Hirry. e4
den. ore visiting to lobe.
Meteors IP. K. Straehan k Ione putt
owed tenni this edit* a bow deberipsit r 411.1
Must move ratalogue of their Mr tied.. leo
water heater, rte. 'They are rui enterpris-
ing firm.
(loom Tiara (hi Chrisittsw. Dat,
senses ilte wow,. emote of attire ..teet 4*4444
Christmas tree entertainnsent in the Vie
toria•st. Aleth.mitst church. in connection
with their ouraday school. The tree ea. n
emeriti. centinuallj revol%ing. anti looked
petty loaded wit), preeents foi the chil
arra. lite ethernet/ um !urge. and we.
enterweed 8111. ....ging and recitat-ons.
ItralltWin fits i'vrEsv. Oil the 2feit
lee.. Mr. s•Mesbaudisi. Niched...1z rot-el....I free.
UI.- Unitear fetntest 11,‘ ernsnerst patv-ut NO.
4.433.00i. which taa, er44 him improved leo
slater boiler. which is elii 1 to lit tht-
lateel and hest appliaiser fer besting house -s-
and puldie building.. 'The ttiyht 1.1 mann
Nettle* arid Ora it. Career has been sArio..1
hy $r. Joke Ilidesetewasf ioderich. lest t
entire territeees 4f.the United States.
kohl by theAksentor. Mr, Nicholson.
I ',sal, earl Ihmeiertoa Exam, F.410e jay
ip tb. erode ef the recent prow.' ) neighth.
MAW, at 4 M..I. rich Separate sheet .
IV. Ellen Wehl., Mamie (layer, 4 lert;-ude
I.hey h.. Ede eni Lyme. $en. 111.
teen Fred. Shaimen. %de .lone. .1..po
Facia for the Eleetere 11. Hole:, ffe • PC. a
To the taw:tont Bailer 1
To the klecto :AIM Holt. Loa.. Risiooseik Iteventl., The Lemke.
Te the Iflectorer . Sclager . .... a Free Preai told of a new e M. 'hod Intel 52
W. H. Antictil Society Sltersima, $ vett* cutitinueudy on the MUfilS1%. 'fin
glue l4lst-13. A.$ -.-aforils S:usi stated the; Jame, Lennon, of
Clearing ft/rtilfweL- P... lo. . 4 __mk•Kiiipp, ki.i......n on the torm urn which
A Happy Neer 17 ..a, At; Hydra .. s 11. ...la learn few /.3 )sviii. ['pal thh end of
le per Cele. Off- s th.- vineyard be hair e Dans leho has heen
Asentri Wanted -.DM. Bret .. .. ... 8 61 pare contittuaudy .11* the we ferm in Ost-
• row/7 -Ten.. At cot . 4 penmen ef Mee. Taylor, of the Herm Road.
Agents Warred Selma *co... . ... $ c..i..i.i. township. Sad vie eerily lento...
Agents Wanted -11Wle4t ft Co .... .. . $ he heads the prieasittion.for lenj. h ef i car-
afe* to Morn Mosey- E. C. Allen 7 on the old hnoweitteel. .
. ... : . _ ___ --- -:et. TM. ermine at North -et.
THE Tim N.
rtiel'e est*. tanin' -
Am' fait* print N.
A 0./00 Yenisei- - mere reel gift
7014014* make is 10 give a Wirt Pis. apes:
Atethilloudity, axon:. Godasea. 11
sue. Stewart ie nut a c adkIa*.t,-
jzaI Miter. but ht Whew in serve the patett:
*rah tine chow photos on orrasfuns.
The Woman's Chrietian teemperaere UMW
warts In the Ten perance Hall. North rivet.
irrrTuesday afternoon. Prayer meeting at
heeitiees ineeties 4,1 Wirt.
F. J. Perham stie bas first paw Amongst
the feathers el Herm eouety. Pe ea. the
stock. Meaty OM melte*. tots to turn ont hoe
work at all times. aid tw does it, WO.
Scene. Own.* KG.- -All k Ueda f schoolbooks.
nacre sod peril, intern Greet bar
gi mar reran In furniture and violins. ao.1 al..,
wail -payer. 1.. itubertson. t•rabb's Mot*.
la tbe Ne* Vear it. R. esimws.
the photographer. wishes oue anti ad the cool
pliteente of the season. and oral ....a.- that 4..
is new better prepared to suit the puree. .1. hie
line than ever beton.
The 1111.3Kialey 1011 will be very imolai ea -
hest to the tartatieg community. het wili in les
Ira; ',cretin tbeas from buying the cheapest
ant bre ituinitstalt or wren:tot its the *envoy
rita YOU sky yea, tweeted 1,. 10 plia:lriu 1: you
oats lia4 the rotes Sanaden Son hate
allinut ow hundred pales of Eagle. Nee York.
sod Cara club drams. which they formerly
"et as $ass and Sato per pile. Mit they Waal
to area teem. and are *farina theni at 81.50 to
81.1110 rer pair. and they bare mane cheaper
Ikon at :s3r. I.o clew of the two that they an
are ring nertnereble. they otter bargain* In
-all their Peen tied they carry the lanes stock
se tow a. Cattl asd see them at their 1,, mores
--MeLean's ftlock and the olit Stand until
Yob let, 18/1.
Mies 11'sothias ton is i isti; it ...mi. at
Mr. A. M. Row. 44 Torgeo tot 0.1411
this week..
Clem .lenkinie. of 11 *peeling
lois holidaye in town.
Mr. I). Illonsiderni. .4 amnia. hilted
Motives herr WO week.
Mr. and Mee. li. A. Bruce, .4 Stratford.
wird Christer. in town.
NT. met Mrs. S. Hick. .4 Paris. visited/
relatives is, towu thia wk.
Mime E. Relish. of (range. ille. it "realer;
the holidays at her liOrne heir.
Alir. C. A. Thorpe, of Torobt eirot
few day. Iti town tre'prolt sirek.
Mies Jamie ri0112110ii i tatting lee pro
ruts, lir. and Mrs. 4l. W. Thoneem.
o Alstat nevesoy meditates wrote at the
en Limpet erantinal kin here laid e
Rev. 4:so. Richer -Mon and wife
in g Mat ices nt Luiptimi the poi.t week.
Min. 1- E. Cumeshige. 4 Montimork. 4.
he gr -'t of Mrs. (Ion. Steve art this w, -elk.
Mee, A. Millhantens &fel ehildreit left eu
Teary. for Detroit to . lie-, hteslond
Mr. John Kelly, .4 Detroit, split a Allot t
(lithe hers this week tin 114.84*) to his fermi.,
hoer at Myth.
Mr. F. Warriingtoss, of Hamilton. M011
of Mr. John Waringtoe. spent 4 %Home.
Mr. %V. C. Stewart, ef Chicago, oen of
Mr. Wrn. Ahrwart. nI lite Henke( Montseaj,
wpm( the libertines ream et to.
Res. 41..en. Rieberdenut, pmtor ef Nerth -
MI. Methodint church. ...*Iso poreissoe .4 a
earinsity ie. the rape of o alking ewe
made in Palestine her eels grist. Memo
'Nieto Marian Albs. and Mar) oherman
hai e soccesied paimies t he eassminat ion
for proresional few shots err? illeate at Ohms a
Normaterboal. Mee Sharman took Mawr. an
Re. W Jemirearse. wife and family er
need front Niegate lest week to %nit oda
(4. 10 ,urte. 'The former returned holm this
err& hut Allre Jamieson •nri .1)5
retrial.. here for r1 fees weeks.
A %Pr) euvereaftil Was
micron by the primary 4111111111 d liettatrit.
leletle.lir Severe wilked T11881167 earn -
There sae et ter' owl the
!attire.. priersall 101448 1111
sty la
The molt Ms riga
Mon In nose.... with
.it neeetrier
4.8*.1- lied
.1.41. .119 In
• HrWi OD t404
Methodist church els Sunday hest Urn- .1
en unusually isteneting elute:A.1er. Rev.
W. Jeerer. .4. h'imote ea., reward the
THE Sit; N A L. GODERWii, mfr., PREDAY, JANUARY 9. 1891.
tam steel Fraser) . Timm were also it' the
awe -teen Rio. leather Ceenislly, et Hid
14ther Wiwi, (materiel) Kw.
Fathers Cede's. liamords . Nueman. Mews
ier •rui linseuvan. e4 tin vethotiral. im
inediately Wore Om rev...piton Mid pooh -s-
avor if.. candidates took place, 0'•
*Muse dedi. end a .trey olifj lug and fed -
i eis droners.
I %V. T. I'. EN-110MA Jr (INT. The
isaitsdare of the Y. W.C.T. U. inter( holdieg
.. an eatertoiesneut itt the temperer,- hall en
nurser, the 16411 91 J11111111r) . AmoI*r.
other atirsetiona te- a %irk table. front
e hith awful and fan," articl11 tun) be had
▪ reeesoithihr rata*. Fall particulars in
;mother issue.
'tentstve vs E‘rat.3 . ir ta.n.
.1. • or) aueorcsitlil eutertainment *aa
held al Haytiehl on Friday o• Ming lima
behalf of the_ M. -Herbst Swelse scheel at
that pier, A eh.. imperseteatien .4
Sew:. (*time Mai, ape thi features, The
(hon."( Mithoolial church, nide
rich. forniehrel the muei...4 part .1 the
gra .1 i
"foe fa' 51.e Uwe anlelle nwrinses. leee of
Or hone •
44 "THL ten% j
• John Wiseman les• ....alsiiehe I a woe.
and heir in the dry speeds huainee. is. 4 lin-
ts at. mal leen. well tn front here
.rise eisterpros ere railuired.
!Mosley it Cet lin 4 barge trade in dry
militate) and fate" ;veer. They
•pire110 etpens. it1 endnitoring to deteleet
feel... owl with their u adected
• is. es w I. t -rt ishag ha. e :mese diet in .-t•
r.:4441ling their presint li.-er s. ing
H... -.o.- 7,0*0* has e arl 41 • '4441) 1-14
t•31.41 yefestogrnphie line. Hie twee»
arr thy people's and his meek .. tibe Not.
"Seabee.- iscort gems 6•4.
Thr Kidali!.• of .lehe illodg...ns is so es 11
knees, to she pi...basing potter of (lin. 4.
and ii-ighbo.itietti .11.1t It is (wil)- newer.. rj
1.. state the dry peel, 449.1 mallet -Ty ses Its
kept to the netele and the dre,..,
Went!. diatking arid t.ailOr!Itg liminess
e.I lo the e.1..1.1ishsteut contest he• etc -
relleil• The riterge;to• Mratteserf are I. f .
arid F. R. limIttems.
I :roma. 444415104*, of the "tilielpos Htille,
hit • high prier* for gents. furnishing., et ..
heel ti-ery .iity in OW week wlan
done. He rit•I. thy ettir• • in
gueutity awl gualit) mid the switt. ilete in
. JAMMU *rd. pert. 4.4414.
I. era 4 ton', periinent pork 1 tiy •
Cr-. .631.1 pat s thr highest prier fee .1re..e.1
hog.. He Ate mar.uftet urea large ensinti-
tir of ..maloge. end !steseli bees: he lond sn.I
outside nes.
Martinet Twos. sti. e,:tro,bitt ger.•ral
I...relater.- lee:Ines, mei ii: odditiesj art.
petentees of the t•elehrit'eti -*lent 14.....1
Fortiam. %Melt i • ...Maine I to :.• the t-laralc
pellet wal preached vere. acceistahly. In est weed lita.le. The, abet Ettent
ui 188:3. u btch • omen he le
MVO Harland Pres. are Inv-
Imsetww. 111r41 •11 r% I r, parti,mlar.
1. C. Doherty to ore .4 the
tti (grab, and his lively business hold*
it • (mil eith the hest in the county. Ilia
attt4le. tontain the heft in the ermine line
vier leis turthwit4 are all tleiCean be desired.
the evenieg a Chaise min cordate e an render_ ed ellespost toi inan •
ed it. an excellent matinee by the choir.
will. readier 449) an addrop 10 Rev. Mr.
dendrite. interstameeL The ehoir was ar.•
misted ley Miss Coryler.1..d Toronto. who
!Me •tt et i owl elent %sear .of remarkable
('online:A, cit. -soling to 1) in alt.. mud. hy
We. Mi erne Aelens.e.. sang *trend
I... it. Lr•Iiill.S 111.
hailing .4 the 1.05a1 Loring at. the Tempt.
„ere Mill- !telt Satarlae afterreans will le
lie• fere. an entertainment. %
pr.haz.. Moen arranged by the ehileir, is
ate+ati .ddreres will lw priven b Iiei . .1. .1.
Atelereon. .4.9 invitatirot is extindtel to
MI intereeted to attend; and mother. es.
pc,riany In. urged ps go to [lint inertilig.
thet children -of the are request I te
meet at the Hall- at 2 sielork for practice ;
the entroaitunent wiliasoitilitenee al 3 o'.
clock. A sollection will lie tel.'s.% sat ti,:
'1(rt it., !During (Ile pant tine.
imisithe a number took ,advantage 'ma
.4Yer $4.•,41. for three menthe for
25e., end have lwen treating the poper to the
piteeie This week /natty of these sheet
term subeeripteifie caper. •n.I all oIw,. want
tee tontiaut. the paper will prove itioe
time ftwo tinting their renewal outorrip.
thee. Otherwisethe hank". will hate te.
&moped from our list. flue reveler sib -
also be gold enoutth 1.. lorsik at
them label, and 14.4. that it 1 dated ahead.
it Oleo sheire 4.. 441111 thenneli .4 the.
dollar otter. Recollect. if the. airear ruin
iiver !Lally deg,* the credit pi -ire rill he
Hi: U.ei. A lister.. Dan Mcintosh
trvaldt. Christmas morning he went dent.
to the et -eiders- of Mrs. Carey, at the earl:
)'nd. end insisted upon making hinteelf .1
tee lir *do untIer 16: -
influence ref whisky. A lad name Badour
to. was *Mating at the house, undertook to
!nab. McIntosh reuse his r.roloyaser.. et hen
411*- latter drew j jack -kWh- and outlaw.]
him in this brert. the result being a ilatiget
MK • outoiii, McIntosh Was arrested le
l'inintah/e Chriptmas. day. 411.1
Imre:lit before Mat or Rutter on Vrelat
for preltminery el.:ewe..40.4l. The mow
II as n.ipmentel he- a week ..wing to the fact
th. t itehair's own. it has nail temente-red
entmal. At latest &orients the virtue of
the murderoui asesaudt OSA ,
faontbly. Mee
lnseh ist in jail '
tens remand.
V% The Ihmiloteriat.
and 11 et hodis t ...agree tient of the toe n is ill
olmeree the wet. .4 player by brittle
unite.' own ices, •nil following the program
Rugg...tea lo the I.:tang...heal Intoner. The
meetings it ill roennirture rat+ renting at
7:30, end the nest will le- held in Neriltat.
Meth..iid church, e hen Rev. Joi. A. An
dermal ill he the sleeker. The xubject
...greted 4.. (.mfemi.in and Thanksgiving.
The Jul++ t for Tileala) the rhureh
ersal. l'br meeting still be heki in Vic.
dealers in
Joheem & Ammar' tu
541(110* wools. -barnone. woe elefib.
law...erodes, roller, hells. trunks whets, etc.
The:: engtoriemi fin Allem:at. 4 tine 111 the
hos) Awes of tivt tonal. . .
.1. Jack -esti dors a large hatibest in the!
I...! :Ind dere lite. His oteek
the lute.; awl Lad in ikte,:anscsetri.lbow
shots, rublers. dipper,. Mer. vs suet
.everi thing Hee ti. lee 11otia.1 In., firft -. be..
,-.0-sfdislimtett .4 the kind.
J. 4 oistiingliamw. 15.,- irnitn-r. he, Ali eh -
pill •toek ef mettle genet -rid -a .1441 .414.s.
loepe a ittlee nesortment 14 candies.. frui.s.
ii.ielere Mitt 'Aim: coillneelitiOn ill the 0 at
1.....1 ionery hr. '•flriek -bottom pri.e... i•
di-- standard Mr. Cumiiiiitharne aims at.
The isimple of Ili:him Ite.. great reess,r,
Ili pile.. the nine*? tvnitilit•tia••• in the men
blot' represent the.. ...1 pvefeeeien in
thet totes. A t thew. 5*. ., Own, is
Illiste iii Well kint011it Iltrialilitorl the.torenity,
awl Dr. Trahall t :..oung suet to
-Dr. Reset e. is working up is lares• awl age.
cesoftel prettier- .
T.I'.' liiitee. L. D. ti.„ n groin:Att. of tile
throat College of leettal Surgeons. I IliCeVA
a -1i • share of the patronage -4 Ow per
in the Wedietry liter. Hir r. c.
hi lit Keefer'. old stand in l'eat's Meek.
(,,...g(- Sneaks M .att edd-netaldishr.1
.1.,.lei iit groveri.,. dour and prin either. itlirl
h... rectiorT the 4 nide- ..1.11 good pOrtine ..i
Illy poirtatet ern of the loan anti 1 icinity.
The iiiiimmoth hardware and ...me New
so Ile. i. A Hovland ia or ..1 the largiat to
loldieltumut. .4 the t.,an. fe, nadleinn 1,,
molding te the regular hardware' and
phooloug trade, the firm handle ogrieult Will
IMplellnetile, loll air heelers. etc. -The
aentor pert Her es a 10-e4her, .4 Nr. 4 .. 3.
IS. i i.. ot I Oiderith.
- 4.4o. :smell vomit...le a h. -II -know,. (silo:
II, g t(rildiishinent. nnil hi. I.:tells) ripen
ere enables. hien to turn ditt the hest of
omit in hi.. lino..
The lbseimmithing sleitst rd. The.. Tip
bee is eise ,of tIte moat trepelar in the
mien, . 1.1r. Tiplins h.... lied a nicest sue -
..teafel el. Hone.. an a hortesheser. and
rs-s. . the utneet ..mneleitet. in his
ability le unaielt their animals' holt. ear.
Ithdrind irt% in. tlie grain inlyeir. ill %tell
Iowan thtougliout the eonnty. He pat s
peel Trier* aid handles et1 adord.hing
ouneetra of grain anntiell).
Th... MeKenzi.. proprietor of *11. 114n
ton plaiting milh, ha. I. large Moines. .141
two mot. MA iiill in Clinten but thmugh.sui
the .urroundi tow :whim. All kinds of
M''th'wh"t 'hurrh• -"44 "1" 1". 3.1 • inanisfactnred material are kept res
.Ireiseed Isy He,. 1M. Uri.. On Wednesiso
hand and the • ork tuned out f Use
the regular pre..4 meeting will he held in teill.es. Ail rusellesit reputation.
di the ehtirehee. Thunday.the meeting ts ill bThe, a4j.. t. he.4 neje ed.
le in Keni. chu, eh. when Re.. (.r.,*- e
Itiehanison will deli•et the sides. on the 111. .
John victittren. proyirrettir .4 the emend
11(11.311* .4 Hoin.• Mirvionw 111e Lot meet
meet market, is now of (lintel... nithtra,1
ing th.• *re k t. le. held on Pride). in
nwti, mod his enterewser nesered its re
North et Mel hodist .51,,,,),, .51.'.. Rei.
Hut tort %i)l Irak0. Fereige la *5..e 'shalt° af a larlte Male
FPO.. r•er>
. thins t.. ho.nd treeluctrel
. From
lottelwriug eatahliclaritut
RriciaTicesa renot
.41')..- I...mum sath,4e, Re„,..e4 tee Ai, 4 Ili. .r Jelesionin. 11) careful al tention to
the follow ,n: A very intereeting cenes,,,a). holimo and by Mistral...Ita"'s fuyousktror grind
was witneseed on Mat Itionrdny m " "
orning in t" 11""' 1th a h 44411". ha°
the, ..h.p.4 attached to the ‘,4 the ...wk• -.1 to. a real bosom a• a horsoheer
Hinters 44 Si. J.sseph. Miami Hope, "'"I P"v"vi 14ackvillith-
1,,,,4n0 on, 1.4), who tumi gnisy,...1 %%. Hay,. ant IP a mentifitel erre of fris-
bee year. 111 WOW ilia**. teed, the wslemn ...es utigni.... ratters. sleighs, etc At
cif revery , oliediere, end chastity. and lent's." g" Itme" la rhe "f earear"
4„ ria. letilkling. Ones enruriogi wiwk in es ery
I /trim .4 the sister. .4 Se Jeseph. Her melonee arwl ht. UOrk "in hr fennel all
Mame in religion 1. Siete. klpivonse In the ",.'t the er.nett, Rh' t'441'w) "vots•
world dee Ira. known pia Iltiden. 4 ols
There imang Wive. were admitted .1. & Co_ are sueesseere to
a• notskes and reeeired the haher of the Mel...Wart A Cos in the e.
Stater. .4 St .1...ep4*. unmet> - Mho nil. fanning mill.. .4 whieh t hem eat • ,
of II:otierieh, Who *ill he kanwn 4411 41..., Lule teenther ever) veer elae 44*111
eisinios A 4.6.d. tea e. ,4 tabu t Mr tie Morally ill twee Ili
The'ii[hem. late,„ mar) -hraium p him pe, lintee, sod i• rev of the shirt atai Is he
al Strutfl. Sinter Witer ty found in that din, nor bur/
I Ina l'elene, imam HeidMary of the .11 Totteiser ellen gond 1 aloe 1111111111111e
sargajlops OW H. Khered Heart Rio lowdeltip Harry Cerem and ewe& hareem. Maan. her sad osst
lbw ellierted,aristed hy Ros Fathers Theredess, benta. etc., . Oa
4 :stigma Bay pine and osier .Itingles.
whotee&S *4.41retail.
Ism (Myth the r.... tolled ups lianat
toe* tA Mars* etalk-kween line in the
harsiware trade, nog keep a largo atevek
uf sheaf rad MOAT Insewarr, and &boo deal
in ploughs, atm" Mg.
.1. W. NeU es weeseser te. J. T. Career in
the ties.bset of the "Stith Cellar Depot.
Fine clam work is robe her, in the masts
Lecture .A all kinds of timeworn, awl other
article' usuana funadin • harReor abop are
extolls i el) .1cu11 Ui.
John Illenuenowi et an .
maker and Isas a Iry triale,as he lbw% laimeorli
ly understands the Laurier in eltich he t.
lbw of the- leading Arms of the %dirge t.
that of liceriagtois & McKellar, wk., ...joy
.. tarot- Iminnese ii. the dry rode liar. They
keop e Aplendid much of everything pea
taming/ to the 'rade.
The belairstes el F. Metcalf lia. been ...
taldieheel thirteen years. during shack tin..
his patronha
age s been conetantlj. incest*
ing. His establi•ltaitent i. herhitiart Or% for
%estate., cinch., jewelry, etc. A large
eteekef 1..0ks aud stationery are O kept en
site... A. Sims 1s/e4e0t a tentage Moore
and ire Itemitis dem. AltImurth ...ireful
attention 541 paid te the latter .iepart meet
t4 Ibeit twines. the f,*,,,, is not Reelect
ell, a* tal shown by the Met that re buggies..
Linters, etc., turasl out from their foctery
have secured an eVelleill Pellet -Lieu
throughout dis. dist i iel .
The tints of Anderson 1 Flies /4 roilipis•ml
Of into energetic inen eh.. heve made their
tensions:. in tile. hue) %illeigensziM
reat 1141(044*..
The) 1,4418110 it full Iiiie uf st• 1- k) falles.
dr) rumba, mil/inert,. stll ki .tf grotersci,
and hunts and *her, in all of 4*11.4-51 they
enjot n large teed...
Jarmo Scot 1 54 eropnetes of the Ilueell'a
hold. %loch is .I tir•t clam estahlisturtit in
all respects. Evecilint ....yeomen...totem is
privi ivied sod tht- hems ha.. an envieble
reputotion anioug the tea% tiling pettier.
.1. A. Mel Meta I. I ha., a large trade in
tbr grncery line, whieh he hos severed
16) sqUarr .1.4*ling and lo )welling the :eat
of goods.
Mrs. Certy aloo cleinte a fair 74 -..portion
of the wirer) trade. She leept a l% ell-
er-moot '.tock of too& *1' 14 Anti llanfre•lin-
er. %illicit ihe sells at real:sortable, pi ...est
IV. H. McBride ie ...se.4 the note p
Mr -Went. of the %Mag.% be ...
ll .ti
and .
ennsercialle rue
y. Ils II large and
sun» ful bakery and confer-tie:wry _Mut
ne:l.... 4;. Miser*, hardware, rim e mid tin
11 well knits n througheut the .liotriet.
Mr. Motor deal4 in all chimer of haeleare
and .5..., .11... :1 large jeld.ing trade.
W. Kelly comitiets :i hutehering lat.iness.
v. here .aerything '11 the shape of 1.....I. and
ash ineat., exositry. et.... can he :"..m..1.
John 31.•%1i111ui O one of the moot pies/ni-
ne's: then. o.mtnertiall) tsgel where i.e. of
the phice. lie flow a great trade in ger -
eerie*, pre ...ioes.., their wad heti. aid shows
conoremielde enterprlo. in the nosdnetilig
of hi. Mese Ituz.inewo. .
1.1. If; *811-,'.. tailoriag estalilishment ou
tjuermst. i-, :I1 credit to the village. .1 _
large rang. .41 (51. bit- st, .4it:k he ill clothing
and • magnitieent line il gents' furnishings
of all ehoeriptione are shown here. Their
taikeirig vi orl im. ale, tine -clam, geed lit
and good lettered twilit: gnaranteri.
- - •
L1.4.1*0r.'.J4I repel. 41 1.. Ilea' the
Christmas Tress.
The eVir..ilaiti-ti foi entreat..., to High
eolsools e a s„, held at I :,,eierieh 115.1 iit 1111t1 -
giontrosi ce. 221.14. 231-.1 ..11.1 24th. The
son.lidirstee wee- required to oht.iO, one-half
Ili. total ...amber of marks an.1 "Ur -third in
emieh subject. Thu reesred to
pilaf s.;.s 382 markr. and one-third Verb
painr. .% large ninelter .415....-. ale. failed
had !nor, Huta .382 mark. lint (set
pletely its the eritlinvtic. lielou Are given
the names the- eiewihistes ate, lave hien
provnionolly pared Ity the local ...eminent
The tett !tintless( the we bo a ee ontifinned Ity
the Ede. atlas.. !sepal -twin will he sent
then: 1.0 the 131s41ece4 as mien IM
troll) the IIep.rtimnt.
n nor ft.
Altai*. Fannie Marlin :torristrgrel.
F:litMe 49()... • e•
Metier. Kate. 470.
NIA . I...4M
Potts. .%1 ram 446.
Toppi...11. Mary14 477.
sinew -don. Alirolvt11. 429.
Stein thin. Illsounen.1425.
Jehteiton. Heti. t 54.460
.1.4ineenn, %V. ... 429
Stewart. Anedet..'. _446
Steuart. 1.intie......4.334.
anthill. Lin*. . .418.
Ihreialcatie. .... 393..
Mel liorkey 4.Sage:14-.643. .
Tru.igenn. 1.isine .646..
%%aired -437.
sitetetilinl, Lima- .510.
%Vhitney, Mk
Medd. .1a rine . 434
Rutledge, Wt.... 406
Tal Fred. 4.. _444
Henry, Thorns:. 442 .
MeNevest..hroeph .458
MeEwen, Frederiek .124
Schwan:. Samuel.. .400
Stirling. William 491
rose.: tee
$40, 4. Stanley
No. 2 Colhnene
itioderich Sep. S.
. Me, 6, thiderieh
" b. "
" & "
*Ile 1. AAisfir'..1
...sob. E. Colletent•
.N...2, .kaittieltl.
. No. 1, I, SlIentur.
No. 7, Colborne.
Ne.. 8, I lealerich.
Wee 11. Esteisa goo
Pentlaad. Mary 413
14 to in. ('bar).. 481
Harlow, Frankle. 546
Minh h. I non+ 5162
Wihense, i% ilhant 467
Jovnt, -lease* 464
:ibliarea, Miles 306
K.I. William 103
Meguend, 493
No. 8. %Afield.
No. 1, 14.Wah.
NO. 6. Aelifield.
ht.. 5, Mullett.
12..W. Walt.
NG. 9, AthSeld.
No 16
I Mir ovrt Itu I
11rit. iillMor and Prof. Morgan rad his
dtughter Fairy will Mild an entertainment
it. the temperance hall, rill Tuesday ..% ening,
Jan. bill, iliolcr the wore.. a the 1. (I. 4..
T. They hat. been eat received in other
parts .4 the cestiV and have the reputatiee
.4 giving a to . Silver
collect ion at the dent .
I rime etas OW% colnalratioNna•r.
The . 1.1 S No. 5 took piece
an Tuesday. Med lint. Tlhe pupils mere et
emitted to Marrs (urers. Alton and
Hackett, teacher. free adjoining wetiiena.
The rsameivers and 1, ninon expo...awl them
stelt rt. eel) press, *Oh the results et the
There wee 11 lifiriatiran tree
awl entertainment in eiraime-tinn with the
ranter vareneation. The tree wee nieely
loaded with inaintiful Forwent. for the ehild
ren. Short addressee wee gt.en hy Meters.
Convene. Hackett, Ilsgdger and others
All oresened
let Hie howat 4 *h. air rata for Ton
sine ti. by rooms it* at Waft
• itia Waage
sr 16 egnitelent in um& will 11. 454.... to Hie
perms detectiser the greatest russiber el
erTUI.. Dime& wrongly spelled or eargiaesdi
t.$11. December woe .4 Oar Heim la
oddities. will be gives tets twit prises of
IOW each, four 014100, eight of MO. tosi of
WI. (arrot) h.r 01140. fifty of M. 0411 isme
deed 1111. and usie hundred *u.1 fifty of $1.
dietribsseedu, the mile, moationed ns rakes
and regulatiena, wistch will be scut with e
copy Decemher Dame um receipt of 15
Malt Ili stemmas. Aprial CA1441 PRIES% Ova"
away ahem. Wit tiara cesapeletima
which cloven February let, 1.
Addreem. okx Hone. Pt 111.0illinla OA,
Brack. ilk. (kilned*.
Te rubor.
.% great number frem dimant parts of the
exemty ordering or corning to titiderieh tor
Melenci*. Sixteen Remo &tor arid other rem
edits. incurring ....madershle expente- and
. • ill toknow that those
nautdire eau hr it.a.1 front any druggist be
Mere Owen Sound and Seafterth. Mrs. Me-
lted** Steatitic 4 'we and V.. A. McLeunsno
Liniment ow he entered if oot in meetii.
Laboratore Coder...h, Oat. J. M. Mc-
i.e.,. manufacturer mai proprietne. 51
header Sri Pekes.
G.oraussem Dec. 3141 , 11110.
%Chest. Mandrel.. -------46 1. to 0 14
reprher l% heat. :wedged .... . 0 cre MO aft
rlour, Patens Hungariam i *rot .. 3 al to I ID
:11.ouiri...13trao owischt. til owt
Mut. lanally. newt 3 WI to -2 OP
et 504 tow 01 mitt
,israrra". Piamewtv owe. . . ... .. e ::. too l'S
t'boppool wait Vert- 0 75 toe 75
Owe. isa
h* .... ....... .. . ere 4.1 5°
Peas ti*bosh_ . ................... 80 loa s Iste
o s 4 is
a 8
i arler. Wm ......,
if... t Ion 0 to toe 4.1
P.'o4.taot.oteress. t1iibnegeeelO
gilatike. „.. . 0 0 10 0 41
i'lteeee .. .. ... ..... 1. . .........•-
.0 35t0
u 75
0 10100 13
%lx4...., 3 OD to 1 o
A..i1* .°lte"
thre. 3tl ei
rheinekine . . .. ....:
eined Haim newt O 73 to I ti
03 Z ,0LI utt out 0
Clinton illsonetions.
V.1 '.440114. rawr. 8 1:0 :711 1;:.::814
4 5
(,,rd wood . 85 AP°IlA
...... :tout: -.41
st ......
414.; r":, ar
Pork t
8.0 I.
Wt. st ish all our customers anti
friends a happy and , -
New Yearanti he„; to remind them
of our usual clearing sale during
the month of January, when all
winter goods will be offered at
ex:.eetlingly Icw prices for cash.
We opened last week our first
shipment of spring g(c)d'-., ineliol-
inw, the following lines now in
dt, round, via. Prints. gingliams•
Angola suitinf.,e-, flannelettes or
shaker flannels, ticking... cotton-
ades. ire. Again allow u. to re -
Mind you of the bargains in all
line, of winter goods. , The prices,
we feel sure, will induee you to
Ln. Inspection invited.
Jordan's Max. Ooderieh.
Jan. let. MI. a31.
card& . • .
At tbe ardent eeriness el a Large number of
the rale payer+ of the towel I hare sweated
to offer motel( im • emendate for the Mayor-
alty during tbe COUtille 18111%
11 481 all noon toast esrentlal. hot more
partasularb a: the prevnt. that the perms
who oorapiee that onsalloo should sot wily
bat e the brat loterers of the town at heart.
hat,also. the Dine and Inclination to derOte to
the warn °serous denies attesediag it.
Te Obese who have asown as • resident
et the tow • for the last (matter of a century,
it Is scarcely necessary to say that the Inter
sm. welfare ited properly sr our town ans
Inseparable from iny own. that 1 am In *yr
ratio vritit cacti and every hripro. resent sad
tremor weirs will lead to the proollerhe
and advancement of my fellow • it hens.
to aortae your outrage I do wo with the
lull roolldence thet I thoroughly enderstand
sour watts, and should I ha honored by yew
ainfidesme I ow assure yen that my beet en-
deavors will be directed towsrd* forwarding
year viewseed istereeta and at all Moan lay
owe privets views sad feelings shaii be sale
marrow to the pear good.
71;motto will be : "Economy. tionsletent
with elliciesee.- Yams respect telly.
Kai }tient,. RADCLIFFE.
Lames AID 0 IlIrTI.Mit MN.-- 113 Om request of
matey ratepayers. I beg neve te Worm you
that 1 aie again • candidate ter die Illaynealty
/mood yes aspen piece eta in the eirie ebair
- I will Mei very 'web beamed sad plowed.
As *tore 1 ptum11e to art pad to the Interests
ot epee tenni ter best edierm sad obillty.
retell ler homers lieretoki• cos
gefirtiligar .4.1.446 ,144 sit. s.owy New l'eer.
aro, ladles and trentlionen, yourobedisst ser
VUs. 142 BUTLER.*. aat
Lsewer alto Our Ttiellet.-1 have bee% 1111111111 -
boated fee the mitre of st
Uoderieh fee tbe yew lat. Am the time la Mart
bet oven now sad election day I etas nes 7.
able to perwoosille sok all el yea ter your 1014114
and then lore fake the. means of ervisestien
yonr enandesee and support It tee Maar me
by riveting me Deiroty•Reove *3. 11.. males
tear. my earnest sooteaver will be tesserre ype
(airfoil, and well. l• every *sr, ts far
se Hee la nty eseree. eielltrillatni the lateresie
re urea. 1 ressaia. SWIM
Deconitor a It
Lain= AIM 0111413- .11011171. -Hat lad been
sesnistand ter Om pertlee of . I
ressaeireilyneft year noon NW le or
eleeliee. rimy. In the pri mood Feu et rito
reard as Nape and I adifeeet Of-
t met with Ler approrel
sod espervone sier Mot*
log I then Mese ta
taws, to row yearrh:
bed weft eitaiS ha410116
roar %Art r ewe roe Om me tbe hear te
Mem me Wheeled yen the reasOrampeas of
the enthwilli. TOWS taftwelty.
Mit C. IIIMA0111.
Saipan* stew enestien ea
11044.D.I1r. 14.4., kth, tme,
asteloseirsZ4 eseratial make a wise
bag where to go tor a bed
sees aduestra aa en usfure mom choice re
Mads labe steillesses proems. tor Mown test him
il eurilleatioes *8447 7* osoid have seenred
elsewhere, while his tertitakiise Oir grease -
Mem aro sway isseresd look of anew
for siger service. This lawitutioa is the
11110HEST wee or • lit'AINAlle cOLL11101.
it le stronals eadoned by the prem. be
hatesie wad proteesiesal men by ached
weeloors. and by Use beet ot raeleaine le bor
=t peoltieses. Yea make ao mistake about
lag this other es
to all who are 'carom work. Write 10 5*
88-41 Precdpal.
fitaxsust ts sive snow
lessens us the. Irisiiort1-
/Wars lamirtre • tale
Store. or
Loot. or rota&
sae robe -wall loot filo ern a ge immideece t'
A. Naira rad the Donor, on Illiothise eretting;
blot -km. ose aide awl putt cohered on
re. fieder will be autteibly room:deed by et
turning It. C. A.. NAIDN. . Int
Ottualloas transmit.
CI Aid weed pay frail or par ot your war.
Os yew Goa dIstrier or from 11. G. Id
eitarrT. Portrait Artist. trees. We
AW W A NIS... -A
▪ I goad *peeing tor a apart* tome Mac
A His tot. CAMPION. SI if .
- - - - -
11.5lar the pig tea weeks ,.'.sol die age: ts
of Teta elONAL nas earned from 553 1. 11.4 pm
week coovissairrie foe Min tounin. Vara can
420the ores if 7018 have au lil 30%I. Male or
fornale migenum receive the some salary sad
trom whoa se. teal towsiehlos sot yet
omen op. roe peen, ulara addles TIIP slte
thelerion Out.
V 1It n 'I ATV - the &antis! nesting 01 54*
~ Inhere of the West HUMS Arieustand
"octet) • ill 7. 8,54 at the Tows lbw, .040
rice. on Wednesday. Jasu4ry Indat ow
u clerk p.m.. ft.r Ike amnion of co...afore ap-
pro....cm to oilers arid 151r transaction of
.41 1..? brines,.
td lisenuary. Prose/at
SL AaIs.
k.r warterber. let 7. eVil to. Colborne. NOM*
tiair Selitetraher. a heck iamb emitheiown
The °err is retoweind to Mote ereeseril.•
caigharge. and tote it nosy. W. C. XVI'
subscriber about the middle ot newer
Me • steer ening two wan oid. Tito ewer
is requested to Pewee PeoPettl• Par classier.
• take 51 away. 'rill 0. 154)4. 44, int .1.. .0a.
114'. IP_ P. O. gilt
IAME ON T112 PRE111$1.8 oF
1_ setilicriller. Lake Range. Airfield, about
the 'notate of August. a ..h. -.p Mod lamb. The
°weer is reoneetwt 140 laror• • lea_L
ereanres alai lake them sorer. ItasAm.
DAL &DN. Aimed PAL 114-111
The Panipiali Oeluania
11 WHOM I? KAT ouocitoic-
c Where.. seere walictionly die
posed. has been et the report Mai 1
0111 514*1151 10 Seal e sevt Joon when MO,
tether ion.. tseo, it sow leave*. 1 hos so
*swop I he statement a, • Woe nom/. aitrc ulster,
with the ultimatum of doing injury to my
ow nem eonheettint 9*515' town nag 41.95.4.
I have mow to say : alid 1 iiike this comer
teeny to worm iny remade agalasi gleam cre-
dence to U. lair. report above referred to.
HICMARDeUN. 1.- D. S &Snead opera
block. (soder-wk. 14II
114871 tit:HAIN HOPIL - THIS
.1. wmakawn and popular hong has been
refitted earl -wed Min iimpro-red reerst)y
sad la now second to nose in miality of sr-
. fur the tra.eitieg pare. (mod
, lion tor Uratialeat WNL
CRAM,' Proorteuer. the neware. uwdertee.
Farm Wanted.
WANTED -AMY poison
e• baying a farm from :5 te ia item. la
amid repair. geed nowant owe born
puddings. Mod; Went. oldlie 10 Goderieb, and
at a roprial barisetic tsa Sod • owe omelets
er. eery to box IZ, tiodarlea. siviver
particulars W 518W11:C. ured levy twee gives
will bp conadeert Me lettere ninieed
mot descriathor with fries, tied 0i47 tat
Met- Leek Boa VS. 57tlfAM11. 117-11
Property OPP Sole erlar Root.
ripW() LOTS 1014* SALE. -LOTS 17&
.1. Ketorestee. and Ir. Vietorla-et.. retie -
✓ eek Clime ter oar, or OS tonna te suit pr-
ober,. *poly to UR& NOLAN. lkia 311.
Ares Week. Out. :sat
-Abort two esinnues wallk from the ileum.
Two worm. Mirk brick Werra r the roar
.111 stories hidh. heildias centred wtte elem.
are briar bee Slane. rosins ea OM lies,
=there & leroom nee la the rear
we rent are twirls. 41*1*4.7. =meat
peaairra rasa a* latarroosa, wow
pallor. Apply le the irseerei whet will
glee all nratenliery leasessattes. DANIEL
(1055 11014. fir
lased Mese me roa5*1, wire weilreished.
memo fouodatioe. good maw Leese mare.
earpentet wrap. weed error& (*0acres of
Mad. WM be west eiteap, es the proprietor r
rev leo . the coriatre. Apply to W. ti. Mum
mirr. st. awes. PU.
EtORSLIA -16u.A011.11 FARM 101
1 wile ; • mike treat deraerloh, ea the WM,
wears Raul ; 40 . elan* 0040eS wed
boa. rent a *mob with lot or tlinturt_-. 13 sews
la tall wheat sod plearratat an*: sod.
sawn to ammo warty kook row mood way
maw; goed Mar tams aad baDdl,.
sit es throb= rest tor indee-eilie
Wane. en emir toms sl en per wee: or
tronld srl 7.41- 446 acne -ear rent the
err halt. ror partiersure apply le ONO.
NIEHICKUALL, rederich. ena
11.1oUsi FOR SAI.E.- THAT 00111-
liteasat ta too advertier le tor are
modlasis •weelling esi Beer et. at
=111Lpentelea. Tema wake ea the prershoft
ore ight moms with dame
Row* Wrap awl Web. sad etwateetable 71
4.12uesspestil trait mow ars
den AdiVretTE-W-Meussb*ll MAE. tiereedisi
.54 7.,...an roort *eh 0. averao"41221
1: sae arm wireed * the
hewn IWO. is esespiftes MO amen
. 04 11., ed Sawa. Um tlis
trate dwarfs* Mires, a Meta ▪ bil
rittitieewod ailed
41477AttratiVilast a • e...tpor
arskso.t weer eat a
uttaRo !ERRE
Tesler wows aall Assist 04 411•110Ploh as 4.1
loon :
rail aad Imoreas .....
aad •••••••,004 4,e.
iswit -----------------------41
•.6 • • PAM •
• ••••
dandenee ..... ...•••
•••••• .• in.
see • •• 11.0.
enbastar lasatuto.
ROOM, MIL so sae street and Seers tee
(Mee limn I In P.m. aid from 7 to le tar
Goodin, Day. Wiwi* mod lUoutoototi
Papers, Almasissea, ek., Oa Pik.
graistios tree 5*04 Liontry and needles-
deeLlcanon for lirese"tership received sit
Librarian. Sanwa.
Prealdest. tleermary.
Ooderish. Mama lab. Ifte.
li NICHt 014117)11.-L.D. ti. - - DEN TZE'
1. rerw ,trwashe the *sr Net Dam
arreass wall". Iowa y
11,-/ 1111111111111111 detain& lees and realties air
sdaisairesed ter painless extracting el tallb•
*octal stssasio. given to the peer=
of Me Mural Meth. Orbs - Ip
tiroudoed=limme biota. Millaace tip West.
ge... Illtrigr
- -
PhysiMaim, e
duiltWer. catioryoloor. As ; noses to
Id. oraos over Poritootoo. uotioriva 11541
J. Seltelter, Notary Parr • e.
uffme thar Jordan. Low mote% die isms
formerly orapted by lodge Desk.
I) C. HA Y S. &I( LICI Tolc.
0111ce.11014. cod;ri.beem.:.r.rolvarer.teinapreh .deoreedW46.pri.
watt Voi.dis to lend at 0 Der °r,,1.
x.a lister*. At.orneys. nollaltory. Clede
rich. J. T. Garret.. W. Prendlfeot.
V Barristers, aorioirees 7. cfrearory. ,dso.
Gellereds. M. c, teareroa.o.c.: P. ads.
Loam and bnaarnnaa
outizallant. ii0O0
W. mike. ner. 54*. •.d Aellileet loop:
& me norm. germ Upstairs. 411111101148*
sea eaten Natter. Corona. 71 H.
141 N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, 484100-
1 4. tor la Marearee Court; lf sels let leas es4/-
pre Clial., private terra anaitio bor. _tee
toriestuezitariy. Caws very aloovrute, roe
rs res psesernalOy r wive. 1111
/3 • Ite.. and . ter taking &ad re
se, ring of ball. afilda.lb or
adireseatow, &moot ma11 or eillOinn declare
time Pk Or Mielmtraiita any actionsuit or WM
mediae in tee (bah Conn of Jeetion the
evert of Appeal for Ontario, or in an, censer
or DI. ..ton twirl. All troilism:. ions careful
sad promptly exer..ied. liesidere tied r
address DUlillaallea. that 314 -41
U • Aecideet lasareses Agest. itepremet.
ins North Webb & Merenattie ;
Loudest & tiler; Norwich Vallee ; Tirtt
ADierIblia Lite sod Aorideat
North America. Loweit Rates. LiCaleM lel-
tial Pr011epal). Nowt to LOW ea Vara
Tow. Property. C
perty valued. ett. Med
douare. Ooderieb. 78-
t500,0o0 TO LOAN. APPLY TO
lir CAMERON. 4401. 531 CA1111.8.011, tiode •
✓ ich. leap
MOblia- 'PO LEN D. L A KU
Vi assegint at Private Funds for investasset
-0 i•ovest Meow 440ee34*allortonsoc 1103
tis. suranee. Real Estate and M
Lowing Weak liely grit..elmat two
reotesontot. Mawr la _Load ..Naas. at tee Meow rate et lasers+ doe
say way to met tat eerrower 011ee )
mid deer trews Siguare. West Strew,
Tb. Neaten and MOWS
h.... lisis Made awl Issiud
&rraatted, (aid out pitehforkel
ttocy on tiv EIGHTH PAGE.-.'
.4 readers to A fa. greater rill
eny adtertmements mark the c
VOL. X14111. No. 1290
4 Weeltir *Gra or troisal) tee,. sere
•• Mole Coen howl, Irlen awe ream
pad sad reetirearel /rem Avery lit
Tear erre= Maw raesset Nese in i
Irian' 011 a 115.‘11 SMALL]
TIOC nee dynamo for the electric
Weighs... 'anted the other da
was placed im padre hy ars el
ascli...8 tia.;:r:itig firat claw.
Stratlargi, where be e ill attend ths
Fred Ayer. intee.1 i lea t Mg ldolebeav i I
Arch. McCully. formerly of Staid
tom oseducting the Crating. Pratt
halal AdVtirate i41at.
Rev. fi. Jar -knees. late of Chicago,
arty of Miaow, lise accepted a c.
illexaadria, Slitimesta.
Driith.M..Faddeu, jr., (Mei., ill bon
vocation from Clinton High $t•hool.
inilliending to tale up re.
Mr. Jr. Statilake, froketcr, la
%eery ill at preserat. and little hopes e
• awry ere entertained.
liCreryrhody will be g7*1 te . Mew
illair.seMhei:Irecolurehremed, (7*..1* now
The IF\_,_. ' ... . Morealist and 11
Owyhee, Witishr;i„ wee.: lit by el
light on Kunday ntglit last.
Mr. Struthers, rheum, who MA
*welting noir (Mea) Berl daring the
yaw, has Lien rectorfeed for this yea
The infant non of losar Lire, Ethel
iroteirly. This 4**.7* fourth ekild kit
MM. Lake have buried ta the Flat eix
, Mr. Oen. Ilimett. Eleter. poisesses
Which produces what *100(1101 cow in
rim titst, is. 10! Ila. of butter in ow
iitr. 41. it Coldwell. Kinharn, is r
*8 14* fmat.her's, Mr. W. K. Celdwell. I
looks well after apendiag Nine yo
The daughter of Mr. W114 llama
mod, west 4 gintor. 4544,4 40 Wean.
.4 ,i,, at the ear
elf 18 years. ' , .
On Friday beitialk. Thos. Tipling,
tens, while out rentiag, bagged a
that Mid (oar well- f•sentecil ears 71
each side 4 *be heal.
The herein between Dctuald Crier
Stwattord. and Jaa. Idetwas, only, Ism
eeniodeted• whereby tbe borer tak11
asellegie of Mr. Meraniee. faros next spr
Ole the eveaiug of Toold..) a last
the wife of alr. W. "kelp I losamiter I
tog, went out to the pwnp for matte
•Iipping doe n. limi the misfertene to
her thigh tii two piano.
Mr. Phillip.. Clinton. olio was A
inane • severe attack of twouchitis and
died on Tuesday morning ; he was
.nan, hod resided there mane yuatte. al
. ery highly reepected.
Kobt. Scott, Ethel. Me. purchase
1 Mewled' prnperty .wcupted by .1.
..ay. awl Mr. Holloway has parer
house arid lot frout Jtirs. Ectunier, si
-st King -.t. soar 44 (51. bridge.
Mr. Kenneth- McCleve, an old pen
•oldier, who Ms bore a resident of II
for • large number of year., pressed iii
hut cern. home on Wean)" moreing la
.oneral took place on Tuesday.
‚.4.1.0. McTaggart. who hae been or
of Ethel school ,luring the pees two
took his depot titre on Friday, tbs Rs
He will he mimed in Ow ',anal clod.
hy,,f penman,. SonafolTerien4,tpervitacc, and a r
'The psitioa far mere mail beton
. ina on the W., G. & B. division .4
r. -‘1'iinglis hain.and aha.lettetwear lea 6atrgeithely/uirood. T. R.
t‘own afew snsprelep4ayana. 4 will Ise 0.rwarded to i
Th. perils of Harlork Public
presented their retiring terra, G. A
ton, with • plash chafe and dreitsii
and Mrs. Newton with a parlor char
Mr. Newten is renewing optimum. In
... staelying dentistry.
firumeh Post .. A very diegrooda
woo presented en our ittreella on (It
day, oil.: A bny about 15 yore of
capably the worse of Minor. The
oho supplied the hewer ehould he w
enart for such • flarlint teenager..
:be law.
Mr. Jacob Deihl, Cypress River,
who left Exeter tea years ago, open
days here rat week, the
loother-iniavi, Mr. .1. T. ilifesimtactet
.eptalts highly of the prairie. penile
tog dons et000ttingly well there, and
opendiag .40* woks tit thin meant
ing Marne@ &ad friende, Were resi
While John Cook was driving o
(-Hilton new .4111. clips .4 the shaft.
le:12 them Mrike the p._•-•-• heeds
her te. start. She .46.4 Ja
and after breaking Use cutter ninon
got /nose with the roftts, ewer
rim before she meld he stopped
romped serious. injuries. Omagh th.
was ahnost 8 emnpiete wreck.
Brewer Pant • laid week A. A
ressived a copy of the daily Mail, a
esti paper, pablithed at Yokoharns
Oliver Smith. Mr Strachan very
effered it to as to make any whet,
mwesirmticu.doretimibett we though , thisimairmairet no froofthatour
eheed the error. Mr. Smith sent •
4110mem in use in that land of war
On Saturday mowing when Mr. R.
Holowaville, treat te the Mehl. h.
his Indies, peaky alnico' choked tc
It apparently hart boon retries i
with the hind fent and got it meet
thalterha *v. • Thentibuhalkotemr Leta iniadreimire las:
ie Mil. at owe broiled Ids creeks
en to work awl the pony is
"taw. W. E. Kerrorhe is Wow is
from Moittreal Collgr. for Ids 0
selitIs_p, hes received intse A
Is --..td Ur I mutV% t..do
sued to Dialwoo osA toes rare
wart MillgO her the beftwes of this na
year. Thla 11111Defr wee rendered alleil
las Ow. 3.'1. Lerer withdraw*,
witaistey liseo sad acestereism es epos
Special wieldiest sires to raliordlad Mid
action retaliates.
Reduced Mao far yearty
ordain Inht Oessa Factory, *1 .7 real -
deem 404L.rag 0 W. Thwareels Pala
Wateraille Mere prompt alleinalift
21184y. M. nommus
Phi* Irrord* OW* -••••••••• ..... .51 fo
a Shwa, owes..................4644
a Oise Caws M ta
AU klathe elms sad plow.
Yews. 1`19/04 Time shawls( MeV. Hia.
7. witaswo anus woos.
Julia KlIoX. 017.111141. £U0-
51) t5. orta VS 4504047*.
dIlleallrstnrleeeb sP. .. eeerr reerrreaby ww
the zosbeiarsadb t
looaigram%erthgall er
enionquee hm. ler a
amide/ was/ til:aD
w* -.I.
u4I41114A C0U10WIL103, 000-
a. ORICH. lifserbere
I wurinas 44 TM fa Toopirremee
Atii •