HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-1-2, Page 3flaw yams. Bat it you pe urs W this (.shins[, you'll rata, rent usd7 sae, but yulrr..If toe " "A ce liths-• la • few years,' "Yea Mvsry Mars 1 hued is t*n Mara - grave Dock Company 191 make over le Toa' "Oh! You will I' I'm not going to waste breath to trying b'spleen wiat srclgr.ve Lkroka move M WAD. You wouldn't'uderrstsud burs anything osD lr to ■ ensu wore thou mn.msy. I'y null going to try to 'aplW to a blind .a wise redoesas Hut 1 tell you the that rather Mari gore up tL. worker wy lifs, 1'11 go otter out persons! profit frau it, by so masa as e peluly---" "Indeed► Excuse me, Mumma, num tel your dock alma*. ••1 ain't rails fifty tbouanad ••r. afraid you'll have to, Formes. 1•l.rl don't oblige sue to put on the screw." l don't lunar. I shall bars to fare tbl crew aurae day. Why not nowt Aad there'd be ares comfort You'd have got notbleg. For your make, don't eek too nue*, os'---" "Or you'll la --hanged!" .• "Yea Bat mot for ksifeiag Pebereau "For what tbssr" "For at+s•gil•gl-Not. " "No0 ..,.. You've made call Uttb [mer tike, t*o•gb, Furse.. As If 1-1 of all ser -drat know what dram Money is compare/ with a thousand thing■: seism, for example, And no, tar Brteww's sake, ill be wound - tor the present- with fifty thousand down', , lmpurfble. What with you, sad tie; Docks, and • hundred thins, the Bank wouldn't bre the strain. 1t would ban te go -+,tad you as well" "It's au ase, Pura... That mosey 1 mad liars. An.i --to tell you the truth that procaine I'm telling you about isn't exactly ft Mayfair flat's only to throw duet in flu "'pistol( the .rid woman at hour. Between yet end 1, 1 rua't stand Mrs. Wyudbarn smell any mare. tike was alwaysukf enough and tight estugh, but alas baso taking to be al.etno Me. and that•s the straw that killed the camel. Ah. i1 I'd only known your Marius a few pan ago. . Anyhow -say mwe.ty tbensand: and --I'll my good-bye t, you for good and all. After all, there) nothutg like ter C'nitd States for a leu bold. and--- "You mean you rrthpd chose the b•rgwis and got' a.kw! Aeka. Furman in a woks, that made the listener start lrnld.sly-au boars" omit, and so full of hope that .e 'rned 11k/ tsar -For hevamty Tbnu.and t •uuar-♦peat buck. or 1 in•reene the doss --1 7 aMbid dies." "But what penalty-" •Tbat I shan't Ilene back s ---+,mart Iled You as: that --sad you barn ease Rea Smell offensive denw.eatratroma, thinks the Bra- Tow egaerMle fere Ion Saw TKk O5e .1f (To R 1,Vt cTlltek0) Pour• ht- g•iitig to _ -rill ate playing- . _ , flesesseulete. \ With tire. „ �f•• Mier *aux. Dec. 'S4. -The holy of J�n f [thenen Iaeesum 11s>• trNtA. MrDrsuaegh, who for the Md week has b., • !omit irt halving healers in Brooklyn, wan - The three Important outlets of disease found this morning in a hallway. His fare ater the skin, bowels and kidney's. See that an 1 yn4, ba.l bsee horribly- mutilated by they perform their runctewr properly and rat. Ther had paten ewer hi. no.. mai• tow• fiur.l,w•k Bkeeed Fatten tee insure this • pr.rlr raction 2 pletely, and with gest Miles in 1• to rim*. Wwesoa-Mw M Gds la. X% vie the sari (arr.tasi who, urge, you to gar with kite to the play. and jibes you ao • strait laved foul i1 you decline, will lose has uunlitian.r 1n your piety if you ?geld ; std whom he gels e.xiuta .dost Ion rso.al malrati.s.. msaehow •.r other, aspirin at y..Ji will. et 11111 not he you that he wi easel for Thr amid is hke the souther pliant, whoer story mast have terra rr Crte�'�di • good many tunes. mum Prsidru y 1.1.1 s1 )vary ago. The slave-M.lde had Ilan+ a gay. ptomain -1m tars utas •tl eke world. and ..0 outmode trema w ith his pas tor, who +aroma to have heel no scruples about yenning hint to his pleasuree-soakintg es:sweit.u.. A close frtaolrhlp sprang u betrru them, and vont Iowa' 1.. the Ira lunars of the pianist. That one .lay the wife tiroposied tr. gene he than nuat+(er to ann. anal convene atri pray with ire hlulma& lir rwpbetl : ••N.. trey dear ; he is rant th:. urali foe me to see Iwo. Ile was m) umpatuoo, sr you kuou 1u wurl.Ily ata and pleasure -seeking enjoyed his society aaad found I a pleas ant uungstnion. Bat 1 aur- hew that 1 never lad any nal e.ntidame en Lu piety, anti have new no cuedidsuor u. the etbracy of his prayers. 1 am a dying num., and woad the instruction and prayer* of somebody that can prevail a nth 1:.111. The a de was greatly affected. mai said • • What shall I do, the.`" ile replied . My auchlnal, Tom. is a pwwon ran. 1 lave- c n.tidessce in his prayers. 1 la.s often overheard him pray w hen shout the Ian[ or +,tables. &ll his prayers .arc always struck non as being quite um -ere and earnest. i mea et beard say fuuluharase front hon. He has always horn holiest wad earn est u .t Christ tau man. ('all ham." Trim was oiled, mei vague within the elope dropping hM hat cwt boon[µ[ tenderly and oo.etp}rra.e• emnately at hm master. • 4'.sase herr. Tom. 'fake my hand. Tops. . so you pray for your dying naet.•o'' The nerral to which this story point's a the folly of exporting to gain a ('htnet um influence eau another by ah,wlnssympathy .1th his a tastes. Rev. F. 1.. Hayes. THE SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1891. A SHACKING TRAGEDY. THE DOMINION 1N nil MLLE WHILE KNITTING SeliCKI5 rti i CHR,3TMAde. aa fl Am old Mea kit. 51. Nur. ad..l Then irons n fall ow■ T1rwt or. et • *oat Wer- t rlbl. Trwg.die. on Itemise' ✓ Ca, -. w, liar, all' lisury Christiane. 14 years uid, cbookel bar aged was to damp Tbr tgasd.asu•A lady 1. t .dereeb Remarked to .e frsend the ,Khat da) that she knew Kaiwip. Heiman fon the Throat and Lungs was a auperiw rental). ars 11 otespiwel her cough Instantly when other ....nigh remedies ha.l no effect a hatevrr tin to prove this and convince you of its nserit any dro+ggint will give you a Sample Bottle. rarer. Large sire $Or amt $1. 2 eon V eke budruu+u of toe bhebe at Tait Drexel overuse and tut Lr own thrust 5utneta.ile daring Saturday matt Ti,. tragedy was arta by are nue and the exact time at ooeurr•d Is imamate Mr. and Mn Christmases balm been living with taeir dos Oiler sad sot+-Iu-an. Thee were abesot unlit m;dai,ht When lira Nelson wont to Um nous to waken her parents this movnisto he Int glawr .ltd acct show anything areas Ai'prd.chune the bad die ma barmaid to vee th .t tier fs• liar's freer and treed was all bloody. and as he breathed spurts of blood oarns from the ghat dash in bon tkro•a In • moment Ibe called her husband ant they at- tempted to wakes' the moaner, only to learn that sins was demi Toe blood on abs yarn and oe the Ideas showed that lbs act had Lean c.ea netted earls In the night, • the Moat wa. dry. C eristimam was Mail alive awl ooliactona He saki not streak. tett could undorrtand what era+.al•1 to hint. When ascot If he had killed bis wife, 1u• nodd.+l affirmatively, and a horrid gurgle name from V , wooed is bis throat ae be arteenpt.,l t., reply As he acknowledged the carne he nehtmaid with his hands so same hos at had been doe. He civ sugntfi. 1 [:rat he hal cut he nen throat. and pointed 1.. tato rester as be weeded ha bead. sending spurts of blood out and over his spirt. He canna recover. It is difmculi to find a mo- tive for the crime. t'b/l ttareseO WAS some- what merit,., end IyNsrs, Mut was sot umally �, His am •n - law suggests that le wee timnewbat jar l us of his wife She sass -knitting aaockin;e,s for (Tr storea present* sed this did not (dear the husband :11,1 be frequently ot.jew.1 P.-rihly this enraged him lac night, as dim frequently eat up to knitafter he want+,.[ her to Igo to bed. 'Jae supposition it fiat sh•- dr1 not go to bed warn he wished, mewl tw.•o in a fit of jealous fury (•Mated the life net .•( her. tib. was found in the bed but settle her elghee ora. Cbristinnaen was also in two by ftrgarlulg F:mperese \\'ilium'*, prepared her .ids bat ergs dremad ret to I'ans. La l,tlecrte, although sere that - a majority of the people wall abstau+ from RATS EAT DrAO MEN. IN Jesse& (.'harcb, Klsgates, was damaged by lin Sunday mut mug. John Y Yarns►, C.. has been appoint- ed boos. mit.,er at ltatWr/els. Yr. Senuyier Ba.lrley, ea -M. r. i.., LIAO et may art A.:Iyust.w, +. Jged. _ Me my. us'e tetalk'. u11,1 at ---- - era I urged Tbur ear ; lug[., IMAM Thetl4'}*t r ps ar r Bray 1.irte a.sr at Moe treat teem* * satom *I*o uveal Bea *mire adopted o u Wednesday the loos' opts.* by-law by 101 majority Sir RicI.ara14 as (s,, It addle. -ed • Large uieding at "rma.-uu 1 uur5ay Verning. Caaupb-lit.oy Ma d.c..lsd to b uv. the Ca/stag eaatway to to, nate .1 of i15,0dti. The (estimate" of the r.:rou"•• tit -hoof Kurd for twat year amuuut w 11451.- u08. JoI.n Elliott 4 boa. agricultural imple- ment ua,sufr.•meta, L oalu,, are reported w have assigned. Tao pa, aro r la fpr Itoutrcal gnu -Tal d..• edged so re on P.ld,y emsocu.s, wi;b I)r. Kochiyaqu n.. ItIVino Eimer, fur A). -,.yr •.1 child of C. Belfry. Mary usu. Ems F`.in1.,r,, fev11 lege • well +,Teri era. usuo mrd Freda,. Ata sctmdspout ustauwe( oan..i4ate, for the pose Lee, ,-f iamb tai Leath umker of Turuut.o ad were p,no.ed. 6r. A.kaa►, Beil.ler111e, hoe beau appoint- ed pbtricowess-ataudaewe at to.. Dela and Dumb /wutu:e at lfeh.rva.k, The Tor.nabob City Connell Las fivady adopted toe terms o.i wulc.i Ips street nubs way Iriux•Li.e shall tie .:i& .e.sl . •f, Thr death is r• -tsar e . a• Iiingrt.ni tr( An,eriu.• 1.e1"ude,aentire 0, ihecity,,lljar. Is., at team meanest 111,0 of IMI , ear-. It :r proporeti w esta..i0n an annual epilog 1a. stere sued Lorre .draw to Tvronlu, .outlier to ,iia..a•.wi alto* b. (...wa... Fss 1. ,u for C ow.c.a , datnct .,( Van_ c••nrrr lr cwt, B. t:., are reasatad t, .sure [sherd 4Ynag._ao this ea rot of 4:10.),0 11, A .estes ed useful a+,d moru,•t.v,. )•oet- gr••lw.e Teets... awl dei.owwtratiu.,. w. -re oumlueuoed at for Turui.0 l: niveresiy TLur.- hey. Yr. Wiliam Margot', the turner mem- ber, wui to tn. Cor •rvatis a ego 1 ala a for ter intimacy in tutu L1t.latitn for Soda Norge k, A poe nun of t.:s Caesar' wharf at Halite cw.alaed oar ?relay and .erre me,. were cat reed d own to ur..W, mrd tiro tint may 1 u:rer5.ed. 1 4 \tar uaeu pari,. ed In th-. dieter at Con area dues, Hoof ex, c mod by user wuar( --gtvtug otter 1'0e smiuw of tier have been receives ed. 7 bee beartog of evidence in the H..nitt . sA•c.n.. [well was fiuu.sed ua Nei 1s i. sad ' jmdg .watt is or se del.verod at Unl.s,da 114, toe Jsuwry 3. --•►fbe Wisterrou C silty Cowan., a: 1.11 saw Ano W •rdue..d:uj,'.uado a a. tleuiaut with Mr. McDougaty the rep•tiar, err points peeve ouldi .0 da.p.tee. Puystcia,.s cuauected with Mc•ius Col- lege, Mumma:, are riperluteatia4 Into br. K.c., 11 lylup*1, a .uppty of whits' they to- »-.oved ou Friday. sir Hector Lang -via is out in god health, but batten,, teat a few erns • of about' e rent ws 1 roarer* hew. Sir Hector has guise to Quets c for the boidvy.. Prmots Edward Cott ,tv Council will es- tabls.b a honey of refuge for t.o, indigent, and Lanark county ua• al.puiut l a c nwmk,. s'.w to c.u.de, the teat er. The wean months redid of Mr. Tuplho, • farmer near Su .dndg.•, ear bond timed in bid use .•Luer murul.ig. It Oa. •i1 right &couple of bean. prrvaNtsly. A brim beau made le hereby the Toronto .rust dealers wilt Dot bra at a daadvaat.tge .n atmp.ttnt woo Y..otreai dealers, w gar as Use U, F. R. is at oeer.Ad. The French minis .r o[ toreigu atra.n ou p•rid.y mal that Nra,.oe .. waw wpm.: to a money hderamty as reamed. taw Newfound - 1116t1 tremoae, and was &wetting f-sb pro• pcasla Colleritor of Casblm. Milne, of Victoria, B.C., hes seised teas Grana,, ieho•aer .a dee, which returned e•m tiusday from I:chrtng lista whore ea raided the PribyluC Llands and kilted 1W wale. V. y Rev. Vicar- (General Laurent, who for stem) years bas taken • lerttdt -g place &soong Ur R-.ntan CatnMiot of Toronto, died very au -Nealy on F'r+wy afternoon a tabors' of ter heart. Rumors have reached Wimnipegot threat- ened trouble among the Sioux Malaya in AmunIts,ia 11 is said armed Indians have crossed. the Ione from the sr, -the Moaated police bare been sent from Regina. At the adjourned 1Angfurd inquest 051 - doom was toren showing that a year ago (hnodwiu, who suspected of basing the murderer, 000tser..piated robbing the old farmer, and using violence If necessary. Dr. A. B Pyne, of Toronto, swore to an a>•da.lt, Friday, ooutmningserious charges against the medial mwu Wbu gated as exam- iner's in the moon trial of candidates for tie position d Medical Health Officer of that city. Thursday afternoon a deputation from the Mootresl lay Conseil, beaded by Mayor Granter, oatmeal a Roman Ca.aolse, wa.ad upon &meop 11 dad sed presorted him with an address. oongr$tmat'ag him upon the fifteenth eaalverasry et kr ordietluw. On Wdrssday night, while Caisf Wilma. of lttrathroy, was taking Harry dexter, the sou el 115 BrtgIM4 cilrrgy ,n•a, to gaol or a charge of , the prisoner shot bimeeif 1■ 11r head, he slays accidently, while trying to throw away has nvoi.er. Fenterpriefag thieves stripped the electric wine from 1be prise is W.dtngton, °sma 'os and Curry Ammo's, Windsor, and sold( the wire at • Detroit josh shop. The ineulatfim bad been Mead oft, Marfa( toe copper wire. The job was the work ea • llaamea. The laterool.mlal .11*.s mining from Halifax was derailed Monday near Lvfa The Hanna of ala killed deem not meas d ha definitely known, Mut than wen ea out six, ineludtng Mr. OamU.t, M. P. for Kanworesaa, and Mr. Wolk mayor of M. Town d G,tmnurw.ka. A teas ole tb. Wal..•h read ar nos ins ring varaithal ears all.i eating pie she (me his aureate in a measure t., kicking the gen oral manager. When • trainman man prosper and gets A I.aeuretirr tnun he a k-, of hi gone l f..rtune as running rani e+l est-.. *1,o eating pr. What he is in the humbler oiling of working rm1 a freight train he sonatine. maks et sting ov,r1 Towed art the eloghnukr. Genera/ Manager Tat/nage. o{ the Wa herb. war of the old school of %ewilnwden who Iwliaved in attending to the details of the line. He had lawn • trainman himself, and he knew thr of the craft. He would watch the train sheets, and if a crew reported delay r at a certain print or ahaut every tun he would go down then quietly and keep an rye out for them. •He took ..ter of these trips ort ..ate 'x,sai(an, sm1 *applied hie movements were unknown to the crews he siahed to watch, for he went secretly as au ordinary passenger, and did not reach his deal:Italian until dark. Rat, to use the slang of the men, they sen• nn to him life secreted himself on a gondola beaded with or wheels, and thought that he war unobserved until a israkeautan, pre- tending to take him for a traitor, tense along and kicked him must mercilessly. At every blow of the foul tee accentuated the sctaon with some ornaments/ profanity very painful to hear. Mr. Talbmag.• did not re - vent hie identity. but limped away, and he found out that the hwakpstwn who led so maltreat ed him war really a valuable nun, mei not reepnnsilde for the delay. After the caboose the brwkeye.uau west lack to tate caMwre an.l sisal to his condor- tor o o dorfor : "Nell, 1 fixed the o.11 man. I sup toes 1'11 get my envelope at the end eef the t Knot/etre i. illt•tmn has tormented to act a., • sp5Mer o/ the seventh arm of • ,Silesian pruner. The child that es to he thus honored woes kerns .o the manse day awl &1 the SAM hour as the y.rlutgtst chill of the• Emperor. Two days later the brakeman was seam awned to the general nlaoaga'a nate. He Amish basis with the bar a, lata Lina good bye, pushed his lap "ref his left ear de flastly, and walked away to the slaughter. Mr. Talmage asked him how long he had been hr keing. que.tiooml him hunt van .ems matters pertaining to handling trains. and then fairly hoariest him silly by in forming him that he should report to the trainm.ater, who would give him a position era conductor. "By -the- way said Mr. Talimage. as the uteu/shed nate WAS leaving the dfice, "arae you bothered with tromps on your divis- .ea r• The brakesn.aan blushed a little, than 1 all his stolidity and mid ; •'Yes, we're cleanlsg 'van out. i ran &cues M two nights ago hid in a car o' wheels OW kicked the old hum half way acmes the Rtate. He won't 1s1 her me no more." in di*eapolis News. Tei. Med trim'. The red river of life is the blond ; if it he Impure, health is impossible and lige a her den ; Burdock Rlxwl Ritter. say thole who have tried it, is the hest Mond purifier in the world. Mils Maud Carleton, Rtdgetown, (1st., says . "Am uufing R. B. H. right along and .had it • perfect Nona purifier just 5..dver tired. 2 Tee tsrloa(is rel Manitoba wheat have bee, shipped to Victoria, R. C., for • 110w mill )'t• complete& This u the firth wheat that her horn rent from Manitoba to the Pacific .mart steal hear e sM- The good deeds dame by that unequalled .'sanity limiasent Hagyard's Yellow Oil. daring w rover i +n Ow thirty yen. i( fins hoes rmaing esteem by the pelt tic, would fill volume* We cannot here w*merwte all its gore) qualifier, tat that it outs be relied not es a cure for croup, coughs. mild. Mwe throat sad all pains, goes teeth out saying- 2 The abamaiip Batavia waded ren N sdnes isy fir aing for (lino and Japan with IWO taus of eaags, chiefly Roar sed .XAb.w : rti�s mMw plss5gaf*, 294 (lona+, and h, r Jap ossa, mem[ N gills(► " hives M*iis elharl • bestow Memg< 1 trialM Tat pot nn robot, 1 Nee trfod it � s Yellow (til. labia pee ter immlliall 1t is the hem " Kea Jos ► 1711511.1+, .ate orm. NOP one doubts that 1R- sages Catarrh Remedy really .•urea Catarrh. whether the disease he recent or of Ionto standing, be- cause the :oaken of it chn,•h their Lith in at with a $500 guarantee, which isn't a mere nevi spoiler ,•tu,�arent.w, bat "on call" in 1 moment. hat moment is when you prove that its makers can't cure von. The mime for their faith is this : i r. Wager remedy has proved itself the right cure for ninety - Dian out of ease hundred trier of Catarrh in the Head, anal the World's ihspemary Modica! Alant•iatis.n can afford to take the risk of you being the one hundredth. The only question is ars )0u willing to make the test, If the makers are willing to take the risk' if so, the rest is easy. You p) your druggist 50 cents and the tnal be- gins. rgins. If you're Tutting the MOO you'll gp4 something hotter -a cure' A report is current an Para that the Nes- +deo ( intends le. dames on .lumbar) the first all the Austrian and Icor- man subjects in its employ Naval Baku has cured case. of ('atarrhi when doctors failed. it is the greatest Catarrh Remedy of the :.ger. If you are troubled with this disease give Nasal halm a trial Wni..1 lane, r merchant of Cork end member ed Parlrniettt. •ailed nn Thursday imam Qulr:liteos-a for Atnerl.•a, where be is shortly to be married.. The Isps2.flss atelesderteb Is about 4,500, and we avoid say at leftist one half are trouhleol With some affection em the Throat and Lunge, u those complaints are, according 10 statistics, more numerous than others We would advise all our readers not to neglect the to call on their druggist and gra a bottle mmaof Kep'a Han for the Throat and Lungs. Trial use free. IArge Battle 50c and 11. Sold by all druggists 2-eow The Belgian Radice! ('pt+grear sat on Thursday- and pealed rwmolaliens lacunas; 'mineral suffrage and thin representation of minorriti .. Wein diseases are most annoying bemuse so noticeable. i)r. Low's Sulphur Soap heals .ml cleanses the skis. lm Peter W.arbpttt is in pori at Kingstpm accma,d of infanticide. He recently mar mead a woman who had an infant called "Joon." in a drunken spree he trampled on the child and then ended its life with a blew from • pair of tnaga. The holy was buried in • swamp. gaily to use. paaaant ani agreeable, is the verdict .d e11 who have tried Nagel Balm for ('doll in the Head or Catarrh.. A tried will convince yen of its merits. Powder 5111 taploab.. A !loader mill implosion eltecte the coun- try tar miles aero&, bet mdyspsp0ia. biliousness, nsee ties, ha..1s1•h., hiss of appetite and debility, atee•t humanity the world over. The Miter d The Mitchell Reco der dates that tine was enrol of Nike. near, liver • rata& o ad sick headache, dry Rwtd(r•k lr.(r,d Ritter. is it not worth trying .m each madames' 2 The ('a isella11 Agricultural camps) Ria John lister Reye's nstesrn, a a►imlmg sheep front its farm roar (`alg&s to ('alarnhoie Fifteen hundred hand will be .hipped .luring the gowning wadi. There is no better warred) ler warms of any kind F. ekiMrmn or ulnae time Tor. lee 'a Warm Syrup 1c. . r:wod•the Meta and in th.o region of the heft temple h.• presented n horri le sight Alongside the body was an or+dtnery sacs water boat+, containing a dark hqui I which was found to it a +olntiun ref bromide of potassium Another emu somewhat Simi lar nail repo -tad .by the proline this morning. It war that of Richard Stokes, OD ware ol.l, swim was found dead in the attar of Bahr's demijohn factory, No. 2e:0 Hunnlr,idt-rtre-t. yesterday enemata. Ha lips had Leen eaten away by rats and ha face was covered with bk.od, rr.eti al ry.Mlhy. Thee. l.ositos. D -c 23.-H.M.S. SIngnet left Po rtrm.nth to -day foe tap coast of Galway. The 31a155 is leaded with .e.t and pota- toes. will a timidity of I:overnmrnt stores of all ..; .' l Thr cargo is one of a series gest sad to he sent by the (' . to relieve the distress .f the famishing in habitants ea certain sections of 1re/anet three other British gunboats, the $eaborse, Brito:rmrte and (%rappkr, which have on gaged la similar work for loom time past lire beau ordered to anytime this duty for three months longer. Died at the Mimeo IttsvtArOLte. Minn , Dec. Yf --A tragical remit occurred at Mule m's Hall just before midnight It w.. • private dancing party of weal -known wncicty people. Just atter the fourth Dumber cat the program, Mrs.. Jeanie M. Smith, • well-known young lady, altar taking a few torus about the hall together with Frank i. Censkey. suderesly berms pee and /irked to le taker to a seat. Before Mr. C wskey could comply she reeled and would have fallen to the floor hal ho not caught her He half carries' her to • [teat and called for era ter, and a pbys can wu rent for. The lady never even stirred after Cast fainting. and when. • few minutes later. i)r Martha Ripley arrived sir pronounced her deed fel + was ?I' years of age. A MY -ft atw.sad Co hetet. Ntw Yost, Dec. 31--A peculiar eines came up at tee New York Barge office yesterday. Wul:iam Norman wa+ a passenger os the etesrner Britannic He is • young nail of good appearance, appar nUy well educated and is 2.yawn okl Hs was en routs 10 Chicago from Bristol. K,sgleed, as the agent for n bicyce company. l he registry Hark a.k.d hon the usual quediosa, and obis be reached ter one reapectiug br character hr frankly made the following statement: Borne oma ego bet waa arrested co • %[barge of (rnrgery. he was convicted and s• tamed to pa) a fine. pending welch payment be was committed to jail. He Anally oegleeted to pay the fine at all, and spent nine mouths b domains. While Norman was evi5haty not of the claw which the law hells dud Mould he barred, yet the officials hod so alternative and 1,e was detained. The law prohibits the landing of oo.vicss. Norma confessed bin MI a rgvM., though it was evident M was sot regarded 51 • minuted or he would not have been trusted to represlet the teryci company. Col/actor ge*m_At will take the natter .tear i Okla ender the letter of the low the yon ullide will bet ant bark - The Craw Obese Doom W t,c mer se. Dec. ti - A telegram tonight from Morse Jaw Mys' "'Gemmel Mout war niers left bore b+ay to jus the Creme h tar war darter Mounted pekoe am folkew- isg thaw and probably will levee wham he Mali and learie Like a Dag. llleirTteetAn, In . Dee. It -A elemerhmke due of sappasst I , M that of Min Volta Simpson, aged sow years, acing Asee. fihe oat saddest', tokens with .w.l sapped sod essartiel Ilk.. mend .ing at all whr rearm near tar So ds-p.rare was she this: H nook Mese crN.w,g rhes to hold bon h.i it r Ow. has ..w knewi of hew h*. *OW kites* ny a Nog aye nn.vekMMa IbeNm5s said the pbyel etme an lased Her Milhurw'e laws *ad Wi.s 1ram- M shirr) w+•ti twlb'' , s,5tis. ' Oise la oddest I. St.ndard, or Ilmereal, rens danger is Ste preset pottekal eltsatlwu 'e the Pro- siness of Qaa*m, sad wares the habitue apime the poimeoes germ of Literalism ..nitreting thopseelvel In tits desire, slbemsge nobs* Weer. to Mks the misted a M5 imam ,rat of the heft et the (L.ter, fl orf 1*e laurel of Meier- whore, eier-wwho e, Me emelt slippers nod the serial ewers of Warred held • orot(w+.woa.. Frl- ley with Maul.. Tepper sad Carle( le regard to the proper regulation of Ike Atlantic rattle4ad., 1* ceder M evert eke tbra51t . 4 itssmM of tett Bt MA authorities Rafter Medea, 0. r i, Millesi ly It Ile dime titiv.mty. h le • teeter. a ?.is4*p semen mid he had elms Is Ile eimeledra the. Sloes • day vin epee the wiltelmetea 'err y �,r�+ team !e, m aMe weft �k sera dtltrel. *Is Rs sibs Waled vet le w r d Os elmir The many old hived+,..( Mr w. loss. Int,.h, ehn lora.erly resided in Holiest, and mho was one of for p,.u,.•or rrerdotas 1 lbw o-.u•.ty, hawing settled to Tucks, match when et woe a odd. roes, vial re- gret H. tenni . 1 Ms demob, shirk took p'ae. recent /y ,a bahota, *hero hr none and dam, Ales re'tus He war r•psrii.g to a•.,e to (Aeiarlu 1.., lb* .t(t«r, a hon he caught • +,+,rare add fr. Ill tho torts of eh+ch he teener seweed. Daderich Steam Boiler Waris [ata*luted *MR Chrystal & Black. SECOND HAND MACHINERT In.Stock For sale : 1 50 -horse power upright boiled;, all complete. 16 -horse power upright boiler and engine. 1 6 -horse power horizontal boiler and engine. 1 40 -horse power horizontal boiler, all complete. 1 35 -horse power horizontal boiler, all complete. 1 50 -horse power slide valve engine, all complete. The above have been thorough- ly overhauled and warranted in first cla_•ts condition. Bracy for 11nmt diate delivery and will be sold cheap Mall urgers will remit a prompt &tteatlon, sr.rbs t e„. C. T. tit Repairs promptly attended! to. P.O. BOX 361.' nti 1,,. unaawre-..5M sr manna' kr , Ly Moo Poop, Aeons, wader e.-1 J . tt.r., /aa......d..•41 meg, ester •µ.. • r....o, *oar 011181.110e k, l eve.•.d••oho .00k W 111. y. love a•e....... o-al...ee1y . lea day All yew. W,show yes Mw ±NaMort )5 cloo done. ems )nn. PIS ,...! M w.rk- oro rM•-,. e.kwee oi lige vena w..w•st r.•a.ean w... 'I.u.tl.aaet ( .,i.a 1' PKua.d,415a.. i:CVTROYk AND PEMOVES WORM QF ALL ►(MADS IN CHILDREN OR +/MUL ' SIMC T Affi SYRUP AHD OAN'4OT HARM THTC MOST 1:2=IrICA'rt C. SEAGER, SEAGER, -Once is McLean's--- NEW BLOCK -Opposite the Market.__ Money to Lend Cheap Rates. FARMERS' NO3'"ECARRED. c xsw .....1 ........ fir err' • e_i►e1ew wrs.wakw►. FA! .... YAW w .r M ~a.Wa err. OAS Pasoan r 'w.WeeOrWea"...v- mow. 5.tY..11.1.w Me Attakam k.-70re. fr nee 1.555o neer eY w..re fie. u M.. M rwar5 5..tipekrosM ur 5555 rw-are.:... .. 5» w+ -.e 5w oma 111.1 age'; 'b' w'aw'Sa. The TORONTO HOUSE -d 7113 DRY GOODS EMPORIUIL Latest and and Best w Iu+'TF 4 GOODS Nots il Signai 3 FINE TAILORIN(} 1890. axZd. vv 1890. inter_ Fine Display of New Grp. Fine Worsteds. Fine English and Scotch Tweeds. Fine Canadian Tweeds. Fine Overcoatings. Fine Workmanship and Trimmings. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. $- 2acCORMA.C- PUBLIC NOTICE Another Targe consignment of Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to counteract the disa' honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others,_v are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. BEES PRICE & SON. Hay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. Golerich Foundry and Machine Works, -RUNCIMAN BROS.. - Proprietors, FLOUR MILLS BUILT ON THE UTEST IMPROVED SYSTEM et -t; IEACF: .ON HAND FOR BALE IMPROVED LAND ROLLERS, HORSE POWERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUT- TERS, PLOWS, &c. We are Manufacturing I.... , � ed New Model Mowers which are equal to the -beet. Give th m a trial and encour- age home manufacture. It Will Pay you to use our new Steel Mouldboard Plows. Doty Engines and Boilers for sale. R1�PdIRB AND C d6TINGI3 OF .ELL WHY EVERY FARMER should gel PLANING MILL meal Armstrong's Improved ESTAKISIKO11155. r41 0. GRAIN & SEED CLEANEBS ? BEQAU1SM tat -It allows no foul seeds to be blown into the char& which 1s of great importance to every farmer who wishes to keep hie farm clean. IM,- It raves and cleans all Timothy seed from any kind of grain whale cloning the grain. 'rd. --For Market cleaning it removes Cockle. Cheat*ad shrunken grain• sad gives the Sauter the moat uoesible weight for his Man with no uohecesary lose. aa.-- 1t will sample grain for show sad seed purposes equal to hand picking. \t*. --Cleaaiag seed Wheat it removes all Cooke. Mustard mead. Wild Few, Fax and other foul &•d shrunken and clean. sbroken Vain. ain, gives the /armor pare. Ob. -1t will clean Oats. Barley. to , thew oushly without waste of grain 7th. -Cloning Pease : It well separate the sand. quartered. halves. Oats and whole Peas from each other. tarrying each to a different compartment. Mb. It is• perfect ('lover Beed Machine. re moving all dust, broken and dead seeds a•d other seed.. larger or smaller than the Clover Beed. 4*, --ilea tint clam Gram seed Maebiae, blows 5o seas away, bib.- It Is • good Flax seed 1lacbdae, 111b. -it is a first elms chaffer. If5*. It ems he fitted Into the oMeat /aahloaed Pamelag Mill tial le bold aside as uaelem sad sake 1t do ter, work of • sew Mill. fel*. -ft can he attacbad to • sew Mill with. owl lapwings It. *5d ma he ro.oved at easy Om as easily as a thus eo.blaed. R dam ant Interfere with the one of eke re - 55 &r sieve, of the MITI. 14th,- its sieves are nearly ail Perforated der. IMb.--11 has a eapa.tty of soty bushels of grain free boor, 1141*. it b u clasp a the erdlear7 Panning Mall 1Mres. Mk- Every Mae/ane is OuseatrvQa, [tend your order at Imre U los want It this 550505. it you here sot rem • Mechem ask to have one sent for ►a1p10t/m5..54 that len take It on cowdltlr. It meta et resale' Is erderiag by noel seed 15.45 width et Mtn. ARMSTRONG BROS., C+oderioh, Ont. P{•ff HIRSTS P,,IN [XTERMINA OR MAL POSITIVELY CURE MPS, PAIS 11 TBE STIMLCi! Barrel Ceeglalilk, Mamba** - 1X1( 14. - SUMUERCOMPLAINTS KEEP A BOTTLE IN THE HOUSE. SOLO MY ALL SILIIBAalimmio soOP waM Is as111111111111. 1, Got �...� •+�, ski a7ilraidtt. ,+<.-_ Buchanan & Son, >r A s t'r.tt-r t Irxias SASH, DOOR and BLIND flatters in all kinds of LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES And WW11der's material of every description. School ?unitive a Specialty PATENTS ClItITS, ,1110E MARLS Igo COMM Obtained, sad all business In tbe U.C. Pelmet Geos attended to ar MOPARATS PE= CMI osewe ie opposite the U. fi. Patent Of lo.. and we sac ala Patents le 1M glme Mon time remote frogs WAsitiso7VN, Bend MODEL OR DrRAWII NG. We ad- vise ss to10CNAR N free WICwe mala t . TAIN PATEA•T. We refer, hen to the psaasw.tbe amt. to Mone Order here, dand to +,Sets:+, et iia U. 8. Pelmet Oso,. For circular. *drim maw sad twferenoe. to mud Meals V Tsar own elate or Comity. write to f 4. SNOW 4 fen, Amanita Petite' Osoa Weeldepleat.C. Mitate• the Stomach. Leer and'Bowels, unlocks ' t s$scr.tlons.1'urlflesthe iltlsd srtd removes x11 Intl putrltIss from s Pirnple to ti swarast Sc rofulou• Sore. =• CURES •= DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUS .:ONSTIPATION, HEAD< SALT RHEUM. SC HEART BURN. SOUR STyp 012ZINESS. 01140aANEUMATISM\ SKIN 01