The Signal, 1891-1-2, Page 2,rt MILLINERY mo Otte Weather 4 TIM GLASGOW HOUSE bee gbalallehl lio thegadies 4 Uoderich ad vitialti that she Pam secured the sersioes 24.012Lets Nellie who has had arsenal tremors. EXPERIENCE IN THE AMERICAN CITIES, nad cordially invites their inspectioo of T.tiE LATEST STYLES at her FALL DISPLAY. "Cittaii.te The Salo of Old Stock still Continued t- Make roam for Nev Goods MRS. R. B. SMITH. Choice Perfumes, d are Fancy Toilet Articles and Christmas Novelties MPS= THE STOCK OHO WK HV JORDAN, - MEDICAL HALL. REMOVAL. NEW ARRIVAL .11. B. CORNELL, FALL AND SINTER GO ODS. ,W • LT 1 • JECIZT .411.1E. JEL , flas removed to McLean PI New Block. en tbe Square. Itemosable Chrges, Best Hearses in Town. Remedelo b• Cleared Oot. Perim. Pict ere Pram ing a Specialty. Pitie aad Elbow/ Weeps& Yoe will always find A. B. Cornell . ON THE SQUARE. H. DUNLOP, 2.: . Thr W. .T. Tailor. LAT ST STYLZS. 10 Om Read the Best Paper -"The Signal.' the great nae took it all as • lion may the YelPulgof a cur. But if others could WIT* men into tbe huo's bear: they would hare •stood appalled. Per the lion knew that 014.1- V e reamig random bolt drawn at hun found same bole in his armour: and that when Draped Mortruid urged the folly of trusting .,1 all things tone man. not half the truth ..t I that folly wins told - not a tithe a what his ewsposeent might petty nave proclaimed:1201 -a bundiedtb ot what would IMMO le COM* AThrilling and Dram- nut if any reiterated taunt, Idineki prompt a atic Novel R• E. FRANCO-LON. CHAPTER XVII. am•note• orita 11•Iten0n•rtx 0 what they might the police wens molar, and the ohs days' wood* aemed amen the great world of quidnunc* by the - orphelas 4 the great mint Or Upper Vane Shred bad pasted. acrd is the approare 4 Vollhosteteite. with Its pnblie talk and its priethe haw things wore swept out of the air. The pollee had failed to trace the criminal wire tad roes them the dip so nar- rowly. Timed, it followed for a on ns eme ar as some other wore. had not fallen fratotheir Muds. Whatever my "larder. OA as Draycot liorlaad, might hove sue - MINA nemained la Omer Mod Oreatee lithillers ware10 the front, and to grottoo lesainire thergiese mast we for their doe me aly loam le fortuity, the Adt- MU emu our heads. nose ciandidate--it vain So dusty it- Imo maltieg way. It was le, bs., meta the popelerity of the 10log , gram In .o wise lemened, calla the mho trot et oppnwitiss bed the Want of emcees Wafts Ma foram aged hthogieg them shoul- der to eltembar. Nor ild maybadv seriously doubt that he would away . from H. poll. And. as the other Ode. ths apposition nwedidelle seemed heat upon not beteg taken serieudy. Ilk appeared to hem eseered epee leh eampeltve rather in the spirit of a edheolhey bee of • grown Milt a .tri.. Bet that true paid* the mermen far the way he made, sad for Ids jastilhation01the Motes of the Adresse wheemelhes. lb swede hie atioth ea the brooded lime T10 stafaratty a fairytales Mist • metre of enomeree wed meld be embed eie W by the mem of a ownil;the ' et the bet bowie hap fit cm Mum (HOW sileiresal the taads. *4 10 Ad= et.to *- r of tailless a Ittatior ; • Ill .410pgaihr. MAOISM IKVIR • iss Om ea hie. Ike Om arse MOH 4111. 0* wawa, • SP. • maiassom • Moho. of inquiry -eves if Adam Puniest were blotted trim the record_ He had never reabeed bow chesty his na- tive. caty hod twined itself up with Ms lime • strings until now, when Ill* work *4 110 re- tail, of it appeared to be transforming thew Peke, ono a dream that was slipping sway from bete. -en bin fingers. Thing, could net go on lake this for ever, with all his deeigut at the hungry merchant Wyodheou How u." by us go na aniaming triunity, and gatbertng mt.. bis own coffers a/I the us, sourer. .1 the city he had ...rime to love Irtt* a posionate devotion, only to feed the mile .r.f vedriver" A crash most COMP g011 or lata Wby not soon' VI -by .lelay the in. esitable for one melees hour, for t he sake ot prolonged misery and intensified depatrf T. hope that VVyradinum Snell might die- abour.P That sort of man /barer dim. Thi isopia who die awp friPLI, the wanes, and tbe .tikiren we lore. not the termite woo abilui.„ The blissl sinclung leech 14 114. true symbol of imu„,rtattiy. Besides, Jobs Heroll /lambt grave was not Ma Mill to tea* to chooton. In hi. bolded wheeler be hal taken ear. se le 'neater .4 tile car.bk. THE SIGINAL, FRIDAY, JANUARY $, 1891. any days km wind by wow, ism otio =oils dig --...:Irenefia onoemapqr pm lbw% 111111 midi hays Mts. Swell was en hy her bus ka the leek Dahl Me jail plaile•nthe soyi•O.-enin win lithp your bead ua the parlour Goer, and might them who bed • loot elf/air an ,hasd .. met The will move anis-lingitallt marly as met slam. uacstheit he mks ersaloss hide. IWO mie also • • • ••••• harealf, the realised what egethient. dillitooss 6'411W°' 1811. me liarten legagthe Mee nell meth of an two totaUes her. The women wee sr sea of mystery. Aad. ,11 NO MOM Ittsik saighe amid de gonsi kldese-a lathe shigairooltentad., med missy Imps tame was sae •bread river whereby aspoky, mho bati wawa skiu web am so looped, as • wenn= coo well he. hut in is cam 4 seed bre BOW and the Med randy oaao ha min se hobo mass mind meg ao way had sbe diepleyed her strapidity mom wtairewlik toffy; s worehad, M ens ,b.mbies imoshog ookiag sho mon .1 I •1•11 HI MI MA SItIIIIl.. niiliMANNIMOMIIIIIM M.N. completely them la socepeing bushead M fur the sea. lop WM hes seer poi lama tithed evessothetking more ttha biome valuatien. lasbort, it wee• lower's p.,sinne-ser tha Hie olo naming with gho The at a forgo of *rapidity to whit the wino aa heal plant whersis le wieseet,N elmood priushus gioTig;ro orhuhog that ag the wog • umipeetons an peoadarly prore--henewo sod to escape from, • Orem, mow of *new hey onnee wholly her owe, ketosis why, seeing bow essay deity chime lot nal elpileie WM* leer emu as te be they mimS abloyit being ..1b14. lo I 14.4 14..., however; and so also mg trodellY lib faith, hut preeledy the poem O 44 the hest be imbed for Wysdbaes had beim going too much latelyon little jountioyo fie ',Imam said ott W ham but Mrs. ttnell's stumfriess 'seri aroused by ttte air of triumpli, awl brightest which prevailed low buoband' countenaDons and doings during thbe e t fe days :he had asked him otten and otteu. t what locality be went end had triad to putup , Wm more than mop But Wyndham's en ewer, Dever seceded bit He either queetiomi ;off or eine swore . e d loath- I at her in such • terrible. my. tit1 14Io was fain to demist. Inat Ma • womani 1 -A oupTgli int empasposibriariWady. Imam shelled bele blidele; and a dot' • Mutant IDYLL. hag, beessee She talk bobble • Id°••"•'-' Which JOHN ACHESON. A" We have received a large consignment et 11 WOOL WHITE itilIKETS, lie watched and waited. or Her opportunity eases at last, The durtor dm; from the Clamor", 10 114. Orem eltimee: estate la hurriedly one day from the city; fret the OMNI Chew to Euoitroofo• Tor - wad told Julia to pack up • valise f... rare. from Euphrosyne Terrace to the bins, as be had to push off out 4 throated house in l'pper Vane *ret. from town os very importaist bushier. Visions' Upper Vase Stress to the Griot Railway of Marion rumor hidden away by her dash- Hotel -all times stem bad Marion Furness iag heehaw! in some suburtan with' or rural made, *Imo* as an olastic ball tbrown upon retreat, flashed through her mind. Jealousy the ground at random Moloch inteleetir from oversee:se bee, and ay Nom Ay Wynyibilal mot to mot until it exhausts ite poorer. spell mei ',tooted, ahn norantotto on the cloak And so it seemed 10 10 with her, until a thud and lomat .14. 14.4 WM out to head while buu.*d bad larded bar bere--an even Am- packiag tbe value, and ieft wore with the likelier playa than this least likely of all cook test stm mien be going to pair the the others. night witb home trims& in town, and tit bd , Tbens was at loan ooe good thing about sore to bult and chain the door. W yndharn the OW., however .he nes' pleoty of leisure always asuntered. and 14.4 10 ouTy his valise. to consider now she 411/110 tarry, end thus Me .0 1101 .be by hurrying managed to get to the bad never had • thence of getting elsewberr station Wore him by a slightly longer way$ Tuere wise pleuty te remember, though the tones the building ground at the end of the }unwary hither had proved the swifter* and terrace. simplest Unrig in Uwe worid. Acting on And now ,raft had to come to her aid. But Cyuttua s directions, and without nearly ex - there was no tearer that failing her-ovrthre emending her borrowed nereregos, she tad .. jealousy there eh Inlet, as surely as tOsere reached the station at Askboime: bad m -t is substance there * 'below Come what her bolter openly on the platform; had might, she was oot going to let anothe- day delivered her news; and had waited till Ip... without getting to the bottom of the Adam's brown study came 40 .0 tent ricks of that horrible girl. ; "You've got place: aud you ve gob Prom just within the door of the waiting! resource." mod be. tutor • long Mew, 11 17157 room, and with her Veil down, she watcher' wailed up and.kiwn. "I'm Ranted 11 I don't bit busbaad taunter grsedully into the b .4- tamale l'is looser have you to hand than ing-offire and talte hls ticket 'Theo-- baying (luting' al „er all tioameme I must have; takra the precaution to carry off the house- and wuat Cyntaia 1.013/41 ham to act youll k•rping usomy and her savings therefrom- do by nature; and -Lorre are other th.Ilgs. she bought a tbird-c1.1 ticket for the Landow terminus, and contrived to get • corner anal witbout being sem. There was no fear of the Doctor's entering the same carriage. for be invariably travelled first, on prueriple. Arrtved .1the tent:hums, she followed him noatiously 140 01. larger office, where awing without being seen was ,.. , . . „ hely easier than to the *bed at home. 'Then, A4 before, she took another thinl-cl.1 ticket to Use nearest station by the next train, which was to leave for the north-west in an- .Aher half-hour. From the bookingrollice she kept Wynd- ham in MOO to the dior of the refreshment room, when he staid some too minutest; thence to the bookeudl. when be supplier' himself with newrompers enough, pink. yet. low, and gray, to last tbriyugh a longish jour U. mid eh 00 through Use usual proceme of time -killing, till the live tn1 - .titre' bell rang, and she saw him estahli a himself, will much p wade awl ocientauous . . lions with guards and porters, in a arse .-lass smoking carriage. She crypt into a third -ease compartmeut. as before, end pre- sently was travelling, she knew not whither, through unknown stiburte,between ciettings, and then past green fields. She had mate aged -fortune favouring -• to get • menet mat ou the platform side; and vrhenever the train stopost she leaned out and looked through her veil stems the line .1 the train. It eras not always ao easy matter to make sure that any particular pamenger .11d not get out: but bit.;.. were s orp, bit Armee were quickened, mid the first -clam pasenngere ' were fortunately few. Asd hos, circuits stances favouring, she ventured to have Use train at nos of its halts and to burry past tbe Doctor's carriage, to make sure that he was .4141 17451., Tbere be was. and there be seemed likely 10 remain. But at last, after how many hours Mrs. Snell, for grant of a watch, was finable to gather. sad 1444. 114. porters were bawling i Couple 4 Tommie without • roosonent to help their, the Deetor stepped oat web his 'Shall it 1111/11i 'Mal eountry ethane, when few persoosleft the tram Of entered it. A few erotism were mar; • pointed spun roes from • masa of foliage hard by: low, wooded hilb m.44- • kind of Mem round; and, *4 174. too of • steep rood leadlog up to the station rolled a broad river, brown and gray, with boob' of silver mod, sithadogred with thick leaven, and with large %freedom of wet brown nand lett here and there by the ebbing tole. A moist wind hew, salt mad cold; and hers sad there • boat by upon the mud or wool, IMIlMtifnig-. tialarthe ell badti"d:Trangsd bst F4s1118 for ,,hutiseee might happen. She. lingered till the Doctor had given up his tie et sad .1, Oil Ms way doom the root. Then, lariat darner the journey thrown her *hied ciao ticket ant of toe winiow. As professed to bare lost • ticket all the way from loodos to Askailm, sie the place proved to to. Ladoo of bee appearance •re privileged to NUN.4 Mai met utuorh without comment or \ "try. and ittre was allowed 10 10,. the eat- * on tbe payment of her full fare Nothing remained really his own neither .. Aad now cams the most difficult portion the preeet 4 boomir nor the future of glry., 4* her u.sdertaking. It is easy eneugh to do :f '14 yogi.= Knell badr. him men id borne )thelective buslinoe in • crowded stree1. bet mold it must be. And then there was the. wife fat from eery on a country road Fortunate is there, wai hag for him. for whom he eu, ly for her. Wyndham You coalent to travel ter -mined an affectionate filen 'hip, sorb ue on hie own fest: but there be might turn al he bad intended to rest upne plementiv Aug any moment, iir might were aressit her ta nearly so won es the other life bad been eni Imola semilleol'7- All •1°` rould do vim ts adrift for Cool andel- MOW, tow. was • poet.6.4 Mang behind as tar &sib could without hieing of be bleier ofe; ash she, too woo-. solo ito sight ot him, mod to keep well within the km for not knowing -at the osprey of Wyn„. Madras of the red chit through which the ham Knell rued *01 04* Oil its way down th timelier,. Of the death of the Itosidan poneoacont Al leagth the road, felowing the flyer by his hand be thought 'oohing Mot hal geopeelly though sot cinmay, made il sudden lam the work of necemity and hot bkind, and ubtoP• boo'i lw the left, lu'd allain slopped a pone of maga *Mace beeidee. It.,,., dowoward till it skirted tie eery edge et the truabod hen for s mosnest; he bead gray., Mom And not ognomiite to the point when thing, to thenk of then the life or death .4 s 11 aim.'" 'Auelm'd Lb" 6144-10ak at loo Ude spy. «147 . thon. shouti las wrap e shout sod lbw wet.* at blitz. stood A li011d.a.flp1 (be r....,..1 of • wri.c..., no.o. him a c‘m•••• 14146 •• "Nett twhen 'ether wing him clearly he had deckled thae t. to •''""MtlolimilI Prolta.Pott ttanermen. or Man-hgnave desiouded so ahem a saerlase as to *." ualtouttliT 'inaal hoar to '''''n•bcal i he lif• of Oa wartedee • thine wain was both, perhaps, iss a Met wish =Mil yuy 14.447 'pm pep. owl the r..„,,,,, ors, onsititiori was &Rebored 0i. Me bank minify surely the *Interest 7*01, serwid. for Munching. Or it might be • riverside it ,...„, Achim Femme u,b0 hm dam.' itioaraswe or It ferry-hom• . Olt Indeed, sommo• limilmmen. hat Wyedhama boo would oar, Wootton .4 all four A rough paten og' lea- n, be *trailed by John Roma tented garden lay in front, sad an orobsed And eon. thy not the aemet To Um,* 8$ stiltil•• ••••sd oho anaht „co. 10 10,. the ammo, per bus N truisms it was, bens the nacho ems friends, • pleas to 1m90 from at isms hy 10 ter ,050 sieneiff, a mottooto owns an Me ba,t, *ad lira He'll knew, as by histisee asumealermwate. la rem1ot .4;*4 megy sweh It s ou, ouh o wy at Jobs Hoa that t.... 1716674"1ei"wka7slt""7m""4.""e6 hd Atin nub, a nkahe We.hisin Wartehd ehan 1 may *whet TWO] be *My mew while, no the other head. Adore, me "i'd. ki.9. .k''''" u"d'ir • 15I•""•04 beige- et lisi•gm's-. sad the weelaw, had • wwt of re. tat"' ". thv e'he "ad loolted to.. ohm -he "Tear afrl• onder fade( tedreeth lbe impoemble Job 1'66 "nut to 4^ It '61 • mallybe ••Yee. Tee mot mob' at weblem VIM , Varetedpeonta leg • , 1. W. la liddeillit; 11110111111r VIM yea ble"Villy- weifidelyidwrdie ent eeported t. Ift forded beyond Leedom; meet ewer go mare Ohm a deseeterth db- Ille• Wm be • 'lb, that --100. Toren eth re ma .... ooe needled ents another hoes Meth the illow; mid teleasereer Min loir libile•Mmd lefbelalion hedeb--as • ma thed obis Itharorill WO 111 In 'Mt Whets ire= ant hie esimaiag grew plebs. end ma men imell hem emillem weed :a amse sah EA LLY Illea mon o porokoi. ?Smith eyes holism tad at night, weary with effort, and sloolte oh. so am shoonga arab the sweet, 541 .70, dee lay down and rough Amu, woo dreamed as bele es might be. goo ma thmata bar lt might memo the days did not drag. T'hof besbandha:70aidamb:.070:unimmtreemoctby zas: fiebu.oniedWA:..tket.berwe.neighbfmrbes...aoldbounitbadalb.uml lommapr.d.urry:indl:ram:;theresedwirbass:70.6611: confirmation la' of • non-wunTing had. Nor 044 44' feel the deed. lightest craving for remesaionship. Prom Australia to A good many days of this Mod bad Bowe saw (1,orouor Lou„ abed by, mid her father had as yot mad* 1)0 84(5, whin, having performed Use meal rite of pinning an • pre -ort tinged part of the mail • notification of where lobe has to be found out of dawn if wonted, berbsolober- sea to its. pont et the river whence me war just then engaged in makieg • study. l're- tinily she heard a light and Arm footstep; and then a foam nen carrying • fishinirrol and Nieto ',seed her uo hb. way to list grate:. throe log her just • glance 1.8 14. went by 1411 Is.e.:..1!,-”pes'Yrbaillgps. la: twills inimOre 11.0419ligtsu'itt! dul;,,ssnee, howl It so hap,egeted that she ha I ...oar before heftier," is company with anv• tssly mare formidable than a stray tent" front the smattered village or $ troop of un- critical cows. Bee 1744.0(144 (01 • motoeut • .**.g that the young aing4r aeons' to ic settling !emelt within Made' detain • 14. •he fcet that the =pot., MIS take un - reavoriable eowaribcs. No doubt (be anoler would present:y move on. Instead of toat, however, be sat down, est his red *ad line to look ate,: thentalree. Lighted *114. 1* (be most unsportsmanlike lumina, began tc read *1511J tuskenotes with a peued. /the san- lowly bit back; and he, rumesmently, saw n othing of leer. No doubt he knew that 1 ybung lady wa. sketching bard by; hait or NA that atter all not very extraordin try etreunatitis.r. with the utuicit ease. Sudilndr, isows•ver, rolkei rotted. ro al to face her. resting oa and. just rat•ing his • raw hat, mid: • ittwouse nie---but 1 am still • is ranger its Diem parts. ten you tell me if there i. s .fearyry,"rhscrri; the river, or if -in hot a hist r She hal to look up: and. to Mr dismay, (ouzel berself face to tart with the self-siens young men to linen she had pledged LT At tie same moment h.. sprang to his feet ••:n autumn. ot an good fortune- Mist Vane! %IL I aways knew we should meet • aane where and somehow,- bit fancy Minx here - It slid -nm ominous+. addend. t hat she thou id hare met the, same stranger twice and al •it,h .1 Renee and much distant places within o. •11,41": 3 labile. the uer father's 1,401 111 her henceforth de snhel invariable ise..orur 4 mud; and it La.l neon tea t ler protave never to feel surprhaid it mytoing that might eppen or at aurae wMint she might ere. F:verything that might deism! upon bow Me re: ire' this man ; auJ sise wee henceforth an adventure.l by fac. hied probsemon, of &thaw one by way 4 tem- porary &snide. So *be hoked up from her sketli to the full we compoesi a. he -ss different trout the howikirrol en.' ure he had met ill Loudon as • tam fawu !roma odd. "Yea.' she mud, with a smile -nor .ould Cynthia berself have found a better am mg he, professional proper . ies--"it is* very, very merle werki. I am glad to In tibia v t hank ynii for yeir kindness in London; an" to be in toot deist no more" -011. never uund teat. Do you take mi f• r • dant Urn mti,•.i in re like to be dam ived. da YOU lira bore' Aod your mantis- bere, toot . I'm banged.- ht thought. "al she isn't just a . country parson's daughter after all.- i'm only there for a tune --mak. lag a few studies. • great tieing to find new groom! *a these days. I ammo Aid lit•Im endue rowel out is time, lik s everr• sh here else; and then it will be spoiled t'nt doing what I can «Alt it before it get. ai ts.teir 11,1 cocaina as-es--Muititerieuet Wales. Many people woult call it ugly "elibeit kuuwasawitong"alsbeit eharn1 'her own fineney.... *Ise more meet -tally as her hips were treinh., ling acid heir 'ogee stumbling .17 01. what, Never tu bet- lifie teed she spoken mo ciso, . 14f0 7robeighw.ritnakA.btoren-"..i....3"mserne:t:ar 11:1111.....048iidli"din.tuthruntatart seellisk*04 :::111111.:3 al after all. "I daub • Atm myeallif-ellientga j‘vvilef.e.:rou"re. smb".rafillitpai:orl,11Mtb.issi ciell°68.V"tass! Fm .1 pcsturetriat4fineuabedwe, yont° paves I eve4 ealliwa; Iletngspreachthalling- mat toren Is Dotting ready beautiful but toe ugly. You would @bpi, make your forums as • portrait pander MisaVaao That is a veleta study. It is • rosin. Y,111 neap me see everythiag round u., *4(14 °Pearl'o. :Ywisaia beyoml bar 11.1 14. seem ed in earn...a, and the could not bah feeting pl. awed One emoot /Of. "Dell work with- out loving it. pram... So Me moil o wn% and Mt Ana impression of danger be- g an to lade. ' • Rut «bat as l am"' be exclaimed mil "I t mot all this time that you hot some contoc i,••• with Mareagravr Of course yon'.1 be Mee • •With M•rchgrave • ' .he asked. beginaim to net .1- Nissan. "Ab- - yea don't nemmileir what I told yet oteereelt. Welt never mind. And lth aot going to retnewiter potion (Other. for • reel fir. minutes to come I ion't aos hearten with your work: VI/ do Use talking for two And, talking 4 art, you ese pride ute beauty the sigii.oies haat, eve ottrammumaroglioo.oi: ondfoueorro. wteseith., brought hies down to err -agrees fof purposes 4 my IMO*. keen war, and eleetionis. aed ware you norm t itec year friends -bet the groat lighterage% 04?! newit 4woiblt my gooiest(' you th is • emits*, MM. Vase; Maillguw• *bar, I melted him up. in the atom.. wiante rank of aribenee, bides mob ne them three isimedra Rah • eareserre hitheelf sebum we a shoal, Bot I w elghtiag Inane beetle yen loom hath ie hit herd. But wan a bit. 1 *boat hare to trust aid I'm not going to trust again without malting sank You tutor w oat 1 am are escaping from (Jaeger.- said Karon. • • . from danger that I never meant you meted dream ot-mucn lesis mare. 1 have bilked a treacherous scoundrel who sougbt to do worso thou Sal me; and ibough 1 001004S r*ret it nun 1 suotaid regret sho ong a tiger or strangling a raotimuake, it will be coded Murder. Ycur mother hated me remember. Are yen going to be her diameter or mime' 7 ant etr.,y. here -forever!" said Mar "Rut am yours too.. "You are damsely like what 1 once faceted she wtouid be-wbea orti wen• loth young. 1 Uhl love her. Marion. If she had let me, I could bee lowed her as no lima elm toyed hones. 'P44 7011 saw bow. l bit morbid Mate. the Vell denied that she was my wait- tf aey woman in her sense. woukl Mast on her own shame, ride u it ware trur. . , you are lake wisat woukl bare hem. Thougis you .104l'i know me, you don't tarn awe, trona me just be- cause Fre nobody doe to turn to- •Itor have 1 anybody to turn to," War could not help sigh*. -As we're both alone-, what have I to do! If only I min do it, it Maul be done.' . "Anything -whatever it 'nay be -Whatever tt may be. - "Even if it is cabal cringer • "What does it natter to toe: mbe soak04. with gentle lettermen, "what things are called! I didn't ootne bete to you witbont knowing what it dui mean. I oily want to ot some iso --any nse I dont want to have to spool my life in dying " Certainly 000rthing new had come to her -and yet. maybe, it wasonot now. 1414. 71.4 the blood of Adam Furness ID brr reins. He turned upon her aliatet roughly. "What makes yea so rectums a girl Aad brought up by -Her t - "I'm mot reckless. I've made up my rated 174.4 1'.. got may otie work given me ; and 44 )7' given me, (18 14144- anti tate 11 .10. ' "A4tb&tt8-- "To do for you.- she answered, with • hot gook, "whatever Menthe would have door, if only -and did not do " "Aad I wish -bat nevermind now You're sure you have norther -nething to make you ffinch or muse r • • N•ht one. "You eery tor Do living ...ur "There 4. 110515- -^ Not even • gir.'s fancy e• • "Father pee *191 4, to swear 10 705 that there is no one between you and nes. Dolor will le, !ill I die Do you want me to swear it ! If yon wish it I will." "1 believe ymi. And I trust you: there 14 not . Own. never shall be Now trusted once --and was betrayed. Bed I me truoing manno you know all thee mem ouos". trust for the last time "" "1 know. - .Then remember Nothing, forever to come hetirsern you and the not • meneory; nota dreans. I pot myself into you. besot.. • 'Tell mie what to do." ' You most wait I have takete • cottage near here where. for parricide: rename. I am leant likely to be looked for. Out yde paint/. •• Is that nownaryt I have aketobed--• little - •'Tbat will do 11. 7. only 04.41.7 1010*. a reasews for a girl to live In an onaottb•- omy cottage, and ohne. As artist awe do anything even the yokels meet .44 mom tine. if you pat np an esesi and go afoot with • Mort and pencil. You're an artist lobo wants 10 study the Aske -and no won- der. Theis no river like it, to my mind, in the world . . You've flied yourself there, 405 11 Emmy a young woman before youths axed 1041 544 mhos In the middle 4 • moor. You'll lave a girl from the vil- lage. 54 44 won't be • dangerous critic, n o matter how you daub. A painter, or mistrials, is • privileged man4.,' 514 over the world. Tam con take say muse yea phase 111 .4 you all the things you'll sram; anig you wenet be trebled with muld-be t, so long ae you des't (0 10 rhumb, end all that awe oo doing. tio far, there* nothing' hard. 110 47,111 Wag is that I Manald have • tined Ow% jost Iwo, to restive fh,:sr we are offering away below the iwiular price. Every pair is GUARANTEED ALL WOOL If you want a pair of blankets this winter, call and see them. 7•1` Ready Made Ulsters The balance of our ready-made ulsters will bo odd at cost and under to clear them out. ZVI • MIR JOHN ACHESON. A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL Our p strong and friends Now. ha v ing helped you *0 .14)..) health, we want no help you esiJoy the festive semen and se have put an • dee him of Mush mei other hoot woods ai Deices from :Se. up Ito A11 can be suited. Plush shai int caore, toilet cases. odor enanik. cues •i4 Collar cases, nasalcures, mo. el.. (stood goods sod lowest priers are our beet ad vertirentents. our. mitre are the los est for vele., given in town, l'erfuenea hen and up. HIll perfumes. Mk. ca. to Me. Machete. large vartelY• TM Immo fed, -Horn tams goods.- Toilei articles. veer. 515 .1-1,. t tail to see our stook Our assortment is beau ful .04) 111111.1 to Our fine personal rare 10 , work. as usual. louRti.Tas.1190,1 w. 0. GOBI, Dniswg. The best is the cheapest, \and The Signal" is the bat newsp in Huron, Perth and Bruce 7,74,,,,,„.0 soll-bwiiwuty t thalalghc•suadeis sze to • man.' He .pd. *ii *1 110; were to tbe neigh- bourhood of Maniac are- a risen to more thin tnethis ber -Dow tar la Marcograiro- she asked .a.4 41mly. "Why-dou't you koowl Inuit up th- river -db. up, toot down. Do you Nees tout bin • of smoke hauling round tee gland .15 gray tower" - Sue puts os bit glasses and followed too linger wail tier rye. "I think I see it -yes; 1'doao'114 "That i. harchgrame.” Alas! What mead this mem! Mame - ;rave. that was to liana been her home; liartiagrains, w14 she bed been striving to 117; there 41 10; In sight, awl thither destiny had been drawl* bar eves by means ,4 her Myna. Cosh it be that, striving to pet moth thee a whole world between them, only a few miLe, over which the ems could trove/. lay bstwern bar end Huy t And if it bad bees O.y instead of this Wranmirorlso had come s-ing by the Asks! The who* ebiarm faded fmm the sorsa He ohm mitt fY•ttto this way without the help of accident , Of he might boar ot her tbr ugb blariand, and identify her. This at any rate. must not be lett:to chasm whatever ehe 4.714 145. "You mese did me a great favour," mid doe. -Will you do me nott mom" "So mdy--and more." "I am here to be alone with my work I Oar* 'An from my friends. May 1 true you to keep my secret - to nunatioss sae to anylody. espiehelly 10 Marchgraver 1.1. You meths ams girl in 10 *hoe - mind stho really kome her art ter dleelf, and mot Ge the mks of havItig it ease that she loves it. I will respect your sweet, Woe Vans... I momet you; I will be mender el sharing it Uses 4 Wog member for March - grave; nay, of being tame beaten eandidate, 01 which I shall be prouder AUL' 'And my &bi-' you pay it mein my own wayr Stan you gni* this sketch for de, awl so wipe oat the score with interest braidost *11 right; we shall met again I must le lie; Pee got terve John Heron s pedalowigging to -night, and 1 must mot my train. I cants here to got.* my spew+ hut needier hat- ter. ansi tion't mask • pansy the worse1 41.5 .57. A n motor " He wear& before she could apt la amodur word. was • • Dr !hell, whetted be bisorife, tapped at the door ot the cotter. KM saw him ester And inset ohs stead watehing, sod watehisg, and doing theft bet meek ad..rway 1411 be sneargedt If dee kapt a me well ever her thee, aed maihneed bar rink well about Mr. en as be hew bar agora, die could, 51 547 rate, come rims 40*74. bogie within* hew of roomette= Wm74 the window. Me mowed forward, 10 penmen of an larielinite *mire for twee maim vishmee, until ite rewind the door. And semi she day bier What mod, what elhaimery, what vesureaswe coakt come at bar steadies kik outride • door/ Alt, but • dr has @amoeba( wore them am notehle. 'What if she wore te anew seed @or. ewe the guilty pelrl It was an Implreelen, 1044 a yob& bed be hem wrought's, kly her }skim rags. der home ermil ham her beeteod ea emplete- V ihmseedebb 5110 away Mb he iamb boar egdo strav burped the whir it bet hem SIM dem far mir. h wag a MK 10 14'': dram mid bed bead erimeel *ober. libeirled It Wire boa! :red* apses/ at main/ as esaatry dem Ilhodened bersell In a imerew =leadlog*Migh IMO* at erne UMW ed at both, bet Maid antithes mewed cmetly :44 bead bereeN, by embi • W ee le the left so she sabre& hated a bib 44411111111111111111111111111111111110111 •' W eld wy gnaw h nether • bed lot; I desebbet mods* W bob amm 714. 1047. of ▪ neenV ebb *44 10'. as 1010 10. X7 ri';:''r':""'' sere boarung a so large es to maces the upper part of her trope any am* pantof the moos, while • 7100 .01 with • small draped tithe trot end bar skirts and hoc toes from Thew KM • • • touk up this covert: 1. 171. instiono the eaveadroge per were strongly delselepett la Wm. Head sad Uwe experiments t... 44.5441. 1* would be so mei) 41011 54451110. a stroke to observe ena,and then sit some emitted messeat. 10 Mart from 10100 1.14. easel and appear. There were two new in the roan. And the ant was Wyndham %ell* orb"), use eery MDR But don't you Nod t • n ogiebors tiroubbome and inquieltvief bet was say.og. and the mem too made Unclean blood boil, "Believe we, 4 know out dim aniatetles arr. . detightfully rtumostec; and all that, of crams; bat terribly dangerous: the items dangerous the more Wady. Alto - for real eslito.le, in real, chemical combine tion, with real mfety, give are a big woo-. hoodoo for rimier. Yoe eau OM a ends. dropot water in • thimble, but not in this sea" Yea --That". Jest what all fade say." Mn. jinell started at the deep tones that were aosundly not Marion's. The Voi.14 familiar earrush- -only oo familiar, but she fed a strange sort of duapphintintot to AM that her himband was in notion( worse than the wore .4 muesli«. company. "Don't you net They'll argue lite the: - Adam Furness* sot beim a siespletoo, hetet liodon or abroad. Therefore, the obi - cies course of Adam Furore is neither 40 01.7 is London Der to stay abroad. hat Mat to aell like a simpleiton. that beim 174. ooty tuft wieldy would expect him to do. I suppilet even such a clever helm as you am gee now Adam Furness Mrs Knell began hi se W., and thermic," tan more anxious to ems sorb mom. 71041)g, ss ham been said. accustanoitit. . she, without • neigh 7i meth, contrived to per hastily r nand the there, sure emegh, was bit own hemband in coeupeny with Marion s father; the latter leonine signieuit the mantel -poste; the firmer lounging in • wicker citedr that freaked at *veer moths he mods. Taking advantage of this defect, ohs kidded does, 110 v. to wee wbatever beppessed between tat bottom of the .011015 wad the tea of the hew anwl, "To come to than.- said the Dor- ton. "90. 51)11 °spited notion You must agree with me that I'm completely throws sway 00 ohm 7414. Poggotb Town. I'm thinking 4 buying • flnit-clem practice in town There's one going ia that would 8.141 .1. down 40 114. ground. Rut it naturally wants money; and than 1 0)05 10,. • good bow. properly furnished, aad dart la good OOP." "Too in fashioueblo practise ! Why, I wouldn't .1517 700 into a "I' rem not and it yes Md. 1 wouldn'S come. ant you were glad enough 6a call into n whoa --you bre your head med arse Khalil I look at it *gala r "woo. mon met blackmail How meek tbis time 1" • ! Whet do yon talm me for, h ome! I mem to my tanker for se wtrawee-to buy a premien; • perfectly 15(154 mop shiest, offering the best possible rue eurity. Irby, the Rank of Recrimed would imam Meath a sonenty as • primes like that -the horn wawa wail MI& $ ksf74t. Wad re- lined on twenty taelieuid • year 'dra't Mho jr,Iting sheet bested& Illy-te high WM fifty hemmed pews& That wense break you, I apipmer "Ole. P11y lbooroad Fmk Mamma IOU nom tedmilig OW ma thseemit you had theeiher day. - "No That wait Itr-evesebellan. If binge had gene seam wag*, 4 mid" he Ormeldieg yea 'woke Loth herb Mr. Ikea 1 epsoomme . ••• 10 40 beteg Wklisips so hoer lay owt hi as. It ▪ esti 70.44, paws, itty theeread dom, whisk ID. eTill Air lr I 44101 e re who fer • Mow throw cri 1 us S 1, id am sem gras ) yea% radio me ark "A allime-te • "Tor 10.47 174* Wive Dad Comps "Oh1 You wit! r '715sot going se be explain wilatIdt ines You woradel ma be to a rime red rim to try to say red seas* 71*171 than give up to *0 out porsousi prulit ponny--^ '•ind•ed Ea. 'Cur your dock shares "I can't raise eft *I'. afraid you'll don't oblige no to dual kaow. screw WON/ day. W be owl comfort. '1 For your 15148, 4041 "Or you'U --be "Yew Hut not "For what their "WO suaistais- "Noerease. You hike, thougb, Fora -don't know weal with a thoussod thi And se, fur lichenrs for the prereat-- W Dock., and • hu, wouldn't bear the g o -mid you ao «el -Ws 00 451', Fun kayo. And -to th practice l'us Mayfair. Th*t.o *mot thr old woos. mad I, I can't stand wire. 1474e was alm enough. but staa's 4. he. and that's th camel. Ah. if I'd a few years ag seventy thousand you for good ans n othing like the 1. field; "Yon mean you wed v.r askew! Ada 4. 1b. listener rt, omit, and so full o fear. "For Brevet y Tar back. Of 1 ire -ream ding. - "But abet lour 'That I rtian't asli that --an Oro ax 4 illteked A man on h ning varnished ems h iss revues ID o 41441 era' mahiger. Wh and gets a pamenge good fortunc 11 11111 sometime* ealls it 141 flamers" Manager bath. was 4 the 4, w ho believed in atth the line. H. had I, And he knew the vi He wtould watch th4 crew reported .14.1to await every run he quietly and keep au] took mit 4,1 these tr supposed his moven the creed he wieheii morretly as an not meek his death to toe the slang of t him. He iseoreted loaded with ear wh, he was unobserved tending to take 1 along and kirke.1 hi every blow of the 14 maim with wane or painful its her. 11 real his identity. hi (wand out that the 1 aniltraw ed him was and ma respoosilde After the kickin back to the taborer tor : "Well, 1 ixe PO.. 111 get my emir Two days later tt amok hands with tl b7e.esitopushetsegoners pushed74*.. !lastly, and walked Mr. Tannage ask '14*mahnatterseingpertai. quimn, mad then fatrly forming hien that h. thainnisister. who w. sisoonit;tiwIoctiL . y. astonished man wee you botlheresi with ass r The brakeensan Milinanoned ell his st* hot we're deeming the two night, ago 1 amid kicked t he old I Ritate. He won't Is dianapnlis News, ther I The red river of h impure, heath is its, dee ; Burdock Mors have tried it, ie the the world. Nies Maud Carl. thys : "Am 1101ille 1 lied it a perfect lam tired. Teo ow -loads of IN shopped to Victoria, Met completed. Th lies lawn sent from meat Geed II The rod eleorlx.i 'amity tininiost H during the Overt, held in ever inmost would till valet saunserate 1.11 44* go 05. 14. rebeel en as welds, sore throat as out anying. The slausaddyr He day walks Set Mb tam el us4, obi dobt 4- p.., Aspeassa. emu. 'Titter' onaithi hieset, 1 tried mei rebid, I then trial whirls Kase wee Seta I Ism *rot td• " Ilse. Joao