HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-1-2, Page 1TM 2.1•filiteliet lard 111120...MMIL
(urnststtan ADVLRTISSN 11P1TS
have bees made a /aline, and being properly
arranged, land not pitc•►1uckad foto any pod
uu.) on the EIGHTH pAOR oak.* the eye
of readers to a far greater -•stent then
any sir aide the eity prem.
THIS SIOKAL Made the Mead pre..
VOL. XLIII. No. 2289.
. wore farm in Howiek to r. I;olley,
All OVER THE COUNTY. ffiwpteefazw,flwtlM/swd bis 1
Morris, this week.
ITEMS OF INTEREST FOR READERS. Abort forty-two merles ea.tatbkd at t
tq Weerethl./ er that hese ea tn
c the nrmey Wilkie is Semi Tenet er f neer
e, ISM fired. sad k M/edalU rye/ wired Air
hie Sew fenders se `TIM tttgpl.1 -
rwideeoe of Joha Roo, Sad con. , on Wei
t weeny S arrowed levee ttenem on of Mr. Roe. third Tar El Jame,
klssen r sun of F.
oeaday el lad week to witness, the marriage
to tt.0 ttver>rttemy "u"4114 Mat fUr Itnv d MuCu Eliza
aid and resitrase4 !sem Evert Meriden ('ulcbeoa. Rev. Mr. tiu.tfrc 01 1 My
lbw Tenon et the Vaunts sees• l..tew. Y• t
performed the marriage-xtsmony its
ig (Man nue 'Arita vane moat able and earned manner.
A MON(. the
_11hu have Mr. /IIJrdge Kellam, wlw, is engaged
lyejest passed their ela„tiarwww. ami teacher at Trowbridge,arrived home
pt.r-. the name of Mr. J. F. Milo. Webeeeday to Christmas will hie
t Beton. t6.nther.
It is said that Mr. M. S. SwaffiekJ will br Mr. Archibald Soots re:urmed borne f
offered• the position of secretary of the ('..0 yaoitoha .m W'edawday. He lay. est u.m+e
..errative A.waciati ., vacated by the .death ant mreke .4 beanies* they. n the m.aai.a!
•A Mr. Cooper. He would un.donttaelty be iinstruwaeot gine, despite the hard titam.
a $good mss for that position.
"t ho flue. lith, blue (:re.:.•, youngest
Rev. J. T. L0.rar, of hurler n, t.rmerly daughter ..f John McMillan, M. P.
[err ore matt toantCarorpttxT. )
A *IIMIWRR el ringers. reciter,.
eentertainment. took part entertainment
=boo!at tisanes boo! house on Tuesday
evening Mt.
(:,.ties ,.ties purch..ed eight horn,. bete
on Tuesday Mat, whilst Mr. Jelin Howie. of
Wruseter. Kot quite a ,ember on Saturnia
mohone A monthly hofair in Lucknoe ought
to be n su.xr.sr.
Kincardine, Perry, .4 Kinndine, euodu.•.ed the
for seine:we . The result is not
yet known.
d tlt.ton, b.. hardened hie ree.tl.ateul• an.I Smith Hun,, was married to Kb dfatesssrti
with the appeorrl el the Cr.of.rNex author of Silver o Leake Indiana" Awl time &name
ekerge of algb►rper ehureb ut r larger ""birY years three will sourcely bra family in IM
ities will cave about New Year. t., take „tion on. in lees.. than assothrr
the stile of
wham. tar
bark, which has ant nae member aM it or
Tho Brit la Rho Chtt llt/ . `
THS 8l014AL a• knew! all yu yuan -
Ib. best ueeepaper u. Harm Gwty, and has
evade posit $program during therm year.
Hereafter DOLLAR will get T.s
rtes u. (r • whole y. kr .f yes pay premptiy.
otherwise &Lao i. the pace. .lave Mk. a lest
1" payiaR f. y..r Para Ill ADVANCE
all.dot„g their parte well. The Il:.rderirh ALi, .%BOOT AMBERLEI
t'adet., in 4 Mr. (:e. Stewart, made their 4r1n re, and assisted by Mb
klacdowaild, of Dunlop, aa !NEWS ITEMS CAUGHT ON THE FL
gave pleasing aeieetnr►s and wan great ami
platter during the evening. Lisburn peo Perseus Item. t Peeltah date wtttrh
plc hope to ear agave the link haat .,i team ararts Brennen to • aeries. *trident
peewee workers here tit the near future.
The We uoagratulot.• MrStewart on the geed
eselof arhlMe Ver t re Time Seer
work be hs• utsdertaken in the temper edrrlrh Menne 1 neer Oar Sib.
„roe cease in l:oderub, and to the lads ua
der his cherge we roll : Tetteperuwe princi-
ples will aiway+ be a gnu.1 friend to voe w
sifter life : be true to your idedge, lry-le
risers.•. Now, why not organise a choir
• I Mr. asel Mies N'tiWit played a few u.
RS. Owens paid her mother. M
Samuel Walker, a v Mt with he
new bate on Freda) last.
The little chaos are geed huniond and 11
a fun and wbi goof hew,. •Satrittel Walker hod ride in he
where. Mr. Stewart replied to-irie vete at'v hug*. "u Wed-"AwdAY WAA 1er Ole ft"
of ow," hv the audiuuur Thu uupuriu time since ahe mum from the. Old Country
11'e bore she may enjoy it fer man} year
drat, A. I'. kaedonalti. and hui staff .4 New-
ry dichooi workers for the closing year. were tA) vieue.
tendered • vote of thanks, te which he re. , On Tuesday niait esi last week as Mr
plied on their behalf. It is hoped that Mr. .111.% Murdock end two girls were returning
%Leder:aid will reconsider Isis netnyteation ea from. a .oneert in Ne. 7 sicked house, some
superintairket, which preltien he has tined !terve, wok Ihe 81"uil lever thv werit.
. The long premised band concert came uff for the pad twelve yeer&during which time what' kePt the "'liar aP. ual Put it th
ties. and t., those it h., worked; with hini he the h"twe beg"' 1" kick. AA the hame•• 114
I,uggy, and about a mile from the achuol
Mr. re Ir.. Kerr ; bolus end duide by Mimes luta ever been au mental counsellor. awl has about his feet. This trick, which a -as very
. Berry and Pearl ; recitations by Mrs. Dec- helped the teachers in their labors eith simple sad likely done as joke. might hay
✓ Me Salk h or Prreaush amen holies
-aa Lively Ttesei--TIM People Ube wre ts•
He lthe chairman) mid that he fe t some
the ehairmaa's speech headed the reran
lerhat like "the taus that kinder swallow
en. a piece of string; he sonsehoe got hold
✓ the enstedend and Matted to pull. thee h
exclaimed, `OIL wife, deer. I'm all unravel
" Well, non , hardly think the
r thet was the case with our worth
1 chairman, although he did unravel a nunifter
.• of truths to us .n vetch. which vim we
• rendered. Then he celled on Mr. Wald.
for a ricitation, entitled "The linyO Coin
. - phent." which was well rendered. after
hich Mim Weldon end her little brother
gave piece of ungiug and instrumental
erotic, which wee alm well received, and
Downey, which am loudly applauded. Then
1 mine song entitled •Thei Oceiin Wave,
by Mite Nlaud Camplsell, which wee high],
mid pleyed a piece, hell wee wen redieiv
A dialegue by Mimes Ethel and Minnie
Downey. Sarah Fletcher and Sandi Mc
Deegan waiiiisteneti to with good atten
• tion; music and rising by Mr. and Mr
Weldon : a recitation. entitled • 'The Gif
for the King," by Mix; Slaggie Downey, was
- of high merit ; a scvng entitled -Down in
h hell. war well meet% del : also recitetina by
Mies Ethel Downey mit tiled "Patch Week ;•
a piece of music by Mr. and Misr Weldon
followed : that a read* entitled "Noltieset in
by Mimes E. and Minnie Dwane, and Sarah
Mcflougall, entitled "The Bell:" a recite
meatal music by Ma,ter and Miss Walden
a nictitation, "In the Paitturae" a trading
by Mr. A. II:Wilma entitled '•Covet Me:
ranging and instrumental mueie by Mester
Wesley and Miss Ada Weldon ; a reading
by- the chairman, entitled "Uncle Note'.
tumoral," which • Waugh( down th,.. house
with npplause ; a song by Miss R. Hamil-
ton : a motto Now. entitled 'tiled is Love,"
by nine little girle, which wae without
deubt grand thing all of which war ern
rendered. Mr. Wirt MeOstire made a few
remarks nu the doings and workings of the
church, after which Mr. .k. Hamilton. mpg.
of the wheel, gave a short and very touch -
touching speech. A !movie! prize was gives to
school teacher, Mr. Tlemize Stuitb. fer say-
ing the greatest number of versa, in his
chum. A few suitable rensarke were then
gisen hy the chairman. after which the
meeting vra. closed siuging, • 'The Sweet,
By-und- Rye." We netice that some of the
boys took our whim. rad took their beet
girls. That's right, Will.
Err She Wrnilliew-alfneuirellzatelnal. Tan
INT A bay off rely.
ffirvAnKot:i:g:4174.:y"ireportance""1"111.1111.41"a:49.ugi ek
Several of the yang people ettended
InsiAl"44mitn. ler 4 tee young peer& gathered
„, for • sleigivride nit Monday eveuntAzaid.
. finally found th..ir isay to Mr.
Woode., on the eighth coneemea. where a
very ram/ e‘-risitig was *feet. Mr, suet
Mrs. cede heve the harp% faculty of utak •
r .pending vacatioti with the old folks at
- .Andrea doynt mod bride ern's.' hese
front Port Hume on Saturdey. They in.
tend residing Seaforth.
Mr. James Wilms, et Kati Vollege, is
t spandmg the heliday semen with his treads
. Mrs. Robert McAllister whir joiasd
. fortunes on Chruitinweeve
Moray are being mei. to introduce ati
organ into the ['revive/mu chiirch here.
mow 'Just now, making lint -clads sleigh.
ing. Those /Davis,/ tire -level and logs te
get out am taking full adrantag...
Among the sick Peter Clark Lae recovei
ed to far as to be able le take a vralk to the
corner ; Samuel Caulter is dm on the wend:
Cornelius Smith Wm hem confined the
heuse for sonic tante, Int is im,proving.
Weet Waw earth has grated the repute -
tenon Of kiting one 4 the liveliest Letitia&
tion meetings in the county- ef Heron. The
year am emereion to tbe rule. the greic
tame •4 contentim being the manes. hat far
Meats grate' suit. The audience arm much
interested and entertained at the sharp
enaistiring between the members .4 that
hunily, the cosuicil. Following are
cendalatee *he ga to the pone : Reim
Charlie [henna tand Ala Stewart; deputy
reeve Robert Lockhart and .1..duz Bowers;
councillor% -nee. T044, deem 1;ildien, W.
Bailie and Robe Medd. With so=
good nien in the field the ratepayers
have little difficulty in esiecting a ailed
council for lain.
Mrs. Rohm died Id tSe' reniclemew of her eon* near tonneetton Ow L'aited Staten&
.+4ughter. Mrs. Rowe London road, UP jaw Hun" left ie. yrste., kat to
day last. She returned from Kamm a British odundwn, whither be goes3oith the
time Air. tu etenPunY with her """. view of opening up a market there for his
N. Robson, being then in delicate CMIUSery hinter
broach, alsd lfrodedlY faded aaa). Her re' A little daughter of Mr. Joeeph Abell
maim were taken te Brautford, t., be in,
while sleigh riding with ether children. got
Iser lq; brekets on Thursday of last week.
Mr. John Jeckante. ef Winnipeg. lees of
ttr. lame Jackseni, is house for the holidays. me...” -shipped .„
• lor oad Miura dean G. Murray ; instrumental the winder& km. .1. A. Andenew ful.
duets by Meow& Brasher and Remy .lar filled the duties of the timer. beside. Eroved sereeid. mel if so Mr. Duman Mc
tine's neve home eould not go up next SUI11
Met solo by mr. eliewee, with a ...Duple an address he the &whence. eh.. Deere te twee es all the party will kiwi • hand in:
of tableaux and selectiens by tits hand, weut have heartily enjoyed the evening's Flees- the building of it.
- to make up the program Mr. Merrier's. me: lieciteroes',Esererraismiesti. As thui i
• presided in his usual good style. The candidetai he municipal Wowed for th„„e weeny, of the yew" for voteeteinelvete
•On Monday the nomination .1 councillors Collonie narnellip will alarm' the rate. Mr' Alvt- BeYil th"uSi't hc uldla give 'wine
and trusteed' for the r. ymr took plat* payers at the teniperance hall on New- of hie brother hachelors une ; in he in% ited
, in the town Well withntAhr following monk : Ye.or's night,instesid of on Frida "• January ael'uld '4 them, naznelY : Jai"' 4%.*Iker•
elaughter of Mrs- Sperling!. ts ektAttn8 here- used for seed. none. peas wen: green en
. lir. Prank Jones, .4 Dakota, us visiting kir. Tyareaaa.. Finn.
Menne it. Churchill and Janice Huller, _have 'greedier rah" ate hbleteff 14% Ned
feu weeks ago, have bath returned, sastehmi week.
to remain here- TheY mad waa ratistallea lir. James Whitoey, who hite been in
Chicago twice laming Isere, resiently /1110Weed
vide work colt be done, and, besidea, there nu nppointniont to a rwsposibie sad wen,.
were bemired, of men OUt tive patties us A jewelry stem in Horner,
Fred Crich, • termer Clintenten. but elm nint,„4.
has hem residing at Yprilanti. IS Mr. 4;enese whiteik7 hap }wen hioping
land to have & le* ihvy& 11 "%hit% armed for a week an amount of a dispiaced
dree etorld&ine• but shetr avv?"ent- cartilage in his knee. but ix new recovering.
•illy or otherwise we did not learn. He Mr. 14.. T. pawl, man of }when,
leave:. a wile and a entipk of children.
Pollard, of 1.earibury, had his foot very
now Di Beaton. will be pleesed te, learn that . wig laid un for io.„..end
The twiny friends of Mr. W. Ff. Raieford, godly ..nt with an 42, oft moroLy bin Am
kir is Mill , tra that city. Atter
amen years of faith f ul men lee jut
the Allan Line, hir'et:inalvft their vi"PleY Mr. Robt. Spicer hae been very dl for
to take Yet tow° 14e mid hawnitive some days .4 la grippe. For a time he wee
penition in a lair dry goods lease .4 the &brims. but n„,er
"46me citY- Wt ta 'AP"' 4 '1"int1 Veil Oa Friday Laid while Matter Ed. liin
stork, and we shall repel to beer of him _
gteng still higher. The honer he goes eith Aiwa"' , °Pt,„,„rathlo°44,,a..f...6trlhaoaw cubei.tVeru.',Iten talwerogrie',
teeter acePerim rte.' cield bit lake' rherg" M r. .4'. H. Tornj has completed his kettles
Mr. R. Hill. of this phice, ,hart just sent a -Prin. card iil lb° 1'4'4er puidir law" Lad
uns week was presented with A mailmen-
mwing maritime tr. the Salvation Army
leen very to the A on., having eon da .
ditionally , tell about $1.606 to the. Army. )e. . _ .
funds. A Large number of choppers ara at pretest
BR reletEL.K. \ engaged cutting down the barge hush met of
'. thus place, the late pmperty of Mr. Jewel
Mrs ELMO, of Brandon, Mem. is AMU% Pickard, now the peoperty 4.f Mins Mary
her parents Oleo. Fitzpatrick and wife) and meEnnti.
"Id 'tan.'" in thil Itiewlit11* Hbei bail beer' Ile interior of Mr. Persona. blacksmith
in tlie Wait several years.. ----
shop caught tire on Tuesday night about 10
P. nompeon, a well known resident of „kick, itm had it not been for the pr.,,mpl,
Knomb, is in town. ..He has beam - action of a saunter of citizen,. a serious fire
(elf ia the metal! "Hi" " Sn=1":". would have bean the result. The fire
etrike it rich. considerable vroodwork.
The Reharrell Earns in Orey townahip was There were about twenty -fire young fol
mid by• public auctioN thy (*eldrid writittg at the mimeo examination in
Hotel. Brume*. by Piewtt• auvt'evievr. Kamer this week- 'Thee age.. ran (rein 13
onsTateday atomism The pturissiker elle to 18 years. Mr. Johnston, of Hay. conduct-
Jno. Cutt,of the mune neighborhood, and the ed the eameleation. The this y
price paid 23,200. It is a goad term. were hard, and it is pre • that many will
De Monde,- Miss. Richaolaion and Miss be pincae,i,
Haintity lett Memel' for the Fast to lead Mr Robert Willis, Marlette, Mich., a
their Christ -am holidart- After Sew ewr %Mityrelatives in towns_ Mr Robt. Flagon,
the former goat te Strathnry Coll= tom ,4 thy ph,c,„ hut wird, a Grand
foririste to take uP let ce!ti Rapids, Mich.. O at present mi an 'attended
week, and Miss Hembly takes a tion iu elan to mistime and friends in town.
the Wyomiag, Ont., public
Lawyer Dickson and Mr. Samuel Stanlake
Recently Freak Minden arrived Menem& widtwd maims, unt meek in Roirek 04 ea
Mt from British Columbia, where lie bra absconding dikter. They caught their swan
been for • uninher of years. .1fter enjoying „id anetinid the gide' pm, wum
• month's halida4 herr he tatted' teleran, ger. .fana „nem, tho`teoe, formerly a
to the "golden 'esit." Mr. Hindev 'eel the inansainp at
bett.et °P4nrtutitti" tip Yr..** Inen tha" • , and in all probability win mores he able
satisfies! with R. C. and thinks it affords in with sh stthehl=igeesw aushiw. isheeitneseeereee,
these older settled sections.
Itne sem on our streets again.
ly in with inibmination of the lunge
sn sod quarter miles west of Easter, hes
Rm. W. F. Kerr ia hawse front the Most referseql, anal intends going to Torero to
'eel Theological Colter for Ids holidays hutiiirr his studies.
Shwa Nnensa/ Scheel. Mies Melmeghlin maws" r. a J. • wen a mow
lent mow be a full /edged pergogne. redewitha here and cutter and wheel stoat -
Mr illiairon, Whe was an "variously mg for Mime the harm teak t at mew,
injored same thee ago by a fall fern • neon , sad jumped te ewe side kir.
Ime gene to Terre ter have an operation Wi Get with idolises, dialers -
performed by • phriciau ed that place. It iimg maamf his awd aikerwse se*.
le to be hoped that will wen be metered hog him. Mr. RUM WWI alio thrown ont,
in health and streligth to ine family and but reaped isiery. Mr. wain/we „aa
Paisch Met, Vith erat , perrese erecting homer Owe.
• awn reeidenee tin hie lot art year. Al The entranoe losaminatioras were held
Lam Friday radio the of Clinton, heing the preabling emiaMor.
late John Jackson, at the advaaoed ar Thera were about 36 writing.
•4 82 rent The dreamed wao barn iri Mr. Pater Frier. postmaster. arrived
'411110, Ireland. and slatted at rearrischi home front his trip to Maaitor and the
her late Inroad shoat the Year 1830- , Nortlimat, 444 tiattledny Lat. in the ham 4
..eune to Caren in 1160, nettling On lot , wash wad apeen.
herd tram Relit. Herbison. mr. Jock creed the prorate of the Baptist Aare+
-tut died 61 ran spa. thia town, aad will ssouine chains
Reemia Them end George decker were with the t the yeisr
bar* Ole tree Idt&IMIIIAT the reweiw1 is1 On Friday bet Mrs. (Dr I llsiehnlin receiv-
their mother. the and tatellsone that her mother was
Feeent. 13th ma., had • 3whiahle dying. an she t the firm train, arriving
mme Inn week by throwing hareelf them sena eisesigh tis re her pans away the
ta the eta. ie. eireedesi. Sits had ham am ismalid
MORRIS. lbw reettem peat. bed yet her death sus
1 oe. Miller. arrived fewer freen ROMA Ormismor Nader very ahly filled the
hem away almfill WO 7.... mit iii. th. . #1.4.71■01 la the remotes h.
errantry er411. Ile pirptIMII•NOMOtisig aro ed (what he sailed) • railway eermen. The
erre, el 'Dm Me mew Yes1".-jid te tie penitent farm.
Mem nor, 4 ea Meeellay,_ to Mr Rarer ea et the Inothren
ever Me. Arra mese is ri Jamb eif whin a sweaty in this teem
Murdoch, Tbompeen, Lyons, McCuain, 1.11 alao fie present to +peek in facer Melkonald and other*, numbetiag shout
Hughes, J. Roes, Ales. Davison, Geo, of the bonus bylaw, and as the pruporem &men nr over When arrived, they found
herr, D. Patterson. Wm. Camel' and W. bonus is in farm el ihe salt interest if any much Prerestion ; viands at ell kiwis. end
Holmea Trustee, T. Lawrence. Prod. of tee siradterti ettimild Vt. theeti Own. is greed prograin prepared. "'insisting of ilk
Grundy, Dr. Tennant, Dr. Gamier. T. Wi * err ',idling trek in chum proximity tie strumental oittsie, songs, recitations and
Hildred McIntosh. Tbe-tenigi= . such like. concluding hy ReYd king
. delft noseheelled all spoke, when lien. Kerr, ing the •• Old Man's Darling.- hi fact, it
D. Patterns. Wm. Connell and T. W
0100ERICA4 TOWNINIP. was such a monism that the married men a
Hildred ott retired. this plae.. had a sour face oat for a ib erk ,
(mon ore ow coeneehneticv r.
In Kintner Jan Catgut wee elected reeve The new "ow ex.unnettitiet No. account .1 not being bachelors. and even
the imatmaster had a lip on like a telegraph
by atelienatiee ; Geo. McIntosh. deputy Thel waspifitpeer. :ere% Weedtereati/L.m. 6Detmennr. Ibevair 17tsific: tog. „well. hey. who aouida.t hi. a,
reeve, also lay ... with the fon."
ing coaricillora in the field Mewing -; bake} , teacher at- Porter's Hill, aod try - elt*:if
- son, Yolene. Moffat, P.0111.,M. Young mid their good showing gaieb erodes, or ike We are sorry- to say that lifr. Joraepli Ir.
Kaak. careful training vrliteli they had received win. stage driver, has given up the lines for
from their tesseher,Mr. A. Mathemit Their • - few 0131dles• "d Mr- 11"11Y now had*
*a& a good attendance of parents, ado, were Lb's"- •ifte- "111 br migeed• as he ira"
anytlfz-2 that he could for any person &hew
The trustees of the seetion Met at the 1 the We wish him Pr""tri>"
wheel nti Tueaday afternoon of last week A witel beast of the woods was recentiota
The vleetric light pales are at latit being
put up and we will hare the lights going in
the course of a week.
HeY. Mr. Goldberg, of St. Peter's Eptact,-
pal church, preached his farewell sermon
au Sabbath eveeing last. 1 mode:shunt the
rev. gentles:um has goite to Nova Seotie for end. on behalf of the pupils presented the et laPe:e. Awl •Tnnele D. N. McKenzie's • •
• helperustc, arid will settle at Oil City about tercher, Mr. .k. Matimmti. ho, we under• ' not lem in number. This Imam
the third week in January. Mr. tk,Idt.erg stand, Imprensa to attend Toronto Cniver. I rosin the Invede and wee einmelY l'.11°wed
is an eimpient preacher and was wefl ,sa=gith a handwrote drafting came and am ' by Mr. Arthur MacHerney. and the chase
1.• „preming thei„ppmeintion Iffs IlraP .11 ezeitaug that lam. Neil hal to run
Junin 'Igath, me, sawn tad merciful; tinung the poet two yew.. tn.; within an inch_ of his life. MO beast wee
• - evening Mr. Matheem wax tendered an - raptured and la now under control, end it is
from Dakota, are spending the winter with
James ham, Ashtield. .tyster supper at the residency .Mr. John .11"Ped that LW' will wwt get scared 4 little
Andrews, Hayfield road. lietimen fifty and thing* like tali.
Mr. Harry McLeod, the 1
• sixty friends of the guest of the evening We are very sorry to announce the death
RAM A. liciend. Aidtfield.
massical pengragi was °united out. aad f ;01111114' resident 14 Kincardine township,
• URI/URN. - speeches were made expreseing regret for - hut finding his family of six boys and four
34 r. Matheson's depietare and wishing hiss i eirls growling up he moved to Muskoka,
pemible success us the future. - !where be hewed out for himself • harm in
dents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Outten. left here!
A few days ago two of ear popular rein• ,
PREY. the forest, near which there is now a thriv•
to make their home at IV, Simene ' fretre mit Oak Orntla/U4FONI.EnT. I • and N. W . R. R. Me. McRae: leaves il
c°unty• near their non, Dr. W. • (lintels. - 'There are three a raiding* On the tapna ' large and well-to-do famil v. to mourn his
Twenty years ago they came here and took : in the southern part of the township. loas. He was highly merino' by all who
up land, enduring, with their children. sere I Kok& s‘,ott. who rocimily *obi ko, farm. knew him at being temperate, anciable„
al tiw hardelumi 4 clean/ up ; toditY they i had sin goactim aid, ,A muck and ., ' ,, charitable. industrious and, hetter than all,
hare too Woo. "a °fle ' 'whieh their •ww I het week. Stock brought high price*. A. we believe, • true Christian. Mr. McRae
Jobe rendes, and the oilier -the hornet- Rarlau. the popular s„ti„,„,,n.r. ,idded was a native of Cape Fireton. N. S.. and
stead- their eon Alexander win now verde ! the ham „ died in his 60th year.
' Ruth of the latter hare attended two - sch,rog ewe,. were ii,q.1 in S. s. No. 2 We are Sorry to learn of the dine... of Mr.
terms ad the Model Farm at Guelph. Mr
Outten will be .1. mimed het., oi. oiti I mid Ethel Public uh°°"aal reidaY' est* liknca" 11"kenzie's iiiin.r. Mr& °Plain
. having an entertainment in the el -ening. Stewart. cd L"eltaltill- Mr". Stewliet ott
elm Mrs. Clinton. Hy Mr. Cluttnna carte,
with the mimance a A. C. ifooloaald, the - ..,___Steebe_i___" kre""111;__ „ha", _ __returned true" the
Leehurn Union Friday school was formed, .."'"'"ar em"`" he 1""1 nee" weekulli 4 t hie
chard," en our midst__ am B, c, Wm. Schnook has returned from Fuller -
winch after the maim of 18fill was diocon. tan township, where he had hem working
tired, and the r „ ‘,, ,. church, which for the Palm et month&
e existing still lit imanicipal and school Min Mir MeLauchlin hos returned from
matters he took sews intereet. We, with Ottawa. where she had been attending the
many others, wish him and Mrs. 1.1Utton Normal School.
emery happier' ead emcee' ia their new wawa Ike, ace mi„tnici u shiner nu,.
chine with their threshing engine.
Darla( airistelle-tide est treat one .if .1. Tuck, of tbe Albion Hotel, Cnuebrook.
"ar Modal' bachekse. eh° hal, .fahelY start- gave a ball anti supper last Friday evening.
ed Itouvebeernd na his own wpm. received - nme was a large attendance and a Mont
quite a number 4 babo hem hie host a fair enjoyable time was spent by Mt.
Mewls to come sad speed the day st their
home and join in the antennas feasting. DUNLOP.
This he declined to de, 'eying he could olot Irwin ors owv . , „j
Islam h i.; stoat all day ; es arse or tirea ahh. miss m„,ns,„.....". of Ha.. ch., maido.
and by • specie! messenger sent it to hie men rt Le ' a -
house, hut they ithe hemmers) returned and -
a Lath bird wk. dom. ...00 o loor Louis J. Tobin err airliner ki Gede.
traveller on the train Christmas afternorm rich talreeth1P_ aith Molds Uwe.
towards • townehip in Huron which is well P. Williams r• theirs/ 4 Chr. Spree.
ail with erns letters. Gederieli township. last week.
Under the ampiese 4 the Independent Mr. and Mrs. C. Fisher sprat Christer
Order af Good Templant, atm J. Direr", as Clinton -
Provincial Deputy 4 the 1. a G. T., will Snow weeks ago Ten Sentrat'a scribe in
deliver eme of her popular lecture., in Ow. Grey tovrnahip promised to give his veers on
Temperance Hall here ea Saturday evening. dereins„ wheels we. and nosy 4 the feir ars
Jareiry & Professor Morgen, the renown in this orannimity, would like to see. We
ed blind singer, with kis daughter Fair. de nee purpose to eater into an argument ren
will render swasical eelectimis during the the matter ; so, brother, wake im and let ua
ear*li. in. A silver oollection at the kir Joke oke got , ima knack ham a
The „ will commence hear row say on it.
licer• "re le .0" • here tent -out of eeplinter eying from • limb he was totting
0' • Fireimat Perish,* "WI help a/ a mewing in the heath Friday °that week.
en the erne et . . It struek him near the near, leaving • had
F. 11. lasfield, whim le still on the staff of cut.
the Agriesheral Scheel at Deelple. meat
Christer under the tal ronf.
(rano ora ow 0 conarecortiewri
Fred. is the same *dal as of yore, and
during hie imjnere met • somber of offi The ledge of Patron 4 Industry in in a
trims& here kr • trial Ghat mar old them flowershileg rendition-
ja regard te the ;sem lase week gelding W. A. Hackett, of Tomato hiedical
that T. C. Wrip)it wee up hem Ottawa, Schorr'. e roadialt he hedid*Y• &theme.
we were eisionformed red leanted on Rater, T. H. Alton, teacher. wee presented on
day from mine host, J. J. Wright, that Tuesday hy hie pupils with a hareimme
hie ear hod sant mem picture asiel nand and an adders He has
1fira 0. Ill. Chittnei, aliNsisiloni, limed taught herr few two year* mid is engaged
mistime here het seek. ler west year iii kinteugh Perot
The arkitinee .-- -1 had a bier The temorting in Hacketee church tes
istamakinee„ The tree issa imam dews Chrimmee evening eras • derided soorma.
Iteal Mai it.
ladies gettrag ehoine. ADM • ear were same
of the veteran beili fargeotten Tke A neer sod attractive piihn. otos ...infant
Ihinday sheet ateff a eight ware no.), foi- img iiiiim, etereethell iied fretruti"
propose to the rad-rpm/a The pragesse lk Co , of Taranto, maw the title of the
given hy tie %Minter. was th.0111101.1 and well Ruarears Ranee Rierrast ALVA% AC roa ISM.
-The Ladder," a reeitatinn is whit* twelve Silvia& war nothes to aware a cogy hitaire
aoheriare MA part. re meal illy revielovvd, the ettyipky is mtkanated.
%1 etinesday morning of lam week was pre-
paring breakfast. when Ric took ill, and
for a day and night Wm was
She ea recovering.
Mr. Therm Walker returned to his eld
home last week. Mr. Walker has hem
seeking his. fortune in the busy West ha the
last hoc years.
Mara Jut). and Harry MacLeod, et
Chicago. are spending their Christina" holi-
days sinning friends us Hemlock City.
Sing*/ school is mu in hill blast. We
ainetsa. The rod of rarrection
bur it will he well attended awl e a
to he
Me. Alermarier Mactionqkl. 12th con., is
et present retry ill. We hope for his re
Mamma Nev. and Jan. McDonald am
beer hir their Christmas holidays, after
• the High School at Goderich for
thmi last f year We wish them moor.
greed shooting match took piace here
on Chelan/ma. Mr. William Hampton, out
of three shots at htrds on the fly. one;
Mr. Robert Realm, out of five, killed three,
and Mr. 'William Bugles& nut of fnur,killed
ewe. Who enn beat this ler amateur gunk
Mr. Arthur hilieelkerney had • wood hee
last week.
fern ora oWN onneosereaniese.
We are awry to chronnle the death of
nee 4 es .1 Wreath's oldest settlers, in the
person of Mts. Umiak! Sutherlaad. who died
wen- inirithaely Inet Monday week. Dec.
Mrs. Rutherland wee highly estesseed
idl who knew her It is only a tow
press shire her loving hushatel um milled
lionis, which left her a widow, and now she
hos goats to }nen him in the miners shove.
Her reaming were conveyed tr. Asitilleld
cOa":"..:72rher hnothand. Her friends have the
We understand Aare Nielsen*, 4 that.
place, is gnirtg to British Cefawthia, te pen
hie father and 1.rother. Wit wish hire •
tide and piedmont trip.
Mrs. William Snlirierein. fliver Val •.
had • sassing hay nn Monday uvelt. •
understand AP mit quite rimier of stick.
wnod cut fer the winter.
tort wee to ha held M Olivet tinder
thy aspics ad the Sunday 'rhea Well.
yeti might jem ae sell my that t had it.
and a rattling geeil erne. ten
it. whieb Toe will see farther mi. hist they
had ao choir NAV Casi say one ten •
Neel karata. -Mot that roans cLf
country ie octet! frw good talent sad mod
Chrititmes Day peer! MT in An manually
quiet manner herr. Religious wen -ices vrere
conducted in the English ehureh in the
'Ile old raying that •tinisfertunes never
come singly"' ix %citified in the case .4 the
Badour Het ten weeks since we -
had to record the fact Francis Badour,
the head of the family. being sent to the
immune asylum. and DOW his seemed yoang
eat see, Jerry, A bevy of fifteen, hex in
critical covelitent in Goderich. having been
stabbed in that tem i. rat Christina.' Eve by A
young man named Melratneh. As we are
not hilly aotillainted with the particulars of
the allkur we will refrain from any coesuneat
awe it other than to say that Jerry's repu-
tation it' the% neighlarbend is that of a
harmless, inoffensive youalllow.
held here on Tuesday. the ar'll; and was in
every way a splendid moose. The auhlinae
indifference oaf amity of the permits 4 the
children of thin S. S. as to their prevent et
xe wax not as nuticeaute on this as on
former occasions. an unueuall) large mow
bey heviag pet in en appearance. The ex-
antinntion .if the children. w hich was ons -
ducted hy their own teacher. Mies Burrows.
misted hy Tim. Allen, Crewe; Miss
of Drily. premed emeluaively that the
pupils .1 No. 1. Aahfiebl. hare been shin •
rung np the tree of knowledge at a estishie
tory rate during the year ger pest. In
each said every me of the different branches
in which they were pet throu4h a rigid and
term* inanimation the oeholara acquitted
t heamelirea in a manner pleasing not only to
their parents, hut to all the senora The
spelling matches. for which there trere
three aperial prism, were extremely
contested aed resulted in une.
Lathe Hoorn and am her whom name we
have forgotten being the succes•fal coin.
peditera. The ram. over the eetertainment
was proceeded with, Mr. Jaa. Quaid, one .4
Like tnisteas beteg appointed chairman. la
the leagthy program of songs, readings and
recitations which followed, the
of the participants abovred thet their teacher
had them carefully and thoroughly trained_
A pleasing feature of the emertainisient WAN
the inatrumental mon which intersperwed
the program, Miss Sarah Hawkins', of Shop
Endow. 4 the wane plane After eon
tly eelohnited *violinist, Master Hugh
adrinesam 1,i Man lik11701r• upon
hal been delieerrel by Rev. Mr Fairhairn.
Preahy ?reign minister and hinting( ea ea -school
trechirr, tke three visiting teachers and
Me and Jea. Quern!. tad nitlied in by that
prang Lady in her usual happy manner. the
chat ribeit10111 .dt AC prima wok place While
thie pleasing event to thr five wt
t wee in peeress, the
rea 'to demist. to the P.,the many gift.%
whiefe oilseed it erre *either an rich nor ,14*
NOV fie many ire have .OPIS ihilOiutio.
prior to Ill A• regards five
mat it tram admitted by ail ;
prosiest to be tee lost they had Seer ettand
will appear nein wean.
well notion hia N.. firkin
Last Torah* the Orange Society held
their annual meeting, elven they accepted
two new nierders. and then elected]
officers so felloa a : Thos. Stanley, W.
Chaplain; Bro. ;infant, Rec. See.; not T
A. Mylm. Nee.: lira T. PilcHrien.
Treas.: Bro. R. Torrance, Dir. of Cer.; Bres
.1. R. Mulholland, Set.:.: Fin. Com. -time.
Mr. Spears., from Brandon, asmi
Masi spears, freint Palmerston, are rinsing
at Mr. John Smith's_
Mrs. Rogers, .4 Toronto, is vilifies
Mini ( rlta- returnee! to Ripley
hewn Torento.
Mr. Richard Smith is speed* his holi•
day* in
The "boy." are delighted to here Thee.
Swalwell spend the ei-mings with them
The "boys- are all wondering if Robber
will !oak like aa old MID whesi he gets back
from Loudon.
We were very SOITy to see Harry so ei •
cited last Saturday. Of mere" it gave his
prefitann stationery tory very bad.
besiniaa must he good. am baa
gat Mr. Jenkinv from Winslow' helping
bias through tlit. holidays.
Mr. Munn expects to get Moved into ths
new store 00 or about the 19th day of Jab
in the yew 1821 inot NC.
Henry Diumer ui surprised that. The Re-
view can't get anew mare prominent msa
write about thm he.
There were two Christmas trees here ea
Christmas Es-e,ome in the Methodist church.
which was a grand IOSCON111. the ether is the
English church. which mut very good also.
week that the finest hatcher 'hop north of
Guelph unit run hy Smith & Sea.
spent Christmas in Ripley_
MM. R. Cermet. r4 Poo Elgin. epee
Clirietinee here with her mother.
The Ripley silver oormt lauad spent a few
holm Illireatinse giving the cameo some
very choice mune. which every am enjoyed
eery much.
.1. Bowen, mirposm hating the first Milli-
• ef tha asewin en New Year's night.
The A_ 0. F. have the der bell Ripley
sumo they gen it mnierated.
refuge to he imposed upon hy greedy dealers
when thery attempt to paha nif sere privhave
Extractor, the only def.. ram. and pinkie
cern more. Putioun's Own Ettrneter u the
beet,the mime rad owl) painless or resisady
%Ad ley all dealer* in awilLieine
The Ildtmlierutt
of Mr Weider*. ths
MIA* preached and innsine te
large Ibe Trinity ffisitiodie
Imp+ stair.
11401,1"111. 411111' ailtZEL