HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1890-12-19, Page 6T re re THIt SIGNAL, 1890, elte 1 LADIES' FLORENTINE ROBED DRESSES, COLBORNE BROS. D A RG -BINS I LADIES' BEADY -BADE JACKETS, M wholesale pre• FINE WOOL FASCINATORS, At half 1.11cr 111 At r r.d.:t (no, of V', per cent BRAID DRESS TRIMMINGS, In -•rte at half prier. A GOOD LINE OF SHARER FLANNELS And Flaaaetettra lust ID. COLBORNE BROS The Great Remedy nn CATARRH. BRUGMANSIA ! Warranted ODDS AND ENDS. (Y INTTB• • Mow A CO-OPERATIVE ICE HOUSE, ENV SE CONSTRUCTED. me s• temper . Isaer7, •ae..•e•■a/1T. ito. M efts ,•sever stall • Dosew A•.•.se 0141 Cyst Taleh•r t. Oats as Ile mwaar -1e. rood. THE POWS CORN Thm• aM • Few S Mas la the sees WM tames*he'd He did .et user Rema Hut two the fees yea He met a huge Hoa Awe ,priagins .po We meat be permitted to urge on The gillaut 7oa trews n1rl ee , and farmers Um iei'.aib dOrp'u• alice or ice nota Th■taadtn •bet a utM with wed* *Ma T10 "in+al ruWtmat> tnwaglMetM tett•• water 1* erl5aiwar. It ie 5 good th....: 1 bed, M w&J M ibh Ant 10 warp.. year row to think tit this matter. The "Al an:Ihs excite, ad w.uudl.. Lim fatswtog megmestions will be metal; sores The lad ats mos expelbtioe wills the Has e aw left blai all s eg leepeps. toe . Thewill serve se a waning 10 WNb ►dad Mal (reel) .i p entry in the country w60 have di the la this .ad costed.n be t ta d r* aha ip■ tarp mad chances for Weft tlg tee acquired at hu sit,. 1 s the sweeet dale • their own ins. There is noMOOS Why u( flip.. a small toe hone should not be at615bd And loud. in hu pain. 1I • tells beard to de. t.. every farm )lame • f any re•aooable ).elle The flay that he ',sent ,ills the Twenty -am •ler. Thr need d f'r for srmtrai farm parpree in the yammer is °u great now - • nate. - tM•t ore cannot well afford to Duty all d tkENfilb4L NOO - . TER8. the , et• neommary for use. Ids hooses can easily ix, soil at very little - cart, and where Coach ice is ommosnd Tee Mean e'. aeMe0 Iter* MIM Meese for dairy purposes the saving Fran sect •.• *rlaar•. a . will wet pay for the clot. lain,..: or Tt •+Te I E I' t AT H0H L. he homww have burn ).okra Wpm tr Mout .heel Mrs sato Osaorsl Booth moth w the light of .__alt lea, bat th. rat•bliabed to Leaden what is +sited • day is ,•,ming When ,bet will be • 2111" "cheap tied depot.' t., which h• added • atderetl T.."'W.I. plat of ••shelter. ' Be now has three of the for- eemetracti.K ite homey is en teeoopee- war end firs of the hatter. tad eereds. 1 - ative erh,me Half 4 dosx.•n [aria"' of .sly 'demo( to the 'umber ' ?bey are • - n,. I, rality eboald eotuatuut -41°-(a we chanty msutuaone, f,.r ie is wt iu- Twenty fora year re . li!•' t met • M ieverba was ager* saws w We lama ,-----y keeps r Iowa N t10 GOSSIP OF THE W EEL 11 shared. and there fill it with fee in the eroded to supply people who,)taut pet. some wo)-. The .attar d money sad althuuub the olh,.ers to char,ee have 000- _ time will then IN. t -••n small. and the twin dtscretio•ary Mower. to that news*. real wet .d for in the ,Timmer monde. taut food sod shelter arc .,sVptt.•t at practically nothing. ..tot, As an "semi le. •t the food de - An ire- hone built on ten: n1•4perative puts soup is sold at one cert a blain. plan would beer the advantage .d thaw I Dread one cent. p.•tatoei,csbbx.e, beams, built by mingle iudividnele in brut bet- nutted rice, pudding, cup of c, 11...,, tea ter constructed and a letter tee premiere or 0000, oi.e tout each : mutt. u O1 Men- atit'r for a kw amount .4 money. Like ed beef is a us cents To p•urll• ,*,h ail ether cr.-operative enterprises it thiel Po e ols natnrr. eye• individual wnald receive sheet show■ that these prices lust inset larger dividends for hire invested capital the coat. Darter the time three heases than if pint in an enenvprt"• ail by Itself. 'lase been urtaluuhed they have :mai at when, lee i+ a necessary. , umntodity in noels rates 116,000 sailrw. of wee, 192 the summer time it would pay a small tow •.t bread. 140 tow of pntat..ea, 28 ons of pea flour, 12 tuns each of Hew, couperatavecompany of farmers to go to THE TOCSIN IN THE COMING MUNI- CIPAL ELECTIONS• r ew•Ir• Ylgorws• right ws t.pr...awy ie Irsls.4--NM/i - of tiling railer «utter.. lei Tors.,. -TM' Ma•mel= ,.r Iua.ehard .t maethre•he When a ma succeeds in wing 510.- 000 be regards himself as a rich mao,but after that he gets pourer •11 the lime. To invigorate Loth the body and the brain, use the re'i•ble tonie, Milburn. Aromatic Quinine Win.. lin In Barracks.- "The first thin you ought to du, recruit, when you get a bundle of good things from home. is to feel gratitude towards yot;r sergeant.' - Fliegende [Matter. t wlpN', Lrslmeat for tihe.■°atis1u. Paiofol Burr..., bruises. scalds and cute SURE CURE •r° rgnieky s,nthed and healed by� pc-. tuna C.rbwlic 3ahe. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. R. J. K. GORE. 3olr Patentee ■a.1 Manatactuser. OODEnICH. ONT. THE WEEKLY TIMES HAMILTON, ONT. Tie lit Is 1el:paper ' N. etshvee 0mast ...pprehenalse clew of 100 cast swear 'asst,) eimiwwm et the medal cdorrtesapotoae sate • sparse M sasses to give ALL TIIK N K W'. promptly, mmeiedy.tr wt worthily. Its icW- rraphic gate,.. m .neerprerd lea Farm and fliont h1 ]I Depart■ es •r• kit Iteports. Clean a••s•0 Wboleeome Liters tore met •• it emloently 77__��pre the ,.Wined for abs ( Hogue. fl stets if., Neat I1'Acgerer f Ar Coat. TWO PAI ERS FOR OlE PRICE. Free Trip Around the World VIA NELLTE ELY'S ROUTE, or As e,juitaieut in gold is given by fell'.. :teepee. e for the largest list of words constructed out of the words "Bells Meet.en e. Also Pianos, Organs, Par- lor Suttee. Gold Watches. Silver Tee Sets, Parlor Coal Stoves, etc., .te., all positively given away. Everyone seal- ing not le.. than Twrsn words will get a present. Send 12 cents in stamp., mentionlne TH6 S1(i$AL, for rules, illus tested catalogue and copy of paper to /ell's Mmj.c,n(, Toronto, Ont. 82 Doubtful Cooclusion. "Father. Le - day toy neater thinks more of me than he did " ''How so'' "Why, the other ap- prentice has been caught stealing. -Fite• geode Blaster. -uirrriptiuu ',nee of the ,tight Timtu w.e cellar ay .,or. For • limited ,team sob• per, hers are offered the W.SKLT Teras a.d the Aes.rl•'•a I'ormerla dr tchses osrieul t vr•l journal, for only it a year. SUBSCRIBE NOW 1 Any one *radar. wosrreoelve thetiwo ivith N ••pera one year revise. Adds= TRI TI1I3 PRIITI8U CO., HA\1I1.Ti0. TINT >tlsaM', seslmesl ruse folds. ate. zpense of digging a pond fee • and uutooa, 5(100 pounds eat bar the extra r L, 00 pounds of coffee sod 12,000 pomade this purpose if no sheet of fresh water b _�- ar;wL In other were. tee depuee in the leeality. The oath)' ha re win b Were supplied more than three mil iDO somewhat heavy at fine,amt sorb a pond nest■ This woks like a very pr■ctted could lie made to pay by utilizing the business, and a very helpful one water in the eumtner time for irrigation Al the .5.41.11 q saute are charge& purple', and in the winter for gather- •beck term entertain:neat for thtrtifht ir.g act'. and the preceding aiternwts:, ads,, t1 Tie, ire hon.,.• .build have doable ,,.y out chooses to come r. early. ,..d • walls. pocked with ,tawdtlat, and the arae bomber de, r•p•'isfly wum.u. outside wall should be light. and ;be bat doesb 1 t teepee I. r building banked ce that the air cannot ha., meows to the tele from below. ,;.sol drainage should also be hal. The final covering should not b.• put tie after the home is tilled until s very cold day arrives. The more cold that can be shut up in the ice house the letter will the ice keep. The beat covering fur due to the ares, .. „ and fleecy wool- len blankets, if sot so expensive. would le the hest revering that ooald be ore taints!. Mttwdnst. however. is nearly 1•,• gtxxd. and mn(•h cheaper. awl tlds should be put on from twelve teeighteen itxhe. thick. The first layer of dust i.,rr.me.• saturated with water, and thus becomes a food conductor of heat and so it is nee -emery to continue pnttiug it eat instil there is a good layer of abeoletely dry. sawdust. --W. E. Farmer in American ('illtivatur. Cbsrwlag Every limy. Orman .hoald Le ripened to a mild acidity au me to be ready for the churn in twenty-four hunts after skimming by all batter makers who die nut wish to mak. MAI( ' 1A 1. redone la On be tb. vessel .1 the eu:meg nnui- eipo elevate.. la Toros* item 1. or eatery oast. for reform sad • bet- ter system of ilerea ae te tl • Ores lytty. it tis weal =MM os dul- ler repels au loot : Mut un.y Um otter day tt was brought up abort sad w- ee* • .• tad sot M petard brewer the city ens ,filed broke," as me 5f the leas! papre %,w, this,e sort •d este. *sad betray thegb poke financial *Won upon the part ot the setht ..t e- 11 is kb, the m the to tie parable eek. darted » Will • seals worts A, ellen he bad only hal( that animal len of t, rce•i std wb.0 the founelatles d the Brett 1. • (wwaswell lad be had se stop I M Yds elect 1. M mama f 1 the da sends p was we able to Nulty. Tomato people ham Wei wa tl•a tos.ndatfer. of • part My , bee Miry breve .0517 counted here *he* . kine ed village .. imam , f wise mem d cosInotrkt• Mesa TM alit tit. therefore, will we work my peea>tme (injury to the city if its bass ism. its Meer barium* sad Aisne, pat their had lug .?her to And a .ditto• w►,ew la M Mp::ix with the probabilities ot tut re gtuwli, 11 this ,,taming d the city wholes fact, cams out the laformatnr wee is the nature of a surprise to Mayor ■sdmmahers et Ise eess.e 1. tad ezpMna- tic= Aram th Tourer =owed that he had been halal,: back dto ry ad. o f ei,9oo,00e is ardor w '' art them together and so ob- usts a blew, price in leaden. In the mean- time aee°at.: • carne is for vari.wls services, end the Harelip' troehle ;which 4014 sot bare bee t• -t easels) surd • eat= mamag; tx to cs° a..n Lead°•: "('an ssirlr set nor loam your beside." The city ells dead ',coke 1• tory trees. sad the 'recut= hail tnedoliste aL.They tabd the Lamb ..mLL eifu of Tomei, het the es*Yemas17 ma0eetre 101 Roe bliptibethe Ren soon toe city had plasfeeteteasysad Teel laugh ed at ties. Thelma if tie los. bed lien marked. mad tl.s Mttsti seem the uth•'r 11.12 S OW; but the Mayer eadellsexu, Ito he m hen pb sad obtained, after mart permed: Me. • trmpssary• lues at high Agoras 1199, Wee 51 put the city over July when 51,- Milkfiell d tasty is due end payabie. Th. Aud w the applicant c city has leaned a lemon: tat wb.thrr there the fourponce which has to be paid ,.n is municipal parlotien among capsb1 mea ,regaling' A hard but.k in a cold shed ' t• lb° pneama4ri'i' ie as yet prwbNamtl4•L (Other ArwiOl, hta', I. o, taking a k'eaeo Hardly. There is a large norm, c.,m Rom Toro01., a<* cryint out Dor financial •urtab.y warmed, where they cats sit wet sad d� , rni. The fort is that talk, or red or wnte. There :s a wash • ,teem is too )areae (mutest take's Douse with plenty of warm dud cold q '=a mta10t1saa wellbeing of the •ate:, soap and towels free. Each per tares, dies anal villages u' uotarte. .un gets • cup of tea, coffee or ooc,o and ley tee bedsore mee of the verities p10N . a chunk of breed. Alter all have wash- :'b,saaaM alae,., far to seat They tag. • *t 11 toting? or ate equivalent in cash weal be given to the person detecting the greatest number of errors (words wrongly spelled or mis- pieced •, in the December 100i of Hotwa. In addition will be given two cash hies. of 5400 each, four of one 5100, sight ..t 550. ten of 595. tweoty- faire of 510, fifty of $5.one hundred of P2, and one hundred and fifty of 51, distri- buted in the cyder mentioned in rules and regulations, which will be sent silk • copy of December moue on receipt of lb Dena in stamps. Special tAltt relies given away almost every day daring a,mpetition which .loses February 1st, 1591. Address, (1rHorst Pt sumac* Cn., Brockville. Canada the modern ad is unique at ler A Southern merchant heeds hie Nlatunerot with the fallowing query' "A branch of a tree will sustain ehe bnnweight 01 621 pounds. The boy on eb weighs 564 pounds, and gets a pound and • half apple in • minute and a half. Now long before the sly will need his taw r' C. SEAGER, )twee i• Yclwan'e - MINK AU WPM NEW BLOCK! VRYCo t. V ItY �tMn 119 R(xx� Y YCa$.bS(�vg.r oaths= the ytartet.- V RY Th'*11 Merl•,anee V RY Body abttmOOWPeld a bvwh Fo ggs-1 have never yet hate able to stead up to • New Years resolution. B.yggs-1 am proud to my my pledge fur 1890 bas tees kept sacredly. Fogey- - What was it, pray t Boggs -I quit quit ting. Or) ( i' 111 ,.• •. f • t 0 - ate f w (5 �^-rcr-�, +t • II TT The old Canadian winter is once more with us, and the rush upon my READY -BADE OVERCOATS Hu been so great that I am nearly cleared out. Ifou want to get a choice overcoat at your own price call at once. A tine SELECTION OF PINE FURS ! rd and eau., and between 8 and 9 ersireiro growls. twaine■■es $b'7 bo ,'cluck in the evenisR a •art of free and I aa6 they �emask would attesdlsg to easy tato) entertatneneot u seethe up by • 1 to jrMimdi� thew by iet*chrism so( the Sal ration Army',boob 'h•loarml lg°Cal r.nuuiripsfitisa thher detailed for the purposesinging, r,O• ,hiss us, bot thous a= Ike obtef, wslplr L to local Moo on hand. Oall early. PRI:EMECAM, Gen*' Furnishing Mart, McLera'. Now Block, BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS AND REINIOES sweet cream butter. Thia can be done even in cols weather. if the .•roam air warmed to a 1 . ,1 1. of about 70 deg.. and kept at nearly that degree. (`ream held more than one day before charging is lipid at the expense of times, flavor. There are but few perhaps wise have the writs mtenee to define a differ- ence between every day churning and every other day. if the create of the first day is kept cold and then ripened with that of the ewcond day; but there are none who have inch taste.. and they are the men who are hired by large dealers to do the kind of smelling and tasting that is a preliminary to the classification of any gis-en lot of batter. So it is better in the flirt plate to have a dairy large enough to tail for cbar'ning every day, and then heel) the call. -Board's Dairy- man. Tire wemeMeel Mau 1. 0derleb. As well se the handsomest, and ()then are invited to call on any druggist and get fret a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat sod Le*ga, a remedy that u eoliths entirely apes its iq*Ms and is parented to reltNel Md ants •11 Chroeie sad Amato (•tuba, Mlhma, Breasbtlit and C. ; Large bottles N tilos sod sial. (1 euw) *MINI re. -J, *Howe w1t`. WOLFF'S ACME SLACKING 1 .srti :6s DO AS DID ONCE A WEEK! Other *MI WINO *TWO .s •1500 wed, Money to Lend Cheap Rates. r►�tna' Yo1Ea 0�. Ref!rftg:111111. O rile Wen •"••e 5 • Maw wart.•• 1 q► d w..• N•,• e••e••w•e.•••waae •s 104E UP.... . err.• e,.w•M �• w.t. N•.• e••• Iwo 5e•.ew l•ow 0i.. 5r•w elle"5.••.• • otdt*rrNoe n • ewusw� rwowM►. .Renit *.,melte.. • YOU WILL FLINT 13 JOHNSTON CAREY'S Wholesale and Retail Boot anti Shoe ZrAbllahment Eesionartlw:k the Above Goods. ORDERED WORK PROl1�PTLY ATTENDED TO 1947-1l a t 114.7 can (11.t by ■P •• are c. f a y ( 1 instruments, followed w. ,.fin . tsr u musiea t rnmeo u °ad unean.e. wary" by • f expel address, prayer tad •,arae in zelsa1(pal taru0ghoat Ontario, hie mg of experience by those preemie, all of I using with 111,di lido, b reform. and tt which, being adapted to the people, pro- .. , ata b'p.d 1101 the psopk''s voce wilt tit motes good feeling which, as General Amwayprenauuc0 for dim bee mem pep bee• Booth says, latest. "a sense of brother-'. . •.d •t, w 1001).. theoew, f0 favor d bu(d and • con.ciuusoeof their being , tt. lir" Vlayag. axagrtatiug caw. no lunger caimans sod furlern in this dilat side world." Ni one is obliged to at-•• ' •end these meetings. When they are a tm wawa, taehard wsebowed over it is bed time, and the bed consists at ie,..r ke lege, on Friday m°r01nt of a mattress and a Inviter covetlid, the far ie. annei. Of pare, A. cage., ea \•,v ,. *00. R.4m''p •of Toeoolo psr- t.,rrnl rte ese0st1A Thr drop 1,11 at 1•' tat 9 * tfto .;a•.1 mage.. prn- .., bin( rte. 11h" .11.11. pro . wen wttbnut sn nava M.- Q .int. Elifk RM., ROI. .shirt- c,•n.1 e.• i ... .1n0■ue d r,uw I seareds to tb• rel•.:t.;.reew':.sea au.: 1,a fervently rou- tes -el e.:11r1M d bean.. 1 h, post mortem .iattlimete' n revealed iter: &with was due to atesu,u.surfa, and the verdict war so reenter,. e: earlier ler Mei Blanchard rut - fared the , AMMO 111.00107 committed Nur., I•`9, casr A7errg Feu It wears that its and ., o.osp.a•• 5.11154 t -alktu had to been denim.; ad about • boat. A ecu Ala tori: tttaki;d drew a revol- ter /1d also: Cads* the head, frau the t e` remelt et which he Hlanthard was treed at the t eerier eerie of court. found - g,dltr sad eeateased tole hangr'.i. Notes - 11 you And ort bullet in the mill feed you buy for your cows you want to look o11t. The rascally dealers in min feed are setting a habit ed precluding ted halls from the oat reseal factories and mixing them with the mill fed, to delude into the belief Mat the staff they are baying oo11bine Stranger (after ten years' abeesee.- csb. lit+hstan(r dewed not rawer flu "What became of Bed,Leek A Col onto with alnek I left they were in financial atmitt- Tb. Creamery Journal is opposed to �i. out .1 east' -C ' tlae pima d taking milk every other day the at Use creamery in winter. It syp the -God Melia extra exp 'nee of gathering every day - - - would be more than 1 by the gain. The cream (111, when left over 0 C. 9Jc.a=D' a Co. night at the farmer's, half eemstiaN 1 Com, - W. •or.ider M1NARD'8 • way of ,°akin,, to for smoant r'fs_ L1$IM11FT the Leet in the market sad thirty or forty creta' worth. ?hie is $ - ebeemfen7 1 Ira see. very whoekfeg urinate loo. Von mast no longer speak of moor - cream for ehnrning. Von merit my 'avowed cream.' eialtrewes being spread in • room kept et • temperature of fi0 . In the morn- ing each lodger is given • cup of tea, °ode• or cocoa and bread, and then NOON t to. way. Tbis also seems to be s vets practical and useful institution. w meth ,letter than want, wards or work us. It is his experience with three -efuges for the poor, and the knowledge gained of tho longings of the people who come :o them, that gives General Booth faith in hie oew and greater scheme. to which his shelters are rosily the thresbold. The week which he has done undoubted- ly twee its soonest in • very large degree ((i thejetnoeent discipline of his "army," which is maintained as rigidly as in •e active army, sod upon this same strin- gent system of most depend the ■occessful iesne of hie wider and higher scheme. That the people eat Len- non, who have watched the proire= he has made with hie abetters rod f yod de pots, have faith in his plan for satires/ his work is illostreted by the donations of money which he has already reaived and by which be has been enabled to make a beginning. Heard-• lsalme•t l erre Nadrww. • lei M.et. Tike Fatrbsnk View denlare tires thieve esesotry 4, the .sneasafal no; O ng of a I rreaiser7: Pint, a Noise= msaager who knows iris bii- aem from the pound up. sod whoa word is law. Rweema, a !teed d • cheese chefrees the i est red sleet of 14aloekbdir:s.Tbled. tlsbewt amt bolter teat that eras be Eel, tat blamed tsar or favor. Uwe use tut a shepherd or 0»117 deg mob your bed d coma Hops yea ever "410 141 ins lie Mssetene d a a»nre dr*, or welt .omiNMea nee to white Oaf est wse debel,1riveseaw tka.Me? )lidsperba�a a seevewei d tits wild ls- ____ is Mtea bell 5 time when itqp woo w111111_1 Isibes d horde et left eldIllt 9e issieur ihdr ed... la J. B. He any M B.IMvea Hospital. F. U. Annusox It D L' R. 0. S., riinbrvih. Ili ItC.S.,11-$-- Fl. D. Wtusolr, M. D.. UM. of Pees. • Ill • yItgur 15 end Mem hare already beg*oar• to figure la the Paned light for supreme/? 66 in Ireland. The perimei ` pohtftr in rte unhappy is.and hoes web tI. sea ars of the rant .1Ireland .'_..tier by Parsee, wife bolds 474 of tla 1101 Oen. of es stork, --- --_- and it. re-aptun 1117 ars anti-P■rn*lltea Gni Y0II8 Their triumph, ,mallet, was not G for k.r.g, M Passel aid bis Meade . .gain captoral th5 pow and hell it L_-... at the point r.t the awwimr. Mgnday meeting' ".ties tvs/. w1esat, Tho total anoint: et ries M UN wt. rerrebir of the varier °bullae• M10s 11- 1°obees tall of nods, tog IMO le oosool • tee -ranted by shout. tram eta $_-51 lig .ter 511,000. the warerie. of the vartees t tallow 1. the - sp5erb■s of leaden, the mw6 noteweeMy 1p5ei5esl no aro •mild pat'ty (1. livaidfy NOV ,'+aware 110 um of hi. mposata ae ' osier sit4eg M estiVi11....' . Liver ted Bostt 1111. greeter Sparrow,,' ant • elsctar0- ale, tion that Parodi had aids O'5bss'• pettwoods • busier with Ilikb to .temp !reined Pared) is myelealty teeing tete The Maio of /i. *retie Circle -- Ines" ,• jolly gocd fellow." -Len Tepees e des ow b err te)lema• a► 1 desirable small fair, doeoelbel ee wry 65.11., more or bei, pet of Iota ; (Ips 5. i tit sad e.0. , Gelber**, 9 ebbe team Beemiller, out 8 odes bete Qw1.d 55(load. .*d eeil : Mine house gid bare t leer' ee maw; b Weed belle/ et b.eskyp_ *WA blies i emposa. tat 61121ti GO lowly 1. J. it•wgaen wise P.O. CAN THE SQUARE, Oooerich. pet. e .i by a A 1%1 !ttri Ar3oa rd.a O ••■M0.4 F• �` e o%- 1_ a e` • %o 5 g o 0 g • 0 .. g12. .:.% • 1 s" ° 'l3 r 1 D U Iis lie x 1 b _ t. l £ a 0 41 1III 4'11 I$ o e` - 8 1 2. e . •• 0 sB=I ! r_° 06 O l g�8g ; 1 .,:. a iild§ 3 I? : s,� acs � �_ -$ r IWi4 d ?l: - f} S 114 ..„, ; 1,,..„: „,,. p i d 1 eau 1 • E1 1 ' 5 -413.7.= is 2 4 A i d y ,...31 2 1I ie a rc. IX It" e ..,111 11 li • s1M 41111 aelleillemedillMIRIESIDemeases PRIJTIJH DONE AT 'RHE SIGNAL. strata severely. • • • • • • Jerre H. Wllkinnw, eel Wawa in Ow eerie 50wepaper awl po11ym1ibelee. did en Friday in Tomato Imes 1rr be w aidemai1 d "Mg Prat' from bis emeneetion with . wen Indira ,..hitt divest Of 1101 time, sof t h..)llama• thus bmM*•d strays ' ,task in Wee de wes ossa • ober of the BMehe alblser1. =his he nth so swept ahs •41&.. '1 she Warn Der10m New.. end vier •a he ppehhl1ilhed The tesoe, • erode paper, h Tomo. Per the pmt Age years he has eat bass esseetted with my aswspspor, setae » debases, Met i■ ►,w M dabs saes quit Mary wheal .16es was wools Osseo the average. see rumba Is the ♦edema the Uhtfilladetori of a society n..meh17 t, ,,,area ail b a **Chicago News are ben 'Opel el W ieriewe'r r•mshe were ewveygi8110- beers on llbnd■7 far hssemms. • • • e ,". • Thee is is the eAtef teshistetal s elft is be Outbid Guam • entieeed 4teswd ._)davit Ia era lensed Inds .... Lees■ 1 =n the arleery. 17i Y teim/Mrr1 dg.1� al le w own ef the feet DR. F'OFW,� o KS • '•WILD• Zill) I M RRY 1 I� RYA 0 I... ae /'AMPS RIKEA Li YSEHTERY AND ALL SUMMER COMPORTS Nle nuns fX TWE DOWELS rr Is out AND RELIADLE FOR CISILD lEN AP ADULTS. D LOWS �1lORMr. SY RUP OF AU. RINDS (04 ON11.011SN OR A�jq�ssT�rf�u j s�- •� C L DZL.1CA7t GMIL CHANGE OF BUSINESS! THE OLD AND RELIABLE !LOUR III MD STORE Rae Oft ARAM RATIO e. htitutt 1 Taos. J. MIDEAN, 2e,==.1 waskleihilitimesodess st be /IP libistra7P1,,w Agueil5simsaw.Ai1se.50l0 �6pla J. �rwali• FIIE P#IOTIU RT SIOML