HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1890-12-19, Page 51
i artvili pr, Ibit *me dosesar iMtw,
rail thee smile, testbe the trate
*0 t,d what 1 be the numb
Those mode would sick, as low mid Asia
where. te the kneel of the 1sUnmloaial,
whish ain't make bold ods met by halt a
andiras dollars aWhat asses wold
th y taketyu
he reads M meet ez-
}�m�es key would hit the
bml tote et G m& all the tome e.d
thus. M the memast Asa yeti were de -
petted ( hast and moat vwlmbis
market aid wore ousepolled -polledM seek The
eexkrell d the world, yea west aid your-
tldvs ked by heavy additiaaa!
freight Wes. Aad if the American ak.a-
I eels wen,iaaad, is the wieder every article
radii *orae to be teat by rap wneve roll
,,�0 muse lot, o it retard tie
ort to
Halt, sir. I have tept
the beet the lost. I am glad to know,
Mr. amdrame, that therm are many Lire.-
epr.soat, for 1 want to say ,uwething
TMn Huhn 1AwR
1t is with&= the reeelleebe ( the farm-
ers of this e.slmoiy how fa LIMA, when
Mr. Maenads mid alt dohs Iloodemild
wooof C its WOG. s^l�roo
Iter l:etlMb,tam+ from
. arks t
Mg mei of nems to the other, the
Wee was made SAM Sir dolma wdfared
Il=rieselwys. loam b bmdt (itrdian
yes WPM* would hove
hem .sekels 41r every article you maid
�e Tsai were net ailed to be aed to
issk for WOW mutat. (Laughter.)
CilRootters woo to he provided at your
doers; carne were to go hp m value
dionsm a would rise so thickly that there
would hardly be rosin ire your farms left.
The vote was given sad we bave the moult.
The subsidised prase,( the protected men-
tieetu,us (for ,eseember the bulk of the
.• aufactsnwe are sot advaatag..l by Ills
Mei/, lost wast eiMsded sad better mark •
SIP have now some advice 10gp ve to the
tanners d C'asmda. Yrr John Morlimehlaistmem,d &wimps, a7
ersii beau P111 y Thamaa swrta, • heasss-lissly apto_.Anit
which eeirive 11„9011, it uwy he $15,I00 a emve•as• was captured Benda,) ligOt r tM act
year for doles the work, Tare k.eked of rubaWB P.rlf ! Alp.t's W ..& store
Alread gad have seen the imams e:trava• at valla They was Wadie Were who Mayor.
that dioceses the fanners el Plead► IlMillese silky and woos seralnsd ter tell
tr. ) Aid new they hew it bit of Jab. Seers d D•Isorr reshmd from his seat
wise advice to gyve you, which 1 ,n.ase•d y' tb..motk'4 car as a lsda Omit
,et.dey, at a speed of a sate as bar. and
dalberstely Jumped trema the train. b was
save sly *lured and troy din
PdwaM M. Jobe of the Omar Trask Hallway
bas left Hamar for overload. 0. A number
d Mini pressed to blot • Wdmeses .std
Otic fassre •>brd b take a some of .bale arid Agars as a farewell tiothmeial, ac
OMR : mere tbrtft'1. what they want There „�sy,t wk,. as Mtdeem.
se thigh/ • *.Ma elssd OtK .. Tia proprietor of the desm.eW House.
algal of modem as hauls. !wt ,
Me �sltadwthat
�( twe're�red i Theories, was missal d MMa by a burglar, who
��e boas
s th tw amps. he %reed awoke Mrs. Patterson. the landlord's wife. whir
Oea.sesle sadawn for weed ---Masa •
Dae amMa- lesmare arum Sahebs ler e
seleatei homem.ee le earthworm's .stool•
The Motbedht kw* wm probably street tlambr
hdbreW ..hoot M Meeleh .
P•TMlloMp M bei silted -he •M»••
The Gibe is fee et drill hes W Prole river
sommee w brat leek _ _e. Oormae e,
W a• memdd ash 1100000 S11g:tss
Tie Kits of waeemhm- tr d.OSra,ry •
web amnia of the de moult
asmewe W b.mm 4 Ike GL Pad as*
bees made • dorm& ter �eeme pay and a .
.tribe M wammel
vee 4hw pcmleas paw to the Oeheu e a
theft wow was carried at darkened
•wd a maJrsy.
Pew kir teen SSW at tkimeeem
sea Merge of Odesraly seeseleiar • toyr•rsid
mire& gist asmet eve Vireo r.
The •'resode factory at eindelsw, annals. eine
.d W Puce labaerty, was dasroyed by los yes-
terday. Ws et the etmipkees la toe rectory
lima tide sou le tam bre- tditfag.
A ranee cellose resew amid troy, gone is
Oon.wmt R•eeetos, was ham boned log
bins •.MoMrt h ter haw at rip G0•hy eat
Ilia Iles a tie beeped la • prusetetr seadlems.
1l Y leweud 1*s stem tome Cloy d Vias elf
g.w Teak, barn/ Lar w.espem, thew., bee amt
le the erred web as w beard. Weeder ham,
tag ease d Ur Mem has bees wade/
Tie dela le •wwetsesd at Ilettegham of Harry
Pa gena p mho who doe at t5. aged :Y His
meet tames tattle was sant *kb Teel a7e1-.. la
while he was ele1ested aver • terrific struggle
kiMhg through 10 rounds.
this W asset Hell tramped se a thawed
eafrtdp le the nil there yI.t.Wiy and was
blows m het ed rwamtb MSS sod ales dyes -
isle berm sod ac•toets were scattered m ell
W►geem Y•tnMw thyme d -A" Battery King
as, s airy i toes a assn la ler throat. ate
got • mikes nem a Naha aorta Iwo k wba.
is Me Nert*wet totem.•, sad I bas remedy
to every tenser prase•{, and which 1 hope
all yet farmers will take to heart mad re-
pose is your neighbors. Herr is the very
W aft deliverance of Sir John Macdonald e
seism :
CJs fie I the bedroom I is
the beast market for
k lege worth.
"That's ashlar. I 1/tar.1 noses Yeaeal. ad 1. watt of (ormw47
ladetee the Mewed pever..e.t adoptlmr otos out "us • thrmy our discharged.
waw Mot's
*7.0•01.210:: tie a.e tbhy e•• IMR as amt and *0.4 s11 aro.*
we're mane sreahb) tow lodging r Mematahe's heed. H. may re -
mad tis them nay =liking. • � Rowan.. the d the tars
(Daring Die reading of this extract lair et Inman t who.. ]more frodere. Hasetw, was
Richard woo frequently internment by soloed with
oboe as his
laughter and cheers.) way Nt to chunk As Mr. w ys le the neigh-
Tn.at ADVICE AT raa+x\T. .borbood of la years. l4 glass wm go herd wkb
Lay that to heart, my friends the farm- *tea
eta. (Hear, hear aad laughter.) Now that t jO man eaPPwd to M Wallas H. 19rps.
the pinch has cane, now that your heat wed witty emb.rslhg Mies of the loads et
market has been taken awn fres you, we the h adsvtae Natioad Beek. while taller, was
y •..sled u (arum. •ilea., yesterday h Oemstable
de not (tear of the Nationalolicy we don't trend Aa . eke from d.edtvdme In aniseed at
hear e: the home markets, except the ad- CAMP to-a•y
vice to stake the out of it, which is nomad b time:plosion of gas le ebe barber asphalt
advice, rye• are likely_ to have no other works s . HISTals. yesterday
et. Ittgbter. 1 yesterdaye do not beard Mao loss was oc aatese . sad hell Ca.pbU(
high prices for your products : we do pot formerly employed s the Ibok et Montreal et
hear of the increased values of your Weds. Eootral, tad reported to be • Mali et tie
lint you are oared this useful advice, this Marquis or Lorne, was agile4.
neoeeeary advice near for the farmers of At the railroad meatiest.' martins le lie,
Canada, that they bol heater he thrifty, York yesterday it was w eibleteu/y tasked to
they had hews work harder and upend poem as adeteory boot elololeg er Use pre..
him moot. he, and L wgiter.) That u dna W ens director of each rod. withal *ea
what the National Policy has orate to for asst eagle emsegs of the .sm.
the tannery they are to work harder amid d"et of Simi ss lie•
.peed Wet. (('hexa) After dealing with
tapas Yaks of the se►o..er You. ',wear
the cowardly eloettie advanced by the
arrived .t Hagg suet.t&ey, reports Set
Restrictionist* that Comedians could not
M ell t■ with the•basdwe Remise bark
Jessien.mtoe. :.le iseuideKlesb
orimpete with the people of the Gaited le amid as owas a &ass ss oestren e a eon -
Stet.* were the harriers of protect ion remiss- von int bur gee.
.d, and throwing the onimny back in their( .t li.oatbsold radii Of HsAugusta sera
teeth, tt,. ep••k.r ckesd a powerful and I stets of s e 1rch•rd-sweet New Tart, while pay-
.nwt•iacimg address by railing upon all ug &town the icor l'ildty picked rip a asset,
witida the .pod of hie voice to carne tor- amid swallowed m. &all sad el, Tie p..aut
ward at the eat election and .noble the stock la the little orb wrdp a red the clld
frisw& of trek extensile by Reciprocity to - dsL
improve theft unfortunate cnndition - Tbs. was a pkch-fa os the Toronto branch
.4 affairs. He resumed seed his wt amidst a of Gs thsd Twat y elteed yy bawow Port
perfect bnrricwae of applause. - (redlt..d Illeutca The trouble nes bttto.
rare freight lades. Tbere was suss deege to
t vOTs; Or T.ANEa restos stock. but .ebedy ems hart The trade
u. Mir Richard ea. snored hy M. ti-. Kms tdockM tar gimme bases.
McLean, t'ecmded by Mr. Conine. of Ex- - Tommy nurse has 1eptved bark the gi. 5.
e ter, which was emtiusiuti,z lIjyy ewiora.d, bad drpoo*e,l as • grareet.e to Jump with gone
after which Mr. John M.•Mi11an, M. P., Brodie fres. the Yeah MYpa. Brodie sags. for
lir►eey but edfectit.ly pm4e th.- ckt.ing Now Tort oe tor. (lams. beaux -reeked" db.
!.dares• umtcb- naive weal to the premed Larry Dia.
yea, the bridge jumper, sad teetotal se booby
a aaama7AT IOX. -T1 3reda] .malas of db ',mem dug ep that h e might him m.
hat mask the miaow. air Mr Rotor The strike .•tu.a(tryr*mdmelmeel(gus,Oer-
*Prk, principal d the Model 13ohuol,was sae' 5.d TM.rorhata 1.1"111118
w bow*0somYa.d w esislr
wawthea r ee user W ole mage et tie waw
tabah way. Mao Aug. 1. who. the strata Os
mas her mugs gen, Me faa'sad es peruser ki e.ebm.a
oaf rovN
steered rover-.
lelo o
The Da.Hevtasat Mm mode a new
the some of a pieeaant event Tb. • topeemry
wmb.rs of the Model School alts of
'90 assembled there and promoted Mr
Park with as steroid easy chair, me o-
panied by as address.&ptsseisg their ap-
preciation of the kited sod faithful aeeis • r prates wb"ebj qps the Mw• et to mer
anon rendered b kis i= the resasse of I pelted e s Jaasary, t►kd-des poral .tem
abedr en d re 11t Perk Ip wit•bl m' such ms ' me~' pictures,
' 1 eon
iter wbtsh Mr W H Robe use y prepaid wm heat owes ferw•rdee to the address
Paw seined sad tee moms, eotMMed, thus dialog away
asked wit► a haediereee demei•s tall, tree ae oulnenee a trseMmsrl,ris
and the folbubg address - "To W R - Tres agekpms lar.m cession. tor.. sere •
19, Weaned stool w dolga eallatrlr
settle tow nijelese le tine gator et the
ehetrke lilt
The Tema* Is.rd d Troch halIan5 le
marts complete&
Matltok• t Berthweilers Railway Seim
new res to Verities -
Mr. TTermm mer bee jest died at Wel-
IoM, aged e:s yam
Tie Toreree maim' heal* older
eeudammia endow b11c paves.
Moons Quite hes Mea appealed *ower
of me Central Pelee. Ttseeto.
There war a alae mail all She yr..ebelel
tat Peek show in Gee/ph Wo - m .
Halm w grab, aka, between Brander,
Mat, tad Tereus* tete boos reduced.
Mestr.ml jail is overcrowded and twenty -
tee pismire have hem swab Quashes.
t herbs Wallington' n of Leedom wne bark d
• Grand Trak growing tone Weise,
thews McCabe bas been ese1 .u14 at
We.demack b eve yams b pese..eier7 bit
The Feria church at Cape PL ips
Qmbe, was bussed Muoday maim a b. u
of plms,lW. -
Meseta= corked of poultry left Smith'.
Falb, Oct., S.turday.Kur the Boeiettatr:.t-
as s market.
Mr. Duncan !lorries•, of Owes Mooed.
has been appointed Motor Jw�e tar tbr
comity of Orley.
A hill has beep ietrodac•4 is the Quebe.•
I Mature to revoke /ha charter of tar
tlYy Laborers' tioeiety.
Tho Mercier Government has Seabed aloe
otter to take over the Liao Protease. Hos-
pital for the lows. in Montreal.
It i eadeateod that Mr. Tani m, ex-
tender d the Opp.sitla• is the viohse
Jou will be coiled to the Vesta.
A Ureod Trunk brakeman nnmrl duller.
living in Hamilton, had his right arm taken
off at Paris while coupling an Friday.
Mr. James Stewart of Stewart A .., ,
touadxa, Hamilton, was stricken with par-
alysis oe hie way a cbureb os Sunday-.
Mr. H. If. altos!, formerly ••f B.,unt
Forest, died suddenly at Wit Lynne, Hap.,
us tiatunfay while waiting fora tn:n.
W. D. Hotter, trtsurasee agent, Bramp-
ton, s said to have gorse to Chicago to no
rosin. He is mid to h. 94,000 .bort in len
During the pest saves days endow Satur-
day there war. 97 failures to caned*, as
cnespsred with As for tit same period last
There ts a rumor in idusise e.ciesiatieal
circles that Rishop Leaved will ebortly
resign the hies miti diocese and retire into
private life.
Ams Whitson' and his wife were sea
tomcod at Brockville to fire years imprimis -
meat for to extort mosey by
The Bishop of (bdwrto bee appointed Mr.
It T. Walker., Q C., of KtttPtate, chancel-
lor of the diocese as successor to de bee Dr.
H.odereoo, Q. C.
Aid Egan, d Wia&eer, h free. the grand
jury at Sandwich hating monied oo bill e
lila am. He wee aitrged with tampering
with letters in the pot-o®•cru
Mr. it. D. Perry, d Toronto. will lave
Morey for 1'.gMsa to promote the scheme
for building a railway from sau1t
Marie, {Art., to Iloilo.'• Bay.
A special from I<d- I ..ys that the
resignation of BWep Legere has been de-
manded, and that famrsetioer have been m-
ooned from Boma M that effect
The formatters d a Dominion bran 'h et
the Royal Oeledodr Curling Club, to he -
Made Oats*. lleaibba. Quebec, and Ms
Maritime Pr.vimes, he under way.
!lino totem rails have been secured by
the Dosebisa Company. sad two more will
shortly be bought up Them Maeda marly
v Nis grey comae mill. in Canada
The tl verear•limeral-in-Comtilhm re-
fused to ested executor edememry M t .
Sbuntab Indian, who will be tonged at New
Wastmibder, B. C., on January 1'-.
The eomirates have hose signed for a tom -
Pete rearm of water works for Galt Sold*.
A MCC llo.h, d (i=d, and Clans tt Purser.
d St
Catharines, ore the contractors.
Through a waft de spaebsr's mi•eeie two
engine. and : , freight can were desedlshed
as Ridgeway om the ItutraIo and Pittsburg
railway Swaday germing. Low, $40,000.
thorgs McKerrsch.r, a .ixteersweor-old
pupil d the Moat -owl High .cbod, which
area recently burned osetewed Thursday
that he ort the building on fire. He was
Mr. John Abet, lobo has hese manager of
the Rank o Commerce at llswfortb, is May -
Mg for the head dace in Toronto The cin-
ema et Biafora tendered biro • eompiimes
tory banquet
Coster -
la Tama, week agreed that 1.1.0*s
eel miehemel rem sear ebonies simile be
.ging le mid a year is the mink= Odds
Ware taking a pntorel charge.
A ingrate► from Cokbeax, Cat, toys
two tesalrrges, owe en* eo.sert, .n
mated sod apparently boated up. are toss r
abs ice two s=tho wait d Haebett`s dock.
:te one has gens to their .meioses yet
Rot:s:nu m, Asehtsit Teacher, Oesua&
School. Dims Teatime : We, the
•'its••' of the Dudack& Yodel Reboot,
desire to etyma oar thankfnlsees for the
deep interest you haus takes is o•r wel-
fare aid progre.s,d.miag the post remits,
by tendering to yos this dressing ease as
• alight token a our appreciation a=d
telpmt Oer relations as teacher sad
11.eiwb hare boo pleeseat indeed, sal
we trod that 7osr f.ter. wear may be
no. .t odvresmeat, as it ane Mew is
the part. We further bops that .bas
yew *.arms .wmaesryy d s lift of gdib.e7.
faslibMy meet, lea mbe
Pd•Mtd is weeder threes* the motel -
meet! labyrinth is es pang with ear
b s6 ttsttpnsla .goal. W Irish yrs
e ll the et the assess
Bget4 w of the Medea Reheard
w . AGA pr, Memo, &Ain. J Bort,
seprwd ►i sheathe M •
tom wsi•thss.= remarks. ss* the no-
emiteller et the weewlism wee spat
mime fmrifiedother emeial awfwipmee•
teens lien m1.
A wow sad ettrssthei ys*1lseties sea -
Minima toy wain, istwsettel .ad
ieatrwodve features rem is et boss esusd
le T. Milhous • Moat 7braste► soder
lis tit1e d the Daemon Biome
Atittaeac Pus IML 1t is new is the
tlesia et lrsgew sea mwehasto ler
hes /Mpl1.*ee end we .sold White
ewe rewiese te mom a arpy Were the
seely leeths-etsd. >k
Mir. WMA, No ..N--ksswe soGsr
=Teelgarb, naobd se age emsol pow
IM d the earpkr severbel-
e ee. exweMd o t/taq.mt, wkb the lamas d
maw two per east- hoods, the purchase et
deer bit' from Use to alms to was goad the
releemeet.r1 awl es& beak d ewlatise W the
remiss of tM trod' dollar.
Parcel J. O'50.s. 1LP. ter Ilene Tipperary,
who was ..once& at (]ea5Y te ole moor•
leyrsasmw M tempers temake t h. teams
ee tbe smeb•ke .y erre at Tlpw•ry ate to
w rent, sa& fMt*mrl O'tbteg Bite•, wbe...
m' osir1 M.5 mons Ipr'Mmeet fee tbe
semm e.em5A went removed te r.0yb today,
weer. they will be tried nor tions at Tipperary
se tela mmag et time .m.phney mid thee,
At Rrtmetes yeeserey Os teeth wo.ew.eth
potato was aisles/ web seta Sr. Dmf. Ler
tbe p.ks.er. /tossed that r W as ..lies.
is gar end Mr. Lader mewed er }dprodit
le liner et 1s* .u+eadeo. tilos oasts ted tM
.'ere mob as xd.r .eose&t.w, demlmtoj
lesbalee Amoy le lies bees dill dine* Ow tie
tiers .t sant weuiweo0. ase &es. the wide
ol elm son se the pelts r.
be tke fe.-m-- settlea rest yeen der, ad-
Oelew ens w aha sere ' wed berm amt alto
d taeithe pn.sease st tee ewe M sen fab
edam= wftme& ltlme114 woos tae the ..
speelmtelliess seetMiwmd ft . Meats
pslsa& 5 aha Cee=M M whir* w leme
10. emit es mm -a sn*ems a dewed
ell* delft mid M Ought arid Mee Gels wet
Mae ,sed el • m essee of memo be when M
..ed emsmle aim he wadi prep Ora r ehtomah
wet orators moral te pw elbM se 7)110 ff r
tea 01110 swan be paid Abed Aae ale alto
to moss de vete leewnefim•i ars* fhb wan
mora maw w peal we te owns lasis obs Jpmlse
la m
te Seems mm, M es t oe
a �we�
se Omen lmdewh 91 le A. D. yam meg them
wan de died of ebotr*. mplms Shyers
w as lint ► weed es w tamlm Piano et,
Maui Pimuk w.11• a rle gM► Wimp i~*s-
e lm ameesefim ate, Mope Ming gel Ilhoomi _4Th__
Sndied (Sble.L amen% rem teem M hoe
me peek mer Ilia msmm that slobs Wide pile hiespalmstybetypedMee
1'The body or young Misply, who was
drdwsd in labe Winnipeg from the y.ett
Keewatin, we. friend some ties ago at Jack
Heed and interred by India=n It will be
ewbumad as* twoggbl seat in the .prim`
TM Hakltaz Herald siva. figuras oho wing
that duller this ye
ar Nearly csmobimob
sbow et has bs..' otbe Yspee-
tom s* Q••bee sod Ommark as wee ever
shipped b a. year to aha Meer Gegtemd
Pray. gel. re• (Net at the Dorm. s
doe smil Aiwa WM.p.lmeea
es reels, Egg eel waeieeneltls s!pge}*m►
nem se toes tar W it est IMAM s5.
Tbe pathway tembalMw of the Privy
Cowei bas decided Kae the a.d d pre-
l..,ieiag hoed seemini le Mks meet be d•
grayed ki vied pueperti •• by the rmn-
wqy ,.rap -des mol Me corporatism eon-
Mr. will*. =eawsty. J. P., ase d the
dd rm/dser e4 the tew•ah(p of Peery, Ned
.. e.eirdsy et Wa r*wert*, aped TI 755
la Imp M neMetd Rens ParihmberW
the Cemervtlee *.*0. Re tows a
widow sod four e*idee•.
Mr. Hebert Owes, of Mwnlmwd, &MMlned
ler splb per Wetmell p, sad ah sews. well
ret. families twat umwber et 10 dneae
bog ea tie oil hemmae& owrwm&
..*lone. as east • happy Mme was
weak Mr. Owl, 1s ems et tie haft seri.
.ggim.1.re of the p.vfimea
b sneer llrg M jeep Item es elevator
whit IS wee fel meow M tis wee awl et
11.4. tteO 1U.MaM, ea bs*.May bis
m ems. • bit et Aden yews amend Wee
0110 Jshm O'Leary ere e.y*t Woes.1s*
rend lastly j, and waidesii Iseke les lyse
width belled el bsdllsell 0.i , raw.
ooUWTV Muir.
Ms Saes lei t dame .a M TrIal tool
Melon NO Hamar Joke T. ne,
The Court wee ops.d by pa.dam.iie •
us Tamils, of lase week, end the follow -
log were im`enelled as
IML .:1Aob rear :
Adam Good, hi maim toretseo: Ws.
Armstrong. Hy; Pater W. AyI..worth
.Iwiok; latae Brownies, John Towler,
Mullett; Peter t'antelott, David Cos,
Andrew Drysdale, Qoderieb; H. J
Reid, Wisgb.m; Ilpry D.oni., Jobs
Path, Brawls; Mathew Foley, es., W.
J Harris, Colbiri,e; J. Ili. Hamilton.
Blyth; R. W. fi.stinde, Turnberry;
Jobe Long, jr., Jan. Mean, Orel; Wm.
M. )iobiasee, Wrestler.
ciliumi&L C•Attss.
A t the Cueuty.lee'e Criminal Court,
a Teeeday, W'itiJ. Willem, of Hou
ick, was found of an assault os
his brother. Heeoolryy ilbt., by domino
and peloti•s a landed revolver at him.
He sea •entei..d to three month. e.
jail with bard labor for the erasuh, rid
also eeslertced to three months wltb tier.
labor forestry i in the revolver-- the Iowan
sentence to 5...un.errsnt with the form-
er. The revolver wee eoufieonted sod
-.acorea the reopenty .:f the neve oe
Howiek township.
At tb. (Jusiasal Sessiuse of the Pete.
Patrick Welch was cbar,red with aloe
.eduction ui a girl ender 2) years of see.
out the Brand jury brought in uo bill.
Queen v Tboe Eiii.'tt, of Stan -
•e7. -Thu ease was mut from the lads
Amazes t., the Sessions. A tree bill wee
f.wnd by the greed jury for aggravate°
assault upon Minnie Nichol, une of
Mus I:ye a importations. The jar)
nrought ton verdict ut guilty ..f mammon
..sault tad he wee sentenced to pal a
hue of •lb and costa, Hi. Honor allow-
ing him nit mouth it which to pay same.
Geddes Witham and hicks
Jona Osseo two appeals from maeis-
mites' aeelaiolo in a.mult cases, Con-
viction was quashed in first case, and
second was adjooreed to the next
carotene. Dckeon &Hey:dor p ff Cards°,
and Elliott & Elliott for plff Hick..
The Jurors for our lady the Queen
beg; leave to present: That they bays es•
.in:med the jail and find at present that
'here are eleven prtsooere in the jail, viz:
N.oe &rales and two female,. These two
females are both under sentence for six
months each as vagrants. One a eighty-
wo years of age, the other is fifty-seven.
The latter i• of week mind and
'needless as far se they know. Of the
nine males ripe is waiting sentence for
drawing a revolver and threatening to
•boot. Four are insane. Three has.'
Mee examined and certified to as being
esaaneand are now waiting removal to the
eeiylam. The loon► is under examies-
rion at present. Three are vagrants, al'
ender eentrnee, all aged. their ages being
egtbty•twn, seventy-eight and fifty-five
respectively. The !set meotioued u'uf-
feJityp from en incurable son in his leg:
bis piper place is the hospital.
iters is one prisoner confined for want
of sureties to keep the t:.oe.
They are pleased to find so few persons
eharxed or service sentence for scrioes
offences ',ain't the law and lot• it as at
....deice that crime is not on the increase
b this county.
They ere pained to find such a large
number of persons in jail who are we
criminals in any sense of that term; they
• e.pectfelly suggest that the indigent and
ihease Or paned who are incapable of
taking sen of themselves should not be
onuBned i. pail They would urge upon
'he Provincial Government their duty to
provide for the insane in Instltotion.
imitable to elute condition, end also on
h. County Council to provide • suitable
- plea, for the pont. and friendless.
They consider that the stain leading
to the second and third tier of cells is •
«Koros of danger in case of tire, and
would suggest that the present material
he replaced by iron or other fireproof
Thee find the jail clean and well kept,
and consider the present staff efficient In
every All of which is respectfully submit-
, ted. Ammo Goon.
Foreman °rood Jury.
Ond•rieb. °rued Jury room, Decemb-
er 11th 1800.
CIVIL t.asel.
Smith e. Rose et al. -An action on a
ptomiseor7 note: judgment was reserved,
sats for pig ; Hit for deft,.
Frame's v. Manning. -An aetios for
mosey p.yibie Mader agreement std
.Wed. Joey diepSsgod with
by weasel. Jsdsmest reserved. 0.1 -
lies for plt,; Gamow. Q. C., and KSHo
for deft.
Horton v. 11igb•r.-Aotion on promis-
wry mote. The jery brought in a verdict
for plaintiff for WI. 15 and email* for
defendant on he muster claim for *40
His Honor reserved the form of jade
e'eet Hell{ for pit ; Prodfoot for
Farb R.mep amatory* M M
Sao. Gems r MardOr+nt
liddlipeam Meters as•stemefiim►
Ow . W bet., Mr Jae.
es-,h'«a , w�. &4 NK OF MONTREAL.
i• the bash led the misfortune
hie toot badly with the ass whisk w , s
*aims He was altos sod is order 1e C 4 PJT 41
•Isuee► the e.w of blood he took ei
W Reuse. turd bound •p the welted,
*which enabled him to gait holm. A doc-
ottear was Nat ter and dressed the loosed
member end he is r.ow progressing favor-
I te(a)k Coble
II took Mitf>k.
AND I All 710010011 E1•000H TO TARE
AJ*TTHIn0 I CAN LAT Irl 5.4111♦ ON;
Pu.., roa �t
kg,1iotF T 'e our 1 Pat; BUe0 T
_ 11R OS. ACID >• Sur1R'1'Dr0
TARE rTJU.T AS IASILY AddOK Ig00 tins."."
easier iii•alem to by .51 Dna •l
ea& a.re.siL
SCOTT 6- QOWNB, BslereiMr.
Ily 1'01 - _IRE .'
SI 2,000,000.
14 Saving Defiartment has been o4raed iii con-
nection with this branch.
Interest alknopd at current rates.
.tlauager Godericl: Rrauch.
Ed. Campaigne wishes to call the attention of the
general public to his stock of Holiday Fruits, etc.
Valencia Raisins, Vostizza Currants,
London Layers, Patras Currants,
Black Baskets, Imperial Prunes.
7 Crown Figs, Almeria Gra i es,
5 Crown Figs, Red ; t - ers,
Persian Dates, nanas.
Valencia Oranges,
Florida Oranges,
Messina Lemons,
Oyors, FiIiHall lladthos and Fishorall kiuds
I carrc :t1.,) a complete line of
8ll-tf-1 Telephone Connection. - Cor.
We are determi.e4 town amour entire stock of
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Fancy Christmas Novelties
' To make run for spring voile. Those wanting the first . honor' must c.a,w surly. dale
will last Ger only two weeps, .m SATURDAY. 1)s*:U. 'J(Ittl., and motives
Filled with the latest ideas in
GIFTS i; what
Cottons, Flannels, Linings, Shirts and Drawers,
Hosiery, Corsets, Gloves, &e., &c., at
Are going to give to the people of
4Joderich and vicinity. They in-
tend on the lit play of February, Saturday
1gi91, to dissolve partnership, and blfaturdayl December loth, until Saturday, January Srd.
to make stock -taking easy will
sell out at prices that will make
you buy.
Are wanted to select goods for
their Christmas trees, and special
prices will be given, as haat been
lour custom in past years
- Wanted to buy their Christmas
presents for the family. No mat-
ter about the size of your purse ;
we can quit you.
Remember the stands -West
street, at the old stand, and Mc-
Lean's new block, the Square.
This is oo hngns ad. ertiaing scheme. but a }weal*.. leaving sale. We Will 41%6- you
Al.we- for your money then anyone else in town. If you ,kwr•t believe it °none sol Me.
Kenlrmher the dew -
Uoderich 3tea1Boiier Werke
• estabtrsd iMO
AHD HilD 1101111111
In Stock For Sale:
1 50 -horse power upright
boiler, all complete.
16 -horse power upright boiler
and engine.
1 d -horse power horizontal
honer and engine.
1 power
bowler, al
1 , power horizontal
�aIIaarllwer ofmp e valve
The above be bees thoreegb-
odd ottbeap.
Mei seders mill seed,* eremel ssmtntled
Wtebe I M• O. 9. SL.Mree.
• M•p•Ise wow* sae•td
I0 (1 pages. I'twinning with the Ifoliday Nulnber, 1M9I.
ie permanently enlarged to .in' hundredpwgo'4 radiant with new anti larger
type .I new style of peg', aml frr+b, >;trong literary and pictorial attractions.
Mrs. Burton Harrison, abase story of "The Anglonnutiaot" haat hewn
the seasetlea of aloe sasses t. The Ceafere. Inas written her Wise swamis teem milled
"Diamonds and Toads."
Hon. John D. Long (ex-11ovenior of Mairsa•he ) farat os six articles,
enter the title of Oil Ooverreert, Let the eitaselmwer eMasrs--the
bsps.sd tiara. of twho r•day•
Kirk Munroe, lats'lylit ed for :t time the life cite railroad elan, in Iii
phmge teem parlor ash to nattie_ cye, hes_ pet a e:perlerer thrtlllns s.r4 for
astled t tai ami tabeoee. nrrlElmR pcf w+o k! 1Com ZITlip M yr.ew w•nAl, Five Little Pe� drown Up, wilt
ibtereAtfilerand Jasper and David tad Joel and and others. as It came
F,ar charming inns rations by Charlet
Marietta's Good Times .111 chronicle in her own %orb', from her own
mrumiel t. tIs eldbleesd adventures of Marietta Asehred.
Miss Matilda Archambeau Van Dorn, a tittle girl who had it slump
meat •moister•, is an Irreehaihle tittle tales' sera, by ena.betb Concha.
Unusually Interestin Articles, aanr pbaboriitoly pictorial
wlb e
tiffy ,e�tt Jeb. A. Iwlao • 'soles • Rant esideey
sen : Geese*
8... Htooreea t hMuss ave v. ewvr-drive
eeedpter: b MIs.
Gabor C T.$L by Tloodrar
o eS R. Jwmsm Adams
Some Problems in Horology by E. H. Hawley„ the $mitimonien
1atllet10.. Washelw,
iawill interest ( .obeoi etedemm este of Cash Prima
The best of Short Stories form deems:ul s offered anal ^a::ci:.: viae past
ger -asses by sew avows.
Figure Drawing for Children, in twelve Mediates' 1.sotona by Caroline
Th.0. Rlmmdr. with IGo ,Gies ase► west*
•sd P
avR sepyr�fa,. t. 5. a1blmms, t5. 8.5.5playground Hardee, ?..lass pew sees
sad Mean*Wide Awake i. only *1.40 a year.
D. LOTHROP COMPANY. Publishers, Boston.
Get "The Signal"
All the News.
From now until
Jan. I, 1892,
*1.00 in Advance.
-•+f-- i
CI -001313.
R.meeste to be CAearsd Owl. >i efesl
1,110 god Showy Mew
sell The Whet 'him►