HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1890-12-19, Page 4Stu $ignitli
AT ITO AMAX nowise owes:
mioRTM- irrnAmr.
ft le • widommike Wed asenimper. demoted
te west, sows tied the diessrulaalles or ewe
1.1 kawnedes.
1Cea year 73e fee els mesthe; 4.for
weeitles. If ihat subscriptles seterld
adlestatie otworiptkia will st
thirsts, ot SLOP • year.
tospit and other camel ad . Ide.
per line for ttre meertists. sad 3 maul ear New
for wok •oheopiest lesertten. Measured by
....red awe.
bawl uotiues la posy/art* one Sc per has .
Load **nes la oritisen median VT* to ler
Striae* ~as at six lines and mad* fffi per
A a Le*. Fogad. Strayed.
Intaatiorie Taoist. Stwesties Wasted ern
Swisese Chances Wanted. uot exossatag s
Woe uespariel p1 per month.
tilitiede and Farms os Ss* sat to
di for drat mouth, Mc per
Lanier advt. in proportion.
'mom. ***owl of which te to
period*, be** of •ny
piny. to be reuse:Sere-it an ad
NBA Wanted socerthaely.
The* tees* will is -al caws be strictly Ad -
TAW PI A rataLry.
The annowiegnent in Ties Bletwito
hit Friday that ifr. RIM** HAW
cures was in the field so • randidshe
for the Mayoralty was well received
by the bulk of the electors.
'Ching' had got to ascii a pass that
a change was abooktely seceenary,
and everyone knew it. The present
Mayor during his tirst term gave
etery indication of being a paituttak-
ing official, and of having the welfare
of the town at heart, bot the easy
bettors of last January evidently gave
hint the idea that tlw town was his
insteml uf he toeing the town'a, and
ihe result haa been :uo arbitrariness
of purpose which has on more than
one occasion *ohm! In,InwaII to
the town's intereete. Hence the
' necessity for a change.
liteides, Mr. Byvt.se lio. tied his
awed to.
Special rates fo^ larsee 0 , or
adirertiwnieuta tor exp=simpenedt made
luiowe at the office et
always yet the borsht of he e bean- 1
ties 1st us not have it at all. It
will be a bail thing for the fanner
and for the whole country ohm the Sr Richards
protectionist *ticking bottle is given ToWfl
A Reittiing Boot -
M.. HUSSY RISTTIL es M. P.for prooity
Katt, has removed to Seattle, Wash 1
Agrieultunt lddri
ingtoo Territory, U. S., and the piirty i The Rall CroWde4 from Flat -
be has so hey hoes iiientilled with form to DOM
- - -
the shoes 01 another deg- -
Convinoi hifFratuirgunMite on the.ver.
Waver. If it i* only to keep ow *Mar , Pohoy.
our good Conservative friends at home
w r 'should ail, Urit and Tory alike, % ote The tremor
for reciprocity and fuller trade i. Oh and Nether
the l" :dud
• - - - -:
A !SIMI% AL ill Calltadian 101101 tfroa-
Between Foster and filtdrinley.
ing may be looked iler if the Libentla By our own reporter.
Iheainien eleakines for it i" grmers1.1Y eavrei:likMaiscatustoediMmihhe lailir ittoic.o of l'iu'll.
1 The atten.bince was ondly litinnriartain sbsymtbsshe
Pie" a 'el" 3°41' Ma" Board and lowed by neiprocity with the United uf ladles occupied sots iu thetsodito-
a loot I ic r at t Cannel! Bohint Then Suttee Me. E. T. Durnoe, the viol!
retras called to the chair, attd.00 the oest-
iim. Farrago of Clitorms,
111- W." "leete4 by a guixl ivajority known wawilen manufacturer of Streit- form were J. McMillan, MY. J. T
' Mayor 4of the town, and lot year lie ford, mend), gave his %it.op, un re_ MI FY., John Morns, Colborne;
o,o4 returned by acclamation. Surely etprocity to a 6whe ropo"er. and rjirna74iiicinEddy, ?run. 8- 81"ne 36d 13.
Ooderich; R H. Outline,
are „tweed oe power ito the next, The in. rem* at Clinton as resod*,
admitted that A Liberal triutnpli at renty, was • suscess .in every particular.
shore h000re- For Years °"'°' tlw polls will nage certainly - eopeeity of the bah, so •
gawps* why wispy of the hem preemeh their beads kite their neighbors' Peelle* I Wake sad Nee gemiding Si per
id were not nnillsosions by she peop1e. to besswe seemeesely ittrahhy, bet the ewe, so that • seppseey-ha'pisigt Wm*
Illisr many /IWO pest • segatee of mon weather wee ase Mega On dee ether I tidies is Owe& cog he kept sensing at
of the petrels- the wet el the gossamer (teed latighter);
eV mooed pow, and thee
the oyes of Ws peep* Moir hod
oil rooted of the pees of the errantry -
the subsidised prems-ead hail hired it ts..
de their Whisk the reside beteg diat
Aro had ligeseed to • lull! to oa
them to sleep, BO IllsKtoley 841
boil proved to be an object Is to
Moho the people from their lethargy,
aithogith lie sould not gu as far as
mato of the Ministertalets sad tbeir
prem, and dein that it was
J81211111 11191111A11117. that ;ft sufficient honor tor one man Koenig other things he Truant
retihnameen,neqaittoo°Dawrisir,e= wait iiiti=seali Rut admire and hermit any ((ti* the prosperity of the fanners and the %Volker, Tockersinith; Jas Far, A. H.
tasted poster toll •hdt iWmearur that a change is neerlet1 so that ioine gainrrit. If 1 were a farmer 1 eciulil ("Ctihreill nnan Farran, with that budges,
k "1 Oati Smoot! sad A Rim, Ykstee ;
A fully olutpeed Jabbing fence is carried and en think many of the ratepayer& ani not &fruit' (of being hurt, while by
- W. Lewis antl O. Kibbler, Creditoit;
Dr Swith and M. I. Mcleen. heallorth;
kit* can be none th country genendly we shiiuld lie large Dr Worthington, Clinton. aad
ra!".. ICr*Triblairla tion of rotation of othee is the fact
A AL111.111141 DEIA4(1111,
boost to say it had dose
, ea it bad °posed 111119 eyes uf
.1 110 'Gentry to the Magni-
tariff system. (Load laerthter
) Altbough h. wais *peaking
ly to the farmers los tee
asarte Sim awned to the
sod *Awe at doh toes. and villages, for
do hope* of the people of the tows.
were biped in the prosperity 11 the seri-
ealtariet. (lder, two ) Oita sad lie
woad goal with the present otoodirion sad
future of the fanners and tbe
Serirt=lii the towns and adhere Timms
wore Wool under legislative cootie1 sod
thare Waft taller thioes that could not
lbe reemilied loy no Me -
Kinky Hd1 out irretrievably Mien
Weavers Canada. although Mems dam-
age had been 4,00 10 the trade in hones,
grani, etc.; bin it mold mos
heavily open the people of Central Can-
ada. the habitant 01 Qisebec 6.14 the In-
ci the Maritime Provinces,
...here their sgricultund wealth. was con-
fined withis closer limits then in the
portioo of Oman° Now nue of do
ways to test prosperity is to onapIMPII
Too towel -it or rorrierNel
heed 11.000.000 of the semi
des hail to hear additiesel hemiliese that
a gemparatively few risk tees *SW foe
foam wishes. Aad the fames hod te
beer the largo share of this hordes Wee.
He had Mated is hie place is Parliesseet
that there had boss • fall in tares eases
of at lead $10 per wee. asd 11. believed
in the light of laser went* that hie me
mato was luw. Well, there were 21,000-
000 sem id lens lead ender ealtivaties
le Ontario sod id $10 *a sere
TIM DNS nit LASS emotes
aloe would ammo to .910,000,000.
TI.. we hal an iseeessed mations* debt
of over $100,4100,41010, boils dis mitts
oohed provicestal 'ad mesieigial 411114; the
mortgage debt gad the Worm* on rail.
way debt of the peat twelve pew Be
that the sextant now Wood is this way :
PIESEWIL iscitaasa.
}tarsi mieulatlea. Adana dotoit.
owe MOW
Farm • us.
W111/ eies.
a dream for wde is emoted IS per
wet ; awl a emit of °lathes. it le h
ees"latt. easiest."' itolitlithatyli.e4°,Unatl wthalite Wert
"ler 22se bas"sper mete"; rakalision hh 17sePti".rewolt4IfiloPat
per ceet. at his etenmaes wall -paper
120 per east, akbeeglii the wallioisaise
san issit his eilt-edged lugh weelepaper is
at 10 or MI pee gest ; his glide kir hie
wisdoms is taxed 36 par oat.; hie
arealtery GO per SOUL ; sad eves 11 1.
diee lieertehroken from beans' los
heavy Weise the oreameata on his
safe are taxed 40 per 00421. f•
bear as/ applause.) Surgical instru-
ment& which should be us the Irmo list,
if anything should be on, are see Wav-
ily tamed, and it was only by strenuous
emettiotes en the part of Mr Paterson, of
lintel, end die speaker that ea impost
ea, Muttered (Mal being plated epos
leek with raised lettere for the see of
the blied. As if all this mot out eacegh
to keep the farmer down tamed am he ie
on everything whelk he boys. be is
too Lf •XOTIllt craTOns wig
by • levy upon that which be sells,
wistaber 11 10 horses, cattle, locality or
grails He taxed by friends sad taxed
It was ea soknowledged feet that all
taxes sad debts neat on tho laud, 0114 110
farmer who omitted Me land had to bear
the brunt of the enure levy. The farm-
er **whored to his farm, and cannot
roily pall op and leave. lu this r•.
.(C he was aka dim who cone
pond with the 01115.0, the Fofeesional 11, foes, sad is being biome:ad between
f., tb, twit, oven year,. i„,„ fur between Foster and McKinley. ;Lood
men, or vamoose 11 tower, weet ,„„t !tee upper sad lb* nether
d,, moo, "aro ea they bud boon ro. Ouse.) The hies tend in the (Oiled
in this would -be Otte inevitable result 18101•• urittnalf • war
They were likely to Mak froo the frec locoure, but while the Union eras bot-
tle* to pot down Mack slavery in frost -
t positson of I
and i
sod ly to,setsblish white slaver, behind, and
ii irsorsoor uOltroaaali NM OlIdAlf the tariff it **iota there even mato
the day, alibi:net the sewn of the fru-
fruto 0* S. MeGILLICIDDIf. effort may be matie to rtoluce tax:item
tutor reciprocity if the roily prospect to
in bringiue the esthertug to order, Med reached 16 i•a°1 "1461" '4 til• Unst•d We were told in 187b to follow the o-
siers' Allison boa skaken it to its toe.
An oadilsonicatIont inset be addressed to That unfortunate cooditiess had beco
to IMI Of mars fooant, of belpfoeshr a egg of conspirators worked soaceastel-
h he is noted lost no dos
at girniainassimpioda, end he had with WI
Islestiese Cal. •go. 30. **dada' Ont. pension of interests or retrenchment ment it viould give to %mil %Towing... at mute called upon
Mr J. kiare°wi M. P -P• ter -ela 1878 to 1.61111 every one of thaw 11.41 de- vetoes of the hired men. 'Oho lot twist ss follow their exams Is of the 4th of
w. which this test could 1341 Made. rron. ins of the farmer are far loss Otto the poli on the gime., of protection. 'At
the o foures for 52 out of ths
50 rural osnatituniems of I intone upon Stares, mbar* in 0001e motions the pro- &moo of the paapia „otos the line at the
Editoren Tit. SIGNAL and glo in for either a System of ex- .4 profit 1 raw wee iu tlie encourage -
T. 410011R1C111.11UOAT. DSC. Mk MA of taxes by whiclethe ratepayer may The gel t t ry of the 11.4 rior can Munn., who on coining t"iiird was swaged io pepoistioo,aed the la Inoue in of the screw -the McKinley Bet - No,., two. 1,0,rd 004 prowess,'
beuetit. Here it is that Mayor
110 B011r1 !Mil the W11101 er (Ile eye- tettarattatille audrIva'4,10a halider::. 10 beer. sad
not Me Mat
population beeerzlit shout a Cowie(' taint de- however, Awakened the hunters to so act chew* And set...rairbing h,„ the
J,auvo E. l'UtaAPAT„ Of Auburn, and
. J. C. Ls Tot tr.', tkiderich, have been
vpointed General Travelhug Aguriu, .for
Tut SIGNAL, and &re enopoweoni holwit
subscriptions and orders for johwork Inc
ibi. office, and to sign receipts for samw.
Tag rtiwist.. 4 lodench, HMO.
fin account of Christmas 'lay
emning on our regular date of publi-
cation nest week THE SIGNAL Will be
printed on Wednesday. For this
reason 4our wide-awake .; 1-
Outs over the (Imlay will confer a
great favor by rushing in their read-
able budgets a day earlier. Let us
get returns from all along the line by
Monday, or Tuesday at the latest.
next week.
And repeat the formula -on New
Year'. week. ••Take time by the fet-
leek, as tiny March wouhl Key.
Suttee's failure to undenitand public
sentiment comes, and 00 this line is
the reason why, municipally. his hour
ha* come.
He has cot net of touch with pub-
lic sentiment on some (4 the great
Mimeo affecting the town's progress,
and having 41011e SO it Voluntary re-
tirement would be a gnweful act.
We have every reason to believe he
will adopt sueh a course.
In the meantime the star of 'Mr.
RADCLIFFE iA in the ascendant. Since
his retirement from the civil genies.
he lute proved himself to be an effi-
cient and pninstaking lomintne Dian.
In public mettert as 0 member of the
Town Council aml ale) in his connec-
tion with the Board of Trade the
weight of his influence him always
been met Inc the town'o welfnrr, and
MK action ill the past is but an
earnest of what it will -be in die time
to come. He will acknowledge the
logic f events. and be governed by
the will of the peoole.
For these reasons vie wont 10 We
Mr. 11 tIn*LIFFE 111.1*liry t he t I aiyor's
Chair during 1891.
RUDY/MS SMOG wields agraphic
pen. Speak* of a very egotistical
young man in one of his tales he says
that "The I I -Is flashed in hie record
au: telegraph polio Ay past the travel-
woes in the value tif land. Hear, beer., - that they had soommidaid in submerging efficfa th. ro,,otuo,,, public feeffhe
the ferment. . on that account would not iiitlict • mama aaaa. ,
sy sltheogh tea of the sod practically esaihilating the greatest been ,„, th„th„ Ad, two today the
. - speech upon them. Another was here-. ie:rsaa, iiad mud
lo Oaten°. Polities! O&M in the t al"fi 8". ot•••• restrictionist gontlemen in Canada are
AT A meeting of the Ora:trio Fruit Sir Richard Cartwright .appiause who yes no easeptim on this luso. as the: ;Load apogee, ) la the State ot Lma- ,otally exercised „beet
°°°,1ww:r P"P'red, to d!'re" the l'ar- keno woold show In 1878 the rural neeticut a C t niters showed
; farms the ono rots Tee pert ?
t; r"were. --k3lecieitabli held 3 few ticuisr poses of tn. great tuestion which • • • • ' 1 ! ........
lllll 0i 110 ago Mr. E. Mottoes. of Nia- at 1hr Prows" day wa a "'eh ffrest 1 in Ulla of 51.502 ; and in 18110 it had 1 roots anhouatod to $181 31. Irbil* Om They cuLtradioted the stateineot that the
municipalities oi Huron had • popula that taking ova
nano* to the fanning community ninon to 48,461 • decrease of river1 hired inaa's *sem were 01386 , and in cousomer paid the duty when we soda
II 0110 wheo by the natural incomes seam M , . although It *0*„„,... it. The commuter dose pity it; I say so
bt, still. I may Me United Suttee comatose
TUKKE's likely to Ite another cotton
eotabine in tOinnoln in spite of the
efforts of CLOCK/. WALLACE, M. P.'
tool neither the artion nor the fann-
er will get the benefit of the increase
in price.
Ttit: ..pisoile of the Kilkenny cots
.ii* excellent opportunity of hat-
ing history repeat iterlf. only more
so, if half what we revel in the cable
reports coboarning the pending elec
Moe be trtte.
gara Falls -South, in the c011rgir (4 a
and the working -men of this ceuti•
paper on fruit culture thus alludet1 try. If the speaker of the even wow should hate hoot added to the what neater Inc "
to the que.tion of the Item market 1ng otece.heodo edhad In loPoustradn'otar imaknefd orisons! population. Now this was not reached only ono, whoh the htehsesndutyn sovosswhltat woes semi t 10
lwrries. 4 Mc reason. perhaps, is that tiouiscp.tad.:navistigaiinidt.. sAnwgreawatsctrire
.1.;„, I If that( unfortunate ic partition dSir Richard had *toted
ht th" itt,171thort- day.. IRcem "rhe a Owes oft Tomato
ny ma dare soy that it had maid that lauds could be bunont Ilos10 ,C•olaisn Prod d .04 nibar
7 ',NY
:away, realized readily with 'rasp- formecly held, they should not be afraid ea. a and healthy state or there i o from 83 to Sb per sore, sad be froomatly lose the amount of tile dal,
reit:see le rnme °ex stRKET. da Illuitrati"c of 0001 "•' repae. !levied applause.; But the far bad bees ground down by war taxes hark, vat UP* to Me ; in Hoffilo harZsl
Nearly all the raspberri., 1 grow
placed before us the other day he the temp and villages fared no better than and m impoime Hear hoer., The nos 850- to 8.411- Woo wooleth. to
id be dem by
are sold in the. United St ote. In action of the Farmer.' Altianee es- e their township neighbors by stone thIng would result in Ontario mere is awe Oho American conosso paid the
THE TINT OT corn -ATP*. ff 0 wog duty or perhaps I should gay the is -
honest men banding Weather had
that m.o. 1 litioe the l01.-1.11 Illarkl't I other :11:Iteh.e.fir thmeicibTea, nwdhiin talheys ttals
Ewen the town of Conlon. which was ; ter a f"IF mere 'rare' Weeders hirlar in
the promo ,
for the fruit grower **1 hi" e tnIii- question a the toi ir of opinion. ; matsstedr iwefoutlaitice, bat a matter or average of $345. Of Vermont Mr Colby
In it review in The Conteniporary
lieriew by HENHV lit-%CitLEV01
FroutleO ''Weist Indies,- the writer
gives Ow following brief Out interest
it* 'Ornery of the growth of the beet
Auger industry in Europe
1 COMPETE %tint tor patriotism to rise above more party. -it .triatgehreeen remartiheartia tiLelidseirisieto:t= ;tie. of s a ea
114 wh the (sr,: gad Buffet°. le Toronto the price e:
looked epos se a 010.1 ttneiag owe. tan oenottcsurltinsitral oopsuarstryt,hass 0.3 eettstbews
hooe pot Ison conterelino for .•• I 'lir considerable extent the arbiters of their ID
H uron OLIO' grower+ will MM.*" Nith own destinies by practically annihilottnhg h184:18rt.ott wassaagedas to whitotild2t.te2000.
guaranies for the prosperity ot the coos-
M4414Dr. than the 1- nit.," I States !nark tbinsitepo, !ifts;t:Aatel tpartrict y that &dirt:too d
oatee„0010.1 1+00 it mid eel, liad made no increase, try' S.,'" ele7 raise the 6" that we
••.11 the beginning of thr cetitn9 it .s.
intros1 to Napoleon as n weapon ot *or to
decree the exclusion of Ensile), igoode, en.1
among theta our colonial product*. front
French markets. Ittot the French outilt1
not do without, and a substitute ftw the
tropiiwl article had to be franal. Till then
the cane hail hems king : it lied nou
find a rival to Ow beet root. Before 17118
the beet mot had been grown chiedy as
food for cattle, but its raocharine proper•
ties were eel' known. and at the instarwe
rt 1., a desirelde one, and v.e all know Reciprecity wart above and beyoud every • but it ha& drooped to 2,501d ; Gedertcb are
OYER roriLlatto, •
that the Yankee apple buyer oon„._ i taihisl_gstrrlsesunnesda farnander s twpiestiosni,nntanowd if Sir hod dropped from 4,663 to 3 621; Seal arth
had made • shahs iogrease-from 2 311 bit is It tree t Ontario has 181,000
how or other gets the price of that that it was • step in Me right direction to 2.554,or about 240, •han the natural square miles or 116,000,000 square
increase should love been *boot 1 000; acres of tons land.. 21,000,000 are
a op
and Wirighass, Hayfield Bream's, Ere- occupied by farmers. If the speaker ERE SAIITZInt 11ARIINT
fruit on a higher level %Own lw come:. then everyone of there should sink perty
to see us. The .tmerican market it'
to wive country. (Cheers and lo _d ter. Blot wad wtnistsir had wit tailed lewd the mammies. was wirwthisss he barley whisk coom 1104 otherwise 0011-
4Mt" MAMA 0004. and alieuntlegishe A grass AAIITAAA. to hold then own AN over Old Owed. would be denounced as • traitor. But Pao with that grows in Coned*. Bot
• even 01 him tbe advantage was donbtfol,
plause )
tion by MeKtotoo and ItIteleretLri Sir Richssrded C:rtnswrIshttonnscostinint:g for;
H otobehrnirs,rarl I.". sad townships ; and to good there was a lot of it that could well -
of thisp prevailed in the althoogh there waa some of it n it very
for it will often draw hint Onto the pro -
(linnet; long hurvive the fast rising doetion of grain for whit% his land Moot
. i smd that something like twelve years . the fact that the 217 towns and village, be placed under tillage, and °surto ili-
a 1, adapted. to the loss of other throes
opposition te commercial lairriert. had elapsed since he tirst became se. 055004 to improve, bin rather had retro- steed of sustaining a
which be couldbeim projesedto bettor
quatated with the people of this western yodel. mast be ascribed the great de 132 000 could wily support 5 000 000
„..._ • peoffoo when he was member tor preciatioa is farts kindle 11 the firm 1 8.u00.000 nr 10,060.000. Lied ap- Illoontolts- Bat I moo it Im• ourroll
I would like
InAtImc the post week Jon's; .1.
Celestes' tiln011. since that time, as lands had not dropped in value is plasee- wen. ones is the mem of nor Ito _,ir things come arouod.
WilffilleSoN, it ane -time well-known waa wen koolvo, that constituency had Heron county he 1 the preseat condition 1 Is it bosses Ontario • f° rm.° you ----" extract 1"111,t11. • alicaah 111
_ ..
d dish
ny had them fanners are inferior to onto*? No ' they • prommest Canadian politiman, *Moiler
thsermelynaig pa' thised via .( 'Imo weed to 0 on the haer oi the forth who to Isis opinion pays the duty :
Conon-ratite p olitician, breathed his I been, hbelotted onset of tohfil hp:Mg:eel 1 luso.
last iti iti* 5ith year. "-Rig Pugh,- 1(17cht ardirJohtn Csrornaht. vale hear, , hear. , 4. 00 easel to the decrease in earth. (Proloagod applasee.) Theo, .„Lfilttatfial Ube lAkonrs at WatiadCwodo add
as he was called on account of the What struck him particularly 00 ha pouaistion and the fall la land values if the People are good and the soantry is kmf fofbefr Iforfey. foe befog
with the section and trader the N.1' &sea bid boon a cones- , good what has brought stoma the present to mg •iletLef_11 par isep ea -
I ' An enemy-- may, the gamey -has r 2: Itiraric... nommusi:„..idiotTerli;
thei earsatry tree. 11 is mad
aseertheasysattetraa.. That is
whet 1 pet • Gimp* awl.
freesesslr,1 ma est so
a alma him Re gores is 11119
Ibis sad Me acres es me
is. Oman he 1
es east of his
'reseed price Bat, kit me ask you,
when the Coadian producer mit 56. in
Tomato was he booeflted bosoms Ohs
Amoncas cnneinner was Mitered Didn't
he lose the amouot and didn't the Usitod
States Treasury lose ? And there was
net a human being who gained by it,
tracopt possibly some of the remote pro-
ducers in the Western States, who ware
saabled to ship over los; distances to
its inhabitants was the moment wealth posding increase smortglie ,
letter to Senator Stortioo, was at one of the country and the intolligent statue ditiored tO Work the oriole that way. done this. He has beets sowing tares In an I
he rawly of Hon. GEo. Flimsy.: S .
j) titliosardloYf onthse 2:Maree.71.6V1.1 .
time, preacher, but neoutpesered that. ado', peoptect, who:iby thhole beeners arid Thessetrewsselllithssotother. poiutbsitow:.onnstthrlser and then wisbeath.s stteledd. Cheers
"catkin and became) editor ni the ttnagemitthreli.rhopt portsem:nitti0ost Donitng the.% 1873 and 187e dm rural pupulstil in; taxes we pay. How do saythey compare wbIsh
NVest Durham News. The notoriety twelve piers he had watched the growth ceased from 1 047,812 to 1,I'.N WO, an with other countries ) Take it se • =eoe
to,,„ hoe by the puhheati,, „f the 1 of the section and naturally expected increase of 81,0r. between the years tn 'ft*** or • rent charge. .Daring esas~.
that the calm of the lands and the pope 11879 and 1889 the MAMAS MSS oaly 3 - twelve yore Oto airevegato taxation he. hroll1.11.5 esloll000f
•• Big ,‘lf:usit" letter and the.COnsiAlftlellt tattoo of the section would show a end'. 956.0v *total 1.132.11,146 fordo latter year, born $330 000.000 directly, bat who 47„„,,was =ite,
libel suit, drew the attention of $ir tying increase at the ednd ohf tlisitt hien% . tnotto:rintshsworandtimg then test that dbusndugt tnhat atri0. niesar7 wilier. has? itr take oisti out of wile satakmetaa his UM
Amertes a :sit
.1 ION M wooNALD to him, boto tIntheTt. lipca 'so00707sorryss trO, ti od a cot unt,trya tasose
tte national deist 104 largely toor'eseed. seen to some oases 12, $3, $7). 710 haw* Cotton ob=
Or at it this way. Prose 11143 to 1879, been takes. sal soros toetworw• so e" IL to al"a""
mare pars tts=szel 1150
d in population. And Heron's of Alezander Marhessir, sided and fore, instead of the mosinal $330,000,- wito was TIMM orrocatm 1
conic a Conservative organizer, son shoo. upon, there had man a
of Napoleon its culture wsui promoted lo the ,,,,,teptrecy positioe was by Who mid that 1 Ter4dte the Hansard
was one 44 the, 'lemons iinplicateil in no meant 1; _ *betted by that other osimereant, Rich- 000 isometheng like 1600 000 000 woold
•• • illanitote for the 'vile trrsduallY by the stunt t to urchase eertatn of mere than twenty tunes as faelt as eke* it a %be, spars ..)usg, sad the 9'2 tionatit- yge jobs it hessoder MaildeariT C. ft
most was
M ICIIAKL DAVITT wiyit Sir .1 oil subsi.lies croon the state. Atter the close ont.prnini,,iit oonte veers eso the country. Whet Lad brought this
to ot.erthrow the arrested developmen pre
ran rort-t. vicar twcitsast o
Pori H rve wort% t he a 'Ai -Parnell of the war the clan% *Don of the beet root Mon AT • Stata of things stout 1 Thai wee 1 oaTA1110 PATS ABOLT TSIt
notable place in tlw markets of the w•whl. .1 I* woeld teem, 200,000 acne, sad that (Laughter gad renewed applesee.) Let
It may be '.n but at this rlistance The exportation was Minoulatea loy a thousand -dollar hill'. The failure of Population and wealth were practically donald (Cheers and land
stationery or retrograde iisetead of in- Abe LOWDO and villages tbolmielithebeest an weald make the taxes average st least -them settle *bother tbe oweeerser par
from the seat of war it alnimit looks drawteen %which hail the effect of A hlIllilt). dint orherne lost to him and his moo
creasing and multiplying. There were. iltere°°• lo tho five ?sere ea Mieshoozie • 111 5 per airs sod woidd show a pesstioslathe dot, or *Mahar it amiss oat of the
na if a forecast of any kind would -he he allege.] ewept its . lt iv .,
M trIsiSt tI,D and 1411470 that t init. tion was stationary, the collective wealth twelve yews under Meadesedie at tile WM- Minos the aromaton is Ms this material differamos se movers& with
, Altai fatly ogssiled that of mortgage of $3,000 oft orrery 200 awe poisbots or the Ocgadiao termer, with
_..., . .. Allaina "" 'Ha?'" armirtinek i°4kinli "`" Mate". the countenance of Sir Joao however. oases where, although pit:mia-
ow pn I ICS in ngue, an< iiti ii of dm Foster twit sad die
tax in the hands of Ihr exporter. Thi• e___ t.t. i . t . weed an email. mbar* 01 worldly wealth. - sad from 1878 to 1800 the 3004100 had is ths potatoes of a trobsre-parioss coos- -
_ . hidance o • bounty snd wiedil De a trawl But if we wore to pnt the crIlective . increased to 400,000-• yearly Noreen try. Our iodobtedeess to England in I gesoset of the prompt
1 Ps E Of the ortrieot Ilra1P1, 10er given open the revenue were ot not conniveil at - been sUCCelaiftll in the attempt insole oositb on ono aid., sod piece against it ander Mackonsie of 8: per toot , the shape of Federal, Provineutl, mosi- Osusedian 13 , lb* farmer Nees
05- stimilwr and general He. Pranstiot in farm valig" •Ild • Practical .110*th° cf'untry woo oodor kh" tYroll°1 urns have 5ror
t sailed all over ard John Cartwright, of 1878 sad you will that that stoke -
i have been paid -say, $500,000,000
ss rirren *de by so leas • ass
eandirlate.will be elected in Kilkenny .primil ono ftelBlem. slereneny ondP P THE k/(lorTSVI wee uoder the benign wilIgnmseend bear sencess would es 11101 etement pay over- dLood applasse.) let him .04 1111 mob-
il tnajority of from 1,500 to 2,000. tria, till st hast hem root sugar gained a the supporters with one- fiat ahcmid co.. to every thinking stan. Beat role of Sir Joba Aisietlidr Mae- $3,000,000 mob. The vionatitememige solized pram settle it hot woe them.
likely to get a kink in it between now °web' ilw remimano nf ac,tclandt .latY - • • • i
which has b.,P11 'airranty pai 1. I nt the find icoresood. They owe, seseertheiese, following would show : From 18,3 to value of fans a. (bor.) 1115 the .1015 01 again" rio firtfli that whereas
emieleetioe day. Anyhow,Toe Suocot. mode in which the drawback is reckoned NV ILIIINISOK drifted into ismosparative t ouiy isolated erh e too obo ono 1878 the tows' and willows 31111ffiesed is sok much wonder that. the Isnot finds it -411.n, se fOr .I.olos glad, the
Potialation from 214.000 so 310.000 ; difficult to maks suds own. We stand farmer lost lo emits • bushel, now. as a
isn't propheeying ; that's stmight. . leaves • Valance over ni,,i &time the inland obscnrify. He had undoubted talent 1 t rolled tariff-loetered innoopolieshad ob- . . .
at an election was ti,e proinifie of end per -moot In 11470 bret root Weir be by the ••11rilsery Brigade- Itis reward Ow increased federal debt, provincial - mama • litarlY looniest al www- ciPai• cicctdalfa00011003 taws, debt, 30 seats on every bembel he praisers-
ret:a te rule the market- S., *pad have - La 1......1....i...... gobt, toomecip..; debt sea ilooicosigt tt!se like 4 per Dent ender the premiss amount, to $900„ epos winds wit (Applause.)
i eenty funeral. it Month loV a ('on it. girrelea that 04 Preaaat 41 eaatrib w(all". f'''."`"--- ha". been gm"' seeetege doln it woald be Ironed thammystos. (Applause* ) But a few of the pay • oat isterest to the amount of Tar Till alTALLATIL
sensitive undertaker in Hamilton a "...at Britain. Tik. ,Lor,,,, ou,. ,,, ,fif.
to a hackman to vote for illetheroo. erne/m.1 and with it tlioterntWeet rn tlhsndisiont An
S^Tur "AY the °half° i° lin "f"ftlinfl- Zaltkteet , nnimlititlissil taff°"Market. it pi 11.4.1. .111
ute• 55 per mot. of the entire But he and his aitrociatre 1 tbe was rasher leas than more. 11111•5 have •ismreseed, sod the fast that $30,000,000 per assouni. That being the oaata adeiae as10 eareltate," ere ea aer
from owe how foolish it has boa on the part gee ear neo (loanghser.) 01 .11
dos supremo follies that ever were otiose
ted 1 tlaink that is the greats* 1tw044
lead to the state ef Weyer Cherish Tsp.
per warmed es a few Isere mys to avoid et
all hew& When pet reiggestbew seer-
ly the key gel _milessmisist of this Owens -
most had ievelvess seepomeas el Metier
with the Mind 8IhOst whoa yea cosabkr
the remelts to ow •vrays and the aver -
mow oldlatoril elorgis that wadi Ise
=ode se lead thel viett tbey deprived
at their Anseriembeeinems. slob a pope&
is tittle Me doe erloshoL Xer too woe
Moe be mid ef the stattniasit sil th• Priam
MO* it Otoollii ipmeldos ai
molly, Coodisse void mil quietly
ley ea at* whs. the MOW Raw trope
sioveleed by revels*. ay* Tbit woe
isoll by tbe TO* lIbleher
ol 011 'WM WI* bo
mot Me armor sty doey dohs to Moo es
Meaty einem I bent le tell Ms mad to
mil you that mesh leasoew boa e PO*
KWh* bob abort -el beam. --treases
to buneesity, Coodei sys,
mum* le sessou sortas.
it it eosse to dot. applesi.) kip;
peso Olio Jibs talus ea
lie voirdi *I there ecu bobbisi *I Oro
breeds le the tledeed OM* es 8Ities are
ly grate ono.. "therm that tiw permitter
had no right to lertake sn much,
but that if he obit iso the flintier ahould
not be any longer shrointsd sisesney
but should be thoroughly re hearted
before *11* courts,.
soon be oleos!.
The beet sugar industry, erstablisli-
ml SAfl enr expedient, and nurtured
anti developed among naUonit whose
peamantry is . ; lly poor through
being badly paid Inc their toil. Its* in
deed mole • winiderful advance
AA ape st. predicted, The against mule sugar But went im
flantiltoa $1010•Ostor hes einem, it- , , have been made in the
"111 Inc . knd 10"4"" Peen nistbeds of iniusefacturing 4111W4
fiod fault WhIll the abolition of the ringer, and Interim can be much
pipet duty on loge. One of theme more nosily and cheaply nerved by
daire The Spectator will be potting the What Indies than can the neon-
ko Stoat, work Inc foriProoitOo men' trio of the OldeWorld. 11 w, aro to
The Rumps, takes exemption tie ite enter into beet miter* kw sew we
reems Tooslie, gal be, can Milord to go dew. H we earoort
sere to ipht • -111411se seeks mildOr without drawbacks or
sin erstwhile orris' contemporary te howettea-ihe messiosterees oed the
the tree poliebol assosoic SM. aliens mad set the home easseomers
the unpardonable *in of cedar.; where
Sir JoirOli behertta were involved, and
he suffereci Inc hr. offence in failing
to be sueettatiful by bring relegated to
toluicurity. "Put not your faith in
primate (or premiers).* was written
for ouch as he.
(Hear, hear ) The oat majority bad
grown poorer, hut a few handred Ooy-
4 gestlemen had is -
creased in wealth. By Otis statement hit
did not mean that the mown wore in
ablest poweety, bot that sotbiag like the
=r imams* in wealth hod boa
This was question (07 111 peo-
ple to extunise tato aad oaderetaad aed
es this ogeseitis he wed sot
polities bet betimes. (Lag appeases.
Now, although by the present
Pa_ MY
All rartateteseag Wok side mile rated at PlIMI 01008/0
lils see• fres *Wipe sowited Is
Me apse tee thee ef iski. bad bees tolled isto osmoses sod
8.1. 04 rateable itosit of Jobe T. Orif legislated Mao wealth, lime were 100
Be os Int 3. we 8, W.D. abald, es I deems .11. 1.4 sot perishes of the hest
?gawky, Demember likd, at 1 dank p el fat things. One wee the faesdee-
es. Jobs Orilla. rantiormar. the meniedleseel eisessesity • the other
0•1• a besseholli harsher* esti ether the hord1149111811 fithohkule'lle of Oho
artistes es Saturday. Number sok: Wylie oltd Aloft& hrhiaksk held.'
the eseties rooms, sett gem he 11. Mos bad bee. tie ems. There bad 1111
esti r esrey dere, Hoolkert el., Oed. bets 96 mesa isenehta et *an. bel
se 1 &doe pOW JAM VASIL then lad INN • 1Pfd0. t dfitlikewarelst
egatieseer. Him Wesel Is beidieg mesh es
AO pose* ego sot to sore
llit Resee, el Wefts.. ie leemAkes hie .s4.1 thet be wasted wee if he
selll mile las Needrys,alee asides op tai- la ewe ter Ids Wee* se Vie row
bk he the seise.
192,000 is 1873 to 2914,000 is 187A, of the ;arty is power to seemed ow
is wen
whoring the same site. i$ereeled taxes sod restrisit our we& :Hear,
3/10,000 by 1890. is looked epee by those hear ) The plebe sapeediterts shoeld
wbo do sot think oat smatters es being lie kept low sad the INN way to do en is
a wonderful exhibit so far me the to mastic, oer trade by %Krieg dows
Admisietratioa is easeareed. the bowie's. If the ,is,11et oho bed
=tree that comfort non nelded pee to Kir* Daft& eml eel ed him to
them, toe_ shone. Weems war. Pod" • ' °" tam'
AN ANALTAIII *ILL ‘11011 WA bad goaa hosted to slot oho Kiss
114eivie, sod bad sepploomited the
she* by mean roptiosatbeg a
ol ses-ietereseeres sad high 4.01...
me positively meeneed. mid Sir Richard,
that he weid et ones beim said, give me
war, iw pmetilesse, er kis fee amy p50-
p4.,.r give all time selishfeed. epees
deem the dreadful ellerestiee et ealielet-
that the *rare from 1873 to poTMst
made • total isomer of woo** seer
19 per sea& for live lean, or oboes 4 par
east. for sea year, oasts. the deems
lbws 187? he 100, Wale ebosed SO per
east el ea beeresse to timbre yeage-er
per wet. got year. Her, beee.)
Asd eves Ws oppress hopeovoimoll b ad Inas 8" web (load
seerweettot deempd io Wee the pewees
that Ise ors estesersol whoa it is awe
ost 04 the teal gore* he dar
*yes eft* of MOO, Toone* bed
WIND e1 the iseessee, mad the odidea
bad bus el as iseresee *ea the
mob of 11010 .51* dose&
base.) lle nu* he the question of
balm sol sow orether pbese
*A • wersber el sea by mew ef
11.4 100 oriblid, by ildpad
.14 tibia 10 ,.014 • 1
sod prolosomell shwa The peep* see
TA I AT AT 50000 1000,
Not epee everygthey Iowa. 11
torso, omits • beg of seils be 104S
per estrA. to goy ; e. • barb v10 10
per seat. ; ea inee recast di, le end
/*pee esst. ter eial ofl be boa le pep
10 owls se 111 roots a p800 10 idol be
weld get ter be 10 seals en I*
*4.; saw 11•• top* 11 pee