HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1890-12-19, Page 3WINTER SHOES
wt Style and Price. at the Offi-astalthshed
Shl_oe Store
1 am no uoadoed to owe Make or Style. bat
• you your choke of the
Best Productions
in toot wear from all the
Luting Lnufacturers
a the DestalstercsalLeretrinthae altiamosey
Ordered Work
equal to the best in Canada.
Repairing done Promptly
and Right.
Kastat. and lentare. Ooderlcb.
yELkow,01 L
R*14€7•U R;tcvflaii.
Are plearart to t to. Contain their owt
Par- ti,s1* a ads, inuro, end orawtua;
dittitarar .t warts* _a Cli...tren ."r folults
should get meal
Armstrong's Improved
EIREN & SED 011111RS?
1.4 -It allows so foul seeds to be Nowa sato
taw OWL watch ie t importasee to
ever, farmer who wbm. to tole his Irwria
taatc-01 eaves sad deem all 'reesethy seed
say tied of grab "Ads elessise the
ed. -Per Market atomism k reeseves Cedars.
Mess and ehremlims grata. NM glees ihe
timer the met neklibb !MAI too him
strain wti ala _11.j,
kb.- It willelaaple grab ilerp= sad seed
purposes emst Ms head
-ClemaI* seedmiNt,IL remover all
Cooke. dwitard
Flax ..dd other Q....air' aM
brakes grala. s,4gives the pure.
Mesa. seed trate.
Will Masa Oats. Barley. rte.. Wee
seethly without emote of grain.
ttle-Cliaslon Pesos: It will separate the
mad. quartered. halvea. Oats and weds
=tree each ether. earrytag each to •
lea p, reset Olower seed Illeohlse. re-
sted weak biter or similler than
bletaii. SEM Wakes and dead sees
the seed.
Mk -ft ka km close Gram Ned Madder,
Mews me swede away.
tesh.--11 Is • good Max seed Machias,
sish.-It to oast aballter.
taiaL-Iteilarerted hilt& eldest tasidened
aadasZte k delealswiet :MX NM
esa he amoebas, to a atm MIS tette
oat bowleg It. mid ma be removed at ..i
Wm as NMI ea a three esenblasd. It
dew net with the me of the re
wader skims of the MM.
sum -Its sieves are aeon, all wieferated
imikovil: hes • eatmetty ef Stir humbleb mie
par hoar.
Meltim-lt is ea sheep as the ardisary Taming
MM.- livery Machine ie Ovomirriews.
tneer°147,:71" t4iry..=1.=1..t to
M that yea o
k saith
dead de width et shoe
Cloderioh, Ont. vete
new as areal IMMeesiesene WSW lreaMed
emir imeelleare Wirt
A pretty Ameriess nsemitly salted
ISM* Mrs Giedeasee at her Leedom
home. She serried s mast feworable
letter el imeedoetien as • imaseber if •
weltiltairwe emesiaso Wady. Her
brigbeetem tied sparkle attracted the
wife of Beeriest Botha stabasion, and
fur an sours aftenome nod leveeing oho
'mid is Gledetone heeeeho/d. She
imoodeased to Mn Obilitetie that her visit
had • perpose--thes of militia an article
00 the liorne-Ufe of her bones* for aa
American mapnoe.
"Bei, my dam, said Mn Gledstonis.
"your pimple ere intseested in Mr Glad -
Moue • they do not know MO.
"That is Jost why I came,' reeked
the girt, 'in order that Antericene soy
leans • loth more of
At the tee -table, Mr Gladstone kneed
with los in enterisining the Ameri-
can girl, and beer were favor given • bet
ter opportunity of seeing the Gladstoise
b.'.-ht..b.'.-ht..The quiet part which Mn Glsdstone
has played in the career of her famous
heabaod is known to only a few. White
thousaods of artielee have been written
el Mr Gladettoe, none of an sethorits
tire obanteter have heap printed of hi.
wife. Brew her portrait is sold...
sees to the English shops; gently in ib.
prude. She has always felt that public,
let:treat ie berown cottony and snoop
the sea was centered in her husbeed,and
to order tket oreatoese might etand
„Iraq!" r
FRIEND AND FOE. morestlawil wsupekialameas
a I
oat Osiers strikingly ob. has east Tow
farther retired from public dew A
freshness will therefore, attach itself 1.
the story "A Day with Mrs Gladetote,"
se it will he ;.(.1t1 by hoe brivht y-tt. g
visitor in ?Is /wins' Hume Joaraul, nI
Philadelphie. during the conoog year.
Tbts artiele will be lobe tbe item, of
Unknown Wives .1 known Men,'
which thie eseellent magazine will zem.
tain during 1891
Sine 34.4.. -afloat Ilteteetalas awes
Tetesella 51 55 larweinal Tea.
Once ave., siontior tliggen Viettgri.
.1.3,..m rieee over froher Et.lin..ral Castle 1..
t ne Scottage Ho, Mande home of Meoanme
Albion -0)e. the famous prima-doona
• here the latter entertains her at at.
informal tea. Yu, year. the Queen him.
oade a proem. of lbw, a compliment
which Fier Majesty bestows upon ni.
other Inman in the kingdom. It as •
men CR 111 dame Albino's appearance
..th year at Court to tang before th.
Quo.... and t., the prommodoena it afford.
an exceptiocal Ramose of &seised'.
',yet ens ereian
tom eiders are ever present,' es
Madame kibeini, "and I WV 'Victoria
• woman ; never as • queen.
Bow do you ente.tain your royal
gatiot r •.. sated of the .pnums-doon.
.1, • brad.
And tor more than so hour the great
snorer bind the uninterrupted inteee•i
.4 a private dinitar-party with tn.
ocity of h iv/ sh• served • tea for th.
8 full of unrest was the narrative the.
Madame A1,'1121.4. induced to ante out
he aessouni and it will appeal,
in 71ir Lartiresi How Jour-11471,ot Phitadel
phia.under the title"Victorm at My Tee
T.bl " Of to freehnees of interest th.
caption of thearticle Is 13..a beet indica
A copy ot the last portrait tsaen of
Que.,. V.ctoria,and printed only fur Het
M.jesty and the royal family. int
accompany the article. "It will be mf
eat portrait, wrote the Queen on this
pre.. ntation copy, which is the unit
c ,py possessed outside of the royal house-
Expel the Worms hy mine the raft
and reliable sothelmiotm Freemai.'s
Worm Powders. 1.
• Iliveassam
This is a story that the drum
niers age laughing at A pm
man recemtly obtained empl..yinent
in a big wholesale dry zoode boom
downtown, and when • country cum..-
weer, after parchasine • hill of flood.
amounting to about 87.500, intimated
that • protein would not be oat of place.
did not know what to do "It le not
customer, for se to make presents... he
mid, "list I will take the liberty of doinc
an; t.• ray own aceriont ; here la • hand-
some tie." '•What ! exclaimed the
customer, "Rely • tie ?" The salesman
wait to the ..Soer to eciegelt his employ
er, who eriontred the terms of the oak.
"Two-thirds down and a note for the
baltutea." be answered. "Well, *ills him
his note." Mr Costomer was esteemed
of the deeadon. "Say," be enquired.
"will the bows ..dere. it 1" "Of
course not," was the reply. "Well,
then, give me the tie." -11. Star.
The revetatese et aineena
le shoot 4,600, and we woeld say at least
use -half are 'riveted with some aloe.
tiro on the Throat Ned Lange, as those
eonsplaints are aesegthamr, to etatietios,
more otruseroes thee Whets. We would
advise all new reeds aot to peeled the
..pportunity tall ea their dreeriat sod
tree a bottle ei Kemp% Bases ter the
Throat and Large ?Wel am fres Leese
Brittle co.. sae $I. Sold by all dreg
• Peosser.
The Detroit P1., Pram, whish °eight
now. eiveetbia pointer toe trociletestly
: "It • boy fifteen year* of age
14 3.. loft tea acne Gi lead hi
..d 3.1. hie &mediae shook! sever it
Macey trews the itemise of thottey
ke came to he thirty years old
Id he too. 000 to SlI,000 elect
calks little farm. If la the hoe*,
anti the trees were peen • he Nem*
woeN be a third geom."
eeldn't Chirisheimy he weep
for yesg pee wen rid el thee
Gdarra Nagel Balm hes .orad
ads of Mem ; it will eon act.
eneatitia weds a. Try
=elan ler
NiesIlheamielie we elm meemmemo
edited 1110.-Mieibilesaea-oam,
do yew humid so' yams( set dela
tegisthero. Deed. I her:
Ain Wee het issestal
the *Ass hatteissr*.-4dit"-
an 34* wssatha ea' I 34's Ind
These b. limas Tama le itilisawssel
and etearte campesse meta
limalse That tbe fratie of tie Lewd*
elaiss Dogwoods Vasa the toinesieweelP
rowdies itheetlwa
Mimic Dec, 13.-3.r Paraell sisle
Might Urtnegtord, whams he deep
atorttleg so Hatadowsey lam re: No
and Tanner able Maned for Hathale
DEC. 19, 1/490,
are tald omm
isempieg the
is 4rouis4, Seperialli 1110111111eety tut
ibil ironer egest of lento tor habit
.16 :u, •aleh a egiptamiet
...... lava Clkitchwi le : WWI SW NAM, tt
troui the aniewale, ohms shun -
lila': i 40.0.4 by tei.v.g. T eise vartolla do
h • t loos •iiii arras la *id tam. for
I, ` niott.ottig tis A tiresass itetioded
ok ler Mita beton a Nest east, but the
lea maiteattift is al *eye entimit, add he
u.i. ways the neca•ity NI' 6.611.111, _ „,____* A
it short skirt can br yens t• sbm emu.=
og Vint& perf*-t jr ,prillte us "1 611115*.4116 :
out • idiot resting Vise Or Oral tush
Ind the grounu et essurely ustt 34p1 ri
ou tte minim, etimpttag la petaled 1u.0
from • e•grtagg ; home those versed Wk
lase &ovulation*, 'nen though • hooter
'hot way lie ohm beedmusie, bans their
u. inane met want mate walking length.
te With the eiiu4gesg Mirt. U.• psalm it
di,.- of the founmeties Mart is alosoistely
its sisastiol, and it requires .1 careful fit -
'Ph" tude ee the wide. •orays guatd &genie&
Dec keying the Am* *sirs too eitasiry, by
to totemic it ha le esottatorg 10 13.. belt;
"Y ars try It 41110111111 Ina well ma standing be
6r. f .N. &dame She drapery. lit over the
hale by tete* oet emall gores rather by
ta- t an liquid plaits, if a airy smooth fit be
"al omens') . A lavutito fitiesh fur the
lled bottom .4 the skirt, twitead of braid,
toot such mole durable, ts • velvet.00v.
Or- nod c,rd or a Darrow oolong of velvet Ji
F velvety.* Mil in bet worn the outside
' atid the UMMIlt ta34sk A good plau to to
girlie two slashes iu the bottom of the
front, about tw... and a half 'oche, deep,
.ud where the feet touch the skirt tu.
walking. This give. more ease, and th•
irate.. on the shoe is reduced. All
bodices ars 451 10 give a slenderer, ling
/glued jest, and it. this mid aide -form
roots we .traughter awl reach alisbuel
aod sometimes qua, so the shoulder
stoma Fug the sense purpose the batik
*nand the side gores •re placed as far
back as the tiger, will allow, watch wives
rosaduese to • flat figure, and note/
:be waist appear Lora alt,tier. Should -
creosols reaoh cosi to the tipe of the
shedders, and are made to appear toot
/barter by having the Nikon of the
slanas caught up over them For 'trete
eget tLe modeetly high, straight staid
lag colter is worn, bog mid.licationis of
the Medici collar are more fashionable;
for hmaiw dresses, collars more or Is
flaring are almost ouiversal, although .
high, straight collar edged with • nano.
puff ot white or a color is still consideree
e tylteb. A frill of lace falling over thi
hand is a favorite and very becomino
finish for the bottom of the sleeve ho
a house draw ; or the wrists and collet
are ft.ishei with • velvet-oovered cord,..1 ,
, one of silver cr gilt.-- Demoreet.
with tee avowed 33.o• sestreetioe
Min public:1y. Mehra
Edward Harrel** and Jose& Swan,
members of l'argegimat, joked !Maid
at the unary Illetel. Itere • .1.
;lutetium of temime kers fa Wil the
Agheine, Bohm,. Mesa ht Its ine
promoted an .libels declaring oaellideo.
Parnelt la pinglairlatig hi, thanks for
soilless Meta ask* be rejoiced to
gushy sterling 6111011111 awe( the
ingily,gag mimed him. 11 was au &our&
that inseams aseer more weedit eabitot
Engle& dietatMe, The mil of Ellie
would be pot upon his 16 -yea:- w
Mr. Harrison then addressed Me deou
kon. Q. mild he regretted Well the Ir
tasushers of parliament opposing Perseii
d scended to the 104 .4. of Lando
oak.. harling a woman'. name at Weir
mer Mader. tense of "sae" and "dirt
Tim thisiy.1 It was unmanly. ting-wou
and minds. (theers.)
Tb. temposim wit Parnell.
Darner the '.m3. -gat the btu. Mown.
Devitt and UMW arrived sad begas to
speak from weeper In the niartet
femoral insadred perms* Were grouped
monad. Tanner in his week said the Irish
party could not whites/alb Partiell. He
coniplainoJ of bis old Wet eating tie
seceders 'gutter marrows.* Then stopping
soddenly and pointing to Parnell. woo oes
leaving the hotel is • carriage and driving
off ae shouted- -He la clearing out now, tally
to! the fox Lan got away." This *ally w
greeted witb roars of laughter sadrhaers.
Mr. Yana/ill and party avoldol te• market
opine tiad managed tri dews without any
cotheion of the factions.
As they were panting through the village
of Durrow a crowd or peamots gar. cheers
tor itidtiam (Faris.. whereupon Mr.
riagtou coiled for cheers for Neon. They
were freely given. but there Waite remotes
to his call for omen for Penmen
Illet'arthy Oa Illwe Widget.
LoNDON, Dec. McCarthy left
neuay kw Dublin. He Is cootinet lo. Forty
will win in Falkinatz Bel ire leasing. Mr
Aletartay steel that he would meet Mr.
tiBriee wiles the latter arri red a. Fars.
In 11. downtown toilig • nese meeting is
the town hal:, convened by Cle5gYlbe0
unanimously coadeenned Parnell
During write:as in the adeedral at Newry
yesterday rather MeCastia exhorted his
Isiah hearers never to mention Panels name
before their waves anti daughters
The officials of the tort ,-orpuratioe are
&bunt equally divided is the omport of Par-
nell ano his opponents.
!i• salways bad it what eke eapocted. l'he
Illsawma esbestreamt awd *ear.
Whets on enters the world after
her edeattiou is • 'lleished,'' she dues 501
whauti-ibe:oom to ,..• thing, the bocci
tisisi may have hese popular •tth her
tombola beanie ate arm • diked
solder, and carried PS the homers ut the
School. but she Sods that bus k knurl
woo Awes u.i wake her pibutar ur mit-.
omelet socia.ly.
korai uf the local intellactua! people
1 have liteie• ha.. been sui me the Imell-
disegresside. a woman ramose intalleet
is aggrosive, who parades het kuotel
edge before those of a...tenor intellect or
aducatiot.. le an obi eet t,. be dreaded.
Mere loartillig to a wotuaLi le ibr•er at
traative. It is. na the coca trary,..ffeuei ve.
walose a iupled with teusiutite gra gge.
:1410tgionclierlisaa:iuli:r4.0.jetait.in.ue: ad 1.iteuit,lid itiLtioreatlie
Saba itself ma Lige pr. tii:iie of a flo•ter se
exhibited -in • watele, baucelees and un-
vows:live Manner.
A wounin's kntm ledge ..f grainiest
Mould we realm her ta.k las an «rat. r
iti daily lite--it.ahould empty make hot
C•Abilerilatioti ansalfoui and agreeable.
Mathematics thou .1 render her inlaid
clear and her judgments trite ; her get •
graphical studies should teach her tha.
lite world is to., tonafl for falsetoos to
God a biding-plsce . and history should
teepees., her that Idle is too Mort fur gli
worthy anibitauus
The tittle b.*.., the echonl- room and
the altar Mould not be • mere heweee •
time of plasearv, but a suwing-ttnee lbw
.11 t he seeds of kit...Incas mud sell -men
ece for ethers, and of uneelfiehoess and
imuevu:eues, which •Itme can make he.
a successful wife atid mother. -Kit
Wheelie, Wilout, in Ladies' Home Jour
The Lade Lois ginwiery.
The Couto co b. ty, hoe
des. b was antioueoed the other day, was
Hastoh, the mil, daughter of Kenn;
Meyer A Rothschild, who died in Feb
rear,. 1874, leaviog her the snug con
potence cd t 600,0E10 on depent in the
Dank of Etigiand, besides other large
properties. On March 2.0h, 1878, ahe
married Archtba!d Priceroee, titili
Karl .1 Rookery, who bed stomeeded to
.n. title nu the deaf of hit graudfather
ten peals before. The Wirt mg. creaied
a marked sousation. being th.- first ice.
Idea on which a peva the rattle! placed
hts coronet on the brow of a daughter .1
Israel. The Earl was then enders 30
.ear• of are, • profound *choler, who
ead made his mark in the Home .4
Lords oil a powerful debater and thilik-
er oil the Liberal side in politics. Tile
bride was young and beautiful, an en•
husiart in an and music, a capable man-
ses, of her vain estate and reputed io
• • mind of her own even tis refer
epos to questions political. Her soon-
upalace house of Mentmote, Itt
Buckinghamshire, hart been the Mecca
of twiny worthy suitors, but the be-
stowed her heart and her hand Upon
ins 'none Earl, who hod then re-
osntly been elected Lord Rector of
the University of A berdeen. There were
wo resseisge Oareinwnien, brat the coo
oriion and then the solemn mat i so ace° rd
se the Protestant lipisoopal ritual
Fbame their marria.te L.,rd Item. bery has
hem (Iodise firienstery cf State for the
Hones Departmoot from 1381 to 1883, a no
First Commissioner ..f Works en 1883.
Is Mr Ulidotone's Cabinet of 1886 he
was nuised Secretary of State for Foreign
Affairs. Lady ltosebery bad been seri-
...tidy ill for son.* Dine. She has bores
four children.
Ws Aglaia Criticizes rani•Ir. Aviles sad
Tants some voiced seine
Mew Yong, Dee. i:. -Joint Doke to -day
Mood a mendesto against Parnell, is which
be etitumels abstinence t7uat all undersea, of
language, and oppow.. personaliy olltenalire
attack. on Parnell, hug the
eraetty unjust charges Parnell has hootied
against tiuwinio.nut tit his party and extraordi-
nary endear,' 91 mettloas by shish ha has
souttn to suppress ail expression of opinion
hostile to husierlf readers it difficult for iiis
opponeute to atatotaie moderstmu. Felicia
muses mos that the Irani people will let
their optotoo b. !mown ante ao Uncertain
fashion. It they declare for Parneli'm Mad-
erseip he says they mist do so tia the plat-
form of his masitesto and ha speeches at
Dublin and Cori and mat w0wa3.1 mean a
&inane sad tor uur time to all Dogma winniag
Hones Rum Menge tbe good will or tea
&.&..h people. ani Mere is only one other
way ti winning, that s by Slating for it.
Dittos believes learneli's otor podicy meow
the revival of the liate4 between the !rob
and tee Eugibm wild bed during
Molest the yeer. Leen dying away. i4...
clans that some of ice hassmage im knitted
oa both lades Ime bees algustiog
humilieung teens true oboes of Ireland.
The issue, es my., te not pereenot, 45*11533.17
whether if Parnell dos. set retire Turks *id
win at tlie general efeetiall aged ib M destroy
all hope or howe knie la our
time. Aa to Parades complaint, that
Gladstone etrestotoi todiseate to tbe Irish
party. Dalt. mi., idler the Plurals Para
murders m ive„: hazneLl. woo went to Mad -
Wawa, wad 24 Lief' • Horns Ryier,
offered to Wu.. Irma ;ebbe life, mid it wag
(My at Climistones request that Parson re-
tained3.3. parasol' Mies 453155*Mad-
stone's woe to toe preeeet crisis sad says
1m cry of diclatlos 3. abeard. The trim
party, Dillon lays, is-eharteil Parnell es •
leader Weaver it did not simmer he would
allow M. pirensei feeheig to prevail when
too gamy./ has evuoiry was at Maks. He
coadweeme Parneles remission. es private
amoven,,imr, elui Otactose and likiriee.
nee for ma. idea divorce ems sad Dead-
stoove latter 11.4165 %Midst the above two
logliel slatterns.' Iretild not bars been
geglib„i net tor gross and seseetrom la -
suit," per unfastened charges at treachery
and otusiet• to illorregat the leish party have
bees, lase. Mita' ales say. Parsedl moaned
when las mid, "If you wide to
mil moj **et yes te sia • good prim " lie
exprems mailbags Ist bllatletionie's sued Mot-
ley's gene tank edweestaig Wass hues,
has gays e• mike 1111111110 en Mispendence of
the Irish party mod the snit/ of
the ..0 -.nal teressig se tee friar rocs tor •
satisfactory Menie Rats MIL Dines stIll
bow.to, coneresee betatiisa CIllressa
Person nay reason nifty es the pent, bat
3...y. Partial hea anaged Irian nee •
*3.15 welnip tee heart sf every
meow slob gide sad hessillaesa. Ills
hos eon* thls tar a curdy prinsal est
Now roesortm: "Naar he eamemmendl ata
base canasta' Mill hes cod lasawille
ear deer sec sovellleg every fres-hera
caw. ant it I cad sent bee hi ler
lead I sheik ad Ma to We Bow
ehie labs"15 5.7 cast efts*
th cm sad sulbst W promdere Is ass
gods mart Bola Mitabe /nacos est • at
brae • party rapines le ho rms." Oa,
howarrac apnea hobs Minis is lesiod
Alb ft Wag ler Mir laialla ass ita Ares
AM Para* has dem lo ths cc kr km
154 514 the impost 15101 .10 ludas et hei
Final h des 15, 15. fee re
are eat up ea arm mule age we Ohs
Wier st ear was sat sweet the taresice
Queer world! Queer people : He. *
ere 'Deo aod wymeu by thousauds outlet -
mg from all wets ut dimmers, beanog
alt manners of pain,spendieg their all or,
physicians sod "getting no better, bet
rather Inertia." when neht at baud there's
• remedy which says it can help Mesa
because it'a helped thomande lite them
"Another palm t toed ice* is ad variatio-
nal! you say. Yee -bot not of the
ordinary sort. The medicine is Dr
Per...o's O., den Medical Diaeovery, gad
it's different front the Ordrearl meemMilem•
in this :-
it doss .bat it claims to do, or it meta
!p.m nothia9 !
The way is this : You pay your drig-
inn 01 for a bottle. You read the dire:
tense, and yuu follow them. Yon gat
better, or you dou'L If you do, you
buy another bottle, and perhaps another
If you don't get better, you get your
money beck. And the queer thing 1.
t het so many people are willing to be en
sick when the remedy 's eo rear at hand v
Tbe Loud Talker.
Someone has said :hat •*the man who
talks foolishness never has the orate to
speak it to •inspen. It bappeus that.*
foolish man will become possessed of a
foolish story sod Ike artil tell it loud iu
pooh: places, perhaps twice 10 the same
piano, and emphasize it by lausthine
.oudly at hteseelf. A Toone lawyer with
h is first case, as proud as a oat with her
tint kitten, will --white journeying up
Iwo dont, the way -give away hi. alio it
!lee of argument to a car fell of people
The ruing mac thinks in the trod of he
bear case be ham unearthed • pont that
utast go up to the Hewes* Court to be
sharpened ; bat it duos slot matter
The thunder of noise will not answer
the sione purpose a+ the flash of re An
able- bodied colored preacher whom
lunge are equal to his religion con be
heard a mile away tin • boo sommer's
night. What 3. 1*. saying? No emitter,
and Dever mind. He may be carrying
hie audience with him, hot he can hardy
be dropping gems of thou% ht mad saying
the wise things Edward Everett Hate
and William IL Alger eay in perfect
Euglish with gentle voice. The steam
gelliope and the German dote cannot he
lased together in • pleading duet, tied
the data will be liked beet in the long
run. The braying donkey sum* bi-
omes a social favorite while he brays so
loud The man who Wks loud 345.1
femme for talking stenes. An actor's
ranting none can destroy the beet Beane
of Shakespeare. It would kill the gold-
en speech of advice Potosi.. ghee to be
eon. So great an actor we Edina Forest
used wtth 3.33 0.4 votes to split "Otbel-
lo" into kis/Hine wood for nines He
would come to the front and Madly de
Mann to the sedum°, : "Oh ! now, for-
ever farewell the 'ranged mind ! fare-
well contead !" Salvias would speak
this speech to himself almost in a whis-
per, with sere toodoroses end show ol
deep grief in his voice se to bring tears
mod toll an sedienes what "Pohl ander-
tone it was that cam to the Moor, It
is the soft spoilt that turneth sway
wrath: ani the wise words we an meet
sayer to bear,and the ado** we are moat
apt to band,are spokes with esstle voices.
A avereewarei Moses
The medical missioe Of Berdeek Blood
Miters its venue eneetipatioe, ham been
etarloolly eereasefeL No other remedy
poetesses sash pendia, power ewer this
Was wary had wkh onstivemenssad
nee bottle el B. R. EL awed nee, waste
lishiscypes, Oat.
.01 15 ellhatit 11, laps
II* We Wresaw, ,
Illaienterailieset fa** Co.
A Virginia girl who came op to Waah•
eon city recently for • visit belle a
pry funny story of h.. old mammy,
Aunt Melody, who accompanied her in
it in the capacity of maid. It noon
they went tbroogh the Corcoran art
gallery during their stay, and every step
of the way the •Iderite and pgrivincial
colored woman grew rnore Aid more
scandalized by .bat she save Not ooe
word was said. but by eloquent grunts
and sighs her disapproval wait manifest -
eel. until they entered the hall of scalp
tore. where her feelings ere. too deep
for words. When they faced the Venus
of Kedici's naked loveliness and viewed
the Matamine beauty of the Apollo of
Beltidere, Malindy took co an ashy hoe.
So Thoughtfully was oho polishing her
silver -rimmed spectacles as they left the
building, her mistress was moved to in-
quire whetbeir she liked it all. 'Ysa'e.."
ANA Maliody ',wended. cheerfully,
"liked it well '000gh, only 1.. powerfel
glad that ain't none er my onlor in der."
banes et Tamale se tleiliarea.
One of t be most important duties of •
parent in bringing up • child is to pre-
treat the obild from doing itself berm.
he chi'd does not know, for instance,
that unlimited sweets sod sours loin.'
the digestion and impair the teeth ; the
mother dose know it, and it ie her duty
to have the child*. supply of 11Weete sod
more hunted. The etild dries not keel"
that the opportunity of getting knowl-
edge at school, if neglected, ie sot like-
ly to return, nOr that its Nears happi-
ness mod meow depend very mash upon
'improving the wpwertsnities which its
ashool stow affords. The permits do
know them thing*, and it is their duty
to parmeadet, arra. sad, if asseseary.
• eompel the child tostally.-Nes Tick
Mr Abner Commas. one of Mr 14. Ca -
105. Wmt Bad, Toceareatith, olio bad
spent a oomph" of years in Australia, hes
monied home. He is aot much taken
ap with life in that eoloey, and althea*.
he enjoyed him trip very numb 3*35
more favorably impressed with the ad -
wastage, of Ontario ea * pleas of resi-
ea 4.55*54 'SMabm. meat.
Aloeg in the fall. when he saw has
neighbor* dismiss Aar potatoes, be
took Me hoes, pet some baskets into the
cart,and, wtth his toy, drove the teams
/cross the pasture to. beck belt Open -
n, the bars the liny drove the tort iato
the Gold, what the harmer st.ypsd oat
• 1.w rode from the tense. look about
him, eased baron the tad up sod does,
sad, sense no also of potatoes, aeld
to himself "Well, 14..3.r,. I thoaili.
I heal some potatoes Mrs. bse 1 _plee 1
30,5.1*to pleat 'ow- es I did." -Baseli
JefINVM. -
ea.n_cl 7,77"isiter_
Fine Display of New Goods,
Fine Worsteds,
Fine English and Scotch Tweeds.
Fine Canadian Tweeds,
Fine Overcoatinga.
Fine Workmanship and Trimmings.
13_ 2vr..acCOR,..114,-C..
Another large consignment of
Fresh Teas lof superior quality.
In order to counteract the dis-
honest practices perpetrated on the
public by peddlers and others, we
are offering Special Inducements in
Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat-
Kay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square.
Orders by Telephone promptly attended to.
Goderich Foundry and Xachine Works,
RUNOIMANBROS., - Proprietors.
tC ittWit HAAB 14)11 ttal.n
We are Manufacturing Improved New Model Mowers
which are equal to the best. (Five th m a trial and encour-
age home manufacture.
It Will Pay you to use our new Steel Mouldboard Plows. Doty
Engines and Boilers for sale.
ewe Ms theme.
Mother -Johnny. I Dee that pear lit-
tle brother hes the smaller piece of cake
Did yco Ries him his choice as I told
you to du i
Johnny - Yos'at. I told hire be could
have his chides, the little piece or none,
e nd he took the little piece. -Buffalo
nee eleadeeemei Lady la treederseas
Reworked to a /rood the other dy
that size knew Kemp • Bakens for the
'Throat and Lungs was a superior rem.
dy, as it stopped her cough instantly
when other onugh remedies bad no pffeet
whatever. So to prove this and
convince you of its merit any droelliet
will move you a Semple Bottle Fret.
Large sate 50c. and 61. (Veow'
Thal Was Jew *be alidner.
Little Ethel had sent beck her plate
for turkey three times, and had been
belted bountifully to all other g..od
things that make a big Tbaukeitiving
dinner. She Wien looking rather sadly at
an unfinished dish of Me cream "What'.
the inatutr. Ethel 3' said Uncle Jack ;
"you look mournful. ' "That is the
matter, was t ho reply, "I am 'Bonin
fell." And Ethel dnen't know why
everybody lanithett ffejeesee,
ceased essmai meet
There are eartain fallacies abroad coo.
owning the proper Color of natural wool,
and of natural silk, ton, for that matter,
so that a forntober is very often com-
pelled to keep his "natural" wool under-
wear of a decided grey color, and his
"natant" *ilk ditto of t rich aslason
pink. which be, furthermore, is expected
to verify as boils the natural sold of
the endied thread, says the Clothier.
Now, many • long boar's soak ie the
dyibtuts do both silk and wool seamen
to sequin the "eaters!" odor demanded
by the plebe, and the customer is now
or aped to the deception which his per
atteteatly :else notion temps% the mann-
lhatetrer to practise, that be would not
hello.* the real, undyed fabric to be
freesia* if es fair 11,
lbw« Chsplalifte, Diarrhoea
•••4111111 A 1.10...
Jr• e
Buchanan & Son,
Waiter Au7t HEM
Dealers in all k Inds or
Amt bulleer's material of ?eery description.
School ?undue a Spotialty
Obtainedaed all beidases in the U.S. loasent
$515d54 3. at NODIfititTZ plum
our once is opposite the U.S. Patent Of
See, and we ~a Patesits Is leas nate
than thee rotator, from WA tinflaroTOIV.
Seed MODIL OR ORA Irmo. we ed.
Ogees to pateatabillty free of shame; sod
we make NO r•riA RAZ (MLR= WZ Olt -
TAI /hr
We refer, Imre, to the Posommester__ "Ira
to Mosey Order Div., and to illaidalla
8. Paton osies. For elevator.. allele*.
Weis sad rst=es to salmi ablate la your
ewe State.), T. ornate
qp A. USW a Ca.,
naaraTatP45.i dem wainiagisan.c.
Regulates the Stomach.
Liver and Bowels, unlocks
the Secretions.Purlfleethe
'Blood end removes .11 Im-
purities from a 'Pimple to
the worst Sc rofulou• Sere.
5045,5wripeir tare
me Ono wear. lig