HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1890-12-19, Page 1CLAMP= ADMRfi'YISt:M[NTB.
The 8th page of Tse Swat. is
bond upon by all into ligeue.
advertisers as the best medal= bre
Heron Chesty for tire patbli•.t mm
d ooedeimed advs such as L041'
Fboed, Wanted, Strayed, For Rent,;
Oa Hale. free $ix lines sed calor,
bar insertions, 91,
Itsml of Iuter.t Brom over the
A Weeny Wisest .robs resume Mars awry.
M up'easels slurries e/ 'gibe stsaa6'
n ab and rens. pepper mid Con-
densed berm limey •esseeo.
W. B. McCracken, Brussels. is away
this week to Pbilodelph.a with • on load
of potatoes.
Beatoeth Msshs.ies' Isatitote likes
certain basely 4.000 books Brad Brad
380 mashers. -
W. W Sloan, Blyth, bas left for West
Tomato Junotiun, when he has entered
the employ a Hew of Co.
The end for Brussels seha.ol eon year
will be : John Shaw, Annie Taylor, sod
the Mimes Abrar.
Mr John Aird, Seal etb, asd family
left f..r dicer new home in Tomato cn
Thursday t.f last week.
At the Wt cheese meeting at Bslgrttve,
the direetore secured the senior of Geo.
McDonald for next year.
Mr Robert MoClineb.y and Mr
Goons Douglass, of Stanley, bravo gone
off oe a plo were trip to Marlette, Mich.
J Lawrence, formerly of Botany', bet
NOW of Bradford City, Ps., is slowly re
covering from an attack a malaria fever.
The ladies of the Methodist chore
Belgrare, bay• undertake* to provide
the esrpet and a sew urnae for the
Wm. Brant, Menthes", int/tide short-
ly to take • course iu the Military School
to Is himself for hes portion to the vol-
unteer company.
A. Betchey, .Lo has been carryine on
the pottery Wilton. at Wingbael for the
pest few yeas, has given it up and re-
moved to Cerlernhe
The public "choral trustees, S*f(.nh,
ba.• decided to organ Miss Ret hone
as • substitute for Mies Bella Wsta.a,
during her absence at the Normal
Mr Benjamin Cu.., an old and too
spooned rmadeut et the tutorship of Hay,
and Wither of Mr F. Cass, a Seafartb,
died on Wednesday, 10th inst. He had
bewail! for several months.
C Baker, Wronger, took four Reese to
market reeeatly •bleb tarred the scales
ata total of 71 the, dressed weight. He
also be. • goons not yet led to execution,
rejotoisg in $ weight til !2 pound..
Eepesi ir:-Mrs Duaeld McDonald, of
McKillop. near 1Vtnthrrp, has a moose
tbat is still laylno egg. ntolarly. Neither
tae McKinley Bill nor the cold weather
seems to ben any terrors for this in-
dustrious bird.
Lest week the Towboat eon of Mr Ham.
phases, Walton, bad the misfortune to
swallow • tin whistle about the nye of
• oast. Altbo.gh be still feels the effects
of his doss, yet the doctor dives not fear
any serious result. It was • el me call.
Mr Robert Miller, Wroxeler, has jest
completed tb. task of distributing 115,-
000 ties at various points along the line
of the Csosdien Pacific Railway. The
work has ucsspt•d about two months,
and hes givesruaspleyment to a large Rang
a men.
Mr Swan W, Oak, Sesfurtb, left for
New York legit .eek, harm` re-
ceived a message from bis eider,
Mrs Motif' 000ari•¢ the death of their
aunt., Miss Cady, which oesured at New
York aha west previous. Mr Cady was
requested to be prevent at the reeding
of his sent's will, who is eappoaed to be
worth about $100,000.
8amoo Vaallortaaan, B.Ignv., loge -
bermes, eta, left last week for the wilds
of the Penissole to form daring the
.bort wieter tiys, by a ga.ni 1, de'
rind method, ties, wherewith tb. rail -
nese to empty the hest et reboot Meath
e tfano ea
he faof bin birtbpls.-Seaforih
Mr Georg* Parker has Iesed Mr New
combs a farm, Morrie, for a term of five
Mr and Mrs McCorkiadale have len
the farm os. the 5th Ilse of Metria, Brad
are cow residing in Belgrero.
J, 8 Robes has purelmesd the bedd-
ing now occupied by Mr I. V. Tear, Sea -
forth, paying fur u thiamin of $3,600
Tidewater people, at a recent peblie
mesttttj, derided to delay the lishti.g cf
the village by electric light for • time.
Mr Wm Sanderson, Wroaeter, last
week killed two hues barely eight months
old, oboe* dressed oresmes made 681
remade of pork. They were of Chester-
On Monday evetin,q 8th inst., the
tint glimmer of electric light was seen
in Bru.sele and after $ few preliminary
tickers es.rythlns worked grandly
Tessday Dight the lights in ibe street
w well as those in the stores Inroad with
very satisfactory brillieuoy sod steadi-
On Monday evening, 8th loaf., as Mr
.ad Mrs Symons, Hayfield, were return -
tae from Goderieb, they had the mis-
fortune to have au upset, whoa &linnet
home. Aldo/ugh neither was hurt, the
shaft. of the nutter were bodies., and the
singular arrival of the horse caused quite
a oommotioo in the household.
b, Mr Chao Oke, Benmiller, who went to
'tomato to be examined a. a candidate
tor the city police, has returned beam,
hairiest tailed in the chest measurement,
although well op in the other essential
pointe ; while there he made a lengthy
eLgstry into circumstances of several
piememen and evidently came to the
oosoluaioa that all is Dot gold that
roads et the provisos .ball be supplied.
__ Wm. flesadna as•n.p••id him. We
understand they will mak. Wisrtn• their
headquarters, the sad of their run, as it
The Portage ft Prairie eorreeptodent
of the Wannippzs•,w- Ire, Press makes the
followitig referees, to • tweforth boy:
"A. 8. McLsag s•sswary of tM Toa.$
Men's Obristisn Aesoei.tioo, leaves for
Chemist this intik. He .i11 he mach
mimed hew be the members of the s.ow
shoeel.b, heroes' glob and the many
religiose organisations of .bleb he M a
astir. .amber. Hts say bore Ms mads
bias a Moet of frt.mds, sad his
will he herd to fill."
Os Tuesday .eswi.g, 9th ital., it was
•Zie Begonias.
party to J. C. Beio•.,
, to Sad that during the fight some
tmksowa party bad pet an eager hob
in the gide of his grain store mid allowed
ia fair load of wheat to roe into their po.-
hassles. Asa q..s tty of wheat was
s woehued es the s sad the lob vet
appear that the thieves
grow moues to set to market before •
idle, le pries took phis*. It is to b.
ba$tb 1 tress Wee may be need, sad the
party he bto.,bt before a J. P.
Mr.Mfh their just reward.
Ae item appeared f. She Lashes Fres
Prom ate who bed Need M years last week. � et a was
term be
we barb es. Oar Weedy hived. Mfr
James Lessee, of tb. 1M ens. M.&Uisp,
ma beast of Mvbt on the farm be was
bent se ler •_ Amar imps tea the Les -
dee mea Mt Imam was hers ea M.
Sib N Nas..b.r, Mt M Ib4 Bans
wbew be is sell iesidiegj Mr Lumens
I. Mint tall• ltd Maty road we dew*
Sesfoxth E.p,..iter :-The Oak Lake
cnrresp.ndeot of the Frse Prigs eaya:
"The cigbtee.tb child of Kr Robot
Lang. sr , was baptised lately by Rev D.
H. Hodges." Tb,. is • pretty good re-
eurd, sod we congratulate oar old
friend and bops he may have many
erre similar records to chr,oicle Mir
Lang is an old Heronite and for many
rears resided in Tuckersnotb,near Rodg-
Phu oar owe corr.spesdest
John Coshes was in Godericb on
Miss S J Rath, teacher of 8 8. No.
13, was in Clinton on Friday last.
Wire R G MoGt-wan was riming frisodrn
on the sixth last week.
Mr Charles Sento spent a few days
with his cousin, P W 8ontt Inst week.
Tits protracted meetings at Westfield
closed lox tb. semen on Friday night.
Word has been received that Joh.,
eldest eon of John Maloney. sod
grandson of Alex Morton, died in Mich-
igan last week egad 23 years.
hem our own oon.pesdeet.
The examination of 8 8 No. 6 will be
held on Tessday, 23rd .net , et•mmate
inq at 10.30 a. m The pupils will p.blto-
ly be examined on the work a the
quarter as faro time permits Parente
and friends of lunation are respectfully
regwa`ed to attesd.
A Christmas tree aol so eetertaln-
sent .ill be held is of noeetion with the
above examtn.tiee. Parente sod
trioxide will please try make the tree
a ammo by providing some gide for
their children in .ommer.orstioa of the
great Gift who was freely given for ms
all. All cordially invited.
has our own correspondent.
The coming Cbriatesaa tree no Christ
one Eve in the church, with the enter-
tainment already epob.o of, promisee to
be the beet thing of the kind over hdd
here for •o.. years. Proceedings a will
eo.aWirlwe at 8 o'eloek p.., sharp.
Asosoema -Our joviid excess, Cap -
fain James Brad Amine Bogie, are beth
agssa in drydock for the sister, after
the season a milia, oe the lakes. The
former returned home last week, his
roots Milt, ep o• Lake Superior, while
the Mtn was sewer bows, oo L.ke
Horn, as awaits of the Ostavio. With
his eroft M led several besvy stones
majored .o by Old Neptune to someesd
with. tat Foie brought his bust eddy
inn port each Was By their ebeerfel
theiegiusidof as owning meay Meads •
veteran saws will ohm Raabe ie
listen to their Winne yarn@ et eine-
ten ea the deep bias water* darn' the
tsa••oe of 1800.
F AMO Derma.- Wedeeday of IoM
week Mttgei., sewed da•ohter a Mr
Thus. Carney, died after so inane .t
some time, ',hien. towards the .lase.
.•.esd her mush s.(erimi. Her pasisl,
fri.sd)y diso*gitine wow ter mew
frisbete, wed a teal elder hinter is ishea
from the base dosis ie the .arty sem-
mer of her lite -ie ter Urideep
lag regretted by all who b•.. Mir,-T'�m
%tewrsl to 6s.. Patens (IL C.) "hues►,
Ooderisk, ow Friday mersia, was
ly stt.wded, At the algae of the Hews)
servies Rev Fr. Wast M the wren of
his leddrem brought fensiWy boren his
bearers the A.* that doth ever bsosty
Were all to form Brew rge ioUsss, *pad
Ste mesh M try eel be prepared ter Hair
tem whims k emu The fiesta! Met
�r�meg to the Odbree ML 0. gs�-
iwr.- ddwba. the missies VON INwfIkL
hsps be map uwllna Ur Olay yaw M a The pklAwrera were It. gird IL Ibio.
Ws Folioed, B. Walters„ John an
James Chisholm. Mgr Caney nal
ily have the deep sympathy of the pe
phi of this main in the loss they hat
ststaana d.
o Latest and Bost from the Metro
polio of Ashlfeld i Wome nctait
hoe aur odes eerssAosdest•
A Inge epecimeo al the grey Jai was
shot this week by Mr R N,mtbentt. 1
measured about six feet from tip to tip
of dei
Mr Henry Allen, a bii.d 'enlist, is
holdout a series of commas u the soh ala
of this tuws.hip et the pea lest tone.
They are very good a.d are weill 'tient.-
(lo the 10th inst. the late Mr. Senpi-
eio Caw departed 'hie life et Ins Come
in this towoabip. Tbe dammed was
eeroty years of ago sad dem ons of the
early settlers here. He was • quiet, un -
meowing man. respected by .11 who
knew him. He e000..ded is tailing a
fair portion of wealth, coming for some
time before bis. death 400 sores of choice.
land. Fur the last six Nemeth. cf hit
life be suffered moot front a onmphcs-
tson of ailments. On the 12th inst. hio
remains were followed to the Enter
oemtetery by a large oos000ree ..1 friends
and acquaintances. His family have the
sincere sympathy of tato oo.monity n
their .ad bereavement.
From our own cur epoada•t,
The L. A. S. of Babel an natio, op
an s.tertasnm.ot, earth literary *ad
musiaal, for Friday sveaimtt.
Rumor my. Mr Bassam n ruing to cut
olio tbo.seid ourds of wood this winter.
Phi. will be good brews for Goderiek
consumers and wood -choppers.
l'hia is the time that the j -.ple are
flooded with sewn. An ettra mailbag
was neeassary on Saturday, sod every
partron of the office foued a Torino.
Deity Vern fur him.
Rev H. N. Casson preaches at Ben -
miller and Bethel on Saodey nest, col
Rev E A. Fear at Z.nn. The auntal
miaeiouary sermons and the meetings
are to be held at Zion and Bethel on
Monday next and at Bdnm.iler tic. Tess -
day evening.
The people ars getting woedrrfully
tired of onions for the ,ieciseio t.f the
poet offioe asth.mties *Mint the location
of the put o.fiioe and the appointment of
.be postmaster. If the wish of nine-
teeths of the people is disregarded to
gratify one or two political partisans it
will go hard with • certain party at the
west general election in this section.
Charles Oke dial not stay logic on the
Toronto polio" force. Two days fully
satisfied him that for one used to the
freedom and healthful rmplyment T
of tare life the life of • policeman at
In a great city hes eery few artr.ciion.. •
We think he did wisely to come home se
Tose seveme•re. issene•. retell.. Treats
sad Tribulations, Joy. nail Mende..
tee and pewee, liege. a d pears.
said Neer IWM N tete seeteee,
t'rom our own sere aPeaaeot-
Sleaghing still eoutiouas to bs ezoel-
leot, which tesma to Ellie bushes brisk.
The muoiatpal su000tl of Asbleld met
on M,.ocay, all the members presser.
deputy -reeve, dim test oaraust to reatgn-
We ur..uut• that if Wm Serehers, 2nd
tog the present council of Ashfield
wall he retained by acclamation.
Ere souther issue of Tu. Stcaat. will
be due the advent of Christmas will take
place. Wo take this epportuo•ty of ten
dieing the many compliments of the
.es.un to Tres Sw'AL, ire nu
genion.s and all our fallow cit.
throughout the Demising, wishing them
l a happy Christmas sad sissy return of
W. are sorry to have tc nerved :hat
Thursday last, while emitting to butcher
piss at Mr Win McMath'• residooe, Wm
Mellnegb, J P, met with so accident
whack calmed the fracture of several of
his ribs, separating them from the spinal
admen or hack -bone. We Tern that
altarseh be is wfferipg trona the accident
hopes of his speedy recovery are enter-
Mr J..bn Martin, of N Ingham, and
formerly of Dungauuos, paid a (Vine
rest to our hamlet on Friday hat. He
looks and feels well, which proves that
the town north -mei „1us.agrees with hies.
MrM.ia a gentleman who isvery popular,
sod is higbly respected by all his Bre
gnaiotat.oes We are pleased to see him
among w once in • while, as he always
kooks cheerful, wearing a plea.tant smile
on hu facie.
Entrance exam. commences here, as
elsewhere, on Monday, 22na, and con-
tinues till Wednesday, nth. All con-
cerned will please govern themselves. ac-
cordingly. We uudr•rstand that there
are sax candidates to present themselves
nor examtostioo fro•. Dungannon wont
say, We hope th•.•e intending to write
.ill make tt eoovenient to be present, if
pusgble, about 8 30 a.m., as exercise.
c•mmeuoe at 9 c'ciuck sharp.
Two gentlemen from Goderiob visited
aur prograr•ive hamlet aro Fnday of Ise.
week, viz : Meters G Thomann and 0
Sheppard, the former R. 8 of and the
latter a member of the •••cuaty salted the
A O i.' W , with • row to establish •
lodes of said Order in this village, Mr G
hom.ua having intimated daring the
cernown to several of our sitz-ne that
meeting would be held in the evening
o Mr Mallough'e hole'. There heppened
soon as be did. There limey in empty
went that looks very aunctire when
wee at • dataoae, but whose shares i.
wonderfullylessenod • ben yonder, toes-
psrienoe it. Wean told there weeenrelve
boodrd applications in beton Mr Olio's;
so there are • good many who, like nim,
have thought they would like to patrol
Toronto for sight nr ten hours& day with a
bates in their hands and • free suit of
Wu. ns their b•ek., with the privilege
one is s whiled knocking a bad fellow
on the bead, or grains tato a row with
roughs, or raiding a der of iniquity,
rather than follow the plough or ride
the •elf-bsiu4er all day. The moral is :
Stick to the farm, boys, if you want .
healthful, prosperous and pleasant life,
soles the way to leave it for another
nestles is very .leer.
roma maker ear respondeat.
Mr Kinnard Jewell h.e bought the
tarot opposite Mr Joshing' from Mr Geo
The log. are Doming in to Mr N. Mot,
what'll mill very hist. H. intends to
start swig, Jur New Year's.
We understand that Zinn church in-
roads haloes a c,nosrt beton long The
den has moot beet fixed for New Year's
Mr Finset.? 1.. his mill going so
that he sea chop grain. hat M snubber
maks leer yet. He hopes to have 1
rids' i• 1.11 bigot before spring.
Mr Tim Elbintt. now neither of the
seater divan of B.nmiller school, bn,
we aro plowed to state, neared a etas -
tin is Toronto. H. intends to mous
lig firmly there M ones.
- to be three other meetings in the village
the same e,eniog,isconsequence of which
the attendance was small However, ae
they were not to be foiled in the attempt
Mr Sheppard, i• • very plain, nest
address uo those Freesia, gage a bistori
cal account a the inception of the
Order,sa well as the various phases of it.
Neanner of Mang conducted. Among
there present were Messrs J M Roberta,
one of our leading merchant/1 and pret-
tiest business citizens. Dr Coe and
others. We presume that owing to the
remarks made by Mr 8. in advocating
Ike benefit* of the Order in the near
future • lodge will be nrganitted bur..
The municipal council of West Wa-
wanoah, pursuant to lid jou rsment,met in
the town hall oo Monday, Dec 16th.
All the members were present. the reeve
in the chair. A large amount of besieges,
such se is involved in cloning sp the bsei
row of the yew, we. trammeled. At the
Woe of the meeting a hearty invitation
wee ext nae. by Mr. Qamalum, u'., to
the members sod otdoses of the esm.eil
to partake of t he hoepildisy a hes
how An excellent able wee laid by
Mrs Cameron and her dseelitsr, Mi.
Jessie, who proved themeless to be
peened to .on. in the osN*stry art. Tb.
following were amongst the n.esls oe the
*session : Reeve Job sto•, dap.ty• neve
Lockhart. eno.eillon Todd. Jos ash -
son awl Wie Bailey, clerk R B Miller,
auditor Webster, entleotor A D C..eros
ped treasurer J G Wad. The Serb dad
the earring, .ad proved hia.•etf to be as
expert ft that liege es he is beady with
the pmt. It was known that Mee Cam-
eron and ler daughter were son *boot
to retire from the beads tied worry of
the farm asd to locate at St Boleaa, so
what all bad partakes of the good things
set before them to their heart's desire the
memben of the nosed thought fit and
Dower to take drainage of the oppor-
gaiety to einem their fifth retard of
the hostess sod her family, sod to .on -
don with them oo the sad beesa.essent
whit* okay had mantle egperieseed ea
the death of the hosbund sad !tither, the
late Jobs Caaeroe. heave Jobastoa,
Mie, .plied ems to make • fenw remarks
spprwlwts.* to the oem.ine, did IID is
toren and .snti.sst..sd adverted alit.
only to the uniform bigamies pad .tt.11
time whips lad Mat enabled to biro
demi be bseame sogwiated with the
Iamb. The ether pucibaaeei preens
e lse pad hien &ribs.* to the eosrtsty
mid genres treatises* .h had
e nvoys hem .e.*d sat so them sag the
Mame, hr late bushed sad the rest et
the I.mly, thea sibs once taw her
Amble w gust-brmhd weld M (herd.
kt the ears wises of the addresses It less
seseed,s@edded cad eattri@i assmseelte
Wigs te het a tet of enetilit
hem our oto e.visspedeat.
Mn Alla was in Exeter last week
assoos of the f.aursl of Mr B Coe, who
did there kat week. The demand .w
killer of Mr Joseph Coe, who teeth.
is the Saltford shoe) several years an.
The seethe .ides all the read-
ers el Twig issusAL $ Merry Christmas
o rad a 8•ppy Ne. Ter.
Three eh•rpssa are working • shame
to Iwo the homers of this.o•.ty. The
first two appear M the hues gad mat
M mane pines that the farmer may ttfir
phq it to his frisson A rapgsgemhyv
sf the e.•ga&y MOWS ; he will based
, ab the hailer sae toast the 1104rr..
ilsesa aid if the tensor susea.da i..sU-
hod ins plebes be shall lien see fres
All be lies tedo iso .tasptp sign a ens-
eret %hat he los taken the piano es
sows esseNtiwr. Thee mend tens p
1, tkr sr two as as Mbar is the bade
d a Ibis& piety til the termer la hew
Mem WM Whine the pies It will be
eel fee Ohs Mum le leek sot tzar them.
If You wept the newspaper that
sites the greatest quantity of beep
in Huron oeunt enclose 91.00
e edifiers d TY i t(t.3i AL, Gcde-
rid4 and you will get it from. now
twill Jan. 1, '92. Subscribe at
totes. The Best is the Cheapest,
Bred Tea tiniw. is the bast.
eons to the bereaved widow and family
in the great lose they had sustained se
the rema.ral by death of the late John
Cameron : Reeve .tuhlsstoa, deputy -
reeve L .ckbart and R K Miller, clerk
The Epworth Lemma of %tun
church_ will bold an eatertaioment .w
Year's ear's night. A program of dia-
looms, roadie/it, recitations •ud focal
toed instrumental mute will be give,
and Rev Jas. Harps, of Beomlller, will
deliver •et address. The proceeds will
be devoted to the S..uday school. .t
Coastal good time is •zpected. Aden..
sion, 10 eta.
Cot -silt. Memo) - The council mer
in the towoehip hall, as per state
!(embers all present, reeve it the chair.
The minutes of last meeting read and
nand The following accounts wen
passed, via : Jo.. Sy.nartgto,, gravel and
opesine gavel pit $2 70; J Collis, gray
el, $1 23; tV M1rVioie, gravel front Mrs
Cao'. rot, SW; W MuV.ttie, gravel from
W McWh,nny'a pt, $2.90; N Motri.h,
leather, 82 75; T Gledhill, gravel, $1 15;
T Gledhill, equalizing U b. 8 , e+t•j.,,
Shaw, nide, for Mn Brindley, chewy,
$17 45; J Mctfevio, upeeing ditch, $4;
.1 McNeer, Culling wood, $3 50; fl
Dodd, lumber, 110 76; J Jones, repair-
ing culvert, $1 51; D McGarr., calves,
$3; (1 Little, repauru.q culvert, $1 60;
G Little, work on road and breaking
.owes, 93; J Barker, gravelluor, $50; J
Barker, r.painug culvert, $2; W Sheth-
, ers. cedar lumber for B. M. bridge,
$67 A od, grovelling,w 12.h
•'tat64; ; DMcBleug., IOopecting. $1; A
McAllister. Inspectine. $5 50; W
burying sheep. 60o; A McKinnon, era, -
oiling, $125; J McKinnon, patiiue tie
poste in the cemetery and repairing cem-
etery fence, $1; H Fisher, inspecting,
$5.50. A• Mcleod, rcpannitg cul-
verts, 92 00; John Barker, gravel-
ling, 820; Ju Strsughan, 1•tspectieg, $1;
W Bogie, gnvellinc, $22 20; reore,
et.rk and as, sour, for selection of juror*.
$6.00; C Stewart, inspecting, $1.50: J
Tew.ley, gravelling L 8. Road, $50; R
Jewell, reed work, 93 60; J Bend., non-
resident statute labor, $'J; J Strtgohsn,
inspecting. 14; Jenkin Bute , shovelling
snow, $1; G Little, road work. $1; R
Been, repuari.g culvert, $2; J K.rkpat-
rtck, repairing bridge. $1,50; A McKie -
000, gravelling, $3; J Saud., repairing
hill, $2; T Burns, gravel, 917 60; Wm
Robertauo, culvert, 96; J Sl,Ewen, mow
.roup at tcwusbip hal', $7; J Jenkins,
repairing culvert, $1; Isaac Fisher and
n.h•-rs, roadwork at R Jewel'., $33; A
McKinnon, gravel, $12 45: bate Faber,
freight on scraper, 50u,: F McIntyre,
burying sheep, 50c ; J. Mitchell, repair-
ing aide road, $1; Jno McPhee, gravel,
$2 05; clerk, h.l•noe of salary, pomace
$lar vada to ,deems w «:R RIPPLER AT RI PLEY.
y F.
° 1.: W Johnston.$I to. Ili J B Whitely, mailed health
I rex
Aka , scot is his anneal rapers.
among other matter that the h4g1e..
tbemunscipaltty as a whole is in a very
satisfactory 000dition; N. oink was
ordered to sod • espy of report to the
.secretary of the Pr trinatial Boom. The
onuucil adjourned to masa again per
statute. Js.i PArrolr, Clerk.
ream our own correspondent
Mr David Keithcart, of Pon Albert,
has mowed into the house formerly oc-
cupied by Mrs i% Mime.
tee Mr Frank Bayne is at present not able
to work, having injured hu back by
lifting • cutting -but out of a sleigh.
As Mr illy, lighthouse keeper, was
c•imtng out tf h.ncardute the train took
the hind bob of his 'neigh and carried it
to Gm station. Mr Rey returned into
the town and ordered the authorities to
hunt hts bib, which was found un the
c,w•ostcber at the static n.
Mr J ECsa•ad•v, the general travel•
log scent for Hurons county paper.
Tag Sto:NaL, gar.. us a call while passing
through the township. Ile has been
w000.tul in getting a bits fiat of sub-
scribers, and is a talker from •way back.
Hs has pullet subscriptions out of men
in this section who have never Liken a
paper for the last twenty years, and be•
tween the traveller .1.41 Tat flt..NAL
such a so•stsatinn ha. been cauest that
new subscribers called at the poet -office '
for it three days before it. issue. All
through the township Tae SWA M>, are
.tatnmert, afro of hall, etc., 848 99
Mrs Brindley'• taxes t•f $1 59 was ',-
fended, Thos. Elliott, Nile, were re
tund.d $1, dog tie. The tote receipt
from .ale of c..metery lou, 922 Ahs
hearing a copy reed 4 • res•.Iutiou
paved by the corporation of the town of
W.nghsru in regard to the liquor license
fees, A Malloy moved, seconded by
Nathan Johne.•bat in the npiolon of this
Bre thick as burs; the woods .re full of
them -three and four on each limb ; and
the few is the township who are not
taking it wish to borrow it Intim they
get left by a large majority. as the sub-
scribers have taken the oath of allegiance
not to land under any conditions, as it
is the means of croaking a home ',salient
and happy.- So •kite.
Dots sadDaisb . f'!'om Here
mThera clod Ifverywh.re.
aNrye.Ma r tielea Mei Cesare i. hr
remeop•atiewirs sot and woes It Is
Cr.aN 1e. Are W.teem. t. Is
tomb and Cr.. Was,
hoe our own oorrs�oads
Mr T. W, 1)syte has
e oionat deoon
te4 windows in town.
Muss Mary Saunders. of Lock
now, is mini.* friends In Ripley.
J. It. Monshaw has left the (rowdy
block to occupy D. F.'s termer stand.
Harry McKinnon baa removed from
Urquhart's block to Munabaw'• former
Our American friend, Mr. Morgan,
still c ontteues to parade our bialy grew.
el walks.
it is whispered around that Bobbie
be. rented the hrick cottage in the wort
esd. Oh, pay aye '
01.4 to see you around again, Harry.
We expect you will have to issue three
marriage licences next week.
J. Smith & Son report hastiness
brisk aioco they snored into their
new butcher shop on Huron -at. opposite
the bans.
Recently • young man has beep seen
driving a young lady ovary day on
the principal streets tit nor town. I
wonder if he means buai.ses.
M.s. L. Harris honks the picture of
h.ppineac these days Of course Ira .tl
know that it make. Loch happy to en-
tertain old friend* trout the Union.
D. F. Smith has moved from Mc•
Kay's bl.wk, on t,lueeo-st., to Sheltou'a
hlook, on Huron-st., and it is said be
drives the finest hone in the village.
Mr Matthew Dowd, temperance lec-
turer, has spent three nights lecturing
n .Ripley. He had very good success, as
he got • number to join the rooks of the
I. O. G. T.
Rev Mr Snowden has left the old
rano, but to occupy the fine brick man-
sion opposite the Methodist church. He
reports it w being a rery fine, comfort-
able hones.
The Orange society is growing very
fast. Myo Wednesday, y, 17th snot , they
are going tc bare a grand Royal Arch
meeul.g,whoo the society will give a free
upper to Morgue. balk
We all offer Mr Taman our sympathy
otbi•lima. It appears lack has gone
gain.t him this weak, as he had to shoot
very rahnattle horse on Thursday, on
account of his getting his leg broken
row • kick Niven by bis mate.
.wren Moving .n baa arrived Dr E. A.
. Smith has Rorie to Toronto The
►ening previous to his departure be wan
promoted with a beautiful watch guard,
coomp•nied by s few very appropriate
addresses, and be *rade a very touching
a.pty, and took the boys to Neddie'e,
here he dors them a farewell supper.
From our own ovespondent.
Mr Elleeley is taking out limber f0 Ei
his new barn. f
Mr Wm theory is busy preparing to
build a new baro next summer.
Sleighing is excellent here at present.
Saw loge and wood are moving rapidly.
A leere onmher of the pupils of oar
public school intend writiog Al the et,-
tranoe papers next week.
Mn McGee returned home last week a
from London, whore she w.a visiting her
daughter, Mrs Yuuug, who was seriously
ill. She was slowly recovering when a
her mother left. •
The annual Christmas service will be
held in the English church hero nest
Sunday evening, 21st inst, instead of C
• Christmas Day and a special sermon will