HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1890-12-12, Page 71 0 ; t W. ACHESON & SON. NEW STOKE. We open thug week the fbllowing Special Purchases Of Gloves Ladies' All Wool Cashmere Gloves at 15c., worth 40c. 10 Button Suede Gloves (warranted), $1 00,worth $1.25. Rouillion's French Kid Gloves,Princess (warranted), $1.00, worth $1.25. SPECIALS IN MANTLE CLOTHS. .1••••••••••.•. Fancy Beavers, $1.25, worth $1.90. Fancy Blacks, $2.00, worth $3.25. Fancy Wool Mantlings, Double, $1.10, worth $1.50. W. ACHESON & SON. TEE POET'S CORNER. To Our aaby• There he lies in regal 414.4e Peeping M at childhood's gate. opening mdebm azure tree. Tull of wonder and sureties : ?bough the treatment. sweetest thing. Yet he reigns • ,ery king-. Clod la garments of the best He wii ake hie royal rea. Softlest lawn aad ricked Mos Flatters round his dimpled fare. Drapes hi* white and halo area Not a tly mast do bra berm : Not a wilful toot mem tread Heavily shout his bed : Not a whisper- scarce • ureatb Let the bowies be still as death. He is up ! embryo king; Ott Ids rattle get his Do ID* bidding. father. metier. Aosta and eerie. ser. brother : Let bint toed. our youthful Hector. Os the richest, sweeten nectar. Let him net a moment welt. Ail hit wants miticipete. When our SubT- grow. a man Racine it if you can He will pay es more than doubie Tor oar daily core and trouble "Maybe mot r a voice unkind Whisper* rudely. Never mind. Mae our darling la his nest Let us bope. and for the best. Advertise Well. tdrertlas well 0, the seer* of glory. Nth* to thin principle taia as • Meek: Think of tie seines that are famous in story . Advertise well is the leases they remit. Advertise well though business be wombat. Thom who spend freest must win in the end; Up and he doles no need for complaining • Ari for Tonne!. and be your ows Mead. Advertise well ' all lames hare • tortitimpt; Nothing lays better thou paper sod bag. Thousands what:tally Miataila, are spurning Find that it brie= than te eaakreptcy's brink. -Yonkers Gazette. - - THE FASHIONS. ear The followine atory, which -nosy he trite, but more probably is oot, is related id President Lincoln Lioco1 a ocal politician most to "ethiogton seeking an&as*, but iu a fortnighi name hack without it. -What was the trouble " asked one of hi frieuds. "Dele't you see the tread due ' of course,answered the pelitiosan. "Well, then, why didn't you pt the office t" ...Well,' said tbe disappointed appli• cant, •'w• emit in and stated oar armed The prestdent heard us patiently, and: then asid, 'Gentlemen, I em sorry that I hue no odic, for Mr -- bet if I can't give you that I eat. tell you a *Wry.' Then he smut on : "'Once there was • curtain king who kept an &atrial or to forewarn him of cseing event, and especially to tell him whether it we wawa to rain when h. wished to go os hunting espedition. Ooe day be had started for the forest *rib his train of lords and ladies whim 1 he mu a farmer. Good morning, fuser, said the king. " 'Good morniog, king,' said the fernier. 'Where are you folio going r " .11 outing.' said the king. " 'Eunting ! You'll all get wet, said the former. "Tho king trusted his astrologer and kept oo, but at midday there came up • tremendous rain that drenched the king wed all Ins party. " 'Oo getting back to the palace the king bad the astrologer decapitated, sad sent tor the fanner to take his pimos 'Law's sakes,' said the farmer shoo be arnved, 'it ain't me that knows whim it's goiug to rain, it's my donkey. Whim it's going to be fur weather be alway• carries his ears forward, so. Whoa it'• coing to rain be puts 'em backward, ao.' " 'Make the donkey the ocurt astrol- oger shouted the Wog. " 'It wet done, bet the king always declared that that sweetmeat was tie greatest mistake he ever made in his life. -Mr Lincoln stepped there,'• said the office seeker. " 'Why din he cell it e THE BIC FRIDAY, . 12, 1890. DAIRY AND MAURY , Hiss is ININANI Des0,0•0• • lallisak°161Pness dle.fsdlus actlidlIMit 111.1, .6. ISM& we teetislativ las Medicate, respectim die diet of PIM 44g seihringdrom psisfallyepepeta smtueb there ie imatily la 411011011 01 liIl11:44411.11.1111"prisseur.'"e Tb. :ilitio meet be telly mingle. The pates. will avoid ght cedes and alcohol efigi all swats MS all sabotaticee which eglite the gm - Mit pima ma condireeetee NOON sic• Vreetatiles rich in cellul • air harmful, hecalews they are badly dtgested iu the* .asch, which cot:tams an excess 1,1 They accuasulats and dilate ti. 0s accouie „War oi ' of tbe soma et; s ," is very ifs.,ni.nt ii. ' WW1 an suffering stems of a ye? in the gastric Lyoo meel that fat pub - Dees and fresh brcs I are beuly digeat• edand such a pet RS sbould tie per- edted tu em ..11 en'o eell-tiastal bread, 10 which tbe starch lain part transform- nedmetnoatlyezttoeran.,,e..al etweellaricair, with iciii: cot.iribute to di:wit/op of the stomach. A milk retinue u talasted in the treat - _Lunt of 'hit male3y slum there is mach pain or symptom, of ulcenitioti. It is Oat necemery .. viewer, to camtinue i . . EXTRACT FROM AN ADORES6 BY PRO - 'VISOR JAMES W. NOSEn Amato, wise es Widle.dilttori.- Name Traits flat Wit • Creamery Makes Venoms - Nary Illeffor Geed. nod .ad ladillereet. 1 would bona skin smoffid le Os- rem ousted prefitutlists Ilse& aid ibis ins • creemedont areocialitia, 1 won have the membare makes harnini whoa people persist in enelasat buttes in smell dairies Owe Ils a leas expeuditun, of labor. which an absence of skill, not skill t :basket execution in the meting fine article. bat skill in the esergy. It just tabs de Ohm lunch labor to make butter in dairy am ti doss in one of the ereatherlitek U you have a woolen factory is a tows that raggirce the application of tits dam the sinenut of labor far overt' web al cloth that it thee in another factory, hew long hi the ferrate factory going to steed the competition of tbe lutterlt I have na PlWei liking ter the !IMO vho trait I40 ing for his wife that be makes her do *- flag amnia*when she is doing all tit cookisig. etc. A fertuer'e wife in Mar time twice the work of the woman an where else in the whole world in r judgment. t4br cannot get help, cannot get piervantsand when she dee get girls some fellow comes around and whisks them away. l'be one thing the will lighten bcr bardese is to have ,1 milking all dew by men. and to 11.0 the better all made an creamitaimit An, then the farm labor will be oandilleraWy equalized. That is (WI of the bee. !,t uf eteopenation; it lightens the laier individtud pensons. Theu the y Will be improved, though I would eot veerture to whisper a weed that * detract from the te.pr.tation or the butter mule with the old cesdeirssi: But after all. whit, the women .4 Ontario make line butter. we stemetimee have very bad butter to est tram where in ()uteri°. But became et the great venetian of qualities it cannot be uniformly fim. and therefose ha.- it. -at- istacuito.: market valor as an !Pirtle., of town:erre. We want to Isom race but- ter manufactured in this Illetiretriee that not only our exports .4 it will inermse, but that (en cheeee export* donble themselves. If we pet shill into the memos and feed our cows with olthi lag* k , Lon ilteutialy during • long time A chi..1 utak takeu during a mists of ,. !min occurring .n the nicht often pr..- , deers good reedit. The food should be !Seely divided sod thdroughly nmseca ted. Eggs opy bp freely used ' Aside Mein $ &MS 44 milk taken un • ufr,n slit. the author above rile:red to recelinesenda that a patient t lauffering from Oh disease should eat bet twice. day, end eight hours should ; interyene earl the hours of eating. 1 Wild Cherry Dark , Elocanmene, Hoar. humid sod sump. These are the rim- ' edies with whishipaine Nature has sup f Plied Canada for the cure c.f Colds, Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cough, Bron- chitis and Loss of Voies. All these are eontemed u Wilsoe's Wild Cherry in their ni.ai active form, and with other medicines constitute this must reliable cure for all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. Wileon's Wild Cherry ia sold by all druggists. las num is the Wesile. The bell in St. Peter's, at Rome, weighs 17.500pouuds. The bell of St. Paul's, in London, weighs 11,500 pounds. At Rosen, France, is • bell which weighs 36,000 pounds. These ie a bell in Vienna which weighs 40,00Opeends. "Oreet Toot," at hford, England. weighs 17,000 pounds. The "Jacqueline," of Paris, oast in . 1400, weighs 1,500 pounds. "Great Tom," at Lincoln, England, weighs 12,000 pounds. The bell which bangs io Notre Dune, . Pens, "'Inaba -!5,000 pounds. In Nankin there is • bell, now fallen, to the ground, weighing :10,000 pounds. The largest bell in England is the Westminster beU, ''Big Bei," weighing 30,000 pounds. rim largest bell on the American con- tinent is et Montreal, in the cathedral, and weighs 25.000 pounds. mistake r.. asked him. 'Didn't t10 w anti make OUT butter in creameries. why a (emulation of gold equal to twenty milliens will nen into the provinc.• trim abroed.-Profeeenr Robertson at Ontario Dairy: Con reution. the client. When the churning Sit the day has Is en fluiehed. take a pail °Ehnen's:4 water. .hpper in hand. and wait down all email vanities of butter that may stick to in - vele of ithorn. *Wising anine to run out at milk outlet. Next add aheut ten gal - leer, of boiling water to a 200 ;canoe churn; put on covers -taming by hand. iciug vein at each Mrs for the...Jr tutu turns -then pnt belt on churn for fir.- minutesallowing small vent to be teem during churning. Next draw off water, beep covers us, tight, annul gentle for five or ten minutesinserting i -team lune at milk outlet. The steaming must be carefully done the first time. After 'seeming, add ten or more 01 - Ions cold brine (very strong,: put ( i•ers on and turn by hand severs/ Puna CAM RIMS be exert:ieed here to prevent the churn from iollaping, by leaving a small vent open. Put on the belt and churn ten or more minutes until the ood is cold. Yen will eltrerve this last rine churning renders the wood hard y being absorbed into the surface of the wood; also removes all bow wood fiber and grease, making tbechern white nd sweet. . Chimes that tare not been treated to his method will not be white until mo- ral treatments. Aftrr once perfectly ect one treatment :sell week will be sufficient during warm weather. and oars in tan days in cold weedier. - beet McBeNaothyinwh.yerealn,..t.erY Jellienal• The practice of carrying the night's 11114 morning's Milk to the factory in one is a custom that should be avoided Ceild or silver tuId shoes are not a little donkey do his duty ' worn. •"lfes,' said the president, 'but aft. Ruffs of every kind are the feehion fur the throat The bell shaped sleeve is seen on some of the beer coats. Cleaks of soft wadded silk have taken the place of dust cloaks. Steel trimininge are in great Voris io cords, gallons& and betedmax. Leading mime in woolen fabrics are spots to filmy, indistinct effects. Colored Spanish leas with velvet flow- ers is wade op over gowns of silk. Evening dresses imported from Paris are unlike those of • how months bees Cloth gowns trimmed with far will be extensively were during the whiter. There 0 no ass for one button gloms the eciantry io spite of the Eaglialli fad. Beslakia jackets are arm or four in- ches lompr in the besot* than hot • mem. A now trimming ie a pcinted shaped belt in Meek patie froui which fails • triune of drops. Remiss jackets are made with streseht hotels, left open to show the beauties u; the bodice auderneath New bats and bonnets are distinguish ed /rum those el last year oat, by the meshy of their trimmer/K. The lilted idea for a fan is one with movable ribs et the side whack, by memo of *teat fautimeiage, will kold flowers. fa NAT maim me little wore, bat the backs of the skirts are pet in straight and attimead to side gores in quits the old style, makiiiir & roomful flow. A tat now faebionable in Para is %Morino. This was the gofer of the trousers were bE 036.0 al the sadism NeiNitiVebe rk Pans• the ramie -Presides war. - Grows with skirls al theath-like t' 0.5* sae seat to Amides Importers Aria, these beteg isesefiered as West espresaioe d mantis French Med depose. Dream ef vivid red lareglieh serge ars eery popular this emseu. Tb«. make bright sad bamboo sows far vestig- ial women. Whoa trimmed with Week velvet diem, bink ler, ea Mate paw- owasotss, the eels, 1.100s4 dews sew sidoesbiy. Ashebbee 10 mesh sled ap- se these deems. Seise hailatioso ef this sheet ear fur ere jells geed. sad Towle Ira. II sad blob. sada edhst is iskterasI*tUir that dunkey in the couotry wanted so oRiee..--1 ouch's Peseipernon a The liseseilem Nes le Cedrrieb. As well as the handsomest, and other, t are invited to all on any druggist get free • trial bottle of Keesp's Bateau Imr for the Throat and Lenge, a remedy tha is milting entirely upon its went& and guaranteed to relieve and cure al 140 Chronic .ad Acute Coughs, Asthma Broochitis asid Cmmenoption. Larg. hot ties 50 omits and 111. euw) can As MM. Sunday School Superiotendeut-Whe led the children of Israel Imo 0010111111 Will ooe of the smaller boys mower t 1. t No Supenntendent somewhat steraly)- Can Do me tall? Little boy es that seat nest to the aide, who led the ehddree of Lead into Osassn' Little boy (badly frightened) - 1, wasn't ale. I -I JIM tamed roe lees week rot Mitmoary.-Chisago Tribe*. - - . 5. j1PCt$U7 11 ISP yesterday*, seer whey is to be tram- - Ported back hone in the aame can. It 1 wonderful whit foolish things some patrone will de, and thee expect QM the cheese rase* is rill to make the beet. I Sal about sere est the many fatal eases of cheese perinfabig-tyrotox- icees-are traceable back 10 carrying rot- ten whey in the milk the trans - nutting oe the germs 01 putrefactien:. tram a never imbedera elm bras& beg and stinking whey Ifea is the adle, AMA tatter cows and e hod we do In addition to the nficliCei need-oonte (I( 0,-0 of ra- tline John Caleb arthodray hurled at es tee eee ewe of mixing the monk of dirty howle, titan milk. sour whey and Ivey milk cass ImMaleltmlw4 ia ear *IOW PadoWs• we seep k, -Jobs Gadd in Darrnatet. Expermatia Omer. Mr J. H. Hourigso, after using Wil- son's Wild Cherry in his family for eight years, writes us tbat it has never failed to cure Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough or Bronchitis. Be wise, protit by the ex perience of others, and use Wilson's Wild Cherry when afflicted with any each troubles Sold by all druggists. len Tbe Weasels isif Waddles's. The iuhaboants of Bethlehem are all Christians, sod the feminine part of them are unusually distinguished by good looks, and wear a beautiful costuule--embroider- ed jacket with long hanging drawee, and skirt: in variees colors - exceedingly pictaresque and striking. Their heads are adorned with silver chains and coins eiseireling the ferebeed and falling on meth side ef the face, over which the wellies who are married weer some sort of a stiff raged gap, ever which 1i:w- ronged a long 54 101 the toe onbleached ham which is peculiar to the Hee, em- broidered with a heavy border in rick orders of silk -red, and purple, and blue This headdress gives • kind of mild majesty to their clear tints and well.cut festers' ; and they sell their vegetables like Princeases--not 1. dimities, but gracefully 000desemeling to supply their fellow matures with the neemearies of if*. -Black wood. • lierreide Warder. A horrible murder involving the km of one life *moots greater attention Shea the thousands of deaths oecornag saes any from scrofula sed bed blued. We want to attract atteatiee to Berdock Blood Bitters, she primed sad parolee remedy for them forms of diesam. It eerie eves old Mirada obstinate 0110111 which have defied all other treatment. J.,,er vs. nieboons. *miring al • batboy test that wss C C. kb Kaaba *0*. aft& Fantle bdween Holstein and Omits. - We minaider MINA RDist arisegy, Heard's Marrows aim LINIMIDIer the Lee in dm market sat In thew lays sal is this *until, theerhaly reesemeed its ma I. El It. it, mime Os bettor yield determhnes the Tahoe of silk mare and mare. ss gawp. Bsihoese Deseeka Nee pee, ea, 1*10 last hard to me that F. U. dorwessow, M. D., oke ewe revealed that lbs Amory 'meld R. 0 ha iha mom salted& cow, ter se silk It It 0. 8.. Toogised. rete beeves 610 tiro broads any ow 11. D. Wnsow, 111. 1w VW. of Pam beam sem tartrate pomade d Jenny oft ise 000 builher bt ft thee hos weds el Illehisia-Prialse milk, ma ewe was Roads la Bernie at Ow woo esesselbsse al bet rwoweses end asieser. The way *mho maim* pad bet ear b to maim It jasttlibil Dees adfans mow every euisisairmisi his I" Ties oe Sada thee whew be bap Wean It is a solemn feet that three eat of emery Sae people thew their toed oe ibm telt dee of the meek If this is per - Wield ia, ahs swath sem bootie le 1111 the left. the el* te alarm age astl le dam the *genes ass will be side Iderbiahabsse IWO We Math. illsaiterslthieseset Webs MM. tb. Mame Cldimed's Dem. Stsa-I can highly reerismend BM - yard's Pectoral Baleme. It oared my daughter of • sough she bad been trash led with since childhood. She is .ow solve years Md. Mos M. FAIRCRILD, Wetland, Out. 2 The New York Advertiser Reformer yes the following advice to newspaper risen : 11 roe want tu be • "brassy" limiter for the press don't .tart by hens or:2and bolting around for things W Be • 'Denbyr sad cently touch sad go, cooling and pleasing those ho feel and see. ()ivies a pemion or Wag "a blest" is sot "breezy writing" ad to "pitch Into" things er persons or the sate of beteg "mart" is too mese and vulgar an MI for any decent penes to do. w ft a A 111 10 osiessoe or its equivalent as cash .01 he given to ths perms deteetiag the greatest number of erten (words wrongly spelled or ode - plated), in the Demivistent mem el ow Home& le oddities will be riven two mob prism of MO imme, fear of one $100, AIM et( OA Iwo 01 t6, t0..4_7. lye of file, ilfty of "hese hundred of f2, .04one bisadred sad Shy of fil, distil 1.5.4in Om order mentioned la rules awl regalatirma, width will be east kb a envy of Dumas inse cm relent .1 14 gents is etaams. Special man patina lie" sir" aki".. svert 4" "1"ellgoot. of Geo. Clkormot. «mirth. wince Amen February lat, Saat T 1101TOR'S TALL • Meru two sere anews fire readisatiem. /fat dema Is 0..d.nit s IlAtIAMITS FOR 0011b see, 14100. The 'losing amebae of ed. :1! has lune ChliDDLODD laver hew the dim trued articles, pumas and sketch'', re. hermit to this 'Igneous mason." Mr Itigetuuts 1/106/1 wood euatobisfois in is tersistlUg Seth& "Christ obis in Eng• Iamb' 'rag eciu.ar Ina au illuotrated article deemostrturia the superior ad- vantages of Camels ever say i.-...tietry la the *orig. Proiesess A. P. Colman, Ph. O., hes an a.4.j,10.article Li. "Norway and Its People.' rho fermi minuet ntoty .4-Ledy -iiiirmeetio "Lest Voymen ani,es to tot tragic e1011e, na the teeter adds a psalm/Mt her death en board the Jaalieasa and burial at ma. All the stli rAare .41 illustrated Rry Dr Stetford centributes an admirals!' character sketch easitled "Bow Perr- 111111Mo011 :AUG hia Diridetel. Other sib cies are "Nufard u' the Doeger. "The Neu Jouarra .ad • Mary M ffat, Model .NI end :nary 's Wife 41s dur 4 strong ''Jaaleti 1. broUgh.! fe A pleasant Jose. (keglers! .tari::::e ten hook in Daran kest England d the Way Out, and other receet t)e.ka, re• viewed. 'Ile Masazit 1891 will vie eels:gest by ItX) pages. to make route f • nes depart ci. nt on ••I'...patar Science." It will mi.-., have store and Deter trait as than- veer of Bode lauds. ..,n toured travel Eastern Europe Hun- gary, Transy I yap's, :. A furor e fes bare will be a berme .1 yawn on "The oe Pts -of Canada," by the Rev 31. R Knight, uf New littmswick, himselfrotie of our sweetest elegem Price 62 4 year; -$1 fur sis mouths :. 20 omits per number. Toronto : itriggs. - TheiTOROBT011011SE H IAEA. I-3 I MaT 0 - DRY GOODS EMPORIUM. _ OTITITSTMAS. 1890-FRASER & PORTER -I890. Fall in line all you people who wish to see a BRIG8111 AND BEAUTIFUL! Display oI charming Christmas presents Elegant new holiday stock of Toys, Books, Novelties, Fancy Goods Notions, &c. Popular selections -plenty of variety and newest, attractions. Any quantity of suitable: gifts for old or young. Prices. Strictly Fair Only plosoure to show gocds and give prices. nAsEn 8s PORTER, Central Telephone Exchange, Court mut,. ThEPHARMACY. HARNESS SOAP. Itis soap it hiehly siva10r tpr the renes ing of old harness. ib.' °Him( of boas and shoes rarriuhe end Immo tops. and is peril:owls gen- ial to the cleansing and healing oft ratchet. walk. wounds! etc.. etc. 25 CENTS PER ME. Tor sale by C+E 0 FL GI- 1R, INT A -S, Couri IllouseCaauare • - tiodcrish 8e t (ho Acttesovi6 SIT googly INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC. Latest and Best CiNADIA ! 01t11. WOMCL ant children from I he sinuilu.0 to tin, liirest deem made. ',TINTER GOODS CANADIAN & SCOTCH DOW OD Vim. P. O'DEA, Manner. THE KEY TO HEALTH. BLeon BlifERS Wads lathe dogged ammo al the Dinsek, Kidneys and Liver, aim- iageir ipaduany without wesinimig lb* myths, an thssead hod h - er assoes of the5410. awe tine Oorrestlag at Ss illemeask =1604421110110- dVridaPillismVatar .lettotte. Ilhewis4 the2nrserigist P, Wervasoneee.riardlaw oral Debititi ; *11 10... sad =my other similar Cesebiaisatotaa =animatin's et JIMI1211. I. imam • O. Peestawa l; French 11 YARNS! , navay,anscerhkei: Lwrite aleandbletcrekaniFLasamiLEANN. LS, and leading shadn es i rad Y-A land varied stock, as usual. CASHMERE GLOVES nd'i°1GLOVES Plain and with kid tips, also kid 14111111. 1 )ther departments equally well assorted. Strictly one price. 004 A. M LT I•T IR. 0 Draper and Haberdasher. Cattle Chains -New Patterns. Crosscut Saws --All Makes. Cutlery -Table and Pocket -In Endless Variety. Chopping Axes -At Your Own Price. General Fall Goods -Stock Complete. ALL AT SPECIAL PRICES! R. P. WILKINSON & Co., Hardware. ANOTHER BOOM IN BUSINESS LOOK ! LOOK ! ANY PIRSION BUYING $2.00 WORTH OF GROCKR113 - - teem eel* 10 .0 IMO 011 1ea 1111111 - ear at tame essethisit le • quart bine. the sae maim Roe 1.1001116 amber waifs olive • Hands t-ivZ.. M'io-ta.c!Lfoot - Raving removed to Crabb'. Block. Somme is prepared to sell all Wads of Groceries. Provisions Crockery, Glassware, Flour and Feed, &c. At rock-bottein prices for inah. Pisses give use aleall:beforellourchosing elsewhere GOODS DELIVERED FREE. Yours, J. M. PROUDFOOT, The eisura. GH 0_ 33.4eLIZI:r5r Dtiterioie maim all kiadeleHfurnitsre at the ewes: possible prim& It ow Chin Da Set. "1"',._ for amok lie i• also Ms UalettarettLetni. embeivaiag 11104 annagirelue baud. Ho um w dors elm Mae a adi Were. !lenitive Heirwhiro. *10*4...be mew -0•00 cite*. arttees 1111 Jammer Isa. MM. Mann, Oen Hoene Peauennte 00., thwada le bras, UM OR rabble Ws. Maillant• Aram* gsboias wk.. - Ts iseipsubath Oho belly sad Ile tal bettrott imam sad al Air their mat petrennew he tepee te restive • reedammee et tlie mar Cf -IC 0 . 33 A. FLF2.1r. Hamilton -et ---.-- Subscribe For "The Signal," al Goderich, Ont.