HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1890-12-12, Page 5s
*Pea .s the Ian' tbassM r sept el..es-
I b Inmates.
The regular msetiadt of the Luso
sprig'l was held last Fr,dae .omens.
Opelab.r Ikb. AU the stem!,.,. were
proMIN .se•p1 ,.sellar Huh. The
uses,• of the last regale nemeses weer
east sassed
~The report limped
the o•retek.r et Mait-
hood esmeaey. shelve* the interment of
two adult' in November, was wad rand
filed suto' ru 4TN)`ti.
A c,mmsuisation from John *'ala,
.1.1b4 NIP* was situated whitest •meeil-
I law Ne. 11 18U0. p.widiem
pods of plaoes sad applliNtaE selenium
• also• for the spongebag wessieiaal
sisetiitss, tree reed thee., PIM .ed
pied. Moab* is the
let•af•iee dime. sed polling �-
I $tela-dl.isies No. 1, Nell Ws
Idtiott's Inaba atop ' No Charles
' Rats•, Vidsaa's stun. ; No. 3. T. ii an
Every, town hall : No. 4, Jobe Bates,
, Bates' wane shop ; No. S. 1). Gorda',
! D. Gortiuu'a more : bio 11, Jas Addison„
J. Br phy's store ; No. 7, J. *ivru, Jae
!flays douse.
eight-watohto.a, was read. It atat.d The comae'! thea aJluerfed.
thsl complaints had been wade by •
amber of the mer.hauts of (lee "hetet
habitually carried on ua the day -stats is
front of their kora, sad asked the ad -
via of tb. ouuncil as to 'weans b7 which
the eateaece a old be stopped. The
trailer wee referred to the special LAW
The secretary of the High He out
trustee board wrote a.l iog the c .aonl
to raise an additional sum of 32,000 to
morale the trate'•• t., snake neoessary
.1...ee is the .shool with a new to
having 't oo.etituted a Uoll*(tste Inst'-
' ttetm. The board f..00J, a4er the coue-
Oil had granted the sacs of 53,0JO for
thus ;;urpose, that the t . In-
itiated upon by the iu.pector could not
be carried oat with less than $5.000
Messrs "..►damson, secretary of the
board, wet Jw. Williams, trustee, were
heard to behalf of the after
which, on "notion of Prid'tam ltd Cam -
Woe, the matter was referred to the 6s -
name committee.
A onmunu,iestwtw from Henry Ma:toe,
com(.1•iulug .4 the over-assesessant .4
his house acid 1o: NI Li.•bthouse-st., was
referred to the court of revision. The
property was formerly *seemed a: $450.
bot this year at PJOO, without any in-
crease of value that Mr Marto, was
stare ..t.
A circular from Mayor Melodoa, of
%Ingham, re,loe.ted the co-operation ,if
the council in peeingto be
furwarde 1 to the Provincial Legiatature
saltine that the lull amount of the liquor
Hoene tree leas the coat .4 enforcing
the Act i ler paid to the monicopelitsss u.
wbsch they are aspected, Mewed of the
which they now receive. The
tastier was r.'`.rred to the tioaucc 'Zoo'
A c.smmooication was received from
Cameron. dolt (L Cameron, stating that
Cbsrles Payee lead instructed them to
e-lem.*ee psviceedinge against the town 1
pll chaises for injeries sustained by
W through • defect in the sidewalk .m1
Uariltun-u. near Card s
store, on Oct. l3tb last.
Moved by Campion, secwded by i
• Murney, tlst the matter be referred to ,
the public works commit tee. Carried.
A petition from W Slobfillan. asking
tbst he be relieved of Iola dor viz, was
seat t.. the *tort of recision.
An .'i rnsur► of one month was made
in the toms for the collection of taxa. at
tube request of the collector, with the
proviso tb.t no further extension will be
Th. Godeeieh baseball clob was ;;rant-
ed the use of the town hall on the ..eas-
ains at their wool ball on Friday, 12th
A petition from Donald McLeod for
tb. of hie taxes was sent to
the court of menial..
a, r OCxi..
The amount of Peter McEwan.
41.093, for boring two wells kat year.
with Interest included, was presented.
*cyd by Nscholson, seconded by
Neftel, that the amount be paid
Moved in by Humber,
seconded by Proodfont, that it be refer-
red to the Cases committee. Yee-
Praadtoot, Coate:ue, Mortify, Campton,
Prides*, Somber, -ti Nay "-Thomp-
son, Rad, Natal, McKenzie, Dooley,
N icholanw, Whitely -7. Lost. The -
motion was then carried
The following scoownts were referred
to the anemia oommittee : Geo Barry,
repairing able. 6S cents : Sart & C. ,
Toronto, stationery, 83.15 ; Senses)
Rogan h On., Toronto, oil for watsr-
works, $i1 83 ; S (Iraham, relief, eb..-
ia. hoose, eta., *7.80 ; R 8 Wd11sen,
expen... to Torooto on iwoe-•ss s Bat-
ters, i10 50 ; Sauaden A Bas, �'ip�.,
etc $A.78 ; Brooks Mb.. Oo (int i),
, whoa, t$15: 6re seer
posy, ons year's salary,aed for Passes
••.'stent, $270.
The report of the ate sotu'ittesr as
follows, .as resod and adopted :
KgrOKT Or nag
O.xn.asrax :-Your oosmittee, hay.
tog awa.oer.d the potatoes of Ohms New-
els to be allowed to .beet iroe ht' sta-
ble, res.mt and thos the firs limit by-
law he eaforosd. W 1 that
the regsiremests of the Oawsdiss 1711
derwriten' £aoocistioa to raise the i. -
somas etnoi6oatioe be complied with,
lied to du so the immediate estimated
east .U1 be : For 300 fest hoes, •270;
two stoplc.egelahooks,
s, $26; ladders. hks,
as. $26; suite for ten .ass. 086; total,
NO6, sed also the esasss.ry great tc
pay theealsries oftenaiditioealm.e. We
also reeomusesd that of what boas soup -
liege we have ea hoed some be sane•
ed to may of the hose we haw whish
may he flood wood. sed also need to the
best .ds.alaes is buyhlg sew bora
(Raised) W. Peotroroar.
The report tel the teases eossittee,
reeolem.edietg the payment of the
4450•.10 of 0 N Dori, $34.23 ; Thomas
Swore, MI. mod d N. Davis, MU, sad
that the 'editors be isetr.eud to prepare
tbir sstse.uet far p.Nisatise. was
or way.aw0111.11B AND ILEA -Me
laser r+orwrrraa.
Qtsrrt. :-Your eemraittes bbetu, to
that they have gives hste.Miiss
hive sere bees proeored
the see ef the begs teeter -
sad dsetrie light. they Mists
tar keepieg a resent of the
treeseeu a- seder Herr liar -
beide *s w.sleleeed the •.memo
eager QM the otv.Me
osled POW/ put s
We t belies fps &
. t
s 1i •risk.
pe.sbw seem team
ierhsthe males--! M
(piped) Jam Mattes, °heirless.
It awed bt Nishoi ...04 PrH-
tire.lie the lift lbet
1ees et the taps* emir -
11$3 me et the Mesh&
M 11 .'dee, be etre* est. bet
The •tetutory meeting will be hell
Monday nest. Roes I5:b.
• Isere w ewe awns Lew 1'.bileatlew
Sling Ile ye rose lie flood.
I.ITTELI. • 11."1 IO aim.
The numbers of The Liei ig lye for
tate weeks r. dii..' November.ikb and
December ti.b cJwts•n The Idyll of
Brook Far.,l.u..g,...n.'. Ave. -ire; Chloe,
be Geo . Taken' ki•tereg..1gr.11K
Rorie., ; yadstee,Msteelulleie s J
lteoert Heurys.ia, liirsek✓.n.d's ..Min srie ;
Lore the Cua.loorr, .thin wills.. ; Mute-
ly Aid simony. Animal% Ni,,ereeerts e. nbor;;
Tames- rant end Promisor, 111n.ku.ond ;
Db..e.. :has-Thra'I..I Torr Heel L•fe, •
Le Neter, : bliss Milford, 7'r,.ydr Boo :'
Rood l.:fe 1•. Felnes:in tbo F..urte-a,th
Ce.tsry, t:o-f,.iyhlfy Rorieir ; Land 1dd-
Erma Gepp. .rete tale •wiwte N..ots. IM or
'Taber sight I bad • dream. •I I Who tree *sr
threes' that 1 died aid stat t., beets. Ips no Sia.‘411* •M Ita.ot.,
Waw L pot to de peerly 3165 nae Bi-' the beautifel s,. . ,,,.N,tg'slags
P.' er haler : *lily all aloeg Ilia : , poen wall
" Who's der 1 " says 1'.. lie beeping sap to r :. • J /ass none's
"Abram Jasper,sey. 1.Dalai(my ram'. 1 the Lake
•'1* you moonier/ or le )use duet i " 61ora 1 flare Guise .... .apps bustoees
eels he. moo who so pubf... .. .ad esierpeta
'• 1 's afoot." says 1. • ass notuerpseed in . , at the node-
" Well. yea can't gat is kora." able kw rib k.utle.r, nod 1 . puss nos fol-
"Sobudy's 'towed u■ bete sept thea all i Ns,„„. aw.•ues' ,,,,,,,,i . •.
seeu. mvlted," rays be. L s... '
•• Dat'a hard ou 1.e," says 1, ••arse. . .1.e t4teole. I , ,a.,:k. i. doom •
•aeidn'.11 die diorama." But heetebber !t ,, *.sole.. I, • IIp Lutarebueisg
say coolie no, , and so 1 starts balk, Idle l.rw _-,eget uta , ,1 depot is well
41001 half ..y . down the bill who rites : Ir,.,wn through ,:onaMay.. . W
1 111111114 tat tlIr Juba A. M,.odoster G. Cl;' h •;,1 has had t,,:.s.,,.1•4•
1t. '' Where et ysr Al onto), tlir John 1"4 a- ., I.,•,e1 .e: pe:. a.. ' 51,e honed at this
aye i• tpl..., l..e • large Fat ...age
1 se swine '•. hsavae,' says lee.
••11'hy, lair John." says I, " tail '• tan' '.
.se. 1 a just been np der' au' nobody's ' • -.":- • . •T. 14. h...s4 ,
'lowed to get N, 'sups d.y colleen moiatell. . • ' ••►a .u.reha*t, is ape of our pwsdt
se' yoga afoot." ti• or 1, 1 busing.* *1145 spas a loner 00515.4
• I• dat sus f eye hs. ) W. 1'lan•tgle•t 1101.1 .,fur. excelt.n$
" Yoe, it ir," ..y* I. u.•.r..im.dstion fir Ilravelltra .uJ utb-
N'ell, Sir 1..bn sorter seratche4 kis er. 1). Mc eta dea'er is general
baa, au .rter while he says, say. be ,ueretteudise, 1.+,. It lune trade all 11e10
"Abram, 111 toll you whet 1St. do. year round and ceps a eke stock....
You is a likely lel. ' ppoee you sit lite McDonald Dooms is a weh•k'nowe
down ..0 411 f. urn, •u' 1'11 esoeet as' rids hotel. John ma.w a capital lust . .
y. n s... so' da: way we kin both gK i.. Michael Denny a always bay minister-
...., ,.sr J..hu, ' says 1, ' do you n► tits to the wants of those who are in
yen 4 ,111( work It i ' heed of the serrioes of • K nal black-
•' 1 kove i kin, " says he. emit h.
So d..wa I airs or all fours, ale' hit
idle, rami N
2. 1890.
stables BANK OF MONTRE 4L.
A .Saving !)t' art111e11t has br'e1i t►pr,sed in took.:
' 1 lit t.tion with this brant
interest allowed at current rates.
.JI(i1l(I.'i'r ,(,(fern/ Branch
A ! Vri..eKIno
Joao Lila aatra\' w motley, pr'oprte of she Ash-
- - *12,000,000.
In its First Stages.
Palatable an Milk. XPiIAS FRUITS e
Se sure yon get the gcn.me in Seas-,
color wrapper; *ofd M all Druget•
°` •tenon & AowNl•:, Itetlevc,• Ed. Carapaigne wishes to call the attention 01 the
general public to his stock of Holiday kruit*, etc.
J..V. J14,. .• is ,.,.,..1
lis.,: k.l)t,-- 1 1......:ust tiui.hed your
System ROW vat,•r t..t lith:. Illy east
was chr^otc. lend u.e soo•ht=r bottle.
The 1:eb»rat.•r has •1 toe 'pr"» a "�r•r.
deal of veal ; every irrww 1 Meet re-
mark.. bow wtt.-ll n.y c tunple•.i..a b..
ohso,te4, and the espies/6i :n of my lye*
ts w di9'ereat 1 Rx ....d mush in tl..h : 1
Valencia Raisins
London Layers,
Black Bas
7 Crown Figs,
5 Crown Figs,
Vostizza Currants, --._,
Patras Currants,
kets, Imperial Prunes.
Almeria Grapes,
Red Rogers,
Persia' Dates, nae.
o.nnot express bow much batty 1 f -L, . IN Valencia oranges, Almonds,
othtr rca;•cess I itnpr.v,sd sial Yours, - Florida Oranges Filberts,
Chicle •, Noir. 31st, !WIG. 14.21 Messina Lemons, Walnut.:.
Heir rale bila 01.4144•41. ;
tela a free notle, in',t'rtrd in
Ws Ha iota the thee of .,s.o.
Salo Tii1u • stn . k of Johw T. Grif
fie .m ki 3. ata•.'4 W.D. .%.h� -I4,- on
T.etd•y. December 33rd, at 1 o'cl.tek p.
as. John Chian, .octioncer.
Miss Anne Irwin, Clint -on, left lama
I week fur tbs Y,a:h.,rap $ .lee.
Miss',melia Piu:nines daol•!Iter of Mr
Oysters, Fiuuau9addias and Fish (fall killds
t .
I Curry al.., :1 .•u,i.L_•t,• !in•
(8644 Telephone Connection.
S. plummet , ilno,:*t•n a at present Ceti. Montreal -9t. and `guar.
teaching in thee !:rorsF*n L%.' district,.
has bora ene'Rod fat one of the schools -
in Tnrorto, dost•+ to COMM/CDC.:with the WI
i I'j'� � /1
Jacuzry tern..
Brussels Pod: inter ones: tl.iaf vita -
ed Walter Smith's. !brussels. last Sat urdav
night and hslp,•d themselves to aho::t u0
pounds of pork. Thera will be more
than pork salted if the visit is repe,td.
Mr A. L..irh. who bas for several
y�xare conducted the Walton cheese fac-
itry rely sooces.fclls. has disposed of
his residence to Mrs Turnbull, who has
already *.,red in. Mr Ls,eb does not
iotenJ returoine to Walton stain. n• he
will remain on his farm in the county of
Osft rd.
AAF, NOT a Pins
were 14 .h-
li snon-
R .011 L 11fl1!5 U 81"n°. and
ere a
rttt;,YM,as y
*a;•pl.- ;n a t�..i
^t-.., tho .,w aaees
arty insoles) Lteai
INK , Blood. tem Idea aid War
tlintrass Acute' on
aed Weser
nT litmus. er tram
VITIATED Hcaoas la
ILLS .- repeat*" alsiad�ettt
the Bloom and
emoter 0 R hirekeu
deem by overwork.
PEr' r °.
and eane.thm alit
tomemeasrests and
EIERT ■AM wlb:. l
hiel*iea trtwen
Iht,w. The will r*4*I 10.4
aityelesa and trental. Wks m
..iia sNh.ase wins neeleetel.
�R�ry ipshowh.y)d.ttt tate them/tug:hs
``LdyoaWh Tearn the
bit,, and .tr.o.Iben
earn. lfe
N® WOMEN •Thea. Pu shwat
Per *1. by .0 druggiMs, or will be sent upon
raesta of Pel's. (Xs- per boat, by .Mrawiag
TMS Da. WILLI.tMi' lila CO.
drnrketHe, Owl
'sleigh, National Retie*. ; A Budehiat
Shrine, .VormiUew ; Art Nose. to North
body, by Walter Pater. N ria Review ;
Newman frem Manama's Puente .4 View,
National Karin ; Th. Oat as an Un.ne-
sdo.n Humorist, S'edat'es ; An Irish
Original, Sperfotor ; with uletellesewb of
"Marna" by W. S. Newels. sad "Stahl
Days," sad poetry anJ etieeelleny. Far
Shy -two sphere of mime -flier lame
pages este (or more .h... 3,00 page. a
year) time eithesriptien pow (g6) i• low ;
while for $10 60 11. pettitsierw eller 4..
send say one of the Amerada $4.00
ttto.thlies or weeklies .nh 71. Living
Ayr for s year, both postpaid. Lessen S
Go., Boston, are the pebtishera
• we of tee olstiea.
Visitors to Meettwa' Col rhe whinier
establishment of the )emify Herold .ted
Worship Sear to be mot .4 .h. meet
interesting sights of the oven 0•
lieetioe days, T.e.d•y .4,1 M.dn«•
all day less thee .• the hem of the
g igaeti.lighteiset paean. rev eis.* net
eusplss suets of the Family Meek!
etas! WesM*Mw.t the rate ••I twenty.
two theeresd espies en h"•r.p.i.ted. es
tial Mel h -etes*. as.b
est Wog to hp
r1, had The
bdthere t'
se env at ease awl wows ,maws
the er--hies that pm ens the address
labs, L8.wlie *1041 tiles a.o rsr.d
pe Wm of . premien, the
g -p -w 6.g tb- £ilW.o-Piers
to the Post Mar
b .e rape uprose* O•.. of the
b..d_t Olsen Is dt. se •wilt in dal
Ogee el the !lash, Jler.Y mad Wog.
17 Mar. M -a is.L
bt.N.gm, .u' prone• ep W de gate, s,'
eh to. Peter Bars "'. -
. • Who's der
" Sir Jobe A. 11a4oeter," ways he,
" Ie you amounted ori yu. dont
says Pear :
l is mounted. ssye Sir John.
•• AU ri01t,' rye Peter. '' A11 right,"
1575 be : •' just bitch your boric melds.
Si Joh std u• right in.'
sate blacksmith shop, is a practical
workman, and week of any .leeeriptron
in the blorineeithiog asst repairing line
may be safely entrusted to him.
mart ALSIIT.
Oma of the most imporant industries
.1 this meas. sed use in .bid the
pMs°op�� of Fort Albert j.atty take mesh
�•+ is that earned no by Jas bdah.ffv,
wig.: the Port Albert mills. Mr Ma-
r John, a a 1x117 r owe of slam largest employee of
Duca way 41. hi consumer who has labor m this ppaarret ct the ouenty, and the
to moo toted the biwb-tic, pthe olicy tail mill is *01.ksown as a well-equipped
teem. the Ito** =anemic, n of 01 114th wed reliable sstablisbms•t. Th. 'special
peethe 1ie if pttshaps owe i1lps foeiy grades of floor manufactured at the mills
rep this page will make it perfastly have w . n.bh rwpetstien
timidity. Besides doing the treating for
the lsrrieg eor.mweity, Mr Mabsey
ampere I.rg. q.setiti e o grata from
the Northwest. ks..piwv • sehen.er ewwsq-
ed in ibis department of t1. bo•iwess A
lance Hoak of ,.r4.*. grades of Seer,
what mewl, oral meal, bran, shorts weed
a11 ds .d feed * always kept ow hood.
Fowler. 4xweab ar and general
blacksmith, ie done • rotating bwsieses.
Work 1.. all departennts ref the trade i
wsrefelly as .eded to by Mr Fowler
Henry O'.•ay beeps a wellwnoted
sleek • f l -w re1 mwrdsedisw. He ►.set-
dies • Ier,rr ae..•t.tir of geode, kb* all
amts. tr .h. ems of Meek. The L *.
Albert h a.' i• .awed /0r i►. last dor
app••lnt.so't a, sed the May.845,,meow
felly eoapp•.•metre he wraporsveefaew
wed .am1••'s Wel Maim prspdster.
Irby rap •t.•we ha. sad *Oleg
teed M Irasb1r�tee, D. Q.
wham /11...8 8.'..iia tlpesdtbt,
.dlt.j ala (thtf. 11te ff1E1$3M. slid par,w• ». 017 los tlbr .sews• tlttre
& • rice of the lots - (10strt tad Carle 1be Sari t Ret
/rehr sf M noes
rittliti 4 i iia►.w
w for good
Hue unmans
The rapid nein. of the "great pais
ware," Pah a'e Nerviliees, is relieving
the moat jetsam* pails. le a matter of
weeder to all who have .sed it. There is
oohing ',metals, in its a, for a
r end• of tee epumg.st, pais* sad most
respsl rsmsdisa keen is Utllsdites...
lfwrtiYisr serge to.theelm '.speedy;
neaps i ire mi..tes; ..ueaifi atter
too appliances; rl - 'matin i et ewes
..tier' by its sae; aid the some t•>my he
wail of a1 kieb d palm.Sample bat-
*1 , wise, oily 10 seas, at ay des,
stag.. =betties bettlm Qtly Ri asses.
Pelsee'e . word by dreege s gad
won deem
come beg list sawlhie el its Isvewlt.e
✓ tee mantra d Mcg Sallie Bens.
Filled with the latest idea* in
(GIFTS is what
Arc going to give to thepeople of
Ooderich and vicinity. They in-
tend on the lvt clay of February,
11491, to dissolve partnership, and
to make stock -taking easy will
!sell out at price* that will make
you buy.
Are wanted to select goal.* for
their Christmas trees, and !special
prices will be given, as has been
our cutout in past yearn
Waned to buy their ! .'shit..
p�,� hg ibe may. No mete
itis alantol tb siu at your paras ;
afs plan salt you.
Reszes.hee lis ales dram red
street, et the old deed, sod Me-
iwrs's mew Mork, the Sum%
IUs) lag. _lie/4i 116ns with the Ileliaiac \aJut►, r, I,•til.
is lee"r.suii eieltly enlargeed to on, hundred iwt:ff'••, rutiinnt with new and larger
tvfv•. a new- ..tyle of lu.gt% 3!nl fn•:It, .tn.ng literary awl pictorial attraction*.
Mrs. Burton Harrison, aln».o .t.sr} ..f -Tho Aty;ttaunnitte,' Inti been
the *rotation of the .r44.012 in Tis ('carers, has written for. Wine Away.t; a story called
" I)iamos.d• and Toads."
Hon. John D. Long Ira -Cot ocelot- Manna,hu'.ott.ifsrniaheaxi\ artiol
bunder the i�eneral title of Our tioverntueat. far the enitghteninent se coming chime, the
oys and girls of to -day:
Kirk Munroe, t.1.,. lately lies' for n tines• tit.- life ofxrailrad man. in ids
yyhaves ear'to cath , ba. pit hii experience into a thrilling aorta. ler
buysallyd t'ab and''shoat: ^tri ins( pirtum. by F.l,nnot IL Garret:.
Margaret Sidney's slew ,-.•riot, Five Little Peppers Grown Up, *HI
tell more about Polly sad Jasper and David and Joel and 1'hrons:r. ant o' hen. ae it tuns
through the year. kitty charming illtWrationn by t•harles
Marietta's Good Times will ellrolliele from Ion •eauk
reanu•crly:. the ehUdiood sd.enturea of Marietta .tmbro.i.
Miss Matilda Archambeau Van Dorn, t. titth• t Irl h•. had .. over
many anew.s is an Irresiat.ble lit,; • folks serial, by Elirabcth ('ntntarts.
Unusually Interesting Articles, .usn•• ehifsnateh pi.a.Ni:1t
Lfnimg with Gladstooe.' by Mrs-Generas& Joba A. Logan; 'Amy Roi►sart's Embroidery.
br Ttwsora A. Humphrey : ]Witter (70..r'. Pets. by Agra•* Rewpl[e.. -Gypsies a.4
Grouting.- by Elizabeth Nokias P asef : "Some Horses that I hare ..now.. by )Iawd
flap..: •" 1eiute Harte College of Wyecbr.tre, by Ow ar ray tdirms . '• loaoa s Ohl
Sculptor." by Hrs. Newberry ; "rhe Stylar Comic.- by Meador* R. Joneas.
Some Problems in Horology�,t by E. H. Hawley, of the N1uith•uttisli
lostltutio •. Washiu_ton, will interest Higi school students. rhewe sets of ('ash Prue•.
The best of Short Stories ft.nn thoa•i.nd..4('rt.l :upl •.,tic steel tee past.
year some by new authoint.
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