HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1890-12-12, Page 3WINTER SHOES r a ENDLESS VARIETY ..l !tyle and Ydee, at the utd-Ilhrabllsbed Shoe irv-tore tIF �. DOWNING. 1 ant sot rondwad to oma Hale or ytyk. bat an give you our choice et the Best Productions in footwear from all the Leading Ianafacturers a the Dow/aloe. Prices lower than at say ether store in the Iraminloa fur the same class of Goods. Ordered Work equal to the best in ('.nada. NO SLOP WORK itvfPY PAiR OS .ARANTP:BD. TAB RICNAL, FREDA I M 1.!1 1,, . , 1:1 I. 1) a11iLIAMEKT -77;1-77;161•11 hn b4."4"4" moire vk...ty time17AJ M FIIFJ.t, ! I ; tRDEH , 1 1. t PIC. 19, 1890. 1M ItlasbaM g me. 71 -ie AlcTt• PttRNiU.ITLS cimantp ON EN CRAG Te E, NOUS The Paraun..', two .tdJaiiew 1'.44/1 lira waved er diatomic, Met artier to gia devote ta timer* the taasalla4irei of the y rirage. ♦ateme Loa NA,,. Dee. sem.if,,a.--The anti-Parnap,tu mem- ber, eel the Hatt011 Costimms made en e arly M he Masse to -day. P.rtyme of them mitered the Chamber a a 'body turd took the pulpal Perm ou tb. Ent tow bombes blow the gangway, with • view to j*wv.et the PeraeUitae foam mow pyre; teeth meal w'ats. t:ul Mutsu ad Juin Deasy 'unwed Wer mail contrive 1 to as.u• eats. 11r. PwnwIl's seat had glee hien rw.rv.l, he having at an earlier boar [kart to it. lir. Mealy arrived later thin bra collets/pass. When he enteral b., took 7Ir Pamoh * ' stat, but Mc- Carthy warned blw to vacate it. The Party app. -arm to be in eacell-w sprite. 7 hyy ;been• l loudly when Ur 1h -aide, the enti-Par.eliia, whip, ad. aacsl t tate M)t.kaa.'s chair, and r:.orel the, .rev of new writ for as election !u North 1:alkruu to till the vatY•c) catuesi by the death o Peiwanl Marcam. The writ was tamed )1r. McCarthy, amid the 1 -or. riuz ..f b• atirvirtor.., gave ,.ori• tbal ou th, re -a. wni.ltnx of the House he would cell Await ti, a to tl iu reinsertion w tl the recent arrest sad of Mea.... xhtk.a end t r'lirren, and stook' unove a r..ru• Lulea is relation to the caws. t1 Maui Hcury thalth. the Govern m«.:: !.•a•1 r. epou,.•e 1 that when tic 11•.01311 went into e• lnmittte (w tih. 1 mod Part -haw* Rill he would in.,. *a adj,>ue•nn,snt ,t the House us! -Jan. 2. B*1.rour neon* the served r.ed.u„; of 1:1.0 Land Department tlr,lacadi Bill. Mr. Healy moved to adp.ut•o the.lelout. 0th the ground that the liutrruarctt wa= !rating the Hoar womb common: ha nut et- pLliciug rho pruvktloOs of tb.• blit Subsequently lir 11rily withdrew 1.:s mama to sdj..urs and ..tletitut.d an amend- .• nt calling for the rejection of the leane1 L*..p ttme:,t bill. This writ def••ntod and the hill peened its *maul madame.. 91 to 1.1n. air Pannell entered tt,s H.,uaa put before the umiak". 1ie took a sent next to Mr. McCarthy end voted. as did all the !wits. ihtnnthiers of broth; memos, prr.en' against the bd:' :.ire Smith announced that when the Hous.• • u Wee telae• modeprogress of 'lied est>. thea the - 1 Cmodem_ f1A 6, \ as disap*wrsl,00 of the husky aad dt .seree- able blames, powders, draught* mixture. w1 tilt the phystreeue 14 to tures adtiiatstered 1.. th.tepaneet .tray 00000 with but little effect e to pet an adiµwaal harden upon 0 ready weaned aad uvNboded slum The homeopathic pbyNiens bav least Mena tli.a: •sevaaive ~diem is netimeseary, sod that so niedi.e et ell will nosh in eu cgtal number sores is s ¢re•t tnal.,roty 4 f casae, the pre« a/ a.adst.ey of all x•1....1 medicate is to limit their prescript bib in number seal quu.t..y, and men reliance npua by a'rnw and sant coeueined with watchful saperienc.d nursing and care. pbilueo•phy „f preserabing'A.t at pops),• arty known s. •'wrdietues" is real( trey simple matter It is a weil-ka fact that certain substance when to the 'poem produce pbyain •fleets. Thee opium. and its slim produce sleep, ipecac cameo vomit quinine is found to have a remarks sad e, is aces •l- eeh• ` 4: whiles a c( Maw A ocelli 1. V1iei white itix t. shit sista ujwn th•• tirrY • ,, the plant anal ' ltiplies with and piddl Lik roe I..taiiy to whit 1. .. (diel , the pe a kis the tower ,1, belongs, that it ' • 1 common anion ,� stets of brt:tg • rtkliving yuan •withmwaitof th khat have been handsel ▪ f :Uy «ttulird t.'.. -r• /s in the., fall a s.- kad, *iteration by which the true , and fn t1Lie ,•� •tate must of t b;r 1'}" the Willi:T. Slat althun,h the e ra. l' al.hi-+ ):a- 2,,ea knuwn bo:h nn There ``,Ise a aJ iter• - a for matte tb ul lane ears, the 1 generation Lim 9. hertof,,r• ! found. an•14 ,44 a4 ): , 414 lint km ow •. fou a or 'llama for +': -e L41.I, a. er lsow the ialeet paae tt•iLtr.' &'ECTU e1/RE TO Ih TL ST C TRY A//0 Sell JRDab AEi1DElig. 'lar,t, . in sidem OUN. link el* W.a., at th. Cure., O{esteL !n eh'veh trial+where the milk wee net 1 Lt the ('coley erwuner with i.' water. at ' 1890. A t. of l I tie,! the are mule cent. of tat to the skint milk wins .38 'alto- la eleven trials where milk was dilated with an metal weight ..f tweed N -a net iu the ..113'11 air the artggee of fiat in tato skull mil:: \ran t 1'1 .ix truth' when: milk wan • with 10 :Lod :el per Went. of cold 1 the sv'-.;tit,' per cent of fat its th milk waw, ewlt. Tr.....,,Itaperliv•" :. MMle t +rut4a!tad, ,N u.t.at st �ie ♦•Jrl. atea- TI.e ('ebb..pAp,kt� ala UI. - see, aa • Prev.-n9..M its RivsgrsNett to tcabin,,• ween the won hetet °army of tat, ...`kgs. is time aphis ,s• plat loom. W... 3 w often fu:uu ui•.rt tlsr L pr. , , In the heads it i::+eat ntcmlrres. '1 b 1 • E TAIJjORING rage Per naso all a,n� 1890. vv ter- t"t and Fine Display of r `ort Fine Worsteds. New Goods. dilal. r Fine English and Scotch Tweeds. watt'` Fine Canadian e alien Tweeds, Fine Overcoatings. Fire Workmanship and Trimmings, CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. R-acCORM.AC_ ulah In ten trials where t:tilk wee dilated mak ,eith le to IW per c -nt. of it.. weight of hot water the niter smereate 1.1 Ir.'rrrnt. ,, y;t in the ..kiul milk wan 1.11. g 1t• LI : let t,ri,yj k -W re milk was net 111 Opp(' tau V. ,: hoot illation id reuniter • bit water at :,o toll J. -... the ave -a -p0 per tare- tent. of fat in the skim milk ea, .M.. Knit! Lf two triols where are ebwllvw can: at g0 d mil:! sem set et h.•tn 1 s;.t• and SI 1:'!* lire Leers. per cent. ret fat iu time eleon mill: tale t:•as. h. ER- In nue trial wti»rt milk was :set in •at• shallow haat and awe -third ,./ii, weight •her .4 v.-1 ter at I cent. dish left••. ncld.•.l they per erns. Another of tat int the mem r 41Gc was .75. SKs large consignment of the 1 mew /W Waw 4 best 1 .r J. (1:w liter Ise, httl;•,if any. manurial Fresh Teas of superior quality. '''1 value in itself, lour may let mogul in Dr' hftetetang the demes yady laasnat e'• other In order to counteract the while; emcee f a , ; •g�.tgblie nature. an , ty. lith its :•het:!:: Jl a.: i,rth t:ls.n insoluble miri. d I S- t tilt' herd+ ce ntainml in Hie soil, melcmg them honest practices The available a: plant food. Where soilsitr• perpetrated on the. gear'' full of yeZ l,le mold lime it hotue other forth is highly beneficial. eve,•, if the - public nslji land alrcea•lyr••,ntainssuited setlin, 4for by peddlers and others, we or- the ,tete of tae e9.m' Licit., trtaut las are offering mete w„rl._, c.'nta;n:a some proie'",�.that. it Special Inducements in nth° lar,;,•iS appluetl withunt curtet•Iion, M" wunll:..i11 a,701.4ratb'rthantrfw•6r•ral Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- iata.• to ve;etition, nnlewl p••seion-1 asp. mel M of for 8.41119 m-J:l iia i:, the air. rote-. ter geen l4. i! spread upon th . grenn,l no rO n age. �s mixed with rnething eUe. it fwd better nil- be.l.nae in the fall than in the spriu . WIT Ou sour, clamp .nib+, dine teed to rouse or EE tongga, lr,twtl/e, gas liver m::y 1* els plied` in '0" 4.ret, quantitive nt any , is time. Commonly the best way to pro- Kay's Block, next is len it for tine will ire to atiernjr ,st it with Bank of Commerce, Square. other 'ulaitance'x n peaty of controlling hntermittei.t fat Y al_ so on through the list. f rtally :so difl..trnee lrt.eeb a medic and a poi':., except in the violence • it• action, and, in fact some of the u powerful poison, are found to be val.' wedioinal ascots sheet admiacstaTI a mined. drams The ace inir,c pbysie therefor., will tot attempt to -cote dishes• by any epecifie remedy, but a endeavor t.. fully uodrr•saul the ea and nature.., the •bootees! pbysie:, . ell action • hic1 i• takui j pleas u. t .')stem .4 bra patient. PUBLIC NOTICE • ILov-.:it ire.. Agatimis, h iso, ver, carr. .. r:'iiiatl.'rti , teta►tsutlbt W., : have Fhotsn conclosi tier ::,:;: tkeSt t:{e1 generation alrvekiwi .'- :ia anthntl! d the cubi>,•tgi•. and the Le r' it+, •tae lad: los the cabbage leat'a•s. true male ns • small winged care lith a mor r gletstler body titan the wiage.1 forge, The egg l.xing fe• u Thats o' wise. and is pal.. green i e cul .s ktru, 'y of the fact that the i ,e paresis tie winter in the etzg .;tate o • cabby,• leaves (Lail an imine -cant Re� ring done Promptly r.-a..•,nbbil on Jin. VI, the Private Pro - and .fight, cedure and Tithed bills would be arsi taken sp. Mr. Balfnur's Irish l:el:ef bill, which a.l:e 1 an apt•roprlataon of CAW to rumble hint t . supply a..at potato•, to Maternal families, pared tt. third reading. = A GOLD PANIC IN NEW YORK. spring 'teepees tet., for ('.raerelml nut., with S. Tab.... :Ew YORK, Dec. S. --taw Owom.teial Ad vol/tier says: -Commercial houses and other E. DOWNING, Cor. Ernst- st. sad sewn.. God,rich. �'r^wnxLL- Wc:.h: J?3CTJ-. F.iu.. Aro ptrswattoLae. (retain Clete m n P1yHre, la a •l:f., eve., 1401 ^/7.^etye rseMgtr et .e..-ats .a C: i:!tsa ro ♦, a 114 WHY EVERY FAR"EER IaM aseg.ae er Armstrong's Improved MB & SW CLIMES? BECAvsE Thr Swtbie moseisa et weasea. The judginsist* abicn man pilaw up his fallow s sue tolrtsut where -wt are t,err:w, because, instead of ti,. or aspect of the question which eh:• pr al mimic biasing. .1t suggceta as one n moves, he Kea moil; they are impel wiser, hen are crust, because br etc•• mare mors'fully the tetrs.,f tette/et.t. sad the complete, of onsite which lead W trasiegreanon. Then hate been. it annum who have he ped their ere:.Lr • 1a•stway mofpreventing th' injuria 1, thi>, pe-. the dc•rtrnctiun during win •.i t::e :o1 MIAOW Ira es with the er upon then, instead of leering teten, ✓ dirtnrhed nntil spring, as is too of • dont- - !rowels !treed, of Poet:ry. question has been asked why it that ..n' fn:1s so few of Lb.) French foo , in -lmericau pundit--; yard,. There is e..rntry in the world wheel poultry :e.,re popular or where excellent quail i, ranee imperatively demanded than Frame. The (*dobe gaality- of poultry is a matter of comment. Wh rh•idore. are not the French treed which give each satisfaction at home evader with us% In reply to this gnl•ry The New Vor nay.. that the fact that the French heaths are all uoneett,er,., or at Imam in cattalo bat rarely. is tloubtle-•v one mon why they have not become• a,t I:.,pu the sisters to rose when they bad I& rn, bet they are indeed few. The assjcrity Vowel, bare duos • bat they coo d to keel 1M.., whit) are dawn 41111 w the: p shine They have refused to believe in the p..u: Whey of reform ; they have wi.hdr.wi frogs all centart with those she here o10e found tempest oat Fr.elar than they could bear; they have, by their tatlrr1n:e attIt.4., mads a return to virtue nearly imp.sible on the part of donee who have outs turned from it. Who .hold he tenderer toward a woesao's stn stun a virtuous woman, and who a harder, (1 you queens, who have with your virtuous buds thrust your weaker raven tool further to the mire; whc have short. aversion when you might have shoat, mercy. who hat e hardened soot hearts, that should have beef, s..ft with pity; who have turned coldly made fame tinee,your bt..• of •exhaagm in London. Minton. bookers were busy t;-tlay trying to sell • titers, whom you aI`bt bate saved, and .ne your ways n though these were not: 1 you it*: have lifted fn.a, j..ur heado he cruets uI centimes* and mercy that I your set should wear, are you hat 'retitle* Indeed( -(mar Fay Adams n N,wth littera:an It.riet for N. um- ber. of dollars in bills were offered and so amnioma were th. drawere m obtain tare ( I m Mier that they offered sterling rater for a e•eN::t..er.•fal bills down to {-;.. Tale is more than 11 tats /widow the gold rhes,( t u, ,bot at this rate no .ales of bilk could he made. • -Itouken' i.:lla of time biibest elms add at $4. *Q. which hates a preflt of t cwt e! Use Sterling on impnrtetiou• of golds arch thouzb .o weigh: coins should be paid - out to +hipper by tb. Rank of w E';laad. That institution most now release. Ss gold or suspend. specie psym.nts. sou lag •holiday two Jaime encu cow -acted Murdered N Rum*, Mr F. A. Cam writes from Menem. ld , about a terrible accident which he ttt,eseed year that puce 0n TMr.kteiv .g Dsy: Some may read tau and Petra s for 00424111, rna now prevent a return flow ..f; 1>e Oh the t ekes of the I (' It here went t to enjoy a hunt. tiny of there, by therefrom. On Th.nkscivire Day, gold to this rude. It t, .stamated I.ankersl w here are likely to draw at lata! :I1.Otxf UGI - o0 trbui the British capital before the :twee- - oil ruent end*. •w Kuhn, Loeb & Co, today ordered Pau.- h Oeu in gold front Lnrdon, and other WW11ile� bares that cloy will require gold fel for shipment ea Wednesday's steamer. lb from the other o>itlr." era Loto.rv. Ike. w. --The Thaw, ea it. gain- Tb tot w ire Dupe*, a yoonZ man SO sears of e (who two m00(18s sk•eeradiated with lith honors and astered the mecbseseal t of the 1; R . separated .m the other jog•e vane, 4p .1.171? - A rvwa6 which runs the 1. C R. The ret I was on deme thiedering aloeg. I delartiei., says: "London. Paris sod Her lar-;s�1pw• no foal seeds to blown into! NS a llOt to a4or•1 ail pesetas edstiriaw ttlkadldsl►. which a of greatbJ� to a Rea York Tu.• present m:sehtsf w dew fanner soba wishes to kap bis farad elands spreading. Taw- immediate mows of lad. --it eaves sad cleans a!1 Timothy seed Me 1. 4. ' may be traced to from any kind of grain while cleaninbs.g the the twosome.* et through •sa lib` Harker doming u rsnssvee etiekla the *Maid sondem• which named a great awes tied serw•bw ere elves the 'lacy otherBoos •leu to ,lop tamer gee mast of for him tio:l. In rhe ease of Americo she lists with an of these facilitiser i. particularly Dalart.nate sea. -h will sample grate for dew mad seed r view of her tarp. onionp. N e be - PRI' 00 s equal to lead pickle* ,lave the flank o/ Engbi d could spare • Hk, Cleaning ssed wheat u twr ovrs all , Coale. timecard teed. w Peas, tt-ikl. *mit* stud a half an (Yee of neersoky,n flax and .tier NM tend meen1e..14 awl gores the Weer pewsa.. FROM TH - ORIENT. orb. -It well clean Oats. Haig lea, timer �` 1 nlw.n nw.dawt sof Dewe frees Calve ther- m/hip whines waste of gtafu nese Japer. ala. Page : 1t will separate the tits FILAX•19(10. Der. b.-('hiasoe advice, :sand.�. ��tbei ..r. (4*.g 4 y • gt•e tnome)rr. deta4. '1 lar biowtug op ou Zest MManenat. Nov. _ .K th r powd.w mUb at Mb-ItlaagstistliCtsv.r.e(rdM*chlae. ter Tiepiuy Ru, tuts reports agree tact :dpi �ea�lll ddatil�t.. MMaetkeaa and dead mads item were lust awl ail the Muse. �,,.__. sir Lep` sr smdier giau Lr tine *Welty wuaxalte•L Infer persons work Mb,--Ittsa demi ekes Gress awed Machine, in t•.v mills anal of their inmates only two blows •e meds away. Erlee seen, found. TM carter oe the ea- Nab.- it ie aimed 1laxgeed Machine. pi, -.toe is ornament alb.- It a • n m elms (ba be .Unc4w.il of ttd city of Vaebow, in the nee. Nees.* 414d ate Oneida* habioned Priv ince of Anlnr.i, e• reporting dentenyed i'aaal 1i11hat `laid made es �•.�e�. sod a it do the wart of • sew 1!111, by flrs e.rignistiihs from soother powder ea- pk:S:uo. ire. --It can be etteobad t. • new H11 -with• out lnjurinn It. aad can be removed tit eat J.tparwse advices • it, that ao ahgr smmat time asst uneasy syiete with was nim b4 .4, It has Ivan arrived at let wean the Japanese miler sieves of the ltlp sed the Itawriiau f regarding Ismits sieves are Deady at1 perforated Jatrneew .•xmigratim 1, ilawdt, by wink due.the ',•mire .d each teut;freat, SAS, r d,. Inds. It pas amenity d `.ly b•nhals of_.lrasrl by ten Rewell.n tMb. jjt is McMap r lbw cell bev.-rwl ohne. nt Ilachi..J4, let the Jahn Ail • OMS nary rsn.1sg sqa di.erlrt. Aare faun 1 f.„,411.1. nearly #100,,0, "Oh. - Rveey kola• is 9 ,aaaxyssn. and • eenea,a pane. ha . en•me,l fend roovrerierstsuers.e �gnaaat a this A hunts r antsinint tors captain anal is men wawa.to ►ave �, teal Mtn ilk 1Baeb{se ark tell 1ti lf, sic that yin o*- *mot anter erMl inside width et ARMSTRONG BROS., »� C'oderioh, Ont. the crew of t:. , Japanese training ship Monju'-staked og'tiemeet of Japan rec.nt- 1) aad alt were drowned bat two. The had.ssni baa appeared at Tokio. The Maims Is feet deavptr•etisg, (am Nov ti • train overboard at Olraryac , kitties noel wenadtng A parsons It r vented that Ciresins Onatb•e•e, Gaited states (5',j til..seel to Jap.n, has renamed in order to me* tie appointment e of trim. Meister of the Corms tlese.n, • • 1 ime•k mil The tlalaeky (ireese limos. Ilat.tr►t. Der. x.. -Mn. R*rdmaa was a pasa'nfe. 2.y the Marnrr 4lpttn, from aer- ie Wada. Shee n m err way to her people In E. glnn.t 11rr hwdrn.l, DrlII itwgmknt G. /lardwaao of the 'al flattenan firentiih ti•lotda, et -stained et it., noels. tope mew*, 111 of sateen. fever on the :Sitio at a..ot), dying t we day. tette, (•e the wras day three mere of the tla*rd. were placed la the `t'tW with the soma,ifs.are•. while •w•taaatar ;seen. y ens of the Gummi ism* 114. / s 1 and .a_-faal. awl Webs amine*. • asci WOWAOON alb S 4 MOON era nitons awe 4hype ia.. rw Zoirelexideie 1.w «„ Mi ▪ w •driver 10040[ stwrthlnz un the track de it to b. a dog, until clam to it, Geo he blew the whistle and pat On S PRICE & SON. ret , such at swat.il, rnack. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. i• 01-11, alternate layers et lime and dry tv earth, tontine over and mixing together "--- - u the content& of the heap before it is trail sod Y• 1, i as era- G Mixed through pile:+ of wet ds, coarse lura. or vr�etablo matter of any a the fall. it luau be 40:4'10 nxefnl. t ehoald not be comp.•ste4 along i:nsl manures. r-lao as a Vertllia.r. atelrart tells in It real New T. Iva if there is any one [:.,enol spec tili:rr in use, it is lime %%l 1 is used in its common form. as ter slaked kind but RUNOIMAN BROS., - Proprietors. with FLOUR MILLS BUILT ON THE LATEST IMPROVED SYSTEM ,UN HAND FOR SALE: or tat IMPROVED LAND ROLLERS, HORSE POWERS, itmiP'- Foundry and Machine Works, tat GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUT- TERS, PLOWS, &c. km in Amer- as they deser.-e to be w" There is nu question but that tory will quicklime. ,t furnishes the lime in a NA- _ nble condition, anti, PO far ex it poen We are Manufacturing Improved New Model Mowers (aantite lxaalt lrreedery which are 1 esti Give th m a trial h' . pote.arrag aft they do in a high degree the imnn,'tan pointe of great weight and excellen quality of flesh. with a re cu: r ltabi entail proportion of bones and offal. A *'toad reason why the French breed are not pupate: is the fact that !bei merits are not generally The breed most preferred in Fronce for the quantity and gnalitq of its flesh ix the Crevecrenr. In forni Glom birds are very full and c:,mpact, and the plumage is mostly Wrack. They rarely sit, and are moderate layers of very large white eggs. They aro somewhat delicate iu constitutive, being tiubject to rump and throat diseases. which feet doabtl•se has also t Ju with their rare here. � merits of the Cre vecteeur. briefly summed. are: he edible gn&itie•i, early maturing, facility with which it can 1n kept in confine- ment and its lar,; •. fere emit. The Menden is the must popular or the French fowls in this country, and iu 1>rovidc.:.- neodecl Plant fool. Rot (t i:e ag manufacture. t Imeofthe tenet active ofchemical a home iv attacks the inert o „ r in th. It Will PayDoty t runic toaster in the you to u.•f:, our new Steel Mouldboard plows and encoar- oral and develops ou v ops nitrates from them Engines and Boilers for sale P..• 11E28 dND CA ...... (38 OP .A.LL SZ INT Ds. which fnreisb Mtn en. It mnake'. ✓ rations silicates in the soil soluble to ✓ seine extent, and thus redeems potash. Milia• magnesia and phcaphorie acid from their combinations and nukes them available. T'hne it proridc.; all the elie- metes which ere required by thie'crnp9 and rarely 1 . the farmer. Bot it is meetly sett that it adds frothing to 1 be Foil lint itself, and aa it drawls the others from the soil it will in time rapidly ex haunt it unless these othetsarc retnrned. saa.w Animals. The t high prices ft ;e•1 dry their owners on the best a:lint'..La Atoms at fairs are not -fancy," and • should not dieronraete any from attem;et- ing needed . . „ , of their own Meek. The bare bred stock in many raises mann* ettonzh more from the saute feed to warrant a Large fart of t prioce demau(i-41 for it. Tbe rest abnn.:antly just; ell by its ability to .. prodr.e its valuable characteristics i.. its progeny. It teats comparatively little for env fanner to grade up his stock in any desired direction. and this will al- ways pas•. When hie grades chow the it will ted cwtninm�ttiyr . and begin to pay .*'say to begin and imtr.ling tbmmnghbreela. -American Cultivator. many respects it resembles the Dorking. t is a hand.r,me fowl with mottled plumage and a crest of black lu-1 white eathern In it are combined the size. nality and form d the Dorking with earlier maturity. The hen is , prolific layer of fair sized egg.., The c:tiekr are easily resod and yield an ample profit (rn good feeding, both in eget mei flash. The La Fle(-'b,, resembles the r.ptj•dais brsktia,bot too l.,. ,I a engine struck the i object. The train locked up and then lay m terrible sight, the manned form of f young Dames, every bone 111 his body broken, and to his pocket was found a '1 bottle of whiskey smashed' Th. young man was never known to wte liquor before. Hs wet sitting .n tb• rsil, hie bead lying between his knees, evidently is a drnnkan deep Sad it was to nee bis poor parents at the station look spot) lb* mangled form of their telly son, opo• ( w whom they had Looked with .o mach happiness and erpeetati.•n but leo hours tow previously. The father no bearing of bo bottle beim/ f,:und in hiatuses pocket , w .rigid out, "Oh, :s it passible whiskey ca ba. murdered my ver''' I tbouiht it wall named a 'murderer. Stratford Herald hick. however. it exceethe in rise. The hen is a good layer of 1arpt white eggs,: flesh is excellent. The bated I.. wever, very u,•li.•**,- and a1uea not Lay ell in winter, except under favorable >editiona. Eatrenre to Chair lose.. C. (:era, of 1'en21 tylvania, who atiliaes 1 with piaatsand fruit trees, says In The American Bc"Journal : •••rime bottom boanls of my hives extend ant about six locket i:r frortof the hire. This I being nailed to f S by 4 scant- ling, I take a hottuna booed. place it in the box with the front end close up to the front aide of the hix and th mate entrance through the toot side et the z nn a keel with the bottom board. Then put the hive nn the bouom board the Iron, and it yr.., want a three inch v Between the ,sox and hire take a d brie -.l that wide and one incl, or is** hider than you want ter !entrance; to the nnd.er oak of this board cleat* delis -eighths of an inch thick, plant this b1 ...... the hive and the box to mere - sped with tho entrant.* of each: Haan crowd the hive up to it and put in the 'king. That make' an mimeo eo so Cost the twee can fly whenever Os wim#t^r t t .oit*bl... As every hart of the hive 1. ked 00:t will have to nail a piece on octal& d the box for the hew to 410.- --- nes .n. - a es Pimp Ls. 'pwat.ks,. la" of the i's'le.: tart a mitten- "wby hogs are the moat profit - animate to toed mel fatten fs the that timerst h. last ante iu time than soy other animal [tali fir tYemt era A emit frteedlMlmm ed D�rrlWtr titTstM esp. ling" *IR •timed } � . This>> �I. no other asisaels ai Met stain these, hope iii what a bit a1" io than uitfi say I slims meat ttngl"ind heti•," kyt fisc Bermuda (Aisne. The Berated• (*hie Dow empties, email carry ne truer tidiDg, then that Berdook Blend Bitters exe.le ell ether nerals.a in roman diesass of the Mom - GM. liver, bowels and blood. K.►trwv everywh.h as fi.r ?.rima( blood purifier, cow alk the worst oases when d1 I han o sr inset slam I i» that ism (tsediei pap`.) -I always held oolpel Bucket was se honest man. 1 see that a aim 61154 him fall of boca- shot last eight. Buabs.J --A• sace does the honest part onme in f Wife- whc, this article says he re- turned the shot. -life. The new servant gill tried two kinds of f•rnitere Matt on time ronswnid dines* tskla the declared that the ter- siter, palish we bas • have was "as good Int ail, at sit • tibe tot half • poend of wide. tees out tie cokes of east&& seep sed s piet of tarp..tine. 4118. laded the snap .rd sou e. ale;tweed them WI oo-. Ruhr, Tbra she panted In the isapes- tits.. An the 1.14 wood 4. the bests wags like mirror slap now, a' "T1. the way time .aks the bars shim r %Mot" wild .11. Ispatsee pees Pt( Par Mies b Wash .f tbe pasty that pewee for tits f?S saname aline is a. thin that it sae be I by lib Weed Was Lewd. Reuben Lloyd tells the following story SW printed at the Sea Francisco Effiniin "During the lifetime of C Ralston it was the habit of that genial foe speculation to buy and sett propert ia Dittoes a hes Leetela with 4. --vecord er writing to show his connectite , PLANING MILL ESTAIIIMMED 111.53 NIAXOVACTt MOSS he with the After los death I happened to be 14O• of the committee IDealers in all kinds at appointed to try to tied oat what had become ed about $11,000,000 worth 0 property that was supposed to be thus distributed and concealed under the mimes of has fneed• and associates. "Of all the mon in San Fraftestei. who thus bald kis erlaPerff the nelY off• "hu came forward and delivered at up was Maurice Dore He said: '1'his is not none. It belongs, to the &ink Calthat BAER, DOOR and BLIND 'LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES And builder's alatertat of et ery description. :School Farnitare a Specialty Weigh, nf few insil 71.14 nf moth Proferaor E. A. Barnard. of Cenatle. ix quoted as followp: Seperior cows will give ten times their own weight in milk per annum. though exceptional as- imalis hare been knowtslo yield thirteen thong their own weight. On the other , tuferior animals may give** links Int only tw 'ee their own weight. Apart NEW ARRIVAL front thfs the a ethor finds that the lighter cow yields the larger proportion of or milk. while heavy COWS yield roan- FALL AND ENTER weighing 440 pounde ielde /1.461 pounds of milk per annum. or eight times He own weight (hi the other hand. am so• • a *jet. or word anywhere In the private ammunts of Belittle. or fir the batik to show that Pdaursee Dore waa not the ownerand he might have kept the prop• -soy for bee Len without being ques- tioned et likeis ampected by any permit on earth. Yet, uesolicited and wtth hesitation, he stepped forward and deliv- ered into the hands of that cemaiittee oroperty that brought to the bank over jtetO), 000 to rash. Miss Maggie ealdbrick, who had hem spending a couple of years in the 1 'ailed States, has returned to her home, Mona'. heel weighing 1.110 pomade yields 9.fr preemie, er only akait five Braes its own oo the vessetry Reed. I. la mistabe ent down t low of milk froua the cows in order to *me the coot of a t141 1min. Drain your stables well. obit) up all cracke mid place ventilators when, they aboal•1 be. Keep t!ws hogs' feeding dot:: clam The ranitary onuditions of the barns. stables and other intiklinito are as Im- portant to observe an are those pertain - lag to dwelling homing and their por- tray 'dings. Eggs aro numey. Him the colk a lined !art to keep them growing tbnisigh Om winter. tilisers le that fiery tiontaln no weed • ▪ sew um of ie neperted fans -nonniply, enr!hig of be. it iss fennel ohm a apriabling of in the brio. whoa beam ant helms rot In *hie aide greatly to tie as isoleisiet whet 'LATEST STYLES. to b• Cleared Out Peefeet Pita and Showy Memos 1 H. DUNLOP, EXTERNIK VALI CURE MPS, P11115 11 TIE :TIMM lewd Comeptelett,11411Theell SUIIIIERCOMPLAINTS KEEP A DO i:TLE IN those remote frees WASH/N(71'MA. tiaw 1 1 Send MOD/Cf. OR DRA.117.VO. We ad - vac's topatentabtlity free of charge; sad we make ivee (..•#g/40/ UNLESS wz OR - 1 We refer. here, to the Postasastar.tlie Syt. t te Money eerier Der.. aad to eaktate of the U. 11 Patent totem. For circular. advice germs sad referemes to semi miaow la your eau State or Uouitty, write to IP ATEN Ts ICAVEATS. TUN 111111111 ANS COPTEINTS °beamed. arid an beeinese in OW U.S. Patent Moe attended to* 1110DER4 TN PRIM. ' Our miles Is apposite tbe V. 8. Patent Of - lee. aad we ear obtain Pate t 1 BURDOCK 'Regulates the Stomeoh. Liver e nel Bowels. unlock* the Secretion si.Pu ringing** *Blood and removes ell Im- purities from a PImpid to the worst Sc rofu lo u • Aar BLOOD DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS ONSTIPATION HEADACHE SALT RHEUM SCROF UL A HEART BURN. SOUR STOMAC DIZZINESS. DROPSY RNEUMAT I SPA SKIN DISEASE BITTERS SOLD BY ALL DEALICIRIL mr,..irivill::" ".... re:50i... AL4.42:341%.". • agairtkriltaic-0. =1---titt .