The Signal, 1890-12-5, Page 7•
TIN S[Gl-&L, ,(D&Y. DEC. 5, r$9).
We open thus week the following Special Purchaaee
of (Hovels
Ladies' All Wool Cashmere Gloves at 15c., worth 40c.
10 Button Suede Gloves (warranted), $1 00,worth $1,25.
Rouillion's French Hid Gloves,Prini;ess (warranted),$1.00,
worth $1 25.
Fancy Beavers, $1.25, worth $1.90.
Fancy Blacks, $2.00, worth $3.25.
Fancy Wool Mantlings, Double, $1.10, worth $1.50.
D. GORDON has now on hand a complete assortment
of Furniture, such as Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites,
Tables, Chairs, &c., Window Shades, Curtain Poles, &c.
Picture framing a specialty,!
I give special attention to this branch of env business, end keep
everything required for ftnerats. CHARGES MODERATE. 73-3n,
First door Bast of Bank of Montreal, West-st., Goderich.
1'ai,eno-c.,r..,,:a ..r,. avw:tmen' o:
Mer mea. weaves as t (h!Ittren. free the smallest to the lo "rest litres made.
CA:V..11)1_ 1 _V Lr SCOTCH YARNS .'
F eons the loot kn,:w o maker%
tire", navy, scarlet, white and cream FL.tNNELS, sod leading shades it.
French Opera flannels.
H4181.:RY-A large sod varied stock, as seri!.
Plain and with kid ups, also kid palms. tither departments equally wel
assorted. Strictly one prix.
='I Draper and Haberdasher
While the family of the late Donald
,tewsrt, of Grey township, was at church
recently an inner. goo, aged about Y:o
years, Tett home, wsoderi■e •bot the
country for two days and two nights
The poor fellow had nothing oo his body
but a shirt and pasta sod was without s
hat. E. outlived the cold and wet of two
nights. while the afflicted ;•roily and
neighbors scoured the 000nty looking for
his. Tuesdayof last week, he was
found wear itchell, bevies travelled
about 35 or 40 miles in a11.
New Tree Teem Pais.
'Ir Frank Palmer, Winona, Oat. ,
says : "1 have base troubled with lame
back for *boat six wootha, then thoeght
i would try Bagyard'd Yellow Oil, which
cured se. Am new free from all pias, i
and reenmsm,d Yellow Oil verybigbly. 8
Councillor Arab. Bistop, (fray, bee
purchased the 100 acre farm oa 13th
eau., belooeiet to his sod*, Thos.
Hislop, now of Masitobs.
tatsasits Nauseam tr abe ewes.
ember minas Two Menet Petws•b TW I t
Dsouotyt, clef.. 4th, 1M0.
J. M. aleLsod, Cimder+ieA
Data Ma, -Whoa I was about then
Jean old I was talon tisk with psiss is
*FT sheat sad vdmitiue. At 14 I
maty 76 pomade ; I wasco smalldata Weft alts that 1 mach! to travel for half 7
fat.. =IJ Wier look me to all the dog
Ina he sell/ bear of, far sad near.
ions of ties treated me for
Mat of Ile heart ; some for d
err far the liver ; others .Td sous.
woof noels had bursted sod the blood
was forms/ bib the stomach. thee treat -
id N Its two years. Bs was plow to
Wait sans I kept mettle.. worse ell the
mrd to have spells of soler* d
PM- and others had to hold
we down while I rolled ole the door NJ-
irring untold usiesrl. I wee to twenty.
ems doctors before I was Wee to Clods -
a sb. The .same .4 iesurr he my
John Proctor, of the fourth line, M.r
ria, lost sloe of hie horses recently bj
t•Iserd'a Lattstrat rats t'.Id.. err.
1'. A Reid,of Temwater public school
hat been appointed primp•! of Forest
Mudel school, at a salary of 1750. The
above mentioned gentleman is well
known in Morrts,hanngtaught seocsafel-
ly there for several years. H. is • son of
Adam Reid'..
C. C. RlLI•IM & oo.
Gents. - We couaider MINA it D'8
LINIMENT the 1.Nin the market and
cheerfully recommend its cue.
J. H. H.tsetu, M O.,
Believe Hospital.
F. U. Axos-eow, Y D.,
L R. 0, &, Edinburgh.
]L R C. 8., Inland.
H. D. W itl.os, M. D ,
lm s r.i. of Pao.
T. W. Soot! sad Wes Bettie Ritchie.
Blytb,w.ra married as Wednesday 121b
not„ Roy J. F. Parke tied the kaoI.
lismed'sLiniment Fee akestsatisses.
Ssaday morsiei, iltb inst., Mathew
Bsrk.r, as old and well known rwideet
of Corey Woodall), diad well *dressed in
sore. The funeral took plead. se 'ra.s
day, the isarmdet Wog toad• at Brus-
sels oomatery.
ore sod Isere.
Here and there ted everywhere sea
be road pareoea who home seed sad
w ow hnemtly prone Bardosk Mood Bit
are fur is wcsdortal blend purifying
elsasain, and toss. .fleets is
lessees of the etomamh, hese,
ablond. —
A Mr Chaltow, of Collis/wod, hie
purchased the fsrsitare and
b:.ai0dm of T W. Platt, Blyth.
f ame Things They geld:. !Mame amid rewr-
iter To Se e,ewasht
It would be • good pian to send Dierks
Det shamptog nun gild thee, that flaws
might learn from how pleaseet
our disagreeable that sm may become
as.urduug as the sidearm er aal .women
make tt, says , he' • Dry Qerds Ywuom,.t.
We are out lutag to distills' the ewtumer
- hese, but wisb,to punt mei some
O stia,/ defects in the systema ai salla`
re c..iumrra Clerks tater W bs divided
hails, two clown Ike know-all gad the
longterm:" err kuue-uttbier;. Tb. licit'
'impresses yu,' from the nmnatea• yeti stop
at the counter !tib the idea that he
knows better than jog dv what yuu
must, or rather knows what yeu Ihoela
wish. lie toes to alt nether a oulur.
ttyI* or quality that you do out went,
du.mstecelly announces tl.•t suob sI,
is else outran thug, all of which doers
'i so
make a shopper uscllee to return to that
Mere, la the greatest foul on Mirth d ,0•
sot etre to be told that he does o. t know
elms he wants. The lordly our amu
a irritating as it us often arnusiug,,
w is the maueer that is supp•.sed to
press yoe with the idea that tt Is • favor
to watt on yuu. N , .'r melee
mistake ; the merchaut tool:cite
ouatorner, put the 0u1.o.1/4r the m
The indifferent olcrk never sees y
uuly half bean, dura not kuue wheth
they have the! a .lar .,r cu •diol. sloe
kauerally stupid, until a customer f
!oke dolug without the article rather t
be waited on in such a manner. 1
clerk that rises to bee buye." manage
merchant has sufficient interest in to bare it, figuratively speaking,
his tinter ends. ft to well to keep pia
in regard to the current rashness,
stompers often ask. "Do they wear t
and that to etheri" Study the Muter,.
the g,a'ds you handle tact you may
ceases a judg•, . f their /utility slid t
relate.° they hear, to the special trade
the store. Be •Erle to ono -ergo Intel
atl..tly upon the stock from the (nu.rd
min .f its ma.•ufecture and thud re
your standard fres an ..rdenaryc'erk
* well -veined bu..esa wag. It hre.•ni
an uit.rrstirg study to the mind 04:
for Information to dive deep into t
secrets of the silk, toed, c• tion, trimming,
ribbon, etc., trade ; how desigitd, made.
u.. 1, etc. Shoppers are apt to c' nsutt
•lark as to whether they think such
parte of goods • er...d match, accords s
.r 10.4.0 styled). .'hen it is preset' th
year choice is .Deny geoid yt.0 .i11 sect
• ,food customer., but fllee persuade
hey a color or deign_ unfit for h
noes and ,no po.•er len roduc.- lb
1 his
yam. This tendiney 1•, press a child
or i,.rward a nut toy auy mid, a iv:nfintd t•.
and ' 'twang M. then, for, sad t.. say, a„me of
eels 'hegrandu,•othoe are gt.. ty. Children
ban should pot be ercngraned to walls uatu
.fu, they are at loam 1 .urtede• .r
res ,hew 11.e tncttn.ti..a 1. asap. .01 hate
hi. ' be world upon -their Ow: account De -
a. pend .opo° it, when it is omit for a baby
ted t.. walk, het et a.uoes...or Ismer, wales*
as gran is sumo phyator) dt•• -et, baby will
t Ifo
t�ottld job' patties err hoarsest
The pew viral Doose of dna evil is pada cess ujwio moos to ha d f
I".wdt.It ,u.thvre wast to awl" hew amort ails s brat Du not cod about flu
tlseir babies are, ail erow4 lute. to de- wish sal7 week Du out d., ha the carr
vela,, we uetll wish 507 stotul, pin Lauds, . i)J or
Pomo". •I:d it is fret! y ear picks should be
the brightest out, that ere iojsrad tt.o.t .,. the . tat
be pwns.turo development. bub a octet dao uuins1 eaters the out; were
w•s retlady
v • y 'este. w81 drown it and wash out the rat
y smart,' 1 beard s lady''�M1T; 'h* ,,,mina The war is riot nearly w liable t
.wlkw) •t t.,ue soothe. Bet she did
"A great mistake many mothers make t
in is trying to leeks baby walk too sees put tatty the wr, because
b owe. Vane
Ire trade the .equal --leu wag b0 a1 ed �to injury fr., n the IIItruder toe fr„m fra0
s'1 the vest of his ittw Imre . Chi{d m i sec etlurts to dsi Klee it. Du out pn
kir *how and it will 4 %d1. soythiag cold into the ear; corn cold
the I' time, awl ibis. 1 an Ir ulcl,1 i eats. should be avoided, rrpre.e}}y i
=alteob win wpl, t,, ,ll •lill.. I bare 1 sot put ..anon an the can it there14•u1,
ld' t OPi 1 ht' e l• J
New them maw: a '� t . I;"challfe of pus from Cham. 1 se war,q
aa1/.•:,ud ss►t. L. ,roe+ t w•trr Ss frequently as me be meres-
ilia .dviwes wltwmisu:y t.1 a tort o' :
kil.i.: " j'twp as haw:. sed feet ; aheo' two Y. hoop them .fess, �b do e,µ
We a midden realist m. 1 strep blest s I teas tied foal matter bait into
like se Mtotiasted g P :� field set. tai..• fa as l It .,t,
idle deal.aese mrety meal! hoed >Qb':SL.e iAlle late :: s mar,
wail ev•tb µ e m tktlo:., takics the as- d, not attempt to "dug it cat." • If mot
step $t child Iota nett ,wily rewoeeh;e, allow it to rltu•lo in
So walk, it will walk, V. hen a vomit
,ter• t. wady to tike to water it teoee tot 4awt, and have • physician nottke care tf
slid awiiva le spite of at. csvlilirsg fo.tar do lab,,,,
regceatent ; it is ftkelyres wile.. amp. to
m••thar un tbu book. Ara, N ty.uppw. with. j Agy h,,„dhwhich i soluble Krell
that our offspring bay's out as 'each b.. be washed ,out, with s littlr potence, by
*t esct our latdligeuce as ducks 1 'ibis the um of a syringe and wares ester ; it
aloe .4 urging a child U. silk belure n not roulade it is harmless. D;afi,e.. wa
1, ready results in buwi ga, ksw.ok-kmes•.• 7
steak ankles sod neneuas troubles mit -samdttiet be caused ut an srue u( ear -
are ohm.' tonal and veaatusr in after wax, which has bedume t uI u* tl encr
ofistruda the action of the unuwhraue
/tuber bare a careful hand apply warm
crater enough A proper syrinx-, ..r a
peen of cotton wadding wet with ..1•44:11,1k•
el peppermint may be introduced which
willdt..,Nre and absorb this itdrtlened
►ell” a lure bvy .
We love bkid sat-_ te' 4'12 president* of
she Petted. Sines, and all hat lour of
them have been lawyer,,
hi: walk Atebi.rr• ia..P'.: The fun a man bee
id ' Then when they do walk children matchtnta woman sharpen a lead -pant!,
b, ah.•uld,like glass tie 'bar.dird with care.' a wiener. his watchi*g a mss thread •
h„ f Lee swan iodide...tit nurses and needle.
of Ithought lee. pirente Isadirtz rhitd,dq sling - The newest curs kir. *l 6
ii by the baud, aird fairly dr�yziug th.•my J
by the arms. 1 hare site,. the little mud- •tailt o • pint of Got beds
7'. f clog-.
a- bruise renting to beds ''Ib effects err
far ;diem hauled along whew they have • been imutediste, a,nl those who wako u,;u .1
s. :wade to walk until tired .int and their he- it declare that as a sedative it ie un -
es muse the below fret nr ere they are said ri,sllych
to ba crus Who wouldn't he crew i
er !$ornr_imvs the little $king. set en urrd -t reegems (raper recently printed wa-
t that they sit down on the sidewalk iron, following paragraph Our wtyarrabcn
sheer weariness I saw one do it the
and jerked the tittle Doe up by the sen
and drarl;,xl it glue ec.,tdin a f.
as atuppior. I have omen parents take ttaoe to ntl very d.rtuant'
no • child by one arm and lift it across ■ MajorF.leard, of the It-.lal Military
Mr gutter, running the risk of disl..rannq College. Kingston, speaking at a church
temperance timbering one evening recent-
ly, said that abetinaeee was a gond thing
for drw,k■rds. but hu ideal laud wan,
where mild beer was on tap to retry, and every mon anal woolen drank
three half-pints • day.
')n Monday, :!4th ult., a serious acci-
dent happened to s you;.. g. ninamed
Chas. Powell a the furniture/ lector',
Seafonb. He was •scunding in the
elevator sod be carelessly allowed bid
right foot to project over the platform -
when it was caught' between the beams
of the door and the elevator, tearing the l
flesh from his lee -and foot. Dr. Scott _
was sent for gun seven stitches wets
used to sew the laacera.te.: flab together '
1890 -ERASER $ PORTER -1890.
Fail in line, all you people who wish to see a
have had thrtr impulses ,1makene•{
' other day, and the mother stepped hack spiritually by reading the good things
we have provided for them ; but tbair
di g, g ,r impulsesto pay Ihnir .otir<ripLiver con -
shopper to bey of you swam
It Is your duty to p'rsse the customer
and "abawdy the merchant, and this N
posd,bie to effect, but not if indifferent to
the results. Politeness dues not seas d.
Ise familiar, neither dews dignity signify
-don't care whether you buy or 114.'
You must care, for eve.), purchase t. to
,our credit and advances your commer-
eial worth. Have ambition and moeray
sufficient to aim •1 mountine the highest
round of the ladder, even though you
y reach the middle. for that round
woold still remain beyond your grasp if
th. aim were 0.4 at the top.
er its shoulder or otherwise seriously i. jur-
at Ina it. Kees if it does not visibly harm
theebild,it may permanent ly affect itsen-
tans system and entail epos. it some nee-
eone dr$acul:y that will cling to it
through life. A young and tender child
is tor, delicate sod frail a piece of me-
chanism tr. be handled otherwise than
with the utmost caution.
"Often. too, the little ones are made
to walk when 11 is torture for them to do
too on aconunt of .hies that do not fit
Tb mother's pride dictates the style of
shoe, that may be too narrow, or Dei
short. or 100 small geserslly; the b.hy
..heart vainly trying to make known the
cause of it. unhappineae. It w needless
to explain the discomfort of a .lyre that
hurt. one ; does at not look imbecile in
• mother for her to think that the little
child does net *offer frr.m that which is
the most hemming of pains to a grown
person 1 It is worse than cruelty to,
make • baby 'Puffer for the sake of a
mothers foolish pride "
Dried Apple Fritters. Pleat three
egg., add • pint of milk, • pinch of mall,•
e.cup of stewed deed apples, half a tea
p .d wear, a few drops of extract of
oa.nun,half • grated nutmeg and flour
wake .til batter ; drop • spoonful at
, tune is boiling lard, sprinkle with
,owdered sugar, and serve hot.
Breakfast Dish -One fourth of
pound of old cheese, a teacup of milk,
two eggs, • pinch .f salt, a pinch of pep-
per, • small bit .4 butter. Cut the cheese
very thin, put at into a frying pan with
half of the milk, butter, prppsr and alt
titer soul the cheese is melted, then add
the eggs, well batten, with the rest et
the milk. Cook fur ewe shouts and
aptwd o0 hot toast.
A New Way of Cooking Eggs. -Buil
five stags hard, then chop them fine.
Melt a ubleepuoofnl of butter, and add
tablesp000ful of flour, nook a little, thea
add one cup of hot milk- $saeon
this with sauce with one-half teapooef,l
of alt and • few grain of cayenne and •
tablespoonful of sncbovy Paste. Add the
eggs, pour the whole over ahem a toast-
ed bread. Anchovy pate bovines
boor is not always liked epos dtrial
and, like eurry powder, the taste for it
mart often be cultivated. It comes in
jars, outing thirty cent., and covered
lira • lose time, as .o little is seed at a
time for flavoring.
Mined Fowl.- --Cold roost fowl, four
autos Iron ham, a posh of Nutmeg, a
tittle rose. one call tis of mushrooms,
o0e pint milk, sa.onittR, two
es of
mashed potatoes. Cut the swat pounds
fowl, p1... the boom in a stow -pale; add
the milk, Igeos from the ssehro0ma,
gad sas.oni.t ; rimm.r tag minutia,
strains off th* liquor into • stew pas,
add dal roux amid boil ke minutes ;
niece, the jowl, hem aadllessabrooma
asmly, p the meas, add a bttio sea-
men ; bell the potatoes, mai Ilam, line
a pis lith with diem, testae sloes is
the em,krc and bake for Mau minutes,
serve very het.
1I sflie., Scalloped. -Cold m..t pmopmr,
malt, two minces breador,ma, thtws
- I ammo bettor .ed six eggs ; mice
sly kind of mold meat, ...son with pees
I per sod salt, end add • few bread
wombs ; cover Ilse bottom of smell ss,.
eon with the muter,. pis bell an osmics
oaf better in es.h, break se en as the
top, shad is a hot ova ; whom the ago
bogie to Book, apviskk Mamlaremke
sad essetm sag over, sad WV* vary hot.
son •seibsd, j hatter d ties de -
year Spew. Beneovatct
iaathe :P•wia Owe Ap-
1fsLu m e'.) IJBmrt, ca
Lleaded. I boles M mei mobs
ed I aro
missal takes samm81 _ -' In flsI l
y madUelas. .lead Mil
fall. •l i 1 • wag. My Awl rile -
weigh d never p--- ; ma work all day
hafts ma Baton i.erld sat
*nth at ail. Ire, Gnat remrms. M he
%anklet, b. Only for yo. 1 woliM he
e e7 grays balsa thin Tome, the,
Asst's MCDdsate
Nem • •Thfs MOO . 1154 -Mw dam
''~sled--dvonissl the above net.
T waship,J. . ref. fle-d I
e the extoll of 1 00 is Ne
Wild Cherry B.rk, Elise mprae,Bear.
homed tad Swage. These are Iles ma-
les with which Dame 11.1.,. has esp.
0o14111, Crwap, Whrr,plat 0000. Bea.
tame .ad Leve of Votes. All them are
eamtsinad is Wil.os's Wild Cheer" is
their most .eine farm, sod will other
eddies wnwMitah ibis mast reliable
wale /sr all dismiss of the Tinst, Cheat
114 Law Wihas'. Wild Cherry 1..ald
by ail dr eptiata lm
To inetr..te beth the elm rob.
Ards, w Ib. rdhiie Mails.'•
Awmatis Qdstaa Wise let
Velem Easel, the Italian heir
�parat, .ssed, while travelling is
Rad.own Oermsay last ...leas, .
Ssftin,s title that hype** to Woos hy
heredity to ea imposeekien ItaN.n, who
eves the Prime fur the use of it. He
wanes to know, sot what's is a same,
but how modk
The total deceit of alms he he maim
bd this pools Gay .resat, to shoal
X13.700 ik /wt1alts The . the
Woos Litt ME i. the
diyhti . let the The embers
meths wise baseball .}700 sesw M ea -
batiks his ssetha, awyjNmr.
Pievesissg 1. epesd.
Johnny -Ain't you going ter school,
Jimmie -Naw, we got the sonnet fee.
sr at our house, and de doctor sez f
se's go ter school I'm going to de
dime museum lis aft. S, long.
She Was ske*ked.
Porewpise : Mia famine - As we
sailed op the bay I noticed such • num-
ber of buoys in the water.
Aunt Priscilla ---I bops yua looked
the other way.
"Bah '' said the ..alkin *segue in the
(root pew to the plash Dost le the rear
use, `jog are a fraud."
"Maybe," returned the plash, "bat
you're nothing but • skin."
The Booth eases. Lolly a theele este
Remarked to a friend the other dy
that she knew Keep's Bakens for the
Throat and Lange wail • superior reme-
dy, as it stopped her oough instantly
when other mesh remedies bed no effete
wbateeer. 8o to prove this and
000vinoe you of is merit any droreiat
will pee you a Sande Bottle Prw.
Urge sin 50e. and 11. (4 cow 1
• ens sedgye
or is.q.ivalent an cash wetl be given to
the parson detecting tete greatest number
of army. (words wrosgly spelled or mie-
*AWL in the December arse cf (her
Hesse., In addition will be riven two
ash Friss of $200 each, fear of oft*
0100, nett el 080, tee d EPS, toasty.
5.. d 010, fifty rel 06.aee bssdtvd 01$2,
sod oma hundred ..d fifty of 11, dieted.
Doted in the order surstioo.d is rube
and regulations, whisk will b. sent with
• copy of i]rmmb.r ismo os r eeiol of 11
sesta in stamps. Spatial can rause
glom sway almost evert day during
emmpotitioa which class Febea.ry lot,
Address, Ova Hotta PcsLrtisrxu 00.,
Brockville, Goads.
Amnon other items to Sstsrday's
Gown, anaerobe( military se•m wa
satins:--onehm.tto0 ..f rook. Captain
Hobert Staley Bas, R. B. I., No. 6
Company, 33rd Battalion ; from 1304
Attest, 1800. Lt..ton..e Jobe William
BM_ R. & I., No 6 Oompomy, /NW
Battelle's; from 164 Amnia, 1800. Lieutenant Alos.sdar Wilms, B.
& i. , Nn. 3 Oesgatoy, 33rd Bijou.. ;
from Nth AmuMmt, 1800
After se •haeme of rix yaws oro abe
Paella swot W. F. Boca arrived lee
Briessfs ow ith
Mr Belt is s etas w Thr l ash nus
�wdm.M of Petal sous
pasha mid job roam., but has est dims
womb M the tis
MM �Ba I wfsi.aallly
assaie Vtimeserfor sod at w.Y .
Display of charming Christmas presenia, Elegant new
holiday stock of Toys, Books Novelt,IN, Fancy
Notions, &c.
Popular selections plenty of variety and newest
Any quantity of suitable gifts for old or
I young.
Prices Strictly Fairi
Only a pleasure to dhows and give prices.
•i'elrlti a •11,'
El:eh/trtgt., Court 11..;. r-s,tu+ye.
4 unrt
flou'Poia.i win:
This sea. is biddy veiulbl.- ! h.. „ Revile
of ot.l harness, the cuing 44f hoot. ,us,t
4a11.ei.1,0 sed .Memo 101K 300
rot ,e for .-ieardng eti `,Iota.!; er.
ra',-h•-. nulla. w., haK tlei.t..,eww
For male
1e't Geo. Aehraele'sd l:.o.teri:k
>Z stoats storm.
k' ..t,ttt-
Latest and Best
m clew,
tram leis ..tilled 10 sae ham se to the sum
bar of bases eestataee le a gears .else.
The ase gwenetag tis .e•rees number wall e.
Delos •
Haiidsom Chiiia Ta &t
alrt7pes full Aar IID, l80,
Est. of Geo.f r
- Having Purchased the Grocery StQck of
and removed my stock of Confectionery, Fruits, etc., in-
to the store formerly occupied by him, I will be pleased
to see all my old customers and as many new ones. -
A complete stock of Teas, Sugars and General Gro-
ceries, and a full line of Confectionery, Fruits, Fish and
Oysters will be kept on hand.
Cattle Chains ---New Patterns.
Crosscut Saws --All Makes.
Cutlery ---Table and Pocket ---In Endless variety.
Chopping Axes ---At Your Own Price.
General Fall Goods ---Stock Complete.
ivr,, Pros oot}—
Having removed to Crabb' Blatt. ft9uare. is ueapa..d be all all kinds of
Groceries, Provisions' Crockery,
Glassware, Flour and Feed, &c.
At rock -broom prices foe wish. Please give ma aieall.'bmfor4aswba rag elsewhere
(i0t)D3 DZL.IV>ERED FREE, Tours,
The loom..
�tnrr�it•emMfiel estertip seeing all thltheoArwrslters at tea. Iowan .welddem
ea )Ail.
ETT C1-3=4'21.7)
'w .'iia M rrawetb._ t _v ;er w w, re. ,� ~,�
.�i,'�. .;•%"t+m.'_ws,�l .a/ ta.t��g' ar b`�it+►-�i1�b tlib "
....aft sod .w Av tf$ rases .drags_. be hspm to
nos. es.tia.sll..