HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1890-12-5, Page 5: .
!{ Y
Meld • tameelss wet lee Mame
ter she eppeeiaJ !~sere. NATURAL H111To11Y Of 011- KOCM'$
lagg, Dee. 3 -Derive the pro WJIN rA Ptfi
.t the Nntiatahets today Mr
aeassed that the eerre..s..t•
of the Home el •tomos a had
foreated the Iieh members the as of the
Oemileil{ee seem mit 7 o'tll.ek. Mr
Illesty thereeed that o attire tight to
d.sermtt a ate booth et their deliber.-
time, and regensgd ths&bi be nntlfed
to that .A'vet. Mr Periost teamed that
the ilmatiage that ]sr Healy wegesed is
.mot to the tier/ et -et Area was tumor -
Objection was maimed to telegrams Irma
indn►deale bring r.eatred during the
pruoerdmits. Daring the theewaun s
tatognen pommel to Mr P.ro.it es.
read. Mr Samoa said be would persist
to the std to hes °opwetiao to Parnell,
deghte the niliwly att.cks that had
besa a upon hem. A despatch flow
Qeam I was read. declaring that th- tool
Meta oma the Smith Barry estate were wttb
Dillies sod O'Brien iii their oplxusitiuu
to Pereell. A telegram arias the 8.1•
fret Nowak of the N.uoual L sum ass
received and read. h declared this the
members dere to have no leader but
Penmen. When this despatch way read
MrSvitlts, wb�a represents the eastern
dtviekis d ld.if0i. seitt ff SM ',pn.iton ul
the Ballast Natimhos was contrary so
his esu he west' resign his seat iu
F •rlonsent
Mr C aocy acid hu bad a proposal to
Make which he b -.ped soul prove •
g elation of the diffi nllty its which the
party found molt tioee oonrer.auo,It
. tied, velum resulte..1 to the atj,ure-
mint good 4.monoe.what it isespecto.d
a cneprta.s. 5111 he arranged shwa
will laid to monody new denotoposeu:a
Mir Class, 'it motion Involves tile tem
poetry rettrewwt of Mr l'ariel: whject
to Pertain meth -tacos b. in. exacted fro.
Mr OI.dei,nst sn ourro.ition with Lis
promised home rule scheme. Mr Cisi. •
ay's pre ..eat hat raised M hope moose
the Nsruoutt.ts that • ananta•te.mettle
sent wits be .grcte.t. Liberal circle.
heeever, do taut share tin huge, the mi-
titaee an I front of the Oppueition re-
garding Parnell being resolute and w-
Der0110 01 THE ntnx.ta•er.
Dvsux. Lt -c. 3 -A seesaw of the
CathuIiJ hierarchy at the r. -t.
deuce of Arehbohup Walsh here to -day
resolved t.. tissue a mentfesto deaaru.tt
that this archbishop and bi.h•.ps ,f 1...
land euuaide.a i:.rueU is unlit to runtime
leader .4 the Irsh party. The ..bloc
Done to Parnell are treed mainly ..n mural
grounds. tut it s also the epiuwo 1 the
hierarchy that itis rewit.oamce to leader
ship would toevitably ass dominion in
the party.
roa *Ml, a.:Atxirr.
The poor ism guardians of Strokes -
town, Carrick •.,d R..yle have with-
drawn their c.w6teoce in Parnell Tne
tows weuul .4 llaryh,rrue. h las adopt-
ed s 'moieties soots/wing Parnell
The npwaon of the Nabrn•Irta in C.eua
ty Tyrone en favor .4 Parnell is growing
atmager. W in. R.,nr•1td., wh a repre-
eprosent• i tie E ..tern Division of that co utuy,
and Matthew Kwny, the
alddi. Dines/tn. here been eamaasned
bT thine conetiteents to resign their
sante tf they do not support Parn5IL
ratl.mu. OND,* Hili.
Nee Yoai. Dia 3 --A L •adult.poeitt
to the Times s.ys, at midnight Parnell
iacis.a eert.tn defeat is more subdued in
hot d.tseanor than yesterday. Cour-
teous and dignified, and to the last et
hamming all the devices of ohnt•ectiow,
he anoourced the vol. the
I of bis leadership with as
moeh calamine as if he .as unc•.n
damned Demi est debits he retol
utety and unfairly ruled all points in ht.
own favor. Still he conciliated he
oppeneo.s with !i. pollt.tteae and gen-
tlemenI,nas N..c until hoe lass mat.
bad spoken did he allow the debate to be
alma. It remain., however, to be de
maimed whether this kindliness will
stand the strain of , di.ou.-
t lion, specially of Porosis attempts to
conatrtlat a aia,.rity party or stamps
Ireland. Th. rant and file of the [rash
piny, qvi akine upon the Parnell
4esstion, are null Belted u.1 cordial.
Today if Partial persists Ireland will be
eonvei.ed frith prsctieally eivit war. It
is to he feared Parnell is del Ned .till
by home nsolutine..caeoated throsgh
the maabinery of Ileal MMRle otRuti-
A folie AND Mmi.N =AID MON.
Crm.Aon. Dee. 3. -Moir readies the
test v,t. 10 Wm Parnmltite maim i.
Loedoe hist sight Mr Cr Brim. en behalf
of his ailleagees,, seat tied following
mbl.g.aa to bb. editor of Usit.d Ire
Mad: -"Stated by; tet, melees oar party
deems it fmjlrililatlm Seise that the
of the pmelteghat net be
*Woo dist Pump., bets aai.■agthip tws
de drpdi a. w Mr Dales gest g_N_!Rems
to Dahlia y.MM!iiip, of .NiMsldlow-
lag it the embewe.:-"if yam timidly
tmsiMU1the peddles we hem takes the
seams of the DIA eases is Parliament -
/RI leightetiee is sneered I/ you do 034,
stn the testes of the Net 1.. years will
result he lied knees"
Omit, Dee. S. -A .emmistes el the
Clerk B Md Tomei SeolMv, of which
Kr [MeeH..t, lea adopted
moieties wppatiag Parcell This
anise is .wttrary to the seines edam"
by Mr O'Brien. The Cork Themes'
Assimiuion has abet adapted a remission
to beer M reemisieg Puma as heed of
the Irish early.
The IPatkraallet members of the
mesielpel aaaaeil of Cork Ias..4e0bd.
by a rote of 11 to 1, a moieties expruse-
ii1..mildew.. is Penal Mrd orgies him
ant to rs.egetw eel adverse ..tine that
stay be takes by his opposes.' is the
Irish party. T144 moieties was passed
shit" a rove hoot Mrd eider debars, the
" ner mehimg a very stress siert to
proem Th. flrth+/s laisp of aphis eats sr -
Pared, le RIK"
Sale of fate Melt, ►iuples,ule and
houseboat fer.daere .f latiphIllstl. en
Mt 1, Wasters DI.Mes, OMMrs, two
lets ham llmitiee NM. M, De
"wow 9+i. 111.'sleet .ass. is Mr
111.1 M i..vrae Igo the Northwest the
M est. Jsba Kaes,
Deportee, et Caaadt- rbedwas 1•
*1s47 tin Meek Dt.msds-lDaiwa•.
ladlar O.thes.i-Th. I/ensinb,. as
Jaaaat•te--Mets.aged O'iae•, to 'tett
R ICO u•a
titres{ greeters
epos that ba. .ler
Ut*i. rodent -f tit•,
Is. (ar,a, lbw
getes.plg. Revue
became awful to
matt, the cumM►,l
/ poem -ft 't'.
helm is .4 wield
wide interest. and beacefnrth will 1 east
kear (e, Wt -ted u c.e prices curroat its
Pa • • u I h u&..rr. t ter ., r , arm .11 g ater
tteaasat that they wen pr. v to t• (!•.10o0
d . u. • tu.r,rouc.1 • remedy die .vsty. JJi
sins 17 a native .o( 1 nit i A aerr,gs. tb
genome -pia b now d.sadskra.d ell over the
word. t1 1th eats:arp•at brood. 13 nppar-
bp olvldud In two, and erect hair or fur, (t
maisw hs ; resalable. • pig ,whence it. name!
11 b seaeritIy white w color, with Week
spot••, although Vita ie somewhat variegated
by oweeie b4.cchee on tea Gat. It Imo n
e,sidal app•udage, oat on t • fo-e-ret it
tire War sod bat three cm tea Ned Does
Neat itt its habit., it is mutaitly amoot.hin :
and arrerl;;in;; its hair Wed* to, re.uy .t
pis, it, r..M. Is a grunt .w feettl• squat!.
thereby hightsat.; it, :••o •rat saint da ,e,
to that well known au,a..l-- 10 -em wU l
,tialhl a iteaar.My tehabits dry r iaty peace.,
sed the ratio of Beath America esteem tis
fish as a grout daisy. But Prot Kornla
resew/An have reread it to • Nsuer plan •-
that of in6utteushaloar to aaRettarr buot•a-
Ity. Its pro t.rratioa, rhsrsture, say be ex-
ported to be materially iacreamet tba; lar
oat Tetter utmvr.tea
WILL HE LOGE Iw SEWN? wham& of this Yaw,spasd
Tarim I with ems whish Tarwhen ee
efused b. rime
A Tere■ae Lawyer. r rwlosy at Mures et, egret lately emlraekad the deaetptius,
emir.•.11..wblS. 71e registrar wrtbse asked to mete t
Prete the Tamm Telegram Oahe& to perm sad give hie testimony
Archibrld MsAlpsu. Taylor. barrister before • court, aid he replied atm he
Gad ..stator, author sad poet, who for smelt Guam for Mlle expenses But
•aaayMrs see • well kaisea Iter. .from the •300 wee eased he maid be
sheet Osgood. Hall, .ill Dot agate to all meld got be betlh.iet *bout it .ad that
ttrobehilily .alk those alms irritant the llis.ebers emit here W metas,'
for mem .marten atom.Krat
the mother theselves with hie Hilda. 11. As Mr
4 'low- gram" Kr ,Torre mum T.vh[ ltd not smear to e.,ntndt.t the
teiaed some prwsiwsse, while may cisme, bet rmswiod,is New York, his
waviest • eteea.a carnet im oboes* pub- am seg takes rate eonstderetion
t,eetious woo to him their exwt/ow the 'indicate and pipers above desents-
Prifwwoslly, Mr Tattier *as tit maim. ed
psrtwr of the treat Ikea, Tooke, MtCul- A•sother charge spslsl Mr Taylor is
..sigh & Burne, • meohiestu•i' ..f enema nem o.f sitar •tog esrt•t.• volumes from
tog young lawyers with • fairly payi..g the lt•poode Hall history ■..d t o.t return
ursetree. 4 the dreatestauces here iag them. There are ,.cher charges
her described led to the immediate ammo the avowal l..ye•. %bath Involve
liseolotiou a•I the lira, the business is larger amonnu of main v. bet the ods..
heists continued by Muurs. 11e(:utko,.h cos are merely breeches • f trust and not
At Soros. a. '441111111 in tbeir mat . ,• us the false
This fire hu gone throu_h more rami- letter from California.
tioettous than p.wtbly Any secular nrgen iMr Taylor i. aur !1urr•o lx.y, Hud
native io the city. it first tit, fire was at •,:11 time sea k.ult.d u. ••s as a scuts
. • a . ,' rule BANK OF MONTRE
te-of my rut ore i■telg.d i• by these pab-
)• ,a■{is er settee
• • • • • •
I»Aairra STAt it, r &into. to Its cyclone.
*nd bbaards• hie sootier evil
the Wits of tea wit Ugric An Indian o.ltbreak
N tmmia,at; inked, it is to be feared that
11 ba. airw•dy brokea out. 1►h••sdy tetra
ars in the Geld Orme thousand well equipped
unapt; but they hove sotac• sever Wan add
Wiese under matting its$ and It Id C out
both of whom f 11y detested A n•
mean gewareg sad their armies in pout le -
der camps/As. Tho trims moanpeirfig the
bent of the bttettls are tie dims Gad the
1'ssy.s•css. him emsma•lycreel .bee their
tlffhbi••d sp:r.: .• tlr, awl tbelt chiefs, is
reply to questions by tit. asthoritins about
tan ";neat Uasee," aro full '4 subtle
sophistry :aid s.racitie wit Tee Amari-
• tans, toting l 'Cantata iu
Itis(•. here ordinal nut artillery
1. ti,;bt the redskins. llerstotore their
Irdtau tntaps!eus hams mon badly moo -
aged, but as they hart, ererythin Alma bawd
rrsdy to put d..wo the uprising .t i• h•t,sel,
w ;he interest* 01 the ,,triers and their
fam•lre that this outbreak will b• promptly
Dn.w•t. ,ndei.l a lb* outl.rtk of futon
pubis* ferritefor t'har!.,s Stewart Parnell.
It the telegraphed news be cornet mars
than halt fir tnse eler. of the Irish parli*-
tu•utrr7 party will unite in asking hie to
resign ties bwlersbip, while Mr. Ula Worts'.
letter bre alienated the English bouts rule
supporters Mr. Parnell Ls a&titin, hard.
however but it is barely pneable that the
num whom private life b uIf-admltt•dly
,tasted to a m at vulierab4. wpm wUl be
able v. beat down the opporltioo sgai5R
hem The general (shag 1n English meek-
ing counters moms to be in favor of pre-
serving the purity of the boons even at the
improv of taring the services of the teed
capable intellectual giants. Dilka had to
go, std Parutll's twutic fate is foriabsdow-
d la baa
• • • .••
linsu co. the part week three c'mediae
squirms have gone to (Mrta.ey io acedy
the . remedy of Dr. K..cb. They
are: Prot Kamen Wright, Dr. Th'rbara
and Dr. Wn,uett. -.1 Tomato. Prot. Wright,
one of the ablest 1 or use day,
went as toe nominee of Yr. Wird Smock,
Y. r., firs-('bancellor at the Unbar.
idly of Toraito, sad Lr. little*
pays the exposure of his visit to Barra as
well as any cost of apparatus aecsnery for
preparing the lymph and bringing It with-
in the reach of ('anadfaaa. Tee generosity
.1 Mr. ifulo-k has received. salt Is worthy,
groat swats* front puolic spibit.1 and sof-
faaring people erarywhsr • 10 Ontario.
• • • • • •
1*. Dams, of Berlin, W leued a pamph-
let entitled "rases Kock" B. deism that
Dr Kara nae sir yet nosed oo real remelt
Gap that he deceives Wasted la bNN.lag
that he .UL Dr. Damm .aye that the brain
Gad the spinal cad remises an the Pomo-
time of the body, and that Dr. Loeb Is
prosodist from a ssooedary seat of dimes*
moot tamed. Msaw•Ue tem practical,
If temporary, remelts at Dr. Koch's treat-
agrat, slue roasoa stein a ere apnea
in the early atop& b bops Saar • remedy le
withal the pumbWslsa
• • • • • •
Dtu.oet (who M apohea eek as leader
d the trigs patty Its Parson retiree and
Mem, the Irish savoys 1. GM ewe.
try. ill visit Oman semsdme la
pkbr.•my ea the comistioa of tWr
Aasrieaa air. They have hew ..ne.e d
by the gear* at home to six mwtbd lm-
prtgeamost tar holtlag mem eve to pay
their rest; bat it Is aeiaaedelpased that they
will be -oMmd by the d1rMY aasherki.s
of M s olds at the sear .as bbeup they
eager wpm Dei lserIiary.
••• •••
YoDomus, • mea d •years Myles
diet seldade la • able Mr' `olsi, No
Fry s.nsaed tie feerim g warthog me-
diae: "We had that w dem.eed aaese to
his death tram ea oma-lgdareaee la ass
b.11. Mamma, mad that we had the gismo
ore and patella at Inge r.yrardble fair having
ceased sig Spear 1.r ..Y Illmeghest the
eg emeity. A. the presses inr stew monde,
we,, the seta Jere, ledge shag ate Oregta Ace
le more vlgeree dy whra.d r fetes"
• • • • • •
Domnrrow a CaasDA eddN4S to dirt
ammo of fog baa, Ian Hold*: es Mos -
My der the Jamaica 5.1111 le. by w
Amssar ilii.. The Mimes wen gs ea rhe
11IL Mr. Dlme.eek, the s pwr*sadwt d
w Oamsdisa wh1Y1 hem 'Mead la haw
1na..ed le massing the Doasiehi. *Wert,
wail is beteg belt et Omadt - m.ews&
• • • • • •
Ditremar nmei.liea pedalos his hems
mum upliesergig 1111111 pull% mad
lssshly h.. ter d..ie pde.�esent. •
slosallillbithAltor4 Goa -
Sod .t.ab �ssieeitlee.em
therm th..Olsel pears rest y s.st.tgd
• • • • • .
Damm .mrlmi tUMW ko-
la termite eta Cvm1'htormi.=.. j stn e
lssp gadaseireebb allldlmgaww
beteg s gent eeplmer, 1011.L...54
t4.ephen•s+, Dickson J. Taylor, but Mr promising one. H. eras ' oro and reared
S.rphemew, at the time of the ( dorsi 0. the township of Mort nest near Ilroseel.,
Batik exylcwiva, 6•ultd himself tuned op •n.1 a{ eohoul ami tan the • ober branches, ,
a a nether questionable lot of tray no. of edoestioa took an exc. ptioually high
tope and s..ogbt refuge end a more stand His last appetite. :•. it. (:sketch .
••ours::ia clime In Low Angeles, CA.. 1' ism aids • brief for the ; tt in the suit
8 A.. *herr he is w*tchu.;; the l.rea.-tit ..( Streta,o N. Headway .: year, which
urnowdtaie from afar. Then, Mr. he held rueoee.fully. t'• by he sboeld
Sfepbet.wn being sway. the lire. became wreck his future in the :m.nner ahoy.
Uieka,tt, Taylor A M. Cs11usigh. Mr .Tarsal 1e metre thin !lis a' , Noy
Dickson retired mad is now cordecti,•g in Huron moiety iia cot :tram rrd.--Eu, '
M»iseas uu hie ...0 indittdusl hook. 3coxat. 1
Thea Mfr. A. MoA. Taytc,r became the ...land, and Mr. Hums .as tel.en io da a simile be 1. tees. Deane.
pasty, and now cooler the interesting Ito these dtys sof se •mu.:ud uewa•
dmpter• p•pore ellen much wit h is unfit for
Mr S•rh Ashton and A F. Stevens, el! family rem i.rt; is insert .i because it is
.1 M. M.-Lrvd, Gust..
Data 8ta,-1 lame ust finished year
System Kegs water last Might. My case
w as ohr.'s*. Bead me amethsr bottle.
The kaorstor has t' s a grist
deal of mood ; e.aey perms I ►uaet re-
m.rk& hew muds my meepbxm,n has
.based. sad the eapesesies .f. my eyes
te to different 1 veined meth MINA . 1
cannot express how eed halm Ilea la
'ober respects 1 isprev.t else. Tom,
Jane? CAr eetl•
Chime •t, Nov. 21st. IMO. I►St
'PM our own last e.-.. Mitam s -Council wet in •
I ',000,000.
. (),000,0043.
.011 .SavingeAartmefrt has beefs tree
s ',e d iii. i vls-
Ii. ction faith this branch. t
Interest allowed at currlwt rat .
. tirlua,ger Goderich h'rrfnch.
What a d.Qereoe• there 1. 3:1104 the the b•wemhip fall ou tlatueday, Now .iso a ww ass ■Yat{ �y n
stow ;iso come : Now we hear the ]Minute& of a .r:..-. m-. ..g were read
merry boils which help to make our snit approval. Toe initialer'. report b.II...h %Vila tit••
t.assadtaa winter* e" cheerful. Now le f •r November, Aiming bs1a1•ee •od re-' CHRISTMAS t�
the tt.ue when Iltu farmers have ..pilar• c.npbs of $1,721 70, Luo exue:Iditure .1 : t :l h`rl'8 iM pit
e/itl u.dhru to J .bud at i
attt k wed draw •neat. Ilap•.,y u.ry ! Moved by Mr Beller, s.•ow,Jed 631 'It
if rcou.gu tsar be ereditwl, the Ep- Gibson, that the Iasi,. be aulhurs.id111 SAUNDERS&SONworth 1_•sg.e of Zion church, Culoerne, eu�crilw for tiva .'Iarrs of �Sil rxh w
u to h.Jd . convert in tYte church cn itrb Dungen: un At.ieu.t.ral sod lin.
New 1' • 'a i.i the; at aU ow rest imus Park Aesoei-iso;.
f mg tet d t0 the x1.11&23, eu read and pl.ccd ..n file.
y •pts who , prwlarJ the
nsd this aake tt a punt to .attend tls disMct'tn ;uarauter that the nail be.t
rsre att.'
trete We ash ,.sir neitih.ts the rerriG' of the township (...r U:vi•ioes
grand +u•tcees, and hope t., hare sleigh- Coal Pori" soeeat an alouu.l rental Lot
lug fur the ..ocas,un. ixeeciing *2U- C.rried. A c 'memo-
hrtai r. relhP'(s �uslL.,dfte, of eono12',trtions
wias &read. ditch
r. -t a reported
th ace
v R 2 y. blab
havu•g c,uaBleed rho !owlishly a0cuur
inJr.•d ft t Irl.- :a.:h t, v ..• 1
shy . amt o/ inset nn this .!ustion, wit.. adv.sed that the
int; therm a provid:•I,t pr.gratu .da liter -
atoned tale no Maucn in the nutter.
err. wus,e»i' and eox-inl eharuacr, 1itu
trio amour it was Gard to follow the ad
rice of the wlioitur. Mr Thorne roe
platnod that a culvert ordered by the
township eugtneer to he fillet uy..n the
12th oma. still remained open. The road
commissioners o ners were iitt•tructed to hive
the maker' clidal. A e.au.udnic •• fon
frum the twn.bip solicitor advised the
ccu*cil to have the hole e..used be re-
moving pas el on the lot of AI.a 'Roe
ti'!.i tn. The deputy -reeve *tong s ith
Mahan fii6rcc and Rafhe were a;,paont
ed to have this work done. A u.,wmuni-
cation from Jawet 514rahall accepting\
the °nice of township engineer eat read
and tiled. 'Phe t„ ►lowing ao eouuts so'.
pt•esootod and cheeks issued for the
• amounts :--!*Ira Glen, 49 yards travel,
lU its, $4 90; Peter Cls.k. m.ttnt end
piecing grate, con 12, $1.25; W J 1ec-
Qutllao. 92 yards 2r.vel, 7c, *d 44; R .t.t
Irwin, 69 yaris gravel. lOc, ati 00; Ed.
rsaut Iiretphy, til _yards._ ;,gravel, -...7o, --
$:..G7. %Ire Wil*oa, 70 yards grace',
$4.90: John Cullia, 17.2 yerJs gravel,
$12 04. Edward Carr•'. 72 y iris strive!,
$•`,.ell; Th.,a brothers.:>2 ysrda gravel,
$1 :,•I: John Aisle, 3: yds gravel. $2 31:
Jen Martin, 16 yarn. erase!, S1 12; J
Moss, 191 yards erase' and d•aar,e,
81-1 37; Tb'-stA'ex*nder.repzirirg bridge,
8• con. 9. W H W iIs ,,, 36 yds gr.(vt',
$:.' .12; John Ftrdmotd, 35 yards travel,
$2 4'.; Welsh Rr•a, 73 )arts gravel,
$3 11- Hamilton trttith,d,ich, fin u. $2;
Durald McMilian,22 yams snivel 81 54;
t Jae hese, witness Zees Rtes suit. $10;
I Louie Wettlaufer, luster, $13 95; An-
alre.--Kitt, r. -wiring road, con 2 and 3.
$2; Jonathan Willard, dicginr dttch, con
1, 111 :A; Alexi.; C.m..r. n, expense col-
:eoting dog tax in '89, 81. Council ad-
journed 1.. moat according to statute on
Monthly, L1icemher 15th.
R K %hum:. Clerk.
latest nae hemp a Debate between old
Pita Jos - " Whit, traitor !1! ileal with a Yankee, and thus betray the Ohl Flag ! • Newer, never ! What's
that -you must trade or die f Then die, a thousand t town ' What can bre more glorious than to die for the Oki
FLO ! "
• Old
Flag: A euphemism for Protected Moaopoiisu oi
who otribute liberally to election hunk --{•' Emm
pire" Dietiowry, Un-
Westt Tomato Jawing, laid a ample of
oephiiob hoofers the Beechen at Os-
✓ oods Hall, .high were of so serious a
eaters that the Discipline ° matinee
etmediately aemtiteted themselves late
a mart sad proseded to try Mr Taylor.
Ups beteg asm.nssd before the "Die -
'Them," Mr Taylor decided to quit
be legal besieges and devote himself
study to liters r�yy work. Hs promptly
eo To.oato for Ns. York .here be hes
vas sum. remained. The Area dropped
Taylor's OMs*, sad premeditate were
.magersted to remove his name free
he roils Gad disbar him.
Tsykw was medusasg some real estate
seems is OeIMoreis for Mr Wad weeth
.l Gooks, Oet., aid the asters of the
'r.aeegtlee r.gair.d the ragistrstioe of a
mortgage at Soleus, 061.
Therapow Mr T.ylelr wrote • letter
0 himself, pommies to .see from the
egietrsr at esteem, le whisk it was
rated tbas the registration fee wee
$T SO tattle io stetter of het it .Me ..-
y SLAG. The leder was ssehelly ex-
• .tamed by the Beashme sad these is-
. rsstsd, and expert l.st.mesy was
akee ems the preset. The Imes .as
.rktss oa • moons" list of papa .hide
Ream ��Oros ,.gym this 547.. WON
std widish
1id.stiGed. Twat he t"LAP
-t .tie ete.s:.tlars awl the Qeesa's head
.ad Crewe, .hien is itself shoed ma-
that 111111 paper .ism is dila
The mistier at Eames wee senamd-
met with gat is raters lieMid GIN he
sever */elks mesh a Welk tied the hltst-
litre ly to sttrtot readers, it Y a Femmes
for the psbliehe a of Toa Smut to
re.memeod Tomato Sehertiey Yr.'ppIii as
basis thorosjhly slam, wbtrie.ome
seed improving. The illmdlrstao.s are
s■mevoa..artidio, bmmows sed timely;
the Nees of the great ma ami WOWS of
41t. d.esde Mad rsprodastiome of Mehra -
col mistime being the leading
Filarial /.slurs. The Midge out the
gtrestiome of the day are admittedly of s
NO elms while beteg exceedingly sster-
td.iug and aerials to mime sod hold
the asts.tass of moot people as .d1 r
older readers. Musical matters, the
dram, need everything socially requisite
to the wlsrlsmeat of the iniad Meed
saltivatioo of good babas, le made a
fester* d this meanest mobilisation.
Two sena) stories Jays of a1aorbieg in-
o-ter st bet pare is demo Mad by the treat
.athors, art to be rased 1st Saturday
Niche --sed, by the way, they eats he
bead nnwtter, dee as thhs1ry�. ars eopyrilhtu
d the hest English psWb*thu..hie11
hest set appeared ia Clawed., The a-
tspestime aid ?nasalises of Wee se
.h nmhm elle el this paper bee made It
the adviser of Na ..seers
.d tie itresg etteshee-1 which
some semi* between the modest .f
'INOINIWNIent toed ids sem ie.s1im-
ti sMgsw The My .gMmetie. *ilei
ear be sterni M that .11 rte mitmiw ere
asset amt r hes es idtyide.Mty 1 s
ser& whish melba the mart
moil s w. SshearMto hm ,P Int
per ass % War re year
sad yams mss epos "Resolved that
the menet days are better thew the
peat." It is hoped teat many .ill give
their stares this winter sad "ride the
We roomier how ball it .ill be .re
the yo■ng tolls .ill be ready for
soother .vesting party 1 Have patience
and u may come before very lose.
Mr Charles Oke. who las loss bees
rattiest • mall to Toronto, has a lase
raasiv.d it end has leo oar midst for
that bseetifel My, to .et se polieem e.
His wife will loin him in week er so.
We are very sorry to lace these. M
treat they will prosper is their mew
sphere of lila.
Mr. Samuel Hannah, a terser HeN.-
ite, who a mow eiteasively mimed ie
bra.iag star Ori.woM,
writing te . friend i. Sealert10 time that
he heti NO Mere miler errsp this par hos
.11.h he bed 1&000 btmbI. .4 Reda,
15,1110 of 'thigh .as sheat. It took
leer stem threshers three weeks Madly
work to thresh est his mop
Get "The Signal"
Ai the News.
othu.'.4412fikkalitil moo
Stop tiaef5ltt
Tor 1m you do ant it may become eon-
01,1114/01 Debility fuse W•tff,ap
there it aothiug ilk.
Of Pare Cod Liver Oil and
Ot Lama. daead inicoetar
it is almost es palstabteas milk. Tar
better that tabor sss isd wulwas.
A wondsrfal d.eb producer.
is sure sew s got isi e www
. n... odd heh
r aa
Demises at Jet, moos IL.a
SCOTT H sews, oars..
Boderich Steam Boiler Works
gataWtsbed IM.
QhrrM 1i&1 8s Black.
In Stock For Sale :
1 50 -horse power upright
boiler, all complete.
16 -horse power upright boiler
and engine.
1 6 -horse power horisontal
boiler and engine.
1 40 -horse power horizontal
boiler, all complete.
1 36 -horse power horizontal
boiler, all complete.
1 50 -horse power slide valve
engine, all complete.
The above have beep thorough-
ly overhauled and warranted In
fret claim condition. Ready fbt
immediate delivery and will be
sold cheap.
Mall Mase Wal reeeive preempt a eeetime.
VIsut p s est• e. *. 5. Swabs.
w Seethe promptly MtteaMd tee
P.O. sox Hsi.
Are Rotch to givo to tlie„ t:-uple .,f
lloticrieh and vicinity. Thy in •
tend on the 1st (lay of February,
11191, to (Wool v.: partnership triol
to mole ti0ock-ttkiug erste will
sell out at pri.•e, ,bait ari#j Iimk(s
you buy.
IAre wanted inn sifled goods fee
their Christtuas Jives, alai 'pucial`
price. will be given. as lv.s bean
our custom in past v•-ar .
Wunttd to bey their lltyisttussi
presents for the lousily. No mat-
ter about the site of y'sur,purrte ;
we can suit yoe.
Remember tit/; .Gtli li - Ws3Nt,
street, at the old gt.tn•I, end Mc-
Lean's now block, tilt• `t 1uare.
'CT 1ST DERTA t< i✓R,
liar removed r., 3.IcLeane New,111oe4, n
the $gnsn•.
Ruston*bee (•hams*.
Ikvt H•arees in 'teem.
Picture 1'r.tcutna especial!).
1 Liu will always An I .1. 11. i'rr,w-11
rt -dies
of _.
R,•mnants to be Cleared clot. Perbet
Pits and Showy Shape,.
The. Wtat-s.. Tailor.
Cleaned Fruits I
Try a Sample : it will pay
Buchanan & Son,
D.elerto ba a0 Mede K
Asad hlsmrer'f .agl-lei et mere desselmi sem