The Signal, 1890-12-5, Page 1Oman= 114,411.F1ShIlffiNTS•
• Zhe slit plod TOE $10/41. Y
leaked epos bp' at1 , ietenigao.
advertisers as the blest seedier. jR
Beres Canny ler the pe
of oenisbeed tadvs smolt as Last,
Flouted, Wanted, Strayed, For Rent,
OR sok, hr. Six lines salts under,
Onto ii.
1tiaf nes of Interest from over the
"alum' and very quietly boarded to
emu thin The a•ndurtMw sum wrtie.d
• di
leave Ars at Bresetrle, so be took brat on
to E•b•I
• y sotalol traveller, but ton Isle
County acrd left hen to the oareof th
Meaner agent until the aftetneen train
4 wawwtr sesey "me &'swat, sew• soros- tome up. when bloater Artie was safely
.4 V ee sen tteadeew far ..p asap!.' cunw. yed back N• lir'u ala.
Pits res twat, ensiled saw tee- Nina Etta rad Master Edgar (7reet.
neaten gram &sere sorrow, dswgbter and aces ..f Mr Gee (baro,
Wiughatn, hews left Gears&. for Seattle,
Mrs K Hick% has relented hots. to Nosh , via the C P. It '(`hey will hs
Seeferah, atter au sheens of four yeses I p•isied •t Wtsnipeg by their brother
in Colifornue. ! Charas (hearse, the eldest seer, is
eta a sncesse ut Lusanein to that
Mies Hlare•h Chamberlain has left I
e L Ul, K N OW- LOCA , 1 market fur mane things that
Minuet unsaleable or at beat saleable
lower prier then they thea wool&
• What is Goinglon i� the Sepoy In I[uadsy'a Bay,. • referee
Village. made to Ilse p»tmasau at Baden
- - Leen before the Jdatie.o of the P
4s satereettas eadsre .t Lha raw• pee. delitilueo.y, and dra.s "*Pse w
awed *serails, me Reeder. •f •• !be i totes the Prompt/ems .d the peat
slept" isrprb/as wart swum inspector rad the tldatunavee
race be Mad Wee. Mowat when tho•r of Wa
1 -- , was .bort is he aeeouata, stud Wm
Prom our own . orreapae,tea,. a with the interre•gatiou Ila ut•
Tito hand, about the sweaty -erased oft bezel.' $011 aid l*nul.hed why
tour tatuth, will give • greed it i`1 a I.sur .110 s•mbtr,es *6.°141
which all the local talent will take pert. 1 stotteslstb urease of tb. uiomalr h
They should be y•trouwsd. rya R
If you want the r t
gives the greatest q� neer.
iti Hunts costal , sal $1, to
the address of Telt eco (subs•
riot, and you will get it addnow
until Jar. 1, '9.3. Mlaiglo ibe at
osier. The Ik«t w the t�aapret,
and Tee &moat, in the binali
now del at el I DUNGAIIT N ON NEWS. ' �° A•..x g,.t badly beuiwd, ee Dos
)th for Si Thome* 11 gt�uneh►ne city oh elle Sound.
Impale Institute G. Porno, n1 Jritelel., "eh.11enit.a
Wm. Cunie who was in British
melee tear • heather u1 ,years, w
Creebr,wk leery.
BI to ;voted the Cut-
Mr Jaime Late. of Ashfield, hos Bold
to Mr C. T.o.s, of fit Hamm, a pan ..I
yosse Leese that tutors& thuaealeeat L'9#
Dr Coteau 6n, $eaturth. received ae tub-
er par.iy,te .rr.�►e oil Thursday slier.
now., 27th ut.., sod is nus 10 s creme,
c•.bd n ion
Ml r, Joble N Keechtei, of Brus
has to $ealerth her several days
staged in •voogeH.tic work sad ho
fetistues merluare.
Mr. Daniel Faber zed hie bre.
Joke, else hare teen teeteimit near
gins, Northwest Territory, attired la
in Zenith • lis days a!(u.
T. W. batt, of L'Iyth, perch_
back last week bee tarlatan. arta .1 1
tattier testas, as •etch be dispierel , t
llitiieelfa__4..1:elltttYwwsd, z leo d
Mr Semen Geiser, who lives Dear
Hesu.J*aotiw►, 1l.ehsgan, where fie hose
a fareu l'tereot_,.n,e,l hence In 7. -It:. -h a
few days mt. He tweaks sell ..f that
tonal ry.
dine i
to keep the (Jner. (rim Ivturniue b•
then the nrtgfibnrbo�d.. She was sent ter
lie -
Charles Currie, of Parkhill eeminpie
shot putter), she claims to be the cbao
pies. Cumber seed rr.•stler of Caada, t
wrestle tae at Cun,hert.nd style, hes
three felts in 9e., Ler the aha riteenrhi
of the Delemioo, a•vl feats$100 upward
i side, ..r 1 will trestle any wen in C.I.
ad. Batch aa.e•tch .an style fur from
1100 t., 1600 a side
Mrs Cees Dulwsee was arraigned be
fere .lust,c. Beattie on a charge ..t art•
ties bre t.. Nr C,rter a house, near
ietb.op The evt.le,,.�e of J..e Storey
was 10 the effect that Mn. Dunnage
t.ruateued to bunt the bu'ldine in order
oe is Latest and Haff from tho Metro
hating polies of Aeshfeld & W'atvanosh
saes tut --__
u be- tees Osrrelaars. arrear,.
Oak, bd serss. Ira
rad LrefNlatNas, zeta rad Mrwrw■.
01 fdr Ise .. bewail, mope. mute Fran.
terloo I rad other [rota el tie •Inti...
de up ! - - -----
n eta- From our own .rot7te.•stee m..
h"11. The school p.pstatioei in this 'notion
i n• i is euureasiog rapidly, sod likely to (ren
of the, tiaue.
werp aolitily built man.
Heider, woe got los heed tedly crushed .
yews of this Section Clasegat eget
bat ween mop iit t lie hills mid 'tenets of I Condensed
la 1 /Are died tasettiorN 'Mile tineaded si tree, new mutates ea tis weeeki-lieeeds'
; threshiae for Mr find. Deed., la able thrum Whoa lraer ere afigragadal
, SO jut to 'lurk again.
; The fitment bare organized ite . a e.,.. TIWTY•7111.21elaadrul.tmeluNill'411Ye:aesess,"- --
ciety collo! Palfi.os of Industry, and are
j 'mem to haat', the crafty sit•rchent. • 'An Oren@ our ewe correspondent.
'certain portion of the second conces• villeee to his fano .41 the %a someamen,
- "for* 12 nee ornit• aserellaut to reeld• ;n !on Tuesday -Um brat of the orasim.
I ;ten. valelissia4ehoil" " y, but don't all speak et I gts we us fair met,hinr, culuaqueutly
N".. (hi* sill h. 8 *88P ; The fall of *nue On Suede, night has
! Naa Stan. -In times him peat a , Thiene. Dungen has removed Num
!tunes at* a little lite ter.
lene ,of Bruce Was Celled. from the perchated some tette agietruni the Fltailat
euredd form in which this Eighteen Mile delete
, neer ran, 'The Horse Shia - Net beteg - ft 1,, i Mai ,...„• L.
1 Lest Tuesday night about fifteen seauwal j announce • phmeing mama to take place
! here on Christmas Day. There will be
' 1 Leckie.... Tney ail they., teed s geed I "The heau.iful stio• hes c eueeind II 100 turkeye, gmee and duck• shut. for.
"; too*. I car. vouch fur u, though. thie neenhto stay. Soh te; eked +teed 1....ey 1 For further particulars see tells.
I some of them felt pretty tough „it ; when ehus•litie ie.,. • ',um „
sideweli, after an ..el ih•' The directors of the Wen Wa wenesh
that t be` ''` Men s /.,, w nice that I
A private ;titer from Mr T. MeC
mow, fortnerly lArtighere, sato
at N.lebea, et. am Sliesteempt, with
lariat hoer
Wei Hicks. Ethel 'pain fee as
soh Ina Lundy rectualy. kr thee.. 1
• persieueut situ tout. (14 the city -f 8
oh min fell in the ?Ionian bresking rine arm ,,t
les. - at the elbow mid severely tr./urine the
_ wrist of the other era. She lion+ the ;e.,
- atm 1. and ie along very favor -
renal at the Ammo., led beau: sec.:lied
the Inealltitiat.
The many friends in Seaforth .4 Mrs.
Mmes Davidsen„ will regret to Isere thee
d e. has met with • very ;wenn accident,
and will be pleased to hear hong time to
tens of her prioress inward. men eery.
"An unfortueete oenrieet happened in
the home ol Mr. E D.1101, on Mou-
fere it was piste lieht to ca3 the 00000 nt
vie!. Not thinknig eh. was ar. near the,
sesson's entertammeets in the town I.w.: !IQ" °M4tit to b. c"ini-, Jed to o.14 ti,00!. neuter monthly inteemit on Tuesday,
of the. usual program .4 music einem , mega milts into Astiheld on Tuesday 1, F. (4es-smog
.readiugs, addresses. etc., passed of very The every niati peer...di...len me to take at. .1kceatb.„r il'u rar Is d'ui•ff ,ialliiet) t''
wall cutter. It etas niy brat .4 the seasou.i he i wooer. se'e are eiii.littlk glo.“0 steighiter,
Messrs Cleff Ot Foster have put :7, 40, nmet so inual pitted mix,' i„ o,„.e I, Illelatt bells. which somewhat elem.:tee
femme Illahtill 111 the Cdotrel fulnittne ' was like beiag iti a their whens there the aeineteny ef the quietude thet pre -
factory. The est
*ailed hitherto.
luene bete been u ',Ann( were forty saws being ti:ed.
the nuil mat , its the court Main here.
uu Fettle? rth,ht lett. A lane. crowd wet. bell" Wiht/haal "I'
there in dozens every biota t., see them
t The Ball lee .4 Toronto put them in pmeai „male, ,-1 ,,,,o,„ of woe basinest oho had hem the geesta .4 then me
i and the firm bare a dynamo of then. / wow 1 tumid last aro, „via_ to ineaw, Mr Wre Sproule, in ane village
ief time, but shell periodically MVO a few aollie titi:o, returned homeward He
I I sae by the Toronto papers that Mr
ID. E Cersierm hee twen taking pert in Just as Spies Vat percatt : Frederick Teursday of Met Weilk much plemed
Gruuny's, a. all caw we by ha www, w With their visit and in 'Pelee intitnate-
1 tee concert g1•011b) the St tames Cricket the teed,,,g silk hout,e of the torn treentis. also former acquaineinees. We
1 Club in which he tart with much ap- prod., 5„ trail, irt„ Heatmo cauoty, wish the veoerable couple a safe journey
alesf• lbe hnnilf'd Writ iif "lir hrefil NU' among the early settlers, who settled Crawford promoted her liege *nth a.
planate In:his conmetion th Z. lever, lived a short time in the county of He- h"ne. ., .:.. - ' ----
much mimed in Luceliee, where be Wail 1„, : ",„, nnis 81, /lemons te heitoom Oa Thursday of lest week .111K -8,...J.
&nein feur Mita from Lackner, lee daughter. Mr B. J is, thee -eh -To, en -
Mr 'D D. Yule. headmaster of the father °petting a blacksmith shop teed klieg iiONSWS of happiness ou ..ce:non uf
f SIN half/ sind-heitrnv., food s. trip to the
••Freg Poiel.'' l'eder this spurious mein et cattle.
i 'treat! sod ritendled al Corffilnitlitli east- The Patrons of liodustry blue °reen-
1 Haynie extended the e. 'poetic", b muds M r Jaime. Vermeer..., of Wiughses,
west •arri t4 the ahem. ol LAI, Huren meetteos tu the scrum! hymn.
so far a ileit NOD., ..CIOVer Valley,- WAR Wilt yUitt log his tdd trends in the •illage
osily subtaba 4,1 Ilse present roll rynnic ii, a hetet. %except the beickworit, which'
11.1., it tied week. A Mews a -arming sin
PORT ALBERT. few be an order, Mee
Freon our own rerrartanaret.
Pearl, the seven yoar old demitter of
avers ied GO,
The sehoul etteudatice ter November! Mrs. Peter bleDnis.e, Med at the mai-
1 erect. .4 heir anaemia. her, kir. Geu.
peratious fer an open ledge entertain- ceased had been •uttering for some weeks
meet te be held in the coinse of a few leek Nom drupsy Iler tied
weeks. tentacle have the wytapathy of the
TIRL - Daring the peat week whole heilfb h
wheelie, has in 'ramie./ • cent f
ed doeu street and went through a team- eettlen. Fred. began bemuses 1:1 aa
early ie..; in fen, it isicht be said that he
e earn/mord at zero am went clear up
hest. He learned the ••uilitirils thr
pt neer steno Wttli M. Campbell.
ber et evolutions. Mr tile la
informs for tbe bola, mid by next sum-
er promises to has.- the hest iintled
eupeny in tie. Prentice. H.. also pre -
.,sea heriug a fife atid drum bind in
Tommie where Oa intends snoring in s
mouth twee. DC'NL0P.
Mr A le x Leak tillee•hlisitt le
:am," deo era Tedieday utoettith„ 27
ult., after SO shame of about tw ywit
new acheel here his rerei-yearly •Wit feria
of ronsuotionoi He less
and stx seen children.
otlke the outer day ited Mee Me
Camtsuele Leceriew, two dollars in pat
had contracted gorse Wiens yeare Gov -
Mr James Min.:lea has odd hie tat
of Mr Job,. Creme, isle. mimes tie
good price the war tette. have been sell
Fred Grundy has purchased the old
en. Greedy atte oil the nener et ROSS
abiley far &tows. tho average. Here ho
Prom tier own correspondent iattd 11,oughby streets. liver FleUtt'111, pe it A eIetyre, Lee, when a
the presentaum (me. bed fer a Christie.
inf.'. The somber and baby are thu
far diem( wen, We cmgrettelate lifr sod
repo. much pleaeure se the recent
te their faintly.
Dungention is still further prrigemaing
end keeping pace with the tomes --to :
• ae leire wee -twee, ahem, geese We 31 William Sherrill, *he has spent the
• iet poor littlest! ciorreporitent sanuner in Mochostato. relented ea Ike -
duke his faverite nobny. today ladit to speed the emir! bows
1 Heroism°. hot. Jobe Sande, I'. A's fle bee taken en hied la Hurnll
celebrated ebtropediet, hat returned to and Intend* nniente three, eloattm=
this vinare alter SO einem, of Iwo years hit lasollY. le tbe hypes. fie reports
was spent in the lead 1, t f
FARM SOLI. M. Henry Driike•, hem, Jo.4 Davidson, who. eith their fauselias, ,
There is a nest paper -which has recently
node ata appearance in our village ceeett
nd the small fry mit, therefore, have 1.,
ake • back seat. I presume ere the
hat the eh:it/tee publialter has no iorste
tied pottzacril proclivities. Further .
merit wid be made. if necemery
IMist Clem Seri
i • mirk.
l Mr. Chef. Metal%
iti: this week
. The welder nom
Goderirli, {Are out-
line week.
te Mt. A Smith and J A Mee wort. of lei
,,, oat last week . Both rf them, we thick, we
a trill now be Eminent wisttrre at the i b.
. postetlice at the. **tidy bests --not. hoe- ira
ever, for betimes letters. are
• , Eimeertrieet -- Inspector Tom Rae
1 1 890 Thcr%day. the 19:12 tilt . and rigid
tutted here teat
the eel' known
eld. visited here
of 11 Videan, of
barn a Ity1118 Vont
e ewers aeu a ti:e destroyed he anti hie Mother Jobe went into Wei t
Iail the bui.diees elcept Sit old totem nets to the rimers: •hich they
w ears
„1 the tot eue e„,,eereg Leto „ wee*. lout Ins brother • *hare, conti.a...zed-r
smith shep Mr M. Kenny, now .4 i tntsinch* Eno', Olen with
Keitail, will roe the shep ,, :success. Mr Grundy is adniittedly t
The sixth Diseeion Ceurt 'el the best itidee el toss so Westerai Outer
I amnts. et Bence takes is the tortathie .4
einem'. and an K inlets ear. ef the gravel
pad. Court is held to ft...mate* and lets Ginsith. He has newer Ilim
dame at the bead of Ouseem etre
A fen years ago be Ludt a fine re
chime alternately 11 B. ()ammo, ;*11/.7 'Mrs in 1h5 rillhae*. hut 'h
(t„, father of ki p I mowiww, Lbw 1 bee mit prevented him from twor an
idly member en the Lecal Biome f„r i tertirteleg cuizet. ....Jobs., lifehot js
uth Bruce, is the clerk; Peter Cork- , 4/,'•41, IT "1,. Bruc,e bitil'inuffe'bes • hum
u, of Helyrood, arid John FitfillUSiont ' '-'"4"."1" c"Irrisn'll *b.'01 thl113 per. Silt
he the near future.
too Wednesday. the 2titia ult . the
fumes. waif the !trumpet leirl
t": i4 the con•enta therein, hefotiring to Mr
returned hem buritieg expedition i
the Parry &mum district He suce-eded
eaptertag five tiee deer, sod awl be
tumid hams pest mere only mine person
stole kis dee, a valuable hound.
Mr W Crich hoe 0014 hie farm oil
the 8,16 e.mneent•in, liege K1111161/111. Mr
Jiihn McOnrigor, ter thii sem of $5 1b0
This fano c .titaius 100 acres; hes et, it a
comfortable bnck house. large bank barn
with stone *labium, aud ia • eery desir-
able p ace.
Lest week a woman. alarming te be
deef aisd dumb, 'elicited aid from Brum
mentos She found iser speech st tbe
depot on taking her departure fee Lane
return 1 by Mr Kaudall. Her answer
wee "single."
ei West Walsworth, Wes burnt. The fire
en" emit piece in the feratioms. Oaltafr,
'I, far tie sre can Imre, is unite iwn. It was
ferteuate sr the family that it hapueu-
us,,, I hen those ot 101 the rest of the Cottaty to ounahler whet steps ehould be
of papers combined, es are of the opinion,
the Monte lieu court will 0. hod! where he werked w t
on Friday, the h iast , eters • number *led 1875, when he began clerkith; in.
Teamster, remaining there four yea... 1
- St Andrew's meht was celebrated last
sensing, 21,th eft. About three n'elook
he arose tiros bed to shake ep the ma/
*tore, wheu on hit return he missed his
lotting sod fell down stain, vesicant
both arms badly.
About three meths am Mr William
Dickson, goo of Mr R. Dieksein,
Wrozeter, and formerly a resident there,
nes rimed with paralysis at Prime Al-
bert, northwest Territory, sad was
trough% heck to hie friends at Wrimeter.
For • time he appeared to gaits amend,
t latterly became very weak, avid on
Meese. aged 44 years.
Dee day reeently W. firmed., Myth,
Teem & Bparling's salt works while
Minium heeding, by whials one of losi
handle atone in ventage with the etraular
asw, reettorieg injuries to the front part
of the finger.. whioh trill lay him up
for • few days.
Pnig :-lro prove tb• salubrity of the
clitnard of this favored clime at this see -
son ol the year we have ooly to state
that • wild (dowry tree,anoth of Wessell.
wee in bloom lad week for the sweand
time this mason. Tbe aftenfronth in
some not UM. is over • foot high.
Wieghesn Mina - The morning and
*vents* trete. on the Soetheaspeon
and %silos Mims of the Oraed Trent
y amine 6, scholars te their &B-
ent grades, to which thee had heen pn
meted by the recent Osieber examine
pion. At the chase of the exiontriatio
the inspet•or addressed the sob .lare
the able way they had answered the
them on the prozress wade by :hem
under Idea Liefield slime his last viat
• er maintained by them and
the tasteful mid pleasing way they. the
scholens, with their teacher had decorat-
ed the schoolroom with pictures and
me:tom w4ich mode it look the trimmest
and neatest schoolroom in hit dtvision.
The results of the late emestiation of
October are posted ar near the entrance
door on the math side. so all east see it
that Coale tO the selsonl. The anneal
examination will he on Fridty, the 19th
of December.
cams mil be tried.
noes of i, M. Contiell, with el.lan he f,
r. !heathy 'sorbing oy pose Wads.: ton crerkea until 1.0 yew., toy,. wh,,, be i
.- compeope with evidently more ones on purchased the iitoek in trade and geod I
. their hands then brain, in their head°. will of the "hub': erocery from M. ,
n liy memos mane. Pi'llig inn41 in frmita Brown Mallonele It is nee of the best f
te doors, ay ruftnitre reagens on the side in the town, neatly kept and well lair
walk. No persen but these Bedl.mites plied and attentive clerks John him i
lean see *here either fun, satisfactien or itieresaed ,,,,. &reed, w.„11 establitthod 1
t heodiume were not made up of sni II
mere of this kind of thing Coates in. The trade.. Wm Altus th.rty-seren years
Preen our owe correspondent
13rooso Deern.- Friday of last week
Mr John Chireate, wish his wile, west
to Doderielt in the beet of health and 00
hie return home, about p. , woe
seised with • headache and severe pains
around the heart. He died within 60
se hoar. Needed we. • stonemason
by trade and resided in Attnield bed
1 boys, although they belong to town. The
Ionly thing that coo be said for the act
is that it is as harmless m it Is n item -
old. He was born IA Darftnitt U township
Ostario went,. At the age of ten be
parents came to Celbortie townehip
when gime a root' William began
thus suamitied a heavy lose. The ho
ar, an well finished Isre
thing use nonsolneu raceptiox tiro
throe chair". Mr B. happened to he
Myth with a lured of premium when
accidetit occurred.
. utericost cities. earn nee him Andrea Neely iutd
Which was put UpataueltelittiGisderedt hitt
west. se. purcheeeal tlf him eretheren- *prim:, are doing eml and are astisfied
rem -ved tivert: him this screen laet
A lecture under the ant Mei r.f the
With their 1101i borne..
Mr Francis Bedew-, whom we alluded ee,wp41 the, aeor This .
reesidly as home lata r'"hleeht"•' 1 lady ha. imekeu et. mortal erotitins 1.01
of the bruin, *se removed te Iledertell the °mosey, and is reported 90 le e high.
we T:171 tuusical portion of the prevent win
atand, pay for his support.
l or fundshod by Prof Morgan, the re -
Mr James Cassaday,Ttut St.:NAO. 11.01111.S4 blind Mimeo, arid his daughter,
emetic %gem, Sate us a esti op tistui'elsy !Fairy. A silver detection will he taken
itveutrie, ohne en hie way tit Godefieh up.
niter. aporidt.of a very succeasful week As -atinnunced feet "-eel: a imblic meet •
Caliellasieg the mother,. pert 44 the tone-
mums: entertionniente, (lamer 1110
501,14 winter, the inustml pert Mine
• an additier to the promote "nee held by
them, or under their auspices. Confirm%
▪ its the Methodist oberch here on the l&h
p in ; outline, "Hormone.' The nicety
bee also anointed to have • good concert
ie souneefion with each lecture f th
moires. Second, Rag R. L Hatton wol
I tire. A largo number were present.
A(..131..7RN. -After some discussion. it was uesainioes-
tee rrom our own correspondent. ly agreed tb request Mr 'I' KW tO again
ir ta neighLetrhoed it already gteater i Temperance Hall on Thursday evening
I eti the p11111011 .4 the WWI -
sr- A farce number ,11 young people .trar Memel( tor election, and a &oars-
en- Glailf" Oita evening lest week. A happy iug•
tune eras spent until the snennen rr
ones warned theta another day etas near
ba• shful looks indicated neat Cupid bad
Oo Tuesday eftertiden a meeting wee agent IR sew ing machinate/id nsplement
held in the Mechanics' larking of the iii 5 „(.7 „wail oboe. uradaana bit,
frieods and admirers of the bibs Joho tads hss 1„,„eissed swot sus h." ma
beteg to aet tip a amouneent. Mr Tata pl. , „. harrows, mspiemsses of al erns
%tribal. A committee composed of &mot on conesiesion, but hays direct
floaserville was appointed chairman, Jet piaarw, „wawa. "win, macb,nrit. tor.
Somerville, wormer,. 111, D. Ceenternii• en his ore hundred and twenty (120) tooC
treasurer Sore* •235 8. b"•• sUb- IlialltrinallS, Mr Allis is no tenger an
Morro A • McPbefun°. J** 8"101lwrill• trent tbe tosnufeeturer and sells at a fair
to differing atarble works, gettiee items 6e._
sae tastiest reeidenees in the place.
and dreeehte of their work,eomniittee to
report at town hall, West Wawanosh, es
nomination day.
miring here to live. and was in hie ensue.
71th year. Tuesday last his funeral took lsekieg
Ode to the Colbove. emsetery. !lotions
is Pr.- be owe entertsinosent with I ollittly
the ewe views ail dm Laud el the 'NAV
Peareohe came off Monday Diehl of lest i ellnialli
week in the chereh, wad received aka Sea
rept attention of a good audience. h" ilw
One or two of the potables ie the beer 1 Iil• Il
Among the wanes were view* of thee tho, .011
veer of 1882 end the rearnanotb pyramid in 1184/11'.
also peeped es Um median*. The awwld
shadow of the Dunlop sorbs im tete ( Pellii
iews---wes of times treeing him hard at i A 1
t at his writing dealt with his founteie Irons o
Pot sad • Arent 11101.0. "Fortino see j the me
• R. Bellows on the fee -famed eeribe omen
nose oar eine earrestiondoat
ergs read before the commit from -
sae season on Tuesday last
shs sn,sissestiss, „wog mu. hog spent a few weeks at boles.
and fererarding them to the Leg- mere Robert and Harry and Mies
• Assembly of Ontario, asking that M Pritcherd, of Fergus, ere iredieeie a
to anew all fees in be pesd to tliti fell &Yu al Mr Hultb
giehties lee. dm met of esterase Ome of the moat beart-reading events
Limos. AM. The scheme sertainin that meld *seer took pietist. nor each -
merits. kith* menieipalities ong on r...04 aiternone lose Mei
Ikea* from the liquor traffic' with- two sone of Me Hegh Pritchard. Thomas'
limits is is nothing ton right that and Henry, awed 6 sod 4 veers roam -
asocial hireellt merging therefrom beefy, teenaged to find their *ay down
go to the reveres. of the munisti• stairs tit uts mill. The pioneer, • sery
daring little fellow, thoeghtlestay lifted
ante number of lodges of the Pet- hi% Inns dress and p;sced tt en the
f Heeeeedey wins teemed ie wheels. He no eurieee did it then the
ighborhood ef Lookeetw. rod aft machinery did Its dreedfel work lout
ay, the 10th bite , they wilt bold threw its lactate some diets/me to on*
meetisig ie the tows ligt1 here, to wide, Tbe father, eho tree apetaire, no.
lee their moiety led Many pm- tilting that somethieg ess wreng at mem
re ea eke that t Petrone are started down, when be wee mos on shn
wham chief nobly desire no to stairway by Thomas, who told hies what
eiald=rpie. Free al1 that I had happeeed his little bendier The
from theta their °Nett parents know lad what it seas oul i• to
fur motes, edsomeage eitktut seder* oet hard se it w •• 'it are
pry to othusa The eierinimuom bees harder, for Thome. had does hie
grove thee mere peetailary Meow to get hie brither free from BM
matters ; it takes te mental sad morel emeleemery, en be ham hed woederfel
"II is to every Wed *leo Wake in by ell who knew heist.
cresol te like sad wadi heir. a home
mime a large town ; keel wireld ins= "Int
Leskarot to see ghettoises grow seed her "est erne sheeet_italtears
Aa- atelelt.
brought doers tile home. The agebeem phi be
a. also deeply seepreesed with • ghost people
the tanvose, which eiedeenemoll hem rese al
ith pee-ittraw trimmines whisk hes is only
geed some wonder of Iste in the see- my ie
too Ae it is Kr Bellow.' istattion to eyebrow
sleety. taste offs kw weeks a.,:zo, erne- di
motteed refining alibis on Moods, last, w
This he of geed edema,* tu ss
metiers. of moretry trevereed by these
111setera Hill, took n teat hie
heed the* ao Otenseiem en tire railreed
*odd be s prepper thiww. Se, *Wh-
eat eskiew perwdeetive. Mese off te the
elm. sheet this meet, in diffetenst
pleas. we weeld advise everybody tc go
mad sie It. The oleos, brae, "Reek of
Awn," wee prettily ittaltesaid se the
ernes eel severed raises of the shelve
Ade eedeled is ehe ire**
&diver • lecture on the 13th Jan., 1P91,,
codsins,ncieg mune boor arid in the same
sure brnught to loser . n him, tied finally
&erred to allow his name te go to the
polls, which, as • matter of omelet ems
that be will Et as a installer of the Line
Items nosy,. while ethane jodgiug by the Ali, council of 1891,
"mud !smith and rainint mind,' indicated The first debate held hy the Mechamist.
a strong attack of the mat ritntuial fever Institute leterary ite orrey took place he
the Rm. I.'. Swan, of this villa.e. is the readmg room on Thursday last, end
mot weatfiald„ -same enarrespoeKient ire= Resolved that hook• are • better Vied.
busy at Present leintlino retinal meetings wee Ifirhttl/ attended- The inahjem wee :
to mao then expenesee is The sffinc-
eerie saa oteimpional by Messrs J. B.
Ria u..., irbdts Mamie. P. Clark sad
Jobe J. Int sustained the negstire.
After a somewhat lengthy dimonston
during which very weighty and or
ergoniects were advanced, dot jimmies
gars the desigion in ?swim st the
The fate of nor genial ea* miller is milfeti,„ Th,,,,weiwe bard farajahrd saw
a large number, and lopes are amine se b a co Friday moraine Loa to
ham, is speed keel When neer the eerner of the Wolin. am
sia:__........_yanzawited.A•oindossuw.unalaire:::aed:i4oassyor:b.:ithwi Tedd. Eh wee genet for • load of
.1 grovel mod irlsies demanding the hill
Orem ear ewe name
. !OP004ite 104 21, eon 10 and 11. one of
Miss Hatt of nat• I shish started off at • high rate of aphid.
driver wail throWtt 051 with einfaidaratalai
jos Hama wiehttme, ,ho h., been , force. arid iteetained steels airere injuries
ing school in Meniteba, has refere-
nts , aeinatifiorirsnadereen.hirdeuranal4holekt no orthse..4 Attain:. It;
y efSteenriteDer.nidnirving(wia theaalTeekme: h.!11:::84429:41:81::14/24"..r. , !cf..' (77 the;rj"1/11.3.:41C.:w"...
ile6:14010.71mitslh::::••••in. gIarlw"dtsilltroVi7trefiawildrealidr; ireneth7rerzetti:astuerticeetpal 1:eq.lertee, bet mah-
atma' it wee found thle he had received
ri number of eneverts ins the not
.nd bees sre all the rave at Dreamt. .
piece. !Sehnert. "Ireland and Else Troy- he"
locality ought to take note et the.
• have • Benjunte net far irons
, who holds the tweed position of
ident .4 Bachaders' Halt, but by
emcee we would be safe pre -
tog that ere hem his cep of happi•
will bp found in the tack of matri•
int bliss.
pester, on 'Self Cutter. " blereh 10M, I e5P"see
• II Manning Esti , of Clinton. Subject, "•'"
"Tower of London ^ A lame tedious., nlisn
ebnold be in atteedance et each .4 the r•°•
ilectern, as ass excellent hest of into/.
lacteal and musical entertainment i. in
store for ell who favor with their pree-
Reeivak are the lording feature of the
evenings in Rag" church. May Otid
speed His own work.
'I he few days ed warts weather last
week led the fanners of this vicinity to ,,,,,..„
euesineece ploosthieg again, bet they '-'--..n
here new lied eade dui hareem sod fail ill
implements, and ate preparing for •n kisch
"old time" winter. ed he
The week we endemism bents an old Mr
remdent of this plum, Mr Amin fieth•
been fertuneeseekinat in ()Muth. We The
Orland. who haa for the peset few years 116th
believe reel, Stes's lend did not agree dead'
with Angus, as we heroism him looking a Imre
beebiteers.teat George Murray Rot his fed Mr W
badly beret lea 'seek ',Mae ma'am with lest.
trunpowdett. The shield he a wereieg wend
eery quiekly.
David Todd, It., third son of Mr Thos.
bead. no thew., as powder is • very dee- died
twee. enternedity.
We are 'lad to hear that Mr Daniel helm
neenred *bile Among/ a wagon its If
a bare. His test slippier mowed Item
the weene. sod hie linger going hawses D. Sem
the time
%hat relight bee. heels very earimas
on the stens day at Mr. David 7.
teeniest WM. with • teem whiedi ISOM
bet of Morel @Waren *sal oink three tal
itettena Inet hiChslionew sod Mt "et 6..
mese the wheels. The Ikon Witoresitig
setenelnit. the bows., soevasseeed fn
beck, retreat' tlat, wheet over his hose
sod likewise treowedies hits melee kat,
beteg strew yeas" men we hope he
wit worm bor 111111 /*Ma
Met Brandon. an the leilt con.,
ow the 22.4, after a few days, ill -
The remakes were hollowed by a
somber of formai*, frieeds to :Aie
mere. W4ter 81aortreed, Jobe 8.
soil Perlis Ram, of Hakim.
wird hy Mrs Mortise mod Mve P.
Atteodod the heemel of the hits
Eselt het *Welt.
et ISO ft/ft tames sad the Peter